The Viscosity of The Lower Mantle: D - P. Mckenzie
The Viscosity of The Lower Mantle: D - P. Mckenzie
The Viscosity of The Lower Mantle: D - P. Mckenzie
Institute of GeophysicsandPlanetaryPhysics
Universityo/California, San Diego
The viscosityof the mantle is important to theories of convectionand continental drift and
alsoto the understanding of the earth'sexternalgravity field.Until recently,however,the
processescausingcreepin solidsunderthe low stresses presentwithinthe earthwereobscure,
andthere wereno estimatesof the viscosityof the lower mantle.In this paperthe use of a
stress-independentviscosityis justified,and the Navier-Stokes equationis appliedto creep
within the mantle, to investigatehow this viscositymay vary with depth within the earth
andto estimatethe viscosityof the lower mantlefrom the nonhydrostatic equatorialbulge.
The viscosityis shownto be 6 X 10'•ø(stokes),and this high value preventsboth convection
in the lower mantle and polar wandering.
E = _4x'
gaMZ Z(l- 1)
ß(2• + •)(vF - •,•)(v, •- •,-).
H, • are the hydrostaticcoe•cientsof the grav-
Gl '-- ity field. If the axis of rotation is that of the
.,. 2(•- 1) sphericalharmonics,H, • = 0 unlessm = 0 and
--21.4-1g' a g,'-t-2i"•q,'i
'•g2 l is even. Jeffreys [1963] has calculatedH• and
H,o to be
In theseequations,o7,"•,,,U,"%and ,•V,'"are the
deformationand the potential on the unde-
--1072.1 X 10-• and •2.9 • !0 -•
formedand dr'formedsurfaces,respectively,of
theboundaryradiusa,,.Also for the unnormalizedspherical harmonics, or
--479.5 X 10-• and +1.0 X 10-• for those used
here. The energiesgiven by (11) (Table 1) are
calculated from the tabulated values of C, • and
g•= (4wG/3g)a•(,ox-p•.) g•.= (4•G/3g)a•pr
where/• is the densitywithin the Iayer n. The
corresponding resultsfor three layers are easily u•(vD * = [(c,'7 +
derivedin the sameway. :In all modelsthe den-
The agreementbetweenthe two determinations
sities were chosen to make •he acceleration due
is not particularly good,especiallyfor the low
to the gravity field on the surfaceof all layers
harmonics.However, it is clear that the energy
thesameasits surfacevalue, g. in the X• ø harmonicis very much greater than
The coefficients of the external field are best
that in any other.
compared by calculatingthe energy contained There are several possiblemethods of pro-
in each of them. This calculation cannot be ac-
duc•g slight deviations from spherical s•-
curatebecausethe depth of the density varia- merry of the densitydistribution,but it is di•-
tions responsiblefor the coei•cients is not cult to undersland why the axis of rotation
known.An estimatecan be made by consider- should also be the axis for these deviations.
ingthe earth as a uniformsphere.The energy Yeffre•s [1963] believes that the manfie has
canbecalculatedby addinga massm givenby finite strength and has supportedthe density
m= 4x.a•pa
dk• • ,1, , 0< k< 1 differencesrequired for the gravity field since
the earth was formed. •owever, considerations
tothesurfaceof a sphereat potential of the mechanismsinvolved in creep in solids
at high temperatures and low stressesdo not
• • 2/--1)k,•,. support.the idea of finite strength
i 24.1 6.9 1.0 0.3 Thus the original suggestionof Munk a•d
5.0 1.3 1.0 0.5 MacDonald [1960] that the nonhydrostatic
2 17.8 13.6 5.0 4.1 1.6 bulgeis causedby the earth's angulardecciera.
5.6 0.8 0.9 7.6 5.3 tion is still the only mechanismyet discussed
9.8 9.7 0.4 9.2 which can explain the observations.The dil-
3 7.8 1.1 11.6 l.6 foreneein energybetweenthe bulgeand
1.1 6.7 11.,i other harmonicsis then explainedby the dif-
4 1.2 6.4 6.8 ference
in theirorigins.
9.9 9.5 })c calculatedon the basisof this hypothesis.
