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Energies 08 07312

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Energies 2015, 8, 7312-7325; doi:10.


ISSN 1996-1073

Effects of Pilot Injection Timing and EGR on Combustion,

Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Common Rail Diesel
Engine Fueled with a Canola Oil Biodiesel-Diesel Blend
Jun Cong Ge 1, Min Soo Kim 1, Sam Ki Yoon 2 and Nag Jung Choi 1,*

Division of Mechanical Design Engineering, Chonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero,
Jeonjusi, Jeollabuk-do 561-756, Korea; E-Mails: freedefeng@naver.com (J.C.G.);
kimms@jbnu.ac.kr (M.S.K.)
Technical Education Center, GM Korea Company, 72 Saengmuol-ro, Gunsansi,
Jeollabuk-do 573-882, Korea; E-Mail: sky596072@hanmail.net

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: njchoi@jbnu.ac.kr;

Tel.: +82-63-270-4765; Fax: +82-63-270-2460.

Academic Editor: Chang Sik Lee

Received: 16 April 2015 / Accepted: 13 July 2015 / Published: 20 July 2015

Abstract: Biodiesel as a clean energy source could reduce environmental pollution

compared to fossil fuel, so it is becoming increasingly important. In this study, we
investigated the effects of different pilot injection timings from before top dead center
(BTDC) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on combustion, engine performance, and
exhaust emission characteristics in a common rail diesel engine fueled with canola oil
biodiesel-diesel (BD) blend. The pilot injection timing and EGR rate were changed at an
engine speed of 2000 rpm fueled with BD20 (20 vol % canola oil and 80 vol % diesel fuel
blend). As the injection timing advanced, the combustion pressure, brake specific fuel
consumption (BSFC), and peak combustion pressure (Pmax) changed slightly. Carbon
monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) emissions clearly decreased at BTDC 20°
compared with BTDC 5°, but nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions increased slightly. With an
increasing EGR rate, the combustion pressure and indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP)
decreased slightly at BTDC 20° compared to other injection timings. However, the Pmax
showed a remarkable decrease. The BSFC and PM emissions increased slightly, but the NOx
emission decreased considerably.
Energies 2015, 8 7313

Keywords: canola oil biodiesel blends; pilot injection timing; exhaust gas recirculation;
combustion characteristics; exhaust emissions

1. Introduction

Economic growth and a drastic increase in the number of motor vehicles are causing environmental
pollution and an energy shortage. Global warming is also resulting from the intense increase in
greenhouse gases (GHG) produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Excessive vehicle exhaust from fossil
fuels leads to frequent haze all over the world [1–3]. Thus, environmental pollution and energy shortages
are two main factors restricting the development of the diesel engine industry. Developing green energy
is a trend to solve those problems. Biodiesel has been a hot topic because of its environment-friendly
characteristics and renewability [4,5]. Biofuels such as alcohols and biodiesel have been proposed as
alternatives to fossil fuels for internal combustion engines. Research on biodiesel stability was voted a
top priority at the Annual Biodiesel Technical Workshop held in Chicago in January 2005. In particular,
biodiesels derived from vegetable oils have received wide attention as a replacement for diesel fuel
because they emit fewer GHG and other pollutant emissions [6–8].
Diesel engines are mostly used in industrial transportation, passenger cars, and agricultural
applications because of their high thermal efficiency, large power output, and reliability, despite their
disadvantages of noise and vibration. However, a diesel engine emits more particulate matter (PM) and
nitrogen oxide (NOx) than a gasoline engine [9–11]. Furthermore, regulation of PM and NOx emissions
from diesel engines has been strengthened because those emissions are an important environmental
issue [12]. Therefore, many researchers have studied how to reduce exhaust emissions such as PM and
NOx using diesel particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction [13,14], or alternative fuels [15,16].
Biodiesel can also be used to reduce exhaust emissions because the oxygen in biodiesel fuel promotes
combustion [17]. It can be produced from various vegetable oils, waste cooking oils, and animal fats,
and its fuel properties change with the different feed stocks [18–20]. It is well-known that diesel engines
can run on biodiesel blended with conventional diesel without modification [21–23]. However,
researchers investigating the use of raw vegetable oils in diesel engines found that they cause numerous
engine-related problems [24,25]. Therefore, vegetable oils must be blended with pure diesel because the
net calorific value of biodiesel is less than that of conventional diesel fuel, its viscosity, density, and
iodine values are higher, and its volatility is poor. Those shortcomings lead to severe engine deposits,
injector coking, and piston ring sticking [26–28] if vegetable oils are used on their own. Their high
density, viscosity, and surface tension decrease the quality of atomization and combustion
performance [29]. After transesterification, however, biodiesel can acquire properties closer to those of
diesel [30]. Transesterification is clearly the best way to use vegetable oil as a fuel in existing diesel
engines [31–33]. Choi and Rritz [34] reported that multi-stage injection and adjustment of the ignition
timing when using a blended biodiesel fuel allowed soot and NOx emissions to decrease. Lee et al. [35]
found that a higher biodiesel blending rate increased NOx emissions but decreased emissions of
hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) in a common rail diesel engine. Grimaldi and Postrioti [36]
reported on a method of injection using ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel in a common rail
Energies 2015, 8 7314

