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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2020) 59, 851–864

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal



Parametric optimization of engine performance and

emission for various n-butanol blends at different
operating parameter condition
Amit. R. Patil a,b, A.D. Desai c

G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Mechanical Dept., M. E. S. College of Engineering, SPPU, Pune, India
Mechanical Dept., SRES’s Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, SPPU, Pune, India

Received 20 October 2018; revised 9 January 2020; accepted 4 February 2020

KEYWORDS Abstract In present work, study of effect of different n-butanol diesel blends (5–20% v/v) on
Butanol; engine performance and emission were performed for different engine operating parameter. Opti-
C I Engine; mization was carried out with help of Taguchi DoE method. Single Cylinder VCR Compression
Taguchi; Ignition Engine was fuelled with different blend of diesel and n-butanol and tested at different
Optimization; engine settings of CR, FIP and FIT for different load conditions (Idle, 1/3, 2/3 and full load). Nor-
Emission mality analysis was performed to check the distribution of response data and then regression anal-
ysis was performed to derive the mathematical model for the chosen responses (BSFC, BTE, NOx
and Smoke) based on n-butanol and engine parameters. During the optimization analysis, it is
found that n-butanol of 15% concentration in diesel with engine settings, CR of 15, FIP of
260 bar and FIT of 25°bTDC give optimize BTE, BSFC and low smoke but resulted in higher
NOx formation due to tradeoff between NOx and smoke control. The use of 15%v/v of n-
butanol was found to be most suitable blend proportion with diesel as it resulted in favorable engine
performance and low emission for all test load conditions. Also during this study, it was observed
that Taguchi method is highly effective when individual response parameter need to be optimized
for different engine responses and to identify the significant factor from multiple design factors. But
for optimization of multiple design factors for most favorable responses simultaneously, use of
advanced optimization methods from MADM (Multi Attribute Decision Making) approach to
be implemented.
Ó 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/

Abbreviations: BSFC, Brake Specific Fuel consumption; BTE, Brake Thermal efficiency; CR, Compression Ratio; DoE, Design of Experiments;
FIP, Fuel Injection pressure; FIT, Fuel Injection Timing; HCCI, Homogeneous Charge Combustion Ignition; NOx, Nitrogen oxides; PCCI,
Premixed Charge Combustion Ignition; S/N, Signal to Noise Ratio; VCR, Variable Compression Ratio.
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
852 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

