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PGRC Report

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[Committee to examine the grievances, representations received from the

Employees Associations / Head of Departments / Individual employees
including the aggrieved petitioners relating to anomalies in the revised pay













11. ARCHIVES 62—63

12. ART & CULTURE 64




16. CO-OPERATION 69—70











25. FOREST 89—92

26 FISHERIES 93—95















41. LABOUR 143

42. LOCAL FUND AUDIT 144—145



43. MUSEUM 146






49. FAMILY WELFARE 180—182




53. POLICE 192—193

54. PRISONS 194

55. PUBLIC WORKS 195—205











64. SERICULTURE 228—229











75. TOURISM 264


77. TRADE POSTS 267—268











87. PENSION 306—308







The Government, following the orders issued by Government of India

implementing the revised pay scales to its employees based on the recommendations

of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, constituted an Official Committee to examine and

make necessary recommendations for the implementation of revised scales of pay and

allowances for State Government employees and teachers. The Official Committee

submitted its report to Government on 18--5-2009. The Committee recommended

revised pay scales on a ‘‘Pay Scale to Pay Scale Basis’’. Accordingly, orders were

issued by the Government in G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

1--6--2009. The Government issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.444, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 09--9--2009 constituting an ‘’One Man Commission’’ headed by

Thiru Rajeev Ranjan, I.A.S., the then Principal Secretary to Government, Commercial

Taxes and Registration Department to examine the representations on anomalies, if

any, consequent on the implementation of the revised scales of pay, in the method of

fixation of pay in the revised pay structure, or in the other benefits.

2) The One Man Commission (OMC) submitted its report to Government on

31--3--2010. The recommendations of the One Man Commission were implemented by

Government in toto at a cost of Rs.223 Crores per annum recurring. Accordingly,

Government issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.254 to 340, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26--8--2010 revising the pay scales of various categories in each department.

The implementation of the One Man Commission report led to several further claims

and representations from other departments officials and associations. The key issue

which arose related to the Pay Band and Grade Pay granted to Assistant Engineers and

the promotional posts of Assistant Executive Engineers, Executive Engineers,

Agriculture Officers. The Tamil Nadu Veterinary Assistant Surgeons and Tamil Nadu

Fisheries Department Officers’ Association demanded for equivalence for the posts of

Agriculture Officer, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon and Inspector of Fisheries and

consequential revision of its first, second and third level promotion posts. This demand

was considered by Government and in turn lead to demands for placing the posts of

Joint Directors of Agriculture in Pay Band-IV of Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 on

par with the Joint Directors / Principals of Indian Medicine. These orders led to

discontent among the employees and associations due to disturbance of the prevailing

horizontal relativities and the plea to extend the pay scale of Joint Director of Agriculture

viz. Pay Band-IV Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 to Joint Directors in all the other

departments, Deputy Secretaries to Government, District Revenue Officers, Joint

Registrars and Joint Commissioners was made. There was also a strong demand to

place Tahsildars, Block Development Officers on par with Assistant Engineers in Pay


3) In view of these anomalous situations, the Government reviewed the

recommendations of the One Man Commission and found that it was not justifiable to

place Assistant Engineers on par with Group-I direct recruitment posts and therefore

downgraded the Grade Pay granted to Assistant Engineers one level below the Group-I

posts and restored the other posts of Assistant Executive Engineers / Executive

Engineers / Assistant Director / Deputy Director / Joint Director of Animal Husbandry /

Agriculture / Fisheries to their original level prior to the revision made. Consequent on

the recommendation of the One Man Commission, 2010. Revision of pay scales made

by the One Man Commission in respect of certain categories which were placed in Pay

Band—III and Pay Band—IV were also brought down to their original level.

Accordingly, orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26--2--2011. In the said orders, Government has also constituted a Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell to examine the grievances, if any received from the

employees and to submit its report to Government within a period of three months.

4) Consequent on the issue of the above Government Order, some aggrieved

employees associations and individual employees filed Writ Petitions and obtained an

‘’Interim Stay’’ on the operation of G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26—2--2011. Due to the ‘’Interim Stay’’ granted by the Hon’ble High Court, the Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell constituted to redress the pay grievance could not function

and the Officer appointed as Chairman also retired from service.

5) The Hon’ble High Court, in its order dated: 08—3—2012 in a batch of Writ

Petitions Nos. 7006 of 2011 etc, made a detailed review of the cases and dismissed

the Writ Petitions with a direction to the Government to re-constitute the Pay Grievance

Redressal Cell within a period of four weeks to hear the grievances of all affected

persons including the writ petitioners. Subsequently, based on the Writ Appeal filed by

the petitioners in W.A.Nos. 504, 505, 514, 515 and 516 of 2012, the Hon’ble Division

Bench of the Madras High Court in its order dated: 27—3—2012 has granted “Interim

Stay” on the operation of the learned Single Judge’s orders (and hence on the operation

of G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—2—2011) except for

para-32 of the operative portion of the order viz. constitution of the Pay Grievance

Redressal Cell.

6) Accordingly, the Government in G.O.Ms.No.123, Finance (PC) Department,

dated: 10—4—2012 reconstituted the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell with

1) Thiru S. Krishnan, I.A.S.,

Secretary (Expenditure) …………….. as ..…. Chairman,

2) Thiru M. Padmanabhan,
Additional Secretary to Government .. as …..... Member and

3) Thiru P. Umanath, I.A.S.,

Joint Secretary to Government ………as ………Member

and with the following terms of reference: -

(i) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall examine all the representations so

far received and also further representations if any, from the Employees Associations /

Head of Departments / Individual employees including the aggrieved petitioners relating

to anomalies in the revised pay structure of the respective posts;

(ii) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall make specific recommendations to

Government on the representations / anomalies considered;

(iii) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall submit its report to Government

within a period of three months.

7) Consequent on the retirement of Thiru M. Padmanabhan, Additional Secretary

to Government on 31—5—2012, Tmt. M. Shanthi, Additional Secretary to Government,

Finance Department was appointed as a Member of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell in

his place vide orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.261, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,


8) As the Committee required some more time to process and finalise the report,

the tenure of the Committee was extended for a further period of three months beyond

09--7--2012 and then extended upto 31--10--2012. (vide. G.O.Ms.No.261, Finance (Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell), dated:17--7--2012 and G.O.Ms. No. 376, Finance (Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell), dated: 09--10--2012). (Annexure-III).

9) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell has received a total number of 4376

representations from various employees associations, Writ Petitioners, Individual

employees and some of the Heads of Departments. The Committee conducted personal

hearings from 09--7--2012 to 11--7--2012 and also on 16--8--2012 and about 289

Recognised / Unrecognised Service Associations / Individuals and Writ Petitioners

made their representations in person (Annexure-I). The Committee found that the

discussions with the Associations both recognized / Unrecognised and various

individual petitioners including the Writ Petitioners very useful to understand their

grievances and suggestions and to assess the genuiness of such grievances. The

Committee thanks them for their very useful contribution.

10) The Committee hearings were held in the Conference Hall of the Tamil Nadu

State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE), Chennai--5. The hearings could be

held smoothly and this was possible due to the unstinted co-operation of the Vice

Chairperson and the officers of TANSCHE. for which the Committee records its deep


11) The Committee also wishes to place on record its appreciation of the yeoman

service rendered by the officers and supporting staff of the Committee, in particular,

their assistance in examining complicated issues backed in the light of relevant data

and various back records which paved the way for the successful completion of this

task. The list of officers and the staff members of the Committee is annexed to this

report. Each of them worked late hours with utmost sincerity and devotion and

contributed significantly to this effort.

12) The Committee has examined the representations and grievances received

and has made recommendations after careful consideration for the removal of various

anomalies both vertical and horizontal. Based on a careful analysis of all the

representations received and grievances and views aired before the Committee, broadly

four categories of issues have been identified:--

i) General issues of anomalies and relativities that span across different

ii) Certain general issues and representations related to date of monetary effect,
pension and allowances which are not covered by the terms of reference of
the Cell.
iii) Issues which are specific to individual departments which had not been
considered earlier.
iv) Requests for higher scales of pay but without any specific grievances or


Tamil Nadu Government Employees Union, Tamil Nadu Government

Employees Association, Tamil Nadu Government Aluvalar Kazhagam (C&D), Tamil

Nadu Government Office Assistant and Basic Servants Central Association, Finance

Department Welfare Association, Tamil Nadu Police Department Ministerial Staff

Association, Tamil Nadu Government Aided School Office Staff Association, Tamil

Nadu Veterinary Medical Sciences University Non-Teaching Staff Association, Tamil

Nadu Medical Department Administrative Employees Association, Tamil Nadu

Association of Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Colleges, Tamil Nadu Survey Department

Administrative Employees Union, Tamil Nadu Registration Department Ministerial Staff

Association, Tamil Nadu District Teacher Education Training Institute Educationalists

Association, Welfare Organisers Association, All India Ambedkar People Movement,

Federation of Ministerial Staff of Tamil Nadu, Temporary Junior Assistants Munnetra

Sangham, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department Ministerial Staff Association, Joint

Active Society for Ministerial Staff, Tamil Nadu Government Department Drivers

Central Association, Tamil Nadu Government Retired Officials Association and various

other Departmental Associations, Pensioners Associations, other Associations, several

individual petitioners, Writ Petitioners and Chief Minister’s Special Cell Petitioners have

placed representations with Pay Grievance Redressal Cell on a number of general

issues listed below. These issues have been examined and suitable recommendations

made by the Committee.





It has been represented that the fitment benefit of 1.86 should be extended to the

persons appointed by way of direct recruitment through TNPSC. / TRB / USRB or

through Employment Exchanges for whom recruitment procedure had already been

completed including certificate verification before 1-6-2009, but orders were issued on

or after 1-6-2009 due to administrative delay in the concerned recruiting agency or in

the concerned administrative authority. The pay revision in G.O. Ms. No. 234, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1-6-2009, fitment benefit was made applicable to persons

who were in service as on 1--1--2006 and was extended to the persons appointed

between 1--1--2006 to 31--5--2009 by G.O. Ms. No. 258, Finance (Pay Cell) dated:

23--6--2009. Based on the representations received, the One Man Commission had

recommended that this benefit be extended to the Junior Assistants and Agricultural

Officers selected prior to 31-5-2009 and appointed on or after 1-6-2009 due to

administrative reasons. Accordingly, orders have been issued in G.O. Ms. No.340,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26.8.2010. Now, the Service Associations and

several individual petitioners have represented to extend the fitment benefit to the

persons who have been recruited after 1-6-2009 also on the grounds that their

recruitment procedure completed before 31-5-2009 but appointment orders were issued

on or after 1-6-2009 belatedly due to administrative reasons. The Committee is of the

view that if further extension of this benefit would not be appropriate as the issue can

logically taken back to the date on which vacancies arose. The Government is within its

rights to review its requirement of staff and have them join on an appropriate date.

Hence the Committee finds no justification to recommend an across the board

implementation of fitment benefit in such cases. It is a matter for the Government to

consider on a case by case basis in the light of the precedents.


ON OR AFTER 1—6—2009.

Certain Service Associations /individual employees have represented that

Government should be a model employer and hence should not follow two different

initial pay fixations for the same category between those who joined on or before

31—5--2009 and those joining on or after 1—6—2009. This on certain occasions

results in the gross emoluments in the revised scale being less than in the pre-revised

scale of pay as notified in the advertisement. Hence, it has been requested that

employees recruited on or after 1—6—2009 be granted fitment benefit of 1.86 on their

entry into Government service. In this connection, the Committee observes that the

employees appointed after 1—6—2009 are directly appointed in the revised scale of

pay and hence computing the revised pay with reference to the pre-revised basic pay

does not arise. Hence, the Committee recommends that the present status may be

continued without any change.

Alternatively, it has been represented before the Committee to grant higher start

of pay as in Government of India to the new recruits appointed to a post after

1–6--2009 to address the disparity in pay between the employees appointed before

1—6—2009 and after 1-6-2009. It is observed that higher start of pay has been

allowed in Government of India for new recruits entered into Government Service after

implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for which separate elevated scales

of pay have been introduced for direct recruitment posts. Neither the Official Committee

2009 nor the One Man Commission 2010 has accepted the recommendations of the

Sixth Central Pay Commission on grant of higher start of pay for the direct recruits

considering the huge financial implications. The Committee finds that the new entrants

have been appropriately placed at the initial stage of the Pay Band plus the Grade Pay

admissible. Hence, the Committee endorses the stand of the Official Committee,2009

and One Man Commission,2010 on the higher start of pay to the new entrants

appointed on or after 1—6--2009.


Revenue Department Associations/ individuals in Revenue Department

represented that they have been promoted as Deputy Tahsildar during May 2009 but

relieved belatedly on or after 1—6--2009 by the authorities and in some cases they

were relieved from the old post before 1-6-2009 but joined duty on or after1—6—2009,

while their juniors joined in the promotion post before 1—6--2009. Several individuals

who were promoted on or after 1—6--2009 have represented that the crucial date for

the panels in which they were included related to the earlier years but the panels were

drawn late. They request that the 1.86 fitment benefit be extended to such persons as

well on the grounds that they would have acted in the promotional post had the panels

been drawn on crucial dates as scheduled. The Committee finds that Government

Orders implementing the revised scales of pay has been issued on 1—6—2009.

Hence, the employees promoted between 1—1—2006 and 31—5—2009 were left with

the option either to fix their pay in the lower post with effect from 1—1—2006 and then

be granted the benefit of one increment in the promotion post or to directly to opt for the

revised pay scale with effect from the date of their promotion. However, this benefit

cannot be extended to those promoted on or after 1—6—2009. Accordingly, the

Committee finds no justification to consider this request.



Several Associations have requested to revive the scheme of separate pay

scales to Selection Grades / Special Grades / Super Grade (one bonus increments for

completion of 30 years of service) as in the previous Pay Commissions as there are no

promotional chances for several posts; to grant Pay Band + GP of next promotional

posts for Selection Grade/ Special Grade and to adopt Assured Career Progression as

in Government of India and to relax the condition of 30 years in the same post for

granting Bonus increment. It is observed that the Selection Grade/ Special Grade

system was introduced to alleviate the stagnation in a post and to provide an avenue

for monetary benefit to those for whom there were no promotional chances. Further, it

is noticed that the scheme of Selection Grade / Special Grade is not available in

Government of India, the scheme of Assured Career Progression (ACP) except for

Group-A employees is available on completion of 12 / 24 years of service. Though the

Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended for continuing the existing scheme of

ACP with two financial upgradations, the Government of India has accepted the

recommendations with the modification that there will be three upgradations under ACP

scheme after 10, 20 and 30 years of service with the same benefit of pay fixation

available at the time of normal promotion for ACP with 3% increment. The Official

Committee, 2009 has recommended one increment benefit of 3% on basic (Pay in the

Pay Band + Grade Pay) for award of Selection Grade / Special Grade on completion of

10 / 20 years of service. However, consequent on the revision of Ordinary Grade scale

of pay to certain categories based on the recommendations of One Man Commission,

2010 corresponding Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay were appended in

Annexure-I of Government letter No. 63305 / PC / 2010-1, Finance Department, dated:

08-11--2010. This concession of Selection / Grade / Special Grade scales of pay was

extended to employees who opt to come over to the revised scale of pay on the date of

award of Selection Grade / Special Grade between 1--1--2006 and 31--05--2009 by

foregoing the arrears upto the date of award of Selection Grade / Special Grade

respectively. However, employees awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade after

1—6--2009 are uniformly granted the benefit of one increment equivalent to 3% of basic

pay (Pay + Grade Pay). The Committee finds justification that Selection Grade / Special

Grade employees should be properly recognized considering the longstanding service

rendered by them in the same post. The Committee does not favour granting the Pay

Band and Grade Pay of the promotion post for Selection Grade and Special Grade

since this would give uneven benefit to employees existing in the same pay scale in

different organizations with different hierarchical patterns. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends that an additional increment benefit (over and above the one increment

already allowed) equivalent to 3% + 3% of basic pay (Pay + G.P.) may be granted on

award of Selection Grade/ Special Grade in the revised scale of pay with effect from

1—1—2006. Implementation of this recommendation may necessitate obtaining re-

option from the employees. The Committee is of the view that there is no justification in

the request for implementation of Assured Career Progression Scheme in view of the

benefit recommended for Selection Grade / Special Grade employees on completion of

10/20 years of service.


Several Associations have requested to revive the scheme of 5% fixation benefit

under FR 22B as in the previous pay commissions or to grant two increments of 3%

each on promotion. It is observed that 5% minimum benefit was ensured as per FR

22B while fixing pay on promotion to higher posts in the previous pay commissions,

which has been replaced by 3% in the revised scale of pay from 1.1.2006. The

Committee finds that the 3% benefit calculated on basic pay (pay plus grade pay drawn

in the lower post) plus difference in Grade Pay entitled for higher post and the benefit

will naturally be more than a 5% benefit. Hence, the Committee finds no justification to

change the existing system of grant of 3% of basic pay (pay plus grade pay) in the lower

post plus difference in Grade Pay between the lower and the higher post or promotion

within the same Pay Band.


Several Teacher’s Associations have requested that Rule 4(3) as available in the

Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 1998 may be reviewed and to permit

revision of pay in the lower post and then in the promotional post consequent on

revision of the scale of the pay of the lower post with corresponding Selection Grade/

Special Grade in the pre-revised scales. For example, a Selection Grade / Special

Grade Lab Assistant promoted as Junior Assistant/ Typist before 1-1-2006 gets revision

of pay in the promotional post in Pay Band-1 only while some other Selection Grade/

Special Grade Lab Assistants promoted between 1.1.2006 and 31-5-2009 get revision

in the post of Selection Grade/ Special Grade Lab Assistant in Pay Band-2 and then get

their pay fixed in the promotional post to get higher pay. Several individual petitioners

who were promoted to a post before getting Selection Grade in a lower post on or

before 1.1.2006 get less than their juniors who got promotion after getting Selection/

Special Grade. And in certain cases, it is represented that seniors promoted to a post

from Selection Grade/ Special Grade before 31.12.2005 get less than their juniors who

got promotion after 1.1.2006 but before 31.5.2009 consequent on elevation of scale of

pay of the feeder category and corresponding Selection/ Special Grades and

introduction of additional fitment table in Letter No.51082/ Pay Cell / 2010--1, dated:

15--09—2010 based on the orders of OMC, 2010 and afterwards. Sub-Rules 1 to 3

under Rule 5 of the Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 provide for

rectifying the anomaly of a Junior getting more pay than a Senior consequent on

implementation of the revised scales of pay and caused exercising of option by the

junior at a later date. Further, in the revised pay structure there are no separate scales

of pay granted to Selection Grade / Special Grade posts. Hence, the question of a

presumptive comparison that ‘had I continued in the lower post I would have drawn

more pay in the Selection / Special Grade of the lower post’ does not arise. Hence, the

Committee finds no justification for the revival of Rule 4(3) of the Tamil Nadu Revised

Scales of Pay Rules, 1998 in the Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009.



Requests have been made by Associations/Individuals to allow notional pay

revision as on 1-1-2006 so as to get pay commission benefit and to revise the Pension

and other pensionary benefits accordingly. It is noticed that Central scales of pay have

been implemented with effect from 1--1--2006 and hence no change can be made in

the date of implementation of Pay Commission recommendations.



Representations have been made by Associations and individual petitioners who

have retired on superannuation on the last date of completion of one year for grant of

the annual increment by advancing it by a day, for the reasons that they are qualified for

increment as they have rendered one full year service from the last increment.

Associations have pointed out that those who joined Government Service get their first

increment before completion of one full year of service, due to the advancement of

increment to the first day of the quarter concerned, though they have not completed one

full year of service on that date and they are denied their last increment because of the

fact that they are not in service on the due date of increment. The Associations /

individual petitioners have requested to take the last nine months service as one full

year and sanction the increment on the first of the last quarter or before one month of

retirement. It is observed that according to the first proviso to FR 26(a), increment of all

Government servants falling due in a quarter shall be so advanced as to fall due on the

commencement of that quarter concerned, that is advanced to 1st January/ 1st April/ 1st

July/ 1st October. According to ruling 13(ix) under FR 26(a), the increment of a

Government servant which falls due in a quarter may be sanctioned on the first day of

that quarter, even though he retires from service prior to the actual date of accrual of

increment. In all the cases covered by rule 26(a) and the rulings there under, the

Government servant should be on duty on the date on which the increment is due. It is

also observed that at present, in certain cases, Government servants, who retire on the

afternoon of the last day of a month, who has rendered one full year of service, does not

get the benefit of an increment, since the increment has to be sanctioned on the next

day, being the first day of the quarter after his retirement as the individual is not in

service on that day. This anomaly will affect those who retire on the 31st March/ 30th

June/ 30th September/ 31st December and whose increment falls due on 1st April/ 1st

July/ 1st October/ 1st January respectively and not to those who retire during the other

eight months in a year. Persons promoted, and new entrants into service get the

benefit of first increment before completing one full year of service, due to advancement

of increment to the 1st of that quarter. In the case of a person who entered into service

or got promoted on the 29th of March in a year, he is entitled to draw his first increment

on the 1st January of next year, on which day he would have put in only 9 months and 3

days of service in that post. This benefit is applicable to each Government servant, at

every stage of promotion. First increment is sanctioned to the new entrants/ promotives

after completion of qualifying service of not less than a year but with retrospective

effect. However in the subsequent years the regular increments are sanctioned on

completion of one year of service. Hence, the comparison made by others who have

rendered service less than a year is not reasonable. It is noticed that in G.O. Ms.

No.235, Department of Finance and Planning (FW-FR.II) Department dated: 27-10-

1998, the Government of Andhra Pradesh had ordered that “where an employee’s date

of increment falls due on the day following his retirement, he may be given the benefit of

increment notionally, purely for the purpose of pensionary benefits, subject to the

condition that this should not be considered for any other purpose”. Such benefit is not

given to the employees in Government of India as the increments are given only once in

a year on 1st July of the year.

In the above circumstances, the Committee finds justification in the argument

that one full year of service rendered by a Government Servant before retirement

should be recognized and some monetary benefit should be given to such employees.

However, the Committee finds no merit in the suggestion to give an increment to

employees who have rendered service of less than a year as they are not eligible to get

increment under Fundamental Rules. Hence, the Committee recommends that when

date of increment falls due on the day following superannuation on completion of one

full year of service, such service may be considered for the benefit of a notional

increment purely for the purpose of pensionary benefits and not for any other purpose.

Such benefit may be made applicable prospectively.



Tamil Nadu Revenue Department Officials Association, Tamil Nadu Revenue

Department (Grade--II) Directly Recruited Officials Association and several other

Associations and individual petitioners have represented that directly recruited

Assistants / Accountant are getting lesser pay than Junior Assistants due to sanction of

Higher Start of pay (two increments) for acquiring Degree qualification at the time of

entry into service. For example an Assistant on entry into service gets his pay fixed at

the minimum of the time scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 at Rs.8,000/-,

whereas a Junior Assistant with graduation qualification gets his pay fixed in the scale of

pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 at Rs.7,600/- and consequent on sanction of higher

start of pay at two increment (3% + 3% Rs.230 + Rs.230 = Rs.460) gets fixed at Rs.8,060

[Rs.7600+460] and there is a loss of Rs.60/- in emoluments to the directly recruited

Assistants when compared to the Junior Assistants with Degree qualification. Hence, a

Graduate Junior Assistant / Typist is gets higher basic pay due to the higher start

granted for acquiring Degree qualification when compared to a directly recruited

Assistant eventhough the Assistant is also having Degree qualification. This is an

anomaly and the Committee finds justification to compensate the difference of pay as

“Personal Pay” for directly recruited Assistants in service at present.

However, it is observed that the higher start of pay for acquiring graduate

qualification was introduced many years ago with the aim of incentivizing Junior

Assistants / Typists to acquire higher qualifications when most of the Junior Assistants /

Typists were appointed with the minimum general educational qualification of S.S.L.C.

However, the Committee has examined the present scenario where most of the recruits

are Degree holders and even have Post Graduation / Professional qualification. In such

a situation, the Committee is of the view that such higher start of pay for the Junior

Assistants / Typists with a degree qualification is no longer warranted of and recommends

the discontinuance of the grant of higher start of pay to Junior Assistants / Typists to be

recruited in future for possessing Degree qualification. The pay anomaly of the directly

recruited Assistants that would also be avoided. Likewise the higher start granted to the

Record Clerks for possession of S.S.L.C. qualification may also be dispensed with.



The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell has observed that based on the One Man

Commission, 2010 recommendations the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers was

revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 in Pay Band--2 to Rs.15600--39100 +


G.P. Rs.5400 in Pay Band--3 and placed on par with post recruited through Group-I

Service such as Deputy Collector, Assistant Director (Panchayats) and Deputy

Superintendent of Police etc. As a result the Deputy Collector, Assistant Director

(Panchayats) and Deputy Superintendent of Police have also sought revision one level

above the Assistant Engineer, Agricultural Officers etc. since they were all along one

level above those categories in the pre-revised scales of pay. Likewise consequent on

the changes in the scales of pay of promotion posts viz. Assistant Director of Agriculture

and Deputy Director of Agriculture level led to shifting the scale of pay of Joint Director,

Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries from Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 to

Pay Band-4 Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8700. This lead to further horizontal relativity

issues and hence was rightly reversed by the Government.

In the case of Assistant Engineers, the One Man Commission considering that

the posts of Assistant Engineers filled by the direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu

Public Service Commission and the prescribed qualification is B.E., they were placed

with on par with professionally qualified Medical Personnel such as Assistant Surgeons

and Assistant Medical Officers (Indian Medicine) at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400.

The One Man Commission has also observed that the Senior Draughting Officer with

the qualification of either a Certificate or a Diploma which is a lower and feeder category

post to Assistant Engineer (if the individual possesses a B.E. Degree) was at the same

level as Assistant Engineer and considering it an anomaly placed the Assistant

Engineer post on a higher scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400. This

does not appear to be sound reasoning and the Government on reviewing the

recommendations of One Man Commission found that the Assistant Engineers have

erroneously been placed on par with Group-I posts which has led to revision of its first

level and second level promotional posts of Assistant Executive Engineers and

Executive Engineers to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600--39100 + G.P.

Rs.7600. The Government restored the scale of pay of Assistant Executive Engineers

and Executive Engineers to their original level. However, the Assistant Engineers were

granted a new scale of pay one level below the Group-I posts at Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 reducing the Grade Pay of Rs.300/- and placing the post in the same

Pay Band. The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell has reviewed the G.O.Ms.No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2011 and observes as follows:-

i) Scale of pay of employees in each Pay Commission is based by and large on

the parity with similar posts in the Government of India. In Government of India both the

Junior Engineers and the Assistant Engineers are placed at the Section Level (Rs.9300-

34800 + G.P. Rs.4600) and its promotional posts Assistant Executive Engineer

(Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.5400) is placed at sub divisional level. The comparison

with Engineering Services of Central Government like the Railway Services of

Engineers and Military Engineering Services is not appropriate considering the fact that

these posts are directly recruited and trained for initial posting as Sub–Divisional

Officers, whereas, in the State Government the initial posting is only as a Section Level

Officer and only the next promotional post is Sub–Divisional Officer. The appropriate

comparison is with the Central Public Works Department where the post of Assistant

Engineer are placed in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600.

ii) The comparison with Assistant Surgeon is also not appropriate as there is no

equivalent of a Diploma holder in the Medical line. In the Engineering line, there is a

separate category of Diploma holders, who has Junior Engineers who also hold charge

as Section Officers, like Assistant Engineers. The recommendation of the One Man

Commission to place Assistant Engineers in Pay Band—III opened up a huge

differential with Junior Engineers which was strongly represented against and appears

unjustified. Therefore, it is appropriate that the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers in

State Government may be brought down to Pay Band--2 at Rs.9300—34800. However,

the Grade Pay of Rs.5100 already fixed in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department,

dated: 26—2—2011, which is at a level above their counterparts in Government of

India would be appropriate. It also maintains an appropriate difference of Rs.700/- in

Grade Pay from Junior Engineers. The Committee also recommends that the excess

payments made till the issue of revised orders may be waived and not recovered.

2) Consequent on the recommendation to place the Assistant Engineers in Pay

Band—II, the scale of pay of Block Development Officers, Tahsildars, Inspectors of

Police and Forest Rangers which had been elevated from Rs.9300--34800+ G.P.

Rs.4900 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department dated: 26—2--2011 but which has not been implemented due to the

Interim Stay granted by the Hon’ble High Court on the operation of the G.O. requires

appropriate modification. Hence, the Committee finds it appropriate to place the Block

Development Officers / Tahsildars, Inspector of Police and Forest Rangers in Pay

Band--II instead of Pay Band—III at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 +Rs.1000/- p.m.

as a Special Compensatory Allowance for the arduous nature of their work. The

Committee has made necessary recommendations in this regard in the chapter relating

to the departments concerned and G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated:26--2--2011 may be modified as given in Annexure-IV.

3) Consequent on the downgradation of the scale of pay of Joint Directors of

Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and Fisheries to Pay Band-III of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P.

Rs.7600, the requests of the District Revenue Officers, Deputy Secretaries to

Government, Superintendent of Police, Joint Registrars and Joint Commissioners and

Joint Directors of other departments to place them on Pay Band--IV at Rs.37400--67000

+ G.P. Rs.8700 does not merit consideration. In respect of the Veterinary Assistant

Surgeons / Research Assistants in Animal Husbandry Department the applicable

scales of pay have been dealt with in their respective departments.



Several Associations and individual petitioners have requested to place the

promotion post of Superintendents in Pay Band 3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100

and to grant Personal Pay of Rs.1000/- as granted to Tahsildar and Block Development

Officer on the grounds that these posts were similarly placed in the pre-revised scale of

pay. It is noticed that consequent on pay hike given to Ministerial Superintendents

above the level of Assistant Section Officer in Secretariat at Rs. 9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4800, the next promotional post to Superintendents have been placed a level

above the Superintendents at Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 as that of the pay

of Tahsildar and Block Development Officer. Subsequently, in G.O.Ms.No. 71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011 among others, orders have been issued

revising the scale of pay of the posts of Tahsildar and Block Development Officer from

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100. The higher

scale of pay granted to the Block Development Officers, Tahsildars etc., could not be

implemented due to the “Interim Stay” granted by the Hon’ble High Court. The

Committee has examined the issue in the light of the requests made by equivalent

categories and has taken a conscious decision to place the Block Development Officers

and Tahsildars in Pay Band --2 instead of Pay Band--3 with the same Grade Pay of

Rs.5100. Considering the fact that the promotional posts to Superintendents were

similarly placed on par with Tahsildar and Block Development Officer in the pre-revised

scales of pay. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

the promotional posts to Ministerial Superintendent in various Departments and also the

above posts which were placed in the revised pay scale of Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 be revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 so as to maintain the

existing pay parity.



A number of requests have been received seeking revision of pay for various

posts on the principle that these posts, had the same pay as the ministerial categories of

Junior Assistants and Assistants till the Grade Pay of these two posts were revised in

G.O.Ms.No.45, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 10—2—2011. It is noticed that

the Ministerial categories were granted 5% of basic pay as personal pay as on 1—8--92

vide G.O.Ms.No.664, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 24—8--92, considering the

fact that the Secondary Grade Teachers who were enjoying parity with Junior Assistants

in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.610--1075 were placed on a higher scale of pay of

Rs.1200--2040 as against the revised scale of pay of Rs.975--1660 granted to the

Junior Assistants. The above 5% personal pay has been granted to Junior Assistants

and its promotional categories in lieu of further scale revision. Similarly, in a subsequent

pay revision also Junior Assistants were placed at Rs.3200--4900 while the Secondary

Grade Teachers were placed at Rs.4500—7000. A plea was made by the ministerial

categories to grant upward revision of scale of pay. However, again the ministerial

categories who were granted 5% personal pay in the pre-revised scales were again

granted 5% of basic pay as personal pay in lieu of the pay revision sought. On this

occasion, instead of granting 5% Personal Pay, the Government has revised the grade

pay of Junior Assistants / Typists from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay 2000 to Rs.5200-

-20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 and for Assistants / Steno-Typists from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.Rs.2800 with notional effect from 1.1.2006 and with

monetary benefit from 1—2--2011. As pay revision was made by Government to the

above categories all the similarly placed categories have requested parity with Junior

Assistant / Assistant. In this connection, the Committee observes that the above

revision cannot be extended to all the categories who were in the pre-revised scales of

Rs.3200--4900 and Rs.4000—6000, since the revision was granted specifically to the

ministerial categories. However, the issue needs to be examined on a case by case

basis and where adequate justification exists, i.e. the non-ministerial and ministerial

posts are interchangeable or they form part of a common promotional on feeder

category or there are specific exceptional circumstances, appropriate revisions could be

considered on a case by case basis. Specific cases have been examined in

subsequent chapters.


Joint Active Society for Ministerial Staff, Tamil Nadu Government Employees’

Association, Tamil Nadu Government Officials’ Union, Tamil Nadu Education

Department Administrative Official’s Association, Tamil Nadu Forest Department Office

Staff Association, Tamil Nadu Association of Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Colleges,

Tamil Nadu Superintendents’ Welfare Association, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department

Ministerial Staff Association, Tamil Nadu Veterinary Science University Non-Teaching

Employees’ Association and Tamil Nadu Medical Department Administrative

Employees’ Association, Federation of Ministerial Staff of Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu

Police Department Ministerial Staff Association, Tamil Nadu Public Health Department

Ministerial Officials’ Association and Tamil Nadu Government Officials Union and

various other Associations and individual petitioners (including Chief Minister’s Special

Cell Petitions) have requested to place the post of Assistant in the Pay Band--2 at

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4800 (or) 4600 (or) 4500 (or) 4200 on par with the

posts recruited through the Group-II services of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission

as they are also recruited in the same examination and with the same qualification.

Further, it is reported that the Junior Assistants gets higher pay due to Higher Start of

pay granted to them for having graduation while entry into service and advance

increment for passing Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part--I. It is noticed that

this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400

as against the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.4000--6000 which has been subsequently

revised to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800. Hence, the Committee feels that there is no

need to revise the pay scale of the post of Assistant, which will lead to receipt of further

representations from the similarly placed posts in the pre-revised scale of pay.

However, the Committee is of the view that the difference in pay between the directly

recruited Assistant and Junior Assistant/Typist due to sanction of Higher Start of Pay

for Graduation needs to be compensated. Accordingly, the Committee recommends

that the difference of basic pay (Pay + Grade Pay) in respect of directly recruited

Assistant may be treated as “Personal Pay” to those who are in possession of degree

qualification on the date of entry into service.


Various Associations and individuals have requested to place the post in the

scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 (or) 4200 (or) Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2800 and also requested to fix the Special Grade pay as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.

Rs.4400 without the restriction criteria. It is observed that this post has been placed in

the revised scale of pay Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay Rs.4000--6000 on par with Assistant. Subsequent revision of pay of

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 granted to the category of Assistant have not been

extended to the post of Typist Grade--I. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the

requests of Typist Grade--I and recommends to revise the scale of pay of Typist

Grade-I from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on

par with Assistant.


Tamil Nadu Secretariat Association and certain individuals have requested to

place this post in the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 as the

scale of pay of its feeder category viz. Record Assistant has been revised from

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. It is observed


that this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.4000--6000 on par with Assistant

and above that of its feeder category of Record Assistant (Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2000). Subsequently the scale of pay of Record Assistant has been revised as

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 and placed equal to the level of Head Record

Assistant. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the request of the Association /

Head Record Assistants and recommends to revise the pay scale of Head Record

Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.


One of the requests put forth by the major associations is to enhance the existing

quantum of Special Pay that was fixed during 1998. It is noticed that based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 1998, orders have been issued for the

enhancement of the special pay to the employees [for such of those posts for which

special pay was retained] in the following manner with effect from 1—9—98:--

• The existing rate of Special Pay which has been sanctioned / enhanced prior to
31—12—90 shall be increased by 100% and
• The existing rate of Special Pay which has been sanctioned / enhanced after
31—12—90 shall be increased by 50%.

Subsequently, the Official Committee, 2009 has not enhanced the quantum of special pay but

has recommended for continuance of the special pay without any increase in the existing

quantum considering the fact that the special pay has been taken into account for calculation of

pension at the time of retirement. It is noticed that 15 years have already elapsed since the last

enhancement of special pay which is attached to the specific posts considering their special

nature of work. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the request of the association.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to enhance the special pay in the following manner :--

• The existing rate of Special Pay which has been sanctioned / enhanced on
1—9—98 shall be increased by 100% and
• The existing rate of Special Pay which has been sanctioned / enhanced after
1—9—98 shall be increased by 50%.


The Tamil Nadu Government Office Assistants and Basic Servants Central

Association, Tamil Nadu Secretariat Office Assistants and Basic Servants Association

and the Medical Department Basic Health Workers Association have requested to grant

the Personal Pay as granted to them with effect from 1—9—99. It is noticed that orders

have been issued granting Compensatory Personal Pay to the Office Assistants,

Duffadars and Basic Service Personnel (Hospital Workers) in Hospitals at the following

rates with effect from 1—9—99:--

• Ordinary Grade .. Rs.30/- p.m.

• Selection Grade .. Rs.55/- p.m.
• Special Grade .. Rs.75/- p.m.

The Committee observed that the Compensatory Personal Pay drawn by the Office

Assistants, Duffadars and Basic Service Personnel in Hospitals with effect from

1—9—99 have been merged with pay in the subsequent pay revision. As such no

Compensatory Personal Pay exists as on 1—1—2006 in the revised scale of pay.

Considering the increase in workload of the basic personnel, the Committee

recommends Special Compensatory Allowance to the Office Assistants, Duffadars and

Basic Service Personnel (Hospital Workers) in Hospitals at the following rates:--

• Ordinary Grade .. Rs.50/- p.m.

• Selection Grade .. Rs.75/- p.m.
• Special Grade .. Rs.100/- p.m.

The Committee also recommends that the above enhancement of Special Pay and

Special Compensatory Allowance may be given prospective effect.





Requests have been received to introduce Additional fitment table similar to

those issued in Government Letter No.51082 / Pay Cell / 2010--1, Finance Department,

dated: 15--09—2010 for the posts also for which Grade Pay have been revised with

corresponding Selection Grade / Special Grade based on One Man Commission’s

recommendations and in subsequent Government Orders. It is observed that the pay of

the employees in whose cases fitment tables are not readily available, the pay of such

employees can be fixed by applying Rule 4 (1) (i) & (ii) of Tamil Nadu Revised Scales

of Pay Rules, 2009.


Service Associations / Individual employees have requested to grant

permission to make re-option for pay revision on the grounds that the revisions made in

the scales of pay of posts introduction of additional fitment tables and the Selection

Grade / Special Grade clarifications issued by Government have not reached the grass

root level in time. It is observed that in G.O. Ms. No.234, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated 1—6--2009 itself, the time limit of three months has been fixed for

exercising option to come over to the revised scales of pay. If no option is exercised

within the above time limit, the employee is deemed to have exercised an option to

come over to the revised pay scales as on 1—1—2006 itself. Further, in Government

Letter No.41530/Pay Cell/2009-1,Finace Department, dated: 28—7—2009, it has been

clarified that an employee may re-opt within three months from the date of issue of

clarification or orders revising the scales of pay or grant of retrospective regularization


of services or grant of Selection Grade/ Special Grade with retrospective effect, as the

case may be. However, as per Rule 8 (iv) of Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay

Rules, 2009 option once exercised is final. In case of any clarification / Government

Orders issued revising the scales of pay re-option has been allowed within three months

from the date of issue of such orders. Instances have been reported that several

employees failed to accrue the full benefit of the Pay Commission revision due to

exercising of the option date wrongly and deprived of the benefits. The Committee also

recommends that employees may also be given final opportunity for exercising re-option

as a one time measure in cases where the option could not be exercised within the time

limit due to the delayed reach of the instructions issued by Government and also to

cover for implementation of any of the recommendations of the Committee, the

Government accepts. Such re-option should not in any case lead to fixation of a lower

pay than what has already been fixed.


Some representations have been received from various service associations

requesting the Committee to consider reversion to the earlier pay scale system with an

increase in the pay scale by an appropriate multiple. It is learnt that the Government of

Andhra Pradesh and Government of Karnataka have used this methodology for revising

the pay scales of their employees. The Tamil Nadu Government has taken a decision

for the first time to implement the recommendations of Fourth Central Pay Commission

to the State Government employees based on the recommendations of Fifth Tamil

Nadu Pay Commission with effect from 1—6—1988. Prior to this on each occasion a

separate Pay Commission has been appointed by the State Government. However,

both in 1996 and in 2009 it was decided to implement Central scales of pay for the State

Government employees without appointing a separate Pay Commission.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission has adopted a comprehensive overhaul and

have merged 32 pay scales into four Pay Bands. The Pay Band structure appears

more appropriate to the employment and recruitment structure of the Government of

India. This system was intended to provide for automatic progression within the Group

A, B and C employees in Pay Bands-- III, II and I respectively in the Government of

India with a significant higher salary structure for Pay Band—IV, which is a selection

category. This was also intended to attract and retain talent at higher levels. The

compulsions for State Governments are very different. The State Government has a

large contingent of teachers and field functionaries at the lower and middle levels,

recruits at multiple levels and there are legacy issues of horizontal relativity and vertical

differentiation for promotion posts. When the Pay Band system with Grade Pay is

applied both horizontal relativity within and outsider departments and vertical

differentiation for promotional posts are affected. The total number of Pay Band-IV post

in the State Government is also very limited.

The adoption of Pay Band system has created a number of issues and has led to

a number of representations. These include;

i) Appropriate fixation benefit and the date of applicability.

ii) Conversion factor.
iii) Request for higher start.
iv) Provision of separate scale of pay for Selection Grade / Special Grade
to overcome stagnation.
v) Appropriate benefit on promotions.

While the Committee has dealt with each of the specific issues based on grievances

and suggested, in certain cases, an appropriate remedy, one remedy which will address

almost all these issues and also ensure that established horizontal relativities and

vertical differentiation in various categories of State Government employees will be

maintained, is to revert back to the original pay scale system with an appropriate

conversion factor on the basic pay prevailing prior to 1—1—2006. A conversion factor

of 2.5 times would be a appropriate measure to broadly meet the aspiration of various

categories of employees, which also secure financial benefits in tune with what different

categories have already received, thereby not imposing too much additional cost for

Government. The Committee recommends that this “clean solution” may also be

considered by Government as an alternative to the large number of specific ‘fixes’ which

have been recommended.




Representations have been made to grant monetary benefit from 1.1.2006 and to

grant pay revision arrears from 1—1--2006 to 31—12--2006. As the payment of arrears

is a policy issue to be decided by the Government, the request does not come within

the ambit of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell’s terms of reference.



Various Service Associations have requested to apply the conversion factor of

2.43/2.625 as there is loss in emoluments and to give 40% benefit uniformly to all

categories and to maintain the ratio of 1:9 between last grade and first grade scale as in

the previous pay revision. It is the policy decision of the Government to adopt Central

scales of pay to its employees, the State Government has adopted the

recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission based on the Official

Committee recommendations, and implemented the Pay Band system as in

Government of India. There cannot an assured minimum benefit guaranteed for all

posts and nor can a hard and fast rule of a ratio of 1:9 be maintained as referral factor

have to be considered. The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell can only attempt to redress

specific grievances.

