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University of Groningen

Phytochemical and Biosynthetic Studies of Lignans, with a Focus on Indonesian Medicinal

Elfahmi, [No Value]

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Chapter 2

The Indonesian traditional herbal medicine

Elfahmi, Komar Ruslan, Rein Bos, Oliver Kayser, Herman J. Woerdenbag, Wim J. Quax


Jamu is the Indonesian traditional herbal medicine that has been practiced for many centuries in
the Indonesian community to maintain good health and to treat diseases. Although modern (western)
medicine is becoming increasingly important in Indonesia, jamu is still very popular in rural as well as
in urban areas. Based on its traditional use jamu is being developed to a rational form of therapy, from
herbal practitioners to drugs in pharma industries. Jamu has acquired a potential benefit, both
economically and clinically. We survey the most frequently used plants in jamu that in addition have
been investigated as to their constituents and pharmacological effects. Many isolated compounds have
potent biological activities. Examples are: curcumin (Curcuma longa) as anticancer, antihipertensive,
antidiabetes and immunostimulating agent; andrographolide (Andrographis paniculata) as anticancer,
antiviral and cardioprotective agent; 1'-acetoxychavicol (Alpinia galanga) as anticancer, antimicrobial,
antifungal and gastroprotective agent; lignans (Phyllanthus niruri) as antiviral and hepatoprotective
agent. The Indonesian government has divided the preparation of medicinal plants into three categories,
i.e. jamu, standardized herbal medicines and fitofarmaka. As the biological activity ascribed to jamu is
largely based on empirical data, more research is needed to scientifically prove efficacy and to assure
safety. In the further development of jamu, ethical issues such as intellectual property right, benefit
sharing, biodiversity and conservation should be considered. This paper aims to review the state-of-art
of jamu and to give comprehensive views that can be used for the further improvement of the utility of
jamu in curing illnesses and maintaining good health.

Following the Amazon rain forests, Indonesia has the second biggest biodiversity in the world
expressed by a high number of indigenous medicinal plants. Based on this rich source the use of
medicinal plants is very important, and in the rural areas medicinal plants are even the first choice to
treat diseases. Most of the Indonesian people have ever used traditional herbal medicines which are
popularly known as jamu. Jamu is a word in Javanese tribe language, meaning the traditional medicine
from plants. Today, jamu has been adopted into Bahasa Indonesia with the similar meaning (Riswan and
Roemantyo, 2002). Nowadays jamu is being developed from traditional handling to industrial (larger
scale) production. Worldwide however, jamu is less known than, e.g., Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM), Japanese Kampo and Indian Ayuverda. Jamu gendong is a kind of traditional jamu sold without
label, and freshly prepared (not preserved) from plant material in warung, the ubiquitous stalls along the
streets in Indonesia (Limyati and Juniar, 1998, Suharmiati, 2003). Jamu gendong is instantly served to
whom orders this jamu. The sellers must bring the jamu from door to door. The word gendong itself
means to carry something on the back of a body. The fresh jamu is put inside each bottle in bamboo or
rattan basket. And they use a long wide shawl called selendang for carrying the basket on the back
(Risman and Roemantyo, 2002).
A scientific approach is essential to further develop the rational use of jamu. The Indonesian
government, industry and academia put considerable efforts on it. Various groups of secondary
metabolites are known to be active components in jamu, including alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids,
terpenoids, coumarins, and lignans. They contribute to the therapeutic effect as single active compounds
as well as in combination with others.
This article reviews the use of Indonesian medicinal plants in jamu including its history, current
status, economical prospective, development, scientific approach, and summarizes the potential
developments in the future. Both online and offline literature searches have been done to compile this
review. Pubmed (Medline) and ISI Web of Science were used to retrieve any online publications. About
5,000 species of medicinal plants have been retrieved from the Medicinal Herbs Index in Indonesia and
the plants that are most frequently used as constituents of jamu are discussed in this paper.

Indonesian medicinal plants

Biodiversity is defined as the variety of all life forms on earth, along with the interactions
between them and their physical environment. As an archipelagic state with thousands of islands,
Indonesia is endowed with a rich and unique biodiversity. The area of Indonesian tropical forests covers
about 143 million hectares and is inhabited by about 80% of the world’s medicinal plants. It is estimated
that the Indonesian tropical forests inhabit 28,000 plant species. There are various reports concerning the
inventory of higher plant in Indonesia. The Indonesian Country Study on Biodiversity (ICSBD 1993)
puts the number of flowering plants species in Indonesia between 25,000 and 30,000. Some 40 million
Indonesians depend directly on the country’s biodiversity, and the Indonesian community makes use of
around 6,000 plant species. Data of the number of medicinal plants also vary. PT Eisei (1995) published
the Dictionary of Indonesian Medicinal Herbs containing more than 2,500 plants species which
potentially, while Zuhud et al. (2001) identified 1,845 species with medicinal potential in the forests of
Indonesia. These numbers are potentially to be updated due to the continuing inventory and
investigation of yet unidentified species. According to the National Agency of Drug and Food Control
(NADFC/BPOM), 283 plant species have been officially registered for their medicinal use; the larger
remaining part is used traditionally.

To facilitate the activities on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, the Indonesian
Government, through the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), has launched the
Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2003-2020 (IBSAP). IBSAP is based on the
evaluation of the previous action plan from 1993 called BAPI (Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia),
formulated in collaboration between the Indonesian Government (BAPPENAS), the Ministry of
Environment, research institutes and non-governmental stakeholders with the support of the
international developments institutions.

Recent research development and research communities

Evaluation of jamu as a rational phytotherapy has to cover different research topics including
social, cultural, economic, and ethical aspects. Phytochemical studies including extraction, isolation and
characterization of secondary plant metabolites have been developed to date. Biological activity studies
have been conducted in vitro and in vivo, and even a few clinical studies are available.
To coordinate and to conduct research directed to the development of medicinal plants, many
institutions in Indonesia are engaged. They comprise governmental institutions such as the Ministry of
Health, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, the National
Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), the National Agency of Drug and Food Control
(NADFC or BPOM). The universities are actively involved through the related faculties or departments
from different areas like medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, biology, agriculture, forestry, marine,
environment and engineering. National research institutions such as the Indonesian Institute of Science
and the Herbarium Bogoriense, are involved as well as non-governmental institutions such as KEHATI
(Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation , WALHI, SKEPHI, and various industrial companies (Bermawie
et al., 2005).

Economical prospective
Since the 1980s, small size jamu producers have grown sufficiently to introduce larger scale and
modern production methods (Beer, 2001). The jamu producing industry now has an annual growth of
25-30%. According to Pramono (2002) there are about 810 companies active in Indonesian traditional
medicine of which 87 are classified as IOT (Industri Obat Tradisional, Traditional Medicine Industry)
and 723 as IKOT (Industri Kecil Obat Tradisional, Small Industry of Traditional Medicine). In 2005,
872 companies in this field have been registered at BPOM. In addition, 462 companies from foreign
countries also play a role in the production of Indonesian traditional medicine. About 20 local
companies are the major players. The examples of jamu products from these companies are shown in
Table 1. The industry revenues in 2000 was estimated to be 150 million USD. However, taking into
account the possibilities on the international market and the richness of the country regarding its natural
resources, this amount can potentially be increased (Pramono, 2002). In the period between January to
June 2005, the export of medicinal plants such as Amomum cardamomum, Cinnamomum burmani, Piper
spp. and many others used to make jamu reached an amount of 126.8 million USD (Ministry of Industry,
Republic of Indonesia).

Ethical considerations in the development of medicinal plants

Intellectual property right (IPR), indigenous knowledge, benefit sharing, efficacy and safety are
issues that must be considered in the further development of Indonesian medicinal plants. Jamu has been
handed over from generation to generation based on the traditional knowledge and experience of the
community. When new plant-derived therapeutics based on indigenous knowledge are being explored, it
is important that the companies return benefits to the native population and the local governments from
which the research material was obtained (King et al., 1996). When individuals or institutions from
biotechnologically developed countries wish to obtain indigenous raw material from a
biotechnologically less developed country, an agreement for the procurement of such material may be
negotiated. In article 19.2 of the Rio Convention (1992) there is an agreement about the handling of
biotechnology and distribution of its benefits. It is mentioned that each contracting party shall take all
practicable measures to promote and advance priority access on a fair and equitable basis by contracting
parties, especially developing countries, to the results and benefits arising from biotechnologies based
upon genetic resources provided by those contracting parties. Such access shall be on mutually agreed
terms. Goodwill to maintain such a flow may be achieved through appropriate scientific and monetary
compensation, both in real time and in long-term sharing of the benefits of discovery (Soejarto, 1996).
Harvesting too much and/or cultivating too little may render medicinal plants into endangered species. It
is important to take into account that the individuals or institutions exploring the medicinal plant
material also have responsibilities for the conservation. Most of the current knowledge that jamu can
maintain health and/or can cure diseases comes from the people who have experienced success in curing
illness by taking jamu, it remains to be proved that jamu fulfills the generally accepted criteria of safety
and efficacy in order to protect the patients.

