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Propulsion and Power Research 2019;8(4):300e309


Propulsion and Power Research

w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m


The zero-dimensional model of the scavenging

process in the opposed-piston two-stroke aircraft
diesel engine
Ł. Grabowski, K. Pietrykowski, P. Karpin

Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Thermodynamics,

Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Propulsion Systems, Nadbystrzycka 36 Str., Lublin, 20-618, Poland

Received 11 December 2018; accepted 15 November 2019

Available online 26 December 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract The analysis of the scavenging process in two-stroke engines is important in terms
of achieved performance and emission of toxic substances. The amount of mass of air used for
Two-stroke engine;
Diesel engine; the scavenging process and the amount mass of gas retained in the cylinder affect engine effi-
Opposed-piston engine; ciency. When designing two-stroke engines, the most efficient charge exchange process defined
Scavenging; by the scavenging efficiency parameter is desirable. The process of charge exchange in a two-
Supercharger stroke opposed-piston aircraft diesel engine based on the assumed scavenging model was
analyzed in this work. The charge exchange process was performed by a mechanical centrifugal
compressor. A zero-dimensional engine model created in the AVL BOOST program was used
for the research. The simulation tests were performed for the selected operating conditions, i.e.
maximum continuous power. The analysis of the charge exchange process was accompanied by
obtaining the basic engine operating parameters from the simulation calculations.
ª 2019 Beihang University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: pawel.karpinski@pollub.edu.pl (P. Karpinski). The light aircraft is generally driven by four-stroke spark-
Peer review under responsibility of Beihang University. ignition engines but two-stroke compression-ignition en-
gines can also be applied. The use of reciprocating engines
instead of turbine engines in light aircraft is justified due to
Production and Hosting by Elsevier on behalf of KeAi low flight speeds and long routes, which has a beneficial

2212-540X/ª 2019 Beihang University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
The zero-dimensional model of the scavenging process 301

scavenging. The theory on a scavenging process of two-

Nomenclature cycle engines and the theoretical and experimental
a parameter in Viebe function methods for estimating its efficiency are discussed by Sher
AFR air-to-fuel ratio in Ref. [8].
BSFC break specific fuel consumption (unit: g/kWh) The scavenging process in two-stroke engines is 3e4
CE charging efficiency times shorter than in four-stroke engines [9], which has an
DR delivery ratio adverse impact on the quality of the entire process. More-
IMEP indicated mean effective pressure (unit: Pa) over, simultaneously opened inlet and outlet ports cause the
ki coefficient in scavenging model mixing of fresh air with exhaust gases. Scavenging is
m shape parameter quantitatively presented by many parameters discussed in
mo total mass (unit: kg) chapter 2. These factors make a detailed description of
mref reference mass (unit: kg)
scavenging a complex issue.
ms supplied mass (unit: kg)
This paper describes the process of charge exchange in
mt trapped mass (unit: kg)
ROHR rate of heat release (unit: J/deg) one of the cylinders of the two-stroke opposed-piston en-
SE scavenging efficiency gine. The developed engine model enables us to simulate
Se stroke from exhaust side (unit: m) flows of air and exhaust gases through the cylinder as a
Sg geometrical piston stroke (unit: m) function of the angle of shaft rotation. This process under-
Si stroke from inlet side (unit: m) went qualitative and quantitative research.
SoC start of combustion (unit: crank angle degree) Scavenging is modelled with two methods: perfect
Ss sum of piston strokes (unit: m) scavenging and perfect mixing (see Figure 1).
Swo stroke without offset (unit: m) However, the scavenging process can be developed with
TE trapping efficiency the method presented by the authors in Ref. [9] that defines
DS stroke difference (unit: m)
the scavenging curve. This curve determines a correlation
between the cylinder residual ratio and the exhaust residual
Abbreviations ratio.
CI compression-ignition
The way filling and scavenging proceeds in the aircraft
CFD computational fluid dynamics
engine largely depends on flight conditions that change with
OP2S opposed-piston two-stroke
GDI gasoline direct injection altitude, i.e. temperature and pressure. The authors [10]
CA crank angle analyze aircraft engine induction with computational fluid
TDC top dead center dynamics (CFD) simulation. A fresh portion of charge that
CAD computer aided design reaches the cylinder in the two-stroke engine must be sup-
IO intake opened plied under pressure high enough to push the rest of the
EO exhaust opened exhaust gas remained in the combustion chamber. This is
IC intake closed achieved by a mechanical supercharger or a turbocharger
EC exhaust closed capable of generating a relevant level of compression and
BDC bottom dead center mass flow with a satisfying energy efficiency ratio [11].
Another method is a combination of a mechanical super-
charger and a turbocharger. The work in Ref. [12] shows the
effect on mass balance [1,2]. The most common engine simulations for different configurations of compressors in
types are spark-ignition engines so many works have been the two-stroke diesel engine. The study shows that a
devoted to the development of spark-ignition piston en-
gines. An example can be the work [3] which analyzes the
components of exhaust gases from the aircraft piston engine
ASz62-IR during a test flight. In addition, the authors [4]
present the design of the air cooling system for the aircraft
engine, Rotax 912S. Two-stroke CI engines show a higher
specific power per weight and displacement volume as well
as a better thermal efficiency. The authors [5] discuss the
parameters of about 40 types of aircraft compression igni-
tion engines. Also, their construction is simpler and no
complicated timing head is necessary, which is reflected in a
better reliability. The authors in Ref. [6] show that the
opposed-piston two-stroke engine has a lower brake specific
fuel consumption than the four-stroke engine. The opposed-
piston engine and its practical applications are described in
Ref. [7]. The performance of these engines is impacted by:
filling with a new portion of charge and cylinder Figure 1 Scavenging efficiency vs. delivery ratio.
302 Ł. Grabowski et al.

