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Chapter - 1: 1.0 Introduction of The Report

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1.0 Introduction of the report:
Every organization prepares many kinds of report and their target is different also, but
in here we prepare this report for identifying the best location for Unique Testing
1.1 Topic:
Topic has been assigned “Marketing plan for Unique Testing Company”
1.2 Objective:
There are two types of objectives- main objective and specific objective.
1.2.1 Main objective:
To make a marketing plan for Unique Testing Company.
1.2.2 Specific objective:
# To open a new branch in Narayan Gong.
# To motivate people to convert their cars into CNG.
# To convince people for converting their cars by the organization at
least 20 in a month.
# To generate money at least 200000 in a month.
1.3 Methodology:
There are many kinds of research such as qualitative and quantitative etc. In this report
we depend on unstructured and structure questioners and by these questions we prepare
qualitative and quantitative research.
In the data collection procedure to make effective, primary data are collected from the
field through questioning the respondents in the different sides.
In case of designing the data collection, the researcher have designed a questionnaire and
interviewed the respondent.
After conducted the interviewed, the collected data are processed in such a way that
provided the information the research is designed to obtain the objective. The collected
data are verified and examined that are in consistent with the trend of present CNG
Testing Companies. Then tabulated data are complied, compared with the different

1.4 Sample people:

For prepare this report we asked a series of questions to the people who are at different in
age, who live in different residential area, who are earning minimum 25000 Taka in a
month, who are in different in occupations and the people who live in high or middle
class etc.
1.5 Instrument:
The instrument by which we try our best for completing this report is Questionnaire.
1.6 Sources of data:
To attain the objective of the study the data are collected from both primary and
secondary sources.
1.6.1 Primary data:
We have got the information or data through interview, questionnaire,
discussion etc.
1.6.2 Secondary data:
We have got the secondary information through reports, journals, magazines,
newspapers, and websites, EPB, PDB etc.
1.7 Data analysis method:
After colleting the information we organize this report with the help of MS Word, MS
Access and Excel etc.
1.8 Limitation:
Like all other things, our report has also some limitation. We fail to get all data, which is
very essential, and assist to make our report. So it is our great lacking for gathering
appropriate objective.
This is a report of qualitative and quantitative. So it must contain all the information, in
some area we can’t organize the information correctly.
This report is under taken only in some specific places. So it might be fail to provide 100
percent accurate information about location selection.
Shortage of time also a problem to collect the appropriate information for the report.
We have also financial problem for which we couldn’t collect the information.
We also couldn’t find enough computer lab facilities to organize this report.

1.9 Scope of the Study:

This research is a part of my degree requirement. As a student of Business Administration
it will help us to take location selection decision because we want to be successful
businessmen. So it will helpful for future for us.
This report will deal with location selection process under take by Unique Testing
Company. And this survey based on interview, questionnaire system. We asked people,
who are live at different places and are varied in professions, and take insider information
for preparing this report.
In this modern age life is very complicated and competitive, so it is necessary for any
businessman to take right decision in right time. In the question of location and marketing
plan it is very important to take decision in right time.


2.0 Introduction of the Company:

2.1 History:
Unique Testing Company (UTC) is a first growing cylinder gas Services Company
equipped with a term of professional entrepreneurs having commitment to extension of
highest services to its valued clients. The unique testing system enjoys the benefit of
several associate services, which enhances UTC’s capabilities in terms of technical,
financial and logistic support. Most of the staffs are experienced in their various fields of
expertise and from a multidisciplinary group of highly skilled and dedicated to
professional work force. Our company always put highest priority and importance to
provide its clients with complete range of services in a comprehensive manner.

In a world where a better quality of life is becoming increasingly available to growing

numbers of peoples, our company has a vision of bringing these new standers of living to
the people of Bangladesh. Having been established at the time of the birth of the nation, it
is appropriate that the group reaffirm its commitment to this task at the dawn of the new
millennium. Our company has come of age right along with Bangladesh. From our
humble beginnings in 1996, unique company has grown to become one of the largest

Unique Testing Company is a partnership business, which is, establish in 2006. It is form
with 4 partners Md.Ifthakar Alam, Mr. Taufique Reza, Mr Rezaul Karimand and
Mr.Hasan Mahamud. The partner’s names are. Our company mainly based on CNG
cylinder testing.

2.1.1 Vision:

Vision of Unique Testing Company to improve quality of the CNG converted

vehicles in the region in general and the country in particular by offering
concerted opportunities to convert their vehicles into CNG essential for better and
comfortable to both transportation and environment. Its vision in brief could be s
tated as “Think Globally and Act Locally”.

2.1.2 Mission

Mission of Unique Testing Company is to offer such services of testing and

related functions as will be directly linked to socio-economic empowerment of the
people of the society. The company will conduct all possible activities related to
CNG testing and development of Cylinder gas services of high quality at an
affordable cost.

2.2 At a glance of unique Testing Company


According to Partnership business contract Act 1932.We must follow the agreements
which are -

Business name: Unique Testing Company

Nature of business: Partnership Business
Services: Cylinder gas services
Numbers of partners: Four Partners (4)
Year of Establishment: 1996
Amount of capital TK 4900000.

Individual capital TK 700000.

Ratio of sharing profit and loss Equal.

Liability Equal

Number of employees: Ten (7)

PHONE NO-3462189

2.2.2 Describe the venture:

It is a service-oriented business. We have lunched our business activities into the market
with cylinder testing and related services.
Actually, customer can taste the quality of the product and services of the company.
Our services aim to determine the needs, wants, and interest of the clients and deliver the
desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently that preserve the society’s being.

Size of business:
This business will serve Cylinder testing and organize as a small size business. We will
cover four major area of the Dhaka city but our prospect will be whole of the CNG users.

Office Equipment and personnel:

As a small business we launch our business few necessary type of equipments. Our main
office is around 720 square feet space. We furnished office with the computer, one printer
two table, fans, Air condition, chairs, and telephone and stationary items.

For our new form business we will prefer skillful and competent employees who are also
experienced personnel in their own sector.

2.2.3 Authority of principals:

Board of Director:
Md.Ifthakar Alam, Mr. Taufique Reza, Mr Rezaul Karimand and Mr.Hasan Mahamud
are the members of Unique testing co. They will observe the various sections activities,
receiving customer complains and they will inform all others section to solve complains.