1. Introduction nificantly decreased. Han [6] studied the effect of variation of

CR, aromatic content and temperature on combustion charac-
Due to low cost of diesel fuel and more power, diesel engine is teristic and exhaust emission in case of low temperature com-
more common than gasoline engines. It contributes to prosper- bustion (LTC). It shows that exhaust emission of PM was
ity of worldwide economy as most favored prime mover for strongly dependent on the ignition delay time. Brijesh et al.
transport vehicles due to high combustion efficiency, reliabil- [7] in their literature paper mentioned that use of EGR is quite
ity, adaptability and cost effectiveness. However, pollutant successful for small engines to reduce NOx but results in prob-
emissions from it are major drawback [1]. The pollution emit- lems in large bore engines with the use of high EGR. As EGR
ted by diesel engines contributes greatly to air quality prob- results in increase in PM, many in cylinder solution like low
lems. The major pollutant emitted from CI engine are NOx CR, modified injection system were used along with EGR
and smoke and to meet the stringent pollution control norms and also need use of modern combustion technique like HCCI,
had directed the researchers to search for clean combustion PCCI. However they mentioned control of auto ignition tim-
technology with use of alternate fuel, additives and modifica- ing and achieving wider operating range are major challenges
tion of engine geometry. Generally, alcohol fuels show less with new techniques. Tornatore et al. [8] reported that with
emission producing tendency since they have less carbon, sul- late injection timing couple with high EGR (50%), butanol –
phur content and contain more oxygen than traditional diesel blend of 20% v/v increases the ignition delay allowing
fossil-based fuels. In addition, higher vapour pressures of alco- the engine to operate in partially premixed LTC zone. High
hol produces evaporative emissions and low energy density of reeducation of smoke and NOx were observed with little drop
alcohol fuel causes a drop in engine performance. Also due to in engine efficiency. Johnson [1] has presented the principles of
low cetane number of alcohol, usage of neat alcohols in diesel advanced combustion and regimes of soot and NOx formation
engines as an alternative fuel has been very limited. The use of was expressed in terms of flame equivalence ratio (fuel: air
cetane enhancers can improve potential usage of alcohol fuel ratio) and flame temperature to explained the causes of emis-
blends and promote it as a promising fuel for diesel engines sion formation. Study mentioned the use of Selective catalytic
[2]. Alcohol fuels like methanol (CH3OH), ethanol reduction (SCR) and Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) to control
(C2H5OH), propanol (C3H7OH), butanol (C4H9OH) can be NOx formation. Lean NOx traps are observed to be most
used with fossil-based fuels in various percentages for diesel effective in controlling NOx with up to 60–70%. They also
engines as a clean alternative fuel source. Besides, low percent- explained their control technologies with the help of Exhaust
age of alcohol in diesel fuel does not require any modifications Gas Recirculation (EGR) and catalytic convertor. Mahmudul
in the engine fuel system. There are many studies performed on et al. [9] has performed study on effect of butanol addition in
diesel engines to observe engine performance and exhaust diesel biodiesel blend on combustion and emission properties.
emissions variation by using alcohol fuels (methanol and etha- It is observed that 20% v/v butanol in blend increases ignition
nol) blended with standard diesel fuels. The previous studies delay and reduces in cylinder pressure. Senthil et al. [10] has
showed that alcohol fuel blends can help in lowering the reported that in their work on effect of butanol on
exhaust emissions and improve the diesel engine output tor- Pongamia-Ethanol blend, that addition of butanol with 20%
que, engine power, but at the same time results in increase of v/v concentration can help in controlling NOx formation while
the BSFC. Serin et al. [3] in their work on effect of alcohols results in more CO and HC formation. Also it results in BSFC
(methanol, butanol and ethanol) on diesel and biodiesel increases with addition of butanol. Swamy et al. [11] has
observed that alcohol decreases BTE when blended with diesel directly added butanol in different proportion (5–20% v/v)
while result in increases in BTE when blended with biodiesel in diesel and observed that it is completely soluble and stable
due to improvement of oxygen content in the biodiesel. It is with diesel. They found that BTE increases with more butanol
observed that CO decreases with addition of alcohol and with concentration with reduction of CO formation at higher load
increase of compression ratio (CR) while NOx formation is condition with increase of HC for all load condition while
observed to be highest in biodiesel and least in alcohol blended NOx is comparable with neat diesel. Saravanan et al. [12]
fuel. Lapuerta et al. [4] has investigated the effect of butanol has reported outcome of iso-butanole blending effect on diesel
blending with diesel on auto ignition and the compared the engine with EGR on performance and emission and found that
results of same with that of ethanol blending in diesel. It is higher iso-butanol blend need higher EGR circulation to get
observed that ignition delay for butanol blend was observed optimum level of smoke and NOx while HC and CO show
to similar for both diesel and biodiesel while highest combus- increasing trend. At retarded injection timing, 40% v/v iso-
tion pressure decreases as alcohol amount increases especially butanol show decreased HC emission with rise in CO and
for ethanol. A 10% v/v of blending results in decrease of igni- slight drop in performance of engine when compared to origi-
tion delay time due to increases in initial pressure and temper- nal injection timing. Imtenan et al. [13] reported that low NOx
ature. Wang et al. [5] has worked on recovery of waste heat depends on higher ignition delay and lower combustion rate
from a diesel engine exhaust, a Regenerative Organic Rankine which results in low cylinder temp. EGR with optimized start
Cycle (RORC) system was employed while butane were used of injection helps in achieving LTC which reduces NOx forma-
as the working fluids. Among the four selected fluids, the net tion. But in LTC there is rise in HC and CO due to low cylin-
power output of the RORC system using butane is the maxi- der temp and oxygen concentration. Also LTC results in
mum and required mass flow rate of the butane is minimum. higher specific fuel consumption (SFC) due to late injection
For the diesel engine- RORC combined system, the improve- timing. Pohit et al. [14] has done an experimental study on
ment in power output and fuel economy is significant. Accord- the effect of Karanja oil methyl ester diesel fuel blends on
ingly, the total weight of the RORC system using butane can engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated.
be reduced and the risk of environmental pollution can be sig- The engine performance and emission characteristics had been
analyzed in the context of applicability of blend of karanja oil
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 853

Table 1 Physio-chemical key properties of different Alcohols [28,29,4,30].