diesel engine. Higher biodiesel blending rates require higher injection pressure because of the higher
surface tension of biodiesel. They found that increasing the injection pressure increased the break
thermal efficiency (BTE) and reduced the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC). Tsolakis [37]
reported that the use of biodiesel made a significant reduction in NOx emissions when the exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) rates were increased and reduced the mass and size of PM under all conditions.
Precedent reports have verified that the use of biodiesel generally minimizes the quantity and size of PM
emissions but increases NOx emissions. Yoon et al. [38] found that BD20 (20 vol % canola oil and
80 vol % diesel fuel blend) offered the best combustion efficiency at an engine speed of 2000 rpm.
Our literature review found that the effects of BD20 on combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions
in a direct injection (DI) diesel engine with high-pressure injections have not been clearly studied.
Therefore, in the present study, we experimentally investigated the effects of pilot injection timing and
EGR rate on the combustion and exhaust emissions characteristics from burning BD20 in a common rail
diesel engine at an engine speed of 2000 rpm.

2. Experimental Materials and Methods

2.1. Test Fuel and Operating Conditions

BD was blended with pure diesel at 20% volume. The fuel was characterized by determining its
viscosity, density, pour point, distillation temperature, flash point, acid number, ester content, total free
glycerin, and calculated index. In the United States, biodiesel must meet American Society of Testing
and Materials (ASTM) specifications designated in ASTM D-6751; in Europe it must accord with
EN-14214. To measure the fuel properties of BD20, we therefore used the ASTM-D6751 and
EN-14214 standard test methods. The fuel properties of the pure diesel, neat biodiesel, and BD20 fuels
are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Properties of pure diesel, neat biodiesel, and BD20 (20 vol % canola oil and
80 vol % diesel fuel blend).
Properties (units) Pure Diesel Neat BD BD 20 Test Method
Density (kg/m3 at 15 °C) 836.8 880 846 ASTM D941
Viscosity (mm2/s at 40 °C) 2.719 4.290 2.991 ASTM D445
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 43.96 39.49 42.71 ASTM D4809
Cetane index 55.8 61.5 - ASTM D4737
Flash point (°C) 55 182 - ASTM D93
Pour point (°C) −21 −8 - ASTM D97
Oxidation stability (h/110 °C) 25 15 - EN 14112
Ester content (%) - 98.9 - EN 14103
Oxygen (%) 0 10.8 - -

In this study, we used biodiesel-diesel (BD) and ULSD, which had a sulfur content of 0.005%,
for comparison. To investigate the characteristics of combustion and exhaust emissions as the pilot
injection timing and EGR rate changed, we carried out tests on the warming up condition of the engine
under an engine speed of 2000 rpm. We held the coolant temperature at a constant 70 ± 3 °C and the
intake air temperature at 20 ± 3 °C. A constant load of 30 Nm torque from the engine dynamometer was
Energies 2015, 8 7315

applied to the test engine at each pilot injection timing to ensure consistent test conditions when the main
injection timing was fixed at top dead center (TDC) 0°. The experimental and operating conditions are
summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Experimental and operating conditions.