Director 1 Director 2 Director 3 Director 4

Md.Ifthakar Alam is CEO of the Cylinder testing co. he will be responsible to take any
strategic decision or give permission to implement the particular strategic plan.
H.R.M .Manager:
Mr. Taufique Reza is HRM Manager of a UTC. She will identify how many employees
will be needed to provide customer service efficiently and will try give services
maximum output through minimum human recourses.
Finance Manager:
Mr Rezaul Karimand is the finance manager of UTC. He will handle all the money
which will be needed to purchase the machineries from supplier and money which will be
earn through providing services and also will handle all the financial activities.
Marketing Manager:
Mr.Hasan Mahamud is the marketing manager of UTC. She will inform consumers
about our services and quality. She will visit consumers door to door to identify their
needs demands through interview and inform consumers about our services and quality.

2.3 Location:

Our Company’s corporate office is located in

PHONE NO-3462189

PHONE NO-8756295
23/9, UTTARA
PHONE NO-9362785

32/4, MIRPUR.
PHONE NO-7354889

Design: Safety first, quality and low price.

Employees: There are seven employees for full time.
Type of transaction: 80% dine in, 20% take out.

2.4 Financing:

Initial financing required TK.10, 20,000 for one project. This debt will cover office
spaces, office equipments, all machineries and permission of all authorities. The amount
is TK.49, 00, 0000 from the partners.

2.5 Services:
The services that will be provided by GOPHER it are designed to provide customers
with the benefits of convenience and the saving of time. Although the services very
widely, there are standard services offered to the customer. The most efficient and
economic solution will be chosen for each situation. Every cylinder got tempered
approval for 3 years. After 3 years will be need to testing certificate.

2.6 Production Plan:

2.6.1 Service provides process:

It is a service-oriented business where we tests cylinder tempered and find out
that cylinder can use for future or not. If yes how long it gives us better service
with safety.
The above dimensions are for our standard size water jackets. If your water jacket
size is not listed, please call. The Unique will be providing best service by new
technology. No dangers thing 100% safety first done by equipment and
mechanical. Just pick-up the cylinder from any vehicle by a safety carries then put
it the machine’s whole or chamber then press to the switch button if cylinder
temper less it will be enlarge or tempered keep as it is cylinder position. Then we
provided certificate.

2.6.2 Physical plant:

The working spaces (2880*4) = 11520 square feet for the UT

Office Workers

Storage Area

Ware house

2.7 Manufacturing process (amount subcontracted):

Total of the manufacturing process maintain by our employees and all the raw materials
will be purchased from different locality of the country and manufacture final product in
our factory.

2.8 Machinery and equipment:

We have designed and build equipment capable of producing liners from either extruded
tube or from plate ranging from 1.5” dia . And 3” long, up to 24” dia . And 300” long.
Wall thickness can range from 0.050” up to 0.750”, all depending on design.

Smaller liners are typically used for composite cylinders in the paintball and Self
Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) industry and the larger sizes are used for
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuel tanks for over the road transport of gasses.

Our line of Aluminum Liner manufacturing equipment covers all aspects of liner
manufacturing. This includes lubrication, deep draw, ironing, sanding, inspection,
trimming, spinning, washing, heat-treat and artificial age, machining, test, etc.

We have some machinery. These are as follows:

1. Model SPT-1675 CNC Tube Spinning Machine for Aluminum Cylinders

2. Necking-In Operation

3. Model OSC-840
CNC Tube Spinning
For Steel Cylinders

4. Steel Cylinder & End Closing


5. Necking-In Machines

2.9 Distribution channels:

Distribution is our produces product how we will send to the potential customers. Since
we will retail sale and whose sale system so we will have two difficult distribution
channels. Firstly we cover in Dhaka city, and some nearest side of Dhaka. Next we have
plan we will spread up our business in noshed and gopalgong and increase more
branches. Our two distribution channels are difficult from each others. For retail sale we
use B2C distribution channels. For whole sale we use B2B distributions channels. These
chart as follows –

For Retail Sale (B2C):



For Whole Sale (B2B):




2.9.1 Target Market: Retail Sales:

Our business mainly dependent on retail sale. Retail customer is our main
customer. The retail sale in Dhaka town is a growing at over 3% per year. Our
estimate is this plan for the retail sale in our market service area is based on an
analysis published one month ago in the local newspaper and television. Though
our business is new established business in new location, so in first year our target
is 45% retail customer in total customer.

Retail customers include several types. For our plan the most important are the
retail sale that serves as the retail customer. We provide service to our retail
customers by 3 shops.

There are elements will be related with retail sale. These and their explanation as

Needs and requirements:-

Our target retail sale is an average as dependent on reliable information as any
others business. They care more about reliable service and confidence then about

the accurate price. They don’t want to rely solely on their own expertise, so they
instead to deal with us with our promise of service and support when needed.

Our retail sale is will be much more powerful system then the average wholesale.
It’s important that we realize we won’t be selling to the price oriented retail
buyers. We’ll be able to offer an attractive proposition to the service oriented and
security oriented buyers only.

Distribution channel: -
For retail sale our organizations use B2C distributions channels. Our distribution
channels are as follows-


Communications: -
For communication with retail customers we use television media, local
newspaper and posturing, trade fair are communication method with retail

We use those method for communication our retail customers in this New Year.

2.9.2 Target Market: Wholesale:

Wholesale market includes that type of customers who will buy product from us
and sale. That product from their own shops. Though our business is new business
so we assume we are able to provide our product to some wholesaler. In first year
our target to conduct our business with at least 30 wholesaler clients who buy
product from us.

Needs and Requirements:

Our target is wholesale is very dependent on reliable information. For wholesaling
we need a strong marketing information provider who inform local retailer and
impress to local retailer and impress to our product. So we appoint a marketing
representative who are young, energetic and contain enough knowledge and who
are really able to give enough information about our product, brand, quality, price
etc information to the retail seller.

Distribution Channel:
For wholesale we use B2B (Business to Business) distribution channels model as



For communication with wholesaler we use television media, local newspaper and
We appoint a marketing representative who finds out retailer, who sends the
message about our product, quality, service and price to those retailers. Our
marketing representative also motivates them for buying product from us.

It is usually very necessary for every firm to inform potential customers about the
products or services availability or to educate the customer, using advertising media.
Usually television is too expensive to bear the cost for an entrepreneur. So, Unique
testing company will give billboards, lip let, browser, newspapers, education fare, and
internet Media.

