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Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide: Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev E

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Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver

Installation Guide
Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E

Cypress Semiconductor
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Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement.

2 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operating Systems .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Cypress CDC Driver Installation................................................................................................................................... 5

Windows Update.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Start Windows Update Search in Windows XP ...................................................................................................... 5
Start Windows Update Search in Windows 7 ........................................................................................................ 8
Driver Installer Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Manual Installation ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Windows 2000 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Windows 7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

3. Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation ................................................................................................................ 26

Windows Update............................................................................................................................................................ 26
Start Windows Update Search in Windows XP .................................................................................................... 26
Start Windows Update Search in Windows 7 ...................................................................................................... 28
Driver Installer Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Manual Installation ......................................................................................................................................................... 30

4. Revision History .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Document History .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 3
1. Introduction

The Cypress USB-Serial device can be configured as UART, SPI, I2C, or JTAG. The following drivers are required for the
functioning of the USB-Serial devices:
• Virtual COM port driver. (CDC UART)
• Vendor peripheral device drivers (SPI, PHDC SPI, I2C, Vendor UART, PHDC UART, JTAG, GPIO, User
Flash Access, and so on)
The Virtual COM port driver works seamlessly with the Windows serial communication API. Any serial terminal application,
such as Tera Term, HTerm, or Microsoft Hyper Terminal, will work with this driver. You have the option to use Windows
Serial Communication APIs to communicate with the device UART port.
Vendor driver along with Cypress USB-Serial application library is used to communicate with peripheral devices such as SPI,
I2C, Vendor UART, JTAG, GPIO, User Flash Access etc.
This user guide describes the steps to install the Cypress drivers for USB-Serial devices in Windows. For instructions on driver
installation on Linux, MAC, and Android refer to the readme.txt in the respective SDK installation. The following table describes
the drivers shipped with USB-Serial.
Table 1: Cypress Drivers
# Driver Name Description
1 CypressUsbConsoleWindowsDriver.sys Cypress UART CDC class driver for x86 platform
2. CypressUsbConsoleWindowsDriver64.sys Cypress UART CDC class driver for x64 platform
3 cyusb3.sys Cypress generic USB 3.0 driver for vendor interfaces(x86 & x64)

Operating Systems
The following operating systems support the Cypress driver installation.
# Operating system Architecture
1 Windows 2000 x86 (only Cypress UART CDC driver)
2 Windows XP x86 and x64
3 Windows Vista x86 and x64
4 Windows 7 x86 and x64
5 Windows 8 x86 and x64
6 Windows 8.1 x86 and x64
7 Windows 10 x86 and x64

4 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
2. Cypress CDC Driver Installation

The Cypress CDC driver installation has two parts: the Cypress USB adapter driver installation and the Cypress USB serial port
driver installation. The CDC driver installation starts with the installation of the Cypress USB adapter driver. The Cypress USB
adapter driver is responsible for creating and enumerating USB Serial Virtual COM ports device. After the USB adapter driver is
installed, the installation proceeds with the installation of the Cypress serial ports (Virtual COM Port). The driver installation creates
two device nodes – one under USB Controller and another under Ports, in the Device Manager.
You can install the Cypress CDC driver using three methods:
1. Windows Update
2. Driver Installer Setup
3. Manual Installation
The following sections explain each of these three methods of installation.

Windows Update
If the machine is connected to the internet, Windows automatically searches for a compatible driver in the Windows update
repository web site and installs the latest version of the driver. If Windows does not automatically start the search, the search can be
triggered manually. The following sections describe the steps to start the driver search in the Windows XP and the Windows 7
operating systems. The procedure is similar for other supported operating systems. Contact the Cypress support team for help.

Start Windows Update Search in Windows XP

Follow these steps to start the Windows Update search:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine
2. Open Window Device Manager. To open Window Device Manager, go to Start > Control Panel. Double-click on
System. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device and select Update Driver… from the context menu (as shown in Figure 2-1) to launch
the Hardware Update Wizard.

5 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
Figure 2-1: Open Hardware Update Wizard

4. In the Hardware Update Wizard, select Install the software automatically (Recommended) (as shown in Figure 2-2)
and click Next to start the search on Windows Update site (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-2: Hardware Update Wizard

6 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
Figure 2-3: Search Windows Update for Compatible Driver

5. On finding a compatible driver, the wizard downloads and completes the driver installation.
Figure 2-4: Driver installation from Windows Update

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 7
Start Windows Update Search in Windows 7
Follow these steps to start the search in Windows 7 operating system:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine
2. Open Device Manager. To open Device Manager, click Start. In the search box, type Device Manager, and then, in the
list of results, click Device Manager
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device, and then, in the context menu, click Update Driver Software… to launch the Update
Driver Software dialog (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5: Open Update Driver Software Wizard

4. In the Update Driver Software dialog (Figure 2-6), click Search automatically for updated driver software to begin the
search for the driver online (Figure 2-7).
Figure 2-6: Update Driver Software Wizard

8 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
Figure 2-7: Search Online for Driver

