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Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference

B. Feng, G. Pedrielli, Y. Peng, S. Shashaani, E. Song, C.G. Corlu, L.H. Lee, E.P. Chew, T. Roeder, and
P. Lendermann, eds.



Chin Soon Chong Yang Kuei Lin

Chin Sheng Tan
Peng Yu Tan
Guan Leong Tnay

Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Department of Industrial Engineering

Technology Management and Systems
A*Star Feng Chia University
2 Fusionopolis Way 100, Wenhua Road
Singapore 138634, SINGAPORE Taichung 407102, TAIWAN


This paper presents the development of a simulation model for an Assembly-To-Order (ATO) system. The
model can be used to identify potential conflicts or bottlenecks in the system, to assist in the decision-
making process, and to improve on the existing manual orders planning process. The process flow in the
ATO system is complex as the system needs to handle a variety of products, different process routings, high
product mix, and shared resources. The simulation model is developed using an existing commercial
software platform. The model is designed to be fully data-driven, with sets of input and output data schema
tables. This approach will make the simulation modeling more accessible to manufacturing community,
and enable integration to factory’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for real-time data and Real
Time Dashboard (RTD) for displaying multiple scenarios of simulation results. The integration is
accomplished through a central database server via Application Programming Interface (API).

In most manufacturing systems, changes of factory layout, introduction of new equipment, changes of
product mix, and flow controls are very common practices. These changes require careful planning for
maximizing production throughput without sacrificing product quality or factory reliability. Further, with
growing competition, rapidly changing technology and customer requirements, there is also an increasing
demand for rapid solution techniques that can improve on the efficiency of manufacturing systems. There
is therefore a need for a powerful and effective approach that can help to capture, analyze and improve
manufacturing systems for the support of the system changes.
Simulation is one of the powerful analytical tools for visualizing, understanding, and analyzing the
dynamics of complex systems. Simulation can be defined as the process of designing a model of a system
and conducting experiments with the model in order to understand the behavior of the system or to evaluate
various operating strategies on it (Pegden et al. 1995). A system is a collection of entities, or resources such
as production materials, processing tools, space, people, etc., that act and interact toward the
accomplishment of some logical end (Law and Kelton 2013). There are three commonly used simulation
methods: Discrete Event Simulation (DES), System Dynamics (SD), and Agent-based (AB) simulation.
Examples on the use of these methods can be found in Schroer et al. (1988), Gupta et al. (1993), Law and
McComas (1997).

978-1-6654-7661-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1853

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Simulation is widely used and provides an effective vehicle to support the decision-making process for
designing or experimenting with manufacturing systems. Indeed, simulation can help to reduce the risk of
unforeseen bottlenecks, under- or over-utilization of resources, and failure to meet specified system
requirements, before actual system implementation. Often, it is cheaper and faster to build or configure a
model and experiment with different scenarios compared to trial and error with the actual system. In fact,
simulation is an indispensable tool when:

• Experimentation with the real system is disruptive or infeasible,

• Other approaches, e.g. mathematical or analytical methods, do not work,
• Evaluation of alternative designs, e.g. system designs or operating policies for a system, is required

We have developed a simulation model to fulfill the analytical requirements for an Assembly-To-Order
(ATO) system. To ensure the simulation model is more accessible to manufacturing community rather than
simulation community, the model is designed to be completely data-driven, with sets of input and output
data schema tables. The input data sets can be rapidly configured to make a better choice to questions on
resource and tool requirements, flow and release control, layout changes, etc. of the factory. Additional
layout module, computational package, and intuitive visual charts are incorporated into the model to
enhance its appeal to the general manufacturing practitioners. It is hoped that through this approach, the
use of simulation in manufacturing industry can be more widespread, for tackling problems of our
increasingly complex manufacturing world.

