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Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697


Combustion and emissions of a DI diesel engine

fuelled with diesel-oxygenate blends
Yi Ren, Zuohua Huang *, Haiyan Miao, Yage Di, Deming Jiang, Ke Zeng,
Bing Liu, Xibin Wang
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China

Received 15 June 2007; received in revised form 17 February 2008; accepted 20 February 2008
Available online 14 March 2008


Combustion and emissions of a DI diesel engine fuelled with diesel-oxygenate blends were investigated. The results show that there
exist the different behaviors in the combustion between the diesel-diglyme blends and the other five diesel-oxygenate blends as the dig-
lyme has the higher cetane number than that of diesel fuel while the other five oxygenates have the lower cetane number than that of
diesel fuel. The smoke concentration decreases regardless of the types of oxygenate additives, and the smoke decreases with the increase
of the oxygen mass fraction in the blends without increasing the NOx and engine thermal efficiency. The reduction of smoke is strongly
related to the oxygen-content of blends. CO and HC concentrations decrease with the increase of oxygen mass fraction in the blends.
Unlike conventional diesel engines fueled with pure diesel fuel, engine operating on the diesel-oxygenate blends presents a flat NOx/
Smoke tradeoff curve versus oxygen mass fraction.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Oxygenate; Combustion; Diesel engine

1. Introduction regulation, the wide ranges of technologies including com-

bustion improvement, fuel improvement and exhaust treat-
With the more concerning for environmental protection ment should be taken, in which fuel improvement has
and human health, the increasingly stringent emissions become one of the most promising approach in realizing
standards are implemented all over the world. The seeking low emissions engine. Oxygenated fuels are beneficial to
of new methods in reducing the harmful exhaust emissions the reduction of smoke or particulate matter emissions in
and improving the fuel economy of engines become diesel engines. Thus, using diesel-oxygenate blends can
urgently. The advantage of the diesel engine compared with decrease the engine emissions without large modification
the gasoline engine is better fuel economy benefits and high of the diesel engine and has a wide applicability in currently
power output; however, the high NOx and smoke emissions used vehicle.
are still the main obstacle for the development of diesel In recent years, many experiments on oxygenated fuels
engines. Thus, the reduction of engine emissions becomes in the diesel engine were performed, and the researches
one of major researches in the engine development. proved that smoke emissions from the engine could be
In the conventional diesel engine, it is difficult to simul- reduced when oxygenated fuels were blended with diesel
taneously reduce NOx and smoke due to the tradeoff rela- fuel [1–9]. Moreover, previous reports showed that com-
tionship between NOx and smoke. For stringent emissions paring with diesel fuel, the use of diesel-oxygenate blends
in the diesel engine did not bring the increase of NOx emis-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 29 82665075; fax: +86 29 82668789. sion [10–13]. Miyamoto et al. [9] found that the amount of
E-mail address: zhhuang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn (Z. Huang). smoke reduction depended on the total oxygen mass frac-

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2692 Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697


ATDC after top-dead-center Hu lower heating value (MJ/kg)

bmep brake mean effective pressure (MPa) H, wt.% mass fraction of hydrogen in fuel blend
BTDC before top-dead-center m mass of cylinder gases (kg)
bsfc brake specific fuel consumption (g/kW h) O, wt.% mass fraction of oxygen in fuel blend
hfd fuel delivery advance angle (CA BTDC) TDC top-dead-center
C, wt.% mass fraction of carbon in fuel blend uc crank angle of the center of heat release curve
dQB/du heat release rate with crank angle (kJ/CA) (CA degrees ATDC)

