SB18 03
SB18 03
SB18 03
This Service Document summarizes and consolidates the valve spring combination changes
presented in previous releases.
CMI recommends that all valve springs retain color-coded stripe identification (see Figure 1 and
Table 1). All valve springs in stockrooms should be color striped. Where necessary, reapply the
Dykem® color stripe after the disassembly from an engine and thorough cleaning.
NOTE: Never apply enamel paint to color-code springs.
In order to ensure proper marking, valve springs on hand should be checked against the spring
identification and test data shown in Table 1. The stripe should be approximately 1/4" wide and
should touch only the outside of each coil.
NOTE: Carefully apply the stripe to ensure it is clearly visible. Do
not apply striping in excess to cause runs or drips.
Color (Dykem® only, Do Not Use Enamel) Green Purple White or LT Blue Pink
Direction of Windings R.H. L.H. R.H. R.H. L.H.
Spring Free Length (Approx.) 1.781 2.312 2.125 2.125 2.100
Identification (In.)
Inside Dia. (Min.) 0.630 0.880 1.165 0.917 1.300
Wire Dia. 0.091 0.111 0.142 0.142 0.177
Compress to... 1.466 1.528 1.559 1.746 1.791
Color (Dykem® only, Do Not Use Enamel) Aluminum Blue Plain Blue Plain
Direction of Windings L.H. R.H. R.H. R.H. L.H.
Spring Free Length (Approx.) 2.312 2.406 2.156 2.125 2.187
Identification (In.)
Inside Dia. (Min.) 0.880 .912 .912 1.165 1.287
Wire Dia. 0.111 .142 .142 0.142 .177
Compress to... 1.528 1.809 1.809 1.559 1.840