5 4.6 7.8
1.7 3. Cnw,
w,rwrr•N ,r•
14.6 No furtherprogress
equation re]ating stress to the rate of stra•
* Energy in units of 1.56 X 10•s ergs. Upper
values, Guier and Newton [1965]; lower values, within the earth. •any complicatedempirical
Izsak [1964]. equations have been publishedwith very little
discussionof the mechanismsby which the solid
is deformed. These mechanisms will be discussed
1963; Gordon,1965], nor doessucha theory in a later paper, where it will be shownihat
explainthe orientationof the excessmass.An- diffusioncreep is dominant if the stressis small
other causeof the densityirregularitiesmay be (less than about 10-•'•,,where • is the shear
a temperaturedistributionwith smalIdifferences modulus). Creep of this nature in a homogene-
from .sphericalsymmetry, causedeither by ous solid obeysthe Navier-Stokesequationand
convectionor by the nature of the solutionsto thus justifies the use of a stress-independent
the heat conductionequationwhenthe conduc- viscosity.• earth model consistentwith both
tivity is a functionof temperature.Since Tozer the rates of postglacialuplift and the nonhydro-
[1965] shows that the Coriolis force can be static bulge is related here to the propertiesof
neglectedthroughoutthe mantle, the only way mantle rocks.
in which the rotation can affect convection and The nonhydrostaticequatorialbulgeproduces
heat flow is through the boundaryconditions, shearingstresseswhich causethe earth to creep
which are given on a spheriodrather than on a toward hydrostatic equilibrium. If the stressis
sphere.Under these conditionsa theorem due •su•cient to causedislocationsto movethrough
to yon Zeipel [Eddington, 1926] preventsthe the crystal, the only creep mechanismis dif-
surfacesof constant pressurefrom being iso- fusionof alomsor vacanciesalonggra• bound-
thorns, and slowcirculationwill take placeun- aries or lhrough the crysial lattice [Gordon,
lessthe earth has finite strength.The equations 1965]. Herring [1950] showsthat the diffusion
which governthe flow are complicated,and no creeprate • dependslinearly on stressa
solutionhas beenattempted.In any caseit is
unlikelythat this effectis important,sincethe a = • V•/•0•r• • (•)
earth'ssurfacefeaturesshowno symmetryabout where R is the mean crystal radius, V, the
the equator.Someidea of the order of magni- atomic volume,and D the diffusioncoe•cient.
tude of the nonhydrostaticfield is obtainedin
D is related to the enthalpy,•H, required
appendix2. This calculation, suggestedby G. E. produce a vacancy or •terstitial atom
Backusand It. H. Dicke, givesa valueof 1.6 X
10-' for the nonhydrostaticU2 that is an order
O,v + (o x r+ 2• x r
Since the hydrostaticbulge is proportional to
+ • x (• x r) + (v-v)v •,?, 1/• is il•e relaxationtime for lhe hydro-
sinitc bulge.The value of ¾ may be foundfrom
= •v% + v(u- •/•)
Sincethe bulgeis about 104 cm greaterthan -v/• = •/•
the hydrostatic,and corresponds
to the hydro- Equ,'dion 18 becomes
staticfigureof about10• yearsago,[v[• 10-•o.
Si•larly 0 =
The Laplacetransforms
of (23) and (24), with
respect to •' are
- 6t sin 8
= o (•o) v x(vx•(%))
on6t= 1, whereO• stands
for O/O•!,etc.The
• mustvanishon the deformed +, + r x• (o)
(R = 1 -[- V, and doesnot vanishon
V'•(•O = 0 (26)
= 2[O•(•(•O-a•)](27)
(21) •(•) =
=0 The surfaceof the sphereis taken as unde-
formed at • = 0 becausethe initial conditions
The kinematicconditionis that the rate at have no effect on the solution.The divergence
whichthe surface is deformed must equal the
of (25) gives
=o D V2
ø.+-s+"r.J= Baa.o (43)
wherep• and p2 are core and lower mantle 1 -- P_L 0
Thus the pressurewithin (w)" = (d', D = p2
thecore,(P•,is hydrostatic. 0 I
-r• 2 o
5'•- p--•
[q%+ f•oe fitX. (0)]-+-const(39)
The normal stress is continuous at the core- B2 =
mantleboundary,• • a.
