Revelation Seminar B10
Revelation Seminar B10
Revelation Seminar B10
Jesus set this wonderful day aside to be with us and to help us become
like Him. Jesus, at Eden, gave people two wonderful institutions to
make them supremely happy—marriage and the Sabbath. He must
often weep that so many people today ignore and misuse these two
loving gifts, and thus end up with lives of misery and woe.
26. In John 14:15 Jesus says, "If you love me, keep my
commandments." Do you love Him enough to keep all of His
commandments now?
Ans: ________________________________________________
Would you be shocked to discover that most people are totally unaware of
God's mark, and thus ignore it?
Would you be dumbfounded to find out that one great prime purpose of
Revelation is to identify and restore God's mark to His people?
Well, incredible as it may seem, the above given statements are true! Few
things are as important to God as His mark. And tragically, when God
looks at most of His people today, He can only shake His head and say,
Bible texts in this lesson are primarily quoted from King James Version
copyright © Thomas Nelson Publishers.
The mark is missing." It would be difficult to find a more important topic
for study. Please pray much as you consider this most vital matter.
Copyright ©1986 by SEMINARS UNLIMITED. Christian ethics dictate that this
material not be copied without written permission.
GOD'S SEAL OF PROTECTION 21. What sin does God specifically name in Isaiah 58:1, 13?
1. Why does God delay earth's final destruction? Revelation 7:1-3 He said they were trampling upon His ________________
"Hurt not the earth...till we have ________________ the NOTE: God calls Sabbath-breaking a sin. In Isaiah's day they were
trampling upon God's Holy Sabbath, which is His sign or seal. Men
________________ of our _________ in their ________________.” today are doing the same serious thing. His command is to "Cry
NOTE: God will not permit the final winds of war to bring total' aloud!" and explain the Sabbath to them. Jesus the Good Shepherd
destruction upon the earth until His people have received His mark, or knows His loving sheep will gladly follow Him in Sabbath-keeping
seal. Winds in prophecy represent war, bloodshed, and destruction. when they understand, because they love to please Him.
Jeremiah 25:31-33; 49:36, 37.
22. Which day will the saints keep in the new earth? Isaiah 66:22, 23
2. How widely will God's message about His seal be proclaimed? The ________________________________
Revelation 14:6
"To every __________________ and __________________ and
23. What should be my motivation for obedience to God's
__________________ and __________________.” commands? John 14:15
NOTE: We shall discover that the seal or mark of God is an important Love of the ________________________________
part of the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14, which will be
proclaimed worldwide with great power, just before Jesus returns.
Remember that "seal", "sign", and "mark", often are used 24. What must I do to worship Him as Creator? Exodus 20:8-11
interchangeably in Scripture. Romans 4:11; Ezekiel 9:4; Revelation
"Remember the ________________ day to keep it ______________
7:2, 3.
for in six days the Lord made _______________ and ____________”
NOTE: God commands that I keep the Sabbath holy as proof that I
3. How is a seal used symbolically in scripture? Romans 4:1;
Ezekiel 9:4; Revelation 7:2, 3; Ephesians 4:30 accept and worship Him as Creator.
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11. When God blesses, how long is it for? 1 Chronicles 17:27
"It shall be blessed ____________________ "
12. For whom did God make the Sabbath? Mark 2:27, 28
"The Sabbath was made for ________________ “
NOTE: Some say the Sabbath was made for the Jews only, and not
for Gentiles, but Jesus says it was made for all mankind, or people
everywhere, from the very beginning of time.
15. Which day did Jesus and Paul keep? Luke 4:16; Acts 17:2
10. What did God do to make the Sabbath special? Genesis 2:2, 3 "The ________________ Day."
"He ____________ on the seventh day...and God _______________
the seventh day and ________________ it." 16. How should it affect me to learn Jesus kept the Sabbath?
NOTE: "Sanctify" means to set aside for a sacred use. 1 Peter 2:21
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