Test Parameters Unit Operating Conditions
Engine speed rpm 2000
Torque Nm 30
Test fuel - BD blended rate with diesel (vol %)
BD20 - Diesel 80% + biodiesel 20%
Cooling water temp. °C 70 ± 3
Intake air temp. °C 20 ± 3
Gas recirculation (EGR) rate % 0, 10, 20, 30
Injection pressure MPa/rpm 45/2000
Pilot injection timing Degree(°) BTDC 5, 10, 15, 20
Main injection timing Degree(°) TDC 0

2.2. Test Engine and Experimental Procedure

In this study, the experimental apparatus consisted of the components shown in Figure 1.
We used this apparatus to investigate the combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of various
pilot injection timings and EGR rates in a four-cylinder common rail diesel engine. The experimental
equipment consisted of a four-cylinder electronic common rail diesel engine equipped with a
turbocharger, a fuel consumption rate tester with a fuel pump driven by an electrical voltage of 220 V,
a control unit connected to an electronic control unit (ECU) to control the injection timing, and an eddy
current type EC dynamometer (DY-230 kW, Hwanwoong, Korea) to control the engine speed.
A piezoelectric pressure sensor (6056a, Kistler, Switzerland) was mounted onto the position of the glow
plug to measure the combustion pressure. Data were acquired using a data acquisition board (PCI6040E,
National Instrument, Austin, TX, USA). The combustion pressure in the cylinder was analyzed using a
combustion analyzer. The main specifications of the four-cylinder common rail diesel engine used in
this study are summarized in Table 3. The EGR rate (%) is defined as the difference between the quantity
of fresh air induced without EGR (Q0) and that of air with EGR (QEGR) divided by the quantity of fresh
air induced without EGR (Q0), as shown below:

% 100 (1)

The exhaust gas was delivered to the intake manifold through a water-cooled unit by an EGR valve,
and the gas flow rate was regulated by controlling the EGR duty ratio using a computer. The NOx
emissions were monitored in real-time using an exhaust analyzer. Exhaust measuring equipment was
used for the exhaust component analysis. A multi-gas analyzer (MK2, Eurotron, Italy) was used to
measure the O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, and HC content of the exhaust gases. To detect PM, we used an
opacity smoke meter (OPA-102, Qurotech, Korea) using the partial flow sampling method. The gas
analyzer specifications, including the resolution, range, and accuracy, are summarized in Table 4. In this
Energies 2015, 8 7316

work, we calculated the heat release rate (HRR) of BD combustion in the engine using the following
formula [39]:
1 1
where dQ/dθ is the HRR, k is the specific heat ratio (assumed to be 1.35), dP/dθ is the rate of pressure
change, and dV/dθ is the rate of change in the cylinder volume. The BSFC is defined as the ratio of the
fuel consumption rate to the brake power of the engine. The value was calculated based on the fuel
consumption, engine torque, and speed data using the following formula:

where bf is the brake specific fuel consumption rate, is the fuel consumption flow rate into the
cylinder, N is the engine speed, and Te is the brake torque, which was directly measured using an engine
dynamometer. The brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) is the ratio of the energy consumption
rate to the brake power of the engine, which is calculated from the fuel consumption and low heating
calorific value using the following formula:

where be is the brake specific energy consumption rate, Bf is the fuel consumption mass per hour, and
QLHV is the low heating calorific value, which we measured directly with an engine dynamometer.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus.

Energies 2015, 8 7317

Table 3. Specifications of the test engine.

Test Model Parameter (units) Specification
Engine type 4-cylinder
Bore (mm) 81
Stroke (mm) 96
Displacement (cm3) 1979
Combustion type Direct injection
Engine type
Injection procedure 1-3-4-2
Compression ratio 17.7:1
Maximum power (kW/rpm) 82/at 4000
Maximum torque (Nm/rpm) 260/at 2000
Maximum engine speed (rpm) 4500
Fuel control ECU control
Injection system Common-rail
Maximum fuel pressure (MPa) 145
Fuel injection system
Number of injector nozzle holes 5
Injector spray angle (degree) 150
Injector hole diameter (mm) 0.17

Table 4. Specifications of the exhaust gas analyzer.

Method of Detection Species Unit Range Resolution Accuracy
Electrochemical O2 % 0%–30% 0.1% ±0.57%
Electrochemical CO ppm 0–4000 ppm 1 ppm ±0.62%
Pellistor HC % 0%–5% 0.01% ±0.8%
Electrochemical NO ppm 0–5000 ppm 1 ppm ±0.25%
Electrochemical NO2 ppm 0–1000 ppm 1 ppm ±0.25%
Smoke opacity PM % 0%–100% 0.1% ±1%

