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Effects of Alumina Nano Metal Oxide Blended Palm Stearin Methyl Ester Bio-Diesel On Direct Injection Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions

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ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

Effects of Alumina Nano Metal Oxide Blended Palm Stearin

Methyl Ester Bio-Diesel on Direct Injection Diesel Engine
Performance and Emissions

K.Krishna1, B.Sudheer Prem Kumar2, K.Vijaya Kumar Reddy3, S.Charan Kumar4

and K.Ravi Kumar5
Research Scholars, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Al-Habeeb College of Engineering & Technology,

Abstract: The Present Investigation was carried out to study the effect of Alumina Metal Oxide
(Al2O3) Nano Particles as additive for Palm Stearin Methyl Ester Biodiesel (B 100) and their
blends as an alternate fuel in four stroke single cylinder water cooled, direct injection diesel
engine. Alumina Nano Particles has high calorific value and relatively high thermal conductivity
(30ˉˡ W m Kˉˡ) compare to diesel, which helps to promote more combustion in engines due to their
higher thermal efficiency. In the experimentation Al2O3 were doped in various proportions with
the Palm Stearin Methyl Ester Biodiesel (B-100) using an ultrasonicator and a homogenizer with
cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as the cationic surfactant. The test were performed
on a Kirsloskar DI diesel engine at constant speed of 1500 rpm using different Nano Biodiesel
Fuel blends (psme+50 ppm, psme+150 ppm, and psme+200 ppm) and results were compared
with those of neat conventional diesel and Palm Stearin Methyl Ester Bio diesel. It was observed
that for Nano Biodiesel Fuel blend (psme+50ppm) there is an significant reduction in carbon
monoxide (CO) emissions and Nox emissions compared to diesel and the brake thermal efficiency
for (psme+50ppm) was almost same as diesel.

Keywords: Nano particles, Biodiesel, Alumina Oxide, Diesel Engine, Performance,


In this 21st century as demand is more, supply is less. One of the key to country’s growth is
transportation. Transportation plays a major role in any sector. Because of the transportation
world is moving further. Due to the modernization numbers of vehicles are increasing. The
main key energy of vehicle is fuel (petroleum product). Fossil fuels (crude oil) are not evenly
distributed in the world, there is an imbalance of fossil fuels which effects the country’s
economy by importing. Due to extensive use of vehicles, pollution levels are increasing
significantly. The effects of these pollutants are directly on the living things and environment.
Biodiesel is a promising alternative for our Diesel needs. In the view many scientists searched
for an alternate to diesel fuel to preserve global environment and to with stand economical
crisis. So, vegetable oils from plants both edible, crude non-edible and Methyl esters

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

(Bio-diesel) are used as alternative source for diesel oil. Palm stearin methyl ester has the
advantages of higher cetane number, oxygen content and it is clean and also renewable. While
Biodiesel having certain disadvantages such has higher viscosity, higher pour point, lower
calorific value, higher emissions.
In order to resist the problems related with biodiesel, a fuel additive were being used. Generally
a Nano additive improves the combustion efficiency due to their high energy content and
reduces exhaust emissions. Metallic based fuel additive compounds, such has alumina,
manganese, iron, copper, barium, calcium and platinum etc., have been used as fuel additive for
hydrocarbon fuel.
Ali M.A. Attia and Mohamed S. Shehata [1] conducted experiment on Effects of Alumina Nano
Particles Additives into Jojoba Methyl Ester-Diesel Mixture on Diesel Engine Performance. For
this study alumina nano-particles are taken and added to a mixture of jojoba methyl ester
(biodiesel) and conventional diesel fuel (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel fuel) with different
doses from 10 up to 50 mg/l. They observed that at 30 mg/l the overall BSFC is reduced by
about 6%, engine thermal efficiency is increased up to 7%, and all engine emissions have been
reduced (NOx about 70%, CO about 75 %, smoke opacity about 5%, and UHC about 55 %)
compared with the corresponding values obtained when only a blended fuel of 20% biodiesel is
used. C. Syed Aalam , C.G. Saravanan [2] conducted experiment on Effects of nano metal oxide
blended Mahua biodiesel on CRDI diesel engine. They conducted experiment on CRDI diesel
engine at a constant speed of 1500rpm using different ANP-blended biodiesel fuel (MME20 +
ANP50 and MME20 + ANP100).They observed substantial enhancement in the brake thermal
efficiency and a marginal reduction in the harmful pollutants (such as CO, HC and smoke) for
the nanoparticles blended biodiesel MME20 + ANP50. They also observed that ANP reduced
HC and CO emissions up to 26.04% and 48% compared with a biodiesel blend (MME20).
AmbarishDatta, Bijan Kumar Mandal [3] conducted experiment on the performance,
combustion and emission parameters of a compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel, palm
stearin biodiesel and alcohol blends. They have consider a blend of 15 % Bio diesel (palm
stearin methyl ester) and 85 % diesel and another blend of 15 % biodiesel, 70 % diesel and 15 %
alcohol (both ethanol methanol separately) as fuels. Their experimental result showed that the
harmful emissions in terms of CO2, NOx, PM are reduced by an amount of 1.36%, 25.10%,
56.88% respectively, for ethanol blending. But, the thermal efficiency increases with ethanol
and methanol addition to diesel–biodiesel blend by 1.73 and 2.47 %, respectively.