'• 3• 2 •
Equations42, 43, and 9 canbe combinedto give
The k•emafic and transverses•ressboundary
countionsare •he sameas in (32) and (33) bu• C[Vaø -[- Wf2o/(S-[-F)] = sVa
ø (44)
are•akenat • = a. In Laplace•ransformspace, where
C = G•(B•E•)
- + .......
s+ r and E• is the first two columnsof (A•)-•. The
motion of the core-mantleinterface is coupled
to •hat of the surfaceof the off-diagonalterms
in C. The normalmodescanbe foundby diagonal-
izing C. We chooseS so that
The solution;o (30) now contains two more
Then (44) becomes
M before,•b••, •b•% •a••, and •a•• must be
from •he boundaryconditions,
and (ao/(S+ r))As-w
therotation affects the harmonic with l • 2 and 0
m = 0 only. The transverse stress and = - eo
to give
(4. . r) S-•W
(s+' X•)(s+ r)]
fluctuateswith a time scaleof where &• is the accelerationproducedby proc-
about20 years,but it hasnot producedany essesin and on the earth. Equations 52 to 55
began. may be combinedto give
on MiddleDevoniancoralshave
beenusedrecentlyto calculatethe deceleration &, = --(4y.•Ma•/3C)5,
overa periodof 350millionyears.Wells[1963] For the earth C • 0.33Ma•; thus
andStrutton[1964]havesuggested that ridges
onthe epithccaof somePaleozoiccoralscor- •, = --4.0•, (•)
to daily,monthly,
andannualgrowth (1/C) de/dr = 4.0(Y•/•)•, (57)
and hencereveal the number of days in a
monthand a year. Runcorn [1964] finds that Thus
requirethe earth'sdecciera-
tion and moment of inertia to have remained &• = 2.3 X 10-a4 rad/seca
constantsince Middle Devonian time. These (i/C) dC/dt = 3.3 X 10-2ø part/see
thoughstill slightlyuncertain,support
of the modernobservations. Sincethe probableerror in &, is ,-., 10-=•, the
In tile analysisill sectioni it was more con- accelerationdue to the collapseof the bulge is
yententto use an expressionfor the ang•]ar ve- too small to be detected.The changein C since
locityof theform Devoniantime is only 3 parts in 10•, which is
well within Runcorn's estimate of the experi-
co-' coocxp (--'yt/2) (51) mental uncertainties. These results are not
changedwhen the finite viscosityis included.
where• and •00are constantand • = --2&/•o. This section showsthat large changesin &,
Equation 51 fits all observationsas well as a or C since Devonian time are excludedby the
line does;however,thereis no physical coral results. Thus the equations derived in
reasonwhy it shouldbe preferred.
section4 can be appliedto the earth.
ThoughRuncornfoundthat the coralresults
requiredno changein the earth's ,momentof 6. DAMr• A•O V•scos•z • ½
inertia,the collapseof the equatorialbulgemust NONHOMOGENEOUS EARTH
produce an internalangularacceleration and a
decreasein the moment of inertia. This effect is In previousdiscussionsoœthe earth'sviscosity,
discussedhere to show that it can be neglected. Haskell [1935], Gold [1955], and Munk and
If C and zi are the time-dependentmoments MacDonald [1960] have considereda homo-
of inertia about axes passingthrough the pole geneousearth only. Substitutionof A -- 9.8 X
andthe equator,differentiationof MacCullagh's 10-•, K• = 2/19, o•--- 7.3 X 10-• tad/see,
formula[Jeffreys,1959, p. 40] gives 5: = --5.8 X 10-" rad/sec•, g = 9.8 X 10•
and a = 6.4 X 10s cminto (37) shows
that a viscosityof 4 X 10• stokesis requiredto
dt dt dt
producethe observed
equatorialbulge,and this
To the first approximalion the mean moment value is not consistent with that derived from
of inertia remains constant postglacial uplift. Thus a homogeneous earth is
too simplea modeland a layeredearth must be
dC dA.
used.Also, in a homogeneous earth the charac-
+ =o teristic time for the dampingof the Chandler
Je/]reys[1959] showsthat Y.•is proportionalto wobbleand for the collapseof the nonhydrostatic
•'•; thus bulgeare the sameand are relatedto the time
requiredfor polarwandering(seeGold[1955]and
(2/oo)&,-- (1/Y•) dYe/dr (54:) section7). Gold used13 yearsasthe decaytime
for the Chandler wobble and discovered that
where&, is the total angularacceleration.
Apart fromexternalforcesthe angular polar wanderingwould take place in about 1
momentum of the earth must remain constant million years, an embarrassinglyshort time.
This difiqcultyis alsocausedby a homogeneous
+ = o earth beingtoo simplea model.