5. On finding a compatible driver, the wizard downloads the driver and completes the installation.
Figure 2-8: Driver installation in-Progress

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 9
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

Driver Installer Setup

The Cypress USB-Serial Software installer packages contain automatic Cypress CDC driver installation procedure build into this
installation package. Users just need follow installation wizard to complete the driver installation. This tool will also install
configuration utility, documentation and other essential tools required by USB-Serial product.
There is also a separate stand-alone windows driver installation package available for distribution. This package is called USB-
Serial Windows Driver Installer. This tool just installs cypress driver. End-user who distributes the cypress driver with their product
can use this stand-alone driver installer along with their product installer. This windows stand-alone driver installer works in silent
mode and in driver installation Wizard mode. Figure 2-9 displays the driver installer in “Installation Wizard” mode.
To use this driver installer in silent mode, please use the following command.

Silent Installation:
CypressDriverInstaller.exe /S /D=<PathToInstallDriverBinary>
‘/D’ is optional and the default driver installation path is (C:/Program Files/Cypress)
‘/S’ is the silent mode enabler switch

GUI based Installation:

Just run the executable CypressDriverInstaller.exe. GUI wizard will help the user to install the driver.

Figure 2-9(a) Cypress CDC Driver Stand-alone Installer Setup

10 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

Figure 2-10(b) Cypress CDC Driver Stand-alone Installer Setup

Figure 2-11(c) Cypress CDC Driver Stand-alone Installer Setup

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 11
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

Manual Installation
You do not need to perform manual installation, but for advanced users who prefer manual installation, the option is provided.

Windows 2000
Follow these steps to install the driver manually on Windows 2000:
1. Connect the USB-Serial Bridge Controller device to the Host PC. The “Found New Hardware Wizard” window will appear.
Click Cancel. The Wizard will appear a total of three times. Click Cancel on all three occasions.

12 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 13
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
2. Open Device Manager. The USB-Serial Bridge Controller device will come up as “Composite Device”. Also, you will find
three “USB-UART LP” interfaces.

3. Right-click the USB Composite Device and then click Properties.

14 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
4. Under the Driver Tab, click the Update Driver button.

5. The “Update Device Driver Wizard” window will appear. Click Next.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 15
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
6. Select the “Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)” option and click Next.

7. Check the “Specify a location” option and uncheck the rest. Click Next.

16 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
8. A dialog box asking for the location of the driver will appear. Click Browse.

9. Point to the folder containing the latest Windows 2000 drivers for USB-Serial Bridge Controller downloaded from the
Cypress Website and click Open. Windows will auto-select the correct .inf file (in this case, the file is

10. Click OK.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 17
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
11. After Windows has successfully found the required driver, click Next.

12. Now the installation for the Cypress Virtual Comm Port Driver will begin. The procedure for installing the Comm Port driver
is similar to the procedure followed above. One more “Found New Hardware Wizard” will come up. Click Next.

18 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
13. Select the “Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)” option and click Next.

14. Check the “Specify a location” option and uncheck the rest. Click Next.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 19
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
15. A dialog box asking for the location of the driver will appear. Click Browse.

16. Point it to the folder containing the latest Windows 2000 drivers downloaded from the Cypress Website and click Open.
The Windows will auto-select the correct .inf file (in this case, the file is CypressSerial.inf).

17. Click OK.

20 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
18. After Windows has successfully found the required driver, Click Next.

19. A message will display telling that the Driver for the Serial Port has been successfully installed. Click Finish.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 21
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

20. Another message showing the successful installation of driver for USB-Serial Adaptor will appear. Click Finish.

21. Open Device Manager and click the Scan for hardware changes button. The USB-Serial Bridge Controller will come up
as “USB Serial Port”.

22 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation

Windows 7
Follow these steps to install the driver manually on Window 7 and other operating systems:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine.
2. Open Device Manager. To open Device Manager, click Start. In the search box, type Device Manager, and then, in the
list of results, click Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device, and then, in the context menu, click Update Driver Software… to launch the Update
Driver Software dialog.
4. Click Browse my computer for driver software to select the driver INF file location.
5. In the Search for driver software in this location field, enter the location of the driver INF (Figure 2-12). The driver INF
can be located at <installpath>/drivers/cyusbserial/bin/<OS>/<ARCH>, where <OS> is the machine
operating system and <ARCH> is the operating system architecture. Figure 2-13 shows the CDC driver directory structure.
Figure 2-12: Browse for Driver Software

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 23
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
Figure 2-13: Cypress CDC Driver Directory Structure

6. Click Next to start the Cypress USB Bus adapter driver installation. After the Cypress USB Bus adapter installation
completes (), USB-Serial Adapter X node appear under Universal Serial Bus controller in the Device Manager, as
shown in Figure 2-15.
Figure 2-14: Cypress USB-Serial Adapter Installation Complete

24 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress CDC Driver Installation
Figure 2-15: Cypress USB-Serial Adapter Node in Device Manager

7. Now another node, Cypress Virtual Comm Port00, appears under other devices in the Device Manager. This is the
Cypress USB Serial port. Follows steps 4 to 6 to install the driver for the Cypress USB Serial port. Figure 2-16 shows the
Device Manager after successful installation of the Cypress CDC driver.
Figure 2-16: Cypress Serial port installation complete

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for all USB-Serial CDC-class interfaces.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 25
3. Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation

The Cypress USB 3.0 driver can be installed for all USB-Serial vendor device interfaces. This is a generic vendor-class driver. The
driver can be installed using three methods:
1. Windows Update
2. Driver Installer Setup
3. Manual Installation
The following sections of the document explain each of these three methods.

