Cloud Comp PDF
Cloud Comp PDF
Cloud Comp PDF
Software Engineering
Thesis no: MSE-2012:82
01 2012
Santosh Bulusu
Kalyan Sudia
School of Computing
Blekinge Institute of Technology
SE-371 79 Karlskrona
This thesis is submitted to the School of Computing at Blekinge Institute of Technology
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Software
Engineering. The thesis is equivalent to 20 weeks of full time studies.
Contact Information:
Santosh Bulusu 880216-5798
University advisor(s):
Prof. Lars Lundberg
School of Computing
School of Computing
Blekinge Institute of Technology Internet :
SE-371 79 Karlskrona Phone : +46 455 38 50 00
Sweden Fax : +46 455 38 50 57
At the outset we thank Dr. Lars Lundberg and Mr. Hussain Aziz for their valu-
able guidance. Mr. Hussain had given full support almost day to day interaction
for designing the thesis without which this could not be possible. We would fi-
nally want to thank friends and family for extending their support in successful
completion of thesis.
“I would first want to thank my supervisor, its a dream come true to work
with him. Every mail and every time I talked to him I learned new things. I
would thank my friends and family for their support. I thank my mother as she
gave me unstinted support all through the process. I also thank all my well wishes
who have directly and indirectly helped me to frame this work. Last but not least
I would thank the almighty for giving me this wonderful opportunity.”
-Santosh Bulusu
“I would also thank my partner, he has lots of patience and helped me a lot
when I was confused. I never hesitated him for asking help. He also put his full
effort on thesis and discussed about the problems regarding thesis, what is to be
next. Its a great pleasure working with him.”
-Kalyan Sudia
Abstract i
Acknowledgments iii
List of tables vi
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Methods used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Structure of report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Background 7
2.1 History of cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Defining the term cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Benefits of cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Cloud Computing: Service models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Cloud computing: Deployment models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Importance of security in cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.7 Related work in cloud computing security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Research Design 17
3.1 Aims and objectives of study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Framing research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.1 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Research methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.1 Collecting data from literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.2 Collecting data from real world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.3 Presenting results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4 Literature Review 22
4.1 Process of selecting papers for study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Categories of Security Challenges in Cloud Computing . . . . . . 24
4.2.1 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.2 Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.3 Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.2.4 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2.5 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2.6 Confidentiality and Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.7 Backup and Recovery issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2.8 Other concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3 Identified solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.4 Results of literature review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6 Discussion 101
6.1 Validity threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
References 107
List of Tables
List of Figures
Acknowledgments 1
Chapter 1. Introduction 4
(nave, expert, malicious etc.), possibility of having data at risk when working in
cloud computing systems is a huge.
From the above discussion, it is summarized that security challenges with
cloud adoption and cloud interoperability need to be addressed first, before imple-
menting CC in organizations [39]. A non-exhaustive search on CC challenges also
reveal that most of the organizations consider security as an important challenge
that needs to be addressed [39] [119] [90]. Even with the strongest security mea-
sures implemented there are always some other weakness found and exploited.
Henceforth, identifying security challenges, improvising and updating solutions
for handling these challenges is essential in implementing CC.
This study presents a combined effort of literature review, snowball sampling
and a survey to identify list of solutions/guidelines/practices to handle a CC se-
curity challenge that have no proper mitigation strategies defined. It will also
provide detailed challenge description and also the challenging situation faced
by practitioners (identified in literature). Models, architectures, practices and
solutions, which help to mitigate the challenges are also listed. This report has
attempted to collect, gather and present a detailed study on cloud computing
security challenges and solutions from literature. Then provide solution to the
challenge which has no identified mitigation strategies.
1.1.2 Objectives
• Identify existing cloud computing security challenges and their solutions
from literature.
Chapter 5 Survey: Design and results, explains survey design process and results
obtained from survey.
Chapter 1. Introduction 6
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work, explains the results of this study and
also the future work.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2. Background 8
not only saves time but also boosts the performance of company by saving time
spent on infrastructure.
These benefits of cloud computing draw lot of attention from Information and
Technology Community (ITC). A survey by ITC in the year 2008, 2009 shows
that many companies and individuals are noticing that CC is proving to be helpful
when compared to traditional computing methods [123].
• Data storage as a Service (DaaS): This service allows user to pay for
the amount of data storage he/she is using. With this service there is a
separate cloud formed which provides storage as a service [39]. Examples
of such kinds of users are Amazon S3, Google Bigtable, Apache Hbase, etc
Chapter 2. Background 10
and when less resources are used than normal, individual/user needs to pay less
(Pay-per-use policy) [136]. This reduces organizations/individuals expenditure
towards managing resources (which includes buying computational resources, in-
stalling required software or applications to satisfy the daily computation needs
and also maintaining them) [130]. (an enterprise cloud computing company) in the year 1999 was
the first to implement this idea. It provided a web based service model to sat-
isfy enterprise needs. Later in 2002, Amazon web services launched cloud-based
services, including storage, computation and even human intelligence through
Amazon Mechanical Turk [87]. Now, there are various Service Providers (SP) in
the market who offers various applications for cloud computing in various forms.
The users are provided with feature rich applications, dynamically scalable stor-
age services, application developing interfaces and many more by just signing into
a web browser/ dedicated apps. In addition to this, since CC supports remote ac-
cess feature and automatic updates (by cloud SP), any application once updated
on a site gets updated to all its users [146][174].
• Ertaul et al., mentioned CC’s features like reduced total cost of ownership,
scalability and competitive differentiation. They claim CC also minimizes
complexity and provides faster and easier acquisition of services to cus-
tomers. Virtualization is the technique used to deal with quality of service
(QOS). Usage of CC is considered to be unsafe in an organization. For
dealing with this type of situation, they investigated a few major security
issues with CC and also existing countermeasures to those security chal-
lenges. Advantages for implementing CC from a different point of view are
also discussed. They also stated that some standards are required in CC
for security [46].
• Subashini and Kavitha, dealt with the security risks faced in the CC. They
provided empirical evidence on security risks and issues encountered dur-
ing deployment of service delivery models in an organization. The service
models are placed in cloud and the empirical validation was made in order
Chapter 2. Background 13
to justify the safety of the environment. Security was the main issue while
there were also complications with data protection and data privacy in a
continuous manner that affected the market [144].
• Md. Tanzim Khorshed et al [90] boast that cloud computing helps reduces
cost of services and improves business outcomes. But to market this and
popularize its use by IT user community, there are many security risks to
be solved. They also mentioned that the cloud services pose an attrac-
tive target to cyber attacks and criminal activities as these services have
information from many organizations and individuals stored in their repos-
itories. The author performs a survey in cloud computing to find out gaps
and security concerns and mentions 5 common types of attacks:
a. Denial of service: In this type of attack the attacker prevents the
legitimate user from accessing his resources,
b. Malicious insider attacks: This type of attack the attacker is an insider.
This person can easily gain access to sensitive user information namely:
passwords, cryptographic keys, etc.
c. Cross virtual machine side channel attacks: Is the type of attack in
which attacker resides in the same physical hardware as that of the
target virtual machine and gains access to his sensitive information ,
d. Phishing attacks: In this type of attacks the attacker sends links to
the target user through email or instant messages. These links look as
if they were sent by a trusted party but through this links the attacker
can gain access to user sensitive information,
e. Attacks targeting shared memory: The shared memory between the
user and the attacker is used to perform unwanted, unauthorized ac-
They proposed a method for automatic identification of these attacks, tested
its effectiveness by simulating attacks in a real, actual cloud setup. The
design of this model, they say, is based on machine learning models. Various
models are considered and a support vector machine (SVM) is able to detect
maximum attacks.
In the end, the authors conclude that their results are outcomes of simula-
tion and express that there can be difference in depth, volume and intensity
of attacks in simulation as compared to an actual environment. This leaves
us an impression that the method proposed still needs real world experi-
mentation and hence the attacks mentioned in this paper are still a threat
in CC environment.
• A study by Farhan Bashir Sheikh et al in [137], includes information regard-
ing vulnerable security threats from 11 articles. The authors tabulated their
Chapter 2. Background 14
findings i.e., problem discussed and technique used to solve the problem in
their paper. But in the end, they conclude expressing that cloud comput-
ing from user perspective is suffering from numerous security threats. This,
they say, is the only worth mentioning disadvantage in CC. They also list
out the following as key concerns in their point of view:
Also, in their ‘future work’ section, the authors mention that CC is not
fully mature and is a treat to both vendors and users. They also expressed
concerns of not having any strict security standards for CC. They conclude
that even though multiple tools are developed and models proposed, CC is
not secure and nothing fruitful is found.
least researched in security areas. Integrity, access control and security au-
diting are the most popular areas. A surprising finding in their review is
that privacy and confidentiality had been observed only in 7% publications.