Jamu as a way of traditional healing

Rational phytotherapy with jamu and phytomedicine
Jamu, as traditional medicine arising from experiences of the past and embedded in the culture of
society cannot stand still but constantly changes and develops. Along with allopathic medicine it shares
issues in appropriate and rational use. These include qualification and licensing of the provider, proper
use of good quality products, good communication between traditional medicine providers and patients
and provision of scientific information and guidance to the public (WHO, 2002). Although
pharmacological effects of jamu constituents have been recorded, there is an apparent lack of records or
written data reporting the effectiveness of jamu, especially of jamu gendong. To assure the proper use of
such products, the Indonesian government has divided the medicinal plants in three categories based on
the way they are prepared and based on their efficacy; i.e. jamu, standardized herbal medicines, and
fitofarmaka (phytomedicines). All preparations have to meet basic safety criteria. The therapeutic effects
of jamu have to be supported by empirical data. The efficacy of standardized herbal medicines has to be
proved in pre-clinical trials and standardization on active ingredients is required. For fitofarmaka clinical
trials have to be available. The Indonesian government has launched the Centre for Development and
Application of Traditional Treatment (Sentra P3T) in 1995. The Centre’s activities include research,
testing, education, training and service of traditional treatment. Other programmes include selecting,
testing, certifying, registration/licensing, inventory, screening, clinical testing, utilization and evaluation
of traditional medicine, and compilation of laws applicable to traditional treatment.

Preparation of jamu
Original jamu (jamu gendong) exists in the form of a decoction and is sold by ladies carrying
jamu on their back. Jamu gendong is produced by household scale industries in a simple and traditional
way. Traditional jamu makers also care about hygiene, sanitation and chemical contaminations from
biological or non-biological sources. They try to protect raw materials and products from contamination,
although this is far from international industrial standards. The way of preparation is often different from
producer to producer, and production steps like selection of raw materials, sorting, grating, scraping,
crushing, mixing and cooking, followed by boiling of the plant material in a hygienic way can differ
significantly. From this background professional training was necessary to introduce certain standards
like standardization of the raw materials used in jamu according to the Materia Medika Indonesia
(MMI). Jamu makers have to be trained on hygienic production methods and for semi-modern
technologies. The most important aspect of the training is the introduction of scientific aspects of jamu.
From household scale industries jamu has been developed and is now produced by the industries called
IKOT and IOT. To prepare jamu, IKOT and IOT use the modern technologies and their activities are
based on a scientific approach. They have to follow the directions for good manufacturing production
(GMP). Today jamu made by the industry is not anymore only in the form of a decoction but also in the
form of a tablet, pill, powder, pastille, capsule, extract, cream, and ointment.

Legislative aspects of jamu and phytomedicines in Indonesia

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Health and BPOM, has regulated jamu and
phytomedicines (fitofarmaka). The regulations are aimed to develop herbal medicinal products, to
protect the people from unwanted (adverse) effects, and to watch over the quality including efficacy and
efficiency. Three types of Indonesian medicinal plants that mentioned before have been regulated by
BPOM through a regulation nr. HK., 2004.
For the production of traditional medicine in Indonesia, the industries have to refer to good
manufacturing practice guidelines for traditional medicine, called CPOTB (Cara Pembuatan Obat
Tradisional yang Baik). CPOTB is regulated by the Ministry of Health (regulation nr.
659/MENKES/SK/X/1991). This regulation has been renewed by BPOM in 2005 with regulation nr.
HK. CPOTB includes all aspects of production such as raw material, production process,
quality control, factory building, workers, management, instrument, sanitation, etc. CPOTB is also to be
applied in the industries to produce standardized herbal medicines and phytomedicine.
The traditional medicine industry (IOT and IKOT) as well as the products have to be registered
in the BPOM (246/MENKES/Per/V/90 and HK., 2005). Using this regulation, the
production and distribution of traditional medicine could be controlled to fulfill the requirements
according CPOTB. There are several forms of traditional medicine such as powders, pills, capsules,
crude extracts, tablets, liquids. These products have to be produced according to the description
published in regulation number 661/MENKES/SK/VII/1994. To develop the traditional medicines, the
Indonesian government has established the Centre for Development of Traditional Medicine (Sentra
P3T). The Centre is supported by regulation number 0584/MENKES/SK/VI/1995.

Table 1. Examples of jamu products from the big jamu companies in Indonesia.

Industry Jamu name Plant used Indications / use


Sariayu Post Partum Calami rhizome, Zingiberis purpurei rhizome, Ligusticae acutilobumae Relieves stomach pain after giving birth, eases excrements.
Martha Herbs radix, Baeckeae folium, Curcumae domesticae rhizome, Parkiae semen, Vaginal inflammations, stimulates blood circulation and
Tilaar Isorae fructus, Sappan lignum, Curcumae rhizome, Andrographidis herba, improves appetite and digestion as well as strengthening and
Caryophylli flos promoting health
PT. Phapros Menstralax Ligustici rhizome, Paeomiae alba radix, Polygalae tenuifolia radix, Regulates endocrine gland secretion and period, promotes
Rehmanniae preparata radix, Carthami tinctorius flos, Leonuri ovulation, reduces menstrual clot
heterophyclus herba, Angelicae sinensis radix, Concha ostrea gigas,
Albizziae julibrissin cortex, Moutan radicis cortex
PT. Sido Sakit kencing Orthosiphonis folium, Ligustrinae lignum, Blumeae folium, Curcumae Disorders of the urinary tract
Muncul rhizome, Imperatae rhizome
Beras kencur Tamarindi pulpa extract, Zingiberis rhizome extract, Cinamomi cortex, It reduces fatigue, refreshes the body, prevents hemorrhoids
Sido Muncul Kaempferiae rhizome extract, Oryza sativa and cold, raises stamina and immunity
Kuku Bima Ginseng radix extract, Eurycomae radix extract, Kaempferiae rhizome It raises men’s stamina, libido, and makes them look young,
extract, Zingeberis rhizome extract, Zingeberis aromaticae rhizome extract, blood circulation, discharging feces, reduce the possibility of
Phyllanti herba extract atherosclerosis and diabetes
PT. Kimia Fitogas Hypericum extract, Centellae folium extract, Curcumae domesticae Relieves digestive disorder symptoms
Farma rhizome pulveratum, Curcumae xanthorrhizae rhizome extract.
New Padibu Trigonella foenum graecum, Tribulus terrestris, Yohimbee extract, Talinum Liver and kidney disturbance
paniculatum, Plantago mayor extract
Fitolac Sauropus folium extract Increases and accelerates breast milk production
PT.Deltomed Srongpas Retofracti fructus, Zingiberis zerumbeti rhizome, Elephantopi radix, Increases vitality, relieves backache, sore muscle, fatigue, and
Laboratories Ginseng Eurycoma radix, Panax ginseng radix extract general debility, improves appetite, and nourishes the kidneys
Antangin JRG Zingiberis rhizome, Panax ginseng extract, Blumeae folia, Menthae folia, Effectively combats cold and alleviates its symptoms such as
Alstoniae cortex, Myristicae semen fever, nausea, bloating, cold sweat, dizziness, and fatigue
PT. Jamu Hiperten Orthosiphonis folium, Phyllanthi herba, Plantaginis folium, Blumeae Reduces symptoms of mild hypertension
Iboe Jaya folium, Centellae herba, Morindae fructus, Alstoniae cortex,
Andrographidis herba, Apii herba
Diabetin Tinosporae caulis, Andrographidis herba, Curcumae rhizome, Syzigii Diabetes mellitus
PT. Mustika Tonic tea plus Zingiberis aromaticae rhizome, Zingiberis rhizome, Panax ginseng radix, Effective for general health maintenance of men and women,
Ratu daun dewa dan Retrofracti fructus, Theae folium, Colae semen, Gynurae folium good for improvement of stamina vitality and body immunity
ginseng so that will make the body fresh, fit and energetic
Jamu godog Usneae thalus, Zingiberis purpurei rhizome, Retrofracti fructus, Santali Slowing the ageing process, improving the blood circulation,
bugar ayu lignum, Sappan lignum, Illicium verum, Kaempferiae rhizome, Curcumae adding more energy and strengthen
rhizome, Foenigraeci semen, Andrographidis herba, Centellae herba,
Curcumae domesticae rhizome
Jamu Jago Encok Orthosiphonis folia, Zingiberis zerumbeti rhizome, Zingiberis rhizome Rheumatism
Sirnakarang Boesenbergiae rhizome, Curcumae domestica rhizome, Curcumae Dissolves kidney stone
rhizome, Orthosiphonis folia, Serycocalycis folia
Pegal linu Curcumae rhizome, Eucalipty fructus, Retrofracti fructus, Zingiberis To get rid of muscle pains, to improve their stamina and to
zerumbeti rhizome, Zingiberis rhizome avoid lethargy or insomnia
Esha Eurycomae longifoliae radix, Retrofracti fructus, Piperis nigri fructus, Immunostimulating
Phyllanthi herba, Zingiberis rhizome
PT. Jamu Allus Piperis folium, Centella herba, Curcumae domesticae rhizome, Languatis
Borobudur rhizome
Nyonya Jamu sakit Euphorbiae thymifoliae herba, Kaempferia rhizome, Caricae folium, Peptic ulcer
Meneer Maag Blumeae folium
Jamu Akas Coriandri fructus, Parameriae cortex, Baeckeae folium, Foeniculi fructus, Various coronary problems
Jantung Curcuma rhizome
Singkir angin Foeniculi fructus, Paederiae folium, Menthae arvensis, Zingiberis rhizome Common cold
PT. Air Jaket pegal linu Zingiberis purpurei rhizome, Zingiberis rhizome, Piperis nigri fructus, Eliminates fatique, reliefs painful stiffness of the muscles and
Mancur Saccharum album, Zingiberis aromaticae rhizome, Languatis rhizome, joints after hard work, to freshen up and strengthen body
Peppermint powder, Foeniculi fructus, Glycyrrhizae radix, Curcumae stamina
domesticae rhizome, Curcumae rhizome, Coptici fructus, Alyxiae cortex,
Boesenbergiae rhizome
PT. Martha Jamu postnatal Sauropi folium, Zingiberis zerumbeti rhizome, Curcumae rhizome, Slims down and firms up the body, reducing cellulite, while
Tilaar Innoshape Elephantopi folium rejuvenating natural beauty
PT. Soho Diapet NR Curcumae domesticae rhizome, Granati pericarpium extract, Psidii folium Anti diarrhea
Farmasi extract, Coicis semen, Chebulae fructus extract
PT. Bintang Encok Siler radix, Zingiberis rhizome, Anemarrhena rhizome, Notopterigium To get rid of muscle pains
Toedjoe rhizome, Pterospermum lignum
Irex Max Yohimbe bark extract, peppermint oil, Retrofracti fructus, Eurycoma Improves vitality and sexual power
longifolia extract, Ginseng extract
Diami Sausurea radix, Curcumae domesticae rhizome, Kaempferiae rhizome, Anti-diarrhoea
Agastachis herba, Amomi fructus, Atractylodes rhizome
PT. Sentia Coptidis rhizhoma, Curcuma domesticate rhizome Stomach pain, diarrhoea
PT. Tenaga Pil Binari Catechu, Gallae, Jatrophae curcas folium Inner care for woman's health
Tani farma
PT. Puspo Pacekap diabest Morindae fructus extract, Orthosiphonis folium extract, Syzygii polyanthi Diabetes mellitus
Internusa extract, Andrographidis herba extract, Centellae herba extract, Curcumae
rhizome extract
Perusahaan Diamanis Plantaginis folium, Swieteniae macrothyllae semen, Syzygii jambolani Diabetes mellitus
jamu Sido cortex, Momordicae fructus, Murrayae folium, Ocimi bacillici folium,
Jodo Curcumae rhizome, Kaempferiae rhizome, Melaleucae fructus, Blumeae
folium, Caryophylli flos, Catharanthi radix, Alii cepae bulbus, Alstoniae
cortex, Andrographidis herba