Sr. No. Property Diesel# n-Butanol Ethanol Iso Butanol Methanol
1 Formula C12H26–C14H3 C4H9OH C2H5OH C4H9OH CH3OH
2 Density at 15 °C (kg/m3) 842 810 790 806 791.3
3 Kinematics Viscosity@40 °C (cst) 3 0.810 1.056 2.16 0.58
4 Calorific Value (Mj/kg) 42.93 33.1 26.9 33.3 19.9
5 Flash point (°C) 52–96 37 16 30–38 12
6 Boiling Point 149–385 117.4 78.37 108 65
7 Cetane Index (°C) 46 25 [31] 5–8 [32] <15 2
ASTM standards for ASTM D6751 diesel fuel.

methyl ester with conventional diesel as a suitable alternative of numerical modeling and five type of model for HCCI.
fuel resource. Yao et al. [15] has discussed on past and trend Use of advance controlling strategies is air fuels mixing are
current HCCI combustion. He has talked about importance more important than simple homogeneous charge in the pro-
cess of controlling HCCI combustion process. Valentino
et al. [16] has presented work in which they evaluated the effect
Table 2 Key factor and their levels. of butanol (40% v/v) with diesel blend and gasoline diesel
blend (40%v/v) and possibility of creating premixed zone
Operating parameters Level
due to joint effect of high resistance to auto ignition by butanol
1 2 3 4 and high volatility of gasoline. This is has improved the emis-
n-Butanol (% v/v) 0 10 15 20 sions of blend with small increase in fuel consumption. Oguz-
Compression Ration 15 16 17 18 han et al. [2] investigated at constant engine speed (2600 rpm)
Fuel Injection Pressure (bar) 240 250 260 270 and four different engine loads by using n-butanol blended die-
Fuel Injection Timing (°bTDC) 22 23 24 25 sel fuel. The test results showed that n-butanol content of the
fuel has an important effect on engine performance and emis-
sions. Yusri et al. [17] has concluded that 10%v/v of n-butanol
blend with diesel showed 11.3% of drop in NOx with 7% drop
in exhaust gas temperature (EGT) when compared with10%v/
Table 3 L16 Orthogonal array for present problem.
v of n-butanol blend to diesel fuel, on combustion pressures
and temperatures, and emissions characteristics in a common
Run n-But CR FIP FIT rail CDI engine at two different engine speeds (1000 rpm and
1 0 16 250 23 2500 rpm) with constant BMEP = 3.5 bar. Bharadwaz et al.
2 0 15 240 22 [18] studied the effect of methanol blend using VCR engine test
3 0 17 260 24 setup and with help of RSM optimization technique to identify
4 0 18 270 25 that 5% v/v of methanol blend gives highest performance and
5 10 16 240 25 emission control but engine required to operate at higher com-
6 10 15 250 24
pression ratio of 18. Khidir et al. [19] has conducted study on
7 10 18 260 23
8 10 17 270 22
optimization of engine parameter with different grade of diesel
9 15 15 260 22 fuel for engine performance and emission using Taguchi DoE
10 15 17 240 23 method. This study suggested that throttle has significant influ-
11 15 16 270 24 ence on BTE and exergy efficiency while temperature is second
12 15 18 250 25 effective factor. They observed that type of fuel has no signif-
13 20 17 250 25 icant effect when compared with other factors. Patel et al. [20]
14 20 18 240 24 has carried out a work to study the effect Jatropha biodiesel -
15 20 15 270 23 diesel blend on single cylinder engine performance and emis-
16 20 16 260 22 sion. To have their result in proper order, they had used Tagu-
chi method and when confirmation experiments were

Table 4 Testing of fuel sample for ASTM standard compliance for diesel fuel.
Sr. No Property Limit Results$ Test methods
1 Cetane Index MIN 46 50 ASTM D 4737 2016
2. Flash point (PMCC) (°C) NS 30.5 IS 1448 (P 21) 2012
3 Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C (cSt) 2.0–4.5 2.183 ASTM D 7042 2016
4 Gross calorific value (Cal/g) NS 10,330 IS 1448 (P 6) 2013
5 Chlorine content (% by wt) NS NIL ASTM D 808 2016
6 Density at 15 °C (kg/m3) 820–845 829.8 ASTM D 4052 2016
As per Lab test results conducted.
854 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

Fig. 1 Engine test setup diagram.

