AR COLessons
AR COLessons
AR COLessons
Introductory Thoughts
Welcome to our study and salutations from all three sides of the triangle!
You are about to embark on the Rosicrucian journey, one we trust you will benefit
Though all paths are a means to the same end, be that the Nirvana or the Stone of
the Wise, or even At-one-ment as we shall call it, a question arises each time an earnest
student seeks; What line of instruction will allow me to reach my spiritual goals in the shortest
amount of time? The speed of your progress is an important factor and at the Rosicrucian
School of Philosophy we offer our teachings at a steady rate of unfoldment that is in line with
the pace of our current society. Here you will not just receive ancient knowledge, but will also
find a way to enhance your way of life. These teachings are designed to increase your mental
capacity, your positive mental attitude, and ultimately aims at revealing your purpose in life.
Your Rosicrucian journey will do more than just reveal the Ageless Wisdom.
Philosophy of itself is but empty promises. We ask that you learn to ‘practice what you preach’
and above all things that you take physical action with what you learn. For we offer a
knowledge that is also of such practical value for the benefit of mankind. You may ask; How
can this be so? How can I make a difference?
Your Rosicrucian journey is not only of individual benefit to you but also benefits many
others who are taking this journey with you. You are now a part of the Rosicrucian movement.
Though spread far and wide this movement brings many to a similar understanding. Your
understanding of your own role in life is important to us. That is why we are willing to provide
coaching and mentoring services to you. As you benefit we also hope you are able to
positively touch the lives of those around you. Then as a part of a cooperative group, working
in harmony, you will truly become a part of the universal unfoldment.
As a matter of fact, you can start to benefit the lives of others right now. Do this simply
by smiling more often. It is free to give and easy to share. This simple act can light up the
lives of others in so many ways. For this is our goal. It is our vision for the future and for
humanity. What a great world it would be if everyone wore a peaceful smile every day?
In partaking in this journey, you will become more sensitive to the universal
unfoldment, sensitive to the angelic level of vibration, and will thus be in cooperation with the
unfolding purpose. It is the purpose of this course of learning that aspirants will find this
awareness. These teachings are not only given in order to train you or provide you with an
opportunity. For would you not agree that all life is opportunity? Your mission is to realize this
fact and to reach your full potential in life. Ultimately there is nothing you cannot achieve in
life. Thus your individual reaction to opportunity is one of the best factors that will indicate
your spiritual growth in future. By this you will begin to understand that The Rosicrucian
College of AR+CO is not the school of wisdom itself, but rather the world itself is the temple of
wisdom, the sky the ceiling, the earth the floor, and you are our valued student and we will do
In good time you will gain this awareness and with persistence will know the truth.
Though we may deliver the way, you are left free to apply yourself to these teachings, or not.
When you undertake any spiritual work offered, it will occur because of your free choice and
self initiated effort. Thus, as our past teachers have said. One does not become a Rosicrucian
through affiliation. One becomes a Rosicrucian by ones own merits and effort.
The methods of Work provided in this course are those obtained from the greatest
masters of knowledge so that our school would capture the best of every teaching. The
Rosicrucian work contained in these lessons comes on a tide when the world would be ready
to receive it once more. Let us remind you of a time when the Ancient Greek Philosophers
liberated themselves from blind faith in the old gods to replace this with rationalism, theory
and philosophy. They questioned the existence of the soul. They conceived ideas of an
Eternal Mind, that all things are first in the world of Ideas before they manifest. They taught
that all things are connected and are a part of the same. The reaction cleared the way for an
increased interest in wisdom revival and the mystery traditions.
Once again humanity has shed itself of blind faith, gone through an era of rationalism
and science, and is about to reach a climax in spiritual awareness. By thinking clearly as our
student and applying our teachings to your daily life you will be contributing most dearly to the
world’s awareness as an individual unit of the whole.
This will entail the transformation of your gross personality into a new level of
awareness. By applying yourself to the Rosicrucian Journey you have asked for something
more in life, you are asking for something more of yourself. You have led yourself to a path
that will involve a pledging of your entire personality to the Higher Self so that you will rise
above the desires of the lower ego. The renewed age seeks to renew your efforts in bringing
about purification of your mind, body and soul so that the entire lower man may be a pure
vehicle and instrument through which the divine light may flow.
In the ancient school the Masters taught their students lines of knowledge that were
so abstract that they had to be meditated upon and revisited several times in order to gain a
true understanding. For the Alchemist, he went away to perform an experiment in his own
time without any pressure. It could take him a lifetime to reflect upon his results. Today in our
speedier times the demand for the compassion of each other and world peace is so great that
the prolonged methods have given way to a faster method of study that is easier for you. As
our student you are seen as having reached the current level of human consciousness by
which you are ready to receive a direct method of teaching. Our approach offers a wider
presentation of truth and permits a greater freedom of how you may take action with the
ageless wisdom
Your understanding of the truth we teach should unveil the cryptic hypothesis and
symbolisms left by the ancients so that it becomes recognisable in many cases such as
relationships, religion, human behaviour and in historical events. These lessons will connect
in your mind the universe to the individual because as you verify our science you will find that
as a human unit you are constantly connected with these natural forces. The teachings are
then more than abstract philosophy and become very real.
The training before you has a definite plan of study that is aimed at leading you from
the human emotional realm and into the realm of enlightenment. You may ask ‘why is the
system a set structure of learning?’; All expansion requires a natural order of growth. For
something to grow it needs a system. Look at a flower, cut an orange, notice the symmetry of
a tree or a beehive. There is always discipline. Nature keeps what is essential and follows it’s
course. Therefore, if you want your awareness to grow, there must be a system of growth. If
you want your life to blossom you’ll need some order to grow. With your cooperation, and
consent, you will move along this path of evolution consciously and scientifically. Your belief
will soon give way to knowledge, a knowledge gained through the acceptance of a theory at
first, and through revelation it will be strengthened by experience and confirmation.
In undertaking the Rosicrucian Journey you have voluntarily and without pressure
stated your willingness to go forward into a more fulfilling spiritual life. From here you must
progress with the freedom of choice and through the power of your intellect. Follow any
instructions you feel are reasonable and right. When you choose to follow them, attempt to
undertake these experiments with accuracy. We will not require obedience to our rules as was
taught in several older schools. In the Old Order the Masters extracted oaths of secrecy and
strict dedication to the rules of the order. These conditions no longer hold good. The
intellectual ability in the current wave of seekers is now too developed to warrant this type of
expectancy. Discussion among you can only encourage more growth. In our age the School is
responsible for offering its knowledge with great care to you and nothing more. We ask
therefore, for no obedience at all while at the same time we are a family of seekers. Work
therefore as your environment and higher-self guides you to do so.
You may also wonder at this point how hard or challenging the journey will be? For
many the word discipline is not a favourite word. In popularity it appears somewhere between
dental visits and dieting. Self-discipline though will make all the difference. We maintain that if
you can keep a reasoning mind and take your success and failures equally well you will also
encounter in your training the realisation that others have walked this path before and will
understand the intended lessons and that the end is only reached through discipline,
increasing enlightenment, and in service to nature and others in need. Apply the principle of
persistence without attachment to results or the constant procedure of self-analysis. In doing
so you will more rapidly arrive at greater usefulness to your fellowman.
Having introduced the path ahead there are several sacred signs that may now be
given to you as a member of the Labourer level. Firstly the grip of this grade is to shake your
fellow Rosicrucians hand as normal followed by a delayed grip while pressing the thumb to
his index finger three times. This should be used when greeted by another fellow of our order
including in public. The password of this degree is ‘Fiat Lux’ which in Latin means ‘Let there
be Light.’
By the password Fiat Lux may all the Light shine upon you!
Dear student. This manual is design to allow you to study at your own pace! Unlike
other Rosicrucian Orders that send you slow paced lessons each week you can take your
own time and spend as long as you like on this degree. For the fast learner you may also go
as fast as you like however the minimum amount of time required to spend on the first degree
is six months. This is because just as you are seeking a special kind of study we are also
seeking a special kind of student. We want you to apply our knowledge rather than just read
our lessons without doing the practical work. Unless you apply our ancient teachings how else
will you really benefit dear seeker? Inside are given the following practical tools:
Study Prayers: This section on pages (WHAT PAGES?) are the proclamations that
should be declared each time you take up this Grade Manual for reading. You should light a
candle and declare aloud the salutations towards the east. There are exactly twelve
salutations for this degree. Once you have started your first study you should say aloud the
first salutation. Next time you read your Grade Manual declare aloud the second salutation.
Continue this process until you have read the manual twelve times and completed the twelve
prayers. Once you have finished the process once you should start it all once again from the
first prayer because this is part of your Rosicrucian initiation.
Initiation Ceremony: The Initiation Ceremony for the Grade of Labourer is provided
in this manual. Please read the instructions carefully and prepare for your ceremony properly
so as to ensure a sacred experience. This ceremony is not that used by the Memphis Rosae
Crucis being the AR+CO Lodge Rite. Instead these ceremonies are provided for the student
to receive our Rosicrucian current as an independent self initiator and we will recognise your
grade and affiliation with us having undergone this ceremony. Your certificate is enclosed with
this manual and you may present this to any AR+CO Lodge to gain entry into meetings as a
visiting Rosicrucian or one seeking initiation.
Main Content: There are three sections of study in the main content. The first is an
introduction to our society. Then the main content of study is given as the mid section of this
manual. That means you can read this material as fast or as slow as your lifestyle allows. Do
not read this material without lighting a candle and giving your salutations towards the east.
You may also need to read this section of the Grade Manual many times. Each Grade Manual
offers the last section as History Study at the end of each degree. By this you will not just
learn about AR+CO but will encounter many additional Rosicrucian transmissions that have
influenced our present society. You may study this at any time during your Rosicrucian
The weekly prayer you should use for this degree is. Recite it in a place where you
feel comfortable and will be alone.
‘Oh Great Lord of the Universe, may you grant unto me your mercy so that I may
obtain the comprehension of your ancient mysteries through the Society of the Rose Cross.
Let the influence of thy Divine and Secret Angels descend upon my head so that I may
obtain their wisdom and benefit from all your goodness. So help me my Lord and my
Ancient Undying Soul. Amen.’
The Twelve Prayers for this degree are given. Recite one for each time you study this
Grade Manual of the Labourer Degree:
Now that you have gained access to our Rosicrucian Journey materials you will need
to apply each study session with one of the above prayers or salutations. These prayers are
an important part of your Rosicrucian Journey with us because they offer a practical
adventure towards the light and serve the purpose of raising your vibration towards higher
spiritual intensity.
Every time, before opening your study session, ensure that you light a candle at your
study and then recite the prayer aloud. The prayer should be declared towards the east and
the candle should burn for the duration of reading your grade manual. This is the first instance
of beginning your spiritual work and forms a very important aspect to our spiritual current.
Why, you may ask, would these prayers be so important to the transmission that you
are now working with? Firstly these prayers, simple as they are at first, gradually become
more intense. They are a cycle of growth and building. This ideal derives from older
Rosicrucian transmissions where the aspiring student strives towards the highest light by
advancing on with an element of caution. Thus these prayers are formulated to conduct the
student in such a way that respect is given on all occasions to the path that you have chosen.
A lot can be said about this approach, which on one hand will take many years to
comprehend due to the fact that for many it has only remained in the oral tradition. By reading
older works such as the Sacred Book of Abramelin the Mage, and the angelic records of John
Dee, the student will always find embedded into these systems the importance of
approaching the spiritual light gradually, which as many ancients have warned can also be
blinding to those who are not prepared to behold. Our prayers then set out as a means of
preparation, and as you shall find in the proceeding grades, also become more intense and
alchemical. By alchemical we mean ‘spiritually transformative’ in that the ‘alchemical heat’ or
the intensity of the prayers shall be raised for the purpose of transmuting the base personality
into spiritual gold.
This brings us to touch upon the subject of alchemy and spiritual fire as we perceive it
in our transmission seeing that all of these prayers are conducted over a candle flame. All of
the stages of transmuting lead into gold, as described by the alchemist, had more spiritual
significance known to initiates of the Rosicrucian College. Looking back over your individual
life, you will be conscious of the fact that at every life changing moment, we always describe
the intensity of our situations as being a ‘hot situation’ sometimes resulting in being ‘burnt out.’
This vital consideration suggest that the fire of alchemy is about bringing life to those crucial
‘boiling points’ where what we no longer need to hold onto shall be dismissed from our
personalities in order to spiritually grow as a person. Alchemy in itself refers to this process as
burning off the dross from one of our seven metals in order to bring the material to a higher
state. However alchemy, being the process of life, always indicates that it is in fact the human
person who is the subject of alchemical work and that alchemical fire always refers to raising
the situation to its greatest climax in order to break through to the next level. Having stated
such it can be seen that true prayer, as we understand it in our college, is a means of initiation
on its own wonderful merits.
The candle therefore is symbolic of a spiritual fire and the Rosicrucian student who
adheres to our sacred prayers, also raises the intensity of his or her spiritual journey due to
the fact that prayers require real emotion behind them in order to truly be effective. Where life
is the realm of alchemical experimentation and the student is the subject of transformation,
only through intensifying these study prayers will their transformative results be gained. In
addition faith and devotion are two key elements in raising the intensity of your Rosicrucian
Journey. The prayer on one hand guides your spiritual progress while the candle is a visual
reminder of the most important aspect of your spiritual alchemy: Fire equals emotional
A close study of all Rosicrucian alchemical manuscripts shows that the so-called fire
of the alchemist has to be nurtured, and risen in power and in certain cases has to be
animated indicating the path of spiritual progress. A close comparison in Rosicrucian theurgy
(spiritual work) shows that prayers at the outset begin in a light fashion, are gradually
increased, and climax in due ceremony. Older Rosicrucian transmissions and especially the
order of the Asiatic Brethren symbolically described this key teaching as the ‘water-fire’ or the
‘fiery-water’ which in itself describes the importance of emotion coupled with faith creating
spiritual intensity. The student might ask ‘how exactly will I raise this emotional intensity?’ Let
me tell you that the alchemist also left this most important clue by stating the energy of fire
comes from the invisible sun. This of course relates to the heart-center so often referred to
among Rosicrucian students and shows that the power of love, faith, hope and devotion are
key aspects in succeeding as a mystic. Every time you set alight the candle for your prayers,
call to mind these words and this will bring you into rhythm with the wonderful light we seek.
In our Rosicrucian transmission, we call this candle the Battery and the Pillar of Fire.
As a battery the candle is stimulating your progress. We are always stimulated through one of
our five senses and visual stimulation from the battery, by its warmth and glowing light, should
awaken from the depth of your soul a very ardent desire for spiritual development. Imagine
the difference between someone who reads our lessons disinterested and distracted by the
many, and then imagine the student who applies this key teaching and the results he will gain.
As a Pillar of Fire it attracts from the heavenly regions a stream of cosmic life-force filled with
the divine presence of our Creator. Older Rosicrucian transmissions replaced the ceremonial
sword with the candle battery to unite the divine to the soul as a cosmic umbilical cord.
Through this sacred light of subtle energy the divine influence of the unfolding plan flows into
our work at the beginning of each lesson. When the wave of celestial fire draws out the
student’s faith and hope and these emotions are allowed to wash out into his life he will be
changed irrevocably. On one hand the student will apply the battery so that it becomes a
visual trigger to instantly awaken those feelings of respect for the divine, stimulating your
faith and love, hope and devotion. On the other hand he will find that the pillar of fire
embodies a spiritual light and connects the cosmic to material. The application of this
important tool should draw a relationship between the soul and the whole of the universe as
one becomes a part of the whole.
Having introduced our method of prayer you should now have your candle in place
and in readiness to progress with all of your studies. Ensure that you get the most out of our
Rosicrucian College by always lighting your candle and reciting the salutation before opening
towards where you have progressed within this book. AR+CO is a path of progress and by
employing the fiery-water, of emotional-intensity, life will become an alchemical experience
where your faith and love for the divine will be rewarded. This alchemical image depicts these
ideas seeing that mercury represents the knowledge of the Rosicrucians.
Welcome to a new phase of intense spiritual living in the Rosicrucian current of Love,
Life and Light.
The path before you is indeed intense. Intense in the sense of a new way of living,
with dynamic thought, reflection of life, and seeking to recognise the true spirit and gain
alignment with it. Before delving into this intense process of unfoldment any further, we note
that some students will ask: Who exactly are the Rosicrucians and what can I learn from
The Rosicrucian teachings have their origins truly in the most ancient beginnings,
traditionally being rooted in the angelic knowledge taught to Adam, Enoch, Abraham and
Moses. Further inspirations came by the teachings of the Pharaoh Priest Ahkenaten from
Egypt, as well as other parts of Ancient Egypt both before Ahkenaten and that which
resurfaced after him. We are also deeply rooted in the Schools of Pythagoras and the
Neoplatonic traditions as well as the Ancient Mysteries of Eleusis, Mithras, Orpheus and
Serapis, and other schools of the ancient Mediterranean world. The Rosicrucian Brotherhood
is naturally rooted in the Christian mysticism of the Coptic and Syriac as will be shown in later
discussions. Later influences include such lights as Paracelsus and John Dee, the Kabalistic
traditions of Safed, as well as the Corpus Hermeticum that came west by way of a monk of
the Eastern Church. The Rosicrucian philosophy is a modern rendition of what some
scholars have called the Philosophia Perrenis, and it is that philosophy you will be learning on
your Rosicrucian Journey. These are some of the many influences upon the Rosicrucian
tradition and when considering our origins two particular figures emerge as being the
founders of our knowledge:
Ormus: By our tradition, in the first century lived an Egyptian mystic named Ormus
who was a Seraphic Priest and initiate of the mysteries in Alexandria. In 46 CE he and six of
his followers were converted to Coptic Christianity by one of Jesus’ disciples named Mark.
The sage reconciled the Greek Egyptian Rites with Christianity founding the Society of
Ormus. He confirmed upon his newly constituted order of initiates the symbol of the Rose
and Cross.
Father C.R.C / Christian Rosencreutz: In 1378 the man who was later known as
Father CRC was born. At the young age of fifteen he set out to find knowledge and on
reaching Damascus in Syria was initiated into a faction of the Rose Cross Order named the
‘Blood of the Lamb.’ He was later welcomed into other factions of orders descending from
Ormus in Egypt and the city of Edessa / Fessa and in Spain. In each order he found that the
teachings had degenerated and then, on returning to Europe, reformed the order to its pure
teachings and established the College of the Holy Spirit. 1
While many Rosicrucian schools follow only Ormus or C.R.C, which is to say,
following only one or the other, our school has both lineages of knowledge in its teachings
and transmissions. For the last two thousand years Masonic Orders have been the only
place for entry into the Society of Ormus. Now for the first time its teachings are made
available to those outside of Masonic bodies. Our teachings are considered truly authentic
Rosicrucian teachings in both spirit and practice. Within our order exists the Council of Eight
being the high members of the College of the Holy Spirit while the overall society is governed
Note that in the Fama he was only known as Father C.R.C while the name Christian Rosenkreutz
only later appeared in the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz also considered a Rosicrucian
Manifesto. Samuel Robinson.
The names of Ormus means ‘Light’ while Father CRC, also known later as Christian
Rosenkreutz means ‘Christian of the Rosy Cross.’
In the tradition of our founding fathers, you will encounter their authentic teachings as
passed down from master to student for many ages. At the appearance of our order to the
public many mysteries that have not yet revealed to mankind are given here for the first time.
Our esoteric transmissions bring together the finest Rosicrucian teachings available.
Over the last one hundred years we have seen a virtual explosion of groups naming
themselves “Rosicrucian.” Our opinion of other groups is not one of discredit or contempt, as
those are not attitudes that come from the Heart of the Rose. Instead. In our opinion we
maintain that each and every Rosicrucian group is a part of the Rosicrucian school of wisdom.
Each derives from the same light. Each captures one ray of the unlimited teachings and
projects a wisdom of value into the world. Although several groups may claim to be the ‘only
authentic Rosicrucian order’ it is clear that Rosicrucianism is a state of mind rather than
having affiliation with any form of society. No matter what your affiliations or membership you
are welcome into the doors of AR+CO and may have a place with us on common grounds
with many other Rosicrucian students. Contemplate the overall picture and you will see that
all Rosicrucian societies are but streams from the same spring of knowledge. We are each of
the same important value of Rosicrucian spirit.
