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e-ISSN: 2146 - 9067

International Journal of Automotive

Engineering and Technologies

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Original Research Article

Determination of effects of compression ratio variation on

performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine
fueled with EDTA-doped sunflower biodiesel-petrodiesel
Ali Can Yılmaz1*
Cukurova University, Adana Vocational School of Higher Education, Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation
Technologies, 01330, Adana, Turkey
This experimental study focuses on unraveling the effects of compression ratio
(CR) variation on performance and emission characteristics of a variable
compression ratio (VCR) diesel engine under various loads. The engine was
fueled with 100% sunflower biodiesel (B100) and B100 with
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA, C10H16N2O8) additive
(B100+EDTA), separately, to determine fuel effect. Subsequent to
* Corresponding author
determination of fuel properties, effects of these two fuels were compared
under 3 different CRs. High hydrogen and oxygen contents, negligible
chemical inactivity and high cetane number (CN) made EDTA an attractive
Received: July 17, 2019
Accepted: Oct 21, 2019 additive for B100 in the context of engine characteristics. It was observed that,
B100+EDTA depicted higher average  t values of 24.3%, 25.7% and 26.5%
Published by Editorial Board whereas they were 17.3%, 18.7% and 19.4% for B100 under CRs of 16, 17 and
Members of IJAET 18, respectively. In terms of BSFC, average B100 values were 17.3, 16.1, 14.8
© This article is distributed by (kJ/kWh) whereas 10.1, 9.2, 7.9 (kJ/kWh) for B100+EDTA under CRs of 16,
Turk Journal Park System under 17 and 18, respectively. Te values were 265ºC, 252ºC and 234ºC for
the CC 4.0 terms and conditions.
B100+EDTA and 296ºC, 281ºC and 267ºC for B100 at CRs of 16, 17 and 18,
respectively. CO values were 110, 103 and 96 (ppm) for B100; 82, 74 and 65
(ppm) for B100+EDTA under under in-question CRs. UHC values of 124, 115
and 98 (ppm) for B100+EDTA; 141, 134 and 119 (ppm) for B100 were
obtained under CRs of 16, 17 and 18, respectively. CO2 emission values were
4.2%, 5.7% and 6.3% (by vol.) for B100+EDTA; 3.4%, 3.9% and 5.1% for
B100 under CRs of 16, 17 and 18, respectively. NOx values were 170, 192 and
210 (ppm) for B100+EDTA; 104, 126 and 137 (ppm) for B100 under CRs of
16, 17 and 18 respectively. Smoke opacity values were 16%, 12% and 10% for
B100+EDTA; 21%, 18% and 16% for B100 under CRs of 16, 17 and 18,
Keywords: Biodiesel, EDTA, variable compression ratio, diesel engine

1. Introduction resources [1, 2]. Vegetable oils, animal fats and

Environmental impacts and rapid depletion of their derivatives are of great interest for diesel
fossil fuels have directed researchers to engines due to recent increments in petroleum
investigation of bio fuels from bio renewable prices [3]. Bio fuels derived from vegetable oils
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149 141

have peculiar importance in terms of concentration of EHN additive was optimal as