What promotional stage we will use promotion informs the customers about the product,
its quality, brand name, quantity and its availability. Promotion has four essential

elements advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity. Our business
organization is an established organization, so the customers know about our
organization, and our product availability etc. So we have taken some plan to the
customer about us. We gave advertising about our organization’s service and new
location’s address in television before one month of starting business. We will be
pestering in Dhaka city. We have also plan that we arrange an exhibition by our own
responsibility in January. We will also used for our promotion in newspaper and
magazines. In our advertising we will about us and the message which is “product quality
price stability”. We budget for our promotion in TK 4, 00,000.

2.11 Market Demographics:

The profile for Unique Testing Company’s customer consists of the following
geographic, demographic and behavior factors:

2.11.1 Geographic’s:
# Our immediate geographic target is the city of Narayangong with a population
near about 300000.
# A 20 mile geographic area is need of our services.
# The total targeted population is who have the income about 25000 in a month.
2.11.2 Demographics:
# Individual and companies.
# High and upper middle class people.
# Business people who work close to the company.
# An income of 25000 or above.
# Tends to support higher quality service.
# Are aware about their transportation.
2.11.3 Behavior Factors:
# Enjoy high quality of services without time consuming.
# When ordering safety & environment concerns in regard to services into
# There is value attributed to quality servicing.

2.12 Market Needs:

Unique Testing Company’s service is providing it’s customers with a wide selection of
high quality services that are unique and pleasing in offering safety and comfortable and
utilize top-shelf imported parts. Unique Testing Company seeks to fulfill the following
benefits that are important to their customer:
# Selection: A wide variety of prices for services.
# Accessibility: The supporter can gain access to the company with minimal waits
and can choose the option of ordering schedule.
# Customer service: The patron will be impressed with the level of attention that
they receive.
# Competitive pricing: All products or services will be competitively priced
relative to comparable with other competitor prices.

2.13 Market Growth:

In 1997 the CNG converting market is established and capable to attract the customer and
raised a huge amount of profit. Converting services are estimated to grow by at least 10%
for the next three years. For this we want to open a new branch in Narayangong.
However, this growth can be attributed to several different factors. The first factor is
environment concern.
Another variable that is contributing to market growth is an increase in the number of
locations our demographic is working. Over the last five years the number of location is
increased of our company are 03 and our satisfied customer significantly increased. As
the number of location is increased, the quality is also increased and there is a high
correlation of people that take service from us. For increasing the location, we have made
a little brand name and customers are also fill satisfaction for want of safety and comfort-


3.1 SWOT Analysis:

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the
company, and describes the opportunities and threats Unique Testing Company.

3.1.1 Strength
@ Strong relationships with vendors that offer high-quality ingredients and fast/frequent
delivery schedules. Excellent staff who are highly trained and very customer attentive.
@ Great retail space that is bright, clean, and located in an upscale show room, suburban
neighborhood, or urban retail district. .
@ High customer loyalty among repeat customer.
@ High quality service offerings that exceed competitor’s offerings in quality, and price.
@ More branches.
@ Operated businesses for a long time.
3.1. 2 Weaknesses
We have a very small capital. So we will able compete with the lower price competitor.
And our resources are also limited in compare to competitors.
The company can improve or eliminate the risk by:
 To compete with the competitors in an innovative technical way.
 Carefully analyze the economic condition of the country.
 To improve technological and technical support of the company.
 The company should justify the legal concern in appropriate way.
 UTS’S name lacks brand equity.
 A limited marketing budget to develop brand awareness.
 The struggle to continually appear to be cutting edge.

3.1.3 Opportunities

Growing market with a significant percentage of the target market stiff not aware that
Unique Testing Company’s exists.
Increasing sales opportunities in other cities.

The ability spread overhead over multiple revenue centers. Companies will be able to
spread the management overhead costs among the multiple branch, decreasing the fixed
costs per branch.

3.1.4 Threats
Competition from local companies that respond to Unique Testing Company’s superior

Other CNG converting Company’s found in other market in other cities.

3.2 Competitor analysis:

Bangladesh is the residence of over 150 millions of people. Although a poor country, the
capital city Dhaka (15 millions) and other major cities (another 20 millions) are
expanding rapidly along with diverse economics activities. So in a fixed area it is difficult
to stay in the market long time without competition.

3.2.1 Market Segmentation:

We have segmented our market according to the geographical location. The provide
services at a minimum rate.
The UTC have to start by latest technology system with economy is the market. The
current market ratio of this field is as follows -

1. Unique- 35%
2. Navana- 35%
3. Rahim- 30%

Total- 100%

3.2.2 Analysis of competitors:

So far we know there are few competitors of our product yet. But we are going to launch
new branch in Nayrangong at first where we don’t face any competition yet. Although
there are many other CNG converting company exists into the market but they are not our
direct competitor in all area. However we are not keeping them out of competition. There
to us strongly belief that any time any new competitors may enter into the market as
threat consequently, we are highly conscious about our prospective competitors. Our
existing potential competitors are Navana , Rahim Afrooz etc. We are going to describe
those in short.
# ( Name Omitted) : Their service is very quality full, but their price is high.
# ( Name Omitted) : Their service is also good, but their also has a problem of
accommodation and price also little high.
3.2.3 Competitors Strategies:
Our competitor’s strategies as follows: Our competitors want to gathered more customers
by advertising. Some times they offer discount strategies in various special day or
ceremony. They choice those area for selling in which place are beside the exclusive
industrial place and mass people society.

3.2.4 Future outlook and trend:

This business will provide testing service on a size basis to small medium and large.
Service include setup /installation. Testing will be for three years with certificate and will
specific service.
Our expectation within the year Unique Testing Centre will be reach the top position in
the market. The Unique Testing Centre is one of the safety first testing centre in the
Unique Testing Company will establish on 1 st July with a view to service based. The
company will provide the service of Cylinder gas services. The company will provide the
high class testing and converting system which will help the people to face the modern
The following factors are going to get initial focus on the system:

Business would exist for at least 10 years.

Business is planned for 3 years primarily.
Achieve 45% of total market share within the of the operation activities and then
constantly achieve 5% growth in market share in the subsequent years.
Maintain 100% customer satisfaction.