combination of two turbochargers makes engine perfor- system. A more detailed analysis of the charge exchange
mance (lower brake specific fuel consumption, BSFC) better process in the tested engine using the CFD method is dis-
than a combination of a mechanical supercharger and a cussed in the paper [22]. This research was conducted
turbocharger. simultaneously with the research on the entire engine model
Filling is much impacted, apart from a compressor used, and enabled the analysis of charge exchange to optimize the
by geometries of inlet and outlet ports. These geometries geometry of this system.
have an impact on the following charge exchange parame- This work aims at creating a zero-dimensional model of
ters: delivery ratio, trapping ratio, scavenging efficiency. an opposed-piston two-stroke diesel aircraft engine with a
The work in Ref. [13] shows the function to optimize the mechanical centrifugal compressor, Rotrex C30-64. This
parameters of scavenging in the opposed-piston two-stroke model enables a steady-state simulation. The examined pa-
engine with directly injected gasoline. These parameters rameters of the modelled engine are: filling, scavenging,
include heights of inlet and outlet ports, the port circum- performance, efficiency. We examined what portion of the
ference ratio, the discrepancy in piston motion phases. It is power generated by the engine is consumed by the
found that the height of the inlet port is a key factor behind compressor. Finally, a Sankey diagram is created to show
the delivery ratio, whereas the height of the exhaust port has the mass flow in the cylinder in the model of this research
an impact on the trapping ratio, scavenging efficiency and engine.
thermal efficiency.
Engine performance is impacted, apart from filling, by 2. Scavenging process
combustion. A correctly optimized combustion in the two-
stroke engine results in achieving higher indicated mean A single working cycle in the two-stroke engine proceeds
effective pressure (IMEP) and reduced brake specific fuel during a single revolution of the crankshaft so charge ex-
consumption (BSFC) than in the four-stroke engine of an change should be done with an external device such as a
identical capacity, which is claimed in Ref. [14]. blower, a mechanical supercharger or a turbocharger. In the
The optimizations of the performance of a two-stroke uniflow-scavenged engine, the quality of scavenging is
diesel aircraft engine described in Refs. [15,16] led to the impacted by the geometry of ports, and more specifically the
conclusion that the air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) and compression number of inlet and outlet ports, their shape and position on
pressure have the greatest impact on engine power and the cylinder liner. Scavenging is described by a number of
break specific fuel consumption (BSFC). Furthermore, it is parameters such as: delivery ratio, trapping efficiency,
found that engine performance is impacted much by scavenging efficiency and charging efficiency.
compression, the number of inlet ports, opening and closing The delivery ratio (DR) is the correlation between the
angles of exhaust and inlet ports. mass of a scavenging gas supplied in the scavenging process
Scavenging efficiency depends on the delivery ratio. The and its reference mass. Its reference mass is defined as the
scavenging efficiency vs. delivery ratio correlation in product of the scavenged volume and ambient air density.
Ref. [17] results from the simulation performed on a one-
dimensional model of an opposed-piston two-stroke diesel ms
DR Z ð1Þ
engine. The simulation results overlap with the test bench mref
results. The range of the optimal values of the delivery ratio
for the opposed-piston two-stroke (OP2S) engine is The trapping efficiency (TE ) is expressed as the corre-
achieved. lation of the mass of a scavenging gas trapped in the cyl-
The researchers in Ref. [18] show that using a special inder to the mass of a scavenging gas supplied in the
piston crown with a non-uniform chamber scavenge system scavenging process.
is the best solution to achieve a correct tumble ratio, kinetic
energy and intensity of turbulence which are fundamental TE Z ð2Þ
for air motion. A flat piston crown with a longitudinal type ms
of scavenging results in a higher swirl ratio and a lower
The scavenging efficiency (SE ) is expressed as the
tumble ratio, which leads to an improved scavenging, i.e.
correlation between the mass of a scavenging gas trapped in
improved scavenging efficiency and delivery ratio.
the cylinder and its total mass inside the cylinder (mass of a
The project on a two-stroke aircraft diesel engine with a
fresh charge, mass of exhaust gas and mass of a charge
rotary valve to control inlet port flow is described in
unburned in the previous cycle).
Ref. [19]. Scavenging is done with an external pump made
out of a side cylinder piston which is connected to a mt
crankshaft. The design of the engine makes it possible to SE Z ð3Þ
adapt the gasoline direct injection (GDI) in it [20]. It was
decided to use backflow scavenging based on the compu- The charging efficiency (CE ) is expressed as the corre-
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis performed in the lation between the mass of a scavenging gas trapped in the
paper [21]. This engine model is zero-dimensional and cylinder and its mass which could fill the entire cylinder
generally characterizes the operation of the charge exchange volume with the ambient air.
The zero-dimensional model of the scavenging process 303