In addition to security requirements, solutions to these identified challenges
were also mentioned.
A limitation to this study is usage of an elaborated categorization scheme.
Due to this, they say, they missed including some papers (and require-
ments), which is due to selection of databases or availability. They propose
that further study in CC is required to understand why some of these re-
quirements are least researched. They also said further study should follow
another structure to describe CC security requirements (which might help
in identifying requirements missed in their study).
• Eystein Mathisen in [105] discusses some key security issues of cloud com-
puting (policy, software and hardware security) and techniques implemented
to reduce the risk. The author expresses that usage of CC will increase
in near future and more companies will share their information to cloud
servers, which could attract large groups of hackers. He also says that in
future there are possibilities for interoperability and data lock-in issues,
which can be reduced by using open standards from the time of CC adop-
The author concluded by saying that security is always addressed late while
adopting CC and also mentioned that security standards are still missing
for CC. If an organization wishes to shift to CC but is reluctant due to
lack of proper measures or standards, it can refer to Open Cloud Manifesto
which is the largest initiative surrounding open standards. These standards
are restrictive and so most companies do no wish to follow the Open Cloud
Manifesto standards.
The proposed methods address security challenges in CC and solutions to
overcome these challenges. The following points can be observed from above
related work:
1. In the study performed by Ertaul et al., he mentions that CC is considered
unsafe to be used by organizations and he also stated CC requires some
standards [9][46]. This provides a need for further research to ensure security
for all those who are using CC applications [80].
2. Eystein Mathisen concluded in their article that security is always addressed
late while adopting CC. He also say that no proper security standards for
CC exist [105].
3. Md. Tanzim Khorshed et al and Farhan Bashir Sheikh et al both advo-
cate that security challenges are still a major hindrance for adopting CC
Chapter 2. Background 16
From these studies it can be clearly understood that there are no security stan-
dards defined, even after a few researchers trying to formulate them. It can also be
understood that even though few organizations and researchers tried to formulate
strategies to handle security issues in cloud, there are still many companies that
are reluctant to join the group of CC users. Their major concern is still security
in cloud computing. This research tries to identify every possible challenge cloud
faces and their practice/solution from literature and then pick a challenge that
has no proper solutions/practices/models proposed and ask the people working
in organizations to suggest a set of guidelines/practice to mitigate/control the
challenge. This study will help both organizations and academics to identify the
extent of research. It also will help to identify a set of solutions/practices/guide-
lines to harness the power of CC securely. This study will also include benefits
of using a specific technique listed out, which can help organizations to choose a
solution that fit their requirements.
Chapter 3
Research Design
3.1.1 Aim
To identify security challenges for adopting cloud computing and solutions from
real world for the challenge that do not have proper mitigation strategies identified
through literature review.
3.1.2 Objectives
• Identify existing cloud computing security challenges and their solutions
from literature.
Chapter 3. Research Design 18
that most of the organizations are concerned about security when considering
CC applications [9][46][51]. It is also clear from previous discussion that CC has
no specific security standards. If there are no security standards, how can cloud
be safe? Supporting this argument, another researcher mentions that CC is not
safe to be used in organizations, which means that existing solutions or practices
are not sufficient [46]. If the existing methods are not satisfactory, there could
be better ways (solutions/guidelines/practices) developed to improve security in
CC applications. Before developing better methods, existing challenges and their
solutions need to be identified (first and second research question are framed to
know challenges and mitigation strategies, specific to CC RQ 1 & RQ 2). From the
above discussion its clear that CC does not have specific security standards and
security is the major concern for adopting cloud computing [137]. To handle the
security challenges in CC, researchers have proposed, designed and experimented
different mitigation strategies (some of them discussed as related work in section
2.7). They have also framed a set of guidelines to handle security issues in a better
way. Still, there are a few security challenges unattended/insecure, which need
improved methods (observed from related work chapter 2, section 2.7). These
challenges (challenges which are still insecure/unattended and need improved
methods) can be identified from the literature review used to answer ‘RQ 1’ and
‘RQ 2’. As the next step to promote the usability and trust in security of CC,
finding out which security measures are being used by CC security professionals
in practice (for the unattended/insecure challenges) is required to be known (The
third research question is framed to investigate which security practices are used
in practice for the challenges which have no solutions RQ 3). The last section
is to list out solutions/practices/guidelines for handling CC security issues. (the
last research question helps to find out which are popular methods to enhance
the security in CC RQ 4).
from the responder. The interviewer can also change the questions based on re-
sponses to get required information. On the other hand surveys are referred to
research-in-the-large, their execution or measurement cannot be controlled. The
surveys generally start with a set of defined questions and target a group of peo-
ple. Case study on the other hand is an observational method where researchers
understand the on going project or activity. Experiment is a formal rigorous and
controlled investigation where normally the objective is to distinguish between
two situations for example a situation under investigation and a control situa-
tion. Post-mortem is a mix of both case study and survey. This post-mortem
contains survey features, but concentrates on a specific case [161]. The objective
here is to identify solutions/practices used in organizations. Surveys are chosen
over other methods of empirical studies, as these can be simple and also easy to
answer. The surveys are used to provide a quantitative or numeric description of
trends opinions or attitudes [36].
The surveys are used to gather the solutions/practices/guidelines to the chal-
lenges which have no mitigation strategies proposed (and have been repeatedly
cited by many papers as a challenge). The process of survey is chosen and used
to answer RQ 3, as the objective is to gather solutions/practices to a security
challenge identified through literature review. For doing this we perform a survey
on a selected group of people (who are essentially professionals working in cloud
computing and are in various designations, experience levels and companies) by
providing each of them with an online survey link which has same set of ques-
tions. Since most respondents wish to complete answering questionnaire quickly,
the process of survey will suite best in saving time and effort.
Table 3.1 summarizes the discussion of research questions and research method-
ologies. The research questions of this study and the corresponding research
methodologies are laid out in a tabular form. As we can see, LR and Snowball
sampling are used to identify the security related challenges in cloud. Data anal-
ysis on LR and Snowball sampling helps to answer the question ‘What solutions
are present to handle security related cloud challenges?’ Surveys are used to an-
swer ‘How does an organization handle the identified security challenge, which
has no mitigation strategies?’ Finally, the survey will be analysis to find the
solutions/guidelines to enhance security in CC.
Chapter 4
Literature Review
The study starts by identifying cloud computing security challenges and their
mitigation strategies from the literature. To identify cloud computing security
challenges and their solutions, grey literature, systematic literature review, snow-
ball sampling etc., could be used, but this report uses snowball sampling and
literature review (to answer ‘RQ 1’ and ‘RQ 2’). Literature Review (LR) helps
to identify state of art in a study and snowball sampling helps to revisit into
references used in the article and find information related to the current study.
The rationale for selecting snowball sampling and literature review is as follows:
• The topic of choice (cloud computing) is new and using other techniques
might result in a few papers.
• The LR helps to identify articles that are relevant to the study but are
missed to be identified by snowball sampling.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 23
in the cloud computing field [3][85]. A comparison with grid computing systems
also proves that for cloud computing security the measures are simpler and less
secure [55]. Security in cloud computing is totally based on the cloud service
provider, who is responsible for storing data and providing security [63].
Based on the data analysis process explained in the previous section, terms in
literature with similar understanding (terms such as data security, data locality
etc., are categorized in data related challenges) are grouped under 8 sections and
each section is explained in detail below. These sections are grouped based on
how they are explained and based on categorizations proposed by some authors
in their discussions.
4.2.1 Data
Data security (D1)
Information from articles that discuss about data security and data protection
are considered.
Security provided by cloud SP’s might not be highly cost effective when im-
plemented in small companies. But when two or more organizations share a
common resource there is a risk of data misuse. In such situation it is required
to secure data repositories [105]. Not only the data repositories but also data
should be secured in any stage such as storage, transit or process [92]. Since
this kind of sharing resources is prevalent in the CC scenario, protection of data
is important and is the most important challenge among other CC challenges
[170][134][109]. In shared areas to keep data secure is challenging than protecting
in a personal computer [160][57]. This problem has begun due to the introduc-
tion of new paradigm CC [107]. The author of article [164] explains how data
security effects in various service models namely SaaS, PaaS and IaaS and in the
article [70] author advocates that data security is the primary challenge for cloud
acceptance and author for [107] expresses that cloud data security is an issue to
be taken care of. For enhanced security on data repositories it is important to
provide better authentication, authorization and access control for data stored
on CC in addition to on-demand computing capability [63][28][133].
