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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 96–106, Article ID: IJMET_08_06_010

Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=6
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


S. Madhu
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

A.V. Krishna Chaitanya

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

P. Bridjesh
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

An experimental investigation is conducted to evaluate the effects of using Diethyl
ether as additive to diesel fuel on the performance and emission characteristics of a
direct injection diesel engine. Diethyl ether in proportions of 5%, 10% and 15% by
volume is added to diesel fuel and tests are carried out 20MPa, 22MPa and 24MPa
fuel injection pressure. The results indicated that the brake thermal efficiency
increased by 19% at 24MPa for E5D95 blend and brake specific fuel consumption is
11% more than the diesel fuel. Substantial decrease in NOx is noticed with increase in
composition of Diethyl ether and injection pressure. CO and HC emissions are found
to be higher at higher injection pressure. There is a reduction in smoke emission with
addition of Diethyl ether and increased injection pressure. On the basis of
performance and emission characteristics E5D95 blend is found to be the optimum
Key words: Diesel engine; Diethyl ether; Injection pressure; Toroidal Bowl.
Cite this Article: S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh. Effects of
Diethyl Ether on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using
Toroidal Profile Bowl Piston by Varying Injection Pressure. International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(6), 2017, pp. 96–106.

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S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh

Diesel engines have been recognized as the dominating power train solution and main power
source in the transport sector with several advantages like high thermal efficiency, torque
capacity, low Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydro Carbon (HC) emissions and adaptability at part
loads. On the other hand it suffers from high concentration of Nitric Oxides (NOx), smoke and
particulate emissions with neat diesel as fuel. Simultaneous reduction in NO x emissions and
smoke is often accompanied by higher fuel consumption. Substantial reduction in HC and CO
emission could be achieved by using biodiesel blends on conventional diesel engine.
However, cold starting and higher NOx emissions are inevitable. Improvement of fuel
properties by using oxygenated additives to diesel fuel is one of the ways in reducing exhaust
gas emissions [1]. Diethyl Ether (DEE) having a very low self-ignition temperature, high
cetane number and wide flammability limits is an excellent additive for diesel fuel. DEE has
higher energy density and low viscosity which allows it to be used with vegetable oils either.
Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of DEE, diesel and biodiesel utilization
of their combination in suitable ratio can amplify their advantages and overcome the
The effects of DEE on tyre pyrolysis oil, which is a low cetane fuel and achieved 5%
reduction in NOx with 170g/h flow rate of DEE. They also observed significant increase in
smoke and CO emission [2]. 2013). The performance and emission behavior of a diesel
engine using biodiesel and DEE (1% and 2%) blends was studied [3] and found that 1% DEE
blended with bio-ethanol and diesel reduced thermal efficiency and increased brake specific
energy consumption. The blend was also found to reduce NOx emission. However, smoke was
found to be higher compared to diesel fuel at full load condition. The effect of DEE on an
unmodified diesel engine by increasing its percentage from 5% to 20% with the increment of
5% was investigated [4]. Even though there was simultaneous decrease in CO, HC, smoke
emissions and brake thermal efficiency, there was increase in Brake Specific Fuel
Consumption (BSFC) and NOx. They concluded that 5% DEE-diesel blend was the effective
combination from performance and emission point of view.
The low autoinition temperature and broader flammability limits of DEE makes it
attractive to use as an additive with biodiesel and its blends. Tests were conducted [5] on
various blends of biodiesel with DEE as additive on a diesel engine at different loads. The
results indicated higher peak cylinder pressure and heat release rate for 5% (by vol) DEE.
They also showed decrease in CO and smoke emissions at all engine loads. However, brake
thermal efficiency, NOx and HC increased for 5% DEE than those of neat biodiesel. The
effects of fumigation of DEE with bioethanol, produced from madhuca indica flower was
observed (Kumar et al. 2014) at flow rates of 120g/h and 240g/h of DEE was fumigated with
air at intake manifold. The results showed an increase of 10.47% in brake thermal efficiency
with 120g/h of DEE than diesel. Even though NOx emission was lower, CO and HC
emissions were found to be higher for the flow rate of 240g/h compared to 120g/h of DEE
and diesel. The combustion performance and emissions of diesel engine fuelled with DEE-
diesel blends were investigated [6] and found that addition of above 25% of DEE by volume,
the viscosity and density of the blended fuel reduces than the acceptable limits which may
lead to wear in fuel injection pump. The results also revealed that 15% DEE blend as low
smoke, NOx and high brake thermal efficiency than other blends. However, HC emission
increased and CO emission reduced as compared to neat diesel.
DEE is a liquid at ambient conditions and its solubility with diesel makes it attractive to
blend with diesel out losing the desirable physical properties. The burning velocities and
quenching distance of DEE are greater than other oxygenated additives. The performance and
emission characteristics of a diesel engine using diethyl ether-diesel-ethanol blends with 5%

