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F&L 3330204

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Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204


Course Curriculum


(Code: 3330204)

Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Automobile Engineering 3rd Semester

Fuels are the energy sources for any vehicle and lubricants are used to reduce energy
losses due to friction. Both are available in very wide range but only some of them
have found their application in vehicle because of their some desirable properties.
Their use not only affects the engine performance and vehicle life but also affect the
environment. Due to different chemical composition different fuels behave differently
during combustion process. Also their end products are different for different
combination of parameters, like pressure, temperature, air etc. To justify the selection
of proper fuel and lubricants for particular vehicle and particular assembly students of
automobile engineering must have knowledge of fuels and lubricants. This course
enables students of automobile engineering to understand the fuels and lubricants with
reference to vehicle performance.

2. COMPETENCIES: (Programme Outcomes (POs) According to NBA


The course content should be taught and with the aim to develop different types of skills
so that students are able to acquire following competency:

Select proper fuel and lubricant depending upon application for better
performance and maintenance of automobiles.


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme
(In Hours) (L+T+P) Total
Theory Marks Practical Marks

3 0 2 5 70 30 20 30 150

Legends: L - Lecture; T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; C - Credit; ESE - End
Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State

Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204

Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-topics
(Course Outcomes in
Cognitive Domain according
to NBA terminology)
Unit – I 1a. Describe the term fuels its 1.1 Basic requirements of a fuel & lubricant.
Introduction to types & uses 1.2 Types of fuels & lubricants its uses &
Fuels 1b. Describe the term sources
lubricants its types & 1.3 Theory of origin and accumulation of crude
uses. oil
1c. Explain the origin and 1.4 Methods of searching crude oil
manufacturing of fuel & 1.5 Recovery of crude oil
lubricants. 1.6 Classification of crude oil
1.7 Classification of hydrocarbon
1.8 Structure of various hydrocarbon
1.9 Fractional distillation and classification of
refinery products
1.10 Various refining processes
1.11 Blending and treatment of gasoline
Unit – II 2a. Explain the properties of 2.1 Various desirable properties of SI engine
Properties and fuels and their effect on fuels
Additives of Fuel engine performance 2.2 Their effect on engine performance
2b. Explain the various 2.3 Additives of gasoline
additives used to enhance 2.4 Various desirable properties of CI engine
performance of fuels fuels
2.5 Their effect on engine performance
2.6 Additives of diesel

Unit – III 3a. Describe the phenomenon 3.1 Combustion in SI engine

Combustion of combustion in SI and 3.11 (i) Normal and abnormal combustion
Process and CI engine 3.12 (ii) Factors affecting normal
Rating of Fuels 3b. Appreciate the combustion
terminologies involved in 3.13 (iii)Ignition Lag and factors affecting
combustion and their it
effect 3.14 (iv) Pre-ignition and its effects
3c. Explain the qualities of 3.15 (v) Detonation, its effects and factors
fuels affecting it and prevention
3.2 Combustion in CI engine
3.21 (i) Phases of combustion in CI engine
3.22 (ii) Factors affecting combustion in
CI engine
3.23 (iii)Ignition Lag and factors affecting
3.24 (iv) Diesel knock, its effects and
factors affecting it and prevention
3.3 Rating of Fuel
3.31 (i) Octane number, merits and
demerits of higher octane fuel and
normal octane fuel
3.32 (ii) Cetane number
Unit – IV 4a. Explain various frictional 4.1 Engine frictional losses
losses 4.2 Factors affecting frictional losses
Introduction to 4b. Explain the phenomenon 4.3 Boundary lubrication
Engine Friction of lubricant 4.4 Hydro dynamic lubrication
and Lubricants 4c. Describe the importance 4.5 Classification and types of lubricanting oil

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State

Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204

Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-topics

(Course Outcomes in
Cognitive Domain according
to NBA terminology)
of lubricant and types of (based on crude oil, synthetic oil)
lubricants 4.6 Basic requirements of lubricants
4d. Describe the 4.7 Distillation process to get lubricating oil
manufacturing of from crude oil
lubricants 4.8 Various treatment given to the lubricating
4e. Explain the term grease oil
4.9 Types of grease and its characteristics
Unit – V 5a. Explain various properties 5.1 various properties of lubricating oil
Properties, of lubricating oil 5.2 Gradation of lubricating oil
Gradation and 5b. Describe gradation of 5.3 Introduction of ISO Cleanliness code.
Additives of lubricating oil 5.4 Function and type of additives of
Lubricants 5c. Explain requirement of lubricating oil
Unit- VI 6a. Describe alternative fuels 6.1. Alternative fuels and their economics-like,
Alternative Fuel Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol, Hydrogen,
LPG, CNG, Bio Gas, Bio diesel

