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Bungard CNC Machine

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PCB Design Using CCD2 CNC Machine.

Physics Lab

School of Sciences and Engineering

Lahore University of Management Sciences




Chapter 3: ISOCAM


Chapter 5: ROUTE PRO


Bungard CCD2 is an automatic circuit designing machine. It simply prints your designed
circuit on a board by:

1. Routing its path defined by you

2. Drilling the given points spotted in the circuit

To start a PCB design using CCD2 machine you first need to have Gerber/CadCam/Excellon
files of your PCB design. Almost all PCB designing softwares are able to generate Gerber output.
These files are the input files for this machine.

(Note: To get introduced to the idea of how isolation milling/engraving method is used to design PCB
circuit please watch the Youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYAfNTvgTak )

Important Note:

1. Please note that only Single Layer PCB designs are possible on CCD2. It can work on one
layer at a time. Dual layer design is also possible but requires extra consideration and will
also be complicated to handle.
2. Also make sure that in your circuit the minimum track clearance is no less than 0.6 mm , i.e.,
the distance between any two adjacent tracks on design is not less than 0.6 mm. This limit is
imposed because minimum of 0.6 mm routing bit is available in physics lab.
CHAPTER 2: PCB Designing Using PROTEUS and ARES

Proteus ISIS is a circuit designing and simulation software. ARES is used for designing PCB
Layouts. First you make your required circuit on Proteus, test it, and then make the desired PCB
layout in ARES. Here is small demo of how to make PCB using Proteus ISIS.

PCB design using Proteus ISIS: A basic overview

1. In physics lab computer located with the PCB machine, you can open Proteus ISIS from start
2. After opening Proteus you can make any circuit design using Proteus available components.
Make sure that the components you use must have their PCB footprint available in the
package (or in other words, they must have the component packages for ARES). For further
detail use Proteus Help menu.

3. Once finished with the design click on the red button shown in the figure below. It will
generate the Netlist of components and open the ARES interface.
4. Once the ARES is opened as shown in the figure below, you can perform the manual or
autorouting to interconnect the component and route the traces tracks. You can also make
your PCB design directly in the ARES without going through the Proteus ISIS.

(Note: If you don’t require the simulation part of Proteus, you can directly open the ARES
and design your PCB layout by selecting the desired component packages from the library).

5. The “Track Mode” should be greater or equal to T40. This is because of the while the
Machine is routing with 0.6mm bit, the layout get enough width for its routing paths. Also
use “Round Through-Hole Pad Mode” and “DIL Pad Mode” in the circuit wherever required.
This increases the copper space for a component pins and helps you get enough space while

Round Through-Hole Pad Mode

DIL Pad Mode

6. From ARES go to the output menu and select CADCAM output (which is the same as Gerber).

7. From CADCAM ouptput window make sure that Mirror and RS274X is selected. Now
specify the output folder where you want to save the Output GERBER/CADCAM files. Please
note that on the left it shows all the layer that it will export: Top Copper, Bottom Copper etc.
files. You only need to check Bottom Layer and Drill boxes, rest are of no use here.
8. Now open the folder where you saved your CADCAM/GERBER/EXCELLON output files. It will
contain at least three files: Bottom Layer, Drill and Read-Me files as shown in figure below.
We just need Bottom Copper and Drill file.

ISOCAM is basically a PCB layout designing software just like ARES and is compatible
with the Bungard CCD2 machine. It will generate the required milling (routing) and drilling
files that can be fed into the software of machine to make it work. If you are familiar with
this software, you can make circuit of your choice on it. But in our case, we are using ARES.
So we will load the ARES CADCAM files in it and generate the requisite milling and drilling
files for CCD2 machine through it.

This software works with a DONGLE KEY. Dongle key is a USB that make this software
run. It means that you have to plug this USB (Dongle Key) into the USB port of your
computer and then run the ISOCAM software.

