RB 24
RB 24
RB 24
Cont’d on Pg 3
research centres and programmes started under NTU’s 2008), Philip Wong (Environmental Engineering and
Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute Science, PhD Stanford University, 2010), Cheung Sai
(NEWRI) with again CEE being the lead School and Hung (Civil Engineering, PhD California Institute of
which I have reported on in last year’s issue of CEE Technology, 2009).
Research Bulletin. On the flip side, these many new major
initiatives are placing dramatically increased demands I hope you find CEE Research Bulletin informative and
on CEE’s research infrastructure to the point that CEE enjoyable. Please do e-mail me with your thoughts and
is now facing major shortages in office and laboratory comments.
space at its N1-Block on campus. CEE currently has
over 240 PhD students and over 120 research staff
comprising research fellows, research associates and
project officers. We have thus embarked on several Edmond Lo
major renovation projects that will see teaching and Chair, CEE
He further announced at the workshop that, “a happy The proposed new approach has many advantages over
coincidence of our prior preparation, the increase of the existing practices. It makes multiple use of sea space
external funding as well as our convictions has resulted by making the space both above and below the reclaimed
in an explosion of energy and activities in the Sustainable land available for recreation, living or infrastructural
Earth Peak of Excellence of our NTU 2015 Strategy. It is development. It combines reclamation, superstructure and
backed by a multi-year funding of S$700mil on a diverse underground constructions in one and thus is the most
range of topics ranging from earthquake and volcanoes to efficient and cost-effective approach for space creation
environmental engineering to biofilms to energy to water and utilization. When designed strategically, the cylindrical
resources to membrane technology.” structure groups can also function as effective shore
protection elements against extreme waves such as storm
The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a surges or tsunami and seawater changes caused by global
bulwark in the preparation and on-going effort to spearhead warming. They can also be designed to create energy
the Sustainable Earth Peak of Excellence in NTU 2015 using waves.
strategy. The School had won two Competitive Research
Programme (CRP) funded by the National Research The design and construction of the super large cylindrical
Foundation. structures poses many challenges to both theories and
practice. These include (a) the development of new and
The first project titled “underwater infrastructure and innovative construction materials that would allow the
underwater city of the future” is focused on the exploration massive concrete structures to be constructed economically
of new approaches to land-use particularly in the near- and last for hundreds of years; (b) innovative soil
shore environment. This research effort is particularly improvement and foundation construction methods to
timely and pertinent to land scarce Singapore where other allow a proper control and prediction of the settlement
potential approaches to expanding land-space are severely and bearing capacity under various loads; and (c) the
constrained. hydrodynamics and related coastal, environmental issues
Figure 1. Use of large size cylindrical structures for space
In land scarce Singapore, space creation is a key strategic creation underwater and for land reclamation above.
area that concerns the survivability and sustainability of the
Nation. At the present, we have been using underground
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
and the possibility for harvesting wave energy. New CRP II:
technology and innovative solutions are required to make SUSTAINABLE URBAN WASTE MANAGEMENT
the idea a reality. It is proposed in this project to carry out FOR 2020
an intensive inter-disciplinary study to address problems
related to structural, geotechnical, hydrodynamic, risk
analysis, and socio-technical aspects. From the study, a Waste is not waste. Much of our disposed waste should
series of innovative methods, new materials, and new not in fact be considered waste; they are simply misplaced
construction technologies will be developed to make the resources. Based on current waste management concepts,
proposed approach technically feasible and cost-effective. these resources are normally buried in landfills or incinerated.
The scopes of the study include (a) in-depth study of the Such waste treatment/disposal approaches need to be revised
mechanical properties and durability of new construction as natural resources are depleted. Waste becomes potential
materials including Ultra High Performance Concrete, sources for resource recovery. This is especially true for
land- and resource-scarce Singapore.
Self-Compacting Green Concrete, as well as innovative
cylindrical structural design using new forms of structural A successful proposal entitled “Sustainable Urban Waste
members; (b) Innovative soil treatment and foundation Management for 2020”, based on a decentralised “waste
methods; and (c) hydrodynamic study and harvest of wave to resources” concept, was recently awarded S$10 million
energy. The innovative methods to be developed include by the National Research Foundation (NRF) under its
the use of green concrete and new reinforcement, new Competitive Research Programme (CRP) funding scheme
methods for the installation of cylindrical structures such to develop sustainable urban waste management solutions
as suction caissons without soil improvement, new methods for 2020 and beyond. The five-year programme is led by
Assoc Prof Wang J.Y. (lead PI) of the School of Civil and
to address issues on vortex shedding, wave trapping and
Environmental Engineering (CEE) and supported by six
movement of sand waves relevant to the founding of extra other NTU faculty members as Co-PIs. The programme
large structures on the seabed, and methods to harness also partner with three government agencies, two industrial
wave energy. companies, and two overseas universities.
Industrial collaborator:
• Surbana International Consultants
Overseas Collaborators:
• Mr Knut H. Andersen, Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute, Norway;
• Dr Dale Berner, Ben C. Gerwick Inc., USA;
• Prof Odd E. Gjorv, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Norway;
• Prof Richard S. Mercier, Offshore Technology
Research Centre, Texas A&M University, USA;
• Prof Andrew Whittle, MIT, USA
Our Vision
A leading school for sustainable built
Our Mission
To nurture students to be responsible leaders
capable of realising their maximum potential
in their profession and community. To provide
a collegiate environment for faculty to excel
in education and research for sustainable
development. To advance knowledge for the
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Faculty & Staff (as of 1 December 2010)
Students Enrolment
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (MARITIME well versed with the maritime industry and strong business
STUDIES) knowledge so that they will be the future business leaders
in the global maritime industry. MPA and the industry are
The Maritime Studies programme focuses primarily on fully supportive of the Maritime Studies degree programmes
tertiary education in shipping, business, management, and and MPA also provides an endowed Professorship (Shipping
maritime science and technology, to build up the expertise Management) in NTU.
of the local shipping industry as well as working towards
establishing Singapore as a centre of excellence for shipping The BSc (Maritime Studies) curriculum aims to provide
business, research and development. The programme is students with both depth and breadth. The course structure
conducted jointly by NTU and the Norwegian School of is flexible and broad base. Students will be required to
Management (BI), Norway, supported by the Maritime and complete:
Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). • Foundation courses including mathematics, social
sciences, business and technology
With the support from the College of Engineering, • Shipping specialist courses including organization
Nanyang Business School and School of Humanities and management of shipping companies, international
and Social Sciences, students enrolled in the Maritime shipping logistics, maritime law, marine insurance,
Studies programme will learn from academics from various shipping strategy, and a research project
disciplines, thereby developing different skills in a holistic • Prescribed electives for specialisation in the
and comprehensive learning environment. The Norwegian programme, and General Education Requirement
School of Management (BI) is Norway’s second largest courses for broadening the learning experience
educational institution, and one of the largest business
schools in Europe. BI is the first Norwegian educational In addition to the above, the more rigorous BSc (Maritime
and research institution to achieve international accreditation Studies) with Business Major curriculum includes core
establishing BI as one of Europe’s leading business business courses in accounting, business law, company
schools. law, principles of taxation, business environment, financial
analysis & reporting, marketing, and organisation behaviour
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and & design.
the shipping industry have recognised that the shipping Students will complete a semester of their studies at BI,
practice and business in Singapore need to be further Norway, in their third year of studies. The curriculum
elevated in order to enter into the regional and global also includes an Industrial Immersion - ten weeks for BSc
arenas. The BSc (Maritime Studies) degree is a strategic (Maritime Studies) and twelve weeks for BSc (Maritime
development that would provide high-level and high-value Studies) with Business Major - where students will be
education for professionals in shipping and related business, attached to organizations in the shipping and related
elevating them from local business management to one of industry.
international business standing. The BSc (Maritime Studies)
with Business Major degree aims to produce graduates
BY COURSEWORK Master of Science (Infrastructure Engineering
and Management)
Master of Science (Civil Engineering)
The programme is a joint Degree Programme between the
The programme equips students with the latest advancements School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Nanyang
in knowledge and technology in modern civil engineering Technological University, Singapore and the Department
practice. Students will also have the opportunity to acquire of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
knowledge in several civil engineering disciplines by Bombay, India. The programme provides holistic training
selecting appropriate courses. in infrastructure engineering and management covering
conceptual and physical planning, design, and operational
Master of Science (Environmental aspects of infrastructure systems. Such systems are in great
Engineering) demand in rapidly developing regions such as in China,
The programme equips graduate engineers and other related India, ASEAN and the Middle East and include air, sea
professionals with advanced skills and expertise in a wide and land transport networks, water supply and wastewater
variety of environmental disciplines. The programme systems and power distribution networks.
offers a comprehensive range of subjects on advanced
water and wastewater treatment, air and land pollution
as well as broader aspects of environmental management RESEARCH
and planning. Students can choose to pursue Doctor of Philosophy degree
in one of the following disciplines:
Master of Science (International Construction Construction Technology and Management
Management) Construction Technology and Management
The programme enables graduate engineers, architects and Risk and Project Financing
other related professionals to expand their decision-making Facility and Infrastructure Management
horizons given the kind of parameters and risks which Structures and Mechanics
international construction managers encounter. The main Computational Mechanics
objective of the programme is to develop competent and Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
well rounded construction managers who have the skills Protective Technology
to source, secure and effectively manage projects in the Fire Engineering
domestic and international construction market. Concrete and Steel Technology
Geotechnical Engineering
Master of Science (Maritime Studies) Foundations of High-Rise Buildings
The programme provides graduate level and high-value Land Reclamation
education for professionals in shipping and related business; Underground Space Development
elevating them from local business management to one of Tropical Soil Engineering
the international and global business settings. The foremost Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology
intention is for young graduates and middle-management Environmental and Water Resources
executives working in shipping related areas an avenue Membrane Technology in Environmental Engineering
for higher education. The programme will also be suitable Water Reclamation Technologies
for graduates who wish to be involved in the maritime Waste Reuse and Resource Recovery
profession. Environmental Biotechnology
Integrated Urban Water Management
Master of Science (Environmental Science and Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
AWARDS (3) Dr Sun was interviewed by NanoGlobe
“Nanostructured Photocatalytic Materials Enable
Professor Chiew Yee Meng was awarded the Distinguished Capturing Solar Energy and Simultaneously Powering
Contribution to Sediment Research in 2010 by World Water Purification” - An interview of Associate
Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research Professor Darren Delai SUN, Nanyang Technological
(WASER) for the publication of an outstanding research University, Singapore
paper in International Journal of Sediment Research entitled http://www.nanotech-now.com/columns/?article=474.
“Scour Protection around Bridge Piers with Tetrahedron
Frames”. (4) “Water and Industrial 2009 Conference”, Palmerston
North New Zealand, 30 November to 2 December 2009.
Associate Professor Darren Sun’s past research has yielded http://seat.massey.ac.nz/conferences/water09/#.
major achievements in the development of mesoporous Dr Darren Sun was a Co-Chair for this conference
nanostructured Titanium Dioxide microspheres and the
free-standing, flexible and multifunctional Titanium Associate Professor Leong Eng Choon was awarded
Dioxide nanofiber/tube filtration membrane. These new the Singapore Accreditation Council Assessor Award
generation membranes will be able to produce high quality (Distinguished) and SPRING Singapore Merit Award in
drinking water and concurrently generate electricity, thus 2010.
eliminating the cost of water production and chemical usage
together with waste minimization. His innovation has a Assistant Professor Tang Chuyang received the 2010
major impact in membrane technology and many venture Fellowship Award from the International Desalination
capitalists have shown keen interest to commercialize his Association (IDA) for his work on membrane technology
innovation. Associate Professor Sun has 5 patents on for water reuse and desalination.
Titanium Dioxide membrane field. Since 2006, he has
attracted research grants totaling S$17.6 million. He has Assistant Professor Yang Yaowen received the 2009
won several prestigious awards in the past including the Teacher of the Year Award at the Nanyang Awards 2009.
International Water Association Innovation Award 2008,
the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2008,
and the Enterprise Challenge Award 2006.
2. Executive Programme on “Port Management and Prize for his paper on the topic of partial factors
Finance Programme” in geotechnical design and was a member of TC-9
CIS organized a two-day short Executive Programme on (reinforced soil) and a core member of TC-39 (coastal
Port Management and Finance from 29–30 July 2010. disaster mitigation). Professor Lo has published over
It was attended by 28 participants from government 140 research articles in soil behaviour, liquefaction,
agencies and the port and maritime industry, such as soft clay engineering, reliability analysis and limit
professionals from the Maritime and Port Authority state design, pavement geotechnics, and reinforced
of Singapore (MPA), Jurong Port and V Ships. soil technology.
5. Joint Public Seminar on “Improving the Productivity To develop a new and economical construction material,
and Peformance of Social Infrastructure Project biocement, using the latest microbial biotechnologies; 2)
Delivery” and Public Private Partnership (PPP) To develop cost-effective and environmentally friendly
Success Stories microbiological methods to use biocement for geotechnical
or environmental engineering problems. These include
constructions for roads, tunnels, land reclamation, slope
stabilization, shore protection, and waste treatment; and
3) To study the fundamental principles, microbiological
and biochemical mechanisms that govern the formation
of biocement by microorganisms. So far, suitable
microorganisms and nutrients that could be used for making
different types of biocements were identified. The properties
of soil and waste before and after the treatment using
biocement were studied. Some patents applications have
also been reviewed. Methods for creating water pond in
sand and for the mitigation of liquefaction potential have
been developed.
The afternoon of 15 July 2010 witnessed the Research Project on Planning and Management of
presentation of Infrastructure Projects and Public- Infrastructure Systems Phase I: Studies on Mega
Private-Partnership, by two professors from Curtin Projects in Singapore
University of Technology, Australia and Nanyang
The project is focusing on the planning and management
Technological University, Singapore which was held at
issues related to implementation of mega infrastructures
the Singapore campus of Curtin University, located in
in Singapore. It researches into Lifecycle Management
Jalan Rajah. Professor Love is from the School of Built and consists of coordinating planning, designing, building,
Environment, Art and Design, Faculty of Humanities operation and maintenance of facilities to achieve
at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. He management competitiveness. The project objectives
delivered a topic on “Improving the Productivity and are to create a systems-level approach in building and
Performance of Social Infrastructure Project Delivery” managing a single portfolio of systems in Singapore, to
and discussed three social infrastructure projects create an infrastructure database and lay the foundation
in Western Australia, which included a hospital, a for further studies on the lifecycle management of these
school and a prison. The second presentation was mega projects. It uses the system dynamics methodology
by Associate Professor Robert Tiong, School of to propose a strategy of operational & economic success
Civil & Environmental Engineering and Deputy of these mega infrastructures. The project is currently at
Director, Centre for Infrastructure Systems, Nanyang its stage I phase where it is focusing on MRT as the pilot
Technological University, Singapore. Associate infrastructure project to be studied. Initial data collection
Professor Robert Tiong focused on success stories on its planning & design, construction, extension projects
of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in this region, and future project has been done. Going forward, the
with a key focus on China, India, Korea, Thailand, challenges in this research would be in data collection and
Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. He obtaining more information from government and agencies
also elaborated on typical causes of PPP failures. that are involved in the mega infrastructure projects in
Centre Director, Associate Professor Chu Jian, together with started in September 2010. The aim is to study the issue
Associate Professor Susanto Teng, Associate Professor Tan of road transport energy efficiency (EE) in Singapore.
Soon Keat and Centre Deputy Director Associate Professor The project investigators are Assistant Professor Chang
Wei-Chung Victor, Associate Professor Gopinath Menon,
Robert Tiong, are awarded a $10M grant by the National
Associate Professor Wong Yiik Diew, Project Officer Ms
Research Foundation (NRF) for the above project.
Lu Ping, PhD Candidates Ms Ho Sze Hwee and Mr Ho
Sijie. The project encompasses literature survey of EE best
practices and estimation models, assembly of databases
Research Projects related to fuel efficiency based on indigenous data from
stake-holder agencies and field surveys, and development of
Research on Biocement – A new sustainable and energy fuel consumption models for road vehicles. The study will
saving material for construction and waste treatment also look into fuel management practices of fleet operators
The main objectives of this inter-discipline study are 1) as well as conducting possible field trials.
Research Project on Mobility of Visually-Handicapped 3) 2010 Huang Wenxi Lecture, annual lecture series
Pedestrians – Crossing Behaviour and Assistive Design/ organised by the Chinese Institution of Geotechnical
Technologies at Signalised Pedestrian Crossings Engineering, 11 April 2010, Nanjing, China.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation (MSIWF) Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this event
awarded a research grant to Associate Professor Wong Yiik to deliver an Invited Lecture.
Diew, Associate Professor Gopinath Menon, and doctoral
student Ms Koh Puay Ping to research into traffic safety 4) 1st GlobalTech Workshop on Sustainable Urban
of visually-handicapped pedestrians (VHPs) at signalised Solutions organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
pedestrian crossings. The 12-month project is aimed at and the Global Alliance of Technological Universities,
developing a better understanding of VHP’s crossing 3-4 May 2010, Shanghai, China.
behaviour at signalised pedestrian crossing facility, and Associate Professor Chu Jian attended this workshop
studying ‘best practices’ in the provision of assistive as a delegate from NTU and delivered a lecture.
design/technologies. The study shall contribute towards
enhancing the mobility of VHPs on the roads. 5) Symposium on New Techniques for Design and
Construction in Soft Clays, Brazil, 22-23 May 2010.
Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this
conference to deliver an Invited Lecture.
International Conference Participation
6) AGS Ground Improvement Workshop organised by
1) International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering,
the Australia Geomechanics Society, 11-12 June 2010,
Ground Improvement & Geosynthetics for Sustainable
Perth, Australia.
Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change including
Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this event
Global Warming, 3-4 December 2009, Bangkok,
to deliver a Keynote Lecture.
Associate Professor Chu Jian was invited to this
conference to deliver a Keynote Lecture.
a) Refereed Journals
Title of paper Author name(s) Journal title, Vol. no. Date
A comparison of municipal solid waste Zhang, D.Q., Tan, S.K., R.M. Waste Management, 30, 921-933 2010
Gersberg, management in Berlin and
Urban solid waste management in Zhang D.Q., Tan, S.K., Journal of Environmental 2010
China: status, problems and challenges Gersberg, R.M. Management, Vol. 91, Issue 8,
Extreme Air-gap Response below Deck Li, J., Huang, Z. and Tan, S.K. International Journal of Ocean 2010
of Floating Structures. and Climate Systems, 1(1): 15-26
Lagrangian Modeling of Tidal Bores Jing LI, Huaxing LIU and Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(5), 2010
Passing Through Bridge Piers Soon Keat Tan supplement: 513-519
Turbulent velocity profiles: a new law Pu J.H., Bonakdari H., La Houille Blanche International 2010
for narrow channels Lassabatere L., Joannis C. and Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 65-70
Larrarte F. (DOI : 10.1051/lhb/2010036)
Google Earth as a tool in 2-D Nguyen Quang Chien and Computers & Geosciences; online 2010
hydrodynamic modeling Tan Soon Keat
A novel application of a Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua Expert Systems With Applications, 2010
neuro-computational technique in and Chai Quek Vol: 37 (2010) 7456-7468
event-based rainfall-runoff modeling
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Evaluation of rainfall and discharge Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua Journal of Hydrology, Vol: 391 2010
inputs used by Adaptive and Tommy S.W. Wong (2010) 248-262
Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems
(ANFIS) in rainfall-runoff modelling
Experimental and numerical study on Gao Y.-Y., Etienne S., Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 42, 2010
flow behavior behind two unequal Yu D.-Y., Tan S.K., Wang X.K doi:10.1088/0169-5983/42/5/055509
circular cylinders in tandem arrangement and Hao Z.
b) Conferences
Title of paper Author name(s) Journal title, Vol. no. Date
Gray water treatment in an Urban Area Zhang D.Q., Tan, S.K. and Proceeding, 4th International 2010
of Beijing, China Gersberg, R.M. Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedical Engineering,
Vol. 6 Water Quality &
Public Health – Treatment,
Disposal and Discharge of
Wastewater, Chengdu, China
A case study of silt screen performance Vu T.T., Tan S.K. and Proceeding, 19th World Dredging 2010
Doorn-Groen S. Congress, Beijing, China
Rehabilitating Urban Water System for Dong X., Du P.F. and Proceeding, Conference in Urban 2010
the Inner City of Beijing: Status and Zeng S.Y. Environment Pollution, Boston,
Challenges USA
Modelling of flow in Everglades Nguyen Quang Chien and Proceeding, 17th Asian Pacific 2010
National Park, Florida, USA using a Tan Soon Keat Division Congress, International
quadtree grid Association of Hydro-Environment
Engineering and Research,
Auckland, New Zealand
Near field mixing process of multi-port Nguyen Quang Chien and Proceeding, 6th International 2010
diffusers: numerical modelling with Tan Soon Keat Symposium Environmental
quadtree grids Hydraulics, Athens, Greece
Hydrodynamics of trapezoidal Wang X.K., Hao Z. and Proceeding, 9th International 2010
embankment weirs Tan S.K. Conference on Hydrodynamics,
Shanghai, China
Environmental fluid dynamics – jet flow Wang X.K. and Tan S.K. Proceeding, 9th International 2010
Conference on Hydrodynamics,
Shanghai, China
Laboratory investigation of hydraulic Vu T.T. and Tan S.K. Proceeding, 9th International 2010
performance of silt screen Conference on Hydrodynamics,
Shanghai, China
Three dimensional Simulation of Bore Liu, H. and Tan S.K., Li, J. Proceeding, 29th International 2010
Flow using SPH. Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai,
Experimental studies of vortex structures Hao Z., Zhou T., Wang X.K. Proceeding, 29th International 2010
in the wake of a cylinder with helical and Tan S.K. Conference on Ocean, Offshore
strakes and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai,
Flow around a pipeline near a smooth Wang X.K., Hao Z. and Proceeding, 29th International 2010
bed in steady current Tan S.K. Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai,
Flow behaviour behind two side-by-side Gao Y.-Y., Yu D.-Y., Tan S.K., Proceeding, 29th International 2010
circular cylinders with unequal diameters Wang X.K. and Hao Z. Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai,
Quantification of viable Enterococcus Goh, S.G. and Gin, K.Y.H. Proceeding, 14th International 2010
faecalis in recreational water by propidium Biotechnology Symposium, Italy
monoazide quantitative PCR
The use of Adaptive Network-based Amin Talei, Lloyd H.C. Chua Proceeding, 9th International 2010
Fuzzy inference System (ANFIS) in and Chai Quek Conference on Hydroinformatics,
event-based rainfall-runoff modeling Tianjin, China
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Velocity profiles for shallow, vegetated Nguyen Hoai Thanh Proceeding, International 2010
open channel flows Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics,
Three-Dimensional Scour at Submarine Wu, Y. and Chiew, Y. M. Proceeding, 5th International 2010
Pipelines in Unidirectional Steady Current Conference on Scour and Erosion,
7-10 November, San Francisco,
USA, Geotechnical Special
Publication No. 210, ASCE.
Effect of Seepage on River Bank Stability Chiew, Y. M., Narasimhan, N. Proceeding, 5th International 2010
and Chu, J. Conference on Scour and Erosion,
7-10 November, San Francisco,
USA, Geotechnical Special
Publication No. 210, ASCE.
Lateral dispersion of granular flows down Cheng Nian Sheng 2010 International Debris Flow 2010
a rough plane Workshop, Chengdu, China
Academic Staff Exchange Programme 8. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Fracture Assessment
(2009-2010) of Damaged Square Hollow Section (SHS) K-
joint Using BS7910:2005”. Engineering Fracture
1. Shanghai Maritime University Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 1303-1319.
2. Sichuan University
3. China Ocean University 9. Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Safety Assessment
4. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Procedure for a Cracked Square Hollow Section
(SHS) Y-joint”. International Journal of Advances in
Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 359-372.
Selected publications (2009-2010)
10. Lie ,S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Static Ultimate
1. Kurniawan A., Huang Zhenhua, Li Jing, Liu C., Strength of Cracked Square Hollow Section Y-joint”.
Wang X., Hao Z., Tan S.K. and Edwin N., 2009. “A Civil Engineering Research Bulletin, School of Civil
& Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological
numerical analysis of the response and air gap Demand
University, Singapore, pp. 94-96.
for Semi-submersibles”. Proceedings of the 29th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and
11. Lie, S.T. and Zhang, B.F., 2010. “Plastic collapse load
Arctic Engineering (OMAE2009), Honolulu, Hawaii,
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
14. He, J.W. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Probabilistic 23. Jing LI, Huaxing LIU and Soon Keat Tan, 2010,
assessment of the clashing between flexible marine Lagrangian modelling of tidal bores passing through
risers”. OMAE 2010, Shanghai, OMAE2010-20046. bridge piers, Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD – 2010), 11-15
15. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Flow October 2010, Shanghai, China, pp. 513-519.
around a pipeline near a smooth bed in steady current”.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on
Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), Workshops-seminars-conference (2009-2010)
6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20749.
1. Public Seminar on “Regional Environmental Simulator
16. Hao, Z., Zhou, T., Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. (RES) and its applications”, 6 February 2009.
“Experimental studies of vortex structures in the wake
of a cylinder with helical strakes”. Proceedings of the 2. Training course: “In-house Training Course for HDB
29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and - Land Reclamation and Coastal Protection Work -
Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, Design and Analysis”, February-March 2009.
China, OMAE2010-20181.
3. Public Seminar on “Important role of R&D in offshore
17. Gao, Y.-Y., Yu, D.-Y., Tan, S.K., Wang, X.K. and EPCI contract”, 27 May 2009, NTU
Hao, Z., 2010. “Flow behaviour behind two side-
by-side circular cylinders with unequal diameters”. 4. Public Seminar on “Panama Canal Third-lane Locks
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on and Access Channel Expansion Program”, 8 June 2009,
Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), NTU
6-11 June, Shanghai, China, OMAE2010-20217.
5. 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific
18. Huaxing Liu, Soon Keat Tan, Jing Li and Xikun Wang, Coasts (APAC2009), 13-16 October 2009, NTU
2010. “Three dimensional simulation of bore flow (Singapore)
using SPH”. Proceedings of the 29th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic 6. NTU – SJTU International Workshop on R & D in
Engineering (OMAE2010), Shanghai, OMAE 2010- Civil and Environmental Engineering. 12 October 2009
21090. (Singapore)
19. Chunrong Liu, Zhenhua Huang, Adrian Law Wing 7. Training Course for BCA - An Introductory Course
Keung and Nan Geng, 2010. “A Numerical Study of on Coastal Engineering, Analysis-Design-Application,
Wave Energy Converter in the Form of an Oscillating July-August, 2009 (Singapore).
Water Column Device Based on a Mixed Eulerian-
Lagrangian Formation”. Proceedings of the 29th 8. Vision and Roadmap for R&D Priorities in Maritime
International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Environment, Technology, Business, Policy and
Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), 6-11 June, Shanghai, Security, 29-30 April, 2010 Hilton Singapore,
China, OMAE2010-21056. Singapore.
20. Nguyen Quang Chien and Tan Soon Keat, 2010. “Near 9. NTU-SMU International Workshop on Offshore
field mixing process of multi-port diffusers: numerical Engineering, June 2010, Shanghai China.
modelling with quadtree grids”. Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, 10. In-house Training Course for Marine Contractor, July
Athens (in press) 2010, Singapore.
21. Wang, X.K., Hao, Z. and Tan, S.K., 2010. 11. Professional Training Course for HDB on the
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
be interested in experimental soil mechanics. shield driven soft-soil tunnels. Many trial tests - mostly
mechanically unloaded and on lab-scale - have been
2. Title: A Review of Concrete Modeling and conducted in order to discover the mechanisms that
Hydrocode Applications, 11 February are responsible for this specific “thermo-physical-
2010 mechanical-chemical phenomenon”. Up till now, the
Speaker: Dr Werner Riedel, Deputy Head of mechanisms of spalling are still rather unknown.
Department “Safety Tech. and Protective Currently used measures, such as an addition of
Structures” at the German Fraunhofer synthetic fibres, turned out to be most effective in
Society, Ernst-Mach-Institute
reducing the spalling and heat ingress to a tolerable
PI (Initiator): Professor Fan Sau Cheong
limit so that the structural integrity of concrete tunnel
The RHT concrete model was developed at Ernst- construction can be still guaranteed. However, to verify
Mach-Institut (EMI) in German 10 years ago. It a more realistic material and structural behaviour tests
combines detailed tri-axial strength descriptions at in full scale - which are (simultaneously) mechanically
and thermally loaded - are an appropriate measure. UTRE seminars are one of the regular research
Such an approach has been successfully used for activities of the programme. Research progress of the
several tunnel projects all over Europe (Sweden, The UTRE programme is reviewed on a half-yearly basis
Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain) and in during the seminars. During this seminar, discussions
Oceania (Australia). and information on the development of different
projects were exchanged.
The speaker shared with the participants the gained
experiences out of these tunnel projects, gave some Project Speaker Topic
remarks concerning concrete mix design, mode of A1 Mr Fan Lifeng Rock dynamic testing
testing, interpretation of test results and concluded B3 Ms An Xinmei Development on 2D
with recommendations for the construction of - more numerical manifold method
or less - fire proof concrete tunnels. (NMM)
A2 Mr Muley Pravin Continuous structural health
Sudhakar monitoring system-BOTDR
B1 Mr Bao Huirong Implementation of coupled
FEM and DDA approach in
rock modelling
C Associate Professor The Digital Rock
Tor Yam Khoon Engineering System based
on 3DGIS Technology
D Associate Professor Survival condition in
Tan Kang Hai underground fire
Seminar on Tunnel Fires and Related Concrete Technological The Third International Conference on Design and
Issues (Associate Professor Tan Kang Hai presenting a token Analysis of Protective Structures in 2010 (DAPS2010),
of appreciation to Dr.-Ing. Frank Dehn.) 10 – 12 May 2010
PTRC and DSTA have jointly organized the Third
5. Title: Underground Technology & Rock International Conference on Design and Analysis of
Engineering (UTRE) Phase II Protective Structures (DAPS) 2010. The DAPS Conference
Programme, 9 July 2010 has been well received with a total attendance of around
PI (Initiator): Associate Professor Zhao Zhiye 280 delegates with 34 foreign delegates representing 18
various countries (as compared to 150 in DAPS 2003 and
The UTRE is a joint R&D programme between DSTA
250 in DAPS 2006). In total, 43 technical papers were
and PTRC. Phase II of UTRE is a continuation of
presented during the 3-day conference at Novotel Clarke
the first five-year research efforts contributing to 4
Quay Singapore. Mr Quek Tong Boon, Chief Defence
research areas related to underground technology and
Scientist and Chief Research & Technology Officer from
rock engineering. Phase II has a duration of 4 years
the Ministry of Defence, Singapore delivered the opening
from 2009 to 2013. There are 8 research projects with
keynote speech as the Guest of Honour, while Mr Soh Koh
9 faculty members focusing in different areas.
Pheng (CE DSTA) hosted the conference dinner.
A1: Protection of Underground Structure
A2: Development of a continuous and distributed The conference was jointly organised by Associate Professor
monitoring system for underground applications Tan Kang Hai from PTRC side, and Mr Chua Hian Koon
A3: Risk assessment and management system for from DSTA side.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Building Infrastructure Protection for Homeland * The delegation was led by Mr Eric Yap, Senior Director,
Security, 13 May 2010 Homefront Security Division, MHA.
In conjunction with the DAPS2010 Conference, DSTA
and NTU organized a half-day workshop “Building
Infrastructure Protection for Homeland Security” on 13
May 2010 at Novotel Clarke Quay. The workshop brought
together interest groups from the respective Ministries
and government agencies to share experiences and create
better awareness on how Singapore may move forward in
developing national capability in protective technology.
Around 75 delegates attended the workshop.
On-going Projects
The table below shows the current projects.
External Collaborating
No Project Title Principal Investigator (s)
Funds (S$) Partners
1 Development of Analytical A/Prof Tan Kang Hai (CEE) 1,260,000 Defence Science and
Tools for Progressive Collapse A/Prof Li Bing (CEE) Technology Agency
due to Terrorist Bombing A/Prof Lee Chi King (CEE) (DSTA)
2 Dynamic Properties of A/Prof Leong Eng Choon (CEE) 164,800 DSTA
Singapore Soils
3 Underground Technology and A/Prof Ma Guowei (CEE) 3,850,000 DSTA
Rock Engineering (UTRE) A/Prof Zhao Zhiye (CEE)
Programme, Phase II A/Prof Yang Yaowen (CEE)
A/Prof Tor Yam Khoon (CEE)
A/Prof Tan Kang Hai (CEE)
A/Prof Chu Jian (CEE)
A/Prof Goh Teck Chee, Anthony
A/Prof Tiong Lee Kong, Robert
Asst/P Wong Ngai Yuen, Louis
4 An Integrated Multiple-Hazards Programme Coordinator: DSTA
Research Programme for Prof Pan Tso-Chien (CEE)
Resilient Structures
Project 1 PIs: 732,930
Effects of Catenary and A/Prof Tan Kang Hai (CEE)
Membrane Actions on the A/Prof Lee Chi King (CEE)
Collapse Mechanisms of RC
Buildings – Behaviours of
Structural Elements
Project 2 PI: 523,600
The Influence of Floor Slabs A/Prof Li Bing (CEE)
and Transverse Beams on the
Behaviour of RC Beam-Column
Joints under Loss of Column
5 Project on Underground Target A/Prof Leong Eng Choon (CEE) 271,200 DSTA
Detection using Ground Tremor
6 Prediction of Explosion Prof Fan Sau Cheong (CEE) + 1,564,000 DSTA
Hazards from Earth Covered Collaborators from other Schools in
Magazines College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Waste to Materials
Dr Seokhwan Hwang
School of Environmental Science & Engineering,
Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH) South Korea
16 Jun 2010
Yu Yao (yaoyu@pmail.ntu.edu.sg)
Zhenhua Huang (zhhuang@ntu.edu.sg)
Edmond Lo Yat-Man (cymlo@ntu.edu.sg)
S.G. Monismith (monismith@stanford.edu)
ABSTRACT: We report a laboratory study of wave-induced setup over an idealized coral reef that includes a ridge at the seaward
edge -- a geometrical feature commonly found in nature. To understand the role of the ridge in wave-transformation mechanism and
wave-induced setup over the reef, laboratory experiments on a range of water depths and wave conditions were carried out. The focus
of this study is a comparison of wave-induced set-ups obtained with and without the idealized rectangular ridges.
Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. surface could become calm and the effects of residual
A piston type wave-maker was placed at one end of the currents were minimal.
ABSTRACT: This study addressed the issue of society perception of CNG as an alternative fuel in a motor-vehicle. The impact of the
adoption of CNG includes environmental impact with respects to fueling station (risk of leakage, stock-pile, increased traffic emission
and noise), incidents of leakages, sudden explosion. The deliverables of the study includes the appropriate measure to address citizens’
concern of close vicinity to stock-pile of CNG in the residential neighborhood, sudden release of CNG to the environment and risk, and
suggested appropriate counter measures.
Finally, risks of non-fatal fire scenarios (those primarily All of the selected scenarios had been investigated in two
leading to injuries) should also be estimated. different atmospheric conditions corresponding to day and
night as detailed in Table 2.
CASE STUDY IN IRAN – RISK ASSESSMENT Table 2. Atmospheric conditions responding to day and night
(Sharif University of Technology) Wind velocity (m/s) 2.5 2.1
Typical incidents are identified into a few class of risk Table 3. Estimated frequencies of credible scenarios
happening at the CNG station. In Tehran (Iran), they chose
Scenario Estimated
one of the largest CNG stations as their case study to obtain Scenario description
No. Frequency
required information. Low frequency and low consequence
01 Rupture in dryer pipeline 7.5E-5
scenarios were determined to identify the risk estimation.
5mm and 25 mm hole
02, 03 3.8E-5 and 1.0E-7
diameter in cylinders
Once the scenario was defined, source models were selected
to describe how materials are discharged. The source model 5mm hole diameter and
04, 05 0.8E-2 and 1.7E-2
rupture in dispenser pipes
provides a description of the discharge rate and the total
quantity discharged. A dispersion model was subsequently
*No industrial development is available. (d) CNG can help to reduce the reduce greenhouse
gas emissions compare to normal fuel engine system
or diesel.
(e) Choosing the site for CNG station needs to consider all [3] CCPS, 2003. “Guidelines for Facility Sitting and Layout”.
the risk criteria to minimize the undesirable outcome. AICHE, New York, USA.
The considerations to site the CNG station to the close [4] CCPS, 2007. “Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures”.
vicinity are populated areas, residential and office 3rd Edition, AIChE, New York, USA.
buildings. These are highly populated areas where the [5] Harvard Paper Quoted by International at Left, 2003, National
mortal risk is very high. Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT) FARS Data
Run for Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition in 2003, USA.
[6] Rosli, A.B., Mohamad F.O. and Semin, A.R.I., 2008. “The
REFERENCES Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Cylinder Pressure Storage
Technology” in Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Research Trends,
[1] Badri, N., Nourai, F. and Rashtchian, D., 2009. “Quantitative USA.
Risk Assessment to Site CNG Refueling stations”. Sharif [7] SAE Paper 2001-01-1343, 2001, “Well-To-Wheel Energy
University of Technology, Iran. Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Various Vehicle
[2] CCPS, 2000. “Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Technologies”. J.J.J. Louis, Shell Global Solutions, USA.
Risk Analysis”. 2nd Edition, AIChE, New York, USA.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Shen Liang (shen0042@e.ntu.edu.sg)
Liu Yu (cyliu@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: This study investigates the adsorption thermodynamics of three representative β-lactam antibiotics (penicillin G, PCG;
ampicillin, AMP and cephalosporin C, CPC) by GAC. A series of adsorption experiments were carried out at different temperatures.
Results showed that GAC has a substantial adsorptive capacity for the antibiotics studied. Negative ∆G° value suggests that the antibiotic
adsorption by GAC would be spontaneous. ∆H° was estimated as 64.8, 64.4 and 60.3 kJ/mol for PCG, AMP and CPC, respectively,
indicating that the adsorption of three antibiotics by GAC would be endothermic and chemisorption-predominant. FTIR spectra of
antibiotic-loaded GAC further confirmed that antibiotics were adsorbed by GAC through chemical bindings.
Thermodynamics of adsorption The ∆H° for PCG, AMP and CPC suggests that adsorption
of PCG, AMP and CPC by GAC was a chemical-
The Gibbs free energy indicates the degree of spontaneity dominant process. However, it should be pointed out that
of an adsorption process. The Gibbs free energy change the thermodynamic mechanisms of adsorption would be
(∆G°) of adsorption can be determined as follows: dependent on the chemical structures of various antibiotics.
For example, ∆H° values reported in the adsorption of
∆G° = -RTlnKL … (3) 7-aminocephalosporanic acid, cephalexin, cefadroxyl and
6-aminopenillanic acid by activated carbon ranged from
∆G° is also related to the change in entropy, ∆S° and the 17 to 46 kJ/mol (Dutta et al. 1999), implying a physical-
heat of adsorption, ∆H° at a given temperature in a way chemical mixed mechanism.
such that:
Combining Eqs. 3 and 4 yields, The FTIR spectra can be used to identify the functional
groups capable of adsorbing organic compounds. Figure 1
In KL = – ∆H° + ∆S° … (5) shows the FTIR spectra of GAC before and after adsorption
of antibiotics at 298 K. The common structure of PCG,
Thus, ∆H° and ∆S° can be determined from the slope AMP and CPC is the four-membered (β) lactam ring fused
and the intercept of the linear Van’t Hoff plot, i.e. ln KL to another thiazole ring. Therefore, in FTIR spectra of the
versus 1/T. used GAC, the peak at around 1700 cm-1 represents the
C=O stretching vibration of the β-lactam ring; the peak at
The Langmuir equilibrium constants obtained at 298, 303, around 3480 cm-1 represents the N-H stretching vibration
308 and 313K were used to calculate ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° for of the β-lactam ring. Furthermore, the peak at around 650
adsorption of PCG, AMP and CPC by GAC, respectively cm-1 in the spectra of PCG-loaded GAC and AMP-loaded
(Table 2). GAC suggests the C-H bending vibration of the benzene
ring. Meanwhile, this peak did not appear in the spectrum
Table 2. Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of CPC-loaded GAC due to the absence of the benzene ring
of antibiotics by GAC. in the CPC molecular structure. The intermediate portion of
the spectrum of 1300-900 cm-1 is often referred to as the
∆H° ∆S° ∆G° (kJ/mol)
Name “fingerprint” region. The absorption pattern in this region
kJ/mol J/mol K 298K 303K 308K 313K is rather complex because the stretching vibration of all
PCG 64.8 295.3 -22.8 -25.2 -26.3 -27.3 single bonds and vibration of molecular skeleton would
AMP 64.4 290.8 -22.4 -23.7 -24.9 -26.9 take place. Compared to the spectrum of virgin GAC,
CPC 60.3 301.9 -30.1 -30.8 -32.4 -34.7
absorbance in the spectra of the antibiotic-loaded GAC
became more intense, showing adsorption of antibiotics
Table 2 shows that ∆H° and ∆S° have positive values, by GAC through chemical bonds.
while negative values for and ∆G°. The positive ∆H°
implies that the adsorption of three antibiotics by GAC d.CPC-loaded GAC
is endothermic. In addition, the value of qm in Table
1 increased with the increase in temperature, which
confirms the endothermic nature of the adsorption of three
antibiotics by GAC. Basically, the heat evolved during the c.AMP-loaded GAC 1718
physical adsorption is of the same order of magnitude as
the heat of condensation, i.e., 10 to 20 kJ/mol, whereas 1684
the heat of chemisorption generally falls into the range b.PCG-loaded GAC
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
degree of freedom of the adsorbed species. The negative Figure 1. FTIR spectra of antibiotic-loaded GAC at 298 K.
∆G° indicates the degree of spontaneity of the adsorption
process, i.e. the higher negative value of ∆G°, the more
energetically favorable adsorption was. It seems that the
three antibiotics adsorption by GAC would be spontaneous
in the nature (Table 2).
This study demonstrated that β-lactam antibiotics, such as [1] Bansal, R.C. and Goyal, M., 2005. Activated Carbon
PCG, AMP and CPC, can be effectively removed by GAC Adsorption. London: Taylor & Francis.
adsorption. The equilibrium data can be best described [2] Dutta, M., Dutta, N.N. and Bhattacharya, K.G., 1999.
by the Langmuir isotherm. The positive enthalpy value “Aqueous phase adsorption of certain beta-lactam antibiotics
indicates the endothermic nature of the adsorption process, onto polymeric resins and activated carbon”. Separation and
whereas the magnitude of enthalpy suggests that the Purification Technology, 16(3): 213-224.
adsorption of these antibiotics by GAC was chemisorption- [3] Kümmerer, K., 2004. Pharmaceuticals in the environment:
predominant. The FTIR analysis further confirmed that the sources, fate, effects and risks. New York: Springer.
β-lactam ring of these three antibiotics could form the
strong chemical bonds (e.g. C=O and N-H) with GAC’s
functional groups.
ABSTRACT: An interval-parameter chance-constrained programming (IPSCCP) model is proposed for supporting urban water supply
management under uncertainty. Through incorporating chance-constrained programming (CCP) into an interval linear programming
(ILP) framework, the model effectively deals with uncertainties expressed as not only probability distributions but also as discrete
intervals, and incorporate pre-defined acceptable levels of constraints satisfaction directly into the optimization process. An interactive
two-step sub-modeling method could be used for model solution. The obtained results would be useful for decision makers to gain
an insight into the tradeoffs between environmental and economic objectives and between increased certainties and decreased safeties
(or increased system-failure risks). The study is a new endeavor in advancing an integrated uncertainly-analysis tool for urban water
supply management; the approach could also be applicable to many other water resources management problems.
develop effective tools for assisting in urban water service Information of Beginning inventory Maximum capacities
providers and government agencies to generate rational reservoirs (×103 m3) (×103 m3)
water resources management scheme. An integrated IUWSM Reservoir 1 [16, 26] (4500, 420)
system, which incorporated water demand management Reservoir 2 [6.5, 13.5] (720, 60)
and water supply system into a general framework, is Reservoir 3 [1, 3.5] (230, 15)
very important for relieving water shortage problems Reservoir 4 [6.5, 13.5] (440, 35)
and realizing balance between water demand and supply. Reservoir 5 [2, 4.5] (230, 15)
Figure 1 shows the structure and components of IUWSM Reservoir 6 [22, 38] (700, 50)
system. The time periods of IUWSM system operation are
Reservoir 7 [4, 6.5] (440, 35)
considered as one year (it has a time interval of month).
Table 1 shows the related parameters within IUWSM Note: [a1, a2] * represents an interval number where a1 and a2 are
the lower and upper bounds, respectively; (m1, d1)** represents a
system, which are assumed as random variables in normal random variable where m1 and d1 are the mean values and standard
distributions and interval numbers, respectively. deviation, respectively.
Figure 2 indicates that the variations in the acceptable Figure 3. Comparison of solutions between
IPSCCP and SCCP models.
levels would result in changes of water supply patterns.
For example, in the entire planning period, the total water
amounts transferred from water sources to treatment CONCLUSIONS
plants at significance levels of 0.99, 0.95 and 0.99 would
be [38,287.11, 52,396.04], [38,900.23, 53,224.34] and An interval-parameter stochastic chance-constrained
[40,050.34, 54,778.08] (×103 m3), respectively. The amounts programming (IPSCCP) model was proposed for urban
from reservoirs to consuming zones are [37,305.83, water supply management. IPSCCP could effectively deal
48,760.20], [37,895.13, 49,511.91] and [39,000.55, with uncertainties expressed as both discrete intervals and
50,922.00] (×103 m3), respectively. The reason is that, as random variables. It was also capable of incorporating a set
the increases of the acceptable levels, the constraints would of pre-defined acceptable levels of constraint satisfaction into
become stricter. optimization process, allowing model solutions to achieve
higher system costs at allowable violation probabilities. The
Figure 3 presents the variation of system cost at various results indicate that IPSCCP could help decision makers
acceptable levels. Generally, the system cost would increase gain in-depth insights into the trade-offs between increased
as the increase of acceptable levels. For example, at different system benefits and decreased safeties, and establish rational
significance levels (from 0.90 to 0.99), the system costs are water supply patterns under complex uncertainties for
[38.68, 74.26], [39.19, 75.27] and [40.15, 77.17] (×106 $), meeting the city’s water demand. The method could also
respectively. This is because, as the acceptable level goes be applicable to many other environmental problems.
higher, the constraints would become stricter. To compare the
proposed IPSCCP model with other alternatives, a general
SCCP model is formulated for the same problem where REFERENCES
the deterministic parameters are derived by averaging the
upper and lower bounds of intervals from IPSCCP model. [1] Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. and Kirby, P., 1972. “Chance
As shown in Figure 2, the total water amounts transferred constrained programming: An extension of statistical method”.
from water sources to treatment plants at significance levels New York: Optimizing Methods in Statistics, Academic
of 0.99, 0.95 and 0.99 would be 44,308.26, 45,013.78
and 46,337.20 (×103 m3), respectively. The amounts from [2] Fattahi, P. and Fayyaz, S., 2010. “A compromise programming
model to integrated urban water management”. Water
reservoirs to consuming zones are 42,198.95, 42,858.26 and
Resources Management, 24: 1211-1227.
44,095.02 (×103 m3), respectively. In reference to Figure
[3] Huang, G.H., Baetz B.W. and Patry, G.G., 1992. “A grey linear
3, the total cost at different significance levels are 70.88,
programming approach for municipal solid waste management
71.88 and 73.76 (×106 $), respectively. In such a case, the
planning under uncertainty”. Civil Engineering Systems, 9:
decision alternative would be restricted to a single solution, 319-335.
which may limit its application in real-world systems.
[4] Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H., Zeng, G.M., Chakma, A. and
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Teo Chee Wee (teoc0044@ntu.edu.sg)
Philip Wong (pcywong@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: Anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the treatment of dilute wastewaters such
as sewage. A significant portion of the total chemical oxygen demand of raw sewage is in the form of particulates. These particulates have
to be hydrolyzed prior to assimilation by the anaerobic consortia. Through enhancing hydrolysis kinetics, the overall biotransformation
rate can be increased, chemical energy in the organic solids can be efficiently tapped, and solids accumulation can be better managed.
This study investigates the optimum conditions for anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in sewage treatment, with a focus on enzyme
augmentation with hydrolases. The operating conditions investigated were pH, temperature and enzymes dosage. Experimental results
showed a higher degree of hydrolysis at pH 5.0 showed higher degree of hydrolysis compared to those at pH 9.0. In addition, control
experiments revealed considerable degradation of enzymes in the batch reactors, which may be attributed to proteolysis of amylases
and autolysis of proteases.
organic solids also produces short chain fatty acids that can adsorb to the particulate surface and utilize their attached
can be utilized for downstream biological nutrient removal enzymes (ectoenzymes) to initiate hydrolysis.
(Feng et al., 2009).
control without pretreatment. Neis et al. (2000) studied Seed sludge was obtained from the anaerobic digester at
the enhancement of sludge hydrolysis by ultrasonic Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore. The seed
pretreatment. The process improved sludge degradation rate sludge was washed twice with phosphate buffered saline
by 30% at a solids residence time (SRT) of 16 days. (PBS) to remove residual soluble COD. Sludge was added
to the batch reactors such that the starting concentration
was 8000mg MLSS/l (5000mg MLVS/l).
Enzymatic hydrolysis as pretreatment of lipids-rich
wastewater using low cost lipase prepared from porcine
The exogenous enzymes added were liquid enzymes blend
pancreas was investigated by Adriano et al. (2006). The (BioCat Microbials Pte Ltd, USA) containing proteases,
wastewater was hydrolyzed prior to addition into the lipases and amylases. The blend was purified in laboratory
bioreactor. Higher COD removal (69-80%) and biogas using a stirred cell with 10kDa ultrafiltration membrane
production (10-12ml/g COD) compared to the control disc (Amicon PM 10, Millipore Co., USA) to remove
without enzymatic pretreatment (COD removal of 40% the low molecular weight propylene glycol before each
and biogas production of 6ml/g COD). Moreover, it was experiment.
found that direct addition of enzymes into the bioreactor is
viable and attractive, with high COD removal of 76.4%. The Erlenmeyer flasks (0.5L) with rubber stoppers were used
feasibility of enzymatic hydrolysis was also demonstrated as batch reactors. The headspace of the flasks was flushed
by others authors (Leal et al., 2006; Rosa et al., 2009; with nitrogen gas before sealing with rubber stoppers.
A water bath shaker was used to provide the necessary
Lee et al., 2008).
temperature and agitation. pHs were adjusted daily with
6N HCl and 6N NaOH.
Hydrolysis of particulates can be enhanced by operating at
the optimal pH and temperature. The rate is higher under TSS, VSS and sCOD were quantified according to the
thermophilic condition compared to mesophilic condition. Standard Methods (APHA, 1998). DOC was analyzed with
Within each range, hydrolysis rate proceeds faster at higher the TOC ASI-V (Shimadzu Co., Japan) TOC analyzer.
temperatures. In general, the optimum pH is at near neutral Samples for sCOD and DOC assays were filtered with
(Rollon, 1999), although Isaacson (1990) pointed out that, 0.45μm syringe filters. Protease assay was performed
neutral pH commonly operated in anaerobic digesters aims using Sigma Aldrich assay kit with casein as the substrate
to maximize the rate of methanogenesis; hydrolysis may (substrate product no.: C7078). α-amylase assay was
have a different optimum. For example, the optimum pH performed using the dinitrosalicylic acid method (Bernfeld,
of holocellulytic bacteria is species dependent and can 1955). Biogas production rate was measured by the syringe
displacement method (Owen et al., 1979). One unit of
range from 3 to 11. The optimum pH for hydrolysis and
protease activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that
acidification is 5.6-6.0 whereas that for methanogenesis is
hydrolyzes casein to produce 1.0μmol of tyrosine per minute
6.8-7.2 (Riva, 1992). Therefore it can be inferred that the at pH 7.5 and 35oC. One unit of amylase activity is defined
optimum pH for hydrolysis varies according to the substrate as the amount of enzyme that hydrolyzes starch to liberate
composition and the hydrolytic species present. 1mg of maltose in 3 minutes at pH 7 and 25oC.
The objective of this research is to investigate the optimum The experiments were performed in batches of 20 days.
conditions for the anaerobic hydrolysis of particulates in The degree of hydrolysis of particulates was calculated
sewage including a preliminary study on the feasibility of from the following equation by analyzing the period where
enzyme augmentation. hydrolysis predominates:
The synthetic wastewater used in the experiments was (8g COD/g H2); ∆CODCH4 is the sCOD converted into
prepared to simulate raw municipal wastewater with biogas as CH4 (4g COD/g CH4). Hence, the degree of
suspended solids. The soluble constituents of the wastewater hydrolysis is expressed in grams of COD hydrolyzed per
were prepared according to the OECD guideline for synthetic gram of particulate COD.
sewage (OECD 303A). The twice diluted composition gives
a COD of 150mg/l. Suspended solids in wastewater are Temperature and pH were investigated in the range of 25-
simulated by 250mg/l of dry dog food with a COD of 35oC and pH 5.0-9.0 respectively. Enzymes were augmented
400±50mg/l (ALPO, Purina Co., USA). ALPO dog food at the concentration of 0-0.7% (w/v).
was selected because it has similar organic composition
with primary sludge (Kim et al., 2003). This gave a total
COD of 550±50mg/l.
Degree of hydrolysis
[4] Analiza Palenzuela Rollon, 1999. “Anaerobic digestion of fish [15] Jo E. Burgess and Brett I. Pletschke, 2008. “Hydrolytic
processing wastewater with special emphasis on hydrolysis enzymes in sewage treatment: A mini review”. Water SA,
of suspended solids”. PhD thesis, Wageningen Agricultural Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 343-350.
University, pp. 21-26. [16] Jiunn-Jyi Lay, Yu-You Li and Tatsuya Noike, 1997. “Influence
[5] Bernfeld O., 1955. “Amylases, alpha and beta”. Methods of pH and moisture content on the methane production in
in Enzymology, 1(1955), pp. 149-158. high solids sludge digestion”. Water Research, Vol. 31, No.
[6] B. Zhang, L-L Zhang, S-C Zhang. H-Z Shi and W-M Cai, 6, pp. 1518-1524.
2005. “The influence of pH on hydrolysis and acidification [17] Marcia C.M.R. Leal, Denis M.G. Freire, Magali C. Cammarota
of kitchen wastes in two phase anaerobic digestion”. and Geraldo L. Sant’ Anna Jr, 2006. “Effect of enzymatic
Environmental Technology, 26(2005), pp. 329-339. hydrolysis on anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewater”.
[7] Chiu-Yue Lin, Chun-Hsiung Hung, Chau-Huei Chen, Wan- Process Biochemistry, 41(2006), pp. 1173-1178.
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xylose using natural mixed cultures”. Process Biochemistry, in mesophilc and thermophilic anaerobic digestion”.
41(2006), pp. 1383-1390. Environmental Technology, Vol. 24, pp. 1183-1190.
[8] Ching-Hsiung Wang, Wei-Bin Lu and Jo-Shu Chang, 2007. [19] Ron Isaacson, 1990. “Methane from community wastes”.
“Feasibility study on fermentative conversion of raw and Tylor and Francis group, pp. 77-86.
hydrolyzed starch to hydrogen using anaerobic mixed [20] Seghezzo L., Zeeman G. and Lettinga G., 2005. “Anaerobic
microflora”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, sewage treatment”. Water Encyclopedia, pp 517-521.
32(2007), pp. 3849-3859.
[21] Shuzo Tanaka, Toshio Kobayashi, Kenichi Kamiyama, Ma
[9] Daniela R. Rosa, Iolanda C.S. Duarte, N. Katia Saavedra, Lolita and N. Signey Bildan, 1997. “Effect of thermochemical
Maria B. Varesche, Marcelo Zaiat, Magali C. Cammarota pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of waste activated
and Denise M.G. Freire, 2009. “Performance and molecular sludge”. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp.
evaluation of an anaerobic system with suspended biomass 209-215.
for treating wastewater with high fat content after enzymatic
[22] Tarek A.E., Jesko S., Arie D.K., Harry B., Grietje Z. and
hydrolysis”. Bioresource Technology, 100 (2009), pp. 6170-
Gatze L., 2001. “Biodegradability and change of physical
characteristics of particles during anaerobic digestion of
[10] Feng Leiyu, Yan Yuanyuan and Chen Yinguang, 2009. domestic sewage”. Water Research, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp.
“Kinetic analysis of waste activated sludge hydrolysis and 1311-1317.
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performance requirements”. EPA 625/R-00/008-Chapter 3.
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digestion of complex waste(water)”. Water Science and
anaerobic sludge digestion by ultrasonic disintegration”. Water
Technology, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 115-122.
Science and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp 73-80.
[12] G. Riva, 1992. “Utilization of renewable energy source and
[25] W.F. Owen, D.C. Stuckey, J.B. Healy, JR. L.Y. Young,
energy saving technologies by small scale milk plants and
P.L. McCarty, 1979. “Bioassay for monitoring biochemical
collection centres”. Food and Agricultural Organization, pp.
methane potential and anaerobic toxicity”. Water Research,
13(1979), pp. 485-492.
[13] H-Q Yu and H.H.P. Fang, 2002. “Acidogenesis of dairy
[26] Y.H. Lee, Y.C. Chung and J.Y. Jung, 2008. “Effect of
wastewater at various pH levels”. Water Science and
chemical and enzymatic treatments on the hydrolysis of
Technology, Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 201-206.
swine wastewater”. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 58,
[14] Irini Angelidaki and Wendy Sanders, 2004. “Assessment of No. 7, pp. 1529-1534.
the anaerobic biodegradability of macropollutants”. Reviews
in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 3(2004), pp.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: Accurate flood forecasts are essential for an early flood warning system to issue reliable flood warnings in order that proper
emergency actions be taken to mitigate flood damages. This study proposes a data-driven approach based on the Adaptive-Network-
Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to forecast the water level for the Lower Mekong River at Pakse in Laos for lead-times from 1
to 5 days. In addition, the present study used an output updating scheme which is based on a recursive autoregressive (RAR) model to
enhance the accuracy of multi-step ahead forecasts. The results of the present study show that: (i) ANFIS model performed well for 1-,
2- and 3-days ahead forecasts when compared to the performance of a physically based model which is currently adopted for operational
forecasts; and (ii) the output updating technique significantly enhances 4- and 5-days ahead forecasts.
Pakse. A new flood forecasting system has recently been Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System
developed and put into operation at the Regional Flood (ANFIS)
Management and Mitigation Centre of the Mekong River
Commission (RFMMC-MRC). This system was developed A neuro-fuzzy system is a hybrid system combining the
in 2007 in order to improve short and especially medium concepts of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Artificial
term forecasts. The rainfall-runoff processes for the upper Neural Network (ANN). A common framework of a
reach from Chiang Saen to Pakse is now modeled by the neuro-fuzzy system is to represent the FIS in an ANN
Unified Run-off Basin Simulation (URBS) hydrological architecture and utilize the learning capability of ANN to
model, and the flow routing downstream from Pakse is optimize the FIS parameters. The Adaptive Network-based
modeled by the ISIS hydrodynamic model. The system was Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) proposed by Jang (1993)
operated in “test mode” during the 2008 flood season, and is a well-know approach for neuro-fuzzy systems. ANFIS
has been in operational mode since 2009 (MRC, 2009). is based on the Tagaki-Sugeno-Kang (Takagi and Sugeno,
1985) fuzzy inference system embedded within the structure Recursive Autoregressive Model
of the ANN. Figure 1 shows a schematic of ANFIS with 2
rules for a system consisting of 2 inputs and 1 output. In order to improve the forecast accuracy, the present
study modelled the time-series of water level forecast
errors. Once the forecast error was estimated, it could then
update the forecast from the ANFIS model. Auto-regressive
(AR) model is a stochastic model that is typically used
for this purpose (Serban and Askew, 1991; WMO, 1992).
However, this is a non-adaptive model since its parameters
are fixed after calibration. Therefore it is not able to adapt
to changes once the model is calibrated. The recursive
autoregressive (RAR) model is an adaptive version of the
Figure 1. Schematic of ANFIS architecture (Jang, 1993).
linear autoregressive model. Its parameters can be adjusted
by a recursive estimation algorithm using the most recent
error. Hence, the RAR model is more suitable compared
The function of each layer in ANFIS is briefly described to the AR model in online applications. The present study
as follows: used an RAR model with a recursive estimation algorithm
Layer 1 - input nodes: each node generates membership (Ljung, 1999) implemented in the System Identification
grades to which inputs at the inputs nodes are assigned, from Toolbox of MATLAB (MATLAB, 2008).
fuzzy sets based on the membership functions used. In our
study the Gaussian membership function was applied.
Layer 2 - rule nodes: in this layer, the AND or the OR CASE STUDY
operator is applied to obtain one output that represents
the result of the antecedent for that rule, i.e. the firing The most upstream station of the Lower Mekong is at
strength. Chiang Saen in Laos and the most downstream station
is at Chau Doc in Vietnam. The upstream reach of the
Layer 3 - average nodes: in this layer, the main objective
Lower Mekong from Chiang Sean to Pakse is characterized
is to calculate the ratio of the ith rule’s firing strength to
by steeper gradients compared to the lower reach where
the sum of all rules’ firing strength.
gradients are generally flatter. The URBS model, which is
Layer 4 - consequent nodes: in this layer, the first-order a physically-based lumped parameter model, is currently
Sugeno fuzzy model is adopted. The fourth layer computes used to model the flow upstream of Pakse. Because of the
the contribution of each rule towards the total output. flatter terrain, a 1-D hydrodynamic model (ISIS) is used
Layer 5 - output nodes: the single node computes the overall to model the flow downstream of Pakse. Thus, Pakse is
output by summing all the incoming signals according to the boundary between the URBS and ISIS models and the
the defuzzification process, where each rule’s fuzzy results forecast at Pakse is used as input or upstream boundary
are transformed into a crisp output. condition for ISIS. Therefore, the accuracy of forecasts
at Pakse is important as it can significantly influence the
The learning algorithm in ANFIS optimizes the ANFIS accuracy of downstream forecasts.
parameters that include the premise parameters, which
describe the shape of the membership function, and the
consequent parameters, which describe the overall output ANFIS MODEL DEVELOPMENT
of the system. The algorithm used is a hybrid learning
algorithm consisting of the gradient descent and least- Data division
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Table 1. Statistical properties of training, test, a membership function (e.g., Gaussian, Triangular) is defined
and validation data sets. with the center located at the center of the class. There
Mean Duration Min Max are two methods to generate an initial model for ANFIS
(m) (days) (m) (m) training which are based on two partitioning techniques
on the data: grid partition and subtractive clustering. It
5.98 1,134 1.36 13.01 is not advisable to use grid partitioning in ANFIS when
the input dimension is more than five or six (Nayak et
Test al., 2005) due to excessive propagation of the number of
7.12 380 2.56 13.34
(1999-2000) rules (curse of dimensionality). The present study used
Validation the subtractive clustering technique to generate the initial
(2001-2003 and 6.88 693 1.45 12.7 model for ANFIS training. A proper number of membership
2009) functions applied to each input was identified by trial-and-
error. The number of membership functions was increased
from three to twenty. It was found that when the number
Input-output selection of membership functions increased from three to ten the
performance of the model was more or less the same on
ANFIS is a Multi-Input-Single-Output (MISO) system. the test data set, and when the number of rules was greater
Each ANFIS model has only one output. Therefore, five than ten, model performance deteriorated. The number of
ANFIS models providing outputs of L-days (L = 1, 2, … membership functions used was thus three. This would
, 5 days) ahead forecasts of the water level at Pakse were imply that the range of water level can be divided into
developed. This study employed a statistical approach three main regions: low, medium and high.
suggested by Sudheer et al. (2002) to identify the appropriate
input vector. The method is based on the heuristic that the
potential influencing variables corresponding to different OUTPUT UPDATING
time lags can be identified through statistical analysis of
the data series using cross correlation, autocorrelation, and Five independent ANFIS models were developed to
partial autocorrelation between the variables in question. provide multi-step ahead water level forecasts at Pakse.
Correlation analyses showed that the water level at Pakse The Lth (L = 1, 2, … , 5 days) ANFIS model is denoted
at L-days ahead is most related to three recent water levels by ANFISL. Its output predicted at time t is denoted by
at Pakse, then followed by the three recent water levels at (L). This is the forecast made at time t for the water
Savanakhet, which is situated 240 km upstream of Pakse. level at the lead time t+L. The difference between the
Thus, the general form of the relationship between the actual measurement Ht+L, to be measured at time t+L, and
water level at Pakse at step t+L and water levels at Pakse (L) is the output error of the ANFISL model predicted at
and Savannakhet can be expressed as follows: time t. This error can be stated as:
This means that each ANFIS model has as output, the At time t, et(L) is unknown since Ht+L is unknown. An
L-days ahead forecast of the water level at Pakse and the output updating procedure is implemented which attempts
three most recent water levels at Pakse and Savanakhet to approximate the value of et(L) denoted by . Once
as inputs. is determined, the predicted error can then be added
to the original output (L) in order to obtain the updated
output, , as follows:
Model evaluation
= (L) +
The coefficient of efficiency (COE) was used to assess the
overall goodness of fit. The mean absolute error (MAE), An incremental updating procedure was used in the present
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
mean percentage absolute error (MPAE), and root mean study that utilised output of ANFIS1 to update the output
square error (RMSE) were adopted as absolute error of ANFIS2, the outputs of ANFIS1 and ANFIS2 to update
measures. In addition, the mean absolute error of forecasts the output of ANFIS3 and so on. Figure 2 shows that the
for water levels higher than the alarm water level (MAEhigh difference between output of ANFISL at time step t and the
= 11 m) at Pakse was used to assess model performance output of the ANFISL+1 at time step t-1 is used to estimate
at high river stages. error of the ANFISL+1 output at time step t-1. This estimated
error is applied to an RAR model to obtain the estimated
error of the ANFISL+1 output at time step t. This error is
Model structure selection and model calibration then added to the original ANFISL+1 output to obtain the
updated forecast.
In ANFIS, each input variable is clustered into several class
values in layer 1 to build up the fuzzy rules. In each class,
1.00 Naïve
MAE (m)
(a) 1 2 3 4 5
Lead-time (day)
1.00 Naïve
Figure 2. Incremental output updating procedure
based on the I-RAR algorithm. 0.00
(b) 1 2 3 4 5
Lead-time (day)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Figure 4. MAE calculated on the validation dataset by ANFIS
(without updating) model for 1 to 5 day forecasts for:
Verification of output updating procedure (a) entire wet seasons, (b) high water levels.
1.00 Naïve
MAE (m)
0.75 0.50
0.50 0.25
0.00 (a) 1 2 3 4 5
Lead-time (day)
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
1 2 3 4 5
Lead-time (day)
1.25 Benchmark
1.00 Naïve
1.00 Naïve
MAEhigh (m)
MAEhigh (m)
0.25 0.25
0.00 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 (b) 1 2 3 4 5
(b) Lead-time (day) Lead-time (day)
Figure 3. MAE calculated on the training dataset by ANFIS Figure 5. MAE calculated for 1 to 5 lead time steps on
(without updating) model for 1 to 5 day forecasts for: validation data with output updating: (a) entire wet seasons,
(a) entire wet seasons, (b) high water levels. (b) high water levels
100 100 the people of the Mekong, 18-21 October 2006, Chiang Rai,
80 80 Thailand.
COE (%)
60 60 [2] Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M., 1976. “Time Series Analysis:
MAE (m)
[5] Jang, J.S.R., 1993. “ANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy
0.4 inference system”. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 23(3), 665-685.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
0.0 0.0 [6] Ljung, L., 1999. “System Identification: Theory for the User”.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Number of Lead Days Number of Lead Days
[7] Mekong River Commission (MRC), 2005. “Overview of the
Hydrology of the Mekong Basin”. Mekong River Commission,
Vientiane, 73 p.
MPAE (%)
[8] Mekong River Commission (MRC), 2009. “System
5 Performance Evaluation Report, The MRC Technical Task
Group for verification of the new MRC Mekong Flood
0 Forecasting System (FEWS-URBS-ISIS)”. Mekong River
1 2 3 4 5
Commission Regional Flood Management and Mitigation
Number of Lead Days
Centre, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 2009.
Figure 7. Comparison of performance between URBS,
ANFIS+I-RAR and Naïve models [9] MATLAB, 2008. “User guide for release R2008b”. The
MathWorks, Inc.