renewability and being cleaner energy source NOx levels were substantially reduced in the
compared to petro-diesel fuel for diesel engine whole engine speed in comparison to B20 fuel.
[4, 5]. Substitution of bio fuels obtained from Caynak et al. [12] investigated on improvement
vegetable oil for petro-diesel is related to of biodiesel produced from pomace oil and its
various ways: (i) crude oil; (ii) bio fuel-diesel properties with synthetic manganese additive.
fuel blend with appropriate fractions and (iii) They blended organic based manganese additive
trans-esterification process [5, 6]. Vegetable oils and observed improvements in biodiesel
may be produced from various seed crops that properties in terms of viscosity, pour point and
can be cultivated anywhere, they have flash point. Karavalakis et al. [13] examined the
comparable energy content with petro-diesel factors influencing the stability of several
and lower exhaust emissions and high lubricity biodiesel blends with low and ultra-low sulphur
in general [7]. On the other hand, high viscosity automotive diesel fuels and they aimed to
value of bio diesel fuel causes challenges in fuel evaluate the impact of biodiesel source material
pumping [8]. and biodiesel concentration in diesel fuel, on the
There have been several studies on effects of stability of the final blend. Tracy et al. [14]
various chemical additives into diesel fuel or hydrogenated myrcene and limonene to their
biodiesel in order to investigate performance fully saturated forms 2,6-dimethyloctane and 1-
and emission characteristics of diesel engines. isopropyl-4-methylcyclohexane, respectively as
Beck, et al. [9] conducted an investigation of the fuel additives. The results demonstrated that all
effect of detergent–dispersant additives on the tested mixtures were within the acceptable
oxidation stability of biodiesel, diesel fuel and ranges specified by ASTM for diesel fuel and
their blends. They blended commercial that the additives lowered the measured cloud
biodiesels produced from rapeseed oil and used point, compared to the base diesel fuel. Also,
cooking oil to diesel fuel in 5%, 7%, and 10% there are numerous studies on oxygenate
mass fractions. They concluded that, during the additives such as dimethyl ether, dimethyl
thermal oxidation of fatty acid, methyl esters carbonate. Menezes et al. [15] evaluated the
decomposed to carbonyl, carboxyl and hydroxyl effect of ether additives (ETBE and TAEE) in
compounds, while cis-trans isomerization also diesel and of ether/ethanol/diesel blends on the
occurred. Imtenan, et al. [10] investigated the properties of density, volatility, viscosity,
impact of oxygenated additives to palm and characteristics at cold temperatures, cetane
jatropha biodiesel blends in the context of number and performance in engine tests and
performance and emissions characteristics of a they showed that the presence of ethanol and
light-duty diesel engine. They made a blend ETBE significantly altered the characteristics of
which consists of 80% diesel, 15% biodiesel, volatility (flashpoint and distillation curve) and
and 5% oxygenated additive. It was observed reduced the cetane number, impairing the fuel's
that, improved performance values were performance in engine tests. Chen et al. [16]
achieved while reduced emission values were conducted a study of oxygenated biomass fuel
obtained except HC. Ileri and Kocar [11] blends on a diesel engine and they added the
conducted an experimental investigation of the vegetable methyl ester into an ethanol-diesel
effect of antioxidant additives on NOx emissions fuel blend by increasing the ethanol proportion
of a diesel engine using biodiesel. They step by step and they concluded that the torque
dissolved butylatedhydroxyanisole (BHA), of the engine was decreased by 6%–7% for
butylatedhydroxytoluene (BHT), tert- every 10% (by vol.) ethanol added to the diesel
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and 2-ethylhexyl fuel without modification on the engine. Brake
nitrate (EHN) at concentrations of 0, 500, 750 specific fuel consumption (BSFC) increased
and 1000 ppm by weight in B20 fuel blend for with the addition of oxygen from ethanol but
experiments. The results showed that, equivalent brake specific fuel consumption
antioxidant additives have quite effects on (EBSFC) of oxygenated fuels was at the same
oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide level of that of diesel. Smoke and particulate
(CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions of diesel matter (PM) emissions decreased significantly
engine running on biodiesel. A 1000 ppm with the increase of oxygen content in the fuel.
142 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149

