Online Kit For Emigrant
Online Kit For Emigrant
Online Kit For Emigrant
An emigrant, having an ECR passport and departing to any of the Notified Country, has
to apply online on the eMigrate system ( After the emigrant
applies, the application will be processed online by the jurisdiction PoE office. Once the
application is approved, the emigrant will get an electronic emigration clearance. Also a
confirmation email and SMS will be sent on the emigrant’s email ID and Mobile number
1. Copy of VISA
2. Copy of first page and last page of passport
3. Emigrant photograph
4. Copy of Aadhar Card (Mandatory in case UID is entered in the emigrant registration
5. Copy of PBBY policy
6. Copy of Rs 20 lakhs life insurance policy (Mandatory in case destination country is
7. Employment Contract
8. Proof of Educational Certificate (Mandatory if female, age is less than 30 years and
passport is ECNR)
9. Other documents, as applicable as per the jurisdiction PoE office.
Process steps:
Figure 1: Emigrant Registration Form- Direct Recruitment _Screen1
It may be the case that employer details are already present in the system (if some
other emigrant has entered the same employer details in the past). In such a case,
the system displays the employer details whose name sounds similar to the entered
employer name.
You can select a row and click Next to proceed further and update the selected
Employer details if required.
If you feel none of the search results contain the required Employer’s information or
if no search results are displayed, click Next to proceed further and enter the
Employer details.
Figure 2: Emigrant Registration Form- Direct Recruitment _Screen2
After filling employment details on both the screens, click Save & Next to
move to next screen.
After filling passport details, click Save & Next to move to next screen.
After filling visa and insurance details, click Save & Next to move to next
Figure 6: Emigrant Registration Form- Direct Recruitment_Screen6
After filling personal details, click Save & Next to move to next screen.
V. Travel Details
After filling travel details, click Save & Next to move to next screen.
Figure 8: Emigrant Registration Form- Direct Recruitment_Screen8
After filling contact details, click Save & Next to move to next screen.
6. For payment of emigrant registration fee, there are two options:
I. Click Online Payment to make payment through credit card / debit card / net
II. Click Challan to make payment by cash through a bank challan. The
eMigrate system generates the bank challan.
Make a note of the ARN. Application processing status can be tracked using this
number. The eMigrate system also sends an email containing the above details to
the emigrant’s email ID.
The following table details the description of the fields in the Emigrant Registration form.
The fields are mentioned in the order in which they appear in the form (top to bottom).
All fields which are marked ‘*’ are mandatory fields:
Otherwise if you have not selected any Employer detail from the search results, or no search
results are obtained, then fill the fields under this tab.
5. Registration Number / If the Employer Registration Number / Personal Identification
Personal Identification Number is mentioned in any of the employer documents, then
Number enter the same.
If the date of registration is mentioned in any of the employer
6. Date of Registration documents, then enter the same.
Select the type of business of the Employer from the drop down
7. Type of Business* menu.
Select the type of organization of the Employer from the following
8. Type of Organization* Proprietorship
Enter the city of the Employer’s office, as per what is mentioned in
13. City* the Employer documents.
14. Country Display field. This field is auto populated by the eMigrate system.
Enter the pin code of the Employer’s office, as per what is
15. Postal / Pin Code mentioned in the Employer documents.
Enter Employer’s Email, as per what is mentioned in the Employer
16. Email documents.
Enter Employer’s phone number, as per what is mentioned in the
17. Phone Number* Employer documents.
Enter Employer’s fax number, as per what is mentioned in the
18. Fax Number Employer documents.
Director Details
If you have selected any Employer detail from the Employer search
results, then a drop down menu appears if there are more than 1
19. Available Authorized authorised signatory details of the Employer in the system.
You can select any option in the menu or can enter new details as
per what is mentioned in the Employer documents.
