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IOS Spellbook 1

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. First Steps
3. App Anatomy
5. Working with Colors
6. Animations
7. Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers
8. Simple UI Components
9. Auto Layout
10. View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy

iOS Spellbook

iOS Spellbook
The book is still under development. This is just part 1 of 3. The whole book
has over 600 pages. More comming soon!

Thank you for your support and patience!

Version 0.1

Introduction 3
iOS Spellbook

Introduction 4
iOS Spellbook

I dedicate this book to my amazing son Amon, and my lovely wife Zsu.
Thank you for bringing so much joy in my life!

Introduction 5
iOS Spellbook

Introduction 6
iOS Spellbook


This is not a lecture. This is the iOS Spellbook.

Our mutual goal is for you to become a great iOS

developer. Keep in mind: always be attentive to each
word in this book because we did too by resuming
much information into few pages; you need to be well
rested and 100% focused in every learning session;
don’t pause more than a day or two between learning
sessions, this will help you spend less time
remembering things you learned and spend more on
learning and discovering new things.

That being said, we are looking forward to seeing

your first iOS Applications.

Have fun!

Introduction 7
iOS Spellbook

Introduction 8
iOS Spellbook

About the book

The purpose of this book is to help you do 20% of the work you need to do
in order to get 80% of the way to Expert iOS Developer. This book will not
teach you all you need to know about iOS because no book can do that.
Learning to be a great iOS developer takes years of practice and a lot of
hard work.

When learning something new, almost everything seems impossible to

understand and by the moment you feel like you finally got it, you realise
there is much more to learn. Like my previous book, Swift Programming
from Scratch, this book was designed using a principle named Cascading
Information Theory, which is used in games. It gives you the minimum
possible snippets of information to gain the appropriate level of
understanding at each point. The book gradually shows new concepts
giving you time to practice every one of them and get comfortable using

The assumption is that you know how to code in swift and that you
understand basic Object Oriented Programming concepts. If you don't, then
you can learn programming in Swift from Swift Programming from
Scratch(book) and Object Oriented Programming in Swift(article).

Alongside the theory, you will find various exercises and projects. Solving
them will help you solidify what you learn. You will also learn how to use
different tools and workflows

Introduction 9
iOS Spellbook

The book is separated into 3 parts:

1) The Fundamentals

This part teaches you the first body of knowledge you need to start your iOS
developer journey. With this knowledge you can make simple apps and
learn to use different parts that make up more complex apps - like the one
you want to build :)

2) Exploring iOS

In this part we are going to learn how to use different SDKs like the camera,
accelerometer, notifications and so on. We are also going to study more
complex UI components like table views and collection views.

3) Workflow and Advanced Topics

In this part we'll focus more on the other side of iOS development. How do
you store your code, deploy or test your app. What tools do you use? How
do you use open source? How do you give people your app and how to
submit it on the app store

After reading the first part in order, you can pretty much take any path you
desire until you finish the book. Some chapters require that others must
have been previously read, in that case they will be indicated on the first
page of that chapter.

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Introduction 11
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First Steps
So you know how to code and you want to learn how to make iOS apps.
The first thing you need to learn is how to use the tools of the trade:

Xcode is by far the most important tool for creating iOS apps. It's the first
and only tool you need to learn to start making basic apps. In the first part of
the book we are going to learn how to use Xcode to create apps and
understand what an app is and how it works by studing it basic

Instead of listing every feature of Xcode has I'm going to take you step by
step and make a simple iOS app. The goal of this chapter is to give you a
taste of iOS development and to showcase the main features of Xcode.

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What will I learn?

How easy it is to make a simple app
Xcode menus and when to use them
Interface Builder basics
How to connect code with interface
How to use the iOS Simulator

Tap. Tap. Boom!

The simplest app I could think of is a counter app. And this is the least
boring(but still simple) version of it.

The app has two interface components: a label and a button. The label
displays the number of times the button has been pushed. The logic has a
small twist, it shows an emoji every 3 taps. Hence the name "Tap. Tap.

Step 0: Install Xcode

If you don't already have Xcode installed you can download it from this link -
grab a coffee, it's going to take a while.

Step 1: Create an empty project

Open Xcode and select Create a new Xcode project . Choose the Single

View Application template, set the language to Swift if needed, and

name it TapTapBoom . Make sure you have simulator selected in the menu
next to the play button.

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That's it! Let's see how the app looks at this point. Run the project by
pressing on the play icon in the top left corner of Xcode.

The iOS simulator should start booting up. After it finishes you should see
an empty white screen.

Quick tip

In some cases the height of the simulator is bigger than your screen.
You can resise the simulator by using the following shortcuts:

Command + 1 ( ⌘ + 1 ) for 100%

Command + 2 ( ⌘ + 2 ) for 75%
Command + 3 ( ⌘ + 3 ) for 50%
Command + 4 ( ⌘ + 4 ) for 33%
Command + 5 ( ⌘ + 5 ) for 25%

Step 2: Open Interface Builder

On the left side of Xcode you should see the project files listed. This part is
called the Navigator .

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iOS Spellbook

In the navigator find and click on Main.storyboard . After that the middle
part of Xcode should be replaced with Interface Builder showing an
empty screen.

Interface Builder is the tool used to create interfaces. Starting with iOS 8
it's possible to make components that render in Interface Builder. So even if
you decide to use code to make a part of your interface, you can still use it
in Interface Builder .

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iOS Spellbook

Quick tip

You you need a custom control that Apple does not provide before
starting to implement it search github and CococaControls for it.

Select ViewController from the side menu:

The default simulator is the iPhone 7 Plus one. You can change the
simulated device from the menu on the top left side.

After clicking on iPhone 7 Plus icon, you will be shown a menu. If you have
any devices connected it will show them in this list. That takes a few steps
to setup, so for now let's stick with the simulator.

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Quick tip

When developing app make a habit out of periodically switching

between different simulators to test your app on all screen sizes as
you develop it. Bugs take more resource to fix the more time passes
since they where introduced in your code. Fixing them as soon as they
are added will save you a lot of time.

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Step 3: Add a button

Let's add the first component. Find the Component Library in the bottom
right corner of Xcode.

The default is the Library so you might have to change the tab by

pressing button:

Using the filter function you can search for button. Drag and drop the button
- change the title to Tap Me! by double clicking on it.

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Step 4: Add a label

Now search for label in the Component Library . Drag and drop a label on
the screen.

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Change the text to Tap the button! .

Step 5: Test
Run the app to see if the components are showing correctly, this time do it
by pressing Command + R ( ⌘ + R ).

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Step 6: Make the button do something

Time to connect interface with code. Literally.

First thing make some space. Hide the Document Outline by pressing the
button in the lower left corner of Xcode.

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Open the assistant editor by pressing the "two circles" button

Now you should have the interface on the left side and the code on the right

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On the right side you should see the ViewController class. A view
controller is an object that manages a view. The usual case is one screen
has one view controller. More on this in the View Controller chapter. For
now, just remember that view controllers have the code for a screen.

Right click on the button and drag (keep holding) to connect the
touchUpInside: event to a line inside ViewController class.

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Name the action didTapButton .

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This will create a new method named didTapButton(_:) that will be called
when the button is tapped. The parameter sent to it is the button that was
pressed. So you can have multiple buttons send the same action - for
example in a calculator app all the digits will be connected with
didTapDigit(_:) .

Add a print command to the method to make it do something:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didTapButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {

print("did tap button")

Run the app to test your code. After tapping the button, a message should
be displayed in the console from the Debug Area . The console will open by
itself in the moment it has something to show.

You can show/hide the Debug Area from the menu View > Debug Area >

Show Debug Area the or by using the shortcut

Command + Shift + Y ( ⌘ + ⇧ + Y ).

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Step 7: Connect the label

Ok... consoles are super fun, now let's update something on the screen.

To change the text inside the label we need to get a reference to it. We can
do this by creating a Referencing Outlet.

Almost same process we had with the button action. Right click on the label
to display a menu:

Connect the New Referencing Outlet option with the top lines of the view

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Name it label . This will create a new property:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!


Step 8: Add the counter

Inside the ViewController add a property named counter .

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!

var counter = 0


Step 9: Update and display the counter

First Steps 27
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class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didTapButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {

counter += 1

label.text = "\(counter) taps"


If we run the code now we notice two problems:

1) the label is not centred
2) it says 1 taps instead of 1 tap

To fix the first problem for in Interface Builder and select the label. In the
Attributes Inspector you set the text alignment property to centred.

To fix the second one create a unit string constant before setting the text.
unit will be "tap" if the counter is 1 and "taps" otherwise.

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didTapButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {

counter += 1

let unit: String

First Steps 28
iOS Spellbook

if counter == 1 {
unit = "tap"
} else {
unit = "taps"

label.text = "\(counter) \(unit)"


Step 10: Boom!

And now for the explosive effect: if the counter is divisible by 3 then replace
the text with Boom! .

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didTapButton(sender: AnyObject) {

counter += 1

let unit: String

if counter == 1 {
unit = "tap"
} else {
unit = "taps"

if counter % 3 == 0 {
label.text = "Boom!"
} else {
label.text = "\(counter) \(unit)"

Tap, Tap, Boom! Tap, Tap, Boom! Tap, Tap, Boom! ...

First Steps 29
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Xcode is one of the most loved and intelligent programming environment.
It’s really extremely easy to use it, and it’s the only tool you need to know for
creating beautiful and powerful Apps! It helps you do everything from writing
code to creating the interface and running the app in simulator or on your

First Steps 30
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App Anatomy

So you kinda know what's an app. It's that round cornered square on your
phone. But what makes it tick?

In this chapter we are going to go over a few low level components that
make an app. You don't have to understand every detail mentioned here so
don't panic if you can't follow some of them. The purpose of this chapter is
to show you what ingredients are used to make an app, how does the
process of transforming them in to an app looks like and what technically
what an app really is.

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What's an app?
A computer system (or phone) runs all kinds of code. Three kinds to be

1) Kernel - this is the code that gives a programable interface for the

2) Operating System - in the case of the iPhone this is iOS, the OS is

responsible for managing the systems resources and for running programs.
They also abstract the hardware part of a computer system. That means
you can make a program that uses a part of the system, in a general way -
for example a game requires a system with a graphics card - the same code
should work without any change on new hardware, because the system will
give the same interface.

3) Applications - all programs that run on top of the operating system.

Applications have access to the system's hardware trough the OS. In the
case of iOS, this brings a couple of limitations - we call this set of limitations
the app sandbox.

What makes an app?

One of the things that helped me understand iOS and apps was to study the
files that get generated when you create a new project.

Let's take a closer look at the Single Page Application template:

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It generated 2 swift code files: AppDelegate and ViewController; 2

storyboard files; Assets.xcassets (Xcode Assets) and an Info.plist file.

The Assets file holds your app's resources. For example the app icon.

The Info.plist file is used to configure the app. It holds information about
the app's behaviour that can be interpreted by iOS without running the app.
For example the version of the app is store in this file.

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Almost every time you want to use new feature in your app, you will have to
update this file. For example, if you use the camera, you will have to add a
message in Info.plist . That message will be displayed by the system
when asking for permission to use the camera.

LaunchScreen.storyboard is a special interface file which is loaded and

shown on the screen until the main interface file loads.

Main.storyboard is the main interface file. It defines the first screens the
app will load. The first that gets shown is called Initial View Controller

and it is marked with an arrow starts from nothing and points to it.

ViewController.swift is the swift file that describes the class on the main

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view controller. By default it implements two methods: viewDidLoad and

didReceiveMemoryWarning . The viewDidLoad method can be to run code
right after the View loads, such as loading additional interface components
after the interface from the storyboard loads or any additional setup your
screen has to do (ex. start pulling data from a web server).

AppDelegate.swift is the file containing the class that implements the

delegate for your application. The app delegate is notified of several app
events, things like the app is going to go in the background (aka the user
tapped the home button), or that the app will stop running and that it should
save any data it needs to.

Xcode Project
Another file is the project file - the blue one on the top with the name of the
project. If you click on it, you will see this menu:

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Notice that the list on the left has two categories: Project and Targets . A
project is a collection of files. To make an executable you have to define a
target. A target is a subset of files from a project that get built together to
make an executable/app - or a library.

If you click on the default target the menu on top will change and display
more tabs.

These tabs lets you configure the way your files get built in to an app:

General - this view combines information from Info.plist with other

configuration from the project file. Here you can change the Display Name

of the application, version and build number, the main interface file, the
launch screen interface file, supported orientations and much more...

Capabilities - this view lets you manage special features your app uses.
For example: Push Notifications, In App Purchases, Game Center, Siri,
Apple Pay, HealtKit, Maps.

Info - lets you edit Info.plist

Build Settings - lets you configure, at a low level, the way the code gets
compiled and built.

Build Phases - this shows the phases the files go trough when the project
is building

App Anatomy 36
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The first phase is Target Dependencies . If other targets are present here,
they will get build before the current one. This lets you include a library into
your project.

The second one is Compile Sources . This one compiles all swift files and
links them together to form one binary file.

In the Link Binary With Libraries phase, the binary created in the
previous one is "glued" with system libraries that provide extra features (e.g.
Maps, Apple Pay)

In the Copy Bundle Resources phase, all resources used by your project get
copied in the app Resources folder.

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Build Rules - here you can see a list of rules for handling different file
types. For example, storyboards and interface files are compiled to a binary
format that is more efficient in term of storage than the one you use with
interface builder. There's one rule that specifies that .plist files get copied
and another one that compresses images before adding them in the
Resources folder. A lot of neat things happen while building an app - you
can read more examples by scrolling in the Build Rules tab.

To recap: a Xcode project is a bunch of files. It can have one or more

targets. A target specifies how to take some - or all - of those files and mix
them into an app, library or framework .

When you press play in Xcode you actually build the current target and
upload it on your testing device or simulator, then you run it.

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A thing is missing from the Swift project template. It's the main.m file that
you can see if you create a new project with the language set to Objective-

#import "AppDelegate.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

@autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,
nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

This is the last piece of the puzzle. After we untangle these lines of code
you will understand how an app ticks!

iOS is written in Objective-C. Which is a language implemented on top of C

by adding additional preprocessing steps. Preprocessing is simple text
replacement, so Objective-C it's basically C with extra features, things like
objects and protocols.