In a layeredearththereis no simplerelation equilibrium.
Whenthevalueof --&, obtained
betweenthe dampingof the Chandlerwobble in section 5 is substituted
and the time taken for the bulge to collapse. given
in section
4 forthethree-layer
Let us consider an earth which consists of a a phase
is4 X
shellwhichwill dampthe Chandlerwobblein stokes if theuppermantleis300kmthickand
10 yearssurrounding
a rigid centralcore,and 6X 10TMstokes
if it is1000
allow the surfaces of the shell and the core to modelwitha fluidcoregivesa viscosity
havetheir hydrostaticbulgescausedby rotation. 6 X 1025
In this modelthe dampingof the wobblewill be glacial
rapid and will take placein the viscousshell. ignore
thegravityfielddueto theelliptictry
If the angularvelocityis changed, however•the the core-mantle
Their model
nonhydrostatic bulgeproducedwill bepermanent rigidlower
because it will be causedby the shapeof the rigid fieldwouldbe dominated
by the shape
core,even thoughthe shellwill quicklyflow to rigidlower
make the outer surfacean equipotential.If the The shapeof the core-mantle boundarywill
continentsare floatingin the outer shell, the fix the rotationaxisto the lowermantleand
Ebtv6sforceonthemwill not causepolarwander- hinderpolarwandering. However,the Chandler
ing becausethe rotational axis is fixed by the wobblewill be dampedby the layerwhichcan
centralcore.This forcemay causethem to drift dissipate
the mostenergywhenactedonbya
toward the equatorif the viscosityof the shell force X•.•(O, qb)exp toot.Sincethere is a dose
is sufficientlysmall.Sucha modelwill alsoallow relationship
isostaticadjustmentto any surfaceload. dampingand thoseproducingcreep,thelower
Present knowledgeabout the earth's interior mantieis unlikelyto cause
from seisinologyshowsthat there is a central the Chandlerwobble.Andersonand Archambeau
core,radius 3470 kin, surroundedby a radially [1964]believethat mostof the damping
symmetric mantle. Free oscillationsand body wavesand of free oscillations
takesplacein the
waves show the core to be inviscid over the upper mantle. It is likely that the Chandler
time scalesconsidered here, whereaspostglacial wobbleand the body tidesare alsodamped
uplift requires the upper mantle to have a the sameregion.
viscosity •, 3 X 10•'• stokes.The discussion Thus it is important to decidewhetherthe
above showsthat isostaticadjustmentwill be processis governedby the most or the leas•
governedby the viscosityof the surfacelayers. viscouspart of a nonhomogeneous
The nonhydrostatic bulgewill be supportedby any simplificationsare made.
•he mostviscouslayerwithinthe earth,provided
that the decaytime within this layeris shortin
comparison with the rotationaldecaytime. The Palcomagnetic resultsrequire the magnetio
viscosityrequiredmust be greaterthan the pole, and hence the rotational pole, to have
4 X 10'-•stokescalculatedfor a homogeneousmoved relative to each continentduringgeo-
earth.The only possible positionfor a layer of logical time. If continentshave drifted relative
suchhigh viscosityis the lower mantle. Solid- to e•ch other and lo the pole,polarwandering
state considerations (section3) suppor•this is hard to define.However,the highviscosities
conclusion.The outer boundaryof the lower calculated here for Zhe lower m•ntle will stabi-
mantleis a phasechange, andthusthisboundary lize the pole, and continentaldrift may •hen
is governedby pressure.Under theseconditions take place on an earth whoselower mantleis
theanalysis in section
4 shows thattheshapeof fixed to the rotation axis.
the boundaryis governed by the leastviscousof If a small massm is placedon the earth's
the two phases.Thus the outer surfaceof the surfaceat a latitude 0o, •he Chandlerwobble
lowermantleis an equipotential,andit doesnot will be excitedand will take place•boutanax•s
contributeto the nonhydrostaticbulge(a similar inclinedat an angleof ma• sin 2 0o/2(C- A)
argumentappliesto the inner core).The cause radiansto •he original•xis of rotation.Thede-
of the bulge must thereforebe a distortionof c•y time of the Chandlerwobble,thoughvery
the core-mantleboundaryfrom hydrostatic uncertain,is probably of the order of 30 years.