There is no lack of interest in simulation modeling research and application in the literature. Simulation
papers related to manufacturing have explored applications, associated issues, or approaches to using
simulations, and there is also a growing trend in using simulation to support design decision-making
(McGinnis and Rose 2017).
Gan et al. (2005) developed a High level Architecture (HLA) Borderless Fab with a distributed
simulation model using a commercial wafer fabrication simulator. The model comprises two factory
models, integrated into a supply chain model to form a borderless fab model for improving production
performance. It was found that the HLA supply chain model can achieve a significant speed-up as compared
to a sequential supply chain model on a similar hardware configuration.
Ridzuan et al. (2013) built a simulation model, using an existing commercial software platform, for
work-in-process (WIP) management in semiconductor fabrication. This model could be used to perform
what-if analysis to understand impacts on cycle time and overall output. The authors made use of the built-
in functionalities in the commercial software, to handle the complexity in the semiconductor fabrication,
and to perform what-if analysis for decision-making purposes.
Kundu et al. (2019) constructed a DES model, integrated with a mathematical model based on particle
swarm optimization (PSO). The simulation model is used to simulate real-life scenarios, while the meta-
heuristic algorithm is applied to find the best values for each decisional variable. The hybrid model is used
to analyze the impact of different Kanban settings on the performance of the assembly line feeding system.
Kanban is an inventory control system used in just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, the goal of which is to
limit the buildup of excess inventory at any point on the production line. Savsar and Abdulmalek (2008)
developed an assembly line simulation model built with Kanban-based JIT pull/push production control.
Several costs, such as inventory holding, demand delay, and late shipment costs are considered in the search
for the optimum number of Kanbans.
Fowler and Rose (2004) identified grand challenges for modeling and simulation in manufacturing, one
of the challenges is to reduce existing problem solving cycles. One aspect of this is reducing the time
required to create the simulation models. Most of the simulation models in the literature are built for specific
research objectives, and thus models are often simplified or abstracted for solving the very specific issue
on hand. These models can be quick to configure for problem solving cycles; however most of these models

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

can only be used for tackling the designated issue. Our data-driven model is developed to be a Digital Twin
of the factory, incorporating broad operations details such as operators and Automated Guided Vehicles
(AGVs) traveling speeds, traveling paths, part binning, orders batching, etc., and is therefore suitable for
simulating what-if scenarios of most commonly occurring factory changes.

Simulation is used in our project because it is the most powerful and used operations research (OR) method
in manufacturing literature. Considering the complexity and stochastic behavior of manufacturing system,
a pure analytical approach is unable to obtain reliable results (Kumar and Panneerselvam 2007, Hao and
Shen 2008). The Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) method is selected as it is the most appropriate for our
work. We have categorized input data into two sets for the data-driven model: 1) Layout data; 2) Product
and process data. The former is associated with the characteristics and attributes of physical resources in
the factory, for example, the location and size of machines, queues, conveyors, operators, AGVs, network
nodes, and so on (Refer to Table 1 for further details). To achieve a high fidelity simulation model, the
exact locations of production resources are a must-have requirement for simulating operations of operators,
AGVs, and other types of transporters. This set of data is best captured through drag-and-drop placement
of production resources in a model layout. The latter input data set is shown in Table 2 and it is the data
relating to the product and process such as orders plan, Bill-of-Materials (BOMs), process and setup times,
part routings, etc. This set of data can either be retrieved from the existing factory database or manually
input. Both data sets are pre-defined with data schema tables for ease of portability across different storage
media such as plain text files and databases.

Table 1: Layout data set.

Data Type Data Table Description
Station station Name of processor and its family, operation type
(by piece or batch), capacity, priority, name of
operating time table and mean-time-between-
failure (MTBF)
Conveyor conveyor, conveyor_detail Name of conveyor and its family, type of
conveyor, capacity, speed, priority, and sections
of conveyors
Location location Name of location and its family, location type,
capacity, priority, associated input and output
Rack rack, rack_detail Name of rack and its family, type of rack,
capacity, rack details of bays and levels, and the
Resource resource, resource_group Name of operator, technician, or AGV and its
group, type, capacity, speed, acceleration,
deceleration, name of home node, z orientation,
name of operating time table, and mean-time-
between-failure (MTBF)
Node and Network network, node Name of network nodes and its paths, maximum
number of transporters at each node, type and
speed limit of path
Resource Visual visual Name of station, location or resource, and its
department, area, size, coordinates, associated 3D
shape file, and color

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Table 2: Product and process data set.

