IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines COURSE Guide Book
IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines COURSE Guide Book
IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines COURSE Guide Book
1. General Information
Course Title IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines
Course Code AEng 4151 Instructors
Pre requisite Name Lealem Tilahun
Course type Major/Compulsory/common Office no --
CP/ Cr.hr 4/ 5 Email Lealemtilahun19@gmail.com
Contact Lecture Tutorial Lab H. Study Consultation hr
hours2 1 3 >2 Lab Instructors /Assistants
Program/Department Year Section Name
Target Group
Mechanical 4th -- Office no
2. Course Description
Engine types and classification; Thermodynamic cycles; Performance equation and engine
characteristics; Fuels; Combustion; Combustion chamber design; Mixture formation; Main
components; Forces and turning effort; Valve timing and gear; Cooling and lubrication systems.
3. Course objective/learning out come
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Explicate the operation and performance of IC engines
Design components of IC Engines
Select and rate IC Engines
4. Course outline with teaching methodology, week and reference
Week Course Contents Teaching Methodology Reference
Week Chapter 1: introduction and Main Lecture 1. Obert: Internal
1 component of IC Engines: Group discussion Combustion
Introduction: historical development office Demonstration Engines
engines; 4s-si engines; 2s engine, wankiel Video 2. Hey Wood:
engine, cylinder arrangement engine. To show the engine Internal
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c
Cylinder block and head; Piston and component for the combustion
rings; Connecting rod; Crank shaft; student in the ic Engines
Main and crank pin bearing forces and engine lab on the
moments on main components: Cyclic section model
variation of gas and inertia forces; Class work and
Turning effort home work the
student must
identify the engine
component and the
function of each
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c
Combustion in SI engines;
Combustion in CI engines; Combustion Lecture >>
chamber design of SI engines; Combustion
chamber design of CI engines
Week Chapter five : Mixture Formation in SI Lecture 1. Obert:
5 Engine: Demonstration Internal
Engine requirement; Carburetor; Gasoline Video Combustion
injection systems Engines
2. Hey Wood:
Week Chapter six: Mixture Formation in CI Lecture
6 Engine: video >>
Engine requirement; Reciprocating group discussion
individual pump system; Rotary
distributing pump
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c
Chapter nine: Lubrication system of IC Lecturer >>
engine, Lubricant specification and Video
properties; Lubrication system Demonstration
Week 5 and Carburetor; Gasoline injection systems, Reciprocating For available material on
6 individual pump system and Rotary distributing pump the shop
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c
Week 8 Engine testing, Engine testing stand >>
6. Assessment type, weight and duration (Minimum 6 including Mid-exam and Final-exam)
Assessment type Mark allotted Duration
Type 1 quiz one 20 Before Mid
Type 2 individual 15 Before Mid
Type 2 group assignment 15 After quiz
Final Exam 50%
Total 100%
7. Course Policy
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (article 166 and 166.1.1, of the Senate
Legislation of Bahir Dar University May 20, 2005) throughout this course. Academic dishonesty, including
cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to concerned bodies for
Class attendance and participation: You are expected to attend class regularly. I will take attendance on
regular days during the semester to ensure that students are coming to class, and if you miss class
repeatedly, your grade will be affected as it has value. If you miss more than 85% lecture and tutorial and
100% for laboratory class attendance you will not sit for final exam.
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c
c. Verified chair holder’s Name: ________________________________
This course guide book format was adopted from BiT Quality Assurance and Enhancement Office 2018E.c