Biological activity of the most common plants in jamu
Biological activities of the most common plants in jamu as reported in the literature are
summarized in Table 2. In the following sections in more details are discussed.

Plants from the family Zingiberaceae are the most often used ingredient of jamu. Eleven
Curcuma species (Curcuma aeruginosa, C. aurantiaca, C. colorata, C. domestica (synonym: C. longa),
C. euchroma, C. mangga, C. petiolata, C. purpurascens, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhizae, and C. zedoria)
have been used traditionally as a spice and to treat several illness such as appendicitis, asthma, itch,
rheumatism, abdominalgia, anemia, hypertension, diarrhea, and dysentery. Curcumin is a main phenolic
constituent of the genus especially in the rhizome of tumeric (Curcuma domestica). Although C.
domestica, that is also called C. longa, has not been used traditionally for anticancer purposes, recent
investigations show that this plant has promising effects in this area, mainly to be ascribed to curcumin
(Fig. 1). The mechanism of action of curcumin has been partly elucidated. Inducing apoptosis plays an
important role. Furthermore, it reduces the cell cycle progression thereby preventing cancerous cell
growth (Chattopadhay et al., 2004, Karunagaran et al., 2005). In vitro and in vivo, it suppressed
carcinogenesis of the liver, kidney, colon, and breast (Okazaki et al., 2005, Kirana et al., 2003).
Preclinical and clinical studies with curcumin in relation to its anticancer potential have been reviewed.
Human clinical trials indicated no dose-limiting toxicity up to 10 g/day taken orally. These studies
carried out so far suggest that curcumin has potential in the prevention and therapy of cancer (Aggarwal
et al., 2003, Sharma et al., 2005). For C. xanthorrhiza that is used traditionally as antibacterial,
anticancer and anti-inflammatory agent scientific proof has been given for its antiproliferative and
anticancer activities. These activities are largely attributed to the sesquiterpene compound xanthorrhizol
isolated from this plant. It significantly increased apoptosis in HeLa cells (Ismail et al., 2005).
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rose) that contains the phenolic ketones gingerol and paradol has
been launched in Indonesia as fitofarmaka (phytomedicine) for malignancies (antineoplasma).
Anticancer activity of the ginger extract has been reported in vitro and in vivo. The strongest anticancer
activity has been shown for another Zingiberaceae species, Zingiber aromaticum (Kirana et al., 2003,
Manju and Nalini, 2005). It has been suggested that Z. aromaticum containing the sesquiterpene
zerumbone, also has the potential to be developed as fitofarmaka with anticancer properties. Panduratin,
a chalcone derivative isolated from Kaemferia pandurata rhizome has been reported to suppress
carcinogenesis in human colon cancer cell lines (Kirana et al., 2003, Yun et al., 2005). Pinostrobin, a
flavonoid from this plant showed cytotoxic activity against human mammary carcinoma cells
(Sukardiman et al., 2000). Ethyl trans-cinnamate and ethyl 4-methoxy-trans-cinnamate from galanga
root oil (Alpinia galanga) induced the activity of the detoxifying enzyme, glutathione S-transferase
(GST), a major mechanism for chemical carcinogen detoxification (Zheng et al., 1993). Another isolated
compound from this plant, l'-acetoxychavicol acetate has been found to suppress chemical- and virus-
induced tumor initiation and promotion. Although the mechanism is not fully understood, this
compound inhibits activation of NF-κB and NF-κB-regulated gene expression. This may explain its
ability to enhance apoptosis and to inhibit invasion (Ichikawa et al., 2005).
Isolated compounds from jamu showed antioxidative activity in vitro using H4IIE rat hepatoma
cells. Kaempferol and luteolin protected these cells against oxidative stress. The ability of kaempferol
and luteolin to inhibit oxidative DNA strand breaks supports their suggested role as protective agents
against diseases such as cancer (Steffan et al., 2005). Three anthraquinone glycosides (pulmatin,
chrysophanein and physcionin) isolated from Rheum palmatum roots exhibited moderate cytotoxic
activity against HeLa epitheloid cells and inhibited the growth of BT-20 human breast carcinoma cells
(Kubo et al., 1992). The in vitro cytotoxicity of the plumieride, an iridoid compound which was isolated
from methanol extract of the bark of Plumeria bicolor and several analogues was determined in
radiation-induced fibrosarcoma (RIF) tumor cells. The analogues gave stronger activity than plumieride
itself (Dobhal et al., 2004). An ethanol extract of the bark of Alstonia scholaris enhanced the anticancer
activity of berberine in the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma-bearing mice. This extract also showed cytotoxic
activity to HeLa cells. Compared to the active principle echitamine, present in Alstonia scholaris, the
extract was more powerful to kill HeLa cells. The cytotoxic activity of the extract depends on the season
of collection of the plant bark. The extract of bark collected in the summer season has the highest
activity (Jagetia and Baliga, 2004, 2005). Usually this plant to be used in jamu, is collected during the
dry season (also considered as the summer season). Andrographis paniculata that is called sambiloto by
local people in Indonesia has been intensively investigated for its anticancer activity. The diterpenoid
compounds 14-deoxyandrographolide and 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide isolated from
aerial parts of this plant showed marked activity against a human breast carcinoma cell lines (Tan et al.,
2005). The consumption of Ardisia compressa tea (aqueous extract) resulted in complete inhibition of
the chemically-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in Wistar rats (De Mejia and Ramirez, 2004).
Catharanthus roseus that has been used to treat cancer (Eisei, 1995) contains the clinically used
anticancer drugs vincristine, vinblastin and other vinca alkaloids (Cragg and Newman, 2005). A water
extract of Centella asiatica significantly reduced the multiplicity of neoplasms in the small intestine.
This result suggests that C. asiatica has a chemopreventive effect on colon tumorigenesis in male F344
rats (Bunpo et al., 2004). 2'-Hydroxycinnamaldehyde isolated from Cinnamomum cassia bark, strongly
inhibited the in vitro growth of a broad panel human cancer cells and the in vivo growth of the SW-620
human tumor xenograft (Lee et al., 1999). Coriandrum sativum was shown to act protectively against
the deleterious effects in lipid metabolism in experimental colon cancer (Chithra and Leelamma, 2000).
Ganopoly, an aqueous polysaccharide fraction extracted from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma
lucidum has antitumor activity combined with immunomodulating activity. Ganopoly significantly
reduced the tumor weight in a dose-dependent manner, with inhibition rates of 32.3, 48.2, and 84.9% at
doses of 20, 50, and 100 mg/kg, respectively in mice. It may represent a novel promising
immunotherapeutic agent or a lead for cancer treatment (Gao et al., 2005). Immunomodulating effects
that may be useful in the treatment of cancer have been reported for ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of
Phyllanthus niruri (Ma’at, 2002). Combination of anticancer drugs such as paclitaxel with the herbal
extracts e.g. from Glycyrrhizae radix, Rhei rhizome, Scutellariae radix, Zizyphi fructus and Zingiberis
rhizome enhanced the paclitaxel sensitivity in HeLa cells via the inhibition of multidrug resistance.
These extract suppressed the growth of HeLa cells concentration dependently. The results concluded
that the combination of anticancer drugs with some herbal extracts contributes to the improvement of
clinical outcomes in cancer chemotherapy (Takara et al., 2005). Alkaloids and quassinoids from
Eurycoma longifolia, iridoids and lignans from Plumeira rubra showed cytotoxic activity to human
breast, colon, fibrosarcoma, lung, melanoma, KB, KB-V1 cancer cell lines and in murine lymphocytic
leukemia (Kardono et al., 1990, 1991).