Using ISOCAM to generate Milling and Drill data

Before using ISOCAM make sure that the USB Dongle Key is connected with the computer,
see the figure below. Please grab the Dongle Key from the Lab Instructor.

(Note that without dongle ISOCAM will not work hence the entire PCB machine will be useless, so
make sure that the dongle is not lost in any case).
1. Now open the ISOCAM on located on Desktop. Or you can use the path C:\Program
File\IsoCam if you find problem with it.
2. Go to the file menu and click on Load Files or press F3

3. Now navigate to the folder where all the Gerber/CADCAM PCB design files are located. Only
select Bottom Copper and Drill files.
4. You will see that the files are uploaded with the File Type of “Gerber File” and “Drill File”.
Make sure that “Load data using predefined parameters” option is unchecked, then click OK

5. As you have designed your Layout in ARES, Click on “Mils/mm/inch.0.01mm” to select the
unit “inch” for your drill file. Number format should be “2 4”and “Normal. Click OK.
6. Now go to Edit menu select Synchronize layers and click on Auto

7. Make sure that “Move selected layers to zero” option is checked, then press OK, it will
synchronize all layers to zero (starting) point of the software spatial plane. Synchronization
is necessary to accumulate Bottom Copper and Drill layer exactly on each other.

(Note: Here zero point means the origin of the XY plane of your PCB and Layers mean
Bottom Layer and Drill Layer).

8. If you are unable to synchronize these layer by “Auto” mode, use “By Hand” mode and
select any part of each layer (by clicking on it) to make them synchronize.
9. Now go to file menu and click on Create milling data , the ISOCAM will create the
milling/routing data in CCD2 machine format

10. Make sure the Tool size is 0.6 mm, if the unit are in mils then click on Mils/mm button as
11. Now enter 0.6 in the Tool option and then click on Change and then finally click OK as shown
below. Also make sure that the Milling output should be on “Inch” option.

12. Now it will ask you if you want to check whether the track clearance is satisfied with the
milling tool (0.6 mm) you selected previously, click yes to proceed.

13. Press OK

14. If your Layout paths are very thin and the milling data is unable to drive these path especially
in between the adjacent circles, change the milling tool to 0.3mm or less so that you may get
your desired path.
15. Now goto file menu and select “Save milling data”

16. Enter any name, but make sure it ends with the extension .plt as shown in below

17. So you have successfully created the milling/routing file.

18. Now to create the Drill file: select the drill file from the layer menu at bottom left of the
ISOCAM software

19. After selecting the Drill file you will observe the file name with full path on the top of
ISOCAM window e.g C:\Documents and Setting\..........\20 pin – CADCAM Drill.TXT

20. Now goto the File menu and select Save As. Write the file name and save it with an
extension .ncp
21. Make sure the following options shown in Figure are selected, then press OK.
Do remember to check “Include drill tools in drill file”

22. If any thing goes wrong repeat above step 2 and also refer to the ISOCAM help menu. Also
consult the ISOCAM manual on Physlab website or visit

Setting up the CNC machine for operation.

1: Basic parts

 Machine Spindle: Machine main motor, having speed upto 65000 rpm.
 Bit Collet: Attached to spindle and holds drilling/routing bits.
 PCB Bed: Holds the PCB board on which the circuit trace to be made.
 Vacuum Hose: Sucks in board dust during machine operation.
 Machine Controller: Controls the machine operation with computer interface. Connected to
computer via USB.
 Machine Power Supply: Machine’s main power supply with ON/OFF button. For further
details consult CCD2 manual on Physlab website or visit
 Plexiglas sheet: The transparent Plexiglas sheet is used to protect the PCB Bed while the
drilling is done on the circuit board. The DRILL or routing Bit can go through the PCB sheet
which can damage the Machine Bed, so make sure that plexi sheet is always under the
circuit board or PCB sheet.