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Combustion Characteristics

In order to investigate the improvement of combustion stability, the experiment was performed under
an engine speed of 2000 rpm and an engine load of 30 Nm and the main injection timing was fixed at
TDC 0°. Figure 2 shows the effects of various pilot injection timings without EGR rate on the
combustion pressure and HRR. It can be seen that the combustion was started faster as the pilot injection
timing retarded. In addition, the ignition delay and the duration of combustion during was shorter when
the pilot injection timing was closer to the main injection timing, because the pre-combustion of pilot
injection can increase in cylinder temperature to promote combustion.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of combustion pressure for BD20 at various injection timings and EGR
rates. As shown in Figure 3a,b, the combustion pressure gradually decreased slightly as the EGR rates
increased. The oxygen concentration of the intake air is reduced because of the EGR, which causes a
significant negative effect on combustion.
Energies 2015, 8 7318

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Effects of various pilot injection timings without EGR rate on the (a) combustion
pressure, and (b) HRR.

Figure 4 shows the HRR for BD20 at various injection timings and EGR rates. The whole combustion
process is composed of pilot heat release and main heat release, and the HRR changed slightly with the
different pilot injection timings and EGR rates. As shown in Figure 4a, the HRR decreased gradually
and the ignition delay was longer as the EGR rates increased at before top dead center (BTDC) 5°,
because the oxygen concentration decreased as the EGR rates increased, which is a limiting factor for
the pilot combustion. At other pilot injection timings, however, the HRR changed slightly as the EGR
rate increased. Increasing the EGR rate slightly does not affect the pilot combustion because the biodiesel
contains enough oxygen. These results demonstrate that if the rotational degree of the crankshaft between
the pilot injection timing and the main injection timing was long, combustion activation in the main
injection deteriorated because the effect of the pilot injection was lost.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Comparison of combustion pressure at various pilot injection timings and EGR
rates. (a) BTDC 5°; (b) BTDC 15°.
Energies 2015, 8 7319

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4. Comparison of HRR at various pilot injection timings and EGR rates. (a) BTDC 5;
(b) BTDC 5; (c) BTDC 5; (d) BTDC 5.

3.2. Engine Performance

3.2.1. Pmax and IMEP

Figure 5 shows the peak combustion pressure variation and indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP)
with the different pilot injection timings and EGR rates at an engine speed of 2000 rpm. As shown in
Figure 5a, as the pilot injection timing was advanced, the Pmax increased slightly, and it decreased as the
timing was retarded at all EGR rates. However, when we increased the EGR rate, the Pmax showed a
remarkable decrease: by 8.7% at 10% EGR, 12.4% at 20% EGR, and 13.6% at 30% EGR, compared to
the 0% EGR rate at BTDC 15°. When maintaining the main injection timing at TDC 0° and advancing
the pilot injection timing, the decrease ratio was the largest at BTDC 15°.
As shown in Figure 5b, the IMEP increased before BTDC 10° with the advance of pilot injection
timing, and as the timing was retarded it decreased. On the other hand, with the increasing of EGR rate,
the IMEP decreased slightly. Its highest value at each EGR rate occurred at BTDC 10°.
Energies 2015, 8 7320

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Effects of various pilot injection timings and EGR rates on the (a) Pmax and
(b) IMEP.

3.2.2. BSFC and BSEC

Figure 6 shows the variation of BSFC with pilot injection timing changes under EGR rates at an
engine speed of 2000 rpm. The BSFC of a diesel engine depends on the relationship between the fuel
injection system and fuel properties such as specific gravity, viscosity, and heating value. The BSFC
decreased as the EGR rate was increased by 1.9%, 2.7%, 3.6% and 2.2% at BTDC 10° compared with
that at BTDC 5°, 0.5%, 1.6%, 3.6% and 2.2% at BTDC 15°, and 3.2%, 3.7%, 4.2% and 3.5% at
BTDC 20°. Thus, as the pilot injection timing advanced, the BSFC decreased. The lower BSFC at BTDC
20° means that a smaller amount of fuel was required to produce the same amount of power. This is
expected because canola fuel has a higher density than pure diesel, so it can be fully burned through
early injection and heating.

Figure 6. Effects of EGR ratio and pilot injection timing on the BSFC.
Energies 2015, 8 7321

Another important performance parameter is the BSEC. It is often used to compare fuel performance
with different pilot injection timings. The BSEC is defined as the product of the BSFC and the heating
calorific value of the fuel. It measures the amount of energy consumed to develop a unit of output power.
Generally, the BSEC decreases as energy consumption increases. Figure 7 represents the variation of the
BSEC under different EGR rates and pilot injection timings. It can be seen that the BSEC is slightly
increased with EGR rate increasing. The exhaust gas increased in the combustion chamber that will lead
to decrease the oxygen concentration when EGR rate increased, so more fuel is needed to produce the
same power output. However, the BSEC changed slightly as pilot injection timing increased. It indicates
that there is slight effect of pilot injection timing on the BSEC. This is because the combustion is mainly
promoted by the oxygen in biodiesel.