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Effects of Diethyl Ether on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using Toroidal
Profile Bowl Piston by Varying Injection Pressure

and 10% DEE was analyzed (Paul et al. 2015) and the results showed 5% of increase and 10%
decrease in Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) with 5% and 10% DEE respectively. There was
remarkable reduction in CO, NOx, HC emissions. The performance emission and combustion
characteristics of waste plastic pyrolysis oil blended with diethyl ether as fuel were
investigated [7] and the results indicated reduction in smoke levels and increase in brake
thermal efficiency with DEE blend than other blends. They also showed that addition of
oxygenates improved the combustion process and reduced emissions as the cetane ratings
were superior to neat diesel. The effects of diethyl ether–ethanol blends on HCCI engine were
studied [8] at 50%, 60% and 70% by volume of DEE with ethanol. The results indicated
lower in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate. They also achieved zero NOx emissions for
both 60% and 70% DEE blends. The experimental results concluded [9] that reduction in
brake thermal efficiency, nitric oxide and increase in specific fuel consumption when fuelled
with calophyllum and inophyllum biodiesel blends than neat diesel. when mahua oil was used
in diesel engine the investigations[10] shows that slight increase in brake thermal efficiency.
The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of premixed DEE with
diesel on performance and exhaust emissions on a diesel engine with toroidal bowl profile
piston at varying injection pressures. It is also desired to find the optimum DEE-diesel blend
on the basis of performance and emission characteristics.


The tests were carried out on a fully computerized engine test rig comprising of a single
cylinder water cooled four stroke diesel engine. Eddy current dynamometer is coupled to the
engine for loading using strain gauge type load cell. An electromagnetic speed sensor is
installed to measure the speed of the engine. The crank angle was measured using an encoder.
AVLH12D miniature pressure transducer is used to measure the combustion chamber
pressure. A piezo sensor is mounted on the engine head to measure the fuel injection pressure.
The engine setup is equipped with transmitters for air and fuel flow measurements.
Rotameters are installed for cooling water and calorimeter water flow measurement. AVL
Digas 444, a five gas analyzer and a smoke meter are installed onto the test rig.
Thermocouples are fitted elsewhere to measure temperature of exhaust, cooling water,
calorimeter water inlet and outlet. AVL INDIMICRA-602-T10602A version V2.5, an engine
performance analysis software is used for online performance evaluation. The signals from
various sensors are interfaced to the computer through data acquisition system and it also
displays P-V, P-ϴ and heat release rate diagrams. The experimental setup is shown in Figure1
and the specifications of the engine are given in Table 1.
The standard piston fitted onto the engine was of hemispherical shape bowl with bowl
volume of 40CC and the piston used for the present study is a modified piston with toroidal
shape bowl with bowl volume 45CC, by which the compression ratio of the engine reduced
from 17.5:1 to 15.4:1. The standard and modified pistons are shown in Figure 2(A) and (B).
Before starting the engine, lubricating oil level and cooling water flow were ensured. The
engine was started and run at no load till the warn up period ends, that the cooling water
temperature is stabilized at 600C and its speed was adjusted to 1500±10 rpm. The standard
injection pressure on the engine is 20MPa. The injection pressure can be varied by adjusting
the spring tension with setting screw provided at the top of fuel injector and the attained
pressure was checked by installing the fuel injector on a test bench. In the present work tests
were conducted at 20MPa, 22MPa and 24MPa at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% load. The fuels
used were neat diesel and premixed DEE-diesel mixture in the volume proportions of
5%DEE+95%Diesel (E5D95), 10%DEE+90%Diesel (E10D90) and 15%DEE+85%Diesel
(E15D85). For all the tests fuel consumption, air consumption, voltage, speed, exhaust gas

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S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh

temperature were recorded. The experiments were replicated three times and the average
values of readings were taken. From the recorded readings, the performance parameters such
as Brake Power (BP), Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
(BSFC) are calculated. Combustion parameters and emissions such as in-cylinder pressure,
heat release rates, rate of pressure rise, P-V, P-ϴ, heat release rates, NOx, HC and CO are
recorded and analyzed.