Data Type Data Table Description
Plan order_plan, mold_plan Name of order, product or part type, order
quantity, assembly line, and production quantity
for each day
BOM bom Name of product with its part and quantity, part
set of product’s part
Process and Setup changeover_time, Setup time, process time or cycle time, process
process_time, part_mold name, batch size, part and station name, mold
name for molding machine and mold cavity
Part and Route part, route Part and its routing, step, process name, and type
Part Bin and Trolley part_qty_bin Number of units of part per bin, per trolley, etc.
Part Box and Pallet master_data Number of units of product per box, per pallet
for shipment
Kanban and Space kanban_size Name of Kanban location, assigned part, and
Limit space limit
Work-In-Process part_qty_bin_wip, wip Initial WIP for each Kanban location and other
(WIP) locations
Resource Task resource_task Operator, AGV, or other resource task
requirement for each process e.g. operator
requirement for assembly operation
Part Movement movement Transport requirements for part movement
including source and destination location, related
part, resource group required, loading and
unloading times
Work Shift work_shift Work shift definition i.e. number of shifts, name
of shift, start and end times
Machine Down down_schedule, Scheduled and unscheduled down (MTBF)
down_unscheduled definition including station name, start time and
duration, distribution function and its parameters,
required resource group for repair
Reject reject Process reject definition including process name,
station, product, part and reject rate
State state Initial state for each station, part and its details
on station including start date and time
Time Table time_table, Time table definition including start time and
time_table_repeat duration, resource group required
Settings options Various settings for simulation model e.g. run
length, warm-up period, date, and time for
recorded factory states

To make the simulation model more user-friendly and accessible to those unfamiliar with simulation,
we have developed two ‘models’: 1) 3D layout model; 2) simulation model. The layout model is used to
capture factory layout related data. This 3D layout module enables factory layout to be created and edited
by using existing drag-and-drop features within the commercial simulator platform. Once the factory layout
changes are done, a one-button-click will generate the layout input data set for the simulation model. This
3D layout module can readily support constant changes in factory layout.

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

The conceptual overall architecture of the ATO model, with the two models is shown in Figure 1. The
standard steps for a simulation process (Refer to Table 3 for simulation steps) are as follows: Users prepare
layout data set, as well as product and process data set for simulation. The simulation model can then be
built, reset and run with the prepared data sets. Simulation output will be generated when the simulation
run length is reached.

2. Generate
Import Generate

Layout Data

3D Layout Model Simulation Model Output Reports

1. Prepare
Product &
3. Prepare 4. Build, 5. Reset,
Process Data
6. Run Simulation, 7. Generate
8. Analyze Reports

Figure 1: Overall architecture of ATO model with 3D layout and simulation models.

Most of the simulation steps are implemented in the ATO model as a one-click command execution,
except for steps 1, 3 and 8. These three steps are important for what-if experiment and analysis. Steps 1 and
3 are for users to make any changes relating to factory layout, equipment, product mix, and flow controls,
etc. These changes will be automatically incorporated into the simulation model when the ‘Build’ command
is executed.

Table 3: Standard steps of simulation process.

Model Step Description
3D Layout Model 1. Prepare factory layout Prepare factory layout using simulator’s features
2. Auto generate data set Generate layout input data
Simulation Model 3. Prepare product and Prepare input data relating to products and processes
process data
4. Build model Build model dynamically from input data sets
5. Reset model Reset objects, variables and statistics
6. Run model Run simulation model
7. Generate reports Generate output reports
8. Analyze reports Analyze output report to identify conflicts or

Output reports are generated from the simulation model after each simulation run. Similar to input data,
these reports have pre-defined data schemas and can either be stored in a plain text file or database. The
reports cover order fulfillment, states, and output of production resources at event times or specific pre-
defined time interval. The types of output reports are shown in Table 4. This simulation output reports can
later be used to plot a variety of visual charts such as production volume charts, Gantt charts, state charts,

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Table 4: Output reports.