As there are a large number of categories, the Committee finds that the pay

anomalies in some cases is due to adoption of the pay band system where the

difference in Grade Pay is only Rs.100/- which is not entirely suitable for State

Government employees. The only way out to redress the pay grievance is to adopt

separate scales of pay by giving uniform pay hike over the pre-existing scales which

would take care of the huge difference in emoluments between Pay Band—III and Pay

Band—IV. This issue has been dealt with separately elsewhere.


Representations have been made by several Associations on the following:--

• To enhance the House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, Medical

Allowance, Fixed Travelling Allowance, Hill Allowances, Winter Allowance,

Traveling Allowance, Transfer Traveling Allowance, Leave Travel Concession for

every year, Project Allowance, Medical Allowance, one month pay for MRB,

Tailoring Charges, Non-Practicing Allowance, Washing Allowance, Festival Advance

to Rs.8,000/-, Uniform Allowance, Bonus and various other Allowances and to

introduce Transport Allowance, Educational Allowance etc as in Government of


• To award Drivers with Gold Medal awards 6/10/12 gms. for Selection/ Special/
Super Grades and to extend free bus pass.

• To provide rent free quarters to all Government servants.

• To grant higher start of pay for graduation to the posts like Laboratory Attender etc
and for passing 10th standard for Record Clerks /Office Assistants etc.

• To enhance the limit to Rs.4,00,000/- for purchasing lands without permission under
Conduct Rules.

• To enhance the limit to Rs.7,00,000/- for part-final withdrawal from GPF.

• To enhance the retirement age to 60 years

• To extend the Personal Pay granted to certain posts in this pay revision and to grant
5% Personal Pay as sanctioned to certain posts in the previous Pay Commissions.

The Committee observes that the personal pay granted to certain posts are based

on the arduous nature of work, duties and responsibilities attached to the posts which

cannot be claimed by the employees in other posts. All other requests like

enhancement of various allowances, enhancement of retirement age are not within the

ambit of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell’s terms of reference.


Several Associations have requested to convert the employees in the Special

Time Scale into regular time scale and to regularize the employees under daily wages /

part-time workers. This issue is not within the ambit of the terms of reference of Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell.



There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories :--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 +5700
2 Junior Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
3 Steno Typist Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4800 15600 --39100 + 5400
and re-designate as
Personal Secretary
4 Steno Typist Grade-II 9300--34800 + 4200 9300 – 34800 + 4800/
4700/ 4600/ 4500
5 Steno Typist Grade-III 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4800 /
4600/ 4500/ 4300/4200
6 Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400 /
2200/ 2000/ 1800
7 Office Assistant / 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 +1800
Duffadar/Night /1900/ 2200
8 Lift Operator 4800 – 10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 1900
(or) 4800--10000 + 1800
9 Superintendent 9300—34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 6000 /
5400 / 5200 / 5100 +
Personal Pay of Rs.500/-p.m.
10 Typist 5200—20200 + 2400 9300—34800 + 4400 /
Special Pay of Rs.500/-p.m.
11 Record Assistant 5200—20200 + 2400 5200—20200 + 2800 +

12 Driver 5200—20200 + 2400 5200—20200 + 2800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Tvl. K. Narasimman, K. Rajamannar, and A. Dhayalan, Section Officers

(Translation) in State Official Language Commission, Law Department have requested

to revise their scale of pay from Rs.9300 – 34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.15600--39100+

G.P. Rs.5400 on par with Other Section Officers in Secretariat. It is observed that the

request of the Translators in Official Language (Legislation) Wing of Law Department to

re-designate them as Section Officer (Translation) was considered by the Official

Committee,1998 on the ground that this post requires the qualification of a Degree plus

a Degree in Law. Accordingly, orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No. 470, Finance

Department, dated: 31—08--1998. Though this post was earlier placed on par with

Section Officers in Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service, the subsequent revision of pay

made to the category pay of Section Officers from Rs.6500--11100 to Rs.8000--13500

with effect from 12—12--2007 in the pre-revised scales of pay was omitted to be

extended to this post. Considering the similarity in nomenclature and the higher

educational qualification prescribed to this post, the Committee finds justification to

revise the scale of pay of Section Officer (Translation) on par with Section Officers in

Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service . Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4700 to Rs.15600--

39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400 notionally with effect from 12—12—2007 with monetary

benefit as decided for other categories.



Tamil Nadu Secretariat Association and Tmt. M. Marina, Assistant, Environment

and Forest Department and certain individuals holding this post have requested to

revise the scale of pay of Assistant in Secretariat from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay

Rs.2400 to Rs.5200–20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800 on par with Assistant in Tamil Nadu

Ministerial Service. It is noticed that the scale of pay of Assistants in Secretariat has

been revised by the Official Committee,2009 as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2200

as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3625--4900. Subsequently, the One Man

Commission, 2010 taking note of the fact that the post of Assistant in Secretariat is

filled by direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission and the

minimum educational qualification prescribed is a Bachelors Degree as that of the direct

recruit Ministerial Assistant, Junior Inspector of Co-operative Societies Junior Inspector

of Co-operative Audit which are also filled by direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu

Public Service Commission with the same Degree qualification and therefore requested

to revise their scale of pay as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400. Consequent on

the subsequent revision of scale of pay made to the Ministerial Assistants from

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800 the

Committee finds justification to place the post of Assistants in Secretariat in between the

Junior Assistant and Assistants in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Accordingly the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Assistants in Secretariat from

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2600.



Tamil Nadu Secretariat Association and the individuals holding this post have

requested to revise the scale of pay of Cashier / Shroff from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 to Rs.5200–20200 + G.P.Rs.2800. Cashiers in Finance Department have also

requested to place them on par with Despatch Assistant and Record Assistant. It is

observed that this post was placed on par with Record Assistant / Despatch Assistants

in Secretariat. Consequent on the revision of scale of pay of Record Assistant /

Despatch Assistants as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400, the Committee finds

justification to revise the scale of pay of Cashier / Shroff on par with the Despatch

Assistants / Record Assistants. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of Cashier / Shroff from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Secretariat Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

Head Record Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200–20200 + G.P.

Rs.2800. The Committee has observed that the post of Head Record Assistant in

Secretariat is the promotional post for Record Assistant and subsequently the scale of

pay of the feeder post viz. Record Assistant has been revised from Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 and its promotion post viz. Head

Record Assistant has been omitted further revision of pay which has lead to an

anomalous situation of placing both the feeder and promotional categories on a same

scale of pay. Hence, the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay Head

Record Assistant. Therefore, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Head Record Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200

+ G.P. Rs.2800.


Thiru L. Vijayakumar, Council Dubash has requested to revise the scale of pay of

the post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs. 4400 on par with Special Grade Drivers on the

ground that Office Assistants who were junior to him had become drivers and their pay

fixed as above. It is observed that the post of Council Dubash was placed one level

above the post of Record Clerk in the scale of pay of Rs.4800—10000 + G.P. Rs.1650.

The comparison made by the individual with the post of Driver is not appropriate.

However, considering the fact that this is a distinct post attached to the Office of the

Chief Secretary to Government, the Committee finds justification to recognize the

services rendered by the individual and also considered the fact that the other Office

Assistants are having a chance of promotion as Record Clerk / Record Assistants

(Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400) and decided to place this post in a suitable revised

scale of pay. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this post

may be revised from Rs.4800—10000 + G.P. Rs. 1650 to Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs. 1800.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Deputy Secretary to 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
2. Under Secretary to Government 15600--39100 + 6600 30000 -- 52000 /
15600-39100 + 7600

Sl. Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
3. Section Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700 +
Special Allowance
Rs.1000 /-
4. Private Secretary 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
5. Private Secretary to Hon’ble 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 +6600 +
Speaker Special Allowance
6. Assistant Section Officers 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400 +
Higher Start of pay as in
Government of India
7. Personal Clerk 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200

8. Typist 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2400 +

Special Allowance / Pay
Rs.750 (or) Rs.1000
9. Reporter (T.N.L.A.S) 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
10. Librarian 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 7600
11. Assistant Librarian 9300—34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
12. Technical Assistant 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4800
13. Library Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
14. Driver 5200--20200 + 2400 To grant retrospective
revision of pay for
Selection Grade / Special
Grade .
15. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2000 +
Special pay Rs.200
16. Office Assistant 4800--10000 + 1300 Grade pay to be fixed
according to service
+ Special pay
17. Lift Operator 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2000

18. Assistant Sergeant 5200--20200 + 1800 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Assistant (Governor’s 9300 --34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600
House Hold)
2. House Keeper 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600
3. Assistant House Steward 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600
4. Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400
5. Junior Assistant 5200-20200 + 2400 On par with Assistant of

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.





Tamil Nadu Government Agricultural Graduates Association / Tamil Nadu Senior

Agro-Technologists Forum and several other individuals petitioners have requested to

retain the scale of pay Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.448,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 31-12-2010 which has been downgraded as

Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26--2--2011 on the grounds that they were drawing higher scale (Rs.6500-

11100) than Block Development Officer in the pre-revised scale of pay. The Committee

has observed that the scale of pay of Agricultural Officers has been revised upward

based on the equation made with the Assistant Engineers in the Agricultural

Engineering Department. As such the Committee is of the view that it would be

appropriate to place this post in Pay Band--2 as recommended to the Assistant

Engineer in Public Works Department / Agriculture Engineering Department.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to place this post in Pay Band—2 at Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. Likewise, the Committee also endorses the downgradation in the

pay scales made to the posts of Assistant Director, Deputy Director and Joint Director of

Agriculture as indicated in Annexure—IV.



Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Centre Managers Association and two

individuals have requested to enhance the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800 on par with the

Assistants in Ministerial service. The Committee has observed that earlier the post of

Depot Manager, Grade-II / Store Keeper, Grade-II were placed on par with Ministerial

Assistants and the subsequent revision of Grade Pay made to Ministerial Assistant from

Rs.2400 to Rs.2800 in G.O. Ms. No.45, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

10—02—2011 have not been extended to these posts. Considering the above facts,

the Committee finds justification to place the post of Depot Manager, Grade--II / Store

Keeper, Grade--II on par with Assistants in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Hence, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.5200--20200

+ G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800.



Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Centre Managers Association / two individuals

have requested to revise the scale of pay from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with the Junior Assistants of Tamil Nadu

Ministerial Service and higher start of pay granted to Junior Assistants / Typists. Depot

Manager Grade-III / Store Keeper Grade-III were drawing identical scale of pay in

pre-revised scale of pay and revised scale of pay initially on par with Junior Assistants

of other Departments. The anomaly has arisen only due to the revision of Grade Pay of

Junior Assistant as Rs.2400 in G.O. Ms. No.45, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

10--02--2011. Though these posts were recruited as Junior Assistant (Security) through

the Group IV exam conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission and allotted to

these Departments, the Committee does not recommend higher start of pay to these

posts as it has been decided by the Committee to withdraw the higher start of pay

granted to Junior Assistants in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. However, the

Committee recommends to place this post on par with Junior Assistants and to revise

the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Government Agriculture Laboratory Assistant State Association has

requested to upgrade the post of Laboratory Assistant as Laboratory Technician and to

revise the scale of pay on par with the Laboratory Technician Grade--II in Medical

Education Department from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.296, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26—8--2010. It is observed that the qualification prescribed for appointment as

Laboratory Technician in Medical Education Department is different. Hence, the above

revision of pay requested by the Association cannot be considered by the Committee.

However, the Committee recommends to place this post on par with other Laboratory

Assistant as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.63, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--02--2011 from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Additional Director 37400--67000 + 8800 37400--67000 + 9400
2. Deputy Agricultural Officer 9300--34800 + 4700 15600--39100 + 5100
3. Assistant Seed Officer 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
4. Assistant Agriculture 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
5. Chief Administrative Officer /
Senior Law Officer (in the 15600--39100 + 6600 37400--67000 + 8700
cadre of Deputy Director)

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
6 Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
7 Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
8 Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5600
9 Depot Manager (Grade-I) 9300--34800 + 4300 On par with
/ Store Keeper Grade-I Secretariat Service.
10 Silk Screen Designer 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
(Vanishing Category)
11 Artist 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4400
12 Compositor / Treadle
Machine Man / Binder / 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
Fitter(Vanishing Category)

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Association of Hydrogeologists, Agricultural Engineering Department has

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700

to Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with Assistant Engineer in Public Works

Department / Agricultural Engineering. The Assistant Geologist and Assistant Engineers

of Public Works, Highways and Agricultural Engineering Departments have been

identically placed in earlier Pay Commission scales of pay and fixed in the revised scale

of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500—11100. Considering the pay parity enjoyed with the post of Assistant

Engineers upto the subsequent revision of pay made to the post of Assistant Engineers

based on One Man Commission, 2010 recommendations, the Committee finds it

appropriate to place this post on par with Assistant Engineers in Public Works

Department which has been recommended to be placed in Pay Band—2. The

Committee accordingly, recommends to revise the scale of pay of Assistant Geologist

in Agricultural Engineering Department as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with

similar post in Geology and Mining Department which has been recommended to be

placed on par with Assistant Engineer considering the Post Graduate Degree.



Engineering Graduates Association has requested to retain the scale of pay of these

posts at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400, Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 respectively as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.259, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26--8--2010 which has been subsequently downgraded to Rs.15600--


39100 + G.P. Rs.5100, Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400, Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600

respectively. The Committee has reviewed the orders issued in respect of revision of

scale of pay of Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department and recommended to

place the post of Assistant Engineers in Pay Band—2 with an enhanced Grade Pay of

Rs.5100. Therefore, the Committee finds it appropriate to place this post on par with

their counterparts in Public Works Department at Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

Likewise the Committee also recommends to place the posts of Assistant Executive

Engineer / Executive Engineer in Agricultural Engineering Department on par with their

counterparts at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400, Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600

endorsing the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated:



Tamil Nadu Assistant Draughtsman Association / Tamil Nadu Agricultural

Engineering Department / Tamil Nadu Draughtsman Association and five individuals

have requested to revise the scale of pay of Junior Draughting Officer from Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with the Junior

Draughting Officer of Technical Education Department. Considering the diploma

qualification prescribed to this post, the Committee finds justification to place this post

on par with their counterparts in Technical Education Department. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200.


Tamil Nadu Assistant Draughtsman Association has requested to revise the

scale of pay of Assistant Draughtsman from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to


Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistants and other equivalent

posts, such as Surveyor / Draughtsman in Survey Department. Considering their pay

parity with Surveyor and Draughtsman, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineering Department Bulldozer and Tractor Drivers

Association and individual petitioners have requested to revise the scale of pay of this

post as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs. 2800 more than the post of Driver. It is observed

that the post of Senior Tractor Driver had been placed on a higher scale of pay than the

category of Driver and equivalent to Assistant in Ministerial Service. As the scale of pay

of Junior Tractor Driver which is a feeder category has been recommended to be placed

at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400, the Committee finds justification to place the

promotion post of Senior Tractor Driver above its feeder category viz. Junior Tractor

Driver. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of Senior Tractor

Driver may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2800.


Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineering Department Bulldozer and Tractor Drivers

Association and individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with the category of Driver. It is observed

that in the pre-revised and revised scales of pay the categories of Driver and Junior

Tractor Driver were placed on an identical scale of pay of Rs.3200—4900 and


Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 respectively, the subsequent revision of pay made to

the post of Driver as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 has not been extended to the

post of Junior Tractor Driver. Considering the above fact, the Committee finds

justification to revise the scale of pay of Junior Tractor Driver on par with Drivers.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Junior Tractor

Driver from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay



Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineering Technical Staff Association has requested

to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200

--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 and also sanction Risk Allowance of Rs.500/-pm. as this post

has been placed on par with Assistant Soil Conservation Officer in Fourth Tamil Nadu

Pay Commission scales of pay. Comparison made by the association with the post of

Assistant Soil Conservation Officer is not appropriate. As the qualification prescribed to

the post of Air Compressor Driver is 10th passed plus ITI certificate and whereas it is a

diploma qualification prescribed to the post of Assistant Soil Conservation Officer.

Considering the technical qualification prescribed to the post of Air Compressor Driver,

the Committee finds justification to place this post in the scale of pay of Rs. 5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 as applicable to the Grade–II Trade Posts having similar

technical qualification. However, the Committee finds no merit on the sanction of Risk

Allowance to the Air Compressor Driver.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
Chief Engineer 37400—67000 + 37400--67000+ 10000
Superintending Engineer 37400—67000 + 37400--67000+9500
Joint Director (Geologist) in IWS 15600—39100 + 37400--67000+8700
4. Deputy Director (Geologist) /
Deputy Director (Photo- Geology) / 15600—39100 + 15600--39100+7600
Technical Expert (Geophysics) / 6600
Technical Expert (Geochemistry)
5. Assistant Director(Geologist) /
Assistant Director(Geophysics) / 15600—39100 + 15600--39100+6600
Assistant Director(Geo-Chemistry) 5400
6. Junior Engineer 9300 –34800 + 4400 15600--39100+5400
7. Asst. Soil Conservation Officer 5200 – 20200 + 2800 9300 --34800+4200
8. Store Superintendent 9300 – 34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4800
(with effect from
9. Store Keeper 5200 --20200 + 2000 5200-- 20200+ 2400
10. Store Attender 4800 – 10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2000
11. Rock Drill Operator 5200 – 20200 + 1800 5200--20200+ 2400
+ Risk Allowance
12. Diesel Mechanic cum Fitter 9300 – 34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800

13. Supervisor 9300 – 34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600

14. Special Artisan 5200 – 20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
15. Skilled Assistant Grade-I 5200 – 20200 + 2600 5200 --20200+ 2800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Engineering Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
(On par with Assistant Engineer)
and re-designate as
Assistant Engineer(Marketing))
2. Superintendent of Market / 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5100
Manager / Inspector of and re-designate as
Licensed Premises Junior Engineer(Marketing))
3. Supervisor / Junior 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Thiru S. Murugesan, Commercial Accountant (Retd) has requested to revise the

scale of pay on par with their counterparts in Sericulture and Industries and Commerce

Department from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800.

It is observed that the scale of pay for the post of Commercial Accountant in the

departments of Sericulture and Industries and Commerce have been elevated based on

the recommendations of One Man Commission and the said post of Commercial

Accountant in Animal Husbandry Department has been omitted to be included in the

above recommendations. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of Commercial Accountant from Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4400 to

Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4800.


Tamil Nadu Government Officials’ Union and Thiru S. Malayappan have

requested to revise the scale of pay from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to

Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay of Rs.2800. This post is filled by direct recruitment or by

transfer from the post of Junior Assistant and Typist in Ministerial Service. Consequent

on the revision of scale of pay of Assistant as Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay of

Rs.2800, there is justification to extend the above revision to Assistant Statistical

Investigator, Therefore the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Assistant Statistical Investigator from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to


Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800. The above revision may also be extended to

similar post in Economics and Statistics Department.



Tamil Nadu Veterinary Assistant Surgeons Association in their representation

has represented that the Government of India during the Fifth Central Pay Commission

itself has upgraded the Veterinary Officers Uniformly and brought the post of Veterinary

Assistant Surgeon on par with Medical Doctors. The Sixth Central Pay Commission in

its report has also categorically stated that the Veterinarians should have complete

parity with General Duty Medical Officers and Dental Doctors in terms of pay scales

and career prospects. The Veterinary Assistant Surgeon languishes in the same post

for nearly 26--28 years for promotion as Asst. Director (AH) and promotional

opportunities are meager. They have pointed out that the OMC, 98 has recommended

to place the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon at Rs.8000—13500 on par with Civil Assistant

Surgeons. Considering the above, the Government has issued orders revising the

scale of pay of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400

as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.8000—13500 on par with Civil Assistant

Surgeons notionally with effect from 1—1—2006 with monetary benefit from

1—8—2010. Therefore, the Association has requested to restore the existing revised

scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400.

(i) It is noticed that the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons / Research Assistant in

Animal Husbandry Department have been granted the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—

11100 notionally with effect from 1--1--06 with monetary benefit from 1--1--07

Subsequently, the One Man Commission, 2010 has examined the request considering

the recommendations made by OMC, 98 as follows:--

“After an in depth study of the qualification of the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons, the
Fifth Central Pay Commission has improved the scale of pay of Veterinary Assistant
Surgeon on par with Civil Assistant Surgeons with M.B.B.S. qualification. This
Commission has decided to adopt Central Pay parity for the comparable posts in the
State in consonance with the policy of Government. Considering the qualification,
identical job factors and scale levels of the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons and the
similar post in Government of India, this Commission recommends revision of scale of
pay of the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon from Rs.6500—11100 to Rs.8000—
(ii) Further, that Commission has observed that based on the recommendations

of the Sixth Central Pay Commission the parity with General Duty Medical Officers and

Dental Doctors and Veterinary Officers requiring a Degree in B.V.Sc., in Animal

Husbandry along with registration in the Veterinary Council of India has been continued

and they have been placed in the scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + Grade Pay of

Rs.5400 in the revised pay structure. The One Man Commission, 2010 has therefore

taking into account the similarity in qualification and job factors of this post in the State

Government and Government of India, endorses the recommendation made by the

earlier One Man Commission 1998. Accordingly, the Commission has recommended

that the revision of scale of pay for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in Animal

Husbandry Department may be revised from Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of

Rs.4700/- to Rs.15600—39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.5400. Consequently, the

Commission also recommended that the scale of pay of the promotion post viz.,

Assistant Director may be revised from Rs.15600—39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.5400 to

Rs.15600—39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.5700/-.”


(iii) Subsequently, the Government has reviewed the recommendations of OMC,

2010 and found that the posts such as Assistant Engineer, Inspector of Factories,

Junior Electrical Inspector etc. which is entry level post requiring B.E. Degree was

placed erroneously on par with Group—I posts with consequential pay scale revision to

the first level and second level promotional posts above the Group-I posts and therefore

it was decided by Government to downgrade the pay scale of the above posts one level

below the Group—I posts from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 to Rs.15600—39100

+ G.P. Rs.5100 and due to this downgradation the pay scale of Veterinary Assistant

Surgeon / Research Assistant was also downgraded as Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100. However, they continued to draw the higher scale of pay consequent on

the “Interim Stay” granted by the Hon’ble High Court on the operation of the

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—11. The issue of the appropriate

Grade Pay and Pay Band of Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department had been

examined separately and necessary recommendations have been made to place the

Assistant Engineers in PB—2 instead of PB—3 as suggested in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance

(PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011 in consonance with the pay scale available to their

counterparts in Central Public Works Department. On the same line, in the case of

Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, as the Central Government has given a scale of

Rs.15600–39100 + G.P. Rs.5400, this Committee considers it would be appropriate to

place the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons distinctly in Pay Band--3 of Rs.15600—39100

+ Grade Pay of Rs.5200 in view of the qualification, arduous duties and responsibilities

attached to the post in the field one level below their counterparts in Government of

India. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the pay scale of Rs.15600—39100

+ G.P. Rs. 5200 for Veterinary Assistant Surgeon / Research Assistant and its

promotion post of Assistant Director (AH) / Assistant Research Officer at Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400 as originally in existence for Assistant Directors of other

departments is appropriate.


Joint Directors of Animal Husbandry Department and Dr.Thiyagaraja Achudhan,

Dr. B. Chandrasekaran, Dr. S. Ranganathan, Dr. K.A. Dhandayuthapani and

Dr. N. Balasubramanian, Joint Directors (Retd) and Writ Petitioners in W.P. No. 7463 of

2011 have requested to restore the pay scale as recommended by the Government in

G.O.Ms.No.449, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 31-12-2010. It is observed that this

post was placed in the Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.12000--16500 based on Official Committee,2009

recommendations which has been subsequently placed in the next Pay Band-4 at

Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 and then restored to its original level pay scale of

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26--02--2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the

implementation of the G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated:26--02—2011

only to the Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order and

concluded that placing Joint Director of Animal Husbandry in Pay Band-4 may not be

appropriate and in deviation to the corresponding pay scale in Government of India and

accordingly, endorses to retain the original pay scale recommended by the Official

Committee,2009 in Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 and as ordered in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--2--2011. Likewise the Committee


also recommends to place the post of Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry in the

appropriate revised scales of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with the

Deputy Directors in other Government Departments.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Animal Attendant 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900
2. Animal Husbandry Assistant 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400
3. Bio – Chemist 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
4. Dairy Extension Assistant 5200--20200 + 2000 9300--34800 + 4200
5. Live Stock Inspector Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4900
6. Live Stock Inspector Grade-II 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
7. Senior Veterinary Livestock 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
8. Statistical Inspector 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100
9. Statistical Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




The Principal Commissioner and Commissioner of Archeology has forwarded the

representation of Thiru T. Thangavel, Assistant Engineer and requested to revise the

scale of pay of Assistant Engineer on par with their counterpart in Public Works

Department. The Committee recommends to place this post in the revised scale of

pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P Rs. 5100 on par with Assistant Engineers in Public

Works Department.


Binders and Menders of Oriental Manuscript Library have requested to revise the

scale of pay of the post of Binders and Menders as per the orders issued for Trade

Posts in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--8--2010. As the scales

of pay of technical categories (Trade Posts) have already been rationalized by the One

Man Commission,2010 the revised scales of pay granted to similar categories of posts

in Government Central Press, Department of Archives, Public Libraries etc., may be

extended to the Binders and Menders in Archaeology Department. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Binder and Mender from

Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800 to Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 on

par with the other Trade Posts under Unskilled category.


Tmt. C.Vasanthi, Tvl.V.Ramamurthy, Gowthamaputhiran, S. Sampath, Asokdheen

Archunan have requested to revise the scale of pay of the posts of Deputy Director /

Deputy Superintending Archaeologist from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 to

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with other department Deputy Directors. It is

observed that the post of Deputy Director in Archaeology has been granted the revised

scale of pay of Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.5700 notionally with effect from

1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from 1-1-2007 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.9100--14050. The post of Deputy Director in other Departments have been granted

the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.6600 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.10000--15200. This post is filled by promotion from

among the holders of the post of Assistant Director / Registering Officer in the scale of

pay of Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400 as that of the Assistant Directors in other

departments. Hence in order to maintain the flow of hierarchical structure among the

middle management posts, the Committee has decided to place the posts of Deputy

Director in Archaeology / Deputy Superintending Archaeologist on par with the Deputy

Directors in other departments. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the

scales of pay of Deputy Director / Deputy Superintending Archaeologist in Archaeology

Department from Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.5700 to Rs.15600--39100 +

Grade Pay Rs.6600 on par with the Deputy Directors in other Departments.


Pandits of Oriental Manuscript Library have requested to revise the scale of pay

on par with similar posts in Indian Medicine Department at Rs.9300 — 34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400. The educational qualification prescribed for this post and the duties and

responsibilities attached to the post is commensurate with the post of Pandit in Indian

Medicine Department. Hence, the Committee recommends to place the post of Pandits

on par with their counterpart in Indian Medicine and revise their scale of pay from

Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4200 to Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4400.


Tvl. A. Sankar and C. Sathiyavelu have requested to revise the scale of pay of

the post of Senior Foreman on par with their counterparts in Stationery and Printing as

Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4400. Based on the recommendations of One Man

Commission, 2010 the scale of pay of the post of Senior Foreman in Stationery and

Printing Department has been revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400. It is observed that the post of Junior Foreman which

is a feeder category for Senior Foreman in Stationery and Printing Department itself

was placed on a higher scale of pay in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500--7000

which has been revised as Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200. Considering that the

pre-existing level of the post of Senior Foreman in Archaeology Department was only at

Rs.4300—6000, this post cannot be placed on par with Senior Foreman which was at a

higher scale earlier. However, the Committee recommends to place the post one level

above the existing pay scale and to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2600 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Assistant Executive Engineer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
2. Ephigraphical Attender 48-00-10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2400
3. Librarian 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
4. Maistry 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2400
5. Sthapathy 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues relating

to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational qualification,

mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to the above said

posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external pay relativities

recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




The Commissioner of Tamil Nadu Archives and Historical Research has

brought to notice of the Committee that these posts are filled by promotion from the

posts of Research Assistant / Superintendent Grade--B and therefore requested to

revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400. The

Committee has observed that this post has been placed in the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.6500—10500 and placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009.

Subsequently, the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the

upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 on par with promotional posts of

Superintendents such as Tahsildar and Block Development Officer. The Committee

has elsewhere recommended to elevate the scale of pay of the categories which

were already placed at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the

upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 as has been decided in the case of

Tahsildar, Block Development Officer, Forest Ranger and Inspector of Police at

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. Considering the above facts, the Committee finds

justification to extend the above elevated scale of pay to the posts of Research

Officer / Superintendent Grade—A.


The Commissioner of Tamil Nadu Archives and Historical Research and the

Assistant Editors of Tamil Nadu Archives have requested to revise the scale of pay

of the post of Assistant Editor from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—

34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4900. It is observed that as per adhoc rules the feeder

category for Assistant Editor is Superintendent and its scale of pay has been

revised as Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4800. Hence, the Committee is of

the view that there is an imperative need to revise the scale of pay of Assistant

Editor one level above the scale of pay of Superintendent to rectify the existing

anomaly. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise scale of pay of Assistant

Editor from Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.

Rs.5100 on par with other promotional posts of Superintendents.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay +
No. + Grade pay Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Binder 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
2. Dark Room Assistant 5200--20200 + 1800 5200--20200 + 2400
3. Operator 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
4. Preservation Clerk 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
5. Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following category as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Studio Keeper 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said post and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scale of pay is not warranted.



The Director of Backward Classes Welfare has requested to sanction

Personal Pay of Rs.750/- p.m. to the post of Secondary Grade Warden on par with

the post of Secondary Grade Teacher in School Education Department. Considering

the parity with Secondary Grade Teachers, the Committee recommends to extend

the Personal Pay of Rs.750/- p.m. to Secondary Grade Wardens in Backward

Classes Department.


The Director of Backward Classes Welfare has requested to revise the scale

of pay of the post of B.T. Warden from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to

Rs.9300 — 34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 on par with B.T. Teachers. As the B.T. Wardens

were placed on par with B.T. Teachers, they were granted the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.5500--9000. However, it is observed that the subsequent revision of pay made to

B.T. Teachers in School Education Department as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs. 4600

has not been extended to the B.T. Wardens in Backward Classes Welfare

Department. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of B.T.

Warden from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4400 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.

Rs.4600 on par with B.T. Teachers in School Education Department.

The Committee has taken into account the fact that the post of Watchman is

placed on par with other Last Grade Government Servants and therefore has not

considered further revision of scale of pay as sought for below:

Sl. Name of the Existing Scale of pay + Grade pay Requested Scale of pay + Grade pay
No. Post (Rs.) (Rs.)

1. Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 4800--10000 + 2300



There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following category as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. System Manager 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said post and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scale of pay is not warranted.



(erstwhile Deputy Commercial Tax Officer)

Tamil Nadu Commercial Taxes Services Association, Tamil Nadu Assistant

Commissioner, Commercial Tax Officer and Deputy Commercial Tax Officers

Association have requested to revise the scale of pay of Commercial Tax Officer

(erstwhile Deputy Commercial Tax Officer) as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with

Tahsildar in Revenue Department as ordered in G.O. Ms. No. 71, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26--02--2011 and also sanction Personal Pay of Rs.1000 on par

with Tahsildars as ordered in G.O. Ms. No. 45, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

10—02--2011. The Committee observed that based on the recommendations of

Official Committee, 2009 this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 as against the upgraded pre-revised scale of pay

of Rs.7500—12000 considering the fact that this is a promotion post of Deputy

Commercial Tax Officer (erstwhile Assistant Commercial Tax Officer) / Ministerial

Superintendent. Considering the request of the association seeking higher scale of

pay to this post, the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of

Commercial Tax Officer (erstwhile Deputy Commercial Tax Officer) as Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.5100 on par with other promotional posts of Ministerial

Superintendents. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

the post of Commercial Tax Officer (erstwhile Deputy Commercial Tax Officer) from

Rs.9300-- 34800 + Grade pay Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Additional Commissioner 37400--67000 + 8800 37400--67000 +10000
2. Joint Commissioner 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
3. Deputy Commissioner 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
4. Assistant Commissioner 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
5. Deputy Commercial Tax Officer 9300—34800 + 4800 Requested to sanction
(erstwhile Assistant Commercial Rs.500/- pm. as personal
Tax Officer) Pay
6. System Assistant (erstwhile 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
Transcribers / Data Entry (Requested to fix
Operators) Government of India
Scale of pay)
7. Junior Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2600
8. Typist 5200--20200 + 2400 Enhance the existing
Special pay.
9. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2600
10. Office Assistants and other 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1800
Basic Servants

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Officials Association has requested to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + GP 5100 on par with Tahsildar,

Block Development Officer and Inspector of Police as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.71,

Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011 considering their pay parity existed

in the pre-revised and revised scales of pay. The Committee has elsewhere decided

to elevate the scale of pay of the categories which were placed at Rs.9300—34800

+ G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 as

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100. Considering the pay parity of this post with

the promotional posts of Superintendents, the Committee finds justification to extend

the elevated scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs. 5100 recommended to this

post. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post

from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay



The Tamil Nadu Government Cooperation Department Employees

Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800

+ G.P. Rs.4300 and the Tamil Nadu Cooperation Department Middle Officials

Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.5200—20200

+ G.P. Rs. 2800 on par with Ministerial Assistant. The Committee has observed that

this post has been filled by promotion from the category of Junior Assistant / Typist

and also by direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission and

equally placed with the post of Ministerial Assistant in the revised scale of pay at

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 based on the recommendations of Official

Committee, 2009. Subsequently, the scales of pay of the post of Junior Assistant,

Typist and its promotional post Assistant have been revised as Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 and Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 respectively. Though, the post of

Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies have been filled by promotion from the

post of Junior Assistant / Typist the revision of Grade Pay made to the post of

Assistant has not been extended to the post of Junior Inspector of Cooperative

Societies. Considering the above facts, the Committee finds justification to extend

the enhanced Grade Pay made to the post of Assistant to the post of Junior

Inspector of Cooperative Societies also. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Deputy Registrar of 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Cooperative Societies
2 Joint Registrar of Cooperative 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
3 Senior Inspector of 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4600
Cooperative Societies

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Cooperative Audit Department Officials Union and Tamil Nadu

Cooperative Audit Department Employees Association have requested to revise the scale of

pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs. 5100 on par with Tahsildar, Block

Development Officer and Inspector of Police as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance

(PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011. The Committee has observed that this post

has also been filled by transfer from the post of Cooperative Sub-Registrar and

earlier placed on an identical scale of pay. Considering the pay parity enjoyed by

Cooperative Audit Officer with the posts of Cooperative Sub-Registrar, the

Committee finds justification to extend the elevated scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 recommended to the Cooperative Sub-Registrar to this post.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100.


The Tamil Nadu Arasu Aluvalar Kazhagam has requested to revise the scale

of pay of this post as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with Ministerial

Assistant considering the pay parity with these posts in the pre-revised and revised

scales of pay. The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Audit Department Officials Association

has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4300 on par with Assistant Inspector of Local Fund Audit. The Committee

has observed that this post has been filled by recruitment by transfer from among the

holders of the post of Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies or by direct

recruitment or by transfer from among the posts of Junior Assistant / Typist and

equally placed with the post of Ministerial Assistant in the revised scale of pay at

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 based on the recommendations of Official

Committee, 2009. Subsequently, the scale of pay of the post of Assistant has been

revised as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs. 2800 and this revision of pay has not been

extended to the post of Junior Cooperative Auditor in Cooperative Department.

Considering the above facts, the Committee finds justification to extend the revision

of scale of pay made to the post of Assistant also to the post of Junior Cooperative

Auditor. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this

post as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Joint Director of Co-operative 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
2. Assistant Director of 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Co-operative Audit
3. Senior Co-operative Auditor 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4600

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




The Tamil Nadu Government Collegiate Computer Programmers Association,

Collegiate Education Laboratory Assistants Association, Tvl. V. Jeyaprakasam,

M. Arulselvam, A. Balamurugan, and other individuals holding the post of Assistant

Programmer in various Government Arts and Science Colleges have requested the


(i) To modify / cancel the orders issued in respect of re-designation of the

post of Laboratory Assistant, Programming Assistant, Programmer in Computer wing

/ Computer Science Department as Assistant Programmer and issue suitable orders

by designating them as Programmer and to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 in the light of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.339,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010.

(ii) Suitable orders may be issued by giving Pay / Service protection to them

as per the orders issued in the abovesaid Government order dated: 26—8—2010 so

as to continue in the post of Programmer with the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4600.

(iii) Considering the qualification acquired by them and the services rendered

(nearly 20 years) in this post Career Advancement may be granted to this post.

(iv) Based on the orders of University Grants Commission, the post of

Programmer may be designated as Assistant Professor and granted University

Grants Commission scales of pay from their date of appointment.

(v) To issue an additional fitment table for fixation of pay of the employees

who have attained Selection Grade / Special Grade prior to 1-1-2006 consequent on

the revision of pay made to the Ordinary Grade Scale of pay from one Pay Band to

another Pay Band with effect from 1-1-2006 as there is anomaly in the pay fixed

between the Selection Grade and Ordinary Grade holders of the same post.

It is noticed that the Government has started Post Graduate and Degree

Computer course in various Government Colleges in the year 1990—91.

Accordingly, sanction was accorded for the creation of Programmer in the cadre of

Laboratory Assistant and allowed the scale of pay of Rs.825—1200 / Rs.950—

1500. This post is neither governed by University Grants Commission (UGC)

norms nor by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) norms but comes

under the Tamil Nadu State General Subordinate Service. The educational

qualification prescribed for this post is B.Sc. Computer Science (or) B.Sc. Maths or

Physics or Statistics as main subject with one year certificate course in Computer

Application in a recognized college /Institute (or) Diploma in Computer Science from

recognized Polytechnic. The Official Committee, 2009 has granted the revised scale

of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to this post as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.3050—4590.

Subsequently, the Tamil Nadu Government Collegiate Computer

Programmers Association and other individuals holding the posts of Laboratory

Assistant, Programming Assistant, Programmer in Computer wing/ Computer

Science Department in Government Arts and Science Colleges made representation

to the One Man Commission, 2010 to fix their scale of pay as Rs.5900—9900 in the

pre-revised scale with corresponding revised scale of pay on par with similar posts in

Government department and re-designate the post as “Computer Programmer”. The

Commission has observed that originally the post of Programmer was created in the

cadre of Laboratory Assistant by direct recruitment with B.Sc. Computer Science (or)

B.Sc., Maths or Physics or Statistics as main subject plus one year certificate

course or diploma in Computer Application. The Commission has considered the

qualification and nature of work and job responsibilities attached to this post and

recommended higher scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 by

re-designating the post as “Assistant Programmer”.

Now, representations have been made before the Committee stating that the

post of Programmer in Collegiate Education has been re-designated as Assistant

Programmer and granted the scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 vide -

G.O.Ms.No.271, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010. However,

among others orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.339, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26—8—2010 rationalising the scales of pay of Information

Technology Employees fixing the scale of pay of the category of Programmer as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Though the post of Programmer in Collegiate

Education comes under Information Technology employees category, incumbents

are unable to get the benefit of higher scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.4600 consequent on the re-designation of the post of Programmer in Collegiate

Education as Assistant Programmer. Therefore, it has been requested to modify or

cancel the orders issued in respect of re-designation of the post of Laboratory

Assistant, Programming Assistant, Programmer in Computer wing / Computer

Science Department as Assistant Programmer and suitable orders may be issued by

designating them as Programmer and revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 in the light of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.339,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010.

In this connection, the Director, Collegiate Education has categorically stated

that the employees appointed to a particular post it is enough to obtain the


qualification prescribed to that post. The qualification prescribed for the Information

Technology category and its nomenclature ordered in the above said Government

order is in order. As per the said Government order the qualification prescribed for

the post of Programmer is M.C.A. or Master Degree in Science (Information

Technology / Computer Science) and placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Further, only by virtue of acquiring higher

qualification than the prescribed one by the incumbents and pointing out

re-designation of the post of Programmer as Assistant Programmer and citing it as

downgradation is not agreeable. The Information Technology posts (viz. Laboratory

Assistant, Programming Assistant, Programmer in Computer wing / Computer

Science Department) in Collegiate Education Department has since been rightly

rationalized as Assistant Programmer, therefore further re-designation of the post as

Programmer need not be considered and the existing nomenclature “Assistant

Programmer” may be continued.

The Committee finds that the pre-revised scale of pay (Rs.3050—4590) granted

to the post of Programmer (in the cadre of Laboratory Assistant) in Computer wing /

Computer Science Department of Collegiate Education does not find place in the

erstwhile Information Technology posts viz. Data Entry Operator, Assistant

Programmer, Programmer etc. mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.339, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26—8—2010. The qualification prescribed to the post of

Programmer is higher than the post of Assistant Programmer as pointed out by the

Director of Collegiate Education. Hence, the request of the Association demanding

higher scale of pay granted to the post of Programmer citing the protection ordered

in the said Government order is not appropriate. Further, granting University Grants

Commission scales of pay / Career Advancement does not come under the purview

of this Committee. However, it is noticed that these employees have repeatedly

representing to Government under Right to Information Act to revise their scale of

pay as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 by arguing with the report copy of One

Man Commission, 2010, the Committee observed as the post is filled by direct

recruitment and the qualification prescribed is B.Sc. Computer Science (or) B.Sc.,

Maths or Physics or Statistics as main subject plus one year certificate course or

diploma in Computer Application which fulfills the qualification prescribed to the post

of Assistant Programmer ordered in G.O.Ms.No.339, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26—8—2010. Therefore, the Committee finds justification to place the post of

Assistant Programmer in Collegiate Education on par with the Assistant

Programmers classified in the above Government order. The Committee accordingly

recommends that the scale of pay of Assistant Programmers in Collegiate Education

Department be revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to Rs.9300—34800

+ G.P. Rs.4400 on par with the Assistant Programmer under Information Technology


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Assistant Director / Bursar 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
2. Laboratory Assistants/ 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4600
Herbarium Keeper/ (or) 4400 (or) 4200
Museum Keeper
3. Librarian 15600--39100 + 5400 To grant UGC scale of pay

4. Library Attender 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4200

for Selection Grade
5. Physical Training Instructor 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
6. Store Keeper 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400 /
(Re-designate as Assistant
Deputy Instructor)
7. Skilled Assistant Grade-I / 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4400
Mechanic Grade-I (re-designate as Technician
Grade-I (or) Instrument
Technician Grade-I)
8. Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5100
9. Assistant 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4600
10. Junior Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
11. Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4200 AICTE scale of pay/
15600--39100 + 5100
& to re-designate as
Foreman Training Instructor
12. Special Artisan 5200--20200 + 2800 AICTE scale of pay/
9300--34800 + 4400
& to re-designate as
Training Instructor
13. Skilled Assistant Grade-II 5200--20200 + 2000 AICTE scale of pay and to
re-designate as Junior
Training Instructor
14. Unskilled Assistant 5200--20200 + 1900 To re-designate as
Workshop Attendant

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Tamil Nadu Drug Control Officers Association has requested to revise the

scale of pay of this post on par with Assistant Engineers in Public Works

Department. The individuals holding the post of Drug Inspector in Drugs Control

Department have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.16150—

42590 on par with their similar post in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The Committee

has observed that this post has been placed in the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500—11100 and placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009.