At the Rosicrucian College of AR+CO we have always called ourselves the “Order of
Most Loving Brothers and Sisters.” What exactly should this mean to you?
Our concept of Brotherhood extends to every member of the human race. We seek
to consider all people with love. The Rosicrucian will watch with care every thought towards
his fellow man. The Rosicrucian will clear from his mind all suspicion and criticism and seeks
to hold every person unwaveringly in the light of love. Seek to grasp the idea of the potency
of such an effort and its power to release our fellow man from his or her bonds and how this
can lift humanity to an exceedingly high place. By the pure light of love for each other you will
be cooperating with the universal unfoldment and will arrive more rapidly at that gate which
opens the lighted way. You have an opportunity to demonstrate to yourself the scientific value
and power of love as a powerful force in nature. As a Rosicrucian make this demonstration
your endeavour. You will then release for humanity that which is needed to bring about potent
and vital changes in the lives and purposes of those around you. Rosicrucian love is beyond
being an emotion or a desire for the right action in daily life. Rosicrucian love is the wielding
of the force that guides humanity towards unification in peace. Such love is selfless and
requires that each Brother and Sister of our school will stamp out egoism to include people of
all races as being worthy to achieve higher consciousness.
Rosicrucians of this new age love each other, and their fellow man, with intelligence
and an abiding strength. Our temple seeks to release this light and power into the world as
best we can and in dealing with other orders we ask you to remember this saying: “All orders
As an student of the Rosicrucian College of AR+CO you might ask: Then how can I
benefit from the fraternal spirit of this order? In so much as what has been said of our love for
humanity let us state that it is not mere feeling alone or empty promises because we believe
in taking physical action upon our principles. The warmth of our fraternity extends to you in
the form of emotional and spiritual support. As an initiate you will find that several changes
will begin to occur in your life as gradually the rose blossoms inside of you and this
unfoldment releases the warmth and love of our way to many around you. Emotional
blockages will be released and others may begin to trust you as someone worthy to confide in
or ask for some form of advice more often than present. As such your abilities to express such
principles will grow as a result of learning and practicing our healing and meditation methods.
For you as a person you will have our support and warmth along your progression to
awakening the heavenly plane within you. This may manifest in the form of the many
friendships we are building within our community. You can meet us in person through initiation
lodges and may also write to us online within our internet community. We would like for you to
stay in touch with us and share your experiences on this Rosicrucian Journey. Whatever
friendships and information you may need we will also be sure to assist you in our private
forum where a multitude of Rosicrucian students just like you are willing to listen and support
each other.
To answer the second question formulated at the outset of this lesson, “what will I
learn from the Rosicrucians?” The Rosicrucian Journey will offer many branches of wisdom
from the Perennial Philosophy that together form our science of life. The application of what
you learn from us will, if you let it, change your life for the better, and thus, change the world.
For many the wisdom of the ancients seemed complex, and for this problem our
school delivers this wisdom in plain language so that it cannot be misinterpreted and all can
understand them. By this you will easily understand what many prophets have tried to convey
in the parables of their time.
To transmit our knowledge we will offer Rosicrucian theory in a practical form. The
Rosicrucian Journey is a commentary on life rather than just philosophical analogies. In
being practical this course of learning is for the better development of the student to
experience rather than just read. To classify the intention of this Journey our lessons should
bring about the following insights in you and more.
In our modern world science and religion are separate entities. We exist in a time
when these dual forces of science and religion constantly combat each other. Many friends
heatedly argue due to different ideas.
Yet once in our distant past science and religion were one and the same. Both paths
had evolved together as one and the science of the era only confirmed the universal laws of
life. Yet as time went on science and religion have separated. Not only this but they have
emerged as enemies in the modern era. The two extremes have nearly become a danger
unto themselves. The danger of science is that, untempered with the way of the heart, it
becomes unethical and without moral. If science continues upon its path of non-guidance
then what experiments upon animal life forms we see today, such as they are spiritually
harmful to another creature, will become very small compared to what we will see in the next
era. The Rosicrucian way is universal and harmless to all life on earth. On the other hand
religion untempered by reason and analysis becomes blind faith and leads to ignorance,
fundamentalism, intolerance and fanaticism. Our current times are being bombarded with
religious strife. Fanatics surrender to the evils of suicide bombing and while governments
continue to keep genocide under the carpet in many countries. On the other hand there is a
way. World Peace is our Rosicrucian Ideal. If both science and religion were to be united hand
in hand once more, our spiritual experience would be one of knowledge while our scientific
understanding would be one of harmony.
What each group, science and religion, are trying to explain- the Rosicrucians have
always answered in both scientific and spiritual terms. Our course of learning shall
endeavour to present our knowledge in a method that is relative to the scheme of the
scientific approach. It will show how basically reasonable, natural and true is all that is termed
mysterious. All things are under the universal law as you shall learn in a time when such
knowledge is needed most, now that the war of science and religion has gone on for so long.
From the turmoil and confusion of contradiction, the world has ripened and has reached a
stage where the beauty and reality of a spiritual-science can be appreciated. Rosicrucianism
is a spiritual science and should never be considered a religion dear seeker.
It may be important for you to note that the spiritual re-marriage of science and
religion once again is what Rosicrucians alchemically term: ‘Conjunctio.’
Let’s start something practical! The Mystical Ladder is what the Rosicrucian school
refers to throughout these lessons as a series of practical exercises. When most people think
of a mystical ladder, Jacob’s Ladder comes to mind depicting a ladder going from earth to
heaven upon which angels abide and travel from heaven to earth to carry out the will of God.
In a similar fashion these exercises form steps upon which you can mount and aspire towards
the gates of heaven yourself in higher states of consciousness and living.
Throughout the Rosicrucian Journey you will continue to receive many exercises that
form parts of the Mystical Ladder and here is the first rung of the Ladder; your first exercise.
It is called Retrospection as a Rosicrucian, suggestive of the words ‘self-reflection’ in
2. Run your mind over every event starting from when you first arose in the
morning, considering the events of the morning, day and evening until this reflection
3. Weigh your actions, words and deeds in each event and consider if you acted
fairly, truthfully and acted in accordance with peace and your own conscience.
4. If after judging yourself for some time you find that you have done something
wrong then make it your promise to rectify that mistake on the next day by whatever
means it is in your power to do so.
5. After you have considered the day and thought about what you can do to
improve any transgressions on the next day, dismiss from your mind anything that ties
you to the past. Think for a moment about all the things that you consider in your life to
be a wonderful gift. Consider each of those gifts individually and realize that the world is
truly a beautiful and plentiful world to live in.
This exercise should be taken as something positive, during its practice it would be a
mistake to concentrate too heavily on the negative. Spend each moment of reflection in self-
judgement but also objectively, meaning without attachment to the events themselves. If this
can be done properly negative thoughts or feelings should not creep back into your mind to
torment you emotionally. Train your mind to consider these reflective thoughts as being part
of your spiritual process. You only witness them once again so that they may serve a higher
purpose and other than this they should have no affect on you. The results should be that
you assimilate every moment in your life into cosmic consciousness so that all events are
processed properly into your being. By this you will truly be learning what ever you are
supposed to be learning in your life at that time. You will also avoid accumulating ‘bad karma’
or any negative backlashes in life following the natural laws of nature. This is one example of
how ancient principles can aid in improving your lifestyle and life experience.
Over the next few sections we shall carefully introduce you to some of the concepts
that are at the heart of Rosicrucian philosophy. This is presented before your initiation
ceremony so that you fully understand what spiritual and ancient currents you will be aligning
yourself towards before committing.
Questions so far:
1. When was Ormus converted and what does his name mean?
2. When was Father CRC born and what does the name: “Christian
Rosenkreutz” mean?
Do not progress onto the next section unless you know the answers!
Christian Rosencreuz
So far we have introduced to you the founder of the College of the Holy Spirit, of
which you now stand on the Outer Portal as a member, and his name was Father CRC and
To the public eye Father CRC first appeared in a declaration of our order in a
document named the Fama Fraternitatis which was bound with: Reform of the Universe by
Boccalini and a Short Reply to the Esteemed Fraternity of the Rose-Cross by Adam
Haselmayer, all published in Kassel, in Hesse. Haselmayer’s Reply proves the Fama to have
been in circulation since 1610, the set being published together in German in 1614 . The
Fama Fraternitatis, or simply the Fama, is at first glance a story of a Christian monk who
sought the mysteries, being dissatisfied with what he was taught in the monastery in
Germany, and having found them abroad established our sacred order. The Fama is at the
same time an invitation for earnest seekers to find the Rosicrucian Order and apply for
membership to this esteemed order. Since the publication of the Fama our society has
remained secret only disclosing its mysteries as best it could to suit the times. In our current
period you have arrived to our order and have gained access to our latest presentation via
these grade manuals and our internet services. This is made available now because we
believe in the Rosicrucian proverb that says “when a student is ready, the teacher will
Born in 1378, Father CRC was of noble birth but because of poverty was placed in a
cloister at the age of five. He began his learning as a boy in this monastery learning the Latin
and Greek languages. Dissatisfied with the teachings of the church, he decided on a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem and was taken by Frater P.A.L., a monk of the same monastery, half
way to the Holy Land while still in “his growing years.” However his friend died on the way in
Cyprus and C.R.C proceeded alone upon his journey and ended up in Damascus, in Syria,
just north of Arabia. He spent some months in Damascus because of illness, so he began to
“learn of medicines,” studying with the physicians and astrologers, and because of his abilities
in these sciences “won the good graces of the Turks.” It is from them that CRC learned of the
wise men of “Damcar” in Arabia. Hearing of these wise men, CRC no longer wished to go to
Jerusalem, but bargained with some Arabians to take him to Damcar, arriving there at the age
of sixteen.
Damcar has for many years been considered a fabled “mystical” city, no one knowing
just where it was. Some believed it to exist only on an “astral plane” and having no physical
counterpart on earth. Recent scholarship has shown it to be the city of Dhamar. We find this
fabled city on the 16th century maps of Abraham Ortelius, specifically his map “Africae Tabula
Nova.” We find “Damcar” just south of the city of Sa’na, on modern maps a place called
Dhamar, in Yemen, near the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. CRC had probably booked
passage on a caravan going south on the “Incense Road” around the year 1394. During
those years the Sabeans held sway in those southern regions as Islam was farther north.
Dhamar had for centuries been known as a college town for the wise of Sabean, Zoroastrian,
and Oriental Christian philosophies. Syriac Christianity being somewhat rooted in the Sabean
stock. And it is here that Father CRC learned most of his wisdom.
In Damcar he was received by the wise men and remained among them for three
years learning the Arabic languages and translating much of their ancient knowledge into our
book ‘M.’ After he sailed to Egypt where he continued his studies but did not stay long, he
travelled to the holy city of Fez, in Morocco and studied there for two more years. During the
Middle Ages, Morocco was one of the most famous centres of the alchemical arts. There he
was instructed in the secret creatures existing in the elements.
He crossed over to Spain carrying with him many rare medicines, curious animals
and wonderful books. He conferred with the learned in Spain, but was unfortunately met with
an unfavourable reception. Deeply discouraged he returned to Germany where he built his
house on the brow of a hill and devoted his life to study and experimentation.
After five silent years, CRC elected three faithful friends of the old monastery in which
he had been raised. They classified the great knowledge that he possessed, and thus the
1. First. That none of them should profess any other thing than to cure
the sick, and that gratis.
3. Third. That every year upon the day C. they should meet together at
the house “Sancti Spiritus,” or write the cause of his absence.
4. Fourth. Every Brother should look about for a worthy person, who
after his decease, might succeed him.
5. Fifth. The word R.C. should be their seal, mark and character.
Father C.R.C died in 1484, leaving behind a legacy of learning. His burial tomb is a
symbolic representation of the macrocosmic universe. According to Rosicrucian records no
member of the Rosicrucian Order could recall the location of this tomb before the year of
writing the Fama or when our Father C.R.C died. However his body was discovered when
one of the Brothers decided to make some alterations in the College and while doing so a
brass plate bearing the names of the first members of the college was found. Upon tearing it
away a portion of plaster came away thereby revealing a secret door. Upon removing the
incrustations from the door an inscription was found: Post CXX Annos Patebo (After One
Hundred and Twenty Years I will appear.)
On the next sunrise they resumed the work and opened the heavy door. Inside was
discovered the hexagonal tomb with seven walls. Each wall having symbols inscribed upon it
and an artificial sun in the ceiling gave such light that it was almost blinding to behold. To our
amazement a circular altar was found in the centre instead of a tomb-stone. Upon it was
written that the vault was erected by C.R.C as a model of the universe and nature. Many
other inscriptions were there written describing the mystic character of the builder.
A small closet door was found in each wall and therein many rare and valuable
documents were found. Included among them were ‘the history and life of the founder,’ ‘the
vocabulary of Paracelsus,’ ‘the secrets of the order,’ together with bells, mirrors and lamps.
According to the Fama on removing the altar and the brass plate beneath it was discovered
the body of C.R.C in a perfect state of preservation. (because of the Stone of the Wise?)
Since the discovery of these secret documents our order has taken many measures
to share this ancient knowledge as our original founders did, who themselves travelled to
many countries to teach the Rosicrucian wisdom. The first action taken by these brethren to
spread our knowledge was the publication of the Fama, and other R+C works, in order to
invite interested members to join our quest.
The original six laws of the Rosicrucians as set out in the Fama are simple and
humble; yet explain in themselves a deeper philosophy, as you shall learn throughout your
Rosicrucian Journey. That the Rosicrucians chose no formal attire and dressed in the
manner of the country shows that Rosicrucianism, at the outset, was designed to become
something appropriate to any circumstance that the Order might find itself in. In realising this
fine point Rosicrucianism is not set in stone for all ages but set out as something that would
assume a different form in every century. For this very reason the Rosicrucian tradition can
adapt with the times.
The resulting impact of interest in the Rosicrucian tradition has led to a large amount
of groups springing up from the Rosicrucian Order, and now that the time of persecution is
over, an entirely new approach to spread this knowledge can be taken. The latest form in
which we can now assume includes the innovative “Cyber College” of which you are now a
member. This was done in earnest with the greatest care and interest in your own spiritual
development. We desire that the original Rosicrucian tradition will be passed on to many
others around the world today.
Our father’s message to you as his student is that our teachings are to be regarded
as a scientific study of life. The academic approach is there, but in our Rosicrucian Journey
we have centred your learning upon the experience of life aspect, and wish to bring to your
attention the practical application of our truths to your daily life. In doing so you become a
practical Rosicrucian, rather than an ‘armchair theorist,’ this way you live the life of a truly
spiritual person acceptable to these modern times.
Now we will be offering, for the first time, many of our unpublished secrets for the
purpose of human development and expanding awareness. Our society is motivated by one
purpose, the Reintegration of the whole of Humanity and Nature back into its purer state, and
that by leading every student of this school into his or her own reintegration . As a Rosicrucian
Student you must also examine your own motivations and spiritual goals at this point. Here
are some recommendations for your travels on the Rosicrucian Journey.
As seen in the last section many exercises will be given and some of those form part
of the Mystical Ladder to enlightenment. These basic exercises should be written into your
Rosicrucian Journal. As a part of your journal you will readily be able to make reference to
the spiritual work to refresh in your mind the exact method of working. Please purchase a
journal this week as part of becoming serious and successful in your spiritual endeavours.
The Rosicrucian Journal will also serve to record many other exercises on the Mystical
Ladder and you may also write the results and your impressions of any additional
experiments and meditations we offer. You will also want to record dreams and your
interpretation of them and points of interest you may find on the Rosicrucian Journey. This
book will become something personal to you and should be kept hidden away from others.
Experience is Essential
Experiencing the Mystical Path is something that can only be attained by applying our
work on the physical level. While our methods are presented only as recommendations and
are undertaken of your own free will, we would emphasize that unless the work is
Questions so far:
5. What were the six laws of the College of the Holy Spirit?
Do not read past this page if you do not know the answers!
Include the prayer of this degree from the Study Prayers section
into your Rosicrucian Journal and practice it once per week on a night of your
choosing. Though if you have the time, say the prayer after each nightly
practice of Reflection.
So far you have learned of a man that sought out the divine knowledge. His actual
name is unknown; some say he was of the House of Germelshausen in the Thuringian forest
in Germany, which by some traditions held some of the survivors of the Albigensian crusade,
of which the castle of Germelshausen was an outpost. In two of our founding documents, the
Fama and the Confessio he was known as Father C.R.C., but he is often referred to as
“Christian Rosenkreutz,” as so many believe that the main character in the third founding
document of our order, a symbolic allegory called: The Chemical Wedding, was in fact, our
founding Father. It was Father C.R.C’s hearts desire not only to preserve, but to teach others
the divine knowledge of the ancient sages some of which, according to one of our inherited
traditions distinct to AR+CO says that he had acquired from the “Temple of the Sun.”
Damascus at that time was under the banner of Islam, but under Islam the Syriac Christian
Church flourished, as did the Jews, since Islam honoured the “People of the “Book,” and as
C.R.C. was a Christian pilgrim fighting illness, he naturally sought out the only Christians in
Damascus that ran a hospital, the Syriac, and it was from them he learned of the university in
Damcar. The city of Damcar, now known as Dhamar, wherein he studied for three years, lies
Today the Rosicrucian movement is a credit to his sacrifice and his life-long work.
The Rosicrucian temple of today continues to provide outstanding individuals with spiritual
direction and vision having allowed his teachings to change with the times.
C.R.C taught that there was only One Supreme Being and that his Brothers should
heal the sick. The Rosicrucian Temple continues to teach the Way of the Heart so that we
may come to live an enlightened life. All our work is constructed around the Way of Love,
which is the path leading to the “Way of the Heart.” Our principles are timeless deriving from
the underlying pattern of truth that can be traced throughout the Philosophia perennis and is
reflected in all the testaments of sages, saints, eastern and some western, monks, prophets
and Christ himself. Through the examples of such enlightened teachers, Father C.R.C.
gathered together the highest principles of each philosophy, so that you may be taught a
universal philosophy that can be applied to your life no matter your race, religion, caste or
sex. It is through this lesson that we shall introduce you to the most basic principles of
Rosicrucian philosophy as, at first glance, may be derived from the first of our founding
documents: the Fama.
The Rosicrucian school maintains a belief in a Supreme Being. Every teacher that
our Father C.R.C encountered, be they Syriac or Arabic, Christian or Zoroastrian, Alchemist
or Physician, all taught of a universal Intelligence.
Throughout these lessons you will be given techniques, that if persistently practised,
and lived to the fullest, you can experientially verify the existence of such a being to yourself.
Upon joining the Rosicrucian College you completed an application form which asked
you: ‘Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme, Intelligent Being, the Creator and
preserver of the Universe?’ The terminology here does not indicate that the Supreme Being
of the Rosicrucians is any specific God of any specific religion as such. Instead the definition
is left open to your own beliefs and understanding of the universe at any given time. This is
ideal because we are not teaching a set pattern of beliefs. What may be true for one person
today may be drastically different for that same person many years from now, remembering
the concept of growth. This is why our lessons are offered in such a form that they may be
interpreted to your own understanding of life. Each person is unique and your application of
our Rosicrucian teachings should reflect your own individuality.
You may be a Christian and would like to retain your Christian, or Trinitarian outlook
on God. This is perfectly acceptable. Others may simply believe in a ‘Universal Mind’ or
perhaps your godhood is Krishna-consciousness, Judaism, Muslim or perhaps another path.
What is important is that all of these faiths agree that the Supreme Being is Intelligent, he has
a plan for the Universe and for us and that this plan is constantly showing itself. We call this
plan ‘universal unfoldment’ in our Rosicrucian school following the tradition of the perennial
philosophy. The Supreme Being of the Rosicrucians is thereby universal to all religions
because ultimately the prophets of the ancient civilisations were communicating with the
same Divine Being. Throughout our discussions we may frequently refer to the Creator as
‘he’ or ‘him’ although we do not mean to imply that the Supreme Being is male instead of
female, as we believe the Godhead to be above gender and definition. The actual term we
use is apophatic, which is Greek, and refers to the ‘unknowability,’ of God in that a finite mind
simply cannot comprehend an infinite mind, and also our inability to actually describe God
because of his “ineffability.” Through practicing the tools and techniques we offer one can
experience a connection to this “Ground of Being” as a reality, but the experience can never
be expressed to another. This experience is also understood to be felt at different levels so
that everyone’s attempt at describing it is what has given us so many seemingly different
descriptions of “God.”