Given below are three key areas in Data security that CC refers to [169]:
1. Confidentiality: When enterprise data is stored outside organizational bound-
aries it needs to be protected from vulnerabilities. To protect data from
vulnerabilities, employees must adopt security checks to ensure that their
data stays protected from malicious attacks [10][2][58]. Few test are used to
help organizations to assess and validate, to which extent data is protected
from malicious user and they are as follows [144][26][178][154]:
Example: With the help of Payment Card Industry Data Security Stan-
dard (PCI DSS) the data is not allowed to go outside the European Union
[144][26][154]. This can also enforce encryption on certain areas of data and
by encrypting data in this way permission is given only to specific users to
access specific areas of data [119].
• Using some extra features which are like unpublished API’s for securing
a particular section of data.
• Using DHCP and FTP for long time has been rendered as insecure.
replication-based protocol) to check data integrity that are discussed and com-
pared. The comparison shows most proposed methods are having data integrity
as a primary objective and also support dynamic operations in cloud storage. But
there is room for improving these methods.
2. Data validation
3. Insecure storage
could be from an insider or by any user trying to access CC [136]. The data
access control is a specific issue and various standalone approaches used in access
control of data in CC are mentioned in article [45].
Privileged user access: Since access is given through the Internet, giving ac-
cess to privileged users is an increasing security risk in cloud computing. When
sensitive data is transferred through the Internet there is a possibility for an
unauthorized user to gain access and control data. To avoid this, the user must
use data encryption and additional protection mechanisms like one time password
protection or multi-factor authentication, that can be used to provide strong au-
thentication and encrypted protection for all administrative traffic [3][86][22].
The business breach report blog gives information on the impact of breaches
[144], as shown in table 4.1. We can see that the threat of external criminals is
greatest by 73% but with least compromised records. On the other hand threat
of insiders is least with 18% but the impact they cause is greatest.
issue constitutes to every data entity stored in the cloud and when Infrastructure
as a service (IaaS) is considered the service provider is expected to assure that
an organization’s data is kept secured along its life cycle (even after the user has
removed his account) [38]. Another issue to be considered here is that even a
virtual machine needs to be stored in a physical infrastructure. This can also
cause security risks, which needs to be protected [125][164]. In addition to these
problems article [126] explains various storage concerns and show to what extent
cloud can be dependable with respect to reliability of data storage.
This security can be accessed at both object and bucket level [46].
Data transfer bottleneck: If potential consumer transfers data across the cloud
boundaries, it might lead to data transfer cost. To reduce cost, when CC appli-
cations are used cloud user and cloud providers need to focus on the implication
of data placement and data transfer at every level. During amazon development,
ship disk was used to overcome this issue with Data transfer bottleneck [13][12].
taken over, what security measures are taken to protect the user’s data
etc., [162][119][109][45].
• Since a large amount of data is stored in cloud it can attract attention from
malicious users [166]. Due to this user might not be interested to store
mission critical data for processing or storing into CC [55]. Some others
feel that data stored in CC as insecure and not reliable [33][108].
• It’s a known fact that different organization’s data is stored in a place and
this increases the possibility that an organization data is sold to another
organization for money. The author wants to bring it to notice that since
all the data is stored in the same place there are increased chances of data
misuse, data can be intentionally leaked and if this happens the customer
is at loss [100][133].
• The author of [142] mentions that data loss/leakage issue affects only public
The issues with data storage in CC can arise when proper sanitization or
segregation of data is not implemented, which could result in users not able to
extract their data from repositories when necessary or when company willing to
shift data to another location.
Data storage: With cloud computing users can utilize a wide variety of flexible
online storage mechanisms to store their information, which have been known as
computing and storage “clouds”. Examples are Amazon S3, Nirvanix CloudNAS
and Microsoft SkyDrive [26]. The architecture of storage mechanism also depends
on cloud type e.g., internal or external cloud computing and types of services i.e.,
SaaS, PaaS or IaaS. This variation exists because in internal cloud computing
organization keeps all data within its own data center but in case of external
cloud computing data is outsourced to CSP [132]. In any of these cases the
data is not under the control (physical or logical state) of user and traditional
cryptography can not be used by user [68][95][164]. Since in CC data is stored
in a remote location and even traditional cryptographic algorithms cannot be
applied the security of data stored in remote locations is a huge concern in cloud
computing [153].
Users while accessing flexible storage mechanisms can maintain a local trusted
memory, use a trusted cryptographic mechanism and upload data into the cloud
(by doing this the user need not have to trust the cloud storage provider); to
Chapter 4. Literature Review 35
verify the integrity of data user can have a short hash of in local memory and
authenticate server responses by re-calculating the hash of received data [26].
To create trust in cloud storage, data storage systems need to fulfill different
requirements such as maintaining user’s data, high availability, reliability, per-
formance, replication and data consistency; but since these requirements are all
interrelated and conflicting no system has implemented all of these at once. DaaS
providers facilitate storage as a service by implementing one feature over other,
which is mentioned by its customers in Service Level Agreements (SLA) [168].
To assure security of information, CSPs should take care to protect the data not
only when it’s stored but when its under transmission [31][123]. In article [11],
author mentions storage devices should support different storage patterns. In
addition to this various other concerns in relation to data storage specific to IaaS
are explained in [38]. To have a better security in cloud storage long term storage
correctness and remote detection of hardware failure is suggested [126].
4.2.2 Networking
Network security (N1)
Information from articles that discuss about network security and VPN network
are considered.
Data should not be leaked while transmission and it is one of the requirements
in information security [136]. To prevent leakage of sensitive information while
transferring, a strong traffic encryption technique such as Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) are required. Sensitive data are
obtained from enterprises, processed by any service application and stored at the
service vendor end. Amazon Web Services (AWS), provide more protection to its
users from traditional network based attacks like MITM (Man-In-The-Middle)
Chapter 4. Literature Review 36
attacks, IP spoofing, port scanning, packet sniffing, etc. The assessment tests to
find vulnerabilities in security are based on the following [144]:
• The authors of [51] mentions that using traditional network based meth-
ods such as IPSec proxies encryption and digital signature, key exchange
through SSL proxy which are still being used in the cloud are insecure.
The authors mention vulnerabilities of using such methods in the article by
considering Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure and Google App Engine
(GAE) as examples.
• Attack types mentioned in [169] launching dynamic attack points, key and
password cracking, hosting malicious data, botnet command and control,
DDOS, building rainbow tables and also CAPTCHA solving farms.
• The author in [134] mentions, backdoors, TCP hijacking, replay, social en-
gineering (where the attacker tries to gain private information from user’s
social behavior), dumpster diving (information from trash can be helpful),
password guessing, trojan horses and malware are some of the network at-
tacks mentioned.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 37
• Some attack types that are specific to IaaS are DDOS, MITM, port scanning
and IP spoofing [38]. The author of [164] points out network security,
transport security as key security issues for IaaS in CC.
• Side channel attacks and incident handling [110]. SQL injection and phish-
ing by service provider [7].
manipulated [144]. The author of [31] also mentions that modern browsers com-
patible with AJAX is not secure though it’s good for I/O and data encrypted by
XML needs to be also encrypted by using transport layer security. XML signature
attacks, browser based attacks for cloud authentication are few other insecurities
in application security that can be used for cloud authentication [80]. One easy
way of access cloud for an intruder is to search for saved passwords in history
which can be a huge risk and using insecure browsers [123]. Hence securing the
browser is necessary to secure transaction between users and his application that
are stored in the cloud [92]. The application security is the main threat to SaaS
platform [164]. In article [142] author mentions that both public and private
clouds are affected by insecure applications.
much work load, other services running on the same cloud server might
face issues with availability. If resources are completely utilized by a single
instance, other instance has to face consequence and wait for resources to
be allocated.
Depending on level of sophistication, if cloud service provider notices lack
of availability and tries to “evacuate”, affected instances on to other servers
the complexity rises even further. The reason for over complication is,
flooding attack which existed in previous server will now get extended to
the server where it is transferred and this situation is called “jump over”
[79][80]. In the worst case, to manage flooding attacks utilization of another
cloud computing system is suggested. In that case, cloud should provide
more computational resources, respectively fending, until it reaches the full
loss of availability [80][67].
IP Spoofing(N6)
Using somebody’s IP address and creating TCP/IP packets is called IP spoofing.
In this scenario intruder gains access to trusted system and sends messages as
if trusted host is sending these messages. Here the malicious user impersonates
the actual user with the help of IP address [169][134]. Amazon EC2 cannot
send instance spoofed network traffic. Firewall designed in amazon web server
prohibits an instance sending messages with any other IP address or MAC address
other than its own [46].
Chapter 4. Literature Review 40
4.2.3 Virtualization
Vulnerability in Virtualization (V1)
Information from articles that discuss about vulnerability in virtualization and
cross-vm information leakage are considered.