[10] Nayak, P.C., Sudheer, K.P., Rangan, D.M. and Ramasastri, [12] Takagi, T. and Sugeno, M., 1985. “Fuzzy identification of
K.S., 2005. “Short-term flood forecasting with a neuro-fuzzy systems and its applications to modeling and control”. IEEE
model”. Water Resources Research, 41: 1-16 Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 15(1), 116-
[11] Serban, P. and Askew, A.J., 1991. “Hydrological forecasting 132.
and updating procedures”. IAHS (International Association [13] WMO, 1992. “Simulated Real-time Inter-comparison of
of Hydrological Sciences) Publication, Vienna, Austria. Hydrological Models”. World Meteorological Organization,
Operational Hydrology Report No. 38. WMO-No. 779.
Geneva Switzerland.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: The design of brine outfall for SWRO desalination plants is a complex engineering task. In this paper, three different
design aspects which the authors have conducted recent research are discussed. They are (a) minimizing the recirculation between the
sea water intake and brine outfall, (b) predicting the mixing of brine discharges in coastal waters, and (c) avoiding the Coanda effect at
the discharge point with sufficient clearance from the bottom.
The design of brine outfall for SWRO desalination plants Far-field recirculation refers to the residual salinity increase
is a complex engineering task. It involves the necessary in the ambient waters due to the long term buildup of
considerations to determine the discharge location (and salinity by the desalting operation. The magnitude of far-
thus the length of the outfall pipe), the geometrical layout field recirculation depends on the various local ambient
and arrangement (incorporating the bottom bathymetry and characteristics, including the amount of tidal flushing in the
the characteristics of tidal hydrodynamics in the coastal area, the seabed bathymetry and the shoreline geometry.
waters), the type of outfalls (single ports, or multi-ports Shao et al. (2008) and Shao and Law (2009) presented
diffuser), and the range of design flow rates. In what follows, analysis to illustrate that the distance between the outfall and
three aspects that we have conducted recent research are intake is the key factor controlling the amount of far-field
described. recirculation for a uniform water depth. With a complex
bathymetry, however, the situation is more complicated and
the residual salinity can be accumulated in pockets of low
lying seabed undulations. A good far-field simulation using
MINIMIZING RECIRCULATION BETWEEN a comprehensive numerical model would then be essential
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
SEA WATER INTAKE AND BRINE OUTFALL for analysis (Bleninger et al., 2010).
and later to impact the seabed at sloping bathymetries that z0/LM < 0.2, where z0 is the centre height of the port, and
direct the heavier plume towards the open sea. LM is a discharge momentum length scale. For 45°, the
boundary effect was considerably weaker and did not seem
Integral analysis has been widely used to predict the near to affect significantly even for z0/LM down to the smallest
field mixing. In this approach, the governing equations are tested value of 0.05.
first established in terms of continuity, Navier-Stokes and
scalar advection-diffusion equations. To solve the system of
equations numerically, another closure equation is required CONCLUSIONS
and the entrainment hypothesis is often adopted. In the
literature, distinctly different values of the entrainment This bulletin article describes the recent research conducted
coefficient had been reported for buoyant plumes that are by the authors towards the design of brine outfalls for
along or against the direction of gravity. This poses difficulty SWRO desalination plants. Further studies are ongoing to
to the analysis as the brine plume would experience both address other design issues that may affect the operational
regimes through the rising and then falling stage. Shao et performance of the outfall. (The first author is currently
al. (2010) developed a new integral model with a unified a member of the Joint IAHR/IWA Committee on Marine
entrainment function for arbitrary buoyancy that is able Outfalls as well as the Task Group Leader on Brine
to resolve the entrainment non-uniformity in a continuous Outfalls).
manner. Based on extensive comparison with available
data, the new model is shown to be able to be able to
reasonably predict the behavior for the brine discharges REFERENCES
at various inclinations.
[1] Bleninger, T., Niepelt, A., Jirka, G.H., Lattemann, S., Purnama
A., Al-Barwani, H.H. and Doneker, R.L., 2010. “Environmental
AVOIDING COANDA EFFECT AT THE hydraulics framework of the design of discharges from
DISCHARGE PORT desalination plants”. Proceedings of the 6th Int. Sym. Env.
Hyd., Athens, Greece.
In the literature, a 60° inclined single port outfall had [2] Doneker, R.L. and Jirka, G.H., 2001. “CORMIX-GI systems
been recommended for desalination plants to achieve a for mixing zone analysis of brine and wastewater disposal”.
Desalination, 139: 263-274.
maximum mixing efficiency. However, the terminal rise
associated with 60° is relatively high, and thus a smaller [3] Law, A.W.K., 2011. “Recirculation between intakes and
inclination is often more desirable for shallow coastal outfalls of desalination plants”. To presents in the Qingdao
International Desalination Conference.
waters. At the same time, with the smaller inclinations, a
port that is placed at close proximity to the bottom may [4] Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “Salinity build-up due to
brine discharges into shallow coastal waters”. Modern Physics
suffer from the Coanda effect that reduces the amount of
Letters B, 23(3): 541-544.
mixing compared to an unbounded environment.
[5] Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Mixing and Boundary
interactions of 30 and 40 degree inclined dense jets”. Journal
Shao and Law (2010) investigated experimentally the of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 10(5): 521-553.
mixing behavior of brine discharges at smaller angles of
[6] Shao, D.D., Law, A.W.K. and Adams, E.E., 2010. “Integral
30° and 45° in a stationary ambient. Based on the results, modelling of inclined round turbulent jets with arbitrary
the characteristic geometrical features of the inclined dense buoyancy”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, currently under
jets are quantified. The mixing and diluting behaviors are review.
also revealed through the analysis of the velocity and [7] Shao, D.D., Law, A.W.K. and Li, H.Y., 2008. “Brine discharges
concentration profiles. The study also examined the effect into shallow coastal waters with mean and oscillatory tidal
of proximity of the discharge port to the bed. For 30°, it currents”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2(2): 91-
was found that the bed influence became significant when 97.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Figure 1. Typical pattern of the mixing of a brine discharge from an inclined port.
ABSTRACT: Forward Osmosis (FO), an emerging separation technology, has potential applications in water and wastewater treatment as
well as desalination. Internal concentration polarization (ICP) and membrane fouling have been found to adversely affect its performance.
This research aims to study the fouling behavior of FO membranes using humic acid as a model foulant. By performing batch cross flow
fouling experiments, the effect of FO membrane orientation and draw solution concentration on the fouling behavior were investigated.
Compared to the active layer facing draw solution (AL-facing-DS) orientation, flux was remarkable stable for the active layer facing
feed solution (AL-facing-FS) orientation due to the ICP self-compensation effect. FO suffered greater flux loss in AL-facing-DS, which
was likely due to the internal clogging of the porous structure and the resulting enhanced ICP in the support layer.
feed v
(1) conditions were used as the reference conditions: 10 mM
NaCl and 10 mg/L humic acid in FS, crossflow velocity
23.2 cm/s, temperature 22-24oC.
Jv = Kmln (AπAπ – J+ B+ B) (AL-facing-DS)
Km = l = (3)
τ. ε S
Where D is the solute diffusion coefficient, τ is the tortuosity
of the support layer, l is the length of the support layer, ε
is the porosity of the support layer, and S is the membrane
structure parameter.
50 AL f acing 40
45 draw solution
AL facing FS
40 AL f acing Fouling test Baseline
f eed solution AL facing DS
Flux(g/10 min)
Fouling test Baseline
5 20
0 200 400
00 600 800 15
ti ( iin))6
tim e(m
During the whole test, the DS was diluted and the FS was 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
concentrated as the water was transported from the FS to
Time (min)
the DS. Therefore, prior to each fouling experiment, the
baseline test which has an identical condition except without Figure 3. Effect of the membrane orientation on the fouling
behavior of FO membrane (cited from reference
adding foulant in the FS was performed to identify the
(Tang, She et al. 2010)).
flux loss due to membrane fouling. Figure 2 presents a
group of baseline fluxes under the two types of membrane
orientation using 2 M NaCl as draw solution. Due to the conducted in the AL facing DS configuration. Clearly,
severe ICP in the AL-facing-FS, the flux in the AL-facing- greater baseline flux level was obtained at higher draw
FS was much lower than that in the AL-facing-DS. solution concentration as a result of the increased osmotic
pressure difference at higher draw solution concentration.
For the fouling tests, the flux level exhibited nearly identical
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION trend with the baseline flux at 0.5 M and 1 M draw solution
concentration (low initial flux level), while significant flux
Effect of FO membrane orientation loss was observed when the draw solution concentration
was 2 M and 4 M (initial flux was above 40 L/m2h).
Figure 3 illustrates the FO fouling behavior under the two The phenomenon of severe fouling behavior at high draw
different membrane orientations. The experiments at the solution concentration (thus high driven force) in the FO
two different membrane orientations were conducted under process was similar to that in the pressure-driven membrane
the same initial flux (~30L/m2.hr). As shown in Figure process. This is attributed to the greater hydrodynamic
3, little flux reduction was observed for the AL-facing-FS drag force for promoting foulant deposition.
configuration, while the flux decreased significantly for the
AL-facing-DS configuration. When the membrane rejection 60
Baseline, 4 M Fouling, 4 M
Baseline, 2 M Fouling, 2 M
layer faced the feed solution, humic acid had lower tendency Baseline, 1 M Fouling, 1 M
to deposit on the smooth surface, which was verified by Baseline, 0.5 M Fouling, 0.5 M
the minimal measured humic acid deposition. As a result, 50
For the AL-facing-DS configuration, the porous support
layer was exposed to the feed solution, humic acid had
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
INSTRUCTION Table 1 compares rv with other hydraulic radii. Using rv, the
Colebrook-type resistance relation for open channel flows
The vegetation drag and its relevant Reynolds number have subject to emergent vegetation is proposed here,
been defined diversely in the literature and some definitions
are even misleading because of improper use of length fv = f (Rev) …(3)
and velocity scales. As a result, a general formula similar 8grvS 4V r
to Manning equation developed for regular open channel where fv = 2 and Rev = νv v .
flows is not available at present for evaluating resistance
to vegetated open channel flows, even for the emergent
case that is relatively simple.
(a) Plan view (b) Side view
As shown in Fig. 1, we consider emergent vegetation Figure 1. Emergent vegetation simulated with
simulated with staggered rigid cylinders. In this case, the circular cylindrical rods.
effective vegetation height is the same as the flow depth h,
and the configuration of vegetation is solely governed by Table 1. Length scales for characterizing flow geometry.
the stem diameter d and density λ defined as the average
volume fraction occupied by stems. Geometrical
Flow geometry Hydraulic radius
For vegetated flows without sidewall and bed effects, we D
Circular pipe pipe diameter, D
consider a 3D domain that measures ∆x × ∆y × 1, in the -1
Rectangular channel width, B 1 1
streamwise, lateral and vertical direction, respectively. +
open channel flow depth, h h 0.5B
Similar to the regular hydraulic radius, the hydraulic radius
Porous media grain size, d50 11–λ
in the 3D domain is defined as the ratio of the volume d50
comprising grains pore size 6 λ
occupied by water to the wetted surface area,
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Vegetated channel
stem diameter, d π 1 – λ
without channel d
…(1) stem spacing, s 4 λ
boundary effects
channel width, B
Note that in the above definition, the total wetted surface Open channel § 1 ·
flow depth, h ¨1 1
area is used. For vegetation-induced form drag, we only with emergent ¨h + + π 1 – λ ¸¸
stem diameter, d ¨ 0.5B d¸
need to consider the frontal area of the stem. This yields vegetation © 4 λ ¹
stem spacing, s
an effective wetted area equal to Nd in the 3D domain, and
then the vegetation-related hydraulic radius is given by
2 plots all data in the form of CDv against Rev, from which Substituting Eq. (12) into (11), we get
the following observations could be made. First, though CDv Bh 2/3
Rev. Second, for Rev > 7000, CDv fluctuates within a limited Fig. 3 shows that the Manning coefficients predicted using
range, and could be taken to be constant, i.e. CDv ≈ 1.3. Eq. (13), where CDv is estimated using Eq. (9), agree
Third, it seems that CDv dips in the range of Rev = 7 × reasonably with the measurements, i.e. those determined
103 – 6 × 104. This could be related to possible difference using Eq. (11) with the data provided by Ishikawa et al.
that may exist between the channel configured with the [3], James et al. [4], and those collected in this study.
randomly distributed stems (only related to Tanino and
Nepf’s data[1]) and that with staggered stems. Otherwise,
it could be explained by vortex shedding and surface waves CONCLUSIONS
that take place in vegetated channel flows [2].
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: The life cycle analysis of an offshore gangway as a means of embarkation and disembarkation for personnel access between
the two vessels or between a work boat and an offshore platform was carried out. The strength integrity of the gangway was first reviewed
to validate its geometrical configuration from the requirement of Health and Safety Executive (2002). Key factors that significant influence
to the environmental impact, including production, processing, operation and activities of the gangway are highlighted.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a method for analysing and The objective of the assessment is to determine the
assessing the environmental impact of a material, product key factors suitable for the LCA of steel gangway and
or service throughout its entire life cycle, usually from associated environmental impact. Parameters considered
the acquisition of raw materials to final decommissioning include carbon (CO2), sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen
and disposal. For the LCA of the gangway, its production, oxides (NOx) emission to air and water and the amount
manufacturing process, transportation, installation, of energy consumed.
operation, application, disposal and recycle after use are
briefly discussed. The environmental factors that contribute
to the greenhouse effect include the effect of emissions MODEL SOLUTIONS METHODOLOGY
to the atmosphere and water as well as the amount of
energy consumed. These factors can be incorporated in the The model solution methodology for the gangway is based
analytical tools based on the life cycle assessment approach on the LCA to assess the potential environmental impacts
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
to determine the impact of this gangway structure on the associated with the production, processing and activities
environment. throughout its entire life cycle. This method analyses the
impact of a product over a lifetime from the process of
extraction of raw materials, manufacturing through to the
Scopes of study waste disposal of its various components for recycling or end
of its service life. The factors relevant to the entire life cycle
The life cycle evaluation of an offshore steel gangway for of the gangway system are compiled to create a scenario
means of embarkation and disembarkation for personnel to show the extent of impact to the environment.
access between the two vessels or between a work
boat and an offshore platform is carried out. Extensive The LCA is conducted based on the guidelines provided in
reference to the published data and information is drawn. the International Organization for Standardization (ISO14040
The strength integrity of the gangway is first reviewed 1996, ISO14041 1998, ISO14042 2000, ISO14043 2000
with the application of finite element analysis to validate and ISO14044 2006). The procedure includes the data
collection and evaluation and the interpretation of results used as part of a reference to further investigate in greater
after analysis. In this evaluation of the life cycle of the details the life cycle of various types of offshore gangway
steel gangway, the approach is to firstly gather data and used in the marine industry.
information through the literature review of previous
publications of steel structures based on LCA methodology.
The process flow chart of the major life cycle of gangway
product is summarized as shown in Figure 1. Generally,
the process flow chart for typical gangway comprises five
(5) main stages which can be used as a framework for
inventory analysis. Each stage will contain unit processes
with elementary inputs and outputs represented as building
blocks for data collection.
In this study, the geometrical configuration and the strength [1] Ecolnvent database 2010. http://www.pre.nl/ecoinvent/, The
integrity of the offshore gangway has been verified against Netherlands.
the requirement of Health and Safety Executive. This [2] HSE 2002. Health and Safety Executive, Decks, stairways,
preliminary study was based on extensive reference to gangways and their associated handrails, Offshore technology
the published data and information and was conducted to report 2001/69, Bomel Ltd, UK.
determine important factors that would have contributed [3] SO 14040 2006. International Organization for Standardization,
significant impact to the environment. The results of the Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Principles
sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon emission to the and framework, Switzerland.
atmosphere, recipient water and the energy consumption [4] ISO 14041 1998. International Organization for Standardization,
from the process of gangway manufacture and production Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Goal and
scope definition and inventory analysis, Switzerland.
are presented.
[5] ISO 14042 2000. International Organization for Standardization,
Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle
impact assessment, Switzerland.
[6] ISO 14043 2000. International Organization for Standardization,
Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle
interpretation, Switzerland.
[7] ISO 14044 2006. International Organization for Standardization,
Environmental management, Life cycle assessment,
Requirements and guidelines, Switzerland.
ABSTRACT: In this study, 2D shallow water equations together with a sediment continuity-concentration (SCC) model were applied to
flow with mobile sediment boundaries. The SCC model could reproduce the information for both bed and suspended loads. A combination
of the shallow water and the sediment transport models was constructed using the fully conservative law to preserve the integrity of
their governing equations, and the proposed computation model was based on the Finite Volume (FV) method. The Monotone Upwind
Scheme of Conservative Laws (MUSCL)-Hancock scheme was used with the Harten Lax van Leer (HLL) approximate Riemann solver
to discretize the FV model.
models were used to simulate the bed and suspended in streamwise and lateral directions respectively; ρs and ρw
loads movement in a 2D depth averaged flow. The are density of sediment and water respectively; C is the
proposed combined model was used to predict a highly flux-averaged volumetric sediment concentration; λ is the
discontinuous dam-break sediment transport flow. The sediment bed porosity; and zb is the bed elevation. es and ds
are sediment erosion and deposition rates respectively. x, y
experimental measurements from the literature were also
and t denote the spatial-longitudinal, spatial-transverse and
used for validation. time domains respectively. Sox and Soy in equations (2) – (3)
are the bed slopes in the streamwise and lateral-directions
respectively; and the friction slope of the channel, Sf, are
The proposed model described in this paper was built using , and …(6)
the sediment continuity-concentration model combined
with the shallow water flow equations. Equations (1) - (5) where, n in the Manning friction coefficient.
NUMERICAL SCHEME term, a first order derivative was used for its discretization.
No complex discretization method is needed as HLL-type
There are different discretization techniques that can be scheme is having competence to capture source term solution
used to discretize a Shallow Water model, namely Finite accurately (Hu et al., 2006).
Difference (FD), Finite Element (FE) and Finite Volume
(FV) methods. In this study, FV method was chosen for
its robust nature in simulating high dimensional shock- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
capturing flow profiles accurately (Mingham and Causon,
2000). A dam-break flow is a well-known and rapidly varying flow
event with a highly unpredictable nature. The effect of a
In the inviscid flux modelling of the proposed FV model, the dam-break flow on a mobile sediment bed was investigated
Godunov-type Hancock scheme was used with a two-stage by Capart and Young (1998) experimentally using a channel
predictor-corrector temporal discretization. The Godunov- equipped with a rapidly opened sluice-gate. This experiment
type Hancock scheme was coupled with Harten Lax van was simulated using the proposed model and the results
Leer (HLL) approximate Riemann solver for upwinding are reported herein.
volumetric discretization. The slope limiter method was
used in the HLL solver to ensure the spatial discretization A rectangular channel with dimensions of 12.0m length
scheme satisfies flux-limiting property (Mingham and and 0.2m width was used for Capart and Young (1998)
Causon, 2000). MUSCL (Monotone Upwind Scheme experimental test case. The sediment used in the test
for Conservation Laws) scheme was used to update the has a size of 6.1mm, a density of 1048kg/m3, and a fall
variables spatial wise. The MUSCL and Hancock schemes velocity of 0.076m/s. The flow was initially at rest, where
keep the proposed FV model at a second order of accuracy it had an initial water depth of 10cm at the upstream and
in spatial and temporal domains respectively. The overall dry water depth at the downstream with a layer of 6cm
inviscid solution is indicated by sediment at the bed throughout the channel from upstream to
downstream. The sluice gate, which was originally situated
…(7) at 4m location from upstream, was opened instantaneously
at the start of the flow. The results of the water surface
For time stepping, the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy criterion and bed load elevation profiles around the dam breaking
was followed to ensure the utilised time step does not point are shown in Figure 1. The time-distribution of the
exceed its maximum allowable limit. In the numerical source
Figure 1. Water surface and bed elevation profiles comparison for different models
flow profiles are shown for every 0.1s interval over 0.5s REFERENCES
to capture the transient changes in the water flow and bed
change conditions. The proposed model results are plotted [1] Armanini, A., and Di Silvio, G., 1988. “A One-dimensional
against the experimental measurements of Capart and Young model for the transport of sediment mixture in non-equilibrium
(1998). The sediment continuity modelling results from conditions”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 26(3): pp. 275-
Capart and Young (1998), and the sediment continuity- 292.
concentration modelling results from Wu and Wang (2007) [2] Cao, Z., Pender, G., Wallis, S. and Carling, P., 2004.
are also plotted in the same figure for comparison. “Computational dam-break hydraulics over erodible sediment
bed.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 130(7): pp. 689-
Both crucial dam break flow characteristics of water wave 703.
front and bed scour hole size are well-predicted using
[3] Capart, H. and Young, D.L., 1998. “Formation of a jump by
the proposed model compared to the other computational
the dam-break wave over a granular bed”. Journal of Fluid
models. Numerically, the behaviour of the suspended load Mechanics, 372: pp. 165-187.
in the proposed model is simulated using the sediment
concentration partial differential equations. This improved [4] Hu, K., Mingham, C.G. and Causon, D.M., 2006. “A mesh
feature simulates the suspended sediment information at patching method for finite volume modelling of shallow water
the water wave front, hence giving a consistent prediction flow”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
50: pp. 1381-1404.
to the measured water wave front.
[5] Mingham, C.G. and Causon D.M., 2000. “Calculation of
unsteady bore diffraction using a high resolution finite volume
method”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 38(1): pp. 49-56.
[6] Valiani, A. and Caleffi, V., 2001. “Dam break modeling for
sediment laden flows”. Proceedings of the 2001 International
A 2D shallow water Finite Volume (FV) numerical model Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Arizona, USA,
was developed to analyse shallow flow with sediment pp.1-6.
transport. The proposed model was applied to a dam-break [7] Wu, W. and Wang, S.S.Y., 2007. “One-dimensional modeling
flow test over movable bed in this paper. The proposed of dam-break flow over movable beds”. Journal of Hydraulic
model simulation was compared to the experimental Engineering, 133(1): pp. 48-58.
measurements in literature, and the comparison shows [8] Wu, W. and Wang, S.S.Y., 2008. “One-dimensional explicit
good corresponding results at its water and bed elevation finite-volume model for sediment transport with transient
predictions. The above-mentioned statements are clearly flows over movable beds”. Journal of Hydraulic Research,
demonstrated by the water wave front and the bed scour 46(1): pp. 87-98.
hole size predictions of the proposed model, which are
not predicted so accurately by the other models proposed
in the literature.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
GONG Kai (gongkai@ntu.edu.sg)
LIU Hua (hliu@sjtu.edu.cn)
TAN Soon Keat (ctansk@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamic problem of two-dimensional wedge entering water was studied based on two-phase SPH model. A
non-reflection boundary treatment for SPH method was proposed to reduce the size of computational domain. The details of water entry
and enclosing were simulated using multi phase SPH model. Numerical simulations verified our experimental observations.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS simulating the multiphase flows may improve the force
Since the first studies by von Karman, lots of works have
been carried out in water entry problems. Water entry of
a solid through the free surface is still a current focus of NUMERICAL MODELING
the researches in hydrodynamics. The water entry problem
is part of the general fluid-structure impact problem. The The momentum and kinematics equations for fluid particles
first complete solution was obtained by Dobrovol’skaya in SPH method are
(1969) for a two-dimensional wedge based on velocity
potential theory. Zhao and Faltinsen (1993) studied the …(1)
same problem using a refined procedure with a more
advanced computer.
CONCLUSIONS [5] Gong, K., Liu, H. and Wang, B.L., 2009. “Water Entry of a
Wedge Based on SPH Model with an Improved Boundary
Treatment”. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(6): 750-757.
To simulate the enclosing process after water entry, a
[6] Lucy, L.B., 1977. “A numerical approach to the testing of
two-phase SPH method was applied. With fine particle
the fission hypothesis”. Astron. J., 82(12): 1013-1024.
distribution, details of water entry, including surface
[7] Monaghan, J.J., 1994. “Simulating Free Surface Flows with
profile, pressure distribution and total force etc, could
SPH”. J. Comput. Phys., 110(2): 399-406.
be well predicted. The enclosing of water entry was
successfully simulated with proposed SPH model, providing [8] Monaghan, J.J. & Kocharyan, A., 1995. “SPH simulation of
multi-phase flow”. Computer Physics Communication, 87:
a powerful Lagrangian approach for violent free surface
flow calculation.
[9] Oger, G., Doring, M., Alessandrini, B. and Ferrant, P., 2006.
“Two-dimensional SPH simulations of wedge water entry”.
J. Comp. Phys., 213: 803.
[10] Randles, P.W., Carney, T.C., Libersky, L.D., Renick, J.R.
and Petschek, A.G., 1995. “Calculation of oblique impact
and fracture of tungsten cubes using smoothed particle
hydrodynamics”. International Journal of Impact Engineering,
17: 661-672.
[11] Zhao, R. and Faltinsen, O., 1993. “Water entry of two-
dimensional bodies”. J. Fluid Mech., 246: 593-612.
ABSTRACT: Nineteen pure strains of lignocelluloses-converting microorganisms were successfully isolated in this study. The best
combination of pure culture of Microbacterium sp. F28, Tsukamurella sp. C35, Pseudallescheria sp. D42 and Bacillus sp. F4 showed
the maximum reducing sugars yield of 1,653 mg/L, which is ten times higher than the original consortia. The maximum reducing sugars
production yield of 173 mg reducing sugars/g lignocellulose was obtained under the optimum conditions at temperature 56.9 ºC, pH 5.8
and with initial lignocellulose concentration at 28.9 g/L after orgnosolv pretreatment.
INTRODUCTION soil (GS). Samples were taken from the four sources in
sterilized sample bags and stored at 4 ºC until cultivation of
The world’s energy crisis has exacerbated in recent years. microorganisms was performed. The inoculated flasks were
Alternative non-fossil fuel energy sources are in urgent fed with lignocellulose as the sole carbon source with the
demand. Bioethanol is such an alternative fuel which has following basic nutrient: (NH4)2SO4 2 g L-1, CaCl2 0.1 g·L-1,
low carbon content and environmentally friendly. However, KH2PO4 0.5 g·L-1, K2HPO4 2.0 g·L-1, MgSO4·7H2O 0.1 g·L-1,
current food-based feedstock for bioethanol production may NaCl 6.0 g·L-1, Yeast extract 1.0 g·L-1 and lignocellulose 10
not be practical since it may cause competition between g·L-1. Tenebrio Molitor Linnaeus (yellow mealworm) was
food and energy crops for land use. A potential source of provided. Every 8 mealworms were disrupted by passing
low-cost ethanol production is to utilize lignocellulosic through a syringe needle for each medium. The disrupted
waste, viz crop residues, grasses, sawdust, wood chips and gut debris were suspended in 200 ml medium 1 [2]. Medium
solid animal waste, which represents one of the foreseeable 1 and Medium 2 were supplemented with carboxymethyl
sustainable sources in nature because of its relatively low cellulose (CMC; 10 g L-1; 21900; Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland;
cost and plentiful supply [1]. Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic degree of substitution 0.70-0.85; medium 1a), filter paper
waste to reducing sugars is one of the key steps during strips (10 g L-1, brand; medium 1b), and lignocellulose waste
bio ethanol production. The main drawbacks of traditional powder (10 g L-1; with a size of less than 1 mm; medium
hydrolysis methods (viz enzymatic and acidic treatments) 1c), respectively. The flasks were placed in a reciprocal
are their high operation costs, generation of secondary incubation shaker (Grant, OLS 200, Grant Instruments,
pollution and their under optimized and underdeveloped UK) at 30±2°C and at a horizontal rotational speed of 150
technologies. Thus, in this study, microbial hydrolysis of rpm. Samples in the cultivated flasks were analyzed every
lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars was employed. 1- 24 hours in the cultivated flasks and measurements were
year old compost, 4-month old compost, aerated activated recorded. pH was measured with a pH meter (CyberScan
sludge, garden soil and yellow mealworm guts were selected PCD 6500 pH meter, Germany). A phenol-sulfuric acid
as inoculate sources to isolate lignocellulose-converting method was used to quantify polysaccharides [3], with
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
microorganisms. Enhancement of microbial hydrolysis of glucose as the standard. Monosaccharides were measured
lignocellulosic waste to reducing sugars was investigated by DNS method with glucose as the standard [4]. Each
by the combination of pure strains and optimization of sample was measured in triplicates.
environmental conditions to further improve reducing
sugars yield.
aerobes and are known for the presence of a variety of method is orgnosolv pretreatment, and the liquid hot water
metabolic pathways that are capable of degrading complex pretreatment is slightly better than diluted sulfuric acid
organic compounds including xenobiotics [5]. The genera pretreatment for reducing sugars production. The reducing
of Bacilli were ubiquitous among the mixture of microbial sugars yield produced after optimization is much higher
community. In Bacillus sp., xylanase is induced by xylose, than those of enzymatic hydrolysis in reported in prior
but is repressed in the presence of glucose [6]. Three literature [8] [9].
fungi isolates from the microbial community in this study
are assigned to Pseudallescheria sp. which is known as a
potential animal pathogen and can degrade a wide range
of organic waste [7].
angusticollis”. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 92(1): pp. [6] Beg, Q.K., et al., 2001. “Microbial xylanases and their
32-40. industrial applications: a review”. Applied Microbiology and
[3] DuBois, M., et al., 1956. “Colorimetric method for Biotechnology, 56(3): pp. 326-338.
determination of sugars and related substances”. Analytical [7] Anastasi, A., G.C. Varese, and F.M. Valeria, 2005. “Isolation
Chemistry, 28(3): pp. 350-356. and identification of fungal communities in compost and
[4] Miller, G.L., 1959. “Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for vermicompost”. Mycologia, 97(1): pp. 33-44.
determination of reducing sugar”. Analytical Chemistry, 31(3): [8] Saha, B.C. and M.A. Cotta, 2008. “Lime pretreatment,
pp. 426-428. enzymatic saccharification and fermentation of rice hulls to
[5] Landy, E.T., et al., 2008. “Bacterial diversity associated with ethanol”. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(10): pp. 971-977.
archaeological waterlogged wood: Ribosomal RNA clone [9] Jensen, J.R., et al., 2010. “Effects of dilute acid pretreatment
libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)”. conditions on enzymatic hydrolysis monomer and oligomer
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 61(1): pp. sugar yields for aspen, balsam, and switchgrass”. Bioresource
106-116. Technology, 101(7): pp. 2317-2325.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Dongqing Zhang (dqzhang@ntu.edu.sg)
Sara Sadreddini (S.Sadreddini@ntu.edu.sg)
Junfei Zhu (JFZhu@ntu.edu.sg)
Nguyen Anh Tuan (ATNGUYEN@ntu.edu.sg)
Richard. M. Gersberg (rgersbe@mail.sdsu.edu)
Soon Keat Tan (ctansk@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: The ability of a tropical horizontal subsurface constructed wetlands (HSSF CWs) planted with Typha Angustifolia to remove
four widely used pharmaceutical compounds (carbamazepine, declofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen) at the relatively short hydraulic residence
time of 2 to 4 days was documented. For both ibuprofen and naproxen, pharmaceutical compounds with low Kow values, the planted
beds showed significant (p<0.05) enhancement of removal efficiencies (80% and 91%, respectively at the 4 day HRT) as compared to
unplanted beds (60% and 52%, respectively). The presence of plants resulted in the removal of these pharmaceutical compounds from
artificial wastewater. Carbamazepine, considered as one of the most recalcitrant pharmaceuticals, and declofenac, showed low removal
efficiencies in our CW, and is attributable to their higher hydrophobicity. The fact that the removal of these compounds could be explained
by the sorption onto the available organic surfaces, explains why there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in their removal efficiencies
between planted as compared to unplanted beds. No statistical significant differences (p>0.05) were observed for the removal efficiencies
of any of the pharmaceuticals tested for the 2-day HRT as compared to that corresponding to 4-day HRT. The rather efficient removal
shown by the tropical wetlands with HRTs of 2 to 4 days indicates the possibility of using such a CW system (with less land/footprint
requirements) for removing certain pharmaceutical compounds from drinking water reservoirs.
and 50 mm in diameter located at the lower edge of the fibre membrane filter (Millipore, USA) and then acidified
containers. Water depth was maintained at 5 cm below gravel to pH 2 with hydrochloric acid. The SPE cartridges were
surface and the hydraulic loading rate was maintained at conditioned using 5 ml n-hexane, 5ml ethyl acetate, 10 ml
2.96 cm/day. Different from a conventional continuous flow methanol and 10 ml of Milli-Q water (pH=2) at a flow-
wetland, our design was a batch-flow constructed wetland. rate of approximate 3 ml/min. Samples were percolated to
Artificial wastewater enriched with selected pharmaceutical the SPE cartridges through a Teflon tube at a flow-rate of
compounds was rapidly filled in each bed and then drained approximate 10 ml/min. The cartridge filter was then rinsed
completely every 2 or 4 days. with methanol: milli-Q water (pH=2) = 10:90, followed by
20 ml of Milli-Q water (pH=2). Thereafter, the cartridges
were allowed to dry for 30 min and then eluted with 5
General parameter detection ml ethyl acetate with elution solutions collected in 15 ml
calibrated centrifuge tubes. The extracted solution was then
This experiment was carried out in April 2010. During concentrated to ca. 400 μl under a gentle nitrogen stream
the experiments, all the beds were fed with synthetic and was then reconstituted to 500 μl with methanol.
wastewater with the same organic load. Effluent samples
were collected from each bed every two and four days in
a 1-L amber glass bottles. The samples were immediately HPLC Liquid chromatography analysis for
analyzed to determine the reduction in concentration of pharmaceutical
the general parameters, i.e., COD, ammonia-N (NH4-
N), nitrate (NO3) and total phosphorus (TP). General Chromatographic analysis was performed on a Shimadzu
parameters were analyzed by using spectrophotometer Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph (UFLC) (Shimadzu,
(HACH-DR3800, USA) in accordance with the conventional Japan) equipped with a quaternary LC-20AD pump, a
methods (Standard Methods for Examination of Water and CTO-20A oven, and a SPD-M20A Diode Array Detector
Wastewater - APHA, 1989). Total organic carbon (TOC) was (DAD). The injector was SIL-20A HT fitted to a Shimadzu
conducted by using Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC- autosampler with a 20 μl sample loop. Chromatographic
Vcsh, Shimadzu, Japan). Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH value separation were carried out using a GracePureTM SPE C18-
and conductivity were measured by using Multi-Parameter Max (4.6*150 mm, 5 μm) cartridge column protected by
Digital Meter (HACH – HQ40d, USA) directly. a ODS-3 (C18) (4.6*50 mm., 5 μm) guard column (Alpha
Analytical). The system was controlled using an interface
module and a personal computer. Chromatograms were
Injection of pharmaceutical products and chemical for processed using a “Shimadzu LCSolution program”.
pharmaceutical dectection
Solid phase extraction (SPE) The removal efficiency of ibuprofen in our experiment
was higher in the planted beds (71.0% for 2-day HRT and
All the effluent samples were kept refrigerated at 4°C and 79.7% for 4-day HRT) than that for the unplanted beds
analyzed within 24 hours. Prior to extraction, 500 ml of (56.7% for 2-day HRT and 60.0% for 4-day HRT), but
effluent wastewater were filtered through a 0.45 μm glass the enhancement by plants was only significant (p<0.05)
at the 4-day HRT.