4.0 Marketing Analysis

4.1 Marketing Goal:

Our Organizations marketing goals are as follows-
* To meet the growing needs of a target market defined of geography, demographics
lifestyle and buyer intentions.
* To evaluate the competitive environment and continue to establish a differential
* To establish on effective and profitable marketing mix of production, price place and

4.2 Marketing Objective:

o To achieve 5% of market share within first year (2006 – 2007) of the
activities and then constantly achieve 10% growth in market share in the
subsequent years.
o To attract customers by new offering and packages.
o To maintain 100% customer satisfaction.

4.3 Market Definitions and Segmentation:

We can fall our market into there groups according to standard classification used by
markets research companies retail market and wholesale market.
Exact definition of those market segments is not necessary for our marketing planning
purpose here, general definition will suffice. We know our retail customer tend to be
heavy users who want high quality product, reasonable price, well place, and pleasing
environment. The wholesale customer buy product in anywhere. They don’t find pleasing
environment. But they find lower product price. But he buys our product on the basis of
quality. We know that our retail customers are less proficient on wears.

4.4 Positioning:
Unique Testing Company’s services will position itself as a reasonably priced, quality and
upscale servicing center. Like other city’s customers who appreciate high quality service
will recognize the value and unique offerings of Unique Testing Company’s service.
Patrons will be individual or a company.
Unique Testing Company’s service positioning will influence their competitive frame:
Product: - We are providing service. Our product line is different.

1: All of this is CNG service.

2: It maintains high quality and reasonable price.
3: It provides quick and better service.
4: It contains extraordinary and new service line.
5: It accurate measurement.

We are the provider of our service. But sometimes we collect some raw materials from
some local area. Our service brand name is UTC. In our new marketing plan we use this
element according to our service characteristics and by using other components.
Services : Customer service will be the priority. All employees will ensure that the
customers are having the most pleasant servicing experience. All employees will go
through an extensive training program and only experienced people will be hired.
By offering a superior product, coupled with superior service, Unique Testing
Company’s will excel relative to the competition.

4.5 Target Market Segment Strategy:

We want to survive to provide better service to our customers. Instead we must get better
at focusing on the specific market segment whose needs match our offerings. Focus on
targeted is the key to our future.
Therefore, we need to focus our marketing massage and our product offering. We need to
develop our message, communication and make good on it.

4.6 Use of Marketing Mix:

Marketing mix is the combination of four interrelated essential components pricing,

advertising, promotion and distribution, which used to satisfy the need of a target

Pricing: - Price means the costs that must be paid for an item. When a producer produces
a product he should determine the appropriate price of the product. If he determines the
high price the customers will not purchase it but if he determines the low price the
company may fall in the loss. So the producer should consider the purchasing capacity of
customer. We are strongly believed if we determine our service price is high than most of
the customer cannot buy our product because it will be beyond their possibility. So we
will determine our product price is reasonable according to the quality, which will be
lower from our market competitor.

Distribution: Our service will be distributed through a take out model where customers
can call in their order and come to the servicing center for repairing their cars, come into
the servicing center, place the take out order and wait for it to be repaired.

Advertising and promotion: We gave advertising about our organization’s service and
new location’s address in television before one month of starting business. We will be
pestering in Dhaka city. We have also plan that we arrange an exhibition by our own
responsibility in January. We will also used for our promotion in newspaper and
Customer service: Unique Testing Company’s philosophy is that whatever needs to be
done to make the customer happy must occur, even at the expense of short term profits.
In the long term, this investing will pay off with a firefly loyal customer base that is
extremely vocal to their friends with referrals.

4.7 Marketing Research:

During the initial phases of the marketing plan development, several focus groups were
held to gain insight into a variety of customer of the company. These focus groups
provided useful insight into the decisions, and decision-making processes, of consumers.
An additional source of market research that is dynamic is a feedback mechanism based
on a suggestion card system. The suggestion card system has several statements that
customers are asked to rate in terms of a given scale. There are also several open-ended
questions that allow the customer to freely offer constructive criticism or praise. Unique
Testing Company will work hard to implement reasonable suggestions in order to
improve their service offerings as well as show their commitment to the customer that
their suggestions are valued.

The last source of marketing research is competitive analysis or appreciation. This

company will continually support local competitors for two reasons. The first is
competitive analysis and second reason is that local business owners, particularly CNG
converting owners, are often part of an informal fraternal organization where they support
each other’s business.
4.8 Target Market:
The market can be targeted or segmented into two target populations:
@ Individuals : People who earn 25000 or more in a month.
@Companies : The companies are also our major targeted segmentation.

Narayangong is our major market of our service. However, the population of the city,
whose income level 25,000 or higher level family is our “Target Market” of our service.
So in Narayangong city 40% people can be our “Target Market”.

4.9 Targeting on the basis of Demographic & Geographic:

Location Analysis:
Nārāyanganj, city, southeastern Bangladesh, a port on the Lakhya River, at its confluence
with the Dhaleswari River, near Dhaka. A road center and rail terminus, the city serves as
the river port of Dhaka. An industrial city specializing in jute and cotton milling,
Nārāyanganj also engages in rice and sugar milling, tanning, shipbuilding, engineering,
iron working, and the manufacture of leather, glass, chemicals, hosiery, paper products,
and matches. It trades in jute, rice, fish, and oilseeds. A noted 16th- century mosque is
here, and across the Dhaleswari River is the Idrakpur Fort (1660). Population (1991)

Political Environment:
Our countries politics is favorable for this type of business. CNG converting is growing
business in present time of our country. For this business politically has no defect
especially opening a new branch in Narayangong. Government also helps the
businessman of this sector. But sometimes hortal create problem for delivery order
product in fixed time. Thereafter all of the above we can say that political environment is
favorable for us.

Economical Environment:
Economical environment of our country and economical condition of our nation is not
good. But which area we selected that areas people’s economic

Condition is well. The price of this service is reasonable, so economic environment have
large impact on that. So we can say that economic condition is favorable for us.

Social Environment:
Attitude, choice and opinion of different areas people is not same. Different people
choice different style. So conversion to CNG has not same demand in all of the area of

our country. If anyone establishes this business in Rangpur or Saver, they can not earn
more money and accurate price. But social environment is not defect for this business.
Technological Environment:
Technological environment is not 100% favorable for this business. We have lack new
technology but we can not use those technologies because of high cost. We use moderate
technology in this sector. All of the above we can say technological environment is not
fully favorable for us.