You can recognize preprocessor calls in code whenever an @ or # symbol

is present. A simple example of a preprocessor directive is #include .

#include is followed by a path. If the path is delimited by double quotes "

then its relative to the project, otherwise its a system library path or one
mentioned in the Build Settings tab. The #include directive takes the
content of a file, runs the preprocessor on it and then replaces itself with
that. In other words it copies or includes a file.

Let's see what the first two lines do:

App Anatomy 39
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#import "AppDelegate.h"

The first one imports the UIKit framework and the second one imports the
AppDelegate interface - this lets the code use UIKit and AppDelegate .

Another thing about iOS is that it's actually UNIX at its core. Just like
macOS, tvOS and watchOS.

In C, code execution starts from the main function, not from the first line.
That's the starting point of all C programs. The main function gets a variable
list of parameters. This comes from the fact that UNIX systems are operated
using a console, you can invoke programs by typing the name of the
program, followed by parameters or flags:

> add 1 2
> 3

So that's what all the craziness in the next line means:

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {


That's the start of the UNIX program, so the line aftr will be the first one that
gets executed. FYI argc is the number of parameters and argv is and
array that holds them.

The main function has to return 0 if the program functioned as expected.

That number is called the exit code , 0 means success. There are other
exit codes.

The next line is a preprocessing step that creates an autorelease pool.

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That's how the app handles memory management - all the objects created
between { and } are registered in the same pool. That pool keeps track
of what objects are used or not, so they can be removed from memory.

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,
nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

That creates an UIApplication instance that knows to use an instance of

AppDelegate as its delegate. That's how your code get's into the equation!

UIApplication is implemented by Apple so you don't have to know so

many of the low level details mentioned in this chapter. It creates a delegate
with your class. It creates an UIWindow that connects to the device's
UIScreen - now the app will be able to show stuff on the screen!

After that it calls the application(_: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

method so you can do your custom startup logic.

It looks in the Info.plist file and notices that you are using
LaunchScreen.storyboard as the launch screen - it will quickly display it on
the screen while it loads your first view controller from Main.storyboard .

The AppDelegate receives general app events. Things like the app started,
the app will/did go in the background, the app will/did come back from the
background, the app will close. A more detailed description of the events
can be found in Apple's reference.

That was the magic behind the curtain. I hope I didn't bore you to death with
all the low level details. Anyway, that's how an app ticks!

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Ok, so what gets built?

When you build an app you get a file with the .app extension. That file is
actually a folder that contains your apps resources, binaries and other

To generate the app you can either run the app with Command + R ( ⌘ + R ) or
just build it with Command + B ( ⌘ + B ). After that you can find the application
in the Products group:

Right click to reveal the file in finder:

App Anatomy 42
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To show the contents of the app folder right click and select Show Package

Contents :

Here is how the basic structure looks:

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You can notice the following:

_CodeSignature - a signature with information about who made the app

Base.lproj - a folder with the compiled version of the apps interface
Frameworks - a list of frameworks and libraries your app needs - at
minimum, you need the libraries that power Swift.
Info.plist - a compiled version of Info.plist
the executable with the name of the app, in this case

If the app would have any resources, it would have a Resources folder
containing them

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Explore the App Delegate

Open AppDelegate.swift and print a different message on each method.
On the simulator you can press the home button by holding
Command + Shift + H ( ⌘ + ⇧ + H ). Try to trigger all of them :)

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?

func application(_ application: UIApplication,

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:
[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
print("app loaded")
return true

func applicationWillResignActive(
_ application: UIApplication) {
print("mom's calling")

func applicationDidEnterBackground(
_ application: UIApplication) {
print("goodbye, for now.")

func applicationWillEnterForeground(
_ application: UIApplication) {
print("darn it!")

func applicationDidBecomeActive(
_ application: UIApplication) {

func applicationWillTerminate(
_ application: UIApplication) {

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App Anatomy 46
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UIView Fundamentals
Now that we took a look at how the internal organs of an app work, we can
start learning about its skin. Every time you look at your iPhone you see
UIViews. UIViews everywhere!

In this chapter we are going to see what an UIView is, what it can do and
how you can use it to make your apps.

Views 101
The UIView class defines a rectangular area on the screen on which it
shows its content. It handles the rendering of any content in its area and
also any interactions with that content - touches and gestures.

The most basic thing a view can do is to fill its area with a color.

Let's get started!

Download this starter project and click on the Main.storyboard to open

Interface Builder . You should see a red square :)

Starter Project

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Click on it. Play around! Change its size, position.

You can change the background color from the left side menu:

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I made it yellow and tall:


Now let's see what actually happened when we changed the view. The first

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thing we did was to make the view taller and then move it around. Views
draw content in a rectangular area. The size and position of that area are
stored in the frame property. The frame has an origin - the position of the
top left corner - and a size - the width and height of the view.

You can find the frame by opening the Size Inspector . Make sure your
Utilities Pane is visible.

After that we changed the color into yellow. This actually sets the
backgroundColor property of the view to a yellow color and that will make
the view draw a yellow background.

Coordinate system
To understand how a frame represents a rectangle on the screen, we have
to take a look at the coordinate system used by its views.

The red square has the origin in (x: 200, y: 200) and the size (width:

200, height: 200) .

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The top left corner of the screen is the point (0, 0) or CGPoint.zero . In
iOS we represent points using the CGPoint struct. The horizontal axis is the
X axis and the vertical one is the Y axis . The more to the right a point is,
the greater its x coordinate will be. The lower a point is on the screen, the
greater its y coordinate will be.

The red square has a width of 200 points . Can you guess the coordinates
of points A , B , C from the image above?

The answers are on the next page.

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A = (400, 200)

B = (200, 400)

C = (400, 400)

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Adding a new view

In the bottom of the Utilities Pane you can find the Object Library .

The object library contains all the types of objects that you can use to make
the interface of your app. Here are a few:

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What do they have in common?

They are all subclasses of UIView . So all you learn about UIView applies
to all of the components you will use :)

Ok, ok... Let's add that view!

In the bottom of the Object Library you will see a search field. Look for

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UIView .

Drag and drop the view object on the screen.

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You will notice that the view is invisible. The default background color for a
view is transparent - or clear color. In order to see the view, you will need to
change the background color to something else.

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Play around - see what other components you can add on the screen. We
are going to go over them in detail later in the book.

Creating a view from code

The iOS SDK uses a design pattern named Model View Controller - MVC -
to display data on the screen. The pattern splits the objects that make an
app in three categories: models, views and controllers. The model or
models, refers to different data your app might use - like a user profile or the
GPS position of the phone. Views are viewable objects - things you can see
on the screen. And finally, controllers are the glue in between.

If you want to read more about object oriented programming and

design patters in swift read our OOP guide.

In iOS, the MVC pattern is implemented with a small twist; all controllers are
actually View-Controllers - controllers that have views. All view controllers
are a subclass of UIViewController and their view can be accessed by

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calling the view property. Because of this, a lot of functionality is built in

UIViewController and UIView , that helps us developers deliver a
consistent user experience.

To show a view on the screen you need to add it as a subview to a view

that is already on the screen, for example, the current view controller's view
or one of its subviews. You do this by calling the addSubview method.

First open ViewController.swift . The file should look like this:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {


Zen bits

File and project templates usually contain redundant comments and

boilerplate code. Take a few seconds and remove them after creating
new files or projects. Your code will look much better ;)

The viewDidLoad method is called when the screen has loaded its
interface. In this case, whatever you have in your storyboard. User
interfaces can also be loaded from NIB files or directly from code.
viewDidLoad is the most common place where you will add you setup logic
for your screen.

Let's add another view to the screen. First we create a frame for it. Then we
instantiate a new UIView object for that frame. And to make it visible, we

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are going to make the background color blue. After that we add it as a
subview to view .

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {


let frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50)

let blueSquare = UIView(frame: frame)
blueSquare.backgroundColor = .blue



If you run the app now, you are going to see something like this:

The type of the backgroundColor property is UIColor . Because swift knows

that you will assign a UIColor to it, infers that .blue actually means
UIColor.blue .

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Nesting views
Before we did not explain a step: adding blueSquare as a subview to view

(the view of the view controller).

Views can have other views that are drawn inside them. They are called
subviews. The coordinate system of subviews has the origin (the point (0,
0) ) in the top left corner of the parent view - also called superview. The list
of subviews a view has can be accessed by calling it's subviews property.
You can also access the superview of a view by calling it's superview


When we called view.addSubview(blueSquare) we added the blue square

inside the view of the screen, which is inside a window. The UIWindow class
inherits from UIView - its purpose is to draw a screen. Unless the iOS
device running the app has access to another screen, the app will have only
one window.

You can remove a view from it's superview by calling the

removeFromSuperview() method.

Let's add another view inside blueSquare .

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {


let smallFrame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 30, height: 30)

let blackSquare = UIView(frame: smallFrame)
blackSquare.backgroundColor = .black



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If you run the app now, your screen should look like this:

If you want to see the view hierarchy you can pause your app and take a

First open the Debug Area . In the top right corner of Xcode you have a
segmented control that looks like this:

Make sure the middle on is blue.

Run the app. In the lower mid section of Xcode find and click Debug View

Hierarchy button:

Views 61
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If you followed all the steps you should see an interactive 3D representation
of the view hierarchy. You can move it around by clicking and dragging.

Views 62
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the blue rectangle in the back is the window

Interface Outlets
After designing your interface you might need to access a few components
in order to populate them with content or add extra customisation.

Views 63
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You can get a reference to an interface object by creating an IBOutlet for

it. To do this, add a property in your view controller with the type of the
object you want to connect and mark it as an outlet using the IBOutlet

declaration attribute.

Let's connect that red square :)

First we make a property and mark it as an IBOutlet :

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var redSquare: UIView!


The property is of type UIView! which is an implicitly unwrapped

optional. The reason for this is that when you create the
ViewController you don't have the interface loaded. But after that is
done you can assume that you have these objects and don't want to
test if they exist every time you use them.

Open Main.storyboard . Make sure you have the Document Outline pane
open - here you can see all of the objects form the interface.

Views 64
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Right click View Controller - it has a yellow icon. A popup should appear.
In it there is a list of outlets you can connect to the view controller. If you
look closely, you will spot the newly added redSquare outlet.

Views 65
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Connect it to the red view in the interface.

Views 66
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Great! Now that we have a reference to it, we can change its properties at

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var redSquare: UIView!

override func viewDidLoad() {


redSquare.backgroundColor = .orange


If you followed with all the steps you should see an orange view instead of
the red one. You can change any view attribute at runtime and the changes
should immediately be visible.

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There is a shorter version for adding an outlet:

Open the Assistant Editor by pressing the button with two circles.

Right Click on the view you want to add an outlet to. Then drag an drop the
outlet directly in the code of the view controller.

Give it a name and set the type if necessary. That will write the @IBOutlet

code for you.

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Useful view properties

So far we learned how to change the size, position and background color of
a view. We can customise the appearance and behaviour of views by
changing other properties.

If the value is smaller than 1 , the view and all its subviews will become

You can apply affine transformations to a view.

view.transform = rotateAndShrink

Views 69
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I'm not going to go into detail on this topic. I will only mention two
transformations that you will likely use.

The scale transform has two factors - one for the x axis and another for the
y axis.

let scale = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5, 0.5)

The above transformation makes the view half its size

The rotate transform rotates the view by a number of degrees. The value
given to CGAffineTransformMakeRotation is expressed in radians. A positive
value means a counterclockwise rotation and a negative value means a
clockwise rotation.

let rotate = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI_2 / 2))

Views 70
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The above transformation rotates the view by 45 degrees


Combining two transformations

You can combine two transformations into one using

CGAffineTransformConcat . The order does not matter.

let transformation = CGAffineTransformConcat(scale, rotate)

The tag property is exactly what its name says. You can label a view with
an Int value. The default value is 0. This is useful when you have multiple
views with the same functionality (ex. the number buttons from a calculator
app - you can use the tag to extract the digit and all the logic is the same).


Sometimes you don't want to show a view, but you want it to remain in the
view hierarchy. Set the value of hidden to true to hide a view. All touch
events will be ignored while the view is hidden.


bounds represents the frame of the view in its own coordinate system, in
other words, a frame with the same size and origin in .zero .

When is this useful?

Good question!

Views 71
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I keep on seeing this pattern. You decide to add a background image in a


let backgroundFrame = CGRect(x: 0,

width: view.frame.width,
height: view.frame.height)
let backgroundImage =
BackgroundImage(frame: backgroundFrame)

Why not?

let backgroundImage =
BackgroundImage(frame: view.bounds)

Note: The class BackgroundImage does not exist. We will discuss

images in another chapter.


It gives you the coordinate of the view's center in the coordinate system of
its superview.
Maybe I like math too much, but if you like designing custom animations or
controls, you will definitely like this property.

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The Layer
The view uses a CALayer object to render its components. It can be
accessed by calling the layer property.

While the layer is used to draw the view, it also has a few visual attributes
that you can use to customise the view. The most common ones are:


You can add a border to the drawing area by setting the borderWidth

property to a value greater than 0.

With border 1.0 :

view.layer.borderWidth = 1.0

With border 10.0 :

view.layer.borderWidth = 10.0

Views 73
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Ever wondered how those rounded corners are made? Search no more!
cornerRadius is what you are looking for!

view.layer.cornerRadius = 40.0

If you have a square view and you set cornerRadius to half the width you

Views 74
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will get a circle.

view.layer.cornerRadius = view.frame.width / 2.0


You can set the color of the border by setting the borderColor property to a
GCColor . You can convert any UIColor to a CGColor by calling its
CGColor property. (ex: UIColor.blackColor().CGColor )

view.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor

Views 75
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To enable shadows on a view you will need to set the shadowOpacity

property to a value greater the 0 . The default value is 0 .

Doing so on a view will give you this effect.

Views 76
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This is because shadows can be customised from other properties that

have a default value.


The shadow can be offset to give different effects based on the supposed
light might be. The reason the default shadow was so high is that the
default value of shadowOffset is (0, -3) .

Here you can see the shadow with offset (0, 0) :

The shadow shows in a band round the layer. The width of that band is
called shadowRadus . The default value is 3.0 .

Here is how the shadow looks at radius 10.0 :

Views 77
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You can make the shadow have any color you want. I personally like purple
shadows - they are the best. No really - stick to black or gray.