Lin and Wang [17] conducted a research on failures. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives
effects of an oxygenated additive on the (esters and amides) are mostly suggested
emulsification characteristics of two- and three- additives due to their wear resisting (preventing)
phase diesel emulsions. The results specifications [23]. EDTA is only reactive with
demonstrated that the viscosities of oil-in-water metal ions in solution, so it is not reactive with
(O/W) and water-in-oil (W/O) two-phase fuel injection system (fuel pump, fuel rails,
emulsions increase with the increase of their injectors, gaskets, pistons, cylinder heads, etc.)
inner phase content and the addition of an materials which are in compound forms.
oxygenated agent. The addition of diglyme Thereby, positive effects of EDTA on
agent to the emulsions deteriorates the combustion were utilized without forming any
emulsification activity (EA) and emulsification damage on fuel injection system. Chemical
stability (ES) of W/O and oil-in-water-in-oil structure of EDTA is depicted in Figure 1.
(O/W/O). Zakharckhuk and Tkachuk [18] put
forward a new technology on production and
performance properties of isopropyl ester of
rapeseed oil and they concluded that the
synthesized biofuel was of a high quality and
can be used in diesel engines.
On the other hand, effects of variation of
compression ratio especially in diesel engines
have also attracted great interest of researchers.
Muralidharan and Vasudevan [19] studied on
the influence of CR on the performance of a
VCR engine running with waste cooking oil and Figure 1. Chemical structure of EDTA
its diesel blends fueled VCR engine to
determine effects of CR variation on
performance and they concluded that B40 blend
depicted better performance in comparison to
standard diesel at CR 21. Hirkude and Padalkar
[20] made an investigation on the relationship
between BSFC and exhaust gas temperature
(EGT) with the increase of CR for waste fried
oil methyl ester blend operated diesel engine.
Bora and Saha [21] conducted an experimental
analysis on influence of CR variation on Figure 2. Biodiesel production process
performance and emissions of rice bran 2. Experimental Techniques and
biodiesel-biogas dual fueled VCR diesel engine Specifications
under 3 different CRs. They concluded that, in 2.1. Trans-esterification process
general, increment of CR drastically effects
Sunflower biodiesel (B100) was produced by
performance and emission characteristics.
trans-esterification of sunflower oil with 20%
In this study, due to its substantial high
(by vol.) methanol in the presence of ratio of
hydrogen and oxygen contents, EDTA was
5/1000 (by wt.) NaOH catalyst. In the first step,
chosen as additive for sunflower methyl ester
waste sunflower oil underwent FFA reduction
(B100). The classic structural formula of EDTA
process (under 1%) to enhance its biodiesel
is C10H16N2O8. EDTA is synthesized from
conversion efficiency. Then, the oil was heated
ethylene diamine, formaldehyde and a source of
up to 60-65ºC on a heater and methanol-NaOH
cyanide (HCN or NaCN). EDTA is a novel
solution was poured into it to conduct trans-
molecule for complexion of metal ions. It is
esterification reaction at about 60ºC for 1 hour
polyprotic acid containing four carboxylic acid
on condition that methanol was condensed
and two amine groups with lone pair electrons
during the reaction by a cooling tower. After the
[22]. Wear resistive additives place a high
reaction, the sample was taken into a separation
priority for fuels to prevent rapid engine
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149 143

flask for separation of glycerin from the oxygen and hydrogen contents) as well as
biodiesel. Subsequently, the washing and drying considering the cost. EDTA depicted very small
(at about 105ºC) processes of biodiesel were corrosion activity (negligible) with metals and
carried out and the neat biodiesel was achieved. alloys due to its chemical structure. In order to
Production steps of biodiesel and schematic of observe solubility, EDTA was added into B100
trans-esterification reaction are exhibited in by weight ratios of 0.002%, 0.005%, 0.010%,
Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. 0.015%, 0.017%, 0.019% and 0.020%. The
blends were mixed with an ultrasonic mixer and
kept under room temperature for 3 weeks. It was
concluded that, above ratio of 0.015% (by wt.),
EDTA showed insolubility.
2.3. Fuel properties determination procedure
The devices used to determine the fuel
Figure 3. Demonstration of trans-esterification reaction properties are shown in Table 1.
Cetane Number (CN), an important parameter
2.2. Selection of EDTA as biodiesel additive for biodiesel quality, is a dimensionless
Investigations were made on several features of indicator related to the ignition characteristics of
chemicals to select an appropriate additive for a fuel in a cylinder, and can impact the engine’s
B100 viz. reaction activity with metal and alloys startability, noise level, and exhaust emissions.
(reactivity with fuel injection system material), Better combustion achieved as a result of less
miscibility in B100 ambient, chemical content ignition delay time or higher cetane number [24,
for suitability as a fuel additive (specially 25].
Table 1. Fuel properties and measurement devices
Property Device Accuracy Measuring Range
Cetane Number Zeltex ZX440 3% -
Lower Heating Value (LHV) IKA-Werke C2000 Bomb Calorimeter 0.001 K -
Density Kyoto Electronics DA-130 -
Viscosity Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter - Ambient temp. to 240 oC
Tanaka Automated Pensky-Martens
Flash Point - Ambient temp. to 370 oC
Closed Cup Flash Point Tester APM-7
+51 oC to – 40 oC with
tap water of 20 oC and
Pour Point Tanaka MPC-102 -
+51 oC to – 65 oC with
cooling liquid of -35 oC.