4.10 Service information:

Unique Testing Company will provide the main services:

Services Allocated Customer

(For Each Month)
Conversion to CNG 5
Repairing Cylinder 10
Re- arrangement of parts 8
This will be increased by year basis.
4.11 Expenses:

Unique Testing Company will always fretful about the pricing system of those services.
The company robustly believes that pricing is the most decisive part of leading any short
of business.

Services Prices Allocated

(For Each
Conversion to CNG 25,000 + 5,000 5
Repairing Cylinder 15,000 10
Re- arrangement of 8,000-20,000 8

4.12 Employment Details:

Unique Testing Company’s activities will be run by the following structure and salary

Managing Director
BDT 30,000/=

Marketing Human Resource Financing Operation &

Manager Manager Manager Production
BDT 20,000/= BDT 20,000/= BDT 20,000/= Manager I
BDT 20,000/=

Employee Office Stuff(2)- BDT

 Full Time(3)- BDT 4,000X2
10,000X3 = 8,000

 Part Time(3)- BDT 200/=
(Per hour)

Chapter- 05

5.0 Financial budget and Forecast:

By Month
Position Number of Salary Total Cost (Tk.)
Managing 1 30,000 30,000
Director 4 20,000 80,000
Employee 3 10,000 30,000
Office Staff 2 4,000 8,000
Security Guard 1 2,500 2,500
Total Cost (Tk.) 1,50,500

By Month
Year –2

Position Number of Salary Total Cost (Tk.)

Managing 1 30,000 30,000
Director 4 20,000 80,000
Employee 3 10,000 30,000
Office Staff 2 4,000 8,000
Security Guard 1 2,500 2,500
Total Cost (Tk.) 1,50,500
By Month
Year –3
Position Number of Salary Total Cost (Tk.)

Managing 1 30,000 30,000

Director 4 20,000 80,000
Employee 5 12,000 60,000
Office Staff 2 5,000 10,000
Security Guard 1 3,000 3,000
Total Cost (Tk.) 2,13,000

5.2 Budget Amount for Every Sector:

Name of Sector Budget Amount in TK

Machinery 60,000
Equipment 400,000
Raw-Materials 40,000
Advertising 25,000
Seminar 15,000
Salary 150,500

Sales Center Rent 210,000

Utility 25,000
Office Supplies 10,000
Cash in Bank 1600,000
Cash in Hand 260,000
Others 300,000
Total 31,00,000

5.3Sales Target for Every Month:

Name of Month Sales Target in Tk.

January 150000
February 150000
March 200000
April 250000
May 350000
June 350000
July 350000
August 390000
September 400000
October 530000
November 540000
December 300000

Total 3960000

5.4 Expense Budget for Every Month (for sales related):

For earning sales target our cost is75% 0f the total sales revenue which is
Tk.3060000. In this cost include raw materials, utility, advertising, and
others sales related cost. Actually all type of cost include in that cost. The
month by month expense budget as follows:
Name of Month Expense Budget in Tk.
January 120000
February 110000
March 130000
April 200000
May 270000
June 310000
July 305000
August 360000
September 360000
October 380000
November 380000
December 280000
Total 3205000

5.5 Expected Gross Profit for Every Month:

On the total sales our return on investment is 25%. According to our sales budget of this
year our expected profit is TK.755000 which 19%. This profit is calculated deduct all
kind of cost. Our expected profits of every month are as follows

Name of Month Profit in TK

January 30000
February 40000
March 70000
April 50000
May 80000
June 40000
July 45000
August 30000
September 40000
October 150000
November 160000
December 20000
Total 755000

5.6 Expense Budget by Markets:

Most of our market falls into the general category that applies to both target
markets. Because much of the spending is impossible to divide into specific market
categories off the budget that is specific, by the largest share falls into the wholesale
business market. Because they buy huge amount of product from various organizations.
But our main customers are retail customers. So we specifically care our retail customers
and also care on wholesale buyers. In our total budget we spend 70% for retail buyers and
30% for wholesale buyers.

Type of Buyer Budget Amount in TK

Retail Buyer 2205000

Wholesale Buyer 1000000

Total 3205000


Breakeven: volume of sales where the venture neither makes a profit nor incurs a loss.
By definition, breakeven is
Where, Total Revenue (TR) = Total Cost (TC)
TR = Selling Price (SP) X Quantity (Q)
And TC = Total Fixed costs (TFC) + Total Variable Cost (TVC)
SP X Q = TFC + TVC ----------------------- (i)

Where, TVC = Variable Cost / Unit (VC/Unit) X Quantity (Q)

From the equation (i),

SP X Q – (VC/Unit X Q) = TFC + VC/Unit (SP X Q) = TFC X Q
Q (SP – VC/Unit) = TFC
Q = TFC / {(SP – VC)/ Unit}
Quantity (Q) = Total Fixed cost (TFC)/[Selling Cost (SP) – Variable Cost (VC)/Unit
The break even analysis

Includes that 660000 will be needed in monthly revenue the reach the break even point
Break even analysis

Break even analysis:

Monthly unites break-even 6

Monthly revenue break-even 267084


Average per-unit revenue 44514

Average per-unit Variable cost 27544


5.8 Financial Plan:

Unique Testing Company

Pro-forma Income Statement
Three years summary.

Particulars 2007 2008 2009

Sales 3960000 6828000 6424000
Less: COGS 3205000 4900000 4500000
Gross profit 755000 1928000 1924000
Selling Expense 40000 70000 60000
Advertising 25000 20000 25000
Salaries 150500 200000 180000
Office supplies 10000 18000 15000
Rent 210000 248000 225000
Utilities 25000 14000 12000
Insurance 50000 70000 50000
Depreciation 20000 30000 20000
Total operating expense 530500 670000 587000
Profit before taxes 224500 1258000 1337000
Taxes (30%) 67350 62900 66850
Net profit 157150 1195100 1270150

Unique Testing Company

Proforma Common Size Income Statement
Three Years Summary.