1. The vacuum hose is connected to the vacuum pump

2. The vacuum pump is automated with PCB machine, its turns on automatically when the
machine is in operation. Make sure that the manual switch of the pump is turned ON. The
vacuum pump turns ON/OFF by pushing the button shown below:
2: Preparing for routing/milling

3. To prepare a machine for routing first you need to insert the appropriate routing bit into the
bit Collette. The figure below shows a basic difference between a Drill and Routing bit.

4. In physics lab you can locate the routing bits in a box labeled “PCB Machine” located by the
side of CCD2 PCB Machine. Only 0.6 mm routing bits are available with brown colored collar
as shown below
5. To insert the routing bit, locate the bit lock, located at the top of the spindle
6. First you need to loose the Collette so that you can insert the bit, to do that, push the bit
lock downwards gently and rotate it counter clockwise, with two or three rotations the
Collette will be loosen, to check whether the collate has loosen, try inserting the bit in the
Collette gently if you unable to do so then try repeat the above steps again until the Collette
is loose.
7. When the Collette is loosen enough and the bit can easily slide in, insert the bit upto its
brown collar and tighten the collete for which you now need to rotate the bit lock clockwise
as shown in the figure below
8. To insert the drill bit use the same above procedure. There are different sizes drill bits
available in physics lab, but the most suitable commonly use size is 1mm. As shown in figure

9. Unfortunately the some of the drill bits available in physics lab does not have an indication
collar. To make sure that you have inserted the bit to an appropriate depth use the collared
routing bit to make a good guess and tighten the collet at that location.

Note: The drill and routing bits are very fragile and expensive, take extra care while handling them.
4: Preparing the PCB board

10. Get a PCB board from physics lab support or ask the Lab Incharge, mark the board to cut it
into the appropriate size, check the design/ PCB bed dimensions first.

11. Use the bandsaw cutter to cut the marked PCB board. Take all necessary precaustions
before using the bandsaw, wear eye protection glasses and wear gloves. Also ask the Lab
Incharge before using the band saw to guide you.
12. Now place the board on the machine’s PCB Bed and use the hex key and available supports
to fix the PCB tightly, make sure that the board isn’t slack.

RoutePro is a software that makes this machine work. You have to turn on the power button
of machine first in order to run this software. So switch on the power button at the back of the
power supply.

Operating the machine using RoutePro

1. Turn ON the PCB machine from the power supply

2. Open RoutePro, located on Desktop. Or you can go to C:\Program Files\RoutePro 2008 if you
find any problem.
3. First load the Route File by clicking on the browse bottom icon shown below. From the
browser button navigate to .plt file that you have previously created while saving the milling
data in ISOCAM.

4. Similarly load the Drill file by browsing to the file location with extension .ncp

5. The Drilling and Routing radio buttons shown below are used to configure and operate the
machine for Drilling or Routing operation at a time. So when you this machine to route for
you, click on the Routing option; and if you want to drill on your PCB, choose the Drilling

6. Offset defines the point on PCB from where you want this machine to start its work. By
setting the Offset, you set the origin of the machine. Let’s configure the machine offsets for
drilling operation.
Note: RoutePro directly operates the machine so make sure that PCB machine bed and the
area around the machine is clear.

7. You can set the machine offset by clicking on the Offset button. The machine will relocate its
position to its initial (0,0) location as shown below. Note that the radio button is set
on Drilling.
8. After clicking on the Offset button a new will appear as shown below:

y-axis z-axis

Current Position
Scaling Factor x-axis

9. By clicking on the “red arrows” you can adjust the machines initial position of operation.
Adjusting the machine’s initial position by putting the offset means that the machine will
start making the circuit from that point. Once you are satisfied with the initial position
(Offset points) click OK.