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Views 79
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You can expose more customisation points in Interface Builder by making
certain properties IBInspectable and the class IBDesignable .

Marking a class IBDesignable tells interface builder to run the code from
that view and render it instead of showing a simulated version.

Marking a property as IBInspectable tells interface builder to show a field

for that property.

Here is a simple example of a view that exposes the borderWidth layer


class BorderedView: UIView {
@IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {
didSet {
layer.borderWidth = borderWidth

To use it. Add a UIView in your screen. Select it. Then go to the Indentity

Inspector .

Change it's class to BorderedView .

Then go to the Attributes Inspector . You should see the Border Width


Views 80
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Learn more about IBDesignable from our tutorial: How to make

awesome UI components

Although UIView might seem small, it's actually the blood and skin of iOS.
Knowing how to use it is critical if you don't want to reinvent the wheel.
There are a lot of customisation points for views, by combining them you
can avoid writing extra code and make better apps.

Apple encourages developers to subclass UIView when they need to make

a visual component that requires user interaction, but only when the
standard systems views do not solve your problem. In the next chapter we
are going to start learning how to use some of them.

Views 81
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1. Target

Write the code to make a target :)


Views 82
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let width = 20
let padding = 20

let red = UIColor(red: 192.0/255.0, green: 57.0/255.0, blue: 43.0/255.0

let blue = UIColor(red: 41.0/255.0, green: 0.5, blue: 185/255.0, alpha:
let colors = [red, blue, red]

var l = (colors.count * (width + padding) - padding) * 2

var parent = view

for color in colors {

let frame = CGRect(x: padding + width, y: padding + width, width: l, height
let circle = UIView(frame: frame)

circle.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
circle.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor
circle.layer.borderWidth = CGFloat(width)
circle.layer.cornerRadius = CGFloat(l / 2)


parent = circle
l -= 2 * (width + padding)

2. Gradient
Make a gradient that goes from black to white using only UIViews .

You can use UIColor(white:alpha:) to create the different shades of gray.

The white parameter should have a value between 0.0 (black) and 1.0



Views 83
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Try adding views in a line and change their background color. If you make
them thin enough, it will look like a gradient.


let height: CGFloat = 50

let lineWidth: CGFloat = 1

Views 84
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let width = view.frame.width

var x: CGFloat = 0.0

while x < width {

let frame = CGRect(x: x, y: 50, width: lineWidth, height: height)
let line = UIView(frame: frame)

line.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: x / width, alpha: 1)


x += stepSize

Warning: this is not a practical approach! In real life you would use an
image background that can stretch or CAGradientLayer.

3. UberView
Make a view that exposes the borderWidth , borderColor and
cornerRadius layer properties.


class UberView: UIView {
@IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 {
didSet {
layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius

@IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {

didSet {
layer.borderWidth = borderWidth

@IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor = UIColor.blackColor() {

didSet {

Views 85
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layer.borderColor = borderColor.CGColor

4. Robot
Use UberView to design a robot.

Here's mine:

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Working with Colors

What will you learn

How to represent colors in code
How to create a new one using just numbers
How to combine two color
How to get lighter or darker shades

Working with Colors 87

iOS Spellbook

What is color to a computer?

The color of a pixel is described by the amount of red, green and blue light it

In case you didn't already know, there are thousands of tiny colored
lights/LEDs on the screen that you are using to read this article. Under a
microscope, your screen looks like this:

The computer only knows how much electricity to give to each one of the
three leds that represent a pixel. So if a pixel is red, the green and blue
lights get low or no electricity, and the red one gets a lot.

RGB Color Model

Working with Colors 88
iOS Spellbook

The RGB color model (stands for Red Green Blue) is an additive color
model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways
to reproduce a broad spectrum of colors.

You might remember from school that red, blue and yellow are primary
colors. And that is still true!

But there are two different things:

1) how colors combine if they reflect light
2) how colors combine if they emit light

When you use paint, light (either from the sun or from another source) hits
the paint and then reflects into your eyes. When you use pixels on a screen,
light is emitted from the screen and then hits your retina :)

To encode a color in RGB you need three numbers between 0 and 255 or
between 0.0 and 1.0 . If you use the floating point representation it will
still get converted to the discrete representation from 0 to 255 where 0

means the light is not turned on for that color and 255 that it's turned on at
the maximum level.

One this to keep in mind is that any display only shows colors in RGB.

RGBA Color Space

RGBA(stands for red green blue alpha) extends the RGB color model with
an extra layer of information for opacity. This is the color we actually use in
our software. But if the screen does not have an alpha LED, what does it do
with that information?

The alpha channel describes how much light can pass trough. So if the
opacity is set to 100% the color will get shown on the screen exactly as the
RGB part of the model describes it. If alpha is 0% then the pixel is fully

Working with Colors 89

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3 circles - each one has a primary color and 50% opacity.

The inventors named alpha after the Greek letter in the classic linear
interpolation formula (1 - α) * A + α * B .

Let's turn some lights on!

In iOS, colors are represented by the UIColor class. To create a new color
you have to pass the values of the color components encoded as the
floating points:

let color = UIColor(red: 1, green: 0.5, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Working with Colors 90

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That will give this pinkish color:

Making all values 1 will give white. And if you make the rgb part 0 and
alpha 1 you get black.

How to combine colors?

A simple way to combine colors is by using the linear interpolation formula
mentioned before:

func lerp(from a: CGFloat, to b: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {

return (1 - alpha) * a + alpha * b

lerp stands for linear interpolation and is the usual name this function is
given. If you ever saw some code with a lot of lerping, now you know what
that meant :)

If you want to learn more about linear interpolation, you can try the lessons
from Khan Academy or if you are lazy like me you can watch this amazing
talk by Steven Wittens - he has more cool videos on his website.

Working with Colors 91

iOS Spellbook

Let's lerp some colors:

The first thing we need to do is get the color components back from a
UIColor . Unfortunately there are no red , green , blue , alpha


extension UIColor {
func components() ->
(red:CGFloat, green:CGFloat,
blue:CGFloat, alpha:CGFloat) {
var r: CGFloat = 0
var g: CGFloat = 0
var b: CGFloat = 0
var a: CGFloat = 0

getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)

return (r, g, b, a)

Now we can lerp colors:

extension UIColor {

func combine(with color: UIColor, amount: CGFloat) -> UIColor {

let fromComponents = components()

let toComponents = color.components()

let redAmount = lerp(from: fromComponents.red,

to: toComponents.red,
alpha: amount)
let greenAmount = lerp(from: fromComponents.green,
to: toComponents.green,
alpha: amount)
let blueAmount = lerp(from: fromComponents.blue,
to: toComponents.blue,
alpha: amount)

Working with Colors 92

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let color = UIColor(red: redAmount,

green: greenAmount,
blue: blueAmount,
alpha: 1)

return color

To make a lighter shade of that pink we made before, we can call:

color.combine(with: .white, amount: 0.2)

Before After

Complementary Colors
Complementary colors are pairs of colors which, when combined, cancel
each other out. This means that when combined, they produce a grey-scale
color like white or black. When placed next to each other, they create the
strongest contrast for those particular two colors.

Complementary colors also look good together:

Working with Colors 93

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Contrast for colors means how much the color are different. To get the
complementary of a color you need to reverse the intensity of each color

Working with Colors 94

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extension UIColor {
var complementary: UIColor {
let (r, g, b, a) = components()

return UIColor(red: 1 - r,
green: 1 - g,
blue: 1 - b,
alpha: a)

You can use it like this:

let redComplementary = UIColor.red.complementary

HSB Color Model

There is another way you can use to represent colors: the HSB Color
Model. It stands for Hue, Saturation and Brightness.

Hue is a bit harder to explain without to much info, consider that it

represents the wavelength of the color, or how far along the rainbow the
color is. Brightness is the amount of light the image has - or how big are the
numbers that represent it. Saturation measures the intensity of a color, as
you desaturate a color it will become gray - the gray set by the brightness
part of the model.

Working with Colors 95

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from left to right colors vary on hue and from top to bottom on

let color = UIColor(hue: 0.7,

saturation: 0.8,
brightness: 0.5,
alpha: 1.0)

Don't use .red

One of the most common mistakes among developers is sticking to the
system's color palette. .red is (255, 0, 0) - that color does't exist

Working with Colors 96

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anyware in nature except on developer screens!

Stop using it in projects that other people will see. Use a set of colors you
find online. There are thousands of sites providing free collections of pretty

Zen bits

Make an extension named Colors.swift and use it in all your

projects. People will have a better opinion about your work. Really, if
there's one thing you take from this book, this would be a good one.

extension UIColor {
class var myGreen: UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 0.15, green: 0.68, blue: 0.38, alpha: 1)

class var myBlue: UIColor {

return UIColor(red: 0.16, green: 0.50, blue: 0.73, alpha: 1)

class var myOrange: UIColor {

return UIColor(red: 0.90, green: 0.49, blue: 0.13, alpha: 1)

class var myRed: UIColor {

return UIColor(red: 0.75, green: 0.22, blue: 0.17, alpha: 1)


It's easy and fun to create and combine colors, and with a bit of common

Working with Colors 97

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sense, you can make pretty stuff :)


Color Gradient

Make a gradient from .myRed to .myBlue using only views.

func makeGradient() {
let width = Int(view.frame.width)

for i in 0...width {
let frame = CGRect(x: CGFloat(i),
y: 0,
width: 1,
height: view.frame.height)

let t = CGFloat(i) / view.frame.height

let line = UIView(frame: frame)

line.backgroundColor =
UIColor.myRed.combine(with: .myBlue,
amount: t)


More Colors!

Working with Colors 98

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Add light , lighter , darker and dark versions of the colors from
Colors.swift :

light should be 1 part white 4 parts the color

lighter should be 1 part white 9 parts the color
dark should be 1 part black 9 parts the color
darker should be 1 part black 4 parts the color

extension UIColor {
func light() -> UIColor {
return combine(with: .white, amount: 0.2)

func lighter() -> UIColor {

return combine(with: .white, amount: 0.1)

func dark() -> UIColor {

return combine(with: .black, amount: 0.2)

func darker() -> UIColor {

return combine(with: .black, amount: 0.1)

extension UIColor {
class var myLightGreen: UIColor {
return myGreen.light()

class var myLighterGreen: UIColor {

return myGreen.lighter()

class var myDarkGreen: UIColor {

return myGreen.dark()

class var myDarkerGreen : UIColor {

return myGreen.darker()

class var myLightBlue: UIColor {

Working with Colors 99

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return myBlue.light()

class var myLighterBlue: UIColor {

return myBlue.lighter()

class var myDarkBlue: UIColor {

return myBlue.dark()

class var myDarkerBlue : UIColor {

return myBlue.darker()

class var myLightOrange: UIColor {

return myOrange.light()

class var myLighterOrange: UIColor {

return myOrange.lighter()

class var myDarkOrange: UIColor {

return myOrange.dark()

class var myDarkerOrange : UIColor {

return myOrange.darker()

class var myLightRed: UIColor {

return myRed.light()

class var myLighterRed: UIColor {

return myRed.lighter()

class var myDarkRed: UIColor {

return myRed.dark()

class var myDarkerRed : UIColor {

return myRed.darker()

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You should end up with these colors:

func showShades() {
let width: CGFloat = 20
let spacing: CGFloat = 5

for (i, color) in UIColor.allShades.enumerated() {

let frame = CGRect(x: spacing + CGFloat(i)*(width+spacing),
y: 0,
width: width,
height: view.frame.height)

let line = UIView(frame: frame)

line.backgroundColor = color


Working with Colors 101

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While changing view properties at runtime is useful, it doesn't look pretty.
Most changes look better if they are animated from one state to another.
UIView provides a very simple API for that. Do whatever changes you want
to do to the view, but in a closure and set a duration. All changes on any
animable property will be beautifully animated.

The animate(withDuration:_:) function will update the view and redraw it

during the animation. You can see the different stages of an animation in
the image below:

Implementing animation could not be any simpler. Most UIView properties

are animable. This means that a change on that property can be smoothly
transitioned from one state to another in an animation. This is the complete
list of animable properties:


Animations 102
iOS Spellbook


The simplest way to make an animation is by using the

animate(withDuration:animation:) method. To make the animation above,
we need to change the frame of the view and its background color from red
to blue:

UIView.animate(withDuration: 3) {
redView.backgroundColor = .blue
redView.frame = newFrame

Customizing animations
The UIView animation API provides 4 methods:


Animates the changes to one or more views over a period of time.


Animates the changes to one or more views over a period of time after
which it calls the completion handler.


Animates the changes to one or more views over a period of time using
a set of options after which it calls the completion handler.


Performs animations using a timing curve described by the motion of

Animations 103
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a spring. When dampingRatio is 1, the animation will smoothly

decelerate to its final model values without oscillating. Damping ratios
less than 1 will oscillate more and more before coming to a complete
stop. You can use the initial spring velocity to specify how fast the
object at the end of the simulated spring was moving before it was


By default user interaction is turned off for views while they are animated. In
case you want to animate a view and still have user interaction enabled use
this option.


Repeats the animation indefinitely. If you animate a change to the

backgroundColor of a view, you will see the animation go from the original
color to the new one and then jumping back to the original color and
repeating the animation.


Performs the animation forward one and then backwards. If you animate a
change to the backgroundColor of a view, you will see the animation going
from the original color to the new one and then animating back to the
original color, then jumping to the new color. Because of this the
.autoreverse option should be used combined with the .repeat option.


If this key is not present, any animations affecting the current view(s) are
allowed to finish before the new animation is started. If there are no
animations on the current view(s) this key has no effect.

Animations 104
iOS Spellbook


Will cause the animation to begin slowly and then speed up in the end


Will cause the animation to begin quickly and then slow down in the end


Will cause the animation to begin slowly and then speed up until the middle
and then slow down in the end

For more options and information check out the documentation.

Practice Time!
Download the starter project.

Starter Project

It has one controller with a red view inside:

Animations 105
iOS Spellbook

ViewController has a square @IBOutlet to that view.