Particulars 1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Sales 100% 100% 100%
Less: COGS 80.93% 71.76% 70.04%
Gross profit 19.06% 28.23% 29.95%
Selling expense 1.01% 1.02% 0.93%
Advertising 0.63% 0.29% 0.44%
Salaries 3.80% 2.92% 3.58%
Office supplies 0.25% 0.26% 0.29%
Rent 5.30% 3.63% 3.5%
Utilities 0.63% 0.20% 0.18%
Insurance 1.26% 1.02% 0.77%
Taxes 1.70% 0.43% 0.31%

Depreciation 0.50% 9.81% 9.13%

Total operating expense 13.39% 18.42% 20.81%

Profit before taxes 5.67% 0.92% 1.04%

Net profit 3.97% 17.50% 19.17%

Unique Testing Company

Proforma Balance sheet


Current assets:
Cash………………………………… 1860000
Merchandise inventory…………. 557150
Accounts Receivable..................... 20000

Supplies……………………………… 40000

Total current assets…………………… ……… 2477150

Fixed assets:
Equipment……………………… … 400000
Machineries............................. 60000
Depreciation……………………… (20000)

Total fixed assets……………........ ................. 440000

Total assets……………………………… … …… 2917150

Liabilities and owners’ equity

Current liabilities
Accounts Payable............................. 150000
Notes payable………………………….. 210000

Total liabilities………………………………… 360000

Owners’ equity
Md.Ifthakar Alam, capital…………………… 600000
Mr. Taufique Reza, capital…………………..... 600000
Mr. Rezaul Karimand, capital……………………… 600000
Mr.Hasan Mahamud, capital… ……. ……… 600000

Retained Earnings............. ....... 157150

Total owners’ equity ………………………..…… 2557150

Total liabilities & owners’ equity ……………… 2917150

6.0 Marketing Implementation
6.1 Implementation of target:

Initially we prepare our Marketing plan for three years. In 1st year we capture 10% of the
total market share and next 2 years we target 35% of the total market share.
We segment our market according to the demographic segmentation. Our main target
customers are upper class and middle class. As our target customers are upper class and
middle class we promote our service by give advertisement in posters, billboards and
newspaper. For providing our services we use two types of distribution channels. We also
provide our services by expert technician.
As the simplest level of partnership which is for small business total capital of our
business Tk 4900000 and 2917150 taka invest for our new testing station. The test of
amount from the capital worth TK 860000. For potential money in the business in which
the ownership and control is held equally by its worker members. For make station have
to need money formalities, many requirements and skillful eligibilities. Then will be get
Authorized permission. We provide Authorized certificate to good and durable cylinder
for three years. An average per year cylinder fees worth TK 2000 and our daily target
only five cylinders.
It’s would be reach market goal. Because a unique testing center is the last technology
with economy in the market. An UNIQUE TESTIUNG center says always SAFETY
The following milestones identify the key marketing programs. It is important to
accomplish each one on time, and on budget.

Milestone Start data End data Budget Manager Department

Target 1/1/2007 2/1/2007 TK.0 H. Mahamud Marketing

Leaflet 2/1/2007 4/1/2007 6000 H. Mahamud Marketing


Banner ad 2/1/2007 4/1/2007 7000 H. Mahamud Marketing


Mailing 2/1/2007 4/1/2007 2000 H. Mahamud Marketing


Postaring 10/3/2007 28/3/2007 5000 H. Mahamud Marketing


Banner ad 10/8/2007 29/8/2007 5,000 H. Mahamud Marketing


Seminars 10/10/2007 20/10/2007 15000 H.Mahamud Marketing

Totals 40000

6.2 Marketing organization

Mr. Hasan Mahmud, the owner, is primarily responsible for marketing activities. This is
addition to his other responsibility, and dose depends on some outside resources for
graphic design work and activities.

6.3 Emergency planning

Difficulties and risks:

Overly aggressive and unbearable actions by competitors.



From the above analysis and discussion we may conclude that a wide variety of product
like exist in the market and the massive competition among in the making price war and
in promoting their product using all kinds of promotional tools to achieves marketing
objective which creates better facility and reasonable price for the target market. The
government needs to be given a special attention to reduce the cost and relevant
bottleneck to facilitate the GNG users need to the all segment of population.

At least we can say our marketing plan will be very competitive and if we can cover all
things according to our marketing plan than we can able to earn our expected profit. Our
all partners and associates are very sincere about our organization. We want survive in
market by providing better service to our customers. If also there are many competitors
presented in the market thereafter we believe we can survive in the market. We will
forward according to our marketing plan. We will try to increase our partner’s since ness
about business. Then we will take some new plan for our business.


The CNG sector is a novel experiment in community and easier living. There is no
disagreement that the CNG sector is working as barometer in the national economy.
The Concerned authority may come forward by implementing the following scheme
to strengthen this sector:

 To provide financial assistance to the low income group for entering into
this sector a specialized financial institution to be set up to provide loan
facility on easy terms and condition and low interest rate.
 We will increase our branch in Dhaka town and Sylhet, Chittagong and
 We will separate our wholesale store.
 We will establish a marketing information team.

Above all the CNG converter group need to be provided quality product keeping
similarity with the price and introduce more reasonable price according to the setting
and buying capacity of the different income group, so that a number of this segment
can enter into sector to solve their CNG need.


In this part we represent our marketing research information. We research our market by
follow according to our customer’s income, area of residence, competitor’s product price,
and many others some information which as follows:

1. Name of the Organization

2. Name of the owners

3. Objective of the organization

4. Type of organization

# Service providing
# Manufacturing
# Combination of both
5. Distribution the organization
Place name

6. Technical Skills of the respondent’s organization

7. Sourcing raw materials
8. Sources of financing of the organization

9.Types of workers
a) Skilled
b) Semi skilled
c) Unskilled

10. Acquiring skilled or semi-skilled man power

d) Improving skills through training
e) Written and oral
f) Vocational training

11. Problems that faced by the organization

12. What is the technical of observation for controlling inventory?

g) Continuous review technique
h) Periodic reviews

13. Do they think about the pollution concern before the design of the product?

14. Do they think about quality of product/service?

15. Which methods they use to improve quality?

16. The demand of converting to CNG to the customers.

i) Demand is high ii) Very high iii) Moderate iv) Low

17. Our service is buying beyond to them whose income is.

i) 8000- 12000 ii) 12000- 18000 iii) 20000-25000 iv) Over 25000.

18. Our competitor’s service is buying beyond to them whose income is?
i) 10000-15000 ii) 15000-20000 iii) 20000-25000 iv) Over 25000.

19. Whose areas people come to take service?

i) Urban ii) Rural iii) Only city iv) Foreign people

20. Whit is the opinion of the customers about our servicing price?
i) Price is high ii) Moderate iii) Very high iv) Low.