We do iterate that we are not deist or pantheist. Deism is the belief that an Intelligent
“God” created the universe, but remains independent from it, completely transcendent, does
not guide or intervene in the movements of that universe. Pantheism is the belief that
everything created, especially Nature, is but a mode, attribute or appearance of one single
reality or Being. God is completely immanent and everything is but a cell of its being, and
there is not transcendent quality or reality out there. We are, in essence Panentheist, in that
we do hold to the ultimate transcendence of “God,” but that ‘he’ is totally and completely
immanent as well, and thereby guides, controls, and intervenes in the workings of the
universe and in each of our individual lives. ‘He’ is both that ‘essence’ that fills the space
between the proton and the electron, that which we sometimes call the Prima materia, and by
emanation, is also the proton, the electron, the molecule, all the way to us. Deeper mysteries
of the nature of emanation, as well as ways to “see” and “hear” these truths, are part of the
Rosicrucian Journey that lies before you.
We would like to add that as our valued student the God of the Rosicrucians includes
whatever the Divine Spirit is to you because you are a Rosicrucian, having been accepted
into our school. We embrace all images of the divine whatever that may be to you.
The Rosicrucians also believe that each of us possess the same divine quality of
Godhood inside us. Jesus said ‘Ye are Gods,’ and ‘the kingdom of God is within you,’ (Luke
xvii:21). We call this the Higher Self to describe the personal element of this divine spark
contained within. Another term we will be using is Transpersonal Self. This is why in the
ancient Greek temples it was written, “Man, Know Thyself, and thou shalt know the Universe,
and the Gods” and as such we seek to understand our own inner nature. This understanding
“Enter eagerly into the treasure-house that lies within you, and so
you will see the treasure-house of heaven; for the two are the same, and
there is but one single entry to them both. The ladder that leads to the
Kingdom is hidden within you, and is found in your own soul. Dive into
yourself and in your soul you will discover the rungs by which to ascend.”
—St. Isaac the Syrian (died circa 700).
The Rosicrucians believe that the Higher Self, or Transpersonal Self can
communicate to the student your true purpose in life. Your true purpose is what we call your
Magnum Opus or Great Work. This formula simply states that everyone is here to achieve
One Great Thing in life and this task will be suited to your special qualities. By watching life
itself you can see that everything has a purpose. There is a natural cycle in life. The plants
and animals or our eco-system support one another, and keeps the entirety of Nature in
balance. This can only be called intelligence in that it flows through all things in a purposeful
fashion just as it flows through you. The Rosicrucians assert that each student has
something to complete as your special life task and that by awakening our Higher Self you
can find that purpose. Some individuals that have risen to this status have been termed
prophets because of the power and impact upon the world that resulted in their completion of
the Great Work.
Spiritual Development
All students should desire spiritual direction to continue their growth and as humans
we reflect through others around us our current state of being. A caution is given here as we
advise against any actions that demonstrate your knowledge for some form of reassurance of
spiritual growth. For many the glamour of being ‘the spiritual one’ becomes a hindrance to
actual progress because we live in an era where our ‘story’ is sometimes more important than
practicing what we preach. So the problem of our era is that very few people understand
what spiritual development truly is.
When the symbol of the Rose and Cross was worn by the Coptic sage Ormus, then
later by our Father C.R.C., no more truer representation could be found to embody the
principles of the Rosicrucian Order.
The cross of the Rosicrucian school is also much broader than deriving it’s symbolism
from Christianity alone. For strictly speaking, the cross is not entirely Christian in symbolism.
In pre-Christian times the cross was also used by “pagan” cultures such as the Egyptian,
Greek, Babylonian, and Sumerian, as well as countless others. To many cultures the cross
represents the four seasons of the year and the path of the sun through it’s course. As a
Rosicrucian it should remind us that we come to the aid of others at any time of the year
wether rain, hail or shine. By undergoing the Rosicrucian path of transformation your
subconscious will begin to find the equilibrium of the cross within.
The rose upon the cross is a natural addition to our symbol deriving meaning from
both far and near eastern and western sources. In the east, the flower represents the spiritual
centers in the body. Their unfoldment or opening was said to lead to pure enlightenment. In
the Rosicrucian tradition the blooming of the rose within takes place when we completely live
an enlightened life. The blossoming is an outward expression of the divine self within. When
your time comes, and you are able to live in the performing of the Great Work, you will
outwardly express this light, in your thoughts, words and actions. You will be a healer and
many people will come to you for council. The light that you find within will come to be known
as your Great Work and upon traversing this path you will sew many seeds by which other
roses may grow throughout the world.
Healing is Rosicrucianism
Today Rosicrucians practice many forms of healing. According to the Fama the most
direct instruction from Father C.R.C. was that we should heal the sick, and that gratis (great-
fully.) Unlike many esoteric orders that teach ‘magic and occultism’ our practices are
genuinely aimed at benefiting our fellow man through healing methods and theurgy.
From your current level of Labourer we will begin by giving you the tools for the
unfolding of the understanding and power of your healing ability. At your graduation of the
College of the Holy Spirit you will be a competent healer before even reaching the Inner
Sanctum level. Your healing ability will be uniquely yours, as it could manifest as an ability to
heal the body with the energy from the hands, or you might be able to heal the emotions
through empathic light, or heal the mind through structured imaging or by many other tools
and paths one may take. We will not push you into an arena you don’t have an affinity for or a
desire to follow, so this we all depend upon your own self-discovery. What we do push is the
selfless service to humanity as being more important than one’s own self-aggrandizement.
Imagine for just one moment what kind of difference this will make to an individual
undertaking our course and how the Rosicrucians have always sought to positively influence
the world. Do you truly wish to become a positive force of influence?
For those of you wondering at what kind of healing we teach; our healing breaks
loose from modern and traditional ideas in order to incorporate the fact that healing must be
conducted firstly on the self before one can heal others. Only spiritual people can become
intermediates between the higher divine force and the physical plane. Rosicrucian healing is
conducted with an intelligent transmission of energy to various parts of emotional, mental and
This course of learning is called the Rosicrucian Journey and its healing methods will
come in many forms including healing with nature and herbal medicine, healing with internal
energy systems and mental/emotional therapy with colour and sound. You will learn flower
remedies, visionary experiences, vibrational healing, and how to align spiritual forces to also
heal your personality in a form of healing that is also methodology of self-help. This type of
inner healing will release the student from any limitations that we face in life.
Through practice you will begin to understand that healing must be expressed
through yourself as a soul, and not just an individual. Because healers must communicate
energy from the limitless reservoir of living force, healing in its purest form is viewed as a type
of alchemy. This means that the results you achieve on the outside as witnessed in the
effectiveness of your ability to heal others, is also a reflection of the healing that has taken
place within yourself. Rosicrucians understand that healing also marks the character of a
liberated soul in our Rosicrucian philosophy for liberation and reintegration is our goal.
A Complete Universe
The last and most complex Rosicrucian principle is our model of the universe. This
vast subject is something that will be explored throughout your entire Journey. Because true
Rosicrucians are analytical, we will examine the nature of matter and seek to understand the
finer vibrations that underlie and unite all things. In the Rosicrucian sense, the universe is
entirely connected. All things are made of vibration and our senses report the interaction of
vibration to us. But the universe also has many hidden layers waiting for you to explore.
What the ancients termed as the seven heavens we define in layers of consciousness until
reaching the highest point. As such the Rosicrucian sees the universe as not only physical
but also metaphysical. Many people only take note of the physical and a few consider that
they do indeed have a soul. But when we consider that we are in fact a spirit with a soul-with-
a-body the perspective is that as a soul we are here to experience something on the physical
level while the entire universe interacts with itself. As a soul our journey is greater and from
here the Rosicrucian Journey will give us the tools to identify our role in the universe itself.
We truly hope that you enjoy learning each part of your Rosicrucian Journey
throughout the degrees of our order. For in learning these ideals you will benefit from them
and obtain a greater life experience. For those of you who say there must be more to life than
what you are currently experiencing, the next section carries your initiation ceremony to set
you on a journey that will change your life forever.
Application: Log onto our Rosicrucian Garden Forum. We would like to hear
your ideas about the Supreme Being, the Great Work, the Higher Self, Spiritual
Development, Healing and symbolisms of the Rose Cross.
Fama Fraternitatis
This is the key document that the Rosicrucian College first used to make themselves
known to the public. It was first published in 1614 in German and in 1615 in Latin, though
there are some manuscript copies in existence dating from about 1611.
Wisdom (saith Solomon) is to a man an infinite Treasure, for she is the Breath of the Power of
Although now through the sorrowful fall into sin this excellent Jewel Wisdom hath been lost,
and meer Darkness and Ignorance is come into the World, yet notwithstanding hath the Lord
God sometimes hitherto bestowed, and made manifest the same, to some of his Friends: For
the wise King Solomon doth testifie of himself, that he upon earnest prayer and desire did get
and obtain such Wisdom of God, that thereby he knew how the World was created, thereby
he understood the Nature of the Elements, also the time, beginning, middle and end, the
increase and decrease, the change of times through the whole Year, the Revolution of the
Year, and Ordinance of the Stars; he understood also the properties of tame and wilde
Beasts, the cause of the raigning of the Winds, and minds and intents of men, all sorts and
natures of Plants, vertues of Roots, and others, was not unknown to him. Now I do not think
that there can be found any one who would not wish and desire with all his heart to be a
Partaker of this noble Treasure; but seeing the same Felicity can happen to none, except God
himself give Wisdom, and send his holy Spirit from above, we have therefore set forth in print
this little Treatise, to wit, Famam & Confessionem, of the Laudable Fraternity of the Rosie
Cross, to be read by every one, because in them is clearly shewn and discovered, what
concerning it the World hath to expect.
Although these things may seem somewhat strange, and many may esteem it to be but a
Philosophical shew, and no true History, which is published and spoken of the Fraternity of
the Rosie Cross; it shall here sufficienty appear by our Confession, that there is more in
recessu then may be imagined; and it shall be easily understood, and observed by every one
(if he be not altogether voyd of understanding) what now adays, and at these times, is meant
Those who are true Disciples of Wisdom, and true Followers of the Spherical Art, will consider
better of these things, and have them in greater estimation, as also judg far otherwise of
them, as hath been done by some principal Persons, but especially of Adam Haselmeyer,
Notarius Publicus to the Arch Duke Maximilian, who likewise hath made an Extract ex scriptis
Theologicis Theophrasti, and written a Treatise under the Title of Jesuiter, wherein he willeth,
that every Christian should be a true Jesuit, that is, to walk, live, be, and remain in Jesus: He
was but ill rewarded of the Jesuits, because in his answer written upon the Famam, he did
name those of the Fraternity of the Rosie Cross, The highly illuminated men, and undeceiving
Jesuits; for they not able to brook this, layd hands on him, and put him into the Galleis, for
which they likewise have to expect their reward.
Blessed Aurora will now henceforth begin to appear, who (after the passing away of the dark
Night of Saturn) with her Brightness altogether extinguisheth the shining of the Moon, or the
small Sparks of Heavenly Wisdom, which yet remaineth with men, and is a Forerunner of
pleasant Phebus, who with his clear and fiery glistering Beams brings forth that blessed Day,
long wished for, of many true-hearted; by which Day-light then shall truly be known, and shall
be seen all heavenly Treasures of godly Wisdom, as also the Secrets of all hidden and
unvisible things in the World, according to the Doctrine of our Forefathers, and ancient
This will be the right kingly Ruby, and most excellent shining Carbuncle, of the which it is said,
That he doth shine and give light in darkness, and to be a perfect Medicine of all imperfect
Bodies, and to change them into the best Gold, and to cure all Diseases of Men, easing them
of all pains and miseries.
Be therefore, gentle Reader, admonished, that with me you do earnestly pray to God, that it
please him to open the hearts and ears of all ill hearing people, and to grant unto them his
Fama Fraternitatis,
A Discovery of the Fraternity of the most laudable Order of the Rosy Cross.
Seeing the only Wise and Merciful God in these latter days hath poured out so richly his
mercy and goodness to Mankind, wherby we do attain more and more to the perfect
knowledg of his Son Jesus Christ and Nature, that justly we may boast of the happy time,
wherein there is not only discovered unto us the half part of the World, which was heretofore
unknown & hidden, but he hath also made manifest unto us many wonderful, and never-
heretofore see, Works and Creatures of Nature, and moreover hath raised men, indued with
great Wisdom, which might partly renew and reduce all Arts (in this our Age spotted and
imperfect) to perfection; so that finally Man might thereby understand his own Nobleness and
Worth, and why he is called Microcosmus, and how far his knowledg extendeth in Nature.
Although the rude World herewith will be but little pleased, but rather smile and scoff thereat;
also the Pride and Covetousness of the Learned is so great, it will not suffer them to agree
together; but were they united, they might out of all those things which in this our Age God
doth so richly bestow upon us, collect Librum Naturae, or a perfect Method of all Arts: but
such is their opposition, that they still keep, and are loth to leave the old course, esteeming
Porphiry, Aristotle, and Galen, yea and that which hath but a meer shew of learning, more
then the clear and manifested Light and Truth; who if they were now living, with much joy
would leave their erroneous Doctrines. But here is too great weaknesses for such a great
Work: And although in Theologie, Physic, and the Mathematic, the Truth doth oppose it self;
nevertheless the old Enemy by his subtilty and craft doth shew himself in hindering every
good purpose by his Instruments and contentious wavering people. To such an intent of a
general Reformation, the most godly and highly illuminated Father, our Brother, C.R. a
German, the chief and original of our Fraternity, hath much and long time laboured, who by
reason of his poverty (although descended of Noble Parents) in the fifth year of his age was
placed in a Cloyster, where he had learned indifferently the Greek and Latin Tongues, who
(upon his earnest desire and request) being yet in his growing years, was associated to a
Brother, P.A.L. who had determined to go to the Holy Land.
Although this Brother dyed in Ciprus, and so never came to Jerusalem, yet our Brother C.R.
did not return, but shipped himself over, and went to Damasco, minding from thence to go to
Jerusalem; but by reason of the feebleness of his body he remained still there, and by his skill
in Physick he obtained much favour with the Turks: In the mean time he became by chance
acquainted with the Wise men of Damasco in Arabia, and beheld what great Wonders they
wrought, and how Nature was discovered unto them; hereby was that high and noble Spirit of
Brother C.R. so stired up, that Jerusalem was not so much now in his mind as Damasco; also
he could not bridle his desires any longer, but made a bargain with the Arabians, that they
should carry him for a certain sum of money to Damasco; he was but of the age of sixteen
years when he came thither, yet of a strong Dutch constitution; there the Wise received him
(as he himself witnessseth) not as a stranger, but as one whom they had long expected, they
called him by his name, and shewed him other secrets out of his Cloyster, whereat he could
not but mightily wonder: He learned there better the Arabian Tongue; so that the year
following he translated the Book M. into good Latin, which he afterwards brought with him.
This is the place where he did learn his Physick, and his Mathematicks, whereof the World
hath just cause to rejoyce, if there were more Love, and less Envy. After three years he
returned again with good consent, shipped himself over Sinus Arabicus into Egypt, where he
remained not long, but only took better notice there of the Plants and Creatures; he sailed
over the whole Mediterranean Sea for to come unto Fez, where the Arabians had directed
him. And it is a great shame unto us, that wise men, so far remote th'one from th'other, should
not only be of one opinion, hating all contentious Writings, but also be so willing and ready
under the seal of secrecy to impart their secrets to others.
Every year the Arabians and Affricans do send one to another, inquiring one of another out of
their Arts, if happily they had found out some better things, or if Experience had weakened
Of these of Fez he often did confess, that their Magia was not altogether pure, and also that
their Cabala was defiled with their Religion; but notwithstanding he knew how to make good
use of the same, and found still more better grounds of his Faith, altogether agreeable with
the Harmony of the whole World, and wonderfully impressed in all Periods of times, and
thence proceedeth that fair Concord, that as in every several kernel is contained a whole
good tree or fruit, so likewise is included in the little body of Man the whole great World,
whose Religion, policy, health, members, nature, language, words and works, are agreeing,
sympathizing, and in equal tune and melody with God, Heaven and Earth; and that which is
dis-agreeing with them, is error, falsehood and of the Devil, who alone is the first, middle, and
last cause of strife, blindness, and darkness in the World: Also, might one examine all and
several persons upon the Earth, he should find that which is good and right, is always
agreeing with it self; but all the rest is spotted with a thousand erroneous conceits.
After two years Brother R.C. departed the City Fez, and sailed with many costly things into
Spain, hoping well, he himself had so well and so profitably spent his time in his travel, that
the learned in Europe would highly rejoyce with him, and begin to rule, and order all their
Studies, according to those sound and sure Foundations. He therefore conferred with the
Learned in Spain, shewing unto them the Errors of our Arts, and how they might be corrected,
and from whence they should gather the true Inditia of the Times to come, and wherein they
ought to agree with those things that are past; also how the faults of the Church and the
whole Philosopia Moralis was to be amended: He shewed them new Growths, new Fruits,
and Beasts, which did concord with old Philosophy, and prescribed them new Axiomata,
whereby all things might fully be restored: But it was to them a laughing matter; and being a
new thing unto them, they feared that their great Name should be lessened, if they should
now again begin to learn and acknowledg their many years Errors, to which they were
accustomed, and wherewith they had gained them enough: Who so loveth unquietness, let
him be reformed.
The same Song was also sang to him by other Nations, the which moved him the more
(because it happened to him contrary to his expectation,) being then ready bountifully to
impart all his Arts and Secrets to the Learned, if they would have but undertaken to write the
true and infallible Axiomata, out of all Faculties, Sciences and Arts, and whole Nature, as that
which he knew would direct them, like a Globe, or Circle, to the onely middle Point, and
Centrum, and (as it is usual among the Arabians) it should onely serve to the wise and
learned for a Rule, that also there might be a Society in Europe, which might have Gold,
Silver, and precious Stones, sufficient for to bestow them on Kings, for their necessary uses,
and lawful purposes: with which such as be Governors might be brought up, for to learn all
that which God hath suffered Man to know, and thereby to be enabled in all times of need to
give their counsel unto those that seek it, like the Heathen Oracles: Verily we must confess
that the world in those days was already big with those great Commotions, laboring to be
delivered of them; and did bring forth painful, worthy men, who brake with all force through
Darkness and Barbarism, and left us who succeeded to follow them: and assuredly they have
been the uppermost point in Trygono igneo, whose flame now should be more and more
brighter, and shall undoubtedly give to the World the last Light.
Such a one likewise hath Theophrastus been in Vocation and Callings, although he was none
of our Fraternity, yet nevertheless hath he diligently read over the Book M: whereby his sharp
ingenium was exalted; but this man was also hindered in his course by the multitude of the
learned and wise-seeming men, that he was never able peaceably to confer with others of his
Knowledg and Understanding he had of Nature. And therefore in his writing he rather mocked
these busie bodies, and doth not shew them altogether what he was: yet nevertheless there is
But that we do not forget our loving Father, Brother C.R. he after many painful Travels, and
his fruitless true Instructions, returned again into Germany, the which he (by reason of the
alterations which were shortly to come, and of the strange and dangerous contentions)
heartily loved: There, although he could have bragged with his Art, but specially of the
transmutations of Metals; yet did he esteem more Heaven, and the Citizens thereof, Man,
then all vain glory and pomp.
Nevertheless he builded a fitting and neat inhabitation, in the which he ruminated his Voyage,
and Philosophy, and reduced them together in a true Memorial. In this house he spent a great
time in the Mathematicks, and made many fine Instruments, ex omnibus hujus artis partibus,
whereof there is but little remaining to us, as hereafter you shall understand. After five years
came again into his mind the wished for Reformation; and in regard he doubted of the ayd
and help of others, although he himself was painful, lusty, and unwearisom, he undertook,
with some few adjoyned with him, to attempt the same: wherefore he desired to that end, to
have out of his first Cloyster (to the which he bare a great affection) three of his Brethren,
Brother G.V. Brother J.A. and Brother J.O. who besides that, they had some more knowledg
in the Arts, then at that time many others had, he did binde those three unto himself, to be
faithful, diligent, and secret; as also to commit carefully to writing, all that which he should
direct and instruct them in, to the end that those which were to come, and through especial
Revelation should be received into this Fraternity, might not be deceived of the least sillable
and word.