Subsequently, the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the

upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 on par with similar post in Government of

India. The Committee is of the view that it would be appropriate that the categories

which were already placed at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs. 4900 corresponding to the

upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 be elevated to a higher Grade Pay of

Rs.5100 in the same Pay Band. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of Drug Inspector from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Government Analyst 15600--39100 + 7600 37400-67000 + 8700
2 Deputy Government Analyst 15600--39100 + 5700 15600-39100 + 7600
3 Senior Analyst 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
4 Junior Analyst 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
5 Technician Grade—I 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
6 Technician Grade—II 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
7 Laboratory Attender 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900
8 Plumber 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2600

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Statistics Officers Association have requested to

enhance the Grade Pay of the post of Additional Director from Rs.37400—67000 +

G.P. Rs. 8700 to Rs.37400-- 67000+ G.P. Rs. 8800 on par with similar posts in other

departments like Health, School Education, Rural Development and Animal

Husbandry. It may be stated that the post of Additional Director in most of the

departments including School Education / Government Data Centre / Medical

Education and Public Health and Preventive Medicine Departments were placed on

a higher scale of pay Rs.2750—3650 / Rs.4500—5700 / Rs.15000—18600 than the

Addl. Directors in Economics and Statistics (Rs.2500—3375 / Rs.4100—5300 /

Rs.14300—18300). However, the Official Committee, 2009 have placed these

categories in the Pay Band-4 in the revised scale of pay of Rs.37400—67000 + G.P.

Rs. 8700 and Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs. 8800 respectively. Further, the post of

Additional Director in Economics and Statistics Department is the second level post

and only two posts are in existence. It is noticed that the One Man Commission,

2010 has recommended to revise the scale of pay of Additional Director in Geology

and Mining Department from Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs. 8700 to Rs.37400--67000

+ G.P. Rs. 8800. In order to maintain parity with the other Additional Directors, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Additional Director, in

Economics and Statistics Department from Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 to

Rs.37400-- 67000+ G.P. Rs. 8800.



Tamil Nadu Government Statistics Subordinate Officers Union have

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs. 5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with Assistant under

Common category. This post is filled by direct recruitment or by transfer from the

post of Junior Assistant and Typist. The Official Committee 2009 has placed this post

in the revised scale of pay of on par with Assistant at Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400. Subsequently, the scale of pay of the post of Assistant under

Common category has been revised as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.

Considering the pay parity with the post of Assistant, the Committee recommends to

extend the above upgraded scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to the

post of Assistant Statistical Investigator.


The individuals holding the posts of Senior Machine Operator / Punch

Supervisor have requested to revise their scale of pay from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 on par with Console Operator in

Forest Department. It is observed that the nature of work of these posts are

preparing and supervising of Datas on various subjects by using computers so as

to get accuracy in datas. Considering the identical nature of work and the higher

Grade Pay granted to the similar post viz. Console Operator in Forest Department,

the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of the posts of Senior

Machine Operator / Punch Supervisor on par with Console Operator in Forest

Department. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of


Machine Operator / Punch Supervisor from Rs. 9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to

Rs. 9300—34800 + Grade pay Rs.4400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

2 Statistical Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100

3 Statistical Inspector 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800

4 Punch Operator / Verified
Operator / Machine 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Revised Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Assistant Director
(Employment Wing) /
1 15600-39100 + 5400 15600-39100 + 6600
(Training Wing ) / Principal
of ITI./Vice Principal
Deputy Director
2 (Employment and Training 15600-39100 + 6600 15600-39100 + 7600
Assistant Training Officer /
3 9300-34800 + 4400 9300-34800 + 4800
Purchase Assistant
4 Junior Training Officer 9300-34800 + 4200 9300-34800 + 4700

5 Auditor 9300-34800 + 4300 9300-34800 + 4800

Hostel Superintendent /
6 9300-34800 + 4200 9300-34800 + 4800
Physical Training Officer
Training Officer / Technical
Assistant / Assistant
7 9300-34800 + 4700 15600-39100 + 6600
Apprenticeship Adviser in
Government ITI
8 Workshop Assistant 5200-20200 + 1900 5200-20200 + 2800

9 Store Assistant 5200-20200 + 1900 5200-20200 + 2800

10 Accountant (Security) 5200-20200 + 2800 9300-34800 + 4200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Thiru. Rajkumar, Electrical Draughtsman has requested to revise the scale of

pay from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay of

Rs.4200 on par with Tester. Though, the post of Electrical Draughtsman has been

placed on the scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800, the request of the

individual is to revise his scale of pay as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 in terms

of G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--08--2010 as Supervisor on

par with the diploma holders. Considering the diploma qualification prescribed for

this post the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of

Electrical Draughtsman from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade pay Rs.4200.



Engineers of Electrical Inspectorate have requested to revise the scale of pay

of the post of Junior Electrical Inspector as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par

with Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department considering the qualification

prescribed for this post viz. Degree in Engineering. The posts of Junior Electrical

Inspector and Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department were identically

placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.

Subsequently, higher scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 has been

granted to the post of Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department and same has

been downgraded as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms. No. 71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011. Similarly, the scale of pay of Junior

Electrical Inspector which was revised on par with Assistant Engineers was also

brought down in the abovesaid Government Order. The Committee has reviewed the

orders issued in G.O. Ms. No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--02--2011

elsewhere and recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer & other

equivalent posts appropriately in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band—3 as in

Government of India. Therefore, the Committee finds it appropriate to place the post

of Junior Electrical Inspector in Pay Band--2 with an enhanced Grade Pay. The

Committee accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.The Committee also endorses the decision of

Government to place the posts of Electrical Inspector and Assistant Electrical

Inspector appropriately in the scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 respectively on par with Executive Engineer and

Assistant Executive Engineer in Public Works Department as ordered in G.O. Ms.

No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—02—2011.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Administrative Officer and
1 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Chief Accountant
2 Chief Electrical Inspector 37400--67000 + 9500 37400-67000+ 12000
3 Senior Electrical Inspector 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 9500
4 Foreman 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100
5 Office Assistant / Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 Enhanced Pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Research Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600

2 Senior Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Station Fire Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 5400

2 Assistant Station Fire Officer 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200

3 Leading Fireman 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

4 Driver Mechanic 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

Selection Grade Fireman
5 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Forest Staff Association has requested to revise the scale of pay

of this post as Rs.15600--39100 + GP 6600 above the level of the posts like

Tahsildar, Block Development Officer and Inspector of Police. The Retired Forest

Officers Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 and certain individuals holding this post have

requested to implement the G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--02—2011 so as to avail the scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100

granted to this post. The Committee has reviewed the orders issued in

G.O. Ms. No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--02--2011 elsewhere and

recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer and other equivalent posts

appropriately in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band--3 with an enhanced Grade Pay

of Rs.5100. Therefore, the Committee finds it appropriate to place the post of Forest

Rangers who have been granted the enhanced revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800+ G.P. Rs.4900 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 on

par with the promotional posts to Superintendents. The Committee, accordingly

recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of Forest Ranger as Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 plus Rs.1000/- p.m. as Special Allowance for their arduous

nature of work.


Tamil Nadu Forest Department Office Staff Association/ Tamil Nadu

Draughtsmen’s Association (Forest Branch) have requested to revise the Scale of

Pay of the post of Junior Draughting Officer from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay

Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 on par with their counterparts in


Technical Education Department. It is observed that the post of Junior Draughting

Officer in Technical Education Department has been revised from Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission,2010. Hence the Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with similar post in Technical Education and

accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of Junior Draughting Officer in

Forest Department from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade pay Rs.4200.


The Tamil Nadu Draughtsman Association (Forest Branch) has requested to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with their counterparts in Survey

Department. It is noticed that the scale of pay of the post of Assistant Draughtsman

has been revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200 + 20200 +

Grade pay Rs.2400. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay

of Assistant Draughtsman from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200-

20200 + Grade pay Rs.2400 on par with their counterparts in Survey Department.


Thiru M. Marudhappan, Legal Officer of Forest Department has requested to

place this post in the Pay Band—3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 on par with

Law Officer in Technical Education Department or at Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 as it is a promotional post to Section Officer of Law Department. The

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests has also recommended to revise the scale of

pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600. The Committee has observed

that the next level promotion of the post of Section Officer in Secretariat is Under

Secretary to Government, which is placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600. Hence, the Committee finds that it is appropriate to upgrade

this post on par with Under Secretary to Government in the revised scale of pay on a

person-oriented basis since it is a single post. Therefore, the Committee

recommends that the request of the individual may be decided at Government level.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Social Scientist 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
2 Deputy Conservator of Forests 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
3 Forest Guard 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4500
and re-designated as
Beat Forest Officer
4 Forest Watcher 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2800
and re-designated as
Assistant Beat Forest
5 Forest Malis 4800--10000 + 1400 4800--10000 + 1650
6 Statistical Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600-39100 + 5100
7 Statistical Inspector 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800
+ 500 Personal Pay
8 Assistant Programmer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100
(re-designated as Programmer)
9 Head Draughting Officer 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 6600
10 Special Grade Draughting 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
11 Senior Draughting Officer 9300--34800 + 4900 15600--39100 + 5400

12 Draughting Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900

13 Console Operator 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800

14 Plot Watchers 2500--5000 + 500 4800--10000 + 1650
(Thota Kavalar)
15 Private Secretary to Chief 9300—34800 + 4800 Higher than Ministerial
Conservator of Forest Superintendent.
16 Wireless Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
17. Forester 9300—34800 + 4400 9300—34800 + 4800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues
relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational
qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to
the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external
pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Tamil Nadu Fisheries Officers Association has requested to retain the

pay scale of Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.450,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 31.12.2010. It is observed that this post has

been originally placed in the Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 as

against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.12000—16500 which has been

subsequently placed in an elevated Pay Band-4 at Rs.37400—67000 +

G.P. Rs.8700 and then downgraded to the original level of pay scale of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated

26.02.2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the

implementation of the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated

26.02.2011 only to Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire Government

Order and concluded that placing the Joint Director of Fisheries in Pay Band-4 may

not be appropriate and in deviation to the corresponding pay scale in Government of

India. Accordingly, the Committee endorses to retain the original pay scale of

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 as recommended by the Official Committee, 2009

and as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26—02--2011. Likewise the Committee also recommends to place the post of

Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Fisheries in the appropriate revised scales

of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400

respectively as originally recommended by the Official Committee duly endorsing the

orders issued by Government uniformly on par with the Deputy Directors / Assistant

Directors in other Government Departments.



Tamil Nadu Fisheries Officers Association has requested to retain the scale of

pay of these posts as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in

G.O.Ms.No.450, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 31-12-2010 which has been

subsequently downgraded as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 vide

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011. The

Committee has reviewed the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26--02--2011 and elsewhere recommended to place the post

of Assistant Engineer and other equivalent posts such as Agricultural Officer in

Agricultural Department in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band—3 with a Grade Pay of

Rs.5100. The Committee finds it appropriate to place the Inspector of Fisheries /

Research Assistant in Pay Band-- 2 with an enhanced Grade Pay. The Committee,

accordingly recommends to place the post of Inspector of Fisheries / Research

Assistant in the scale of pay of as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Thirunelveli District Boat Drivers Association has requested to revise the scale

of pay of the post of Boat Drivers from Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with Light Motor Vehicle Drivers as

they were placed equally with them from the Fourth Pay Commission scales of pay.

The Boat Drivers in Fisheries Department were placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.3200—4900 on par with Light Motor Vehicle Drivers. Subsequently, the scale of

pay of Drivers in all departments were revised as Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay

Rs.2400 in G.O.Ms.No.65 Finance (PC) Department, dated:26-2-2011) notionally

with effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from 1-3-2011. This revision has not

been extended to the post of Boat Drivers which is merely an omission. Hence, the

Committee recommends to place the post of Boat Driver in Fisheries Department on

par with other Drivers and to revise their scale of pay from Rs.5200—20200 + Grade

Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Fishery Overseer Grade—I 5200--20200 + 2200 5200--20200 + 2800
2 Fishery Overseer Grade—II 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2800
3 Fishery Guard 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2000
4 Fisherman 4800-10000 + 1400 5200 -20200 + 2000

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


(erstwhile Scientific Assistant Grade—I)

Forensic Scientists and Technical Staff Association and individuals have

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 on par with the post of Assistant Manager in Vigilance Anti Corruption

Department or at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with the posts of

Tahsildar / Block Development Officer / Inspector of Police / Forest Ranger. The

Committee has observed that the scale of pay of this post (erstwhile Scientific

Assistant Grade-I) has been revised as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against

the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500 by the Official Committee, 2009.

Subsequently, based on One Man Commission, 2010 recommendations the scale of

pay of this post has been revised as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 considering

the P.G. qualification and higher job responsibility. Comparison with the post of

Assistant Manager in Vigilance Anti Corruption Department is not appropriate.

However, considering the revised scale of pay granted corresponding to the

upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500--12000 there is justification to place

this post a level above the Superintendents and on par with their promotional posts

and on par with the Tahsildars, Block Development Officers in Pay Band—2 instead

of Pay Band—3 with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Scientific Officer in Forensic

Science Department from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100.


(erstwhile Scientific Assistant Grade—II)

Forensic Scientists and Technical Staff Association and individuals have

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800

as this post has been all along placed on a higher scale of pay than Ministerial

Superintendent. As the Committee has recommended to place the promotion post

viz. Scientific Officer one level above the Superintendents, the Committee finds

justification to place this post in the level of Superintendents. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Junior Scientific Officer to the

level of Superintendents from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800.


Forensic Sciences Department Technicians and Laboratory Assistants

Welfare Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of Technician from

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with

their Laboratory Technician, Grade-II in Medical Education and Rural Health

Services Department. Considering the qualification, method of recruitment of this

post comparison made by the association with the post of Laboratory Technician

Grade-II is not appropriate. However, the Committee finds justification to place this

post one level above the post of Laboratory Assistants (Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400) in other departments. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of the post of Technician from Rs.5200 — 20200 + Grade

Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200 — 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2600.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000+8700
2. Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100+7600
3. Assistant Director 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100+6600
4. Scientific Assistant (Photo) 9300 -- 34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
5. Technical Stores Superintendent 9300 -- 34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
6. Photographer 9300 -- 34800 + 4200 9300--34800+ 4500
7. Technical Assistant, 5200 -- 20200 + 2800 15600--39100+5400
Technical Assistant (Gas Plant)
8. Librarian 5200 -- 20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Assistant Geologists of Geology and Mining Department have requested to

revise the scale of pay of the post of Assistant Geologist on par with Assistant

Engineers in Public Works Department and to restore the pay parity that existed prior

to the revision made to Assistant Engineer based on One Man Commission

recommendations. It is observed that the post of Assistant Geologists were placed

on par with that of Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department prior to the

revision of scale of pay made by the One Man Commission as Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400. Considering the qualification of P.G. Degree in Geology, there is

justification to restore the parity by extending the scale of pay now recommended by

the Committee to the Assistant Engineer in Pay Band –2 instead of Pay Band—3.

Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with

Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

2 Drilling Engineer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600

3 Sub-Inspector of Survey 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Government Data Centre Employees Association / Tamil Nadu Government

Officials Association and seven other individual petitioners have requested to

re-designate this post (Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600) as Senior Superintendent

and revise the Grade Pay of this post as Rs.4900 on par with the Senior

Superintendent of Treasuries and Accounts Department on the grounds that they

were drawn from Treasuries and Accounts Service originally. The Commissioner,

Government Data Centre has also recommended the request of the Association. It is

noticed from the adhoc rules that this post is also filled by transfer from among the

holders of the posts of Sub-Treasury Officer, Grade-I, Assistant Treasury Officers

and Accountant Grade-I from the Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate

Service. As the scale of pay of Assistant Treasury Officer / Sub-Treasury Officer

Grade--I in Treasuries and Accounts Department has been revised as Rs.9300-

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 based on One Man Commission, 2010

recommendation, this Committee finds justification to place this post in the revised

scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100 on par with the promotional

posts of Superintendents and with equivalent posts in Treasuries and Accounts

Department. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the

post of Supervisor Grade-I from Rs.9300-- 34800 + Grade pay Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100 without any change in the existing nomenclature.


The Government Data Centre Employees Association / Tamil Nadu

Government Officials Association and seven other individual petitioners have

requested to re-designate this post (Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300) as


Superintendent and to revise the Grade Pay of the post from Rs. 4300 to Rs.4800 on

par with the Superintendent of Treasuries and Accounts Department on the grounds

that they were drawn from Treasuries & Accounts Service originally. The

Commissioner, Government Data Centre has also recommended the request of the

Association. It is noticed from the adhoc rules that the post of Supervisor, Grade-II

is filled by promotion from among the holders of the post of Assistant in the

Government Data Centre or by transfer from the holders of the post of

Sub – Treasury Officer Grade-II in Treasuries and Accounts Service. Further this

post was placed on par with Superintendents in the pre-revised scales as that of the

Welfare Organisers in Ex-Serviceman Welfare Board. The Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with Ministerial Superintendent with effect from

12—12--2007, as the feeder category and promotional posts are similar. Hence,

this Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Supervisor Grade-II from

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 on

par with Ministerial Superintendents notionally with effect from 12--12--2007 with

monetary benefit as decided for other categories.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Assistant Director 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
2 Assistant Programmer 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
3 Senior Console Operator 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
4 Console Operator 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
5 Co-ordinator 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
6 Machine Supervisor 9300-34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The individuals holding the post of Manager in Government Litigation has

requested to revise their scale of pay at Rs.15600—34800 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par

with Section Officer in Tamil Nadu Secretariat. The Committee has noticed that this

post has been placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900

as against the higher pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 and as the

Committee has recommended elsewhere to elevate the scale of pay of the

categories which were already placed at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900

(promotional posts to the Superintendents) corresponding to the upgraded scale of

pay of Rs.7500—12000 as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100, there is justification

to extend the same pay scale to the Office Managers on par with the promotional

posts of Superintendents. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the

scale of pay of Manager in Government Litigation Department from Rs.9300--34800

+ G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.



There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Revised Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Regional Secretary / Additional
Secretary to Director / Personal
Assistant to Director / Custodian 15600—39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
of Mark Registers/Liaison Officer + Rs.500 Personal pay

To fix the Minimum of

2 Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 Rs.7000 (5200 + 1800)
in the Scale of pay of
5200-20200 + 1800
To fix the Minimum of
3 Office Assistant 4800-10000 + 1300 Rs.7000 (5200 + 1800)
in the Scale of pay of
5200-20200 + 1800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Director of Handlooms and Textiles has requested to revise the scale of

pay of Handloom Inspectors from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 on par with the post of Senior Inspectors in

Cooperation Department. It is observed that the Handloom Inspector was placed on

par with Senior Inspector of Cooperative Societies at Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay

Rs.4200 based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009 notionally with

effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit from 1--1--2007. Subsequently based

on the recommendations of One Man Commission,2010 the scale of pay of the post

of Senior Inspector of Cooperatives has been revised from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade

Pay Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 notionally with effect from

1--1--2006 with monetary benefit from 1--8--2010. However the above revision has

not been extended to the Handloom Inspectors by the One Man Commission, 2010.

Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Handloom

Inspector in Handlooms Department from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 on par with Senior Inspectors of Cooperative



The Handlooms Officers of Handlooms and Textiles Department have

requested to revise the scale of pay of Handloom Officers from Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay of Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4900 on par with

Cooperative Sub-Registrars in Cooperation Department. It may be stated that the

post of Handloom Officer has been granted the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary

benefit from 1--1--2007 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5900—9900 as

that of the Cooperative Sub-Registrar. The post of Handloom Officer has been filled

by promotion from the post of Handloom Inspector or recruitment by transfer from

among the holders of Cooperative Sub-Registrar under Tamil Nadu Cooperative

Subordinate Service. Based on the One Man Commission, 2010 recommendations

the scale of pay of the post of Cooperative Sub-Registrars in Cooperation

Department has been revised from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with

monetary benefit from 1--8--2010. Considering the fact that, the Handloom Officers

were placed one level above Ministerial Superintendents originally, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of Handloom Officer from

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 to

the level of Superintendents.


The Director of Handlooms and Textiles has requested to revise the scale of

pay of Textile Control Officer from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.15600 —

39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with that of Tahsildars and Inspector of Police. As the

post of Textile Control Officer is a promotional post of Handloom Officer for which

the scale of pay has been recommended to be revised as Rs.9300--34800 + Grade

Pay Rs.4900, the Committee finds justification to place this post one level above its

feeder category. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay

of Textile Control Officer from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following category as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said post and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scale of pay is not warranted.




The Committee has observed that the scale of pay of Horticulture Officer has

been revised upward based on the equation made with the Agricultural Officers in

the Agriculture Department. As the Committee has recommended to place the

Agricultural Officers in Pay Band – 2 elsewhere, it would be appropriate to place the

post of Horticulture Officer also similarly in Pay Band-2 at Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100 as recommended to the Agricultural Officers in Agriculture

Department. Likewise, the Committee also endorses the restoration of the pay

scales to its original level made to the posts of Assistant Director, Deputy Director

and Joint Director of Horticulture as recommended by the Official Committee, 2009

and rightly placed in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011

on par with similar posts in other departments.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Deputy Director
1 (Administration) 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600

2 Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to


the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department

Gazetted Officers Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of the post

of Additional Commissioner from Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 to Rs.37400--

67000 + G.P. Rs.8900. It is noticed that the One Man Commission has placed the

Additional Director of Industries and Commerce on par with the Additional Director of

Geology and Mining for which the scale of pay has been revised as Rs.37400--

67000 + Grade Pay Rs.8800. Hence, on the same analogy, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of Additional Commissioner of Hindu Religious

and Charitable Endowment Department be revised from Rs.37400—67000 +

G.P. Rs.8700 to Rs.37400-67000 + Grade Pay Rs.8800 on par with other Additional



Tamil Nadu Thirukoil Nirvaga Athigarigal Sangam and various individuals

have requested to place the post of Executive Officer Grade—I on par with

Agricultural Officer / Tahsildar / Block Development Officer at Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 on the grounds that they were similarly placed in the pre-revised scale

of pay and having B.L. qualification. It is observed that this post has been placed in

the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—10500 which has been subsequently

upgraded as Rs.7500—12000 on par with the promotional posts of Ministerial

Superintendents. The Committee finds it appropriate to extend the pay scale

recommended to promotional posts to Superintendent also to this post. Accordingly,

the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.



Tamil Nadu Thirukoil Nirvaga Athigarigal Sangam has requested to revise the

scale of pay of the post of Executive Officer Grade--III from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with Assistant as the duties and

responsibilities are parallel and complimentary to Assistant. Considering the revision

granted to the Ministerial Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800, the Committee recommends that the scale

of pay of the post of Executive Officer Grade-III may be revised from Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with

Ministerial Assistants.


Tamil Nadu Thirukoil Nirvaga Athigarigal Sangam has requested to enhance

the scale of pay of the post of Executive Officer Grade--IV from Rs.5200--20200+

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistant as the

duties and responsibilities are parallel and complimentary to Junior Assistant. This

post was placed on par with Junior Assistant in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service.

Consequent on the subsequent revision of scale of pay granted to Junior Assistants

as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of the post of Executive Officer Grade-IV from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistants.


Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department Audit

Staff Association has requested to place this post in the Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600-

39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Administrative Officers of Sericulture Department /

Personal Assistant to Regional Transport Officer/Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade-I /


District Rehabilitation Officer for Disabled / Forest Rangers as the post of Assistant

Audit Officer were identically placed in the pre-revised scale of pay. Further the

Tamil Nadu H.R. & C.E Department Audit Staff Association has also requested to

place the post in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with

Assistant Commissioner of H.R. & C.E Department. It is observed that this post has

been placed in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.6500—10500 and upgraded as

Rs.7500—12000 on par with the promotional posts to the Superintendents. As the

Committee has recommended to enhance the Grade pay of these posts without any

change in the Pay Band with Grade Pay of Rs.5100, it is considered appropriate to

extend similar revision to the Assistant Audit Officer. The Committee accordingly,

recommends to revise the scale of pay of Assistant Audit Officer from Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Joint Commissioner 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
2. Deputy Commissioner 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7700
3. Assistant Commissioner 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
4. Superintendent (Inspector 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5300
/ Head Clerk / Manager)
5. Chief Auditor / Chief Audit 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8800
6. Deputy Chief Audit Officer 15600--39100 + 6600 37400--67000 + 8700
7. Regional Audit Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 7600
8. Audit Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4900
9. Audit Inspector 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
10. Gem Specialist 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 5100
11. Headmaster Archaka 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400
Training Institute

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Association of Tamil Nadu Highways Engineers has requested to place this

post in the scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with Head

Draughting Officer and some individuals holding the post of Assistant Engineer has

requested to retain the scale of pay of these posts as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.283, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--8--2010 which has been subsequently downgraded as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--02--2011. The Committee has reviewed the above said orders and elsewhere

recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department

and other equivalent posts such as Agricultural Officer in Agriculture Department in

Pay Band—2 with an enhanced Grade Pay. Therefore, the Committee finds it

appropriate to place these posts on par with their counterparts in Public Works

Department in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band--3 at Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100. The Committee also endorses the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.71,

Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011 in respect of Divisional Engineer

and Assistant Divisional Engineer placing these posts appropriately at Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 respectively.


Thiru Nageswaran, Geologist has requested to upgrade the post of Geologist

as Head Geologist and place the post in the Pay Band—3 at Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.7700 as he has no chances for promotion from the date of appointment. It

is observed that this post was granted pay parity with Assistant Engineers in the

pre-revised scale of pay. Hence, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay

recommended for Assistant Geologists in Geology and Mining is also applicable to

this post.


Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s Association / Tamil Nadu Highways Department

Draughting Officials Association/ Tamil Nadu Highways Officials Union have

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Senior Draughting Officer as

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with Assistant Engineer. Based on Official

Committee recommendations the scale of pay of Senior Draughting Officer has been

revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 corresponding to the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.6500—11100 on par with similar post in Public Works Department. The

One Man Commission,2010 has recommended for further revision of scale of pay of

this post as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 taking into account that this post has

already placed above the level of Ministerial Superintendent and on par with

Assistant Engineers. Subsequently, the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers in

various departments has been revised as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 and

then downgraded to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 G.O.Ms. No. 71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011. The Committee has reviewed the

above said orders and elsewhere recommended to place the post of Assistant

Engineer in Public Works Department and other equivalent posts in Pay Band—2

with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100. Therefore, the Committee finds justification

to place this post at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 restoring the parity that existed

on par with Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Senior Draughting Officer in

Highways and Forest Departments from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.



Tamil Nadu Highways Employees Association / Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s

Association / Tamil Nadu Highways Department Draughting Officials Association /

Tamil Nadu Highways Officials Union have requested to revise the scale of pay of

the post of Junior Draughting Officer from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with Junior Draughting Officer in Technical

Education Department. It is noticed that the post of Junior Draughting Officer in both

the Departments were in the same pre-revised scale of pay Rs.4500--7000 and

granted the corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay

Rs.2800. However, the One Man Commission 2010, has revised the pay scale of

Junior Draughting Officer / Technical Assistant / Draughtsman Grade--III in Technical

Education Department from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 considering the diploma qualification but has omitted to

extend similar revision to the post of Junior Draughting Officer in Highways

Department which is also having the same technical qualification. Hence, the

Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of Junior Draughting Officer

in Highways Department on par with Junior Draughting Officer in Technical

Education Department at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. Accordingly, the

Committee, recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200

+ Grade Pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 on par with their

counterparts in Technical Education Department and this revision pay may also be

made applicable uniformly to all Junior Draughting Officers in other Departments.


Tamil Nadu Assistant Draughtsmen Association and Thiru V. Ramasamy,

Assistant Draughtsman have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000/- to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with

Junior Assistant and other equivalent posts and Thiru A. Kalidoss, Assistant

Draughtsman (Special Grade) has requested to place this post in the Pay Band--2 at

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as he has no further promotional chances. It is

observed that this post was earlier placed in the revised scale of pay at the level of

Junior Assistants / Assistant Draughtsman in Survey Department at Rs.5200—20200

+ G.P. Rs.2000. Subsequently, the scale of pay of the posts of Junior Assistants /

Assistant Draughtsman in Survey Department has been revised as Rs.5200--20200

+ Grade Pay Rs.2400 omitting the category of Assistant Draughtsman in Highways

Department for such revision of pay. Hence, the Committee finds justification to

extend the benefit of scale revision to Assistant Draughtsman in Highways

Department. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Assistant Draughtsman in Highways Department from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay

Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400. The above revision may also be

extended to similar post in Public Works Department.


Highways Research Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

this post from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on

par with Assistant Engineer as both the posts had parity in the pre-revised pay

scale. Though this post was placed on par with Assistant Engineers in the pre-

revised scales of pay, they cannot be equated with Assistant Engineers who are

Professional Degree holders. However, the posts in the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500--11100 including the promotional posts to Superintendents were upgraded

and placed at Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100 as against a higher pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.7500--12000. Therefore, the Committee finds justification to


extend similar revision of pay scale to this post also. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade

Pay Rs.4700 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100.


Highways Research Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

this post from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to Pay Band–3 Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 and Thiru V. Sakthivel, Photo Expert has also requested to upgrade

the post as Chief Cameraman and to place the post in the scale of pay of Rs.15600-

-39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as this post was similarly placed with the Cameraman,

Sound Engineer of Film Division before Fourth Tamil Nadu Pay Commission. The

request of the Association, to place this post at Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay

Rs.5400 on par with Group-I Officers like Deputy Collector / Deputy Superintendent

of Police / Assistant Director of Panchayat Raj does not merit consideration.

However, it is noticed that Diploma in Cinematography and Sound Engineering or

Diploma in Cinematography awarded by the Institute of Film Technology Madras is

the prescribed qualification to this post. Considering the similarity in the qualification

and nature of duties and responsibilities between the post of Cameraman in Tamil

Nadu Film Division and Information & Public Relations, the Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with similar posts. As this is a solitary post, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300--34800

+ Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 duly re-designating

the post as Cameraman.


Highways Research Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200.


Considering the qualification prescribed to this post, the Committee finds it

appropriate that the revision of scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400

made to Laboratory Assistant in other departments may be extended to this post.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Laboratory

Assistant from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Highways Accountants and Audit Officials Association,

Tmt. A.S. Vijayakumari, Accounts Officer and other individuals have requested to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 to

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 on par with Divisional Engineers as both the posts

were placed identical in pre-revised scales of pay. The Accounts Officers cannot

claim pay parity with the Engineering Graduates and in as much as the scale of pay

of the Divisional Engineers have been restored to its original level by the

Government at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600, the Committee finds no

justification in their request regarding revision of scale of pay. However, the

Committee recommends to re-designate this post as Chief Accounts Officer so as to

maintain uniformity in the nomenclature among similar post in other departments

without any change in the existing scale of pay.


Tmt. R. Kavitha, Deputy Accounts Officer and four other individuals have

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.15600--39100 + G.P.

Rs.5400 to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with Assistant Divisional

Engineers. Considering the hierarchical set up of this post, the Committee finds that

comparison with Engineering Graduates is not appropriate and doest not merit

consideration. Consequent on the recommendation made by the Committee to


re-designate the promotion post viz. Accounts Officer in Highways Department as

Chief Accounts Officer, there is justification to re-designate the post of Deputy

Accounts Officer as Accounts Officer without any change in the existing scale of pay

to maintain a uniform hierarchy under the Accounts side.


Tamil Nadu Highways Accountants and Audit Officials Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 on par with Assistant Inspector of Local

Fund Audit and similar posts in other departments. The Director General of

Highways Department has also brought to the notice of the Committee that this post

has earlier been placed at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Assistant in

Ministerial Service and the scale of pay of Assistant in Ministerial Service has been

subsequently revised as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 and such revision has not

been extended to this post. Therefore, it has been requested to state the

applicability of the revised scale of pay to this post. The Committee has considered

the method of recruitment of the post of Audit Assistant in Highways Department

and the pay parity enjoyed with the post of Assistant in Tamil Nadu Ministerial

Service and recommends to revise the scale of pay of Audit Assistants from

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.


Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s Association and Diploma Engineers Council,

Tamil Nadu and some other individuals holding this post have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 on par with

Executive Engineer. It is observed that this post has been placed in the revised

scale of pay at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 as against the pre-revised scale of


pay Rs.9100--14050 which has been subsequently revised as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 and

then downgraded to original level of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700. However,

the Head Draughting Officers continue to draw the higher pay scale of Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 due to the ‘Interim Stay’ granted by the Hon’ble High Court in

the Writ Petition filed by the Tamil Nadu Draughting Officers Association. As the

Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the implementation of the

G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26--02--2011 only to the

Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order and

concluded that placing these posts at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with

Executive Engineers of Public Works Department may not be appropriate.

Accordingly, the Committee endorses the original pay scale of Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5700 as recommended by the Official Committee and as rightly ordered in

G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26.02.2011. The Committee

also recommends to the Government to take necessary steps to vacate the ‘Interim

Stay’ granted by Hon’ble High Court so as to implement the scale of pay

recommended to the Head Draughting Officers as above.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Engineer-in-Chief / Chief Engineer 37400--67000 + 9500 37400--67000+12000
2. Superintending Engineer 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000+ 9500
3. Junior Engineer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 4800
4. Road Inspector Grade—I 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
(or) 4200
5. Road Inspector Grade—II 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
6. Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
7. Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
8. Assistant 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4600
(or) 4200
9. Junior Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
(or) 3000

10. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400

11. Office Assistant and other Basic 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900
Servants (or) 2500
12. Chief Personnel Officer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
13. Special Grade Draughting Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
14. Draughting Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 5400
(or) 4900
15. Scientific Assistant 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100
16. Field Assistant 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4900
17. Laboratory Attender 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2200
18. Photostat Operator 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4500
19. Photostat Assistant 4800--10000 + 1650 9300--34800 + 4200
20. Boring Assistant 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4700
21. Gang Mazdoor 4800--10000 + 1300 4800--10000 + 1900
22. Divisional Accountant 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400
(or) 6600
23. Audit Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400
24. M.I Maistry 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2000
25. Road Workers 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Tamil Nadu Factory Inspectors’ Association has requested to retain the

scale of pay of the post of Assistant Inspector of Factories as Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in GO.Ms.No.290, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--8--2010 and which has been downgraded Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100

Vide GO.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--2--2011 and to

re-designate this post as Inspector of Factories. The Committee is of the view that

the existing nomenclature of the post is appropriate. Further, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100

recommended to Assistant Engineers under Public Works Department may be made

applicable to this post also with no change in the existing nomenclature.



The Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories and Inspector of Factories have

requested to restore the higher scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600

respectively granted based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010

and as ordered in G.O. Ms. No. 290, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26-08-2010. It is observed that the post of Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories and

Inspector of Factories have been placed in the Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.10000--15200 and Rs.8000--13500 respectively which has been

subsequently revised as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 and Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 respectively and then restored to the original level pay scale of

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 in G.O.Ms.No.71,


Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26-2-2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted

‘Interim Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department,

dated: 26—2--2011 only to the Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire

Government Order and concluded that placing the Deputy Chief Inspector of

Factories in the pay scale of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 may not be

appropriate and that the Executive Engineers in Public Works Department have also

been brought down to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and accordingly endorses to

retain the original pay scale recommended by the Official Committee in Pay Band-3

at Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26—2--2011. Likewise the Committee also recommends to

place the post of Inspector of Factories in the appropriate revised scales of pay of

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with the Assistant Executive Engineers in

the Public Works Departments.


Tamil Nadu Inspector of Factories Draughtsman Association has requested

to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs. 5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with their counterparts in Technical

Education Department and to re-designate this post as Draughting Officer as in

Public Works Department and Highways. Further, it has been requested to upgrade

the post of Draughtsman Grade-III as Draughtsman Grade-II. It is observed that the

qualification, duties and responsibilities attached to the post are equal to that of the

post of Draughtsman Grade--III in Technical Education Department and they were

placed on an identical revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800

prior to the revision recommended by the One Man Commission, 2010 as Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Draughtsman, Grade-III in Technical Education


considering the diploma qualification. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay of Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4200 on par with Draughtsman Grade-III in

Technical Education with no change on the existing nomenclature.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Chief Inspector of 37400—67000 + 9500 37400—67000+ 10000
2. Additional Chief Inspector 37400—67000 + 8800 37400—67000 + 8900
of Factories Re-designation as
Senior Additional Chief
Inspector of Factories
3. Joint Chief Inspector of 37400—67000 + 8700 Re-designation as
Factories Additional Chief
Inspector of Factories
4. Draughtsman Grade-II 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900
Re-designation as
Draughting Officer
5. Chemist 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4400
6. Laboratory Technician 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER (erstwhile Additional Chief Photographer)

The Chief Photographer, Senior Photographer (erstwhile Additional Chief

Photographer) / Junior Photographer (erstwhile Assistant Photographer) have requested

to re-designate the posts as Chief Photographer, Additional Chief Photographer and

Senior Photographer (those completed 10 years of service as Photographer),

Photographer (those completed 10 years of service as Assistant Photographer) and

the entry level post as Assistant Photographer and also to revise the scale of pay of

these posts as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100, Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900,

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600, Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 respectively. Thiru. M. Inayathullakhan, Senior Photographer

(erstwhile Additional Chief Photographer) has requested to revise his scale of pay as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and to restore the nomenclature of the post as

Additional Chief Photographer and also requested time bound promotion. It may be

stated that based on the recommendations of One Man Commission the scales of

pay of Additional Chief Photographer and Assistant Photographer have been

revised as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 and Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2600

and re-designated as Senior Photographer and Junior Photographer respectively.

The individuals holding the post of Photographer have pointed out that the

re-designation and revision of pay recommended by the One Man Commission,

2010 is not satisfactory and in fact the Assistant Photographer who have rendered

20-25 years of service have since been re-designated as Junior Photographer and

those who have rendered more than 35 years of service have been re-designated as

Senior Photographer which has downgraded their position of Additional Chief


Photographer which is equivalent to Chief Photographer. Therefore, requested to

retain their status and to create new promotional avenues by relaxing the

educational qualification in favour of the incumbents.

The Committee observed that the request for promotional prospects is a

matter to be decided by the concerned administrative department. However, the

Committee finds that in the case of Additional Chief Photographer, this post was

placed on par with Chief Photographer, the recommendation of One Man

Commission, 2010 granting lower scale of pay to Additional Chief Photographer at

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 and re-designating the post as Senior

Photographer which has downgraded the status does not seem to be appropriate.

Hence, the Committee recommends to retain its original nomenclature of the post of

Senior Photographer as Additional Chief Photographer with the existing revised

scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500.


Tvl. L. Tamilvanan and B. Murugaboopathi, Electronics Engineers have

requested to revise the scale of pay from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 based on the scale of pay and qualification

prescribed in G.O.Ms.No. 293, Information and Tourism Department, dated:

19-11-1991. Considering the Diploma qualification prescribed in adhoc rules there is

justification to place this post on par with Junior Engineer in Public Works

Department. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Electronics Engineer from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800

+ Grade Pay Rs.4400.



Thiru. D. Bakthamanoharadas, Junior Draughting Officer has requested to

revise the scale of pay of Junior Draughting Officer from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 on par with the Junior

Draughting Officer in Technical Education Department. As the scale of pay of this

post in Technical Education Department has been revised from Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 and that similar

revision is also made to these posts in Public Works and Highways Department.

Hence, the Committee recommends that the above revision of scale of pay may

also be extended to this post.


The Principal, M.G.R. Government Film and Television Training Institute has

requested to clarify whether the scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400

revised for the post of Laboratory Assistant ordered in G.O.Ms.No. 63, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26—02--2011 is applicable for the post of Laboratory Assistant in

Tamil Nadu Film Division as the nomenclature of this post has been mentioned as

“SothanaiKooda Udaviyalar” in their Organisation Schedule. The pre-revised scale of

pay of Laboratory Assistant (Rs.3050-4590) in M.G.R. Film Division has been

revised as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900. As the posts of Laboratory

Assistant in all other departments in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3050--4590 /

Rs.3200--4900 have been revised as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 in

G.O.Ms.No. 63, Finance (PC) Department dated: 26-02-2011, there is justification to

revise the scale of pay of Laboratory Assistant in M.G.R. Film Division. Hence, the

Committee recommends that the scale of pay of Laboratory Assistant

(SothanaiKooda Udaviyalar) in Tamil Nadu Film and Television Training Institute


may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 to Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with Laboratory Assistants in other departments.



The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

revise the scale of pay of the post of Supervisor on par with Overseer in Stationary

and Printing Department at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. The Committee

observes that there is justification to place this post on par with Overseers in

Stationery and Printing Department considering their identical duties and

responsibilities. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of

Supervisor may be revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800

+ G.P. Rs.4600 as this post has been equally placed with the Supervisor in

Stationery and Printing Department in the pre-revised scale of pay.


The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

place this post in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 on par with

Top Senior Foreman in Stationery and Printing Department. The Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with their counterparts in Stationery and Printing

Department. The Committee accordingly recommends that the scale of pay of Top

Senior Foreman may be revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500.


The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

place this post in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 on par with

Senior Foreman in Stationery and Printing Department. The Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with their counterparts in Stationery and Printing

Department. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Senior Foreman from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400.


The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with Junior Foreman in Stationery and Printing

Department. It is observed that the scale of pay of Junior Foreman in Government

Press has been elevated to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010. Hence the Committee finds

justification to extend similar revision to the Junior Foreman in Information and Public

Relations Department. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of Junior Foreman from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200.


The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

place this post on par with Technical Assistant in Stationery and Printing Department

at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. It is observed that the post of Technical

Assistant in Government Press has been revised from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 based on the recommendations of

One Man Commission, 2010. However, it is noticed that the post of Technical

Assistant Grade--I in this Department is already placed at Rs.5200-20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800. Hence, the Committee finds no justification to place this post at

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800, as the Committee has elsewhere recommended to

place all Grade-II Trade Posts uniformly at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


The Director, Information and Public Relations Department has requested to

place the Machine Operator at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 on par with similar

post in Stationery and Printing Department. It is observed that the scale of pay of

Machine Operator in Government Press has been revised from Rs.5200-20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 based on the recommendations of

One Man Commission, 2010. Hence the Committee finds justification to extend

similar revision to the above post. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the

scale of pay of Machine Operator may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 on par with Machine Operator in

Stationery and Printing.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Director 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000+ 10000
2 Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
3 Assistant Producer (Video) 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 6600

4 Assistant Director 15600-39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600

5 UD Accountant 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
(To re-designate the post
as Assistant Section
Officer (Accounts)
6 Accountant (I & PR) 9300--34800 + 4900 15600--39100 + 5400
(re-designated as
Section Officer Accounts)
7 Chief Photographer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
8 Junior Photographer 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4600
(erstwhile Assistant (To re-designate as
Photographer) Photographer)
9 Video Projector Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

10 Film Checker 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400

11 Lighting Assistant 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4200

12 Laboratory Attendant 4800--10000 + 1400 4800--10000 + 1900
Tamil Arasu Press:
1 Technical Assistant Grade-I 5200-20200 + 2800 9300-34800 + 4400
2 Plate Maker 5200-20200 + 2400 5200-20200 + 2800
3 Senior Monotype Casting 5200-20200 + 2400 5200-20200 + 2600
Attendant/ Imposer
4 Junior Monotype Casting 5200-20200 + 1900 5200-20200 + 2000
Attendant / Machine Minder /
Compositor / Assistant
5 Mechanic Grade-II / 4800 – 10000 + 1650 5200-20200 + 1800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Technical Staff of Central Electrical Testing and Laboratory Centre of

Industries & Commerce Department have requested to retain the scale of pay of

these posts at Rs. 15600-- 39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.288,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department dated: 26—2—2010 considering the technical

qualification prescribed to these posts. It is noticed that these posts were granted the

revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.6500--11100 and enjoying parity with Assistant Engineers in

Public Works Department. The enhanced scale of pay granted to the Assistant

Engineers at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400 was extended to this post by the

One Man Commission,2010. Subsequently, the higher scale of pay of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 granted to the Assistant Engineers in Public Works

Department and these posts have been downgraded as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--02--2011. The Committee has however reviewed the above said orders

elsewhere and recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer in Public

Works Department and other equivalent posts in Pay Band—2 as placed in

Government of India instead of Pay Band—3 with an enhanced Grade Pay of

Rs.5100. Therefore, the Committee finds it appropriate to place these posts on par

with their counterparts in Public Works Department at Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100.