[t isnotknownwherethe energyconcerned
is by Haskelt's[1935]method will be a function of
buttheleastlikelyplaceisthelower the radius of the areas[McConnell,1965], and
The dissipationwill take placewithin the surface movements will differ fi'om those
thelayerthat hasthe shortest decaytimefor calculatedfrom the simpletheory of an infinite
•n oscillating
of the form half-space.The calculationsmust be made with
therateof polarwanderingsphericalshells.
willbe determined
by the layer whichhasthe Beforeconvection
cantake placein the lower
time%oa constant
of mantle, the temperaturegradient must exceed
theformX.2(0), and the samelayer will sup- the adiabaticby an amount/•givenby
If thetimecon- = -
stantfor polarwanderingis • and that for the
lowermantleis •, where whereR ois the criticalIiayleighnumber,• 2 X
10*, • the thermal conductivity• 0.01 cal/
= ga) øC sec, and a the thermal expansion•-• 2 X
andz• is ,;asgiven by (34), then Gold [1955] 10-•/øC.If v • 6 X 10"'•,thevalueof • required
finds beforeconvection cantake placeis • 10øC/kin,
or a temperature differenceacrossthe lower man-
r-• 2•'•(C -- A)/?na• sin20,, (58) fie of about 20,000øC.The actual temperature
Tile forceacting on the mass in the direction difference is probably between 1000øC and
ofthe equatoris calledthe Ertvrs force.•unk 2000øC and is far too small to cause convection.
and MacDonald define the excitation function The adiabatic gradient is 0.5øC/kin, or a tem-
dueto this force as perature difference across the lower mantle of
1000øC; thus the actual temperature gradient
If[ = ma•sin 20o/2(C-- A) •'• 'r•/•' (59) may not even exceedthe adiabatic. Even a vis-
cosity of 4 x l0 • stokesis quite sufficientto
If • -• 4 X 10•, then r• • 2 X !0 • years and
prevent convection.
the pole will not wander in geologicaltime
Convectionin tile upper mantleis :notaffected
(•-• 5 X 10"years)unless[•[-0 4 X 10-•.
Avalueofrof•6X 10•anda-•5X 10 scm by thesecalculations,nor is there any difficulty
in conveeringthrough the phase-change region
If] "• 5 X 10-•. They computethat for
thepresentdistributionof oceansand continents if it is spread over about 500 -lorn[Verhoogen,
thevalueof I•] is approximately
10-•, whichis
to produce polar wandering. It is It is interestingthat this model partly ex-
plains the occurrenceof earthquakes.Below a
likelythat a largervalue of ]•l will resultfrom
densityvariations within the mantle, but since depth of 700 kin, thermal stressesare removed
theseare likely to be thermal in origin they by creep and do not accumulate becausethere
probably have a decaytime short in comparison is no convection.Abovethis depth,heat is trans-
withthat of polar wandering.It is clear that ported by movement of the rock, generating
the EStvSs force on the continents is not suffi- shearingstressesand henceearthquakes.
cient•o movethe pole,but this forcemay move 8. Co•c•,ns•ox
the continentsseparatelytoward the equator.
Geology doesnot supportmovements in latitude These calculationsdepend on the measured
only,however,andthussucha forceis probably value of U•ø [King-ftele, 1965] and on the value
not important. calculatedby Je/)'reys[1963] for a hydrostatic
Unlikepolar wandering,convection neednot earth. If either of theseis in error by 1%, the
beprevented by a highlyviscouslowermantle. energystored in the U• harmonicmay be no
It is veryimportantto knowwhetherthe non- greaterthan that in any other,and this method
hydrostatic bulgeis causedby a highviscosity of estimating•he viscosityof the lower mantle
throughout the mantleor by a thin layersome- fails. However, there is no reason •o doubt
wherewithin it, perhapsat the core-mantle either the measurements or the calculations.
boundary. If the lowermantlehasa viscosity
of The three-layer model with an inviscid core
about10•' throughout,it will affectisostatic and a phase changebetween the •pper and
upliftin two ways.The viscosityas calculated lower mantle is the most realistic of those con•
sideredhere,and it requiresa viscosityof 6 x Lamb looked for solutions of the form
10'-• stokes in the lower mantle. All three models
are sufficiently
to preventconvection
in •T = •T exp(--•)
the lowermantleand to preventpolarwander- In this case(A4) becomes
ing in geologicaltime.