Report Type Report Name Statistics
Orders REP_ORDERS, Release time, start time, completion time for
Orders Trace REP_ORDERS_TRACE, Process & setup start and end times, etc. for
Station States REP_STATION_STATE States of stations at event times, hourly and
average states for machine
Resource States REP_RESOURCE_STATE States of resources at event times, hourly and
average states for operators and AGVs
Station Output REP_STATION_QTY Hourly output of machines
Location Qty REP_LOCATION_QTY Quantities at locations or queues at event times,
e.g. on entry, on exit
Location State REP_LOCATION_STATE Average content, input, output, and states for
Task Qty REP_RESOURCE_TASK_QTY Total distance traveled, pending number of
tasks, executed number of tasks for operators
and AGVs

Our data-driven simulation modeling approach, which distinguishes data capture of layout data from
product and process data, has several advantages over other simulation modeling methods:

• Making full use of the drag and drop features of the commercial simulator, Flexsim. The built-in feature
is intuitive, easy to use, and powerful for novice simulation users,
• Supporting detailed simulation with 3D animation, which can be a great help for verifying and
validating the simulation model,
• Providing display support to Real-Time Dashboard (RTD). The sets of input data as well as output
reports from 3D layout model can be stored in database server for RTD display,
• Keeping all complex modeling logic and programming code from users. For example, the production
resources are dynamically created and product routing linkages are automatically generated during
model building step.

Work is still ongoing to enhance the simulation model to be more intuitive for manufacturing
practitioners to make what-if scenario changes and to readily identify conflicts or bottlenecks in the
simulation model. For example, we have incorporated a heuristic module into the model to compute
production and consumption quantities for each part to help planners to identify planning issues. We have
also enhanced the output reporting with visual charts. Further description of these enhancements is in the
next section.

The model has been designed to be used for general manufacturing simulation. However, to support
requests from ATO industry, effort has been spent to customize the model so that it can support ATO
system. The process flow of the ATO manufacturing system under consideration is shown in Figure 2. The
part Kanban storage is used to buffer between the molding production flow and the assembly line flow.
Molding production flow consists of molding, oven curing, and vision processes. Not all parts are required
to go through all three steps. The assembly line flow comprises molding, label printing, and assembly
operations. Similar to molding production flow, Not all parts are required to be processed by all the steps.
For example, a customer order may not need molding or printing step. The process routing of each part can
be defined in Part and Route data tables.

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Orders plan, which consists of weekly customer orders, is prepared by a planner. The orders plan is the
primary source that drives the simulation for the assembly line flow. While molding plan, which is prepared
manually based on the orders plan, is the secondary source that drives the molding production flow of the
simulation model. The part types that are needed for each customer order are defined in the BOM data table.
For this case study, the simulation is set to run for seven days with one replication run as all the input data
is deterministic. Warm-up period is set to zero.

Figure 2: Process flow of the Assembly-to-Order (ATO) system.

The assembly line flow is a one-piece-flow, whereby units of a part are moving through the processes
piece-by-piece, whereas for the molding production flow, bins of standard sizes are used to keep a specific
number of units, with each trolley carrying 8 bins. The trolleys are used to transfer parts among the mold
production processes, Kanban storages and parts queues in the assembly lines. The only exception is oven
curing process. In this process, units are manually transferred to oven compatible containers for specific
hours of curing process, and later transferred back to the standard bins before being transferred to the next
process defined in the part routing.
The smooth operation of the ATO system is heavily dependent on the production and consumption
rates, buffered by Kanban storage space, for each part. Assuming a fixed consumption rate of parts, the
production and consumption rates chart of a part can be plotted, with the consideration of setup, part
binning, movement, and delivery operations, as shown in Figure 3. From the chart, it can be observed that
WIP inventory of the parts plays a major role in buffering the inventory required for the smooth operation
of assembly line flow from unanticipated disruptions. If there is a delay in delivering any of the required
parts to an assembly line, the line will have to stop its operation until the required part is delivered. This
delay can be caused by machine breakdown, busy material operators (e.g. feeders), temporary part shortage,
etc. As for major part shortage caused by improper planning of the molding plan against the orders plan,
Kanban inventory may not be able to resolve the shortage issue completely, in particular, for major shortage
mismatch of production and consumption rates of part quantities.