A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed for naproxen plated CWs, which can promote aerobic reactions leading
removal efficiency between the planted HSSF beds (82.8% to higher removal efficiency. It is also known that root
for 2-day HRT and 91.3% for 4-day HRT) and the unplanted exudates released by the plant in the rhizosphere, are
beds (49.5% for 2-day HRT and 51.8% for 4-day HRT) at known to result in intense microbial activity in the vicinity
both HRTs (Table 1). of roots (Brimecombe et al., 2001). The establishment of
large numbers of metabolically active populations of soil
As for carbamazepine, no significant differences in microbes in the rhizosphere is certainly important (Brix,
carbamazepine removal efficiency between planted beds 1997), as the microbial population found in the soil is
(28.4% for 2-day HRT and 26.7% for 4-day HRT) and associated with the plant roots, which can reach up to
unplanted beds (28.8% for 2-day and 28.3% for 4-day 109 to 1012 per gram of soil (Whipps, 1990). In addition,
HRT) were observed in our study. Another pharmaceutical the possibility that root exudates also may play a role in
compound, diclofenac has also been reported as a recalcitrant induction of specific metabolic activities conferring the
compound in microcosm experiments, membrane bioreactor ability to degrade certain pharmaceuticals, or increase
systems, and activated sludge STP (Hebere, 2002), and bioavailability of pharmaceuticals by acting as surfactants
in our study the removal efficiency of diclofenac in the or transporters, should not be overlooked.
planted beds ranged from 47.5 to 55.4%, compared to that
of unplanted bed of 41.1% to 46.7% (Table 1). Carbamazepine is considered to be one of the most
recalcitrant pharmaceuticals and the removal behavior of
such compounds is completely different from the others
3.2 Discussion above. The recalcitrant nature of this substance has also
been previously reported at other WWTPS. Its low removal
In our present study, ibuprofen and naproxen, both efficiency can be attributed to its higher hydrophobicity,
pharmaceutical compounds with low Kow values, showed and the major fraction of removal of this compound could
significantly (p<0.05) higher removal efficiencies in the be explained by the sorption onto the available organic
planted beds as compared to that in the unplanted beds surfaces (Matamoros et al., 2005). Surprisingly, comparing
(Figure 2). This finding is also consistent with those with other unplanted beds, HSSF CWs, VSSF CWs, or
reported by other researchers, which indicated the removal even WWTPs, the removal efficiencies of cabamazepine in
efficiency for ibuprofen in planted HSSF (with sand depth our study shows much better outcome. However, Hijosa-
of 0.27 m) ranged from 71-80% and 80-90% for naproxen Valsero et al (2010) reported that carbamazepine removal
(Matamoros and Bayona, 2006), but only 49-90% for was favored by plant presence, which is not consistent
ibuprofen and 66-80% for naproxen in unplanted beds with our results.
(Matamoros et al, 2007). This may be well attributed to
the rhizosphere effect, since it has been extensively shown As for diclofenac removal, the sorption of these compounds
that rhizosphere aeration plays an important role part in onto organic matter retained in the gravel bed is an
the establishment of an oxidizing environment to support important removal mechanism due to their hydrophobic
high microbial activity (Reddy et al., 1989). structure, which could be ascribed to specific structural
characteristics. Surprisingly, a significant difference between
Surprisingly in our CW system, levels of DO, COD and planted and unplanted bed was observed for planted beds as
TOC in the planted beds as compared to those in the compared to the unplanted beds but only at a 4-day HRT
unplanted beds were found to be not statistically different (Table 1). Further investigation of its removal pathway
(p>0.05). Since the levels of the pharmaceutical compounds and mechanisms is needed to be carried out in future
enriched into our wetlands were in the μg/L range (as experiments.
opposed to COD levels in the tens to hundreds of mg/L
range), we would have expected that the oxygen demand
to satisfy the requirements for pharmaceutical removal, CONCLUSIONS
would be relatively small. Therefore, our results indicate
the possibility of some rhizosphere effect, aside from This study demonstrated that CWs can be cost-effective
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
rhizosphere aeration alone, as playing a significant role and sustainable alternative for removing selected emerging
in the efficient pharmaceutical removal in tropical CWs contaminants. The key results can be drawn as follows:
we observed.
CWs can offer comparable or even better pharmaceutical
The removal of ibuprofen and naproxen that were observed removal efficiencies as compared to conventional WWTPs.
in planted beds was also reported by Hijosa-Valsero et al Both ibuprofen and naproxen, pharmaceutical compounds
(2010). The author also indicates that ibuprofen does not to both with low Kow values showed significant (p<0.05)
bind significantly to organic matter retained in the gravel enhancement of removal in planted beds as compared to
beds or pond sediment, and an HFCW planted with T. unplanted ones. The presence of plants seems to favor
latifolia played a significant role in the removal of ibuprofen. the removal of certain pharmaceuticals from wastewater.
This is attributed to the effect of rhizosphere aeration and Rhizosphere aeration plays an important role part in the
more oxidized conditions in these shallow subsurface of establishment of an oxidizing environment, and the more
oxidized condition in the planted beds can promote aerobic [5] Heberer, T., 2002. “Occurrence, fate and removal of
reactions to support high microbial activity, leading to higher pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: a review
degree of biodegradation and removal efficiency. of recent research data”. Toxico. Lett. 2002, 31, 5-17.
[6] Hijosa-Valsero, M., Matamoros, V., Sidrach-Cardona, R.,
Carbamazepine, considered as the most recalcitrant Martín-Villacorta, J., Bécares, E. and Bayona, J.M., 2010.
pharmaceuticals, and declofenac showed low removal “Comprehensive assessment of the design configuration of
constructed wetlands for the removal of pharmaceuticals and
efficiencies in our CW, attributed to their higher
personal care products from urban wastewaters”. Water Res.
hydrophobicity. The fact that the removal of these 44 (2010) 3669-3678.
compounds could be explained by the sorption onto the
[7] Llorens, E., Matamoros, V., Domingo, V., Bayona, J.M.
available organic surfaces, explains why there was no and García, J., 2009. “Water quality improvement in a full-
significant difference (p>0.05) in their removal efficiencies scale tertiary constructed wetland: Effects on conventional
between planted and unplanted beds. and specific organic contaminants”. Science of the Total
Environment, 407 (2009) 2517-2524.
No statistical significant differences (p>0.05) were observed [8] Matamoros, V., García, J. and Bayona, J.M., 2005. “Behavior
for the removal efficiencies of any of the pharmaceuticals of selected pharmaceuticals in subsurface flow constructed
tested for a 2-day HRT as compared to a 4-day HRT. wetlands: a pilot-scale study”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005,
However, the rather efficient removal shown by the tropical 39, 5449-5454.
wetlands with HRTs of 2 to 4 days indicates the possibility [9] Matamoros, V. and Bayona, J.M., 2006. “Elimination of
of using such a CW system (with less land requirements) pharmaceuticals and personal care products in subsurface
for removing certain pharmaceuticals from drinking water flow constructed wetlands”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40,
reservoirs in Singapore or other tropical regions. 5811-5816.
[10] Matamoros, V., Arias, C., Brix, H. and Bayona, J. M., 2007.
“Removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products
(PPCPs) from urban wastewater in a pilot vertical flow
constructed wetland and a sand filter”. Environ. Sci. Technol.
2007, 41 8171-8177.
[1] Brimecombe, M.J., Leij, F. A.A.M. and Lynch, J.M., 2001.
“Rhizodeposition and microbial populations”. In: The [11] Mitsch, W. J., Day, J. W., Zhang, J. L. and Lane, R., 2005.
rhizosphere: biochemistry and organic substances at the “Nitrate-nitrogen retention by wetlands in the Mississippi
soil-plant interface, Pinton, R.,Varanini, Z., Nannipieri, P., River Basin”. Ecological Engineering, 24: 267-278.
Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, pp. 74-98. [12] Mitsch, W.J., Tejada, J., Nahlik, A., Kohlmann, B., Bernal,
[2] Brix, H., 1997. “Do macrophytes play a role in constructed B. and Hernández, C.E., 2008. “Tropical wetlands for climate
treatment wetlands?” Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 35, No. 5, pp 11- change research, water quality management and conservation
17. education on a university campus in Gosta Rita”. Ecological
Engineering, 34 (2008) 276-288
[3] Buser, H., Poiger, T. and Mueller, M. D., 1999. “Occurrence
and environmental behaviour of the chiral pharmaceutical drug [13] Ternes, T.A., Stüber, J., Herrmann, N., McDowell, D., Ried,
ibuprofen in surface waters and in wastewater”. Environ. Sci. A. and Kampmann, M., 2003. “Ozonation: a tool for removal
Technol. 1999, 33, 2529-2535. of pharmaceuticals, contrast media and musk fragrances from
wastewater?” Water Res 2003, 37(8): 1976-82.
[4] Ellis, J. B., 2006. “Pharmaceutical and personal care products
(PPCPs) in urban receiving waters”. Environ. Pollut. 144, [14] Whipps, J.M., 1990. “Carbon economy”. In J.M., Lynch, ed,
184-189. The Rhizosphere. Wiley, New York, pp 59-97.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Figure 4. Measured reflection coefficient (Cr) & transmission [1] C.R. Liu, Z.H. Huang, and S.K. Tan, 2009. “Nonlinear
coefficient (Ct) of the floating breakwater. scattering of non-breaking waves by a submerged horizontal
plate Experiments and simulations”. Ocean Engineering, 36
(2009) 1332-1345.
The measured Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) for [2] Goda, Y., 2000. “Random Seas and Design of Maritime
pitch, surge and heave responses are shown in Figure 5 as Structures”. 2nd Edition, World Scientific, Singapore.
functions of the normalized wave frequency parameter. It [3] Sannasiraj, S.A., Sundar, V. and Sundaravadivelu, R., 1998.
can be found that the maximum values of RAOs for three “Mooring forces and motion response of pontoon-type floating
modes of motion occur when the incident wave frequency breakwaters”. Ocean Engineering, 25(1): 27-48.
equals to the natural frequencies of the breakwater model.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: Slotted barrier are low cost structures that can be very effective in reducing the transmitted energy of long waves. In this
study, the transmission and reflection of tsunami waves, with the leading wave being modelled by a solitary wave, through slotted barriers
in the form of a row of circular cylinders were studied experimentally. The results were also analyzed by a method based on long wave
approximations. It is found that the spacing between two adjacent cylinders is one of the main factors that control the transmission of
solitary waves through slotted barriers. Hydrodynamic forces induced by solitary wave were measured and drag force coefficients of
the slotted barrier are discussed in this paper.
Tsunami waves generated by mighty underwater earthquakes/ In laboratory simulation, the first peak of tsunami waves
landslides, which can occur at any time, can strike in is normally modeled by a solitary wave in view of
minutes, and cause damages to coastal areas. Active the extremely long length of such waves. A series of
protective measures such as breakwaters are also necessary experiments were conducted in a wave flume located at
to prevent ships from breaking mooring lines and hitting the Hydraulics Laboratory, NTU, Singapore, to study the
the port facilities because of the tsunami-induced current. transmission/reflection and wave forces of solitary waves
through pile/slotted breakwaters consisting of an array of
Pile or slotted breakwaters are low cost breakwaters (see
circular cylinders of diameter D = 3 cm. Two wave probes
Mani & Jayakumar (1995) for cost estimation for pipe/ were used to measure the surface elevations at location G1
slotted breakwaters) that can be very effective in reducing and G2, and the middle cylinder was instrumented with
the transmitted energy of long waves (see Mei et al. a 3-D force transducer at its top end to measure the total
(1974)). Figure 1 shows a section of pile breakwater along wave forces acting on it. Figure 2 shows a view of the
Singapore coast. A lot of research has been carried out on pile breakwater used in our experiments. The wave flume
the interactions of regular waves with slotted barriers in the was 32 m long and 54 cm wide. Installed at one end of
absence of currents (e.g. Kakuno & Liu (1993); Isaacson et the wave flume was a piston- type wave generator (HR
al. (1998); Huang (2007)). Recently, the effects of currents Wallingford), which was used to generate the solitary waves.
on the scattering of regular waves by slotted barriers were Figure 3 shows the experimental setup, where the wave
examined by Huang (2006) and Huang & Ghidaoui (2007). probe G1 was used to measure the incident and reflected
However, few studies about tsunami wave interaction with waves while the wave probe G2 was used to measure the
slotted barriers are reported. transmitted wave. Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
To study the effects of water depth and incident wave For a given incident wave height HI/h, the measured
height, five wave heights varying from 4 cm to 8 cm were transmission coefficient increases with increasing spacing-
examined for h = 15 cm and six wave heights varying to diameter ratio S/D, while the reflection coefficient
from 5 cm to 10 cm were examined for h = 20cm. Three decreases with increasing S/D. These trends agree with
different slotted barriers were used in the experiments, the following theoretical observations: in the limit of
with the center to-center distance between two adjacent S / D → ∞, theoretically CT → 1 and CR → 0; in the
limit of S / D → 0, theoretically CT → 0 and CR → 1.
cylinders (spacing) being S = 4.5 cm, S = 4.2 cm, S =
The transmission coefficients are calculated by long wave
3.64 cm, respectively. As the diameter of the cylinder was theory by Huang & Ghidaoui (2007) for a given barrier
3 cm, the spacing-to-diameter ratio S/D ranged from 1.50 and incident wave conditions. Numerical experiments
to 1.21 in this study. show that the following values of f can produce the best
fits to the measured transmission coefficients for the three
barriers: f =3 for S/D =1.5, f =6 for S/D =1.4 and f = 18
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS for S/D = 1.21. Figures 4~6 show the comparison between
the predicted and measured transmission coefficients for all
We can define the reflection (CR) and transmission (CT) three barriers studied in the experiments. It can be seen that
the long wave approximation can predict the transmission
coefficients by
coefficient satisfactorily.
CR = , CT = T …(1)
where HR, HT and HI are the heights of reflected, transmitted
and incident solitary waves, respectively. These coefficients
are determined both experimentally and by using the
theory developed for long waves interacting with a slotted
barrier in the presence of a uniform current (Huang &
Ghidaoui (2007)).In our experiments, two water depths
were examined with D/h = 1/5 and D/h = 3/20, respectively.
After analyzing our experimental data, it was found that
the measured reflection and transmission coefficients are
nearly independent of D/h. Figures 4~6 show the measured
reflection and transmission coefficients, together with those
Figure 5. Comparison between the measured and predicted
predicted by long wave theory of Huang & Ghidaoui hydrodynamic coefficients for S/D = 1.40. Solid lines (f = 6),
(2007), for spacing-to-diameter ratio S/D = 1.21, 1.40, chains (f =4.8), and dashed lines (f =7.2).
and 1.50, respectively. Here, f is an equivalent quadratic (See Huang & Yuan 2010).
loss coefficient to be determined from the experiments.
For a given S/D, the measured transmission coefficient
decreases with increasing HI/h, while the measured reflection The predicted reflection coefficients are also shown in
Figures 4~6. The long wave approximation can still provide
coefficient is insensitive to the change in HI/h. These trends
reasonable prediction of the reflection coefficients for
are similar to those found in long waves scattered by a relatively small HI/h, i.e., the nonlinearity is weak. For large
slotted barrier in the presence of a uniform current (Huang HI/h, long wave approximation over-predicts the reflection
& Ghidaoui (2007)). coefficients for all three barriers. It is expected that the
nonlinear interaction between the incident and reflected
solitary waves cannot be handled by long wave theory of
Huang & Ghidaoui (2007).
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Figure 7. General tendency of drag coefficients versus [7] Mani, J.S. and Jayakumar, S., 1995. “Wave transmission by
dimensionless incident wave heights. suspended pipe breakwater”. Journal of Waterway, Harbor,
Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 121 (6): 335-338.
[8] Mei, C.C., Liu, P.L.-F. and Ippen, A.T., 1974. “Quadratic
CONCLUDING REMARKS head loss and scattering of long waves”. Journal of Waterway,
Harbor and Coastal Engineering Division, 99: 209-229.
In this study, the transmission, reflection and drag force [9] Titov, V.V., Rabinovich, A.B., Mofjeld, H.O., Thomson, R.E.
of solitary wave through pile breakwaters were studied and Gonzalez, F.I., 2005. “The global reach of the 26 December
experimentally, and the measured transmission coefficients 2004 Sumatra tsunami”. Science, 309: 2045-2048.
agree well with those calculated by using long wave
approximation. The transmission coefficient decreases
slightly with increasing HI/h, while the reflection coefficient
is not sensitive to the change of HI/h; the drag force
coefficient decreases slightly with increasing HI/h. The
spacing between the adjacent cylinders has significant
influence on the transmission, reflection and drag force
coefficient; reducing the barrier spacing would remarkably
reduce/increase the transmission/reflection and drag force
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Drop coming out of a faucet coated with calcium
from the hard water; (b) Scale reducing the size
of pipework [2].
synthesized to achieve better treatment efficiency and to 10.6 to achieve efficient precipitation [7]. If the raw
regeneration ability. water contains a high amount of magnesium, excess lime
must be introduced to raise pH above 11 in order to help
precipitating magnesium hydroxide.
Table 1. Lime softening reactions
If the water needs to have the mineral content entirely Hardness Lime Precipitate
removed, it is passed through a cation exchange column in CO2’ + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O
the hydrogen ion form (H+), followed by an anion exchange
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 + 2H2O
column in the hydroxide form (OH-) to replace all the
cations and anions, respectively. The two-step ion exchange Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + MgCO3 + 2H2O
process is called demineralization [6]. The regeneration MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3
process involves the recharging of both hydrogen with a
strong acid (usually HCl) and hydroxide ions with a strong If non-carbonate hardness is involved, soda ash addition
base (usually NaOH) for the two columns of resins. is needed. Table 2 shows the additional reactions involved
for lime-soda ash softening. The raw water is assumed to
Water demineralization is also widely used for the contain SO42- in addition to bicarbonate ions.
production of high purity water. However, compared with
the ordinary ion exchange resin process, additional hazards Table 2. Additional reactions for lime-soda softening.
are introduced due to the involvement of strong acid and Hardness Lime/soda ash Precipitate
base. That is the main reason why this technology is less MgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaSO4
commonly applied in household use.
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 + Na2SO4
Water softening by chemical precipitation A key feature of lime softening is that both the calcium in
the raw water as well as the calcium added with the lime
Water softening by chemical precipitation has been applied are precipitated. As a result, the total dissolved solids (TDS)
commonly for large-scale industrial and potable water decrease after the treatment. This is in contrast to the ion
production. There are two major types of precipitation exchange softening where sodium is exchanged for calcium
reactions involved in water softening, which include and magnesium ions, and no significant change occurs in
precipitation by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide, the level of TDS. The cost-effectiveness in treating large
Ca(OH)2) or soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na2CO3). Lime quantities of surface water also makes lime softening be
is used to remove chemicals that cause carbonate hardness, a major water softening technology in water treatment
while soda ash is introduced to remove chemicals that plant-scale applications [8].
cause non-carbonate hardness. Other chemicals applied
for precipitation treatment include quicklime (CaO) and However, several problems are encountered during the
caustic soda (NaOH). application of this technology. Water after lime treatment
has a high pH, which needs an additional stage of pH
neutralization process. The treatment and disposal of large
Working principles of lime and lime-soda ash amount of high pH sludge is also a problem. Moreover,
treatments continuous removal of the calcium carbonate scale on rapid
mixers and flocculation basin equipment brings additional
During lime softening process, the addition of lime leads operating and maintenance costs.
to the increase of raw water pH and the shift of the
equilibrium of the carbonate species in the water. When pH
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
gets above 9.5, most of the dissolved carbon dioxide and MEMBRANE FILTRAION
bicarbonate convert into carbonate so that it becomes the
dominant species in the carbonate system. Then calcium Water softening by pressure-driven membrane
carbonate begins to precipitate because the concentrations processes
of the two ions exceed solubility limit of calcium
carbonate. Additionally, magnesium can be precipitated With rapid development of membrane technology in recent
as magnesium hydroxide if excess lime is added into the years, conventional water softening methods involving
system and pH exceeds 11. Table 1 shows the chemical ion exchange resin, zeolites, and lime or lime-soda
reactions occurred during lime softening process. For raw ash treatments are being replaced by membrane-based
water containing minimal magnesium ions, only calcium approaches. Compared with conventional methods, water
needs to be removed. No excess lime needs to be added, softening through membrane filtration does not involve large
and system pH can be maintained in a range from 10.3 quantities of chemicals such as lime and sodium chloride
as well as other potentially hazardous chemicals, which scaling and fouling problems and loses performance during
can reduce significantly the TDS of raw water. Therefore, the treatment process [10]. Anti-fouling or pretreatment of
hardness removal through membrane processes has the raw water is therefore required, which reduces the efficiency
potential to offer lower operating and by-product disposal of the overall treatment processes. In addition, the high
costs, increased operation safety and relatively lower energy operating pressure causes high energy consumption. In fact,
consumption [9]. the operating and maintenance costs are a few of the major
drawbacks of RO process in large-scale applications.
Membrane filtration is a separation process with the input
of energy, which serves as a driving force to separate a
mixture. For the application of water softening, reverse Nanofiltration membranes
osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration (NF) membranes are utilized
to physically remove the hard water minerals from the In order to overcome the problems of high energy
raw water source. The type of membrane determines the consumption and membrane scaling and fouling, NF
degree of treatment. membranes are being employed to replace the RO
membranes for certain applications. Since NF membranes
have a less dense structure than RO membranes, a lower
Reverse osmosis applied pressure is required for NF membranes to achieve a
similar water permeation flux as RO membranes. However,
RO has been widely used from household drinking water NF membranes have a nominal pore size in nanometer
purification and industrial water purification to large-scale scale and thus present poorer rejection for univalent ion
water production, seawater desalination and wastewater species like sodium chloride. Nevertheless, NF membranes
treatment. Forward osmosis is the automatic net flow of still remain high rejection to divalent and multivalent ions
water through a semi-permeable membrane from a dilute such as calcium and magnesium ions, which makes it more
solution to a concentrated solution due to the osmotic suitable for water softening.
pressure difference across the membrane. In contrast, RO
is a pressure-driven membrane process which allows water NF membranes are often charged to enhance removal of
in the concentrated solution to pass through the membrane hard water divalent ions from raw water. The separation
and flow into the dilute solution under an external hydraulic mechanisms in this case involve an electrostatic effect
pressure to overcome the osmotic pressure difference. In this named Donnan exclusion and size exclusion. For example,
case, the concentrated solution gets even more concentrated the surface of the NF membrane can carry positive charges.
while more diluted solution i.e. purified water is produced. The divalent ions like Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the feed water
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of reverse osmosis will be electrostatically excluded from getting closed to
process. and passing through the membrane. In order to keep the
neutrality of the feed water, the anions like Cl- and SO42-
have to be retained in the solution- thus only water can
pass through the membrane. The Donnan exclusion is less
efficient for the rejection of univalent cations because the
charge density on the univalent ions is smaller than divalent
and multivalent ions [11].
Figure 3. Schematic of reverse osmosis process. consumption and membrane fouling tendency. In addition,
NF membranes are mainly in the configurations of flat
RO membranes are able to reject almost all solutes existing sheet and tubular membranes. It is desirable to utilize
in the water such as bacteria, natural organic matters, hollow fiber membranes for large scale water softening
heavy metal ions and multivalent, divalent and univalent processes, as hollow fiber membranes offer better packing
ions. Thus, when using as a means of water softening, density, higher surface area to volume ratio and self-support
RO process does not only remove hard water minerals, capability. To address these challenges, the Singapore
but also purifies the raw water to a higher degree than the Membrane Technology Centre at NTU is currently
requirement of water softening. This characteristic is not conducting research in collaboration with Siemens Water
always an advantage. A higher degree of water treatment Technologies. The project aims to fabricate novel NF hollow
would produce highly concentrated brine that needs to be fiber membranes with high water permeation flux and high
handled properly. The RO membrane also faces serious rejection of divalent ions at a low operating pressure for
water softening.
SUMMARY [2] Hustvedt, Drop coming out of a faucet coated with calcium
from the hard water. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from
Three technologies of ion exchange, chemical precipitation http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Hard_
and membrane filtration, which are widely used for water
softening, are reviewed. The pros and cons of each [3] A.P. Sincero and G.A. Sincero, Physical-chemical treatment of
technology are discussed. Ion exchange resin and zeolites water and waste water. IWA Publishing: CRC Press; 2003.
treatment are mainly applied in household and industrial [4] W. Wist, J.H. Lehr and R. McEachern, Water softening
water softening, but the excess brine solution produced with potassium chloride: process, health, and environmental
benefits. J. Wiley; 2009.
during the regeneration process is difficult to handle if the
technology is applied in a large-scale. Lime softening and [5] G.F. Hodkinson, Zeolite water softener, US Patent 1,763,783,
lime-soda ash treatments are more suitable for large-scale
municipal or industrial water production, while facing [6] C.E. Harland, Ion exchange: theory and practice, Royal
problems involving post-treatment for pH neutralization of Society of Chemistry; 1994
softened water and disposal of large amount of high pH [7] S. Kawamura, Integrated Design and Operation of Water
sludge. These two conventional water softening methods are Treatment Facilities, 2nd ed., J. Wiley; 2000
being replaced by advanced membrane filtration technology, [8] American Water Works Association, American Society of Civil
due to its potential to offer lower operating and by-product Engineers, Water treatment plant design, 3rd ed., McGraw-
Hill; 1998.
disposal costs, and relatively low energy consumption.
Nanofiltration is found to be the most suitable membrane [9] F.E. Duran and G.W. Dunkelberger, A comparison of
process for water softening, but extensive R&D is needed membrane softening on three South Florida groundwaters,
Desalination (1995) 102, 27-34.
to develop high performance NF hollow fiber membranes
for this application. [10] E.M. Vrijenhoek, S. Hong and M. Elimelech, 2001. “Influence
of membrane surface properties on initial rate of colloidal
fouling of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes”.
Journal of Membrane Science, 188, 115-128.
REFERENCES [11] Yaroshchuk, A.E., 2001. “Non-steric mechanisms of
nanofiltration: superposition of Donnan and dielectric
[1 C. Gabrielli, G. Maurin, H. Francy-Chausson, P. Thery, T.T. M. exclusion”. Separation and Purification Technology, 22-23,
Tran and M. Tlili, Electrochemical water softening: principle 143-158.
and application. Desalination (2006) 201, 150–163.
Lim Siow Yong (csylim@ntu.edu.sg),
Xie Chen (xiec0001@ntu.edu.sg)
sluice gate was fixed. The sluice gate can be installed at
any location on the apron. This arrangement facilitates where n = number of digging-filling cycles, tfi and tdi are
the study of the effect of apron length on the jet-flipping the filling and digging time in the ith cycle, respectively.
phenomenon downstream of the gate. Uniform sand with
median grain diameter (d50) of 0.73 mm was used and
the geometric standard deviation (σg) was 1.12. All the Time sequence analysis
experiments ran for 7 days and were set with the same
tailwater depth (Ht = 12.7cm), sluice gate opening (d0 = Under normal circumstances for a typical jet scour
10mm), discharge (Q = 2.128L/s), velocity (u0 = 0.71m/s), experiment, the scour hole will increase with time, and
Froude number (Fr = 2.267), while only the apron length eventually it will attain an equilibrium state after a long
(L) was changed. We used a video to record the scouring scouring time. For the hydraulic conditions used in the
process. From the recording, the duration of the digging present study, at the initial stage the jet would dive and
and filling phases was noted. The end of digging or start to dig at the sediment bed. Soon scour hole of a
Figure 2. (a) Bed profile during digging phase by bed-jet with calm water surface (b) Bed profile during filling phase
with wavy water surface by surface-jet. (Arrow shows direction of jet action).
Figure 3. The time-sequence of each digging and filling phase for different apron lengths.
certain depth with a corresponding ridge was formed. The vigorously as the surface-jet is again transformed into a
hole continued to deepen as the scour progressed with time bed-jet. Hence, the process is cyclical with bed-jet scouring
until a stage was reached whence there was no significant the bed during the digging phase and then transforms to a
change in the scour depth, which looked like the equilibrium surface-jet where the hole is back-filled during the filling
state was reached. This period is called the digging phase phase, and vice versa. For a run time of 7 days, we have
of the scour development, and the jet action was generally extracted from the video recording the number of cycles
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
along the bed and the water surface was calm (Fig. 2a). and their durations for each digging and filling phases (Fig.
However, a short while later, the sediment was observed to 3). Usually, the scour depth reached a maximum in the first
suddenly roll down from the ridge region and back-filling few digging phases and the maximum depth in each digging
into the scour hole. The water surface also became rough phase was almost the same. And the minimum depth in
and wavy. This was caused by the sudden change of the each filling phase was also almost the same.
jet action from a bed-jet to a surface-jet (Fig. 2b). In the
filling phase, the rate at the initial stage of filling was rapid Figure 3 shows that, for each run, the filling time is much
and the scour hole was almost leveled and the ridge was longer than the digging time. The filling time becomes
flattened in the process. For quite a long period during this increasingly longer, while the digging time becomes shorter
filling phase, it seemed an equilibrium state was reached with small scale oscillation over the recording period. For
as there was no significant depth change in the filled scour comparison, a dimensionless time is used (Fig. 4). The
hole. The filling phase usually lasts very long, at the end lines of digging for L = 21cm and 30cm are quite similar.
of which the jet would suddenly begin to scour the bed However, the lines for L = 15cm is very short for the
Figure 4. Dimensionless time analysis for three runs with different apron length.
reason that the average time t0 for a shorter apron is much Fig. 5 shows 3 photos at different stages of the scouring
longer, about 937 mins. Although all the experiments ran process for Run 13. It can be seen that the maximum
for 7 days, it is not long enough for Run 15 but too long scour depth did not change, but the ridge height decreases
for Run 14. But the trend can be found that the lines for over the many flipping cycles between Fig. 5a (24/8/10,
Run 15 are quite similar to Run 13 and Run 14. That is, 05:33) to Fig. 5c (30/8/10 16:25). The ridge profiles in
if Run 15 is allowed to run for more days, its trend seems Figs. 5b and 5c can be seen being flattened compared to
to have a similar pattern as Run 13 and Run 14. In Table Fig. 5a, resulting in a reduced ridge height. Fig. 5c shows
1, Run 16 has no apron (i.e. L = 0) and the jet-flipping that the shaded ridge material has been deposited further
phenomenon did not occur. It seems to indicate that the downstream, giving an elongated and flattened bed profile
apron plays an important role for jet-flipping to occur. The downstream of the crest after about 6.5 days of scouring
results in Table 1 show that the average time t0 increases action.
exponentially as the apron length decreases.
As scouring time increases and as more digging-filling
cycles occurred, more particles ‘escaped’ and there are
relatively less particles in the hole-ridge region compared
to earlier cycles. The net effect is that back-filling of
sediments from the ridge to the scour hole takes a longer
time to fill the hole to a level for the next digging action
to be triggered. The digging time remains more or less the
same, and the jet digs to a depth that is required to trigger
the next filling phase. This explains why the maximum
scour depth remains almost constant but the filling time
is increasingly longer as scour progresses.
(2) There are two phases. A digging phase where the jet
behaves as a bed-jet and a scour hole is formed. The
water surface is calm during this phase. After the
scour depth reaches a certain maximum value, the jet
flips from the bed towards the water surface causing
it to become rough and choppy and the filling phase
commences. During this phase, the sediments on the
ridge roll back to fill up the hole until it reaches a
certain minimum scour depth whence the digging
Figure 5. Transition of the scour profile. phase would resume. The digging-filling processes are
ABSTRACT: The paper presents a web-based decision support system (DSS) for port selection using analytical hierarchy process
(AHP) methodology. AHP is able to assist managers in obtaining a detailed understanding of the criteria and address the port selection
problem utilising multi-criteria analysis. It shows how technology advancement can bring positive effects on strategic planning of
shipping firms.
In liner shipping, service network planning is an important
activity. Selecting the candidate calling ports is the first ♦
step in service network planning. In practice, the current User Interface (Visual Basic)
mode of planning is still to a large extent manual, where
considerable professional knowledge and experience is the
key driver. This may not be an ideal method when time is
of essence and rapid decision making is required to respond Port Selection Module (AHP)
to a dynamic market. Therefore, a DSS that can carry out
the process more efficiently is of utmost importance.
which handles all the calculations and optimisations. 3. Select the port criteria (j = 1, 2,….N) to be considered
The last tier is the database that stores all the necessary and determine the weight of each criterion (wj); the
information for processing. VB.net is used to develop the sum of all selected criteria weights must be equal to
front end of the system, whereas in the second layer, Visual 1. If the user cannot determine the criteria weights
Basic is employed to develop mechanisms to perform directly, the weights are calculated using pair-wise
simple manipulations of the records and interact with the comparison (from AHP using a nine-scale scoring).
database, as well as with the optimisation and financial In pair-wise comparisons, inconsistency may occur.
analysis modules. The database, on the other hand, is mainly Therefore, the consistency ratio (CR) is calculated and
handled by Microsoft software. We use Access and Excel if CR is greater than 0.1, the pair-wise comparison
to maintain all the necessary data. matrix is revised.
4. Retrieve scores to all ports in selected regions and The second interface is the comparison and prioritization
criteria from the ports’ database. The score of port k module. The module allows the decision maker to make
under criterion j is Skj. pair-wise comparisons of the selected criteria, and reports
5. The total score of port k (TSk) is the weighted sum the weight of each criterion and the consistency ratio
of the port’s scores in all criteria. (CR) using AHP. In this case, the decision maker focuses
TSk = ∑wjSkj more on container transhipment and its costs than on port
infrastructure. Based on criteria weight calculation in this
6. For each region choose xi ports with the highest case, the weight for port infrastructure, port charge and
score. container traffic is 0.2, 0.4 and 0.4 respectively. CR is 0.00,
7. Perform sensitivity analysis if the decision maker which is less than 0.1 and thus the pair-wise comparison is
wants to know the effects of changing his preference consistent. Same as criteria selection, different users have
for port criteria, due to, for example, a change in port different preferences, and thus the other decision makers
situation. can change the “Input” data (pair-wise comparisons of
the selected criteria) in the module to get the new criteria
weights automatically.
