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Nanoparticles As Additive in Biodiesel On The Work

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Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Mechanical Engineering

Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a

DI diesel engine
A. Prabu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620 015, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This experimental work investigates the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a sin-
Received 4 January 2016 gle cylinder direct injection (DI) diesel engine with three fuel series: biodiesel–diesel (B20), biodiesel–die
Revised 12 April 2017 sel–nanoparticles (B20A30C30) and biodiesel–nanoparticles (B100A30C30). The nanoparticles such as
Accepted 23 April 2017
Alumina (Al2O3) and Cerium oxide (CeO2) of each 30 ppm are mixed with the fuel blends by means of
Available online xxxx
an ultrasonicator, to attain uniform suspension. Owing to the higher surface area/volume ratio character-
istics of nanoparticles, the degree of mixing and chemical reactivity are enhanced during the combustion,
attaining better performance, combustion and emission attributes of the diesel engine. The brake thermal
Cerium oxide
efficiency of the engine for the nanoparticles dispersed test fuel (B20A30C30) significantly improved by
Nanoparticles dispersed test fuels 12%, succeeded by 30% reduction in NO emission, 60% reduction in carbon monoxide emission, 44%
NO reduction in hydrocarbon emission and 38% reduction in smoke emission, compared to that of B100.
Ó 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Ain Shams University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction tally studied the promotion of cerium oxide nanoparticles with

ethanol and revealed that nanoparticles can be used as a fuel-
Biodiesel is conceived as a renewable and environment-friendly borne additive in hydrocarbon liquid fuels. Later Farfaletti et al.
fuel benignant to petro-diesel [1], with benefits of lower level of [11] employed ceria nanoparticles as additive in diesel emulsion
smoke, unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide than fuel and found significant reduction of Particulate Matter, CO,
petro-diesel [2]. It is easier to achieve clean combustion with bio- and UBHC emission. Kao et al. [12] studied the working character-
diesel, resulting in reduced level of exhaust emission by using oxy- istics of a single cylinder diesel engine by using aluminium
genates as additives [3,4] antioxidants as additives [5] and nanoparticles of 3 and 6% volume separately in diesel and found
nanoparticles as additives [6,7] in biodiesel. Recently, many significant reduction of fuel consumption, smoke and NO emission.
researchers focused their attention on fuel formulation technique Arul Mozhi Selvan et al. [13] conducted experiments in computer-
for achieving better performance and emission characteristics. ized single cylinder, four stroke, DI variable compression ratio
Among the recent fuel additives to biodiesel, the nanoparticles as engine by using cerium oxide nanoparticles as additive in diesel
additive in biodiesel has emerged as a new promising fuel additive and biodiesel-ethanol blends and observed substantial reduction
for achieving utmost improvement in the performance and level of exhaust emission with marginal improvement in the brake ther-
best reduction of exhaust emission. Dreizin [8] observed that the mal efficiency. Meantime Sajith et al. [14] conducted experiments
nanoparticles dispersed test fuels shows better thermo physical in a naturally aspirated, four stroke, single cylinder, water cooled
properties due to its higher surface to volume ratio and acts as compression ignition engine to study the effect of cerium oxide
an oxygen buffer with respect to NO emission. Later, Kenneth nanoparticles dispersed at 20 to 80 ppm in Jatropha biodiesel for
et al. [9] observed that nanoparticles enhance the heat transfer evaluating the engine performance and emission characteristics
rates due to its higher specific surface area. Idriss [10] experimen- and resulted with significant reduction of NO by 30% and UBHC
by 40% for cerium oxide nanoparticles dispersed test fuel, besides
percentage improvement of brake thermal efficiency by 1.5%.
E-mail address: prabu1603@gmail.com
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
Sadhik Basha and Anand [15] carried out experimental investi-
gations in a single cylinder, four stroke, naturally aspirated, air
cooled, constant speed, direct injection diesel engine by using Car-
bon Nanotubes (CNT) dispersed at 25, 50 and 100 ppm separately
Production and hosting by Elsevier
in Jatropha biodiesel by using surfactants Span 80 and Tween 80

2090-4479/Ó 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
2 A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx