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Figure 3: Production and consumption rates of a part, considering setup, part binning, movement, and

To detect the major part shortage due to planning mismatch, we have incorporated a heuristic module,
to compute shortage statistics based on the production and consumption rates of each part, into the
simulation model. This module is based on the concept described earlier and considers the following
parameters for the rates computation:

1. Part processing and setup times for molding, curing, and vision processes
2. Part binning size and trolley transfer between processes

Five major steps are involved in the computational heuristic:

1. Compute the production time line for each mold machine based on the molding plan, considering
the processing and setup times of molding, curing, and vision processes, and part binning quantity
for the maximum of eight bins per trolley,
2. Sort out all production time lines of mold machine into production time line for each part, and add
in the initial WIP for the part,
3. Compute the consumption time line for each assembly line based on the order plan, considering the
processing, setup, and assembly times,
4. Sort out all consumption time lines of assembly lines into consumption time line for each part,
considering BOM,
5. Match the consumption time line with production time line for each part, and identify shortage
quantity, time, and location.

In the module, a time line is a set of non-decreasing time sorted records, with each record containing
attributes of event time, quantity, and location (i.e. mold machine or assembly line). The heuristic module
will be automatically executed on ‘Build’ command, and will generate the following statistics: starting and
ending inventory, potential shortage quantity, and times of occurrences for each part. Refer to Table 5 for
a typical computed output for a part. The table shows that the ending WIP is -50736 for part ‘Part 1’ and
thus is unable to meet the quantity requirement for assembly line consumption for the planning period. The
output also displays potential quantity shortages of the part for two time periods for the specified assembly
lines. This information identifies planning conflicts, and can help the production planner to refine the
molding plan.

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Table 5: A typical computed shortage report for a part.

Part Type Quantity Max Start End Location
Quantity Time Time
Part 1 Start WIP 15840 15840 0 0
Part 1 End WIP -50736 -50736 7700 7700
Part 1 Total Production 132000 132000 168 7700
Part 1 Total Consumption -198576 -198576 0 6842.5
Part 1 Shortage -624 -624 806 840 Final Assy 13, Final Assy
Part 1 Shortage -624 -76688 888.8 7700 Final Assy 14, Final Assy
13, Final Assy 10

The computational results are confirmed with an actual detailed simulation model run (Refer to Figure
4). The Gantt chart, which has been designed to help identify delays in the assembly line flow, display
results visually from the simulation model output. Figure 4 illustrates that there are many assembly
operation delays caused by insufficient part quantity for the specific assembly lines. The delays are
extended to the end of simulation period, due to insufficient production of the part. Based on the simulation
result displayed on the Gantt chart, the production planner is able to observe the impact of part shortage on
customer orders fulfillment and can take appropriate action to mitigate the issue.

Figure 4: Gantt chart for Assembly lines 10, 13 and 14 showing pauses or delays in assembly operations
before molding plan change.

To identify the part that causes the delays, the planner can use computer mouse to click on any of the
‘Pause’ blocks in the Gantt chart. A window will pop up to show more detailed information of the block.
Table 6 shows an example of the data display. Equipped with this information, the planner can revise the
molding plan for the part to be produced on more mold machines.

Table 6: An example of the data display for the ‘Pause’ block.

Object Event Start Time End Time Part
Final Assy 10 Pause 7143.136 7964.7382 Part 1

After several plan adjustments and simulation iterations, the planner is able to eliminate the part
shortage problem (Refer to Figure 5).

Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

Figure 5: Gantt chart for Assembly lines 10, 13, and 14 showing no delay in assembly operations after
molding plan improvement.

We have developed a high-fidelity manufacturing simulation model, customized for a case of Assembly-
To-Order (ATO) system for an MNC of consumer products. The model is designed to support the most
commonly encountered changes in manufacturing. These changes cover factory layout, equipment, product
mix, and flow controls. The model, with its heuristic module and visual charts, is able to help planners to
determine the orders fulfillment performance, and identify the potential issue for poor production
performance. The model can also be used by managers to plan for capacity expansion through factory re-
layout and addition of new equipment, by using the drag-and-drop features in the commercial simulator.
We have achieved our objective of making simulation more accessible to manufacturing practitioners.
With data-driven simulation modeling approach, the problem solving cycles for complex manufacturing
systems can be improved. We believe that data schema tables and visual charts can be designed to be more
user-friendly to novice simulation users than modeling via programming scripts. For most companies,
maintaining a full-time simulation expert is expensive, as years of simulation knowledge and experience
may often be required for a fresh engineer to build up competency in the simulation methodologies and

This project is still ongoing, and many functionalities can be incorporated into the model. Automating
molding planning is one of the most likely further work. This can be performed in two stages. The first
stage is to determine the overall consumption rates of each part, and then allocate appropriate number of
mold machines to meet the consumption rates. The second stage is to determine the optimum number of
Kanban spaces for each part, based on the production and consumption rates, and the process flow of the
The next potential work is to go through commonly found what-if scenarios and design more intuitive
visual aids such as charts or graphs that can help users readily identify issues. Examples of the what-if
scenarios include:

1. Loading plan and its estimated order fulfillment

2. Layout change and its impact on order fulfillment
3. Impact on factory performance when equipment is not available
4. Process flow change and analysis
5. Cycle Time, utilization, and WIP improvement
6. Capacity validation analysis


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Chong, Tan, Tan, Tnay, and Lin

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CHIN SOON CHONG is a Principal Research Engineer in A*Star. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering from City University of London, UK. He obtained both his M.Eng and PhD degrees from NTU, Singapore. His current
research interest are in simulation, scheduling and optimization, applied to engineering applications including manufacturing,
cyber-physical systems, and digital twin. He has over 20 years of experience in simulation modeling for both research and industrial
applications. His e-mail address is cschong@simtech.a-star.edu.sg.

CHIN SHENG TAN is a Senior Research Engineer in A*STAR SIMTech with more than ten years of experience in modelling
and optimisation of supply chain and manufacturing operations. He has worked with manufacturing companies in optimising their
production capacity and operations flow (layout) considering the required throughput and processing stepsand time. His e-mail
address is cstan@simtech.a-star.edu.sg.

PENG YU TAN is a Research Engineer in A*Star SIMTech with research interest in Factory Production Flow Simulation and
Virtual Reality for manufacturing. He is involved in industry projects involving Factory Flow Simulations, as well as developing
useful Virtual Reality training simulations for manufacturing. He designed and conducted industrial trainings regarding Computer
Aided Design(CAD) and Factory Flow Simulation, as well as researching, developing and conducting Virtual Reality workshops
for young students. He currently holds a Bachelor Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) Singapore. His email is tan_peng_yu@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg.

GUAN LEONG TNAY is a Senior Research Engineer at Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech). He earned
his Master of Engineering Degree at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore. His research interests include
optimization of high-speed machining, cutting tool design, 3D modeling & process simulation, and computational fluid dynamic
simulation. Prior to his current position, he worked in the aerospace MRO industry's repair department for 7 years. His current
work involves developing smart engineering solutions for precision manufacturing. His email is gltnay@simtech.a-star.edu.sg.

YANG KUEI LIN is a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management at Feng Chia University.
She holds a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Arizona State University. Her research interests include scheduling,
operations research, simulation, and optimization. Her email address is yklin@mail.fcu.edu.tw.


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