Perform the following animations in order:

animate to the backgroundColor of square to .myBlue . The starter

project contains the Colors.swift file.
make square fade out then fade back in.
make it two times as big but still centred in the same location
rotate it 90 degrees
make it spin forever


class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var square: UIView!

override func viewDidLoad() {


let originalSize = square.frame.size

let doubleSize =
CGSize(width: originalSize.width * 2,
height: originalSize.height * 2)

setSquare(color: .myBlue) {
self.setSquare(alpha: 0) {

Animations 106
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self.setSquare(alpha: 1) {
self.setSeqare(size: doubleSize) {
self.setSeqare(size: originalSize) {
self.rotateSquare() }}}}}

func setSquare(color: UIColor,

completion: @escaping () -> ()) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4,
animations: {
self.square.backgroundColor = color
}, completion: { _ in completion() })

func setSquare(alpha: CGFloat,

completion: @escaping () -> ()) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4,
animations: {
self.square.alpha = alpha
}, completion: { _ in completion() })

func setSeqare(size: CGSize,

completion: @escaping () -> ()) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4,
animations: {
let oldCenter = self.square.center
self.square.frame.size = size
self.square.center = oldCenter
}, completion: { _ in completion() })

func rotateSquare() {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4,
delay: 0,
options: [.repeat],
animations: {
self.square.transform =
}, completion: nil)

Animations 107
iOS Spellbook

Touch Events and Gesture

When the iPhone came out it was magical! It was the first piece of
technology that looked like it came from a science fiction movie. That tiny
rectangle that you could touch changed the world we live in.

Tap! Swipe. Zoom. Scroll. Touch is at the heart of iOS. In this chapter we
are going to take a brief overview at the how touch events are handled by
iOS and how to detect gestures.

Touch interfaces are so intuitive you don't really need to learn that much to
use them. My son is an one year old internet user. He picks his own
cartoons or songs.

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 108

iOS Spellbook

Because all you see are UIViews , it was an easy choice to let them handle
touch events. You can respond to user interaction in three main ways: 1) by
overriding UIResponder methods
2) by attaching gesture recognizers to a view
3) by taking a hitTest

UIView inherits from UIResponder , which is the base class that defines a
responder object. A responder is an object that responds to user interaction
events. UIApplication also inherits from UIResponder .

This is how a responder object looks like when it's doing his job.

There are two general kinds of events: touch events and motion events. For
now we are going to focus on the first ones.

Let's see what happens when you put your finger on the screen!

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 109

iOS Spellbook

After all the hardware magic, UIApplication gets event objects, it passes
them to its UIWindow , who then sends them to the view that has been
touched and down the chain of responders.

That view is found by going over the view hierarchy and performing a hit
test. UIView has a method called point(inside:with:) - the first
parameter is a point and the second one is a touch event - the function
should return true if the point is inside its bounds.

UIWindow calls the hitTest method on the view of the current view
controller. It performs the hit test recursively on all subviews. The hit test
returns the farthest view in the hierarchy that passed the hit test. To hit test
a view you need to call the point(inside:with:) method with the current
touch location and event. If that returns true , the view passed the hit test.

The hit test for a view will prefer to return a subview who passed the test
instead of itself. So if you have a container view that has your the rest of
your UI and controls, the events will get to them instead of the container.

Quick tip

If you need to make an irregular shaped button you are going to need
to override point(inside:with:) . An if you represent the button
shape by a bezier path you can use CGPathContainsPoint(_:) to
detect if the touch was inside of the path or not (source).

The chain of responders is a list of objects that inherit from UIResponder .

The first one is UIApplication . The one you care the most about is
UIViewController , your view controller.

For touch events, UIResponder has four main methods that get called so it
can react to them:

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Mini Project
Enough theory. Let's have some fun with UIResponder !

We are going to make a small app that makes a view appears when you
touch the screen.

Step 1: Create a new Xcode Project

Create a new Xcode project. Name it Touches and make sure the language
is set to Swift .

Step 2: Override touchesBegan

Open ViewController.swift and override touchesBegan . You don't need to

know the function definition by hand. Click below inside the ViewController
class but not inside of a method and start typing touchesBegan , when the
autocomplete option is touchesBegun hit enter. That should generate this

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {


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Every time you tap on the screen that method gets called. It receives two
parameters: a set of touches and an UIEvent that contains the set of
touches and more information about the event.

For each finger touching the screen, iOS generates a UITouch object. For
most cases you only have one finger touching the screen. Let's make the
app print the location of the tap.

First we need to get a touch object from touches and after that we can call
the location(in:) method on it to get a CGPoint that represent the
location of the touch relative to a view. We are going to pass the view
controller's view view :

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
let location = touch.location(in: view)

Run the app and give it a few taps. The console should open and print the
location of each tap:

Step 3: Show a View

Now add a black circle with the center in the touch location:

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 112

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class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
let location = touch.location(in: view)

// makes a frame for a view that is 30 by 30

let touchViewFrame =
CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)
// creates a view with that frame
let touchView = UIView(frame: touchViewFrame)

// make the view black

touchView.backgroundColor = .black

// make the view look like a circle

touchView.layer.cornerRadius = touchViewFrame.width / 2

// move the views center in the location of the touch

touchView.center = location

// show the touchView


Run the app. After a few taps it should look like this:

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 113

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Step 4: Update the view

When you move your finger, the view doesn't follow your finger. Let's solve
that. First thing you need to do is to keep a reference to touchView in the

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var touchView: UIView!


And remove the let before tocuhView when you create it in

touchesBegan :

class ViewController: UIViewController {

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 114

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override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
l̶e̶t̶-touchView = UIView(frame: touchViewFrame)

Override touchesMoved - as a start let's copy paste the code from above.
That will create a new circle when the touch moves:

Now the app behaves like a crude drawing app. This is not a practical
example because it will shortly add hundreds of views to the screen and
that will make the interface slow (and finally it will break). Also, it doesn't
handle the case when you move your finger fast on the screen, adding only

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 115

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intermediate dots instead of a continuous line.

Remove the copied code after you get location from the touch event,
except for the line that sets the center of touchView :

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
let location = touch.location(in: view)

touchView.center = location

If you run the project now, the black circle will follow you finger.

Step 5: Remove the touch view

To remove the touchView when the touch finishes, you have to override
two methods: touchedEnded for the case when the user lift his finger, and
touchesCanceled - this gets called when someone from chain of responders
cancel a touch event - this might happen when you animate a view that has
an active touch on it, or when you have a gesture recognizer attached to a

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 116

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with event: UIEvent?) {


Step 6: Handle multiple touches

First thing you need to do for that is to enable multi-touch on view . Open
Main.storyboard and select the view of the view controller:

In the Attributes Inspector enable Multiple Touch :

Notice that there's an option to enable or disable user interaction on a view.

If isUserInteractionEnabled is set to false , the view will not receive any
touch events. Most system's controls/views have this set to true , but some
have it set to false by default, for example images, so you won't get any
touch events on them until you set it to true .

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Now if you touch the screen with multiple finger you will receive more than
one even in touches .

We need a variable number of "properties" to hold all the black circles.

Naming them touchView1 , touchView2 , ... isn't a good idea.

If you look at the definition of Set , you will notice that it only accepts
Hashable elements:

public struct Set<Element : Hashable> : ... {


That means you can get the hashValue of a touch and use it as a key in a
Dictionary that will hold the touch views.

So remove the touchView property and add a new one called touchViews :

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var touchViews: [Int:UIView] = [:]


Now that we have more than one touch instead of getting the first from the
set we are going to iterate over the set. Good news, only two lines of code
will change in each UIResponder method.

Lets start with touchesBegan . The first one will be replace with a for in


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 118

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The next thing we have to change is how we create and store the touch

Instead of setting the property to a new UIView instance, we are going to

put the let back in front of touchView . Then we are going to save the
hashValue of the current touch and store touchView in touchViews . In
the end you should end up with something like this:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: view)
let touchViewFrame =
CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)

let hash = touch.hashValue

let touchView = UIView(frame: touchViewFrame)

touchView.layer.cornerRadius = touchViewFrame.width / 2
touchView.center = location
touchView.backgroundColor = .black

touchViews[hash] = touchView

Comment out the code from the other methods and try it out:

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To make them update we need to change the way we get the touch view:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: view)

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 120

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let hash = touch.hashValue

if let touchView = touchViews[hash] {
touchView.center = location

And in touchesEnded and touchesCancelled you need to get the respective

views from the touch events, not just remove the last one added:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let hash = touch.hashValue
if let touchView = touchViews[hash] {

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,

with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let hash = touch.hashValue
if let touchView = touchViews[hash] {

Although you probably won't use these methods to often, or ever, it's
important that you at least know that they exist.

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Gesture Recognizers
Handling more complicated interactions just by observing the different touch
locations seems almost impossible, thankfully this is already implemented
by Apple and available in UIKit . As you've guessed, I'm talking about
Gesture Recognizers.

The standard library includes gestures recognisers for the following


Tap - can detect taps - you can customise the number of taps or fingers
needed to activate the gesture
Pan - pan simply means moving across the view
Swipe - similar to the pan gesture, except a swipe is a swift gesture.
Pinch - this is the gesture used to zoom in/out
Long Press - detects a long press - you can customize the minimum
duration and the number of fingers required
Rotation - detects a rotation - this is a gesture with two fingers - you
can extract the angle and speed of the gesture
Screen Edge - detects a swipe from the edge of the screen

Adding a Gesture Recognizer with Interface


If you want to follow along, download the starter project:

Starter Project

The first thing we need is the view to react to touches:

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Search for Tap Gesture Recognizer in the Components Library pane:

Drag and drop a Tap Gesture Recognizer on top of the view:

Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 123

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This will add a tap gesture recognizer in the object hierachy:

Click on it and open the Attributes Inspector . There you will see the
customisation points of the tap gesture recognizer:

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The most used customization point is the minimum number of taps and
touches require to activate it. A double tap gesture recognizer is a tap
gesture recognizer with numberOfTapsRequired property set to 2 .

Another thing you can do is to disable the gesture recognizer and enable it
programatically later in your code.

The gesture recognizer is all setup at this point. The only problem is that
you don't get notified when a tap occurred. Open the Connections

Inspector :

Open the assistant editor by pressing the "two circles" button

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Connect the selector connection with a point inside ViewController after

viewDidLoad . Another way you could do this is by right clicking on the Tap

Gesture Recognizer object and then proceed to do the same.

That should open a popover menu:

Call it didTap and change the type from Any to UITapGestureRecognizer

before clicking on Connect .

This generates a method that will be called after a each tap event:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {

print("did tap")

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Zen bits

I've added a print statement to test if the connection worked. Always

do this when adding a new connection. Test them, then write the rest
of the code. Remember that a bug gets harder to solve the more time
passes since it was created.

The process is pretty much the same for all gesture recognizers. But I didn't
mention a thing about gesture recognizers so far; they have a state .

Some gestures are more complicated than a tap. Let's take for example the
pan gesture: when you put a finger on the screen the gesture is not
activated, but still possible, when you move your finger a bit the gesture is
recognized or it started, when you move it a bit more the gesture changes
its location and after you take you finger off the screen the gesture ended. If
you followed that you can almost guess the main states of a gesture

.possible - when the gesture recognizer received events, the gesture

is still possible but not yet recognized
.began - when the gesture is recognized
.changed - when it received more touched after it's recognized and still
.ended - when the gesture stopped receiving events
.canceled - when then touches responsible from triggering the gesture
get cancelled
.failed - when the gesture was not recognized; after this the gesture
state will be reset to .possible .

The selector you set in Interface Builder will get called every time the
gesture recognizer state changes. That mans that, for example, if you use a
swipe gesture recognizer you will only want to handle the case where the

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state is .ended . And for a tap gesture recognizer, a single touch event is
enough to set the state to .ended , so that why you only get one call to the
didTap(_:) method.

Lets continue expliring different recognizers! Add a referencing outlet for the
red view:

In add a redView property in ViewController.swift :

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var redView: UIView!


Connect in from Interface Builder :

Search for Pan Gesture Recognizer in the Components Library and drag
one on redView .

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Open the Assitand Editor and create the didPan method:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didPan(_ sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {

print("did pan..")

Run the app. You should see multiple did pan.. message when moving
over the view.

Now for a bit of magic. Lets translate the view to follow you finger:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didPan(_ sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {

// gets the translation from the recognizer
let translation = sender.translation(in: redView)

// moved the view

redView.frame.origin.x += translation.x

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redView.frame.origin.y += translation.y

// resets the offset in the recognizer

sender.setTranslation(.zero, in: redView)

And now to handle scaling the view with the help of a pinch gesture

class ViewController: UIViewController {


@IBAction func didPinch(_ sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {

// get scale
let scale = sender.scale

// remember where the view was centered

let oldCenter = redView.center

// scale the view

redView.frame.size.width *= scale
redView.frame.size.height *= scale
// that change the center of the view

// move it back to where it was

redView.center = oldCenter

// reset scale
sender.scale = 1.0

If you want to test this in the simulator you will need to hold Option ( ⌥ ) to
show two cursors:

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If you move your mouse the points will move symmetrical to the point
between them. It's a bit hard to control but you get used to it. So
Option ( ⌥ ) + moving is a pinch or rotate gesture.

If you want to move both points to another part of the screen you need to
hold both Option ( ⌥ ) and Shift ( ⇧ ) and then move the cursor on the
screen. Don't let go of Option ( ⌥ ) because that will reset the position.

Adding a Gesture Recognizer from code

Just like views have subviews , they also have gestureRecognizers . To add
a gesture recognizer to a view, you need to create it and then call the
addGestureRecognizer(_:) method on the view.

Let's continue our project by adding the rotation gesture recognizer. When
doing this in code, the steps are a bit reversed. First you need to create the

class ViewController: UIViewController {


Touch Events and Gesture Recognizers 131

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func didRotate(_ sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {

print("did rotate")

Then create an UIRotationGestureRecognizer instance in viewDidLoad and

attach it to redView :

class ViewController: UIViewController {


override func viewDidLoad() {


let rotationGestureRecognizer =
UIRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self,
action: #selector(didRotate(_:)))


When creating a gesture recognizer, you need to provide two arguments:

an object that will be notified when the recognizer changes its state and a
selector (method) that will be called on that object in order to notify it.

Run the project. See if you can trigger the print call.

Let's change the color of the view when we make a rotation gesture:

class ViewController: UIViewController {


func didRotate(_ sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {

// get the rotation angle in radians
let angle = sender.rotation

// transform it in to a value that

// ranges from -1 to 1
let sine = sin(angle)

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// change from -1..1 to 0..1

let value = (sine + 1) / 2

// create a color with that value

let color = UIColor(hue: value,
saturation: 0.7,
brightness: 0.7,
alpha: 1.0)

redView.backgroundColor = color

Practice Time!
Make a custom view called TouchableView that has the behaviour for move,
scale and change color. Add a touchable view on the screen on a double
tap. Change the shape from a square to a circle on double tap.