Sajith V and Mohamed PM [4] carried out experiment on Development of Stable Cerium
Zirconium Mixed Oxide Nanoparticle Additive for Emission Reduction in Biodiesel Blends .In
this experiment jatropha oil was taken as bio diesel. Synthesized cerium zirconium mixed oxide
nanoparticles were in the size range of 20 - 30 nm. To B5, B10 and B15 7.5 ppm, 10 ppm and 15
ppm of nano particles were added and blended and used as a fuel. The experimental results
indicated that there was an 15% average reduction of NO emissions was observed for B5 and
B10 blends with 15 ppm of catalytic nanoparticle concentration. A maximum reduction of 25%
was observed in HC emission for B15 blend with 15 ppm catalytic nanoparticle concentration.

D. Ganesh and G. Gowrishankar [5] conducted investigation on the Effect of Nano Fuel
Additives [Magnalium (Al-Mg) and cobalt oxide (Co3O4)] on the Performance and Emission
Characteristics of Jatropha Biodiesel (B100) in a Single Cylinder, Air Cooled, Direct Injection

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

Diesel Engine. The nano particle size was in the range of 38 – 70 nm. The nano particles (100
mg/l) were dispersed in the fuel by an ultrasonicator with the assistance of optimized surfactant
(CTAB) concentration. They observed that 1% improvement in thermal efficiency for
magnalium additive compare to B100 without additive. NOx emission increased for biodiesel
(B100) compare to diesel. By comparing two additives cobalt oxide has better NO reduction.

S.Manibharathi, B.Annadurai, R.Chandraprakash [6] carried out Experimental Investigation of

CI Engine Performance by Nano Additive in Biofuel. For this experiment rhodium oxide
(Rh2O3) was considered as nano additive and pongamia oil as bio diesel. Rhodium oxide size
was in the range of 100nm. Nano fuel additive reduces CO emission up to 45% compare with
biodiesel, 37 % reduction of NOX compared to bio diesel. K.Fangsuwannarak and K.
Triratanasirichai [7] conducted Investigation on Improvements of Palm Biodiesel Properties
by Using Nano-TiO2 Additive, Exhaust emission and Engine Performance .B2, B10, B20, B30,
B40, B50 , and B100 are taken as fuel in this nano-TiO2 were added. It was observed that
addition of 0.1% nano-TiO2 level in the fuel improved the engine performances. For
B100_0.1% sample as compared with standard B20 fuel, a maximum increase of around 1.56%
in the average brake power was obtained at low speed range of 1600-3000 rpm. On the other
hand, B100_0.1% sample provided a maximum decrease of around 2.43% in the average brake
power at high speed range above 4000 rpm. The most effectiveness of an average CO emission
reduction of around 29% is to dose 0.1% nano-TiO2 additive in B20 fuel blend. S.Ch. Rao,
M.SrinivasaRao [8] conducted experiment on Performance Analysis of DI Diesel Engine
Fuelled with Diesel along with Nano Additives. Cerium oxide and zinc oxide were
considered as the nano additives. The experiment was conducted for 40ppm , 80ppm,
250ppm and 500ppm nano additives. The result showed that brake specific fuel
consumption of zinc oxide 250ppm nanoparticle is nearly same as cerium oxide 40ppm
and also zinc oxide 500ppm blend is nearly same as cerium oxide 80ppm at higher loads.
The smoke was found lower when using the 40ppm cerium oxide nanoparticles
compared to the neat diesel and other nano additives. Marginal improvement was
observed in brake thermal efficiency by adding nanoparticles at full load.