The most commonly used multiple way to create multiple virtual machines
on a single physical machine is done using Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM)
approach. Hypervisors are also used to manage multiple VMs and any flaws in the
hypervisors can allow attacker to gain access in an inappropriate way, even when
tools such as Xen access are used many security risks can be found, which allow
admin to see through the user level process while the customer is running his VM
and attacker can easily install a malicious code [90][38][105]. In article [144][50]
the author mentions that major risk is to ensure different instances running on the
same physical machine are isolated and this requirement is not yet met completely.
If virtual machines have vulnerabilities then sharing such hardware can result in
many vulnerabilities [15]. To control and administer host, guest operating system
is another issue which needs attention. The author also argues that most of the
current existing systems do not satisfy perfect isolation and many bugs found here
are from Virtual Machine Monitors (VMM’s). These bugs can be exploited by
malicious local users and bypass some security restrictions or gain privileges. Ex.,
as been explained by the author “vulnerability in Xen caused due to an input
validation error in tools/pygrub/scr/”, which can be exploited by
‘root’ users of a guest domain to execute arbitrary commands in a domain using
specially designed entities in grub.conf (when guest is booted) [144][84][44][82].
If an unauthorized user hacks into CC, he can access all the virtual machines
running in CC and control them [166]. Since CC is relatively cheap and provides
resources to users easily and also since virtual machines (which is a main part of
CC) are easy to copy or clone, the VMs can be easily used to launch new attacks
Chapter 4. Literature Review 42
• Author for [134] mentions that trusted hypervisor is more important than
having a trusted VM, because an untrusted hypervisor can affect to a greater
• In [50] the author mentions insecure areas in virtual machine which need to
be secured and they are version management, customer specific application
customization, migration between service providers, etc.
The above discussion makes clear that, if VM are not constantly monitored
there can be service breakage [136].
placed in-house [3]. Supporting this author in [74] mentions that possibility that
dynamically assigned virtual spaces in CC can already have some security threats.
Some common attacks that can effect virtual machine’s network are “buffer
overflow, DDoS, zero day attacks, viruses, covert channels, trojans, etc” men-
tioned, which can infect the hypervisor as it is the major VM controlling entity
VM isolation (V4)
Inter positioning is an inherent feature of VMM, isolation of VM is a key concern
as it is not that possible CC and active inspection mechanisms are yet to be
designed [73][75]. Multi-tenancy is a process where multiple cloud customers have
their virtual instances running on the same physical server. In such environment,
there might be a possibility for malicious user allocating an instance in same the
server and possibility is that he/she (malicious user) might penetrate the isolation
between the VM’s and exploit them [128]. This could be possible by creating a
side channel between two VM’s on a same physical machine and enabling a SSH
keystroke timing outlined attack [34][141]. There is also a possibility that data
accidentally crosses the virtual boundary [136]. The author in [126] mentions
that even in an isolated environment if an attacker interferes with the VM placing
strategy and position their instance on a physical machine of the victim, all the
private information of target was visible.
To secure VMs, the VM instances need to be isolated, but at what level
isolation should be implemented i.e., is it at VM, physical machine, local area
network, VMM or at data centers [73]. The author in [105] mentions that logical
separation need to be validated. Will that be sufficient? But there are more
problems to handle.
Author in [38] mentions about protection from the interconnection of the VM,
which connections are going into and which are coming out. The author explains
various issues that can arise with existing technologies. The author [38] also
mentioned there could be issues arising in the following areas of VM if isolation
of VmM’s is not done properly by:
VM Securitization (V5)
Information from articles that discuss about VM securitization and VM security
are considered.
VM introspection or behavioral monitoring in virtual machines requires a lot
of computational power. It is easy to clone and distribute VM’s between physical
servers but this distribution could result in propagation of configuration errors.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 45
Maintaining a hypervisor level, Media Access Control (MAC) and trusted com-
puting techniques are suggested mechanisms used to build future secure cloud sys-
tems. In IaaS virtual machine security lies with the cloud consumer, a consumer
can use their own security controls based on situation or security management
process and expected risk level assessment [6].
4.2.4 Organization
Organizational security management (O1)
When adapting to cloud computing, some changes are introduced to the secu-
rity management, information security lifecycle models, even the corporate IT
standards and policies need to be changed [160]. There are issues such as less
coordination among different communities of interest within client organizations.
The customer also has to face new risks introduced by perimeter-less environ-
ment, such as data leakage due to multi-tenancy, issues like local disasters and
provider’s economic instability. But since the cloud computing environment is
distributed in nature, re-evaluate best practices and adoption of secure cloud
computing applications become extremely complex as they require to have a well
structured cyber insurance [146]. Another way is to adjust to the new features
provided by the cloud computing else gaining complete benefit from CC would
not be possible [50]. Some point needed to be considered and as follows:
• Some organization policy and legislations are non compliant with CC, ex-
ample enterprise network which uses NAT (Network Address Translation)
and company specific firewalls and is not easy to integrate with CC [97][49].
Chapter 4. Literature Review 46
3. The most important one, how to establish trust and determine assess map-
ping which satisfies inter-domain access requirements
Chapter 4. Literature Review 47
• Federated IDM: Within this kind of system, user credentials are stored
and managed at the enterprise itself. Authentication is done in enterprise
boundary itself and if necessary, certain attributes are communicated to the
CSP [144][165].
Another issue here is that companies having a strong IDM system might not
be able to extend its functionalities on CC or change the existing framework to
support this new architecture of cloud [148]. To separately maintain a different
authentication for internal (organization authentication) and external (authenti-
cation at SP’s end) is a complex solution to this problem [78]. To nullify the effect
of these challenges on CC, systems need to find possible breaching zones/areas
before they cause some impact. Given below are some assessment test to validate
the security in IDM [144]:
lead to illegal service process, fabricated services process and malicious service in-
terruption [32]. The author for [43] also mentions various types of insider and the
impact and also mentions that it can be dangerous if go unattended. Article [91]
mentions Identity management, credential management, attribute management,
privilege management, cryptographic key management as security management
areas in CC.
Authentication and authorization: Most companies store their employee in-
formation in some kind of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Small
and Medium Business (SMB) companies which have SaaS as their highest adop-
tion rate seem to use ‘Active Directory’ as the most popular tool for managing
users. In case of SaaS, the user credentials get stored multiple times in provider’s
databases, because SaaS requires the user data to be stored in SP’s data repos-
itories. To avoid misuse SaaS customers should remember to remove/disable
accounts or create/enable as employees leave or join the company [144].
Authentication and identity management: Identity management and authen-
tication is being realized as a critical requirement in CC [66][163]. Users can be
authenticated based on service based credentials and characteristics using iden-
tity management (IDM) mechanism. This system is supposed to protect private
and sensitive information related to users and processes [162]. In multi-tenant
cloud environments customer’s identity and authentication information should
be segregated. These components need to be easily integrated table with other
security component. It is not clear yet on how multi-tenant cloud environments
can effect privacy of information [146].
Most of the service providers use Security Assessment Mark-up Language
(SAML) in administering and authenticating user before giving access to re-
sources. This language provides an interface where information related assert-
ing subjects or authentication information is exchanged between cooperating do-
mains. SAML request and response messages are mapped over Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP) which in turn depends on extensible Mark-up Language
(XML) for formatting. This SOAP message security validation can become com-
plicated and threat prone. As this SAML depends on XML, there are some
evidences where wrapping attacks on XML were successful and in turn that can
be effecting SOAP message. This in turn can become a threat to the SAML
authentication procedure [78]. The detailed description on challenges with im-
plementation of other modes of authentication such as, single sign-on, OpenID,
RBAC, etc., are given in [66].
Given below are some cloud specific issues mentioned in [62] article:
• Before committing to a SP the customer must make a note about the privi-
leged user access policies, know who will be gaining access to the data, how
can it be accessed etc., [55][85][123].
Availability (O5)
Information from articles that discuss about availability, cloud provider goes
down, job starvation due to virtualization, business continuity and service avail-
ability are considered.
Availability is a primary concern for CC and is one of the key issues in in-
formation assurance [169][65][166][164]. Not being able to access services can
become a serious issue [169]. It is evident in literature that the availability of
a system is important and many organizations/researchers have their questions
such as “if downtime occurs can the business still operate?” [162].