performed for optimum setting, it showed that BSFC was ent setting like blend proportion, injection timing with the help
found by experiment is closer to predicted value given by of Taguchi DoE and the results showed that optimized mixing
Taguchi DoE. Ganapathy et al. [21] had compared the result of turpentine oil result increases engine brake thermal effi-
of thermodynamic model and Taguchi DoE experimental ciency with significant reduction in smoke.
results for performance optimization of Jatropha biodiesel Butanol exits in four different forms; one of it is n-butanol.
and based on results, promoted a model for different engine It was used as intermediate for organic synthesis, as oil addi-
parameter by considering the effect of factor interaction on tives. It is good solvent for petroleum based fuel and entitle
S/N ratio. With this combined approach, they identified the blend stability in storage hence less prone to separate in pres-
optimum the operating parameter and their level setting which
resulted in improvement in engine performance. Kokkulunk
et al. [22] has investigated and identified optimum parameter
setting for engine performance and least emission conditions Table 5 Specification of engine test rig.
using Taguchi Designs method along with ANNOVA from ‘ Specification
different steam injection (0–30%v/v) with varying EGR level Engine Single cylinder, 4 S Diesel, water cooled, power
(0–30% v/v). They conclude that for optimum NOx, 10%v/v 5.2 kW at 1500 rpm,
steam injection and 20% v/v steam injection with zero EGR stroke 110 mm, bore87.5 mm. 661 cc, CR 17.5
is needed. Roy et al. [23] has made an attempts to address Dynamometer Type eddy current, water cooled
the challenges of the multi-objective optimization problem of Calorimeter Type Pipe in pipe
the controlling the BSFC, NOx-PM trade off paradox of an Piezo sensor Range 5000 PSI, with low noise cable
existing diesel engine by harnessing the synergetic benefit of Crank angle Resolution 1°, Speed 5500 RPM with TDC
PM and BSFC reduction through CRDI operation and simul- sensor pulse.
Data acquisition NI USB-6210, 16-bit, 250kS/s.
taneous NOx reduction by use of EGR application. The prob-
lem was solved by converting this multi-objective problem into Piezo powering Model AX-409
single objective with the help of Grey Fuzzy Grade Techniques unit
of optimization. Modi et al. [24] has conducted an experimen- Temperature Type RTD, PT100 and Thermocouple, Type K
tal study for palm oil blended with diesel fuel used in a single sensor
cylinder diesel engine and optimization by Taguchi method. Temperature Type two wire, Input RTD PT100, Range 0–
The Taguchi method was found to be an efficient technique transmitter 100 °C, I/P Thermocouple,
for quantifying the effect of control parameters. Engine perfor- Range 0–1200 °C, O/P 4–20 Ma
mance is mostly influenced by engine load and is least influ- Load indicator Digital, Range 0–50 kg, Supply 230VAC
enced by blend ratio. Sivaramakrishna et al. [25] has worked Load sensor Load cell, type strain gauge, range 0–50 kg
Fuel flow DP transmitter, Range 0–500 mm WC
on optimization of engine between best performance and least
emission for blend of karanja biodiesel using of Taguchi and Air flow Pressure transmitter, Range (–) 250 mm WC
multi regression analysis optimization for different engine transmitter
parameter. It is found that 30% v/v of karanja oil blends with Rota meter Engine cooling 40–400 LPH; Calorimeter 25–
diesel at CR of 18 with nozzle pressure of 230 bar and FIT 27o- 250 LPH
bTDC gives maximum performance and resulted in reduction Gas Analyzer AVL DIGI GAS 444
of emission. Karthikeyan et al. [26] has done an investigation Smoke Meter AVL 437 Smoke Meter
on use of turpentine oil as blending agent with diesel for differ-
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 855

Table 6 Observation table of experimentation.

