Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
The column is provided with heat by a reboiler which is continuously boiling the
liquid from the bottom of the columns. And the vapors from the top of the column are
continuously cooled and condensed by an overhead condenser provided at the top of
the column. The heating and cooling actions of these heat exchangers are responsible
for vapor liquid equilibrium conditions in the column. Also due the action of reboiler the
bottom of a distillation column has highest temperature and pressure conditions.
The condenser is responsible for lowest temperature and pressure conditions at the top
of the column.
Figure 8.1: Simple schematic diagram on the Palmitic Acid distillation column process
By definition, a saturated liquid is at its bubble point where any rise in temperature will
cause a bubble of vapor to form, and a saturated vapor is at its dew point where any
drop in temperature will cause a drop of liquid to form.
Dew points and bubble points can be calculated from the vapor-liquid equilibrium
for the system. In terms of equilibrium constants, they are defined by the equations
bubble point: y K x
i i i 1.0
and dew point: x K
i 1.0
D ln T ( K ) E T ( K ) F
ln Psat (kPa) A
T (K ) C
Table 8.1 below is the value of the constant for Antoine equation, the data from Table
8.1 below is obtained from HYSYS simulation. The components involved are Palmitic
Acid (PA), Tetradecene (T), Acetic Acid (AA) and Gum (G).
The composition for inlet and outlet of the distillation column is obtained from HYSYS
simulation is shown in Table 8.2.
The separation between the top and bottom products usually specified by setting
limits on two key components. The light key will be the component that it is desired to
keep out of the bottom product, and the heavy key is the component to be kept out of the
top product. So that, in this process Tetradecene will be the light key while Palmitic Acid
is the heavy key.
By using goal seek in the Excel programmed the value of the bubble point at
bottom column = 340.66 °C and dew point at the top column is 217.04 °C. Data from the
goal seek programmed is shown in Table 8.3 and 8.4 below.
P 80 kPa
Tbub 613.81 K 340.66 deg C
P 70 kPa
Tdew 490.19 K 217.04 deg C
Table 8.5 shows the value of the relative volatile for every component at top and bottom
of distillation column.
Top Bottom Average
Temp (°C) 217.04 340.66
PA 1.000 1.000 1.000
T 20.696 6.762 11.830
AA 536.714 96.841 227.983
G 0.229 0.252 0.240
Colburn (1941) and Underwood (1948) have derived equations for estimating the
minimum reflux ratio for multicomponent distillations. Underwood equation is used to find
the minimum reflux ratio.
i xi , d
Rmin 1
i xi , f
1 q
i xi , f
11 0
By using trial and error, the value of θ must lie between the values of the relative
volatility of the light and heavy keys. Table 8.7 shows the iteration value for θ.
i xi , d
Substitute θ = 2 into equation Rmin 1
Table 8.8 shows substitution of above equation with θ value to find Rmin.
Rmin 1 1.10
For many systems, the optimum reflux ratio will lie between 1.2 to 1.5 times the
minimum reflux ratio. Optimum reflux ratio, 0.1 x 1.5 = 0.15.
The Fenske equation can be used to estimate the minimum stages require at total reflux.
The equation applies equally to multicomponent systems.
x x
log LK HK
xHK d xLK b
N min
log LK
Where αLK = average relative volatility of the light key with respect to the heavy
xLK = light key concentration
xHK = heavy key concentration
56.845 116.498
log 4
0.571 2.93 10
N min 10.43 11 stages
log 11.830
Normally after using the Fenske equation, the value of Nmin is given by the equation
below to get the number of stages, NT.
N T 2 N m in 2 11
N T 22 stages
To get the real number of stage, the efficiency of the process must be considered.
N T 1 22 1
N 60 stages
Eo 0.35
B x xb , LK
N f , HK
log r 0.206 log
Ns D x f , LK x
d , HK
log 1.67 10 8
N r N s 59
N s 59 N r 59 N s
Ns 29.5 30
The properties considered in this design are liquid flow rate, vapor flow rate, liquid
surface tension, liquid density and vapor density. The physical properties evaluated at
the system temperature by using HYSYS generated data or estimate manually from
mass and energy balance data.
Table 8.9: Calculation data for relative molar mass and density
Mole Fraction
Comp MW density
Feed Distillate Bottom kg/m3
PA 256.43 0.5073 0.0050 1.0000 881.58
T 196.38 0.2463 0.4975 0.0000 774.10
AA 60.05 0.2463 0.4975 0.0000 1051.50
From table above relative molar mass, RMM can be calculated for feed, distillate and
RMMdistillate 128.8544
RMMbottom 256.4285
Liquid density and vapor density for top and bottom distillation column can be calculated
by using the following equations.