Case study
In the third interface, port data are retrieved from the
The system has been tested and validated with an anonymous database. Thereafter, the ports with the highest overall
liner shipping company in real operation mode to ensure score in each region are selected. In this case, there are
that it is suitable for practical operations. The company is five ports in each region, South Asia and Middle East,
an international liner operator with a wide liner service respectively. According to the requirement for the number
network. In our DSS, there are ten proposed regions: North of ports selected in each region, which has been mentioned
Asia, East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Australia, above, Karachi, Mundra and Nhava Sheeva in South Asia
New Zealand and Pacific, Africa, Europe, Middle East, and Aden and Jeddah in Middle East having the highest
North America and Latin America. These regions depend scores are selected.
on the applicable shipping line network. According to the
literature review and interviews with the managers in the
company, the following six criteria are included for the port CONCLUSIONS
selection analysis: location, port charge, port infrastructure,
ship calls, container traffic, and water depth. In this system, the most valuable trait is that the user
himself can select the port criteria he wants and change the
Selection of the port region, the number of ports visited preference of each criterion according to the real situation
and the subject criteria to be analyzed is done by the first and company policy.
interface of the system. Through this interface, the decision
maker selects the port regions to be served in the liner Due to the flexibility of the system, the decision maker
network analysis by adding a new port region or removing in the company can change his preferences case by case,
any port region from the port regions list. After selecting which helps to enhance the service quality of the liner
port regions to be served, the decision maker chooses the shipping company and get a more competitive position in the
number of ports to be visited in the responding port region dynamic shipping market. The paper shows how technology
and the subjective criteria to be considered for the liner advancement like utilising DSS can bring positive effects
network within these selected port regions. on strategic planning of shipping companies.
In this case, the user of the system needs to choose 3 The work to develop the DSS can be enhanced in future
ports in South Asia and 2 ports in Middle East to serve a research. Port criteria are essential to select ports and
liner network. A liner network planning manager (decision represent an important linkage in the DSS. Marketing theory
maker) in the company bases on company policy and/or his has pointed out that a customer’s perception of a particular
experience and selects three criteria – port infrastructure, situation is often different from that of another customer.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
port charge and container traffic - to evaluate the ports. Since Therefore, future work includes surveying the perspective
the criteria selection is based on company’s/ management’s of the shippers in various port regions, and modifying the
preference, other users can choose different criteria for port system according to the new port criteria in order to give
evaluation to get different results. the user more precise choices on port criteria.
ABSTRACT: Dangerous Goods (DG) can lead to serious consequences if improperly managed. Hence, a sound regulating system is
needed to safeguard the handling of DG. In Singapore, many international and national regulations have been implemented. Supportive
initiatives have also been launched by DG agencies to improve the regulation system.
Our research study shows that there are incongruous opinions between industry and regulating agencies concerning Singapore’s DG
regulation system. While industry companies aspire for a unified system with one DG agency in charge to reduce confusions existing in
the current system, the regulatory bodies have their reasons to retain the multi-agency system as they continue to improve and delegate
responsibilities clearly among DG agencies.
A common response from the industry interviewees is that there is room to improve the effectiveness of communication between industry
and regulating agencies. The agencies shall endeavour to timely inform companies about DG developments.
Globally, DG is heavily regulated especially in Europe as The research is within the context of Singapore with focus
it concerns the health and safety of the population as well on transportation and logistics of DG. Relevant regulations
as being environmental hazards. Moreover, DG can also and supporting activities are reviewed and profiled; the
become terrorist weapons which could cause potentially compliance status and usefulness of regulations, as well
dangerous situations with disastrous consequences. as the future trends, are obtained from interviews and
In Singapore, DG carriers can be seen frequently on the
roads with special signs indicating the specific class of
DG on board. Since there is limited geographical space in METHODOLOGY
Singapore, even approved DG vehicles transportation routes
cannot avoid the closeness to the residential and central Primary data for this study were collected through interviews
district areas. Furthermore, research shows an increase and surveys. Logistics companies in Singapore which are
in frequency of accident occurrences in transportation of involved in DG transportation or handling were contacted.
DG in Europe and North America regions ever since the
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Several prior studies were assessed in order to understand Primary activities refer to the international and national
DG regulating system in Singapore, and thus to identify regulations while supporting activities serve to strengthen
the critical issues inherent in the system. implementation of the regulations. The main supporting
activities discussed in this study are technology applications
such as vehicle tracking devices and web portals, while
General system other supportive initiatives are conferences and responsible
care held and promoted by Singapore Chemical Industry
Having adopted a number of international DG rules and Council (SCIC). The characteristics of the primary and
regulations, Singapore has steadily improved its DG secondary activities can be categorised as follows:
regulating system and is catching up on European countries. • General rules and regulations
Mr. Jacobsen from Leschaco Pte Ltd observed, during an
• Classification and labelling of DG
interview, that Singapore has made considerable progress
in the past decade especially in the aspect of warehousing • Declaration of DG
for DG. • Emergency Management
• Licensing Control
In general, Singapore has established a relatively sound • Health and safety of personnel
DG regulating system based on the various regulations
and supportive activities promoted by several DG agencies. These categories of initiatives were surveyed by compliance
These regulations cover different aspects of DG transport status and usefulness, and the results are presented in the
and logistics which safeguard the DG transport chain within following Survey and Interview Results section.
Singapore in air, land and ocean freight. As Mr. Foong from
DHL has mentioned, Singapore enjoys a good international
reputation with good ratings for quality, technology and DG agencies in Singapore
extremely low corruption as well as good transportation
infrastructure. These performance indicators are important
The Singapore’s DG regulation system encompasses
considerations in the management of DG because it gives
a multiplicity of agencies (Table 1) which can cause
confidence to customers that DGs are managed in an
inconvenience for DG handling parties such as manufacturers,
efficient and effective manner with full compliance to
carriers and storage providers. Although each agency has
international DG regulations.
clearly-defined roles and responsibilities, there are grey
areas in the regulating system due to the complexities of
DG properties that result in different standards.
DG incidents in Singapore
Table 1. DG agencies in Singapore.
Internationally, DG accidents occur most frequently in
Main DG agencies
developed countries, especially on highways. The Major
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)
Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) in Europe was
National Environmental Agency (NEA)
established for reporting and analysing DG accidents. In
Singapore Police Force (SPF)
Singapore, as noted by several interviewees, the accident
rate is low compared with other developed countries. Other DG agencies
This may be due to two reasons-one being Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
limited landscape but more importantly, implementation Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
of prevention measures and a well-established regulation Health Science Authority (HAS)
Singapore Customs (SC)
framework such that possibility of accident occurrence is
Land Transport Authority (LTA)
minimised. However, without an established accidents SPRING Singapore
reporting system, accurate accident data are not available
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
for analysis. Mr. Tang from DGM Pte Ltd said that the
scale of DG incidents in Singapore was usually small and
Mr. Heng of SCDF ascribed the principal cause of incidents SUMMARY OF SURVEY AND INTERVIEW
to human negligence.
A strong emergency response programme is considered
The perspectives of the industry towards the inconvenience
as critical for dealing with DG incidents. In Singapore,
inherent in multi-agency regulation system were garnered
according to Mr. Kwok of SCDF, there are 4 Hazmat
from the survey. The scope of a compromise between the
stations located at Alexandra, Jurong Island, Tuas and
agencies and the industry towards enhancing the efficiency
Tampines. The Hazmat stations together with fire fighting
of Singapore’s DG regulation system was explored.
stations and Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)
form a strong emergency response team.
a. Interviewees expressed a multitude of opinions Singapore to regulate the system which lead to confusions
regarding the multi-agency issue in Singapore. and time consumption. The industry aspired for an integrated
Interviewees who considered the number of agencies system to make transactions more effective and efficient
as being too many were principally concerned that such as when applying for various licences. Moreover, this
there would be some repetition in the works to be can also help companies to reduce consultation times with
done such as when applying for licences, submission different agencies when enquiring on DG issues. Contrarily,
of DG manifest, etc. Interviewees who considered the DG agencies stated that they had recognised the benefit of
number of agencies as adequate held the view that such system to industry and had discussions on this issue for
principal DG regulating agencies, namely the SCDF, the past few years. The agencies have decided to maintain
NEA and SPF, should not thus pose any big problem. a multi-agency framework whereby each agency has DG
On the other hand, the agencies did not foresee any professionals to deal with specific kind of DG matters.
major change to the current framework, and they would Furthermore, there are only three major DG agencies namely
SCDF, NEA and SPF, and they constantly endeavour to there is less confusion. This intended action would affect
define division of roles among each agency clearly for the the national standards as many countries are complying
benefits of industry. The multi-agency approach involving with both UNRTDG and GHS. Moreover, Singapore port’s
each agency exercising responsibilities for specific DG indigenous classification of DG, i.e. the PSA Classes 1,
issues shall be maintained in the foreseeable future. 2 and 3, which only apply in Singapore port may cause
misunderstanding by shipper and carriers of DG, especially
Secondly, one important and urgent demand from the if they are unfamiliar with the system.
industry is effective communication with the authorities.
Updates on the web portals or regulations may not be This research study has mainly focused on the internal
timely communicated to the industry thereby causing factors, specific to Singapore’s context. Future research
inconvenience and delay. Previously, it was SCIC playing studies on DG regulating system should include more
the bridging role in bringing industry and agency personnel external factors such as comparisons with other countries’
together to share opinions and suggestions several times DG systems. The advantages and disadvantages of each
each year. One key initiative should be to promote and country’s DG framework can be examined to find the gaps.
enhance connection between the industry and the regulatory By analysing both internal and external environments, the
bodies to facilitate the process of exchanging information structure and content of Singapore’s DG regulating system
and points of views. can be further improved to achieve an even safer and more
effective DG regulating system in Singapore.
Thirdly, by comparing the findings of this study with the
2006 study by Mr. Rajkumar on DG logistics system in
Singapore (Rajkuma 2006), there has been better industry REFERENCES
compliance with agencies’ initiatives as resulting from the
continuous efforts put in by both the companies and the [1] Planas, E., Pastor, E., Presutto, F. and Tixier, J., 2008. “Results
agencies to improve DG system in Singapore. of the MITRA project: Monitoring and intervention for the
transportation of dangerous goods”. Journal of Hazardous
As for further R&D, one potential area is the harmonisation Materials, 152(2), 516-526.
of DG classification system at an international level. As [2] Rajkumar, T.V., 2006. Analysis of Dangerous Goods Logistics
there are two sets of chemical classification systems defined in Singapore. Master of Science (Logistics) dissertation,
by United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, retrieved
Dangerous Goods (UNRTDG) and United Nations Globally September 2009.
Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of [3] University of Wollongong, 2007. Dangerous Goods, School
Chemicals (GHS), international organisations do aspire and of Chemistry, Australia: University of Wollongong, retrieved
have intention to unify the classifications system so that November 2010.
Budi Wibawa (cwibawa@ntu.edu.sg)
Liyenita Widjaja (liye0002@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: Structures built on clay layers will cause consolidation settlement. There are two aspects of consolidation settlement,
i.e. the magnitude of settlement that is related to compression index and the rate of settlement corresponding to the coefficient of
consolidation. A Rowe cell was used to determine the coefficient of consolidation for both vertical and horizontal flow directions with
various drainage conditions.
and the pore fluid. Sridharan et al. (2004) observed that soil will decrease, as well as the coefficient of compressibility.
with lesser shrinkage index or plasticity index shows an However, the rate of decrease of permeability and
increasing trend of cv versus vertical effective stress (σv’), compressibility may not be the same (Robinson & Allam,
but for higher shrinkage index or plasticity index, there is 1998), and the difference in the rate affects the trend of
a decreasing trend of cv versus σv’ for soils of nearly the cv. In this experiment, the trend of cv tends to increase in
same liquid limit. the early stage of the consolidation up to a certain value,
and then decrease. This may be due to a larger rate of
In a saturated clay layer, water may flow in both horizontal decrease of permeability as compared to the decrease of
and vertical directions during consolidation process. The compressibility. When this trend occurs, even if there is a
rate of flow of water in vertical and horizontal directions decrease in both permeability and compressibility, the ratio
contributes to the overall rate of consolidation indicating of the rate may give an increase to the cv.
For double drainage tests, the trend of cv is found to have In this study, Rowe consolidation cell was used to overcome
nearly the same trend as that of single drainage, but it has the major disadvantages of conventional oedometer test.
a slightly lower value. The values of cv are in the range of Rowe cell allows a larger sample size, which is very
5.19×10-7 to 1.65×10-6 m2/s. During consolidation process, advantageous in the case of testing a non-uniform soil
both permeability and compressibility reduce with increasing sample. On top of that, the application of load is simpler,
effective consolidation pressure. The reason for this trend and it allows a control of drainage.
may be due to the significant difference between the rates
of decrease of permeability as compared to the rate of The coefficient of consolidation in the vertical flow direction
decrease of the coefficient of compressibility. In the early range is to be from 8.05×10-7 to 4.33×10-6 m2/s in the single
stage of consolidation, the rate where permeability decreases drainage condition and from 5.09×10-7 to 1.65×10-6 m2/s
is larger than the rate of decrease of the compressibility. in the double drainage condition.
When the rate is almost the same, the ratio is constant and
it will cause the cv to decrease with increasing effective In addition, the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal
pressure. The soil properties as compared to the specimen flow direction is found to be from 4.29×10-7 to 7.85×10-7
of Sridharan (2004) are similar. As the soil specimen has a m2/s in the radial drainage condition.
higher liquidity index (IL) when cv is directly proportional
to IL, consequently, the calculated values of cv in this
experiment are higher than that of Sridharan (2004). REFERENCES
[1] Chu, J., Myint, W.B., Chang, M.F. and Choa, V., 2002.
Radial drainage “Consolidation and permeability properties of Singapore
marine clay”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 9, pp. 724-732.
The coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal flow
direction (ch) has a range between 4.29×10-7 and 7.85×10-7 [2] Mesri, G. and Olson, R., 1970. “Mechanisms Controlling the
Compressibility of Clays”. Journal of American Society of
m2/s. It was found that ch shows a decreasing trend with
Civil Engineers, Vol. 96, pp. 1853-1878.
increasing effective consolidation pressure, and generally
lower value than that of cv. The decrease is noted to be more [3] Robinson, R. and Allam, M., 1998. “Effect of clay mineralogy
on coefficient of consolidation”. Clays and Clay Minerals,
visible in low pressure range, whereas in high pressure, it
Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 596-600.
tends to increase. As compared to the research on Singapore
[4] Rowe, P. and Barden, L., 1966. “A new consolidation cell”.
marine clay done by Chu et al. (2002), the values of ch of
Géotechnique, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 162-169.
kaolin in this study are found to be higher than Singapore
[5] Sridharan, A. and Nagaraj, H., 2004. “Coefficient of
marine clay. However, the trend of ch with respect to
consolidation and its correlation with index properties of
effective consolidation pressure is in a good agreement with remolded soils”. Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 27, No.
previous findings. As the effective consolidation pressure 5, pp. 469-474.
increases, both permeability and compressibility will also
[6] Terzaghi, K., Peck, R.B. and Mesri, G., 1996. Soil Mechanics
decrease. In this case, it is probable that the rate of decrease in Engineering Practice. New York: Jon Wiley & Sons,
of permeability and compressibility are relatively the same, Inc.
which leads to a decrease in coefficient of consolidation.
The different value may be due to the difference in the
nature of the soil.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: We create a model to simulate the effects of a large number of electric vehicles (EVs) on energy demand and CO2-emissions.
The model reflects the impacts on electricity demand, the structure of power plants, electricity price, and the price elasticity of cars. We
compared the reduction potential of energy demand and emission in Germany and Singapore.
The simulations show a greater potential to reduce energy demand by using EVs in Singapore than in Germany. The main reason for
this is the higher specific energy demand of conventional cars for solely urban use in Singapore. However, introducing emission-free
power plants in Singapore could improve the CO2-balance further.
One important input parameter is the fuel price elasticity mileage. In the scenario with 100% replacement of cars, it
for car use. We assume this value to be -0.05, according would increase by 9% - 27%, depending on the fuel price
to over 100 empirical estimations (Forschung-Informations- elasticity. However, in the more realistic scenario with a
System 2009). 10%-replacement, the increase in mileage is between 1%
and 7% in both countries (see Figure 2).
We also assume a yearly increase of gasoline price by
6% according to estimations of the German Institute 13.5
elasticities. Further parameters taken into account include
11.5 10%
today’s and future battery costs, average fuel consumption 11.0 100%
of Germany’s car fleet, share of EVs’ urban/interurban use, 10.0
mileage [billion vkm]
640 0%
600 100%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
EVs in Singapore and Germany. Germany’s composition of year
ABSTRACT: World GDP is increasing and international seaborne trade is expanding momentously. Shipping, shipping education and
training have evolved into global and sophisticated businesses. Several maritime degree programmes are offered by universities around
the world for training shipping management personnel who are knowledgeable in both vessel operations and shore-side business. This
study reviews 22 relevant shipping management bachelor degree programmes around the world. The interactive factors include maritime
heritage, economic development, seaborne trade and maritime business. The educational structures and overall academic disciplines of
an institution also have impact on the academic content of these programmes.
Trade and shipping businesses have always been important Many academies have existed for a long time in training
enablers of wealth and growth. International trade has mariners. As the maritime business evolves, some of
expanded by more than 1,700% over the second half of the these mariners make career transitions from the sea to
20th century in volume terms (WTO, 2010). Although world the shore to helm shore-side shipping businesses. In
GDP experienced a steady growth over time, international light of highly integrated shipping industry, a number of
merchandise trade has roughly tripled in importance academic programmes have flourished to train shipping
compared with the economy as a whole (The World Bank, management personnel. This is evidenced by the existence
2010). It is generally accepted that more than 90% of global and development of maritime degree programmes in
trade is carried by sea. Seaborne trade worldwide has been shipping management in various universities and institutes
growing very rapidly in recent 55 years from 500 million throughout the world.
tonnes in 1950 to 7 billion tonnes in 2005 (UN, 2008).
In order to have a detailed understanding of the shipping
Maritime trade is dominated by three economic centres, management programmes, a sample of 22 programmes is
viz Europe, North America and Asia, strung out along a selected for a substantial analysis, taking into consideration
“Westline”. It is the line along which the commercial centre a combination of factors such as the national economies,
of maritime trade has moved west over the last century maritime heritage, and institutions’ academic disciplines
of maritime business. The recent fast growth in seaborne and curriculum structures.
trade stems especially from Asian countries. Although
European countries keep a large share of seaborne trade,
the growth rate is relatively slow and sea trade volume ANALYSIS
has remained static.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Among all the countries where the selected programmes Economic independence after WWII has necessitated the
are offered, the US has the highest GDP but the lowest rapid advancement and expansion of the sea transportation
merchandise trade as a percentage of GDP. Despite the industry in Japan. It ranks No. 1 as of end of 2008
small percentage, the absolute amount of merchandise trade, controlling the largest merchant fleet in the world. Taiwan,
or more specifically seaborne trade, is not little at all. Of Hong Kong and Singapore are Newly Industrialising
US foreign trade, waterborne trade as a percentage of all Economies (NIE) in Asia. They are all surrounded by
modes trade has increased steadily from 2003 to 2008 in sea and control a large fleet by DWT. For Hong Kong
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
value terms. Domestic waterborne trade is comparable to its and Singapore, there is a huge amount of merchandise
international trade (U.S. Department of Transportation). As trade as a percentage of GDP. Because of their strategic
perceived by Texas A&M University at Galveston, “activity positions, they are striving to become the regional as well as
in American ports is expected to more than double in the international maritime centre. China has indeed a very long
next 20 years, and some ports in the Gulf of Mexico are maritime history. Compounded by its rapid growth in GDP
expected to see a tripling of port activity”. In addition, and international merchandise trade since joining WTO in
the next 40 years will see greatly expanded oil and gas 2001, China is emerging as a major maritime nation. Over
production in the deep waters of the western Gulf of Mexico 90% of its foreign trade volume is transported by sea and
(Texas A&M University at Galveston). shipping on sea and on river also plays an important role
for domestic traffic. Its merchant fleet also ranks among
Japan outstands in Asia with very high GDP. It gained one of the world’s largest five.
maritime power at almost the same time as the West.
The courses within each programme are categorised The selected programmes are classified into three groups
into maritime-technology, business-management, hybrid (Figure 1). Group A (No. 8-10, 12-14, 22) includes
and general. Maritime Technology (M-T) courses are programmes which are offered in independent maritime
courses which are specific to those in shipping and institutes, Group B (No. 5-7, 11, 15, 21) consists of
would not normally be offered in other programmes, e.g. programmes that are offered by maritime colleges or
Ship Technology, Maritime Transportation, etc. Business academies within comprehensive universities, and Group C
Management (B-M) courses are courses that are typically (No. 1-4, 16-20) comprises programmes in comprehensive
found in business and management programmes, e.g. universities which do not have any specific maritime
Accounting, Economics, etc. Hybrid courses are those college or academy (with one exception: No. 1 is offered
courses that have elements of both M-T and B-M contents, by a university as a principally business discipline). As
e.g. Shipping Economics, Maritime Law, etc. General an overview, B-M and Hybrid courses are the dominant
courses refer to courses that are not specific to any degree course types.
programmes whereby the basic premise is for education
broadening, e.g. Physics, Chemistry, etc. All the figures B-M courses dominate in Group A; while B-M and Hybrid
are expressed percentagewise below. The academic units courses dominate in Groups B and C. Group C has more
for each course are directly available according to the M-T courses as compared with the other two groups. The
course content descriptions. Academic units for each type universities/institutes without much maritime background
of courses are then summed and shown as a percentage may place more focus on shipping knowledge as compared
of the total academic units required for the corresponding to the traditional maritime academies. While, with plenty of
programme, as illustrated in Figure 1. expertise in the technical aspects of shipping, it seems more
meaningful for the maritime academies or colleges to put
in more efforts on the business areas. For the independent
maritime institutes (Group A), even the Hybrid category is
emphasized to a lesser extent.
ABSTRACT: We investigated the P-wave velocity of sedimentary rocks, including sandstone and siltstone, in natural water content and
saturated conditions. The P-wave velocity measurements indicated that the anisotropic characteristics of siltstone were more significant
than that of sandstone. The correlation between P-wave velocity and uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) was also studied.
Two major rock types, siltstone and sandstone, were tested. where E is the Young’s modulus and ρ is density of material.
To help reveal rock anisotropy characteristics, P-wave The velocity of a shear body wave (Vs), which involves a
velocity tests were conducted in a direction generally pure shear strain, is given by
parallel to the sedimentary plane (θ=0°) and perpendicular
to the sedimentary plane (θ=90°). The definition of θ is Vp = √ G
p …(2)
shown in Fig. 1.
Note: the number in parenthesis after each average velocity value indicates the number of specimens
measured in each group.
σc = 2.304Vp2.4315 (R2=0.94) …(4) Table 3. Test results of P-wave velocity (Ma et al., 2010).
Specimen Saturated Dry condition
σt = 0.49 Vp1.8723 (R2=0.92) …(5) number condition
1 5000 4761
The average UCS values of siltstone obtained from
correlation are 139.4 MPa and 157.2 MPa for θ=90o and 0o 2 5263 5000
respectively. For sandstone, the correlated UCS values are Siltstone 3 5263 5000
167.6 MPa and 168.2 MPa for θ=90o and 0o respectively.
4 5000 4761
For both siltstone and sandstone, the UCS values obtained
based on the correlation appear to be lower than those 5 5882 5555
obtained from the previous UCS experiments performed Ave 5282 5015
on similar rock types (Ma et al., 2010). A major reason
1 5555 5263
is that the empirical relations, which serve as a basis for
the above prediction (Table 2), is derived from a data set 2 5263 5000
consisting of nineteen different rock types, instead of the Sandstone 3 5882 5555
sedimentary rock types specifically tested in this project.
4 5263 5000
Table 2. Estimated UCS and σt based on average 5 5555 5263
P-wave velocity measurements. Ave 5504 5216
P-wave Estimated Estimated
velocity (m/s) UCS (MPa) σt (MPa) specimens in this batch, three specimens, A3, A4 and A5
90° 5405.6 139.4 11.5 tested in the previous phase were included in the present
Siltstone 0° 5679.3 157.2 12.7
90° 5829.9 167.6 13.3 The UCS (MPa) data and the P-wave velocity (m/s) data
are plotted in Figures 4 and 5. Due to the substantial degree
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Sandstone 0° 5838.6 168.2 13.3 of scattering, and most importantly very small sample size
(only 5 in each group), a statistically significant correlation
A second approach of correlation, which was based on cannot be derived with confidence. To obtain an acceptable
the experimental results previously obtained by NTU (Ma correlation the sample size has to be increased, which will
et al., 2010), was also attempted. In this previous study, be the scope of work in the near future.
twenty specimens equally divided into four groups were
tested, which included dry siltstone, saturated siltstone, dry
sandstone and saturated sandstone. The P-wave velocity
measurements and UCS values are reproduced in Table 3 The P-wave velocity tests were conducted on 92 specimens,
and table 4 respectively. in which 47 of them can be classified as siltstone (or
siltstone with occasional beds of sandstone), while 45 of
Note: Three specimens failing at a very low load level due them can be classified as sandstone. Specimens of either
to the presence of pre-existing fractures were not included natural water content (dry condition) or in wet condition
in the present analysis. Because of the lack of sandstone were tested.
Table 4. Test results of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for siltstone and sandstone (Ma et al., 2010).
Siltstone Sandstone
Young’s Modules Young’s Modules
No. Stress (MPa) Strain (%) No. Stress (MPa) Strain (%)
(GPa) (GPa)
I* 171.09 0.28 65.41 AI* 293.17 0.38 79.97
I2 164.83 0.30 57.51 A2 341.90 0.44 80.73
I3 204.67 0.34 64.75 A3 298.90 0.41 73.56
I4 180.23 0.31 60.64 A4 223.34 0.38 71.60
I5 219.25 0.38 58.41 A5 192.31 0.26 75.04
Ave 188.01 0.32 61.34 Ave 269.92 0.37 76.18
SI1** 123.02 0.23 59.54 SA1** 232.02 0.23 76.18
SI2 138.45 0.28 61.13 SA2 241.19 0.37 75.31
SI3 128.67 0.28 61.81 SA3 298.43 0.43 76.79
SI4 127.01 0.24 56.04 SA4 231.67 0.35 75.77
SI5 125.89 0.26 62.29 SA5 271.47 0.41 74.83
Ave 128.61 0.26 50.16 Ave 254.96 0.38 75.74
*Dry condition *Dry condition
**Saturated condition **Saturated condition
ABSTRACT: The role of filler in macro structure of asphalt mixture and micro interaction between filler and asphalt was investigated.
Preliminary results revealed that changing the amount of filler would affect aggregate packing structure, asphalt content and its properties,
and also workability during mixing and compaction, thus affecting asphalt mixture performance. Interaction of asphalt-filler mastic was
also examined using three types of fillers (granite, hydrated lime, kaolin) which revealed that the presence of filler in asphalt increased
the softening point and viscosity of asphalt. High-definition images of the morphology of the mastic were scrutinized that showed
evidences of “compatibility’ between asphalt and filler that could be attributed different affinity between filler and asphalt, or simply
micro voids around the filler from incomplete mixing process. It is conjectured that the presence of filler may cause stretching of atomic
bonds in the asphalt matrix, which either can enhance asphalt strength or possibly break the atomic bonds of asphalt matrix, leading to
undesired properties of mastic.
It is noted that despite the vast number of studies conducted The second task was to study the interaction of asphalt and
to design a good aggregate gradation, none attempted to filler in mastic and the resultant properties. Three different
types of fillers were selected to assess the effect of filler
comprehensively identify and investigate the role of filler in
in asphalt mastic.
Table 3. Stability and resilient modulus at 5% binder content. As part of continuous size of gradation, filler content shall
Resilient relate to the proportion of other aggregates in gradation.
% filler by Marshall stability Once gradation of design is selected, the proportion of coarse
Gradation modulus
total mas (kN) and fine is then defined, and changing of the filler content
W3B 6 14.00 3,000 shall affect the proportion of aggregates in the fine fraction
only. Fines are small in size, but they have large surface
W3B-1 0 12.00 2,160
area, thereby playing an important role in determining the
W3C-1 8 12.70 2,850 asphalt content and the resultant mixture performances. As
W3C-2 6 16.50 2,990 seen in Tables 2 and 3, in comparing W3C-1 and W3C-2
W3D-1 4 11.70 1,800 properties or W3D-1 and W3D-2 properties, it was found
that changing a little amount of filler and the other fine
W3D-2 6 19.00 3,800
aggregates proportion impinged on all volumetric properties
and mechanical performance as well.
W3B-1 was simply designed by removing the filler
passing 0.075 mm in W3B gradation and replacing the
corresponding amount with particles at size 0.3-0.075 mm.
Role of filler in asphalt mastic
It can be seen that, although fillers are very tiny particle,
their presence affected the volumetric properties of the
The properties of three fillers are shown in Table 4. The
mixture. At certain amount, filler shall contribute to a
finest size is that for kaolin fillers, while granite filler is
better packing for the mixture by filling the voids created
the coarsest among the other two fillers. Hydrated lime has
by larger fine aggregates. The removal of that filler and
larger surface area, while granite has the lowest among the
replacement with other larger fine particles would cause
other two fillers.
‘overfilling’ of certain sizes, resulting in more voids (higher
VMA and VTM) and lesser density being created. With Table 4. Filler properties.
higher voids, VFA of that unbalanced mix would be lesser
than that of other mixes with better proportion of coarse, Apparent specific Specific surface
fine and filler. gravity (g/cm3) area (m2/g)
Granite 2.56 0.758
With such filler-deficient volumetric structure, the stability hydrated lime 2.20 1.210
and stiffness of the mix were lower as compared with kaolin 2.48 1.110
other mixes with filler. Although the voids can be filled
by adding more asphalt binder, however, the aggregate Particle shape and morphology of the filler were examined
structure would not be well-packing. In addition, with poor using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found
packing, having more asphalt can contribute to a lesser that the quartz in granite filler had largest and angular
shear and deformation resistance of the mix, particularly particles, hydrated lime had angular particles but they were
at high temperature. rather smaller than quartz, and kaolin particles were more
flaky with high aspect ratio.
The presence of filler in asphalt matrix may also affect
the workability during mixing and compaction. In simple Softening point and viscosity of asphalt-filler mastic at
mechanistic view, filler can perform as ‘a tiny roller different filler-asphalt ratios are shown in Figures 2 and
effect’ during mixing and compaction process (Figure 1). 3. It can be seen that at equivalent volume ratio, kaolin
This ‘tiny roller effect’, at certain filler asphalt ratio, shall filler provided highest effect in increasing the softening
correspond to a lesser friction, resulting in slightly faster point and viscosity of the mastic. It was found that the
and smoother re-orientation movement of larger aggregates stiffening effect of the filler in asphalt is dependent on
during mixing, thereby facilitating a tighter packing when filler size and surface area of filler. For industrial practice,
compaction load is applied. these mastic properties should be more appropriate for
batching design purpose. These properties may also more
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
macro structure of asphalt mixture; (ii) examining asphalt- [6] Lesueur, D., 2009. “The colloidal structure of bitumen:
mastic characteristic at surface interaction level; and (iii) consequences on the rheology and on the mechanisms of
reengineering selected fillers, all with the aim of enhancing bitumen modification”. Advances in colloid and interface
the mastic and asphalt mixture performance. science, 145: 42-82.
[7] Liao, M., 2007. “Small and large strain rheological and
fatigue characterisation of bitumen-filler mastics”. PhD thesis,
University of Nottingham: UK.
[8] Menglan, Z. and Chaofan, W., 2008. “Effects of type and
[1] Alshamsi, K.S., 2006. “Development of a mix design content of mineral filler on viscosity of asphalt mastic and
methodology for asphalt mixtures with analytically mixing and compaction temperatures of asphalt mixture”.
formulated aggregate structures”. PhD thesis, Louisiana State Transportation research record, 2051: 31-40.
University. [9] Qiu, Y., 2006. “Design and performance of stone mastic
[2] AS 1995. Method 13.1: Determination of the resilient asphalt in Singapore conditions”. PhD thesis, Nanyang
modulus of asphalt – Indirect tensile test, Australian standard Technological University: Singapore.
AS 2891.12.1. Methods of sampling and testing asphalt. [10] Rivera, F.A., 2008. “Evaluation of the Bailey method as a
Australia. tool for improving the rutting resistance of mix designs using
[3] ASTM 2006. D1559-89: Standard test method for resistance New Hampshire aggregate”. MSc thesis, University of New
to plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using Marshall Hampshire.
apparatus. Annual books of ASTM standard, 04.03: 1103- [11] Taylor, R., 2007. “Surface interactions between bitumen and
1187. Philadelphia. mineral fillers and their effects on the rheology of bitumen-
[4] Kandhal, P.S., Lynn, C.Y. and Parker, F., 1998. “Characterization filler mastics”. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham: UK.
tests for mineral fillers related to performance of asphalt [12] Vavrik, W.R., Pine, W.J., Carpenter, S.H. and Bailey, R., 2002.
paving mixtures”. NCAT report 98(2). “Bailey method for gradation selection in hot-mix asphalt
[5] Kavussi A. and Hicks, R.G., 1997. “Properties of bituminous mixture design”. Transportation research board, Washington
mixtures containing different filler”. Proceedings of the D.C.
association of asphalt paving technologists, 66: 153-186.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: This paper shows a 6-node curved nonlinear co-rotational shell element with nonlinear models. Vectorial rotational variables
are used in this co-rotational element, so that a symmetric stiffness matrix can be obtained and the updating procedure is simplified. In
order to investigate the behaviour of structures with nonlinear material constitutive relationships, a layered model is adopted so that material
properties varying along the thickness of shell structures can be simulated independently. Since the co-rotational approach is adopted,
the material constitutive model based on stress-strain relationship can be used directly in each elemental local coordinate system.
INTRODUCTION node i: ngi = [pi,X, pi,Y, pi,Z], whose modulus are the two
smaller ones.