Tamil Nadu Industries and Commerce Department Employees Iyakkam and

Tmt. K.R. Vanaja, Chemist Grade-I have requested to place this post in the scale of

pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineer of Public

Works Department, Tester / Testing Assistant / Technical Assistant of the

Department as they were in the same time scale of pay in the pre-revised scale of

pay. It is observed that qualification for direct recruitment is M.Sc. (Chemistry) and

considering the P.G. qualification this post was enjoying parity with Assistant

Engineer in the pre-revised scales of pay. The Committee, therefore finds

justification to restore the pay parity with Assistant Engineers. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Chemist in Industries

Department from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4700 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade

Pay Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department.



The Technical Staff of Central Electrical Testing & Laboratory Centre of

Industries & Commerce Department has requested to revise the scale of pay of

these posts on par with Trade Posts in others departments. The issue regarding

revision of scale of pay of the entry level Trade Posts re-designated as Skilled

Assistant Grade—II and fixed at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 in G.O.Ms.No.338,

Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010 has been examined under Trade

Category considering the technical qualification and necessary recommendations

has been made to place the Grade—II posts at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.

The above scale of pay recommended to Grade—II posts is also applicable to these


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Additional Director 37400--67000 + 8800 37400--67000+ 10000
Deputy Director (Technical)/ 15600--39100 + 6600 15600—39100 + 7600
2. (Chemical) / ((MCL)
15600—39100 +8600
3. Assistant Director (Technical) 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
4. Junior Engineer (Industries) 9300 -- 34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
5. Survey and Statistical 9300 -- 34800 + 4800 9300 --34800 + 4800
Inspector (m.b.f 12-12-2007)
6. Assistant Tester 9300 -- 34800 + 4400 9300 -- 34800 + 4800
7. Junior Tester Grade-I /
Electrician Grade-I / Instrument 5200 -- 20200 + 2400 5200 -- 20200 + 2600
Mechanic / Store Keeper
8. Senior Chemist 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
9. Junior Chemist 9300 --34800 + 4400 9300 -- 34800 + 4800
10. Librarian Grade-I 9300 --34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



MANAGER (other than High Court)

Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Officers’ Association, TNJMSRE Association

and various other Associations and individuals have requested to place the post in

the Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 and to re-designate the post as

Administrative Officer. It is observed that this post has been placed in the revised

pay scale at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 from 12-12-2007 as against the

upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500--12000 on par with promotional posts

to Ministerial Superintendent. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to place

the promotional posts to Ministerial Superintendents in all Departments uniformly in

the scale of pay Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. The Committee finds no

justification in the request for re-designation. However, the Committee recommends

to revise the pay of Sheristadar Category-I (District Court, Chief Judicial Magistrate

Court, City Civil Court, Labour Court, Family Court) from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. The Committee further

recommends similar revision to Bench Clerk Grade-I (District Court), Manager (Other

than High Court) and Administrative Officer posts also with no change in the existing

nomenclature of the posts.



Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service Retired Employees Association has

requested to place these posts in Pay Band-2 at Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4900 and

to grant 5% of basic pay as personal pay. The Tamil Nadu Junior Bailiff Association,

Tamil Nadu Civil Court Process Servers Association, Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial

Officers Association and several other individuals have requested to place the above

post at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistants in Tamil Nadu

Ministerial Service. The Committee noticed that these posts were enjoying parity

with the Junior Assistants in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Hence, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of the above posts be revised from Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


The Registrar General, High Court of Madras has requested to grant the

monetary benefit from 1.8.2010 for the revision of scale of pay given to Assistant in

High Court including the Office of the Official Assignee, Madurai Bench of Madras

High Court on par with Assistant in Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service from Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs. 2200 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. It is noticed that based

on One Man Commission,2010 recommendations, all orders were issued uniformly

with monetary effect from 1.8.2010 and in orders issued subsequently, they were

given monetary effect from the date of issue from prospective date only. Hence, the

Committee finds no justification to grant the above revision with retrospective effect.

However, as the Committee has elsewhere recommended to revise the scale of pay

of the post of Assistant in Secretariat as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600, the same

revision may be extended to the post of Assistant in High Court.


Government Judicial Employee Association and several other Associations

and individuals have requested to place the post in the above posts in Pay Band--2

at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.Rs.4200 / Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs. 2800. The Tamil

Nadu Judicial Ministerial Officers Association has requested to place the above

posts in the Pay Band-2 at Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4900 and to upgrade the post

as Grade--I Bench Clerk. The Committee observes that this post has already been

placed on par with Assistants of Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Hence, the

Committee finds justification to extend the subsequent revision of scale of pay

granted to Assistants to these posts. The Committee accordingly recommends that

the scale of pay of Bench Clerk (Additional District Court) / Bench Clerk, Grade--III

be revised from Rs.5200--20200+G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.



The Registrar, High Court has sent a proposal to revise the scale of these

posts from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on

par with Junior Assistant in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. The Committee finds

that the above posts were placed on par with Junior Assistant / Typist / Record

Assistant / Record Keeper in other Government Departments. Hence, the

Committee recommends that the pay hike granted to Despatch Assistant / Record

Assistant / Record Keeper in other departments from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 may also be extended to these posts.


The Registrar, High Court has sent proposal to revise the scale of pay of the

post of Librarian in Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.

Rs.4500 to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 stating that it is a deputation post from

High Court. The Committee finds that this post is placed on par with Librarian

Grade-I under ‘’Common Category’’. However, if there is a provision in the service

rules that the Librarian in High Court can be appointed on deputation to the Tamil

Nadu State Judicial Academy, then there is no bar to extend the scale of pay of

Librarian in High Court. Hence, the Committee recommends to place the matter to

Government for appropriate action.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of pay

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Sheristadar of Sub-Court, Head 9300-34800 + 4800 15600-39100 + 5100
Clerk of District Court,
Central Nazir
2. Registrar 37400-67000 + 8800 37400-67000 + 10000
3. Joint Registrar 37400-67000 + 8700 37400-67000 + 8800
4. Assistant (Common Category) 5200-20200 + 2800 15600-39100 + 5400 (or)
9300-34800 +4200
5. Bench Clerk Grade- II 9300-34800 + 4300 9300-34800 + 4800 (or)
6. Superintendent/ Head Clerk 9300-34800 + 4800 15600-39100 + 5100
Category- II (District Court, Chief (or) 4900
Judicial Magistrate Court)
7. Head Clerk Category-- III 9300-34800 + 4200 15600-39100 + 4800
(District Court, Chief Judicial
Magistrate Court)
8. Interpreter (Other than High 9300-34800 + 4400 15600-39100 + 5100
9. Translator 9300-34800 + 4800 15600-39100 + 5100
10. Chief Administrative Officer 15600-39100 + 5400 15600-39100 + 6600 (or)
11. Junior Bailiff 5200-20200 + 2000 5200-20200 + 2800
(erstwhile Process Server)
12. Assistant Director of Prosecution 15600-39100 + 6600 15600-39100 + 7600

13. Deputy Director of Prosecution 15600-39100 + 7600 37400-67000 + 8700

14. Assistant Public Prosecutor 15600-39100 + 5700 37400-67000 + 6600

15. Assistant Public Prosecutor 15600-39100 + 5400 15600-39100 + 5700
16. Computer Operator (High Court) 5200-20200 + 2800 9300-34800 + 4200
17. Laboratory Technician 5200-20200 + 2000 5200-20200 + 2400
18. Xerox Operator 4800-10000 + 1650 5200-20200 + 2000
19. Deputy Nazir (District Court) 9300-34800 + 4400 9300-34800 + 4900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues
relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational
qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external
pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following category as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Soap Chemist 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues
relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational
qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to
the above said post and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external
pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scale of pay is not warranted.


(erstwhile Deputy Inspector of Labour)

Tamil Nadu Labour Department Subordinate Officers’ Association and some

individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Tahsildar / Block Development Officer. The

Committee has observed that this post has been placed in the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.6500—10500 and placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009.

Subsequently, the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the

upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 taking note of the fact that the feeder

category of this post viz. Assistant Inspector of Labour has been placed on par with

Ministerial Superintendent at Rs.9300—34800+ G.P. Rs.4800. The Committee is of

the view that the categories which were already placed at Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 may

be placed on a higher Grade Pay. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.




Tamil Nadu Local Fund Audit Service Association has requested to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Inspector

of Police. The Committee has observed that this post has been placed in the pre-

revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—10500 and placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 based on the recommendations of Official

Committee, 2009. Subsequently, the One Man Commission, 2010 has

recommended to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the upgraded scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 on

par with Tahsildar and Block Development Officer. The Committee has elsewhere

recommended to elevate the scale of pay of the categories i.e. promotional posts to

Superintendents and other interchangeable posts which were already placed at

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 corresponding to the upgraded scale of pay of

Rs.7500—12000. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay+ Grade pay pay+ Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Director 37400--67000 + 8800 37400--67000 + 9500

2 Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

3 Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay+ Grade pay pay+ Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
9300--34800 + 4800 +
4 Deputy Inspector 9300--34800 + 4800
Personal pay Rs.500.
5 Assistant Inspector 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
Chief Internal
6 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 8800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Museum Department All Employees Association has requested to

revise the scale of pay of Curator on par with their counterparts in Central

Government from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P.

Rs.6600. Considering the Post Graduate qualification prescribed to this post and

taking note of the non-implementation of the recommendation of One Man

Commission, 1998 regarding revision of scale of pay of this post in the pre-revised

scale of pay from Rs.5900—9900 to Rs.6500—11100 and also promotional avenues

to this post are not much, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the

post of Curator from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.4700 corresponding to the higher pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--11100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay
No. + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Artist Modeler 5200-20200 + 2400 9300-34800 + 4200
2 Taxidermist Grade-I 5200-20200 + 2400 9300-34800 + 4600
3 Taxidermist Grade-II 5200-20200 + 1800 9300-34800 + 4200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Tamil Nadu Milk Production Government Official Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Cooperative Sub-Registrar in Milk

Production and Dairy Development as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 on par with

their counterpart in Cooperation Department. The Commissioner, Milk Production

and Dairy Development has brought to notice of the Committee that the

Cooperative Sub-Registrars working in his department are appointed from the

department of Cooperation and they have forego the lien in their parent department

and are placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as

against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5900—9900 on par with similar post in

Cooperation Department. The subsequent revision of pay made to the Cooperative

Sub-Registrar in Cooperation Department based on the recommendations of the

One Man Commission, 2010 have not been extended to the similar post in Milk

Production and Dairy Development. The Committee has observed that the post of

Cooperative Sub-Registrar in Milk Production and Dairy Development is filled up on

deputation from Cooperation Department. Therefore, the Committee finds

justification to revise the scale of pay of Co-operative Sub-Registrars in Milk Production

and Dairy Development as it is a merely omission in the recommendations of One Man

Commission, 2010. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to enhance the

Grade Pay of Cooperative Sub-Registrar in Cooperation Department from Rs.4900/-

to Rs.5100/- in Pay Band—2. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of Co-operative Sub-Registrar in Milk Production and Dairy

Development from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.5100 on par with similar post in Cooperation Department.



The Tamil Nadu Milk Production Government Official Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Senior Inspector in Milk

Production and Dairy Development as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 on par with

their counterpart in Cooperation Department. The Commissioner, Milk Production

and Dairy Development has brought to the notice of the Committee that the

incumbents are appointed by transfer from Cooperation Department and have

foregone their lien in parent department and placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.5000—8000 on par with similar post in Cooperation Department. The

subsequent revision of pay made to the Senior Inspector in Cooperation department

based on the recommendations of the One Man Commission, 2010 has not been

extended to this post in Milk Production and Dairy Development. The Committee has

observed that the post of Senior Inspector in Milk Production and Dairy

Development is filled up by deputation from Cooperation Department. Therefore,

the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of Senior Inspector in Milk

Production and Dairy Development as it is merely a omission in the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of Senior Inspector in Milk Production and

Dairy Development from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Rs.9300-34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.4300 on par with similar post in Cooperation Department.


The Commissioner, Milk Production and Dairy Development has brought to

the notice of the Committee that these posts are filled by direct recruitment or by

transfer. The qualification prescribed for Assistant Dairy Officer is M.Sc. or B.Sc. with

Dairy Technology or Dairy Husbandry and for Veterinary Assistant Surgeon is B.Vsc.

and requested to issue suitable orders extending the higher scale of pay of

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 to the posts of Assistant Dairy Officer / Veterinary

Assistant Surgeon, as these posts are identically placed on par with Veterinary

Assistant Surgeon in Animal Husbandry. Considering the educational qualification,

method of recruitment of these posts and pay parity with the post of Veterinary

Assistant Surgeon in Animal Husbandry Department, the Committee finds

justification to revise the scale of pay of Assistant Dairy Officer / Veterinary Assistant

Surgeon in Milk Production and Dairy Development. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends that the revised scale of pay recommended to Veterinary Assistant

Surgeon in Animal Husbandry Department may be made applicable to these posts.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay

Name of the Post + Grade pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Dairy Officer/ Team Leader/ 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100+6600
Veterinary Officer
2. Extension Assistant 5200 --20200 + 2400 5200 --20200+2800
9300--34800 + 4200
3. Executive Engineer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100+7600

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department Engineer’s Association

has requested to restore the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.6600

ordered in G.O. Ms. No.305, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010 to

this post. It is noticed that this post was placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.15600--39100 + GP Rs.5400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.8000--

13500 which has been subsequently revised as Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.6600

based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 and then restored to

original level pay scale of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. Considering the fact

that the “Interim Stay” granted on the operation of G.O.Ms. No. 71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26--02—2011 is confined only the Appellants, the

Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order and concluded that placing

this post at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 may not be appropriate. Accordingly,

the Committee endorses to retain the original pay scale of Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 as recommended by the Official Committee, 2009 and also as ordered

in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011.


Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department Engineer’s Association

has requested to restore the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 ordered in G.O. Ms. No.305, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26—8—2010 to these posts. One individual Thiru D. Desaraj, Special Grade

Technical Assistant has requested to revise the Grade Pay as Rs.6,600/- on par

with Automobile Engineer as he is getting only Rs.600/- increase than his 22 years

junior. It is noticed that the scales of pay of these posts has been subsequently

downgraded as Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms. No. 71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011. The Committee has reviewed the orders

issued in G.O. Ms. No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--02--2011

elsewhere and recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer & other

equivalent posts in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band—3 with an enhanced Grade

Pay. Therefore, the Committee feels it appropriate to place the posts of Technical

Assistant and General Foreman of Motor Vehicle Maintenance Department in Pay

Band--2 at Rs.9300—34800 with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100. The

Committee, accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineer of Public Works



Tmt., G.Radhika, Office Manager and Tmt G.Kasthuri, Office Manager of

Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department have requested to revise the scale of pay

of the post of Office Manager as Rs.15600—39100+ G.P. Rs.5400 on par with

General Foreman/ Technical Assistant as both the posts were identically placed in

the pre-revised scales of pay. The committee noticed that this post has been placed

on par with the other promotional posts to Superintendents by the Official

Committee,2009 at the time of implementation of revised scales of pay at Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4900. Hence, the Committee finds justification to place this post on

par with the other promotional posts of Superintendents. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Office Manger from Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

No. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Works Manager / Materials
Manager / Regional Deputy 15600--39100 + 6600 37400--67000 + 8700
2 Foreman Maistry (Foreman) 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600
Store Keeper (Foreman Store (or)
Keeper) Re-designated as 9300--34800 + 4400
3 Special Artisan
(Fitter Special, Assistant Store
5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
Keeper, Mechanic Grade—I)
or 4400
and Charge Man
4 Skilled Assistant Grade—I 5200--20200 + 2600 5200--20200 + 2800
5 Unskilled Assistant 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2000

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Dialysis Technicians have requested to revise the scale of pay of the post

of Dialysis Technician Grade-II as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with

other para-medical posts such as Laboratory Technicians, Radiographer,

Refractionists and Pharmacists considering the diploma qualification in Medical

Laboratory Technology course. The above Dialysis Technicians have also

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Dialysis Technician Grade-I as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as it is a promotion post of Laboratory Technician

Grade—II and placed equally with Laboratory Supervisor in the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.5300—8300. It is observed that the posts of Dialysis Technician Grade-II

were placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 equal

to that of Laboratory Technician Grade—I and Dialysis Technician Grade-I were

placed at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 equal that of Laboratory Supervisor

which is a promotional post of Laboratory Technician Grade—I. The One Man

Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise scale of pay of the Laboratory

Technician Grade--II and Grade—I as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 respectively considering the diploma qualification

prescribed to this post. This scale revision has not been extended to the posts of

Dialysis Technician Grade-II and Grade—I though the qualification prescribed for

these posts are similar. As this is an omission, the Committee finds justification to

place these posts on par with Laboratory Technician Grade—II and Grade—I.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of

Dialysis Technician Grade-II from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and the pay of its promotion post Dialysis Technician Grade-I

be revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.



Thiru S.Sundaraganesan, Assistant Engineer (E & E) working in Stanley

Hospital has requested to revise his pay on par with his counterparts in Public Works

Department. It is noticed that the individual holding the post of Assistant Engineer

District Workshop (Health) Villupuram working under Tamil Nadu State Health

Transport Department has been transferred to Government Stanley Hospital and

appointed temporarily in the same scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.

However, the scale of pay granted to the post of Assistant Engineers based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 was not extended to the

individual due to the absence of specific orders. The Committee has elsewhere

recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department

with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100 above their counterparts in Central Public

Works Department in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay Band—3 at Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay

Assistant Engineer in Stanley Hospital may be revised from Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.. Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineers

in Public Works Department. This revision of pay may also be made applicable to all

the Assistant Engineers working in Medical Departments.



Tamil Nadu Non-Medical Graduates Association, Tamil Nadu Public Health

Officials Association, Tamil Nadu Leprosy Eradication Supervisory Officials

Association and some individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of

these posts as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 above the level of its feeder

category Laboratory Technician Grade-I. These posts have been placed on higher

scale of pay than the Laboratory Technician Grade--I both in the pre-revised scale of

pay and in the revised scale of pay. However, the One Man Commission, 2010 has

recommended to place these posts on an identical scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800

+ G.P. Rs.4400. It is observed that these posts have been placed in the revised

scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay Rs.5300—8300 whereas the feeder category viz., Laboratory Technician

Grade--I has been placed in Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 as against the pre-

revised scale of pay Rs.4500—7000. However, in One Man Commission, 2010,

both the promotional posts and feeder category post have been placed in the same

Pay Band at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 eventhough they were imparting

training to the students in the faculty of MBBS, DMLT, Nursing, Pharmacy and

Para Medical, which is an anomaly. Considering the above facts, the Committee

finds justification to place these posts in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800 + GP Rs.4500 above the level of Laboratory Technician Grade—I.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Laboratory

Supervisor / Non-Medical Demonstrator and Non-Medical Supervisor from

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500.


Tamil Nadu Non-Medical Graduates Association has requested to revise the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 considering the Post

Graduate qualification of M.Sc., (Chemistry) and nature of work and also requested

to sanction Risk Allowance as they are working in Chemical Laboratories. It is

observed that this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as against the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.5900—9900

whereas its feeder category viz., Laboratory Supervisor/ Non-Medical Demonstrator

have been placed in Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 in One Man Commission,

2010. As it has been proposed to enhance the scale of pay of Laboratory

Supervisor/ Non-Medical Demonstrator as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 the

Committee finds justification to place this post at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600

one level above the scale of pay of its feeder category viz. Laboratory Supervisor/

Non-Medical Demonstrator. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the

scale of pay of Non-Medical Assistant to Professor of Biochemistry from Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. However, the request

of the association to sanction Risk Allowance has not been considered by this



Tmt. R. Girijabai and Thiru S. Sagadevan, Graduate Laboratory Technicians

of Government Arignar Anna Memorial Cancer Research Institute, Kancheepuram

have requested to place this post above the scale of pay of Laboratory Technician

Grade—I. As the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the scale

of pay of Laboratory Technician Grade—I from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 equal to the post of Graduate Laboratory

Technician which was all along placed on a higher scale of pay. The Director of

Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Health and Family Welfare department

has also forwarded the representation of the individuals to this Committee for its

consideration. It is observed that this post has been placed in the revised scale of

pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 as against the pre-revised scale of pay

Rs.5000—8000 whereas the scale of pay of Laboratory Technician Grade—I which


is one of the feeder category to this post has been placed equal to the promotion

post at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400. Considering the Degree qualification

prescribed to this post and subsequent revision of pay made to its feeder category

the Committee finds justification to place this post at Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4500. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Graduate Laboratory Technician from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500.


The Director, Medical Education with due endorsement by Health and Family

Welfare Department has requested to issue suitable orders on the applicable scale

of pay to the post of Refrigeration Operator. It is observed that the qualification

prescribed for this post is Minimum General Educational qualification with a Trade

Certificate in Refrigeration (or) diploma or National Trade Certificate in the Trade of

Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-conditioning) (or) diploma in Mechanical

Engineering or Electrical Engineering with Refrigeration and Air-conditioning and

placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs. 1900 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay Rs.3050—4590. Considering the qualification and nature of

work, this post comes under Trade category and has to be designated as Skilled

Assistant Grade—II as per G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26--8--2010. As the Committee has elsewhere recommended to revise the scale of

pay of entry level Grade-II Trade posts re-designated as Skilled Assistant Grade—II

in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010 from Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400, the Committee

recommends that the above revision of pay recommended to Skilled Assistant

Grade—II is made applicable to the post of Refrigeration Operator re-designated as


Skilled Assistant Grade—II on par with other trade categories in Medical



Tamil Nadu Government Medical College Teachers Association,

Dr. L.Umadevi, Retired Medical Officer and others have brought to notice of the

Committee that as per G.O.Ms.No.354, Health & Family Welfare Department, dated:

23—10—2009 the Medical Officers / Professors after completion of 20 years of

service were placed in Pay Band--IV Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.10000 / Rs.8700.

Whereas, the Medical Officers / Professors who has rendered more than 25 to 30

years of service and retired prior to 23—10—2009 were placed in the Pay Band – III

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and their minimum basic pension has been fixed

as Rs.23050/- and Rs.11100/-. Therefore, they have requested to extend the

benefit ordered in the above said Government Order to those who have retired

between 1—1—2006 and 23—10—2009.

It is observed that the Committee constituted specially for consideration of

the request of the Doctors regarding sanction of Dynamic Assured Career

Progression due to lack of adequate promotional opportunities and stagnation at

various levels has recommended to implement the Dynamic Assured Career

Progression in respect of Medical Officers / Professors in service, considering the

present need for Doctors, availability for recruitment etc. Accordingly, orders were

issued in G.O.Ms.No.354, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated:

23—10—2009 providing promotional opportunities to the Medical Officers in Public

Health & Preventive Medicine / Medical & Rural Health Services / ESI / Other

institutions and also the Medical Officers working in Medical College Hospitals,

Institutions and dispensaries and fix their pay in the respective Pay Band + Grade

Pay with effect from the date of issue of order i.e. 23—10—2009. Hence, the request

of the retired Medical Officers / Professors extending the benefits ordered in the

above Government Order does not comes under the purview of the terms of

reference of this Committee.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Anesthesia Technician Grade-I 5200--20200 + 1900 Higher scale of pay

2. Anesthesia Technician Grade-II 4800--10000 + 1650 Higher scale of pay

3. Artist-cum-Draughtsman Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
/ Artist-cum-Photographer
Grade-I (Micro Photography)
4. Cane and Bamboo Instructor 5200--20200 + 1800 5200--20200 + 2800
5. Computer Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4400
6. Dental Hygienist / Dental 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
7. Dietician 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
8. Engine Driver (erstwhile Boiler 4800--10000 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
9. Health Educator (Leprosy / Non- 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
Medical / Sanitation / RHC)
10. Heart Lung Hypothermia 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400
Machine Attendent
11. Heart Lung Hypothermia 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4300
Machine Technician
12. Heart Lung Hypothermia 9300--34800 + 4300 15600--39100 + 5400
Machine Operator
13. House Keeper 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2600
14. Junior Engineer (Mechanic) / 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
(Steam Laundry) / (Refrigeration) / with revised Selection
Workshop Superintendent / Grade and Special Grade
Electrical Supervisor
15. Librarian 15600--39100 + 5400 37400--67000 + 8700

16. Senior Instructor for Training 9300--34800 + 4500 Enhanced Pay

17. Medical Record Technician 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4450 +
Risk Allowance Rs.500

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
18. Medical Record Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600—39100 + 5400 +
Risk Allowance Rs.500
19. Senior Medical Record Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600 +
Risk Allowance Rs.500
20. Social Welfare Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
21. Social Worker 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4600 by
re-designating as Social
Welfare Officer
22. Supervisor (Bio Medical) 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
23. Tailoring Instructor 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2800
24. Air-condition Mechanic / 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
Refrigeration Supervisor
(formerly designated as
Refrigeration Mechanic)
25. Receptionist 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800

26. Nursing Assistants Grade-I and 4800—10000 + 1650/ On par with their counterparts
Grade-II (Male and Female) 1400 in Rural Development

27. Sergeant 5200—20200 + 1900 Enhanced pay

28. Operation Theatre Assistant 4800—10000 + 1650 Enhanced pay
29. Operation Theatre Technician 5200—20200 + 1900 Enhanced pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Medical Department Administrative Employees Association

among others have requested to upgrade the post of Junior Administrative Officer

as Administrative Officer and to fix appropriate scale of pay pointing out the fact that

the Administrative Officers in Public Health Centres with 30 beds are granted

higher scale when compared to the Junior Administrative Officers appointed in

Block Hospitals and District Medical College and Hospitals with more than 30 beds

are paid lesser pay. It is noticed that the scale of pay of the Junior Administrative

Officer is Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 as against the upgraded pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 which is the promotion post to the Ministerial

Superintendent. As the Committee has elsewhere recommended to place the

promotion posts of Superintendents at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100, the

Committee finds justification to extend the above revision of scale of pay to the post

of Junior Administrative Officer also. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of Junior Administrative Officer in Medical Services and Rural

Health Services from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.5100 and this revision of pay may also be made applicable to similar posts in all

Medical Departments.

VILLAGE HEALTH NURSE (Erstwhile Female Multipurpose Health Worker) /


Tamil Nadu Government Medical Services Auxiliary Nurse Mid Wives and

Maternity Assistants Union have requested to revise the scale of pay of the posts of

Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and Maternity Assistant on par with their counterparts in

Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department. The Director of Medical and

Rural Health Services has also forwarded the representations of the above said

association to this Committee for consideration. It is noticed that based on the

recommendations of Official Committee, 2009 these posts have been placed in the

revised scale of pay Rs. 5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.3200—4900 on par with similar post in Public Health and

Preventive Medicine Department. The One Man Commission, 2010 has observed

that the nature of duties of the Village Health Nurses are onerous in the field and

rendering utmost service such as Maternal Care (Ante natal, Intra natal, Post natal),

Child Care, Immunization, Control of Communicable / non-communicable Diseases,

Disease Surveillance Activity and Maintenance of Vital Statistics and therefore

recommended to revise the scale of pay of the Village Health Nurse, Auxiliary Nurse

Mid-wife and Maternity Assistant from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. However, in respect of similar posts in Medical

Education and Medical & Rural Health Services the above revision of pay was

omitted in the One Man Commission, 2010 recommendations. Considering these

facts, the Committee finds justification to extend the above revision of pay to the

similar posts in Medical Education and Medical & Rural Health Services.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the posts of

Village Health Nurse (Erstwhile Female Multipurpose Health Worker), Auxiliary Nurse

Midwife and Maternity Assistants in Medical Education and Medical and Rural

Health Services from Rs.5200—20200+G.P.Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 on par with similar posts in Public Health and Preventive Medicine



Tamil Nadu Government Medical Physicists Association and

Dr. P. Kaliyappan in their representation have stated that the qualification for entry

level post of Assistant Professor of Radiology Physics is M.Sc., in Medical Physics

and recruited through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. The existing scale of

pay of this post is no way commensurate with the qualification and the Radiation

hazards involved in discharging their duties. Many of the incumbents even after

completing 15 years of service have no promotion as only 3 Professor posts are in

existence, whereas 20 Assistant Professor posts are in existence. Hence, it has

been requested to extend the Dynamic Assured Career Progression to them as that

of Assistant Civil Surgeons ordered in G.O.Ms.No.354, Health and Family Welfare

Department, dated: 23—10--2009. It is observed that the request of the association

does not come under the purview of this Committee. However, considering the

qualification and risk factors faced by the Radiological Physicists the Committee

recommends that this issue may be examined at Government level based on the

proposal of the Director of Medical Education.


Tmt. M. Meenakumari, holding the post of Orthoptist in Rajaji Government

Medical College and Hospital, Madurai has requested to revise the scale of pay of

this post on par with Refractionist / Ophthalmic Assistant / Optician / Optometrist. As

the qualification prescribed for these posts are one and the same and the

subsequent revision of pay made to Refractionist / Ophthalmic Assistant / Optician /

Optometrist based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 have

not been extended to the post of Orthoptist. Therefore, she has requested to revise

the scale of pay of Orthoptist from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—


34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. It is noticed that the One Man Commission, 2010 taking into

account the fact that the Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended to place

the entry level para medical categories with Diploma qualification in the

Pay Band—2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4,200/- and therefore recommended to revise

the scale of pay of the post of Refractionist / Ophthalmic Assistant / Optician /

Optometrist from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. Whereas, the post of Orthoptist in Ophthalmic Wing has been

omitted in the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010. Hence, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of Orthoptist in

Ophthalmic Wing from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. This revision of pay may also be extended to the similar post in

Directorate of Medical Education.


Tamil Nadu Government All Pharmacist Association, Tamil Nadu Government

Pharmacist’s Association, Tamil Nadu Government Chief Pharmacist and Medical

Store Officer (Retd.) Welfare Association and some individuals have requested to

revise the scale of pay of the post of Medical Store Officer as Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 considering the fact that it is the second level and last promotion post

of Pharmacist. They have also pointed out that their nature of duties and

responsibilities are more than the Ministerial Superintendent and equal to that of

Medical Officers in Medical Colleges attached with Hospitals and the employees

holding this post are in charge of Medicines valued more than one crore to 10 crores.

The Director, Medical and Rural Health Services has also forwarded the

representations of the above said associations for consideration of the Committee.

Further, Thiru A. Pelavendran, Medical Store Officer, Institute of Child Health and

Hospital for Children, Egmore, Chennai has filed W.P.No.11144 of 2011 with a

request to consider the representation dated: 23—3—2011 regarding rectification of

pay anomaly in respect of the post of Medical Store Officer. The Hon’ble High

Court in its order dated: 12—6—2012 in the above said Writ Petition has disposed

off the petition with a direction to the petitioner to send his representation to Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell. It is noticed that based on the recommendations of

Official Committee, 2009 the revised scale of pay of this post has been fixed at

Rs. 9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.5900--9900 notionally with effect from 1—1--2006 with monetary benefit from

1-1-2007. It is pointed out that this post was earlier placed on a higher scale of pay

than the Ministerial Superintendents in the pre-revised scale of pay and the

Pharmacists get their promotion as Medical Store Officer at the verge of their

retirement based on the arising vacancy. Based on the One Man Commission,

2010 recommendations the scale of pay of Pharmacist has been revised as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200, the next level promotion post of Chief Pharmacist

scale of pay have also been revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and the first level promotion post of the

Radiographer viz. Chief X-Ray Technician in Radiology wing has been revised from

Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Considering

the above facts, the Committee finds justification to place the post of Medical Store

Officer as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of Medical Store Officer from

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and this

revision of pay may be made applicable to similar post in the Directorate of Medical

Education and Public Health and Preventive Medicine.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Dental Hygienist / Dental 9300-34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
2. Dieticians 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
3. Engine Driver (erstwhile Boiler 4800--10000 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
4. Heart Lung Hypothermia 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400
Machine Attendent
5. Heart Lung Hypothermia 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4300
Machine Technician
6. Heart Lung Hypothermia 9300--34800 + 4300 15600--39100 + 5400
Machine Operator
7. House Keeper 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2600
8. Nursing Superintendent Grade-II 9300--34800 + 4700 15600--39100 + 5700
/ Nursing Tutor Grade-II
9. Nursing Superintendent Grade-I 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
10. Nursing Assistants Grade-I and 4800 -- 10000 + 1400 On par with similar post
Grade-II (Male and Female) (or) 1650 in Central Government
11. Sergeant 5200--20200 + 1900 Enhanced Pay
12. Operation Theatre Assistant 4800--10000 + 1650 Enhanced Pay
13. Operation Theatre Technician 5200--20200 + 1900 Enhanced Pay
14. Pharmacist 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4300
15. Chief Pharmacist 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4600
16. Chief Physiotherapists and 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Lecturer in Physiotherapy + Hardship Allowance
17. Physiotherapists Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
18. Physiotherapists Grade-II 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
19. Physiotheraphy Technician 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
20. Publicity Officer (TB) 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4800
21. Supervisor (Bio Medical) 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
22. Radiographer 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4500
(or) 4900
23. Chief X-ray Technician 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
24. Dark Room Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
25. X- Ray Attendent 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 1900
(or) 2200

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
26. E.C.G / E.E.G. Technician and 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4400
Audiometrician + Risk Allowance

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




The Tamil Nadu Government Medical Laboratory Technicians Association

has brought to notice of the Committee that though the scales of pay of the

Laboratory Technician Grade—I and Grade—II have been revised based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400 and Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 respectively in G.O.Ms.No.296,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010 the incumbents in Public

Health and Preventive Medicine, Transport Medical College (Perundurai),

Corporation Hospitals and ESI Hospitals could not avail the benefit of pay revision

as there is no specific order. Further, Thiru S. Ram Mohan holding the post of

Laboratory Technician Grade—I in Food Analysts Laboratory, King Institute has filed

W.P.No. 27546 of 2011 with a request to fix his pay equal to the post of Laboratory

Technician Grade—I in Directorate of Medical Education and Medical and Rural

Health Services as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.296, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26—8—2010. The Hon’ble High Court in its order dated:02—12—2011 has

directed to pass orders on the request of the petitioner. The Director, Public Health

& Preventive Medicine has also forwarded the representations of the above said

associations to this Committee for consideration and issue of suitable orders.

It is observed that the qualification, method of recruitment and the pre-revised

scales of pay of the posts of Laboratory Technician Grade—I and Grade—II in

Medical Education, Medical and Rural Health Services, Public Health & Preventive

Medicine and the Laboratory Technicians in Water / Food Analysts wing under King

Institute are one and the same. The revised scale of pay of these posts have been

fixed as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 and Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800

respectively notionally with effect from 1—1--2006 with monetary benefit from

1--1—2007. The One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the

scale of pay of the post of Laboratory Technician Grade—I and Grade—II as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 respectively.

However, orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.296, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26—8—2010 in respect of the Laboratory Technician Grade—I and Grade—II in

Medical Education and Medical and Rural Health Services. The Committee finds that

it was merely an omission while issue of orders in respect of revision of scale of pay

of the Laboratory Technicians in other medical branches and therefore there seems

to be no need to examine this issue further. However, the Committee is of the view

to extend the above revision of pay uniformly to all the Laboratory Technician

Grade—I and Grade—II of Medical Department in various branches. Accordingly,

the Committee recommends to issue suitable clarification at Government level

stating that the revision of pay ordered in G.O.Ms.No.296, Finance (PC) Department,

dated: 26—8—2010 is applicable to the Laboratory Technician Grade---I and

Grade—II who were placed in the pre-revised scales of pay of Rs. 4500—7000 /

Rs.4000—6000 with corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P.

Rs.2800 and Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 with effect from 1—1—2006 under

the control of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Transport Medical

College (Perundurai), Corporation Hospitals and ESI Hospitals.


Tamil Nadu Anti-Malaria Laboratory Technician Grade—III and Field

Assistants Association, Tamil Nadu Government Medical Laboratory Technicians

Association and Public Health Medical Laboratory Technicians Association and


Thiru S. Baskaran and some other individuals have sought for revision of scale of

pay of Laboratory Technician Grade—III as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par

with Laboratory Technician. Grade—II. The Director, Public Health and Preventive

Medicine has also forwarded the representations of the association. It is noticed that

the scale of pay of Laboratory Technician Grade—III has been revised as Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3050—4590.

However, it is observed that the Laboratory Assistants in Schools and Colleges filled

by direct recruitment or by transfer with the qualification of SSLC, + 2 or 3 years

experience in the pre-revised scales of pay of Rs.3050—4590 / Rs.3200—4900

were granted higher scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 notionally with

effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from 1—3--2011. Accordingly, orders

were issued in G.O.Ms.No.63, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011.

However, the post of Laboratory Technician Grade—III in Public Health and

Preventive Medicine Department is filled by direct recruitment among persons who

have passed + 2 examination with Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology

(one year duration course) have been placed in the revised scale of pay of

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900. Hence, the Committee finds justification to revise

the scale of pay of the Laboratory Technicians Grade—III on par with Laboratory

Assistants. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Laboratory Technician Grade—III in Public Health and Preventive Medicine from

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


The Tamil Nadu Government Ophthalmic Assistants Association and Tamil

Nadu Senior Ophthalmic Assistants Association have requested to revise the scale

of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and to change the


nomenclature of this post as Ophthalmic Officer. In support of their request, the

associations have brought to notice of the Committee that re-designation proposals

have been accepted in One Man Commission, 2010 in respect of posts under

Medical Department viz. Scientific Officer, Junior Entomologist which were re-

designated as Scientific Officer and Entomological Assistant. Further, it has been

pointed out by the Association that in the State of Punjab, Haryana and Kerala the

nomenclature of this post have been re-designated as Ophthalmic Officer and

therefore requested to re-designate this post as Ophthalmic Officer and to sanction

Special Allowance / Risk Allowance and Rural Allowance of Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/-

respectively. The Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine has forwarded the

request of the above associations to Government in Health Department and stated

that the Ophthalmic Assistants are the key persons for success of the Programmes

of Free Eye Camp Programme of Government. All duties are performed by this

cadre and they are qualified to identify nature cataract cases and mobilize them for

surgery and recommended to re-designate this post as Ophthalmic Officer on par

with similar post in other States. The Health and Family Welfare Department has

in turn transferred the proposal of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

to this Committee for consideration as re-designation proposals have only been

decided in the Pay Revision Committee or Pay Commissions.

It is observed that the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to

place all the para medical posts with Diploma qualification at Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. Accordingly, the existing scale of pay recommended to the post of

Ophthalmic Assistant is appropriate. Hence, the request of the Association to revise

the scale of pay of this post and sanction of Allowances has not been considered by

the Committee. However, the Committee has examined the request of the

association in respect of re-designation of this post as Ophthalmic Officer based on

the recommendations of the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine and

recommends to examine this issue at Government level as this is an administrative



Tmt. P.E. Prema, holding the post of Domestic Science Teacher in

Government Multipurpose Health Supervisor(Female) Training School under the

control of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department has

pointed out that this post is a teaching post so as to conduct one and half years and

one year training course to the Sector Health Nurse (Female) and Multipurpose

Health Worker. (Male). Apart from the teaching responsibilities she is bound to do

field visits such as educating the antenatal and postnatal mothers, guiding and

counseling the adolescent girls in school and other essential measures taken to

overcome the protein energy malnourished children. She has requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as this is a single

post in the entire State. The Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine has

also forwarded her representation to Government which has been remitted to the

Committee for consideration. It is noticed that the request of the individual has been

rejected by One Man Commission, 2010 on the ground that this post has been

placed on par with B.T. Assistant at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5500—9000. After the recommendations of One Man

Commission, 2010, the Government has issued orders revising the scale of pay of

B.T. Assistant as Rs. 9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Therefore, the Committee finds

justification to revise the scale of pay of the post of Domestic Science Teacher as

Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 on par with B.T. Assistant. Accordingly, the


Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800

+ G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600.



Block Health Supervisors Welfare Association, Tamil Nadu Health Inspectors

Association, Tamil Nadu Health Inspectors Welfare Association, Public Health

Department Officials Association, Sector Health Nurses and Community Health

Nurses Association and some individuals have pointed out that most of the

individuals holding this post have already reached Selection Grade/ Special Grade

as this is a block level post. Therefore, the associations have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. It is noticed that

the scale of pay of the abovesaid posts have been revised as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs. 4300 notionally with effect from 1—1—2006 with monetary benefit from

1--1—2007 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5300--8300. Subsequently,

the scale of pay of the posts of Block Health Supervisor / Community Health Nurse

have been revised as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 based on One Man

Commission, 2010 recommendations. Now it has been brought to notice of the

Committee that these posts were earlier placed identical to the post of Block

Extension Educator in Family Welfare Department for whom the scale of pay was

revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300—34800 +G.P. Rs.4500.

Hence, the Committee considering the duties and responsibilities attached to these

posts in Block Level and the pay parity with the post of Block Extension Educator in

the pre-revised scales of pay, recommends to revise the scale of pay of Block Health

Supervisor / Community Health Nurse and Personal Assistant to District Health


Officer from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500

on par with Block Extension Educator in Family Welfare Department.



Block Health Supervisors Welfare Association, Public Health Department

Officials Association, Federation of Tamil Nadu Public Health Department Technical

Personal Assistant Grade—I to Deputy Director of Health Services / Senior

Sanitarian and some individuals have pointed out that most of the individuals

holding this post have already reached Selection Grade/ Special Grade and this

post is a block level post and over all District Level Supervision in monitoring the

Health Programmes for speedy implementation. Therefore, they have requested to

revise the scale of pay of the above posts as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 or

G.P. Rs.5400. Health and Family Welfare Department has also forwarded the

request of the above association to this Committee for consideration. It is noticed

that the scale of pay of this post has been revised as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.4500 notionally with effect from 1--1—2006 with monetary benefit from

1--1—2007 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5900—9900 which was

above the scale of pay of Superintendents in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service in the

pre-revised scale of pay. The One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended for

revision of scale of pay of the feeder category viz. Health Inspector Grade—I from

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs. Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and its

promotion posts Technical Personal Assistant Grade--I to District Health Officer /

Senior Sanitarian has been left omitted for revision of pay. Now, it has been

brought to notice of the Committee that the individuals holding the feeder post are

drawing more pay than the individuals in the promotion post consequent on the

revision of Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay due to the revision of

Ordinary Grade scale of pay made based on the One Man Commission,2010

recommendations. Considering the duties and responsibilities attached to these

posts in Block Level, the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of

these posts as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of Technical Personal Assistant Grade—I to

Deputy Director of Health Services / Senior Sanitarian be revised from Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600.

HEALTH ASSISTANT (Port Health Office, Nagapattinam)

The Port Health Officer, Nagapattinam has pointed out that Thiru M.A. Abdul

Rahuman, Sanitary Inspector is working as Health Assistant in the Port Health

Office, Nagapattinam since 1990. Therefore, he has requested to revise the scale of

pay of this post on par with the Health Inspectors of the Central Port Health

Organisation as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and to re-designate this post as

Health Inspector (Port). The Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine has

also recommended and forwarded the request of the individual to Government which

in turn was transmitted to this Committee for consideration. It is noticed that the

Senior Inspectors in Local Bodies and Health Inspectors have been revised from

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 considering the qualification of

B.Sc. (Chemistry) on par with their counterparts in Government of India. It is also

observed that the entire salary is fully reimbursed by Government of India in respect

of this post and only two posts are in existence in Port Health Office, Nagapattinam.

Considering the above facts, the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of

pay of the Health Assistant on par with Sanitary Inspectors. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Health Assistant in Port Health

Office, Nagapattinam from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 duly re-designating the post as Sanitary Inspector (Port Health).


