Motorcycle Regulator
Motorcycle Regulator
Motorcycle Regulator
As the name suggests, the unit consists of 2 circuits i.e. the Regulator and the
Rectifier. Usually, the wires are coded as below:
Green = EARTH (Chassis or Battery -)
Black/Yellow = IGNITION
3 Yellow or 3 Pink = 3 PHASES
IC2 is a 555 which is configured as an astable vibrator. Since the supply voltage
is 18V and max voltage for 555 is 15V, a zener diode D2 is introduced to protect
the IC.
The output is connected to 1 yellow wire at a time. Both the LEDs should blink,
indicating that the corresponding rectifiers are good. If only one LED or no LED
blinks, it indicates one or both rectifiers are bad.
Now, the connections of red and green wires are interchanged. If one or both
LEDs blink, it indicates that the rectifiers are short (bad).
p.s. I have tested the above explained motorcycle regulator, rectifier tester
-Abu Hafss