After this manner began the Fraternity of the Rosie Cross; first, by four persons onely, and by
them was made the Magical Language and writing, with a large Dictionary, which we yet dayly
use to Gods praise and glory, and do finde great wisdom therein; they made also the first part
of the Book M: but in respect that the labor was too heavy, and the unspeakable concourse of
the sick hindred them, and also whilst his new building (called Sancti spiritus) was now
finished, they concluded to draw and receive yet others more into their Fraternity; to this end
was chosen brother R.C. his deceased fathers brothers son, brother B. a skilful Painter, G.
and P.D. their Secretary, all Germains except J.A. so in all they were eight in number, all
batchelors and of vowed virginity, by those was collected a book or volumn of all that which
man can desire, wish, or hope for.
Although we do now freely confess, that the World is much amended within an hundred
years, yet we are assured, that our Axiomata shall unmovably remain unto the Worlds End,
and also the world in her highest and last Age shall not attain to see any thing else; for our
Rota takes her beginning from that day when God spake Fiat, and shall end when he shall
speak Pereat; yet Gods Clock striketh every minute, where ours scarce striketh perfect hours.
We also stedfastly beleeve, that if our Brethren and Fathers had lived in this our present and
clear light, they would more roughly have handled the Pope, Mahomet, Scribes, Artists, and
Sophisters, and had shewed themselves more helpful, not simply with sighs, and wishing of
their end and consummation.
When now these eight Brethren had disposed and ordered all things in such manner, as there
was not now need of any great labour, and also that every one was sufficiently instructed, and
able perfectly to discourse of secret and manifest Philosophy, they would not remain any
longer together, but as in the beginning they had agreed, they separated themselves into
several Countries, because that not only their Axiomata might in secret be more profoundly
examined by the learned, but that they themselves, if in some Country or other they observed
anything, or perceived some Error, they might inform one another of it.
Their agreement was this: First, That none of them should profess any other thing, then to
cure the sick, and that gratis. 2. None of the Posterity should be constrained to wear one
certain kind of habit, but therein to follow the custom of the Country. 3. That every year upon
the day C. they should meet together at the house S. Spiritus, or to write the cause of his
After such a most laudable sort they did spend their lives; and although they were free from
all diseases and pain, yet notwithstanding they could not live and pass their time appointed of
God. The first of this Fraternity which dyed, and that in England, was J.O. as Brother C. long
before had foretold him; he was very expert, and well learned in Cabala, as his Book called H.
witnesseth: In England he is much spoken of, and chiefly because he cured a young Earl of
Norfolk of the Leprosie. They had concluded, that as much as possibly could be their burial
place should be kept secret, as at this day it is not known unto us what is become of some of
them, yet every ones place was supplyed with a fit successor; but this we wil confesse
publickly by these presents to the honour of God, That what secret soever we have learned
out of the book M. (although before our eyes we behold the image and pattern of all the
world) yet are there not shewn unto us our misfortunes, nor hour of death, the which only is
known to God himself, who thereby would have us keep in a continual readiness; but hereof
more in our Confession, where we do set down 37 Reasons wherefore we now do make
known our Fraternity, and proffer such high Mysteries freely, and without constraint and
reward: also we do promise more gold then both the Indies bring to the King of Spain; for
Europe is with child and will bring forth a strong child, who shall stand in need of a great
godfathers gift.
After the death of I.O. Brother R.C. rested not, but as soon as he could, called the rest
together, (and as we suppose) then his grave was made; although hitherto we (who were the
latest) did not know when our loving father R.C. died, and had no more but the bare names of
the beginners, and all their successors to us; yet there came into our memory, a secret, which
through dark and hidden words, and speeches of the 100 years, brother A. the successor of
D. (who was of the last and second row and succession), and had lived amongst many of us,)
did impart unto us of the third row and succession; otherwise we must confess, that after the
death of the said A. none of us had in any manner known anything of Brother R.C. and of his
first fellow-brethren, then that which was extant of them in our Philosophical Bibliotheca,
amongst which our Axiomata was held for the chiefest Rota Mundi, for the most artificial, and
Protheus the most profitable. Likewise we do not certainly know if these of the second row
have been of the like wisdom as the first, and if they were admitted to all things. It shall be
declared hereafter to the gentle Reader, not onely what we have heard of the burial of R.C.
but also made manifest publickly by the foresight, sufferance and commandement of God,
whom we most faithfully obey, that if we shall be answered discreetly and Christian-like, we
will not be afraid to set forth publickly in Print, our names, and sirnames, our meetings, or any
thing else that may be required at our hands.
Now the true and fundamental relation of the finding out of the high illuminated man of God,
Fra: C.R.C. is this; After that A. in Gallia Narbonensi was deceased, then suceeded in his
place, our loving Brother N.N. this man after he had repaired unto us to take the solemn oath
of fidelity and scerecy, he informed us bona fide, That A. had comforted him in telling him, that
this Fraternity should ere long not remain so hidden, but should be to all the whole German
Nation helpful, needful, and commendable; of the which he was not in any wise in his estate
ashamed of. The year following after he had performed his School right, and was minded now
to travel, being for that purpose sufficiently provided with Fortunatus purse, he thought (he
being a good Architect) to alter something of his building, and to make it more fit: in such
In the morning following we opened the door, and there appeared to our sight a Vault of seven
sides and corners, every side five foor broad, and the height of eight foot; Although the Sun
never shined in this Vault, nevertheless it was enlightened with another sun, which had
learned this from the Sun, and was scituated in the upper part in the Center of the sieling; in
the midst, in stead of a Tomb-stone, was a round Altar covered over with a plate of brass, and
thereon this engraven:
Round about the first Circle or Brim stood, Jesus mihi omnia.
In the middle were four figures, inclosed in circles, whose circumscription was,
1. Nequaquam vacuum.
2. Legis Jugum.
3. Libertas Evangelij.
4. Dei gloria intacta.
This is all clear and bright, as also the seventh side and the two Heptagoni: so we kneeled
altogether down, and gave thanks to the sole wise, sole mighty, and sole eternal God, who
hath taught us more then all mens wit could have found out, praised be his holy name. This
Vault we parted in three parts, the upper part or sieling, the wall or side, the gound or floor.
Of the upper part you shall understand no more of it at this time, but that it was divided
according to the seven sides in the triangle, which was in the bright center; but what therein is
contained, you shall God willing (that are desirous of our society) behold the same with your
own eys; but every side or wall is parted into ten squares, every one with their several figures
and sentences, as they are truly shewed, and set forth Concentratum here in our book.
The bottom again is parted in the triangle, but because therein is discribed the power and rule
of the inferior Governors, we leave to manifest the same, for fear of the abuse by the evil and
ungodly world. But those that are provided and stored with the heavenly Antidote, they do
without fear or hurt, tread on, and bruise the head of the old and evil serpent, which this our
age is well fitted for: every side or wall had a door for a chest, wherein there lay diverse
things, especially all our books, which otherwise we had, besides the Vocabular of Theoph:
Par. Ho. and these which daily unfalsifieth we do participate. Herein also we found his
Itinerarium, and vitam, whence this relation for the most part is taken. In another chest were
looking-glasses of divers virtues, as also in other places were little bells, burning lamps, &
chiefly wonderful artificial Songs; generally al done to that end, that if it should happen after
many hundred years, the Order or Fraternity should come to nothing, they might by this onely
Vault be restored again.
Now as yet we had not seen the dead body of our careful and wise father, we therfore
removed the Altar aside, there we lifted up a strong plate of brass, and found a fair and worthy
body, whole and unconsumed, as the same is here lively counterfeited, with all the
C. Ros. C. ex nobili atque splendida Germaniae R.C. familia oriundus, vir sui seculi divinis
revelationibus subtilissimis imaginationibus, indefessis laboribus ad coelestia, atque humana
mysteria ; arcanave admissus postquam suam (quam Arabico, & Africano itineribus
Collegerat) plusquam regiam, atque imperatoriam Gazam suo seculo nondum convenientem,
posteritati eruendam custo divisset et jam suarum Artium, ut et nominis, fides
acconjunctissimos herides instituisset, mundum minutum omnibus motibus magno illi
respondentem fabricasset hocque tandem preteritarum, praesentium, et futurarum, rerum
compendio extracto, centenario major non morbo (quem ipse nunquam corpore expertus erat,
nunquam alios infestare sinebat) ullo pellente sed spiritu Dei evocante, illuminatam animam
(inter Fratrum amplexus et ultima oscula) fidelissimo creatori Deo reddidisset, Pater
dilectissimus, Fra: suavissimus, praeceptor fidelissimus amicus integerimus, a suis ad 120
annos hic absconditus est.
Secundi Circuli.
At that time was already dead Brother I.O. and Fra: D. but their burial place where is it to be
found? we doubt not but our Fra: Senior hath the same, and some especial thing layd in
Earth, and perhaps likewise hidden: we also hope that this our Example will stir up others
more diligently to enquire after their names (whom we have therefore published) and to
search for the place of their burial; for the most part of them, by reason of their practice and
physick, are yet known, and praised among very old folks; so might perhaps our Gaza be
enlarged, or at least be better cleared.
Concerning Minitum Mundum, we found it kept in another little Altar, truly more finer than can
be imagined by any understanding man; but we will leave him undescribed, untill we shal truly
be answered upon this our true hearted Famam; and so we have covered it again with the
plates, and set the altar thereon, shut the door, and made it sure, with all our seals; besides
by instruction and command of our Rota, there are come to sight some books, among which
is contained M. (which were made in stead of household care by the praise-worthy M.P.)
Finally we departed the one from the other, and left the natural heirs in possession of our
Jewels. And so we do expect the answer and judgment of the learned, or unlearned.
Howbeit we know after a time there wil now be a general reformation, both of divine and
humane things, according to our desire, and the expectation of others: for it's fitting, that
before the rising of the Sun, there should appear and break forth Aurora, or some clearness,
or divine light in the sky; and so in the mean time some few, which shall give their names,
may joyn together, thereby to increase the number and respect of our Fraternity, and make a
happy and wished for beginning of our Philosophical Canons, prescribed to us by our brother
R.C. and be partakers with us of our treasures (which never can fail or be wasted) in all
But that also every Christian may know of what Religion and belief we are, we confess to
have the knowledge of Jesus Christ (as the same now in these last days, and chiefly in
Germany, most clear and pure is professed, and is now adays cleansed and voyd of all
swerving people, Hereticks, and false Prophets,) in certain and noted Countries maintained,
defended and propagated: Also we use two Sacraments, as they are instituted with all Forms
and Ceremonies of the first renewed Church. In Politia we acknowledge the Roman Empire
and Quartam Monarchiam for our Christian head; albeit we know what alterations be at hand,
and would fain impart the same with all our hearts, to other godly learned men;
notwithstanding our hand-writing which is in our hands, no man (except God alone) can make
it common, nor any unworthy person is able to bereave us of it. But we shall help with secret
aid this so good a cause, as God shal permit or hinder us: For our God is not blinde, as the
Heathens Fortuna, but is the Churches Ornament, and the honor of the Temple. Our
Philosophy also is not a new Invention, but as Adam after his fall hath received it, and as
Moses and Solomon used it: also she ought not much to be doubted of, or contradicted by
other opinions, or meanings; but seeing the truth is peaceable, brief, and always like herself in
all things, and especially accorded by with Jesus in omni parte and all members. And as he is
the true Image of the Father, so is she his Image; It shall not be said, this is true according to
Philosophy, but true according to Theologie; And wherein Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras and
others did hit the mark, and wherein Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Solomon did excel; but
especially wherewith that wonderful book the Bible agreeth. All that same concurreth together,
and make a Sphere or Globe, whose total parts are equidistant from the Center, as hereof
more at large and more plain shall be spoken of in Christianly Conference.
But now concerning (and chiefly in this our age) the ungodly and accursed Gold-making,
which hath gotten so much the upper hand, whereby under colour of it, many runagates and
roguish people do use great villanies, and cozen and abuse the credit, which is given them:
yea now adays men of discretion do hold the transmutation of Mettals to be the highest point,
and fastigium in Philosophy, this is all their intent, and desire, and that God would be most
esteemed by them, and honored, which could make great store of Gold, and in abundance,
the which with unpremeditate prayers, they hope to attain of the alknowing God, and searcher
of all hearts: we therefore do by these presents publickly testifie, That the true Philosophers
are far of another minde, esteeming little the making of Gold, which is but a parergon; for
besides that they have a thousand better things.
And we say with our loving Father R.C.C. Phy: aureum nisi quantum aurum, for unto them the
whole nature is detected: he doth not rejoyce, that he can make Gold, and that, as saith
Christ, the devils are obedient unto him; but is glad that he seeth the Heavens open, and the
Angels of God ascending and descending, and his name written in the book of life. Also we do
testifie that under the name of Chymia many books and pictures are set forth in Contumeliam
gloriae Dei, as we wil name them in their due season, and wil give to the pure-hearted a
Catalogue, or Register of them: And we pray all learned men to take heed of these kinde of
Books; for the enemy never resteth, but soweth his weeds, til a stronger one doth root it out.
So according to the wil and meaning of Fra: C.R.C. we his brethren request again all the
learned in Europe, who shal read (sent forth in five languages) this our Famam and
Confession, that it would please them with good deliberation to ponder this our offer, and to
examine most nearly and most sharply their Arts, and behold the present time with all
diligence, and to declare their minde, either Cummunicate consilio, or singulatim by Print.
And although at this time we make no mention either of our names, or meetings, yet
nevertheless every ones opinion shal assuredly come to our hands, in what language so ever
it be; nor any body shall fail, who so gives but his name to speak with some of us, either by
word of mouth, or else if there be some lett in writing. And this we say for a truth, That
whosoever shall earnestly, and from his heart, bear affection unto us, it shal be beneficial to
him in goods, body and soul; but he that is false-hearted, or onely greedy of riches, the same
first of all shal not be able in any manner of wise to hurt us, but bring him to utter ruine and
destruction. Also our building (although one hundred thousand people had very near seen
Last section we introduced to you some of the core principles underlying the
Rosicrucian teachings. This was done so that on entering into the first initiation ceremony you
would be aware of what kind of organization you would be aligning with.
Everything in the world carries a certain force based upon its vibration. The vibration
of the Rosicrucian College of AR+CO has become something by which many people around
the world seek to align. You will be joining a fraternity of like-minded seekers and many are
with you because we aspire to the highest principles in life while attuning to the laws of the
You have learnt that the purpose of our teachings is to expand the consciousness of
the student while raising your vibration to a heightened state. The Rosicrucian follows the
examples left by the ancient mystics and C.R.C and lives by the Cross and expresses the
Rose. Remember that the way of the Cross is to surrender to that which is greater than
ourselves because the world does indeed have a destiny for you. What you do today
contributes to where humanity may find itself in hundreds of years from now. Indeed this is
why every member of the Rosicrucian Fraternity is special to us because we are planting
seeds within the world that as we like to say ‘in which all things are planted and souls shall
blossom to the beauty of true unfoldment.’ This is something that shows the rose upon the
cross brings about evolution and unfoldment as a result of the trials and tribulations of our
On Fraternity
A fraternity is something that can only be defined as a family. Many have asked us the
meaning of the word ‘fraternity’ in depth and our answer has always been that there are many
families to which people belong. There is your immediate family of relatives. There are in-law
family members. And then there are groups like sports clubs and friends that stay together. As
a fraternity we are not just an organization because Rosicrucians benefit one another by
sharing a common cause. We are like a family, a club and friends all together as the goal of
personal liberation and enlightenment ties us together in a common cause. As such in
undertaking the Rosicrucian Journey you are never alone but stand in a crowd of humble
seekers just like you.
If you can indeed liberate the soul imagine what a wonderful experience this must be.
According to the ancients this possibility is a reality when one aspires to the higher. This is
something to bear in mind when undertaking your initiation ceremony.
This section is designed for you to read at first before undertaking the following
ceremony itself.
Initiation Ceremony
Requirements: You will need a table or some form of altar. Please also bring candles
and incense. Place two candles upon the altar. Place a mirror upon the altar so that during
this ceremony you may see your own reflection as the Master Within. Most importantly
suspend a rose from the ceiling above your head for this ceremony. You will also need a black
cord to tie around your waist.
‘I invoke the Rosicrucian Unknown and Silent Masters as I set my feet upon the path
that leads from the hidden truth unto revealing truth, from mere beliefs unto reason, and from
un-surety unto pure knowledge. This I declare is what the Ancients described as the mystic’s
journey from the place darkness unto the Light. May I therefore find the Light’
Trace the Triangle over your body by first pointing your index finger upon your
forehead, then upon your right shoulder, then cross over to your left shoulder and once more
upon the forehead.
“By the Sign of the Triangle I formulate into my being the Triple Truth that the
Humankind is more than just flesh and bones but consist of three primary parts, Mind, Body
and Spirit and that together they can be purified and combined to formulate a most wonderful
person. What turmoils the emotions and mind has offered now becomes opportunity to align
with the nature of my Higher and Undying Soul. Amen. This I declare is what the Ancients
described as the Great Work of Sulphur, Salt and Mercury and their alchemy is such that
when purified and united once again; Lead can be turned into Gold. Let me therefore find the
Spiritual Gold.”
“In the name of the Lord of the Universe, I kneel below the Sword of Cause and Effect
to take this oath * to practice positive relations between myself and all members of this
College. * I solemnly promise not to perform any immoral act towards this College and *not to
copy or to allow to be copied or to pass on or circulate the materials of this College. * I also
swear to think and act and speak for myself and that no person shall control me and cause
me to lose control of these faculties. *Finally I also solemnly promise to pursue my own
personal development with great determination now and for the rest of my days for the
betterment of humankind. *These things I swear to abide with by the sign of the Triangle and
before the presence of the Holy One. Amen”
Still kneeling take black cord and tie around waist three times
“Bound to the world of materiality I stand here amidst the drama of soul searching,
where the mystic can arrive from being bound towards the light. Being born with the hidden
virtues of Divinity within me, my Immortal Soul descended unto the physical from a primal
sleep so that I might find the undying Life.”
“Oh face of the West where the Sun sets and the darkness begets forgetfulness
washing away the knowledge of Self let me remember the nature of my hidden Soul. For at
the time of darkness the ancients conceived of mythical creatures; where living serpents in
the night also become symbols of danger and fear. Yet as myths describe the overthrowing of
the serpent and the hero triumphs over the darkest hour let me also arrive from here into
hands of wisdom and knowledge and the comfort of my Higher Soul.”
“Oh face of the East where the Sun joyfully rises to awaken the knowledge of the Self
may I arrive to the dawn of a golden day. For at the rising of the sun the ancients conceived of
mythical creatures; where the undying phoenix symbolized rebirth and transformation. Yet as
myths describe the phoenix standing forth from the ashes and the hero is brought to life once
again let me therefore find wisdom and knowledge in life and life anew.”
Spend a moment in contemplation reflecting upon the meaning of this ceremony. You
may also like to state what you would like to gain from the Rosicrucian Journey. While offering
any prayesr look towards the Rose above your head. To finish the ceremony say:
“Our subject of study is inexhaustible for it is the Universe itself whose Mysteries I
seek to fathom by the aid of this secret College, and the especial knowledge of the Ancient
Rosicrucian Order. The grades before me, therefore, form the ladder, which aids me to mount
towards heaven, a ladder in which the angels abide to present the books of knowledge. Let
this Society develop my soul by the unveiling the hidden light, and my mind by its special
studies, and my body in the course of healing humanity, as I desire but One Thing, before the
presence of the Holy One.”
“By the password of Fiat Lux I hereby declare myself a Labourer of the Art in the
society of the Ancient Rose Cross Order to the betterment of myself and to the aid of
“So help me Oh Lord and the Ancient Rosicrucian Masters and even my own Higher
Soul. Amen”
Initiation Symbolism
For some of you the idea of undertaking a ceremony such as this is new. For others
who are more advanced it may seem a simple ritual at first but its implications are such that
when taken the spiritual current to which you align within our College shall dawn upon your
mind that our ceremonies are more than myth and ritual. In each and every case for beginner
and advanced alike the myths are mythic motifs and become allegories by which we attain
growth. By this I mean that the myths are symbolic of something that is internal to the human
personality and subconscious mind. Instead of believing in these myths as faith our approach
to myths are to impress them upon the student so that we shall have some form of
representation to which we can aspire.