Tamil Nadu Public Health Department Maternal and Child Health Officers

Association have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with Assistant Director (SBHI), Administrative Officer

and Senior Entomologist. In support of their request, the association has pointed out

that the Maternal and Child Health Officers have been placed on a higher scale of

pay than the Ministerial Superintendent in the pre-revised scale of pay. Health and

Family Welfare Department has also forwarded the representation of the association

along with the proposal received from the Director of Public Health & Preventive

Medicine for consideration of this Committee. It is noticed that the One Man

Commission, 2010 has rejected the request of the association on the wrong notion

that the District Maternal and Child Health Officer is the feeder category to the

Maternal and Child Health Officers. However, it is brought to the notice of the

Committee that both these posts are having equal responsibilities and same scale of

pay of Rs. 9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 and the Maternal and Child Health Officer

post is designated according to the place of work as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.14,

Health and Family Welfare Department, dated: 31—01—2006. The association has

pointed out that they were drawing more pay than the Ministerial Superintendents in

the pre-revised scale of pay and therefore requested enhancement in their pay

scale. It is pointed out that this post cannot be compared with the post of Ministerial

Superintendent whose job responsibilities are entirely different. However,

considering the higher qualifications, eminent duties and responsibilities of the

Maternal and Child Health Officers and higher status enjoyed in the earlier Pay

Commission scales of pay, the Committee, finds justification to revise place the

scale of pay of the post of Maternal and Child Health Officers at Rs. 9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Maternal & Child Health Officers from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs. 4500 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.


The Tamil Nadu Government Village Health Nurse Association, Tamil Nadu

Government All Health Nurses Association, Lady Health Visitors Welfare Association,

Tamil Nadu Municipality and Corporation Sector Health Nurses Welfare Association

and some individuals holding the post of Sector Health Nurse have requested to

revise the scale of pay of the post of Sector Health Nurse as Rs. 9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.4450 + Nursing Allowance of Rs.500 / - pm. on par with Staff Nurse. As the

duties and responsibilities of the post of Sector Health Nurse is similar to that of Staff

Nurse and rendered service in the remote villages. The Tamil Nadu Government

Medical Department (DFW, DMS, DME, ESI) Health Supervisors and Thunai

Seviliyarkal (FW / General) & Maternity Assistants Welfare Association, Tiruchy in

their representation has brought to notice of the Committee that the post of Lady

Health Visitors working in the Government Hospitals, District T.B. Centres under the

control of Director of Medical Education / Director of Medical and Rural Health

Services and Director of Family Welfare have not been re-designated as Sector

Health Nurse as orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.297, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26--8—2010 relates to Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department only and

therefore requested to issue suitable orders. Considering the method of recruitment,

qualification, nature of duties and responsibilities of the posts of Staff Nurse and

Sector Health Nurse, the Committee finds no justification to consider the request of

the association to maintain pay parity with Staff Nurse. Further, it is observed that the

One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to re-designate the post of Lady

Health Visitor working in the Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services /

Medical Education / Family Welfare / Corporations and Municipalities as Sector

Health Nurse without any change in the existing scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. Accordingly orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.297, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26—8--2010 in respect of Public Health & Preventive Medicine

Department only and therefore it is necessary to issue suitable orders to this effect in

respect of Sector Health Nurses working in other departments. Hence, the

Committee recommends to issue suitable clarification at Government level stating

that the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.297, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26--8--2010 is also be applicable to the existing Lady Health Visitors in Government

Hospitals /District T.B. centres / ESI Hospitals / Primary Health Centres /

Corporations / Municipalities under the control of Directorate of Family Welfare /

Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services / Directorate of Medical Education /

Directorate of ESI./ Commissioner of Municipal Administration in order to fix identical

scales of pay with common nomenclature of the post as “Sector Health Nurse”.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Anesthesia Technician Grade--I 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
2. Anesthesia Technician Grade--II 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 1900
3. Health Educator (Leprosy / Non- 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
Medical / Sanitation / RHC)
4. Junior Engineer (Mechanic) / 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
(Steam Laundry) / (Refrigeration)
and Workshop Superintendent /
Electrical Supervisor

Sl. Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
5. Junior Analyst / Junior Water 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
6. Senior Analyst (Food) / Assistant 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Water Analyst
7. Deputy Government Analyst / 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 6600
Deputy Chief Water Analyst
8. Public Analyst 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
9. Government Analyst / Chief Water 15600-- 39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
10. Audio Visual Operator 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4600

11. Chief Chemist 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 7600

12. Senior Chemical Assistant 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
13. Junior Chemical Assistant 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5400
14. Junior Entomologist 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100
15. Senior Entomologist 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
16. Chief Entomologist 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
17. Health Inspector Grade-II 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
18. Health Inspector Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
+ Fixed Travelling
Allowance of Rs.500/-
19. Food Safety Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800
20. Prosthetic Craftsman 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
21. Prosthetic Technician Grade-II 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600
22. Prosthetic Technician Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4800
23. Senior Prosthetic Technician 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
24. Village Health Nurse / Auxilary Nurse 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
Mid-wife / Maternity Assistant
25. Air-condition Mechanic / 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
Refrigeration Supervisor
26. Data Entry Operator Consolidated pay Regular time scale of pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Family Welfare Statistical Officials Association has pointed out

that the post of Demographer is the head of Demographic and Evaluation Cell of

Family Welfare Department and this post is a unique and State Level Post which

was created as per the norms of Government of India. The Demographer is

responsible for implementation of Family Welfare Programmes and monitoring the

progress of the schemes in the State. They have also pointed out that this post was

placed identical to the post of Deputy Director of Medical and Rural Health Services

and Family Welfare upto Third Pay Commission scales of pay and the Family

Welfare Programme is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and the expenditure on these

posts are met from Government of India funds. In most of the States, the post of

Demographer has been designated as Deputy Director (Demography), whereas in

Tamil Nadu only it has been placed below the rank of Deputy Director. Therefore,

the association has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with

Deputy Directors in Medical Department. The Committee finds justification to

enhance the Grade Pay of this post considering the nature of work and

responsibilities attached to this post and which is a solitary post. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Demographer in Family

Welfare Department from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 to Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 on par with Deputy Directors in Medical and Rural Health Services by

re-designating the post as Deputy Director (Demography).



Tamil Nadu Block Health Statisticians Association, Tamil Nadu Government

Official’s Union and Tamil Nadu Government Family Welfare All Officials Federation

and other individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of Block Health

Statistician as Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with Ministerial Assistant.

Further, Tvl A. Deivasikamani and R. Rajaadurai holding the post of Block Health

Statistician in Family Welfare Department have filed Writ Petition Nos. 28951 of

2010 and 3803 of 2011 with a request to direct the respondents to revise their scale

of pay from Rs.5200—20200 + Grade Pay of Rs.2400 to Rs.9300—34800 + Grade

Pay of Rs.4400 as ordered in G.O.Ms.Nos.297 and 298 Finance (PC) Department,

dated: 26—8—2010 as in the case of other Block level posts viz. Block Health

Supervisor / Statistical Assistant and Block Extension Educator. The Director,

Family Welfare has also forwarded the requests of the association for consideration

of this Committee. It is noticed that based on the recommendations of Official

Committee, 2009 this post has been placed on par with Ministerial Assistant and

Assistant Statistical Investigator in Economics and Statistics department at

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. As the Committee has recommended elsewhere

to enhance the scale of pay of Assistant Statistical Investigator from Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs. 5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800, the Committee finds

justification to extend the above scale revision to this post also. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Block Health Statistician from

Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs. 5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of

the following categories as well:--


Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Social Scientist 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5400
+ Dynamic Assured
Career Progression
2. Mass Education and 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
Information Officer
3. Family Welfare Assistant 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400

4. District Extension 9300--34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4800 +

Educator Rs.500 Personal pay
5. Statistical Assistant / 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800
Statistical Investigator

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Siddha Doctors State Organisation and

Dr. Ch. Ramakrishnamacharya and Teaching Faculties of Government Yoga and

Naturopathy College have requested to retain the pay scale of Rs.37400—67000 +

G.P. Rs.8700 to the posts of Principal / Joint Director of Indian Medicine considering

their educational qualification and service rendered in Indian Medicine. It is

observed that this post has been placed in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.7600 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.12000—16500 based on

the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009. Subsequently, based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010, the scale of pay of Joint Director /

Principal has been revised from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 to Rs.37400—

67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit

from 1—8—2010. The above scale of pay was downgraded to the original level pay

scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26—02--2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim

Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26—02—2011, the Joint Directors / Principals continue to draw the higher

scale of pay. It is observed that the One Man Commission, 2010 has endorsed the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 98 to place the Medical Officer in Indian

Medicine Department on par with Allopathy Doctors. Consequent on the revision of

scale of pay of District Siddha Medical Officer and Deputy Directors as Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 respectively, the post of

Joint Director / Principal has been rightly revised from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P.

Rs.7600 to Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 on par with the Joint Directors of Medical

Departments. The Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order dated:

26—2—2011 and has concluded that placing Joint Director/ Principal in Pay Band-4

is appropriate since parity has been established on par with Allopathy Doctors and

hence, the One Man Commission, 2010 has placed the Joint Directors / Principal of

Indian Medicine on par with Joint Directors in Medical Departments. Accordingly,

the Committee recommends to retain the higher pay scale recommended by the

One Man Commission, 2010 in Pay Band--4 at Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8700 to

the Joint Directors / Principals of Indian Medicine Department as ordered in G.O. Ms.

No.300, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated :26—8--2010.



Tamil Nadu Post Graduate Siddha Doctors’ Association and Tamil Nadu

Government Siddha Doctors State Organization have requested to retain the pay

scale of these posts at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 considering their

educational qualification and services rendered in Indian Medicine and also taking

note of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission and to re-designate

the category of Reader/ Professor as Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor as in

Allopathy side. It is observed that these posts have been placed in the Pay Band—3

at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as against the pre-revised scale of Rs.10000—

15200 by the Official Committee on par with other Deputy Directors. Subsequently,

based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 consequent on the

revision granted to the District Siddha Medical Officer / Medical Officers, the scale

of pay of these posts have been revised from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 to

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with

monetary benefit from 1—8—2010. The above scale of pay was downgraded to the

original level of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26—02--2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted

“Interim Stay’ on the implementation of G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26—02—2011, the incumbents in the above posts continue to

draw the higher scale of pay recommended by One Man Commission, 2010. It is

observed that the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the scale

of pay of these posts from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 to Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.7600 considering the revision granted to Medical Officers as Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with Senior Civil Surgeons in the Allopathy side. In the

light of the above facts, the Committee has reviewed the G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated :26—02—2011 and finds that placing these posts at

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 on par with the Senior Civil Surgeons on

Allopathy side is quite appropriate. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to

retain the scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 as recommended by the

One Man Commission, 2010 and as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.300, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated :26—8—2010.



Tamil Nadu Post Graduate Siddha Doctors’ Association and Tamil Nadu

Government Siddha Doctors State Organization have requested to retain the pay

scale of these posts at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 considering their educational

qualification and services rendered in Indian Medicine and also taking note of the

recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission and to re-designate the post of

Lecturer as Assistant Professor as that of Lecturers in Allopathy side. It is observed

that based on Official Committee, 2009 recommendations, these posts have been

placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.9100—14050. Subsequently, based on the

recommendations of the One Man Commission, 2010 the scale of pay of these posts

have been revised from Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P.


Rs.6600 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit from 1—8—2010.

The above revision was downgraded to the original level pay scale of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--

2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted “Interim Stay’ on the implementation of

G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—02—2011, the incumbents in

the above posts continue to draw the higher scale of pay. It is noticed that

considering the fact that the entry level post of Assistant Medical Officer (Indian

Medicine) has been granted parity with Assistant Surgeons under the Allopathy side,

the One Man Commission, 2010 has appropriately recommended to place the

promotion posts of Assistant Medical Officers viz. Medical Officer, Deputy Director / Joint

Director on par with Civil Surgeon / Senior Civil Surgeon and Joint Director in Medical

Department. The Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order dated:

26—02—2011 including the revision granted to these posts and concluded that

these posts have already been placed appropriately on par with Civil Surgeons

under the Allopathy side based on the One Man Commission, 2010 recommendations.

Accordingly, the Committee recommends to retain the higher pay scale of Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as recommended by the One Man Commission, 2010 and as

ordered in G.O. Ms. No.300, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—8—2010.


The Director, Indian Medicine has recommended to revise the scale of pay of

the post of Librarian in Indian Medicine & Homeopathy as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P.

Rs.5400 on par with the Librarian in Medical Education Department as both the

posts were similarly placed in the pre-revised scale of pay. The Committee finds that

Librarian in both the departments were similarly placed in the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.5900—9900 and with corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as recommended by the Official Committee. Subsequently,


based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010, the scale of pay of

the Librarian in Medical Education Department has been revised from Rs.9300—

34800 + GP Rs.4500 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400, however, omitting similar

revision to the Librarian in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department. The

Committee, accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of

Librarian in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department from Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with their counterparts in

Medical Education Department.


The Director, Indian Medicine has recommended to revise the scale of pay of

this post from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade

Pay Rs.4400 on par with similar post in Medical Education and Medical and Rural

Health Services Department. It is noticed that the qualification, method of

recruitment and the pre-revised scales of pay of this post are similar and identical to

that of their counterparts in Medical Education and Medical and Rural Health

Services Department. Further, in the revised pay structure this post in both the

departments were placed at Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 as against the pre-

revised scale of pay of Rs.5300—8300. The One Man Commission has observed

that the qualification and method of recruitment of the post of Statistician in the

Directorate of Medical Education and Public Health & Preventive Medicine are

similar to that of the post of Statistical Inspector in Economics and Statistics and

recommended the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4400.

However, the post of Statistician in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department

has not been included in the abovesaid recommendations of One Man Commission.

Considering the above facts, this Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay

of the Statistician in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department on par with the

Statistical Inspector of Economics and Statistics Department from Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4400.


The Teaching Faculties and Therapeutic Assistants Association of Indian

Medicine Department has requested to revise the scale of pay of the Therapeutic

Assistant from Rs.4800--10000 + G.P. Rs.1400 to Rs. 5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.1900

on par with Masseur in Indian Medicine Department. It is noticed that the post of

Therapeutic Assistant has been granted the revised scale of pay of Rs.4800--10000

+ Grade Pay of Rs.1400 notionally with effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit

from 1-1-2007 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.2610--3540 as that of

the Masseurs in Indian Medicine Department. Subsequently, based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, the scale of pay for the post of Masseur

in Indian Medicine & Homeopathy Department has been revised from Rs.4800

--10000 + Grade Pay Rs.1400 to Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 notionally with

effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit from 1-8-2010, considering the

qualification of S.S.L.C., and Certificate Course of one year in Masseur Training.

The qualification prescribed for the post of Therapeutic Assistant is also S.S.L.C.,

and they are given six months training in Massaging and for giving various therapies.

Considering the similarity in duties and responsibilities between the post of the

Masseur and Therapeutic Assistant in Government Yoga and Naturopathy College,

the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of Therapeutic Assistant

due to the arduous physical work discharged by them at the work place and decided

to place them one level below that of Masseur who are having one year training

Certificate Course. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay

for the post of Therapeutic Assistant in Government Yoga & Naturopathy College be

revised from Rs.4800–10000+Grade Pay Rs.1400 to Rs.5200--20200+Grade Pay Rs.1800.



Tamil Nadu Government Officials Union Pharmacy and the Attendants

working in Palayangkota Govt. Siddha Medical College have requested to revise the

scale of pay of this post from Rs. 4800--10000 + Grade Pay Rs.1400 to Rs. 5200--20200

+ Grade Pay Rs.1900 on par with Masseur in Indian Medicine Department.

It is observed that the nature of duties of the Pharmacy Attendants are assisting the

Pharmacist in preparing medicine with various kinds of natural medicine leafs which

creates poison while preparing medicine by way of burning and mixing. This post

cannot be compared with Masseur as their qualification is SSLC with one year

training qualification. However, considering the different nature of work among

similarly placed categories, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this

post may be placed one level above the existing level and placed at Rs. 4800--10000

+ Grade Pay Rs.1650.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the
following categories as well:--
Existing Scale of Requested Scale of
Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Chief Pharmacist 9300--34800 + 4400 To equvate with
Medical Store Keeper
2 Pharmacy Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4400
3 Masseur 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2600 +
Hardship Allowance
4 Transcriber 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Aeromodelling
Instructor - cum store 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
2. Shipmodelling Instructor- 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
cum Store Keeper

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay+ Grade pay pay+ Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Deputy Librarian 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4900
2 Assistant Librarian 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4800
3 Librarian Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
4 Librarian Grade-II 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
5 Librarian Grade-III 5200-20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
Bibliography Assistant
6 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4800
7 Library Attender 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2400
8 Building Maistry 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4600
9 Binder 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
10 Plumber 5200-20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tvl. P. Kumar, C. Umapathy, Inspector of Police and Thiru M. Thangaraj and

few other (Retd.) Inspectors of Police have requested to issue suitable orders so as

to implement the scale of pay Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 ordered in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--2--2011. It may be stated that

the Official Committee, 2009 has recommended higher scale of pay Rs.9300--34800

+ G.P. Rs.4900 as against the enhanced pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500--12000

to the post of Inspector of Police notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary

benefit from 12--12--2007. Subsequently, considering the duties and responsibilities

of this post Government has revised the scale of pay of the post of Inspector of

Police from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay

Rs.5100 notionally with effect from 12--12--2007 with monetary benefit from

1-3-2011 vide G.O.Ms.No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26-02-2011. As the

Hon’ble High Court has granted “Interim Stay” the above scale of pay was not

implemented. Hence, the Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order

and has concluded that placing the Inspector of Police in Pay Band—3 may not be

appropriate. The Committee accordingly recommends that the scale of pay of

Inspector of Police may be appropriately placed in Pay Band—2 and revised from

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100

with a Special Allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Additional Superintendent of 15600--39100 + 6600 To fix a scale of pay

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Police / Additional Deputy between
Commissioner of Police / Deputy Pay Band-3 & 4
Automobile Engineer
2 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
(Police Transport Workshop)
3 Constable Grade—II 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2400
4 Constable Grade—I 5200--20200 + 2400 5200---20200 + 2800
5 Head Constable 5200--20200 + 2800 5200--20200 + 3200
6 Cook / Barber 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 1900
7 Washermen 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900
8 Senior Photographer 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
9 Photographer 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
To re-designate the post
as Senior Photographic
10 Senior Photographic Attendent 4800--10000 + 1650 Assistant with higher
Scales of pay
To re-designate the post
as Junior Photographic
11 Junior Photographic Attendent 4800--10000 + 1400 Assistant with higher
Scales of pay
12 Chief Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600-39100 + 7600
Senior Administrative Officer
13 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 6600
(erstwhile Administrative Officer)
14 Senior Chief Reporter 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
15 Chief Reporter 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100 + 6600
16 Technical Officer (Photography) 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 5700
17 Bench Fitter / Batterymen / 5200--20200 + 2600 To fix higher scale of pay
Electrician / Fitter (Grade-I) more than that granted in
G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance
Bench Fitter / Batterymen / 5200--20200 + 2000 (PC)Department ,dated:
Electrician / Fitter (Grade--II) 26-8-2010
18 Works Manager 15600--39100 + 6600 37400--67000 + 7600

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The recommendation of the Committee elsewhere under “Technical

Categories” to place the Skilled Assistant, Grade—II at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P.

Rs.2400 may also be made applicable to this post.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the
following categories as well:--
Existing Scale of Requested Scale of
Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Deputy Inspector General of 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000+8900
2. Superintendent of Prisons 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100+7600
3. Additional Superintendent of 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100+6600
4. Chief Probation 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100+7600
5. Regional Probation Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100+6600
6. Probation Officer 9300 --34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4800
(requested notional
effect from 1-1-2006)
7. Jailor 9300 --34800 + 4800 15600--39100+5400
8. Deputy Jailor 9300 --34800 + 4600 15600--39100+5100
9. Assistant Jailor 9300 --34800 + 4200 9300--34800+4800
10. Electrical Supervisor 9300 -- 34800 + 4400 15600--39100+5100

11. Accountant 9300 -- 34800 + 4300 9300--34800+ 4800

12. Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 9300--34800 + 4800

(requested notional
effect from 1-1-2006)
13. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues
relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational
qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to
the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external
pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Association of Engineers and Assistant Engineers Association, Tamil Nadu

Public Works Department and Tamil Nadu Engineers Federation have requested to

retain the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400

as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.312, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26-8-2010, as

it has been demanded in various Pay Commissions to grant pay scale on par with

Doctors based on the Professional qualification and having more responsibilities and

accountabilities as like Doctors and which has been considered after a long gap of 40

years. It is noticed that based on the recommendations of the Official

Committee,2009 the Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department have been

granted the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 which is the

corresponding revised scale for the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--11100.

Subsequently, the One Man Commission,2010 has considered that the post of

Assistant Engineer is filled by direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu Public Service

Commission and the prescribed educational qualification is B.E., which is a

Professional Degree and they may be placed on par with other professionally

qualified Medical personnel such as Assistant Surgeon, Assistant Medical Officers

(Indian Medicine), Assistant Public Prosecutors at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P.

Rs.5400. Further, the One Man Commission,2010 has also observed that the

Senior Draughting Officer with the qualification of either a certificate or diploma

which is a lower category for Assistant Engineer can be promoted as Assistant

Engineer if he possess a B.E. Degree who is placed equal to Assistant Engineer has

been considered an anomaly and placed on a higher scale of pay at Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 which in the view of the Committee seems to be incorrect

since the post of Senior Draughting Officer is a second level post under Draughting

Wing and Assistant Engineer which is a entry level post under Engineering Wing

and placed under two different Wings which cannot be compared. Further on

reviewing the recommendations of One Man Commission, the Government has

noticed that the Assistant Engineers have been erroneously placed on par with

Group-I posts such as Deputy Collectors, Deputy Superintendent of Police,

Assistant Director (Panchayat Raj) etc. which has led to the anomalous situation of

placing its first level and second level promotional posts of Assistant Executive

Engineers and Executive Engineer at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 and

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 and therefore the Government restored the scales

of pay of Assistant Executive Engineer and Executive Engineer to its original level,

However, the Assistant Engineers were granted a new scale of pay one level below

the Group-I posts at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 reducing only Rs.300/- duly

placing the post in the same Pay Band instead of restoring it to its original level of

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700. Accordingly, among others, orders have been

issued in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:26—02--2011. The

said orders are reviewed by this Committee as under:-

1) The scales of pay of the employees in every pay revision from Tamil Nadu

Fifth Pay Commission is based on the parity with similar posts in Government of


2) In Government of India both the Junior Engineer / Assistant Engineers are

placed at the section level and its promotional posts Assistant Executive Engineer is

placed at Sub-divisional level.

3) In Central Public Works Department the post of Assistant Engineer are

placed in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against the


pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7400--11100 based on the Sixth Central Pay

Commission recommendations. Further, the Junior Engineers are also claiming pay

hike given to Assistant Engineer due to the huge variation in emoluments

consequent on placing the Assistant Engineers erroneously in Pay Band—3

(Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400) as both these posts are placed at section level

and discharging the same work. The comparison with Medical Doctor is also not

appropriate as there is no equivalent of Diploma holder in that line. In the

Engineering line, there is a separate category of Diploma holders, who are Junior

Engineers and holding charge as ‘section in-charge’ like Assistant Engineers. The

recommendation of the One Man Commission to place Assistant Engineers in Pay

Band—3 opened up a huge differential with Junior Engineers, which appears

unjustified. Therefore, it is appropriate that the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers

in State Government may be brought down to Pay Band--2 at Rs.9300—34800.

However, the Grade Pay of Rs.5100 already fixed in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 26—2—2011, which is at a level above their counterparts in

Government of India would be appropriate. It also maintains an appropriate

difference of Rs.700/- in Grade Pay from Junior Engineer. The Committee also

recommend that the excess payments made till the issue of revised orders may be

waived and not recovered.

4) It is observed that the Official Committee, 2009 had rightly placed the post

of Assistant Engineer at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.6500—11100. In the light of the above facts, the Committee

consider it appropriate to place the post of Assistant Engineers on par with similar

posts in Central Public Works Department and also considering the local pay

relativity among other higher posts, the Committee recommends that it would be

appropriate that the pay scale of Assistant Engineers may be brought down to Pay

Band--2 from Pay Band--3 and granted an enhanced Grade Pay in the scale of pay

of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 i.e. with the same Grade pay as ordered in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department dated:26--02—2011. This implies

that the Assistant Engineer in State Public Works Department would be placed with

a difference in Grade pay of Rs.500/- in Grade Pay above the Assistant Engineers in

the Central Public Works Department. Likewise, the Committee also recommends to

place the post of Executive Engineer and Assistant Executive Engineer in the

appropriate revised scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + GP. Rs.6600 and

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 respectively as originally recommended by the

Official Committee, 2009 duly endorsing the orders issued by Government in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department dated:26--02—2011 uniformly on par

with the equivalent posts in other Government Departments.


Tamil Nadu Architectural Services Employees and the Engineer-in-Chief,

Chief Engineer (Buildings) in his letter dated: 09--10--2012 has requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post from Rs.37400--67000 + G.P. Rs.8900 to Rs.37400--

67000 + G.P. Rs.9500 on par with Chief Engineer. It is noticed that the pattern of

study of Professional Course of Bachelor Degree in Engineering (B.E) is 10 + 2 + 4

years, whereas in Architectural course (B.Arch.) is 10 + 2 + 5 years. Further, the

posts of Chief Engineer, Public Works Department and Chief Architect have been

placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8900 notionally

with effect from 1-1-2006 and with monetary benefit from 1-1-2007. Subsequently,

the One Man Commission, 2010 has recommended to revise the scale of pay of all

Head of Departments (Directors) and All Chief Engineers including Engineer-in-Chief


as Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.9500 i.e. who were in the existing pay scale of

Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8900 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.16400--20000. Though, the post of Chief Architect in Public Works Department

has been placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.37400—67000 + G.P. Rs.8900

as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.16400—20000 equal to the post of

Chief Engineer, Public Works Department subsequent revision of Grade Pay of

Rs.9500/- granted to the Chief Engineer, Public Works Department has been

omitted to be extended to this post. In the above circumstances, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of the post of Chief Architect may be placed on

par with Chief Engineer, Public Works Department by revising their scale of pay of

this post from Rs.37400-- 67000+ G.P. Rs.8900 to Rs.37400--67000+ G.P. Rs.9500.


Tamil Nadu Architectural Services Employees and the Engineer-in-Chief,

Chief Engineer (Buildings) have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with

Assistant Engineers. It is observed that this post has been equally placed with the

Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department in the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500—11100 with corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 on 1—1—2006. However, the higher scale of pay of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 granted to the post of Assistant Engineer in Public Works

Department by the One Man Commission, 2010 was not extended to this post.

Subsequently, the scale of pay of Assistant Engineer was brought down to

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26—2--2011. The Committee has recommended elsewhere to place the

Assistant Engineers appropriately at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. Hence, the


Committee finds justification to place this post on par with Assistant Engineer and

recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300-34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.



Association of Hydrogeologists, Public Works Department and Federation of

Hydrogeologists and Geophysicists Public Works Department, Ground Water Tamil

Nadu have requested to revise the scale of pay of these posts on par with Assistant

Engineer in Public Works Department from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 considering the mode of recruitment, qualification

and nature of work. It is observed that these posts have been placed on par with

Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department in the pre-revised scale of pay

Rs.6500--11100 with the corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 considering their Post Graduate Degree qualification. However, the

higher scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 (subsequently downgraded

to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100) granted to the post of Assistant Engineer in

Public Works Department was not extended to this post. As the Committee has

elsewhere recommended to place the Assistant Engineers in Pay Band—2 instead

of Pay Band—3 with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100/-, the Committee find

justification to place these posts on par with Assistant Engineer and recommends to

revise the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 as recommended to Assistant Engineers of Public

Works Department.


The employees working in the Computer Wing under Ground Water Division

of Public Works Department has requested to revise the scale of pay of this post

from Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par

with the post of Assistant Executive Engineer considering the method of recruitment,

qualification and nature of work and responsibilities. It is noticed that this post has

been initially created in the year 1988 in the scale of pay of Rs.1340—2435 and

granted the corresponding revised scales of pay in the subsequent Pay

Commissions at Rs.2200--4000 / Rs.8000—13500 with effect from 1--6--1988 and

1--1--1996 respectively on par with the post of Assistant Executive Engineers.

Based on the recommendations of the Official Committee, 2009 revised scale of pay

of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 has been fixed to the post of Programmer and

Assistant Executive Engineer. Further, the higher scale of pay of Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 granted to the post of Assistant Executive Engineer has been

downgraded to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26-2-2011 and the same has been endorsed by this

Committee. Hence, no anomaly exists in this case and the existing scale of pay of

this post is appropriate. However, the Committee recommends that the post of

Computer Programmer in Public Works Department may be designated as System

Analyst in line with the general orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.339, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26--8--2010 with no change in the existing scale of pay.


Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s Association and Diploma Engineers Council,

Tamil Nadu and some other individuals holding this post have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 on par with

Executive Engineer. It is observed that this post has been placed in the revised

scale of pay at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay Rs.9100--14050 which has been subsequently revised as Rs.15600-39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 and

then downgraded to original level of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700. However,

the Head Draughting Officers continue to draw the higher pay scale of Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 due to the ‘Interim Stay’ granted by the Hon’ble High Court in

the Writ Petition filed by the Tamil Nadu Draughting Officers Association. As the

Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O. Ms.

No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26—02--011 only to the Appellants,

the Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order and concluded that

placing these posts at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 on par with Executive

Engineers of Public Works Department may not be appropriate. Accordingly, the

Committee endorses the original pay scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 as

recommended by the Official Committee and as rightly ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26.02.2011. The Committee also

recommends to the Government to take necessary steps to vacate the ‘Interim Stay’

granted by Hon’ble High Court so as to implement the scale of pay recommended to

the Head Draughting Officers as above.


Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s Association and Diploma Engineers Council,

Tamil Nadu and some other individuals holding this post have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with

Assistant Engineer based on the parity enjoyed in the pre-revised scale of pay. It is

observed that based on Official Committee recommendations, the scale of pay of


Senior Draughting Officers was revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700

notionally with effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from 1-1-2007 as against

the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--11100 on par with Assistant Engineer.

Subsequently, based on One Man Commission recommendations, the scale of pay

of this post was further revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 notionally with

effect from 12--12--2007 with monetary benefit from 1--8--2010 by placing the post

one level above the Ministerial Superintendents corresponding to the upgraded pre-

revised scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000 - vide orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.313,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—08--2010. Hence, the Committee finds

justification to maintain the level recommended by the One Man Commission, 2010

to place this post one level above the Ministerial Superintendents on par with their

promotional posts and therefore recommends to revise the pay scale of this post

from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Tamil Nadu Draughtsmen’s Association and Diploma Engineers Council,

Tamil Nadu and some other individuals holding this post have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with their counterparts in Technical Education

considering similarity in qualification and nature of work. It is noticed that Junior

Draughting Officer in both Technical Education and Public Works Department were

placed in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.4500--7000 with the corresponding revised

scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 as on 1—1--2006 based on the

recommendations of Official Committee, 2009. Subsequently, based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 the scale of pay of Junior

Draughting Officer in Technical Education has been revised from Rs.5200—20200 +


G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 considering the Diploma

qualification prescribed for this post. However, the said pay hike has not been

extended to Junior Draughting Officer in Public Works Department. Hence, the

Committee is of the view that this is an omission and therefore recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with their counterparts in Technical

Education Department and that similar revision may also be extended to this post

existing in other departments./

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Engineer-in-Chief and 37400--67000 + 9500 37400--67000 + 10000
Chief Engineer (or) 12000
2. Superintending Engineer 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 9500
3. Junior Engineer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100
4. Architect wing 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 9500
Junior Chief Architect
5. Senior Architect 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
6. Assistant Architect 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
7. Blue Print Operator 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400
8. Senior Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4700 15600--39100 + 6600
(re-designate the post as
Assistant Research Officer)
9. Junior Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
(To re-designate the post
Junior Research Officer)
Ground Water 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
10. Joint Director (Geology)
11. Deputy Directors 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
(Geology/Photo - geology)
Technical Experts (Geo-physics,
12. Assistant Directors 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
(Geology, Geophysicists,
13. System Analyst 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
14. Senior System Manager 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
15. Assistant Programmer 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
16. Radio Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
17. Special Grade Draughting 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
18. Draughting Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900
19. Store Keeper Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4800
20. Laboratory Assistant 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
and to re-designate the
post as Research Officer.
21. Administrative Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 Higher scale of pay +
Special Pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Sub-Registrars Association and eight individual petitioners have

requested to place this post in Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on

par with Tahsildar / Block Development Officer / Inspector of Police / Forest Ranger

as it is a promotional post to Sub-Registrar Grade-II. The Committee noticed that

this post has been placed on par with the promotional posts to Superintendents by

the Official Committee at the time of implementation of revised scales of pay.

Consequent on the decision taken to place the Tahsildars, Block Development

Officers in Pay Band--2, the Committee recommends to place this post on par with

the promotional posts of Superintendents. Accordingly, the Committee recommends

to revise the scale of pay of Sub-Registrar Grade-I from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Revised Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Deputy Inspector General of 15600--39100 + 7600 30000—60000
2 Assistant Inspector General 15600--39100 + 6600 25000—52000
of Registration
3 Sub Registrar Grade—II 9300--34800 + 4800 9300-34800 + 4800 +
Personal pay Rs.500/-

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Revenue Department Officials Association / Tamil Nadu Revenue

Department Staff Association have requested to place the post on par with Under

Secretary to Government or in a elevated scale. The Tamil Nadu Revenue Officials

Association has requested to place the post in the elevated Pay Band Rs.15600-

39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 + P.P. Rs.1000. Tamil Nadu Civil Services Association,

Tamil Nadu Revenue Department Officials Association and Association of Retired

Officials of Revenue Department, Tamil Nadu Retired Revenue Officers Association

and several individuals have requested to retain and assure the pay fixed in the Pay

Band Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100. The District Collector, Ramanathapuram

and seven other Retired Tahsildars have requested to clarify the eligibility of revised

pension to retired Tahsildars in the elevated pay scale as per G.O. Ms. No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—2--2011 in the light of Judgment dated

24—11--2011 in W.P.No: 7463 of 2011 and to give effect the elevated scale. Thiru

Desingu, Retired Tahsildar and four other individuals have also requested to extend

the elevated scale given to Tahsildars notionally from 1.1.2006 instead of 12.12.2007

so as to benefit those retired between 1.1.2006 to 30.11.2007. It is noticed that

based on the recommendations of Official Committee, the scale of pay of this post

was revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 (notionally with effect from 1-1-2006

with monetary benefit from 1-1-2007) and revised to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900

(with effect from 12.12.2007) and further revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900

+ Special Allowance of Rs.1000/- with effect from 1.2.2011 vide orders issued in

G.O.Ms.No.45, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:10—2--2011 and upgraded to

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 notionally with effect from 12.12.2007 with


monetary benefit from 1.3.2011 vide orders issued in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26.2.2011. It is observed by the Committee that neither

the granting of Personal Pay of Rs.1000/- nor elevation to the Pay Band—3 at

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 has been implemented for Tahsildars as the

implementation of G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26--2--2011 has been challenged by Writ Petitions in High Court. It needs to be

mentioned here that several representations have been received for revision of scale

of pay of posts which were equally placed on par with Tahsildars in pre-revised scale

of pay of Rs.6500--10500. As the Committee has elsewhere recommended to bring

down the posts in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—11100 like Assistant

Engineers in Public Works and other Engineering Departments who were granted

the scale of pay in Pay Band—3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 to Pay Band--2

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 considering the level of the Assistant Engineers in

Central Public Works Department it is imperative that the elevation made to Pay

Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5100 to Tahsildars and similar posts in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26.2.2011 may also be appropriately

be brought down to Pay Band--2. Accordingly the Committee recommends that the

Tahsildars may be placed at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. 5100 to maintain uniformity

which may be made applicable to the other equivalent posts of Inspectors of Police,

Forest Ranger and Block Development Officers etc, who were elevated to Pay

Band—3. However, the Committee recommends that a sum of Rs.1000/-p.m. may

be sanctioned as Special Allowance to Tahsildars for their arduous nature of work

and considering the duties and responsibilities attached to the post.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. District Revenue Officer 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
(or) 30000-67000 + 7600
2. Deputy Collector 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 7600
(or) 25500--48500 +7600
(or) 25500--48500 +6600
(or) 25600--56000 +7400
(or) 20600--39100 +7600
3. Deputy Tahsildar / 9300--34800 + 4800 + 15600--39100 + 5400
Superintendent / Fair Copy Personal pay Rs.500 + 30% -Personal pay
4. Revenue Assistant / Revenue 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
Inspector (or) 4500 (or) 4400 (or)
+ 30%Personal pay
(re-designation as
Deputy Tahsildar)
5. Junior Revenue Assistant 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
+ 30% Personal pay
6. Steno- typist Grade-III 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
+ 30% Personal pay
7. Typist / Telex Operator / 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
Telephone Operator + 30% Personal pay
8. Village Administrative Officer 5200--20200 + 2400 Selection Grade
9300--34800 + 4200
Special Grade
9300--34800 + 4400
9. Sergeant 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 1800
(or) 2000
10. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2000
+ 30% Personal pay
11. Office Assistant 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 2000
+ 30% Personal pay
12. Village Assistant 3500--6000 + 800 4800--10000 + 1300
(Regular time scale of

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Tamil Nadu Rural Development Engineers and Assistant Engineers (TNPSC)

Welfare Association and several other Associations and individuals have requested

to place the post of Assistant Engineer in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600. Tamil Nadu Rural Development Officials Association and Tamil Nadu

Rural Development Engineer Association have requested to place this post in the

Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. Based on the Official Committee

recommendations, the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers in Rural Development

Department was revised as Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 notionally with effect

from 1.1.2006 with monetary benefit from 1.1.2007 and subsequently revised to

Rs.15600--39100+G.P. Rs.5400 notionally with effect from 1.1.2006 with monetary

benefit from 1—12--2010 and downgraded to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100

notionally with effect from 1.1.2006 with monetary benefit from 1.3.2011 in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:26-2-2011. As the Committee

has reviewed the above Government order and recommended to place the post of

Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay

Band—3 with an enhanced Grade Pay above the Assistant Engineers in Central

Public Works Department at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 the above scale of pay

may be made applicable to this post. Likewise, the Committee also recommends to

place the promotional posts of Executive Engineer and Assistant Executive

Engineer in the appropriate revised scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.6600 and Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 respectively as originally

recommended by the Official Committee, 2009 duly endorsing the orders issued by

Government so as to maintain uniformity with the equivalent posts in other

Government Departments.


Tamil Nadu Rural Development and Panchayat Union Officials Association

has requested to place the post of Block Development Officer in the Pay Band-3 at

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6000. Tamil Nadu Rural Development Officials

Association, Tamil Nadu Rural Development and Panchayat Employees Association

and Tamil Nadu Developmental Services Officials Association and several other

Associations and individuals have requested to implement the orders issued in

G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:26-2-2011 for elevation of

pay scale to the Block Development Officers under Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--

39100+ G.P. Rs.5100 and grant the Personal Pay of Rs.1000/- as ordered earlier.

Retired Officials Association and several other Associations and individuals have

requested to extend the monetary benefit / notional effect from 1-1-2006 instead of

12.12.2007 as it would benefit those persons retired between 1-1-2006 to

30.11.2007. Based on Official Committee recommendations, the scale of pay of the

post of Block Development Officer has been revised as Rs.9300--34800+

G.P. Rs.4600 notionally with effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from

1.1.2007 and revised as Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4900 with monetary benefit from

12.12.2007 vide orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 1.6.2009. and subsequently revised as Rs.9300--34800+G.P. Rs.4900 +

Personal Pay Rs.1000 with effect from 1-2-2011 vide G.O.Ms.No.45, Finance(Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 10-2-2011 and elevated to Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 notionally with effect from 12—12—2007 with monetary benefit from

1—3—2011 as per G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:


26-2-2011. It is observed that the elevation given to this post under Pay Band-3 at

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26.2.2011 has not been implemented so far due to the stay granted by the

Hon’ble High Court. Hence considering the plea made by other employees who

were placed in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500 identical to Block

Development Officers / Tahsildars, the Committee noticed that these posts have to

be appropriately placed in Pay Band--2 and therefore it would not be appropriate to

distort the existing pay relativities of other posts who were on an identical pre-revised

scale of pay. Hence the Committee recommends to modify the orders issued in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26-2-2011 to the extent that

the Block Development Officers may be placed in Pay Band-2 instead of Pay Band—

3 with same Grade Pay in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 +

Special Allowance of Rs.1000/-p.m. for their arduous nature of work and

considering their duties and responsibilities as recommended earlier in the case of

Tahsildars in Revenue Department. In respect of giving effect from 1-1-2006 for

revision, the Committee finds no justification to consider this request as the revision

given to Ministerial Superintendent and its promotional posts consequent on the

revision of scale of pay to Assistant Section Officer of Secretariat were given effect

from 12--12--2007 only based on the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India

to place the Superintendents a level above the Assistant Section Officers of



Rural Development Block Engineers Association and several other

Associations and individuals have requested to place this post in the Pay Band-3

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700. This post has been placed in the revised scale of

pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500--11100 which has been revised to Rs.9300--34800+G.P. Rs.4900 based on

the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010. It is observed that this post

has been equally placed on par with Senior Draughting Officer in Public Works

Department. As the Committee has recommended to place the Senior Draughting

Officer of Public Works Department in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs. 5100 one level above the Ministerial Superintendents on par with their

promotional posts considering the revised scale of pay granted as against the

upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500—12000, the Committee also

recommends to extend similar revision of pay scale to this post.


Tamil Nadu Overseer Association, Tamil Nadu Rural Development

Department Officials Union, Tamil Nadu Rural Development Department Officials

Association and several other Associations and individuals have requested to revise

the scale of pay of these posts in the Pay Band-2 from Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 / Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4600 /

Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4200 / in a elevated Pay Band on par with Junior

Draughting Officer in Technical Education Department. Principal Secretary, Rural

Development and Panchayat Raj Department has also recommended the request of

the Association to grant such pay revision. Tamil Nadu Overseers Association has

requested to place the post in the Pay Band Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 on par

with Junior Engineers. It is observed that Overseer posts were created as

deputation posts and some posts have been created to absorb the Technical

Assistants with Diploma qualification. Overseer in Rural Development Department

was placed on par with Overseer in Public Words Department and Highways

Department at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.4500--7000. Based on the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance(Pay

Cell) Department, dated:26—08--2010, for trade posts, the post of Overseer in

Public Works Department has been considered as a supervisory post and the scale

of pay of the post has been revised as from Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. Hence, the Committee recommends that similar

revision may be extended to the posts of Overseer under the Rural Development /

Highways Departments etc.

2) In respect of Junior Draughting Officer, it is observed that this post has

been equally placed on par with their counterparts in Technical Education,

Highways and Forest Departments in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500--7000

with the corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.Rs.2800 with

effect from 1-1-2006 based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009.

However, based on the recommendations of One Man Commission 2010, the pay

of Junior Draughting Officer of Technical Education Department has been revised to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 based on the Diploma qualification which has not

been extended to similar post in Rural Development Department. Hence, the

Committee finds justification in the request of the Association and recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300-

-34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with Junior Draughting Officer in Technical Education

Department and as recommended to this post in Public Works Department.


