Violence Against Women: Violence Against Women - A Gross Violation of Human Rights That Hinders Development
Violence Against Women: Violence Against Women - A Gross Violation of Human Rights That Hinders Development
Violence Against Women: Violence Against Women - A Gross Violation of Human Rights That Hinders Development
International framework and definition Forms and facets of violence against women
Violence against women is no longer regarded as a private matter, There are many forms of violence against women, including sexu-
but as a serious violation of human rights. This is the result of the al, physical, or emotional abuse by intimate partners, family mem-
1994 International Conference on Population and Development bers or others; sexual harassment and abuse by authorities such as
as well as the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women. More- teachers, police officers or employers; trafficking for forced labour
over, a 1994 mandate established a Special Rapporteur on Violence or sex; and traditional practices such as female genital mutilation,
against Women. or forced or child marriages. Violence against women often ends
with fatalities, such as in the case of honour killings. Systematic
The United Nations defines violence against women in the Decla- sexual abuse during conflict situations is another pervasive form
ration on the Elimination of Violence against Women as “any act of violence against women.
of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical,
sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats Violence against women happens in both the private and in the
of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occur- public sphere. It is a widespread and multi-faceted problem with a
ring in public or in private life” (United Nations 1993). variety of persons in the roles of perpetrators and victims. Howev-
er, to combat the phenomenon, other
relevant factors such as health and edu
cation must be considered, as well as
involving other actors such as police
personnel, social workers and educa-
tors as well as politicians and legal
to combat violence against women of a violence/stress-free working environment. 2001.
Research has shown that preventive interventions to stop violence UN: In-depths study on all forms of violence against women:
against women cost less than financing the costs that result from Report of the Secretary General. 2006.
violence against women. The 1994 Violence Against Women Act, UNPFA 2005: State of the world population 2005 and its
for example, “resulted in an estimated net benefit of $16.4 billion” multimedia exhibition at:
(WHO 2004). Considering the various factors responsible for vio
lence against women, strategies and interventions should be UNIFEM: and its Global Platform
designed within a comprehensive and integrated framework. The for Advocacy and Action:
German Development Cooperation supports approaches to com UNICEF: Domestic violence against women and girls. 2000.
bat violence perpetrated against women in the fields of prevention WHO: The economic costs of interpersonal violence. 2004.
and lobbying for improved legal frameworks as well as the training
of relevant actors and networking as illustrated in the following