In future sections it shall become more clear as to how myths can be imprinted into
the psych as when conducted in such solemn occasions as initiation ceremonies we are
impressing upon our subconscious that we seek to internally unfold the same events as
presented in the myth. As such your higher self is represented by the many heroes, saints,
angels and mystics that appear in the myths. While the ego is the personality in the myth that
tries to prevent the mystic from reaching his goal of liberation. Such examples are found in all
sacred books.
Our example of the Labourer ceremony presented here is a modified version of the
ceremony by which students undergo in our Rosicrucian Lodges so that you may conduct it
for yourself in your own home. The ritual itself presents an older ceremony in modern form to
provide students with a system of initiation that is relevant for today. The themes and formulae
in the ceremonies themselves have not changed and you are given a rite that is more
universal. As such you should find nothing in these ceremonies that is contrary to your moral,
civil or religious values.
Some of the themes within the ritual should be explained here for your understanding.
The symbol of the triangle appears in the ritual because for the Rosicrucian tradition it is
universal. Variations of it appear among members regalia who like to also place within it the
symbol of the Cross, or another such as the Eye of Ra or the Star of David to denote what
kind of spiritual origins you have in particular. At this point the triangle symbolises the
complete person representing mind body and spirit while also acknowledging the existence of
other layers to reality such as the spiritual and the mental going beyond the physical.
The oath itself is a reasonable commitment to the society that is helping you arrive to
your higher goals. The ‘sword of cause and effect’ could instead be called karma as whether
or not the oath is seriously taken the implications its contents, such as how you treat other
Rosicrucian members or how you value our sacred material will result outcomes for you
depending upon your actions regardless. In taking the oath you may also like to have some
kind of Holy Book of your choosing upon the altar so that you may place your spare hand
upon that also to show the solemnity of the moment. At this point we also ask that you please
take down the points of the oath and record them on the inside of the front cover of your
Rosicrucian Journal. You will notice that there is no ‘oath of secrecy’ regarding our society as
compared to the older Rosicrucian rite that required strict observance of this virtue. Our only
restriction here is with the circulation of the material among others because our society
depends upon the small donations we ask to operate our college for its many students.
A major theme in the ceremony is the solar-cycle. This motif appears in many of our
ceremonies and in the regalia worn to meetings. Rosicrucians also call the solar-cycle the
‘myth of the dying god’ because this theme appears in all cultures in one form or another. For
the Egyptians Ra was the god of the sun. The sun was life giving to the Nile and was thought
to die every day in the west. During the night Ra was said to travel the underworld and
overcome the serpent Apep so that he may be born once anew. When the sun arose in the
morning the dawn meant to the Egyptians that Ra had been born again and had triumphed
over darkness. The study of Egyptology and Egyptian myth and legend is paramount to
understanding the backbone of our Rosicrucian tradition. Remember that Christian
Rosenkruetz also travelled to Egypt and learnt from the sages of the east. Ormus himself was
an Egyptian sage of the Serapis temple yet both these men revitalised the mystery of Christ
to that of the Egyptian mysteries. This was achieved because they saw the universality in
both religions. The myth of the dying god takes place through Christ on a human basis where
Christ is born, dies and arises from the tomb once again. This is why many new-age
teachings also refer to him as the solar-christ yet Rosicrucians have understood this principle
for many ages.
Activity: Today we would like for you to record into your Rosicrucian Journal the
meaning of the words allegory and allude. Please look for their meaning in a dictionary. After
you have written down their meaning you may like to write some notes or a paper on how you
could see the value of interpreting myths as allegories for describing the process of inner
transformation. The last part of this exercise is to describe an allegory in anything you may
like. You could use something like the story of the lost child Oliver Twist as an allegory to
finding the inner lost child or use any story/poem of your choosing. If you like please share
with us your experiences on our members forum?
You do not have to know the initiation ceremony by memory to undertake it.
You can read it out loud as well although many students do prefer to commit it to
Make sure you write down the points of the oath into your Rosicrucian Journal.
Dear student. Seeing that you have now undergone your initiation ceremony and
have undertaken the oath sincerely we have decided to present this original oath of the
Rosicrucian College that was used for initiations past.
Derived from the papers of Dr Sigismund Barcstrom, this oath, in fourteen parts was
the oath of initiation from the Societas Roseae Crucis, one of the branches of the Order at
that time. Bactrom was initiated into the order by Comte Louis de Chazal on the island of
Mauritius in 1794. Under this instruction Bacstrom performed the High Art of transmutations
and became recognized as one of the greatest Alchemist of his time, no doubt due to the
knowledge gained from the Rosicrucians. In reading the fourteen parts of this obligation you
will notice the fourth promise which states the equality of women in our fraternity as opposed
to other fraternal orders that are exclusively for men.
I do hereby promise, in the most sincere and solemn manner, faithfully to observe the
following articles, during the whole course of my natural life, to the best of my knowledge and
ability; which articles I hereby confirm by oath and by my proper signature hereunto annexed.
One of the worthy members of the August most ancient and most learned Society, the
Investigators of Divine, Spiritual and Natural Truth (which Society, more than two centuries
and a half ago, did separate themselves from the Freemasons, but were again united in one
spirit amongst themselves under the denomination of Fratres Roseae Crucis Brethren of the
Rosy Cross - that is the Brethren that believe in the grand atonement made by Jesus Christ
on the Rosy Cross, stained and marked with his blood for the Redemption of Spiritual Nature
*) having thought me worthy to be admitted into their august society, in quality of a Practical
Member and Brother (one degree above a Member apprentice) and to partake of their
sublime knowledge, I hereby engage in the most solemn manner.
1. That I will always, to the utmost of my power, conduct myself, as becomes a worthy
member, with sobriety and piety, and endeavour to Prove myself grateful to the Society for so
distinguished a favour as I now receive, during the whole course of my natural life.
2. I will never openly publish that I am a member of this august Society, nor reveal the
name or Persons of such members as I know at present or may know hereafter, to avoid
derision, insult or persecution.
3. I solemnly promise that I will never during my whole life prostitute, that is publicly
reveal, the secret knowledge I receive at present or may receive at a future Period from the
Society or from one of its members, nor even privately, but will keep our secrets sacred.
4. I do hereby promise that I will instruct, for the benefit of good men, before I depart
this life, one person, or two persons at most, in our secret knowledge, and initiate and receive
such person (or persons) as a Member Apprentice into our Society, in the same manner as I
have been initiated and received (in quality of a Practical member and brother); but such a
person only as I believe to be truly worthy and of an upright well meaning mind, blameless
conduct, sober life and desirous of knowledge.
5. I do hereby declare that I intend with the permission of God to recommence our
Great Work with my own hands, as soon as circumstances, health, opportunity and time will
permit, that I first - I may do good therewith as a faithful steward, second - that I may merit the
continued confidence which the Society has placed in me in quality of a practical member.
6. I do further most solemnly promise that (should I accomplish the Great Work) I will
not abuse the great power entrusted to me by appearing great and exalted, or seeking to
appear in a Public character in the world, by hunting after vain titles of Nobility and vain glory,
which are all fleeting and vain; but will endeavour to live a sober and orderly life as becomes
every Christian, though not possessed of so great a temporal blessing.
7. I will communicate every new or useful discovery relating to our Work to the
nearest member of our Society and hide nothing from him, seeing he cannot, as a worthy
member, possibly abuse it or prejudice me thereby. On the other hand, I will hide these secret
discoveries from the world.
9. I will neither build churches, chapels, nor hospitals and such public charities, as
there are already a sufficient number of such public buildings and institutions, if they were
only properly applied and regulated. I will not give a Salary to a Priest or Churchman as such
to make him more proud and indolent than he is already. If I relieve a distressed worthy
clergyman, I will consider him in the light of a Private distressed individual only. I Will give no
charity with the view of making my name known in the world, but Will give my alias privately
10. I hereby promise that I will never be ungrateful to the worthy friend and brother
who initiated and received me, but respect and Oblige him as far as lies in my power, in the
same manner as he has been obliged to promise to his friend who received him.
12. If it should please God to Permit me to accomplish our Great Work With my own
hands, I will Give praise and thanks to God in humble prays: and devote my time to the doing
and promoting all the good that lies in my power and to the pursuit of true and useful
13. I do hereby Solemnly promise that I will not encourage wickedness and
debauchery, thereby offending God, administer the Medicine for the human body, nor the
Aurum Potabile to a patient or patients infected with the venereal disease.
14. I do promise that I Will never give the fermented metallic medicine for
transmutation, to any Person living, no not a single grain, unless the person is an initiated and
received Member and Brother of the Society of the Rosy Cross.
To keep faithfully the above articles as I now receive them from a worthy member of
our Society, as he received them himself in the Mauritius, I willingly agree and sign the above
with my name and affix my seal to the same, so help me God. Amen.
In testimony that I have initiated and received Alexander Tilloch Esq. in quality of
Practical Member and Brother, a degree above a Member Apprentice, on account of his
practical knowledge and philosophical acquirements, I have hereunto set my hand and seal,
Sigismund Bacstrom
Seeing that you have just undergone your first initiation ceremony now is the time for
you to embark upon the path that leads from Darkness unto Light, and from Ignorance unto
Wisdom. There is something special about the Labourer initiation that every student should
know. Firstly our College affirms that wether or not you are initiated in lodge, or through these
lessons, the results will be the same, and you shall also be recognised as equal in footing to
any lodge member as they would be recognised in our Cyber College. What is important is
that you understand it is not the Master who initiates you but rather the Rosicrucian current is
available to any human at any time. This current is one of spiritual evolution and your initiation
ceremony is very real.
Introducing: Applying the Rosicrucian Oath: Accompanied in your last study was
a side lecture on the Rosicrucian oath. In the next section you will learn about the undertaking
of ritual oaths and how to apply them today. The ancient principles of oaths like any aspect of
our work are employed by modern and ancient mystic alike because they are about setting a
higher standard for yourself and this is important to your current phase of transition.
In the ancient worlds of Egypt and all throughout- Labourer initiation ceremonies were
relatively the same, from place to place, due to the fact that no matter what school of thought,
the initiate is beginning a spiritual journey and the same certain principles must be given in
order to prepare the way. In Rosicrucian Lodges the initiate is introduced into the temple to
kneel before the presence of the Lord of the Universe to swear the oath of secrecy. The
student also commits himself to a new moral code or way of living. The life of the student
thereafter is said to become more meaningful, spiritual and complete through the living out of
‘Those who have taken part in the mysteries are said to become more pious, more
upright, and in every way better than their former selves. 2’
There are many reasons for this, and the student should see the foundation of these
changes as deriving from the oaths of initiation. Think over your Labourer oath. You may even
like to refer to your Rosicrucian Diary where you recorded it down. Such oaths, taken in
solemn pledge before the divine, ensured that the candidate would adhere to a pious way of
living, with proper conduct in the life of truth, generosity, humility, understanding, and love
unto all others. Our work begins with the fear of God and ends with Charity and Love. It is not
the purpose of our College to bind you to any kind of oath however. Rather the Labourer
ceremony states that you undertook your oath ‘kneeling below the sword of cause and effect.’
Our oaths therefore are not forced upon the student as such, but manifest as a result of the
student’s desired interest in true spiritual development, as for real spiritual growth to unfold,
these ideals are simply relative to arising from the material life to the spiritual living of a
Rosicrucian. Notwithstanding the oaths also assume the most basic standards for the student.
We know that everyone is different and recognise that you may be at a certain level of
progress that is higher or in some cases you may need to progress slower than others.
Whatever the case AR+CO will accommodate your spiritual needs, and because everyone is
unique and different, in this lesson, and the next, we will also show you the true spiritual
meaning of oaths and how to set a new standard for yourself rather than the Rosicrucian
College imposing one that is not relative to your current level of development. Abide in your
own peace and understand that for all seekers illumination is achieved through levels of
Traditionally the Labourers of your current level undertook oaths that were perhaps
best suited to another time. Your initiation oath was suited instead to our times. We call this
oath the ‘Ancient Oath of the Rosicrucians’ because our transmission is also known as the
Memphis Rosae Crucis. MR+C
This lesson particularly studies the principles behind the oath you have undertaken in
your initiation ceremony so that your commitment to spiritual growth is understood in full. We
are also offering it as case-subject for study along side some parts of the oath outlined in last
weeks Side Lecture. The oath in last weeks side lecture came from Bactrom’s Rosicrucian
society, the Societas Rosae Crucis, and will serve to provide a complete understanding of
what Rosicrucian commitment is and should be. We ask that you read this lesson, as with all
our lessons, with care and give some thought to its meaning.
Activity: At this moment we ask that you take a pen and note down on a spare piece
of paper or in your Rosicrucian Journal the underlying principles that you can see as being its
core meaning of each part of this oath. The first section of the Ancient Oath reads:
“In the Name of the Lord of the Universe, I Kneel below the Sword of Cause and
Effect to take this oath * to practice positive relations between myself and all members of
this College.”
Note down what you think could be the meaning of the above paragraph. When you
are ready read on. Do your notes match some of the following points? The first should be that
at the outset the highest power is invoked by calling upon the ‘Lord of the Universe.’ In order to
Quoted in Inge, W.R (1899) pg 351
Something should be said of your public relationships and your mystical studies. It is
important for you to know at this stage that you will mainly encounter these following groups of
people in relation to your esoteric studies.
Group One: The non believer- people that fall into this category will tend to react to
your practices by putting you down, ignoring them is usually the best approach. Group Two:
The religious fanatic- those who are in this group are likely to react badly to your mystical
interest. The reaction will vary from a misplaced attempt to save you from “the devil” and out
right anger. In practice it is far better that these people are not made aware of you interest.
Group Three: Those who simply do not care- these people are usually to involved in their own
lives to really care what you do, any questioning they present you with is likely to be short lived
as it does not directly involve them. Group Four: This person, who although is fairly logically
minded, has no reference point with which to understand what you are doing, this type of
person responds well to the scientific or historical aspect of the work, your best approach is to
answer their questions to their level of understanding and relate it back to something they
Firstly, unless you are directly asked it is often best to not say anything. There is no
need to tell everyone in your life about ones mystical involvement. Unless it is a spouse or
partner there is little need. Secondly, if directly asked, answer at the questioners level of
understanding; avoid using technical terms as this is likely to confuse the person and cause
more suspicion about your work; in other words keep it simple and to the point, and be honest.
Thirdly if you find yourself dealing with a rather confronting person, try to gain control of the
conversation, attempt to turn the conversation back to the other person and not talk about
yourself. And Fourth, above all else exercise common sense when dealing with people - a little
of that is sometimes better than any other advice we can give you.
Once again take your pen to a piece of paper to note down the underlying principles
you can see in the second part of the oath. Remember that there are no right or wrong
answers and you may also find many meanings that we do not mention. The next part of the
Ancient Oath reads:
“ I solemnly promise not to perform any immoral act towards this College and not
to copy or to allow to be copied or to pass on/circulate the materials of this College.”
Based on this oath and that of the Societas Rosae Crucis you can see that in recent
times, and definitely in ancient times, secrecy was quite important among mystical circles. The
principle behind this part of the oath is based upon secrecy however we do not exercise this
aspect of the tradition any more. Students are allowed and encouraged to speak about our
It was interesting for us when one of our students submitted his notes on the Ancient
Rosicrucian Oath. He described this part of the ceremony with an image from the once
popular cartoon called ‘Secret Squirrel’ which I very much enjoyed. If you think the Rosicrucian
College was at one time bit ‘cloak and dagger’ you are probably right. The original rite of the
Rosicrucians was a secret mystical society. However the time of secrecy is over due to the fact
that we live in a ripe age for enlightenment. There are so many publications, mystical-text and
new-age materials available that it is also the duty of all Rosicrucian societies to guide human
progress with the undying principles of our Order. Secrecy does not exist in the Rosicrucian
College of AR+CO. Some societies forbid their members to study with other esoteric and
Rosicrucian organisations. Instead of hindering humanities progression we heartily
recommend that you study with any society and read any material that interests you at any
given time. Follow your inspiration as it will lead you to the True Stone. In our College we
maintain that the Great Work is not a secret hidden in the depths of some underground
Rosicrucian vault. Rather your growth depends on understanding the humans’ Inner Temple
and whether or not you are willing to listen and learn from the little person inside. The most
sacred of all teachings come from experiencing life rather than finding them enclosed within
temple doors.
The College to which you are now a member does teach a large amount of
unpublished materials and does possess secret teachings. These teachings are carried in our
oral traditions which will be shared freely to all within both Lodges and in the Grade Manuals.
At one time the reasoning behind the retention of documents by the Praemonstrator was for
the benefit of his students. A fine example could be seen if perhaps a Labourer were to obtain
our highest theurgical experiments. To understand such a document, and the method of work
involved, the student must be an expert in astrology, invocation, divination, geometry,
geomancy, colour symbolism, archetypes, and have a firm understanding in our methods of
enochian mysticism and our conception of the universe. Put simply the student would have
wasted more time scratching his head in confusion for several years due to the complexity of
these documents if not suffering from mental overload as is seen with most students who
approach enochian too early in others schools of thought. Had the same amount of time been
given in commitment to the basic fundamentals it would lead to the understanding of these
higher teachings. Instead of simply keeping secrets we ensure that you are always aware of
what teachings lay ahead and what teachings are relevant to your current level of
understanding. This course is designed to take the very most beginner and transform him or
her into a Rosicrucian Adept. If at any time you feel you are ready to study a subject that is in
a higher grade this is also positive. Take to yourself any book that you feel you would benefit
from in order for you to prepare the way. We desire our students to blossom as true
Rosicrucians should. The next part of the Labourer Oath reads:
I also swear to think and act and speak for myself and that no person shall cause
me to lose control of these faculties. *Finally I also solemnly promise to pursue my own
personal development with great determination now and for the rest of my days for the
betterment of humankind
We hope that at this point you have written several notes on this part of the oath. All of
them are offcourse correct. What you have written reflects the strongest aspects of yourself in
terms of your spiritual pursuits and your independence. At this point in the oath there is not a
mention of compassion or healing others. This is because at the Labourer level the student is
called to the time of the Hermit rather than the time of the Healer. A hermit is one who retreats
into studying the sacred way and the first step for the Rosicrucian student is that of learning.
Before Moses could free his people he spent his time in solitude obtaining the wisdom of God
and obtaining the power to make a difference in his world. Your current level is exactly the
same. A time will come when you will have both knowledge and power at which time a higher
moral code is required of the student to act according to the elevation of the entire world’s
consciousness and to exercise responsibility with the powers obtained from these teachings.
For now the Labourer student is merely asked to pursue their own spiritual development as
A lot can also be written on the first principle of this part of the oath. You are told to not
come under the influence of another person’s Will. What exactly does this imply? You are after
all instructed in what to do quite often at work or at play while competing in sports activities.
However in those cases you follow instruction due to the fact that you have choosen to be in
those positions. You can work in any place and play anywhere. Your task is to think about what
you really want to do or act or say, especially in employment, social gatherings, spiritual
working groups and in relationships. Ask yourself, are you easily led? Think over the last few
weeks. Did you really want to do this or that? If not, now is the time to make changes as to
how you live your life and how you want to spend your time living. Everything should be done
out of great pleasure. Aside from responsibilities, such as parenting, if it’s not fun you’re
probably in the wrong place. The key is to simply be true to yourself and be yourself all the
Once upon a time, in the ancient era, the oaths of old were undertaken with a great
amount of punishment should the student fail to live up to the new standards outlined in their
oaths. The student swore to observe these principles upon the pain of suffering, being
expelled and submitting himself to a deadly energy. We live in lighter days where the student
is more aware. No longer does the College need to threaten a student with such oaths. Your
understanding of its deeper meaning should be that the candidate was offered the most basic
instruction of new moral code at the Labourer level. The only form of punishment in reality is
caused by only one person. Imagine a person who could not live up to the most basic
principles of life. Such a person is destined to doom. This was the essence of the oath then
and the same holds true today. Think to yourself about the basic principles outlined in this
lecture. Imagine the results for someone who failed to be discrete about their esoteric studies?
Imagine the same person failing to respect the privacy of those they study with? What would
happen if they allow themselves to be controlled by another? The goal of the Rosicrucian
Student is to become a Great Human made from Spiritual Gold. While each of us are ‘only
humans’ we must try on a daily basis to become better people in order to arise to the calling of
the Great Work. On a daily basis you should say ‘I am willing to change, I am willing to
change.’ Try this now if you like.
