PLAXIS 2D 2017 Tutorial Lesson07
PLAXIS 2D 2017 Tutorial Lesson07
PLAXIS 2D 2017 Tutorial Lesson07
This example concerns the stability of a reservoir dam under conditions of drawdown.
Fast reduction of the reservoir level may lead to instability of the dam due to high pore
water pressures that remain inside the dam. To analyse such a situation using the finite
element method, a transient groundwater flow calculation is required. Pore pressures
resulting from the groundwater flow analysis are transferred to the deformation analysis
program and used in a stability analysis. This example demonstrates how deformation
analysis, transient groundwater flow and stability analysis can interactively be performed
The dam to be considered is 30 m high and the width is 172.5 m at the base and 5 m at
the top. The dam consists of a clay core with a well graded fill at both sides. The
geometry of the dam is depicted in Figure 7.1. The normal water level behind the dam is
25 m high. A situation is considered where the water level drops 20 m. The normal
phreatic level at the right hand side of the dam is 10 m below ground surface. The data of
the dam materials and the sub-soil are given in Table 1.
50 m 77.5 m 5m 90 m 37.5 m
25 m
Core 30 m
Fill y
Subsoil 30 m
120 m 20 m 120 m
• Defining time-dependent hydraulic conditions (Flow functions)
• Defining transient flow conditions using water levels
• Start the Input program and select the Start a new project from the Quick select
dialog box.
• In the Project properties window enter an appropriate title.
• Keep the default units and constants and set the model dimensions to xmin = -130.0,
xmax = 130.0, ymin = -30.0 and ymax = 30.0.
• The Phases window is displayed (Figure 7.3). Click OK to close the Phases window.
Hint: Note that by default Undrained behaviour (A) and (B) are ignored for a
Gravity loading calculation type. The corresponding option is available in the
Deformation control parameters subtree in the Phases window.
Define the water level corresponding to the level of water in the reservoir prior to the
drawdown. The water level consists of four points; starting at the very left side at a
level of 25 m above the ground surface (-132.0 25.0); the second point is just inside
the dam at a level of 25 m (-10.0 25.0); the third point is near the dam toe (93.0
-10.0) and the forth point just outside the right boundary at a level of 10 m below the
ground surface (132.0 -10.0). The defined water level is shown in Figure 7.4.
• Right-click the created water level and select the Make global option in the
appearing menu. Note that the global water level can also be specified by selecting
the corresponding option in the GlobalWaterLevel menu in the Water subtree in the
Model conditions.
Hint: Straight lines can be defined by keeping the <Shift> key pressed while
defining the geometry.
The behaviour of the water levels can be described by specifying Flow functions. Note
that Flow functions are global entities and are available under the Attributes library in
Model explorer. To define the flow functions:
• Right-click the Flow functions option in the Attributes library in the Model explorer
and select the Edit option in the appearing menu. The Flow functions window is
In the Head functions tabsheet add a new function by clicking the corresponding
button. The new function is highlighted in the list and options to define the function
are displayed.
• Specify a proper name to the function for the rapid drawdown (e.g. Rapid).
• Select the Linear option from the Signal drop-down menu.
• Specify a time interval of 5 days.
• Assign a value of -20 m to ∆Head, representing the amount of the head decrease.
A graph is displayed showing the defined function (Figure 7.8).
Figure 7.8 The flow function for the rapid drawdown case
• In the Water subtree under the Model conditions in the Model explorer note that the
new water level (FullReservoir_Rapid) is assigned to GlobalWaterLevel.
The configuration of the phase is shown in Figure 7.10. Note that the shadow under the
water level segment in the upstream shoulder indicates the variation of the water level
during the phase.
• In the General subtree specify the name of the phase (e.g. Slow drawdown). The
High reservoir phase is automatically selected for the Start from phase parameter.
Select the Fully coupled flow deformation option as calculation type.
• Assign a value of 50 days to the Time interval parameter.
• Make sure that the Reset displacements to zero and Reset small strain options are
selected in the Deformation control parameters subtree.
• Click OK to close the Phases window.
• Create a new duplicate of the high water level. The newly created water level will be
used as Global water level in the slow drawdown phase. Even though the water
level in this phase has the same geometry as the previously defined ones, the flow
function for the time dependency is different.
• Rename the newly created water level as 'FullReservoir_Slow'.
Add a new flow function following the steps described for the previous phase.
• Specify a proper name to the function for the slow drawdown (e.g. Slow).
• Select the Linear option from the Signal drop-down menu.
• Specify a time interval of 50 days.
• Assign a value of -20 m to ∆Head, representing the amount of the head decrease.
A graph is displayed showing the defined function (Figure 7.11).
• Click OK to close the Flow functions window.
Figure 7.11 The flow function for the slow drawdown case
• In the Model explorer right-click on FullReservoir_Slow and select the Use as global
phreatic level option in the appearing menu.
• Expand the FullReservoir_Slow subtree. Select the water segment in the upstream
shoulder (left from the dam, at the reservoir side). The segment selected in Model
explorer is indicated by a red colour in the model.
• Expand the subtree of the selected segment and select the Time dependent option
for the TimeDependency parameter.
• Select the Slow option for the HeadFunction parameter.
• In the Water subtree under the Model conditions in the Model explorer note that the
new water level (FullReservoir_Slow) is assigned to GlobalWaterLevel.
Figure 7.12 Model for the low level case in the Flow conditions mode
Phase 4 to 7:
In Phases 4 to 7 stability calculations are defined for the previous phases.
• Select the parent phase in the Phases explorer.
Add a new calculation phase and proceed to the Phases window.
Set Calculation type to Safety.
• In the Deformation control subtree, select Reset displacements to zero.
• In the Numerical control parameters subtree set the Max steps parameter to 30 for
Phase 4 and to 50 for phases 5 to 7. The final view of Phases explorer is given in
Figure 7.13.
The results of the four groundwater flow calculations in terms of pore pressure distribution
are shown in Figures 7.14 to 7.17. Four different situations were considered:
• The steady-state situation with a high (standard) reservoir level (Figure 7.14).
• The pore pressure distribution after rapid drawdown of the reservoir level (Figure
Figure 7.14 Pore pressure distribution, (pactive ), for high reservoir level
• The pore pressure distribution after slow drawdown of the reservoir level (Figure
Figure 7.17 Pore pressure distribution, (pactive ), for low reservoir level
When the change of pore pressure is taken into account in a deformation analysis, some
additional deformation of the dam will occur. These deformations and the effective stress
distribution can be viewed on the basis of the results of the first four calculation phases.
Here, attention is focused on the variation of the safety factor of the dam for the different
situations. Therefore, the development of ΣMsf is plotted for the phases 4 to 7 as a
function of the displacement of the dam crest point (see Figure 7.18).
Rapid drawdown of a reservoir level can reduce the stability of a dam significantly. Fully
coupled flow-deformation and stability analysis can be performed with PLAXIS 2D to
effectively analyze such situations