Draw something!


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Simple iOS Controls

A big part of making an app is the process of designing and implementing

the user interface. In this chapter we are going to look at the most common
UI components from iOS and the design patterns used by them. They are
very customisable, so take your time to learn every know they have.
Knowing what you can do with them will save you a lot of time and

When needed, we are also going to take a short look at the Objective-C
roots of iOS and the system classes/interfaces needed for a specific task.

Start a new project and open the storyboard. Search for the components
mentioned in this chapter and play around with them. For each component
there are a few challenges that should help you practice using and
customising UI controls.

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Because almost all customization points are accessible from Interface

Builder the customization part of each component will focus on how you
achieve that effect in code. Take the time to explore what each option from
the Attributes Inspector does for all controls.

iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Designing and implementing user interfaces is hard! Not everybody is an
artist, but there are a few tricks you could learn that will dramatically
improve your results - things like consistency, less is more and never make
a button smaller than a 30 point square... My favorite collections of that kind
of tricks is Apple's iOS Human Interface Guidelines. It outlines how apps
should be designed for iOS. HIG is the common way of referring to it.

It has all you ever wanted to know about what makes a good app (or a good
user experience). I highly recommend that you read it and refer to it when
taking design decisions with your team. Good app developers also know a
bit about design. Remember that people will judge your app by the way it
looks first and only after on what it can do.

There is a lot to read in the HIG. But for now start with this page
UIComponents: Controls. It shows most of the iOS controls and explains
when and how to use them. If you didn't design an app or website before, I
bet you didn't think like that about labels or buttons.

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Interface Builder vs Code

You can implement UIs with Interface Builder or directly from code. Most
apps use a mix of both and some use only programatic interfaces. I
personally don't think that using only code is a good idea. Interface Builder
has evolved a lot over the years, therefore, with the addition of
IBDesignable you can create new views and controls and extend Interface
Builder. So you can use code for interfaces and you can also use them in
Interface Builder if you put in a little bit of effort.

It takes a few seconds to understand a screen with 20 components if you

look at a storyboard, on the other hand if you would see the code for that
screen you would need a few minutes to figure out which line is responsible
for which part is which - even if it's your code!

Zen Bits

Your job is to solve problems by writing the minimum amount of code.

Always consider the case when you write 0!

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Labels show small amounts of text, either to name a part of the screen, or to
display information. Almost everywhere you see only few words on a screen
you can bet that it's a label, it may also be included in other controls, for
example: the title of a button is a label.

Code example

let label = UILabel(frame:

CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 32))
// changing the font
label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 30)
// changing the text
label.text = "We ❤ Swift"

The results should look like this:

By changing a few properties, you can achieve all kinds of effects:

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Note: Because all iOS controls inherit from UIView you can
customise any UIView property on all components.


Fonts are loaded using the UIFont class. Each font has an unique
identifier. To create a font object you need to set the name of the font and
its size:

let hugeLightFont =
UIFont (name: "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight",
size: 30)

Quick tip

You can find a complete visual list of all the system fonts on

To change the font of a label, set the font property:

Simple UI Components 138

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label.font = hugeLightFont

System font

As an alternative, you can use the system font:

let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)

System font refers to the default font used for standard interface items. So
when you add a label, its font is System Font - 15 . Since iOS 9, the system
font is San Francisco and before that, it was Helvetica Neue.

Text Color
Similar to the way you can customise the background color by setting the
backgroundColor property, you can change the color of the text by setting
the textColor property:

title.textColor = .white

Line break mode

The line break mode option sets the way a label handles the case when it is
trying to show more text than fits inside.

You can set the lineBreakMode to one of these options:

Simple UI Components 139

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.byTruncatingTail - this is the default option. The line is displayed so

that the beginning fits in the container and the missing text at the end of
the line is indicated by an ellipsis glyph … :

label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail

.byTruncatingMiddle - the line is displayed so that the beginning and

end fit in the container and the missing text in the middle is indicated by
an ellipsis glyph:

label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingMiddle

.byTruncatingHead - the line is displayed so that the end fits in the

container and the missing text at the beginning of the line is indicated
by an ellipsis glyph:

label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingHead

.byWordWrapping - wrapping occurs at word boundaries, unless the

word itself doesn’t fit into a single line:

label.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping

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.byCharWrapping - wrapping occurs before the first character that

doesn’t fit:

label.lineBreakMode = .byCharWrapping

.byClipping - text is not drawn past the edge of the label:

label.lineBreakMode = .byClipping

Number of lines

By default labels show 1 line of text. You can make labels display text on
multiple lines, but only do so if you are still using it as a label. Otherwise use
a text view.

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label.numberOfLines = 2

If you set numberOfLines to 0 the label will display as many lines as the
text has but not more than it can fit in its size.

Text Alignment

There are five options for text alignment, described by the NSTextAlignment

.left : Align text along the left edge. This is the default text alignment

label.textAlignment = .left

.center : Align text equally along both sides of the center line.

label.textAlignment = .center

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.right : Align text along the right edge.

label.textAlignment = .right

.justified : Fully justify the text so that the last line in a paragraph is
natural aligned. This is only used for label that have more than one line
of text.

label.textAlignment = .justified

.natural : Use the default alignment associated with the current

localization of the app. The default alignment for left-to-right scripts is
.left , and the default alignment for right-to-left scripts is .right .

Attributed Strings

An attributed string is a special kind of string that can have different

attributes set for parts of it. For example, a part of the text can have a
different color or font size.

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In the example above the label has a title and a subtitle. The title has a
bigger font size than the subtitle. The heart is red and has a font that
doesn't replace the unicode characters with one of Apple's emojis.

First, let's create an attributed string with the title and subtitle in it. To create
an attributed string we need a "normal" one.

let title = "iOS Spellbook"

let subtitle = "We ❤ Swift"

let string = "\(title)\n\(subtitle)" as NSString

let attributedString =
NSMutableAttributedString(string: string as String)

label.attributedText = attributedString

Obs: \n represents a newline character. Inside strings you can write

special characters by using the escape character \ . Other examples
include: \t for tab, \" for double quotes and \\ for backslash \ .

Obs: string has a NSString reference to the text of the label. We

are going to use it to make rangeOfString queries so we can
decorate different parts of the text.

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Now we can add different attributes for different parts of the string. First of
all, we make the title portion of the text bigger:


// title
let titleAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue",
size: 32)!]

let titleRange = string.range(of: title)

range: titleRange)

// you must add the atributes before you set the

// attributedText property because it makes a copy
label.attributedText = attributedString

And the subtitle font and size:

let subtitleAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName :
UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 20)!

let subtitleRange = string.range(of: subtitle)


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And finally, let's make the heart flat by changing the font to a dingbat and
the color red.

let heartColor = UIColor(red: 0.91, green: 0.30, blue: 0.24, alpha:1)

let heartAttributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: heartColor,
NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "ZapfDingbatsITC", size: 20)!]
let heartRange = string.range(of: "❤")
attributedString.addAttributes(heartAttributes, range: heartRange)

You can find the complete list of attributes in Apple's reference.

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Buttons are awesome! They make things happen when you need them to.

The button is also the simplest input you will use. If you had to use only
buttons and labels to make apps, you could still make a lot of them. After
we learn a bit about how buttons work and how to use them, we are going
to make a few simple games to practice.


To do their magic, buttons implement a design pattern named Target-

Action. I encourage you to take a look on Apple's explanation, but here is
the short version:

And the general pattern looks like this:

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Basically there's an event, and an object gives a message to another object.

In this case the button is calling a method on the view controller when the
.touchUpInside event is activated.

In iOS the target-action pattern usually comes in the combo target-

selector , where the target is an object that is a subclass of NSObject

and a selector that can be used to send messages to the target.

Why a subclass of NSObject ? What's that?

iOS was built using Objective-C. Although swift is compatible with

Objective-C, swift objects are different. In Objective-C, classes don't store
methods in the same way. The short version is this: swift uses an array and
Objective-C uses a dictionary. This is one of the reasons Swift is faster.

Swift figures out what function it should call at compile time with a thing call
vtable . Objective-C figures out what function to call at runtime with a thing
called dynamic method dispatch. To do this it needs both an object and a

A root class is a class that does not inherit from any other class. It defines
the behaviour for the hierarchy below it. In Objective-C the root class is
NSObject - which means that most iOS classes are NSObjects - that
includes views and controllers. NSObject defines a lot of low level

Simple UI Components 148

iOS Spellbook

functionality like object lifecycle. Another thing NSObject defines is the

perform selector methods:


A selector is an object that is used to invoke a method at runtime. So

instead of writing object.thisMethod() you can say
object.perform(#selector(thisMethod)) . This provides a convenient
interface for deciding what code to run at runtime.

Let's take an example:

class SelectorTest: NSObject {

func noParameters() {
print("no parameters")

func unnamedParameter(_ parameter: String) {

print("parameter = \(parameter)")

func namedParameter(message: String) {

print("message = \(message)")

func twoParameters(first: String, last: String) {

print("fullName = \(first) \(last)")

The methods are defined by:



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The first part of the selector is the name of the class followed by a dot .

then by the method name, and if it has parameters, they are shown
separated by a colon : inside of a pair of parentheses. Note that if a
parameter has no external name it will be represented by an _ like in the
second case. In most cases the class of a selector can be inferred, so you
can omit it.

To create a Selector object you can use the #selector expression. To

call those methods on an instance of SelectorTest , we would do
something like this:

// first create an instance

let instance = SelectorTest()

// no parameters
// prints: no parameters

// one unnamed parameter

with: "We ❤ Swift")
// prints: parameter = We ❤ Swift

// one named parameter

with: "iOS Spellbook")
// prints: message = iOS Spellbook

// two parameters
with: "Andrei",
with: "Puni")
// prints: fullName = Andrei Puni

Putting it all together

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By using these methods the UIButton class can call any method you tell it,
to just by performing a Selector on a target. This way you can configure
the button to call any method on any object.

Usually you connect buttons to the view controller that displays them, but
that is not the only case. In code it looks something like this:

// setup is called by the view controller sometime after the interface loads
fun setup() {
// first we need to add a target to the button
action: #selector(didTapButton(_:)),
forControlEvents: .touchUpInside)

// this will be called when the button is tapped

func didTapButton(_ button: UIButton) {
print("the button was tapped!")

There are other button events but you will probably not going to use them.
In case you where curious .touchUpInside refers to the fact that the touch
started and ended inside the bounds of the button.

The selector has to be compatible with Objective-C, that means that the first
parameter should be unnamed.


To make a method visible in interface builder, you have to mark it as an

IBAction . You do that by writing @IBAction before func . After that it can
be connected to an event sent by another object. Let's see how that would
work on a button:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

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@IBAction func didTap(button: UIButton) {

print("the button was tapped!")

If you remember from the App Anatomy chapter, we discussed about the
Objective-C preprocessor. @IBAction is also a preprocessor directive. It
gets replaced with nothing. Its only purpose is to highlight a method as
available for interface builder connections.

If you right click on a button in Interface Builder you will see a menu with
all the events that it exposes:

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The button doesn't actually use all of them, the events are general and
shared among all controls. UIButton inherits from UIControl - the class
that defines the behaviour of an input view or control.

If you right click on View Controller you can see the didTap action in the
bottom of the list:

Now you can connect the didTap method to the Touch Up Inside event.
You can do it from the controller to the button or vice versa:

Right click on the button, then click drag from the Touch Up Inside event to
the View Controller :

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This should show the list of received actions:

And if you click on didTap: , you will connect the two.

Another way you can do it is by starting from the action. Right click on View

Controller and click drag from the didTap: action to the button:

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This will expose the list of sent events:

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Connect the two by clicking on Touch Up Inside .

You can also make Xcode write the method for you if you use the
Assistant Editor and connect the Touch Up Inside event with the view
controller code.

Button States

A button can have five states: default, highlighted, focused, selected, and

You can configure some properties of the button for each state. This would
allow you to make the font bold or a different color when the button is being

When the button first appears on the screen, it is in the default or normal

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When the user is touching the button but did not yet complete a tap, the
button is in the highlighted state.

You can switch the state of the button to selected by setting the selected
property to true :

button.selected = true


When the button is disabled, it's dimmed and doesn't display a highlight
when tapped. You can disable a button by setting its enabled property to
false :

button.enabled = false

The state of the button is represented by the UIControlState enum:

.normal , .highlighted , .focused , .selected and .disabled .



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To change the title of a button you have to call setTitle(:forState:) .

Notice that you have to specify for which state you want the title to be set. If
you want the button to have the same title on all states then set it for the
.Normal state and the button will inherit the title for all states:

button.setTitle("Tap Me!", forState: .normal)

To get the title for a state, you would call title(for:) :

button.title(for: .selected)

You can also use attributed strings:

// setting attributed title

forState: .normal)

// getting attributed title


Tint Color
You can change the tint color by setting the tintColor property:

button.tintColor = .black

If you want to change the tint color for all the buttons from your app this is
not the way to do it! Open the file inspector and look at the end of the

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Interface Builder Document section:

You can change the global tint color from there and all components with the
tint color set to default will have that color.

In iOS images are represented by the UIImage class. You can create an
image from a file (the image for a button) or directly from data (when you
load cat memes from the internet). For the moment we are only going to
load images from the Resources folder, so let's see how that works:

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// create an image object

let image = UIImage(named: "swift-logo")

button.setImage(image, forState: .normal)

Same as with the title, if you set the image for the .normal state the rest
will inherit it unless you set them to a different value.

Background Image
Same as you can update the image of a button, you can update the
background by calling setBackgroundImage(_:forState:) :

let image = UIImage(named: "swift-logo")

button.setBackgroundImage(image, forState:.normal)

The main difference between the image of the button and its background
image is positioning. If the image is small then it will be shown along the
title. The background will always cover the button and will be rendered
under the title.

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System buttons

At the moment there are two system buttons you can use. There is nothing
different about them, except for their appearance.

Add Contact

Used for buttons that represent an add new operation.

let button = UIButton(type: .contactAdd)


Used to display extra information. There are two types of info buttons: one
for a light background and one for a dark background.

let lightInfoButton = UIButton(type: .infoLight)

// or
let darkInfoButton = UIButton(type: .infoDark)

From what I've noticed the two look the same. Weird.

