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Bussaco 20 Exclusive Game Rules v1.

11 1

2. Place the French Morale marker on the „6‟

Bussaco 20 space and the British Morale marker on the
„7‟ space of the Morale Track. [11.5] Unit Arrival Locations: French
reinforcement units along the eastern map
[0.0] EXCLUSIVE RULES 3. Place the units on the map or the Game
edge in the indicated (color coded) area.
Turn Track (when they enter play as
This is the Exclusive Rules sheet for
Bussaco 20, a game that also uses the
reinforcements, 11.0) as listed below: [13.0] PASSING (“LULLS”)
French “Lulls” can be declared by either player
Napoleonic 20 Standard Rules. When
combined, these two rules documents form Hex 1011: Res Cav. Hex 1310: Lo(ison) starting with Turn 1.
the entirety of the rules needed to play Hex 1210: Ma(rchand) Hex 1312: Me(rle)
Bussoca 20. Hex 1211: Lt Cav. Hex 1410: Mr(Mermet) [14.0] NIGHT TURNS
Hex 1212: He(udelet) French Objective Hex: Cordiera
These Exclusive Rules supersede the
Standard Rules when there is a conflict. Turn 1: Cl(auset) (hex 1211).
Turn 2: So(lignac) British Objective Hex: Convent of Bussaco
[1.0] INTRODUCTION Set aside the Reserve Artillery unit. It (hex 1105).
Bussaco 20 is based on the battle that arrives as a possible Random Event.
occurred on 26 September 1810 during the British & Portuguese (“Allied”)
Peninsular campaign. One player commands New Unit Types
Hex 0410: 2 Hex 1106: Lt
the French army invading Portugal under the [16.8] Light Infantry: The British
Hex 0708: 5 Hex 1206: IB (Port.)
command of Marshal Massena, while the Light Division functions as a
Hex 0809: P (Port.) Hex 1306: 4
other leads the Anti-French forces consisting normal infantry unit in all respects
Hex 0907: 3 Hex 1602: Res Cav.
of the combined British and reconstituted except that it may disengage
Hex 1007: 1
Portuguese army under General Sir Arthur (exactly as per Rule 8.3).
Wellesley, Viscount of Wellington. [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY [16.9] Portuguese Reliability: Roughly half
[2.0] GAME EQUIPMENT The French player is the First Player. of Wellesley‟s army was Portuguese,
[4.1] Sudden Death: At the end of Game including many Portuguese formations that
The Game Map: The 11” x 17” map features
Turns 12-16, the Allied Player rolls a die. If were attached to his nominally British
that part of Portugal where the campaign took
the result is less than or equal to (≤) the divisions. Although they fought well,
number shown on that box of the Turn Track, Bussaco was the first major action for the
New Terrain Type: Steep Slope Hexsides reconstituted Portuguese army, and British
the game ends and the winner is determined.
are introduced in this game. commanders had serious reservations about
If the die roll is greater than the number
They are different than their reliability before the battle, as this
show, play proceeds to the next Game Turn.
regular Slope Hexsides only Optional Rule reflects:
in that they provide the [5.0] RANDOM EVENTS [16.9.1] Procedure: Whenever an Allied
defender a +2 Combat
Skip the French Player‟s Random Events unit is in Battle, roll a die to check for the
Strength benefit when
Phase on the first Game Turn. reliability of its Portuguese elements after
attacked exclusively from
Reserves (if any) have been committed to
hexes that are down slope. They have no
special effect on movement (just the usual +1
[6.0] MOVEMENT that Battle; one die roll is made for each
[6.10] Turn 1 Movement Allied unit involved. On a roll of ! or @,
Movement Point uphill penalty).
Restrictions: At the opening of the unit „wavers‟ and its Combat Strength
The blue units are French and Red units are is reduced by one (-1) for that Battle
the battle, General Wellesley was
British and Portuguese. only. On a roll of #, $, %, or ^, there is
uncertain of French intentions and
Unit abbreviations include: reluctant to commit his forces until the no effect.
Lt = Light Res = Reserve enemy‟s disposition was more evident. [16.9.2] Exempted Units: Certain units
P, Port = Portuguese Art = Artillery Accordingly, on Turn 1 (only) the British are or become exempted from these
Ma = Marchand Cl = Clauset player blindly picks one of the four “Units „Reliability Checks:‟
Me = Merle Lo = Loison Released” counters; the number on the ● British Elite Forces never have to check
He = Heudelet Mr = Mermet counter is the number of Allied units that their reliability.
IB = Indep. Brigades So = Solignac may be moved on Turn 1. These restrict-
tions are lifted at the start of Turn 2 and all ● Portuguese units always have to check
Elite Forces their reliability.
Allied units may move normally thereafter.
For the purposes of ● All other British unit types cease having
Routing (a -2 die roll [9.0] COMBAT to check their reliability for the
modifier; see 9.6) and remainder of the game once a ^ is
[9.8.6] Retreat Direction Priority:
Rallying (a +1 die roll rolled for any Reliability Check.
modifier; see 10.0), only the British 1st and ● French units must retreat towards one
Light Divisions are considered Elite Forces. of the two French LOC hexes on the east GAME CREDITS
edge of the map.
[3.0] SETTING UP THE GAME ● British units must retreat towards one of
Game Design: Lance McMillan
the two British LOC hexes on the west Game Development: Alan Emrich
After sides have been determined (i.e., who
will play the French and Anti-French side), edge of the map. Art & Graphic Design: John Cooper
setup proceeds as follows: Playtesting: Rod Bauer, John Leggat, Kevin
1. The Game Turn marker is placed on the McHale, Kim Meints, David Moody, Joe
„September 26 Midday‟ space. Oppenheimer, Hugh Tracy, David Wilson

© 2009 Lance McMillan and Victory Point Games

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