Co-rotational (CR) approach is an efficient method to solve
geometrical nonlinearity, which finds its origin in the paper
of Wempner (Wempner 1969). The popularity of the CR
formulation is largely due to the decomposition of a large
displacement into rigid body motion and deformational
displacement. In this way, a geometrically-nonlinear problem
is transferred to be a small strain problem and different
material nonlinearities are easier to be implemented in the
CR formulation, compared with Total Lagrangian (TL)
formulation or Updated Lagrangian (UL) formulation. Figure 1. The global and the local coordinate system.
CO-ROTATIONAL FORMULATION The relationship between the nodal variables in the global
and the local systems is given by Equation (1) and (2).
Coordinate Systems
ti = R(Xi – X1) – R0(Xi0 – X10) (1)
Three coordinate systems are defined in the present CR
elements: 1) the global system, 2) local systems and ri0 = Rh0ngi0, ri = Ringi (2)
3) natural systems. The global system OXYZ is defined
during the modelling stage by users. Each element has where R and Rh are the rotation matrices for translational
its own local system. The local system is fixed on the and rotational displacements, respectively; ngi (i = 1, 2, …,
element and co-rotates with the element. The rotation and 6) is the normal vector for node i; the subscript 0 refers
translation of a local system represents the rigid body to coordinates or normal vectors that are in the initial
rotation and rigid body translation of its corresponding configuration.
element, respectively.
Equation (5); χ is the curvature of the element, which is Stiffness Matrix and Internal Force Vector
given by Equation (6); z is the z-coordinate of the point
of interest in the local system; the nabla symbol ∇ refers The strain energy of an element is given by Equation
to the gradient of a scalar function. (8).
Layered Model ,
In order to incorporate material nonlinearity, a layered model
is adopted in the present shell element so that material where E is the Young’s modulus; μ is the Poisson’s ratio;
constitutive relationships can be modelled in each layer. k is the shear correction parameter, k = 5 / 6.
The layers are numbered sequentially, starting from the
bottom surface of the element and each layer may have The stiffness matrix kTL (size: 30×30) and the internal
different thicknesses, as shown in Figure 2. force vector fLT (size: 30×1) of the element are the Hessian
matrix and Jacobian matrix of strain energy.
fG = TTfL (10)
Elasto-plastic Constitution
εj = εm + zjχ (7)
Since the layered model is adopted, the modification for
where zj is the distance from the mid-surface of the element
material nonlinear analyses is focused on the material
to the mid-surface of the jth layer. It should be noted that
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Roll-up of a Clamped Beam Figure 4. The computational model of the flat plate.
area to the loading point, the more refined is the mesh. For
both meshes, 5 layers for each element are used.
Table 1. The rotation angle for the cross-section at the free end.
λ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
θ(rad) 0.000 0.692 1.226 1.803 2.415 2.982
λ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
θ(rad) 3.572 4.213 4.864 5.620 6.336
Three cases (S1, S2, S3) are tested with different amounts
A Steel Plate Applied by a Point Load of reinforcement in each direction, but with the total amount
of reinforcement in the plates kept constant. The ratio of
A perfectly elasto-plastic analysis of a simply supported the amounts of reinforcement in the two direction (ρX : ρY)
square flat plate is conducted in this example (Figure 4). is shown in Table 2.
The geometric and material properties for the computational Table 2. The reinforcement for the three cases in the RC slab.
model are chosen as: the length L = 16 m, thickness t = slabs S1 S2 S3
0.5 m, Young’s modulus: E = 7.05 × 106 N/mm2, yielding
ρx : ρ Y 1:1 1:1.89 1:2.75
stress: σ0 = 2.44 × 102 N/mm2. The computational model is
meshed by 200 elements (10 × 10 × 2) and 800 elements
The geometrical properties of the computational model and
(20 × 20 × 2). For the case of 200 elements, the closer the
the mesh used are shown in Figure 6. The configuration
ABSTRACT: Flexible marine risers are compliant to external forces from waves, current and platform motions, and clashing between
risers is an important concern. In deepwater developments where the number of connected risers is large, it is not economical to space
them too far apart. In this regard, it is necessary to establish the probability of riser clashing throughout the service life; however, at
present there appears to be no systematic procedure for assessing this risk. This article presents a novel procedure for estimating the
probability of riser clashing based on post-processing results obtained from time domain simulations of flexible risers subjected to
random wave loads.
prefer to know the reliability of a particular system rather recommended to be the maximum normalized clearance
than being given inflexible criteria. Riser dynamics is so between two risers. The generation of X(t) is discussed at
varied and complex that recommendations based on past length by He and Low (2010).
experience may not be suitable for a particular problem.
For one thing, nonlinearity of line structure evidently In this approach, it is assumed that the critical condition
complicates the prediction of its response. For another will occur during a typical storm according to a 100-year
thing, vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) and wake effects return period, and the sea state is stationary for typically
between two close risers are still too intricate to be fully three hours. A wave spectrum is chosen to express features
understood. Such effects are significant; for example, VIV of short-term conditions.
is able to cause large deflection in the risers to the extent
of one diameter. Crossing rate analysis is the method adopted in this article.
In time domain simulation for a stationary sea state, the
Naess method
symmetrical plane of two risers (i.e. in the y-direction) and
assigning a small top end clearance (0.6 D) and a small
Naess et al. (2008) gave an empirical formula of the
separation angle (0.5 degrees). The significant waveheight
crossing rate
Hs and mean zero crossing period T0 are 15.7 m and 13.5
s separately for a severe JONSWAP sea state. All the
vz = q(z)exp{[–a(z – b)]c} …(3)
properties and structural details are reported in Tables
where a, b and c are constant parameters, and q(z) can
also be regarded as constant when z is in a high level. q
A wave time history derived from a certain number of
is recommended to be estimated by the average of
wave components is synthesized. The wave spectrum is
for the largest values of z, where fz is the response pdf. b
divided into 250 components with equal frequency interval
is determined empirically, it should not be larger than the
approach from 0.07 Hz to 0.239 Hz. To improve the quality
smallest z for the fitting and the choice of b must optimize
of prediction, thirty independent random number sets are
the curve fitting (Naess et al., 2008). It is the first time
employed to simulate 30 one-hour storms. To make the
to apply this method to a riser system. Eq. (3) can be
computational intensity remain in an acceptable level, it
rearranged to give
is sensible to simplify the environmental loadings. Thus,
v only the first-order wave forces are considered in the model
1n (–1n( zz )) = 1n(a) + c(1n(z – b)) …(4)
and the current, VIV and wake effects are neglected at this
incipient stage.
In Eq. (4), the left side is treated as the dependent variable,
1n(z – b) and c are regarded as independent variable and its
Table 1. Structure of risers.
gradient. Because 1n(a) is a constant, q and b are estimated
beforehand. The art of linear fitting can be directly applied Section
Line Type Descriptions
to achieve parameters a and c. The desired crossing rate Length (m)
obtained from Eq. (3) can be put back to Eq. (2) to attain Flexible (upper section) 605 Included in analysis
the corresponding Pf. 80 Not included in
Flexible with buoyancy
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Numerical results
The up-crossing rates are directly extracted from a 30-hour Figure 3. Crossing rate extrapolation by Naess method;
simulation time history. Insufficient exceedances of certain 1n(–1n((vz+)/q)) is plotted against 1n(z – b); q=0.36, b=-0.05,
critical values will produce unrealistic crossing rate. In a=14.14, c=1.097; range of value from z = 0.15 to 0.35;
Fig. 2, the unsteady pattern at the tail is mainly due to
lack of data. CONCLUSIONS
Sun Jianping (sunjp@ntu.edu.sg)
Zhao Zhiye (czzhao@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: An isotropic assumption is often applied to analyze in-situ permeability tests of fractured rock masses, and the isotropic
hydraulic conductivities are then used directly in the seepage analysis. However, the hydraulic conductivities are normally anisotropic
in fractured rock masses and the effects of the anisotropic permeability should be taken into account in rock engineering analysis,
especially for seepage analysis of underground oil storage caverns. In this study, an underground oil storage cavern project is analyzed
and the Oda’s method is used to determine the anisotropy in permeability. The anisotropy in permeability is determined using the fracture
orientation and the in-situ stress information from the field survey. A typical cavern unit is numerically modeled using the computer
code FLAC. The effects of anisotropic permeability on water pressure and critical gas pressure are studied. The results indicate that the
calculated results based on the in-situ hydraulic tests with isotropic permeability assumption can be used safely in the underground oil
storage cavern project.
S h, S H and S v (MPa)
0 2 4 6 8 10
120 SH
Depth (m ACD)
140 Sv
conductivity obtained from the injection test (Fig. 2) is used
B2 as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity kH. The vertical
-80 B4 hydraulic conductivity kV is estimated based on Oda’s model
in Section 2. The ratios of kH / kV equal to 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and
2.5, respectively, will be used in the following analyses
Depth (m ACD)
to study the effects of anisotropic permeability on the
-120 storage caverns.
The groundwater flow is assumed to be steady in this study.
Constant pressure which is equal to 15m water column
is used on the upper boundary to simulate the effect of
-180 sea water pressure. Constant head boundaries at the water
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
curtains are assigned with the fixed hydraulic potential H
K 1/K 3 equals to 0 mACD. Two different phases, construction phase
Figure 4. The ratios of anisotropic permeability and operation phase, are considered. The main differences
for six vertical boreholes. between the two cases are related to the pressure inside
the cavern and water gallery condition. In the construction
phase, the caverns and water galleries are filled by air with
NUMERICAL MODELING OF UNDERGROUND the atmosphere pressure of 0 MPa. In the operation phase,
OIL STORAGE CAVERNS the water galleries are filled by water and the fixed hydraulic
potential H which is equal to 0 mACD is applied as the
A typical oil storage cavern unit is modeled as a 2D boundary condition; the caverns are filled with oil in density
model. The computer code FLAC is adopted to model = 900 kg/m3 and the distribution of hydraulic pressure at
the groundwater flow into the caverns. The crowns of the wall of the cavern equals to the oil pressure.
caverns are located at -119 mACD. The shape of the
cavern is horseshoe, with the height = 26m and the width
= 20m. The vertical water curtain is installed between the INFLUENCES OF ANISOTROPIC
contiguous storage units and connects with water gallery.
The modeling area is 140m wide and 165m deep. The mesh
size is 2.5m×2.5m. The distance between the two caverns STORAGE CAVERNS
is 40m. The representative cross section for the model is
shown in Fig. 5. Regarding rock mass characteristics, the Influences on water pressure distributions
four main hydrogeological classes have been taken into
account along the vertical direction: the recent sediment/ The calculated results show that the water pressure between
landfill class, the weathered zone class, the low confined the two caverns decreases as the ratio of kH / kV increases.
zone class and the confined bedrock class. During the construction phase, the maximum water pressure
changes from 148kPa to 75.1kPa as the ratio of kH / kV
JOB TITLE : (*10^2) increases from 1.0 to 2.5. During the operation phase,
FLAC (Version 5.00)
the maximum water pressure changes from 257.13kPa to
LEGEND -0.200
185.30kPa as the ratio of kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5.
7-Aug-09 12:51
step 0 Hence, a conservative result will be obtained by using
-1.100E+02 <x< 1.100E+02
-2.075E+02 <y< 1.250E+01
-0.600 isotropic assumption to assess the rock stability between
the caverns, as a higher water pressure will reduce joint
1.019E-07 -1.000
strength, and reduce the rock mass strength.
Grid plot water water
gallery gallery
0 5E 1
The results also show that the water pressure distribution
between the vertical water curtain and the cavern has little
the anisotropic permeability has little influence on the rock
stability between the vertical water curtain and the cavern.
The vertical water pressure distribution above the cavern
-0.800 -0.400 0.000 0.400 0.800
Figure 5. A numerical model for the rock cavern unit. crown is studied. As depth changes from -15 mACD to
-119 mACD, the water pressure increases first and then
decreases. It can be seen that an increase of water pressure
The rock classes of landfill/recent sediment, the weathered above the cavern crown will happen as the ratio of kH / kV
rock and the low confined zone are assumed to be isotropic increases. During the construction phase, the water pressure
due to their adequate weathering. Anisotropic permeability at -108 mACD increases from 289.73kPa to 316.00kPa
is considered for the confined bedrock class only. Because as the ratio of kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. During
k1 and k2 are almost the same and in the horizontal direction the operation phase, the water pressure at -108 mACD
in the confined bedrock, the geometric average hydraulic increases from 344.30kPa to 423.38kPa as the ratio of
kH / kV increases from 1.0 to 2.5. This implies that the rock and the in-situ stress obtained from field survey. The results
stability around the cavern crown decreases as the ratio of show that the ratio of k1 / k3 varies from 1.65 to 2.50, and
kH / kV increases. k1 and k2 are almost in the horizontal direction and k3 is
close to vertical direction in this site.
Influences on critical gas pressure A typical cavern unit is numerically modeled using the
computer code FLAC. The geometric average hydraulic
The gas tightness of rock caverns should also be considered. conductivities obtained from the injection test are used as
Goodall et al. (1988) recommended a practical design the horizontal hydraulic conductivity kH and kH / kV equal to
criterion that no gas will leak as long as the water pressure 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5, respectively, are used in this numerical
increases along all possible gas leakage paths away from model. The effects of anisotropic permeability on water
the caverns. According to Goodall’s criterion, at the critical pressure and critical gas pressure are studied carefully.
gas pressure, the groundwater pressure in the vicinity of The results show that most calculated results which are
the cavern is equal to the gas pressure at some point on based on in-situ hydraulic tests with isotropic permeability
the boundary of cavern, i.e., ∂p / ∂n = 0, where p is the assumption can be used safely in the underground oil
groundwater pressure and n is the unit normal vector at storage cavern project.
this point. Liang and Lindblom (1994) suggested the “critical
gas pressure” as the maximum tolerable gas pressure for Only the anisotropy induced by fracture orientation and
a given storage system at no gas leakage conditions. In in-situ stress are considered in this paper. The influences of
this study, the Goodall’s criterion is used to determine bolting, shotcreting and redistributed stress after excavating
the critical gas pressure and the influence of anisotropic on anisotropy in permeability and heterogeneous property
permeability on critical gas pressure is investigated. The of fractured rock mass are not studied. Further studies
calculated results show that an increase of the ratio of that consider these influences will be carried out in our
kH / kV can linearly increase the critical gas pressure. The future work.
critical gas pressure is 0.846 MPa and 0.890 MPa for
kH / kV = 1.0 and kH / kV = 2.5, respectively. Using the
isotropic assumption, a safe critical gas pressure is obtained REFERENCES
and can be used to design the engineering project.
[1] Oda, M., 1985. “Permeability tensor for discontinuous rock
masses”. Geotechnique, 35(4), 483-495.
CONCLUSIONS [2] Goodall, D.C., Aberg, B. and Brekke, T.L., 1988. “Fundamental
of gas containment in unlined rock caverns”. Rock Mechanics
In this study, Oda’s method for determining the anisotropic and Rock Engineering, 21, 235-258.
permeability, which is difficult to achieve from the in-situ [3] Liang, J. and Lindblom, U., 1994. “Analyses of gas storage
tests, is used for the seepage analysis of an underground oil capacity in unlined rock caverns”. Rock Mechanics and Rock
storage cavern. In this method, anisotropic permeability of a Engineering, 27(3), 115-133.
site is determined from the fracture orientation distribution
ABSTRACT: Ensemble neural networks (ENNs) are commonly used networks in many engineering applications due to their better
generalization properties. An ENN usually includes several component networks in its structure, and the component networks commonly
use a single feed-forward network trained with the back-propagation learning rule. In this paper, an ENN, which combines the component
networks by using the entropy theory, is proposed. The entropy based ENN searches the best structure of each component network first,
and employs the entropy as an automating design tool to search the best combining weights of the ENN. An analytical function, namely
Friedman function, is used to assess the accuracy of the proposed ensemble approach. The computational experiment verified that the
proposed entropy based ENN outperforms the simple averaging ENN and the stand alone neural network.
ENTROPY The entropy based ENN can reduce over-fitting in the ENN.
The major steps of the entropy based ENN are shown in
The entropy was introduced in the context of efficiency of Figure 2, which are explained further as follows.
heat engines in early 19th century. According to the second
law of thermodynamics, the entropy never decreases in Creation of the component network can be divided into two
a closed system, and it is a measure of the disorder or steps. The first step is to generate the training data and test
complexity of a system. The maximum entropy formalism data sets, and the second step is to create the component
published by Jaynes (1957) is a fundamental concept in networks. In Step 1, some common ratios of the training
the information theory. The maximum entropy formalism data to the test data will be used in the analyses. The data
is used to determine the probabilities underlying a random used for training each component network are the same.
process from any available statistical data about the process. In Step 2, each component network is created several
times, but the best structure will be used in the ENN.
The criterion to choose the best component network is to
select the one with the smallest training mean-squared-error
(MSE). Since good regression ensemble members must be Friedman #1 is a nonlinear prediction problem which
both accurate and diverse, the training of each component was used by Friedman (1991) in his work on multivariate
network should also have the high accuracy and diversity. adaptive regression splines (MARS). It has 5 independent
Thus, different numbers of hidden nodes would be used predictor variables that are uniform in [0, 1]. The following
in different component networks. The procedure to define Friedman #1 with normally distributed noise (mean 0,
the number of hidden nodes in each component network variance 1) is used to test the entropy based ENN.
is similar to Zhao’s method (Zhao et al. 2008), but the
difference is that choosing the best performance component Y = 10sin(πx1x2) + 20(x3 – 0.5)2 + 10x4 + 5x5 …(8)
networks are based on the component network with the
smallest training MSE. Firstly, 5×5×5×5×5 evenly distributed data along both the
five x-axis and the y-axis are selected from the domain [0, 1]
To use the entropy concept to obtain the unbiased ENN, as the training data for the simulation. Another 4×4×4×4×4
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
three parts of the problem should be optimized at the same evenly distributed points from the same domain are used
time: to maximize the entropy of the combining weights of as the test data. The maximum training epoch of each
the whole ENN; to minimize the error between the mean component network is set to 30. There are 3125 examples
output of the ENN and the mean target value; to minimize in the training data set, and 1024 examples in the test data
the difference of the standard deviation of the output of set. The 3 kinds of NNs used for the example are: (1) single
the ENN and the standard deviation of the target value. NN, (2) ENN with simple averaging combined method, and
This will be benefiting the whole ENN. The three part (3) ENN with entropy based combined method.
optimizing problem can be formulated as follows:
The number of the input nodes is 5, and the number of the
Problem max …(4) output nodes is 1. The single NNs use 4, 6, 8, 10 hidden
nodes in their hidden layer, respectively. The single NNs
are trained 4 times randomly to find the best results for
min …(5)
Predicted Value
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Actual Value
Figure 3. Comparison between the actual and predicted
Friedman #1 function test results of EN-ENN.
ABSTRACT: In this study, the fracture behavior of a 30-liter cracked compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder was investigated numerically.
A series of experimental tests was conducted to study the material property of a typical steel CNG cylinder as well as the true profile of
the cylindrical structure. Then, fracture assessment of the cracked steel cylinder was carried out to predict its burst pressure. The approach
adopted in the present analysis was based on the Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) given by BS 7910 and API 579. Finally, a comparison
was made between the theoretical burst pressure and the ones predicted by both codes of practice.
Fracture failure
In order to determine the critical crack size with which the Applied load or crack size
crack becomes unstable and causes the CNG cylinder to Failure assessment curve
fail, the damaged structure should be assessed according to Unsafe Plastic collapse
the knowledge of the service stresses and the knowledge Loading path
FAILURE ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM (FAD) It is essential to recognize that the Kr parameter uses the
linear elastic stress intensity factor with no allowance for
the effect of plasticity on the crack tip driving force. As
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
In the standards, the general FAD Level 2A assessment A 30-liter steel cylinder was cut open to reveal the internal
curve is given by structure as shown in Figure 2. The measured dimensions
are external diameter D = 230 mm, side wall thickness t
Kr = (1 – 0.14L2r)[0.3 + 0.7 exp(–0.65L6r)] …(1) = 6.4 mm and overall length l = 670 mm.
For a high pressure compressed natural gas (CNG) tank Table 3b. Assessment results of burst strength (API RP579).
cylinder, a surface crack is often initiated from the internal
API RP579 (2007)
wall thickness and rapidly grows into an approximately
semi-elliptical in shape [5]. Thus, a semi-elliptical internal σh,u (K route)
surface crack was assumed at the side wall of the specimen a c (MPa)
as shown in Figure 3. The assumed surface cracks covers deepest crack tip
a wide range of crack profiles as listed in Table 1, where 1.92 9.60 756.46 913.30
the ratio of crack depth to wall thickness a/t ranged from 1.92 3.20 871.18 879.30
0.2 to 0.8 with an interval of 0.1; the ratio of crack depth
1.92 1.92 930.98 889.40
to crack length a/c ranged from 0.2 to 1 with an interval
3.20 16.00 597.58 762.66
of 0.2.
3.20 5.33 784.40 777.98
3.20 3.20 863.43 805.41
4.48 22.40 464.12 611.25
4.48 7.47 707.55 679.06
4.48 4.48 811.49 729.554
In this study, a 30-liter CNG cylinder with a wide range [1] Wells, A.A., 1981. “The meaning of fitness for purpose and
of semi-elliptical internal surface cracks was assessed to the concept of defect tolerance”. International Conference
predict its burst strength. of Fitness for Purpose Validation of Welded Constructions.
London, UK: The Welding Institute, Paper 33.
Based on the tensile strength and fracture properties [2] BS 7910, 2005. “Guide on Methods for Assessing the
obtained, the prediction was performed using BS 7910 [2] Acceptability of Flaws in Fusion Welded Structures”. British
Standards Institution, London, UK.
and API 579 [3] approaches respectively. Fracture toughness
in terms of critical CTOD value obtained from the CTOD [3] API RP579-1/ASME FFS-1, 2007. “Fitness-for-Service”.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
test and critical stress intensity factor KIC estimated from the
Charpy impact test data were applied in the prediction.
[4] Ainsworth, R.A., 1984. “The assessment of defects in
structures of strain hardening materials”. Engineering Fracture
From the prediction results for the cracked CNG cylinder, Mechanics, 19(4), 633–642.
it can be concluded that the fracture toughness estimated
[5] Lin, X.B. and Smith, R.A., 1998. “Fatigue Growth Prediction
from Charpy impact test data can be used in the fracture
of Internal Surface Cracks in Pressure Vessels”. Journal of
strength prediction for the cracked CNG cylinder. BS 7910 Pressure Vessel Technology, 120(1), 17-23.
[2] approach produces more conservative predictions of
the fracture strength compared to that the API 579 [3]
standard. When the ratio a/c increases, the weakest point
of the crack is expected to shift from the deepest point to
the crack tip.
ABSTRACT: In this study, the stress concentration factor (SCF) distribution of a set of plate-to-plate Y joints made from high strength
steel plates (with yield stress equal to 690MPa) under the action of static axial tensile loading applied on the brace were studied. The
detailed SCF distributions were analyzed via finite element modelling and empirically tested using small scale specimens (with plate
dimensions of 450mm×150mm). Two groups of specimens with different welding procedures are studied: The first group consists of
joints with welding completed at ambient temperature while the second group consists of joints with welding completed at a per-heated
temperature of 100°C. Comparison study is then carried out for the stress concentration factor of high strength steel joint in different
fabrication environments and geometries.
o l A
FLA-2 of TML strain gauge, which has only one grid, was
adhered on the surface of the specimen. Six strain gauges
were used and installed in the position as Figure 4 shown. Figure 5. The distribution of SCF in monitoring points
In the direction of specimen length, the strain gauges of 8mm–45° joints.
positioned in two lines, which were away from weld toe
5mm and 20mm respectively, were applied.
Weld Toe 5
C B A 20
C1 B1 A1
25 50 50 25
the plate width, the SCF at joint with welding at ambient CONCLUSIONS
temperature is 0.80 while at the other end point in joint
with welding at pre-heating temperature is 2.12. This Based on numerical analysis and test results, several
phenomenon may be due to the uneven distortion of plate conclusions are obtained as follow:
during welding and the asymmetrical applied stress caused (1) In most cases, the SCF values obtained by modelling
by the tensile machine. However, in the middle of plate have good consistence with test results. The numerical
width, the test results are close to modelling value. Figure analysis by using python through ABAQUS is
9 and Figure 10 give the results for the 16mm-45° joints efficient.
and the 16mm-60° joints, respectively. In these two cases, (2) The notch near the weld toe has significant influence
the modelling results corresponds with test values well. on SCF values and it is necessary to avoid producing
such flaws in process of welding. Additionally, the
distortion due to welding may also be an effect of the
distribution of SCF.
(3) In most of the 45° and 60° high strength steel joints,
the SCF locates in the range from 1.4 to 2.3. Several
aberrant values may turn out in the test due to limitation
of the specimens and test setup.
(4) The welding conditions including ambient temperature
and pre-heating temperature do not exert much influence
on SCF.
ABSTRACT: Several structural collapse incidents indicate that failure usually starts from the beam-column joints when exposed to
abnormal loads, especially for steel and composite structures. If the connections are sufficiently robust and there is adequate axial restraint
from adjoining structures, catenary action forms in the beams and slabs. This gives rise to alternate load paths when affected columns
are severely damaged, resulting in large deformations in the beams and slabs. This paper presents experimental results of steel beam-
column joints subjected to catenary action. Two groups of connections (viz. simple and semi-rigid) were studied under column removal
scenarios. Seven experimental tests were conducted. The experimental results demonstrated that web cleat, flush end plate and top and
seat with web angles connections had better performance under extreme loading conditions compared with other types of joints.
moment connections [3, 4]. However, in Europe, bolted principal aim of this paper is to provide the experimental
steel connections such as fin plate, flush end plate, web results of steel beam-column joint behaviour, including
cleat and extended end plate, are very popular and the failure modes, development of forces and deflections in
evaluation of these kinds of joints subjected to catenary the beams.
action is important and timely.
The test set-up is shown in Figure 3. Compared with other (b) Front view
joint tests under normal loading conditions, additional Figure 3. The test set-up.
horizontal restraints were provided by an A-frame and
a strong reaction wall to consider the restraint from
surrounding structural elements. In order to consider the TEST RESULTS
rotational restraint from the continuous column to beam-
column joints, a rotational restraint system was adopted, Simple connections
as shown in Fig. 3. In addition, the beams were restrained
from lateral movement. A displacement-controlled point load Before the test was started, the specimen was held at the
was applied to the middle column using an actuator. horizontal position. A vertical load was then applied to
the middle column gradually until fracture occurred in the
connection part.
Test specimens
In the test of web cleat, the specimen reached the largest
In total, seven tests were carried out. Table 1 summaries loading point with fracture of the web cleat close to the
the test specimens. In all these seven tests, M20 8.8 bolts heel, shown in Figure 4.
were used.
UB S355 S275
Top and seat 305×165×40 L90×8
Simple angle UB S355 S275
connections Fin plate 305×165×40 100×8
UB S355 S275
TSWA 305×165×40 L90×8
UB S355 S275
Extended end 254×146×37 200×12
Figure 4. Failure mode of web cleat.
plate UB S355 S275
Semi-rigid Extended end 254×146×37 200×12
connections plate UB S355 S275 A ductile failure mode was observed in this test and due
TSWA 254×146×37 L150×100×12 to the high rotation capacity, catenary action could develop
UB S355 S275 well.
Semi-rigid connections
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Yang Yaowen (cywyang@ntu.edu.sg)
Tang Lihua (c070073@ntu.edu.sg)
To date, wireless sensor networks have been widely Regarding the term at the right hand side of Eqn. (1b)
employed for civil structure health monitoring. One as a current source i, this equation actually satisfies the
challenge in their applications is the limited lifespan of Kirchoff’s current law. Under uncoupled assumption, the
the embedded batteries. For the sensor nodes deployed at coupling term χrV in Eqn. (1a) can be dropped. Hence,
inaccessible locations, battery replacement could be tedious the vibration of the PEH ηr and in turn the current source
and expensive. Hence, harvesting ambient vibration energy i in Eqn. (1b) are independent of the electrical load (or
as sensor’s power supply has aroused an intensive research the energy harvesting process). For open circuit condition,
interest in the past few years [1]. Eqn. (1b) is rewritten as
In fact, if we move χrV in Eqn. (1a) to the righ hand side
as shown in Eqn. (3), χrV obviously plays the role as an
From the beam vibration theory and constitutive equations
additional excitation force imposed on the beam.
of piezoelectricity, the modal electromechanical governing
equations for a cantilevered PEH can be described as [3]
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
When the excitation frequency approaches one resonance
frequency, the magnitude of V will significantly increase
and the term χrV cannot be neglected especially when the
coupling χr is strong. Hence, ηr in Eqn. (3) and the current
where the subscript ( )r represents the r-th vibration mode;
source i in Eqn. (2) are dependent on the electrical load.
ηr, ωr, and χr are the modal coordinate, natural frequency,
damping ratio and modal electromechanical coupling
coefficient, respectively; – früg is the excitation force due
Accurate circuit model
to the base acceleration üg; V and I are the voltage across
the PEH and current output from the PEH, respectively;
To derive the accurate circuit model of PEH, the
and CS is the clamped internal capacitance of the PEH.
electromechanical coupling term χrV should remain in
From (8b), the locus of Ymot in the complex plane near r-th
mode is an approximate circle, i.e.,
The last undetermined parameter is the magnitude of the
In FEA, applying the voltage on the PEH, we obtain the voltage source vr for r-th mode. Under a unit excitation
charge or current response, and subsequently the admittance acceleration, vr is related to the charge response exactly at
Y by applying Eqn. (5). The PEH in this case works in r-th natural frequency by the following equation [3],
actuator mode. Hence, the r-th branch of circuit model
(Fig. (3a)) can be converted to Fig. (3b) according to the …(11)
properties of an ideal transformer, i.e.,
Hence, after we obtain the charge response Q(jωr) by FEA,
…(6) vr can be determined by Eqn. (11).
Optimal power delivered on various resistors There is a minor discrepancy in this frequency between
the experiment measurement and simulation prediction due
To evaluate the optimal power and corresponding optimal to the imperfect clamping in the experiment, as mentioned
load, various resistors are directly attached to the PEH. Fig. in previous section.
7 shows the frequency responses of the power for different
resistive loads. Although the power magnitudes from Fig. 8 shows the voltage waveforms across the five
experiment and simulation are not exactly the same, their capacitors in time domain when the energy harvesting
trends with resistance increase are similar. Both experiment process starts. It is noted that small capacitors are quickly
and simulation results show that the maximum delivered charged to saturation, which means that they are preferable
power first increases and then decreases with the resistance. when instant power supply is required. Additionally, good
The optimal resistance is around 40KΩ. Furthermore, the consistency is observed between the experiment and
frequency to achieve the maximum power (or the peak) simulation results. Hence, with the help of the derived
shifts to right when the resistance increases. These results circuit model, it is convenient to predict the performance of
are reasonable since the increase of resistance corresponds a piezoelectric energy harvesting system by circuit modeling
to the circuit condition shifts from short-circuit to open- and simulation, avoiding the tedious experimental work.
circuit. The simulation captures these phenomena as the
experiment, validating the circuit model that we derived.
ABSTRACT: This study presents the development of a finite element model with the ability to simulate and analyse the response of
steel bolted end-plate connections subjected to extremely rapid rates of applied loading. The effect of material strain-rate sensitivity
was taken into account and a shear failure criterion was adopted to predict the failure of the connections. By comparing the simulation
results with experimental observed response, it is found that the numerical techniques and the material model used in this study can
predict the structural behaviour of connections subjected to dynamic loading reasonably well.
that, for high rate dynamic loads, ABAQUS has very good been found to be in good agreement with some reported
simulation capabilities. Due to small time durations and test results, these values were selected here to model the
high applied loads required for the current study, the finite material strain rate of the beam and the end plate.
element model was created using 8-noded continuum (brick)
elements with reduced integration (C3D8R). The model
considered contact conditions between the bolts/nuts head
and the end plate/column, the bolt shanks and the holes, the
end plate and the column, respectively. The fixed boundary
condition was applied at the bottom of the beam.
σd = 1.1σ0 …(2)
Failure criterion
Figure 2. An overview of the finite element model.
As strain-based failure model controls the brittleness/
ductility of the material, a shear failure criterion where
Material model equivalent plastic strain as the failure measure was applied
to simulate the cracking of the connections (elements that
The material model adopted Young’s modulus of 205 GPa are heavily deformed and satisfy the criterion during loading
and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 for all of the steel components. are automatically deleted from the mesh). Unlike turning
It should be noted that the densities of the beam and the simulations where a predefined fracture line exists, this
column were adjusted to make sure their masses were the damage parameter was activated across the whole analysis.
same in actual test. Plastic stress-stain curves based on It should be noted that this failure model is only suitable
true stress-strain relationship were defined in this study. for high-strain-rate dynamic problems. The research work
Von Mises yield criterion was used to simulate plastic conducted by Hyun Chang Yim et al. [6] suggested the
deformations of the connection. equivalent plastic strain values of base metal and welds
is 0.2 for base metal and 0.1 for welds. These values are
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
The effects of the material rate sensitivity are very important obtained by comparison with the dissipated energy values
in the high-strain-rate analysis. In this study, the strain rate of welds and base metal in the Charpy-V Notch test.
effects were introduced into the material model by the
widely-used Cowper-Symonds equation as follows:
σd = σ0 | 1 + ( D ) |
δ q
First, the validation of three-dimensional finite element
where D and q are the material parameters, which were models was preceded by comparing their predictions against
determined from experimental results.Various values of static test data using ABAQUS. As described in the test
the constants D and q have been reported in the literature report [3], a static load was applied on the right side of the
for mild steel. Some of the most representative values for column with a pivot, as shown in Fig. 1. In this test, the
the strain rate sensitivity of mild steel are shown in Fig. connection was not highly deformed due to the limitation of
3. Since the values suggested by Marais et al. [5] have the loading system. The relationship between the connection
tension load and the connection rotation from experimental Comparisons of the final deformed configuration of the
tests and computer simulations are compared in Fig. 4. As connection and the failure mode between FEA and test
shown in Fig. 4, results from the simulation and that from results are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the numerical
the experiment corresponded very well. It was demonstrated model can successfully predict the failure mode of the
that the FE model including the definition of materials and connection which involves cracking along the fillet weld
the contact conditions is shown to be, reliable for quasi- between the end plate and the beam web. From the test
static connection behaviour. result, we can see that cracking usually starts on one side.