Unit-VII 7a. Describe various 7.1 Measurement of various properties of fuels

Measurement of instruments used for & lubricants.
Various measuring various
Properties of properties of fuels & 7.2 Safety precautions while measuring
Fuels & Lubricant lubricants. properties of fuels & lubricants.
7b. Describe the experimental


Unit Unit Title Distribution of Theory Marks

Teaching R U A Total
Hours Level Level Level Marks
I Introduction to Fuels 7 7 7 0 14
II Properties and Additives 7 3 4 0 7
of Fuel

III Combustion Process and 6 0 7 7 14

Rating of Fuels

IV Introduction to Engine 6 3 7 4 14
Friction and Lubricants
V Properties, Gradation and 6 3 4 0 7
Additives of Lubricants
VI Alternative Fuel 6 0 3 4 7
VII Measurement of Various 4 3 4 0 7
Properties of Fuels &
Total 42 19 36 15 70

Legends: R = Remember; U = Understand; A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised taxonomy)

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State

Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.


The practical/exercises should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt to develop
different types of practical skills (Course Outcomes in psychomotor and affective domain) so that
students are able to acquire the competencies (Programme Outcomes). Following is the list of
practical exercises for guidance.

Note: Here only Course Outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical/exercises.
However, if these practical/exercises are completed appropriately, they would also lead to
development of Programme Outcomes/Course Outcomes in affective domain as given in a common
list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme. Faculty should refer to that
common list and should ensure that students also acquire those Programme Outcomes/Course
Outcomes related to affective domain.

Sr. UnitNo. Practical Exercise(Any Seven) (Course Outcomes in Apprx.

No. Cognitive Domain according to NBA terminology) Hrs.


1 I Draw the chart & Describe distillation process of crude 4

2 II Determination of viscosity of given sample of fuel 4
using u-tube viscometer..
3 V Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil at different 4

4 II Determination of flash and fire point of given sample 4

of fuel.

5 II Determination of specific gravity of given sample of 4

fuel by westphal Balance

6 V Determination of carbon residue of lubricating oil 4

7 III Study of CFR engine and knock meter. 4

8 II Study of measuring API gravity of fuel. 4

9 V Determination of cloud and pour point of given sample 4

of oil.

Total 28

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State

Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204


a. Internet based assignment related to crude oil and refinery work.
b. Visit of fuel station and collect data about instrument they used to check the
properties of fuel and norms and precautions they are following
c. Internet based assignment/literature survey for types of lubricants with their
specific use
d. Market survey to find out the specification of different types and brands of fules
and lubricants and their relative cost
e. Internet based assignment to check the use of alternative fuels along with
advantages of using them and problem encountered by using them


a. Visit to a fuel station

b. Use of animation or video clips
c. Chart (such as combustion phenomenon of SI and CI engine, distillation process)


A. List of Books
S.No. Author Title of Books Publication
1 V.M. Internal combustion Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P)
Domkundwar engines Ltd
2 K. M. Gupta Automobile Engineering Umesh Publication
3 C.P.Nakra, Basic Automobile Engg. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P)
4 M.Popovich and Fuels and Lubricants John Wiley & Sons, Inc
5 R.L.Bechtold Alternative Fuels SAE Publication.
6 R. K. Rajput Internal Combustion Laxmi Publication

B. List of Major Equipment/ Instrument

a. Red wood viscometer

b. Flash and fire point apparatus
c. Fuel distillation plant
d. Cloud and pour point apparatus
e. Carbon residue tester
f. CFR test engine
g. U tube viscometer
h. Westphal balance

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State

Fuels and Lubricants Course code: 3330204

C. List of Software/Learning Websites

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hwzJUDWIQQ
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vscX_zawdQw
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd_pybvuIgc
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg9El12wMlU
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSBs7PRo-fA
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Py8-Xy9MKo
7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXYESrwhcPY
8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7GVHPEfpU4
9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs3gfwG9a7k
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vundAm8q9Rw
11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIr-D-tIPyo
12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agtYALodDcg
13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suce6QNkVRI
14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ql342fTH7A
15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qns7eXe4B4c
16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0g4RYMdAsI
17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk7NvgmvwnM
18. http://www2.tech.purdue.edu/at/courses/at403/Lubrication_systems.ppt
19. http://lubricantspecialist.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/basic-of-lubricants-
20. http://mustafaozcanli.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/FAL_1.ppt


Faculty Members from Polytechnics

 Prof. M. J. Pathak, Head Automobile Engineering Department, Sir Bhavsinhji

Polytechnic Inst., Bhavnagar.
 Prof. A. C. Suthar, Lecturer, Automobile Engineering Department, M.L. Institute of
Diploma Studies, Bhandu
 Prof. D. J. Gohel, Lecturer, Automobile Engineering Department, C.U. Shah
Polytechnic, Surendranagar

Coordinator and Faculty Members from NITTTR Bhopal

 Dr. C. K. Chugh, Professor, Department of Electronic Media

 Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana Somkuwar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/12-13 Gujarat State


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