Availability of a system can be defined as, the extent to which an organization
provides its user with round the clock service (resources accessible and usable)
is availability. There are chances of having a complete or permanent impact on
the organizations when the availability of a system is affected. Denial of Service
(DoS) attacks, natural disasters and equipment outages are all threats to avail-
ability [78][134][31][100]. The cloud services also have experience in outages and
performance slowdowns; if not planned and designed properly customers using
cloud computing services will be at loss. There are various examples illustrated
by [78], where the effect of shortcomings were borne by well-established organi-
zations such as Twitter (in 2009), lighting storm caused some IaaS customers go
down (in July 2009), gmail (in 2008 for one day) etc., [78][35][7], these outages
can also occur because of non-technical issues [13][12]. Service interruptions could
also be due to malicious users/use [32]. If at all there is an outage or server crash
all the VM, services running on that server become unresponsive, in addition to
that high availability or automatic fail over or high availability is not possible
in public cloud [138]. If an organization wishes to migrate its servers which is
so vast that it has multiple data centers distributed over different geographical
locations using a variety of network providers but with some common software
service to connect with a cloud, in such situation the organization might not want
to migrate to a new system without a good business continuity plan modeled. In
this case, it is suggested to have a multiple service providers providing differ-
ent stacks, such that if one stack fails there will be another stack (i.e., service
provider) supporting as a substitute [13][12][72][116].
Generally CSP has to provide required application level scalability and avail-
ability, by making necessary changes to the applications at the architecture level
Chapter 4. Literature Review 53
and satisfy the customer requests. CSP can design specialized hardware and soft-
ware to deliver higher reliability and earn an additional penny out of this [13][12].
CC should be constantly available with all the access control mechanisms and
data access working [70]. To make this possible, a multi-tier architecture is de-
ployed with a load balancing architecture running on a variable number of servers.
To enhance the availability of a system built in CC, it is also suggested to secure
system for hardware/software failures and DoS attacks. For safeguarding data
from unplanned emergencies or minimizing enterprise downtime there is a need
to have an appropriate plan for Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery
(DR). For example the amazon API’s use a Standard Distributed Denial of Ser-
vice (DDoS) mitigation techniques such as synchronous cookies and connection
limiting. Amazon also maintains a higher level internal bandwidth than supplied
to its customer, to further ensure mitigation of DDoS attacks. To validate the
vendor’s availability, given below are few tests [144]:
Another solution for maintaining availability is, securing the system by usage
of a Trusted Third Party (TTP). TTP provides end to end security services
which are scalable across different domains and usable with different geographical
areas. TTP’s are impartial organizations delivering business confidence through
some technical security features and securing an electronic transaction. These
TTP’s are generally connected through a chain of trust to provide a web of trust
using the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI in a distributed information
system becomes effective when combined with a directory (it is a set of similar
attributes organized in a hierarchical and logical way). The Light weight Access
Protocol is internet’s (LDAP) general way of accessing a directory service. In CC
environments PKI used in combination with Single Sign On (SSO) mechanism
is ideal as they provide smooth and transparent authentication across various
physical resources. The reasons for depending on TTP’s are as follows [179]:
• Certificate-Based Authorization
Usage of TTP or any other method used for ensuring availability is generally
mentioned through the Service Level Agreements (SLA). To ensure greater extent
of availability it is important to identify the right deployment and delivery model
Chapter 4. Literature Review 54
set out by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) [123]. Usage
of HTTPS+WS security can cause heavy load on the server leading to service
break down (reasons for outages in google and amazon in 2008), there should be
perfect balance between availability and security measures to keep services active
4.2.5 Scalability
Incompatibility issue (SC1)
Information from articles that discuss about portability, interoperability, scaling
quickly, smart scaling, automatic scalability, security management function, col-
laboration, integrity of security, general requirement cloud security management
model are considered.
For instance there might be a situation arising where a user wishes to change
his Cloud Service Provider (CSP), in such situation the new CSP should be
capable in moving data from an old service provider. This transfer includes data,
components and also security policies. In most cases user won’t be provisioned to
take physical firewall but users should make sure to have a copy of its configuration
on virtual machines [3]. There are chances of customer goes locked to a SP
if the customer chooses a wrong service provider [109][105]. Cross data center
operations would find this as a serious issue [55]. In article [91] author mentions
that controlling defining and ordering in relation to security are one of the ten
things to be noted while shifting to cloud computing.
CSPs are creating the hosting world using “sticky services”, these services
are reasons for causing difficulty in moving between different service providers.
Example, the Amazon’s simple storage service S3 is incompatible with IBM’s
blue cloud or Google or dell [24][130][46]. Open cloud manifesto which was newly
published was declined by both Microsoft and Amazon and are pursuing interop-
erability on their own terms [46][16][24][173].
Things to be noted before/after moving from one CSP to another are [3]:
used standards to design other on demand instances. CSP’s which use these
API standards are easily comparable with Amazon (Amazon EC2 can run eas-
ily in Eucalyptus). In certain situations cloud service providers which assure
to provide interoperability with other SP is also problematic, example Hadoop
which provides on demand capacity can’t for sure provide compatibility to run
on another system developed using C++. Several organizations such as Cloud
Computing Interoperability Forum and Open Cloud Consortium are still try-
ing to provide firm and stable standards for CC. There is a framework named as
‘Thrift’ which relies on code-generation engine, to provide scalable cross-language
services development. To provide interoperability and compatibility with various
programs there could be a common language, which can be used by different
service providers. As a solution to this several people attempted but there is
no single language that is up to the requirement [63]. A panel report on cloud
computing standards discussed about proposing “open standards and Predictive
Markup Language (PMML)” and expressed views that implementing these could
be extremely helpful not only for software vendors and data mining community
in general [172].
Scalability (SC3)
CC requires the ability to scale multiple transactions managed over multiple con-
nections. Scaling the resources manually is still persistent with IaaS, where SP
will define how the service has to be scaled based on personal experience and
different factors influencing it [109]. There should be a reduction in management
tasks and automatic scaling with-in the CC applications should be enhanced
[131]. With software today it takes approximately 6 months for a single SAM-
L/SSO connection, which does not address the compliance and access control
issues [151]. Open cloud manifesto states that, to keep out of problems with al-
location of resources during peak hours cloud services have to dynamically scale
up and down [61].
Privacy (C2)
Privacy is one of the cloud computing security requirement [92][65][74][109][160][54][126].
Keeping data private in a distributed system is challenging when compared to per-
sonal possession and in CC it is risky [149][23]. Privacy or obligation is related
to the collection, use, storage, disclosure and destruction of data that is personal
to someone. The rules and the concept of privacy varies with countries, cultures
and jurisdictions [104][111][74]. The author in [179] mentions privacy as a desire
to control disclosure to his personal information and presents that there are a
number of legal challenges to cloud. Privacy is being accountable to an orga-
nization’s data subjects and also be transparent towards organizations practice
around personal information, there is also a little knowledge on how privacy laws
that govern within an organization [111]. There is no universal agreement to-
wards defining what constitutes personal data. “The rights and obligations of
individuals and organizations with respect to the collection, use, retention, and
disclosure of personal information.”, is one way of defining privacy and this is
gaining popularity among American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA) and the Canadian Institute Of Chartered Accountants (CICA) in the
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP) [104]. As a special case in [142]
author mentions that because of privacy agreements made by the user, prevent-
Chapter 4. Literature Review 58
• For providers of applications designed over the cloud platforms, loss of rep-
utation, legal noncompliance ‘function creep’ which uses the personal infor-
mation stored on the cloud (i.e., it might later use for purpose other than
that for which it was originally intended).
The author of [166] suggests that privacy of user data and laws regulation and
policies need to be framed taking CC into context, which will prevent security
and user involvement in using the CC application. Methods like homomorphic
encryption technique, which helps to protect data will complicate handling huge
amounts of data and in an environment where data keeps growing is tough [23].
Providing individual user control, anonymous services for individual use, limiting
identity information, and requiring authentication for high level transactions are
some of the features that safeguard privacy of users. For this SPs have to encrypt
the user information, isolated data processing and storage, managing privacy
and security requirements are some of the issues to be dealt while working in
cloud computing [122]. Also transaction histories, identity information, policy
components during integration, etc., need to be included and protected [146].
1. Insecure storage
2. Insecure organization
3. Assume that the server cannot launch any sophisticated hardware to the
stored data.
Article [116] exemplifies a situation of issue when a backup is not properly man-
may not be under the control of the organization using them. Most likely orga-
nizations have a better risk management when there is control over process and
equipment. With traditional information systems, risks are managed through
systems lifecycle and in case of CC services, assessing and managing becomes
challenging. Since the organization does not get full control, organization should
ensure that security controls are implemented correctly and they are operated as
expected. Organization’s trust towards cloud service varies based on the extent
of control provided to the organization for its data, applications and also on ev-
idence provided about the effectiveness of those controls. Performing all these
tasks to estimate the functionality of service provider is difficult, so solutions to
this is using third party audits and establish trusts based result. Finally if the
level of trust falls below the level of expectation and no compensatory controls
can be employed then the organization has to reject the service or accept with a
greater risk.