Figure 1 Schematic sketch of test setup

1-Engine 2- Eddy current dynamometer 3- Crank angle encoder 4- Air filter 5- Cylinder &
Injection pressure sensor 6- Calorimeter 7- Rotameter 8- Gas analyzer 9- Smoke meter 10-
Computer 11- Data Acquisition system 12- Charge amplifier 13- Load sensor F1 & F2- Air
and Fuel flow sensor T1 to T7- Temperature sensors

Table 1 Engine specifications

S.No Component Specification

1 Make Kirloskar Engines Ltd, Pune,India
Four Stroke Single Cylinder Water Cooled
2 Type of engine
3 Bore and Stroke 87.5 mm & 110 mm
Standard Modified
4 Compression ratio
17.5:1 15.4:1
5 BHP and rpm 4.4kW & 1500 rpm
6 Fuel injection pressure 20MPa
7 Fuel injection timing 230 bTDC
8 Dynamometer Eddy Current Dynamometer

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Effects of Diethyl Ether on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using Toroidal
Profile Bowl Piston by Varying Injection Pressure

Figure 2 (A) Hemispherical bowl piston (B) Toroidal bowl piston


3.1. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
The variation in the BSFC with DEE-diesel blends compared to diesel fuel at various
injection pressures is shown in Figure3. At the standard injection pressure of 20MPa, the
BSFC was lower for DEE-diesel blends than diesel. As the composition of DEE increased, the
BSFC also increased [11]. The results showed that BSFC decreased by 13% with E5D95 than
diesel. This is due to the oxygen content present in the DEE. As the injection pressure
increased to 22MPa, there was decrease in BSFC. However, the BSFC increased at 24MPa
pressure, an increase of 11% was noticed with E5D95 than diesel. It was also observed that
there was 18% increase in BSFC as the composition of DEE was increased. This is due to the
reduction in fuel particle size at higher injection pressure which lead to the increase in ignition
delay period [12].
D 100 E 5 D 95 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85

BSFC (kg/kW hr)





20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24

Load (%)

Figure 3 BSFC vs Load at various pressures

3.2. Brake Thermal Efficiency

Brake thermal efficiency signifies the amount of chemical energy present in the fuel is
converted into useful work. The changes in BTE of the engine using DEE-diesel blends at
various injection pressures are shown in Figure4. It was found that the BTE was higher for all
DEE-diesel blends when compared with diesel at all injection pressures. At 20MPa pressure
E5D95 had higher BTE which is 38% and as the composition of DEE was increased, the BTE

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S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh

decreased. It was observed 10% increase in BTE with E5D95 than diesel. This can be
attributed to the enhanced combustion due to the oxygen content of the blends and increase in
the cetane number [13]. As the injection pressure increases, the BTE increases for all blends
of DEE-diesel. This is due to high volatility of DEE. The best result of BTE was achieved at
24MPa pressure for E5D95 which is 42% (19% higher than that of standard settings). Similar
findings of improvement at higher injection pressures were also observed [14]. This can be
attributed to the proper utilization of fuel with better atomization at higher injection pressures.
D 100 E 5 D 95
40 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85




BTE (%)



20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24

Load (%)

Figure 4 BTE vs Load at various pressures

3.3. Nitric Oxides

The variations of NOx emission with various blends of DEE-diesel at various injection
pressures are shown in Figure 5. As it is shown in figure, NO x emission was reduced with
blending DEE to diesel. There was 16% reduction in NOx at 24MPa pressure with E5D95. At
a given injection pressure, as the composition of DEE increases, NOx also increases.
However, as the injection pressure and composition of DEE increases, the NOx emission was
found to be decreasing [15]. There was 4% and 9% reduction in NO x with E5D95 than diesel
and at 20MPa and 22MPa respectively. This is due to the diminishing fuel particle size at
higher pressures and enhanced mixing of fuel with air. Higher injection pressure generates
faster combustion rates and as the premixed combustion is shortened, the peak cylinder
pressure and temperature reduces with addition of DEE.