Windows Update
For machines that are connected to the internet, Windows automatically searches for a compatible driver in the Windows update
site and installs the latest version of the driver. During rare occasions, Windows does not automatically start the search; in such
cases, the search can be triggered manually. The following sections describe the steps to start the driver search in Windows XP
and Windows 7 operating systems. The procedure should be similar for other supported operating systems.

Start Windows Update Search in Windows XP

Follow these steps to start the Windows Update search:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine.
2. Open Window Device Manager. To open Window Device Manager, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-
click System. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device and select Update Driver… from the context menu (as shown in Figure 3-1) to launch
the Hardware Update Wizard.
Figure 3-1: Open Hardware Update Wizard

26 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation

4. In the Hardware Update Wizard, select Install the software automatically (Recommended) (as shown in Figure 3-2)
and click Next to start the search on Windows Update site (Figure 3-3).
Figure 3-2: Hardware Update Wizard

Figure 3-3: Search Windows Update for compatible driver

5. On finding a compatible driver, the wizard downloads and completes the driver installation.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 27
Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation

Start Windows Update Search in Windows 7

Follow these steps to start the search in a Windows 7 operating system:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine.
2. Open Device Manager. To open Device Manager, click Start. In the search box, type Device Manager, and then, in the
list of results, click Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device, and then, in the context menu, click Update Driver Software… to launch the Update
Driver Software dialog (Figure 3-4).
Figure 3-4: Open Update Driver Software Wizard

4. Click Search automatically for updated driver software (Figure 3-5) to begin the online search for the driver
(Figure 3-6).
Figure 3-5: Update Driver Software Wizard

28 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation
Figure 3-6: Search Online for Driver

5. On finding a compatible driver, the wizard downloads the driver and completes the installation.
Figure 3-7: Driver Installation in-Progress

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 29
Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation

Driver Installer Setup

If you do not have an active internet connection or choose to install from the setup package, then the driver can be installed using
the driver installer setup. The Cypress USB-Serial Software MSI installer packages the generic Cypress USB 3 driver installer
Follow these steps to install the driver using the generic Cypress USB 3 driver installer:
1. Install the Cypress USB-Serial Software package and navigate to the installed location. The USB 3 driver installer can be
located at <installpath>\drivers\cyusb3\setup.exe. The setup.exe file requires administrator privileges to run.
2. Double-click on setup.exe to launch the driver installer. The installer copies the required driver files to the system
temporary folder and starts the installation. The setup.exe console automatically closes after the driver installation

Manual Installation
Advanced users, who choose manual driver installation, must follow these steps to install the driver manually:
1. Connect the USB-Serial device to the machine.
2. Open Device Manager. To open Device Manager, click Start. In the search box, type Device Manager, and then, in the
list of results, click Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the USB-Serial device, and then, in the context menu, click Update Driver Software… to launch the Update
Driver Software dialog.
4. Click Browse my computer for driver software to select the driver INF file location.
5. In the Search for driver software in this location field, enter the location of the driver INF. The driver INF can be located
at <installpath>/drivers/cyusb3/bin/<OS>/<ARCH>, where <OS> is the machine operating system and <ARCH>
is the operating system architecture. Figure 3-8 shows the USB3 driver directory structure.
Figure 3-8: Cypress USB3 Driver Directory Structure

30 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E
Cypress Generic USB3 Driver Installation
6. Click Next to start the vendor-class driver installation. After the installation completes, USB-Serial XXXX Vendor X node
appears under Universal Serial Bus controllers in the Device Manager, as shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9: Cypress USB-Serial vendor interface device node

7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all USB-Serial vendor-class device interfaces.

Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E 31
4. Revision History

Document History
Document Title: Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide
Document Number: 001-87770

Revision ECN Orig. of Submission Description of Change

Change Date
** 4108462 BAAM 08/29/2013 New document
*A 4131714 BAAM 09/23/2013 Updated sections 2.2 and 3.2.
Corrected document title on the last page to match the title on
*B 4146599 LPG 10/04/2013
page 1.
Updated operating system driver support table.
*C 4438010 BAAM 07/11/2014 Updated Cypress CDC driver manual installation procedure for
Updated Operating Systems support table.
*D 4559467 JEGA 11/03/2014
Updated Cypress CDC Driver manual Installation screen shots.
*E 4905681 MKRS 09/09/2015 Updated Operating Systems.

32 Cypress USB-Serial Windows Driver Installation Guide, Doc. No. 001-87770 Rev *E

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