The equation between viscosity and Higher Heating Values for vegetable oils is
HHV=0.0317v +38.053 (1)
For Biodiesel HHV =0.4625v +39.450
The equation between density and higher heating value for biodiesel is:
HHV=-0.0259ρ +63.776 (3)
The equation between flash point and higher heating value for biodiesel is:
The measured Cetane number and physical properties of the biofuels were analyzed to obtain
regression equation and to rank the physical properties based on R2 values. The following
physical properties are ranked in descending order based on precision (R2) of predicting Cetane
numbers: boiling point> viscosity> heating value> carbon number> melting point> density [9].
The present investigation to study the effects of alumina nanoparticles added to a mixture of
palm stearin methyl ester biodiesel (B 100) by volume.

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

Table 1. Properties Biodiesel-Nano Particles and Diesel

Description viscosity Density Calorific
@ 40°C @15°C value Flash point(°C) Cetane number
(cSt) (kg/m³) (kJ/kg)

Diesel 3 815 42,000 56 47

PSME 4.52 871.96 38,000 192 60
PSME+50ppm 4.61 871.94 41,128 130 51
PSME+150ppm 4.60 872.81 46,600 95 53
PSME+200ppm 4.60 872.82 49,536 69 55


Palm oil is processed into palm olein and palm stearin. Palm stearin is the solid fraction of
palm oil that is produced by partial crystallization at controlled temperature. It is more variable
in composition than palm olein, the liquid fraction of palm oil, especially in terms of its solid fat
content, and therefore has more variable physical characteristics. Palm oil with an estimated
global (annual) production of 25-27 million tons is the second most produced oil in the world.
The leading producers of palm are Malaysia (13 million tons) and Indonesia (10million tons),
and together they have provided about 80% to 90% of the world's palm oil. Palm stearin methyl
ester is used as alternate fuel for diesel engine which is refined from palm oil Figure 6.
The Nano particles bio diesel fuel is prepared by mixing the aluminum oxide nano particles in
the palm stearin methyl ester with the aid of an ultrasonicator Figure 1. The ultrasonicator
technique is the best suited method to disperse the nano particles in base fuel (palm stearin
methyl ester), as it facilitates possible agglomerate nanoparticles back to nanometer range
Figure 5. Nano particles are generally having higher surface area and hence surface energy will
be high and it will tend to agglomerate to form a micro molecule and starts to sediment. In order
to make nano particle to be stable in a base fluid, it should be evolved to surface modification.
CetylTrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) is a cationic surfactant and it forms an envelope
on the surface of the particle and makes the surface as a negative charge. Hence the particle
sedimentation was controlled. In order to disperse the nano particle to base fluid ultrasonication
procedure was followed. A known quantity of (say 100 mg) additive and of CTAB (100 mg)
were weighed and poured in the biodiesel and ultrasonicated for 1 hour. Then it forms a stable
nano-fluid Figure 2.


Details of engine specifications are given in Table 2. The tests were conducted on Kirloskar TV
1, four stroke, single cylinder direct injection, water cooled diesel engine at the rated output 5.2
kW at 1500 rpm from Figure 3. Initial tests were conducted with diesel to prove the base line
data and then it was fuelled with PSME, PSME+50ppm, PSME+150ppm and PSME+200ppm.
Eddy current dynamometer was used for loading the engine. The MARS five gas analyser was
used to measure CO2, CO, HC, and NOx exhaust Emissions. The experimental is shown in
Figure 4.

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

Table 2. Specifications of Engine

Make and Model Kilsoskar,TV1
Number of cylinders One
Cylinder bore 87.5 mm
Stroke 110 mm
Compression Ratio 17.5
Swept volume 661 cc
Rated Output 5.2 kW
Cooling Type Water
Rated Speed 1500 rpm
Dynamometer Type Eddy Current
Nozzle opening Pressure 180 bar
Fuel Injection Timing 23° CA b TDC Diesel

Figure 1 Alumina NanoParticle Figure 2 Ultrasonicator Figure 3 Experimental engine

Figure 4 Computerized single cylinder-stroke DI Diesel Engine with Eddy Current Dynamometer
1.Water inlet Tmperature (T1°C) 2. Water inlet from the calorimeter (T3°C)

3.Water outlet Temperature (T2) 4. Water outlet from the calorimeter (T4°C)

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

5. Calorimeter Exhaust gas inlet Temperature (T5°C) 6.Calorimeter Exhaust gas outlet calorimeter (T6°C)

Figure 5 AL2O3 SEM Figure 6 Biodiesel Production Plant diagram


Brake thermal Efficiency
Brake thermal efficiency is defined as how well an engine converts the heat from a fuel to
mechanical energy. From the Figure 7. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases with the load
for all the fuels (PSME, PSME+50ppm, PSME150ppm, and PSME200ppm). The BTE of
PSME and PSME+50ppm is better than that of remaining blends and conventional diesel due to
the higher cetane value of fuel. For PSME+150ppm and PSME200ppm there is a reduction in
BTE compared to diesel, due to higher oxygen content in the alumina nanoparticles.