The simulation result can also predict this phenomenon.
Based on the validated FE model, the analysis of the However, it should be noted that the prediction of which
connection under rapidly applied loading was conducted, side of connection crack first is somehow arbitrary.
with strain rate sensitivity and the failure criterion. Fig.
5 shows a comparison between the simulation result and
the test one. Reasonable agreement is also achieved on the
connection load versus rotation curve. The existence of
discrepancy may be due to the simplified loading method
defined as the load reaches the peak in 0.05ms followed
by a constant force during the rest of analysis in the
numerical simulation.
Lee Chi King (ccklee@ntu.edu.sg)
Chiew Sing Ping (cspchiew@ntu.edu.sg)
Jiang Jin (jian0048@e.ntu.edu.sg)
Yu Yi (yuyi@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: In this study, an investigation of the residual stress distribution near the weld toe of a set of plate-to-plate Y joins made
from high strength steel with yield stress equal 690MPa are carried out. The hole-drilling method is applied to measure the residual stress
distribution near the weld toe of the joints. Special template and accessories are manufactured to ensure that precise drilling could be
conducted close to the weld toe. The characteristics of the residual stress are discussed and its relationship with the joint geometry and
the welding profile is summarized.
by welding.
In the present experimental investigation, a number of C x t1
o A
plate-to-plate Y joints, made of high strength steel with l
minimum yielding stress of 690MPa, were fabricated l1
by welding. This high strength steel, RQT701, which
Figure 1. Welding Profile for 45° joints.
is supplied by Corus Group, is quenched and tempered
structural steel with improved forming and welding
performance by substitute some alloying element with t2
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
carbon. In the process of welding, greater precautions are
needed to ensure that welding qualification is satisfactory. y
Two series of specimens were included to compare the
influence of welding condition on residual stress distribution Figure 2. Welding Profile for 60° joints.
C B A 15
The RS-200 Milling Guide is a high-precision instrument 25
for analyzing residual stress by the hole-drilling method B1
through positioning and drilling of a hole in the center of
a special strain gauge rosette. Its ruggedness and flexibility B2
make it equally suitable for laboratory or field application.
Since positioning precision of the milling guide has great 25 50 50 25
influence on the accuracy of measurement, the RS-200
milling guide with a microscope installed was applied
and secured to samples with quick-setting and frangible
adhesive to bond its foot pads. The milling cutter was
guided carefully to make the cutter progress in a straight
line devoid of side pressure on the hole and friction at the
non-cutting edge. A high-speed air turbine was employed
to form good hole shape and adaptability to incremental Figure 5. Plane view of scheme of strain gauges.
drilling as shown in Figure 3. To make the measured points
close to the weld toe of the joint, a special supporting set 100°C 25°C
was designed.
In the measurement of residual stress, a special type of strain Generally, several steps were followed orderly when the
rosette, FRAS-2, which was designed by TML to facilitate hole-drilling method was applied. Firstly, a special strain
positioning three grids on one side of the measurement point, gauge rosette with three grids was bonded at the point
was used to measure the released strain of the specimen where the residual stresses were to be determined as shown
during drilling. In the transverse direction (labeled with y in Figure 5 and Figure 6. Then the RS-200 Milling Guide
in Figure 4), the shortest distance between the weld toe was attached to the test part and centered over the rosette.
and the strain rosette is 5mm. The further one is 15mm Afterwards a precision hole was introduced at the center
away from the weld toe while the furthest strain rosette of the rosette and readings of the relaxed strains were
has a spacing of 25mm from weld toe. In the longitudinal
recorded. Finally, residual stresses were computed.
direction (labeled with x in Figure 5), three strain rosettes
were fixed with distance of 25mm, 75mm and 125mm
away from the edge. It is positioned such that grid 1 is
parallel with direction of applied loading. Figure 5 shows CALIBRATION TEST
the plane view of the strain gauges scheme applied to the
specimens. Two calibration coefficients denoted as and were
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
and the values of ε1’ and ε3’ were recorded. It is required 45° 60° (1) 60° (2)
that the tensile stress be uniform over the cross section of
the specimen. Then the loading was released and the plate
was removed out form tensile machine. A standardized
dimension hole, whose dimension is the same as in objective
joints, was drilled. The specimen was replaced in the
tensile machine and applied the exactly same loading P as
before drilling and recorded another group strains ε1’ and
ε3’. To make the results more reliable, 8 groups reading
are recorded in different depths ranging from 0 to 2mm
with 0.25mm gap.
Figure 8. Comparison of stress in points A, B and C in y
direction of specimen with preheating and 8mm.
It can be seen that, in Figure 6, for the 45° joints, preheating
can effectively reduce the magnitude of residual stress at
points A, B, C. At point C where x coordinate is 125mm, 45° 60° (1) 60° (2)
the residual stress is compressive for preheating case while
it is tensile for welding in ambient. At point B which is
located at the middle of the plate, the residual stress is
also slightly reduced for preheating case. For 60° joints,
the magnitude of residual stress also can be reduced by
preheating as shown in Figure 7.
It is illustrated in Figure 10 for stresses at points B, B1, 100°C (1) 100°C (2)
and B2. It can be seen that the magnitude of residual 25°C (1) 25°C (2)
stress becomes smaller when the distance from weld toe
gets further. But this variation is not linear. The stress is
reduced quickly when the distance goes from 5mm to 15
mm. However, the stress rises slightly from point B1 to
B2. But for the specimens with preheating, the variation
seems somewhat scattered.
may increase in a smaller magnitude from B1 to B2. (6) In general, the magnitude of residual stress in x
It means that the relationship between the change of direction is much higher than the residual stress in the
residual stress and the distance away from weld toe y direction. In particular, for one joint, the maximum
is non-linear. residual stress in x direction is located in the middle
(3) Preheating can effectively reduce the magnitude of of the plate. The principle stress can be beyond the
residual stress of 45° joints. For 60° joints, preheating yielding stress in some cases.
can also reduce the residual stress in some cases.
However, it also can increase the residual stress.
Therefore, it is pertinent that evenly high-quality REFERENCES
preheating of the steel plate should be applied during
the welding of high strength steel joints. [1]. AWS. ANSI/AWS A5.5. Specification for Low-Alloy Steel
Electrodes for Shield Mtetal Arc Welding. American Welding
(4) Regarding the effect of welding angle for preheating Society, Miami, USA. 2006.
specimens, the maximum residual stress seems higher [2]. AWS.ANSI/AWS D1.1. Structural Welding Code-Steel.
in 60° joints than 45° joints in most cases. In the room American Welding Society, Miami, USA. 2008.
temperature welding specimens, the angle effect is not [3]. AS/NZS. Structural steel welding part 4: Welding of high
quite obvious. strength quenched and tempered steels, Australia/ New Zealand
(5) For the specimens test in this study with plate thickness Standard AS/NZS 1554.4, 2004.
from 8mm to 16mm, the plate thickness only has [4]. BSI. Eurocode3---Design of steel structures. Part1-12:
slight influence on the magnitude of residual stress. Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel
However, it should be noted that for thicker plate, it grades S700. British Standards Institute, London, UK. 2007
could be possible that the plate thickness may have [5]. API.Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and
more significant effect on residual stress. Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms, API-RP2A. American
Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, USA. 1993.
ABSTRACT: Following the World Trade Centre disaster, some researchers have identified joint integrity as a key parameter to maintaining
structural integrity under catenary action and have conducted extensive research works. This paper presents experimental results of
steel angle beam-column joints subjected to catenary action. Three types of angle connections were studied under column removal
scenarios. Nine experimental tests were conducted. The experimental results demonstrate the ductility and load capacities of these three
connection types with different angle thicknesses in catenary mode.
sub-assemblages. Welded joints with and without reduced behaviour, including failure modes, development of forces
steel beam sections were considered. Fahim et al. [4] and deflections in the beams.
conducted an experimental and analytical assessment of
the performance of steel beam-column assemblies with
two types of moment-resisting connections similar to the TEST SET-UP AND SPECIMENS
ones investigated by Khandelwal and EI-Tawil [3] under
the column-removal scenario. As a follow-up work, this A detailed description of the test set-up was given in a
paper investigated the behaviour and failure modes of previous paper [7], so only the specimen details are given
typical steel connections subjected to catenary action under here.
the condition of in-plane loading. In 2009, Karns et al. [5]
conducted a test programme consisting of a steel frame In total, nine tests were carried out. Table 1 summarises
subjected to a blast. The behaviour of different beam-column the test specimens. In all these nine tests, M20 8.8 bolts
joints subjected to blast was evaluated experimentally and were used.
Web cleat
Figure 5 shows the failure modes of the top and seat angle Figure 7 shows the failure modes of TSWA tests. The same
tests. The same failure modes with web cleat tests were failure modes with web cleat tests were observed.
Figure 5. Failure mode of top and seat angle. Figure 7. Failure mode of TSWA.
Figure 6 shows the load-displacement curves of top and Figure 8 shows the load-displacement curves of TSWA
seat angle connections using different angle thicknesses. connections using different angle thicknesses. Higher
Higher flexural action and load-carrying capacity were flexural action and load-carrying capacity were observed
observed when angle thickness increased. However, catenary when angle thickness increases. With regard to the stage
action could not contribute significantly to the load-carrying of large deformation, all these three connections could
capacities even when the angle thickness was increased. develop catenary action well.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to investigate the structural response of a typical reinforced concrete building in Singapore,
subjected to a scenario earthquake with a mean annual frequency of exceedance of 2% in 50 years. Two-dimensional finite element
models of a sample 10-storey building with complete infill wall and with no infill in the first storey are analyzed. The results of non
linear analysis show that the latter case has a high value of storey drift ratio at the first storey that may result in significant damage to
the building.
frequency of exceedance of 2% in 50 years on a soft soil Figure 1. FEDEAS Concrete Material Model.
site in Singapore. Two-dimensional finite element models of
a sample 10-storey building found in general in Singapore
are developed and analyzed. The impact of infill wall on
modeling and structural performance is discussed.
For the analysis part, numerical models of the sample Figure 2. First Storey Layout.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
of decomposition of power spectral density matrix into Table 1. Natural Frequency Comparison.
single degree of freedom systems using singular value Without Infill With Infill AVT
decomposition. The first decomposed singular value
represents contribution of the dominating mode at that
particular frequency and the corresponding singular vector Mode 1(Hz) 0.46 1.95 1.97
is the mode shape. The remaining represents the lower Mode 2(Hz) 1.38 5.61 4.85
modes or the noise component. Y-Direction
Mode 1(Hz) 0.65 2.06 2.17
To characterize the first two translational frequencies, Mode 2(Hz) 1.78 6.09 ND
measurements have been performed on the 2nd, 9th and
10th floors of the sample building. Figure 3 shows the
SVD values plotted against frequency in the X direction RESPONSE-HISTORY ANALYSIS
and the first two modes can be identified at frequencies
of 1.97 Hz and 4.85 Hz. Ground Motions
reasonable assumption for low strain values resulting from Nonlinear response-history analyses were performed to
ambient vibration. investigate the structural response of the sample building
subjected to the spectrally-matched acceleration time series
The model without infill wall significantly underestimates of Figure 4. Only the result for one of the time series of
the frequencies of the sample building identified from the Figure 4 is presented herein. Maximum inter-storey drift
AVT data and the frequencies of the model with infill have ratio is chosen to represent the building performance. Some
a good agreement with the results of the AVT data. The cases of buildings, where the first floor is used as common
contribution of infill wall should not be ignored in the space, do not include wall in the first storey. Analysis for
modeling and analysis of the sample building. such cases is done using the same model but by removing
the wall in the first storey. Figure 5 compares the peak
storey drift of the sample building in the X and Y directions
1) with complete infill wall and 2) with no infill in the first
storey. Drift ratio is less than 0.5% for the case with infill The response-history analysis for the sample building
wall throughout the height of the building thus implying that with regular infill shows that the maximum drift ratio is
the damage of the sample building is insignificant. For the less than 0.5% and that for the building with an irregular
case without infill wall at storey one, the distribution of the distribution of wall indicates a maximum drift ratio of 3%
drift ratio indicates a soft storey with a drift ratio of 3% at for the first storey in the X direction.
storey one in the X direction of the sample building. This
drift ratio will result in significant damage in the beams, In this study, the beam-column joints of the sample building
columns and walls of that storey. are assumed rigid, which might underestimate the drift ratio
if the demand of joints exceeds their elastic capacity. More
research is needed to study the impact of the nonlinear
behavior of beam-column joints on the performance of
the sample building.
Daniel Lukas Mulyawan Jap (Daniel.Mulyawan@arup.com)
Irana Pantow (IRAN0001@ntu.edu.sg)
Kusnowidjaja Megawati (kusno@ntu.edu.sg)
ABSTRACT: Shear-wave velocity structures at three locations in Singapore are investigated by the means of array measurement of
microtremor. The microtremor data was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation method and frequency-wave number method. The results
of this study indicate that the shear-wave velocity structures inferred from microtremor observation are consistent with those obtained
using crosshole PS logging. The study also shows that the velocity structure obtained from microtremor survey is independent of the
shape of the array and the time of the measurement. Microtremor survey method is not only applicable for investigating soft soil sites,
but it is also usable for weathered rock sites with thin soil deposits. This is a Final Year Project carried out by the first and second
authors under the supervision of the third author.
of the subsurface layers inferred from the microtremor Figure 3. Accuracy and consistency of various
measurement is dependent on the configuration of the array configurations.
array. Ideally, the shear-wave velocity profile should
be independent from the array configuration. Several Applicability of microtremor method in estimating
array configurations, as shown in Figure 2, were used to subsurface soil profile
investigate the subsurface structure at KAT.
The accuracy and consistency of microtremor survey
method were investigated using several field observations
mentioned previously. The Observations were conducted
using triangular array with increasing sizes to allow for
estimation of deeper soil layers. The records from small-size
array (7.5 m and 30 m) were analyzed using SPAC method
while the records for medium-size (200 m) and large-size
(400 m) array were analyzed using f-k method.
have enough energy to cause microtremor wave propagation Beatty Secondary School measurement
throughout the large array area. This finding implies that
KAT is a relatively calm area with low level of vibration The theoretical soil layers constructed from BES
caused by long-period oceanic wave. Hence, large array measurement are shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 7 shows
recordings were not used for further analysis of KAT. the comparison of soil profile estimated form microtremor
measurement and soil profile constructed from bore log data.
An observation using large array was also conducted and
it is concluded that similar to KAT, the area is relatively
calm with little long-period microtremors. The results from
both KAT and BES also showed that the recordings obtain
from the several observations conducted yield consistent
subsurface structures.
Figure 4. (from top) Theoretical soil profile estimated from Figure 6. Theoretical soil profile estimated for BES area based
1 October 2008, 2 December 2009, and 6 February 2010 on 3rd October 2008 and 19th March 2010 observations.
measurements at Katong Park.
This observation was done to assess the feasibility of Shear-wave velocity structures at three locations in
microtremor method applied in hard soil stratum. The Singapore were investigated by the means of array
observation result with the estimated soil profile is shown measurement of microtremor. The microtremor data
in Figure 8 below. The comparison of the estimated soil was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation method and
profile with nearby bore log exploration result is presented frequency-wave number method. The results of this study
in Figure 9. The soil strength is represented by SPT N indicated that the shear-wave velocity structures inferred
values in the bore log data. The N value was then converted from microtremor observation are consistent with those
into shear wave velocity value using formula extracted obtained using crosshole PS logging. The study also showed
from report by BCA (2006). The finding implies that that the velocity structure obtained from microtremor
microtremor method could provide a reliable estimation survey is independent of the shape of the array (line,
for hard soil layers. square, rectangle, and equilateral triangle) and the time of
the measurement. Microtremor survey method is not only
applicable for investigating soft soil sites, but it is also
usable for weathered rock sites with thin soil deposits.
A partial list of research projects is summarized below. Readers are welcome to email the respective investigators for more
information regarding their work.
Aquaporin Based Biomimetic Membranes For Water Reuse and Desalination Anthony Gordon Fane
TEC Project. Nanostructures Photocatalyst for Membrane Fouling Control Sun Delai, Darren
Development of a GIS Based System for Earthquake Response Monitoring of Kusnowidjaja Megawati
Buildings in Singapore kusno@ntu.edu.sg
Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 176: Tang Chuyang
Novel Technologies for Enhanced Control of Concentration Polarisation and cytang@ntu.edu.sg
Fouling in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes
Environmental Technology of Brine and Reject Streams_ Project 174: Anthony Gordon Fane
Brine Processing By Membrane Distillation Crystallization agfane@ntu.edu.sg,
Law Wing-Keung Adrian
Novel high energy density vanadium redox flow cell for renewable Tuti Mariana Lim
energy storage tmlim@ntu.edu.sg
Prediction of Explosion Hazards from Earth Covered Magazine Fan Sau Cheong
Nitrogen-Doped TIO2-Activated Carbon (AC) Composite for Adsorptive Lim Teik Thye
Photocatalytic Oxidation-Reduction of Refractory Organic Substances cttlim@ntu.edu.sg
Under Solar Irradiation in Water Purification
Structural Resilience Study of Concrete Precast and Composite Steel Joints Tan Kang Hai
Subject to Missing Column Scenario ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg
Development of Analytical Tools for Progressive Collapse Analysis due to Tan Kang Hai
Terrorist Bombing ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg
Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 175: Law Wing-Keung, Adrian
Novel Hydrodynamics for Low Pressure Membrane Processes cwklaw@ntu.edu.sg
Integration of Novel Forward Osmosis Membranes and Optimized Anthony Gordon Fane
Bioprocess for Water Reclamation agfane@ntu.edu.sg
Plane wave absorbers for wave power generation Law Wing-Keung, Adrian
Improving The Efficiency of Membranes in the Water Industry_Project 178: Anthony Gordon Fane
Sensors For Fouling Control in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes agfane@ntu.edu.sg
MBR Process Modeling And Optimization: Case Study of Ulu Pandan Jim Chen Chin-Kuang
Water Reclamation Plant With Future Scale-Up Considerations jimchen@ntu.edu.sg
Explore Concept of Membrane Action in Slabs to Reduce Fire Protection Tan Kang Hai
for Beams ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg
Slope Instrumentation for the Study of Rainfall -Induced Slope Failures Harianto Rahardjo
in Singapore chrahardjo@ntu.edu.sg
Energy efficiency and indoor air-quality control in air-conditioned buildings Chang Wei-Chung
The Jurong rock cavern project at Banyan Basin, Jurong Island Low Bak Kong
(JTC C05502007) bklow@ntu.edu.sg
Integration Development of Flexible DSSC for Commercial Application Sun Delai, Darren
Development and Assembling of High Efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Sun Delai, Darren
and Water Cleavage-Hydrogen Production Reactor Using Novel Nano ddsun@ntu.edu.sg
Structured Ti)2 Fiber/Tube/Membrane
Biocement-A New Sustainable And Energy Saving Material For Construction Chu Jian
And Waste Treatment cjchu@ntu.edu.sg
Failure Modes and Ultimate Strength of Tubular Joints under Elevated Tan Kang Hai
Temperatures ckhtan@ntu.edu.sg
The Jurong rock cavern project at Banyan Basin, Jurong Island Low Bak Kong
(JTC C05502007)05 bklow@ntu.edu.sg
The Influence of Floor Slabs and Transverse Beams on the Behavior of Li Bing
RC Beam-Column Joints under Loss of Column Scenarios cbli@ntu.edu.sg
Off-line Portable Damage Detection Devices for Compressed Natural Lie Seng Tjhen
Gas (CNG) Cylinders Fitted in Vehicles ctlie@ntu.edu.sg
Strengthening techniques to increase seismic 1.0 To study suitable location for sensors to be installed
resistance in school building in Hebei & in an estimated number of 6 buildings, where
extensive instrumentation with a minimum of six
Liao Ning, China
tri-axial seismic sensors (or episensor force-balance
Principal Investigator: Li Bing
accelerometers) linked to a data logger shall be done
Report No.: CEE/2010/192
for each building.
The project beneficiaries include 1,000 students who will
2.0 To study suitable location for the sensors to be installed
upon project completion benefit from a safer school building
for the remaining buildings, where a minimum of two
being repaired and strengthened against earthquakes.
tri-axial seismic sensors (or episensor force-balance
Through the training of the trainers, 10 master trainers and
accelerometers) linked to a data logger should be
40 local builders will also benefit.
placed in each building for monitoring purposes.
obtained. The effects of rock bolts were also studied Myanmar Cyclone - Wellspring of Hope
based on the continuous model. The effects of stand- Principal Investigator: Li Bing
off distance, rock bolts and joint orientation on the Report No.: CEE/2010/199
dynamic response of rock cavern were investigated
based on discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). It Providing safe drinking water by extracting ground water
can be concluded that the displacements and velocities (drilling tube-wells) or surface water (pumping river water)
of a certain measure point near rock tunnels under blast complete with appropriate water treatment facilities (sand
loading are highly dependent on the stand-off distance filters with backwash and chlorine disinfectants), storage
from the charge hole, the overburden of the tunnel, tanks, diesel engine and compressors for the Cyclone Nargis
and joints orientation. The rock bolts can slightly affected communities which are served by the Sun Quality
decrease the displacement and velocity of measure Health clinics at 20 locations in the Irrawaddy delta.
points near it while its effects are insignificant.
The Occurrence and Molecular of the DDA in the past decades were given. The formulae
Characterization of Enteric Viruses in the of the NDDA for program were also presented as a main
work of this thesis. The analytical solutions for the inertia
Tropical Aquatic Environment
matrix and contact matrices which control the stability of
Candidate: Aw Tiong Gim
the open-close iterations of block kinematics of the NDDA
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/211
were provided and discussed. The NDDA is not a simple
couple of the FEM and the DDA but a hybrid of them. It
Enteric viruses have emerged as important causes of
can work at three states: pure FEM, pure DDA and mixed.
major waterborne disease outbreaks in recent years. The
When the system is continuous, the NDDA works in the
occurrence of enteric viruses in aquatic environments
pure FEM mode. When the system is totally discontinuous,
constitutes a major health hazard because of their low
the NDDA works in the pure DDA mode. Otherwise, the
infective dose and resistance to environmental breakdown.
NDDA works in a mixed mode which retains the advantages
Currently, our knowledge on the occurrence of enteric
of both methods.
viruses in tropical water environments is limited. This
thesis describes the first study of the prevalence and
The idea of NDDA is easy and ready to be realized
molecular characterization of waterborne pathogenic viruses
since the FEM and the DDA are both derived from the
in urban water catchments and community wastewaters in
minimization of the total potential energy of the system.
Singapore. Noroviruses were determined to be the most
An FEM code can be easily transformed into a DDA code
prevalent enteric viruses detected in both wastewater and
when the kinematics part is considered. The NDDA can
surface water samples. Molecular characterization revealed
absorb both the advantages of the FEM and the DDA.
the genetic diversity of astroviruses, enteroviruses and
To transform an FEM algorithm into a DDA algorithm,
noroviruses in water environments. The norovirus strains
two steps are necessary: (1) scheme for the fracture of
detected in environmental samples are closely related to
the continuous material; (2) introducing of the inertia and
the concurrently identified clinical strains in Singapore
kinematics matrices.
during gastroenteritis outbreaks between August 2006 to
January 2007. Knowledge on the occurrence of human
Lastly, numerical simulations were performed to show the
enteric viruses in water environments contributes to the
improvement and flexibility of the NDDA over the standard
understanding of the mechanisms of viral transmission
DDA. The simulation of stress wave propagating inside a
and the possible role played by water as a vehicle of
rock bar shows the ability of the NDDA in dealing with
wave problems and its fracturing ability when the stress
wave cause breakage. The simulation of rock specimen with
initial cracks under uniaxial forces shows the procedure of
Nodal-based Discontinuous Deformation crack propagation which agrees with empirical findings.
Analysis The simulations of Brazilian disc test series also agree well
Candidate: Bao Huirong with the experimental results. Indeed, the NDDA can be
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/212 applied to more engineering problems other than the crack
propagation problems if more mature FEM algorithms are
This thesis presents a nodal-based discontinuous deformation applied to them.
analysis (NDDA) based on the coupling of the discontinuous
deformation analysis (DDA) and the finite element method
(FEM), for modeling blocky systems, especially for Sorption of Oxyanions on Nanocrystalline
simulating crack propagation in rock mass. The NDDA can
provide a more accurate stress and strain distribution in
Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxides: Sorption
Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Matrix
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
grains. Interactions of oxyanions (i.e. arsenate, chromate, and length of the suction zone and time on bedload transport
vanadate) and oxyhalide (i.e. bromate) with nanocrystalline rate. Two different types of cohesionless sand particles
LDH were studied through stoichiometric calculations, with diameters = 0.9 mm and 0.48 mm were used in the
nitrate displacement investigations, comprehensive study.
sorption/desorption experiments, and analyses with several
microscopic techniques such as XPS, EXAFS, XRD, FTIR, Three dimensionless groups, viz. Einstein’s parameter
CHNS/O, and EDX. The influences of co-existing species Φ, Shields’ parameter without seepage τ*o and modified
on the sorption of oxyanions by nanocrystalline LDH were densimetric Froude number Ω are chosen to examine how
investigated by conducting experiment in the presence of seepage affects bedload transport rate. Eleven undisturbed
natural organic matter (NOM) and common anions such as flow conditions were tested, five under clear water and
nitrate, silica, sulfate, carbonate, and phosphate. Arsenate six in live-bed condition. No bedforms with significant
sorption performances of LDHs prepared by various height were observed during the experiments. The results
alternative synthetic routes were also explored and compared show that an increase in suction rate causes an increase in
with those of LDHs prepared by conventional routes. shear velocity excess, which is defined as the difference
between the bed and critical shear velocities, leading to an
increase in bedload transport rate. The experimental data
Exhausted Carbon for the Removal of also show that for the same undisturbed flow conditions,
Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia the dimensionless bedload transport rate increases linearly
Candidate: Jiang Xia (in semi-logarithmic scale) with increasing suction rates.
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/214 The equations for predicting bedload transport rate under
suction are derived empirically; the predicted results using
The main objective of this study is to develop a highly these empirical equations compared well with measured
efficient and economical biofiltration process for the data, with an accuracy of ±20%. Published results from
co-removal of H2S and NH3 using exhausted carbon other researchers are used to compare with results obtained
as packing material. Firstly, the feasibility of re-using and inference drawn from the present study. The similarities
exhausted carbon in biofilters for the removal of H2S was and differences of these studies are highlighted.
confirmed. The removal efficiency of H2S was almost
identical in the biofilters packed with exhausted carbon On the other hand, the experimental results show that
and fresh carbon. Furthermore, a mathematical model was the sediment transport rate decreases with an increase
developed to explore and explain the different mechanisms in injection velocity, but the magnitude of the reduction
of H2S removal in the two biofilters. The profiles of H2S is comparatively smaller than that of the increment with
concentration along the biofilm thickness and carbon radius suction. The equation for predicting bedload transport
were simulated using the proposed model system. The rate with injection is also empirically determined by fitting
ratios of the H2S removal by the mechanism of adsorption the ratio of Einstein’s parameter Φ with injection to that
and biodegradation in the biofilters were also simulated, without as a function of the ratio of modified densimetric
respectively. Thereafter, the effect of substrates acclimation Froude number with injection to that without.
strategy on simultaneous biodegradation of NH3 and H2S
was evaluated. Different biodegradation capacities of The effect of the length of the seepage zone on sediment
NH3 and H2S were observed under different substrates transport rate was investigated experimentally in this
acclimation strategies. Lastly, a horizontal biotrickling filter study. Only suction effects were studied in this part of the
(HBTF) packed with exhausted carbon for the co-removal research. The results show that for the same undisturbed
of H2S and NH3 was investigated. The results demonstrate flow conditions and suction rate, the bed load transport
that it is highly efficient and effective for simultaneous rate, which is represented by Einstein’s dimensionless
biodegradation of H2S and NH3 by the HBTF over 316 parameter Φ, decreases with a reduction in suction zone
days of operation. The long-term high performance of length. A slope modifier is introduced to account for the
the HBTF is attributed to low accumulation of biomass length effect. The empirical equation for predicting the
slope modifier is obtained in terms of the Shields’ parameter
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
transport, called the equilibrium condition, i.e., the sediment The objective of this study is to improve the analysis and
transport with no seepage condition. design of flat plate structure slab-column connections by
obtaining representative values of unbalanced moments. It
is achieved by proposing reduced slab stiffness model based
The Role of Microbial Aggregation in Aerobic on the modified effective moment of inertia method. The
Granulation use of the effective moment of inertia method for cracked
Candidate: Luo Yiqun flexural members ensures simplicity and, with appropriate
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/216 use of parameters, can lead to accurate prediction of
reduced stiffness of cracked flexural members. Unlike
In the present study, dispersed aerobic granules bacteria currently available models that are only applicable for flat
were subjected to selective hydraulic pressure by settling plate structures with regular columns layouts, the proposed
time, resulting in the loose structured aggregates formed model is also applicable for irregular columns layouts. The
by enrichment process, in which the coaggregating bacteria proposed model has been verified using the experimental
with mild auto aggregating ability were observed as the data of unbalanced moment-lateral drift relationships from
consequence. In comparison, strong auto aggregating both square column-slab connections from past research as
bacteria or co aggregating bacteria only occur in aerobic well as rectangular column-slab connections tested in this
granules sheltered by compact structure. The studies on experimental program. The accuracy of the proposed model
composition and diversity of aggregating microbes in in modeling reduced slab stiffness has been shown much
activated sludge, acetate-fed granule and phenol-degrading better compared to applying uniform reduced slab stiffness,
granule showed that higher proportion of microbial which is commonly used in the available models such as
community members in aerobic granules was involved Effective Beam Width and Equivalent Frame Model. The
in cell-cell aggregating interactions than that in activated proposed model of reduced slab stiffness should be useful
sludge. The fraction of co aggregating microbes can be for design engineers dealing with flat plate slab-column
increased under the chemical and toxic shock. Granule connections to obtain accurate slab deflection, inelastic
isolate S35 possessing both aggregating and autoaggregating lateral drift, and design value of transferred unbalanced
ability was demonstrated to accelerate the formation of moment.
aerobic granule in 5 days. The feasibility of bioaugmentation
of aggregating mono culture to accelerate the granulation This study also investigates the behavior of flat plate
process is supported. Bioaugmentation with granule isolate structure with irregular columns layout, which is currently
S 15 was shown to significantly improve recovery extent of still unclear due to very limited experimental data. The
disintegrated granular sludge. Reaggregated aerobic granules experimental program consists of five corner column-slab
appeared in Rl on day 5 and quickly grew to replace the connections and four slab-column connections with 135-
loose disintegrated granular sludge as a dominant form in degree slabs with rectangular columns, which are often
the biomass. The results suggest the microbial aggregation found in modern flat plate structures. The specimens were
might be an integral part for aerobic granulation, and the tested to investigate their behaviors in term of strength,
presence of aggregating bacteria acted as a trigger to the drift capacity, stiffness, ductility, and the effect of shear
aerobic granulation. reinforcement. The experimental results show the effects
of bidirectional lateral load, gravity load magnitude, and
the use of stud shear reinforcement (SSR).
Behavior of Comer Column-Slab Connections
in Irregular Flat Plate Floors under Gravity Estimation of foreign exchange exposure in
and Bidirectional Lateral Loading Public Private Partnership infrastructure
Candidate: Soerya Widjaja
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/217 projects
Candidate: Matthias Ehrlich
The structural behaviors of rectangular column-slab Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/218
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
What constitutes minimum and maximum risk values is Stress Concentration Factor and Hot Spot
often defined on the basis of subjective judgements. Stress Studies of Partially Overlapped
Circular Hollow Section K-Joint
This research contributes to the solution of this problem
Candidate: Sopha Thong
with a methodology to quantify annual economic FX
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/219
exposure in project companies financed under project finance
modality. The application of the developed FX index to
In the current research, carefully planned experimental
describe the project feasibility on economic FX exposure
studies were firstly carried out to investigate the SCF and the
is superior as it is an extra tool which is linked to the
HSS distributions along the joint intersection of three full-
financial models without the ambiguities to incorporate
scale partially overlapped CHS K-joints. The experimental
risk factors in the cash flow. It is a unique mathematical
results show that depends on the geometrical parameters of
process for dimensioning currency risk on a various set of
the partially overlapped K-joints, the maximum SCF could
cash flow positions.
locate on either the brace side or the chord side of the joint.
The experimental results show that Efthymiou formulae are
A first-order second-moment reliability method based on
conservative only when the partially overlapped K-joints
the Hashofer-Lind reliability index beta was undertaken
are subjected to IPB loading, but not for the case of AX
to reflect the uncertainties of market risks with impact
loading. In addition, it is observed that the S-N curves are
on the cash flow of the PPP project. The FX index was
found to be on the conservative side of the test results. A
modelled via an expanding dispersion ellipsoid in the
comparison between tests results with FE analyses shows
original space of random variables. The input variables
that reliable SCF and HSS values could be obtained.
in the proposed foreign exchange exposure (FEE) model
include inflation rates, interest rates and foreign exchange
After the experimental study, FE models were created to
rates. The variables form the ellipsoid of an n-dimensional
simulate the test specimens. A total of 3500 FE models
shape. It reflects not only the effect of the mean values but
with wide range of geometrical parameters of partially
also the covariances of the random variables influencing a
overlapped K-joints were created. A set of parametric
defined investability domain. The computation of the FX
equations was subsequently proposed for predicting the
index involved eigenvalues and eigenvectors, rotation of
SCF of partially overlapped CHS K-joints. However, as
the reference frame, and transformed space for the random
part of an attempt to gain more an accurate prediction, a
new method is created for estimating the SCF and HSS
values of partially overlapped CHS K-joint. The assessment
Additionally, a country reliability risk (CRR) index was
confirms the efficiency and reliability of the new method for
designed to evaluate risk mitigation instruments (RMIs).
predicting the SCF and HSS of partially overlapped CHS
FX risk exposure is often mitigated by RMIs. The value of
K-joints under basic AX, IPB and combined loadings.