Density, viscosity, cold-flow properties, lower will ignite, liquids with lower FP can be ignited
heating value (LHV), flash point compose other easier [33]. The quantity known as lower
measurements of fuel quality in diesel engines. heating value (LHV) (net calorific value (NCV)
Viscosity, a measure of resistance to flow of a or lower calorific value (LCV)) is determined by
liquid due to the internal fluid friction [26] and subtracting the heat of vaporization of the water
is an important property because of its direct vapor from the higher heating value. This treats
relation with the fuel injection process in any H2O formed as a vapor. The energy required
engines [27, 28]. Biodiesel viscosity is usually to vaporize the water therefore is not released as
higher than that of diesel, which results in longer heat [34]. Engine performance and emission
liquid penetration and worse atomization values substantially depend on LHV of fuels.
compared to diesel fuel [29 - 32]. Flash point Low temperature properties are characterized as
(FP) is the lowest temperature at which a liquid the ability of a fuel to resist solidification at sub-
can form an ignitable mixture in air near its ambient temperatures. The low temperature
surface, where its measurement requires an properties are usually determined by pour point
ignition source. As FP of a volatile material is (PP) [35]. Fuel properties of B100 and
the lowest temperature at which vapors of a fluid B100+EDTA are shown in Table 2.
134 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149

Table 2. Fuel properties of B100 and B100+EDTA

Properties B100 B100+EDTA European Biodiesel Standard (EN 14214)
Density, kg/m3 885 878 860–900
Cetane Number 44.98 62.48 Min 51
Summer < 4.0
Pour Point, °C -7 -6
Winter < 1.0
Lower heating value, MJ/kg 35.71 37.43 -
Flash point, °C 148,5 >170 >120
Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s 4.23 3.91 3.5 – 5.0

2.4. Engine performance and emission measure exhaust emissions. Emission data were
determination procedure collected via a computer program. Accuracy
values of the gas analyzer are±10 ppm for CO,
Engine performance and emission experiments
±1 ppm for NOx, ±0.5% vol. for CO2, ±10% for
were conducted on a single cylinder, four stroke,
UHC. Smoke emissions were analyzed by a
water cooled, naturally aspirated, direct
model 6500 Wager Digital Smoke meter of
injection diesel engine. CR adjustment was
which accuracy is + OR - 1.0% nominal one
conducted via a harmonic drive mechanism
digit. The control unit is initially calibrated
driven by an CR adjustment by tilting a
under clear stack conditions with checks at 0%
“multilink” mechanism connected to the
connecting rod and crankshaft. As the harmonic and 100% opacity. The accuracy of the unit is
verified by use of the 2 neutral density filter
drive mechanism rotates in the clockwise
supplied with the system.
direction, the CR of the engine decreases due to
the downward movement of the piston or vice Table 3. Technical specifications of the test engine
versa (Figure 4). There is an CR adjuster on the Specifications Descriptions
engine block which rotates the harmonic drive Configuration Single cylinder
Type Direct injection diesel
mechanism. When the adjuster is twisted in anti- Displacement 661 cc
clockwise direction, the CR increases and the Bore 87.5 mm
CR reading is taken from a scale carved onto the Stroke 110 mm
block. CR can also be changed while the engine Injection variation 0-25º BTDC
is in operation. An eddy current type CR range 12:1-18:1
Power 4.8 HP @ 1500 rpm
dynamometer with 185 mm arm length was used Coolant Water
to load (kg) the engine via electromagnetic Aspiration Naturally
forces. Technical specifications of the engine
are given in Table 3. Schematic representation
of diesel engine test rig is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Schematic representation of the engine test rig