Tamil Nadu Rural Development and Panchayat Union Employees

Association, Tamil Nadu Rural Development Official’s Association, Tamil Nadu

Village Drinking Water Project Panchayat Union Technical Employees Association


and several other Associations and individuals have requested to revise the scale of

pay of the post of Fitter, Grade-II from Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistant and other equivalent posts. As

this post is a trade post the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No.338, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26-8-2010 is applicable to this post. The Committee has

elsewhere recommended to place the Grade—II Trade posts at Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400. Hence, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this post

may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 to Rs.5200--20200 +

Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with the entry level post of Skilled Assistant Grade-II.


Tamil Nadu Village Drinking Water Project Panchayat Union Technical

Employees Association, Tamil Nadu Rural Development and Panchayat Union

Employees Association, Tamil Nadu Rural Development Official’s Association and

several other Associations and individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay

of the post of Electrician from Pay Band Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.1900 to

Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Laboratory Assistant, Driver, Junior

Assistant etc. As this post is a trade post the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.338,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26.8.2010 is applicable to this post. The

Committee has recommended to revise the Grade—II Trade posts re-designated as

Skilled Assistant Grade-II from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400. Hence, the Committee recommends that the scale of

pay of this post may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 to

Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 on par with the entry level post of Skilled

Assistant Grade-II.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Chief Engineer and 37400--67000 + 9500 37400--67000 + 10000
2. Superintending Engineer 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 9500
3. Junior Engineer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
(or) 5100
4. Joint Director / Project Officer 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
5. Assistant Director / 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
PA to Collector (Panchayat)
6. Deputy Block Development 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5400
Officer + 500 Personal pay
7. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2000
8. Office Assistant / Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1800
9. Workshop Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
10. Technical Assistant Television 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100
11. Librarian 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4500
12. Technician (Bio-Gas) 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
13. Road Inspector Grade-I 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
14. Road Inspector Grade-II 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
15. Panchayat Assistant 2500--5000 + 500 5200--20200 + 2400 (or)
(subsequently re-designated as Special time scale 2000 (or) 1900
Panchayat Secretary) on regular time scale of pay
16. Computer Assistant Consolidated pay Regular time scale of pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



(erstwhile District Disabled Rehabilitation Officer)

Tamil Nadu Government District Differently Abled Welfare Officer Association

and certain individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 or to restore the revision of scale of pay made as

per the recommendations of One Man Commission. It is observed that this post has

been placed in the revised pay scale of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against

the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500 which has been subsequently placed

in the elevated pay band at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010. However the scale of pay of this

post has been brought down to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—02--2011 to the level of Tahsildar, Block

Development Officers i.e. one level below Group-I posts. As the Committee has

recommended elsewhere to place the post of Block Development Officers,

Tahsildars etc., in Pay Band--2 instead of Pay Band—3 with an enhanced Grade

Pay Rs.5100, the Committee recommends that pay scale of District Differently Abled

Welfare Officer may also be revised as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 and excess

pay drawn by them so far in the enhanced pay scale may be waived without effecting

any recovery.


The Principal Secretary and Commissioner for Differently Abled has

forwarded the representation of Tamil Nadu Government Rehabilitation Centre Head

Warden and Warden Welfare Association wherein they have requested to revise the

scale of pay of Head Warden as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800. It is observed that


this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3200--4900 on par with

Police Constable Grade-I in Police Department / Warden Grade-I in Prisons

Department however, subsequent pay revision made to these posts to Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 has not be extended to Head Warden. Hence, the Committee

finds justification to elevate the scale of pay of this post on par with their counterparts

in Police and Prisons Department and accordingly recommends that the scale of pay

for the post of Head Warden be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


The Secretary / Commissioner of Differently Abled has forwarded the

representation of Thiru E. Nedunchezhian, Audiometrician wherein he has requested

to revise the scale of pay of the post of Audiometrician as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. Considering the higher educational qualification of degree, duties and

responsibilities attached to the post and also taking note of the fact that it is a solitary

post; the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends that the scale of pay of Audiometrician be revised from

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Audiologist-cum-Speech 9300-34800 + 4200 15600-39100 + 5400
2. Vocational Guidance 9300-34800 + 4200 9300-34800 + 4800

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
3. Orthotic Technician 9300-34800 + 4200 9300-34800 + 4400
(re-designate as
Prosthetic –cum-
Orthotic Engineers)
4. Powerloom Instructor 5200-20200 + 2400 9300-34800 + 4200

5. Secondary Grade Teacher 5200-20200 + 2800 + 5200-20200 + 2800 +

Rs.750 Personal pay Rs.750 Personal pay +
20% as Special pay
6. Multipurpose 5200-20200 + 2400 9300-34800 + 4200
Rehabilitation Assistant
7. Guard 4800-10000 + 1400 5200-20200 + 1900
8. Warden 5200-20200 + 1900 5200-20200 + 2400
9. Assistant Receptionist 4800-10000 + 1400 5200-20200 + 1900
10. Junior Rehabilitation 9300-34800 + 4300 9300-34800 + 4800
11. Leather Worker 5200-20200 + 1900 5200-20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Director, Small Savings has forwarded the request of the Field Officers

and requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Field Officer on par with

Superintendent as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 and issue suitable orders as

the post of Field Officer and Superintendent are interchangeable posts so as to

make them work effectively. It is noticed that this post has been placed at Rs.1600

--2660 and at Rs.5300--8300 in the pre-revised scales of pay on par with the

Superintendent. However, the pay of Ministerial Superintendent has been revised

as Rs.5500--9000 & Rs.5700--9200 in the pre-revised scale of pay based on the

Orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and placed in the revised pay at

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs. 4800 as against the enhanced pre-revised scale of pay

of Rs.7000--11500 with effect from 12—12--2007. It is also ascertained that in

G.O. Ms. No. 258, Finance (S.S) Department, dated: 05-07-2005, it was proposed

to amend the adhoc rules for the post of Field Officers by deleting the post of

Superintendent for appointment on transfer, however no such amendment has been

issued till date. Pending such amendment to the adhoc rules, the earlier rule of

filling up of this post ‘by transfer’ from Superintendent of Small Savings Department

as one of the methods still holds good. Therefore, the Committee finds justification

to place this post on par with the Superintendents in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

considering their appointment by transfer to this post. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of Field Officers in Small Savings Department

may be revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.

Rs.4800 on par with Ministerial Superintendents.




Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Department Employee’s Association and Thiru.

A. Gangalesh and others have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 on par

with Industrial Co-operative Officer in Industries and Commerce Department. It is

noticed that in the revised scale of pay the post of Industrial Co-operative Officer

has been placed on par with their counterparts in Industries & Commerce

Department at Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500. Subsequently, based on the

One Man Commission,2010 recommendations the scale of pay of Industrial

Co-operative Officer in Industries and Commerce has been revised from Rs.9300--

34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 notionally

with effect from 12—12--2007 with monetary benefit from 1--8--2010. However, the

above revision was omitted to be extended to the Industrial Cooperative Officer in

Social Welfare Department. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of Industrial Co-operative Officer from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500

to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900 notionally with effect from 12—12--2007

with monetary benefit as may be decided for other categories.


Child Development Project Officers Association/ Child Development Project

Officers Welfare Association have requested to revise their scale of pay as

Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5100 (or) Rs.5400 on par with Block Development

Officer and higher than its feeder category Superintendent. It is observed that this

post has been placed one level above the Ministerial Superintendent in the

pre-revised scale of pay at Rs.5900--9900 and also in the revised scale of pay

initially at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as on 1—1--2006. However, the anomaly

has arisen due to the pay hike given to the Ministerial Superintendents as Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 one level above the Assistant Section Officer of Secretariat

Service with effect from 12—12--2007. Further, as per the existing adhoc rules, the

post of Child Development Project Officer is filled by transfer from among the

Ministerial Superintendents. Therefore, the Committee finds justification to place the

post of Child Development Project Officer atleast to the level of Superintendent in

Ministerial Service. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of

Child Development Project Officer in Social Welfare Department may be revised

from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 on par

with Ministerial Superintendent.


Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Department Employee’s Association and Thiru.

A. Gangalesh and others have requested to revise the scale of pay from Rs.9300

--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay as Rs.4300 on par with

Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives in Industries and Commerce Department. The

One Man Commission,2010 has revised the scale of pay of Supervisor of Industrial

Co-operatives from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.4300 notionally with effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit

from 1--8—2010 but the above revision was omitted to be extended to the similar

post in Social Welfare Department. Considering the fact that this is an omission in

2010, One Man Commission recommendations, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4300 on par with similar post in Industries and

Commerce Department.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

No. + Grade pay Pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Anganwadi Helper Grade-I / 1300--3000 + 300 4800--10000 + 1300
Noonmeal Cooks (or)
5200--20200 + 1900
2 Noon Meal Organisers / 2500--5000 + 500 4800--10000 + 1300
Anganwadi Workers
5200--20200 + 2400
3 Assistant Director / District
Social Welfare Officer / 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
District Project Officer
4 Extension Officer Social
Welfare (EOSW) / Grade-I 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
5 Grade-II Supervisors / Rural 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
Welfare Officers (Women)

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Member Secretary State Planning Commission has requested to revise

the scale of pay of the post of Planning Junior Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2200 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 one level above that of Junior

Assts. in other Departments. It is observed that the post of Planning Junior Assistant

was placed on par with Assistant in Tamil Nadu Secretariat and granted the revised

scale of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2200 considering the qualification of Degree. In

One Man Commission, 2010 considering that the Ministerial Assistant, Junior

Inspector of Cooperative Societies / Junior Inspector of Cooperative Audit etc. are

filled by direct recruitment through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission with the

same qualification, and placed at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400, it has been

recommended to revise the scale of pay of Assistant in Secretariat as Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Ministerial Assistants. Subsequently, as the scale

of pay of Ministerial Assistants have been revised as Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800, the Committee has decided to place the Planning Junior Assistant

one level above the Junior Assistants and in between Assistants in Tamil Nadu

Ministerial Service. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of Planning Junior Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2200 to Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2600. The Committee also recommends that similar revision may

also be extended to the Assistants in Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Private Secretary 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5100
2. Personal Assistant 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
3. Planning Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4800 15600--39100 + 5100
4. Planning Assistant 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
5. Senior Planning Assistant 9300--34800 + 4500 Enhancement in grade pay

6. Librarian 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Front Office Assistants of State Guest House, Chepauk, Chennai-5 have

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post on par with that of Junior Assistants

in Ministerial Service from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400. Comparison with that of Junior Assistant in Ministerial Service is quite

appropriate. Prior to the subsequent revision of scale of pay made to the post of

Junior Assistant as Rs.5200—20200 + 2400 the post of Front Office Assistant have

been identically placed with Junior Assistants. Besides, the educational qualification

of Front Office Assistant is also commensurate with that of Junior Assistant. Further,

it is also noticed that consequent on the revision of scale of pay made to the Junior

Assistants certain equally placed posts have also been revised on par with Junior

Assistant such as Telephone Operator / Telex Operator / Record Assistant etc.

Hence, on the analogy of the revision made to Junior Assistants, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Junior Assistants.


Thiru. Neelakandan, and Thiru. N. Sundaramoorthi of Guest House have

requested to revise their scale of pay as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par

with Junior Assistant considering the technical qualification prescribed to this post.

As the Committee has elsewhere recommended to revise the scale of pay of entry

level Grade-II Trade posts re-designated as Skilled Assistant Grade—II in

G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010 from Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400, the Committee


recommends that the above revision of pay recommended is also applicable to

these posts in State Guest House.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Receptionist (Protocol) 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4600

2. Manager 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400

3. All Categories in State ---- 20% of Pay as

Guest House, Chennai Special pay.

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Sericulture Employees Association has requested to place the

post in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.8000--13500 with corresponding revised

Pay Band Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 from 1--1--2006 on par with

Administrative Officers of other Departments. It is observed that the pay scale of this

post has been revised from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400 notionally with effect from 1-1-2006 with monetary benefit from

1—8—2010 as per G.O.Ms.No. 317, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010

based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 which has been

subsequently downgraded to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No. 71,

Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—2—2011 and the same has not been

implemented due to Interim Stay. However, as per the review made on the above

Government Order, the Committee finds it appropriate to place this post in the Pay

Band—2 with the Grade Pay of Rs.5100 on par with the promotional post of

Superintendents. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of this post as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Revised Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Inspector of Sericulture 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4900
Assistant Inspector of
2 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800
Junior Inspector of
3 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
4 Night Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1800

Existing Scale of Revised Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
5 Mazdoors (Sericulture) 2500--5000 + 500 4800–10000 + 1300

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Social Defence Department Employees Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Probation Officer from Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 on par with Probation

Officers in Prisons Department. Thiru M. Selvam, and Tmt. A. Devaki, Probation

Officers have also requested to place this post in the Pay Band—3 at Rs.15600—

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on the grounds that they were placed higher than a

Superintendent, Protective Homes upto Fourth Pay Commission Scales of Pay.

Thiru R. Sundar, Probation Officer has requested to place the post in the

Pay Band –2 at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900, as the post of Office

Superintendent/Office Manager are the feeder category to this post. Social Welfare

Department Staff Association and Tvl S. Rajapathy, P. Ganesan and

B. Sathyanarayanan, Probation Officers have requested to place the post in the Pay

Band—3 at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with District Disabled

Rehabilitation Officers, Motor Vehicle Inspectors, Assistant Engineers as the

qualification is higher.

2) It is noticed that the Probation Officers in both Prisons and Social Defence

Departments were equally placed posts in pre-revised scales of pay and the said

anomaly has arisen due to the issue of G.O.Ms.No.310, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26-8-2010 in which the pay scale of Probation Officer in Prisons

Department has been revised from Rs. 9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to

Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4800 based on the recommendation of One Man

Commission, 2010. It is a mere omission as Probation Officers in both the

Departments were enjoying parity in the previous Pay Commissions. However, it is


pointed out that Superintendent in Ministerial Service has been placed one level

above the Assistant Section Officer in Secretariat Service based on Supreme Court

Orders. Moreover, comparison with Superintendent of Protective Homes, District

Disabled Rehabilitation Officers, Motor Vehicle Inspectors, Assistant Engineers is

not reasonable as the recruitment, qualification, duties and responsibilities are

different when compared to this post and their scale has been reduced in

G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011 which has been

reviewed by this Committee elsewhere. Based on the above, the Committee

recommends that the scale of pay of Probation Officer in Social Defence Department

may be revised from Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 +

Grade Pay Rs.4800 on par with Probation Officer of Prisons Department.


Tamil Nadu Social Defence Department Employees Association has

requested to revise the scales of pay of the post of Chief Guard / Warden Grade--I

from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 /

G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Chief Head Warder/ Warder Grade-I in Prisons

Department. Tamil Nadu Social Defence Department Executives Association has

requested to re-designate these posts as Warden Grade--I or Supervisor Grade-

-I and to revise the scales of pay of the post as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2900.

The post of Chief Head Warder of Prisons Department had already been placed on a

higher pay scale of Rs.3200--4900 in the pre-revised scale with corresponding

revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 and further revised to

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 in G.O.Ms.No.311, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated:26—08--2010. Hence, it is not reasonable to compare with Chief

Head Warden of Prison Department. However, the Committee finds justification to


revise the scale of pay of Chief Guard / Warden Grade-I on par with Warder Grade-I

of Prisons Department, as both the posts were equally placed in the pre-revised

scales of pay of Rs.3050--4590 with corresponding revised scale of pay of

Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 and the difference has occurred due to

consequent revision made to Warder Grade--I of Prison Department as Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 based on the recommendations of One Man

Commission 2010. Hence the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of Chief

Guard / Warden Grade-I may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900

to Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000 on par with Warder Grade-I of Prisons

Department with no change in the existing nomenclature.



Tamil Nadu Social Defence Department Executives Association has

requested to re-designate the posts of Gateman and Senior Reception Home

Assistant as Warden Grade-II or Supervisor Grade-II and to revise the scale of pay

of the posts from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1800 to Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800. There is no justifiable reason for change of nomenclature of these

posts. However, the Committee finds justification to place these posts on par with

Warder Grade-II of Prison Department based on the pay parity enjoyed in the pre-

revised scale, with corresponding revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + Grade

Pay Rs.1800. and that the subsequent revision granted to the Warder Grade-II of

Prison Department as Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 in G.O.Ms.No.311,

Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--08--2010 based on the recommendations of

One Man Commission 2010 was not extended to these posts. Hence the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of the posts of Warden Grade-II / Gateman

/ Senior Reception Home Assistant from Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800 to


Rs.5200--20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 on par with Warder Grade-II of Prisons

Department .


Tamil Nadu Social Defence Department Executives Association has

requested to re-designate the posts as Warder Grade-I or Supervisor Grade-I and to

revise the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.1800 to

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2900. There is no justifiable reasons for change of

nomenclature of the posts and to place the posts in the scale of pay of Rs.5200--

20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2900. However, the Committee finds that it is reasonable to

place these posts on par with Warder Grade—II of Prison Department. Accordingly,

the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of these posts may be revised

from Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800 to Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900

on par with Warder Grade-II of Prisons Department.



Principal Secretary/ Director, Social Defence Department and Thiru

R. Gurumurthi, Carpentry Instructor whose Scale of Pay is Rs.5200--20200 + Grade

Pay Rs.2800 have requested to clarify the eligibility of Special Allowance of Rs.500/-

and Personal Pay of Rs.750/- sanctioned to Secondary Grade Assistant in

G.O. Ms. No.270, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--8--2010 /

G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12--1--2011. It is noticed that

as per recommendation of OMC 2010 Special Allowance of Rs.500/- has been

sanctioned to Secondary Grade Teachers and other teaching posts in the grade of

Secondary Grade in G.O. Ms. No. 270, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26--8--

2010 which has subsequently been revised to Rs.750/- and converted as Personal

Pay and sanctioned to the Ordinary Grade Secondary Grade Teachers in

G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12--01--2011. The

Committee has considered the fact that these posts were all along placed on par

with Secondary Grade Teachers in School Education Department and therefore

recommends to extend the Personal Pay of Rs.750/- as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.23,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12-01-2011 to the teaching categories which

were placed in the cadre of Secondary Grade Teachers.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Assistant Superintendent 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4800
2 Band Master / Soap Chemist 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
Work Shop Assistant (Book
3 Binding) / Work Shop Assistant 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2800
(Carpentry Unit) / Wireman
Guard / Junior Reception
4 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2500
Home Assistant
5 Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 2500
6 Matron Grade—II 4800--10000 + 1650 5200--20200 + 2800
Matron Grade--III / Women
7 4800–10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 2500
Guard / Ayah
8 Master Cutter 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4500

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Health Transport Department Employees

Association, Tamil Nadu State Health Transport Department Anna Employees Union

and thirteen individuals have requested to retain the pay of the post of General

Foreman at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2—2011 on par with General Foreman of

Motor Vehicle Maintenance Department. It is observed that the post of General

Foreman in State Health Transport Department has been granted the revised scale

of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4400 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.5500—9000 and subsequently revised as Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay

Rs.5100 in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2011

without any proper justification for such a steep increase in pay scale from Pay

Band—2 to Pay Band—3. It is also noticed that this higher revision of pay has not

been implemented due to the “Interim Stay” granted by the Hon’ble High Court on

the implementation of the above Government Order dated: 26—2--2011. The

Committee has also observed that the qualification prescribed for the post of

General Foreman in State Health Transport Department is only a diploma and which

is appropriately placed on par with Junior Engineers in Public Works Department.

Due to the above said steep increase and shift in from Pay Band-- 2 to Pay Band—3,

several Service Associations have represented for pay hike to its promotional posts

citing this post. Therefore, the Committee recommends to retain the post of General

Foreman in State Health Transport Department to its original level on par with Junior

Engineers of Public Works Department and place the scale of pay of this post to the

original level of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 as recommended by the Official


Committee, 2009. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to issue necessary

orders retaining the General Foreman in Pay Band—2 at Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400 instead of Pay Band—3 at Rs. 15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Thiru S. Sundaraganesan and other individuals holding the post of Assistant

Engineer in State Health Transport Department have requested to retain the scale

of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 ordered in G.O.Ms.No.303, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--8—2010 which has been subsequently

downgraded to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 in G.O. Ms. No. 71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011. The Committee has reviewed the above

said orders and elsewhere recommended to place the post of Assistant Engineer in

Public Works Department & other equivalent posts in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay

Band—3 on par with their counterparts in Central Public Works Department with an

enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100. Therefore, the Committee finds it appropriate to

place this post on par with their counterparts in Public Works Department at

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 37400--67000+8700
15600-39100 +7600
2. Materials Manager / Technical 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100+7600
Officer / Automobile Engineer and to re-designate as
Assistant Executive
Engineer (or)
3. Workshop Superintendent 15600--39100 + 5100 15600—39100+6600
and to re-designate as
Assistant Executive

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
4. Store Superintendent 9300 --34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4800

5. Supervisor 9300 --34800 +4200 9300--34800+ 4500

9300--34800+ 4600
6. Special Artisan ( Fitter Special
/ Electrician Special (Assistant 5200 -- 20200 + 2800 9300—34800 + 4200
Store Keeper, Mechanic
Grade-I and Technical
Assistant Grade-III))
7. Skilled Assistant Grade-I
(Fitter / Electrician / Tinker / 5200 -- 20200 + 2600 9300--34800+ 4200
Painter / Liner / Welder /

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamilaga Aasiriyar Kuttani, Tamil Nadu Aasiriyar Kuttani, Tamil Nadu Idainilai

Aasiriar Sangam, Tamilaga Idainilai and (Promoted) Pattathari Aasiriyar Mandram,

Tamilaga Arambapalli Aasiriyar Kuttani, Tamil Nadu Thodakkapalli Aasiriyar

Mandram, Tamil Nadu Thodakapali Aasiriyar Kuttani, Edainilai Pathaviumuppu

Aasiriyar Iyakkam, Tamil Nadu Aarambapali Aasiriyar Kuttani, Joint Action Council of

Tamil Nadu All Teachers Organisations, Anna Aasiriyar Nala Kuttani, All India

Teachers Peravai, Tamilaga Aasiriyar Mandram, Tamil Nadu Kalai Aasiriyargal Nala

Sangam, Idainilai Pattathari Aasiriyar Sangam, Tamil Nadu All Teachers Association

and various individuals holding the post of Secondary Grade Teacher have

requested to revise the scale of pay of Secondary Grade Teachers from Rs.5200-

20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with Central

Government Teachers (Grade-III in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—10500)

Thiru .S. Mari Durai and three other Secondary Grade Teachers have filed W.P.

(MD) No.9218 of 2012 in Madurai Bench of Madras High Court with a request to

direct the respondent to consider their representation dated: 22-4-2012 in the Pay

Grievance Redressal Cell.

It is observed that various Teachers Associations earlier requested the One

Man Commission, 2010 to revise the scale of pay of the Secondary Grade Teacher

as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with Central Government Teachers. The

One Man Commission, taking note of the fact that if the scale of pay of Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 applicable to Primary School Teachers in Kendriya Vidyalya

School is extended to the Secondary Grade Teachers in this State it will further

distort the local pay relativity among other similarly placed categories and also invite

request for granting alternative benefit as allowed in the previous Pay Commission

period. Further, if higher scale of pay is allowed it will lead to huge additional

financial commitment to the State Exchequer. Hence, the requests of the Secondary

Grade Teachers have been rejected by the One Man Commission. However, the

Commission recommended to grant Special Allowance of Rs.500/- p.m. to this post

and to all the Teachers in the cadre of Secondary Grade Teachers. Accordingly,

orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.270, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26—8—2010. Subsequently, the Government has considered the requests of the

Teachers Association and sanctioned Special Pay of Rs.750/- in lieu of Special

Allowance already sanctioned to the Secondary Grade Teachers with effect from

1—1—2011 vide G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

12—01—2011. Subsequently, it has been clarified that the Personal Pay of Rs.750/-

can be taken into account for fixation of pay on promotion, annual increment,

calculation of Dearness Allowance and pension.

It is also noticed that this post is, filled by direct recruitment through Employment

Exchange and the Educational Qualification is S.S.L.C., with Secondary Grade

Teacher Certificate. The total Number of Secondary Grade Teacher is 1,16,129.

The equivalent posts to the Secondary Grade Teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya

Schools of Central Government is Primary School Teachers and this post is also

filled by direct recruitment and the prescribed qualification is

i) Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% Mark or Intermediate with 50%
ii) Diploma or Certificate in Basic Teachers Training of a duration of not less
than 2 years or Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.Ed.,) or equivalent.
iii) Competence to teach Hindi and English Medium and knowledge of Computer
Application desirable.

The Primary School Teachers have been granted the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 as against the upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of

Rs.6500--10500. The total number of Primary School Teachers in Kendriya

Vidyalaya School is 1017 as against 1,16,129 Secondary Grade Teachers in State

Government. Further, the Secondary Grade Teachers in Government of India are

posted throughout the country at national level and in the case of Secondary Grade

Teachers, they are posted within the State and that too at the block level and there is

no hardship to these employees as that of the Central Government Teachers.

Though there is such a considerable difference in qualification and work nature, the

One man Commission / Government considering the pivotal role played by

Secondary Grade Teachers in imparting primary education, has granted a Personal

Pay of Rs.750/- p.m. in lieu of further scale revision to all the Secondary Grade

Teachers who were drawing the Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-. In the above

circumstances, the Committee finds no justification in the request of the Secondary

Grade Teachers to grant the higher scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200

as sought for by the Association.


Tamil Nadu Graduate Teachers Association, Tamil Nadu High School and

Higher Secondary School Headmasters Association, Tamil Nadu Retired School –

College Teachers Association, Promoted B.T’s and Tamil Teacher’s Kazhagam and

Tamilaga Tamil Asiriyar Sangam have requested to revise the scale of pay of the

post of Headmaster, High School as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with

Vice Principal in Kendiraya Vidyalaya Schools so as to get the revised Selection

Grade scale of pay of Rs.15600-39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 to the Selection Grade B.T’s

as mentioned in Annexure-I of Government letter No. 63305 / PC / 2010-1, Finance


Department, dated: 08-11-2010 without any restriction as all the B.T. Assistants

may not have chance of promotion as Headmaster High School. Further, the

Promoted B.T’s and Tamil Teacher’s Kazhagam have requested to sanction

personal pay of Rs.750/- from 1-1-2006. It is noticed that this post has been granted

the revised scale of pay as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against the pre-

revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500. Subsequent to revision of pay made to

B.T. Assistants as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 which is a feeder category to

this post, pay scale of this post has been revised from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--34800 +. G.P. Rs.4800 i.e. one level above the scale of

pay of Headmaster, Middle School and placed on par with Post Graduate Assistant

so as to maintain the pay relativity among these posts. Further, taking note of the

duties and responsibilities of this post, Government has considered this post as a

supervisory post and sanctioned Rs.750/- pm as Personal Pay from 1—1—2011.

Further, the Post Graduate Teachers who are 15879 in number are also placed on

par with Head Master, High School and as such any revision given to Headmaster,

High School may have to be extended to the Post Graduate Teachers. In addition

the next promotional post viz., District Educational Officer has also been placed in

the same pay scale of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. If any change is made in

respect of Headmaster High School, it will disturb the vertical pay relativity of the

next higher level posts viz., Headmaster Higher Secondary School, District

Educational Officer, Chief Educational Officer and Joint Director which cannot be

resorted to. Hence, the Committee finds that the present scale of pay is appropriate

and there is no justification to revise the scale of pay of Head Master High School

from Pay Band--2 to Pay Band--3 as sought for by the Association.




Tamilaga Melnilaipalli Muthukalai Vanigaviyal Thozhilkalvi Aasiriyar Sangam,

Tamil Nadu Melnilaipalli Poriyiel Pattathari Thozhilkalvi Aasiriyargal Sangam,

Melnilaipalli Kanini Aasiriyargal Sangam, Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School

Vocational Teachers Kazhagam, Tamil Nadu Agri Graduate Vocational Teachers

Association, Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Teachers Association,

Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Teachers Welfare Association,

Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Education Computer Science

Teachers Association ,Tamil Nadu Melnilaipalli Velanmai Pattathari Aasiriyargal

Amaipu, All India Teachers Peravai, Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School

Vocational Engineering Teachers Association and many other Vocational Teachers /

Tamil Pandits and the Director of School Education, letter dated: 11—8—2011 have

requested to fix the scale of pay of the Tamil Pandit / Physical Director (High School)

/ Vocational Teachers / Instructors and other categories of Teachers as Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 on par with B.T. Assistants on the ground of pay parity

enjoyed by these posts in the pre-revised scales of pay which has also been

recommended by the Director of School Education. Further, the Associations have

also requested to fix the Selection Grade scale of pay as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5400.

ii) The Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Vocational Teachers Association has

filed W.P.(MD) No.11363 of 2011 with a request to direct the respondent to

consider their representation dated:6-8-2011. The Hon’ble High Court in its order

dated: 30-9-2011 has directed to consider the applicability of the G.O.Ms.No.23,


Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:12-1-2011 and extension of the benefits to the

members of the petitioners association.

iii) The Director, Backward Classes Welfare also has requested to extend

the G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12-01-2011 to the Tutor-

cum Warden / Matron who were placed on par with B.T. Assistant.

iv) Thiru.J. Jayasingh Jayakumar, Vocational Teacher has requested to allow

incentive increment for B.Ed and P.G Qualification.

The Committee has noticed that the posts of Tamil Pandit / Physical Director

(High School) / Vocational Teachers / Instructors and other categories of Teachers

have been placed identically in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5500--9000 on par with

B.T. Assistants. However, the subsequent pay revision made to B.T. Assistant from

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 vide.

G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12-01-2011 has not been

extended to the above posts which were already in the cadre of B.T. Assistants is

merely an omission. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the request of the

Associations and recommends that subsequent revision of pay as Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 granted to the B.T. Assistant be extended to other categories of

Teachers who were placed in the cadre of B.T. Assistant under the control of School

Education, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare and Backward Classes and Most

Backward Classess Departments. However, the Committee observes that the

request for sanction of incentive increments / allowances etc., does not come under

the purview of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell which may be decided by Government

in School Education Department based on the proposal of Director of School



Tamil Nadu Physical Education Teacher Directors Association and Tamil

Nadu Physical Education Inspector Association have requested to revise the scale of

pay of the post of Physical Director Grade-II and Physical Director Grade-I as

Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 on par with

Central Government Teachers. Tamil Nadu Physical Education Inspectors

Association has requested to create the post of Deputy Director (Physical Education)

and Joint Director (Physical Education) by upgrading the existing post of Chief

Physical Education Inspector.

It is noticed that based on the recommendations of the Official Committee the

scale of pay of Physical Director, Grade-II and Physical Director, Grade-I have been

revised as Rs.9300—34800 + 4400 and Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 respectively

as against the pre-revised scales of pay Rs.5500-8000 and Rs.6500-10500 on par

with B.T. Assistant and Post Graduate Assistant. However, the subsequent revision

made to B.T. Assistant and Post Graduate Assistant in the scales of pay Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 respectively vide.

G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12-01-2011 have not been

extended to the Physical Director, Grade-II and Physical Director Grade-I which is

merely an omission. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the request and

accordingly, recommends that the scale of pay of Physical Director, Grade-II and

Physical Director, Grade-I be revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 and from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 respectively. Further, the issue regarding

upgradation of the posts sought by the Association does not come under the purview

of this Committee and the same is left to Government for taking a decision in the



Tamil Nadu Education Department Retired Ministerial Service Employees

Association, certain individuals holding the post of Personal Assistant to District

Education Officer and Thiru Sivakalimuthu and other retired Personal Assistants to

District Education Officers have requested to revise the scale of pay of this post as

Rs.15600-- 39100+ G.P. Rs.5700 (or) 5400 (or) 5100 on par with Assistant Engineer,

Agricultural Officer, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Inspector of Police, Forest

Ranger, Tahsildar and other equivalent categories based on the pay parity enjoyed

in the pre-revised scale of pay. It is observed that the Official Committee, 2009 has

placed this post in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 as

against the upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7500--12000 from 12-12-2007

on par with promotional posts to Ministerial Superintendents. The higher scale of

pay granted to the posts like Assistant Engineers and others have been downgraded

subsequently in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26-2-2011

in which pay of posts like Tahsildar, Block Development Officer etc. have been

placed in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100. As the Committee

has elsewhere recommended to place the promotional posts to Ministerial

Superintendents in all Departments in the scale of pay Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100 the Committee recommends that the similar revision may also be

extended to this post also.


The Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training and Government

in School Education Department has recommended the representation of Tamilaga


Mavatta Aasiriyar Kalvipayirchi Niruvana Kalviyalar Sangam and sent a proposal

to revise the scale pay of the following categories:--

Junior Lecturer .. Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600

(on par with B.T. Assistant )

Lecturer .. Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800

(on par with P.G. Assistant)

Senior Lecturer .. Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5700

(on par with Higher Secondary School Headmaster)

And further it has been requested to place the above posts on par with equal

category in Polytechnic Colleges.

It is observed that the above said posts have been equally placed both in the

pre-revised scales of pay and also in the revised scale of pay as on 1.1.2006.

However, the subsequent revision of pay made to the categories of B.T. Assistant,

Post Graduate Assistant and Headmaster, Higher Secondary School in

G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 12—1—2011 have not been

extended to these posts in the Directorate of Teacher Education Research and

Training as follows:--

Name of the post Existing scale of Revised Scale of

pay + Grade Pay pay + Grade Pay
Rs. Rs.
B.T. Assistant, 9300—34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4600
P.G. Assistant 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4800
Headmaster, 15600—39100 + 5400 15600—39100+ 5700
Higher Secondary School

The Committee has observed that as per G.O.Ms.No.133, School Education

Department, dated: 14—6—2007, Junior Lecturers in Government Teacher Training

Institutes shall be governed by the general and special rules applicable to the

holders of the permanent posts in the Tamil Nadu School Education Subordinate

Service and the Lecturers and Senior Lecturers in Directorate of Teacher Education

Research and Training and District Institutes of Education and Training are governed

by the general and special rules applicable to the holders of the permanent posts in

the Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Service. Therefore, the Committee

finds justification in the request of the Association based on parity of pay and

qualification that existed between the Lecturers of Teacher Training Institute and

Directorate of Teacher Education Research and Training and Teachers in School

Education and accordingly recommends that the scale of pay of Lecturers of

Teacher Training Institute and Directorate of Teacher Education Research and

Training be revised to maintain parity between the posts as follows:-

Name of the post Existing scale of Proposed Scale of

pay + Grade Pay pay + Grade Pay
Rs. Rs.
Junior Lecturer 9300—34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4600
Lecturer 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4800
Senior Lecturer 15600—39100 + 5400 15600—39100 + 5700


The Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training has requested to

revise the scale of pay of Principal in Government Teacher Training Institute as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 on par with Headmaster High School and also

sanction Personal pay of Rs.750/- and Special Allowance of Rs.500/- for Ordinary

Grade and Selection Grade / Special Grade Principals respectively on par with High

School Headmasters. The Committee observed that this post has been placed in

the revised scale of pay Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500 on par with Headmaster, High School and however,

the subsequent revision made to Headmaster, High School from Rs.9300—34800 +


G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 vide G.O.Ms.No. 58, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 25-02-2011 has not been extended to this post.

Considering the method of recruitment and qualification, the Committee finds

justification to extend the similar revision and accordingly recommends that the scale

of pay of Principal in Government Teacher Training Institute be revised from

Rs.9300—34800 + 4600 to Rs.9300—34800 + 4800 on par with Headmaster High

School. Further, the Personal Pay of Rs.750/-p.m. and Special Allowance of

Rs.500/- p.m. sanctioned to the Ordinary Grade and Selection Grade / Special

Grade Headmaster High School may also be extended to this post.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay of pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Headmaster Primary School 9300-34800 + 4500 9300-34800 + 4600

2. Headmaster Middle School 9300-34800 + 4700 9300-34800 + 4800

3. B.T. Assistant 9300-34800 + 4600 15600-39100 + 5400

as Selection Grade Pay
without restriction criteria
9300--34800 + 4700
as Ordinary Grade pay
4. Post Graduate Teacher 9300-34800 + 4800 15600-39100 + 5400
5. Headmaster (Higher 15600-39100 + 5700 15600-39100 + 7600
Secondary School)
6. Physical Education Teacher 5200-20200 + 2800 9300-34800 + 4200

7. Assistant Elementary 9300-34800 + 4700 15600-39100 + 5700

Educational Officer (or) 5100
8. Chief Educational Officer 15600-39100 + 6600 15600-39100 + 7600
9. District Educational Officer 15600-39100 + 5700 15600-39100 + 6600

10. Personal Assistant to Director 15600-39100 + 5400 15600-39100 + 6600

of School Education
11. Principal (District Institute of 15600-39100 + 6600 37400-67000+ 10000
Education and Training)

Existing Scale of Requested Scale

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay of pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
12. Superintendent 9300-34800 + 4800 15600-39100 + 5100
13. Assistant 5200-20200 + 2800 9300-34800 + 4600
14. Junior Assistant 5200-20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
15. Laboratory Assistant 5200-20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
as Selection Grade pay
9300--34800 + 4400
as Special Grade pay
16. Library Clerk 5200-20200 + 2000 5200-20200 + 2400
17. Librarian 5200-20200 + 1650 To place on par with
counterpart in District
18. Record Clerk 4800-10000 + 1400 5200-20200 + 2400
19. Office Assistant 4800-10000 + 1300 5200-20200 + 1900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of pay +

Name of the Post + Grade pay Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Technical Officer 9300 -- 34800 + 4600 15600--39100+5100
2. Inspector of Survey 9300 -- 34800 + 4500 15600--39100+6600
15600--39100 5100
3. Manager (Technical) 9300 -- 34800 + 4500 15600--39100+6600
9300 --34800 + 4900 +
Personal Pay of Rs.1000/-
4. Head Draughtsman 9300 -- 34800 + 4300 15600--39100+5800
9300 --34800 + 4800 +
Personal Pay of Rs.500/-
5. Deputy Inspector of Survey 9300 -- 34800 +4300 15600--39100+5800
9300 --34800 + 4800 +
Personal Pay of Rs.500/-
6. Sub-Inspector of Survey 9300 -- 34800 + 4200 9300 --34800+5000
(or) 4600 (or) 4400

7. Senior Draughtsman 9300 -- 34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4700

9300--34800 + 5000
8. Maintenance Firka Surveyor 5200 -- 20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200

9. Typographer Grade-I 5200 --20200 + 2400 5200-- 20200+ 2800

10. Land Records Draughtsman 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200

11. Field Surveyor 5200 -- 20200 +2400 5200--20200++2800

12. Draughtsman 5200 --20200 + 2400 5200-- 20200 +2800
13. Field Assistant 4800 --10000 + 1300 5200 --20200 +1900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Press Anna General Workers Union and

Government Branch Press Labourers Association have requested to revise the scale

of pay of Binder Grade—II above the existing scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000. It is noticed that this post has been placed on par with other Grade-II

trade posts. Hence, the Committee recommends that the revision of scale of pay

recommended elsewhere for Grade-II trade posts under trade categories may also

be made applicable to this post.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Overseer 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4800
2 Top Senior Foreman 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4700
3 Senior Foreman 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4500
4 Junior Foreman 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4500
5. Special Artisan 5200--20200 + 2800 To enhance the grade pay
6. Chief Computor 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4600
7. Senior Head Computor 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4500
8. Head Computor 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4400
9. Computor 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
10. Time Keeper Grade-I 5200--20200 + 2400 9300--34800 + 4200
11. Warehouse Clerk 5200--20200 + 2400 To enhance the grade pay
12. Warehouse keeper 5200--20200 + 2800 To enhance the grade pay
13. Binder Grade-I 5200--20200 + 2400 To enhance the grade pay
14. Despatcher 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2800
15. Senior Despatching Attendent 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2000
16. Machine Operator 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4200
17. Machine Minder 5200--20200 + 2000 9300--34800 + 4200
18. Imposer / Compositer 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4200
19. Foundry Worker 5200--20200 + 1900 9300--34800 + 4200

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
20. Head General Mechanic 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4200
21. Carpentry Maistry 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4200
22. Senior Monotype Casting 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4200
23. Unskilled 5200--20200 + 1900 To enhance the grade pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



The Registrar, State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has

requested to revise the scale of pay for the posts of Amin, Examiner and Copyist

from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with

Junior Assistant / Typist on the grounds that these posts were similarly placed in the

pre-revised scale of pay and subsequent revision of pay granted to the posts of

Junior Assistant / Typist was omitted to these posts. It is noticed that these posts

are treated as equivalent posts in Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service and hence

the scale of pay recommended for the posts of Senior Bailiff, Examiner and Copyist

in Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service on par with Junior Assistant / Typist in

Ministerial Service may be made applicable to these posts. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Amin, Examiner and Copyist in

State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.




Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Employees Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of the post of Assistant from Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200 —20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 on par with the post of Ministerial

Assistant as their role in the Commission’s office is a crucial and pivotal one for the

functioning of the Commission. Further, at present the scale of pay of the Junior

Assistant in Ministerial Service, whose minimum education qualification is SSLC has

been placed equally. Therefore, considering their nature of work, they have

requested to fix their scale of pay at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. 2800 on par with the

post of Ministerial Assistant. As the Committee has recommended to place the

Assistants in Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service at Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 one

level above Junior Assistants, similar revision may also be extended to this post

considering the pay parity that existed earlier with these posts.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Deputy Secretary 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
2. Record Clerk 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2200

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



All the Surveyor—cum—Assistant Draughtsman in Town & Country Planning

Department have requested to revise the scale of pay on par with their counterpart in

Survey Department from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400. Consequent on the extension of scale of pay for the post of Surveyor

and Draughtsman in Survey Department on par with Junior Assistant in

G.O.Ms.No.69, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2—2011, the Committee

finds that the comparison made is appropriate. Besides, prior to the issue of the

above orders, the post of Surveyor-cum-Assistant Draughtsman have been placed

equally all along with their counterparts in Survey Department. Hence, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the post of Surveyor-cum-

Assistant Draughtsman from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 on par with their counterparts in Survey Department


Technical Officers Association has requested to revise the scale of pay for the

post of Draughtsman Grade-III from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on par with their counterparts in Technical Education

Department. Comparison with that of their counterpart in Technical Education

Department is appropriate. As this is a omission in the recommendations of One

Man Commission, 2010, the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay

of Draughtsman Grade-III in Town and Country Planning on par with their

counterparts in Technical Education Department considering the diploma


qualification. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the

post of Draughtsman, Grade--III from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200.


Technical Officers Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

Architectural Assistant / Planning Assistant on par with that of Assistant Engineers.

It is observed that the qualification prescribed for this post is a Degree in Civil

Engineering or Architecture. Moreover, this post was placed all along with Assistant

Engineers of Public Works Department prior to the revision made by One Man

Commission, 2010. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Architectural Assistant / Planning Assistant from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. 4700 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. 5100 on par with Assistant Engineers in Public Works

Department whose scale of pay has been placed by the Committee in Pay Band—2.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Deputy Director 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
2. Assistant Director 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
3. Research Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
4. Senior Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4700 15600--39100 + 5700
5. Research Assistant 9300--34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
6. Supervisor and 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900
Draughtsman Grade--II

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Transport Department Officers Association has requested to

retain the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as ordered in

G.O. Ms. No.324, Finance (Pay Cell) Department dated 26—2--2010 on the grounds

that their duties and responsibilities are more compared to other administrative

officers and they have collected huge revenue for the State. It is noticed that the

Official Committee has placed this post in the Pay Band Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs. 5400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.8000--13500. It is

observed that this post has been rightly placed in Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs. 5400

by the Official Committee, 2009 and One Man Commission,2010 has revised the

scale of pay of this post to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs. 6600 due to elevation of pay

scale of its feeder categories viz., Personal Assistant to Regional Transport Officer/

Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade-I to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 to maintain pay

relativity between the posts. However, the pay scale of this post has been restored

to its original level of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated : 26--2--2011 consequent on the downward revision of

pay scale of the feeder categories to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100. As it has

been decided to place Personal Assistant to Regional Transport Officer/ Motor

Vehicle Inspector Grade-I in Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100, the Committee is of

the view that this post has been rightly placed in the scale of pay of Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as recommended by the Official Committee,2009. Hence,

the Committee recommends to retain the pay scale of Regional Transport Officer

in Pay Band-3 at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2011.