BTE brake thermal efficiency CeO2 Cerium oxide

bmep brake mean effective pressure ppm parts per million
BSEC brake specific energy consumption B100 Jatropha Biodiesel
CO carbon monoxide B20 80% diesel + 20% B100
UBHC unburned hydrocarbon B100A30C30 100% B100 + 30 ppm Al2O3 + 30 ppm CeO2
NO nitric oxide B20A30C30 20% B100 + 80% Diesel + 30 ppm Al2O3 + 30 ppm
DI direct injection CeO2
bTDC Before Top Dead Centre
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
Al2O3 Alumina

as a bridging medium for the preparation of Jatropha emulsion test are compared with the data from the Joint Committee on Powder
fuel. Based on the results, they found enhanced brake thermal effi- Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). The characteristics studies of
ciency percentage of 15% with significant NO reduction percentage nanoparticles is shown in Fig. 1.
of 29%. The same team [16] evaluated the effect of alumina For this experimental investigation, three types of test fuels are
nanoparticles as additives in the water diesel emulsion fuel, on prepared, denoted as BxAyCy (x means volume fraction and y
the working characteristics of a diesel engine at a constant speed means ppm). They are: B20 (containing 20% biodiesel and 80% die-
of 1500 rpm and found significant reduction of UBHC, NO and CO sel in volume percentage), B100A30C30 (containing 100% biodiesel
emissions for the alumina nanoparticles dispersed water diesel in volume percentage, 30 ppm Alumina, and 30 ppm Cerium
emulsion fuel compared to the neat water diesel emulsion fuel. oxide), and B20A30C30 (containing 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel
Recently Prabu and Anand, [6] conducted experiments by in volume percentage, 30 ppm Alumina, and 30 ppm Cerium
blending two nanoparticles alumina and cerium oxide of each oxide). Dispersion of nanoparticles with fuels is prepared by using
30 ppm in Jatropha biodiesel as separate and combined addition an apparatus called Ultrasonicator (Fig. 2) for 45 min to prepare
as fuel in a single cylinder DI diesel engine and observed promi- the homogeneous B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels. The pre-
nent percentage reduction of NO, CO, UBHC and smoke emission pared test fuels are subjected to the stability investigation; kept in
by 13, 60, 33 and 32% respectively. Though, very few studies have a 100 ml graduated scale glass test tube under static conditions
been carried out for the nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel, the and found stable for 12 h. The physicochemical properties for the
experimental investigations on engine performance and emission diesel, B100, B20, B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels are tested
characteristics for two nanoparticles as additives in Jatropha bio- as per ASTM standards and are listed in Table 2.
diesel blends was limited. In view of this, the present paper mainly
committed to a comparison of performance and emission charac- 2.2. Experimental setup and operating conditions
teristics of a single cylinder DI diesel engine fueled with two
nanoparticles dispersed biodiesel and biodiesel blend. In this study, a single cylinder, four-stroke DI diesel engine is
employed for determining the performance, combustion and emis-
2. Experimental setup and procedure sion characteristics of the engine with the detailed specifications of
engine test rig listed in Table 3. Diesel engine is coupled with an
2.1. Preparation of test fuels electrical loading device (AC alternator) for loading and the engine
exhaust gas temperature is measured using calibrated K-type ther-
In this research work, commercially available Jatropha biodiesel mocouple placed immediate exhaust of the diesel engine. The
(B100) (Supplier: M/s. Ahimsa Agri (P) Ltd., Chennai, India) and die- engine setup has two fuel tanks: One fuel tank is meant for diesel
sel fuel are employed. The fuel properties for all the test fuels are fuel and the other for biodiesel, connected to 50 cm3 standard glass
verified before they are subjected for the engine experimental burette and the volumetric fuel flow rate is measured using a dig-
investigations. Nanoparticles such as Alumina and Cerium oxide ital stop watch. The setup consists of data acquisition system that
are purchased from Alfa Aesar and Sigma Aldrich Company respec- comprises piezoelectric pressure sensor and a crank-angle indica-
tively and the specifications of nanoparticles are listed in Table 1. tor for measuring the combustion characteristics of the engine.
The morphology of the nanoparticles is determined by Scanning The pressure transducer is used to measure the cylinder pressure,
Electron Microscope (Model: VEGA3 TESCAN, Czech Republic). heat release rate, and ignition delay for 50 successive cycles those
The crystalline phase of nanoparticles are determined by X-ray are averaged and calculated by amplifying the output signal of the
Diffraction (Model: Rigaku, Ultima IV, Japan) and the intensities pressure transducer connected to the data acquisition system. The
level of exhaust gas emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO),
unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC) and nitric oxide (NO) are measured
Table 1
by using AVL Digas 444 exhaust gas analyzer and the smoke opac-
Specification of nanoparticles.
ity is measured by using AVL 437 Smoke meter.
Item Specification The experiments are conducted in a single cylinder DI diesel
Manufacturer M/s. Alfa Aesar, M/s. Sigma Aldrich, engine operated at constant speed of 1500 rpm, with fixed injec-
USA USA tion pressure of 216 bar and fixed injection timing of 26° bTDC.
Chemical Name Alumina (Al2O3) Cerium Oxide (CeO2) The schematic view of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3.
CAS No 1344-28-1 1306-38-3
Molecular Weight 101.96 172.11
Engine is started under no load condition; allowed to warm up
Average particle size 51 nm 32 nm for the rated speed of 1500 rpm and all the readings are taken
diameter under steady state conditions. Engine performance parameters
Specific surface area 32 m2/g 30 m2/g such as brake thermal efficiency and the emission parameters such
Appearance White Yellow
as NO, EGT, CO, UBHC and smoke opacity are quantified and the

