Lifestyle and Mental Health
Lifestyle and Mental Health
Lifestyle and Mental Health
Roger Walsh
University of California, Irvine College of Medicine
Mental health professionals have significantly underesti- the diseases exacting the greatest mortality and morbidity—
mated the importance of lifestyle factors (a) as contributors such as cardiovascular disorders, obesity, diabetes, and
to and treatments for multiple psychopathologies, (b) for cancer—are now strongly determined by lifestyle. Differ-
fostering individual and social well-being, and (c) for ences in just four lifestyle factors—smoking, physical ac-
pre.ierving and optimizing cognitive function. Conse- tivity, alcohol intake, and diet—exert a major impact on
quently, therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLCs) are underuti- mortality, and "even small differences in lifestyle can make
lized despite considerable evidence of their effectiveness in a major difference in health status" (Khaw et al., 2008, p.
both clinical and normal populations. TLCs are sometimes 376).
as effective as either psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy TLCs can be potent. They can ameliorate prostate
and can offer significant therapeutic advantages. Important cancer, reverse coronary arteriosclerosis, and be as effec-
TLCs include exercise, nutrition and diet, time in nature, tive as psychotherapy or medication for treating some
relationships, recreation, relaxation and stress manage-
depressive disorders (Frattaroli et al., 2008; Pischke, Scher-
ment, religious or spiritual involvement, and service to
witz, Weidner & Omish, 2008; Sidhu, Vandana, & Balon,
others. This article reviews research on their effects and
2009). Consequently, there is growing awareness that con-
effectiveness; the principles, advantages, and challenges
temporary medicine needs to focus on lifestyle changes for
involved in implementing them; and the forces (economic,
primary prevention, for secondary intervention, and to em-
institutional, and professional) hindering their use. Where
possible, therapeutic recommendations are distilled into power patients' self-management of their own health.
easily communicable principles, because such ease of com- Mental health professionals and their patients have
munication strongly infiuences whether therapists recom- much to gain from similar shifts. Yet TLCs are insuffi-
mend and patients adopt interventions. Finally, the article ciently appreciated, taught, or utilized. In fact, in some
explores the many implications of contemporary lifestyles ways, mental health professionals have moved away from
and TLCs for individuals, society, and health professionals. effective lifestyle interventions. Economic and institutional
In the 21st century, therapeutic lifestyles may need to be a pressures are pushing therapists of all persuasions toward
central focus of mental, medical, and public health. briefer, more stylized interventions. Psychiatrists in partic-
ular are being pressured to offer less psychotherapy, pre-
Keywords: lifestyle, therapeutic lifestyle changes, mental scribe more drugs, and focus on 15-minute "med checks,"
health, psychopathology, cognitive capacities a pressure that psychologists who obtain prescription priv-
ileges will doubtless also face (Mojtabai & Olfson, 2008).
he central thesis of this euticle is very simple: Health As a result, patients suffer from inattention to complex
professionals have significantly underestimated the psychodynamic and social factors, and therapists can suffer
importance of lifestyle for mental health. More spe- painful cognitive dissonance and role strain when they
cifically, mental health professionals have underestimated shortchange patients who need more than what is allowed
the importance of unhealthy lifestyle factors in contributing by mandated brief treatments (Luhrmann, 2001).
to multiple psychopathologies, as well as the importance of
healthy lifestyles for treating multiple psychopathologies, A further cost of current therapeutic trends is the
for fostering psychological and social well-being, and for underestimation and underutilization of lifestyle treatments
preserving and optimizing cognitive capacities and neural (Angelí, 2009) despite considerable evidence of their ef-
functions. fectiveness. In fact, the need for lifestyle treatments is
Greater awareness of lifestyle factors offers major growing, because unhealthy behaviors such as overeating
advantages, yet few health professionals are likely to mas- and lack of exercise are increasing to such an extent that the
ter the multiple burgeoning literatures. This article there- World Health Organization (2008, para. 1 ) warned that "an
fore reviews research on the effects and effectiveness of escalating global epidemic of overweight and obesity—
eight major therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLCs); the prin- 'globesity'—is taking over many parts of the world" and
ciples, advantages, and challenges involved in implement-
ing them; the factors hindering their use; and the many
implications of contemporary lifestyles for both individuals This article was published Online First January 17. 2011.
Correspondence conceming this article should be addressed to Roger
and society. Walsh, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior. University of
Lifestyle factors can be potent in determining both Califomia College of Medicine, Irvine, CA 92697-1675. E-mail:
physical and mental health. In modem affluent societies.