Analysis and Simulation Application For Manual Work Performance Improvement
Analysis and Simulation Application For Manual Work Performance Improvement
Analysis and Simulation Application For Manual Work Performance Improvement
6, December 2013
[14]-[16]. For manual work in the manned manufacturing improvement in manned assembly lines of a global electronic
system, there are two streams of research: traditional work manufacturer.
design and Ergonomics. The traditional work design is a The overall structure of this paper is as follows. Section II
methodology that is based on manual work analysis to gives description of the approach of this study, and the
remove inefficiency from worker‟s movements or working implemented system based on the approach is represented in
process. This methodology analyzes work using various Section III. Finally, the summary and future study of this
charts for macro motion study; such as flow process chart and paper is addressed in Section IV.
operation process chart [17], [18]; and micro motion study;
such as man-machine chart, operation analysis chart and
SIMO chart (an abbreviation for simultaneous motion cycle II. APPRAOCH
chart) [19]. The macro motion study is a research method that Manual work of a manned assembly line is a repetitive
breaks a job down into tasks and movements and the micro work by a worker. Therefore, this paper defines the manual
motion study is a method that defines a unit movement as work as next. Manual work is made by an aggregation of
several body motions. Therefore, work design is able to cycles. A cycle that means a single operation contains several
identify inefficient elements of the wide range from a body tasks, and a task is composed of worker‟s motions. Fig. 2
action to tasks by using charts to describe work. Ergonomics depicts this decomposition of manual work to explain the
is another methodology to analyze manual work, but it structure of manual work, and an example of a task is shown
concentrates on the human factors, which are worker's in Fig. 3. In the example, a task of the worker can be
motions, therblig and postures, to measure the workload and described as „tighten a screw using a power screwdriver‟.
identifies overloaded body parts of the worker to maintain The task also can be described as three motions; „grab a
well-performance by retaining health and safety of the power screwdriver‟, „move a power screwdriver‟ and
worker. In order to analyze manual work based on „tighten a screw‟.
ergonomics, it has been used three methods; video-recording,
marker and questionnaire. The video-recording method
requires a video that captured the entire work of the workers,
and it analyzes the video itself or results of the
simulation-based virtual experiment that utilizes a virtual
work model converted from the video. The marker based
method attaches markers onto the body of the worker to track
the motion or measure the change of electromyogram or Fig. 2. Decomposition of manual work.
electrocardiogram. The marker based analysis result exactly
indicates problematic motions or postures. The questionnaire
method is a worker completes a questionnaire regarding the
experience gained during the work. This method predicts
workloads of the worker by an analysis result of the
Despite much former research for productivity
improvement of manufacturing system, the research for
worker performance improvement is still stayed in the
traditional approaches that are focuses on partial efficiency Fig. 3. Example of element action and unit motions.
issues of manual work which can be described by single chart.
Although many latest technologies are adopted in ergonomic In the traditional work design, the macro motion study is
approach, it demands too much of the costs, efforts and time appropriate for analysis of work elements and operation
to apply with the whole assembly line. In the research for the cycles and the micro motion study aims to analyze unit
line balancing problem of the assembly line process, labor motions of a worker. For the improvement of manual work
productivity for line productivity improvement was performance, it is needed a method of work analysis based on
mentioned, but the research spotlighted the stabilization of the view that integrates both of the macro and micro motion
cycle-time balance of work stations using cycle-times study. But existing research approaches independently and
assumed as constant values. Thus, from the current research separately to the macro and micro motion study. Thus, this
situation for the manual work itself, there is no solution for study designs a chart template for the integration of different
improvement of overall manual work performance to meet levels of the structure of work decomposition. The designed
recent IT based technology trends. In the manned assembly template in this paper describes a work element with element
line, manual work analysis for worker performance name and type and a unit motion as motion name and type,
improvement should be the first activity to improve the line waste type, start time and time interval. By the designed
productivity, but the lack of the related research causes template, an element is represented by several unit motions
impediment for applying the research for the next activities and a single operation is explained by several work elements.
of productivity improvement into the real system. This study Fig. 4 shows a structure and details of the designed template.
proposes a framework to solve the lack in manual work This study proposes a framework for construction of a
analysis system. The implemented system based the proposed system to analyze manual work recorded in video based on
framework was applied for worker performance the template and to simulate the analysis result. The system
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2013
based on the proposed framework imports a video file that work from analysis. Fig. 6 represents the layout of the
records manual work, and it analyzes the imported video implemented system, and each part of the layout is a function
using a chart which is based on the designed template. In the for video-playback (A), work analysis chart (B) and result
analysis mode of the system, a user specifies sections of an display using graph (C). The work analysis chart of the
imported video as unit motion, work element and operation system is structured based on the designed template in section
cycle of work elements and classifies the value adding type of 2. The work analysis chart in the system has columns to insert
motions. Sections of the video can be excluded from work information of work elements (D), information of unit
video playback for the simulation of a modified manual work motions (E), motion duration (F) and motion exclusion (G).
standard devised from the analysis. In addition, the system is The work that is analyzed by this system is repetitive, thus, a
able to obtain a standard time of a single operation cycle, and user can insert separators to distinguish cycle start and end on
it changes the belonged workstation of an element action to the chart. In conclusion, the system is able to cover the range
optimize the line balancing ratio of an assembly line by of work analysis that is between the motion and the
comparing with the standard time of other workstations. operation.
As a result of the system, a working time of the
workstation is obtained from a standard cycle time of the
analyzed work. A manned assembly line is structured by
several workstations, and the minimum process time of the
line is calculated by the sum of a cycle time of workstations.
However, a real process time of the line is larger than the sum,
because there are many chances to occur idle on workstations
by various reasons. The most possible cause of idle states is
from unbalanced cycle times of workstations, therefore, the
line balancing of a line is required. The line productivity is
able to be simulated by the discrete simulation system using
Fig. 4. Designed template structure and detail. the revised cycle times of workstations (see Fig. 7).
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Administration (DAPA), the Agency for Defense University, Korea. He is now a Ph. D candidate in
Development (ADD) under the Contract No. UD110006MD industrial engineering, Ajou University, Korea, and he is
(DAPA), UD100009DD and UD120035JD (ADD). The a member of modeling and simulation laboratory, which
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