There is utmost need to have control over physical host security and also
virtual machine. If the physical security is compromised all virtual machines
residing on that specific host get compromised [78].
Table 4.9: Data backup and recovery related concerns cloud computing
[104]. When data is stored in remote locations auditing can become challenging
or cost effective when doing it on site [7][126]. Also managing auditing is given
as one of the 10 security management areas of CC in [91].
Data confidentiality/auditability: Security is the most common area for critic
by CC analysts, who keep asking “who would trust their essential data to be
stored somewhere?”. Many cloud computing security threats are similar to those
faced by data centers. This responsibility is divided among many parties such
as vendor, cloud user and third party vendors that CC users depend in securing
sensitive information. In cloud computing architecture user is responsible for
his securing at application level; cloud service provider is responsible at physical
level and enforcing firewall security. These responsibilities can also be outsourced
and given to third party service providers who sell especially security services.
Additional features such as firewall rule analysis can be provided by standardized
interfaces of platforms such as Amazon EC2. With cloud computing, internal
security threats are more when compared to external threats.
Virtualization is key ingredient in cloud computing, with many benefits and
at the same time it also brings numerous threats. Incorrect virtualization code
might allow user to access sensitive portion of information of other user or provide
access to service provider’s infrastructure. This all happens because virtualization
software contains some bugs, which might allow virtualized code go loose to some
extent. The service provider by default controls the software stack bottom layer
which effectively circumvents most of the known security techniques.
A common problem that exists not only in case of cloud computing is, data
lost into public and reason for this could be disposing a hard disk without being
wiped or a bug within the program that makes data visible to unauthorized users
Similarly, auditability could be added as an additional layer, which is kept
out of reach for virtualized guest os, this provides arguably more security than
those built into application. Such new features reinforce the cloud computing
perspective of changing focus form specific hardware to virtualized capabilities
[13][12]. In addition to all these mutual auditing should also be supported to
cross check stakeholders in CC [110].
It might be easy, or too easy to start using CC services but hard to govern
cloud related activity.
Compliance (COM)
All the compliance related terms (such as compliance, regulatory compliance,
audit and compliance) are identified from different articles are considered.
Countries have their own security, privacy and regulatory laws at different
levels (i.e., national, state and local), which makes compliance a complicated
issue for cloud computing. Compliance requires conformance with the local es-
tablished specifications, standards, regulations, or laws, which is hard for CC to
Chapter 4. Literature Review 63
2. Are service providers for cloud computing willing to support external au-
dits and security certifications, similar to those of the traditional service
providers [3].
3. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), is a set of com-
prehensive requirements for enhancing payment account data security and
this was developed by PCI Security Standards Council to adopt consistent
data security measures on a global basis. This PCI DSS is a multifaceted
security standard, which includes requirements for management of security,
policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other criti-
cal protective measures [3]. This is designed to protect customers account
5. Virtualization and cloud computing have many issues that PCI Quality
Assessors (PCI QA), have concerns about and it is necessary to show com-
pliance to these rules, while deploying virtualization technology in PCI en-
vironment. Some of the important points to be noted are [3][28]:
a. Segregation of systems with one primary function per server and net-
work with isolation of all management and control networks
b. Virtual media that contains cardholder data needs to be protected.
c. Support auditing on system components.
d. PCI DSS may require additional processes or technology to ensure
patching and change control compliance in virtual environment.
e. Intrusion protection.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 64
Instance isolation(OC3)
Instance isolation, Software isolation are different terms selected from primary
selection and discussed here.
When user access a CC service there is possibility for another user to be access-
ing same part of cloud or other part of it by creating its instance. Isolation is to
ensure that different instances running on same physical machine remain isolated
from each other. Since the administration of instances here is through instances
but not direct, it increases the risk and possibility of threat to the security of
CC users. Hence, there needs to be efficient system control and access control
restriction and a strict monitoring is needed to track changes. This isolation is
efficient in Xen hypervisor and is being used by Amazon [46].
Cost (OC4)
Cloud computing applications can be easily used, but securing these applications
requires management to spend additional resources (in terms of cash) [65]. Article
[44] discusses multiple challenges and inter-relates their success of implementation
to amount of cash an organization can spend.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 65
• To avoid access of data from other users Gatner states “applying en-
cryption on data that makes data totally unusable and normal encryp-
tion can complicate availability” [22][46][86].
• To avoid this problem (explained in section 4.2.2), it is necessary to
maintain multiple vendors and have Virtual Security Gateway em-
power. This is considered as the best proposed solution till date, which
will help organization get their own VPN network with full encryption
between all virtual resources around the world. By doing this they can
communicate and transfer the data by using encryption and security
• Data in SaaS vendors such as Amazon S3 is not encrypted by default
(to prevent problems explained in section 4.2.7, there is a requirement
to have the data encrypted before backup so that unauthorized parties
don’t get to access to such (backup) data [144].
• User-level encryption: Proposed as a solution to challenge specified in
4.2.8, in this problem to prevent data from being visible to unautho-
rized user, most commonly used solution is to have a user-level encryp-
tion, which is effective in cloud and for providing user-level encryption
there are tools and expertise already available [13][12].
• Encryption while transmission, the data should not only be transferred
to right person but should be transferred in from an authentic party
with total integrity maintained [92].
• Encrypting before uploading sensitive information into cloud storages.
Digitally signing and using RSA algorithm to encrypt is suggested [31].
• Cryptographic methods can prevent from losing data and protect data
integrity while transmission [100]. Symmetric and asymmetric cryp-
tography [75].
(S2) Access rights: Data owner should give permission to a particular party
so that they can access the data easily. To provide this data access control,
a standard based heterogeneous data centric security is used to give data
protection to application for preventing problems specified in sections 4.2.1
able for data integrity in HTTP but are yet immature (WS-transaction and
WS-reliability) [144][123].
(S4) Ensuring boundaries: SaaS ensure that there must be clear boundary for
individual user data. This boundary must be ensured not only on physical
level, but also at application level to segregate the data from different users
(solution to data segregation and data access mentioned in section 4.2.1)
(S5) Following Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA): Protec-
tion from government accessing electronic mails and other records done by
enforcing Electronic Communication privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA). When
this ECPA is applied in cloud computing activities, privacy or protection
is still unpredictable [144]. This is a suggestion for challenge on data con-
fidentiality issue 4.2.1.
(S6) Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standards (PCIDSS): SaaS
states it can provide better security (to customer’s data) when compared
to conventional methods. But even in such secure conditions the possibility
for an insider to still have an effect on customer’s data in a different way.
Insiders wont have direct access to database but still risk to security is
not reduced. To avoid this, SaaS vendor must be compliant with Payment
Card Industry-Data Security Standards (PCIDSS) where host merchants
must comply with PCIDSS. Which can be given as a solution to 4.2.1 [144].
(S7) Encryption using HMAC-SHA1: Before accessing data, first step is
authenticated using HMAC-SHA1 signature request with help of private
key [46][152][22]. By doing this the user can have full control over the data
to access which is a solution to problems in 4.2.1 [46].
(S8) Ship disks: For the problems mentioned in section (4.2.1, data transfer
bottlenecks), Jim Gray found the cheapest way is to send using low cost
ship disk. This will handle the case of large delay-tolerant point-to-point
transfer [13][12].
Example: if we want to transfer data of 10TB from U.C Berkely to Amazon
in Seattle, W.A. Garfinkel measured the bandwidth from S3 to three sites
where he found an average of 5 Mbits/sec to 18 Mbits/sec. for WAN link
20 Mbits/sec then
10 ∗ 1012Bytes 8 ∗ 1013
10T B = = seconds
20 ∗ 106bits/second 2 ∗ 107
= 4, 000, 000sec - approximately 45 days
Where ship disks can transfer 10TB data in one day that means like 1500
MBits/sec. AWS recently offering such a service called import/export
[13][12]. This could be used as a solution to data transfer bottlenecks.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 68
(S10) Usage of AWS and APL: To reduce possibility of denial of service (ex-
plained in 4.2.2) amazon AWS and APL are hosted large endpoints in inter-
net scale, world which can possibly reduce the chance of service downtime
For problem explained in 4.2.2, Amazon uses SSl protected end points to
authenticate AWS API’S and also generates a SSH host certificate, logs
them in instance’s console. This enables customers to use secure API’s
before logging into instance for first time and to make transactions more
secured customers are forced to use SSL for interaction with AWS [46].
(S11) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Solves the problem of port scanning
mentioned in 4.2.2, it is required to maintain a policy; every action of
customer need to be monitored and any violations by customer should be
reported to the service provider. Amazon EC2 maintains a ‘Amazon EC2
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)’ which checks for any policy violators and
warns service provider in early stages [46].