Tamil Nadu Transport Department Officers Association, Tamil Nadu Motor

Vehicles Inspectors (Technical) Association, Tamil Nadu Transport Department Staff

Association, Thiru V. Santhanam and other (Retd.) Personal Assistant to Regional

Transport Officer in their representations have stated that their duties and

responsibilities are more when compared to other administrative officials. It is

noticed that based on the recommendations of Official Committee the scale of pay of

Personal Assistant to Regional Transport Officer has been revised as Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500--10500.

Subsequently based on One Man Commission,2010 recommendations, the scale of

pay of this post was further revised as Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 notionally

with effect from 12—12--2007 with monetary benefit from 1--8--2010 and then again

downgraded to Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 Vide - GO.Ms.No.71, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2011. Hence, the Associations have requested

to revise the scale of pay as Rs.15600—39100+ G.P. Rs.6000 or 5700 or to retain

the revised scale of pay Rs.15600—39100+ G.P. Rs.5400 as ordered in

GO.Ms.No.324, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2010. Though the

individuals in this post continue to draw the higher pay granted by One Man

Commission due to the “Interim Stay” granted on the operation of the GO.Ms.No.71,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--2--2011 the Committee is of the view that

it is not appropriate to place this post in Pay Band--3 as recommended by One Man

Commission, 2010 in which the Group-I posts are placed. Hence the Committee

recommends to place this post in Pay Band - 2 at Rs.9300--34800 + G. P. Rs.5100.



Tamil Nadu Transport Department Officers Association, Tamil Nadu Motor

Vehicles Inspectors (Technical) Association, Tamil Nadu Transport Department Staff

Association and several individuals in their representations have stated that their

duties and responsibilities are more when compared to other administrative officials.

The One Man Commission has placed the Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade-I at

Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400 consequent on the revision made to Motor

Vehicle Inspector (Non-technical) as Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4900.

However, the Committee is of the view that it is not appropriate to place this post in

Pay Band--3 as recommended by the One Man Commission, 2010 in which the

Group-I posts are placed. Hence, the Committee recommends to place this post in

Pay Band - 2 at Rs.9300--34800 + Grade Pay Rs.5100.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Sl. Name of the Post Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

No. pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Motor Vehicle Inspector 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900
2. Deputy Transport 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Service Association and other

individuals has requested to revise the scale of pay of these posts as Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Tahsildar / Block Development Officer / Inspector

of Police / Forest Ranger as they were identically placed in the pre-revised and

revised scales of pay. The Committee has observed that this post has been placed

at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 on par with the promotional posts to

Superintendents by the Official Committee, 2009 at the time of implementation of

revised scales of pay. Further, the Committee has also elsewhere recommended to

place the Tahsildar, Block Development Officer, etc. in Pay Band—2 instead of Pay

Band—3 with an enhanced Grade Pay of Rs.5100/-. Therefore, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of these posts from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.



Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Service Association has requested to

withdraw the pay hike given to the post of Sub-Treasury Officer as Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4900 ordered in G.O. Ms. No.330, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26.8.2010 and issue suitable amendment to this effect as this is a lower post to

Assistant Treasury Officer. Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Service Association,

Thiru M. V. Palraj, Superintendent and ten others have requested to revise the scale

of pay of Superintendent from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 to Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Tahsildar / Block Development Officer etc. The Committee

has observed that the posts of Sub–Treasury Officer / Additional Sub-Treasury Officer

are inter-changeable posts to Superintendents in Treasuries and Accounts Service

and identically placed at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 on par with Ministerial

Superintendent in the Official Committee, 2009. While issuing orders in respect of

Treasuries and Accounts Department based on the recommendations of One Man

Commission, 2010 the scale of pay of the post of Sub – Treasury Officer has been

erroneously indicated as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 equal to the level of

promotion post of Assistant Treasury Officer. Therefore, the Committee finds it

appropriate to set right this issue by issue of suitable amendment at Government level

by deleting the post of Sub- Treasury Officer included in G.O. Ms. No. 330, Finance

(PC) Department, dated: 26--8--2010 and the excess amount drawn by the

incumbents if any, may also need not be recovered and appropriately re-fix their pay

in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800.


Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Service Association and number of

individuals have brought to notice of the Committee that the individuals holding the

post of Junior Assistant are getting more pay than the directly recruited Accountant in

Treasuries and Accounts Department. As this post is filled by direct recruitment or by

promotion from Junior Assistant and the category of Junior Assistant has been

awarded higher start of pay for possessing Degree Qualification which leads to pay

anomaly among the individuals appointed to the post of Accountant by direct

recruitment for which the pre-requisite qualification is a Degree and therefore

requested to set right this pay anomaly. The Committee is of the view that general

decision taken on this issue may also be made applicable to this post.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--


Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Joint Director / Pay and 15600--39100 + 7600 37400—67000+8700
Accounts Officer
2. Treasury Officer / Chief 15600--39100 + 6600 15600—39100+7600
Accounts Officer /
Pension Pay Officer
3. Accounts Officer 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100+6600.
4. Additional Treasury Officer 15600--39100 + 5700 15600--39100+5700
(to be implemented with
effect from 1—1—2006)
5. Office Assistant 4800 -- 10000 + 1300 4800 --10000+1700

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Assistant Tourist Officer 9300--34800 + 4300 9300--34800 + 4600
2 Assistant Publication 9300--34800 + 4500 9300--34800 + 4900
Officer Grade-I
3. Assistant Tourist Officer, 5200-20200 + 2400 5200-20200 + 2800

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Technical Employees Association, Tamil Nadu

Technical Education Training Staff Association and other individuals have requested

to revise the scale of pay of this post on par with Junior Assistants. Thiru

M.F. Thangaraja, Laboratory Assistant (Rtd.) has requested to issue clarification on

fixation of pay in the post of Special Grade Laboratory Assistant. It is noticed that

the scale of pay of Laboratory Assistant has been revised from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.1900 / G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 equal to that of

Junior Assistant in G.O.Ms.No.63, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26-2-2011. Hence, the Committee finds justification to extend similar revision to this

post. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this post may

be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
Foreman Instructor 9300--34800 + 4200 15600—39100 + 5400 (or)
9300--34800 + 4900 / 4800
Foreman Instructor 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
Assistant Foreman 5200—20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4400 / 4200
4 Technician Grade-I 5200—20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4200
5 Technician Grade-II 5200—20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
6 Training Officer 9300—34800 + 4700 15600--39100 + 5400
Assistant Training 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4900
8 Junior Training Officer 9300--34800 + 4200 9300--34800 + 4700 / 4400

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
Workshop Attendent / 5200--20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2800
Stores Attendent
10 Graduate Tabulator 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400
11 Data Entry Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
12. Workshop Instructor 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4200 / 4500

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Government Medical Department Technical Association/ Tamil

Nadu Government Health Transport Department / Tamil Nadu Government Motor

Vehicle Maintenance Department Staff Association / Tamil Nadu Government Public

Works Department Workshop & Stores Employees Association / Tamil Nadu Police

Transport Workshop Technical Staff Association / Tamil Nadu Government Officials

Union / Federation of the Tamil Nadu Technical Employees Associations / Tamil

Nadu Public Works Department Employees Welfare Association / Tamil Nadu

Panchayat Union Retired Officials Welfare Association / Tamil Nadu Police Transport

Technical Staff Welfare Association / Tamil Nadu Museum Technical Staff Welfare

Association / Tamil Nadu Municipal Officials Technical Staff Association/ Technical

Staff Association of Government Aided Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic

College / Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department Press Staff Association/ Technical

Staff of Public Works Department Workshop / Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department

Press Staff Association (TAMIL NADUGOU) / Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department

Press Staff Association (C&D) / Government Arts Colleges Mechanic / Technical

Staff in Public Works Department Workshop / Federation of Tamil Nadu Government

Technical Staff Associations and several other Associations and individuals have

requested to place the Trade Posts on higher scales of pay than those

recommended by the One Man Commission,2010. Based on the recommendations

of One Man Commission,2010 in order to have uniformity between categories of

posts in different departments orders have been issued in G.O. Ms. No.338, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated 26.8.2010, wherein trade posts with ITI qualification,

supervisory posts with diploma qualification and Semi Skilled and Unskilled posts

without ITI qualification were grouped and rationalised into five categories with the

condition that in future, appointments have to be made only with ITI qualification and

with a saving clause to protect the existing incumbents who are getting higher pay

for a post beyond the prescribed scale of pay who are having lesser qualification

than that prescribed for a post. Hence, there is no loss to the existing incumbents

and pay scales of many posts have been elevated to a higher level. However, the

Committee finds justification in the request of Grade-II trade posts (entry level) who

are having SSLC. plus ITI. qualification when compared to the revision of pay

granted to Laboratory Assistants as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 who are only

SSLC holders. As such the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of all

Grade-II trade posts (entry level) may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Supervisor 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400 / 5100
(or) 9300--34800 + 4600
2 Special Artisan 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4600 / 4400 / 4200
3 Skilled Assistant Grade-I 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4400 / 4200
4 Unskilled 5200—20200 + 1900 5200--20200 + 2800 (or) 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Special Grade Town Panchayat)

Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Executive Officers Association and Tamil Nadu

Retired Executive Officers Association and various other Associations and

individuals have requested to place the post in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100

+ G.P. Rs.5100 + Personal Pay Rs.1000/- on par with Block Development Officer. It

is observed that this post has been placed in the revised pay scale at Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 from 12-12-2007 as against the upgraded pre-revised scale

of pay of Rs.7500--12000 on par with the other promotional posts to Ministerial

Superintendents. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to place the

promotional posts to Ministerial Superintendents in all Departments in a uniform

scale of pay Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. Hence, the Committee recommends

to revise the scale pay of Executive Officer Grade-I (Special Grade Town Panchayat)

from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Executive Officers Association has requested to

revise the scale of pay of Executive Officer, Grade-II as Rs.9300 -- 34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200. Tamilmanila Town Panchayat Executive Officers Association has

requested to revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200 – 20200 + G.P Rs.2800 and to grant Personal Pay of

Rs.500/-. The Committee observed that the post of Executive Officer Grade-II is

filled by promotion from Junior Assistant and was placed all along on par with

Assistants in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service in the pre-revised scales of pay and in

the revised scale of pay on 1.1.2006. However, the subsequent pay revision made to

the Ministerial Assistants from Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200-20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 has not been extended to this post. Therefore, the Committee finds

justification to restore the pay parity with Assistants and accordingly recommends

that the scale of pay of Executive Officer, Grade-II be revised from Rs.5200-20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.



The Committee has observed that the post of Executive Engineer has been

originally placed in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as against

the pre-revised scale of Rs.10000—15200 which has been subsequently revised as

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 and then downgraded to the original level of pay

scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26.02.2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim

Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated 26.02.2011 only to Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire

Government Order and concluded that placing the Executive Engineer of Town

Panchayat in the scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 may not be

appropriate. Accordingly, the Committee endorses to retain the original pay scale of

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as recommended by the Official Committee, 2009

and as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26.02.2011. Likewise, the Committee also recommends to place the post of

Assistant Executive Engineer of Town Panchayat in the appropriate revised scale of

pay of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as originally recommended by the Official

Committee and to place the post of Assistant Engineer of Town Panchayat

appropriately in Pay Band-2 instead of Pay Band-3 with an enhanced Grade Pay of

Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department respectively by

endorsing the orders issued by Government uniformly to the Assistant Executive

Engineers/ Assistant Engineers in Public Works Department.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Executive Officer 9300-34800 + 4200 9300-34800 + 4600
Grade-I (or) 4500
2. Skilled Assistant Grade-I 5200-20200 + 2600 9300-34800 + 4400

3. Skilled Assistant 5200-20200 + 2000 9300-34800 + 4400

Grade-II (or) 5200-20200 +
4. Work Overseer 5200-20200 + 1900 9300-34800 + 4400
(To re-designate as
Work Inspector)
5. Sanitary Supervisor 4800-10000 + 1650 5200-20200 + 2400
6. Junior Assistant 5200-20200 + 2400 9300-34800 + 4200
(Selection Grade)
7. Record Clerk 4800-10000 + 1400 5200-20200 + 2000
8. Record Assistant 5200-20200 + 2400 5200-20200 + 2800
9. Office Assistant / Watchman / 4800-10000 + 1300 4800-10000 + 1700
Night Watchman
10. Scavenger 4800-10000 + 1300 5200-20200 + 1900

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tvl. N. Rangarajan and R.A. Muthuraman (Retd.) Inspectors have requested

to issue suitable orders to allow the revised scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated:

26—2--2011. It is observed that the Official Committee, 2009 has recommended

higher scale of pay Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 as against the pre-revised scale

of pay of Rs.7500--12000 to the post of Inspector of Police with effect from

12—12--2007. Subsequently, considering the duties and responsibilities attached to

this post, Govt. has revised the scale of pay of the post of Inspector of Police from

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 notionally with

effect from 12—12--2007 with monetary benefit from 1-3-2011. vide -

G.O.Ms.No. 71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26-02-2011. As the Hon’ble

High Court has granted “Interim Stay”, the above scale of pay has not been

implemented. Consequent on the above revision of enhanced scales of pay, the

employees association / individual employees who were in the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.6500—10500 and subsequently upgraded as Rs.7500—12000 in the pre-

revised scale of pay have also represented before the Committee to grant them the

scale of pay in Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600--39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5100. Hence, the

Committee is of the view that the revision granted to Inspector of Police, Tahsildar,

Ranger and Block Development Officer in Pay Band—3, where the Group—I posts

are placed is not appropriate. Hence, the Committee recommends to place this post

appropriately in Pay Band—2 in the scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100

with a Special Hardship allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m. for the arduous nature of work

discharged by them.



Tamil Nadu State All Corporation Officials Association Federation has

requested to revise the scale of pay of Superintendents in 8 Corporations (Other

than Chennai and Coimbatore) as Rs. 9300 – 34800 + G.P. Rs.4800. It is noticed

that based on Official Committee,2009 recommendations the scale of pay of

Superintendents in Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service has been revised as Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 as against the upgraded pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7000-

11500 with effect from 12-12-2007. Subsequently, based on One Man

Commission,2010 recommendations the scale of pay of Section Managers /

Superintendents in Corporation of Chennai and Coimbatore Corporations have been

revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800. Similar

revision was omitted to be extended to the Superintendents in other Corporations.

Thiru.S.N.Shanmugam and 5 others have filed W.P.No.8259 of 2011 to grant

revision of scale of pay on par with Superintendents working in Government

Departments in the light of G.O.Ms. No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

01-06-2009. The Hon’ble High Court in its order dated: 31-03-2011 in W.P.No. 8259 of

2011 has directed to pass orders on his representation within a period of four

months. As the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26--02--2011

was contested in the High Court, the petitioners were informed that the request has

been placed before the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell for examination and

appropriate orders will be issued based on Pay Grievance Redressal Cell

recommendations. Now the Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of

Superintendents in all Corporations (Other than Chennai and Coimbatore). The

Committee finds justification to place the Superintendents in all Corporations on a


uniform scale of pay. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of Superintendents in all Corporations (Other than Chennai and Coimbatore) from

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800.



Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Urban Health Nurses Association has requested

revision of the scale of pay of Urban Health Nurse as Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400. The Urban Health Nurse (Erstwhile Auxiliary Nurse Midwife / Multi

purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant) has been granted the revised

scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.3200-85-4900. It is observed that based on the recommendations of One

Man Commission, the scale of pay of the post of Village Health Nurse under Public

Health and Preventive Medicine Department has been revised from Rs.5200--

20200+ G.P. Rs. 2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. It is pointed out in

G.O. Ms. No.34, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department, dated:

03--03--2009 and G.O.(2D) No.1, Municipal Administration and Water Supply

Department, dated: 06-01-2010, that the posts of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife / Multi

Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant have been re-designated as

Village Health Nurse in Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department. Likewise

the Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Auxiliary Nurse Midwife / Maternity

Assistant in Municipalities and Corporations have been re-designated as Urban

Health Nurse. Further, the qualification, Training and Job factors prescribed for the

post of Urban Health Nurse (Erstwhile Auxiliary Nurse Midwife/ Multi Purpose Health

Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant is the same as that of Village Health Nurse.

It is also brought to the notice of the Committee that Tmt. L.Vijayalakshmi and 4

others have filed W.P.No.8099 / 2011 to pass suitable orders to grant revision of

scale of pay of Urban Health Nurse on par with Village Health Nurse at Rs.5200 –

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 based on her representation dated: 30-03-2012. The Hon’ble

High Court in its order dated: 19-04-2011 in W.P.No.8099 / 2011 has directed the

respondents to pass orders within a period of four months. The Government has

remitted the matter to this Committee for examination and making necessary

recommendations. The Association has requested to extend the revision granted to

Village Health Nurse to the Urban Health Nurse working in Corporations and

Municipalities. In the above circumstances, the Committee considering the similarity

in qualification, training and job factors finds justification to revise the scale of pay

for the post of Urban Health Nurse ((Erstwhile Auxiliary Nurse Midwife/ Multi Purpose

Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant) on par with Village Health Nurse in

Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department, which is a mere omission in

the One Man Commission recommendations. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of the above posts in Municipalities and

Corporations from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400 on par with Village Health Nurse.


Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineers Association, Association of Assistant

Engineers, Tamil Nadu State All Corporation Officials Associations Federation,

Tamil Nadu Corporation Municipal Town Panchayat Diploma Engineers Association

and Municipalities and Corporations, Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering

Department and Water Supply Employees Association have requested to revise

the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 or

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100 as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)


Department, dated: 26-2-2011. The existing scale of pay of Assistant Engineers in

Corporations / Municipalities is Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700. As the Committee

has elsewhere recommended to place the Assistant Engineer in Public Works

Department in Pay Band-2 at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100 on par with their

counterparts in Central Public Works Department, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of the Assistant Engineers in Corporations / Municipalities

from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Officers Association and Tamil Nadu

Municipal Town Planning Technical Subordinate Staff Association have requested

revision of the scale of pay of Town Planning Inspector as Rs.9300-34800+

G.P. Rs.4400. This post is presently placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200-

20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500--7000.

Considering the diploma qualification prescribed for this post, the Committee finds

justification to place this post as a supervisory post in the light of the orders issued in

G.O.Ms.No. 338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26-08-2010. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Town Planning Inspector from

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.5200 – 20200 + G.P. Rs.2600. As these posts comes under the category of

Trade Posts and designated as Skilled Assistant Grade-II (entry level posts), the

higher scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 elsewhere recommended by

the Committee to the entry level Grade—II Trade posts may also be extended to

the above Grade—II Trade posts in Corporation and Municipalities.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested revision of scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.5200–20200+ G.P. Rs. 2600 as these posts are presently placed in the scale of

pay of Rs.5200–20200+ G.P. Rs.2400. The One Man Commission,2010 has

recommended to revise the scale of pay of all the Grade-I Trade posts which were in

the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4000—6000 in Government Departments as

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2600. Accordingly, orders were issued in

G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010. Therefore, the

Committee finds justification to extend the above revised scale of pay of Rs. 5200—

20200 + G.P. Rs.2600 to all the Grade--I Trade posts which were in the pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.4000—6000 in Corporations and Municipalities. Hence, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the above Grade--I posts in

Corporations and Municipalities from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200-

20200 + G.P. Rs. 2600 on par with Skilled Assistant Grade--I in Corporations and


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Regional Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
2 Joint Director 15600--39100 + 7600 37400--67000 + 8700
3 Senior Grade Town Planning Officer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
4 Town Planning Officer Grade-I 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
5 Town Planning Officer Grade-II 9300 – 34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5100

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu Municipal Ministerial Staff Association has requested to revise

the scale of pay of the post of Class—I Manager as Rs.15600--39100 +

G.P. Rs.5100 on par with Tahsildar / Block Development Officer. The Committee has

observed that this post has been filled by transfer from the Selection Grade

Superintendent and placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500—10500. Based on

the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the Official Committee, 2009

has recommended to place the Ministerial Superintendents in the revised scale of

pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 corresponding to an elevated pre-revised

scale of pay of Rs.7000—11500 and its promotional posts were placed in the revised

scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900 as against the pre-revised scale of

pay of Rs.7500--12000. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to place the

promotional posts of Superintendents in a higher scale of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100 such as Tahsildars, Block Development Officers. Considering the

higher scale of pay enjoyed by this category in the pre-revised scale of pay, the

Committee finds justification to place the category of Class—I Manager on par with

promotional posts of Ministerial Superintendent. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of Class—I Manager from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Tamil Nadu Municipal Ministerial Staff Association has requested revise the

scale of pay of the above posts of Class—I A Manager and Revenue Officer as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4900. It is noticed that these posts are placed in the

revised scale of pay of Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 as against the pre-revised

scales of pay of Rs.5900--9900. Consequent on the higher scale of pay of Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 granted to the post of Ministerial Superintendents based on

the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009 there is justification to revise the

scale of pay the posts of Class-IA Manager and Revenue Officer also on par with

the Superintendents in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Considering the higher

scale of pay enjoyed by these categories in the pre-revised scale of pay, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Class-IA Manager and

Revenue Officer from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4800.

Tamil Nadu Sanitary Supervisors Association and the Tamil Nadu

Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association have requested revision of

the scale of pay of the post of Pharmacist from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. It is noticed that based on One Man Commission,

2010 recommendations the scale of pay of the post of Pharmacists in Indian

Medicine / Medical Departments have been revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P.

Rs.2800 to Rs.9300–34800 + G.P.Rs.4200 considering the revision of pay granted to

Para Medical posts in Government of India based on diploma qualification. Hence,

the Committee finds justification to extend the above revision of scale of pay to the

post of Siddha Pharmacist in Municipalities taking note of the similar qualification of

Diploma in Pharmacy. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale

of pay of Siddha Pharmacist from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association and Tamil

Nadu Local Bodies Urban Health Nurses Association have requested revision of the

scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 on par with their

counterparts in Government Medical Departments. It is observed that the scale of

pay of Nursing Superintendent Grade-II in Medical Education / Medical Services

Department has been revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 and similar revision has been omitted to be extended to the

post of Nursing Superintendent Grade—II in Municipalities. Hence, the Committee

finds justification to extend the above scale of pay to the Nursing Superintendent

Grade-II in Municipalities also. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of the post of Nursing Superintendents Grade-II in Municipalities

from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association and Tamil

Nadu Local Bodies Urban Health Nurses Association have requested to revise the

scale of pay of the posts of Nursing Superintendent Grade—III and Nursing Tutor

Grade—II as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 considering the pay parity enjoyed

earlier. The posts of Nursing Superintendent Grade-III and Nursing Tutor, Grade-II

in Municipalities are presently placed in the scales of pay of Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400 and Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4600 respectively. It is observed that in

G.O. Ms. No. 395, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 4-10-2010, the scale of

pay of Nursing Superintendent Grade-III (merged with Nursing Superintendent

Grade-II) and Nursing Tutor Grade-II in Government Medical Departments have

been revised from Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4400 to Rs.9300—34800 +


G.P. Rs.4700 and from Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4700 respectively. Hence, the Committee finds justification to revise the

scale of pay of the posts of Nursing Superintendent Grade-III (merged with Nursing

Superintendent Grade-II) and Nursing Tutor, Grade-II in Municipalities on par with

their counterparts in Government Medical Departments. Accordingly, the Committee

recommends to revise the scale of pay of Nursing Superintendent Grade-III (to be

merged as Nursing Superintendent Grade-II) from Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4400 to

Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4700 and Nursing Tutor Grade-II from Rs.9300--34800+

G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4700 respectively.


Tamil Nadu Corporation Municipal Engineering Section Water and Street

Light Employees Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of Wireman as

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2600. This post comes under Trade Post category and

all the entry level Grade--II Trade Posts have been placed in the revised scale of pay

of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs. 2000 re-designated as Skilled Assistant Grade—II as

ordered in G.O.Ms. No. 338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010.

Considering the requests of the posts of Trade Category, the Committee elsewhere

recommended higher scale of pay of Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to the post of

Skilled Assistant Grade—II and the same revision of pay may be extended to this

post also.


Certain individuals have requested revision of scale of pay of this post as

Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.1900. The Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.1800 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P.


Rs.1900 as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

26-08-2010 for Unskilled Trade posts.


Certain individuals have requested to revise the scale of pay of the above

posts as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 on par with their counterparts in Medical

Education Department. It is observed that based on the recommendations of One

Man Commission the scale of pay of the above posts in Medical Education and

Medical Services Department, have been revised from Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.1900

to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. Hence, the Committee finds justification to extend

the above revision to similar categories in Municipalities also. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the posts of ECG / EEG

Technician / Audiometrician in Municipalities from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.1900

to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association, Tamil Nadu All Corporation Municipalities Engineer and Tap

Inspector’s Association and Tamil Nadu Third Grade Municipalities and Town

Panchayats Engineers and Tap Inspector’s Association have requested revision of

the scale of pay of Tap Inspector as Rs.5200–20200+ G.P.Rs.2600 / Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. The Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this

post may be revised from Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.1900 to Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 in the light of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26-08-2010 for Unskilled Trade posts.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested revision of scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300-34800+ G.P. Rs. 4200 and re-designate as Supervisor. It is observed that

this post is presently placed at Rs.4800-10000+ G.P. Rs.1650. The Committee finds

justification to place this post on par with unskilled trade posts. The Committee

accordingly, recommends that the scale of pay of this post may be revised from

Rs.4800--10000 + G.P. Rs.1650 to Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.1900 as applicable to

Un-Skilled Trade posts in the light of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance

(Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—08—2010.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of the posts of

Water Works Overseer and Public Works Overseer as Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 and to re-designate these posts as Supervisor. The Committee has

observed that based on the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009 the scale

of pay of these posts in Municipalities have been fixed at Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500—7000. Similarly

the scale of pay of the post of Overseer in Public Works Department has also been

fixed at Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800. The One Man Commission, 2010 has

recommended to classify the Trade posts into five groups and place the post of

Overseer as a supervisory post and recommended for the revised scale of pay of

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and orders were issued in G.O.Ms.No.338,

Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26—08--2010. Considering these facts, the

Committee finds justification to place the posts of Water Works Overseer and Public

Works Overseer in Municipalities at Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs. 4200 on par with

Overseer in Public Works Department considering it as a supervisory post in the light

of G.O.Ms.No.338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8--2010. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of Water Works Overseer /

Public Works Overseer in Municipalities from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to

Rs.9300--34800+G.P. Rs.4200.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested to revise the scale of pay of Draughtsman as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and re-designate as Supervisor. It is noticed that

the post of Draughtsman is presently placed in the scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200+

G.P. Rs.2800 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500--7000. It is

observed that this post was initially placed on par with Junior Draughting Officers in

Technical Education Department. As the scale of pay of Junior Draughting Officers

with diploma qualification has been revised as Rs.9300--34800+G.P. Rs.4200, the

Committee finds justification to extend similar revision to the post of Draughtsman

under Municipalities. The Committee, accordingly recommends to revise the scale

of pay of Draughtsman from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
Class-2 Manager / 9300--34800 + 4300 15600-39100 + 5700
Revenue Officer/ Accountant
Class-4 Manager / 9300--34800 + 4200 15600-39100 + 5400
Accountant /Revenue Officer

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
3 Work Inspector (Maistry) 4800--10000 + 1650 9300-34800 + 4200
4 Junior Engineer 9300--34800 +4400 15600-39100 + 5400
5 Assistant Executive Engineer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600-39100 + 6600
6 Fountain Cleaner 4800--10000 + 1300 9300-34800 + 4200
Female Nursing Assistant / 4800—10000 + 1400 5200-20200 + 2400
Male Nursing Assistant /
Hospital Assistant (Nursing
Assistant Grade-I)
Last Grade Servant / 4800--10000 +1300 5200 – 20200 + 1900
8 Unskilled Worker
9 Turn Cock 4800--10000 + 1650 Higher scale of pay
10 Avenue Coolie 4800-10000 + 1650 Enhanced scale of pay.
Electrical Superintendent 9300 – 34800 + 4200 Higher scale of pay and
11 Grade-II re-designate this post as
(Water Supply / Drainage) Supervisor

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department Information

Technology Association has requested revision of scale of pay of the post of

Assistant Programmer as Rs.15600 – 39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. The Tamil Nadu All

Municipalities and Corporations Information Technology Officers and Trade Post

Employees Association have also requested revision of scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300-- 34800 + G.P. Rs.4800 and requested to re-designate this post as

Assistant Engineer (IT) on par with Superintendent at Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4800. The Committee observed that the One Man Commission, 2010 has

recommended higher scale of pay to the categories which comes under Information

Technology wing by classifying the posts into five groups and accordingly orders

were issued in G.O.Ms. No.339, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 26-08-2010.

As per this order the post of Assistant Programmer may be granted the revised scale

of pay of Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4400. Hence, the Committee recommends to

revise the scale of pay of this post from Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Staff Nurse Association have

requested to revise the scale of pay of Staff Nurse as Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4450 plus Nursing Allowance of Rs.500/-pm . The Committee observed that

in G.O.Ms.No. 395, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 14-10-2010, among

others, the scale of pay of Staff Nurse has been revised from Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4450. Hence, the Committee finds

justification to extend similar revision of pay to the Staff Nurse in Corporation and

Municipalities also. Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of

Staff Nurse in Corporations / Municipalities be revised from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4450. However, the request for nursing

allowance has not been considered by the Committee.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities Tax Collector Association have requested to revise

the scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4800. Likewise the

Chennai Corporation Tax Collector’s Association have also requested revision of the

scale of pay of Tax Collectors from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--

20200+ G.P. Rs.2400. The Committee observed that this post was originally placed

on par with Junior Assistants. Hence, the Committee finds justification in the request

and accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of Tax Collectors in Chennai

Corporation from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2400.


The Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai has requested to revise the scale

of pay of these posts as Rs.9300-34800 + G.P.Rs.4400. Many other Individual

employees have also requested revision of the scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4900. It is noticed that based on One Man

Commission,2010 recommendations the scale of pay of these posts in Public Health

and Preventive Medicine Department has been revised from Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 vide orders issued in

G.O. Ms. No.296, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:26--08--2010. The

Committee finds justification to extend to above revision of scale of pay to similar

posts in Corporation of Chennai also. The Committee, accordingly recommends to


revise the scale of pay of the posts of Non-Medical Demonstrator / Laboratory

Supervisor (Graduate Technician) from Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300-

34800 + G.P. Rs.4400.


Tamil Nadu Diploma Medical Laboratory Technicians Association have

requested revision of the scale of pay of Laboratory Technician Grade-I as Rs.9300--

34800+ G.P.Rs.4400. The Commissioner of Chennai Corporation has also

recommended to revise the scale of pay of Laboratory Technician Grade-I and II as

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 respectively.

The Committee noticed that based on One Man Commission,2010 recommendations

the scale of pay Laboratory Technician Grade – II under Medical Departments in

Government has been revised from Rs. 5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.9300--

34800+ G.P. Rs.4200 considering the qualification of Higher Secondary Course with

two years diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology and the promotional post viz.

Laboratory Technician Grade-I from Rs. 5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—

34800 + G.P. Rs.4400. The Committee finds justification to extend similar revision of

pay to these posts in Corporations / Municipalities. Accordingly, the scale of pay of

Laboratory Technician Grade-I and Grade-II in Chennai Corporation / Municipalities

be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 and

from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 respectively.


The Statistical Assistants working in Chennai Corporation have requested to

revise the scale of pay of this post on par with similar post in Family Welfare

Department as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.Rs.4400. This post is presently placed in the

revised scale of pay as Rs. 9300--34800+ G.P.Rs.4300 as against the pre-revised


scale of pay of Rs.5300--8300. It is observed that based on One Man

Commission,2010 recommendations the scale of pay of Statistical Assistant in Public

Health and Preventive Medicine and Family Welfare Departments have been revised

from Rs.9300--34800 +G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300 – 34800 + G.P. Rs.4400. Hence,

the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of Statistical Assistants in

Corporation of Chennai on par with the Statistical Assistants in Family Welfare

Department. Accordingly the Committee recommends that the scale of pay of this

post be revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400.


Tamil Nadu All Corporation Technical and Skilled Assistant Employees

Association, Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association, Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and

Water Supply Employees Association and Anna Water, Drainage, Street Light

Employees Association have requested to revise the scale of pay of Skilled Assistant

Grade-II from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2600

or G.P. Rs. 2800. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to revise the scale

of pay of Grade-II Trade posts (entry level) from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. Hence, the above revision of pay recommended

is applicable to this post in Chennai Corporation as well.


The Chennai Corporation Play Ground Instructor Association has requested

revision of scale of pay of this post from Rs.5200--20200+ G.P.Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--

20200+ G.P.Rs.2800. It is noticed that the scale of pay of Play Ground Instructor in

Chennai Corporation has been revised as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 as against


the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4000--6000. It is observed that this post has been

filled by direct recruitment and the qualification prescribed for this post is SSLC with

Physical Educational Training. The nature of work and qualification are similar with

the post of Physical Education Teacher in School Education Department. Therefore

the Committee finds justification to revise the scale of pay of this post as Rs.5200—

20200 + G.P Rs.2800 on par with Physical Education Teacher. The Committee

accordingly recommends to revise the scale of pay of Play Ground Instructor in

Chennai Corporation from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 to Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800.


Thiru.K.M.M. Rafihkhan, Swimming Pool Instructor, Marina, Chennai

Corporation has requested to revise his pay as Rs.5200--20200+ G.P. Rs.2800 with

personal pay of Rs.750/- on par with Chennai Corporation School Physical

Education Teacher / Play Ground Instructor as these posts are interchangeable one.

The Commissioner, Chennai Corporation has brought to notice of the Committee

that the qualification and method of recruitment of the posts of Physical Education

Teacher, Play Ground Instructor and Swimming Pool Instructor are similar and

interchangeable one. However, the post of Swimming Pool Instructor have not been

granted equal pay in the pre-revised scale of pay and therefore recommended to

revise the scale of pay of this post on par with Physical Education Teacher / Play

Ground Instructor. Considering the similarity in qualification and method of

recruitment of the posts of Physical Education Teacher, Play Ground Instructor and

Swimming Pool Instructor, the Committee finds justification to place the post of

Swimming Pool Instructor in the revised scale of pay as Rs.5200—20200 +

G.P. Rs.2800 on par with Physical Education Teacher and Play Ground Instructor in

Chennai Corporation. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of

pay of Marina Swimming Pool Instructor, Chennai Corporation from Rs.4800--10000

+ G.P. Rs.1650 to Rs.5200-- 20200 + G.P. Rs.2800.


(Electrical) and ASSISTANT ENGINEER.

The Committee has observed that the post of Executive Engineer has been

originally placed in the Pay Band--3 at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as against

the pre-revised scale of Rs.10000—15200 which has been subsequently revised as

Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.7600 and then downgraded to the original level of pay

scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated: 26.02.2011. As the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim

Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department,

dated: 26.02.2011 only to the Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire

Government Order and concluded that placing the Executive Engineer / Divisional

Engineer (Electrical) of Chennai Corporation in the scale of pay of Rs.15600—39100

+ G.P. Rs.7600 may not be appropriate. Accordingly, the Committee endorses to

retain the original pay scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.6600 as recommended

by the Official Committee, 2009 and as ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated: 26.02.2011. Likewise the Committee also recommends to

place the post of Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Divisional Engineer

(Electrical)of Chennai Corporation in the appropriate revised scale of pay of

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as originally recommended by the Official

Committee and to place the post of Assistant Engineer of Chennai Corporation

appropriately in the Pay Band--2 instead of Pay Band--3 with an enhanced Grade

Pay of Rs.5100 on par with Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department


respectively by endorsing the orders issued by Government uniformly to all the

Executive Engineers / Assistant Executive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers in Public

Works Department.



It is observed that the above posts have been placed in the revised scale of

pay at Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 as against the pre-revised scale of pay

Rs.6500--11100 on par with the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in Animal Husbandry

Department. Subsequently, the scale of pay of these posts were revised as

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 based on the recommendations of One Man

Commission, 2010 and then downgraded to Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5100. As

the Hon’ble High Court has granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the implementation of the

G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26—02--2011 only to the

Appellants, the Committee has reviewed the entire Government Order. The

Committee has elsewhere recommended to place the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons

in Animal Husbandry Department at Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5200 one level

below the Group-I posts and their counterparts in Government of India. Accordingly,

the Committee recommends to retain the scale of pay these posts as Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5200.


It is observed that this post has been placed in the revised scale of pay at

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as against the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.8000--

13500 which has been subsequently revised as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P.Rs.5700

consequent on the revision of scale of pay of the feeder category Veterinary

Assistant Surgeon as Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 based on the

recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 and then downgraded to its


original level of Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400. As the Hon’ble High Court has

granted ‘Interim Stay’ on the implementation of the G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay

Cell) Department, dated 26-02-2011 only to the Appellants, the Committee has

reviewed the entire Government Order and concluded that placing Veterinary Officer

at Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5700 may not be appropriate since it would be

justifiable to place this post one level above the feeder category post at Rs.15600--

39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as originally placed. Accordingly, the Committee endorses

the original pay scale of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 as recommended by the

Official Committee and as rightly ordered in G.O. Ms. No.71, Finance (Pay Cell)

Department, dated 26.02.2011.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Junior Engineer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
2 Assistant Cashier 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
Special Artisan 5200--20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4600
3 (May be designated as
Technical Assistant)
4 Foreman (Supervisor) 9300–34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400
5 Sanitary Inspector 9300–34800 + 4200 9300– 34800 + 4400
6 Sanitary Officer 9300–34800 + 4500 15600--39100 + 5400
7 Basic Health Worker 4800--10000 + 1650 Enhanced Pay
Laboratory Assistant 5200–20200 + 1800 5200– 20200 + 2800 /1900
9 Food Safety Officer 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
10 Wireman (Skilled) / 5200--20200 + 1900 To fix the Selection grade /Special
Wireman (Unskilled) grade pay on par with Driver category.

11 Data Entry Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800/2600

9300—34800 + 4200
(re-designed as Skilled Assistant (IT)
12 Skilled Assistant Grade-I 5200--20200 + 2600 9300--34800 + 4400
5200--20200 + 2800 / 2600
13 Additional Law Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 To enhance the scale of pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.



Tamil Nadu State All Corporation Employees Association and some other

individuals holding the above said posts have requested to revise scale of pay for the

posts of Secretary to Council / Administrative Officer from Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300—34800 + G.P.Rs.4900 on par with the promotional posts

of Superintendents. The Commissioner, Corporation of Coimbatore has also

forwarded the requests of the associations / individuals for consideration of this

Committee. It is noticed that as per the provision in the service rules these posts are

filled by promotion from the holders of the post of Superintendents of the

Corporation. Hence the Committee finds justification to place these posts one level

above the Superintendents on par with the promotional posts of Superintendents in

Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of Secretary to Council / Administrative Officer in Coimbatore

Corporation from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4600 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.5100 as recommended elsewhere under “Common Categories” by the

Committee for the promotional posts of Superintendents.


All Assistant Engineers in Coimbatore Corporation have requested to revise

the scale of pay of Assistant Engineers from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700 to

Rs.15600--39100 + G.P. Rs.5400 on par with their counterparts in Public Works

Department. The Committee has elsewhere recommended to place the Assistant

Engineer in Public Works Department in Pay Band--2 instead of Pay Band—3 at

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.5100. Considering the above, the Committee

recommends that the Assistant Engineers in Corporation of Coimbatore may be


placed on par with Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department in the above

scale of pay viz. Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.5100.


Coimbatore Corporation Pharmacist Association has requested revision of the

scale of pay of Pharmacists as Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4200. The Committee

observed that based on One Man Commission recommendations, the Pharmacists

in Indian Medicine / Medical Departments and Chennai Corporations have been

revised from Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 on

par with Para-medical posts in Central Government. The Committee finds

justification to extend the above scale of pay to the Pharmacist in Coimbatore

Corporation considering the qualification of diploma in Pharmacy. Accordingly, the

Committee recommends that the Scale of pay of Pharmacist in Corporation of

Coimbatore may be revised from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--

34800 + G.P. Rs.4200.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Additional Law Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100
2. Accounts Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100
3. Public Relations Officer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600--39100 + 5100
4. Community Organisers 5200--20200 + 2000 5200--20200 + 2400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.




The Junior Assistants working in Corporation and Municipalities have

requested to revise their scale of pay as Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 as they

were all along placed on par with their counterparts in Government departments. It

is noticed that the Junior Assistants in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service and

Corporations have been granted the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3200-4900.

Subsequently, the Government has revised the scale of pay of Junior Assistants as

Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400 and the same has not been extended to Junior

Assistants in Corporations. Considering the pay parity existed in pre-revised and

revised scales of pay, the Committee recommends that the above revision of pay

may be extended to the Junior Assistants in all Corporations.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association, Tamil

Nadu Local Bodies Urban Health Nurses Association and Coimbatore Corporation

Pharmacist Association have requested revision of scale of pay of these posts as

Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4200 and Rs.9300—34800 + G.P. Rs.4400 respectively.

It is noticed that based on the recommendations of One Man Commission 2010, the

scales of pay of Pharmacist and Chief Pharmacist in Directorate of Medical

Education and Directorate of Medical Rural Health Service have been revised from

Rs.5200 -- 20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4200 and from

Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300--34800+ G.P. Rs.4400 respectively.

This revision of pay has been omitted to be extended to similar posts in


Municipalities and Corporations. Therefore, the Committee recommends to revise

the scale of pay of Pharmacist and Chief Pharmacist in Municipalities and

Corporations from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200 and from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4300 to Rs.9300 --34800 +

G.P. Rs.4400 respectively.



Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association have

requested to revise the scale of pay of the above posts from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. Based on One Man

Commission,2010 recommendations, the scale of pay of these posts in Public Health

and Preventive Medicine Department have been revised from Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200—20200 + G.P.Rs.2400. However, similar revision has

been omitted to the said posts under Municipalities and Corporations. Hence, the

Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of the above posts in

Municipalities and Corporations from Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Urban Health Nurses Association has requested

revision of scale of pay of Urban Health Nurse as Rs.5200—20200 + Rs.2400 with

Uniform Allowance of Rs.1000/-p.m. It is noticed that Urban Health Nurse (Erstwhile

Auxiliary Nurse Midwife / Multi purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity

Assistant) has been granted the revised scale of pay of Rs.5200--20200 +

G.P. Rs.2000 as against the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.3200--4900.

Subsequently, based on the recommendations of One Man Commission,2010 the


scale of pay of the post of Village Health Nurse under Public Health and Preventive

Medicine Department has been revised from Rs.5200--20200+G.P. Rs.2000 to

Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2400. Further in G.O.Ms.No.34, Municipal Administration

and Water Supply Department, dated: 03--03--2009 and G.O.(2D) No.1, Municipal

Administration and Water Supply Department, dated: 06-01-2010, the posts of

Auxiliary Nurse Midwife / Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant

have been re-designated as Village Nurse in Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Department. Likewise the Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Auxiliary Nurse

Midwife / Maternity Assistant in Municipalities and Corporations have been re-

designated as Urban Health Nurse. It is observed that the qualification, training and

Job factors prescribed for the post of Urban Health Nurse (Erstwhile Auxiliary Nurse

Midwife/ Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant) is the same as

that of Village Health Nurse. As this is only an omission in the One Man

Commission,2010 recommendations, the Committee finds justification to revise the

scale of pay for the post of Urban Health Nurse (Erstwhile Auxiliary Nurse Midwife/

Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) / Maternity Assistant) on par with Village

Health Nurse in Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department from Rs.5200--

20200 + G.P. Rs.2000 to Rs.5200--20200 + G.P. Rs.2400.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities and Corporation Pharmacist Association has

requested revision of scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700. It

is noticed that in G.O.Ms.No.395, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:

14--10—2010, the scale of pay of Nursing Superintendent Grade-II has been

revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.

