Eng 12
Eng 12
Eng 12
Alika Ismailova
Mr. Janosch
350 million of people, which is 5% of the world's population suffers from depression
(Healthline). An increase in depression diagnostics over the years shows the regression of the
human ability to handle stressful situations. Caused by different factors depression affects people
There are different factors that can affect our health and lead to development of depression.
Some factors might be causes of internal or external disbalance. Some of the causing conditions
deteriorating physical health, adverse life events or experiences such as loss of a loved one or
job, and the use of antidepressants medications are possible causes” (About Depression 2011).
This shows how the causes of depression can be easily experienced by the people in today's
modern world. These causing conditions are not hard to develop, which increases the risk of
further development of depression. Different diseases affect different parts of the body,
"Research indicates that depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain" ("Depression"). Brain
plays an important role in human’s body. It serves as the control center of the body that
regulates all the important aspects of person's body, behavior, development, and state of health.
When the brain being damaged it can lead to difficulties in person’s life and health. As the
Harvard University states, “Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood. Researchers believe
that — more important than levels of specific brain chemicals — nerve cell connections, nerve
cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression” (“What
causes depression” 2017). The brain plays one of the major roles in development and progression
of depression.
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There are three major types of depression: major depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal
affective disorder. The most common type is major depression. While having a major depression
it may be , “...difficult to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy friends and activities” (“Major
depression”) . Major depression changes person’s normal mood and behavior. To diagnose it as
major depression symptoms should be present at least for 2 weeks (“Major depression”). If the
symptoms appear once in awhile it is probably just the mood swings. Similar to major depression
the seasonal affective disorder shows the same symptoms. However, the seasonal affective
disorder is “... a mood disorder that has a seasonal pattern” (“Types of depression”). It means
that it appears in certain time of the year during the certain season. This is the least damaging
type of depression for the person’s health as it’s form is not severe. The most uncommon type of
depression is bipolar disorder, which most likely being passed by genetics. “Bipolar disorder
used to be known as 'manic depression' because the person experiences periods of depression and
periods of mania, with periods of normal mood in between” (“Types of depression”). The
behavior of person with this type of depression is very unpredictable because of the constant
change in the mood and emotional stability. Among all of the depression types the common
symptoms are the feeling of unworthiness, sadness, and guilt. When the symptoms acquire a long
term existence, it is important that person will receive some sort of a support from a specialist,
family or a friend.
There is a difference in physical and emotional condition of depressed person. For depressed
person nothing seems comforting, pleasurable, or worth living for. In a lot of cases person
believes that for others things would be better without them. For depressed person, "What was
challenging feels overwhelming; what was sad feels unbearable; what felt joyful feels
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pleasureless" (W. Lubow, 2013). The lack of motivation and purpose of existence are lost for
the person. The melancholic state of being becomes an everyday routine. Things lose its value
and even being successful at some point will not give any feeling of pride or enjoyment. As well
as shift of emotional balance the physical change takes place in the nerve system of the brain.
“Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood. Researchers believe that — more important than
levels of specific brain chemicals — nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the
functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression” (Harvard Medical School).
When functioning of the nerve cells being damaged the depression can form more severe and
serious condition. Scientists say that, “ Brain cells usually produce levels of neurotransmitters
that keep senses, learning, movements, and moods perking along. But in some people who are
severely depressed or manic, the complex systems that accomplish this go awry” (Harvard
Medical School). When one of the brain's system gets awry, the depression acquires more
harmful stage that will involve more complex treatment. There are 3 most important parts of the
brain system, which are "amygdala, thalamus, and hippocampus". Amygdala associated with
emotions such as anger, pleasure, fear, and sexual arousal; thalamus is in charge of movement,
reaction, thinking, and speech; hippocampus controls memory. (Harvard Medical School).
When depression is not being treated in the right time or in the right way, the systems are more
exposed for the damages. There are two scenarios of how it can be: developed depression can
lead to the damage of the nerve system, or the damage of the nerve system can lead to
depression. Both ways are very unpleasing and damaging for person’s health.
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you know, it is important to seek for help. Primary care doctors can diagnose and treat
depression. If the symptoms are not getting better and getting worse, it is recommended to ask
your healthcare provider for a referral to a psychiatrist for diagnosis and treatment. (“How is
depression diagnosed”). In the beginning and not serious stage of depression getting help from
psychologist can be a helpful option for treating the disease. If the depression became a severe
problem, then the psychotherapist is the one who will be needed to help. There are different
therapies used to help the patients. “Three of the more common methods used in depression
therapy” (‘Depression treatment’). These therapies are based on talking sessions that help the
patient to open up and share emotions and feelings. Which also helps the doctor to see the cause
of the problem in order to help the patient. As well as one on one sessions there are also group
therapies. One of the benefits of group therapies is, "In group therapy, listening to peers going
through the same struggles can validate your experiences and help build self-esteem"
(“Depression Treatment”). Getting support from others and be around people that can understand
you is a very important key to the healing of depression. It is important to get help on time when
the talking therapies can serve as a helpful treatment. But in some cases these therapies do not
give any improvements and results. This happens when depression is very severe and harmful.
If this is the case, then the psychiatrist will prescribe medication for the patient as a form of
treatment. Antidepressants are prescribed by doctor as a treatment. There are different types of
antidepressants and different dosages that are prescribed (“Depression”). According to statistics,
“Antidepressants are currently prescribed more than at any other point in the past two decades.