20. Name* Enter the authorised signatory name.
21. Designation Select the signatory’s designation from the drop down list.
Attestation Details
22. Attestation Number
23. Attestation Date Enter the attestation details of Indian Mission attestation
24. Valid Upto
Demand Details
Select the job category from the following options:
25. Job Category* Semi-skilled
Select the experience level required from the following options:
26. Experience Level
27. Job Designation* Enter the Job Designation
28. Contract Period (in Enter the employment contract period in months, as per what is
months)* mentioned in the Demand Letter or Sample Employment Contract.
Enter the daily working hours, as per what is mentioned in the
29. Daily Working Hours* Demand Letter or Sample Employment Contract.
Select the age limit requirement of the Employer, as per what is
mentioned in the Demand Letter or Sample Employment Contract,
from the following options:
30. Age Limit No Age Limit
Below 60
Below 50
Below 40
31. Probation Period (in Enter the probation period in months, as per what is mentioned in
months) the Demand Letter or Sample Employment Contract.
32. Details of Mode of
Enter the details of mode of settlement of disputes
Settlement of Disputes*
Select the gender preference of the Employer, as per what is
mentioned in the Demand Letter or Sample Employment Contract,
from the following options:
33. Gender Preference No Preference
34. Does the specimen
employment contract Select any one of the following options:
contain the salary Salary Amount
amount or salary Salary Range
In case Salary Amount is selected in the above field, enter the
salary amount in the text box.
35. Salary Amount / Salary Otherwise
In case Salary Range is selected in the above field, enter the
minimum and maximum salary in the respective textbox.
Display field. The eMigrate system displays the currency of the
36. Currency Employer’s country.
Facilities Provided by Employer in addition to Monthly Salary
37. Whether free food is Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
provided?* or Sample Employment Contract.
If the above field is selected as No, then enter the food allowance
38. If No, Allowance Value value as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter or Sample
Employment Contract.
39. Whether free Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
accomodation is
or Sample Employment Contract.
If the above field is selected as No, then enter the house rent
40. If No, Allowance Value allowance value as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter or
Sample Employment Contract.
41. Whether overtime Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
allowance is payable as
or Sample Employment Contract.
per local labour law?*
42. Whether visa fee is Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
provided by the
or Sample Employment Contract.
43. Whether leave benefits Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
are provided as per local
or Sample Employment Contract.
labour law?*
44. Whether paid leave is Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
provided? or Sample Employment Contract.
45. If Yes, then Leave If the above field is selected as Yes, then enter the leave details.
46. Whether To and fro Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
airfare is provided?* or Sample Employment Contract.
47. Whether Insurance Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
facility is provided? or Sample Employment Contract.
48. If Yes, then Insurance If the above field is selected as Yes, then enter the insurance
Details details.
49. Whether free medical Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
facility is provided? or Sample Employment Contract.
50. If Yes, Medical facility If the above field is selected as Yes, then enter the medical facility
Details details.
51. Whether transportation Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
facility is provided? or Sample Employment Contract.
52. Details of mode of Enter the details of mode of settlement of disputes as per what is
settlement of disputes* mentioned in the Demand letter or Sample Employment Contract.
53. Have provision in regard
to disposal or
Select Yes or No as per what is mentioned in the Demand Letter
transportation of dead
or Sample Employment Contract.
body of emigrants to
Passport Details
Enter the emigrant’s given name as per what is mentioned in the
54. Given Name passport.
Enter the emigrant’s surname as per what is mentioned in the
55. Surname passport.
Enter the emigrant’s passport type as per what is mentioned in the
56. Passport Type passport.
Enter the emigrant’s passport expiry date as per what is mentioned
57. Date of Expiry in the passport.
Enter the emigrant’s passport issue date as per what is mentioned
58. Date of Issue in the passport.
Enter the place of issue of the emigrant’s passport as per what is
59. Place of Issue mentioned in the passport.
Enter the emigrant’s date of birth as per what is mentioned in the
60. Date of Birth passport.
Enter the emigrant’s gender as per what is mentioned in the
61. Gender passport.
Enter the emigrant’s father’s name as per what is mentioned in the
62. Father’s Name passport.
Address as per passport
Enter the emigrant’s address line 1 as per what is mentioned in the
62. Address Line 1
Enter the emigrant’s address line 2 as per what is mentioned in the
63. Address Line 2
Enter the emigrant’s city / town / village as per what is mentioned
64. City / Town / Village
in the passport.