Run No Load
0% (0 kg) 1/3 (4 kg) 2/3 (8 kg) Full (12 kg)
1 0.60 33.00 0.08 1.38 0.46 586.00 0.19 17.94 0.35 1587.00 0.40 23.53 0.32 2480.00 0.15 26.38
2 5.64 43.00 0.09 1.48 0.48 491.00 0.10 17.38 0.33 1445.00 0.20 25.00 0.30 1934.00 0.79 27.75
3 0.86 23.00 0.09 2.42 0.47 721.00 0.11 17.77 0.33 1925.00 0.17 25.15 0.31 2650.00 0.65 27.28
4 1.57 45.00 0.05 0.53 0.49 1180.00 0.28 17.10 0.34 1831.00 0.13 24.46 0.31 2704.00 0.52 27.36
5 0.86 23.00 0.05 0.97 0.47 590.00 0.10 17.70 0.33 1746.00 0.16 25.16 0.31 2531.00 0.51 26.92
6 5.07 45.00 0.22 0.16 0.48 281.00 0.09 17.39 0.34 1355.00 0.18 24.62 0.60 2260.00 0.49 27.70
7 1.90 182.00 0.07 0.44 0.50 936.00 0.22 16.82 0.34 1869.00 0.17 24.74 0.30 2553.00 0.22 27.82
8 1.65 23.00 0.03 0.50 0.45 438.00 0.06 18.87 0.31 1838.00 0.12 26.52 0.29 3014.00 0.43 28.62
9 1.06 54.00 0.07 0.79 0.46 183.00 0.08 18.22 0.34 1352.00 0.13 24.64 0.29 2532.00 0.30 29.04
10 1.17 34.00 0.04 1.00 0.47 366.00 0.09 17.73 0.32 1538.00 0.16 25.77 0.29 2571.00 0.16 28.91
11 1.14 65.00 0.05 0.73 0.36 247.00 0.08 23.08 0.34 1548.00 0.13 24.80 0.31 1768.00 0.55 26.87
12 0.55 34.00 0.06 1.52 0.45 258.00 0.09 18.64 0.33 1444.00 0.13 25.16 0.32 2854.00 0.16 26.41
13 1.14 56.00 0.03 0.73 0.36 829.00 0.10 23.08 0.34 2629.00 0.14 24.80 0.31 3357.00 0.13 26.87
14 1.29 77.00 0.05 0.64 0.50 1634.00 0.08 26.68 0.33 2397.00 0.12 25.17 0.31 3513.00 0.37 26.82
15 0.79 44.00 0.21 1.05 0.47 114.00 0.15 17.73 0.34 981.00 0.23 24.45 0.32 191.90 0.69 26.43
16 0.88 75.00 0.11 0.95 0.47 117.00 0.33 17.88 0.33 1037.00 0.22 25.19 0.28 2348.00 0.80 29.82

Fig. 2 (a–d): Normality test result for BSFC at different load conditions.

ence of water. It is less corrosive, has higher calorific value than combustion process, reduces emissions [27]. So based on above
ethanol, higher cetane number and low heat of vaporization. literature survey, it is understood that n-butanol is promising
Due to high oxygen content of n-butanol (21.6%), it improves fuel additives The comparative table of physio-chemical
856 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

Table 7 Response for mean BSFC at different load conditions.

Level 0% of Full load 1/4 of Full load 1/2 of Full load 3/4 of Full load
1 2.168 0.914 1.923 1.086 0.475 0.4375 0.4425 0.4775 0.3375 0.34 0.34 0.3375 0.31 0.3075 0.3775 0.3125
2 2.370 3.293 1.960 2.390 0.475 0.4825 0.4675 0.4125 0.33 0.33 0.3325 0.33 0.375 0.375 0.3125 0.3025
3 0.977 1.171 1.215 0.941 0.435 0.45 0.47 0.47 0.3325 0.3375 0.3275 0.3275 0.3025 0.31 0.3 0.2975
4 1.026 1.163 1.443 2.123 0.45 0.465 0.455 0.475 0.335 0.3275 0.335 0.34 0.305 0.3 0.3025 0.38
Delta 1.393 2.379 0.7447 1.4495 0.04 0.045 0.0275 0.065 0.0075 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0725 0.075 0.0775 0.0825
Rank 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 3 2 1

Fig. 3 (a–d): Effect of operating parameter of BSFC at different load conditions.

properties of different fuel additives for diesel fuel has been emission for these test conditions were then analyzed to Tagu-
mentioned in Table 1 below. In the present work, different chi DoE method has been employed to identified correct num-
n-butanol blend with diesel (0–20 of %v/v) were tested for ber of possible experimental trials needed and then data from
different engine operating settings viz. CR (15–18), FIP these test were used to identify the optimum n-butanol blending
(220–260 bar) and FIT (21-25obTDC) at different test load con- proportion with correct setting of selected engine operating
ditions. (Idle, ¼, ¾ and Full Load). Results of performance and parameter for better engine economy and least emission.
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 857