Hundreds of medicinal plants used in jamu have been tested for antiviral activity in vitro and in
vivo. But the antiviral efficacy of such herbal medicine has seldom been tested in rigorous clinical trial.
The methanol extracts of plants used in jamu e.g Andrographis paniculata, Swietinia mahagoni and
Curcuma aeruginosa showed anti-HIV activity using HIV-I-infected MT-4 cells. With the dose range of
4.2 to 175 µg mL-1 they inhibited the HIV-protease (Otaka et al., 1995). Methanol extracts of Melaleuca
leucadendron fruit and Annona muricata stembark collected in Indonesia have been reported to be
active against herpes simplex virus-1 in vitro. M. leucadendron significantly prolonged the development
of skin lesions and reduced the mortality (Padma et al., 1998, Nawawi et al., 1999). Aqueous extracts,
tannin, lignan and other isolated compounds from Phyllanthus species have been tested for their anti-
HIV activity in vitro and in vivo. They inhibited the HIV-key enzymes e.g. integrase, reverse
transcriptase and protease (Calixto et al., 1998, Notka et al., 2004). The genus Phyllanthus has been
intensively studied clinically for its antiviral effects. A systematic review of 22 randomized clinical trial
showed that Phyllanthus species have positive effect on antiviral activity and show positive effects on
liver biochemistry in chronic hepatitis B virus infection (Liu et al., 2001, Calixto et al., 1998).
Andrographis paniculata was also clinically tested for its antiviral activity. A phase I clinical trial of
andrographolide from A. paniculata was conducted in 13 HIV positive patients and five HIV uninfected,
healthy volunteers. This trial concluded that andrographolide may inhibit HIV induced cell cycle
deregulation, leading to a rise in CD4 (+) lymphocyte levels in HIV-1 infected individuals (Calabrese et
al., 2000). Helicterins A-F (Fig. 1), dimeric (7.5',8.2')-neolignans with a bicyclo[2.2.2]octene C-
framework isolated from Helicteres isora showed a mild inhibitory activity against reverse transcriptase
from avian myeloblastosis virus (Tezuka et al., 2000).

Antimalaria and antiparasitic

Most of the plants mentioned here have been traditionally used as antimalarial agent in
Indonesia. Methanol extracts prepared from stem bark of Alstonia scholaris, A. macrophylla and A.
glaucescense have been assessed for antiplasmodial activity against multidrug-resistant K1 strain of
Plasmodium falciparum cultured in human erythrocytes. The active indole alkaloids from these extracts,
in contrast to chloroquine, had a significantly higher affinity to the K1 strain than to the T9-96 strain
(Keawpradub et al., 1999). 1,2-Dihydroxy-6,8-dimethoxy-xanthone, isolated from Andrographis
paniculata possessed in vitro activity against P. falciparum. In vivo it gave a reduction (62%) in
parasitemia after treating the Swiss Albino mice with P. berghei (Dua et al., 2004). The petroleum ether
extracts of the rind of Carica papaya and Citrus sinensis also showed antimalarial activity against strain
P. falciparum FCK 2 in vitro (Bhat and Surolia, 2001). Screening of plant extracts that are traditionally
used for the treatment of malaria on Java showed strong antimalarial and antibabesial activitiy. They
include Achillea millefolium, Baeckea frutenscens, Brucea javanica, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Strychnos
lucida, Swietenia macrophylla and Phyllantus niruri (Trimurningsih et al., 2005, Subeki et al., 2005).
Antibabesial activity was also found for protoberberine alkaloids and 20-hydroxyecdysone from
Arcangelisia flava against Babesia gibsoni (Subeki et al., 2005). An in vitro study on traditionally used
malaria remedies in the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) concluded that
plants such as Lansium domesticum and Carica papaya are more likely to be effective antimalarials.
These herbal remedies were found to have activity against chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum (Leaman
et al., 1995). Eurycomanone and 7-methoxy-β-carboline-1-propionic acid from Eurycoma longifolia,
triterpenoid lansioides from Lansium domesticum, and Azadirachta indica collected from Kalimantan
demonstrated significant antimalarial activity (Kardono et al., 1991, Omar et al., 2003).

Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antipyretic and analgesic

The anti-inflammatory effects of extract of Morinda officinalis (noni or mengkudu) in vitro and
in vivo have been shown by inhibition of the production of nitric oxide, prostaglandin E-2 and tumor
necrosis factor-alpha in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages (Kim et al., 2005). The
inhibition of the prostaglandin E2 production has been also shown by Aloe vera gel. Another effect of A.
vera was the inhibition on reactive oxygen metabolites in the human colorectal mucosa. This finding
may have a therapeutic relevance in inflammatory bowel disease (Langmead et al., 2004). The aqueous
extract of tempe (fermented soja-beans) which is a popular food in Indonesia have been reported to have
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antithrombotic activity in an experimental photochemical
thrombogenesis model using rat femoral artery (Rilantono et al., 2000). Cinnamomom cortex that was
collected in Indonesia inhibited the rise in vascular permeability and edema induced by acetic acid,

carrageenin, serotonin and arachidonic acid. The effect was also shown on secondary lesions in the
development of adjuvant-induced arthritis (Kubo et al., 1996). Hydroxypanduratin A and panduratin A
isolated from Kaempferia pandurata rhizome showed significant topical anti-inflammatory activity in
the assay of TPA-induced ear edema in rats. The presence of these compounds may very well be related
to the uses of this plant in traditional medicine (Tuchinda et al., 2002). The lignans niranthin,
phyltetralin and nirtetralin isolated from aerial parts of Phyllanthus amarus exhibited marked anti-
inflammatory properties and suggest that these lignans are the main active principles responsible for the
traditional application of this plant for anti-inflammatory properties (Kassuya et al., 2005). Screening of
75 medicinal plants collected in Indonesia showed that many of them had the inhibitory effects on the
nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages as well as
antioxidant activity through the evaluation of free radical scavenging effect and reducing power (Choi
and Hwang, 2005). NO is widely recognized as an important messenger and effective molecule in a
variety of biological system. The NO production is inhibited by the nitric oxidase inhibitors that can be
used as therapeutic agents for inflammatory diseases (Tinker and Wallace, 2006). Chrubasik et al.
(2005) comprehensively reviewed on the effects of an ethanol extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale
rhizome) and its efficacy profiles in vitro, in vivo and in clinical studies. The ginger extracts showed a
pain relieving effects in which up to 0.3 g ginger/day for musculoskeletal pain in human were
administered. This review, however, suggested the further studies to prove the efficacy and to find an
optimum dosage of ginger preparations in the treatment of osteoarthritic pain. The ethanol extract of
ginger (Z. officinale) together with Alpinia galanga, Curcuma longa, Camellia sinensis and Uncaria
tomentosa had also a statistically significant effect on reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee of
patients (Altman and Marcussen, 2001, Ahmed et al., 2005).