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Figure 1. SEM and XRD images of nanoparticles.

uncertainty analysis for the performance and emission parameters

are found as ±1.2%, ±1 ppm, ±0.01 vol, ±1 ppm and ±1% for brake
thermal efficiency, NO, CO, UBHC and smoke opacity respectively.

3. Results and discussion

Engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics

results are analyzed for diesel, B100, B20, B100A30C30 and
B20A30C30 test fuels and are discussed in the following section.

3.1. Performance characteristics

3.1.1. Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC)

Brake Specific Energy Consumption is the better parameter to
compare the performance of an engine when different heating val-
ues of biodiesel blends are used [17]. Fig. 4 shows the variation of
BSEC with bmep for nanoparticles dispersed test fuels. The BSEC
observed for the B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels are
Figure 2. Photograph of ultrasonicator.
13.2 MJ/kW h and 12.0 MJ/kW h respectively, compared with
B100 of 14.8 MJ/kW h, B20 of 13.6 MJ/kW h and diesel of 13 MJ/

Table 2
Properties of test fuels.

Properties ASTM Standards Diesel B100 B20 B100A30C30 B20A30C30

Density @ 15 °C (kg/m3) D1298 835 873 843 874 844
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 °C (cSt) D88 2.20 4.10 2.58 4.10 2.59
Flash point (°C) D 93 48 85 55 83 52
Fire Point (°C) D 93 55 94 63 93 61
Calorific value (MJ/kg) D240 42.3 39.5 41.7 40.2 42.2
Pour Point (°C) D97 9 1 6 1 5
Total Acidity (mg of KOH/g) D664 0.38 0.46 0.40 0.47 0.40

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
4 A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Specification of diesel engine.

Make Kirloskar
Type Single cylinder, four stroke, air cooled,
Direct injection engine
Bore  Stroke 87.5  110 mm
Compression ratio 17.5:1
Swept volume 661 cm3
Combustion chamber Open hemispherical
Spray hole diameter 0.25 mm
Cone angle 110°
Rated output 4.4 kW at 1500 rpm
Injection timing 26° bTDC

kW h respectively. The BSEC reduces for the nanoparticles dis-

persed test fuels when compared to that of B100 and B20 test fuels,
due to the fine atomization property of nanoparticles resulting in
better combustion. Figure 4. Variations of BSEC under bmep.

3.1.2. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE)

The brake thermal efficiency is a function of the engine param-
eter, which indicates how efficiently the fuel energy gets converted
into mechanical output. Fig. 5 shows the variation of BTE with
bmep for nanoparticles dispersed test fuels. It is observed from
the Fig. 5 that B20A30C30 test fuel shows improved brake thermal
efficiency over B100 test fuel. The observed brake thermal effi-
ciency values for diesel, B100, B20, B100A30C30 and B20A30C30
test fuels are 32.3, 28.5, 30.3, 31 and 32.5% respectively. The
improvement in brake thermal efficiency for the nanoparticles dis-
persed test fuels is due to the improved combustion, atomization
and rapid evaporation of the nanoparticles dispersed test fuel,
resulting in better air fuel mixing, which allows more surface area
of fuel to react with oxygen molecule (Fig. 6).

3.2. Emission characteristics

3.2.1. CO and UBHC

A comparison of CO emissions for nanoparticles dispersed test Figure 5. Variations of BTE under bmep.
fuels under bmep is presented in Fig. 7. CO emission of 0.05 vol%
is observed for B100 when compared with diesel of 0.09 vol%,
due to the presence of inherent oxygen molecule converting CO for nanoparticles dispersed test fuels. Higher UBHC emissions are
to CO2 [18]. Further reduction in CO emission values are observed formed during combustion of fuel, due to the deficiency of oxygen
for B20, B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels as 0.03, 0.02 and molecule in the fuel-rich region [19]. But for B100 fuel, reduction in
0.02 vol% respectively, due to improved spray atomization and UBHC emission of 18 ppm is observed when compared with diesel
rapid evaporation of fuel by addition of nanoparticles in biodiesel of 25 ppm. The UBHC values observed for B20, B100A30C30 and
and biodiesel blend. Fig. 8 shows the variation of UBHC with bmep B20A30C30 test fuels are 13, 12 and 10 ppm respectively. The sub-

Figure 3. Schematic view of experimental setup.