(S17) Keeping track of users: Managing multiple SaaS products may also
increase IT management overhead and might also complicate the user man-
agement system and in section 4.2.4 explains a scope of misusing user infor-
mation if not managed properly and to avoid this issue, customers should
keep a track of persons leaving or joining the organization, correspondingly
add or remove their information [144].
users and can further help built a user centric federated IDM for clouds
(S26) Calculate hash: This is a solution proposed for backup related issues
(section 4.2.7). Before uploading a file, the client is suggested to verify
whether the file is stored on backup drives or not during the intermediate
transaction and whether keywords in file remain unchanged. Calculate the
hash of the file before uploading, which also divides file into equal size
randomly and stores it in the locality [42].
A general solution in providing security to the cloud computing system is by
having a service which acts as a watchman and secures all the applications
designed in it [88].
For storing data on the cloud there might be some issues, as mentioned in
4.2.1. Storing hash in trusted local memory is a method to avoid issues,
it helps user to check if the data stored in cloud stays unaltered. If there
are huge sets of data is being stored, individual can maintain his own hash
table/hash tree. This mechanism is used in many storage prototypes such
as TDB [26][102], SiRiUS [26][59] and is commercially being used in Solaris
ZFS filesystem1 [26].
This can also be used for data integrity but maintaing hash can become
complicated [81].
(S28) Standardize API’s: Suggestion to the problem with data lock-in (4.2.1)
is to standardize API’s, such that customers can deploy services and data
across multiple cloud computing providers. The advantage of doing this
even if one service provider fails it would not corrupt all other copies stored
on other places (data or services). If this format is introduced, it could
create a new usage model where software structures can be used in an
internal data center and in public cloud [13][12].
Chapter 4. Literature Review 72
(S34) Distributed access control: Author [8] suggests distributed access con-
trol architecture for access management in CC.
(S37) Trusted virtual data center: These data centers have different VMs
and associated hardware resources which will help to identify, which VM
will access which resource. This can also separate customer workload to
different associated virtual machines [74].
Chapter 4. Literature Review 73
(S38) Attack detection model: Article [90] proposes a proactive attack detec-
tion model which can detect an attack (at time of attack or before), alert
the system/security administrator and helps the customer to understand
the kind of attack that happened by looking at pattern of attack. Solu-
tion to attacks from fraud pissing or denial of service etc., is to keep login/
account credentials personal and never disclose them.
(S39) Access control based on group signatures: By this method user can
access CC using a group account, instead of personal account. This will
allow the customer to preserve his/her privacy [176].
(S41) Efficient remote data possession checking (RDPC): The author for
article [33] mentions that this scheme is better in terms of communication
and computation, verification without need to be compared with the original
data and mentions that user needs to store only two secret keys and several
random numbers.
(S43) Two stage API access control: The author of [139] proposes a two
stage API access controlled mechanism that developed based on a Rule
Based Access Control mechanism (RBAC).
(S44) CISCO secure data framework: This framework provides multiple se-
curity layers with different existing security technologies that can be used
to enhance security [169].
technology and linkage with a firewall and a synthesis detection method that
are used in combination to detect block visits when threats are detected in
(S50) SaaS Role Based Access Control (S-RBAC) and Intercloud iden-
tity management infrastructure: Are two methods that the author of
[75] mention which can avoid the conflicts with access control while working
with a multi-tenant environments.
(S53) Proposes a data security model: This model consists of 3 layers which
perform their own task. First layer OTP authentication, second (data en-
cryption, data integrity, private user protection), third fast data recovery.
Test this model and implement software to improve work of data security
model in CC [15][164].
(S54) Third party auditing scheme: This is to protect the data storage secu-
rity and proposal here is to move the auditing process into cloud computing
and integrate with the architecture of cloud provider [68][32] [81]. Public
and private auditing [153].
(S56) Fine grained access control: Proposes a fine grained access control
mechanism for data [95].
Chapter 4. Literature Review 75
(S57) Fog computing: This method uses behavior profiling of user and a decoy
which can prevent malicious users from damaging the CC environment [143].
(S59) Chinese wall policy: This method is used to address the insecure infor-
mation flow at by using information flow policies at IaaS layer [163].
(S60) Privacy aware inter-cloud: This method takes charge of data protection
standards, processing the privacy requirements and user requirements [149].
(S61) Multi cloud model: An OPNET tool is suggested here which has sepa-
rate security as a service and tested simulation of all traffic [5].
(S70) Tree based key management: Existing tree based encryption methods
have some weaknesses mentioned in [177]. So to avoid this weakness and
propose a practical solution for private data management, the authors de-
velop a new tree based key management system and prove that the above
problem can be solved [177].
(S75) Risk perception model: Author in [49] proposes a model useful in defin-
ing risk perception before moving on to CC. This model was redesigned to
reduce the 9 variables (such as, voluntaries, immediacy of effect, knowledge
about risk, knowledge of science, etc. that were used by Baruch Fischoff
[53] to determine when a product is safe to be accepted) into two areas
(understanding and consequences). The perceived risk in this model is a
function of these two terms understanding and consequences.
(S77) RSA based Assumption data integrity check: This method is pro-
posed by [81] since other methods such as hash, 3rd party auditing etc.,
he found are complicated or insecure. This new method combines both
identity based cryptography and RSA signature [81].
(S78) Capability based approach: Use of Access Control List (ACL’s) or file
groups lack scalability, fine grain access control in cloud computing. The
scalable method (proposed in article [170]) that is based on using the com-
bination of ABE, lazy re-encryption and proxy re-encryption is supposed
to become complicated in an extremely dynamic environment such as CC.
The re-encryption scheme and framework for access control on published
XML documents by using different cryptographic keys on XML documents
are also not suitable. Since XML scheme becomes complex to manage keys
and XML documents and in case of re-encryption, if one user is malicious
the data is exposed. So the author for [133] proposes a scalable, efficient
and secure data access control mechanism using Capability based access
(S80) Multi tenancy for databases: Proposes a multi tenant database design
for ad-hoc clouds. The authors boast that their method allows multiple
organizations to collaborate and benefit without security leaks [118].
(S86) Clout Trace Back (CTB): This model is being proposed to trace back
the DDoS attacks in CC [83]. It helps to find the real attacker among the
number of requests that server receives under DDoS attack state [83].
(S87) Software watermarking: This paper designs a robust and new cloud
based watermarking mechanism that can report and alert the required per-
sonal [171].
(S88) Tag: Tag entities which should not be moved and prevent CSP from mov-
ing sensitive data to another jurisdiction [71].
Apart from the above mentioned solutions some of the authors have mentioned
general guidelines to provide security:
• Article [15], Good and well formulated SLAs are to some extent helpful
points for ensuring availability. To avoid risk of insider malicious attacks
the user must be informed about the information security and management
practices. To prevent outsider attacks there can be a network access control
system built up to at OS level. VMs should be isolated for each customer.
Stopping to share account credentials and two factor authentication proac-
tive monitoring (detect unauthorized activity) will probably help service
disruptions. A strict registration and validation can reduce a lot of damage
Chapter 4. Literature Review 79
• Article [105], Settlement on open standards can help reduce vendor lock-in
problems and incompatibility issues. While transferring data user needs to
use a SSH-tunneling or VPN protocol. The user can look for CSP with
continuous data protection where every version of file is saved by the CSP
in their server. Data portability should be provided to avoid Vendor lock-in.
To avoid DoS the simplest way is to check if the source ip-address is invalid
and another is to implement a strong and robust firewall. A reverse firewall
can help to protect attacker from accessing an external server from a VPS.
• Article [89], The author highlight some issues that can build up a trust in
cloud computing platform:
• Article [54], Providing tools for security management and auditing, disclos-
ing security policies, compliance and practices can attract people towards
cloud computing. Cloud providers need to have strong internal monitoring
and auditing scheme.
Chapter 4. Literature Review 80
The results that are obtained from chapter 4 conclude that there are some chal-
lenges with no mitigation strategies proposed. These are ‘packet sniffing’, ‘sharing
computing resources’, ‘failure in providing security’, ‘incompatibility’, ‘constant
feature addition’, ‘data retention or recovery’, ‘compliance’ and ‘cost’. Out of
these (challenges with no mitigation strategies) incompatibility is a challenge
mentioned by a number of articles but no mitigation strategies identified. To
identify mitigation strategies for the challenges, the surveys are employed.
This chapter describes the steps for designing the surveys, identify the survey
respondents and implement the surveys.
• Needs assessment survey: to ask for problems and gather possible solutions.
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 87
• Electronic surveys are the kind of surveys where electronic media are used
to contact the respondents. The respondents are sent a set of questions
through email and requested to respond.