The viscosityestimatedfrom postglacialup- (v • + •)• = o • = •
lift will be reducedif the 1ewermantle is highly (•)
V'•7• = 0
viscous,and thus convection within the upper
mantle,900km thick,is likely to takeplace. MorseandFesbach[1953]showthatthesolu-
The only argumentin favor of convection
in tions to (AS) are
the lower mantle is that the scale of features on
the earth's surfacethought to be due to convec-
tion cells is about 3000 kin. Convection in the
lower mantle is then required if the cells are
to be circular in crosssection.However,circular
cellsare foundonlyat Rayleighnumbersslightly wherea• are complex coefficients
above critical, about 2 X 103,and there is no are sphericalBesselfunctions.The •1 solution
evidencethat this occursin the upper mantle. maybe combined withthe particular
Thus there is no di•culty in explainingconti- satisfythe boundaryconditions,
but the•
nental drift and other surface featuresby con- solution may not. Thus the • solutionmust
vectionin the uppermantle. satisfythe boundaryconditions
by itself,andit
can be generatedonly by the initial velocity
field and not by gravitationalflow. The•
Lamb [1SS1]solvedthe equationsfor viscous solution correspondsto torsional elasticoscilla-
flow in a nonrotatingspherebut useda method tions and toroidal magneticfields; it canbe
different from that used in section 4. He retained written in terms of the vector spherical
the term S• andsolved monies C•,• alone. The combined•b and X
solution containsboth P,,,• and B• and cot.
•-•s• = v•v+ •v[• - •] (•) respondsto spheroidal elastic oscillationsand
poloidal magneticfields. These solutionsshould
V.• = 0
be comparedwith (29).
These equationshave a particular integral of Thus the solutionto (A1) is
•he form
v= v•+•v ]
provided that
ßexp (--a•')
v'•, = o (•) This solutionis apparentlyof order 1, andthat
and in section4 is of order 5% However, whenthe
values of a•• are determinedfrom the boundau
o•4,= •- • (A3) conditionsand an approximate expression is
usedfor j•(/•(R) when k(R is small, the terms0f
When • is calculatedfrom theseequationsit
order 1 cancelin (A6) and leave only those0f
doesnot satisfy the surfacetraction boundary order • the two solutions are then the same.
condition,and thusthe generalsolutionto (A1)
is required
The effectof von Zeipel'stheoremon theex-
ternal gravity field can be calculatedfromBu/-
lard's [1948] valuesfor the elliptictrye of the
surfaces of constantdensity.His values,though
vW•= • o•v• (•4) for an isothermalearth,caneasilybe corrected
V-•Y• = 0 for temperature. Clairaut's theoremthen gives
•' r
Wang [1966] has suggestedthat the nonhy-
If the conductivityand rate of heat generation drostaticbulge is a relic of the last glaciation.
areconstant throughoutthe earth, and if During the last ice age most of the ice was con-
is zeroeverywhere,it is easy to show that the centrated in polar regionsand remained there
isothermshave •'he same cl]ipticity as the long enough to become isostatically compen-
earth'ssurface.These assumptionsarc not true sated.When the ice capsmelted,the deforma-
within the earth but do permit an order of tion remained and now causesthe nonhydro-
magnitude calculation.On a surfacedefinedby static external gravity field. It is shown below
(A7) the temperaturevariation is that this effect would indeed producea bulge
of the right sign and order of magnitude.How-
• 2
ever, isostatic rebound has reduced the defor-
sY]vv[,, - malton by a factor of about 10 since the ice
wherea is the mean external radius o[ the e•rth
melted, so that this suggestionalso givesa value
which is an order of magnitude smaller than
and]VT]• Jsthe surfacetemperaturegradient. that observed.
EquationA8 and tim Adams-Wi]Iimnson rela-
The massof ice which causedisostaticdepres-
givethe change]n r:
sion can be calculatedfrom the changein sea
level, d. Any floating ice will not depresssea
•• Iv •1•y•b(•)
-- level or deform the mantle. If this mass formed
two polar ice caps,each with an angular radius
Thesurfaces of constan•densityare now r of •o, their thickness• would be
•r, •nd Chirau•'s theorem[Je•reys, 1959] gives
t = a cosOo/( - oos03
6- H•= l•Ma
• a(Y)a If the ice capsand the cMnge in se• level are
completelycompensatedby flow in lhe mantle
of density 3 g/era•, the point areas will be de-
pressedby t/3, and the rest of the earth (as-
sumedall to be ocean)will be uplifted by d/3.
by par•sgives The deformed surface can be written as