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Module 28 SAHITA Fireplaces Gas Installations

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Module 28: Fireplaces, gas, under-floor

heating, & air conditioning & heat pumps

Module Objectives
By the end of this session, participants will understand:

1. The inspection requirements of fireplaces.

2. Rules regarding gas installations
3. How under-floor heating works.
4. Air conditioners and heat pumps for cooling and heating houses.

Module at a glance:
Topic You will learn
Fireplaces, chimneys & flues - The regulations regarding fireplaces,
chimneys and flues.
- What to inspect.

Gas installations - The regulations regarding gas

- What to inspect.

Under-floor heating - How under-floor heating works and what

to inspect.

Air conditioning and heat pumps - How these cooling and heating systems

This SAHITA module deals with the various methods of heating, air conditioning and also gas
installations in South African homes.

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Fireplaces, flues & chimneys
The National Building Regulations (SABS 0400.1990) state that a fireplace used for the
burning of solid fuel (generally wood or coal) must have a hearth made of non-combustible
material of adequate thickness.

The hearth must extend at least 500 mm in front of the grate or fire basket and at least 300
mm beyond each side of such grate or fire basket. No timber floor joist or trimmer or any
other combustible material shall be built into any hearth.

Flue pipes
A flue pipe is a metal tube (round or square) which either replaces the chimney or which is
fitted inside the chimney. No flue pipe shall be designed and installed in such a manner that
it will cause a fire hazard to any adjacent material. This means in practice that the flue
pipe, which gets very hot, must not be close to combustible material such as wooden roof
timbers or thatch.

A chimney must comply with the following requirements:

 The chimney must be designed and erected in non-combustible materials and in such a
manner that it will not cause a fire hazard to any adjacent material.

 No combustible material, such as a timber floor Joist, trimmer or roof truss shall be built
within 200 mm of the inside of such chimney.

 The masonry walls of any chimney which are are less than 190 mm thick must be lined
(with a metal flue). The minimum thickness of masonry chimney walls is 90 mm. The
thickness of any chimney wall in any building covered by a combustible roof shall be not
less than 190 mm.

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 Where any chimney is provided with a flue lining, such lining shall be made of
material which will withstand any action of the flue gases, and resist, without
cracking or softening, the temperatures to which it may be subjected and it shall
extend throughout the full height of such chimney.

 Where any chimney has either a laterally unsupported height greater than 4 m or a
laterally unsupported height greater than six times its minimum lateral dimension, it
shall be designed by a Competent Person.

 Generally speaking the height of any chimney outlet shall be not less than 1 m above
the highest point of contact between such chimney and the roof. See the Module
on flashing and roof projections for more detail.

Gas installations
An increasing number of people are installing gas-powered fireplaces, stoves, heaters and
other appliances in their houses. An amendment to the South African Occupational Health
and Safety Act in July 2009 requires that anyone selling a home in which there is a gas
installation must get a certificate of conformity from an accredited gas authority. A copy of
this certificate should be handed to the buyer.

Legal requirements
A certificate of conformity must be obtained after every gas installation, modification or
alteration. A legal installation must comply with the following requirements:

 The gas installation must not be closer than 1000mm from doors and windows on the

 It must be at least 3000mm below windows - unless a non-combustible roof is installed

between the gas containers and the windows.

 The gas bottles must be at least 2000mm away from drains and air vents.

 It must be at least 3000mm away from boundary walls, unless the wall is a fire wall.

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 It must not be closer than 5000m from any electrical point - except a light.

 Only Class 1 or 2 copper pipes can be used – not plumbing pipe.

 All pipes passing through a wall must be sleeved – the sleeve is usually a larger diameter
reinforced plastic pipe. This is to prevent friction and wearing of the copper piping.

 Flexible hose may not be more than 2000mm long and may not pass through any
partition (including wood and dry wall).

 There must be a shut-off valve within reach of each appliance.

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Under floor heating
Under-floor heating is achieved by passing a current through loops of heating wire
connected to a thermostat. Under-screed, under-tile and under-carpet heating systems are
the normal permutations of under-floor heating.

A typical under floor wiring configuration

Under floor heating can be installed under most kinds of flooring material – including
screeds, floor tiles and wooden floors. The electronic thermostats can be locked to never
exceed a certain floor temperature - an important feature for certain types of wooden
flooring, where the manufacturer's specified maximum temperature may not be exceeded.

Under floor heating gently radiates heat from across the entire floor surface. Warm air rises
slowly and creates a uniform room climate, with the air slightly warmer at foot level than at
head height. Because of optimal thermal positioning and better overall heat retention,
comfort levels are reached at lower energy consumption rates - resulting in electricity
savings of up to 40 per cent.

When compared to the old under floor heating system, which was laid from wall to wall and
covered with a heavy screed which could be as thick as 80 mm, modern under tile heating is
a much more selective system. In most of the living areas such as TV rooms and dining
rooms, the laying of the heating wires will only occupy a space of approximately 50% and
this is simply done by laying the wires away from the walls, by a distance which can vary
between 800 and 1200mm., and this area is in most cases where the furniture is going to

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Under-carpet heating is manufactured in different pad sizes and power
outputs. No flat-bottom furniture such as kists/toy-boxes, mattresses, pot-
plants should be allowed to rest on the heating pads. This will block the heat
and might induce discolouring of the carpet.

