On-Line Dynamic Cable Rating For Underground Cables Based On DTS and FEM (Liang2008)
On-Line Dynamic Cable Rating For Underground Cables Based On DTS and FEM (Liang2008)
On-Line Dynamic Cable Rating For Underground Cables Based On DTS and FEM (Liang2008)
Abstract: - The development of surface temperature on-line monitoring techniques for 110kV and above XLPE
power cable gives a strong support to power cable load dynamic adjustment. However, the problem is how to
determine the conductor temperature from the surface temperature. A technique based on distributed
temperature sensing (DTS) and finite element method (FEM) is presented to estimate the soil thermal
properties by matching the computed thermal fields to that obtained from measurement and predict the real-
time current carrying capacity by iterative method in order to prevent overheat of insulation. Compare with the
thermal circuit model, the method based on DTS and FEM is more accuracy.
of the cable surface is 0.6 C . For the outer cable, calculating the temperature distribution of electrical
the maximum temperature difference of the cable equipment [18] [19]. Compared with the analytical
surface is 1.3 C . How to select the correct hot point methods, numerical methods not only allow better
on the surface of cable is very difficult to calculate representation of the mutual heating effects, but also
the conductor temperature and determine the current permit more accurate modeling of the region’s
carrying capacity. In recent years, numerical boundary.
methods, such as FEM, have been developed for
A i A j (1)
Figure2. The structure of a typical single-core cable
1 1
A i A j (2)
i j where Ws represents the eddy current loss in the
1 1 sheath; 3 represents the sheath conductivity.
A1 n12 A 2 n12 (3)
1 2 The calculation of the dielectric losses is
considered as a rather straightforward task, and
i, j 1, 2,3, 4,5
details can be found by standard Neher/McGraph
and IEC 60287 procedures. Dielectric loss of per
where i and j represent finite element neighboring unit length in each phase can be calculated as follow:
Magnetic vector potential can be calculated using
Wd c U 02 tg (7)
FEM [20]. The eddy current in cable conductor and
metal package can be calculated by magnetic vector
potential as follow:
where 2f ; c , the
10 9
18 ln
J e j 3 A 3
(4) de
capacitance in per unit length cable ; tg , the
where J e represents the current density in metal insulation loss factor in power system and working
package; A 3
represents the magnetic vector temperature; U 0 , the phase voltage ; , the
potential of metal package region. dielectric coefficient of insulation material; D , the
Then the conductor electromagnetic loss can be insulation diameter; d c , the conductor diameter.
calculated as follow: After the losses in the cable is known, the
conductor temperature and the current carrying
Wc 1 1 ( J s J e ) 2 dV
capacity can be calculated by the thermal circuit
method based on the standard Neher/McGraph and
1 1
( J s (i ) J e(i ) ) 2 2ri S i (5) IEC 60287 procedures, with the further de-rating for
j 3 A 3,i ) 2 2ri S i ] potential hot spots, as shown in figure 3.
1 1 [( J s (i )
Now, many power utilities installed advanced
DTS systems to monitoring the cable surface
where Wc represents the losses in the conductor; 1 temperature w . When current flow through cable is
represents the conductor conductivity; ri represents known, the conductor temperature can be calculated
the distance from the center to the axis of each unit; as follow.
S i represents the unit area.
Then the sheath electromagnetic loss can be c w (Wc 12 Wd ) ( RTj RTw ) (Ws 12 Wd ) RT2 (8)
calculated as follow:
where c is the conductor temperature, RT1 thermal
W s 3 1 J e 2 dV resistance of the conductor insulation, and
1 2 RT2 thermal resistance of the external covering.
3 J e (i ) 2ri S i (6)
3 1 [( 3 A3,i )
2ri S i ]
c w
RT1 RT 2 RT3
Wc 1
W 1
W Ws a
2 d 2 d
The difficult problem in the thermal circuit steady-state heat conduction equation for a two-
method is how to determine the surface temperature. dimensional buried cable system, as shown in
Different surface temperature may result in different Figure 4, can be described as
conductor temperature. But the surface temperature
is not an isotherm as shown in Figure 1. With the (
) q (9)
development of the number of power cables, the x y 2
surface temperature is more disperse and it is more
difficult to determine the correct surface where is the thermal conductivity W m 2 C ,
temperature to result correct conductor temperature. T is the unknown temperature, q is the heat sources
Otherwise, because the soil thermal conductivity is
highly dependent on moisture content of soil, generated by cables.
thermal resistance RT3 is dynamic and the current Equation (9) is subjected to the following
boundary conditions:
carrying capacity calculated by the traditional a. In the soil which is far enough away from the
thermal circuit model as shown in Figure 3 may be cables, both to the sides and underneath,
not accurate. temperature is not affected by the cables’
presence. In the areas far enough away
underneath the cables, a temperature
3 Principle isotherm is considered to be equal to the
deep soil temperature ( Ts ).In the areas far
enough away to the sides from the cables,
3.1 Finite element formulation
.1Finite calorific flow is:
Figure 4 Geometric Model of a Typical Buried where l is the normal to the separation
Cable Installation surface, and 1 and 2 represent the thermal
conductivity of medium 1 and medium 2,
Based on the above assumptions, if the system respectively. Likewise, the temperature in
cross-section lies on the x-y plane, the associated
both materials at the border points must be Discretizing the field domain is usually the
the same. most tedious work during implement of FEM.
The finite element modeling of equations is Triangular elements are used in forming the
obtained by using weak Galerkin’s procedure and network modeling the cable and surrounding
performs over all the elements [21-22]. environment. Figure 5 shows the discretised
cable domain.
