Yt Yt Ut Ut: Adaptive Control Homework 05 Pole-Placement Design and Indirect STR
Yt Yt Ut Ut: Adaptive Control Homework 05 Pole-Placement Design and Indirect STR
Yt Yt Ut Ut: Adaptive Control Homework 05 Pole-Placement Design and Indirect STR
P4. (a) Consider the indirect STR (without zero cancellation) in P2 and neglect the
disturbance. Modify your simulation program so that the parameters of the process are
reduced by 20% from their true values starting from time 40 and back to original
values at time 80. Investigate experimentally how well the adaptive system can adapt
to the parameter variations. (b) Introduce a proper forgetting factor (λ<1) and
compare the performance with that without forgetting factor (λ=1).