mt outlet ports, the characteristics of mechanical compressor

mref operation and the method of fuel supply.
The combustion process in this model is described by the
There are two ideal models of scavenging: perfect Viebe function, defined by four key parameters, i.e. the start
displacement and perfect mixing. The former is when the of combustion, combustion duration, the curve shape
products of combustion leave the chamber without mixing parameter and the parameter depending on the burned part
with fresh air, whereas the latter assumes that a portion of of the fuel injected. The Woschni 1978 model with a defined
fresh charge perfectly mixes with the rest portion of exhaust surface and temperature of pistons and cylinder walls
gas in the cylinder as soon as it enters the cylinder [11]. In functions as the heat exchange model.
the case of a perfect displacement, SE Z DR, where DR  1 The flow through the pipes is treated as one-dimensional
and SE Z 1, where DR > 1. In the case of a perfect mixing: where the pressures, temperatures and flow velocities
calculated as the solution of the gas dynamic equations
SE Z 1  eDR ð5Þ represent mean values for the cross-section of the pipes. The
flow losses due to three-dimensional effects are defined by
Actually, these two processes combine during scav-
the assumed flow coefficients for particular locations in the
enging. A portion of fresh charge pushes out exhaust gas
engine [23].
from the combustion chamber, mixing with its portion.
The research object is a research engine under design so
Figure 1 shows the correlation between SE (scavenging
the validation of this model referring to experimental results
efficiency) and DR (delivery ratio). The course of this
will be done in the future.
function for the opposed-piston two-stroke diesel engine
This type of software does not offer a model to calculate
obtained by experiment is given in Ref. [17].
parameters for the opposed-piston engine so a kind of
simplification, i.e. a twice enlarged surface area of the piston
3. Engine model is applied here, see Figure 3.
To improve the filling process, the shaft at the side of the
A zero-dimensional model of the research engine was outlet ports goes faster that the shaft at the side of the inlet
created in the AVL Boost (Figure 2). This model uses the ports by an angle called the offset. The earlier closing of the
energy balance derived from the first principle of thermo- outlet ports improves the cylinder filling with an uniflow
dynamics. The only independent variable is time, and unlike scavenging (Figure 4). The offset here is 14 CA. This value
flame spread, the mass burning rate is assumed here. was specified in line with the literature [24].
The model consists of connected block elements with the The calculated value of piston stroke entered into the
independently entered parameters of individual engine model differs from its real value by DS due to offset O.
components like geometric dimensions or flow coefficients. Figure 5 shows the piston stroke from the inlet and outlet
This model also defines sub-models responsible for char- ports. For top dead center (TDC), the total of instantaneous
acteristics of heat transfer, combustion or friction. Other piston strokes is calculated and marked as a purple curve.
parameters entered include the characteristics of inlet and