RMIs depends on the affordability and the willingness of
the government to compensate unforeseen FX fluctuation
Finally, a comparison study between the gapped and the
in the project. Factors influencing country reliability can be
partially overlapped CHS K-joints has been made. It is
identified in the ability to repay debt obligations, liquidity
observed from the comparison results that the partially
difficulties and political difficulties.
overlapped CHS K-joints are mainly in favour when they
are working under the AX load case, while the gapped
Both methodologies the FX index and the CRR index
CHS K-joints are in favour on working under the IPB
represent strategic components in the set of quantitative
tools. The models can be used as a monitoring tool for
performing FX exposure analysis. It is a forward looking
approach which indicates how prepared the project is in
absorbing economic FX exposure. The models can take Development of Neural Networks in Civil
care of the different institutional arrangements and payment Engineering Applications
structures because they are directly linked to the financial Candidate: Zhang Yun
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
models. The FX index reflects the annual life cycle costs Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/220
and revenue structures during the whole concession period.
The outcome illustrates to project sponsors and lenders the The architecture of neural networks (NNs) has a
critical variables that they need to control. The CRR index significant impact on a network’s generalization ability.
provides the default probabilities on RMIs. Both models Ensemble neural networks (ENNs) are commonly used
can be applied to infrastructure projects such as power, networks in many engineering applications due to their
water supply, and transportation. better generalization properties. An ENN usually includes
several back-propagation networks in its structure, where
the back-propagation network is a single feed-forward
network trained with the back-propagation learning rule.
In this thesis, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and
the entropy were used as the automating design tools for
balancing the generalization against the parameters and the resulting mixing behavior as well as the potential
finding the best combining weights of the ENNs. Two influence of the close proximity of the seabed on the brine
ENNs, namely, the AIC based ENN and the entropy based plume, i.e., the Coanda effect. Assuming flat seabed and a
ENN were developed first. Since the AIC and entropy have combination of mean and oscillatory tidal current, I further
their own merits for solving different problems, a new developed a mathematical model to simulate the long-term
AIC-entropy based ENN was developed. Two analytical salinity build-up on the far field around the outfall due to
functions – the peak function and Friedman function were continuous brine discharge.
used first to assess the accuracy of the proposed ensemble
approaches. The verified approaches were then applied to
the civil engineering applications. Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous
Material Failure by using the Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics Method
Strut-and-Tie Modelling on Deep Beams Candidate: Wang Xuejun
Candidate: Zhang Ning Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/223
Report No.: CEE/PhD/2010/221
In the thesis, a micromechanical approach based on the
A modified strut-and-tie model for deep beams was Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method was developed
developed. Several significant improvements were made and to simulate the heterogeneous material failure by capturing
gave rise to better prediction performance of deep beam the detailed occurring sequence of the microscopic cracks
shear strength, evaluated by 233 test results. No empirical as well as the macro mechanical response. The program
stress limit was required and the concrete softening effect employs an elasto-plastic damage model and utilizes
was embedded in the model. The proposed model was further the statistical approach to account for the heterogeneous
extended to calculate continuous deep beams with rigid and strength distribution in the material microstructure.
elastic supports, which was validated by 54 beams from Besides, a polymineral method that is suitable to model
literature as well as the author’s experimental programme the microstructure of multiphase material with different
on continuous deep beam subjected to differential support components was proposed and implemented in the program.
settlement. The effects of support settlement were studied A series of 2-D and 3-D simulations on rock-like material
and discussed through crack patterns, failure loads, steel failures were performed. The effects of strain rate as well
strains and load-deflection responses. The author further as the material heterogeneity on the specimen fracture
developed the model into a generalised form, including process and its dynamic strength were investigated.
asymmetrical loading conditions and the capability of Comparisons with the experimental results demonstrate
predicting failure modes. Eight beams were tested and good agreements qualitatively. Results also reveal that the
conclusions were drawn on the effects of unsymmetrical strain rate dependency of the dynamic strength might be
loadings on the beam behaviour. The strut-and-tie model ascribed to the apparent confining pressure during the rapid
was also developed to account for size effect in deep beams, loading as well as the material heterogeneity.
followed by a test programme of eleven geometrically-
similar specimens with varied sizes. The proposed model
outperformed several other methods and is a promising
tool for engineers.
Publications of academic staff in journals and conference proceedings during the period from 2009 to 2010.
Authors who are not members of the School are indicated by *.
“Protection of Structures against Hazards IV”, 2009 - Ed. Han Linhai* and Lok, T.S., CI-Premier, Beijing, P.R. China, 440
pages. (ISBN 978-981-08-3244-5).
“Shock and Impact Loads on Structures VIII”, 2009 - Ed. Wu, C.Q.* and Lok, T.S., CI-Premier, Adelaide, Australia, 791 pages.
(ISBN 978-981-08-3245-2).
Annamdas, V.G.M. and Soh, C.K., 2010. “Application of electromechanical impedance technique for engineering structures:
Review and future issues”. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 41-59.
Bai, H.W., Shao, J.H., Zhang, X.W. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Effect of TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation for control of membrane
fouling by humic acid in water”. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 28.
Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Indeterminacy of the vertex-vertax contact in 2D discontinuous deformation analysis.”
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 99-
Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Modelling crack propagation with nodal-based discontinuous deformation analysis.” Proceedings
of the 9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformations (ICADD-9), Singapore, pp. 161-167.
Bao, H.R. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2010. “An alternative scheme for the corner-corner contact in the two dimensional discontinuous
deformation analysis.” Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 206-212.
Bao, X.L. and Li, B., 2010. “Residual strength of blast damaged reinforced concrete columns”. International Journal of
Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 295-308.
Beppu, M.*, Ohno, T.*, Ohkubo, K.*, Li, B. and Satoh, K.*, 2010. “Explosive-resistant performance of fiber sheet reinforced
concrete plates under contact explosion”. International Journal of Protective Structures, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 257-270.
Bo, M.W.,* Chu, J., Arulrajah, A.* and Fabius, M.*, 2009. “A case study on predicting primary consolidation settlement
applying small, large strain and stress path methods.” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 October.
Brownjohn, J.M.W.* and Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Vibration serviceability of tall buildings due to wind loads: prediction, measurement
and evaluation.” Proceedings of the Structures Congress 2010, 12-15 May 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Chan, C.L. and Low, B.K., 2009. “Reliability analysis of laterally loaded piles involving nonlinear soil and pile behavior.”
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 3, pp. 431-443.
Cheng, N.S., 2009. “Comparison of formulas for drag coefficient and settling velocity of spherical particles.” Powder
Technology, Vol. 189, No. 3, pp. 395-398.
Cheng, N.S., 2009. “Application of incomplete similarity theory for predicting bed-material load discharge.” Journal of
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Cheng, N.S. and Nguyen, H.T., 2010. “Hydraulic radius for evaluating resistance induced by simulated emergent vegetation
in open channel flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000377.
Cheng, N.S., Nguyen, H.T., Zhao, K. and Tang, X.*, 2010. “Evaluation of flow resistance in smooth rectangular open-channels.”
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000322.
Chiang C. Mei*, Mikhael Krotov*, Zhenhua Huang and Aode Huhe*, 2010. “Short and long waves over a muddy seabed”.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 643, pp. 33-58.
Chiew, S.P. and Beh, C.T.*, 2010. “Use of alternative steel in building steelwork design to BS5950”. International Journal
of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 431-439.
Chiew, S.P., Lee C.K., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped circular hollow section
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Chiew, S.P., Lee, C.K. and Lie, S.T., 2009. “Research on tubular joints at Nanyang Technological University”. The IES Journal
Part A – Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 68-84.
Chiew, S.P., Lee, C.K., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped CHS K-Joints. Part II:
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Chin, K.B., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. “Cyclic behaviour of unsaturated silt in suction-controlled simple shear”.
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Chin, K.B., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2010. “A simplified method to estimate soil-water characteristic curve”. Canadian
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Chu, J., Yan, S.W.* and Guo, W., 2009. “Innovative dike construction methods.” Keynote Lecture, International Symposium
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Chua, H.C., Goh, A.T.C. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Distinct element analysis of stage constructed underground cavern in the
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Chua, L.H.C., Lo, E.Y.M., Lim, T.T., Robertson, A.P.*, Shuy, E.B. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Geochemical changes during recharge
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Chua, L.H.C., Lo, E.Y.M., Shuy, E.B., Robertson, A.P.*, Lim, T.T. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “DOC and UVA attenuation with
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Gao, Y.-Y.*, Yu, D.-Y.*, Tan, S.K., Wang, X.K. and Hao, Z., 2010. “Flow behaviour behind two side-by-side circular cylinders
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Gu, J. and Zhao, Z.Y., 2009. “Considerations of the discontinuous deformation analysis on wave propagation problems.”
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Guo, W., Chu, J. and Yan, S.W.*, 2009. “Classification of geotubes and related analysis methods”. Proceedings of the
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Hao, Z., Zhou, T., Wang, X.K. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Experimental studies of vortex structures in the wake of a cylinder with
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He, J.W. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Probabilistic assessment of the clashing between flexible marine risers”. Proceedings of the
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Huang, G.H.*, Sun, W.*, Nie, X.H.*, Qin, X.S. and Zhang, X.D.*, 2010. “Development of a decision support system for
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Huang, Z., Wu, T.-R., Tan, S.K., Megawati, K., Shaw, F., Liu, X. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Tsunami hazard from the subduction
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Huang, Z.H., Liu, C.R., Adi, K., Tan, S.K. and Nah, E., 2009. “Responses of a floating rectangular caisson to regular waves:
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Huang, Z.H., 2010. “A note on tsunami hazard mitigation by mangrove forests”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference
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Huang, Z.H. and Yuan, Z.D., 2010. “Transmission of solitary waves through slotted barriers: A laboratory study with analysis
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Huang, Z.H. and Zhang, W.B., 2010. “A laboratory study of dynamic responses of a moored rectangular floating breakwater
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Jia, Y., Wang, R. and Fane, A.G., 2009. “Hybrid PAC-submerged membrane system for trace organics removal II: System
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Jiang, B. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Energy uncoupling inhibits aerobic granulation”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol.
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Jiang, H.-L., Maszenan, A.M., Zhao, Z.-W. and Tay, J.-H., 2010. “Properties of phenol-removal aerobic granules during normal
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Krisdani, H., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Application of geosynthetic material as a coarse-grained layer in capillary
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Krisdani, H., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. Response to Discussion by Mbonimpa, M., Aubertin, M. and Bussiere, B.
on “Effects of different drying rates on shrinkage characteristics of a residual soil and soil mixtures”. Journal of Engineering
Geology, Vol. 107, No. 3-4, pp. 172-173 (2009). Published in Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 110, No. 1-2, pp. 30-
Kulkarni, S.A. and Li, B., 2009. “Investigations on seismic behaviour of hybrid-steel concrete connections”. Journal of
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), Winter, Vol. 54, pp. 67-87.
Kulkarni, S.A. and Li, B., 2009. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete interior wide beam-column joints”. Journal of
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of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 352, pp. 252-258.
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Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Shin, S.G.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Unusual bacterial populations observed in a full-scale
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Vol. 36, pp. 769-773.
Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Hwang, K.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Fermentation and growth kinetic study of Aeromonas caviae under
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Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Hwang, K.*, O’Flaherty, V.* and Hwang, S.*, 2009. “Quantitative analysis of methanogenic community
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Lee, C., Kim, J.*, Shin, S.G.*, O’Flaherty, V.* and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “Quantitative and qualitative transitions of methanogen
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Biotechnology, Vol. 87, pp. 1963-1973.
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Fatigue study of partially overlapped circular hallow section-
joints, Part I: Geometrical models and mesh generation.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 16, pp. 2445-2463.
Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T. and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2010. “Adaptive mesh generation procedures for thin-walled tubular
structures.” Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 46, No.1-2, pp. 114-131.
Lee, C.K., Chiew, S.P., Lie, S.T., Sopha, T.* and Nguyen, T.B.N.*, 2009. “Experimental studies on stress concentration factors
for partially overlapped circular hollow section K-Joints”. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, Vol. 5, No.
4, pp. 481-499.
Lei, L., Bai, H.W., Liu, Z.Y. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Hierarchical Ag/TiO2 nanofiber membrane for water purification”. IWA
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Leong, E.C., He, L.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. Discussion on “Assessment of the use of the vapour equilibrium technique
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Leong, E.C., Rahardjo, H. and He, L.C., 2010. Discussion on “Calibrations of a high-suction tensiometer” by Laurenco, S.D.N.,
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Leung, C.F.*, Chu, J. and Shen, R.F.*, (Editors) 2009. “Ground improvement technologies and case histories”. Research
Publishing, ISBN: 981-08-3124-2.
Li, B. and Chen, Q., “Stiffness of reinforced concrete structural walls with irregular openings”. Journal of Earthquake
Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 397-417.
Li, B. and Chua, G.H.Y., 2009. “Seismic performance of strengthened reinforced concrete beam-column joints using FRP
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Li, B., Kulkarni, S.A. and Leong, C.L., 2009. “Seismic performance of precast hybrid-steel concrete connections”. Journal
of Earthquake Engineering, June, Vol. 13, Issue 5, pp. 667-689. (First-Tier).
Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Nair, A., 2009. “A case study of the effect of cladding panels on the response of reinforced concrete
frames subjected to distant blast loadings”. Nuclear Engineering and Design, March, Vol. 239, Issue 3, pp. 455-469.
Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N. 2009. “Effect of axial compression load on seismic behaviour of non-seismically detailed
interior beam-wide column joints”. ACI Structural Journal, September-October, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 591-599.
Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Effects of axial compression load and eccentricity on seismic behaviour of non-
seismically detailed interior beam-wide column joints”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, July, Vol. 135, No. 7, pp.
Li, B., Pan, T.-C. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Seismic behavior of nonseismically detailed interior beam-wide column and beam-
wall connections”. Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 591-599.
Li, B. and Tran, C.T.N., 2009. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-column joints with vertical distributed
reinforcement”. ACI Structural Journal, November-December, Vol. 106, No. 6, pp. 790-799.
Li, B., Tran, C.T.N. and Pan, T.C., 2009. “Experimental and numerical investigations on the seismic performance of lightly
reinforced concrete joints”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 9, pp. 1007-1018.
Li, B., Huang, Z.W. and Lim, C.L., 2010. “The verification of non-dimensional energy spectrum based blast design for reinforced
concrete members through actual blast tests”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, June, Vol. 136, No. 6, pp. 627-636.
Li, B. and Kulkarni, S.A., 2010. “Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete exterior wide beam-column joints”. ASCE Journal
of Structural Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 26-36.
Li, B. and Lim, C.L., 2010. “Tests on seismically damaged reinforced concrete structural walls repaired using fiber-reinforced
polymers”. ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, No. 10.
Li, B., Pan, T.-C., and Nair, A. “A case study of the local and global structural responses of a tall building in Singapore subjected
to close-in detonations”. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, UK (to appear).
Civil Engineering Research • January 2011
Li, F.Z. and Low, Y.M., 2010. “Sensitivity study of critical parameters influencing the uncertainty of fatigue damage in steel
catenary risers”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China.
Li, H.Z.* and Low, B.K., 2010. “Reliability analysis of circular tunnel under hydrostatic stress field.” Computers and
Geotechnics, Vol. 37, Issue 1-2, pp. 50-58.
Li, J., Tan, S.K., Huang, Z.H. and Kurniawan, A., 2009. “Wave amplification and air-gap response under a multi-column
platform”. Coastal Dynamics 2009, 7-11 September 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
Li, J., Huang, Z.H. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Extreme air-gap response below deck of floating structures”. The International
Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, Multi-Science Publishing, March, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 15-26.
Li, J., Liu, H.X. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Lagrangian modelling of tidal bores passing through bridge piers”. Proceedings of
the 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD2010) (in press).
Liang, D.W.*, Shayegan, S.S.*, Ng, W.J. and He, J.Z.*, 2010. “Development and characteristics of rapidly formed hydrogen-
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Lv, L.*, Lu, Y.Q.*, Ng, W.J. and Zhao, X.S.*, 2009. “Bactericidal activity of silver nanoparticles supported on microporous
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Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “BS7910: 2005 Failure assessment diagram (FAD) on cracked circular hollow section (CHS)
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Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Fracture assessment of damaged square hollow section (SHS) K-joint using BS7910:2005”.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 1303-1319.
Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Safety assessment procedure for a cracked square hollow section (SHS) Y-joint”. International
Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 359-372.
Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2009. “Validation of BS7910: 2005 Failure assessment diagram for cracked square hollow section
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Lie, S.T. and Yang, Z.M., 2010. “Plastic collapse loads of cracked square hollow section (SHS) T-, Y- and K-joints”. Journal
of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Vol. 132, No.
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Lie, S.T. and Zhang, B.F., 2010. “Plastic collapse load investigation for safety assessment of cracked square hollow section
(SHS) T-, Y- and K-joints”. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
(OMAE 2010), 6-11 June 2010, Shanghai, China, Paper OMAE2010-20324.
Lie, S.T., Zhang, B.F. and Yang, Z.M., 2010. “Numerical and experimental plastic collapse loads and CTODs of a cracked
square hollow section (SHS) K-joint”. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, 15-17 December
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Lim, C.L., Li, B. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Seismic performances of reinforced concrete frames with wall-like columns”. IES
Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, May, pp. 126-142.
Lim, Y.Y. and Soh, C.K., 2010. “Estimation of fatigue life using electromechanical impedance technique”. Proceedings of the
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Lin, Q.G.*, Huang, G.H.*, Brad, B.*, Nie, X.H.*, Zhang, X.D.* and Qin, X.S., 2010. “EMDSS: An optimization-based decision
support system for energy systems management under changing climate conditions - an application to the Toronto-Niagara
Region, Canada”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 5040-5051.
Listiarini, K., Chan, W., Sun, D.D. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Fouling mechanism and resistance analyses of systems containing
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Listiarini, K., Sun, D.D. and Leckie, J.O., 2009. “Cake characterization of sodium alginate fouling of nanofiltration membranes
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Liu, C., Huang, Z.H., and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Nonlinear scattering of non-breaking waves by a submerged horizontal plate:
Experiments and simulations”. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 1332-1345.
Liu, C., Qiu, Q. and Huang, Z.H., 2009. “Higher harmonic waves generated by a submerged horizontal thin plate: An experimental
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Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 162-169.
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Scientific Publishing, pp. 163-169.
Liu, H.X., Li, J. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Environmental fluid dynamics – jet flow”. Proceedings of the 9th International
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Liu, H.X., Tan, S.K., Li, J. and Wang, X.K., 2010. “Three dimensional simulation of bore flow using SPH”. Proceedings of the
29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2010), Shanghai, OMAE 2010-21090.
Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y. and Liang, N.G.*, 2010. “Numerical and theoretical investigations of the tensile failure of shrunk
cement-based composites.” Chapter 2 of Computational Mechanics Research Trends, Editors: Hans P. Berger, Nova Science
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Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y., Deng, S.C.* and Liang, N.G.*, 2009. “A simple method to simulate shrinkage induced cracking in
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Liu, J.X., Zhao, Z.Y., Zhang, J.* and Liang, N.G.*, 2009. “Numerical investigation of crack growth in concrete subjected to
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Liu, Q.S.*, Liu, Y., Show, K.Y.* and Tay, J.H., 2009. “Toxicity effect of phenol on aerobic granules”. Environmental
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Liu, S.S., Zhang, X.W., Sun, D.D. and Xu, Z.M., 2009. “Study on membrane fouling caused by activated sludge from a
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Liu, Y.J. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Comparison of membrane fouling in dead-end microfiltration granular sludge suspension and
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Low, Y.M., 2009. “Frequency domain analysis of a tension leg platform with statistical linearization of the tendon restoring
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Low, Y.M. and Grime, A.J.*, 2010. “Extreme response analysis of floating structures using coupled frequency domain analysis”.
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Low, Y.M. and Grime, A.J.*, 2010. “Extreme response analysis of floating structures using coupled frequency domain analysis”.
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Ma, H.*, Yang, D.* and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Impacts of climate change and human activities on the flow discharge in the Miyun
Reservoir Catchment”. Journal of Hydrology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.06.010.
McKeown, R.M.*, Scully, C.*, Enright, A.M.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Lee, C., Mahony, T.*, Collins, G.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2009.
“Psychrophilic methanogenic community development during long-term cultivation of anaerobic granular biofilms”. The ISME
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Megawati, K. and Pan, T.-C. 2010. “Ground-motion attenuation relationship for Sumatran megathrust earthquakes”. Journal
of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 8,
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Megawati, K. and Pan, T.C., 2010. “Development and validation of ground-motion attenuation relationship for large-magnitude
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Megawati, K., Shaw, F., Sieh, K., Huang, Z., Wu, T.-R., Lin, Y., Tan, S.K. and Pan, T.-C., 2009. “Tsunami hazard from the
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Ng, C.A., Sun, D.D., Zhang, J., Wu, B. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Mechanisms of fouling control in membrane bioreactors by
the addition of powdered activated carbon”. Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 873-889. (IF:1.139).
Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Pan, J.-H., Du, A.J.-H. and Sun, D.D., 2009. “Construction of self-organized free-standard
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Ng, J.W., Zhang, X.W., Zhang, T., Pan, J.-H., Du, A.J.-H. and Sun, D.D., 2010. “Construction of self-organized free-standard
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Ng, W.J., 2009. “Used-water treatment and Rethinking for the future”. Hitachi Eco-Conference 2009, 16 March 2009,
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Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Quadtree mesh for combined hydrodynamic and water quality modelling”. Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, Vol. 2, pp. 246-251.
Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2009. “Simulation of storm surge and inundation in the United States due to hurricanes using
AnuGA modelling tool”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Sendai, pp. 604-609.
Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Modelling of flow in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA using a quadtree grid.”
Proceedings of the 17th Congress of International Association of Hydraulics Engineering Research -- Asia Pacific Division,
Auckland, 7 pp.
Nguyen, Q.C. and Tan, S.K., 2010. “Near field mixing process of multi-port diffusers: numerical modelling with quadtree
grids”. International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Athens (in press).
Nguyen, T.H.N. and Qin, X.S., 2010. “Robust optimization for water quality management under uncertainty.” Proceedings of
the 2010 Young Water Talents Symposium, Suntec, Singapore, 28 June, pp. 43-48.
Nishimura, T.*, Rahardjo, H. and Koseki, J.*, 2010. “Direct shear strength of compacted bentonite under different suctions”.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 September, Vol. 1, pp. 323-328.
Nyunt, T.T., Leong, E.C. and Rahardjo, H., 2009. “Effects of matric suction and loading rate on the stiffness-strain behaviour
of kaolin”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp.
O’Reilly, J.*, Lee, C., Chinalia, F.A.*, Collins, G.*, Mahony, T.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2010. “Microbial community dynamics
associated with biomass granulation in low-temperature (15°C) anaerobic wastewater treatment bioreactors”. Bioresource
Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 6336-6344.
O’Reilly, J.*, Lee, C., Collins, G.*, Chinalia, F.A.*, Mahony, T.* and O’Flaherty, V.*, 2009. “Quantitative and qualitative
analysis of methanogenic communities in mesophilically and psychrophilically cultivated anaerobic granular biofilms”. Water
Research, Vol. 43, pp. 3365-3374.
Ong, S.L.*, Ng, W.J. and Lee, L.Y.*, 2009. “Nitrogen removal using an anoxic-oxic ultra-compact biofilm reactor”. International
Journal of Environmental Studies, Section B, Environmental Science and Technology.
Ow, L.F., Harnas, F.R., Indrawan, I.G.B., Sahadewa, A., Sim, E.K., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C., Fong, Y.K. and Tan, P.Y., 2010.
“Tree pulling experiment: An analysis into the mechanical stability of rain trees”. Trees – Structure & Function (available on
line and in print).
Pan, J.H., Sun, D.D., Lee, C.M., Kim, Y.J. and Lee, W.I., 2010. “Effect of calcination temperature on the textural properties
and photocatalytic activities of highly ordered cubic mesoporous WO3/TiO2 films”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 4747-4751. (IF:1.987).
Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Developing technology for multiple-hazards protection”. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium
on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 13-14 October 2010, Kobe, Japan.
Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Developing technology for protection”. Keynote Speech, Inaugural Workshop on Building Infrastructure
Protection for Homeland Security, 13 May 2010, Singapore.
Pan, T.-C., 2010. “Seismic hazard of low/moderate seismicity regions – Singapore’s perspective.” Keynote Lecture, The 10th
International ROSE School Seminar, 20-21 May 2010, EUCentre, Collegio Cardinale Riboldi, Pavia, Italy.
Pan, T.-C., Leong, C.L., Karim, R.K., Shaw, F. and Tan, A.C.T., 2009. “Explosion induced ground motion monitoring.” Final
Report No.: MINDEF-NTU/JPP/05/01, Protective Technology Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University.
Pan, T.-C, Li, B., Lu, Y.* and Lim, C.L., 2009. “Response of buildings to external and internal blast loadings.” Home Team
Journal, Singapore, Issue No. 1, pp. 67-80.
Pan, T.-C., Tan, K.H., Li, B., Fan, S.C. and Ma, G.W., 2010. “An overview of the current research programmes in Protective
Technology Research Centre at NTU.” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Analysis
of Protective Structures 2010 (DAPS-2010), 10-12 May 2010, Singapore, pp. K25-K39.
Peng, L., You, S.-J. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Carbon nanotubes as electrode modifier promoting direct electron transfer from
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Peng, L., You, S.J. and Wang, J.Y., 2010. “Electrode potential regulates cytochrome accumulation on shewanella oneidensis
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Qi, W., Niu, D.J. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Characterization of microbial communities during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste
to reducing sugars”. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. (submitted and revised one time).
Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and Yu, H.*, 2009. “Enhancing remediation of LNAPL recovery through a response-surface-based
optimization approach.” Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 135, No. 10, pp. 999-1008.
Qin, X.S., 2010. “Management of environmental pollution control problems under stochastic uncertainty.” Proceedings of the
5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, June 2-5, 2010, pp. 366-371.
Qin, X.S., 2010. “Numerical simulation of DNAPL contaminant transport and remediation in a three-dimensional heterogeneous
subsurface.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China, 6-10 September, pp. 566-
Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and He, L.*, 2010. “Development of a cluster-analysis-based distributed hydrologic modeling system.”
Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum (IYRF) on Ecological Civilization and River Ethics, Zhengzhou, China,
October 20-23, 2009, Vol. 4, pp. 46-54.
Qin, X.S., Huang, G.H.* and Liu, L.*, 2010. “A genetic-algorithm-aided chance-constrained programming model for regional
air quality management under uncertainty.” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 63-71.
Qin, X.S. and Xu, Y., 2010. “River water quality modeling under dual-uncertainties: A fuzzy-parameterized stochastic simulation
method.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China, 6-10 September, pp. 2109-
Rahardjo, H., Hua, C.J., Leong, E.C. and Santoso, V.A.*, 2010. “Performance of an Instrumented Slope under a Capillary
Barrier System”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 September, Vol.
2, pp. 1279-1284.
Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C. and Rezaur, R.B., 2009. “Laboratory characterisation of unsaturated soil for slope stability studies”.
Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November,
pp. 565-578.
Rahardjo, H., Ong, T.H., Rezaur, R.B., Leong, E.C. and Fredlund, D.G.*, 2010. “Response parameters for characterization of
infiltration”. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 1369-1380.
Rahardjo, H., Santoso, V.A.*, Leong, E.C., Ng, Y.S. and Tam, C.P.H., 2009. “Pore-water pressure characteristics of two
instrumented residual soil slopes”. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia,
23-25 November, pp. 333-339.
Rahardjo, H., Satyanaga, A. Nio, Leong, E.C. and Ng, Y.S., 2010. “Effects of groundwater table position and soil properties
on stability of slope during rainfall”. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, November, Vol. 136,
No.11, pp. 1555-1564.
Rahardjo, H., Vilayvong, K. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Water characteristic curves of recycled materials”. Geotechnical Testing
Journal, ASTM International, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-8 (available on line and in print).
Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Effect of antecedent rainfall patterns on rainfall induced slope failure”.
ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. (available on line and in print).
Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C., 2010. “Effect of hydraulic properties of soil on rainfall-induced slope failure”.
Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 114, pp. 135-143.
Reza Mohammadpour and Lim, S.Y., 2010. “Numerical modeling of three-dimensional flow around abutments in a compound
open channel”. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development, 26-28 February
2010, Singapore, pp. 328-332.
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Santoso, V.A.*, Rahardjo, H., Leong, E.C., Ng, Y.S. and Tam, C.P.H., 2009. “Horizontal drains in residual soil slopes”.
Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, Australia, 23-25 November, pp. 325-332.
Schnellmann, R.*, Busslinger, M.*, Schneider, H.* and Rahardjo, H., 2010. “Effect of rising water table in an unsaturated
slope”. Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 114, pp. 71-83.
Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K. 2009. “Salinity build-up due to brine discharges into shallow coastal waters.” Modern Physics
Letters B, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 541-544.
Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2009. “Turbulent mass and momentum transport of a circular offset dense jet.” Journal of
Turbulence, Vol. 11, Issue 40, pp. 1-24.
Shao, D.D. and Law, A.W.K., 2010. “Mixing and Boundary interactions of 30 and 40 degree inclined dense jets.” Journal
of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 10, Issue 5, pp. 521-553.
Shao, Y.B.*, Cai, Y.Q.* and Chiew, S.P., 2010. “Static strength of square tubular T-Joint under axial compression with collar
plate reinforcement”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Sydney, Australia,
21 – 23 July, pp. 415-421.
Shao, Y.B.*, Lie, S.T. and Chiew, S.P., 2010. “Static Strength of Tubular T-Joints with Reinforced Chord under Axial
Compression”. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 369-377.
She, Q., Tang, C.Y., Wang, Y.N. and Zhang, Z., 2009. “The role of hydrodynamic conditions and solution chemistry on protein
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Shen, L. and Liu, Y., 2010. “Treatment of Ampicillin-loaded wastewater by combined adsorption and biodegradation”. Journal
of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 814-820.
Shen, L., Liu, Y. and Paul, E.*, 2010. “A simple geometric approach for simplification of Langmuir kinetics for adsorption”.
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Shi, L.*, Wang, R. and Cao, Y.*, 2009. “Effect of the rheology of poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluropropylene) (PVDF–HFP)
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Shin, S.G.*, Lee, S.*, Lee, C., Hwang, K.* and Hwang, S.*, 2010. “Qualitative and quantitative assessment of microbial
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Su, J.*, Huang, G.H.*, Xi, B.D.*, Li, Y.P.*, Qin, X.S., Huo, S.L.* and Jiang, Y.H.*, 2009. “A hybrid inexact optimization
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Sun, H.Y.*, Wong, L.N.Y., Shang, Y.Q.*, Lu, Q.* and Zhan, W.*, 2010. “Systematic monitoring of the performance of anchor
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Sun, J.P., Zhao, Z.Y. and Zhang, Y. “Determination of three dimensional hydraulic conductivities using a combined analytical/
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Sun, W.*, Huang, G.H.*, Zeng, G.M.*, Qin, X.S. and Sun, X.L.*, 2009. “A stepwise-cluster microbial biomass inference
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Talei, A., Chua, L.H.C. and Wong, T.S.W., 2010. “Evaluation of rainfall and discharge inputs used by Adaptive Network-Based
Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) in rainfall-runoff modelling”. Journal of Hydrology. (accepted).
Tan, C.H. (Grant), Koh, K.S.*, Rice, S.*, Zhou, Y.*, Ng, W.J. and Kjelleberg, S.*, 2010. “Concurrent quorum sensing and
quorum quenching in a simultaneous nitrification, denitrification & phosphorus removal (SNDPR) sludge community”. Biofilms4
International Conference, 1-3 September 2010, Winchester, UK.
Tan, S.B.K., Lo, E.Y.-M., Shuy, E.B., Chua, L.H.C. and Lim, W.H., 2009. “Generation of total runoff hydrographs using a
method derived from a digital filter algorithm”. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 101-106.
Tan, S.B.K., Lo, E.Y.-M., Shuy, E.B., Chua, L.H.C. and Lim, W.H., 2009. “Hydrograph separation and development of empirical
relationships using single-parameter digital filters”. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 271-279.
Tang, C.Y., Fu, Q.S., Gao, D., Criddle, C.S.* and Leckie, J.O.*, 2010. “Effect of solution chemistry on the adsorption of
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Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Effect of membrane chemistry and coating layer on physiochemical properties
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chemistry.” Desalination, Vol. 242, pp. 149-167.
Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “Effect of membrane chemistry and coating layer on physiochemical properties
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Tang, C.Y., Kwon, Y.-N. and Leckie, J.O.*, 2009. “The role of foulant-foulant electrostatic interaction on limiting flux for RO
and NF membranes during humic acid fouling-theoretical basis, experimental evidence, and AFM interaction force measurement.”
Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 326, No. 2, pp. 526-532.
Tang, C.Y., She, Q., Lay, W.C.L., Wang, R. and Fane, A.G., 2010. “Coupled effects of internal concentration polarization and
fouling on flux behavior of forward osmosis membranes during humic acid filtration.” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol.
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Tang, H.W., Ding, B., Chiew, Y.M. and Fang, S.L., 2009. “Scour protection around bridge piers with tetrahedron frames”.
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Teo, C.C., Bhatnagar, R.* and Graves, S.C.* 2010. “Setting planned lead times for a make-to-order production system with
master schedule smoothing.” accepted for publication in IIE Transactions.
Thai, V.V., 2009. “Effective maritime security: conceptual model and empirical evidence.” Maritime Policy and Management,
Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 147-163.
Thai, V.V., 2009. “Impact of increasing containership’s size on ports.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
Marine Science and Technology, 2-3 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Thai, V.V., 2010. “Competency Requirements for Port Personnel in the New Era”. Proceedings of the 2010 International
Conference of Chinese Federation of Wharf Unions, 29 - 30 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Thai, V.V. and Latta, T.*, 2010. “Developing an employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers: The case in Australia.”
Proceedings of the 24th Australia-New Zealand Association of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 7-10 December, Adelaide,
Thai, V.V. and Latta, T.*, 2010. “Employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers.” International Journal of Shipping
and Transport Logistics, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 411-428.
Thai, V.V., Cahoon, S.* and Tran, T.H.*, 2010. “Skill and knowledge requirements for logistics professionals in Australia.”
Proceedings of the 24th Australia-New Zealand Association of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 7-10 December, Adelaide,
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Tsai, T.T., Kao, C.M. and Wang, J.-Y., 2010. “Remediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using Acid/BOF slag enhanced
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Tunidau, J.* and Thai, V.V., 2010. “Critical factors for successful implementation of the ISM Code in some Pacific Islands
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Vu, T.-T. and Tan, S.-K., 2009. “A review of the current state-of-the-arts on the application of silt screens as sediment control
equipment in open water”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Singapore, 13-16
October 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 60-66.
Vu, T.-T. and Tan, S.-K., 2010. “Laboratory investigation of hydraulic performance of silt screen”. Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China, October 2010 (in press).
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