J e Wl T Wl T 3.2Estimation of soil thermal properties
[( x )]dxdy (13)
Tl e x y y
Once the cable construction, installation, sheath
J e Wl T Wl T bonding method, cable load and the ambient
[( x )]dxdy (14) temperature are determined, the temperature
Tl e x y y
distribution only depends on the thermal properties
of the surrounding soil. The thermal properties of
Je Wl T Wl T soil are always varying. Our site soil test shows that
[( x
x y y
(15) soil thermal conductivity is highly dependent on the
moisture content. Under unfavourable conditions,
Wl (T Tf )ds
heat flux from the cable entering the soil may cause
significant migration of moisture away from the
cable. A dried-out zone may develop around the
The temperatures of every node can be described cable, in which the thermal conductivity is reduced
by equations (16). by a factor of three or more over the conductivity of
the bulk. This in turn may cause an abrupt rise in
temperature of the cable sheath and conductor which
k11 k12 k1n T1 P1 may lead to damage of cable insulation. How to
determine the thermal properties of soil is very
k 21k 22 k 2 n T2 P2 (16) difficult using FEM to calculate the thermal field
k n1 k n 2 k nn Tn Pn On the middle cable of Figure 3, a DTS optic
fiber is installed at point O. Suppose the temperature
at surface point “O” is measured with DTS and the
Where, k ij and Pi are given by solution of equation soil is taken as a homogeneous thermal medium, the
(13), (14) and (15). Ti are the temperature of nodes. conductor temperature and the effective thermal
conductivity of soil can be calculated based on the
They are variables desired to solve. i 1 ~ n ,
FEM under the uniqueness theorem of the thermal
j 1 ~ n . n is the number of dissecting node.
The temperature at point “O” calculated by FEM
is denoted by T F . The temperature at surface point
“O” measured with DTS is denoted by Tm . In this
study, the effective thermal properties of soil are
determined by minimizing the following objective
F TF Tm 2 (17)
3.3Prediction of the current carrying capacity
10cm 10cm
The effective thermal conductivity of soil was
adjusted until the calculated temperature was the Thermalcouple
same as the measured temperature, and the
conductor temperature was calculated. A current Heat pipe
carrying capacity was calculated until the conductor
temperature is equal to 90 C (XLPE power cable) Figure 6 Test model of heat pipe
for those conditions by iterative method. The literate
equation of the subtense truncation approach is Three buried heat pipes covered with rubber are
equation (19). TC (k ) is the conductor temperature placed horizontally at 0.5 m depth and separated
calculated by FEM. I is the thermal conductivity of 0.1m between the pipe centers. The length of heat
soil. k 1 is the next result, k is the temporary pipe is 2.5m and the radius is 0.006m. The thickness
result, k 1 is the last result. of rubber is 0.004m. The thermal conductivity of
soil and rubber are 1.664 W /( m 2 C ) and
(90 TC (k )) ( I (k ) I (k 1)) 0.25 W /( m 2 C ) . The temperature of air is 28 C .
I (k 1) I (k ) (19)
TC (k ) TC (k 1) When the power of heat pipe is 92W, the
temperature of point “N” after 10 days is 96 C and
It is important to note that temperature in a cable the temperature of point “E” after 10 days is 83 C .
system at any time are a function of loading at that Using the method presented in this paper, the
time plus the loading for the last week or so because temperature of point “E” is 82.93 C and the
of the very long thermal time constant of the temperature of point “N” is 95.78 C . The effective
cable/earth system. For example, a cable that has thermal conductivity of soil is 1.19 W /( m 2 K ) . The
been operating at 700 amperes constantly for 200
result shows that the method is effective to
hours will be much hotter than a cable that has been
calculated the conductor temperature of power
operating at 100 amperes for the last 190 hours, then
cables and predict the current carrying capacity of
700 amperes the last ten hours.
power cables with highly accuracy.
So, the current carrying capacity should be
calculated for different times, using expected
changes in ambient earth temperature and backfill 4.2 Single loop power cables in horizontally
and soil thermal conductivity at those times by the
subtense truncation approach. In this section, the thermal circuit method and the
method presented in this paper are applied to
estimate the conductor temperatures of single loop
underground cables. In order to describe the
4 Test and Results disperse of the surface temperatures, we measured
four point temperature on the surface of cable as
shown in figure 7.
4.1 Method verify
Table 2 The cable surface temperatures of three loop underground cables placed in horizontally
Temperature ( C )
A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B3 C3
Table 4 the conductor temperature of three loop Table 5 shows the surface temperatures of
power cables placed in horizontally using FEM every cable. Table 6 shows the conductor
temperatures of every cable by thermal circuit
Temperature ( C ) method. The maximum difference of phase A is
Method 1.4 C . The maximum difference for phase B is
C1 B2 A3 1.1 C . The maximum difference for phase C is
1.0 C .
Fem 82.8 85.09 83.7 The effective thermal conductivity of soil
calculated by the method presented in this paper
is 0.773 W /( m 2 C ) .
By iteration method, the current carrying
The conductor temperature of phase A is
capability of three loop power cables placed
53.02 C . The conductor temperature of Phase
horizontally with sheath bonded at both ends is
B is 53.17 C . The conductor temperature of
459A at this time.
Phase C is 53.15 C .
By iteration method, the current carrying The method based on DTS and FEM can
capability of single loop power cables placed in improve the defect. When we know the
triangular with sheath bonded at one end is temperature and the position of the hot point on
763A at this time. the cable surface, we can calculate the
conductor temperature with high accuracy. At
Table 5 The cable surface temperatures of single the same time, we can predict the effective
loop underground cables placed in triangular thermal conductivity of soil and calculate the
current carrying capacity of the power cables by
Cable T1 T2 T3 T4
iterative method.
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