Figure 2 AVL BOOST model of the research engine.

304 Ł. Grabowski et al.

Figure 3 Two pistons in the cylinder are replaced with a single

piston of a twice-large surface area.
Figure 5 Piston stroke vs. crank angle for offset O Z 14 .

Figure 4 Offset as a difference in the piston phases.

The green curve is slightly below and shows the total of

piston strokes with the offset. The value of DS is calculated
from the Eq. (6):

DS Z Sg  ½Ss ð180+ Þ  Ss ð0+ Þ 2 ð6Þ
Figure 6 Piston strokes impacted by the increased offset.
The piston stroke as a function of the crank angle is model. It is assumed that the supercharger's mechanical
calculated from the Eq. (7): efficiency reaches 97%. The inlet system is mapped with

SðaÞ Z ½1  cosða  O = 2Þ$Sg 2 ð7Þ junction, pipe and plenum (volume) elements. Their posi-
tions are in line with the CAD model. For these elements,
where Sg e geometrical piston stroke, Ss(180 ) e a total of initial conditions and flow resistance are specified. The gear
piston strokes at 180 , Ss(0 ) e a total of piston strokes at ratio between the supercharger and the shaft is applied. The
0 , O e offset. mechanical efficiency of the entire engine is assumed as
If the offset changes, the position of the piston stroke 80% and an available Patton-Nitschke-Heywood model of
curves from the inlet and outlet ports changes, too. friction is applied [25].
Accordingly, the totals of piston strokes at 0 and 180
change so DS changes. The impact of the increased offset on
the piston strokes is depicted in Figure 6.
The formulas in (6) and (7) enabled us to calculate a
piston stroke for five different offset values: 0 , 8 , 14 , 20 ,
24 (Figure 7).
Table 1 shows the basic geometric parameters of the
research engine and calculated parameters entered into the
The characteristics of a mechanical supercharger, Rotrex
C30-64, based on its technical parameters is entered into a
zero-dimensional model of the research engine. Figure 8
shows the supercharger's efficiency as a function of air
mass flow rate and compression.
The dimensions of the inlet and exhaust systems are Figure 7 Piston strokes impacted by the increased offset.
adopted from the previously CFD researched solid CAD
The zero-dimensional model of the scavenging process 305

Table 1 Basic geometric parameters of the engine. Table 2 Parameters for the combustion model.

Parameter Real value Calculated value Parameter Value

Bore 65.5 mm 92.63 mm Start of combustion SoC 0.7 CA

Piston stroke 72 mm 71.47 mm Combustion duration CD 40 CA
Connecting rod length 130 mm Parameter of shape m 0.7
Compression ratio 22:1 Parameter a 6.9
Offset 14 CA