3.4. Hydrocarbon
Emissions of HC at various injection pressures for blends of DEE-diesel are shown in
Figure6. The HC emissions produced by DEE blends were more than the diesel fuel. There
was 30% increase in HC emission with E15D85 at 20MPa pressure and as the injection
pressure increases, the HC emission increases with addition of DEE to diesel. This is due to
the high latent heat of vaporization of DEE which tends to produce slow vaporization and
mixing of fuel and air along with rare availability of oxygen at full load conditions lead to
incomplete combustion [16]. However, E5D95 has the lowest HC emission out of all blends
of DEE-diesel.

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Effects of Diethyl Ether on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using Toroidal
Profile Bowl Piston by Varying Injection Pressure

Figure 5 NOx vs Load at various pressures

D 100 E 5 D 95 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85



HC (ppm)



20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24

25 50 75 100
Load (%)

Figure 6 HC vs Load at various pressures

3.5. Carbon Monoxide

Figure7 shows the CO emission for different blends of DEE-diesel at various injection
pressures. It can be seen from the figure that CO emission for DEE-diesel blend was more
than the diesel fuel. There was an increase of 3% and 8% with E5D95 and E15D85
respectively when compared with diesel. This is due to the lean flame out region, lower
temperatures and pressures exerted in the combustion chamber [17]. As the injection pressure
increases, the CO emission also increases with addition of DEE to diesel. This is due to the
high latent heat of vaporization of DEE which tends to produce slow vaporization and mixing
of fuel. DEE, being a highly volatile liquid and less availability of oxygen and higher

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S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh

injection pressures could also be responsible for higher CO emissions. However, E5D95 at
20MPa injection pressure has the lowest CO emission among all blends of DEE-diesel.

3.6. Exhaust Gas Temperature

The variation of exhaust gas temperature for various blends of DEE-diesel at various
pressures is shown in Figure8. It is shown from the figure that exhaust gas temperature
decreased with DEE-diesel blends than diesel fuel and it further reduced with increase in
composition of DEE. At standard injection pressure of 20MPa, there was 10% decrease with
E15D85 than diesel and as the injection pressure increases, the exhaust gas temperature
increases. 20% reduction in exhaust gas temperature was noticed at 24MPa pressure with
E15D85 than diesel. This is due to the higher calorific value and high latent heat of
vaporization of DEE. This might also be the possible cause for increase in HC and CO
D 100 E 5 D 95 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85


CO (%)




20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24

Load (%)

Figure 7 CO vs Load at various pressures

D 100 E 5 D 95
400 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85



EGT (0C)





20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24

Load (%)

Figure 8 EGT vs Load at various pressures

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Effects of Diethyl Ether on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using Toroidal
Profile Bowl Piston by Varying Injection Pressure

3.7. Smoke
Figure9 envisages the smoke emission of various DEE-diesel blends at various injection
pressures. From the figure it is evident that DEE-diesel blends give better smoke reduction
which indicates that there was better combustion. Smoke emission showed minimum levels
for E15D85, which is 17% less than diesel fuel. As the fuel injection pressure increases,
smoke emission reduces. It was also found that with increase in composition of DEE at any
injection pressure, the smoke levels were found reduced. DEE, being a volatile fuel can
overcome poor mixing of the fuel with air and leads to improvement in diffusive combustion.
D 100 E 5 D 95
1.8 E 10 D 90 E 15 D 85



Smoke Opacity (fsn)





20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24
Load (%)

Figure 9 Smoke vs Load at various pressures

The following conclusions were drawn based on the experimental investigations using DEE-
diesel blends by varying injection pressure:
 Addition of DEE improves the physical and chemical properties of diesel fuel, decreases the
heating value and improves the cold starting property.
 Increase of composition of DEE to diesel increased BSFC as injection pressure increased.
There was 8%. 5% and 18% rise in BSFC for DEE-diesel blends at 200, 220 and 24MPa
pressure respectively.
 NOx and smoke emissions of DEE-diesel blends are found decreased drastically with addition
of DEE to diesel. The effect of NOx is more effective than other emissions.
 CO and HC emissions were more for DEE-diesel blends than diesel.
 From the DEE-diesel blends tested, E5D95 blend was found to be the optimum blend on the
basis of performance and emission characteristics.

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S. Madhu, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya and P. Bridjesh

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