21. Whit is the opinion of the customers about our competitors’ servicing price?
i) Price is very high ii) High iii) Moderate iv) Low

22. What ages people come to take service from us ?

i) 10-20 ii) 20-30 iii) 30-40 iv) Over 40

1. ENTREPRENERSHIP, by Robert D. Hisrich, Ph.D.& Michael P. Peters, Ph.D.
fifth edition, Tata McGrow-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

2. Annual report of Unique Testing Company.

3. www.pdb.gov.bd
4. hogan@mjcengineering.com

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm

Situation Analysis
1.0 Situation Analysis

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm is a start-up business. Marketing is critical to its success
and future profitability. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm is a service based industry that
will offer special packages and guidelines to the foreign & domestic customers about
different spots .Its business area is inside the country and potential customers are Foreign
& domestic travelers, honeymoon couples and students. It arranges tours in different
seasons at different places. Its business goal is to provide value added services and
getting competitive advantages that helps in sustaining business and earns maximum

1.1 Market Summary

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm possesses good information about the market and knows
a great deal about the common attributes of the most prized and loyal customers. The
Sonar Bangla tourism firm will leverage this information to better understand who is
served, their specific needs, and how The Sonar Bangla tourism firm can better
communicate with them.

Target Markets

Market Analysis
Market Analysis
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Potential Customers Growth CAGR
Weekend getaway
11% 12,000 13,320 14,785 16,411 18,216 11.00%
Travelers 10% 18,000 19,800 21,780 23,958 26,354 10.00%
University travelers 17% 12,000 14,040 16,427 19,220 22,487 17.00%
Total 12.41% 42,000 47,160 52,992 59,589 67,057 12.41%

1.1.1 Market Demographics


 One target group is the geographic target of the large city of more population.
 Another target population is travelers that typically come from the SAARC,
European, Chinese, Japanese and from other countries.


 Male and Female.

 Ages 35-55.
 College or graduate education.
 An income over tk 50,000.

Behavior Factors

 Enjoys traveling for the sake of seeing new things and meeting people.
 Tend to use Sonar Bangla tourism firm when traveling around the country.

1.1.2 Market Needs

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm provides its customers with a beautiful, relaxing,
luxurious, country travel. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm seeks to fulfill the following
benefits that are important to their customers:

 Selection: The Sonar Bangla tourism firm has several tour packages, each with its
own unique facilities to attract customer.
 Accessibility: The Sonar Bangla tourism firm location providing accessibility for
people from around the country.
 Customer Service: The customers will be impressed with the level of attention
that they receive.
 Competitive Pricing: All tour packages competitively priced relative to similar
tourism firms.

1.1.3 Market Trends

The market trend for Sonar Bangla tourism firm is an increase in occupancy seen on a
national scale. Within the last two years, people have begun to discover Sonar Bangla
tourism firm’s tour package and appreciate the additional services that they offer.The
industry has seen an increase in occupancy, from out of state or region travelers, as well
as and more importantly, local people that are looking for a place to escape from their

Market Forecast

1.1.4 Market Growth

Sonar Bangla tourism firm’s sales are expected to grow in increasing pattern by for the
next few years. This growth can be attributed to a couple of factors. The first factor is an
appreciation for services that a Sonar Bangla tourism firm provides.

Another factor driving market growth is the increase in airfare that makes non-local
vacations less practical and cost effective. People are turning to travel through Sonar
Bangla tourism firm for arranging tour packages in unique locations as a vacation spot.

2.1 SWOT Analysis

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strength and weaknesses within the
company and describes the opportunities and threats facing The Sonar Bangla tourism

2.1.1 Strengths
 Fantastic facilities.
 Owners who are passionate about their work.

2.1.2 Weaknesses
 Brand visibility.
 Limited number of rooms means limited amount of sales.
 The struggle with taking care of everything with low labor overhead.

2.1.3 Opportunities
 Growing market with a significant percentage still not aware of The Sonar Bangla
tourism firm.
 Increase in sales from university-related events.

 The ability to become more efficient as the learning curve steepens over time.

2.1.4 Threats
 Competition from new tourism firm entrants.
 The introduction of a new tourism firm that understands the basic market need.
 A slump in the economy, decreasing people's discretionary income.

2.2 Service Offering

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm is a attractive tourism firm that offers travelers a relaxed
setting for weekend getaways, change of scenery, sports or cultural events, family
occassions etc. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm provides services in arranging different
kinds of tour packages & guiding, hotel booking & home stay service, air/bus/train/boat
ticketing, and transport service. We have customized packages which include Mega City
Dhaka Tour, World Heritage Site Tour, Eco & Natural Beauty Tour, Cultural Tour, Hill &
Tribal Tour, Study Group Tour, Beach & Island tour, Sundarbans Adventure Tour,
Corporate Meeting, NGO Study & Research Tour etc. We also provide outbound tours in
India, Nepal,& Bhutan.

2.3 Keys to Success

The key to success will be based on customer attention. The facilities for the Sonar
Bangla tourism firm are far nicer than anything around. The key is then to treat the
customer properly so they are amazed at the level of attention that they receive. The
Sonar Bangla tourism firm will generate repeat business and increase the length of stay
per customer.

2.4 Critical Issues

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm is still in the speculative stage as a tourism firm. Its
critical issues are:

 Continue to build brand awareness which will drive new customers to The Sonar
Bangla tourism firm.
 Gain operating efficiencies.
 Develop a strong relationship with the customer.

Marketing Strategy
3.0 Marketing Strategy

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm has following strategy:


1. Association membership and advertising: A large number of visitors will look

to regional travel associations for information about the different tourism firm in
the area. Most associations publish a guide to the local tourism firm and The
Sonar Bangla tourism firm wants to be in this guide. One of the other perks of
membership is visibility on the associations website with a link to ours.
Additionally, we will be a member of the Chamber of Commerce because people
typically inquire with the local Chamber when planning a vacation.
2. Website: The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will have a full-service website that
allows the visitor to view the, read details about what it has to offer, provide
information on regional activities, even allow the visitor to book a reservation.
With the growing use of the Internet, the Web has become an indispensable tool
people have for planning vacation to areas that are not close enough to check out
in person.

3.1 Mission

The mission of The Sonar Bangla tourism firm is to provide the finest travel experience.
We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything
else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

3.2 Marketing Objectives

1. Maintain positive, steady growth each quarter.
2. Experience a growth in new customers who are turned into long-term customers.
3. Realize an increase in occupancy each subsequent year.

3.3 Financial Objectives

1. A double digit growth rate for each future year.
2. Reduce the variable costs per guest.
3. Continue to decrease the fixed costs.