Herbal preparations containing Andrographis panuculata and Phyllanthus amarus for various
liver disorders have been proved to have antihepatotoxic activity (Ram, 2001). The ethanol extract and
isolated diterpenes andrographolide and neoandrographolide from the aerial parts of Andrographis
paniculata showed significant antihepatotoxic action in Plasmodium berghei K173-induced hepatic
damage in Mastomys natalensis (Chander et al., 1995). The ethanol extract of Carica papaya seeds
caused elevation of rat serum levels of acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and
aspartate amino transferase (AST). Also mild to severe metaplasia of hepatocytes was revealed in a
dose-related manner as well as proliferation of Kupfer cells and hepatic cells cirrhosis. These
biochemical and pathological changes indicated liver cell damage and malfunction (Udoh and Udoh,
2005). A hepatoprotective effect of ethanol extracts of turmeric together with sesquiterpenes and
curcuminoid containing fractions has been shown to be related to the suppression of alanin and aspartate
aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase level on D-galactosamin induced liver injury in rats
(Miyakoshi et al., 2004). The hepatoprotective effect of Alstonia scholaris bark on liver injuries induced
by the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), β-D-galactosamine, acetaminophen and ethanol were investigated by
means of serum-biochemical and histopathological examinations. Ethanol extracts of A. scholaris bark
significantly lowered β-D-galactosamine induced serum transaminases elevation in the serum-
biochemical analysis in rats (Lin et al., 1996). (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in the liver of rats, as
judged by the raised serum enzymes, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate pyruvate
transaminase, was prevented by pretreatment with the extracts of Phyllanthus niruri, demonstrating its
hepatoprotective action (Harish and Shivanandappa, 2006).

Diabetes mellitus is recognized by chronic elevation of the glucose level in the blood and often
accompanied by symptoms of severe thirst, profuse urination, polyuria, weigh loss, and stupor.
Medicinal plants that are used clinically to treat diabetes have shown their antidiabetes activity in vitro,
in vivo and in clinical studies. The methanol and aqueous extracts derived from Alpinia galanga caused
highly significant reduction in the blood glucose levels of normal rabbits (Akhtar et al., 2002). The
glucosidic compounds 4'-O-methylpiceid and rhapontin, isolated from kelembak (Rheum palmatum)
roots that were collected from the market in Indonesia exhibited moderate α-glucosidase inhibitory
activity in vitro. The inhibition of α-glucosidase activity may be effective in controlling abnormal levels
of blood glucose in metabolic diseases such as diabetes (Kubo et al., 1991). Hypolipidemic effects have
been shown for aqueous extracts of cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum) on alloxan-induced diabetic, triton
and cholesterol fed hyperlipemic rats. Hyperlipidemia is an associated complication of diabetes mellitus.
In this study, administering cumin extract to diabetic rats significantly reduced the blood glucose level.
The mechanism may be by potentiating the insulin effect or by increasing the pancreatic secretion of
insulin from the cells (Dhandapani et al., 2002). Guazuma ulmifolia leaves and Trigonella fonum
graceum seeds that are used clinically against diabetes mellitus have been studied for their
antihyperglycemic effect. Aqueous extract of these plants reduced hyperglycemic peak in the rabbits
(Alarcon-Aguilara et al., 1998). Ganoderma lucidum, the water and ethanol extracts of Piper betle and
dianex, a polyherbal formulation consisting of the aqueous extracts of Gymnema sylvestre leaves,
Eugenia jambolana seeds, Momordica charantia fruits, Azadirachta indica leaves, Cassia auriculata
flowers, Aegle marmelose fruits, Withania somnifera roots, and Curcuma longa rhizome had
hypoglycemic activity in normal and streptozotocin induced diabetic mice and rats (Yang et al. 2004,
Mutalik et al., 2005, Arambewela et al., 2005). Most of those plants are used in jamu. Preclinical
evaluation consisting of animal studies, acute and subacute toxicity testing and evaluation of the
antidiabetic effect of Eugenia jambolana seed powder in streptozotocin-diabetic rats was adequate for
approval to start phase 2 clinical trials to evaluate this seed powder as complementary therapy in type 2
diabetes. The study showed that E. jambolana possibly acts as a hypoglycemic agent by increasing
insulin levels. Toxicity studies showed no evidence of mortality or abnormality (Sridhar et al., 2005).
The total triterpenoid fraction from aerial parts of Centella asiatica, has been studied in the patients with
diabetic microangiopathy. It was shown that this fraction is useful in diabetic microangiopathy by
improving microcirculation and decreasing capillary permeability and protects against the deterioration
of microcirculation due to diabetic microangiopathy (Cesarone et al., 2001).

Antimicrobial and antifungal

Antibacterial and antifungal activities have been shown by aqueous extracts, andrographolide
and arabinogalactan proteins isolated from Andrographis paniculata and are comparable (in term of
growth inhibition of Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans)
to some known antibiotics, streptomycin, gentamycin and nystatin (Singha et al., 2003). Extracts of
Alstonia scholaris, Anacardium occidentale (hexane), and Carica papaya seeds (methanol and
buthanol) have been reported to possess a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity (Bouttier et al., 2002,
Khan et al., 2003, Dawkins et al., 2003). The growth-inhibiting activity of cinnamaldehyde isolated from
Cinnamomum cassia toward human intestinal bacteria (Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroides fragilis
and Bifidobacterium bifidum) was shown using an impregnated paper disk method and compared with
that of tetracycline and chloramphenicol (Lee and Ahn, 1998). The essential oils of Coriandrum sativum
and Foeniculum vulgare were reported to possess antibacterial activity to Escherichia coli and Bacillus
megaterium in vitro (Lo Cantore et al., 2004). The essential oil from Cuminum cyminum and the isolated
compounds, p-mentha-1,4-dien-7-al, cumin aldehyde, γ-terpinene, and β-pinene, showed antibacterial
activity against the genera Clavibacter, Curtobacterium, Rhodococcus, Erwinia, Xanthomonas,
Ralstonia, and Agrobacterium (Iacobellis et al., 2005). The essential oils from Cymbopogon citratus, C.
nardus, and C. schoenanthus showed a fungistatic effect against superficial mycosis (Koba et al., 2003).
The essential oil of Cinnamomum burmanni (bark and leaves) and Tagetes erecta (leaves) that were
collected in Indonesia have been reported to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis and
Salmonella typhimurium and antifungal activity against Candida albicans in vitro (Sukandar et al., 1999,
Hartati et al., 1999). An ethyl acetate extract of Curcuma longa has been reported to have antibacterial
activity and the potential to restore the effectiveness of β-lactams against methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and inhibit the MRSA invasion of human mucosal fibroblasts (Kim et
al., 2005). A study of Indonesian plants with ethnomedical uses showed that the methylene chloride and
methanol extracts of Terminalia catappa, Swietenia mahagoni, Phyllanthus acuminatus, Ipomoea spp.,
Tylophora asthmatica and Hyptis brevipes have the antibacterial activities against Eschericia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Xanthomonas campestris and Bacillus subtilis and the antifungal activities
against C. albicans, Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii (Goun et al., 2003). The
ethanol extracts from several plant species belonging to the Zingiberaceae family used in Kenyah
(Indonesian Borneo), especially Alpinia galanga, Curcuma zedoaria and Zingiberis purpureum, were
found to have pronounced inhibitory activities against a wide variety of human pathogenic fungi,
including strains resistant to the common antifungals amphotericin B and ketoconazole. As members of
the Zingiberaceae are generally regarded as safe for human consumption, these species are excellent
candidates for development as novel therapeutic (Ficker et al., 2003). 1'-Acetoxychavicol acetate, an
active compound from Alpinia galanga has antifungal activity against Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T.
rubrum, T. concentricum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus niger with a concentration 14 mg mL-1
(Janssen and Scheffer, 1985)

1S-1'-Acetoxychavicol acetate and 1S-1'-acetoxyeugenol acetate, isolated from Alpinia galanga
markedly inhibited the ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats. The action of 1S-1'-
acetoxychavicol was attenuated by pretreatment with indomethacin and N-ethylmalcimide and
significantly increased the glutathione (GSH) levels of gastric mucosa in rats. GSH acts as antioxidant
and is important for maintaining the mucosal integrity in the stomach (Matsuda et al., 2003). A different
mechanism of hepatoprotective activity was shown by asiaticoside, an active triterpenoid constituent of
Centella asiatica and its extract. They were found to promote angiogenesis and stimulate blood vessel
formation and mucosal cell regeneration during the gastric ulcer healing stage that are important parts of
the wound healing. Angiogenesis in granulation tissues improves circulation to the wound site thus
providing oxygen and nutrients are essential for the healing process (Cheng et al., 2004). The effect of
an ethanolic extract of Aloe vera on acute gastric mucosal lesions induced by 0.6 M HCl and acid output
was studied in pylorus ligated and lumen perfused rats, respectively. Aloe vera is endowed with gastric
acid anti-secretory activity and could protect the gastric mucosa at low concentrations against injurious
agents (Yusuf et al., 2004). Morinda citrifolia (noni) inhibits gastric emptying in male rats via a
mechanism involving stimulation of cholecystokinin and its receptor activation. Cholecystokinin is a
peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal system responsible for stimulating the digestion of fat and
protein. It delays gastric emptying and inhibits gastric acid and plasma gastrin responses (Konturek et
al., 1994, Pu et al., 2004). Ethanol and water extract of Abrus cantoniensis, Saussurea lappa, Eugenia
caryophyllata, Magnolia officinalis and Ligusticum species strongly inhibited the growth of
Helicobacter pylori which is an important etiologic impetus leading usually to chronic active gastritis
and gastric ulcer (Li et al., 2005).