impact of charge motion in the cylinder on heat transfer by

The basic parameters that have an impact on engine the charge swirl ratio defined as charge swirl speed corre-
performance, e.g. temperature and ambient pressure, start of lated to engine speed [26,27].
combustion are entered as global parameters into the model The cases, see Table 3, are defined in the Case Explorer
parameters module. module.
The filling process is improved by applying an air to air The data from the literature in Refs. [7,28] enables us to
intercooler behind the compressor. Referring to the adopted specify the characteristics of the flow through the inlet and
efficiency, ambient temperature (15  C) and compressor- outlet ports, as shown in Figure 9. It is assumed that the inlet
behind temperature (90  C), the temperature of cooler ports open at 145 CA and close at 229 CA. The outlet ports
exhaust air is specified as 33  C. open at 125 CA, and close at 221 CA.
Created in 1978, a Woschni heat transfer model is Referring to the literature in Refs. [17,29], the charac-
applied here. It is necessary to specify piston and cylinder teristics of scavenging efficiency and delivery ratio is
surface areas and temperatures in this model. Surface areas created. It is correlated with models of perfect scavenging:
are derived from a study of a geometric CATIA model of the perfect displacement and perfect mixing, see Figure 10. It is
engine. Piston temperature is as 320  C, while cylinder assumed that SE varies linearly from zero to DR equal to
temperature at TDC as 230  C. This model also shows the 0.6, which is consistent with a model of perfect displace-
ment. Such experimental results are achieved by the re-
searchers in Ref. [8]. It is assumed later that SE changes in
line with the Eq. (8):
SE Z 1  eðk0 þk1 DRþk2 DR


where k0 Z 0.033488, k1 Z 1.3651, k2 Z 0.21735. The

correlation in Eq. (8) and the values of the ratios are adopted
as in Ref. [29] for an uniflow scavenging. Such a curve is
confirmed by experimental results for this type of engine as
given in Ref. [17].
A model of combustion is a model of a single Vibe
function based on the rate of heat release. This model uses
four parameters: the start of combustion (SoC ), combustion
duration (CD), given in degrees of the crank angle, the
parameter of shape m due to the nature of combustion and
parameter a that specifies the degree of combustion
(a Z 6.9 is for total combustion). These parameters of the
model are given in Table 2. The courses of the rate of heat
release and a portion of mass fraction burned are given in
Figure 11. The order of ignition is as follows: 0 , 120 and
240 .
The selected parameters for the analyzed case are pre-
sented in Table 3. The measuring points, in the given lo-
cations, e.g. behind the supercharger and behind the

Table 3 Values of the parameters for the given case.

Case Velocity n/rpm AFR/() SoC/( ) Altitude H/m

Maximum continuous 4000 24.5 0.7 0
power (86 kW)

Figure 8 Mapped rotrex C30-64 [source: www.rotrex.com].

306 Ł. Grabowski et al.

Figure 9 Surface areas of the inlet and outlet ports as a function of

crank angle.

cylinders, enabled us to read the given thermodynamic pa- Figure 11 Rate of heat release and mass fraction burned vs. crank
rameters, i.e. pressure or mass flow. angle.

4. Results and discussion

Table 4 Power, torque and brake specific fuel consumption for
the given case.
Table 4 shows the effective power, effective torque and
brake specific fuel consumption calculated for the defined Case Effective Effective BSFC
case. The discrepancy between the assumed value of effi- power P/kW torque M/Nm /(g/kWh)
cient power and the calculated one is no more than 1%. Maximum 85.33 203.70 219.17
Our calculations result in obtaining the selected param- continuous
eters of the charge exchange process in the function of the power (86 kW)
crank angle, i.e. mass flow and inlet and exhaust pressures,
mass aspirated, mass trapped, scavenging efficiency. These cylinder pressure within this range is almost equal to the
parameters are investigated for cylinder no 1 at maximum outlet pressure. The supercharger continuously operates so
continuous power (Figure 12). To make our investigation later the cylinder pressure increases and thus the mass flow
clear, moments of opening (IO, EO) and closing (IC, EC) of through the exhaust port increases. Then, the flow reduces
inlet and outlet ports are marked in the charts. BDC corre- because the outlet ports close.
sponds to 180 CA, and TDC to 0 CA (360 CA). The inlet ports start to open at 145 CA. At first, when the
Figure 13 shows the mass flow through the inlet and inlet ports start to open, a small return flow to the inlet duct
outlet ports in cylinder no 1 at the maximum continuous is registered because the cylinder pressure is higher than the
power. inlet system pressure. This phenomenon can be avoided by
The outlet ports start to open at 125 CA. The mass flow using outlet ports of larger surface areas but such a solution
through the outlet ports first grows and then reaches the could increase the air outflow from the cylinder to the outlet
local minimum at around BDC (180 CA) because the before inlet ports close. The mass flow through the inlet
ports first grows to reach its maximum at around BDC
(180 CA) and later decreases. The return flow just before
the inlet ports close is negligible due to a short period of
time of different pressures in the cylinder and the inlet and

