Weyland Brochure
Weyland Brochure
Weyland Brochure
Weyland Corporation is the first company to
One of the most profitable business sectors of Weyland
complete the application of faster-than-light
Corporation is shipping. Our towing and shipping vessels
theory to its entire fleet of Solar Electric
are more efficient thanks to the technology that allows
Vehicles (SEVs). Weyland Corporation continues
our employees to move cargo with less energy. When
to outperform the competition in the market.
these features are combined they result in a need of a
Our spaceships with FTL capabilities are
smaller interstellar crew to manage our freight
stronger, safer and more agile (in terms of
ships.Weyland Corporation’s freight division is an
maneuvering capabilities) in comparison to the
essential part of the company’s fleet, as the
rest of the market.
transportation of equipment, materials and ores help us
to prosper and succeed towards an even better future.
One of Weyland Corporation’s most popular and
Heliades revolutionized the known galaxy as the first- At Weyland Corporation, transportation isn’t
best-selling products is the RT Series: Group
ever FTL space exploration vehicle. Dual FTL engines are always about cargo or valuable ores. Sometimes
Transport. The RT Series group transport’s wheel
driven by a 3.2-terawatt RL fusion reactor. The ability to we need to transport our personnel for the
system is designed with Nano-reinforced hard
provide molecularly stable transport for ship components expedition journeys that take them to the
composite wheels that resist temperatures of up
and human crew over light-years of space gives Weyland distant corners of the galaxy. Hypersleep
to two-thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Its ceramic
Corporation scientists, explorers and planetary engineers Chamber of Weyland Corporation is the only
gas turbine engine has five million pounds of
access to regions that were previously imagined to be product in the market that can suspend the
thrust, making its cargo weight virtually
inaccessible. ICC-certified and compliant, our newest autonomic functions of a body while maintaining
unlimited. The personnel bay can comfortably fit
flagship model has a payload of up to ten-megatons and a the health of the designated crew personnel
up to thirty occupants at a time.
redesigned airframe and features lab facilities, a medical during stasis. Thanks to Zero-loss lithium ion
bay and over a dozen HES-compatible chambers. batteries that come with a tertiary backup
system, in case of emergencies the chamber’s
function can be supported up to a hundred