Air conditioning
Most residential air conditioning systems are electric compressor-cycle systems. This type of
system includes the basic window or through-the-wall unit, as well as central (whole house)
air conditioning systems.

Central air conditioning systems are typically either packaged units, which have all major
components in one housing (similar to a room-style unit). Alternatively there may be a split
systems, which has a portion of the system in a cabinet outdoors, and a blower and other
components in an indoor air handler cabinet, or within the basic cabinet of a furnace.

Cooling cycle
Regardless of the style of the system, the basic components and method of operation are
similar for all electric compression-cycle systems. The major elements are an evaporator
coil, a condenser coil, fans to circulate air over both coils, tubing to carry a refrigerant
between the two coils, a compressor to move the refrigerant through the system, and a
metering device to regulate the rate of refrigerant flow.

Air conditioning systems use several basic principles of physics to remove heat from within
a house:

 Refrigerant absorbs heat when it changes from a liquid to a gas;

 A refrigerant releases heat when it changes from a gas to a liquid;

 Heat moves from a medium at a high temperature, to a medium at a lower


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As the liquid refrigerant passes through an expansion device into the evaporator, it expands
to a gas. At the same time, it absorbs heat from the household air, which is forced by the air
conditioner fan through the evaporator coil.

As this heat transfer takes place, the temperature of the household air becomes noticeably
cooler and is forced through air ducts to the rooms of the house. The refrigerant, which
vaporizes into a gas in the evaporator, is pulled through the tubing into the compressor
where it is compressed to a high-temperature, high-pressure gas. This gaseous refrigerant
then passes into the condenser coil, where it gives up heat to the relatively cooler outdoor
air, which is forced across the coil by a second fan. In the process, the refrigerant condenses
back to a liquid and is ready to begin another cycle.

One other issue to consider is that an air conditioning system not only removes heat from
the air, but it also dehumidifies the air.

For comfort cooling, a balance of temperature and humidity must be maintained. This
means that the unit must be sized properly so that it runs long enough to dehumidify the air
before the thermostat temperature settings are satisfied. An oversized system in a hot,
humid climate will not maintain the proper comfort level, as the air will be cooled before a
reasonable humidity level is attained.

Heating cycle
Air conditioner units often also have a heating function. This can be achieved by blowing air
over electrical resistance elements, but heat pump AC’s are more efficient.

Heat pump is a term for a type of air conditioner, in which the refrigeration
cycle is able to be reversed, producing heat instead of cold, in the indoor
environment. They are also commonly referred to, and marketed as, a
reverse cycle air conditioner.
Using an air conditioner in this way to produce heat is significantly more efficient than
electric resistance heating. When the heat pump is enabled, the indoor evaporator coil
switches roles and becomes the condenser coil, producing heat. The outdoor condenser
unit also switches roles to serve as the evaporator, and produces cold air (colder than the
ambient outdoor air).

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Heat pumps are more popular in milder winter climates where the temperature is
frequently in the range of 4-13°C. This is because heat pumps become inefficient in more
extreme cold. This is due to the problem of the outdoor unit's coil forming ice, which blocks
air flow over the coil.

Some more expensive window air conditioning units have the heat pump function.
However, a window unit that has a "heat" selection ,is not necessarily a heat pump, because
some units use electric resistance heat when heating is desired. A unit that has true heat
pump functionality will be indicated in its literature by the term "heat pump".

Adequate airflow is important for the proper operation of an air conditioning system. Dirty
filters and blocked ,or improperly positioned air inlets (returns) and outlets (supply
registers), will result in imbalanced air distribution and uneven cooling. At least one return
needs to be positioned near the ceiling.

Central air conditioning systems do not require a lot of maintenance, but some basic
attention is required if the unit's maximum economic life span is to be achieved.

The first major element that may require replacement is usually the compressor. This is also
the most expensive component of the system. Manufactures typically provide five-year
warranties on the original compressor, but with system maintenance most compressors will
last well beyond that period.

An annual check and servicing of all central air conditioning systems, by a qualified service
company is recommended. In addition, to help attain the maximum comfort and trouble-
free service life for their system, homeowners are also advised to following the
manufacturer’s maintenance and operation guidelines.

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Home inspection guidelines for this module
 Regarding fireplaces, the home inspector is generally limited to reporting on the
presence and type of a fire place, together with compliance with regulations
regarding the hearth and visible components of the chimney/flue. The home
inspector is not required to test whether the fireplace, chimney, or flue is functional.

 Regarding under-floor heating, the home inspector should report only on the
presence of under-floor heating installations. The home inspector is not qualified to
test the functionality or safety of such installations.

 Regarding gas installations, the home inspector should report on compliance as

regards the location of the gas cylinders, the observable sleeving of gas lines through
walls and the presence, or absence, of shut off valves within easy reach of the

 The home inspector should limit his inspection to reporting on the presence of, and
type of, air conditioning units and heat pumps. The home inspector is generally not
qualified to report on the functionality of such units.

Before you take the online test, please……

Make sure that you are thoroughly familiar with the material in this
module before completing the online test. The more familiar you make
yourself with the information presented in this Module the better you
will be as a professional home inspector. Review thoroughly all areas
of this module before and during the open book online test.

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