Figure 7. Effects of EGR ratio and pilot injection timing on the BSEC.

3.3. Exhaust Emissions Characteristics

Figure 8 presents the CO, CO2, NOx, and PM emissions of BD20 at an engine speed of 2000 rpm for
the different pilot injection timings and EGR ratios. As seen in Figure 8a, CO emissions increased
considerably as the pilot injection timing was advanced to BTDC 10° and BTDC 15° compared to
BTDC 5°. The fuel burned incompletely because advancing the pilot injection timing by holding the
main injection timing increases the rotational time between the two, which caused CO emissions to
increase. In general, because the biodiesel has higher viscosity, density, and iodine value compared with
diesel oil, biodiesel is difficult to burn. However, the minimum value of CO at BTDC 20° occurs. It is
seen that the BD20 does burn fully due to pre-mixed of air-fuel because the pilot injection timing is long
enough. On the other hand, as the EGR rate increases, CO emissions also increase.
As shown in Figure 8b, CO2 emissions did not vary significantly with the advancing of the pilot
injection timing, but they did increase with the EGR rate at the same injection timings. The increased
EGR rate caused increased CO2 emissions because of the unbound CO content in the recirculated exhaust
gases, which increased in proportion to the EGR rate. That inhaled CO combined with the oxygen in
fresh air and the biodiesel itself.
Energies 2015, 8 7322

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8. Effects of various pilot injection timings and EGR rates on the (a) BSCO;
(b) BSCO2; (c) BSNOx; and (d) BSPM emissions.

As shown in Figure 8c, NOx emissions tended to decrease as the EGR rate increased and showed a
slight increase as the pilot injection timing was advanced while the EGR rate was held steady. The NOx
emission at an EGR rate of 30% decreased by 19.2% at BTDC 5°, 20.07% at BTDC 10°, 20.03% at
BTDC 15°, and 19.29% at BTDC 20° on average compared to that at an EGR rate of 0%. If exhaust gases
are recirculated, they play an important role in activating combustion by disturbing the newly inhaled gases.
As shown in Figure 8d, PM emissions decreased with the advancing of pilot injection timing and
increased with the EGR rate when injection timing was held steady. When advancing the pilot injection
timing, the PM emissions decreased by 16.35% at BTDC 10°, 11.03% at BTDC 15°, and 30.13% at
BTDC 20° compared to PM emissions at each condition at BTDC 5°. In the case of advancing the pilot
injection timing and keeping the main injection timing at TDC 0°, the PM emissions decreased because
the advanced pilot injection timing was sufficient to oxidize the carbon in the cylinders and reduce the
time available to produce PM.

4. Conclusions

In this study, we investigated the effects of pilot injection timing and EGR rate on the combustion,
performance, and emissions from BD20 in a common rail diesel engine. From the current study, we draw
the following conclusions:
Energies 2015, 8 7323

 On the effects on combustion stability: the combustion was delayed as the pilot injection timing
retarded. In addition, the ignition delay was shorter when the pilot injection timing was closer to
the main injection timing.
 On the effects on engine combustion: as the pilot injection timing was advanced, the combustion
pressure and HRR changed slightly. As the EGR rate was increased, the combustion pressure and
HRR decreased slightly.
 On the effects on engine performance: as the pilot injection timing was advanced, the Pmax, BSEC,
IMEP and BSFC changed slightly. As the EGR rate was increased, the Pmax and IMEP decreased
slightly, and the BSFC and BSEC increased slightly.
 On the effects on exhaust emissions: as the pilot injection timing was advanced, CO and PM
emissions decreased considerably, with a minimum value at BTDC 20°; NOx emissions increased
slightly; and CO2 emissions decreased slightly. As the EGR rate was increased, NOx emissions
decreased considerably, and CO, CO2, and PM emissions increased.


This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (Project No. 2014059723).

Author Contributions

All authors contributed equally to this work. All authors designed the experimental apparatus,
discussed the results and implications, and commented on the manuscript at all stages. Jun Cong Ge and
Sam Ki Yoon performed the engine performance experiments. Min Soo Kim led the development of the
paper. Nag Jung Choi performed the result analyses and wrote the discussion.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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