10. The same way you can set the offsets for Routing by selecting the radio button on Routing.
Do make sure that the Routing and Drilling offsets are the same otherwise the drilling and
routing won’t be synchronized and you will have a circuit board with erroneous drilling
locations. For further information check the online manual on physics lab website.
11. From the scaling factor, you can control the scale of the moving spindle. More the scaling
factor, greater will be the movement of spindly in that particular direction.
12. Note: Do not bring the spindle/drill bit near the PCB. It means you do not have to adjust the
Z-axis. Just configure the x and y-axis. Machine will figure the values of z-axis via Tools
13. Now let’s configure and finalize the routing parameters , make sure that the radio button is
set on Routing and then click on Tools. Tools option allows you to configure the setting
about the tools you are using. You will give machine the information about the routing or
drilling bit through it. For example, you have to drill holes in your PCB of diameter 0.3mm
and 0.6mm. So you Tool1 (T1) will be 0.3mm diameter of drill bit and Tool2(T2) will be of
0.6mm diameter of drill bit.
14. The figure below shows the configuration parameters for routing tool. You only need to set
parameters for tool T1 because we are only using one tool for routing. Now below on Diam
column enter 0.6 and press Update. Diam represents the diameter of the routing tool bit,
which we know is 0.6 mm. Under the Depth column enter 0.1 and press Update. For the Iter
column enter 1 and press Update similarly for X feed and Z feed enter 600 and 850
respectively and press Update. Finally on the Spindle column you can enter any value
between 50000 to 60000 which is the spindle speed in rpm. After you are done with T1 row
press OK .

The Depth parameter in the above figure represents the depth of the routing tool inside the PCB
board or you can say it is the depth of engraving done on the board while making the circuit
tracks as shown in the figure below. If you see that the engraving depth is too much that the bit
is passing through the entire thickness of the circuit board than reduce the entered Depth to 0.5
or essentially to 0.1 or if you see the engraving is to not done and the bit hovers on the board
without touching it then increase the depth. For further understanding refer to the manuals
uploaded on the physics lab website

15. You have to provide the value of Thickness of your Board in Base option. Its units are in mm.
Measure the thickness of your Board (on which you have to draw your circuit) and write this
value in the given space. Similarly write the value of thickness of Base of you are placing any
board/base for the protection of your machine.
Note: Through these value, machine will figure out automatically how much it has to drill
and how deep it has to go for drilling.
16. Now press Update Data and then press Start Routing as shown below:

17. Press the RUN button as shown below

Make sure the appropriate tool is inserted in the collet and the collet has been properly
tightened. Press Tool is Inserted and then Start Spindle
Precaution: Wear safety glasses all the time.

18. Now the board routing will start and you can see the circuit tracks being made by the
machine, if anything is not going right, for example the routing depth is not right or machine
offset is not properly set, you can press the ESC key to stop the machine.
Software view while the machine is in operation, press ESC to stop at any moment

The machine is operating in routing mode.

Once the machine is finished with the routing, a message will appear on the screen as shown
below and the machine will stop. Press OK.
19. Now replace the routing bit with the 1 mm Drill bit as described in the previous section.

20. In the RoutPRO, now select the Drilling option from the radio buttons and press Tools

21. Now in the Drill tool options, enter the drill depth 2 under the +mm column for all the rows
including T1, T2 ……. Tx, press Update and then OK

22. Now on the main window of RoutPro press Start Drilling

23. Then press the Run button followed by Tool is Inserted and Start spindle
24. Now the machine will drill holes through the circuit board, remember if the holes haven’t
been drilled thoroughly through the circuit board, then increase the drilling depth under the
+mm column shown in the previous step.

25. Normally in PCB circuits, there are multiple drilling tools used to drill different size of holes
and the machine will stop after drilling one size of holes and will ask you to insert another
Drill tool of xx size as shown below in the figure. We suggest that you should continue with
the same tool and drill all holes using the same 1 mm drill bit. To do that just continue by
pressing Tool is inserted , Start Spindle and just keep repeating the steps every time the
machine stops and the software ask you to insert a new size drill bit.
Note: Drill bits are fragile and expensive kindly make proper use of them.

26. After drilling your PCB circuit will be ready.

Note: After you are done turn the machine off and put back everything at the proper location. Cover
up the machine and turn off the computer and don’t forget to return the Dongle USB Key.

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