Following equations were utilized in order to
conduct performance analyses [36, 37]:
2*  * N * L* W
BP  *103 (1)
BP: Brake power (kW); N: engine speed (rpm);
L: dyno arm radius (m); W: dyno load (N)
36* BP
t  
*104 (2)
Figure 4. CR adjustment mechanism LHV f * m f
TESTO 350 XL gas analyzer was used to where;
144 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149

 t : Brake thermal efficiency (%); LHVf: Lower 2.4.3. Brake specific energy consumption
heating value of the fuel (MJ/kg); mf: mass flow (BSEC)
rate of the fuel (kg/h). BSEC may be computed Variations of BSEC with respect to engine load
as shown below: for B100 and B100+EDTA are shown in Figure
 7. In general, BSEC values were found to
 LHV f *mf
diminish with the increase of load under various
BP CRs for both fuel modes. In terms of BSEC,
average B100 values were 18.8, 16.8, 15.3
2.4.1. Uncertainty analysis (kJ/kWs) whereas they were 10.1, 9.5, 8.4
Perturbation techniques were utilized to conduct (kJ/kWs) for B100+EDTA under CRs of 16, 17
uncertainty analysis [38] of performance and and 18, respectively. Increment in CR leads to
parameters (  t and BSEC).  t errors were 1.7% higher in-cylinder temperature and pressures
which shorten ignition delay time and yield
and 3.1%; BSEC errors were 1.6% and 3.1% for
rapid flame propagation. Under these
B100 and B100+EDTA, respectively. Relative
conditions, lesser fuel injection is sufficient to
errors of variables are shown in Table 4.
achieve the same performance parameters
Table 4. Relative errors of variables compared to lower CR values which entails
Variable Relative error lower fuel consumption. Lower BSEC under
Load 0.6% B100+EDTA mode may be due to extra oxygen
Speed 0.6%
Fuel flow rate 1.2% and hydrogen contents which may bring about
LHV 1% shortened ignition delay, rapid and more
CO, CO2, UHC, NOx, Smoke 3.2% complete combustion compared to that of B100.
2.4.2. Brake thermal efficiency (  t
Variations of  t with respect to engine load for
B100 and B100+EDTA are indicated in Figure
6. For both fuel modes,  t values were prone to
increase as load and CR were elevated. Among
fuel modes, B100+EDTA depicted higher
average  t values of 24.3%, 26.3% and 27.8%
whereas they were 18.3%, 19.4% and 20.3% for
B100 under CRs of 16, 17 and 18, respectively
at IT of 22º BTDC. As CR increases, augmented Figure 7. BSEC-load variation for both fuel modes under
in-cylinder temperature and pressure yield fuels variable conditions
to undergo more complete combustion which 2.4.4. Exhaust gas temperature (Te)
leads to higher  t values for both fuel modes.
Variations of Te with respect to engine load for
Besides, B100+EDTA depicted superior B100 and B100+EDTA are demonstrated in
performance in comparison to that of B100 due Figure 8. As the load increases, engine performs
to its higher heating value and cetane number. higher  t values which also cause increased Te
values for both fuel modes under all CRs. It was
found that, Te results were inversely
proportional to CR values. Average Te values
were 227.2ºC, 201.8ºC and 176.7ºC for
B100+EDTA and 289.3ºC, 278.4ºC and
260.6ºC for B100 at CRs of 16, 17 and 18,
respectively. This may be due to lower calorific
value and CN of B100 which cause longer
ignition delay and late combustion initiation that
Figure 6.  t -load variation for both fuel modes under lead to shorter power generation duration
variable conditions compared to B100+EDTA. CR adjustment from
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149 145

16 to 18 also yields more mixture take part in for both fuel modes. Average CO values were
combustion process which caters lower exhaust 125, 117 and 97 (ppm) for B100; 79, 70 and 59
gases and exhaust gas temperatures. (ppm) for B100+EDTA under CRs of 16, 17 and
18, respectively. UHC values of 128, 119 and 99
(ppm) for B100; 82, 75 and 62 (ppm) for
B100+EDTA were obtained under CRs of 16,
17 and 18, respectively. High CN and LHV of
B100+EDTA ensure improved flame
propagation and in-cylinder temperature to rise
rapidly and more complete combustion with
comparison to that of B100.