2. Design of experiments responses viz. BTE and BSFC as performance response while
NOx and smoke as emission response. Before proceeding to
2.1. Selection of design of experiments and optimization start of experimentation, fuel sample were tested for ASTM
Standards to be used in diesel engine. Test blend sample con-
taining maximum amount of n-butanol i.e. 20% v/v called B20
Based on literature survey, it has observed that Taguchi
is selected and sent to lab for testing. The different tests were
method is most easy and robust method. Also it is cost effec-
performed as per ASTM and results of the same were tabu-
tive as it identifies the minimum number of experimental trials
lated in Table 4.
needed by suggesting correct combination of different design
The experimental test facility selected for the present study
parameter needed for analysis of test results avoiding unneces-
has been presented in form of line diagram form as show in
sary data collection and their analysis. So Taguchi DoE has
Fig. 1. It is computerized research single cylinder 4 S VCR
been used to identify the correct combination of selected
Diesel Engine test rig with eddy current dynamometer and
design factor and their levels in present study. For the present
DAQ system to collect different data signal of chosen
study, factors and levels were selected based on literature
responses. It’s provided with facility to vary the CR by adjust-
review are mentioned in Table 2.
ing clearance volume, to change FIP and FIT as per need of
2.2. Selection of Taguchi orthogonal array present study and experimental settings.
The detail specification of engine set up used for present
work is mentioned in Table 5.
Based on number of Factor (4) and number of Levels assigned
Fuel sample as per L16 array is prepared and engine oper-
to each design factor (4), L16 orthogonal array is selected as
ating parameter settings viz. CR, FIP and CR were adjusted.
shown Table 3.
The tests start with trial at idle load condition and engine
allowed to run for 5 min so it will stabilize at the selected test
2.3. Experimentation condition and come to steady state condition. As it is comput-
erized test setup, test sequence were started using Engine Soft
Based on Taguchi orthogonal array, sixteen experimental trials software and load is applied in steps. Initial readings were
were identified to collect observation data of different taken at idle load condition. During the trial, manual reading

Fig. 4 a–d Normality test result for BTE at different load conditions.
858 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

a) No Load b) 1/3 of Full Load

c) 2/3 of Full Load d) Full Load

Fig. 5 (a–d): Effect of operating parameter of BTE at different load conditions.

Table 8 Response for mean BTE at different load conditions.

Level 0% of Full load 1/4 of Full load 1/2 of Full load 3/4 of Full load
1 1.451 0.968 0.805 0.995 17.55 19.23 19.07 20.02 24.54 24.53 24.54 24.65 27.19 27.3 27.69 26.86
2 0.518 0.573 1.255 0.860 17.7 19.8 17.86 20.6 25.26 25.14 24.94 25.28 27.77 27.8 26.88 27.53
3 0.763 1.159 1.086 1.086 19.42 18.85 20.39 17.77 25.09 24.79 25.37 25.32 27.81 27.1 27.94 28.23
4 0.843 0.875 0.428 0.633 21.34 18.12 18.68 17.61 24.9 25.33 24.94 24.54 27.48 28.05 27.74 27.63
Delta 0.9338 0.5862 0.8275 0.4537 3.79 1.67 2.52 2.99 0.72 0.8 0.84 0.77 0.62 0.95 1.06 1.38
Rank 1 3 2 4 1 4 3 2 4 2 1 3 4 3 2 1

of engine parameter like Fuel consumption (cc/sec), Load (kg) 3. Results and discussion
and EGT is also taken along with reading of smoke meter and
gas analyzer. This is repeated for all load conditions (¼, ø and 3.1. BSFC response for all load condition
¾). Afterward engine is switched to new test sequence as per
L16 array and trial procedure is repeated. After the completion
Normality test is performed on BSFC observation for all load
of all trails, reports is generated from engine soft software and
conditions using Anderson Darling test. It is observed from
necessary observation data were noted down as shown in
Fig. 2 that BSFC observation doesn’t follow normal distribu-
Table 6.
tion as ‘p’ value is not greater than 0.005. This represent that
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 859

BSFC observation doesn’t follow any pattern. During 1/3 and Table 7 shows the effect of different factor level on brake
2/3 of full load condition the BSFC is close to 0.005 which specific fuel consumption at different load conditions. It is
show no deviation due to no substantial change in A/F ration observed that compression ratio is next significant parameter
of engine. at almost all condition except at high load. Conditions with
Regression analysis is performance to generate the equation compression ratio 17, fuel inject pressure 260 bar and fuel
between repose parameter and operating factors. Eqs. (a–d) injection timing 24 °bTDC.
represent regression model for BSFC at different load condi- Fig. 3(a–d) represents the effect of level of different operat-
tions (Idle, 1/3, 2/3 and Full Load). It’s observed from equa- ing factors on average Brake specific fuel consumption
tions that y-intercept is almost cost for all expect in Eq. ‘a’ response at various load conditions. It is observed that fuel
with coefficient of n-butanol is highest representing important injection timing is leas average response followed by compres-
factor in deciding BSFC. sion ratio. It is also observed from Fig. 3 that 15% of n-
butanol is consuming least fuel at all load conditions except
BSFC = 1.7520–0.1580 n but + 0.0310 CR
ðaÞ at normal load condition (1/3 of full load). This may be due
0:130FIP0:0860FIT to possibility of more uniform combustion using oxygen from
n-butanol diesel blend during the combustion process.
BSFC = 0.4525–0.01150 n But + 0.0050 CR
þ 0:0040FIP þ 0:0050FIT 3.2. BTE response for all load condition