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Figure 6. Atomization of nanoparticles dispersed test fuel.

Figure 9. Variations of EGT under bmep.

Figure 7. Variations of CO under bmep.

Figure 10. Variations of NO under bmep.

Figure 8. Variations of UBHC under bmep.

bond molecules causes higher adiabatic flame temperature than
the petro diesel fuel, which leads to increase in NO emission
stantial reduction in the values of UBHC and CO emissions are [22]. But for the nanoparticles dispersed test fuels, drastic reduc-
observed for nanoparticles dispersed test fuels due to the ability tion of EGT and NO emission are observed as shown in Figs. 9
of nanoparticles to convert CO to CO2 and HC into H2O by its strong and 10 respectively. The EGT values observed for the nanoparticles
redox-active property [20]. dispersed test fuels such as B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 are
302 °C and 257 °C respectively, compared with diesel of 325 °C,
3.2.2. EGT and NO B100 of 339 °C and B20 of 321 °C respectively. Due to the ability
Flame temperature, oxygen concentration and reaction resi- of nanoparticles to scavenge the nitric oxide radicals to N2, lower
dence time are the important factors by which NO emission is level of NO values are observed for the nanoparticles dispersed test
formed in diesel engines [21]. Biodiesel containing more double fuels B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 as 1208 and 978 ppm, where as

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
6 A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Figure 11. Variations of smoke opacity under bmep. Figure 13. Variations of ignition delay under bmep.

3.2.3. Smoke opacity

The oxygenated nature of biodiesel, results in reduction of
smoke opacity when compared with diesel fuel [23,24]. A compar-
ison of smoke opacity for nanoparticles dispersed test fuels under
bmep is presented in Fig. 11. When nanoparticles are treated with
biodiesel and biodiesel blend, further reduction in smoke opacity
values are observed for B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels as
25.6% and 23.4%, followed by B20 of 35.4%, B100 of 37.6% and die-
sel of 43.5% respectively. The reduction of smoke opacity is due to
the improved combustion characteristics of nanoparticles (owing
to their higher surface area/volume ratio) enhancing better fuel
air mixing in the combustion chamber [14].

3.3. Combustion characteristics

The comparison of cylinder pressure and the heat release rate

with respect to crank angle for the nanoparticles test fuels at full
load is shown in Fig. 12. For the nanoparticles dispersed test fuels,
lower cylinder pressure and heat release rate characteristics are
observed when compared to that of B100. At the full load, the
cylinder pressure observed for B100 is 71.3 bar, whereas it is
70.9, 70.3, 69.6 and 69.2 bar for the B20, diesel, B100A30C30 and
B20A30C30 test fuels respectively. The dispersion of alumina and
cerium oxide nanoparticles with biodiesel has initiated the com-
bustion earlier due to the improved ignition properties [25] accom-
plishing catalytic combustion, shorter ignition delay and decreased
cylinder pressure and heat release rate [26]. At the full load, the
heat release rate observed for B100 is 21.5 J/deg CA whereas it is
20.8, 19.6, 19.7 and 18.8 J/deg CA for B20, diesel, B100A30C30
and B20A30C30 test fuels respectively. Ignition delay strongly
depends on the type of fuel used and their concentrations in the
cylinder charge. The associated changes in the charge temperature
Figure 12. Variations of cylinder pressure and heat release rate under crank angle during compression, pre-ignition energy release, and external heat
at full load.
transfer to the surroundings are the main factors responsible for
for diesel, B100 and B20 are 1320, 1390 and 1300 ppm respec- controlling the length of the ignition delay of the engine [27].
tively. The reaction by how the nitric oxide radicals get converted The comparison of ignition delay with respect to bmep for
to N2 is shown below [6]. nanoparticles dispersed test fuels is shown in Fig. 13. At the full
load, the ignition delay observed for the neat biodiesel is
4CeO2 ! 2Ce2 O3 þ O2 5.8 deg CA whereas it is 4.6, 7.5, 4.6 and 4.5 deg CA for B20, diesel,
B100A30C30 and B20A30C30 test fuels, respectively. A similar
Ce2 O3 þ Al2 O3 ! 2CeAlO3 trend of reduced ignition delay, cylinder pressure and heat release
rate characteristics are reported in some studies [13,28] on using
4CeAlO3 þ 2NO ! 4CeO2 þ 2Al2 O3 þ N2 ceria and alumina nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel.

Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004
A. Prabu / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Prabu A. Nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel on the working characteristics of a DI diesel engine. Ain Shams Eng J
(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2017.04.004

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