CIRED2007 0161 Paper
CIRED2007 0161 Paper
CIRED2007 0161 Paper
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the PCC. It must be calculated under normal operating Rsc ⋅ ( Pcustomer + ∆Pcustomer ) + X sc ⋅ (Qcustomer + ∆Qcustomer )
∆utotal = =
conditions for the network and at maximum generation; U B2
it is used for protection coordination. Rcc ⋅ Pcustomer + X cc ⋅ Qcustomer Rcc ⋅ ∆Pcustomer + X cc ⋅ ∆Qcustomer (3)
= + =
3. Minimum operating threephase short circuit power in U B2 U B2
the PCC. It is the minimum value of the threephase short = ∆ustady − state + ∆u
circuit current in the PCC under normal operating where Rsc and Xsc are the resistive and reactive parts of the
conditions. It must be calculated at minimum generation short-circuit complex impedance Zsc.
(HV network) and with no dispersed generation (MV By focusing on the rapid variation ∆u, being the short
network). circuit power Ssc in a given bus inversely proportional to the
4. Minimum conventional threephase short circuit power in short circuit impedance Zsc in the same bus, one can obtain:
the PCC. It is the minimum value of the threephase short Rsc ⋅ ∆Pcustomer + X sc ⋅ ∆Qcustomer
circuit power under the most critical N-1 conditions of ∆u = =
U B2
the HV network (backfeed for MV network) and with
Rsc X
minimum generation (i.e. without dispersed generation ⋅ ∆Pcustomer + sc ⋅ ∆Qcustomer
on the MV network). Z Z sc
= sc
U B 2 Z sc
The last two Ssc values are useful for coordinating
Rsc X
protections (network/customer) and for evaluating power ⋅ ∆Pcustomer + sc ⋅ ∆Qcustomer
Z Z sc
quality levels. = sc =
S sc
∆Pcustomer ∆Qcustomer
1+τ 2 1
τ α (τ ) ⋅ ∆Pcustomer + β (τ ) ⋅ ∆Qcustomer
= = =
In order to analyze the rapid voltage changes (RVC) to S k '' S sc
which HV and MV customers are subject, it is possible to ∆S customer (α (τ ) ⋅ cos ϕ starting + β (τ ) ⋅ sin ϕ starting )
make reference to Figure 1, which represents the network = =
S sc
impedance upstream of the delivery point (Zsc).
∆S customer
= γ (τ , ϕ starting ) (4)
customer S sc
where cosϕstarting is the power factor of the instantaneous
power change ∆Scustomer and is the ratio (Xsc/Rsc).
Connection point As shown in Figure 2, in case of high τ values, in equation
(4) it is possible to neglect the contribution due to ∆P and to
make reference to following simpler equation (5).
∆utotal ≈ ∆Scustomer S sc (5)
Such approximation is only valid in case of HV networks,
whereas in case of MV networks it is valid only at a short
Figure 1 – Schematic diagram aimed at evaluating Ssc on HV and MV
distance from the HV/MV substation (high values of Xsc/Rsc,
see Figure 2).
According to this scheme, it is possible to notice that any
Gamma Alfa Beta
variation in the current required by customers causes a RVC 1,1
on the PCC, that affects any customer connected to the same 1,05
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Table I – Kt values for connections to the HV network Table II – Kt values for connections to the MV network
(HV customers and HV-MV substations) (MV customers and MV-LV substations)
Srated Srated
Kt,HV/MV substations Kt,HV customers Kt,MV/LV substations Kt,MV customers
(kVA) (kVA)
16 0,30 0,50 100 2,00 4,00
25 0,25 0,40 250 1,60 2,80
40 0,20 0,30 400 1,50 2,50
63 0,15 0,25 630 1,43 2,30
1000 - 1,80
2500 - 1,30
A possible interpolation (dotted line in Figure 2) between 5000 - 0,80
the values given to parameter Kt in the above tables and a
continuous function of Srated is the following:
Figure 4 shows the values of Kt for MV networks, along
HV and MV customers :
with the relevant interpolating function.