A study on the edible plants common in Asian diets such as Ipomoea batatas, Piper betle,
Anacardium occidentale, Gynandropsis gynandra, Carica papaya, and Mentha arvensis extracts showed
that they exhibited more than 50% relaxing effect on aortic ring preparations. Piper betle and
Cymbopogon citratus showed comparable vasorelaxation on isolated perfuse mesenteric artery
preparation (Runnie et al., 2004). 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide from Andrographis
paniculata was shown to have bradycardia-inducing and β-adrenoceptor antagonistic properties in vivo
using anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats (Zhang et al., 1998). A cardioprotective effect of Centella
asiatica on the antioxidant tissue defense system during doxorubicin induced cardiac damage in rats has
been reported. The water extracts of this plant resulted in significant reduction in the levels of lactate
dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate pyruvate
transaminase. Increased activity in serum of these enzymes is a well-known diagnostic marker of
myocardial function. As active ingredients triterpenes (asiatic acid and asiaticoside) may be responsible
for the cardioprotective effect of C. asiatica extracts (Gnanapragasam et al., 2004). The cardioprotection
provided by ligustrazine is related to a reduction of TNF-alpha content by inhibition of free radical
production in isolated rat hearts. It was known that TNF-alpha can contribute to myocardial damage
during ischemia-reperfusion (Zhou et al., 2004). The studies of the antioxidative and cytoprotective
effects using H9c2 cardiac myoblasts showed that Phyllanthus urinaria have a protective activity
against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. This protection was mediated through multiple pathways such as
enhancement of survival factor through elevation of glutathione, activation of catalase/superoxide
dismutase activity and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. This plant may serve as an alternative source of
antioxidants for prevention of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity (Chularojmontri et al., 2005).

The ethanol extracts of fresh matured fruits of Carica papaya markedly depressed the blood
pressure and heart rate in mineralocorticoid salt and in renal hypertensive rats when compared with the
normotensive controls. The extracts (20 mg/kg i.v.) decreased the blood pressure by about 20.1%, 50.7%
and 54.5% in normotensive, renal and deoxycortocosterone acetate-salts hypertensive rats, respectively.
The extract appeared to be more potent than hydrallazine (200µg/kg i.v.), a well known antihypertensive
(vasodilator) agent that decreased the blood pressure by about 10.7%, 22.8% and 26.4% in those three
types of hypertension (Eno et al., 2000). The total triterpenoid fraction of Centella asiatica, a venoactive
drug acting on the microcirculation and on capillary permeability, has been tested in three groups of
patients with venous hypertension. The improvement of signs and symptoms by extracts observed in
venous hypertensive patients correlated well with the improvement of the variation of capillary filtration
rate and ankle edema (De Sanctis et al., 2001). The vasodilatory effect of Curcuma herbs has been
studied. C. longa induced endothelium-independent vasodilatation. It was concluded that Curcuma herbs
have hypotensive and protective effects on the endothelium in spontaneously hypertensive rats, and its
mechanism is thought to be related to a radical scavenging effect and improvement of hemorheology
(Goto et al., 2005). A major constituent in the water decoction of Orthosiphon aristatus leaves,
methylripariochromene A (a benzochromene), exhibited a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure
after subcutaneous administration in conscious stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. This plant
is popular as kumis kucing in Indonesia. Javanese people prescribe the leaves in their jamu, mainly for
treatment of hypertension (Matsubara et al., 1999).

Anti-asthma, antitussive and anti-allergic

A study of selected medicinal folklore plants that are traditionally used for asthma treatment in
Indonesia indicated that alcoholic extracts, from Plantago major leaves, from Eucalyptus globulus
leaves and fruits, from Cinnamomum massoiae cortex and from Vitex trifolia leaves and two hexane
extracts -Eucalyptus globulus leaves and Vitex trifolia leaves- inhibited IgE-dependent histamine release
from RBL-2H3 cells. This suggested that extracts contain active compounds which inhibit mast cell
degranulation, and may be used in the development of new drugs for treating asthma and/or allergic
disease (Ikawati et al., 2001). An ethanol extract of Alstonia scholaris leaves induced pronounced
bronchodilatory activity in anaesthetized rats with the probable involvement of prostaglandins (Channa
et al., 2005). Clinical studies with Andrographis paniculata suggested that this plant may be effective as
an early treatment of uncomplicated acute upper respiratory tract infection on the patients tested. The
ethanol extract of A. paniculata alone or in combination with the ethanol extract of A. senticocus appear
to be more effective than placebo (Poolsup et al., 2004). The active constituents of A. paniculata,
andrographolide and neoandrographolide, have been reported to have anti-allergic effect. This effect is
due to its mast cell stabilizing activity, the same as for the antiallergic drug, disodium cromoglycate.
Neoandrographolide was more potent than andrographolide in this study. All three compounds
demonstrated significant inhibition of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (Gupta et al., 1998). An antitussive
effect of liquiritin apioside, liquritin and liquiritigenin, isolated from Glychirrhiza radix (licorice) has
been reported. The effect of liquiritin apioside may depend on both peripheral (modulation of ATP-
sensitive K+ channels) and a central mechanism (modulation of serotonergic system) (Kamei et al.,
2005). An aqueous extract of Alpinia galanga rhizome was found to inhibit the release of β-
hexosaminidase, a marker of antigen-IgE-mediated degranulation in RBL-2H3 cells. Isolated
compounds, 1'S-1'-acetoxychavicol acetate and 1'S-1'-acetoxyeugenol acetate inhibited β-
hexosaminidase and a passive coetaneous anaphylaxis reactions in mice and the antigen-IgE-mediated
TNF-alpha and IL-4 production, both of which participate in the late phase of type I allergic reactions
(Matsuda et al., 2003).

An immunostimulating effect has been reported from pule (Alstonia scholaris) that is used in
South East Asia mainly as antimalarial and antidysentery agents, in BALB/c mice. The bark aqueous
extract stimulated non specific immune response, restored the reduction of phagocytic action induced by
prednisolone and protected the body from the opportunistic infection caused by Escherichia coli (Iwo et
al., 2000). This effect was also shown by curcumin from Curcuma longa in BALB/c mice (Antony et
al., 1999). A polysaccharide extract of Alpinia galanga rhizome showed a marked stimulating effect on
the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) and increased the number of peritoneal exudate cells, and spleen
cells of mice (Bendjeddou et al., 2003). Immunomodulating effects were also shown by a methanol
extract, andrographolide, 14-deoxyandrographolide and 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide
isolated from Andrograpis paniculata. They enhanced the proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2)
induction in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (Kumar et al., 2004). The different mechanism of
immunostimulating effect was shown by the hexane and aqueous extract of Carica papaya seeds and its
bioactive fractions. They significantly enhanced the phytohemagglutinin responsiveness of lymphocytes
and inhibited the classical complement-mediated hemolytic pathway (Mojica-Henshaw et al., 2003).

Central nervous system (CNS) activity

The essential oil from the fruits of Cuminum cyminum, that is used traditionally as a stimulant
exhibited anticonvulsant activity. This effect was shown in both pentylenetrazole- and maximal
electroshock-induced seizures in male NMRI mice (Sayyah et al., 2002). Recently, also antidepressant
effects have been reported for curcumin. This effect may be mediated by actions in the central
monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems (Xu et al., 2005). Glycyrrhizae radix, together with other
medicinal plants has been tested to the patients who were exhibiting tremor, a symptom of

antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism. The results concluded that the combination of those plants was
effective against tremor from parkinsonism (Ishikawa et al., 2000). Alstonia macrophylla has been
reported to have a CNS depressant activity. It caused a significant reduction in spontaneous activity, a
remarkable decrease in exploratory behavioral pattern, a reduction in muscle relaxant activity and also
significantly potentiated phenobarbital sodium-induced sleeping time (Chattopadhyay et al., 2004).

Other activities
Various other activities have been reported from the medicinal plants which are used in jamu.
Grosvenor et al. (1995) surveyed the medicinal plants in Riau Province, Indonesia. Out of one hundred
and fourteen species of flowering plants belonging to 51 families, and claimed to have medicinal uses,
50% were recorded to be used to combat fever, 33% for diarrhea and 31% for other gastrointestinal
problems. Unny et al. (2003) reviewed about 161 medicinal plants which are a potential source of new
contraceptive principles. The review contains the isolated compounds and the mechanism of actions.
Some of them are used in jamu, e.g, Foeniculum vulgare, Abrus precatorius, Muraya paniculata,
Punica granatum, Curcuma longa, and C. zedoria. They inhibited implantation and increased fetal loss
in mice and reduced secretory activity and weight of accessory sex glands. The aqueous extracts of
Carica papaya and Ananas comosus have been reported to possess diuretic activity. Both plant extracts
gave similar profiles of urinary electrolyte excretion to that of the hydrochlorothiazide. The analysis of
the urinary osmolality and electrolyte excretion per unit time, together with the plant salt contents, may
help to differentiate the mechanism by which these plants acts as diuretic. The results indicated that the
diuretic activity of Ananas comosus was intrinsic and not a result of the salt loading effect, whereas C.
papaya extracts may have resulted from a high salt content of this extracts. This activity correlated well
with the maximum volume, the highest osmolality, and the amount of electrolytes excreted during urine
collection (Sripanidkulchai et al., 2001). The methanol extracts of Areca catechu, Brucea sumatrana,
Allamanda cathartica, collected in Sumateran rainforests showed strong antinematodal activity against
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Alen et al., 2000).