Brake Specific Fuel Consumption

Figure 8 with the increase in load, brake specific fuel consumption decreases. It is related with
brake thermal efficiency. At higher load conditions the brake thermal efficiency is increased and
brake specific fuel consumption decreased. It was found that BSFC is minimum for pure diesel,
when compared to PSME, PSME+50ppm, PSME+150ppm, PSME+200ppm. To enhance the
engine performance AL2O3 was added to the biodiesel. The addition of additive a marginal
increment in BSFC due their higher viscosity.

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

Figure 7 Variation of BTE Vs Load Figure 8 Variation of BSFC Vs Load

Carbondioxide (CO2)
Figure 9 shows the variation of CO2 emission for PSME, PSME+50ppm, PSME150ppm,
PSME+200ppm, and conventional diesel with 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% load. It was
observed that as the load increases the CO2 emissions steadily increases for all conditions.
Carbondioxide emissions were reduced when compared to base line fuel except PSME because
of their brake thermal efficiency energy released is less.
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)

It was observed that from the Figure 10 the Oxides of Nitrogen (NOₓ) levels are higher with
biodiesel compared to diesel operation. NOₓ emissions increase with biodiesel operation due to
the reactive nature of biodiesel molecule at higher temperature and oxygen present in its
structure. By adding aluminium oxide, there is reduction in NOX emission. This is because
aluminium oxide acts as an oxygen buffer and donates surface lattice oxygen. It was observed
that bio diesel with 50ppm aluminium oxide has 9.70% less NOX formation than diesel.
Unburned Hydrocarbon (UBH)
The variation of unburned hydrocarbon emission with 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% load
shown in Figure 11. Hydrocarbon emissions are formed as a result of incomplete combustion of
fuel and quenching of flame near the combustion chamber walls. The UBH emission for PSME
is higher than that of PSME150ppm and PSME+200ppm blended fuel due to their lower
thermal efficiency resulting in incomplete combustion. However, the UBH emission is same for
PSME+50ppm blend fuel than biodiesel (B 100). This could be due to catalytic activity and
improved combustion characteristics of the AL2O3 nanoparticles blended fuel.
Carbonmonoxide (CO)

Figure 12 shows the variation in the CO emission for the tested PSME blended fuels. CO is an
intermediate combustion product and is predominantly formed due to the lack of oxygen and
incomplete combustion .If combustion is complete CO will be converted to CO2. CO are found
to be considerably reduced on the addition of the alumina oxide additive. This is due to the

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

improved fuel air mixing in the combustion chamber. It was observed that bio diesel with
50ppm aluminium oxide has 39.21% (on an average) less CO formation than diesel.

Figure 9 Variation of CO2 Vs Load Figure 10 Variation of NOx Vs Load

Figure 11 Variation of UBH Vs Load Figure 12 Variation of CO Vs Load

The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of Alumina Metal Oxide (AL2O3) Nano
particle as additive for Palm Stearin Methyl Ester on performance and emission characteristics
of CI engine, based on the experiments the following conclusions are drawn:
• The break thermal efficiency was almost same for diesel and palm stearin methyl ester
blended with alumina (50ppm).
• By using palm stearin methyl ester blended with alumina (50ppm) the carbon monoxide
(co) emissions were decreased by 39.21% compared to diesel.
• The NOX emissions were decreased by 9.70% for 50ppm alumina nano particle blended
with palm stearin methyl ester compared to diesel.
• Palm stearin methyl ester (B 100) has higher NOX emissions.
• On the whole it is concluded that 50ppm alumina can be used as additive with biodiesel
which showed reduction in emissions as well as compatible performance characteristics
with diesel.

ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012212 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012212

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards Dr.B.Sudheer Prem Kumar,
Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, JNT University Hyderabad for his guidance.
I am thankful to Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department,
JNT University Hyderabad for his co-operation. At last but in no way the least I thank all
Mechanical staff at JNTUH University Hyderabad, without whose help this work would not
have been completed.


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