However, the above revision has been omitted to be extended to similar post in

Local Bodies / Municipalities. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the

scale of pay Nursing Superintendent Grade-II in Local Bodies / Municipalities from

Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4700.


The Tamil Nadu Diploma Medical Laboratory Technician’s Association has

requested revision of scale of pay of this post as Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4800.

This post is presently placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800 +

G.P. Rs.4500. It is noticed that based on One Man Commission,2010

recommendations, the scale of pay of Junior Analyst in Public Health and Preventive

Medicine Department has been revised from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P.Rs.4500 to

Rs.9300-- 34800 + G.P. Rs.4600. Hence, the Committee recommends to extend

similar revision of pay to the post of Junior Analyst in Corporation of Chennai by

revising their scale of pay from Rs.9300--34800 + G.P. Rs.4500 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4600.


Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department and Water Supply

Employees Association has requested revision of scale of pay of this post as

Rs.9300--34800+ G.P.Rs.4200 and re-designate as Supervisor. This post is placed

in the revised scale of pay as Rs. 5200--20200 + G.P.Rs.2800 as against the

pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4500--7000. It is observed that, this post was placed

on par with Junior Draughting Officer considering their diploma qualification.

However, the subsequent revision made to Junior Draughting Officers in Technical

Education Department from Rs..5200--20200 + GP.Rs.2800 to Rs.9300—34800 +

G.P.Rs.4200 by the One Man Commission, 2010 has been omitted to be extended

to this post. Hence, the Committee recommends to revise the scale of pay of

Draughtsman from Rs.5200—20200 + G.P. Rs.2800 to Rs.9300--34800 +

G.P. Rs.4200.

There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories as well:--

Existing Scale of Requested Scale of

Sl. Name of the Post pay + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 System Analyst 15600--39100 + 5400 15600-- 39100 +7600
/ 6600
2 Programmer 9300 – 34800 + 4600 15600- 39100 +6600
(or) 5400
3 Assistant Executive Engineer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
4 Executive Engineer 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
5 City Engineer 37400--67000 + 8700 37400--67000 + 9500
6 Sanitary Supervisor 4800--10000 + 1400 5200--20200 + 2400
(or) 1900
7 Microbiologist / Laboratory 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
Assistant May be designated as
Microbiologist /
Research Officer
8 Veterinary Officer 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 + 6600
9 Biochemist 9300--34800 + 4400 15600--39100 + 5400
10 Assistant Bio Chemist 5200 – 20200 + 2800 9300--34800 + 4800
11 Night Watchman 4800--10000 + 1300 4800--10000 + 1400
12 Office Assistant 4800--10000 + 1300 5200--20200 + 1900
13 Sanitary Inspector 9300--34800 + 4200 15600--39100 + 5400

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.


There have been requests for the revision of Pay Band / Grade Pay of the

following categories :--

Existing Scale of pay Requested Scale of

Name of the Post + Grade pay pay + Grade pay
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Data Entry Operator 5200--20200 + 2400 5200--20200 + 2800
2. Assistant Programmer 9300--34800 + 4400 9300--34800 + 4600
(or) 4800
15600-39100 + 5400
3. Programmer 9300--34800 + 4600 15600-39100 + 6600
(or) 5400
4. Deputy Programmer 9300--34800 + 4600 9300--34800 + 4900
5. System Analyst 15600--39100 + 5400 15600--39100 +7600
(or) 6600
6. Senior System Analyst 15600--39100 + 6600 15600--39100 + 7600
7. Data Entry Operator 5000 7500 (or)
(Consolidated pay) Consolidated Pay Regular time scale of pay

The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell after examining in detail the various issues

relating to the requests for the revision and after duly considering the educational

qualification, mode of recruitment, nature of duties and responsibilities attached to

the above said posts and also after taking note of the relevant internal and external

pay relativities recommends that a further revision of scales of pay is not warranted.

However, the Committee has noticed that Information Technology posts

have been created in an isolated fashion in certain departments and hence an

employee who enters a post retires from the same post without any further

promotion / elevation which causes the acute stagnation in a post. Further, the two

above mentioned Government Orders only links the post designation to a

qualification and a pay scale. It does not address the issue of isolated posts and

stagnation in the Information Technology field. While a overall restructuring of

Information and Technology posts and linking to the need of Government are

beyond the scope of this Committee, given the increasingly important role that

Information Technology plays in modern working life, including in Government, the

Committee makes the following observations :--

i) All ministerial and officers level staff should have a working knowledge of
using computers for office work and if they do not already have much
knowledge they should be given training.
ii) Routine tasks like data entry on an on going basis should be handled by
regular ministerial staff. Hence, separate categories like Data Entry
Operators, Console Operators, Punch Operators etc. should be treated as
vanishing categories unless there are exceptional circumstances that require
the continuance of such posts in some departments.
iii) Large scale data entry operations, including of legacy data should be
To handle higher level Information Technology related functions both on the software

and hardware side a separate dedicated cadre of technical staff should be created

under the Information Technology department with a hierarchy rising from the

equivalent of Assistant Engineers with 2—3 levels of promotions. Existing

Information Technology posts and persons in different departments can be absorbed

into this cadre. Such a structure would ensure that the issue of stagnation can be

addressed and best Information Technology practices can be disseminated from one

department to another and e-governance initiatives can be effectively rolled out in

different departments of Government.



Various representations have been received from the service associations

and staff of the following Boards and Corporations:--
2. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.
2. Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board.
3. Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board.
4. Tamil Nadu Maritime Board.
5. Tamil Nadu Minerals Limited.
6. Tamil Nadu Housing Board.
7. Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority.

It is observed that Scale of pay of employees of Boards and Corporations

does not come under the purview of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell. However, the
revision made in the scales of pay of posts in Government may be extended to
similar categories subject to specific orders of the Government and the approval of
the Board of Directors as per extant Government guidelines.


Various representations have been received from the service associations

and staff of the following Universities:

1. Anna University.
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
3. Madras Universities and various other Colleges and Polytechniques.

In this connection, it is observed that in respect of Teaching staff of

Universities and Colleges and Polytechniques, as they are governed by the

University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education scales of

pay, their request does not come under the ambit of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell.

However, in respect of non-teaching staff of Universities and colleges under its

control, the revision if any, made in the scales of pay of the corresponding posts in

Government Departments may also be made applicable to non-teaching staff of

Universities subject to specific orders of the Government and the approval of the

respective Finance Committees and Syndicate.



Tamil Nadu Retired Revenue Department Directly recruited Officers

Association, Tamil Nadu Government Retired Officials Association, Retired Officers

Association, Retired Office Assistants and Basic Servants Association, Tamil Nadu

Rural Development Department Pensioners Association, Tamil Nadu Educational

Department Retired Ministerial Servants Association, Tamil Nadu Retired

Government Employees Association, Retired Officials Association, Temporary Junior

Assistant and Assistant Association (2003), Tamil Nadu Retired All Grade Teachers

Welfare Association, Tamil Nadu Co-operative Department Retired State Service

Officers Association, All Bharat Confederation of Senior Citizens and Pensioners,

Tamil Nadu Retired School-College Teachers Association, Tamil Nadu Retired

Officials’ Association, Tamil Nadu Retired Revenue Officers’ Association, Tamil

Nadu All Governmental Departmental Retired Drivers’ Central Association, Tamil

Nadu Women’s Development Organisation Staff Welfare Association,

Ambasamudram Taluk Pensioner’s Association, Retired Tamilaga Sathunavu

Oozhiyar Sangam, Retired Teachers and Officials Munnetra Sangam, Tamil Nadu

PWD Department Retired Officials Association, Tamil Nadu Government Retired

Drivers Welfare Association, Tamil Nadu Retired Government Employees

Association and various other Departmental Associations, Pensioners Associations,

several individual petitioners, Writ Petitioners and Chief Minister’s Special Cell

Petitioners have placed representations to this Committee in respect of the following


• To enhance the minimum pension to Rs.4,000/- or Rs.3,500/- as in Government

of India.
• To enhance the commutation to 40%.
• To grant Medical Allowance of Rs.500/- or Rs.300/-.

• The period for enhanced pension may be raised to 10 years.

• To extend the Medical Insurance scheme to pensioners also.
• To restore the pension after 12 years as the commuted period ends in 10 1/2
• To enhance the Medical reimbursement to Rs.2.00 Lakh.
• To grant Rs.3.00/Rs.1.5 Lakh as Family Security Benefit Fund and to grant
Rs.5,000/- as immediate relief as recovery is made from service period.
• To extend Pension scheme to all employees.
• To grant full pension for 20 years of service.
• To round off the Pension, Dearness Allowance to next 10 Rupees for pension
• To enhance the income ceiling to Rs.6100/- for women pensioners to get Family
• To extend the time limit for joining Insurance scheme.
• To grant Pay commission arrears from 1—1--2006 to 31—12—2006.
• To give ID card and Bus pass to pensioners.
• To grant HRA, CCA and Hill Allowance to pensioners also.
• To grant pension 1st day of the month.
• Not to recover excess drawal due to re-option made as per Government Letter
No.18422 / CMPC/2011-1, Finance Department, dated: 05—4—2011.
• To issue G.O. Ms. No.210, School Education Department, dated: 14—8--2009
as general Orders.
• To avoid/ end the disciplinary action taken at the verge of retirement.
• To grant 3% increment every year so as to avoid loss in emoluments between the
pensioners before and after 1—1--2006.
• To included pensioner who get pension from Local Fund Department for
Pensioner FSF and Insurance scheme.
• To make the revision in individual cases early as there is delay by the
administrative side.
• To implement G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance Department, dated: 28—02--2011 for
the Pensioners also.

• To revise pension consequent on the grant of higher pay scale of Professors of

Government. Medical Colleges as per order issued in G.O.Ms.No.354 Health
& Family Welfare Department, dated:23-10-2009.
• To grant pension according to G.O. 202, School Education (G2) Department,
dated: 24-09--2008.
• To rectify the anomaly between Senior pensioners who has retired prior to
1—1--2006 and Juniors who has retired after 1—1--2006 in the same posts.
• Various other demands related to pensioners.

The Committee observes that pension related issues have not been included

in the Terms of Reference of the Committee. Hence, the Committee has not made

any recommendations on these issues.



The request of the Employees Associations / Individuals / Writ Petitioners

were examined by the Committee taking into account the Central Parity, prevailing

local anomaly and inadequacy in the existing revised pay scales for some of the

categories of posts and also certain omissions in One Man Commission, 2010

recommendations, the Committee has made necessary recommendations in this

regard department wise. The financial commitment on these recommendations

would be around Rs. 206.65 crores per annum, of which the commitment on

recommendations for the grant of Special Pay, Special Compensatory Allowance

and Special Allowance for Tahsildar, Block Development Officer, Forest Ranger and

Inspector of Police alone would be around Rs. 16.14 crores. Around two lakh

employees will be benefited by these recommendations. The details of financial

implications are as follows:--

Rupees in crores
(Per annum)

Pay Fixation including Dearness Allowance .. ….. 99.94

Special Pay / Special Compensatory Allowance .. …. 10.51
Special Allowance for Tahsildar, Block Development Officer, ….. 5.63
Inspector of Police and Forest Ranger
Provision of additional increment for Selection Grade / ….. 90.57
Special Grade holders
Total ….. 206.65


Considering the increase in salary expenditure and pensionery benefits

granted to the Government employees and the recurring expenditure on the sanction

of two instalments of Dearness Allowance periodically which also involves

considerable expenditure on the State Exchequer, the Committee recommends that

the revised scales of pay etc., recommended by this Committee may be given

notional effect from 1–1—2006 / 12—12–2007 and with prospective monetary

benefit. In cases where the Committee has recommended for revision of scale of

pay of intertransferable posts / parity restored with Superintendents, the Committee

recommends that notional effect be given uniformly with effect from

12—12–2007 with monetary benefit from a prospective date as recommended for

other Categories.






















List of Associations / Individuals / Writ Petitioners heard by the

Pay Grievance Redressal Cell

1 All Districts Passport Computer Operators Welfare Association

2 All Managers, Department of Government Litigations
3 Anaithu Indiya Aasiriyar Peravai
4 Anna University Technical Employees Association
5 Association of Engineers and Assistant Engineers Association
6 Association of Hydrogeologists, Public Works Department
Association of Scientific Officers Tamil Nadu Medical Colleges Tamil Nadu
Government Officials Union
Association of The Assistant Prosecutors, (Tamil Nadu Prosecuting Officers
9 Chennai Corporation National Malaria Employees Association
10 Engineers Graduate Association
Federation of Tamil Nadu Public Health Department Technical Personal Assistant
12 Federation of Tamil Nadu State All Municipal Corporation Officials Association
Forensic Sciences Department Technicians and Laboratory Assistants Welfare
14 Governor’s Household Office, Tamilnadu
15 Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Audit Staff Association
16 Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Gazetted Officers Association
17 Head Warder Association
18 Highways Research Officers Association
19 Joint Action Council of Tamil Nadu All Teacher’s Organisations (JACTATO)
20 Joint Secretary, Tamil Nadu Dieticians Association
21 Madurai Corporation Sanitary Inspectors Association
Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department Information Technology
23 Nephrology Dialysis Unit Department of Nephrology
24 Pathavi Uyarvu Petra Pattathari Matrum Tamizhasiriyar Kazhagam
25 Public Health Department Officials Association (Leprosy)
26 Public Works Department Research and Quality Control Officers Association
27 Rural Development Block Engineers Association
28 Social Defence Department Staff Union
29 Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department Ministerial Staff Association

Tamil Nadu Public Works Department Ministerial Staff Association, Tirnelveli

31 Tamil Nadu Agricultural Graduates Teachers Association
32 Tamil Nadu Aasiriyar Kootani
33 Tamil Nadu Adi-Dravidar Teacher’s Welfare Association
34 Tamil Nadu Administrative Service Officers Association
35 Tamil Nadu Agricultural Graduates’ Union
Tamil Nadu Agricultural Marketing Department (Marketing Committee) Employees
37 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Non – Teaching Staff Association
38 Tamil Nadu Agriculture Technical Officer’s Association
39 Tamil Nadu Aided Schools Non-Teaching Staff Association
Tamil Nadu All Government Department and Government Unertakings
Information Technology Employees Confederation
41 Tamil Nadu All Teachers Association
42 Tamil Nadu Anganvadi Workers and Helpers Union
43 Tamil Nadu Arasu Aluvalar Kazhagam (C&D) Group
44 Tamil Nadu Arasu Field Assistant (Central) Association
45 Tamil Nadu Arasu Motor Vandigal Paramaripu Niruvana Thozhilalar Sangam
46 Tamil Nadu Arasu Paniyalar Sangam
47 Tamil Nadu Arasu Uzhiyar Sangam
48 Tamil Nadu Archaeology Employees Association
49 Tamil Nadu Association of Non-Teaching Staff Association Pension (PANTSAC)
50 Tamil Nadu Block Health Statisticians Association
51 Tamil Nadu Commercial Taxes Department Office Assistants State Association
52 Tamil Nadu Co-Operative Department Employees Association
53 Tamil Nadu Cooperative Department State Service Officers Association
54 Tamil Nadu Craftsman Training Gazetted Officers Association
55 Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Department Extension Assistants Association
56 Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Department Government Officers Association
57 Tamil Nadu Diploma Engineer’s Council
58 Tamil Nadu Draghtsmen’s Association
59 Tamil Nadu Electrical Employees Association (Public Works Department)
60 Tamil Nadu Employment Service Employees Association
61 Tamil Nadu Factory Inspectors Association
62 Tamil Nadu Family Welfare Statistical Officials Association
63 Tamil Nadu Fisheries Executive Subordinates Association
64 Tamil Nadu Fisheries Officers Association
65 Tamil Nadu Forest Service Association

66 Tamil Nadu Government Aided College Officers Association (TANTSAC)

67 Tamil Nadu Government Assistants Association
Tamil Nadu Government Chief Pharmacist And Medical Store Officer Retired
Welfare Association
69 Tamil Nadu Government Collegiate Teachers Association
70 Tamil Nadu Government Department Drivers (Central) Association
71 Tamil Nadu Government Employees Union
72 Tamil Nadu Government Engineering College Technical Staff Association
73 Tamil Nadu Government Health Officers Association
Tamil Nadu Government Hospital Operation Theatre Assistant Technician and
Anasthesia Technician Welfare Association
75 Tamil Nadu Government Last Grade Village Servants Union
76 Tamil Nadu Government Maternal and Child Health Officer’s Association
77 Tamil Nadu Government Medical Department Engineer’s Association
78 Tamil Nadu Government Motor Vehicles Maintenance Association
79 Tamil Nadu Government Office Assistant and Basic Servants Central Association
80 Tamil Nadu Government Officials Union
81 Tamil Nadu Government Physiotherapist Association
82 Tamil Nadu Government Public Health Department Analyst Association
83 Tamil Nadu Government Statistics Sub Ordinate Officers Association
84 Tamil Nadu Government All Health Nurses Association
85 Tamil Nadu Government All Pharmacist Association
86 Tamil Nadu Government Health Services Scientists Association
87 Tamil Nadu Government Medical College Teachers Association
Tamil Nadu Government Medical Department All Employees and Sanitary
Employees Association
89 Tamil Nadu Government Ophthalmic Assistants Association
90 Tamil Nadu Government Opthalmic Association
91 Tamil Nadu Government Physiotheraphy Technicians Association
92 Tamil Nadu Government Physiotherapists Association
93 Tamil Nadu Government Press Anna General Employees Association
94 Tamil Nadu Government Printing Computor’s Welfare Association
95 Tamil Nadu Government Public Works Department
96 Tamil Nadu Government Superintendents Welfare Association
97 Tamil Nadu Government Village Health Nurses Association
98 Tamil Nadu Graduate Tabulators Sangam
99 Tamil Nadu Graduate Teachers Association
100 Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Official Union
Tamil Nadu Handlooms and Textiles Department Direct Recruitment Subordinate
Officers Welfare Association

102 Tamil Nadu Health Inspectors Association

103 Tamil Nadu High and Higher Secondary School Headmaster Association
104 Tamil Nadu High and Higher Secondary School Graduate Teachers Association
105 Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Post Graduate Teachers Association
Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Engineering Teachers
107 Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Teachers Association
108 Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Teachers Kazhagam
109 Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational Teachers Welfare Association
110 Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Schools Head Masters Association
Tamil Nadu Highways and Rural Works Department, Draughting Officials
112 Tamil Nadu Highways Department Divisional Accountants Association
113 Tamil Nadu Highways Employees Association, State Centre
114 Tamil Nadu Highways Road Employees Association
115 Tamil Nadu Highways Road Inspectors Association
Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary School Vocational and Computer Science
Teachers Association
117 Tamil Nadu Idainilai Aasiriar Sangam
118 Tamil Nadu Industrial Training Officials Association
119 Tamil Nadu Industries Department Technical Officers Association
120 Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service Retired Employees Association
121 Tamil Nadu Judicial Officers Association
122 Tamil Nadu Kooturavu Thanikkaithurai Aluvalar Sangam
123 Tamil Nadu Labour Service Officers Association
124 Tamil Nadu Leprosy Physiotherapists / Physiotherophy Technicians Association
125 Tamil Nadu Local Fund Audit (Gazetted) Officers Association
Tamil Nadu Local Fund Audit and Internal Audit Department Inspectors
Tamil Nadu Maruthuvathurai Sugathara Paarvaiyalar Matrum Thunai Seviliyar
Matrum Magaperu Uthaviyalar Nala Sangam
128 Tamil Nadu Medical Department Administrative Employee’s Association
Tamil Nadu Medical Department All Technicians (I.T.I) Government Employees
130 Tamil Nadu Medical Laboratory Technician Federation
131 Tamil Nadu Medical Laboratory Technicians Association
132 Tamil Nadu Medical Record Officers and Medical Record Technicians Association
133 Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Technical) Association
134 Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department, Anna Labour Association
135 Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation Sanitary Inspectors Welfare Association
136 Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineers Association

137 Tamil Nadu Municipal Ministerial Staff Association

138 Tamil Nadu Municipal Sanitary Suspervisors Association
Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Officer’s Association and Tamil Nadu
Municipal Town Planning Technical Subordinate Staff Association
Tamil Nadu Municipalities Engineering Department And Water Supply Employees
141 Tamil Nadu Municipality Officers Association
142 Tamil Nadu Nagaratchikalin Aluvalaga Uthaviyalargal Maanila Sangam
143 Tamil Nadu Noon Meal Employees Association
144 Tamil Nadu Nutritious Meal Employee’s Association
145 Tamil Nadu Official Architects Association
146 Tamil Nadu Overseers Association
147 Tamil Nadu Pattathari Asiriyar Kootamaippu
148 Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board Employees Association
149 Tamil Nadu Post Graduate Teacher’s Association
150 Tamil Nadu Primary School Teacher’s Federation
151 Tamil Nadu Promoted Post Graduate Teacher Association
Tamil Nadu Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department Refrigerator
Technical Officers Association
Tamil Nadu Public Health Department Medical Laboratory Technicians
Association (CMLT)
154 Tamil Nadu Public Health Entomologists Association
155 Tamil Nadu Public Health Officials Association
156 Tamil Nadu Public Works Department Employees Association
Tamil Nadu Public Works Department Irrigation Inspectors and Telephone Clerks
158 Tamil Nadu District Revenue Officers Association
159 Tamil Nadu Revenue Department Village Assistant Association
160 Tamil Nadu Rural Development Officials Association
161 Tamil Nadu Rural Development Panchayat Union Employees Association
162 Tamil Nadu Rural Development Road Inspectors Association
163 Tamil Nadu Salai Paniyalar Sangam
164 Tamil Nadu Secretariat Association, Secretariat, Chennai-9
165 Tamil Nadu Secretariat Officers Association
166 Tamil Nadu Secretariat Drivers Association
167 Tamil Nadu Secretariat Office Assistant and Basic Servants Association
168 Tamil Nadu Secretariat Finance Department Staff Welfare Association
169 Tamil Nadu Senior Agro – Technologists Forum
170 Tamil Nadu Senior Opthalmic Assistants Association
171 Tamil Nadu Sericulture Department Officer Association State Centre

172 Tamil Nadu Sericulture Staff Association

173 Tamil Nadu Siddha Maruthuvar Manila Peravai
174 Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Employees Association
175 Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Officer’s Association
176 Tamil Nadu State Civil Service Officers (Retired) Association (TASCSORA)
177 Tamil Nadu State Health Transport Department Anna Thozhilalar Sangam
178 Tamil Nadu State Health Transport Department Engineers Association
Tamil Nadu State Municipality and Corporation Sanitary Inspectors and Sanitary
Officers Association
180 Tamil Nadu State Revenue Official Association
181 Tamil Nadu Statistical Officers Association
182 Tamil Nadu Sub- Registrars Association
183 Tamil Nadu Survey Department Administrative Employees Union
Tamil Nadu Technical Education Training Staff Association (Government Aided
Polytechnic Colleges and Special Institutions)
185 Tamil Nadu Thodakka Palli Aasiriyar Kootani
186 Tamil Nadu Thodakka Palli Aasiriyar Mandram
187 Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Employees Union
188 Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Executive Officers Association
189 Tamil Nadu Transport Department Staff Association
190 Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Officers Association
191 Tamil Nadu Treasuries and Accounts Service Association
192 Tamil Nadu Typographers Association (Survey Department)
193 Tamil Nadu Valarchi Pani Aluvalarkal Sangam
194 Tamil Nadu Veterinary Assistant Surgeons Association
195 Tamil Nadu Village Administrative Officers Association
196 Tamil Nadu Village Health Nurses Association
197 Tamilaga Aasiriyar Kootani
198 Tamilaga Arambapalli Aasiriyar Kootani
199 Tamilaga Mavatta Aasiriyar Kalvipayirchi Niruvana Kalviyalar Sangam
200 Tamilaga Tamil Aasiriyar Kalagam
201 Tamizhaga Edainilai Matrum Pattathari Asiriyar Mandram (TEAPPAM)
202 Teaching Faculties and Therapeutic Assistants of Indian Medicine Department
203 Technical Education – Technical Staff Association
204 Technical Staff Federation
205 Thamizhaga Aramba Palli Aasiriyar Sangam
206 Tamil Nadu Arasu Kalluri Anaithu Aaivaga Paniyalar Sangam
207 The Association of Engineers – Public Works Department
208 The Association of Tamil Nadu Highways Engineers

209 The Commercial Taxes Service Association

210 The Engineers of Electrical Inspectorate, O / o The Chief Electrical Inspectorate
211 The Indian Association of Physiotherapists
212 The Non-Medical Graduates Association Of Tamil Nadu
213 The Radiological Assistants Association
214 The Tamil Nadu Agricultural Department Laboratory Assistants Association
215 The Tamil Nadu Agricultural Drilling Branch Subordinate Association
216 The Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineers Association
217 The Tamil Nadu Assistant Agricultural Officers Association
218 The Tamil Nadu Civil Court Process Servers’ Union
219 The Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Executive Branch) Association
220 The Tamil Nadu Commercial Taxes Officers Association
221 The Tamil Nadu Deputy and Assistant Commercial Tax Officers Association
222 The Tamil Nadu Engineering Association
223 The Tamil Nadu Forest Staff Association
224 The Tamil Nadu Government Agricultural Graduates Association
225 The Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association
226 The Tamil Nadu Government Nurses’ Association
227 The Tamil Nadu Government Nutritious Meal Employees Union
228 The Tamil Nadu Government Pharmacists’ Association
229 The Tamil Nadu Government Radio Supervisors Association
230 The Tamil Nadu Health Visitors Association
231 The Tamil Nadu Highways and Rural Works Engineering Association
The Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department
Administrative Officials Association
233 The Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Officers Association
234 The Tamil Nadu Labour Department Subordinate Officers Association
235 The Tamil Nadu Legislative Secretariat Reporters Association
236 The Tamil Nadu Live Stock Inspectors Association
237 The Tamil Nadu Local Fund Audit Service Association
238 The Tamil Nadu Magisterial Service Association
239 The Tamil Nadu Malaria Laboratory Field Assistants and Maistries Association,
240 The Tamil Nadu Medical Laboratory Technicians Association
241 The Tamil Nadu Police Department Ministerial Staff Association
242 The Tamil Nadu State Revenue Officials Association
243 The Tamil Nadu Survey Officers Union
244 The Tamil Nadu Temple Executive Officers Federation
245 The Transport Department (Gazetted ) Officers Association
246 Thenaga Asiriyar Oyvuthiar Padukappu Nala Sangam

Therapeutic Assistants, Government. Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College and

Government Hospital
248 Treasuries Department Ministerial Service Welfare Association
249 Valkai Thozhil Vazhikatti Aluvalar, Mavatta Matru Thiranaligal Nala Aluvalagam
250 Village Administrative Officer’s Welfare Association
251 Writ Petitioners in W.P. No.7463 of 2011 – Animal Husbandry Department
Writ Petitioners in W.P. No.7601, 6761, 10213, 10263, 23061, 22666, 23677 to
23684 of 2011 – Agriculture Department
253 Writ Petitioners in W.P. No.7609 of 2011 – Public Works Department
Writ Petitioners in W.P. Nos.8453, 8075 To 8077, 8078 to 8089 of 2011 – Rural
Development Department
255 Thiru. R. Venkatachalam and others, W.A.No.515 of 2012
256 Thiru. R. Jayapragasam and others, W.A.No.516 of 2012
257 Medical Department Basic Health Workers Association

Revision of scales of pay – Revival and Appointment of Chairman and Members to
the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Implementation of the orders of the Hon’ble
High Court dated: 08—3—2012 in W.P.No.7006 of 2011 and batch cases – Orders –
G.O.Ms.No.123 Dated: 10—04—2012.
Panguni, 28,
Thiruvalluvar Aandu,
1. G.O.Ms.No. 71, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26--2--2011.
2. Judgement of the Hon’ble High Court dated: 18—3--2011 in W.P.No.
7006 of 2011.
3. Government Letter No.19111 / Pay Cell / 2011—4, Finance Department,
dated: 07—3—2012.
4. Judgement of the Hon’ble High Court dated: 08—3--2012 in W.P.No.
7006 of 2011 and batch cases.
5. From the Special Government Pleader, High Court, Madras, 104, Letter
dated: 16—3—2012.
6. From the Hon’ble High Court Division Bench order dated: 27—3—2012
in W.A.Nos. 504, 505, 514, 515 and 516 of 2012.

In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued downgrading /
revising the scales of pay of some of the categories of employees in certain
departments consequent to the rectification of anomalies pointed out in the
recommendations of the One Man Commission. In the said orders, Government has
also constituted a Pay Grievance Redressal Cell under the Chairmanship of Thiru
R.Thyagarajan, I.A.S., the then Special Secretary to Government, Finance
Department to examine the grievances, if any received from the employees hose
scales of pay have not been revised / downgraded and submit its report to
Government within a period of three months and based on the recommendations
made therein the Government shall examine and issue suitable orders.

2) Consequent on the issue of the above Government Order, aggrieved by the

downgradation in the pay scales, several employees associations / individual
employees have filed Writ Petitions and obtained “Interim Stay”. Due to the “Interim
Stay” granted by the Hon’ble High Court, the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell
constituted to redress the pay grievance could not function and as the Officer
appointed as Chairman has retired from service, the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell
became redundant.

… /2/

--: 2 –

3) The Hon’ble High Court in its order dated: 08—3—2012 in a batch of Writ
Petitions Nos. 7006 of 2011 etc. has made a detailed review of the cases and
dismissed the Writ Petitions with a direction to the Government to constitute the Pay
Grievance Redressal Cell within a period of four weeks by appointing a suitable
officer as Chairman and thereafter the said Committee will proceed to hear the
grievance of all persons including the petitioners. Subsequently, based on the Writ
Appeal filed by the petitioners in W.A.Nos. 504, 505, 514, 515 and 516 of 2012, the
Hon’ble Division Bench of the Madras High Court in its order dated: 27—3—2012
has granted “Interim Stay” on the operation of G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC)
Department, dated: 26—2—2011 and the orders of the learned single Judge except
the operative portion of the order in para—32 viz. constitution of Pay Grievance
Redressal Cell.

4) The Government after careful consideration of the orders of the Hon’ble

High Court dated: 08—3—2012 in W.P.No.7006 of 2011 and batch cases and the
further orders of the Hon’ble Division Bench in W.A.Nos. 504, 505, 514, 515 and 516
of 2012, dated: 27—3--2012 have decided to implement the same. Accordingly,
Government direct that the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall be re-constituted with
the following officers in Finance Department:

1) Thiru S. Krishnan, I.A.S.,

Secretary (Expenditure) .......... Chairman

2) Thiru M. Padmanabhan,
Additional Secretary to Government ............... Member

3) Thiru P. Umanath, I.A.S.,

Joint Secretary to Government ...................... Member

5) The following are the terms of reference of the Pay Grievance

Redressal Cell:-

(i) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall examine all the
representations so far received and also further representations if any,
from the Employees Associations / Head of Departments / Individual
employees including the aggrieved petitioners relating to anomalies in
the revised pay structure of the respective posts;

(ii) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall make specific

recommendations to Government on the representations / anomalies

(iii) The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell shall submit its report to
Government within a period of three months.

… /3/

--: 3 :-

6) The Deputy Secretary to Government dealing with Pay Cell subject shall
assist the Chairman / Members of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell. As regards
supporting staff to the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell, orders will be issued



All Secretaries to Government.

The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.
The Secretary to the Governor, Chennai--32.
The Principal Secretary to Government, Health & Family Welfare Department, Chennai – 9.
The Principal Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department, Chennai – 9.
The Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Chennai – 9.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai – 9.
All Heads of Departments.
The Director, Indian Medicine & Homeopathy, Chennai – 106.
The Commissioner, Agriculture, Chepauk, Chennai – 5.
The Director, Horticulture, Chennai – 5.
The Director, Agriculture Marketing & Seed Certificate, Chennai – 32.
The Director, Fisheries, Chennai – 6.
The Director, Animal Husbandry, Chennai – 6.
The Director, State Health Transport, Chennai – 32.
The Director, Horticulture, Salem-1.
The Director, Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Chennai – 108.
The Commissioner, Transport, Chennai 0 5.
The Commissioner, Social Welfare, Chennai -5.
The Commissioner, Rehabilitation, Chennai – 5.
The Commissioner, Treasuries & Accounts, Chennai – 15.
The Chief Engineer, Agricultural Engineering, Chennai – 35.
The Chief Engineer, Highways, Chennai – 5.
The Chief Inspector of Factories, Chennai – 5.
The Principal Chief Engineer & Chief Engineer (General), Public Works, Chennai – 5.
The Chief Engineer of Electricals, Electrical Inspectorate, Chennai – 32.
The Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai, Chennai – 3.
All Collectors / All District Judges / All Chief Judicial Magistrates.
The Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements), Chennai-600 018.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit.I), Chennai-600 018.
The Accountant General (Audit.II), Chennai-600 018.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai-600 009 / Madurai.
The Registrar General, High Court, Chennai-600 104.
The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-600 006.
.. / 4/

--: 4 :-

The Registrar of all Universities in Tamil Nadu.

The Director of Pension, DMS Complex, Chennai-600 006.
The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai – 108.
The Pension Pay Officer, Chennai-600 006.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Pay and Accounts Officer,( North / South / East) Chennai-1 / 35 / 5.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Madurai -625 001.
All Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers.
All Commissioners of Corporations / Municipal Commissioners / Town Panchayat
and Panchayat Union Commissioners.

Copy to:
Thiru S.Krishnan, I.A.S., Secretary (Expenditure), Finance Department, Chennai – 9.
Thiru M. Padmanabhan, Additional Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai – 9.
Thiru P. Umanath, I.A.S., Joint Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai – 9.
The Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Chennai – 9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister(Finance), Chennai – 9.
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government, Chennai – 9.
The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai – 9.
Finance (OP.I / OP.II/Bills) Department, Chennai – 9.
Stock file / Spare Copy.

// Forwarded // By Order//


Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Extension of the tenure of Pay Grievance Redressal
Cell and Appointment of a Member – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.261 Dated: 17-7-2012

Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2043


G.O.Ms.No.123, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 10-4-2012.


In the Government Order read above, orders have been issued re-constituting
the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell to examine all the representations received from
the Employees Associations / Heads of Department / Individual Employees including
the aggrieved petitioners relating to anomalies in the revised pay structure of the
respective posts and make specific recommendations to Government and submit its
report to Government within a period of three months.

2. The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell has conducted personal hearing with
the Recognised / Un-recognised Service Associations / Individuals and Writ
Petitioners from 9-7-2012 to 11-7-2012 and the above Associations including several
individual employees have submitted their detailed Memoranda/Representations to
the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell seeking redressal of their grievances/pay
anomalies. As the tenure of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell expires on 9-7-2012
and as it will take ample time to examine the representations and finalise the report,
it is considered imperative to extend the tenure of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell
for a further period of three months beyond 9-7-2012.

3. Further, Thiru M. Padmanabhan, Additional Secretary to Government,

Finance Department who was appointed as a Member of the Pay Grievance
Redressal Cell has retired from service on superannuation on 31-5-2012 A.N and
Tmt. M. Shanthi has been appointed as Additional Secretary to Government,
Finance Department in the place of Thiru M. Padmanabhan. Hence, it is considered
appropriate to appoint Tmt. M. Shanthi, Additional Secretary to Government,
Finance Department as a Member in the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell in the place
of the retired Member.

4. After careful consideration, Government has decided to extend the tenure

of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell constituted in the Government Order read
above and also to amend the para 4 of the said Government Order to incorporate a
new Member for the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell. Accordingly, Government pass
the following orders:-

(i) The tenure of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell

constituted in G.O.Ms.No.123, Finance (PC)
Department, dated: 10-4-2012 shall be extended for a
further period of three months beyond 9-7-2012.

(ii) The para-4 of G.O.Ms.No.123, Finance (PC)

Department, dated: 10-4-2012 shall be amended to the
extent that Tmt. M. Shanthi, Additional Secretary
to Government, Finance Department be appointed as a
Member of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell in the
place of Thiru M. Padmanabhan, Additional Secretary
to Government retired on 31-5-2012.




All Additional Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries to

Government, Chennai-9
The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Secretary to the Governor, Chennai-32
All Collectors/District Judges/Chief Judicial Magistrates
The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-6
The Principal Accountant General (A & E), Chennai-18.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit-I), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (Audit-II), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai-9/Madurai.
The Registrar General, High Court, Chennai-104.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9

Copy to:

Thiru S. Krishnan, I.A.S., Secretary (Expenditure), Finance Department, Chennai-9.

Tmt. M. Shanthi, Additional Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai-9.
Dr. P. Umanath, I.A.S., Joint Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai-9.
The Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Chennai-9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister (Finance), Chennai-9

The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government, Chennai-9.

The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai-9.
Finance (OP-I/OP-II/OP.III/Bills) Department, Chennai-9.
Stock File/Spare Copy





Scale of Pay
Sl. Corresponding Scale of pay as Scale of pay
Name of the Post / Pre-Revised granted based on
No. revised scale per G.O.Ms.No. 71, recommended by
Department Scale of Pay OMC / Subsequent
of pay + G.P. dated: 26-02-2011 PGRC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
1. Agriculture Officer /
9300--34800 + 15600--39100 + 15600--39100 + 9300--34800 +
Horticulture Officer 6500--11100
4700 5400 5100 5100
2. Assistant Director of
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100
Agriculture / Asst. Director of 8000—13500
+ 5400 6600 5400 +5400
3. Deputy Director / Deputy
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Director of Horticulture 10000—15200
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600
4. Joint Director of Agriculture /
15600—39100 37400—67000 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Joint Director of Horticulture 12000—16500
+ 7600 8700 7600 7600

5. Assistant Engineer 9300—34800 +

15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
6500—11100 4700
5400 5100 5100
6. Assistant Executive Engineer 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
8000—13500 + 5400
6600 5400 5400
7. Executive Engineer 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
10000—15200 + 6600
7600 6600 6600

8. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
/ Research Assistant 6500—11100
4700 5400 5100 5200
9. Assistant Director 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
8000—13500 + 5400
6600 5400 5400
10. Deputy Director 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
10000—15200 + 6600
7600 6600 6600
11. Joint Director 15600—39100 37400—67000 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 7600 8700 7600 7600

12. Inspector of Fisheries /

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Research Assistant 6500—11100
4700 5400 5100 5100
13. Assistant Director
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
14. Deputy Director
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600
15. Joint Director
15600—39100 37400—67000 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 7600 8700 7600 7600

16. Assistant Engineer /

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Electronics Engineer 6500-11100
4700 5400 5100 5100
17. Assistant Divisional Engineer 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
8000—13500 + 5400
6600 5400 5400
18. Divisional Engineer 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
10000—15200 + 6600
7600 6600 6600
19. Head Draughting Officer 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5700 6600 5700 5700

Scale of Pay
Sl. Corresponding Scale of pay as Scale of pay
Name of the Post / Pre-Revised granted based on
No. revised scale per G.O.Ms.No. 71, recommended by
Department Scale of Pay OMC / Subsequent
of pay + G.P. dated: 26-02-2011 PGRC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

20 Assistant Engineer
9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4700 5400 5100 5100
21. Assistant Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
22. Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600
23. Block Development Officer 9300—34800 +
9300—34800 + 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 5100
4900 4900 5100 + Rs.1000/-p.m.
As Special Allowance

Assistant Engineer
(Industries) / (Tester) / 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Testing Assistant / Technical 4700 5400 5100 5100
Assistant / Inspector (Quality

25. Assistant Inspector of

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Factories 6500—11100
4700 5400 5100 5100
26. Inspector of Factories 15600—39100
15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
8000—13500 + 5400
6600 5400 5400
27. Deputy Chief Inspector of
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Factories 10000—15200
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600

28. Assistant Engineer /

Workshop Superintendent 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4700 5400 5100 5100

29. General Foreman

9300—34800 + 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4400 4400 5100 4400
30. Material Manager, Technical
Officer, Automobile Engineer 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400


31. Technical Assistant / General

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Foreman 6500—11100
4700 5400 5100 5100
32. Automobile Engineer 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
33. Administrative Officer
9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4600 5400 5100 5100

34. Assistant Engineer 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +

4700 5400 5100 5100
35. Assistant Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
36. Executive Engineer 15600—39100 +
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
10000—15200 7600
+ 6600 6600 6600
37. Head Draughting Officer 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5700 6600 5700 5700
Scale of Pay
Sl. Corresponding Scale of pay as Scale of pay
Name of the Post / Pre-Revised granted based on
No. revised scale per G.O.Ms.No. 71, recommended by
Department Scale of Pay OMC / Subsequent
of pay + G.P. dated: 26-02-2011 PGRC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

38. Regional Transport Officer

15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
39. Personal Assistant to
Regional Transport Officer /
9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Motor Vehicle Inspector 6500—10500
4600 5400 5100 5100
Grade – I


40. District Differently Abled

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
Rehabilitation Officer 6500—10500
4600 5400 5100 5100

41. Assistant Engineer

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4700 5400 5100 5100
42. Assistant Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
43. Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600

44. Junior Electrical Inspector

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4700 5400 5100 5100
45. Assistant Electrical Inspector
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
46. Electrical Inspector
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600

47. Assistant Engineer

9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 9300—34800 +
4700 5400 5100 5100
48. Assistant Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 6600 5400 5400
49. Executive Engineer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 6600 7600 6600 6600
50. Superintendent – Slaughter
House / Assistant
9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Superintendent – slaughter 6500—11100
4700 5400 5100 5200
House / Veterinary Assistant
51. Veterinary Officer
15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
+ 5400 5700 5400 5400

52. District Sidha Medical Officer,

Lecturer, Lecturer in
Pathology, Medical Officer, 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Resident Medical Officer + 5700 6600 5700 6600
Scrutinising Medical Officer

53. Deputy Director (Cancer &

Aids) / Director (Varma) /
Pharmacy Superintendent / 15600—39100 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 + 15600—39100 +
Professor / Reader / + 6600 7600 6600 7600
Superintendent, and Special
54. Joint Director / Principal
15600—39100 37400—67000 + 15600—39100 + 37400—67000 +
+ 7600 8700 7600 8700
Scale of Pay
Sl. Corresponding Scale of pay as Scale of pay
Name of the Post / Pre-Revised granted based on
No. revised scale per G.O.Ms.No. 71, recommended by
Department Scale of Pay OMC / Subsequent
of pay + G.P. dated: 26-02-2011 PGRC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
55. Tahsildar 9300—34800 +
9300—34800 + 9300—34800 + 15600--39100 + 5100
4900 4900 5100 + Rs.1000/- pm
As Special Allowance
56. Inspector 9300—34800 +
9300—34800 + 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 5100
4900 4900 5100 + Rs.1000/- pm
As Special Allowance
57. Forest Ranger 9300—34800 +
9300—34800 + 9300—34800 + 15600—39100 + 5100
4600 4900 5100 + Rs.1000/- pm
As Special Allowance

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