tion in the blends, and species of each oxygenated fuel diesel-oxygenate blends. The general behaviors of oxygen-
added into the diesel fuel had approximately the same ate additives in engine combustion and emissions have not
impact in reducing the smoke emissions with the same total clarified yet, making it difficult to provide the guidance for
oxygen-content of the blends. Adelbert [14] investigated the engine operation and selection of oxygenates.
effects of oxygenates blended with the diesel fuel on the Based on the authors’ previous study [16–19], the objec-
particulate matter (PM) emissions in a compression–igni- tives of this study are to investigate the general behavior in
tion engine, and they found that PM reduction was only combustion and emissions of a compression–ignition engine
correlated to the oxygen-content of the blends and PM operating on various types of diesel-oxygenate blends. The
was reduced by about 3.5% for each 1% of fuel oxygen study provide the common insights on combustion and
by mass. Westbrook et al. [15] used the detailed chemical emissions operating on the diesel-oxygenate blends.
kinetic modeling to simulate soot reduction in diesel engine
and their results showed that oxygenate species influenced
the smoke reduction level since the amount of soot precur- 2. Experimental setup and procedures
sor was varied for different oxygenate additives
In practice, comparing with gaseous oxygenates like In this study, diesel fuel is the base fuel while dim-
DME, adding some liquid oxygenate into diesel fuel in ethoxymethane (DMM), diglyme (DGM), dimethyl car-
reducing engine emissions without modifying fuel system bonate (DMC), diethyl carbonate (DEC), diethyl adipate
seems to be a more attractive method. Up to now, reports (DEA) and ethanol are used as the oxygenic additive.
on utilization of oxygenate additives in diesel engine give The six selected oxygenated fuels can reflect ethers, esters
individual influence and lack the comprehensive study on and alcohols, respectively. For the structure of molecule,
combustion and emissions of the diesel engine fuelled with esters include the C–O2 moiety with one C@O structure,
ethers have the C2–O moiety, and alcohols have the C–
Table 1 OH moiety. These oxygenates were individually blended
Engine specifications
with pure diesel fuel to make the diesel-oxygenated blends,
Bore (mm) 100 and the volume fractions of oxygenates in the blends were
Stroke (mm) 115
Displacement (cm3) 903
from 0% to 20%. These blended fuels and pure diesel fuel
Compression ratio 18 were tested in a direct-injection diesel engine. For the test
Shape of combustion chamber x shape in the bottom of bowl-in-piston engine, the original fuel delivery advance angle is 25 CA
Rated power/speed 9.5 kW/2000 rpm BTDC, and engine speed at maximum torque is reached
Nozzle hole diameter (mm) 0.3 at 1400 rpm. The detailed specifications of the test engine
Number of nozzle holes 4
are listed in Table 1, and fuel properties are listed in Table
2. The tested diesel fuel was provided by China Petroleum
Table 2
Fuel properties of diesel and oxygenic fuels
Diesel Dimethoxymethane Diglyme Diethyl adipate Dimethyl carbonate Diethyl carbonate Ethanol
Chemical formula C10.8H18.7 C3H8O2 C6H14O3 C10H18O4 C3H6O3 C5H10O3 C2H6O
Molecular weight 148.3 76 134 202 90 118 46
Theory air/fuel ratio kg/kg 14.36 7.24 11.24 13.25 4.59 8.79 12.15
Density (g/cm3) 0.83 0.85 0.94 1.00 1.06 0.97 0.79
Cetane number 45 30 126 – 35 – 8
Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 44 22.4 24.5 25.5 13.5 21.1 26.78
Heat of evaporation (kJ/kg) 260 385 322 295.1 369 360.4 854904
Boiling point (°C) 180–330 43 161.3 127 90.9 126.8 78.4
C (wt.%) 86 47.4 53.7 59.4 53.3 50.8 52.2
H (wt.%) 14 10.5 10.5 8.9 6.7 8.5 13
O (wt.%) 0 42.1 35.8 31.7 40 40.7 34.8
Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697 2693