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A text filed is a label which can be edited. It can be configured to use
different kinds of keyboards optimised for writing numbers, emails and so

Editing events
Whenever you interact with a text filed it generates an event, so the UI can
react. There are two ways to receive editing events: you can subscribe
using the target-action pattern or by providing a delegate to the text filed.

Target Action

UITextFiled is a subclass of UIControl which means that some events

can be observed by using addTarget method. The relevant events for the
text field are: .EditingDidBegin , .EditingChanged , .EditingDidEnd and
.EditingDidEndOnExit . You can refer to all of them with
.AllEditingEvents . You can also subscribe to all editing events with just
one call to addTarget :

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var textField: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

action: #selector(allEvents(_:)),
forControlEvents: .allEditingEvents)

func allEvents(_ textField: UITextField) {


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The target action should take as argument the control that was sent by the
event, in this case the text field.

One of the problems with this method is that you can't customize the
behaviour of the text by rejecting certain characters or deciding if editing
should stop or not.

Text Filed Delegate

In case you don't know or forgot what the delegate pattern is, here is a
quick reminder: Delegation is a design pattern where an object hands
out the responsibility of accomplishing a task to another object.

Whoa, that was a mouthful! Here's an image to help you visualize:

In the case of the text field delegate, it receives editing events and
sometimes its asked to decide about the text view behaviour.

The way this pattern is implemented is by defining a protocol that describes

the responsibilities of the delegate. So for an object to be a text field
delegate it has to implement to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol.

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All the methods of UITextFieldDelegate are optional so you can use only
the ones you need.

Some of the methods from the protocol just inform the delegate that a
certain event has occurred:


And some ask the delegate if a certain action should be taken or not by
retuning a Bool :


Notice that all event related methods have the form sender + did +
event and all the rest have sender + should + action . This convention
keeps the system code easy to understand or discover.

Quick tip

You don't need to know the list of methods from the delegate protocols
of any control! It's enough to remember that they have one. They
usually have the name of the control + delegate so its easy to deduce.
Write it in Xcode and Command ( ⌘ ) + click on it. That will take you to
the definition of the protocol.

I usually make an extension for each protocol my view controller

implements to keep the code clean and separated:

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extension ViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {

func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
if textField.text!.characters.count > 0 {
return true
} else {
return false

The textFieldShouldReturn method is called when the user presses the

return key. If the delegate returns true , the text filed will stop editing. This
is probably the most common reason people implement the delegate

You can use the shouldChangeCharactersInRange delegate method to reject

certain inputs and force a certain value to be introduced. For example you
can force a text field to accept only numbers, and more than that, only ones
that don't start with 0.

extension ViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {

func textField(_ textField: UITextField,
shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange,
replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
// simulate the result after the edit
let text = (textField.text! as NSString)

let result =
text.replacingCharacters(in: range,
with: string)

// check if the result has only digits

let onlyDigits =
result.characters.reduce(true) {
hasNonNumber, character in
hasNonNumber &&

// check if first digit is not 0

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let firstDigitIsNotZero = result.characters.first != "0"

return onlyDigits && firstDigitIsNotZero


Handling the Keyboard

Keyboard types

There are several system keyboard layouts optimised for different kinds of


The default keyboard is the general text input. Depending on the language
of the phone, the keyboard might change. For example if the language is
set to Russian, the keyboard would look like this:

ASCII Keyboard

A keyboard which can enter ASCII characters.

textField.keyboardType = .asciiCapable

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Numbers and punctuation

You can access this keyboard by pressing the bottom left button on
system's keyboard optimised for words.

textField.keyboardType = .numbersAndPunctuation


A keyboard optimised for entering URL. It's similar to the default keyboard
but it has the space key replaced with . , / and .com .

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textField.keyboardType = .URL


Similar to the URL keyboard this one replaces the space key with @ and
. . And also leaves a small space key, so the user is able to enter multiple

textField.keyboardType = .emailAddress

Phone numbers

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A keyboard that mimics the keyboard of what people used to call phones.
This keyboard is used by the contacts app.

textField.keyboardType = .phonePad

Web search

The web search keyboard adds a . in the bottom right corner next to
space and replaces the return button with Go


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Believe it or not, iOS has a keyboard optimised for writing tweets! It

replaces the return key of the default keyboard with @ and # .

Opening the keyboard

Sometimes you want to have the keyboard opened without user interaction.
Like in a sign up form, because you want the user to have to take as few
steps as possible. You can do this by telling the text field to become the first


Dismissing the keyboard

To dismiss the keyboard you have to tell the text field to resign as the first


In case you don't have a reference to the textField, you can tell the view that
contains the text field - or another input - to end editing and dismiss the

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This is really convenient when you have may inputs on the screen because
you don't have to change your code if you change the interface.

The text field is not a silver bullet!

The text field is the most used component for text input. It is also the most
misused component! There are a lot of cases where text input is not
necessary because the number of valid inputs is small or you can reduce
them without losing functionality or there is a better control for that kind of
input (ex. RGB values).

Let's take for example apartment listings. In a search form there is usually a
field for the number of rooms:

Instead of a text field you can use a segmented control:

Before you throw a text field in front of the user, ask yourself if you can
replace it with another control that will do the job better that entering text.


When the text file is empty it displays a placeholder string to signal what

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should be written inside it. When the text field becomes the first responder,
the placeholder disappears.


Depending on the style of your app you might want to use a different kind of
border than the default one:


Displays a rounded-style border for the text field. This is the default option.

textField.borderStyle = .roundedRect


Displays a thin rectangle around the text field.

textField.borderStyle = .line


Displays a bezel-style border for the text field. This style is typically used for
standard data-entry fields.

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textField.borderStyle = .bezel


The text field does not display a border.

textField.borderStyle = .none

Background Image
You can change the way a text field looks by changing it background image.
The image will be stretched to fit the size of the text field.

So if you use an image that looks like this:

textField.background = UIImage(named: "JustALine")

You will get a text field that looks like this:

Secure Input
For passwords or other sensitive information you should user secure text

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fields. To do so set the secureTextEntry property to true :

textField.secureTextEntry = true

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The text view is a scrollable multi-line text container that also supports
editing. The purpose of the text view is to display large amounts of text like
comments of the body of an email.

A cool thing that you can do with a text view and can't with a label or text
field, is to let the user open links.

There are two ways to highlight links in a text view:

1. By enabling automatic detection of link, addresses, phone numbers or

2. Using attributed strings

By default iOS will give safari any website. Some links have a different
format and will be handled by an app that supports it. For example opening
tel://0800123123 will call 0800123123 and sms://0800123123 will open the
Messages app in the new message screen. If you want to see a complete
list of URL schemas, browse this page.


Most of the methods are similar, if not the same, as the

UITextFieldDelegate and they handle basic editing events.

Another thing the delegate lets you customize is the behaviour of your app
when the users opens an URL. Instead of opening the application
responsible for that URL, you can load the content in a web view or trigger
an alternative action.

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extension ViewController: UITextViewDelegate {

func textView(_ textView: UITextView,

in characterRange: NSRange,
interaction: UITextItemInteraction) -> Bool {


return false

Handling Keyboard

The keyboard is controlled the same way as the text field is. Make the text
view the first responder to show the keyboard and resign it to dismiss the


Text Alignment
You can change the text alignment by setting the textAlignment property.


The text is left aligned. This is the default option.

textView.textAlignment = .left

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Text is centered.

textView.textAlignment = .center


Text is right aligned.

textView.textAlignment = .right

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Fully-justified. The last line in a paragraph is natural-aligned.

textView.textAlignment = .justified


The default alignment associated with the current localization of the app.

textView.textAlignment = .natural

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By default a text view is scrollable. You can disable scrolling by setting the
scrollEnabled property to false :

textView.scrollEnabled = false

You can enable or disable the editing behaviour of the text view by setting
the editing property.

textView.editable = false

Attributed Text
Like the label, the text view can display attributed text.

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UIImageView is the view that displays a single UIImage . The image can be
set using the image property.

let image = UIImage(named: "heart")

let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)

By default UIImageView will change its size to fit the image unless you set
its size.

Adding images in Xcode

You can add images along you swift files but that gets messy pretty fast.
The new way of handling resources on iOS is by using Asset Catalogs.

Open Assets.xcassets :

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Now open finder and go to the folder that contains the resources you want
to add:

Click and hold the resource and start dragging it in the direction where
AppIcon used to be in Xcode. Don't let go of the file! Hit
Command + tab ( ⌘ + tab ) to switch back to Xcode and drop the file
somewhere under the icon image set.

That will create an image set for you resource.

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An image set is a collection of images that are the same image at different
resolutions. This comes from the fact that iOS devices have retina screens
with different pixel densities.

To specify the pixel density, you have to add the suffix @2x for 2 by 2 pixels
per point and @3x for 3 by 3 pixels per point. You can find the complete list
of specification for naming your resources here.

Select the image set you want to add more resources to, after that go in
finder and drag and drop the resources inside it:

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After that the image set should be complete:

Content Mode

The content mode of an image specifies how the content should be drawn.

The default value for contentMode is .scaleToFill which scales the image
so that it fits in the bounds of the image view. Notice that this may distort the

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The option to scale the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the
aspect ratio. Any remaining area of the view’s bounds is transparent.

The option to scale the content to fill the size of the view. Some portion of
the content may be clipped to fill the view’s bounds.

The option to redisplay the view when the bounds change by invoking the
setNeedsDisplay() method. Also distorts the image.


The option to center the content in the view’s bounds, keeping the
proportions the same.

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The option to center the content aligned at the top in the view’s bounds.


The option to center the content aligned at the bottom in the view’s bounds.

The option to align the content on the left of the view.

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The option to align the content on the right of the view.

The option to align the content in the top-left corner of the view.

The option to align the content in the top-right corner of the view.


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The option to align the content in the bottom-left corner of the view.


The option to align the content in the bottom-right corner of the view.

User Interaction

By default the isUserInteractionEnable view property is set to false on

image views. If you want to use gesture recognizers on images, either set
the property to true , or add the image view inside a container view.

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The UISwitch is a control that represents a boolean value that can be
flipped on/off. It holds its state inside the isOn property.

You get notified of events by connecting to the valueChanged control event.

@IBAction func didFlipSwitch(_ switch: UISwitch) {



By setting the onTintColor property you can change the color of the active

mySwitch.onTintColor = .purple


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By setting the onTintColor property you can change the color of the knob:

mySwitch.thumbTintColor = .purple

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UISegmentedControl is a horizontal control made of multiple segments,
each segment functioning as a button. Each segment can show a title and
an image and has a state, either selected or not. Only one segment can be
selected at once. When a segment is selected, the one that was selected
before (if any) will be unselected. This control is used when the user has to
select between multiple things of the same kind.


You get notified of events by connecting to the valueChanged control event.

You can get the selected index from the selectedSegmentIndex property -
the segments are indexed starting with 0. If you need to get the title of a
segment you can do so by using the titleForSegment(at:) method.

@IBAction didSelectSegment(
_ segmentControl: UISegmentControl) {
let index = segmentControl.selectedSegmentIndex
let title = segmentControl.titleForSegment(at: index)

print("selected segment at \(index)")

print("title: \(title)")

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The UISlider control represents a value that can range over an interval.


You get notified of events by connecting to the valueChanged control event.

The value of the slider is held in the value property

@IBAction func didMoveSlider(_ slider: UISlider) {



Use this property to set the value that the leading end of the slider
represents. If you change the value of this property, and the current value of
the slider is below the new minimum, the slider adjusts the value property to
match the new minimum. If you set the minimum value to a value larger
than the maximum, the slider updates the maximum value to equal the
minimum. The default value of this property is 0.0 .

Use this property to set the value that the trailing end of the slider
represents. If you change the value of this property, and the current value of

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the slider is above the new maximum, the slider adjusts the value property
to match the new maximum. If you set the maximum value to a value
smaller than the minimum, the slider updates the minimum value to equal
the maximum. The default value of this property is 1.0 .

task priority (merge color red + green)

color = red slider.value + green (1-slider.value)

Thumb Image
You can change the thumb image by using the setThumbImage(_:for:)


slider.setThumbImage(coolThumb, for: .normal)

Thumb Tint
You can change the thumb tint by setting the thumbTintColor property:

slider.thumbTintColor = .purple

Min/Max Track Tints

slider.minimumTrackTintColor = .red
slider.maximumTrackTintColor = .black

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Tap me if you can

Make an app with a single view controller that displays a round red button.
Set the button title to Tap Me! .

Make the button move to a random position every 2 seconds. You can do
this with the help of perform(_:with:afterDelay:) .


Color Tap
Make an app with a single view controller that displays 6 colored buttons
and two labels. One of the labels is the score label and the other one is the
Every round the label is set a random color and text. The text is the name of
a random color. The user scores 1 point if he touches the button with the
color the text says and -10 otherwise. If the user does not select a color in

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3 seconds he should be penalized 1 point and the color label should


Make the phone vibrate every time the user makes a wrong move:


You will need to import the the AVFoundation framework. Click on the
project, then on target, then select the Build Phases tab. In the Link Binary
With Framework category press the "+" button and search for AVFoundation.

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Tweet Screen
Make a tweet screen usint UITextView . A label should indicate the number
of characters they have left until 140. The label should have the text color
gray if the number of empty spaces is above 10 , green is it's under 10

and above equal to 0 , and red if there are more than 140 characters in the

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Impossible Game

Make an app with a single screen that has two switches and a label with the
message "Turn both switches on to win!". Initially both switches are off.
When both switches are on, flip the switch that was changed before.

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Alpha slider
Bind the value of a slider to the alpha value of a view.


Color Picker

Make a color picker that also show lighter and darker shades so you can

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browse the color space more efficiently:

Step 1: Create a new Playground

Open Xcode and create a new Playground, set the platform to iOS.