The principles of the Labourer Oath are simple, but you should read, and re-read the
principles outlined and after some contemplation, ask yourself, are any of these changes
going to be easy for me? If at any time you feel yourself unwilling to commit to any one of
these ideals that is where change is needed most. Changing yourself is like cleaning a mental
house. Just like cleaning a house you have to go through the mental rooms and examine your
thoughts and beliefs. Some you will love and polish, others need a light dust. Still others need
to be thrown in the trash like used magazines.
Sometimes when you clean your house you entirely rearrange your furniture and this
is like redefining your new mental parameters. The oath of the Rosicrucian College introduces
the philosophy of our school of thought yet because each grade is supposed to reflect your
current stage of progress we also feel that you should formulate and create your own
personal standards by which to live by. In your next lesson this concept shall be covered in
These things I swear to abide with by the sign of the Triangle and before the
presence of the Holy One. Amen”
Points of Consideration:
This is the era of greater illumination and understanding. Already in the sections past
we have touched upon some fundamental ideas of the Rosicrucian College and some of
these have been practical experiences. In the next series of lessons, where you shall learn
about nature and the universe, your study will be delivered slowly in order to completely
absorb the details of each and every Rosicrucian Cosmos Principle starting from the most
basic to the most advanced.
Our organisation comprises of many sincere seekers who each desire self mastery
and personal empowerment. Such mastery and power can only come from knowledge, and
this knowledge, when applied, is the only requirement to obtain that power. In your last study
you gained insights into the minimal requirements to succeed as a Labourer. By studying the
oath of the Rosicrucian College you also learned that the underlying principle behind
oaths was to set a higher standard and way of living for initiates.
In this section you will learn how to set higher standards for yourself. It is said that the
‘body is your temple’ and where this holds true your inner temple should also have its own
philosophy. Each one of you is unique and different. No-one else in the world is like you. Your
life is shaped by who you are, what you like and dislike, what you aim towards, your interest
and hobbies, and essentially you also carry special qualities that no-one else in the world has.
All of your past experiences were due to how you feel about life, and what standards you
have set for yourself. The Neophyte Oath is relative to mastering the minimal skills of life-
however, because you are unique you should also undertake to define your own personal
principles. These principles can be set out in what we call your Personal Standard, as after
all you are different from every person. Each of you should have your own form of statement
to reflect your own uniqueness. Where temple oaths are universal to humanity a Personal
Standard captures your personal creed and like an oath it will remind you of your personal
development on a daily basis. You might ask ‘what does the Personal Standard mean to my
inner temple?’
A Personal Standard is like a personal temple oath. Temple oaths change from
grade to grade because each grade/level is also relevant to a level of spiritual progress. The
oaths of each grade therefore reflect a higher stage of evolution while setting higher
standards to progress from that level of vibration. Similarly your Personal Standard will also
change as you progress, due to the fact that you will outgrow some of your ideas as you
develop. As you become more illuminated to truths you may altar your Personal Standard to
conform to your new understanding.
Like an oath the Personal Standard are statements by which criteria are set out and
everything else is directed and evaluated by your own self reflection upon it. The Ten
Commandments are an example of a standard that has endured because it captures some
basic underlying principles that were core to the people of the era. You will also find through
reading all sacred books that the prophets also tried to describe this process by aiming
towards a higher way of living. No matter which religion you look towards each testament
expresses these same ideas in different words and languages. Because of its universality
Rosicrucian students take measure of their current state and aim towards something higher
by creating a Personal Standard that reflects these timeless ideas. Now let’s write one for
In order to write a Personal Standard which is your aim towards a higher way of living
you must therefore express it from the centre of your heart. The heart is very important in our
Rosicrucian tradition as it is referred to so often. We call it the heart-centre, and more often its
philosophy is summarised as the Way of the Heart and the Heart of the Rose. We specify
its importance over the mind because all compassionate and harmonious feelings derive from
In the septagram the Heart of the Rose is considered as appearing in its centre while
the seven esoteric planets are also attributed to each of its seven points. As such the heart
appears amidst the septagram to show the equilibrium of the seven esoteric planets around it,
also representing different principles in its harmony. It is from the Heart of the Rose that we
obtain harmony with the rest of these principles as they appear often around the seven
pointed star.
Remember that like an oath the Personal Standard captures the principles of your
inner temple. Here the Seven Pointed Star is a map for your heart centre. It is a reference that
interprets for you what is happening inside of you. It is the heart centre that brings them all
into harmony with one another. By looking at life through the heart centre we can identify with
the surrounding principles. This will give you a sense of balance when formulating the
Personal Standard statement.
Now consider each point respectively. To do this you should visit each planet and
decide what you feel is important to you and you may also include any points where you
would like further development. Saturn: Do you want to increase your amount of spirituality?
To do this you can include this in your Personal Standard. Jupiter: Do you have principles
about the way you would really like to spend your money? Or would you like to put more effort
into your career? Mars: Do you want a healthier body? If so include that you will eat wisely
and exercise regularly. Sun: Do you feel strongly about balancing certain aspect with each
other, such as family and work, or fitness and study? Venus: Do you feel strongly about
maintaining a good relationship with your partner? Would you like to show others that you
care? Mercury: Would you like to develop your reading or communication skills? Perhaps you
could elevate your standard by removing slang? Moon: Can you develop yourself in any way
that might be of some purpose to your family? Perhaps it could be something simple like ‘I will
spend more quality time with my grandparents.’ Make sure you can see where you are weak
or overly strong in any of the planetary principles. This way when you bring them together in
the heart centre your personal standard enables you to live a Rosicrucian lifestyle. This is
because the heart harmonises planetary principles around it causing your internal rose to
At the Labourer level you should also include the principles outlined in the oath of the
Labourer. These could be written as ‘I will commit to study the Rosicrucian Sciences.’ Or
perhaps you would write this as ‘I will be the best Rosicrucian student I can be.’ Each
statement should just capture the principles of the Labourer in your own words. Others could
be ‘I will not suffer myself to be led by another person’ or ‘I will be true to myself.’ ‘I will choose
wisely in whom I speak of esoteric matters.’ ‘I will only use my esoteric powers for the benefit
of mankind.’ By including this you will be following the AR+CO Rosicrucian process of spiritual
development which is important because you are working inside the Rosicrucian current at
the Labourer level. When you reach the first Sage level its new principles will replace the
Labourer ones.
Remember that the Personal Standard is like an oath. It is something that you will
undertake for your own spiritual development. As such it should reflect your own uniqueness.
The Personal Standard here outlines more than the most basic principles of the
Labourer level. This is also because the Personal Standard is also a series of goals, that is,
goals of how you would really like to be. You may not always live up to your standard, but
when the standard is present it is something by which you can direct your purpose in life.
Once you have formulated your Personal Standard you should place it inside a picture frame
so it can be viewed daily. This will tell your subconscious that you are serious about making
changes in your life. Once you have done this you may like to light some candles and say a
prayer over your framed Personal Standard. During this time you may also like to commit
yourself to meet those standards to the best of your ability with some additional prayers to a
Higher Power. This is one example of the kind of theurgical invocations that have the ability to
bring about self-transmutation. A prayer you could use follows:
“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I (Name), a student of the
Rosicrucian Temple, with my heart of hearts, call upon the Divine Aid of the Lord of Truth, so
that this commitment to a higher purpose may be undertaken in the presence of our Lord and
witnessed by the Holy Ones. So that transmutation may effect, from this day henceforth, this
shall be my Personal Standard by which I shall live. (read out personal standard.) These
principles, I swear to abide with, in the name of the Lord of the Universe, who works in
Silence, and Naught but Silence can express. So help me oh Lord of the Universe and my
own higher soul!”
This ceremony when undertaken will also send a strong impression to your
subconscious that now is the time for a new way of living. Essentially it will awaken your new
inner potential. Your Personal Standard can be used at any time as a positive affirmation and
reminder of your own commitment. At the very least you should place it somewhere where
you can always see it clearly everyday. This will increase your personal character and
strengthen your resolve about who you are and what you want to achieve in life. As such,
when you enter life’s challenges you will have strength because you already know exactly
Remember that this course is one of spiritual development. We know that if any
student applies himself to our work the results will be tremendous. Make sure that you if you
want to make a Personal Standard you should take action on the teachings we offer, instead
of just seeing them without participation. Then you will be a true Rosicrucian and begin the
Blossoming of the Rose.
As a newly initiated member of our society you have begun a new path that shall lead
you from the material world unto the spiritual life. We have all spent our lives existing on the
physical level, some living more spiritually than others, yet how many of you are aware of the
inherent divine qualities of the material world itself?
Many of us go to work, pay our mortgages, study, have family and children, cook and
clean spending most of our time working upon the physical level. We are trained as a society
to perceive life as being ‘hard’ and that spiritually should allow us to ‘escape’ from this world.
All in the while we have forgotten when the physical world was simply magical in itself. As
children the sky was a divine ceiling, butterflies were angelic and every day was spent in awe
of our universe.
Can you perceive the divine qualities of the physical world once again? This question
is important as the Labourer’s journey from the material world to the higher forms of
consciousness should seek to perceive some form of spirituality that is immediately available
to the student in order to take you from ‘here to there.’ Here you may recognise that divinity is
not something far off and unobtainable but is in reality quite obtainable and close to us all of
the time. Take in a deep breath right now. Allow the wholeness of the air to fill your lungs. Now
gently release that air as is comfortable to you. Does it feel good to nourish your body with
air? Now instead hold your breath for as long as you can. This may take some time but do
this now. After a while you feel uncomfortable. It then becomes unpleasant and then
intolerable. What does this tell you about our experience on earth in relation to nature? With
this small experiment you can perceive that we are in fact dependant upon a quality physical
existence in order to make our lives as wonderful as possible.
Some of the teachings in this manual includes: modern scientific quantum physics,
sympathetic vibratory physics, the atomic theories as conceived by the ancient Greeks, and
the study of life, nature and evolution as a form of providing evidence that nature in itself is
evolving intelligence. We shall also cover eco-psychology, a form of healing our minds
through nature, and demonstrate the Gaia-hypothesis which akin to our most ancient
thoughts, says that our mother- earth is in fact alive as are all things upon it. 3 Paramount to all
of this is the holographic-universe theory, and vibrational study, which also supports the
Rosicrucian notion of the World Soul as it connects the spiritual realms to the physical leading
you to higher worlds.
Anima-mundi Principles.
According to the Rosicrucian tradition our alchemical-forefathers taught that all the
secrets of the universe could be found in the earth alone. This is because the World Soul is
naturally in harmony with the higher will of the Divine Creator. Here in the grade of Labourer
of the Art you will learn more about this Soul of the World which Rosicrucians term the
‘Anima-mundi.’ In perspective of how your will come to understand nature on this
Rosicrucian Journey it is important for you to bear in mind this ancient world-soul/anima-
mundi concept in six enumerated points. They are given to you on the outset of this degree as
ideas and hypothesis. They are not to be accepted on faith but instead you must learn to
know in order for the invisible doors to be further opened. These ancient six points have
already been hinted at by older Rosicrucian transmissions but their clarity has remained
hidden until now. Throughout this grade you will learn that the six laws of the anima-mundi in
the Rosicrucian teachings of nature are:
The Gaia-Hypothesis is in reality a modern name for the Anima-mundi and considers the eco-system
as key evidence for the earth as a living being with a Soul.
The Rosicrucians being alchemist by nature were also physicians of the era.
Contemplate how their medicines were achieved? They experimented and soon learned that
nature had a secret. That secret was that nature consists of order, and that there is no such
thing as chaos in our universe. The good intentions of those Rosicrucians who only sought to
heal through the applications of their higher wisdom furthermore led our fraternity discover
many additional mysteries. That secret was so important during the dark-ages. The
Rosicrucians knew that in nature all things consist of vibration and geometry being harmony
and form. We are here for a reason. All things in nature and on this planet are a part of an
eco-system and are here for a reason. The Lord has a Plan for us. We call this the Unfolding
Plan. Many traditions offer the idea that the material world is somehow ‘mundane’ and that we
are here in some dark state of spirituality. 4 The Rosicrucian College however teaches that the
material world represents pure creation. The planets, animal life and the vegetable and
mineral kingdoms are a microcosmic reflection of the higher divine universe. All things in this
world are considered to reflect the nature of the pure creator and the structure of the greater
universe. In another Rosicrucian science, called Kabbalah, the physical world is also known in
the ancient Hebrew language by word ‘malkuth’ which means the ‘Kingdom’ or the ‘kingdom
of God.’ Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory oh Lord, says the Lords Prayer. This is
why Rosicrucians consider the kingdom of earth a beautiful place to live upon that the Lord
has provided for us and as a Labourer initiate your study shall reveal this truth. May all
physical forms now become your secret teacher!
This is not contrary to the Rosicrucian stream known as Martinism who teach that we are in a Fallen
State of Divinity. Rather you should understand that nature is a perfect teacher and that we are called to
remember our higher natures and claim our divine rights.
Take a look around wherever you are right now and see the age we live in. Times
certainly have changed from our ancient reliance on nature. We travel from place to place in
our little automobiles. When we want to speak to a friend whose home is a thousand miles
away, we say ‘hello’ into plastic telephone. At night, when the room grows dark we push a
button and there is light. If we happen to be cold we push another button and the electric
heater spreads its pleasant warmth through our study. On the other hand when it’s hot in
summer we use air-conditioning to keep us cool and comfortable. We seem to be the masters
of all the forces of nature and we make them work for us as they were our obedient slaves.
But do not forget one thing when you pride yourself upon our splendid achievements. We
have built our civilisation upon the fundamental wisdom that has been built at great pains by
the people of our ancient world. In our study of nature therefore we shall trace our human
relations to nature as the most ancient humans understood it. It is here that we shall find the
most ancient philosophy of life and mystical understandings of the world around us. Perhaps
you will also find that there are many fundamental principles that we have lost touch with?
For ancient man to prosper and procreate, we had to understand and use the world
around us. We learnt what was edible, and when and where foodstuffs would be ready for us
to eat. Tribal man’s knowledge of the seasons told us when to prepare a store of food for
winter or drought. There were also times when spring came too late and the frost did not lift or
food went bad. Or what about when the summer rain did not fall and the crops died? In those
moments of desperation, ancient man cried out to the gods. These gods were our ancient
connection to nature. They were the personifications of the elements, rain, trees and all
nature. Because we were entirely dependant upon nature during these times the basis for our
human belief in these nature gods came out of need. Our connection to nature is one of need.
Our ancient ancestors understood this and had a structure of beliefs that reflected the natural
science of the world as they knew it. Our most ancient mystical rites revolved around nature’s
cycles in the form of fertility and weather rituals.
Ancient tribal priest sought to deal with the problems of life through his immediate
surroundings. Modern anthropology shows shamanism and tribal spirituality was practiced in
every part of the world . As such we also encounter the first forms of universal religion known
to man where Rosicrucians begin to bind together a mutual understanding of all religions and
all people. Like our ancient tribal ancestors you must therefore, as a spiritual seeker, become
more aware of the physical universe at this time in your life allied with the scientific thought of
our times. By beginning with tribal thought and viewing our stone-age ancestors you can also
begin to understand the seeds of thought ancient man planted that eventually gave rise to
civilised forms of religion and our evolving understanding of science which continues to
expand with our consciousness. Let us further examine ancient man and his emergence and
understanding of nature in the next few lessons.
In the beginning man in his earliest forms was very primitive. He did not have the
mental capacity we do today. Earliest man did not know what ‘time’ meant. He kept no
records of birthdays, wedding anniversaries or the hour of death. (we shall use the term ‘he’ to
describe our ancestors out of convenience.) He had no idea of days or weeks or years. When
In a very general way he kept track of the seasons. Long experience had taught him
that the cold winter was always followed by the mild spring, and that spring grew into the hot
summer when fruits ripened. The summer ended when gust of wind swept the leaves form the
trees and when a number of animals crept back into their holes for the long hibernation sleep.
This was our earliest existence. Our early ancestors accepted the changes of cold
and warm and asked no questions. If lucky they survived and that was all they could hope for.
Suddenly however something happened that worried ancient man greatly. This was the onset
of the ice age.
The warm days of summer had come very late. The fruits had not ripened at all. The
tops of the mountains which used to be covered with grass lay deeply hidden under a heavy
burden of snow. Then on one morning, and to our ancient ancestors surprise, quite a number
of wild people, different from the other inhabitants of his valley had approached from the
region of the high peaks. They muttered sounds which no one could understand. They looked
lean and appeared to be starving. Hunger and cold seemed to have driven them from their
former homes. There was not enough food in the valley for both the old inhabitants and the
newcomers. When they tried to stay more than a few days there was a terrible fight and whole
families were killed. The others fled into the woods and were not seen again. Man went on
concerned with these sudden changes, and all the while, the days continued to grow shorter
and the nights were colder than they ought to have been.
Finally, in a gap between the two high hills, there appeared a tiny speck of ice. It
increased in size as the years went by. Very slowly a gigantic glacier was sliding down the
slopes of the mountain ridge. Huge stones were being pushed into the valley. With the noise
of a dozen thunderstorms they suddenly tumbled among the frightened people and killed
many while they slept. Century-old trees were crushed into kindling wood by the high walls of
ice that knew of no mercy to either man or beast.
At last, a thing unknown to these ancestors, the world began to snow. It snowed for
months and months and months. All the plants died. The animals fled in search of the
southern sun. The valley became uninhabitable. Doing the only thing they could, man hoisted
his children upon his back, took the few pieces of stone which he had used as a weapon and
went forth to find a new home. Why the world should have grown cold at that particular
moment scientist now say was due to massive volcanic eruptions and meteorites pounding
the earth creating a dark cloudy atmosphere. This of course was not known to our ancestors
however the lowering of the temperature made a great difference to the human race. Imagine
for a moment living in these times.
For a time it looked as if every one would die. But in the end this period of suffering
proved a real blessing. As evolution would have it, the cold killed all the weaker people and
forced the survivors to sharpen their wits lest they perish also. Placed before the choice of
hard thinking or quick dying, the same brain that had first turned stone into a hatchet now
solved difficulties which he had never faced in older generations. In the first place, there was
the question of clothing. It had grown much too cold to do without some sort of artificial
covering. Bears and bison and other animals who live in northern regions are protected
against snow and ice by a heavy coat of fur. Man possessed no such coat. His skin was very
delicate and he suffered greatly. He solved his problem in a very simple fashion. He trapped,
hunted and caught animals with fur. When bears were weakened or hurt he killed it with many
blows from a stone. At this time man was still very primitive. With a sharp piece of flint he cut
the fur of the animals back. Then he dried it in the sparse rays of the sun, put it around his
own shoulders and enjoyed the same warmth that had formerly kept the bear happy and
A dead tree, dragged into a cave and lighted by means of taking branches from a
burning forest filled the room with unusual but very pleasant heat. Perhaps you will laugh. All
these things seem so very simple. They are very simple to us because some one, ages and
ages ago, was clever enough to think of them. But the first cave that was made comfortable
by the fire of an old log attracted more attention than the first house that ever was lighted by
electricity. Soon after one of our ancestors must have come upon the idea of cooking raw
meat, either by accident or invention. These events, clothing, food and fire made our stone-
age ancestors feel that the height of civilisation had been reached. Even today when we hear
of a marvelous invention we are very proud.
Forty thousand years ago when the world was on the point of freezing to death, an
unkempt and unwashed cave-man, pulling the feathers out of a half-dead chicken with the
help of his brown fingers and his big white teeth--throwing the feathers and the bones upon
the same floor that served him and his family as a bed, felt just as happy and just as proud
when he was taught how the hot cinders of a fire would change raw meat into a delicious
meal. "What a wonderful age," he would exclaim and he would lie down amidst the decaying
skeletons of the animals which had served him as his dinner and he would dream of his own
perfection while bats, as large as small dogs, flew restlessly through the cave and while
Prehistoric man lived through at least four definite eras when the ice descended far down into
the valleys and covered the greater part of the European continent.
From that moment on man left behind him concrete evidence of his existence in the
form of tools and weapons and pictures and in a general way we can say that history begins
when the last cold period had become a thing of the past. The endless struggle for life had
taught the survivors many things. Stone and wooden implements had become as common as
steel tools are in our own days. Gradually the rudely chipped flint axe had been replaced by
one of polished flint which was infinitely more practical. It allowed man to attack many animals
at whose mercy he had been since the beginning of time.