Liquid density:
L 912.6450 kg / m 3
Vapor density:
Liquid density:
L 881.5696 kg / m 3
Vapor density:
MW TSTP POP 128.8544 273.15 0.8
v 4.0729 kg / m 3
VSTP TOP PSTP 22.4 613.85 1
Vn Ln
Lm v
FLV top 0.01
Vm L
Ln v
FLV bottom 0.19
Vn L
Top K1 = 0.09
Bottom K1 = 0.07
Top flooding velocity, u f K1 1.57 m / s
Bottom flooding velocity, u f K1 0.78 m / s
Top 1.77 m 3 / s
Bottom 1.16 m 3 / s
Liquid is transferred from plate to plate through vertical channels called downcomers.
Net area
Top 1.51 m 2
Net area
Bottom 1.99 m 2
Column diameter
Liquid flow pattern can be calculated using same diameter above and below feed,
reducing the perforated area for plates above the feed.
Maximum volumetric liquid rate 0.01 m 3 / s
The plate diameter is outside the range of Coulson and Richardson (2008), Figure
11.35, but it is clear that a single-pass plate can be used.
how 750
L Iw
K2 @ hw + how= 30.8
uˆ h (min)
K 2 0.9025.4 d h 6.6 m/ s
v 1 / 2
Ua > Ŭh (min), therefore minimum operating rate will be well above weep point. The
vapor velocity at the weep point is the minimum value for stable operation.
uˆ h max
max . volumetric flow rate
10.9 m / s
From Coulson and Richardson (2008), Figure 11.42, for plate thickness/hole
Ah Ah
Perforated area,
A p Aa
Ah A
Percent perforated area, 100% h 100%
Ap Aa
hd 51 h v 55.6 mm liquid
Co L
Residual head, hr
12.5 103
hr 14.2 mm liquid
hap hw 10 50 10 40 mm
As this is less than Ad, use Aap in equation 11.60 Coulson and Richardson (2008).
hdc 166 wd 15.41 mm
L Aap
Back-up in downcomer, hb
Ad hbc L
tr 4.29 s
u max
un 0.66 m / s
Percent flooding 100% 85%
When FLV,bottom = 0.19, so from Figure 11.36, ψ = 0.014, well below 0.1.
Ah 0.106
Ap 1.278
Area of one hole 2.83 10 5 m 2
Number of holes 3747 holes
2.83 10 5
Follow the plate spacing and the plate number. The column height will be calculated
based on equation given below. The equation determined the height of the column
without taking the skirt or any support as consideration. It’s determined based on
condition in the column.
Number of stages, N = 60
Column height ( No stage 1)(tray spacing) 2(tray spacing) ( No stage 1)( plate thickness)
The overall height from the calculation is 30.7 m, but in a real construction it will add
slightly more because of vapor and liquid area at top and bottom column. The space for
vapor and liquid are required if uncertain condition occur in the column, such as over
flooding, over vapor pressure or upset in reaction situation.
In the mechanical design, the temperature and pressure are important properties in
evaluating the thickness and the stress of material. Therefore, the safety factor must be
added as precaution and determined by certain consideration such as corrosion factor,
location and process characteristic.
From the HYSYS simulation, the operating pressure is 1.97 atm and the safety
factor is 10% above operating pressure. Based on the simulation result, the temperature
of column operated in 141.1 °C at top of column and 340.7 °C at bottom of the column.
Stainless steel 316 is used in construction of the palmitic acid distillation column,
carbon steel is used in skirt support material and insulation material used is mineral
wool. All the selection named above is based on chemical and mechanical design.
For safety reason, take design pressure 10% above the operating pressure.
101325 N m2
Design pressure, Pi 1.97atm 1.1 0.2196 N / mm 2
atm m 2
(1000 mm) 2
For safety reason, take design temperature 10% above the operating temperature.
The material of construction used is Stainless steel (18Cr/8Ni/Mo-2.5%, 316). For this
material, the design stress at 374.73 °C is obtained from Table 13.2, Coulson and
Richardson (2008).
The minimum thickness of column and other design are calculated based on equation
Pi Di 0.2196 1592
e 1.67 mm
2 f Pi 2(105) 0.2196
As a first trial, divide the column into five sections, with the thickness increasing by 2 mm
per section. Try 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm. The average wall thickness is 10 mm.
Standard torispherical heads are the most commonly used end closure for vessels up to
operating pressure of 15 bar. It can be used for higher pressure, but above 10 bar titcost
should be compared with that of an equivalent ellipsoidal head. Above 15 bar an
ellipsoidal will usually prove to be the most economical closure to use. Hemispherical
heads are used for high pressure.