Figure 10 Characteristics of the scavenging efficiency vs. the de- Figure 12 Inlet, outlet and cylinder pressures vs. crank angle in
livery ratio. cylinder no 1 at the maximum continuous power.
The zero-dimensional model of the scavenging process 307

Figure 13 Inlet and exhaust mass flows vs. crank angle in cylinder Figure 14 Aspirated, trapped and in-cylinder masses vs. crank angle
no 1 at the maximum continuous power. in cylinder no 1 at the maximum continuous power.

due to the slightly opened inlet ports. Simultaneously, the

cylinder pressure grows because of compression [30].
Figure 14 shows the aspirated and trapped masses and
the in-cylinder mass in cylinder no 1 at the maximum
continuous power. The difference between the mass trapped
(green line) and the in-cylinder mass (blue line) is the rest of
the exhaust gas. The in-cylinder mass in the stroke (after
90 CA) is slightly larger than the mass in the stroke of
charge exchange (270 CA). This discrepancy is the mass of
injected fuel. The in-cylinder mass increases much more
slowly near the moment when the outlet ports close because
the inlet pressure and the cylinder pressure are equal. As a Figure 15 Mass shares of the individual components in a single
result, the rest of the exhaust gas in the cylinder is uniformly working cycle of the two-stroke research engine.
pushed out (replaced) by a portion of fresh air. The moment
the outlet ports close is followed by a slight increase in the
in-cylinder mass as the charge-flow into the exhaust system Table 5 Mass shares of the individual components in a single
is stopped. This process lasts until the inlet ports close. The working cycle of the research engine.
minimum mass in the cylinder is registered at 158 CA Component Mass/mg
because a large part of the cylinder volume is taken by the
Air delivery 831
exhaust gas of high temperature and low density. More than Exhaust 850
half of the mass of the exhaust gas leaves the cylinder Air retained 599
spontaneously as the result of the discrepancy in the outlet Residual gas (exhaust gas þ residual air) 68
pressure and the cylinder pressure, and the rest leaves the Residual comb. products (exhaust gas) 41
cylinder pushed out by fresh air. Residual air 27
Cylinder charge 667
The maximum scavenging efficiency is 87% for the Air short-circuited 232
given characteristics of the inlet and outlet ports. Pure air 626
To better illustrate the scavenging process, a diagram of Mass combusted 618
the mass shares of individual components in a single Excess air 250
working cycle of the research two-stroke engine based on Mass theoretical 395
Fuel 19
the work [9] was created (Figure 15). Table 5 gives the mass
In a single working cycle of the research engine, 831 mg leaves the cylinder with the exhaust gas (theoretical mass
of air is delivered (air delivery) to cylinder no 1. A portion 395 mg).
of this air is lost as it is short-circuited air (air short-
circuited, 164 mg). The rest of the air (air retained, 599 mg) 5. Conclusions
is trapped in the cylinder. The total mass of the charge
trapped in the cylinder is 667 mg, however, pure air in the The method of computer simulation performed in the
cylinder (626 mg) is a smaller share because after each AVL BOOST software enabled us to analyze the scavenging
combustion a certain portion of residual gas composed of process and distribution of the charge mass in the cylinder
residual air (27 mg) and residual combustion products for a single cycle of the engine operation.
(41 mg) remains in the cylinder (68 mg). During the com- The charge exchange process in a two-stroke engine
bustion, 19 mg of fuel is supplied into the cylinder. Nearly depends to a large extent on the geometry of inlet and outlet
the whole of excess air (250 mg) not used in combustion ports. This geometry affects the amount of fresh air retained
308 Ł. Grabowski et al.

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