and Chemical Corporation and the solidifying point of die-

sel fuel is 273.15 K. It should be noted that the oxygenate
fuels have the lower energy density compared with that
of pure diesel fuel as shown in Table 2.
In the experiment, the beginning timing of nozzle valve
lifting was measured by the needle lift detecting apparatus;
AVL Di-smoke was used to measure the exhaust smoke,
and the exhaust NOx was measured by AVL Di-Gas
4000 light. The cylinder pressure was recorded with the
Kistler type cylinder pressure sensor, and the data were
recorded for every 0.1 crank angle. The crank angle was
measured with the Kistler type crank angle sensor. Mean-
while, the cylinder pressure and emissions were measured
and analyzed under the same brake mean effective pressure
(bmep) and engine speed, and combustion analysis was
made based on the cylinder pressure information. Fig. 1. Heat release rate of the blends.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1 shows the heat release rate of the blended fuels,
3.1. Combustion characteristics respectively. Due to the variation of fuel properties of the
blended fuels with the addition of oxygenates, the heat
The ignition delay is defined as the time interval from release rate of the diesel-oxygenated blends gives different
the beginning timing of nozzle valve lifting (i.e. the start behaviors compared to those of pure diesel fuel. The figures
of fuel injection) to the separation timing between rate of reveal that the combustion initial phase is postponed and
cylinder pressure rise and rate of motoring pressure rise the maximum rate of heat release is increased for the most
(it is regarded as the start of combustion). The total com- diesel-oxygenate blends except the diesel-DGM blend. The
bustion duration is the duration from the start of combus- high cetane number of DGM leads to the advancement of
tion to the end of combustion. the combustion initial phase and the decrease of the maxi-
Thermodynamic model is used to calculate the thermo- mum rate of heat release. Thus, the combustion phase and
dynamic parameters in this paper, the model neglects the the heat release rate are strongly related to the cetane num-
leakage through the piston rings, and thus the energy con- ber of the oxygenate fuel.
servation in cylinder is written as follows: Fig. 2 illustrates the ignition delay versus oxygen mass
fraction in the blends. The ignition delay strongly depends
dQB dQW dðmuÞ dV on the cetane number of fuels. As shown in the figure, the
 ¼ þp
du du du du ignition delay of the diesel-DGM blend decreases and the
dT dC V dV ignition delay of other diesel-oxygenate blends increases
¼ mC V þ mT þp ð1Þ with the increase of the oxygen mass fraction in the blends.
du du du
This is also due to the influence from the cetane number of
Gas state equation is the oxygenate fuel. The cetane number of DGM is higher
pV ¼ mRT ð2Þ
The variation of gas state equation with crank angle is
given by:
dV dp dT
p þV ¼ mR ð3Þ
du du du
Heat release rate du
can be derived from formula (1) and
(3) as follows:
dQB C p dV C V V dp dC V dQW
¼p þ þ mT þ ð4Þ
du R du R du du du
where heat transfer rate is given by
¼ hc  A  ðT  T W Þ ð5Þ
Heat transfer coefficient hc uses the Woschni’s correla-
tion formula, and Cp and CV are temperature-dependent
parameters, their formulae are given in literature [20]. Fig. 2. Ignition delay of the blends.
2694 Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697

Fig. 3. Total combustion duration of the blends. Fig. 4. Crank angle of the center of heat release curve (uc) of the blends.

than that of diesel fuel and the cetane numbers of other

oxygenates are lower than that of diesel fuel. It is well
known that the fuel with the high cetane number gives
the short ignition delay while the fuel with the low cetane
number gives the long ignition delay.
Fig. 3 shows the total combustion duration versus oxy-
gen mass fraction in the blends. The total combustion
duration decreases with the increase of oxygenate fraction
in the blends. The decrease of the heating value of the
blends by adding oxygenates requires more fuels to be
injected into the cylinder to obtain the same power output.
This is favorable to the extension of the total combustion
duration of the diesel-oxygenate blends. However, adding
oxygenate additive in the diesel creates more oxygen avail-
able for promoting combustion, especially the diffusive
Fig. 5. Brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) of the blends.
combustion. The comprehensive influence makes the
decrease of the total combustion duration for the diesel-
oxygenate blends.
Fig. 4 gives the crank angle of the center of the heat
release curve (uc) versus oxygen mass fraction in the
blends. For all test-blends, the center of the heat release
curve moves close to the top-dead-center (TDC) with the
increase of the oxygenate fraction in the blends. This is
due to the improvement combustion process and
decrease in combustion duration. A compact heat release
process is presented in the case of the diesel-oxygenate
Fig. 5 plots the brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc)
versus oxygen mass fraction in the blends. The results show
that bsfc increases linearly with the increase of the oxygen
mass fraction in the blends. Two factors are considered to
explain the behavior. One is the decrease in the heating
value of the blends by adding oxygenates, and this requires Fig. 6. Effective thermal efficiency (get) of the blends.
more fuel to be injected into the cylinder to get the same
power output, leading to the increase in the bsfc. Another
is the improvement of the combustion by oxygen enrich- The effective thermal efficiency get versus oxygen mass
ment, and this will decrease the bsfc. The comprehensive fraction in the blends is illustrated in Fig. 6. The effective
influence makes the increase of bsfc in the case of diesel- thermal efficiency shows a slight increase with the increase
oxygenate blends. of the oxygen mass fraction in the blends. This indicates
Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697 2695