3.4 Target Marketing

Since the year 2000 tourists arriving in Bangladesh have been swelling in numbers. Also
travelling further within the country and visiting places like Cox' Bazaar, Teknaf, the
Sundarbans, Kuakata, Paharpur and Tetulia. Our customers can be broadly divided into
three groups:
1. Weekend getaway customers: These people are from the region and are looking
to get away so they come to The Sonar Bangla tourism firm to be pampered and
2. Travelers: These people are international visitors taking their holidays and
coming to Dhaka, Khulna and Chittgong. All these travellers require appropriate
accommodation and the demand in hotel beds and restaurants are now being met
for every taste and every budget.
3. University travelers: The university brings a large number of people through
Sonar Bangla tourism firm believes that a good portion of their business will be

from the university study tour. Occassions include parents weekend, orientation,
parents visiting, and graduation. Lastly, the university will often set up rooms for
administrative visitors.

3.5 Positioning

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will position itself as an upscale traveling with a gorgeous
facility and unmatched customer attention. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will leverage
their competitive edge:While anyone at a tour should reasonably expect good service,
there are ways of setting yourself apart from this already high level of service. This will
be done through the unrelenting pursuit of personal attention. What is meant by that is
that the service is provided by employees, not the owner. At The Sonar Bangla tourism
firm all interactions with the customer will be with tourist guide who see it as their duty
to do whatever it takes to make the customer feel at home. The feeling of personal
attention, or more accurately defined as a sense of personal concern, not just mere
personal attention, really adds a very positive dimension to the travel experience.

3.6 Strategy Pyramids

The single objective is to position The Sonar Bangla tourism firm as the upscale tourism
firm. The marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding the
services offered, develop that customer base, and work building customer loyalty and
strategic relationships with the university.

The message that The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will seek to communicate is that The
Sonar Bangla tourism firm is the premier tourism firm with the finest facilities. The
message will be communicated through a variety of methods. The first will be advertising
in the tour and travel association newsletter. The next method will be a robust website
with a comprehensive amount of information. The last method will be developing
strategic relationships with the customer. While this will require a budget for assorted
activities, these activities are basically networking activities, taking people out to lunch
and schmoozing.

3.7 Marketing Mix

The Sonar Bangla tourism firm marketing mix is comprised of the following approach to
pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service.

 Pricing: The pricing scheme is based on service. The rate is arrived at in terms of
by its market value.
 Distribution: All services will be provided at the tourism firm.
 Advertising and Promotion: The most successful traditional advertising will be
with the travel association. Developing strategic alliances with several companies
is a non-traditional method of marketing, but it will be quite efficient. The website
will also be used in marketing activities.

 Customer Service: Obsessive customer attention is the mantra of Sonar Bangla

tourism firm. The philosophy is what ever needs to be done to make the customer
happy must occur, even at the expense of short-term profits. In the long run, this
investment will pay off with fierce customer loyalty.

3.8 Marketing Research

During the initial phases of the marketing plan development, several focus groups were
held to gain insight into a variety of tourism firm. These focus groups provided useful
information into the decision making processes of consumers. An additional source of
dynamic market research is a feedback mechanism based on a suggestion card system.
The suggestion card has several statements that patrons are asked to rate in terms of a
given scale. There are also several open ended questions that allow the customer to freely
offer constructive criticism or praise. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will work hard to
implement reasonable suggestions in order to improve their services as well as show their
commitment to the customer that their suggestions are valued.

Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts
4.0 Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts

This section will offer a financial overview of The Sonar Bangla tourism firm as it relates
to the marketing activities. The Sonar Bangla tourism firm will address break-even
analysis, sales forecasts, expenses forecasts, and how those link to the marketing strategy.

4.1 Sales Forecast

Sales Monthly (in taka)
Sales Forecast
2003 2004 2005
Weekend getaway customers 11,3960 42,0000 54,0000
Travelers 13,0890 60,0000 62,0000
Total Sales 24,4850 102,0000 116,0000

Direct Cost of Sales 2003 2004 2005

Weekend getaway customers 57000 21000 27000

Travelers 6540 30000 31000

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales 63540 51000 58000

The first four months will be used for the renovation of the tour package to fully
accommodate customer. Once complete, Sonar Bangla tourism firm have started
advertising, joined as a tourism association member, as well as formed a strategic
relationship with several organization by month two so business will ramp up fairly
quickly. From month five on, business will steadily grow.

4.2 Expense Forecast

Marketing expenses are to be budgeted so more money is spent during busier months.
The website requires constant maintenance and this expense will also be relatively
uniform each month.

Monthly Expense Budget

Marketing Expense Budget (in million taka)

Marketing Expense Budget
2003 2004 2005
Advertising with Association 1,900 1,800 1,800
Website 2,400 2,400 2,400
Other 1,900 1,800 1,800
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Sales and Marketing
6,200 6,000 6,000
Percent of Sales 25.32% 5.88% 5.17%

5.0 Controls
The purpose of The Sonar Bangla tourism firm’s marketing plan is to serve as a guide for
the organization.The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance:
 Revenue: monthly and annual.
 Expenses: monthly and annual.
 Repeat business.
 Customer satisfaction.

5.1 Implementation Milestones

The following milestones identify the key marketing programs. It is important to

accomplish each one on budget and on time.



Advertising Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Assorted advertising 5,400 General
1/1/2003 1/1/2005 Marketing
activities (in million taka) Manager
Total Advertising 5,400
Budget (in million taka)
PR Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department
6,400 General
Strategic development 3/1/2003 1/1/2006 Marketing
(in million taka) Manager
Total PR Budget
(in million taka)
Direct Marketing Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department
Marketing plan General
1/1/2003 2/1/2003 0 Marketing
completion Manager
Total Direct Marketing

Web Development Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

2,000 General
Website maintenance 1/1/2006 1/1/2006 Marketing
(in million taka) Manager
Total Web Development 2,000
Budget (in million taka)
Other Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Total Other Budget 0
(in million taka)

5.2 Marketing Organization

General Manager will be solely responsible for the marketing activities beyond outside
occasional creative help.

5.3 Contingency Planning

Difficulties and risks:

 Problems generating visibility.

 Slump in the economy.
 The construction of a new facility that rivals the Sonar Bangla tourism firm.

Worst case risks may include:

 Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis.

 Having to liquidate equipment to cover liabilities.

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