Select the emigrant’s state as per what is mentioned in the
65. State / UT
passport from the drop down menu.
Enter the emigrant’s district as per what is mentioned in the
66. District
Display field. The eMigrate system auto populates India in this
67. Country
Enter the emigrant’s pin code as per what is mentioned in the
68. Postal / Pin Code
Visa Details
69. Destination Country
70. Visa Number
71. Date of Issue
72. Date of Expiry
Enter the VISA details of the Emigrant.
73. Place of Issue
74. Visa Type
75. Designation as on
Insurance Details
The following details have to be filled only if the emigrant has a ECR type of passport.
76. Policy Number* Enter the emigrant’s PBBY number.
77. Insurance Agency* Select the insurance agency name from the drop down menu.
78. Effective from* Select the date from which PBBY insurance policy is valid.
79. Sum Insured For* Enter the sum for which the emigrant is insured for.
Personal Details
Select the marital status of the emigrant from the drop down menu
80. Marital Status*
81. Educational Display field. The eMigrate system auto selects Below 10 Std for
Qualification ECR passport holders.
82. Place of Birth* Enter the emigrant’s place of birth.
Number of Dependants
83. Spouse Enter the number as appropriate.
84. Parents Enter the number as appropriate.
85. Children Enter the number as appropriate.
86. Siblings Enter the number as appropriate.
87. Total Number of Display field. The eMigrate system displays the summation of the
Dependants above four fields.
88. NRI / PIO / OCI Status Blank field.
89. UID Enter the Aadhar card number of the emigrant if available.
Address in India
90. Whether Present Select any of the following options:
Address is Same as in Yes
Passport? No
If the previous field is selected as Yes, the eMigrate system
displays the fields from the values entered in the previous screen.
91. Emigrant’s Present
Address Details
If the previous field is selected as No, enter the emigrant’s present
address details.
Phone Number
92. Landline Enter the emigrant’s landline number.
93. Mobile Enter the emigrant’s mobile number.
94. Email Enter the emigrant’s email id.
Travel Details
95. Purpose of Travel Display field. The eMigrate system displays Employment.
96. Destination Country Display field. The eMigrate system displays the field.
Enter the date when emigrant will board the flight to destination
97. Date of Boarding
98. Port of Departure Enter the departure city name.
99. Port of Final
Enter the destination city / country name.
100. Flight Number Enter the emigrant’s flight number.
Details of contact person in emergency (in India)
101. Name* Enter the contact person’s name.
Select the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant from the
102. Relationship*
drop down menu.
Enter the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant if Others
103. Others
is chosen in the field above.
104. Address* Enter the contact person’s address.
Phone Number
105. Landline Enter the contact person’s landline number.
106. Mobile Enter the contact person’s mobile number.
107. Email Enter the contact person’s email id.
Details of Contact Person in Destination Country
By default system displays the Employer’s Name.
108. Name* If you want to enter some other value, delete the default value and
enter the concerned contact person’s name.
By default Employer is selected. If you have changed the above
109. Relationship*
field, then select the appropriate option.
Enter the contact person’s relationship with the emigrant if Others
110. Others
is chosen in the field above.
By default system displays the Employer’s operational office
111. Address*
If you want to enter some other value, delete the default value and
enter the concerned contact person’s address.
Phone Number
112. Landline Enter the contact person’s landline number.
113. Mobile Enter the contact person’s mobile number.
114. Email Enter the contact person’s email id.
Upload the required documents as per the mandatory documents
115. Upload
required list mentioned in this section.