1 Rc 1
3 1.592 1.7706
Cs 3
4 Rk 4 0.0955
e 2.94 mm
Pi Di 0.2196 1592
2 fJ 0.2 Pi (2 105 1) (0.2 0.2196)
e 1.67 mm
So, an ellipsoidal head would probably be the most economical. Take as same thickness
as wall, 6 mm.
Wv 240 C w Dm ( H v 0.8Dm )t
t = average wall thickness, mm = 10 mm
Dm = mean diameter (Di + t x 10 ) m = 1.602 m
Cw = a factor; 1.15 for distillation columns
Wv 141335 N 141.33 kN
From Nelson Guide, in Coulson and Richardson (2008), it takes contacting plates, 1.2
kN/m2. This estimation based on the empirical value done by Nelson.
Plate area, Ac
(1.592 ) 2
Ac 1.99 m 2
Insulation material is important related with the heat transfer. Assume insulation material
is mineral wool with 75 mm thick.
WT Wv W p Wi
The wind loads is calculated based on location and the weather of surrounding.
Therefore, the value of wind speed assumes as below and wind load is calculated.
For a smooth cylindrical column stack, the following semi-empirical equation can be
used to estimate wind pressure, Pw.
Fw ( X ) 2 2256 30.7 2
2 2
M x 1061425.88 N
M x 1061.43 kN
Stress from bottom tangent line ( take t = 14 mm, which is a thickness at the bottom).
W 141.33 1000
Dc t t 1592 14 14
w 2.00 N / mm 2
Bending stress, σb
Di = 1592 mm
Do 4 Di 4 1620 15924
64 64
I v 2.28 1010 mm 4
M D 1061425.88 1592
b x c t 10
14 0.6892 N / mm 2
I v 2 2.28 10 2
As there is no torsional shear stress, the principle stresses will be σz and σh. The radial
stress is negligible.
The greatest difference between the principle stresses will be on the down-wind side.
2 10 4
c 2 10 4
Dm 1602
c 174.75 N / mm 2
Maximum compressive stress will occur while the vessel not under pressure
w b 2.00 0.6892
2.690 N / mm 2
At ambient temperature, the maximum dead weight load on the skirt will occur when the
vessel is full of the mixture.
Wapp 194241.84 N
Wapp 194.24 kN
M s Fw H v H skirt / 2 2.256 30 .7 10 2 / 2
M s 1861 .42 kNm
Take the skirt thickness as the same as that of the bottom section of the vessel, 14 mm.
4M s 4 1861.42 10 6
( Ds t s )t s Ds 1592 1414 1592
bs 66.56 N / mm 2
For test,
W 507.18 1000
( Ds t s )t s 1592 1414
ws 7.20 N / mm 2
For operating,
ws 4.44 N / mm 2
Both criteria are satisfied; adding 2 mm for corrosion gives a design thickness of 16 mm.
Nb 10.96 8
Area of bolt, Ab
1 4M s 1 4 1241.48 1000
Ab W 363.09
N b f b Db 8 123 2.092
Ab 3108.86 mm 2
Ab 4 3108.86 4
d 62.92 mm
4M s
4 1861.42 103 507.18 103
Ds 1.592 2 1.592
Fb 1041767 N / m
F 1 1041767 1
Lb b 3 3
f c 10 5 10
Lb 208.35 mm
Use M64 bolts (BS 4190:1967) root area = 2680 mm, Figure 13.30 Chemical
Engineering Volume6.
Lb L r t s 50 152 14 50
Lb 216 mm
Fb 1041767
actual width 194
f c 4.823 N / mm 2
t b Lr c
3f 3 4.823
t b Lr c 152
fr 140
t b 48.87 mm
In order to connect the distillation column with pipeline, flange need to be installed to
ensure two compartments is well connected. It needs to consider the pressure and the
optimum duct diameter. Figure below shows the parameter in selecting the suitable
flange. Figure 8.4 below shows the parameters in selecting the suitable flange.
Table 8.10: Flow rate and density for each pipe inlet and outlet
Dopt 87 mm
Nozzle thickness, tn
Ps Dopt 0.22 87
tn 0.01 mm
20 Ps 20 105 0.22
Dopt 679 mm
Nozzle thickness, tn
Dopt 83 mm
Nozzle thickness, tn
Ps Dopt 0.22 83
tn 0.01 mm
20 Ps 20 105 0.22
Dopt 144 mm
Nozzle thickness, tn
Dopt 787 mm
Nozzle thickness, tn