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Img 20180429 0004
Img 20180429 0004
o Ttr.!CXS 42-45;
Ugmented sdoing*
Our creative master Shaun Baxter continies his mini series
dedicated to playing over this unique chord, by looking
more closely at the augmented scale itself ..
*ffi:" r3B and 139 ofcT for more information and
musical ideas using the six and nine-note
augmelted scales.
jlf i,;y.o,.0.-,"u'
This month's solo study compdses ten lines
SE'h#, f rhe ausnented isa six-nole scale that can be played over the lastbarofa 12 bar
q;'ir "fl}fu#
ro i{;' ri:fl ,[]:ffiiif i.Jil??".
blues (see Diagrarn 6). Each line is actuallytwo
bars long, because it is designed to resolve to t]le
A7 chod at tle start ofthe following choms (See
Diagram 7). The notes over the A7 chord will be
OO"O Advanced
the results tend to be darker and more
'geometric'-sounding than when using the
can be shifted up or down in interrralsofa m.rjor
third (four fiets) ard will still work over the E
six-note version. augmeDted chord (t}le notes tiat rcsolve over
El Augmented sca le lnowledge
But beware: because tlerc are oDly three of theAT chord will have to be changed), II
TEMPO: 120 bpm ,iAugmented 5oloing the twelve notes in music not being used within
CD:TRACKS42-45 g 0verall tonal range tle nine-note augmented scale, things could
easily descend into a formless clromatic mess. GETTHETONE
TECHNICALLY, AN AUGMENIED triad Instead, you will get more convincing rcsult-s if
comprise. consecutive majorthirds. splittinS you i[terpret it ir a more harmonic or'vertica]'
each octave into thrce equal parts: way, wherebyvarious arpeggio sounds are
conscquently, it is the musical equivalent ofan exhacted fiom within the scale.
equilaleral b'iangle (see Diagram r). Knowing The s,'rnmetrical quality ofboth gpes of $e'l
how to play over tlis chord is impotaDt
because it represe[ts one ofthe four primary
augmented scale means that they are ripe for ail
kinds ofthematic development, because any
Foryour infothis month! solowas recorded
using my FenderRelic Stratthrough a Laney
tonal colour:s in Westem music (along with
majoq minor and diminished).
musical idea can be shi{led up or down iu
intervals of a major third (or four frets) and lr.ill
1mW valve head with the settings above, but of ts tl
last montl we looked at ways ofusing a still wolk over the same augme ted chord.
course anytone would doforthese exercises.
it nr
TMC( [EC0[0 .Allan lloldsuorth u one of the only guitarists that I tnox uho usss tho augtmnted scat6 ultt any &gm€ of rugutartty.
ll0wovoli i[ general, saxophono players tend t0 be moro advanced rvlth thoir sing€ note soloing, because thatrs all they
do, So as rvoll as
listonlng t0 albums by Holdswolth, check out the incredlblo,rohll G0ltrane and ilichaelBrrckor to hoar augmonted idoas
h action. Wesl
72 GuitarTechniques October 2009