Step 2: Create a View Controller

Create a subclass of UIViewController and initialize it's view with:

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class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func loadView() {
let width: CGFloat = 300
let height: CGFloat = 500

let screenSize = CGSize(width: width,

height: height)
let frame =
CGRect(origin: .zero,
size: screenSize)

view = UIView(frame: frame)

view.backgroundColor = .white

Step 3: Show the view in the Playground

The first thing we need to do is to import the PlaygroundSupport module:

import PlaygroundSupport

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


Create a instance of ColorPicker

let colorPicker = ColorPicker()

Set it as the liveView of the current Playground page:

PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = colorPicker.view

Open the Assistand Editor by pressing Command + Option + Return ( ⌘ +

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⌥ + ↩ ). You should be able to see a white rectangle in the right side of the
playground window.

Step 4: Basic UI

We need one sliders for each color component:

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {

var redSlider: UISlider!
var greenSlider: UISlider!
var blueSlider: UISlider!

func loadView() {

let sliderSize =
CGSize(width: width - 2 * padding,
height: 30)

let redSliderFrame =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: padding, y: 300),
size: sliderSize)

redSlider = UISlider(frame: redSliderFrame)

action: #selector(didMoveSlider(_:)),
for: .valueChanged)


let greenSliderFrame =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: padding, y: 340),
size: sliderSize)

greenSlider = UISlider(frame: greenSliderFrame)

action: #selector(didMoveSlider(_:)),
for: .valueChanged)


let blueSliderFrame =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: padding, y: 380),

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size: sliderSize)

blueSlider = UISlider(frame: blueSliderFrame)

action: #selector(didMoveSlider(_:)),
for: .valueChanged)


func didMoveSlider(_ slider: UISlider) {


Note that all sliders call the didMoveSlider(_:) method when their value
changes. That's because we have to do the same thing if any of them
changes - update the color on the screen.

And if we mentioned that let's make a view to display our color:

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


var colorView: UIView!

func loadView() {

let colorViewFrame =
CGRect(x: padding, y: padding,
width: width - 2 * padding,
height: width - 2 * padding)
colorView = UIView(frame: colorViewFrame)
colorView.backgroundColor = .white

The last line ads a border around the view so we can see the view even if
it's white.

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extension UIView {
func addBorder() {
layer.borderWidth = 0.5

At this point the UI should look like this:

Step 5: Update the color

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class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


func updateColor() {
let redAmount = CGFloat(redSlider.value)
let greenAmount = CGFloat(greenSlider.value)
let blueAmount = CGFloat(blueSlider.value)

let color = UIColor(red: redAmount,

green: greenAmount,
blue: blueAmount,
alpha: 1)

colorView.backgroundColor = color

func didMoveSlider(_ slider: UISlider) {


colorView should update when you move a slider.

Step 6: Show shades

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


let shadesCount = 10

var lightShades: [UIView] = []

var darkShades: [UIView] = []

override func loadView() {


let totalWidth = width - 2 * padding

let shadeSize = totalWidth / CGFloat(shadesCount)

for i in 0..<shadesCount {
// light shade
let lightShadeFrame =
CGRect(x: padding + CGFloat(i) * shadeSize,
y: 430,

Simple UI Components 204

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width: shadeSize,
height: shadeSize)
let lightShade = UIView(frame: lightShadeFrame)
lightShade.backgroundColor = .white


// dark shade
let darkShadeFrame =
CGRect(x: padding + CGFloat(i) * shadeSize,
y: 430 + shadeSize,
width: shadeSize,
height: shadeSize)
let darkShade = UIView(frame: darkShadeFrame)
darkShade.backgroundColor = .white


Update shades when the color changes:

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


func updateColor() {
let redAmount = CGFloat(redSlider.value)
let greenAmount = CGFloat(greenSlider.value)
let blueAmount = CGFloat(blueSlider.value)

let color = UIColor(red: redAmount,

green: greenAmount,
blue: blueAmount,
alpha: 1)

colorView.backgroundColor = color

for i in 0..<shadesCount {
let t = CGFloat(i) / CGFloat(shadesCount)

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let lightShade = lightShades[i]

lightShade.backgroundColor =
color.combine(with: .white, amount: t)

let darkShade = darkShades[i]

darkShade.backgroundColor =
color.combine(with: .black, amount: t)

Step 7: Initalize Sliders

Set the value of each slider to 0.5 so we can test if the shades are
displayed correctly:

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


override func viewDidLoad() {


redSlider.value = 0.5
greenSlider.value = 0.5
blueSlider.value = 0.5


The screen should look like this:

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Step 8: A finishing touch

Set the background color of the ColorPicker to a really white version of the
selected color:

class ColorPicker: UIViewController {


func updateColor() {

Simple UI Components 207

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view.backgroundColor =
color.combine(with: .white, amount: 0.9)

Download the complete Playground

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Auto Layout

A few years ago you might have gotten away without Auto Layout. Now
there are a couple of different iPhone sizes and on iPad you can run two
apps at the same time. Auto Layout is the way to go!

This chapter will cover the basics of Auto Layout so that you can start using
it in your apps. We are going to go in depth on a few examples so that we
cover all the basic types of relations you can have. In the end there are a
couple of exercises to practice what you've learned.

What is Auto Layout?

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iOS Spellbook

Auto Layout is a system that makes it easy to support multiple screen sizes
with one interface, by making your interface react to changes. It does this
by solving a set of layout constraints which describe the interface.

Why use Auto Layout?

Auto Layout makes layout code much simpler to write and maintain, also in
the most cases you don't even have to write code. That means less time
writing code and debugging it.

It's also easier to understand constraints than the other approaches

because in your head you use words not math.

Which one do you understand faster?

rightImage.x = leftImage.x + leftImage.width + padding


rightImage is padding points to the right of leftImage

Another reason might be that it is the default on iOS. With only a few
exceptions, Auto Layout is the right tool for the job.

Layout constraints
Layout constraints are descriptions of the mathematical properties and
relations between views. The NSLayoutConstraint class is used to create
constraints on both iOS and Mac. All constraints have a coefficient and a

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There are several types of constraints:

size constraints - ex. an image should have a width of 200

alignment constraints - a label should be centred vertically on the
spacing constraints - space between two labels or between a view and
the margin of the screen

What's the purpose of constraints?

In the end by solving the given set of constraints, Auto Layout will
determine the frame for each view in your screen. So each view should
have constraints that will help determine its width , height , x and y

position. There are a few exceptions but we are going to get into them later.

Relations to parent
A view can change its size and location based on its superview. But that
does not work the other way around.

One of the most common things you will do is making a view fill its parent.

Let's have some fun! :)

Download the started project and open Main.storyboard .

Starter Project

Find the initial view controller and add a view from the Object Library .

Resize the view so it fills the screen. You should see some helper lines
when you have the correct size.

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The initial view controller is signaled using an arrow

Give it a background color so you can see it. I made it red.

Ok that how it looks on an iPhone 7... how will this interface look like on
other devices?

Xcode has a tool for this! Open the Assistant Editor from the segmented
control in the top right corner of Xcode.

The default will open the swift code of the view controller you where editing.

In the top of the Assistant Editor you will find this menu. Click on

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You will see this menu.

Select Preview > Main.storyboard to see a preview of your interface.

You can add more devices from the + button in the lower left corner.

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Add a few devices.

Now we see that our interface has a few problems in landscape mode and
on iPad.

If you feel like you need more space when working on your interface with
Preview opened, you can close the Navigator from the control on the top

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right corner of Xcode.

OK. Now that you have enough room, let's start adding some constraints.

The easiest way to add a constraint is by control dragging. Open the

Document Outline in Interface Builder from the button on the lower left

Hold the control key ⌃ and then click drag from the red view to its

You should see a list of relations you can set.

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Hold alt ⌥ to change the available constraint options. All the constraints are
the same. The only thing that differs is whether they are relative to the
margin or not. We are going to cover margins later in this tutorial.

Add the following constraints:

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Leading Space to Container

Trailing Space to Container
Top Space to Container Margin
Bottom Space to Container Margin

Now the interface should work on all devices.

Quick tip

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You can control-drag directly on the interface. I recommended using

the Document Outline to have better precision. You will notice that
when you control+click drag on the interface, there will be different
options based on the direction you are dragging in - it will take you to
vertical or horizontal properties. If you can't click on a view because
there is more than one at the same location, you can shift+control click
on any point and you will see the list of views that are located at that

You can inspect the constraints you added from the Size Inspector .

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What's Leading/Trailing Space to Container?

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It's the space between the view and its superview. Leading is on the left.
Trailing is on the right. In the example we did before, these were all set to
0 .

How can I change that? What if I want to leave some empty space?

Select the leading space constraint. You can find it by selecting the view
and going to the Size Inspector . Click on the Edit button and set the
constant to 40 . You will notice that the view will resize according to the
new constraint. This only happens when you edit a constraint. When you

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change the frame of the view you will get a layout warning or error.

Double click on the constraint and take a closer look.

Before we mentioned that constraints describe the mathematical properties

and relations between views.

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Can you guess what relation the Leading Space constraint describes?

View.Leading = Superview.Leading + 40

One thing we need to understand is that the constant will change its sign
when we reverse the first and second item in order to maintain the same

If we reverse the order we get:

Superview.Leading = View.Leading - 40

Ok. Let try another one :)

In the storyboard there should be another screen. Make that one the initial
view controller.

Select the view controller object in the Document Outline pane. Or by

clicking the ViewController symbol:

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Check the Is Initial View Controller checkbox in the Attributes

Inspector .

The arrow should point to the other screen now.

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Our first goal is to make the BottomContainer stick to the bottom of the
screen and fill up the width of the screen. TitleLabel should fit inside.

Open Preview to see how this interface will behave.

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Not even close. Let's handle the container first :)

Can you guess which constraints are we going to use?

Making the container stick to the bottom and fill up the width of the screen is
pretty similar to making it fill the screen. Instead of adding a Top Space
constraint we are going to add one for the height of the container.

First add the constraints for leading, trailing and bottom space. Remember
to hold alt ⌥ to change the options.

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Before we added constraints that represented relations between two views.

In order to set the height of the container we only need to Pin the value of
a property.

Select BottomContainer and click on the Pin button. Check Height and
then add the constraint.

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Notice the red borders. They signal a missing constraint or an error.

After adding the height constraint on, they should be replaced by blue
borders - which means that the view has enough constraints and that
they are satisfied. If a view is misaligned, a yellow dotted frame will
show the position and size indicated by its constraints.

If we look at the preview now we see that we are getting closer to our goal.

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Let's make the TitleLabel fit inside the container. Add constraints for
leading, trailing, and top space from TitleLabel to its container:

You only need 3 constraint because the label gets its height from the font

If we look at the preview now we see that we are getting close:

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The label fits inside the container. But there is not enough room for the text
on smaller screens. We don't want all that empty space. Instead we want
the trailing space between the label and container to be at least 20 points.

Constrains don't only express equality relations. You can also say that a
certain attribute should be greater than or less than another one.

By default when you add a constraint in Interface Builder it creates a

constraint with an equality relation.

Let's change the trailing constraint to an inequality. First select the


Go to the Attributes Inspector and change the relation from Equal to

Greater Than or Equal and the constant to 20 . You might have the First

Item and Second Item reversed. In that case set the relation to Less Than

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or Equal and the constant to -20 or reverse the order from the
First/Second Item dropdown.

Constraint after update

dropdown shown when changing relation type

dropdown shown when clicking on the First Item. The last option
swaps items.

If you look at your constraint now you see that it shows a ≥ sign to indicate

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that constraint is an inequality.

Now the title will display properly on all devices.

What other relations can be created?

We can add constraints on the layout attributes of view.

size attributes: width and height

alignment attributes: leading, trailing, top, bottom, left, right centerX
and centerY. Left and Right are the same as Leading and Trailing in
left-to-right languages - in right-to-left they are reversed.

Relations to sibling

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Center the heart using a center horizontally and a center vertically


You can see in preview that the heart will show in the center of the screen
on all devices. Click on the Update Frames button from the bottom bar if
you see a yellow indicator.

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We want to make the We and Swift labels to be on the same level and
height as the heart, with a bit of spacing in between. We can do that! With
Auto Layout you can add constraints between views that have a common
superview (directly or indirectly).

Move the labels so that they are at the same level with the heart. Control
drag from each label to the heart and add a horizontal spacing constraint to
set the spacing between the label and the heart.

You will also need an align center vertically constraint to make the label be
on the same level with the heart. Add an equal height constraint to maintain

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Now the labels will be on the same level with the heart.

Aspect Ratio
The heart logo a bit too small on an iPad, right?

We can fix that with an aspect ratio constraint.

What's that?

So far when we made constraints, we've only used a coefficient of 1 so we

ignored it to make things easier to understand. The complete relation that a
constraint represents looks like this:

FirstItem.attribute1 = SecondItem.attribute2 * coefficient + constant

Control-drag from the heart to the screen and select the Aspect Ratio

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constraint. Go to the Size Inspector and double click on it.

Make sure you have Heart.width as the first item and Superview.width as

the second one. Depending on the direction you dragged you might have
gotten different combinations of width and height.

You can see that the constant for this relation is 0 and the coefficient is
60:667 or about eleven times smaller . Interface Builder lets you
express ratios in a more human friendly way - fractions! Because when you
see 0.09375 you don't immediately think - "Oh! That's 30/320 ". Fractions
are way more intuitive.

The gray background was added to make the aspect ratio clear

As you can see, this didn't make the heart bigger - it only made it wider. To
make it grow we need another constraint. This time from the width of the
heart to its height with a ratio of 1:1 - which will make the height of the
heart equal to its width, like a square. Control-drag from the heart to itself
and select the Aspect Ratio constraint.

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The gray background was added to make the aspect ratio clear

To make the text be proportional with the heart, we need to add two
constraints for each label. One from the label to itself, so it will maintain its
aspect ratio. And another one to the heart to fix the height.

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One last thing to notice here. On the iPad the text won't grow but the size of
the label will. You can fix this by setting the font size to something bigger -
like 100 .

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Stack View
So far so good. We made the We ❤ Swift logo with an image and two
labels. This approach has a small problem, you can clearly see on small
devices that the logo, as a whole, is not actually centred inside the view.

Any idea on how to solve this?

One way would be to move the components into a container and center that
container. Starting with iOS 9 we have a special container that makes this
kind of layout easy to implement - UIStackView. UIStackView uses Auto
Layout to arrange its subviews, one after the other, horizontally or vertically.
You can customise the spacing, alignment and distribution of subviews.

The alignment style refers to the way the stack view arranges its subviews
perpendicular to its axis. Here are a couple of examples of alignment:



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Let's make the main menu for a game using a stack view!

