Effectiveness of Occupation-Based Interventions To Improve Areas of Occupation and Social Participation After Stroke
Effectiveness of Occupation-Based Interventions To Improve Areas of Occupation and Social Participation After Stroke
Effectiveness of Occupation-Based Interventions To Improve Areas of Occupation and Social Participation After Stroke
MeSH TERMS This evidence-based review examined the evidence supporting the use of occupation-based interventions to
activities of daily living improve areas of occupation and social participation poststroke. A total of 39 studies met the inclusion criteria
and were critically evaluated. Most of the literature targeted activity of daily living (ADL)–based interventions and
evaluation studies as topic
collectively provided strong evidence for the use of occupation-based interventions to improve ADL perfor-
human activities mance. The evidence related to instrumental ADLs was much more disparate, with limited evidence to support
social participation the use of virtual reality interventions and emerging evidence to support driver education programs to improve
stroke occupational performance poststroke. Only 6 studies addressed leisure, social participation, or rest and sleep,
with sufficient evidence to support only leisure-based interventions. The implications of this review for
research, education, and practice in occupational therapy are also discussed.
Wolf, T. J., Chuh, A., Floyd, T., McInnis, K., & Williams, E. (2015). Effectiveness of occupation-based interventions to
improve areas of occupation and social participation after stroke: An evidence-based review. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 69, 6901180060. http://dx.doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2015.012195