Known risks and side effects of medicinal plants used in jamu

It is generally assumed by the public, and also even by some medical practitioners, that plant
drugs are harmless and therefore are preferable. Put in such general terms this clearly is not always true.
In fact various medicinal plants also induce side effects. Powerful herbal drugs like Digitalis, Strychnos,
Belladonna and Colchicum can even be highly dangerous. Between 1988 and 2002, 70 patients with a
diagnosis of digoxin intoxication at the National Cheng Kung Hospital, Hongkong have been studied.
The symptoms that were caused by digoxin overdose included nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weakness,
syncope, dizziness and a change in consciousness (Chen et al., 2004). Digitalis may induce the toxicity
of licorice (the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra) by drug interaction via licorice-associated electrolyte
imbalance, particularly in elderly. Licorice itself may be a cause for exogenously induced hypertension,
hypokalemia, hypernatremia, or suppression of the renin-aldosterone system (Harada et al., 2002).
Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) intoxication has been infrequently reported in both children and
adults. Caksen et al. (2003) showed that meaningless speech, lethargy, coma, and absence of tachycardia
were ominous signs in deadly nightshade intoxication in childhood. Huntley et al. (2005) have reviewed
the adverse effect of Echinacea species reported between 1950 an 2002. Some adverse effects such as
headache, dizziness, tiredness, occasional nausea and abdominal pain have been suffered by people after
taking Echinacea.
Data from clinical trials suggest that the most commonly experienced adverse effects of Panax
ginseng are headache, sleep and gastrointestinal disorder. The possibility of more serious adverse effects
even was found in combination products containing ginseng as one of the constituents (Coon and Ernst,
2002). Kava-kava (Piper methysticum) may cause tiredness, low energy, headache, gastrointestinal
symptoms. A 50-year-old woman was seen with papules and plaques on the face and later on her dorsal
and ventral thorax and arms after taking a kava product for 3 weeks (Stevinson et al., 2002). Although
ginger (Zingiberis officinale) shows a very broad range pharmacological effect, there are still
undesirable effects such as causing heartburn. In the quantities exceeding 6 g dried ginger may act as a
gastric irritant. Inhalation of dust from ginger may produce IGE-mediated allergy (Chrubasik et al.,
The risk of herbal medicines producing an adverse reaction depends not only on the medicine
and its dosage but also on consumer-related parameters, such as age, genetics, concomitant diseases and
co-medication (herb-herb and herb-drug interactions). Reports of herbal medicinal products affected by
contamination, adulteration or substitution of botanical material have repeatedly caused concern. Asian
herbal medicinal products including jamu are most often implicated (Ernst and Pittler, 2002). One report
was found that mentioned the microbial contamination of raw material and end product of jamu gendong
(Limyati and Juniar, 1998). Agranulocytosis and citrobacterial infection have been found after using
jamu containing phenylbutazone (Paul et al., 2005). A study of 23 commercial jamu showed the
occurrence natural aflatoxins that exhibit carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic properties (Ali et al.,
2005). A side effect of Morinda citrifolia in a 45-year-old patient who has highly elevated transaminases
and lactate dehydrogenase has been reported. This gave rise to the suspicion of herbal toxicity, which
was confirmed by taking a liver biopsy (Millonig et al., 2005).

The in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies on medicinal plants that are used in jamu have
scientifically proved their claimed biological activities in part. Species belonging to the family
Zingiberaceae such as Curcuma, Zingiber, Kaempferia, are the most frequently used plants in jamu.
These species have also been studied intensively for their secondary metabolites and biological activity.
Curcumin and panduratin are typical examples of bioactive secondary metabolites from these plants. As
members of the Zingiberaceae are generally regarded as safe for human consumption, these species are
excellent candidates for development as novel therapeutic. BPOM has done systematic and
comprehensive research on 9 priority medicinal plants in Indonesia, i.e. ginger (Zingiber officinale) and
king of bitter (Andrographis paniculata) as antineoplasma; turmeric (Curcuma domestica), Java
turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza) and Guazuma ulmifolia, as antihyperlipidemic, Java noni (Morinda citrifolia)
and Syzygium polyanthum, as antidiabetic and Piper retrofractum as androgenic. Other medicinal plants
have been launched as fitofarmaka such as Phyllanthus niruri as immunostimulating, C. xanthorrhiza as
antirheumatic, Psidium guajava and C. domestica as antidiarrhea (Bermawie et al., 2005). Based on the
literature search, we conclude that there are many more medicinal plants that have potential to be
developed as fitofarmaka or as sources of new therapeutic agents. Although the commonly used plants
in jamu have been investigated scientifically for their biological activities, the jamu makers or the
industries still have to standardize the formulae of jamu in order to assure the efficacy and safety.
Jamu has the potential to develop because it is economically prospective and used to maintain
the health and to cure diseases. Compared to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), jamu still needs
considerable efforts to reach optimum beneficiary. The scientific study of the common plants should be
continued. Exploration of medicinal plants which are the indigenous knowledge of the Indonesian
community should also consider ethical issues, such as efficacy, safety, IPR, benefit sharing and
biodiversity conservation.

Table 2. Survey of studies of medicinal plants used in jamu.

Plant name Plant Extracts or Compound(s) or group of Test system (and dose) Results Traditional use of plant
part products compounds

Curcuma rhizome Ethanol Curcumin Clinical (180 mg per day) Inhibition of DNA polymerase II and induction Appendicitis, metritis,
domestica apoptosis (Sharma et al., 2005) tonsillitis, asthma,
Clinical (120 mg per day) Improvement of the morning stiffness and joint chancre, rheumatism,
swelling in arthritis patiens (Chattopaday et al., anemia, diarrhea,
2004) hypertension, scabies,
Curcuma rhizome Ethanol Xanthorrhizol In vitro IC50 = 40 µM Inhibition of HIV-I integrase (De Clercq, 2000) dysentry, hemorrhoid,
xanthorrhiza In vitro and in vivo EC50 = Induction apoptosis (Ismail et al., 2005) Anorexia, malaria,
6.16 µg/ml gastritic, anthelmenthic
Zingiber rhizome Ethanol Gingerol, paradol In vitro, in vivo, IC50 = Induction of apoptosis (Kirana et al., 2003) Headache, rheumatism,
officinalle 40.6 µg/ml anorexia, cholera,
antiemeti, anorexia,
Zingiber Ethanol Zerumbone In vitro, in vivo, IC50 = Induction of apoptosis (Kirana et al., 2003) influenza, anemia,
aromatica 20.2 µg/ml malaria, anthelmentic,
cough, vertigo
Kaemferia rhizome Hexane Pinostrobin In vitro 10-100 µg/ml Inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I in human tumour Dry cough, fungi,
pandurata cell (Sukardiman et al., 2000) diphtheria, gonorrhoea,
Chloroform Hidroxypanduratin A, In vitro, topical, IC50 = 84 Inhibition of TPA induced ear edema formation spice
panduratin A and 12 µg/ear (Tuchinda et al., 2002)
In vitro IC50 = 5.6 µM and Inhibition of HIV-1 protease activity (Cheenpracha
18.7 µM et al., 2006)
In vitro MIC = 2-4 µg/ml Antibacterial activity against Prevotella intermedia,
P. loescheii, Streptococcus matans (Park. Et al.,
Alpinia rhizome Oil Ethyl- and ethyl 4- In vitro 20 mg per 2 days Induction of glutatione S-transferase (GST) (Zheng Stomatic, anorexia,
galanga methoxy-trans-cinnamate et al., 1993) dermatosis, anaesthetic,
Aqueous l'-Acetoxychavicol and In vivo 2 mg/kg BW Induction of apoptosis (Ichikawa et al., 2005) malaria, gastritis
acetone 1S-1'-acetoxyeugenol Increase of the glutathione (GSH) levels of gastric
acetate In vitro IC50 = 15 and 19 mucosa in rats (Matsuda et al., 2003)
µM Inhibition of β-hexosaminidase, as a marker of
antigen-IgE-mediated degranulation (Matsuda et al.
Rheum root Methanol Pulmatin and In vitro IC50 = 1.5 µg/ml Inhibition of the growth HeLa epithelioid and BT-20 Astringent, stomach-ache,
palmatum chrysophanein physcionin 2.5 µg/ml human breast carcinoma cells (Kubo et al., 1992) tonic
4'-O-methylpiceid and In vitro IC50 = 280 µg/ml Inhibition of α-glucosidase activity (Kubo et al.,
rhapontin and 600 µg/ml 1991)