Add a few buttons for the different options from the menu and select all of

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Find the Stack button in the lower right corner of Interface Builder and
press it.

A stack view should wrap the buttons.

Select the stack view and open the Attribute Inspector .

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By default the spacing is 0 and the alignment is fill. Change the spacing to
10 and the alignment to Center .

Now let's get back to fixing the We ❤ Swift logo.

Remove the align center constraints from the heart and the horizontal
spacing ones between the heart and each label. You can do this by
selecting the constraint and the hitting the delete key.

Select the labels and the heart at the same time and then click on the
Stack button.

Select the stack view and set the alignment to Center and spacing to 10


Add the align center constraints to the stack view. And one more constraint
to make the width of the stack view less than the width of the screen.

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One more constraint between the stack view and the view for aspect ratio
and we are done:

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Intrinsic size
You noticed that when you change the font size of a label, the size of the
label changes. The same happens when you change the text it contains.

How does it do that?

You guessed it. The label uses some math magic to determine its size and
then tells Auto Layout how big it is.

To add support for this on your own view, all you need to do is to override
the intrinsicContentSize() method. If you do not have an intrinsic size for
any dimension you can return UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric . The default
implementation of intrinsicContentSize() returns
UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric for all dimensions. Some components, like the
UISwitch , have an intrinsic size for both dimensions, other just for one -
like a text field - the height is fixed but the width isn't.

In case your content changes, you can notify Auto Layout to update your
view by calling invalidateIntrinsicContentSize() on it.

Sometimes you want to add interface component close to the side of a
container, but not starting from the edge. The size of that space will depend
on the screen size. On an iPad you will want to leave more space than on
an iPhone. Fortunately iOS has a standard margin size defined for each
device. To arrange a view relative to the margin of its container, all you
need to do is make the constraint relative to the margin.

The default margin on iOS is {top: 8, left: 16, bottom: 8, right: 16}

on iPhone and {top: 8, left: 20, bottom: 8, right: 20} on iPad. To

change this you need to set the layoutMargins property in code.

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container.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 20, bottom: 10

Why are margins useful?

By using them you can adjust the placement of multiple views inside your

Constraints from code

So far we only worked with Interface Builder when adding constraints.
You can do it from code but in most cases this won't be needed.

There are three ways to create constraints from code:

create a NSLayoutConstraint and set its properties

use the visual format language to create multiple constraints at once.
use a library - my favorite is Cartography, it uses operator overloading
to make describing layout easy and intuitive and it has over 5000 stars
on github.

I'm going to add the same constraints from code in the three different ways.
The result will look like this:

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let leadingConstraint =
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.redView,
attribute: .leading,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view,
attribute: .leading,

Auto Layout 246

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multiplier: 1,
constant: 50)

let trailingConstraint =
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.redView,
attribute: .trailing,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view,
attribute: .trailing,
multiplier: 1,
constant: -50)

let topConstraint =
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.redView,
attribute: .top,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view,
attribute: .top,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 50)

let bottomConstraint =
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.redView,
attribute: .bottom,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view,
attribute: .bottom,
multiplier: 1,
constant: -50)

let constraints = [


Visual Format

let bindings =
Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral: ("redView", self.redView))

Auto Layout 247

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let horizontalConstraints =
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: bindings)

let verticalConstraints =
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: bindings)

For more about Visual Format language read this tutorial.


layout(redView) { view in
view.edges == inset(view.superview!.edges, 50, 50, 50, 50)

You can read more about Cartography and how to use it on github.

Animations and Auto Layout

When Auto Layout is enabled you cannot change the view frames directly.
Changes on frame, bounds or center, will have no effect. Changes to other
properties will not be affected by Auto Layout so they can be animated.

To change the frame of a view that has constraints, you can change the
constant or multiplier of any constraint then call layoutIfNeeded() on
that view. If you click on a layout constraint in Interface Builder you can
connect a referencing outlet from the Connections Inspector . See the

Auto Layout 248

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example below:

class ProfileViewController : UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var profilePictureHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet var profilePicture: UIImageView!


func makeProfilePictureTaller() {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4) { {
// change constraint
self.profilePictureHeightConstraint.constant = 100
// this will change the frame

Another way to change the frame of a view using Auto Layout, is by

changing the constraints that affect that view:

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4) {

Useful Shortcuts
control-drag from any view to add a constraint on it. After you click, a menu
will appear. If you press Option ( ⌥ ), the options will change - making them
relative or not to the margin.

⌘ + ⌥ + = : rearranges all the selected views based on their constraints,

or all views in the current screen, if none are selected.

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⌃ + ⇧ + click : shows you a list of all the objects that are under the
cursor in Interface Builder .

Auto Layout is a powerful tool - and the default layout engine for iOS.
Although, most cases can be solved directly from Interface Builder. It's a
good idea to understand what happens under the hood.

All exercises will give you a preview of an interface on a couple of devices.
Your task will be to recreate them based on the instructions.

1) The red view should have a width equal to 2/3 of the width of the screen
and half the height. The blue view should have a 1/3 of the width of the
screen. And the purple view should have half the height and the same width
as the screen.

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2) This is the view for a random cute image viewer. It has an image view
that fills most of the screen and three buttons.

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you can find the kung fu squirrel in the starter project in the asset

3) Under the navigation bar there should be a container. There should be a

segmented control centered inside that container. The rest of the screen is
taken by a table view.

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View Controller and Controller

iOS uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern.

This pattern has two main ideas:

1. Each object has one of three roles: model, view or controller.

a View is something you can see on the screen - all views are
subclasses of UIView .
a Model is a kind of data your app handles. For example an item
in a to do list, a location on the map, a user profile, etc.
a Controller is an object that displays one or more views
corresponding to one or more models - all controllers are
subclasses of UIViewController .
2. Not all kinds of objects talk to each other:
Models can talk directly with Controllers, but not with Views. For
example a news feed can tell the controller it has new items to
Views can talk directly with Controllers, but not with Models. Any

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 254

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UIControl (button, slider, text field, switch) can send events to the
Controller that displays it.
Views and Models can exchange messages indirectly by talking
with Controllers. For example when a button has been tapped the
controller is usually notified about the event.

You may have noticed that the class for a controller in iOS is
UIViewController and not UIController . Why? Well, that's because
controllers in iOS are a specific kind of controller, one that has a
corresponding view which it handles. You can access the view by using the
view property. That view represents what the controller will display.

Because we know that controllers have a corresponding view, we can

implement a default behaviour for all of them. For example presenting a
view controller on the screen or handling orientation changes. This allows
developers to create a consistent experience across apps.

That means that a lot of the hard work is already done and can be used on
all view controllers. To harness this power you will need to understand a
few things:

1. The View Controller Lifecycle

2. View Controller events
3. The Navigation Stack

View Controller Lifecycle

The lifecycle of any object involves these 3 steps:

1. The object get created

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2. The object is used

3. After the object is no longer needed, it gets destroyed - by that I mean
removed from memory

View controllers are similar in the sense that they have these three stages,
but each one has some specific things to look out for.

The general story of the view controller goes something like this:
somewhere in an app, our hero, the view controller, gets created by another
object. At this point the view controller has no view. The creator shows him
on the screen and a view gets created for our view controller. After a while,
another view controller might be presented on the screen, blocking the view
of our view controller - something like a camera screen. That screen is
dismissed and our view controller is visible again. After a (short) while our
hero gets removed from the screen and dies. The end!

When you show a view controller, the first thing that it will do is to create its
view, if it didn't before. There are three ways of doing this:

1. In code - this is handled by the loadView method.

2. Using a storyboard - if your app uses storyboard, you will ask the
storyboard to create the view controller and the storyboard .
3. Using a nib file - similar to how the storyboard works

The thing you need to remember here is that all options in the end call the
loadView method. You should never call loadView in your code directly.
The controller automatically calls loadView the first time its view property
is called and its value is nil .

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func loadView() {
let width: CGFloat = 300
let height: CGFloat = 500

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 256

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let screenSize =
CGSize(width: width, height: height)

let frame = CGRect(origin: .zero,

size: screenSize)

view = UIView(frame: frame)

view.backgroundColor = .white

Quick tip

If you want to load the view before it's shown on the screen, you can
simply call the view property.


You've guessed it! viewDidLoad is the method that gets called after
loadView finishes loading the view. This is a great place to continue your
interface setup.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

// add your custom logic here


Gets called after the view is created and before the view is shown on the
screen. At this point, the view will still have its original size and won't match

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 257

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the size of the screen.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


Gets called after the view is shown on the screen. At this point, the view
size will match the size of the screen.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
print("look at my view!")


viewWillDisappear gets called before the view will disappeared from the
screen. This can happen for three main reasons:

it has been removed from the view hierarchy

another view controller is presented
the app is going in the background

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 258

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viewWillDisappear gets called after the view disappeared from the screen.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
print("I'm going to miss you!")

Creating a New Controller

To create a new UIViewController subclass, right click on the main group
from you project and select New File :

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 259

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Select the Cocoa Touch Class template:

Change the class to UIViewController and name it:

This will create a swift file with the UIViewController subclass representing
that controller. To use it you need to add it to the storyboard. Drag and drop
a View Controller Object from the Component Library next to your other
view controller(s):

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 260

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Go to the Identity Inspector and change the class from

UIViewController to the one you just created and set the storyboard ID - I
usually use the name of the class for the storyboard ID.

You can make a separate file for this enum. You can instantiate a new view
controller by using the storyboard object:

let secondary = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(

withIdentifier: "AnotherViewController")

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 261

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Zen bits

To make your code less error prone, it's a good practice to keep all
your strings grouped in enums:

enum Screen: String {

case Main = "ViewController"
case Secondary = "AnotherViewController"


let secondary = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(

withIdentifier: Screen.Secondary.rawValue)

This will help you avoid making typos and needing to write long strings
without autocomplete :)

Presenting View Controllers

The easiest way to show a view controller on the screen is by presenting it
from another one:

guard let secondary =

Screen.Secondary.rawValue) else {

present(secondary, animated: true)

When the screen is done with its job, it can be dismissed by calling the
dismiss method:

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 262

iOS Spellbook

secondary.dismiss(animated: true)

the usual case is that the secondary controller calls the dismiss
method on self

Mini Project

Step 1: Create a New Project

Create a new Xcode project with the Single View Application template.

Step 2: Create Another View Controller

Add a new view controller named AnotherViewController to the project.
This involves creating the class and adding a view controller object in the
storyboard with the class and storyboard ID AnotherViewController .

Step 3: Present AnotherViewController

Add a button to ViewController with the title Present

AnotherViewController . Center it on the screen.

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 263

iOS Spellbook

Connect the .touchUpInside event with a new @IBAction called

didTapPresent .

In didTapPresent create an instance of AnotherViewController and

present it:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBAction func didTapPresent(_ sender: Any) {

guard let secondary =
Screen.Secondary.rawValue) else {

present(secondary, animated: true)


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iOS Spellbook

Run the project now. When you tap on the button you should see an empty

Step 4: Dismiss AnotherViewController

Add a button with the title Go Back in AnotherViewController . Connect the

.touchUpInside event to the didTapGoBack method and call the
dismiss(_) method in it:

class AnotherViewController: UIViewController {

@IBAction func didTapDismiss(_ sender: Any) {

dismiss(animated: true)

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iOS Spellbook

Run the app now. You should be able to switch back and forth between

You cannot present another modal from a controller that was presented
modally. To do that you need to use a navigation controller. That's a view
controller that manages a stack of controllers that are displayed.

The first thing you need to do, in order to use a navigation controller, is to
add it to your storyboard. Drag and drop a Navigation Controller from the
Component Library :

Make it the Initial View Controller :

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iOS Spellbook

Set your previous initial view controller as the root view controller of the
navigation controller:

Remove the other view controller created by the Navigation Controller

Object template or if you haven't setup you initial controller use that View
Controller Object . You do this by connecting the rootViewController

outlet with the desired controller object .

You can access the navigation controller by calling the

navigationController property on any view controller from the navigation


To push a view controller on the navigation stack you need to call

pushViewController method on the navigation controller instance:

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 267

iOS Spellbook

class ViewController: UIViewController {

func showSecondary() {
guard let secondary =
Screen.Secondary.rawValue) else {

animated: true)

To push a view controller on the navigation stack you need to call
popViewController method on the navigation controller instance:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

func popViewController() {
popViewController(animated: true)

The Navigation Bar

To make the navigation bar visible on a view controller object, you need to
set the Top Bar simulated metric:

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iOS Spellbook

This will make a navigation bar to appear on top of the view controller:

You can change the title from the Attributes Inspector or by setting the
title property on the view controller:

secondary.title = "Secondary"

View Controllers and Controller Hierarchy 269

iOS Spellbook

To hide the navigation bar you need to set isNavigationBarHidden property

to true.

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iOS Spellbook


Pass a reference

Present controller and pass give it a reference of a label from the initial
view. The second screen has an input field and a Go Back button. Display
the inputed text in the second screen in the label from the initial screen.

When you open the app the label says Nothing yet :

After that you enter some text:

And go back:

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iOS Spellbook



Make an app with a single view controller class. That controller shows a
label in the center indicating the deepness of the controller instance. Below
the label there's a button with the title Go Deeper . Every time you go
deeper, you push another instance of the same controller on the stack and
the level should increase by one, the initial level is 1.


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iOS Spellbook

Memory Game

The game shows 4 colored circles. Each circle makes a particular sound
when it is pressed or activated by the game. A round in the game consists
of the app lighting up one or more buttons in a random order, after which
the player must reproduce that order by pressing the buttons. As the game
progresses, the number of buttons to be pressed increases by one each
round, the first part of the sequence remains the same.

So the app might generate the sequence [.red] , if the user taps the red
circle, the app will add another color to the sequence, making it [.red,

.green] . After another succesfull round the sequence can become [.red,

.green, .red] . The sequence resets when the player makes a wrong

You can generate tones by using system sounds, the phone pad sounds
are perfect for this game:

enum Feedback: Int {

case pad0 = 1200
case pad1 = 1201
case pad2 = 1202
case pad3 = 1203

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case pad4 = 1204

case pad5 = 1205
case pad6 = 1206
case pad7 = 1207
case pad8 = 1208
case pad9 = 1209

func play() {
if self != .None {
let systemSoundID = SystemSoundID(self.rawValue)

You will need to import the AVFoundation framework in order to work with
system sounds.


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