The mammoth was no longer seen. The musk-ox had retreated to the polar circle.
The tiger had left Europe for good. The cave-bear no longer ate little children. The powerful
brain of the weakest and most helpless of all living creatures--Man--had devised such clever
instruments that he was now the able harness the forces of nature. The first victories over
Nature had been gained but many others were to follow. Equipped with a full set of tools both
for hunting and fishing, the cave-dweller looked for new living quarters. The shores of rivers
and lakes offered the best opportunity for a regular livelihood. The old caves were deserted
and the human race moved toward the water. Now that man could handle heavy axes, the
felling of trees no longer offered any great difficulties.
This study so far should have taught you that the journey of mans survival and
emergence tells us one important thing about our relationship with nature. That man himself
was always trying to come to terms with his natural environment. We have always, as
humans, wanted to know how nature works, why we are here, and what we can do in order to
improve our life circumstances. As such, humans are essentially mystical beings with curious
minds. At first our thoughts were only centred on the earth-plane because of survival however
as we gradually understood the human mind also expanded towards a contemplation of the
higher worlds.
Points of Consideration:
For Beginners
As yet you have only read the first quarter of your grade materials. And although you
are practically starting out on the Rosicrucian Journey you may feel like a mere beginner of
our order but know that you are upon the glorious path of enlightenment! By applying yourself
to our lessons you are sending a message to your subconscious that now is the time for true
In the Ancient Rose Cross Order we have strived to set a standard of excellence
towards your learning. Through constant research we are able to combine the most latest
scientific fields of study to our lessons so that our ancient Rosicrucian teachings are
complimented with modern ideas that support your studies. Because of the detail and
attention we place into the lessons we ask that during your study do not be discouraged to
take notes or highlight certain ideas and points that you see within this manual. Your
Rosicrucian Journal may contain the points of consideration given at the end of some
paragraphs worth noting and you may like to include any ideas that you perceive as relative to
the topics concerned. It is important also that you read this grade manual twice during your
Labourer Degree to completely absorb the contents herein. These studies will teach you how
to wield the power of your mind to improve your life’s circumstances in order to enrich your life
experience. Mystical studies should enrich the meaning of everything around you so that the
simplest things of which you did not regard or give consideration to before suddenly has
meaning as everything around you becomes more significant. This is not achieved through
trying to simply gain meaning in places where there is nothing or by mere exaggeration.
Instead your heightened awareness of nature is being raised through this study.
For countless ages birds had been constructing comfortable houses out of chips of
wood and grass amidst the branches of trees. You may remember as a child the wonderment
at every time you saw a birds nest. ‘Oh’ you would proclaim. ‘Look at the birds nest.’ There
was always something special about these places in nature. It was like a little world unto itself
as the child wonders what may be inside it. Ancient man in his more primitive mental state
also likened his thoughts towards the birds nest and decided to follow their example. He also
decided to build himself a nest and called it his ‘home.’ He did not, except in a few parts of
Asia, take to the trees which were a bit too small and unsteady for his purpose. He cut down a
number of logs. These he drove firmly into the soft bottom of a shallow lake. On top of them
he constructed a wooden platform and upon this platform he erected his first wooden house.
It offered many advantages over the old cave. No wild animals could break into it and robbers
could not enter it. The lake itself was an inexhaustible store-room containing an endless
supply of fresh fish. These houses built on piles were much healthier than the old caves and
they gave the children a chance to grow up into strong men and women. The population
increased steadily and man began to occupy vast tracts of wilderness which had been
unoccupied since the beginning of time.
All the time new inventions were being made which made life more comfortable and
less dangerous. Often enough these innovations were not due to the cleverness of man's
brain. He simply copied the animals. You know of course that there are a large number of
beasts who prepare for the long winter by burying nuts and acorns and other food which is
abundant during the summer. Just think of the squirrels forever filling their larder in gardens
and parks with supplies for the winter and the early spring. Early man in his primitive form was
less intelligent in many respects than the squirrels was yet to figure out how to preserve
anything for the future. He ate until his hunger was satisfied, but what he did not need right
away was wasted because it went spoiled. As a result he often went without his meals during
the cold period and many of his children died from hunger and want. Until he followed the
example of the animals and prepared for the future by keeping sufficient stores when the
harvest had been good and there was an abundance of wheat and grain. Through
understanding nature, man began to understand how to come to terms with these cycles of
We do not know which genius first discovered the use of pottery but she deserves a
statue. Very likely it was a woman who had got tired of the eternal chores of the home and
wanted to make her household duties a little less exacting. She noticed that chunks of clay,
when exposed to the rays of the sun, got baked into a hard substance. If a flat piece of clay
could be transformed into a brick, a slightly curved piece of the same material must produce a
similar result. And behold, the brick grew into a piece of pottery and the human race was able
to save for the day of tomorrow. If you think that my praises of this invention are exaggerated,
look at the breakfast table and see what pottery, in one form and the other, means in your
own life. Your oatmeal is served in a dish. The cream is served from a pitcher. Your mean is
carried from the kitchen to the dining-room table on a plate. Your milk is brought to you in a
china mug. Then go to the store-room (if there is no store-room in your house go to the
nearest store). You will see how all the things which we are supposed to eat tomorrow and
next week and next year have been put away in jars and cans and other artificial containers
which nature did not provide for us but which man was forced to invent and perfect before he
could be assured of his regular meals all the year around. Even a gas-tank is nothing but a
large pitcher, made of iron because iron does not break as easily as china and is less porous
than clay. So are barrels and bottles and pots and pans. They all serve the same purpose; to
provide us in the future with those things of which we happen to have an abundance at the
present moment. And because he could preserve edible things for the day of need, man
began to raise vegetables and grain and saved the surplus for future consumption. This
explains why, during the late Stone Age, we find the first the first gardens and farms grouped
around the settlements of the early pottery makers. So far in your Labourer manual you have
seen the journey of man to this point of development. But what were his spiritual ideas or
religion throughout these times? What does this say about spirituality and nature?
From the stone-age leading to the first moments of agriculture the religion leading
from the start of those times to the pottery makers was relatively the same. The world religion
was a nature based religion. As mentioned in the last section we introduced the idea that all
forms of ancient spirituality began as nature based religions. We also said that no matter what
part of the planet, anthropology has shown that tribal spirituality was the first universal
religion. It may have differed from tribe to tribe by language and the images they used
however all of those religions were describing the same ideas. In this section we shall delve
further in tribal culture to find out what kind of ideas they used to describe the natural world
around them. This is given to enhance your understanding of nature.
Ancestor Worship
Archeology has shown that religion in some form or another has been an essential
element in the life and culture of all humans throughout the ages. As Rosicrucians you need
to how many of the beliefs and practices of later religions, both ancient and modern, are
rooted in their prehistoric prototypes of the stone-age. The period we have described so far
lasted from 500,000BC to 10,000BC. This phase therefore has an important place in
understanding how to obtain mystical enlightenment. Both archeological excavations and the
study of our present tribal cultures that continue to practice nature religions shows that man
may have began his first spiritual ideals when trying to come to terms with death. The earliest
trace of archeological religious evidence is clustered around prehistoric burial sites. In caves
in China and Europe the heads of the dead were found perhaps as ancestral icons and some
have suggested that the flesh of the heads were eaten in order to obtain the knowledge and
vitality of their deceased. Skulls excavated in France had been made into drinking cups,
which suggest the first form of sacraments in ancestor worship. After the fall of man our
primitive ancestors feared death. It was the end they could not avoid. In these times was
conceived the idea of a Spirit World where the ancestors were said to reside. Burials became
ceremonial in order to prepare the dead for the next life. The dead were given items that they
might require for survival in the next life also. Ancestors became revered as protecting deities
Ancestor worship was universal to all nature religions. Where did the dead go? Our
ancestors would ask. When asking ‘how could the soul just end?’ a response was given in the
form of a continual life for the dead so that man might not have to fear death any longer. The
belief in a surviving element of the human person, such as the soul, and in an afterlife
began in the stone-age, and forms the basis for many modern thoughts such as the idea of
heaven and hell. In its most ancient form the spirits of the dead were often thought to help the
living, but it was thought they also did harm if they were not propitiated. Because of this
foundation all societies today give ritual attention to death or to the souls of the dead, but not
all of these practices may appropriately be called ancestor worship. In ancestor worship the
dead continued to live with us and very near to mans location. Ancient man thought of his
ancestors had become supernatural beings that not only had the personality of their kinsman
but had also gained a supernatural influence on the world around them. The spirits of the
dead were with them, they could see, hear, feel, understand and communicate with our living
ancestors. The dead would make moral judgments, could be demanding, joyful, angry, stern,
kind and cruel by having all the normal traits from their human condition. As man tried to
come to terms with his surroundings, throughout his many discoveries of tools and fire, the
ancestors were ever with him. Primitive man created periodic rites, that is to say, they had
special days of the month or week that were used to honor the dead and could call upon them
in times of need. During these times primitive man did not know much about the elements or
his surroundings. They did not know why they were here or what many things were. But they
did know each other. They knew their families and their friends. And so in a world where they
could not identify with many things they called upon those whom they knew the most, their
ancestors. Ancestor worship was essentially born to gain guidance from the invisible world.
There is something inside our human nature that instinctively knows that there is another
dimension to which we cannot immediately perceive. Our primitive ancestors conceived of
ancestor worship yet it did not cease to exist with them but has continued onto modern times.
From the stone-age ancestor worship continued to the ancient civilisation of the
Mediterranean, where cults of the dead sometimes also existed and among later European
groups. The ancient Egyptian religion featured a cult of the dead but gave little attention to
ancestral spirits except those of royalty. In ancient Greece ancestor worship overlapped into
hero worship. Among northern and eastern peoples of Europe, the ancient Celts, Teutons,
Vikings and Slavics also gave importance to the spirits of their ancestors. Some Christian
streams revere the Saints and have sacred days for them while other related religions revere
different prophets. On the other hand our culture today often venerates people in our history
such as the founding fathers of our country and modern war heroes. Remember that as a
Rosicrucian all life is an opportunity for something. Should you ever come across different
cultures and native persons who practice a tribal form of religion then you should see at once
an opportunity to learn more about life. We encourage you to ask and speak with people who
have different cultures to expand your understanding of the cosmos if others are willing to
share. After all we are all God’s children and from tribal religions all modern thought was
planted and born.
Animal Worship
Some of our students have asked ‘why are we studying these ancient cultures?’ and
‘aren’t we supposed to be studying nature?’ These questions are important to answer
because right now the position of your learning is from the perspective of not just studying
nature. We are also studying spirituality in regards to nature itself. We are examining
what different religions and peoples around the world have to say about nature through the
very eyes of those people who have experienced it on perhaps a deeper personal level than
many of ourselves. The interesting thing about what we find in these primitive religions is that
we still experience many forms of their ideas still today. One of these traditions is animal
Not a part of the Rosicrucian tradition itself, the worship of animals was of primary
importance to our stone-age ancestors. Sometimes described as totems or animism, this
Without animals stone-age man knew that he would die. There would be no fish to
eat. No bison or birds to hunt and catch. And so to honour that which he needed the most
primitive man created a system of connecting with the animal kingdom. The animals became
his cousins, brothers and sisters, while various tribes began to identify with different animals. 5
In ancient man’s mind he thought that he could somehow become stronger if he could only
harness the power of the lion. Some birds were seen to lay more eggs, or certain animals
were seen to birth more offspring than others, and so these animals became associated with
fertility. Animals were mans immediate connection to the powers of nature, a means by which
he could master the forces of nature through the symbolism of sacred animals.
So far you have begun a journey into studying the natural world, our history with it,
and its spiritual impact upon humankind. With patience you shall learn in future sections how
nature religions also impacted the religion of Egypt and will continue on to study the
composition of matter and study of the World Soul. Remember that you are a Labourer of the
Art and that this degree may take time. The Rosicrucian Journey is one that will open your
eyes over a period of time, as no wonderful achievements were obtained over night.
Having come thus far we suggest you to spend a moment in peace and quiet
meditation. Realize that the Rosicrucian Order is a current of Light and that all students,
including you, are connected to its astral thread by becoming a member of our welcoming
society. This light is being transmitted to you via the astral thread not only from us but also
because you are attracting the current through your own aspirations to our transmission. This
connection between the students and the order is what we call an ‘egregore.’ A group
connection to a Rosicrucian stream is also considered the egregore itself.
Many of these animal spirits later became the elementals and fairies of the Rosicrucian tradition.
This may seem all too easy but through experiencing this simple meditation, you will
also gain something in return. Remember that others are doing this same exercise with you
and by investing your love and thoughts you will also receive the warmth of our fraternity
which can polarize your being into happiness and belonging. Remember that we are a
fraternity, and everyone should feel welcome and should know that you and everyone else in
our college are making some contribution towards this current of Light. Spend several
minutes sending your warmth into this current and then meditate on what that current returns
to towards you. In future exercises you shall also gain more advanced methods of contacting
our Rosicrucian current in order to receive additional teachings via this astral thread.
At the end of this exercise record your results in your Rosicrucian Journal. Describe
how you felt and remember anything gained from this experience. You may like to share any
feelings or thoughts received with our online forum.
This information is only available to students who have committed to their Rosicrucian
Journey and have undergone the initiation ceremony. Hence we have concealed it here within
the manual. Because you have earned the special privilege of being a part of this fraternity we
ask that you honour our society by remaining silent in regards to the signs of this degree and
its hidden symbolism. By this you will gain the respect of other Rosicrucian members who are
willing to greet you as a brother or sister of our society.
It is safe to say that these earliest ancestors of ours would have given up the ways of
savages of their own accord if they had been left to their fate. But suddenly there was an end
to their primitive isolation. Prehistoric man was discovered. A traveller from the unknown west-
land who had dared to cross the turbulent sea and the forbidding desert sands had found his
way to the wild people of the area. On his back he carried a pack. When he had spread his
wares before the gaping curiosity of the bewildered natives, their eyes beheld wonders of
which their minds had never dared to dream. They saw bronze hammers and axes and tools
made of iron and helmets made of copper and beautiful ornaments consisting of a strangely
coloured substance which the foreign visitor called silk. Overnight the Age of Stone came to
an end. It was replaced by a new civilization which had discarded wooden and stone
implements centuries before and had laid the foundations for that ‘Age of Metal’ which has
endured until our own day.
It might seem as if this sudden jump in technology was highly unlikely for our stone-
age man. However no two persons do precisely the same thing. No two human brains ever
reach exactly the same conclusion at the same speed in time. You would have noticed this
yourself while growing up. Some children were faster learners than others and our history was
no different thousands of years ago. Prehistoric man was on his fair way to progress. He had
managed to survive the stone-age and the snow and the wild animals which in themselves
where a great deal for them. He had invented many useful things. Suddenly however other
people from a different part of the world entered the race. They rushed on a much faster
speed of discovery and within a shorter space of time they reach a height of civilization which
had never before been seen upon our planet. They set forth to teach what they knew to
others who had been not so fortunate as themselves. What impact would this have had on
the culture and spiritual ideals of our ancient stone-age man?
You know that the worship of animals was practiced by primitive man and that at
some time Egypt and its religion seems to have suddenly emerged from a savage culture into
a highly civilized system of worship. The original motive behind the kinship of animals with
man now transformed them into deities. With the knowledge of metal man now donned
amulets of the serpent and the bull, while the tribal leader became the pharaoh who
associated his stature with the hawk. The loin now became life sized temple figures while
many other animals became personal standards. Primitive man did not separate himself from
the religion of the past on obtaining the knowledge of metal but instead glorified his
understanding of the universe by transforming his animal spirits into anthropomorphic gods.
These animals can be seen to have been transformed into four groups of gods by the
following way:
When primitive man deified his animal spirits into gods it shows that it was not his
religion so much that changed but rather the technology with which he used to express his
beliefs. The writing of Egypt also shows he maintained his connection to nature in that all the
hieroglyphs of Egypt are also symbols of natural things depicting animals, water and the eye
etc. The Rosicrucian College of AR+CO continues to have many Egyptian symbols, some of
them animals within our order. For the Outer College, of which you are now a member,
students are signified by the symbol of the scarab beetle. In this section you will learn about
some of the animals that became the gods of Egypt. “If the student has progressed so far that
he can perceive the spiritual forms of those phenomena which are physically visible to his
external sight, he is then not far from the stage where he will behold things which have no
physical existence, and which therefore remain entirely hidden from those who have not
received suitable instruction and training.” R.Steiner.
Baboon - The baboon was one of the representations of Thoth, the god of writing and
knowledge while at other times the baboon symbolized Khonsu, the youthful moon god. Both
deities were related to the moon and the humanoid ways of the large baboons are an obvious
cause for Egyptians to regard them as the wisest of animals. Thoth is represented as a
baboon from the first dynasty down to late times, and four baboons were sacred in his temple
at Hemmopolis. These four baboons were often portrayed as adoring the sun; this idea is due
to their habit of chattering at sunrise.
Bull - The bull was sacred in many places, and its worship underlay that of the
human gods, who were said to be incarnated in him. The idea is that of the fighting power, as
when the king is figured as a bull trampling on his enemies, and the reproductive power, as in
the title of the self-renewing gods, "bull of his mother." The most renowned was the Hapi or
Apis bull of Memphis, in whom Ptah was said to be incarnate and who was Osirified and
became the Osir-hapi. Thus appears to have originated the great Ptolemaic god Serapis, as
certainly the mausoleum of the bulls was the Serapeum of the Greeks. Another bull of a more
massive breed was the Ur-mer or Mnevis of Heliopolis, in whom Ra was incarnate. A third bull
was Bakh or Bakis of Hermonthis the incarnation of Mentu. And a fourth bull, Kan-nub or
Kanobos, was worshipped at the city of that name. The cow was identified with Hathor, who
appears with cow's ears and horns, and who is probably the cow-goddess Ashtaroth or Istar
of Asia. Isis, as identified with Hathor, is also joined in this connection.
Cattle - Hathor, Isis, Nut and Bat were three goddesses who were
often depicted as cows, with the horns of cows or with the ears of cows. Because of this, and
because of the relationship of the pharaoh as a living god, the cow came to symbolize the
Cobra - The cobra serpent was sacred from the earliest times to the present
day. It was never identified with any of the great deities, but three goddesses appear in
serpent form: Uazet, the Delta goddess of Buto, who represented Lower Egypt and kingship;
Mert-seger, "the lover of silence," who could punish criminals with blindness or her venom.
Rannut, the harvest goddess was sometimes depicted as nursing children and as protector of
Crocodile - Ammut, the demoness at the judgement hall, had the head
of a crocodile along with other fearful creatures, and was known as 'the devourer of the dead'
who punished evildoers by eating their hearts. The crocodile was also sacred to Sebek, who
was portrayed as a human with the head of a crocodile, or as the crocodile itself. The temples
of Sebek usually had sacred lakes where crocodiles were fed and cared for. The hippo
goddess of childbirth, Taweret, was thought to have the back and tail of a crocodile, or was
shown with a crocodile perched on her back.
Frog - The frog goddess Heqet was often shown as a frog-headed woman or as
a frog. Because the Egyptians saw that there were many frogs, all appearing from the Nile,
they associated the frog with fertility and resurrection, and so Heqet was a goddess of
childbirth. The four male primeval gods of the Ogdoad - Nun (water), Amen (invisibility), Heh
(infinity) and Kek (darkness) - were all frog gods.
Goose - The goose was the sacred animal of Geb, who was also
known as 'The Great Cackler' when he was in goose form, and had the sign of the goose as
his headdress. Isis was sometimes described as 'the egg of the goose', being the daughter of
Geb and both are related to fertility and birth.
Lions The lion was connected with the rising and the setting of the
sun, and so were thought to be guardians of the horizon and were linked to solar deities. The
earth god Aker was shown in the form of a 'double sphinx' - two lions seated back to back -
and was thought to guard the sun as it entered and exited the underworld at the eastern and
western horizons. Shu, god of dry air, and Tefnut, goddess of moist air, were lion-headed and
lioness-headed deities respectively. Many pharaohs associated themselves with lions, and so
the lion came to symbolize rulership. Lions were also linked with ferocity and war-like deities.