BSFC = 0.3462–0.00050 n But  0.0030 CR Fig. 4(a–d) represent results of normality test on Break ther-
0:0020FIP þ 0:0005FIT mal efficiency response. It is observed from graph that brake
thermal efficiency response observations were normally dis-
BSFC = 0.3769–0.0087 n But  0.00880 CR tributed for different load conditions expect at 2/3 of full load
ðdÞ condition. This indicate the brake thermal efficiency follow
0:0238FIP þ 0:0197FIT
some pattern.

Fig. 6 (a–d): Normality test result for NOx at different Load conditions.
860 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

Using regression method, mathematical mode is created in BTE = 18.97 + 1.311 n but  0.428 CR
the four equations Eqs. (g–j). þ 0:135FIP1:006FIT
BTE = 1.752–0.158 n but + 0.031 CR
ðeÞ BTE = 23.861 + 0.094 n But + 0.204 CR
0:130FIP0:086FIT ðgÞ
þ 0:165FIP0:029FIT

Fig. 7 (a–d): Effect of operating parameter of NOx at different load conditions.

Table 9 Response for mean NOx at different load conditions.

Level 0% of Full load 1/4 of Full load 1/2 of Full load 3/4 of Full load
1 36.000 41.500 54.500 81.500 744.5 547 307.8 853.5 1697 1829 1382 1824 2442 2725 2214 2850
2 68.250 49.750 36.000 46.750 561.3 693 363.3 501.3 1702 1684 1404 1865 2590 2570 1878 2518
3 46.750 78.500 44.250 38.750 263.5 504.5 744 448.5 1471 1581 1878 1562 2431 1791 2927 2525
4 63.000 44.250 79.250 47.000 673.5 498.3 827.8 439.5 1761 1538 1967 1380 2352 2730 2796 1922
Delta 32.25 37 43.25 42.75 481 194.8 520 414 291 291 585 485 237 939 1050 928
Rank 4 3 1 2 2 4 1 3 4 3 1 2 4 2 1 3
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 861

BTE = 25.88 + 0.092 n-But + 0.156 CR (i–l) represents the regression model of NOx for different
þ 0:121FIP þ 0:303FIT engine parameters prepared using regression analysis for dif-
ferent load conditions.
Fig. 5 graphically represent the effect of different level of Regression Equations for different load conditions
each parameter of brake thermal efficiency. It is observed that
BTE is maximum for unblended diesel fuel for idle load condi- NOx = 36.6 + 5.95 n-But + 3.70 CR + 8.25 FIP  11.15 FIT
tion and decreases for remaining load. The reason for this may ðiÞ
be is that during idle condition we require rich mixture and
oxygen content dilute the richness as n-butanol percentage is NOx = 611–51.1 n But  33.5 CR + 194.1 FIP  129.5 FIT
increased. For the remaining load conditions, break thermal ðjÞ
efficient increases as percentage of n-butanol increases till high
load condition where we need rich mixture. It is observed from NOx = 1764–4.0 n But  97.6 CR + 222.9 FIP  163.7 FIT
Table 8, that n-butanol is significant factor till load condition
which is replaced by Fuel Injection Pressure and Fuel Injection ðkÞ
Timing at high load conditions followed by CR. So it evident
that for higher brake thermal efficiency, n-butanol addition of NOx = 2320 + 59.6 n But  42.3 CR + 245.5 FIP  175.4 FIT
15% must be paired with correct adjustment of Fuel Injection ðlÞ
Pressure and Fuel Injection Timing here at 260 bar and 24
Fig. 7 shows the effect of different levels of each factor NOx
°bTDC respectively.
formation. Here also n-butanol with 15%v/v shows least NOx
formation at all load condition. Table 9 gives table regarding
3.3. NOx response for all load condition significance of each factor level on responses. It is observed
that Fuel Injection Pressure is most significant factor which
Fig. 6 shows normality test result for NOx response at differ- should be adjusted at 22°bTDC to achieve minimum NOx
ent load conditions. It is evident from graph that response is formation.
normally distributed and ‘p’ value is higher than 0.005. Eqs.