Figure 8. Te-load variation for both fuel modes under

variable conditions

Figure 11. CO2-load variation for both fuel modes under

variable conditions

Figure 9. CO-load variation for both fuel modes under

variable conditions

Figure 12. NOx-load variation for both fuel modes under

variable conditions
2.4.6. Carbon dioxide (CO2) & nitrogen
oxides (NOx) emissions

Figure 10. UHC-load variation for both fuel modes

Variations of CO2 and NOx emissions with
under variable conditions respect to engine load for B100 and
B100+EDTA are exhibited in Figures 11 and 12.
2.4.5. Carbon monoxide (CO) & unburned In general, these emissions are consequences of
hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions end-combustion temperature and better
Variations of CO and UHC emissions with combustion quality. For both fuel modes, fuel
respect to engine load for B100 and consumption increases with the increase in load
B100+EDTA are exhibited in Figures 9 and 10, which then induces augmented CO2. Average
respectively. Formation of CO and UHC CO2 emission values are 4.3%, 5.7% and 6.3%
emissions substantially depend on in-cylinder (by vol.) for B100+EDTA; 2.4%, 2.8% and
combustion quality. Injection amount of fuel 3.3% for B100 under CRs of 16, 17 and 18,
increases with the increase of load which respectively. Higher calorific value and CN of
stimulates rich mixture formation (insufficient B100+EDTA compared to that of B100 entail
air), partial combustion and consequently higher better combustion which yield more CO to be
CO and UHC emissions especially at high loads converted to CO2. Same interpretations may
146 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149

also be made for CR increment. NOx emissions for B100+EDTA; 19%, 17% and 16% for B100
also depict similar trend with those of CO2. As under CRs of 16, 17 and 18, respectively. High
the load and CR increase, combustion oxygen, hydrogen content and superior LHV
temperature also increases due to high fuel and CN of B100+EDTA stimulate more
injection quantities and in-cylinder temperature. complete combustion and provide diminished
Because NOx is largely dependent to end- soot formation.
combustion temperature, increment in NOx
becomes inevitable. This interpretation may be
made for CR increment as well. So, NOx values
are found to be 184, 191 and 206 (ppm) for
B100+EDTA; 104, 110 and 140 (ppm) for B100
under CRs of 16, 17 and 18, respectively.
2.4.7. Soot formation
Variations of exhaust smoke opacity (soot
formation) with respect to engine load for B100
and B100+EDTA are shown in Figure 13. Figure 13. Smoke opacity-load variation for both fuel
Particulate matters suspended in the exhaust gas modes under variable conditions
ambient form soot due to inadequate oxygen 3. Cost Analysis
(incomplete combustion) in the cylinder. Thus,
higher fuel consumption at high loads causes Table 5 depicts the cost analysis of this study.
more smoke to be formed and increased smoke The total cost of 5.03 L of biodiesel production
opacity for both fuel modes. However, soot from waste sun flower oil is $6.59 which
formation is prone to descend with the increase corresponds to $1.17/L. Considering $1.11/L
in CR. Higher CR means more suitable current unit price of diesel fuel in Turkey, it is
conditions for complete combustion due to high clear that, in general, the cost of the sun flower
in-cylinder temperature and pressure. Average methyl ester with EDTA is comparable with that
smoke opacity values were 15%, 12% and 10% of the diesel fuel.
Table 5. Cost analysis of the experimental study
Substance Amount Used Unit Price Cost
Waste sunflower oil 4550 g -
EDTA 0.0665 g $25.19/100 g $0.016
NaOH 22.8 g $21.35/500 g $0.97
Methanol 1.03 L $4.77/1 L $4.91
TOTAL $6.59

4. Conclusions modes, B100+EDTA with CR of 18 provided

the highest brake thermal efficiency, CO2 and
In this experimental study, effect of EDTA
NOx emission values due to improved
addition into B100 on performance and
combustion characteristics which also led to the
emissions of a diesel engine under variable
lowest BSEC values. Furthermore, this study
loads and CR conditions was evaluated. In
depicts that EDTA can be used as an appropriate
general, improved performance characteristics,
additive for biodiesel fuels in terms of its low
diminished CO, UHC, soot formation and
cost and positive effect on performance and
increased CO2 and NOx emissions were
emissions except CO2 and NOx, especially
determined with the increase in CR from 16 to
under high CR values.
18 at the IT of 22º BTDC for both fuel modes.
Moreover, EDTA addition into B100 provided Acknowledgment
better results in terms of performance, exhaust The author would like to thank Cukurova
gas temperature, BSEC, CO, UHC and soot University, Department of Automotive
formation except for NOx and CO2 as the CR Engineering, Fuel Analysis Laboratories and
increases due to its high oxygen, hydrogen Marmara University Laboratories.
content, LHV and CN values. Among fuel
148 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, IJAET 8 (3) 140-149

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