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One in 10 Americans takes them” ( Rivas, 2015). This shows that depression disorder is a very
common problem among american nation. Antidepressants are helpful for the nerve cells that are
associated with feeling of wellbeing and happiness. These chemicals are naturally produced in
the brain but might be produced in lower quantities in people with depression” ( Rivas, 2015).
Antidepressants serve as a source of this chemical that help to communication of the nerve cells.
Scientist believe if the nerve cells communicate better it reduces the feeling of hopelessness,
negativity and sadness (Rivas, 2015). For the medication to start working it will take at least 3-4
weeks (Greenlaw). However, in some cases the medication might not work or even cause side
effects for the person taking them. In this case the doctor will stop the treatment or replace the
medication with the one that may be more successful. Some of the side effects from medication
can be, “...headache, nausea, sleeplessness, weight gain…” (Greenlaw). If the side effects last for
too long, then doctor will also consider the change of medication. It is very important for the
patient to be under control of the doctor while taking the medicine. Because each individual can
have different reaction to medicine, in some cases the effects can be dangerous. Antidepressants
can have life-threatening effects, so before prescribing it to a patient doctor will do a lot of
different tests and checks to reduce the risk for the patient (Rivas, 2015). Psychiatrists are
responsible for their patients, so they pay very close attention to all the details and aspects of the
Depression often co-exists with other mental or physical illnesses. “Research is showing,
more and more, that mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder, also called manic
depression) and other physical illnesses affect one another” (“Depression and other illnesses”).
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This means that one disease can affect the development or treatment of other ones. For example,
“Data from a recent DBSA Consensus Conference supported the finding that people with
depression have a higher risk of developing heart disease” (“Depression and other illnesses”).
As depression affects the brain, it also affects the blood circulation. “One reason for this may be
that a lack of serotonin in the bloodstream may cause blood platelets to stick together more
frequently and cause more blockages in the arteries” (“Depression and other illnesses”).
As heart diseases related to blood pressure and blood circulation the blockage can be a big cause
for development of a heart diseases. There is also an opposite relation when having one disease
can increase the risk of developing depression. One of examples is, “Depression is also prevalent
among people with HIV who have a two-fold greater risk of developing a mood disorder than the
general population” (Goodwin). As for the person with HIV, there is a lot of different restrictions
that have to apply to this person's life. All this, as well as the issue with the social life, puts a lot
of pressure on the person. What can easily become a cause of depression development. Some of
the other examples where depression relates to other diseases are, “Ten to fifteen percent of
people with diabetes experience one or more major depressive episodes and the risk of
developing some cancers is 10-25% higher in people with depression than in people without a
mood disorder” (“Depression and other illnesses”). This serves as very good examples of how
depression can be harmful for person’s health in many different ways. So, it is important to start
the treatment on time to prevent very harmful consequences that are possible to occur.
It can be very helpful to know the ways of how to prevent development of depression. The
most important thing to keep in mind is having a healthy lifestyle. Playing sports and staying
active can be one of the helpful solutions. “Exercise appears to be an antidepressant in its own
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right and may act as an antidote to stress” (Sanacora). It is often being said that healthy body
contains healthy mind, and it is proven by doctors. To keep healthy is also important to choose
the healthy diet for everyday eating routine. “A low-fat diet, rich in fish, especially omega-3s,
and folic acid can be helpful for mood. And avoiding alcohol and minimizing caffeine use is also
helpful” (Dr. Marusak). In order to stay healthy our body needs to consume enough vitamins,
minerals and products that are important for our physical and mental well being. In order to be
healthy it is important to stay social and surround yourself with positivity and good emotions.
For example, make sure you spend time doing things you enjoy, and try to surround yourself
with people whom you like and make you feel good about yourself (Sanacora). The environment
of a person plays an important role because it is true that person adopts to what is surrounding.
While surrounding ourselves with positive people, emotions, and events, we adjust our minds to
more of a positive thinking and create more of a positive perspective on things around us.
As well as getting energy from food and positivity out body also needs energy from rest.
“Sleep is a cornerstone of health, like food. If it goes unattended, the body and mind cannot
function properly. Regulating sleep can really help prevent depression and relapse” (Irwin).
In order to stay healthy, we need to get enough rest every day to recharge our body. Not getting
enough sleep can become the reason for low energy, irritation and overall weak state of being.
Very often we take the little amount of sleep as something normal, but it can bring serious
consequences later causing some health issues that should not be ignored. Another big factor for
staying healthy is avoiding usage of alcohol and drugs. “Alcohol is a depressant, and many street
drugs deplete serotonin and dopamine, which are important neurotransmitters in relation to
mood" (Dr. Marusak). It is damaging for the person to overuse alcohol and drugs. By taking it
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the person having a false perspective of reality, what can become a cause of taking unthoughtful
decisions with harmful consequences. In order to stay healthy, there is a lot of things the person
needs to consider. Not everyone can keep up with all of the healthy routines and restrictions. But,
it is always good to give a try towards healthy lifestyle. This can help to be a prevention not only
of depression but as well as other harmful diseases. However, it is not promised that by
committing to a healthy lifestyle the person won’t have depressive disorder. Because of the other
factors that play an important role in depression development, healthy lifestyle serves as a
suggestion for a better state of health overall. What can also reduce the risk of having depression.
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Works Cited
"Depression and Associated Physical Diseases and Symptoms." PubMed Central (PMC),
"Depression and Other Illnesses - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance." Depression &
"Depression Treatment: Therapy, Medication, and Lifestyle Changes That Can Treat
Depression." www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/depression-treatment.htm.
"A fuzzy inference system for predicting depression risk levels." Nov. 2013,
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"How Antidepressants and Depression Medication Can Affect Your Life." WebMD,