Fig. 8 (a–d): Normality test result for smoke at different load conditions.
862 A.R. Patil, A.D. Desai

a) No Load b) 1/3 of Full Load

c) 2/3 of Full Load d) Full Load

Fig. 9 Effect of operating parameter of Smoke at Different Load conditions.

3.4. Smoke response for all load condition Smoke = 0.297–0.0210 n but + 0.0690 CR  0.0820 FIP + 0.0880 FIT
Fig. 8(a–d) shows normality test result graph for smoke forma- Fig. 9 shows the effect of different levels of each factor on
tion at different test load conditions. It is evident from graph engine smoke formation. Diesel with n-butanol blend of 15%
that response is normally distributed and p value is higher than v/v shows least smoke formation for all test load condition.
0.005 except at ø of full load condition. Eqs. (m–p) represents Table 10 gives details regarding significance of each factor
the regression model of smoke formation with different engine levels on smoke formation. It is observed that Fuel Injection
parameters prepared using regression analysis for different Timing most significant factor at idle and high load condition
load conditions. while fuel injection pressure at normal load conditions. FIP at
Smoke = 0.0700 + 0.0030 n but + 0.0020 CR 260 bar while FIT at level 22°bTDC gives minimum smoke all
ðmÞ load conditions
0:0245FIP þ 0:0240FIT
4. Optimize parameter sequence
Smoke = 0.0644–0.0047 n but + 0.0268 CR
0:0027FIP þ 0:0087FIT
Taguchi Design of experiment method is used to find the opti-
mum setting of Compression Ration, fuel injection ration and
Smoke = 0.3494–0.0163 n but  0.0163 CR
ðoÞ fuel injection timing for correct blend proportion of n-butanol.
0:0292FIP0:0083FIT After using L16 array and response analysis of Table 11, the
optimum combination highest load conditions are n-butanol
Parametric optimization of engine performance and emission for various n-butanol blends 863

Table 10 Response for mean smoke at different load conditions.

Level 0% of Full load 1/4 of Full load 1/2 of Full load 3/4 of Full load
1 0.078 0.058 0.115 0.065 0.17 0.1175 0.1725 0.145 0.225 0.2075 0.2325 0.205 0.5275 0.2725 0.4975 0.225
2 0.093 0.100 0.103 0.050 0.1175 0.09 0.11 0.085 0.1575 0.165 0.18 0.1475 0.4125 0.4525 0.5375 0.475
3 0.055 0.105 0.060 0.073 0.085 0.14 0.0825 0.1575 0.1375 0.175 0.135 0.1775 0.2925 0.5275 0.4375 0.53
4 0.100 0.063 0.048 0.138 0.165 0.19 0.1725 0.15 0.1775 0.15 0.15 0.1675 0.4975 0.4775 0.2575 0.5
Delta 0.045 0.0475 0.0675 0.0875 0.085 0.1 0.09 0.0725 0.0875 0.0575 0.0975 0.0575 0.235 0.255 0.28 0.305
Rank 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 3 1 4 4 3 2 1

Table 11 Optimum factor level at different load conditions.

0% of Full load 1/4 of Full load 1/2 of Full load 3/4 of Full load
Level 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 3

 It is observed that n-butanol concentration of 15% v/v in

Table 12 Result of optimization. diesel gives optimum performance and emission results for
Response parameter Idle optimum Predicated value most of load conditions.
3133 3324
 Factor sequence of n-butanol of 15% v/v, with engine set-
tings of CR of 15 and fuel injection pressure of 260 bar
BSFC (kg/kWh) 0.236 0.238 0.334 and timing of 25°bTDC give optimum performance and less
BTE (%) 28.791 28.595 26.75
smoke except NOx due to tradeoff between NOx and
NOx (ppm) 1664.285 2991.3 1427
Smoke (%) 0.080 0.235 0.86
 Taguchi method looks promising in finding optimum for
single response but for multiple response its need to be cou-
pled with MADM techniques viz. Grey Relation analysis,
as 15%v/v, Compression ratio as 16, and Fuel injection pres- AHP, TOPSIS etc.
sure as 260 bar and fuel injection timing as 24°bTDC. But it
is observed that NOx formation is quite highly deviate from
mean value. If we take other combination it will result in least Declaration of Competing Interest
NOx formation but have adverse effect on the other perfor-
mance parameter and Smoke formation as mentioned in The authors declare that they have no known competing
Table 12 financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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