Cymbopogon leaves Oil d-Limonene, geraniol In vitro 20 mg per 2 days Induction of glutatione S-transferase (GST) Dysuria, diaphoretic,
citratus (Zheng et al., 1993) edeme, cold, rheumatism,
Geranial, neral, myrcene, In vivo 500 mg/kg BW Suppression of parasitemia till 86.6% gastritis, enteritis
β-pinene (Tchoumbougnang et al., 2005)
Plumeria bark Methanol Plumieride In vitro, IC50 = 49.5 µg/ml Inhibition of the growth RIF tumor cell lines (Dobhal Dysuria, malaria, syphilis,
bicolor et al., 2004) purgative, fever, edema
Alstonia stem Ethanol Echitamine In vivo 180 mg/kg body Increase of the killing effect of berberine against Fever, dermatosis,
scholaris bark weight tumour (Jagetia and Baliga, 2004) anorexia, nephritis,
In vitro, ED50=2.5 µg/ml Cytotoxic effect in HeLa cell (Jagetia and Baliga, malaria, hypertensive,
2005) depurative
Aqueous, Alkaloid In vivo 50 - 100 mg/kg Stimulation of non specific immune respone (Iwo et
ethanol BW al., 2000)

Cuminum seed Ethanol In vivo, 160 mg/g diet Increase of GST activity, inhibit Stimulant, stomachic,
cyminum hepatocarcinogenesis (Aruna and Sivaramakrishnan, gastric ulcer
Essential oil 1998)
fruit -- In vivo ED50 = 0.12 ml/kg Exhibition of anticonvulsant activity in both PTZ-
and MES-induced seizures (Sayyah et al., 2002)
Andrographis aerial Ethanol 14-Deoxyandrographolide In vitro ED50= 2.8 µg/ml Exhibition of the cytotoxic activity against human T- Tonsillitis, chancre,
paniculata part 14-Deoxy-11,12- 1.5 µg/ml 47D cell line (Tan et al., 2005) antidote for poisoning,
didehydroandrographolide typhus, fever, diabetes,
Andrographolide Clinical 5 mg/kg Inhibition of HIV induced cell cycle dysregulation tonic, dysentery, ear
bodyweight (BW) (Calabrese et al., 2000) diseases, eczema,
In vivo 1.5 mg/kg BW Reduction of the plasma glucose level in appendicitis, cold,
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (Yu et al., 2003) diphtheria, depurative,
roots Chloroform Xanthone In vitro IC50 = 4µg/ml Antiplasmodial activity against Plasmodium epilepsy, gonorrhoea,
Ethanol In vivo 30 mg/kg falciparum (Dua et al., 2004) syphilis, dandruff
leaves Andrograpanin In vitro 3 µM Enhancement of chemokine stromal cell-derived
factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha) induced chemotaxis (Ji
at al., 2005)
Arcangelisia whole Berberine In vitro, 25 µM Inhibition of the growth of human HepG2 cells (Chi Jaundice, stomachic,
flava part et al., 1994) anthelmentic

Ardisia leaves Aqueous Phenolic compounds In vivo, IC50 = 47 µg/ml Inhibition of hepatocarcinogenesis (De Mejia et al., Fever, diarrhoea, cough
compressa 2004)

Phyllanthus whole Aqueous Alkaloids, flavonoids, Clinical 1.5 g per day Antihepatitis B virus (Liu et al., 2000) Wound, asthma, epilepsy,
species plant lignans and terpenoids, malaria, constipation,
tanins Anti-HIV activity (Notka et al., 2004) hypertensive, menstrual
Elargic acid, lignans, In vitro and in vivo IC50 = Antiplasmodial activity against P. falciparum (Tona disorder, tetanus,
quercetin, lupeol 1.3 µg/ml et al., 2004) diarrhoea, convulsant

Piper berries Methanol Sarmentine, In vitro IC50 =18.9 µg/ml Antiplasmodial activity against P. falciparum Cough, asthma
sarmentosum 1-piperettyl pyrrolidine 6.5 µg/ml (Rukachaisirikul et al., 2004)
Piper caba Aqueous Piperine, piperanine, In vivo 25 mg/kg BW Inhibition of ethanol- and indomethacin-induced
acetone pipernonaline gastric lesions (Morikawa et al., 2004)
Piper longum Ethanol Alkaloid piperine In vitro IC50 = 7.0 µM Inhibition of monoamine oxidase and antidepressant Diaphoretic, edema
like activity (Lee et al., 2005) Hypertensive, diaphoretic,
Piper nigrum Isobutyleicosatrienamide, In vitro MIC = 70, 60, 58 Inhibition of the growth of B. subtilis, B. sphaericus, dyspnea
trachyone, pergumidiene µM S. aureus Klebsiella aerogenes and
Chromobacterium violaceum (Reddy et al., 2004)
Glycyrrhiza root Ethanol Isoliquiritigenin In vitro 1 µg/ml Inhibition of reductase activity and platelet Rheumatic
glabra aggregation (Tawata et al., 1992)
Liquiritin apioside, In vivo 30 mg/kg BW Antitussive (Kamei et al., 2005)
liquritin and liquiritigenin
Eurycoma root Methanol Eurycomanone In vitro IC50 =1.9 µg/ml Antiplasmodial activity (Kardono et al., 1991) Fever, depurative,
lancifolia 7-methoxy-β-carboline-1- IC50 =2.1 µg/ml dysentery, aphtha, tonic,
propionic acid anorexia
Anacardium stem Aqueous -- In vivo 800 mg/kg BW Inhibition of the fresh egg albumin-induced acute Purgative, aphtha,
occidentale bark inflammation (Ojewole et al., 2004) dermatosis
Hexane Stigmast-4-en-3-ol and In vivo 1.5mg/kg BW Hypoglycaemic activity in normal, healty dogs
stigmast-4-en-3-one (Alexander-Lindo et al., 2004)
Anacardic acid In vitro MIC = 6.25 µg/ml Inhibition of β-lactamase (Bouttier et al., 2002)
Abelmoschus aerial Buthanol Flavonoid myricetin In vivo EC50 = 0.1 µM Reduction of the plasma glucose level in Convulsant, stomachic,
moschatus parts streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (Liu et al., 2005) aphrodisiac, itch

Aloe vera leaves Ethanol -- In vivo 200 mg/kg BW Reduction the plasma glucose level in Hemorrhoid, anthelmen-
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (Rajasekaran et tic, diabetes, cough,
al., 2004) gonorrhea, tuberculosis
Centella aerial Aqueous Asiaticoside In vivo 10 mg/kg BW Enhancement of gastric ulcer healing (Cheng et al., Stomachic, anorexia,
asiatica part Polysacharide In vitro 100 µg/ml 2004) wound, chancre, bronchi-
Enhancement of proliferation on T and B tis, dysentery, cough
lymphocytes (Wang et al., 2005)
Orthoshipon leaves Aqueous Pimarane-type diterpenes, In vitro IC50 15.2 and 60.1 Inhibition of the contractile respons in rat thoracic Laxative, hemorrhoid,
aristatus neoorthosiphols A and B nmol/ml aorta smooth muscle (Ohashi et al., 2000) dysentery, diarrhea, colitis
Methylripariochromene A In vivo IC50 = 23.8 µg/ml Decrease of systolic blood pressure in conscious Menstrual disorder,
stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats stomachic,
(Ohashi et al., 2000) cholecystopathy
Coriandrum fruit Essential oil Terpenoids In vitro MIC 0.87 mg/ml Inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli, Bacillus Stomach-ache, vertigo,
sativum megaterium, Pseudomonas, Erwinia, Xanthomonas, emetic, stomachic,
Agrobacterium (Lo Cantore et al., 2004) aphtha, menstrual





4. R1 = R 2 = R3 = H 6
5. R1 = R 2 = H, R3 = CH 3

R2O +

7 8. R 1 = OH, R2 = Ac 10
9. R1 = Ac, R2 = OH

CO 2 CH3 O
OR1 OR 2


11. R1 = R 2 = CH3, R 3 = R4 = X 16. R 1 = CH3, R2 = H, R3 = X, R4 = CH3

12. R1 = H, R2 = CH3, R3 = R4 = X
13. R1 = R 2 = R3 = CH3, R4 = X OH
14. R1 = R 2 = CH3, R 3 = X, R4 = CH3
15. R 1 = H, R2 = CH 3, R3 = R4 = X CO 2CH3 OH

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of several active compounds from plants used in jamu; andrographolide (1), 14-
deoxyandrographolide (2) (Andrographiis paniculata), curcumin (3) (Curcuma domestica), hydroxypanduratin A (4),
panduratin A (5) (Kaempferia pandurata), asiaticoside (6) (Centela asiatica), methylripariochromene A (7), orthosiphol A
and B (8 and 9) (Orthoshipon aristatus), echitamine (10) (Alstonia scholaris), helicterins A-F (11-16) (Helicteres isora).


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