Annotated Bibliography 1 1
Annotated Bibliography 1 1
Annotated Bibliography 1 1
10 pts
35 pts
15 pts
Gilboy, Nicki, et al. “Emergency Severity Index,A Triage Tool for Emergency Department Care, Version 4,
Implementation Handbook, 2012 Edition.” AHRQ, Nov. 2011.
This article reveals the importance of a triage throughout emergency departments. It emphasizes how critical
they are due to a major problem the ER faces, overcrowding. This resource will be helpful because it will allow
me to further my knowledge on how nurses differentiate patients based off of their severity. In my project it will
help me answer my essential question of how nurses separate patients based off of their physical/mental state.
Without a triage, emergency departments would be overflowed with patients and the staff would be extremely
stressed and unable to perform their jobs to their fullest abilities.