The needs assessment type is considered in this work to gather possible solu-
tions/practices/guidelines. The medium used to communicate with the respon-
dents is using e-mail and the responses are collected using an online survey tool.
• Identify and engage the stakeholder: The stakeholders are those who have
an interest in the program (results of the thesis). In this context the stake-
holders are the company professionals who could use the benefit of working
with multiple CSP’s provided issue with incompatibility will get solved.
These can be solutions architects, senior practice managers, chief archi-
tects, people who have rigorously worked with cloud computing application
deployment, founders and CEO’s. The survey process used in this study
identifies these stakeholders from different companies and ask them to re-
spond to the survey questions.
• Writing goals and objectives: The survey aims to collect expert opinion and
experiences on how to mitigate the issues identified under ‘incompatibility’.
Since there were no dependable mitigation strategies (which can be used as
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 88
It was also necessary that the survey responses are strong (number of responses
gathered from experienced practitioners) because the sample size considered was
random. The survey link was kept open till 15 filled responses (with responses
from experienced personnel) were received.
From the answers that are given by the responder to question one, it can
be understood that the responses to this question are mostly guidelines. 3
out of 13 respondents for this question say that using standardization will
be better option and one of these 3 say that “global standards is a best
option. But I doubt if such thing exists” (response from Founder and CEO,
i.e., R11). From the remaining responses, R5 says DK (don’t know).
R2 Make sure that Vendor follow compliance best practices like ISO27k,
SOX, etc
R3 Encryption between Data and Other service provider . Network Secu-
rity and Firewall Blockage at and within Data center.
R4 Data Integration Data Encryption and security Data Authentication
Usage Policy
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 93
Most of the responses (6 out of 14) given to this question consist encryption
as the solution, such as: 256-bit encryption, data encryption, encryption
between data and other service provider, etc. Answers that need to be
noted are:
• “Data security is critical. Typically I have not seen fool proof data
security between multiple service providers. It is best to restrict data
in an extended private network over a single cloud provider” (R6, 2
years experience).
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 94
As an answer to this question most of the respondents say that, there are
security measures such as encryption techniques or secure connections with
multi layered access control to be implements. From the above-mentioned
points, it makes clear that cloud computing is not secure and interconnec-
tion between cloud is to be taken extreme care.
Second question:
Three responder didnt answer this question i.e., people with 2.5years, 2years
and 1-year experience had no answer. Those who have answered have given
unique steps to be followed to handle the secure migration in a cloud com-
puting environment. Interesting responses to this question are as follows:
R2 Need to ensure that contracts are written in a way that we don’t get
into this sort of mess
R3 Smooth network traffic within and out of data center. You can used
agreement , RAA (Risk Analysis Acceptance) between vendor and
service provider during migration activity
R4 I am not able to comment on this topic
R7 Nothing have any thought
R8 Regular back up of data in your personal system space.
R10 We need to ensure that the application inherently provides the ability
to export data in some form that will make it easy to migrate to a
different provider.
R11 Store data internally, and use service provider only for processing.
R12 According to me the below measures should be taken to avoid vendor
lock-in in case a migration path does not exist :
(1) Data movement and encryption, both in transit and when it reaches
the target environment.
(2) Setting up networking to maintain certain relationships in the
source environment and preparing to connect into different net-
work options provided by the target environment.
(3) The application itself, which lives in an ecosystem surrounded by
tools and processes. When the application is moved to a target
cloud, you may have to re-architect it based on the components/re-
sources that the target cloud provides.
R13 (1) Find ways to replicate data that’s stored in the cloud
(2) Avoid storing sensitive data off-premise
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 97
To avoid this data lock-in due to no migration can be solved by following
precautions suggested by respondents:
Third Question:
There are 4 respondents who had no experience in this situation or had
no answer (7years, 5 years, 2.5 and 2 years). A respondent (person who is
part of 6 of the largest implementations in the industry. Across platforms,
engineering and hosting) says “Firstly IDM is not enough. Identity is to
be tagged across application, users and hardware.. e.g. Mr. X can run
Program Y on server Z and W only... This is achieved with compatible
signed hardware software combos.”
Another respondent says, “For Cloud to be successfully vendors need to
figure out how to integrate all of these prevailing identify management sys-
tems. Can’t keep reinventing stuff.” There were few opinions, which sug-
gested how to create compatibility between on-premise and cloud computing
R2 LDAP Intergration
R3 It is very useful as every employee who is a part of CC they have to fol-
low the rules by cc as limited permission within and out of production
zone , never share your password with others.
R7 Nothing have any thought
R8 It’s always preferable to use SSO login, which is in your control.
R10 Haven’t used anything yet.
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 99
R11 o-auth
R12 SSO, LDAP, MS Windows authentication etc
R13 Oracle Identity and Access Mgmt solution
R14 Many.
From the responses it can be identified that there are a few respondents
unaware of the IDM used. Others mention all most all the IDMs identi-
fied through literature review. Following table 5.1 shows which on-premise
authentication system compatible with which service provider in a cloud
computing system are used. For example, from the table 5.1, we can un-
derstand that Director for IT/SW Services who has experience with cloud
applications for a year says LDAP integration is compatible with google
cloud. The other respondent in this survey who is an associate director and
has been using Amazon cloud for 3 years says its preferable to use SSO (sin-
gle sign-on) as it is compatible with cloud applications. Similarly the other
responses have been tabulated to show which on-premise authentication
system is compatible with and from which service provider.
5.3 Summary
This section summarizes the observations of the survey based on the following.
Chapter 5. Surveys: Design and results 100
3. Few users stress the use of global standards or common standards (to pro-
vide interoperability) and standard interfaces (for migration), as this did
not quite exist in the cloud computing scenarios.
4. Some of the answers mention that there is utmost care required when data
is migrated, interfaced or interconnected in cloud computing scenario. The
respondents mention different ways of encryption and security measures
that are to be implemented while transferring information from one cloud
to another.
5. From these surveys it can also be understood that framing strict standards
and having open source ways of designing CC applications is also stressed
for better security and compatibility of different cloud service providers.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6. Discussion 102
practitioners and then questionnaire for survey need to be framed. The insecure
areas of this challenge were identified from the literature review and are as follows:
• There is a threat that readers might consider these results are generalized,
to avoid this problem it is stated in the report that these generalized results
are obtained from expert opinion or from literature and can differ with the
change from organization to organization.
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Future Work
7.1 Conclusions
This study collectively describes cloud computing security challenges in general
and describes the mitigation practices that have been proposed to handle the
identified challenges. But there are still some challenges with no mitigation strate-
gies, which might stand as a risk and a concern for some enthusiastic CC lovers.
Through this study the author tried to focus on one such challenge ‘incompati-
bility’ and find mitigation practices from CC practitioners.
The conclusion shall be divided into 3 subsections and inferences obtained
from each research question is explained below:
RQ1 & RQ2: After an exhaustive search (using literature review and snowball
sampling) on electronic databases, 43 challenges and 89 mitigation strategies
were identified in cloud computing security. In addition to these mitigation
strategies there are also some guidelines been identified.
RQ3: The guidelines and mitigation strategies identified through initial study are
not available for all the challenges identified. There are some challenges with
no mitigation strategies and from them a challenge that is mentioned by
multiple articles is selected. For this challenge (‘incompatibility’) identified
from literature that has no mitigation strategies, solutions/practices/miti-
gation strategies are found from cloud computing practitioners.
RQ4: Based on the survey method applied to identify the practices to mitigate
this ‘incompatibility’ challenge there are some conclusions made and as
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Work 106
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Appendix A
Initial Set of papers
Appendix B
Survey questionnaire
The survey questions are distributed through an online survey link. This link
is prepared with 2 pages. The first page is to gather basic information and the
second page to gather solution/practices/guidelines.
Page One:
General information (OPTIONAL):
Total work experience in cloud:
Appendix B. Survey questionnaire 126
a) Public cloud
b) Private cloud
c) Hybrid cloud
d) Community cloud
Other, please specify:
Page 2
(a) If service provider allows migration, what steps (methods used, pre-
cautions taken or guidelines) can be followed to provide easy migration
without compromising security?
3. For any user to access the company data/applications he/she must be au-
thenticated by an Identity management (IDM) system. Commonly used
authentication ways are Microsoft Windows authentication, Single Sign-On
(SSO), Light weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Security Assertion
Mark up Language (SAML), OPENID and OAUTH, OpenSocial, Facebook
Connect, etc. Some of these methods are not compatible with cloud comput-
ing systems. If the enterprise IDM is not compatible with cloud platforms,
providing access to employees for different cloud applications can become
challenge. Hence delaying in the adoption of cloud.