ECZ Cold Galvanizing PDS
ECZ Cold Galvanizing PDS
ECZ Cold Galvanizing PDS
Coating Type: Single Pack Zinc Rich Coating Density: 1.70 kg per litre
Colour: Grey Temperature Resistance: 200°C dry
Packaging: 1 litre and 4 litre Volume solids: 40 %
Single component Theoretical Coverage Rate:
Availability: Australia only 8.0 sq. metres per litre at 50 microns dry
Mix Ratio: n/a Recommended Film Thickness Per Coat:
Gloss: Matt 125 microns wet to obtain 50 microns dry
Flash Point: 32°C Setaflash Application: Spray, Brush or Roller
Thinner: Altex Thinner #45 - Brush Dry Times (50µm DFT / 50% RH):
Altex Thinner #53 - Spray 5°C 10°C 25°C 30°C
Pot Life: n/a Min. Topcoat 48 hrs 36 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs
Induction Time: n/a Max. Topcoat: 30 Days, all conditions
Shelf Life: Store under cool dry conditions
Mixing: Application:
Use mechanical agitation for proper mixing to ensure The preferred method of application for ECZ Cold
uniform condition. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Galvanising is spray. Small areas may be brush or rolled if
Thinning: conditions are suitable, however care must be taken to
ensure that the correct film thickness is obtained.
Thinning maybe required to assist application. Any solvent
addition should be made after the component is thoroughly
mixed. Excessive thinning can cause low film thickness Suggested spray equipment:
and coating defects. Thin with Altex Thinner #45. Conventional Air Spray
Clean-up: 1.4mm to 2.2mm Fluid tip with appropriate air cap
Use Altex Thinner #45 or #53. Airless Spray
Pump Ratio 30:1
Material Hose 3/8” I.D min
Tip Size 0.015 – 0.019
(Note: The above is a guide. Other equipment to the above
may be used.)
For industrial use only: Read and follow all the caution ECZ Cold Galvanising is flammable. Keep away from
statements on this Product Data Sheet, the product label heat, sparks and open flame. Use with adequate
and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for health and ventilation. May cause eye and skin irritation. Do not
safety information prior to use. breathe vapour or spray. Wear suitable protective clothing
such as gloves and eye and face protection.