K t ,customer = 2 S rated (7)
K t ,substation = 1,3 S rated (8)
Kt (1)
It is important to notice that in this formula, which is valid
Kt 2.5
for both HV and MV networks, Srated is expressed in MVA.
Kt Cust 1
Kt Subst 0.5
Kt Cust
0,5 0
Kt Subst
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
40 50 60 70
In case of energization of HV/MV or MV/LV transformers
(inrush current), the parameter Kt would certainly be higher,
Fi as it can even reach 4-6 or 6-11 respectively. However, it
gure 3 – Discrete values and interpolating function
has to be noticed that the energization is not usually carried
for Kt on HV networks
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out during ordinary service; for this reason, it is not taken connected shows a minimum conventional Ssc below the
into consideration in the present methodology. threshold value for rapid variations of 5%.
Sk'' min operating
Sk'' min conventional
Threshold deltaU=3% for customers
4000 Threshold deltaU=5% for customers
Sk'' [MVA]
MV network) according to the following equation:
∆u = customer γ (τ , ϕ starting ) = 1500
S sc (9) 1000
= K t ⋅ customer γ (τ , ϕ starting ) ≈ Kt ⋅ customer 500
S sc S sc 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
voltage variation to be expected on the PCC (∆ulim) MV Figure 4 – Application of the methodology proposed to the analysis of
networks and the parameter Kt related to the power variation Ssc on the RTN: busses with HV customers
that the customer requires, it is possible to calculate the
value of Ssc necessary for each network bus: CONCLUSION – ONGOING RESEARCH
Scustomer (10) The paper proposes a methodology to correlate rapid
S sc ≈ Kt ⋅ voltage changes to the load variation and to the short circuit
For instance, if relations (8) e (9) are adopted for Kt and if a power in the point of common coupling.
maximum rapid voltage change of 5% is to be expected in The method has been based on theoretical considerations
the PCC, this results in: and studies: as a consequence, further investigations are
needed about the assumptions adopted.
HV and MV customers: In particular, field studies and analysis are needed to assess
S sc ,cust ,5 = 40 S rated (11) if the behaviour of customers (in terms of fast load
variations) is correctly modelled by the parameters Kt.
HV/MV and MV/LV substations: Once such parameters will be confirmed with on-field
S sc ,subst ,5 = 26 Srated (12) evidence, it will be possible to make use of the proposed
approach by a regulatory point of view.
Some first results indicate that the short circuit power levels
APPLICATION OF THE METHODOLOGY available on the Italian HV networks (132-150 kV) are
The application of the above-described methodology to the typically higher than the minimum levels calculated with the
analysis of the Ssc on the busses of the Italian Transmission procedure proposed.
Network1 (RTN – “Rete di trasmissione nazionale”) gave As for MV networks, the data collected from the monitoring
some interesting results. campaign on the voltage quality will allow for a better
In particular, none of the busses to which HV/MV tuning of the parameters used in the methodology proposed.
substations are connected shows a minimum operating Ssc or
a conventional minimum Ssc (N-1) lower than the prescribed REFERENCES
values. [1] Towards Voltage Quality Regulation in Europe: An
As regards customers, the results are as follows (see also ERGEG Public Consultation Paper, E06-EQS-09-03
Figure 4): 06-DEC-2006 available on
• none of the busses to which HV customers are [2] Italian Regulator Resolution n. 250/04, available on
connected shows a minimum operating Ssc below the
threshold value for rapid variations of 3%; [3] Consultation document 34/06, about technical rules
• there is an extremely limited number of busses with a for the connection to HV and MV distribution
minimum conventional Ssc below the threshold value for networks, available on
rapid variations of 3%; nevertheless, it is far above the [4] F. Villa, A. Porrino, R. Chiumeo, S. Malgarotti, “The
threshold value for rapid variation of 5%; power quality monitoring of the MV network
promoted by the Italian regulator. Objectives,
• none of the busses to which HV customers are organisation issues, 2006 statistics", Proc. of CIRED
2007- Wien
1 The Ssc values on RTN are communicated by TERNA (Italian TSO)
according to Italian Regulator Deliberation n. 250/04.
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