that the addition of the oxygenated fuels can increase the

engine thermal efficiency. Short and compact heat release
process results in an increase of engine thermal efficiency.
Figs. 7 and 8 give the cylinder maximum mean gas tem-
perature (Tmax) and the duration of the temperature over
1800 K versus oxygen mass fraction in the blends. In this
study, the temperature was calculated with the thermody-
namic model based on the cylinder pressure. Little varia-
tion in Tmax is presented at the engine speed of 2000 rpm
and a slight increase in Tmax is presented at engine speed
of 1400 rpm. The duration of temperature over 1800 K will
decrease remarkably with increasing the oxygenate fraction
in the blends. The combustion improvement by oxygen
enrichment leads to the increase of gas temperature, but
the decease of the combustion duration leads to the
decrease of the duration of gas at high temperature. Fig. 9. Extinction coefficient (Kvalue) of the blends.
Figs. 9 and 10 show the exhaust smoke concentration
and its reduction rate versus oxygen mass fraction in the
blends, respectively. In this experiment, a smoke meter of
AVL Di-smoke 4000 was used to measure the exhaust

Fig. 10. Smoke reduction rate of the blends.

smoke, and the exhaust smoke concentration is scaled by

the extinction coefficient (Kvalue). Smoke reduction ratio
Fig. 7. Maximum temperature (Tmax) of the blends.
is defined by the formula of ½K value ðdieselÞ  K value
ðblendsÞ=K value ðdieselÞ. The figures reveal that the smoke
concentration decreases with the increase of the oxygen
mass fraction in the blends, and this behavior is more obvi-
ous at high engine loads. As smoke mainly produces during
the diffusive combustion phase, adding the oxygenates to
diesel fuel can reduce the engine smoke duo to the improve-
ment of the diffusive combustion and the promotion of
post-flame oxidation of smoke in the late expansion and
exhaust processes. Meanwhile, the decrease of the amount
of the fuel burned in the diffusive combustion duration is
also beneficial to the reduction of the exhaust smoke. The
results reveal that the smoke reduction is strongly related
to the oxygen mass fraction in the blends and is less related
to the type of oxygenate. Thus, smoke reduction of diesel-
oxygenate blends can be controlled by adjusting the oxygen
fraction in the blends. The smoke reduction rate increases,
but its increment shows a decrease trend with the increase
Fig. 8. Duration of gas temperature over 1800 K of the blends. of the oxygen mass fraction in the blends Ten percent of
2696 Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697

the oxygen mass fraction in the blends can decrease the increase of the oxygen mass fraction in the blends. Two
engine smoke by 30–40%. factors influence the NOx for diesel-oxygenate blends,
Fig. 11 illustrates engine NOx emission versus oxygen one is the gas temperature and another is the duration of
mass fraction in the blends. Under the same engine speed, gas at high temperature. In one aspect, using diesel-oxygen-
engine load and fuel delivery advance angle, the engine ate blends increases the cylinder maximum mean gas tem-
NOx concentration shows a slight decrease with the perature and this tends to increase the NOx
concentration. In other aspect, the usage of diesel-oxygen-
ate blends decreases the duration of gas at high tempera-
ture and this tends to decrease the NOx concentration.
The comprehensive influence makes the NOx behaviors of
the diesel-oxygenate blends.
Fig. 12 gives the exhaust CO concentration and the
exhaust HC concentration versus oxygen mass fraction in
the blends, respectively. Similar to the behavior of the
smoke, the engine CO concentration of the engine with
the diesel-oxygenate blends decreases with the increase of
the oxygen mass fraction in the blends. This is also due
to the combustion promotion from the oxygen enrichment.
HC concentration decreases with oxygenate flues addition,
and this suggests that adding oxygenate fuels can decrease
HC from the locally overrich mixture. Furthermore, oxy-

Fig. 11. NOx concentration of the blends.

Fig. 12. CO concentration and HC concentration of the blends. Fig. 13. Relationship between get/NOx and smoke (Kvalue).
Y. Ren et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2691–2697 2697

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