Sekhmet was either shown as a lioness, or a lioness-headed woman who came into being as
the Eye of Ra to destroy mankind for Ra, who was also known for her healing powers. Hathor,
goddess of love, was thought to have been sent out as the Eye of Ra, and so was also linked
to lionesses.
Pig - The pig was an animal sacred to Set, god of chaos. Set took
the form of a pig and blinded Horus. Eventually Horus regained his sight. The eyes of Horus
was thought to represent the sun and the moon, and the legend of the blinding of the god was
an explanation of solar and lunar eclipses. Plutarch said that, once a year, pigs were
sacrificed to the moon.
Scorpion - Serqet was a scorpion goddess and was usually depicted with a
scorpion on her head and featured in spells to both avoid and cure venomous bites. Shed, a
god known as 'the savior', was linked with the scorpion and gave protection against its sting.
Turtle - The turtle was associated with Set, and so with the enemies
of Ra who tried to stop the solar boat as it traveled through the underworld. This was because
the turtle was associated with night, and so came to symbolize darkness and evil.
Note: This list is important to you because it is a first glimpse into a topic we call
archetypes which we shall explore later in further lessons.
Dear student here we will introduce the first Concordo to your studies. The word
concordo is Latin for ‘agree’ and to ‘concur’ and is used throughout our Rosicrucian Journey
to describe ideas and thoughts that are in harmony with our teachings. This concordance
comes from E.A.Wallis Budge author of ‘Egyptian Magic’, ‘the Egyptian Book of the Dead’ and
the ‘Gods of the Egyptians.’ His contribution is of great importance to Rosicrucian students
and we shall draw upon his work throughout our Rosicrucian Journey. This quote deals with
primitive mans relationship with the beast around him which later became his gods. It is also
important to note that since then a number of these snakes have been excavated in Egypt
and Australia.
“Apep, the serpent-devil of mist, darkness, storm, and night, and his fiends of
rebellion, were not the result of the imagination of the Egyptians in historic times, but
their existence dates back from the period when Egypt was overrun by mighty
Points of Consideration:
The Animal Spirits of primitive man later became the gods of Egypt
Remember that Jesus said to his disciples: ‘be as wise as serpents and as
innocent as doves.’
Make sure you keep practicing the first exercise upon the Mystic Ladder. This
was the practice of Retrospection or recounting your daily activities and by measuring
them you can reconcile to the Light. It may be a good time to read the retrospection
exercise once again in your Rosicrucian Journal
Remember that you must say one of the prayers before reading this manual
due to the way in which our current is transmitted.
Resource Material
Dear Student. This time we have included a lecture by the Alchemist Paracelsus.
Some important considerations can be derived here in regards to our Rosicrucian teachings.
Paracelsus says that the Chaldeans, Persians and Egyptians had a universal knowledge of
Nature and that it was universal among them. Our Rosicrucian teachings also derive form
these sources because like the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Persians nature is the foundation
of our school of knowledge. Paracelsus here also warns that some teachings can be mere
‘speculation’ and without devaluating the ideas of the Greeks we do know that the reality of
our knowledge must be verified as opposed to being a speculative study. This is why
Rosicrucian knowledge not only has its foundations in nature but the student also seeks to
apply our spiritual principles to the problems of life so that what you learn is real to both the
physical and mental worlds of Life and Ideas.
The Chaldeans, Persians, and Egyptians had all of them the same knowledge of the
secrets of Nature, and also the same religion. It was only the names that differed. The
Chaldeans and Persians called their doctrine Sophia and Magic; and the Egyptians, because
of the sacrifice, called their wisdom priestcraft. The magic of the Persians, and the theology of
the Egyptians, were both of them taught in the schools of old. Though there were many
schools and learned men in Arabia, Africa, and Greece, such as Albumazar, Abenzagel,
Geber, Rhasis, and Avicenna among the Arabians; and among the Greeks, Machaon,
Podalirius, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Plato, Aristotle, and Rhodianus; still there
were different opinions amongst them as to the wisdom of the Egyptian on points wherein
they themselves differed, and whereupon they disagreed with it. For this reason Pythagoras
could not be called a wise man, because the Egyptian priestcraft and wisdom were not
perpectly taught, although he received therefrom many mysteries and arcana; and that
Anaxagoras had received a great many as well, is clear from his discussions on the subject of
Sol and its Stone, which he left behind him after his death. Yet he differed in many respects
To revise so far you have gained some knowledge of how our beliefs have evolved
from nature based religions. You have seen how the animal spirits of primitive man later
became the animal like gods of ancient Egypt. This understanding is important because the
Rosicrucian College traces its spiritual current to the Egyptian School of Enlightenment. Take
pride that you have gained some crucial information already in such a short amount of time. If
you have been keeping true to your Rosicrucian Journey and have been applying yourself in
full you should be reciting the prayer of this degree, given at the start of this manual, at least
once per week on a day of your own choosing. You should also be performing the
Retrospection exercise every night as set out one WHAT PAGE?. Remember that this is
important to understand yourself and measure your actions, performed during that day, in light
of truth, fairness and peace. The beauty of performing this exercise is that when you find that
you have done something you can also rectify that issue on the next day. These exercises,
Prayer and Retrospection are important to the Labourer’s level of transformation. They may
seem all too simple through reading but apply your-self and gain the rewards instead of just
imagining what can happen. We believe that through this basic prayer its subtle effects can
draw upon the current of our College and set into motion a process of higher initiation. Later
in higher grades the work shall intensify.
The Symbol of the Outer College is the Scarab. In the last section you saw how
various Egyptian creatures came to embody different divine qualities as the Gods of the
Egyptians. The Greeks called the scarab the ‘skarabeios’ – a word of unknown meaning. The
Egyptians on the other hand called it Khepera which means ‘being’ and ‘becoming.’ It also
means ‘to roll and evolve’ a point that should encourage students in looking for the true
meaning of its symbolism. Its color is black but it also appears in metallic colors. As a student
these colors embrace the student coming from a world of darkness seeking illumination, while
the metallic aspect draws upon alchemical symbolism. The student is the prima-materia of
alchemy, or the gross-matter for alchemical transmutation into a higher matter. The scarab is
born at the edge of the desert and spends half of its life crawling down to the bank of the river
Nile. Once there the female gathers a ball of dung and mud measuring around one or two
inches in diameter and here it deposits a great number of eggs. In your spiritual journey this
symbolizes the Rosicrucian students desire to drink from the river of knowledge. While the
eggs placed into the earth and dung are the new ideas gained from our society. After laying
the male and female then take turns in rolling the ball back to the edge of the desert. The
beetles usually drag it along with their hind legs but are often seen as carrying it on their
heads with the front legs. Remember that many of the great enlightened masters also had to
suffer. Christ had to carry the cross of suffering upon his back only to meet his own death.
This aspect of suffering is not a painful task to be undertaken by the student but instead
represents the commitment and sacrifices that you will need to make in order to learn and
grow as a spiritual person. At the edge of the desert the beetles bury their ball into sand to be
hatched out by the heat of the sun. This on the other hand should remind you that all true
spiritual birth is accomplished in the real world and in the light of the sun through experiencing
and applying our teachings.
In your last section you encountered several more animals that later became the
Gods of the Egyptians. Something important can now be gained from this knowledge. In the
ancient funeral text of Egyptian Pharaoh Pepi we read: ‘His head is from the hawk, he cometh
forth and riseth up in heaven. The skull of this Pepi is that of the divine goose. The backbone
of this Pepi comes from the bull.” This ancient text is the first known example of the deification
of the parts of the body as practiced by the ancient Egyptians. We see here yet another
instance of man’s ancient connection with nature. But why did the Egyptians choose to
represent the different parts of the body with animal imagery? According to the Egyptians man
represented the unity of all living creatures. Rosicrucian students recognize this truth by
perceiving within the architecture of man all the different animals that contribute to our
physical compositions. Throughout your next few online discussions you will learn which
animals seem to embody the characteristics of our different limbs, organs, bones, ears, eyes,
and all aspects of our physical makeup.
Diagrams: The ‘Grand Man’ of the Rosicrucians, depicting the animals of the zodiac
associated with the parts of the body.
The Human Head in Nature: In this manual the first part of the body you shall
consider is the head. In the head we find that all of the soft parts, the eyes, brain, ear drums
and tongue are all encased in the hard skull as in a shell. The head is carried in a resting
position. The less it moves the better it can play its role. We observe and interpret most of the
outside world with the help of our head. The sense organs do not stand out as protrusions. If
the nose does, it gives a comical effect, “as if” – to quote Goethe- “it wanted to raise claims to
which it is unable to substantiate.” By comparing this picture with animal heads, the retention
of prominences becomes clearer. We need only think of a pecking bird, or of the nodding
head of a horse with its movable ears, or of the long antennae of a crab with its eyes on
stalks. The human head, morphologically speaking, tends toward secretiveness and repose. It
withdraws into its protective casing. Searching among animal types for similar form
tendencies, one is guided to basic animals as are provided with shells, beyond which the
organs scarcely protrude and into which they can quickly withdraw. The best example is the
Student Activity
Dear Rosicrucian student. At this time we wish to introduce you to the concept of
‘Student Activities’ which are given to you on occasions so that you can participate actively on
our cyber-community. Our cyber community is more than just an internet forum or a group of
students studying under the AR+CO banner. Rather we at AR+CO consider our cyber-
community to be a centre for forming friendships and a place where we can learn about your
interest and how you may consider these mysteries to equate with your current
understandings. Our student-activities are usually quite challenging and the beauty of such
challenges is that they have the capability to stimulate your minds, to fire your neurons into
action and create a thinking and creative student which is what we desire. And so if such
activities can bring about your creative thinking mind then we are succeeding as a society in
aiding others to think and act for themselves. Your first activity is to discuss this concept of
how animals relate to the parts of the human body. Your challenge is to find any animals,
insects, creatures or reptiles, that may describe the functions of any part of the body both
internal or externally. The first example we have given to you, describing how shell-life depicts
the composition of our human heads. You activity is to submit at least two post to our
Rosicrucian-Sanctum forum describing how you also perceive within the architecture of man
different animals that contribute to our physical compositions. Remember the popular saying
‘tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I might remember, involve me and I will remember.’
This Concordo comes from Madame Blavatsky, the great Theosophical writer and
founder of the Theosophical Society. According to Blavatsky she derived her knowledge from
some form of Cosmic Masters which some Rosicrucian groups regard with more importance
in than others. In her work the ‘Secret Doctrine,’ Madame Blavatsky describes man’s
synthesis of nature as the ‘human monad’ which gives important keys to man’s origin in all
animal phyla. Will you not concur that man appears as a compendium of the animal realm?
Here is one instance says the "Book of the Dead" -- "I am the mouse." "I am the
hawk." "I am the ape." .. "I am the crocodile whose Soul Comes FROM MEN." "I am the
Soul of the Gods." Of these last two sentences, one: "whose soul comes from men" -- is
explained by the Lecturer, who says parenthetically, "that is, as a type of intelligence,"
and the other: "I am the Soul of the Gods," as meaning, "the Horus, or Christ, as the
outcome of all." The secret teaching answers: "It means far more." . . .It gives first of all a
corroboration of the teaching that, while the human monad has passed through all the
three kingdoms -- the mineral, the vegetable, and the animal -- in this every mammal has
sprung from Man in the semi-ethereal, many-shaped creature with the human Monad in
it. In the esoteric language, it is not the form of flesh, blood, and bones, now referred to
as Man, which is in any way the MAN, but the inner divine MONAD with its manifold
principles or aspects. (Secret Doctrine II pg 635.)
Dear Student. Today we have decided to include some thoughts on doing positive
things as after all we have said that our Rosicrucian lessons would contain information on
being positive. This letter in brief is a reminder about being positive and in future lessons,
especially in the section on Mental Alchemy, you shall learn more about training the mind to
be positive.
There is so much benefit to doing positive things. Firstly you’ll get self confidence. It
does not matter if you fail the first time. You can rectify your mistakes and then succeed. After
a few successes, even in small achievements your confidence will grow and you will go on to
achieve greater things. The Rosicrucian Journey is not an attempt to look at our human
problems, our problems in life or what is wrong with the world. Instead we are aimed towards
positive thoughts, positive actions and positive results. Therefore, make sure you do not sit
back in the arm chair and worry about things. Life is the Rosicrucian Journey. Worry leads
nowhere, unless you want to become a pessimist? Instead try to focus on the positive and
think about what you can do right now to make a difference. At any time you face a problem,
or have a spare moment, just ask yourself, what can I do right now that will help improve my
We are not trying however to paint a beautiful picture that says life will simply be
wonderful. Certainly there will be obstacles that crop up in the way but you should know that
this happens naturally in the process of achieving anything good. When you try to do
something good, and obstacles appear, regard those problems objectively. Let yourself
become separated from the emotions that might have upset you and see your obstacles as a
challenge instead. In fact, treat them as an opportunity to grow. If the divine has any special
plan for us, obstacles are certainly a part of it. They are there to test the performer of the good
work. They come to test our sincerity, patience and faith.
Sometimes the stronger you resolve to achieve something worthwhile the more
powerful the opposing force. Do not feel frustrated or give up. As Rosicrucians we all believe
in a God or Divine Being and a Sustaining Force that Created the Universe. It is here that
Rosicrucians obtain strength through faith in God and faith in yourself. All great achievements
cannot be won without undergoing trials and tribulations. Such is the nature of not only our
lives but also our spiritual pursuits and Great Work. So be natural and enjoy opportunities
because each time you overcome a challenge in the process of doing something positive you
shall find the spiritual gold in the Heart of the Rose in you. Fraternally the Elder Brothers of
the Rosy Cross.
Anima-mundi Elaborated
I would like us to spend a moment realizing the influence of nature upon our esoteric
philosophy. As you have seen the primitive forms of animal worship emerged to become the
higher religion of Egypt. Another influence from nature is that the duality of darkness and light
as seen in the cycle of the sun, came to be known as ‘good and evil’ by the Egyptians. We
know that the ‘good gods’ of Egypt were associated with Light while those ‘evil gods’ and
hazardous creatures became the gods of Darkness. Essentially the symbolism of Light and
Continuing with your study of nature we shall now expand upon the Anima-mundi. In
the Golden Chain of Homer we read: “Nature comprehends the visible and invisible
Creatures of the Whole universe. What we call Nature especially, is the universal fire or
Anima Mundi, filling the whole system of the Universe, and therefore is a Universal Agent,
omnipresent, and endowed with an unerring instinct, and manifests itself in fire and Light. It is
the First creature of Divine Omnipotence.” As Rosicrucians we have proposed that the
Universe is conscious and that the earth’s centre of intelligence is called the Anima-mundi, or
‘World Soul.’ Now may be a good time to go back and revisit the six principles of the Anima-
mundi on (WHAT PAGE?). So far you have learned many things about nature but what does
the Rosicrucian school say about where its life comes from and what is the secret purpose of
nature? And for that matter is there any purpose and reason for all that is occurring in nature
or is there just chaos?
Throughout this study you shall learn exactly what the World Soul is in relation to
nature. You shall also learn about Nature’s Communion6, the Rosicrucian practice of intimacy
with the Soul of the World by perceiving its formative force and its active intelligence. By this
you will esoterically understand that the Soul of the World is purposeful and that it guides us
and guards the course of our planetary evolution. Some students have expressed uncertainty
in regards to our principle of the anima-mundi asking if we are ‘worshipers of nature’ in some
form. Let us state that Rosicrucianism does not worship nature in any way, and neither does it
regard the Anima-mundi as being the ultimate source or creator itself. Rather the Anima-
mundi is part of a higher process from One Being, which in simpler terms our Rosicrucian
society accords it with an Archangelic-like-status under the presidency of our One Creator.
Our forefathers, the Elder Brothers of the Rosy Cross, also taught that the Anima-mundi was
similar to an Archangel and represented her as a Divine Woman.
The student might ask; why would the Rosicrucian College propose that the world is
conscious and has a soul? Let us answer this by asking in return; where on earth would you
get this idea? The question in itself proposes the answer. Seeing that our philosophy derives
from the most ancient sources we should again return to the study of primitive man,
remembering that the nature religions practiced by our primitive ancestors established the first
form of universal religion known to man. But what did our primitive ancestors understand of
the World Soul in such a stage of infancy of our evolution? Through tribal cultures that still
exist today we know that stone-age man afforded all nature with the title ‘Mother Earth.’ As
his mother all things upon our planet became his cousins, relatives, friends and guardians.
Thus all things were regarded as having life of themselves.
This idea is known as ‘animism.’ The word animism derives from the Latin word
anima for ‘breath and soul’ and provided the basis for the Rosicrucian principle of the anima-
mundi. British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was the first to describe the origin of
religion and primitive beliefs in terms of animism. He defined animism as the general belief in
spiritual beings and asserted that all religions, from the simplest to most complex involve
some sort of animism. He also said that primitive peoples, defined as those without written
traditions, believed that spirits or souls are the cause of life in human beings; they pictured
Note: Mother Earth since primitive times has been known to every culture. Since
ancient times she was called Anat, Cybele, Geb, Shiva, Ishtar, Isis, Nepthys, Demeter, Bula,
Inanna, Nerthus, Ninkhursag, Prisni, Tanent, Tellus Mater, and Gaia and has as many names
as there are languages. In Rosicrucian thought the earth forms the body while the anima-
mundi is its Soul and this is why Isis also appears among the imagery for this degree and why
the Labourer of the Art is also called the Sage of Isis in relation to his study of nature deriving
from our original Misriam traditions.
A Conscious Earth
As we have seen throughout our history the concept of the earth’s consciousness has
been part of all human culture in one form or another. Ancient cultures present mother-earth
as a Cosmic Power with both the authority to create and destroy and this idea is certainly not
new. James Hutton (1726-1797), the father of geology, once described the earth as a kind of
super-organism. Our Rosicrucian transmission has a long history in carrying this idea as
presented by Rudolf Steiner in his lecture ‘the Earth as a Being with Life, Soul and Spirit,’
delivered in Berlin in 1918. Our College carries is a continuation of his Rosicrucian
Our school possibly offers the most up-to-date view on the Rosicrucian principle of
the World Soul because we offer it in light of scientific fields. In order for this ancient principle
to be true we believe it must be recognized in scientific fields of study. Our application of
science reveals the actions of the Anima-mundi upon the physical plane as being a complex
entity involving the earths biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil, and a total cyclic system
which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environmental balance for life on this planet.
This implies, according to the Gaia-Hypothesis 7, that through the consciousness of the anima-
mundi, the earth sustains a kind of homeostasis, or maintenance of relatively stable and
constant condition. In other words the anima-mundi acts as the organizing principle of the
earth, causing it to become a single system, like a coherent, self-regulated, assemblage of
physical, chemical, geological, and biological forces that interact to maintain a unified whole
balance upon our earth. The organizing principle of the World-Soul described by the ancients
can now be seen and experienced in deeper levels, thanks to the revelations of science and
the raising of our own human consciousness to perceive the modern manifestation of the
Rosicrucian teachings.
This Concordo comes from Lewis Thomas, a medical doctor and skilled writer also
wrote in ‘the Lives of a Cell’ the following interesting observation:
The Gaia Hypothesis is a modern theory that states the Earth is an Alive Living Being. It is an
environmentalist approach to the Anima-mundi of the alchemist and Rosicrucians.
This meditation might allow you to experience the Anima-mundi first hand. Our
Rosicrucian transmission states that the Planet Earth, like ourselves, is a conscious living
being and that all things are interconnected by a unifying intelligence and that it is ‘alive and
kicking.’ However, because study alone may only lead to a partial understanding of any
teaching we offer the following meditation based on Perceiving Our Living Earth (POLE)
which we hope you enjoy. This meditation is given so that you may feel the Anima-mundi.
Activity: At first begin with regular breathing. Take even slow relaxing breaths. And
when you feel that the moment is right, declare: ‘As Above, so Below, so let me understand
the Mystery of Isis!’ Now relax some more and then imagine that your vision has become like
a magnifying glass, you can now ‘zoom in and zoom out’ to perceive whatever you desire.
Now toy with the idea that your vision also has an ‘x-ray-like’ ability that can also penetrate
through physical layers. Using your mental vision, imagine your whole body, as if you were
looking at yourself through the eyes of someone else. Now begin to peel away any layers you
like and imagine the different types of bone structures, veins, organs and so-on. Now zoom
into this picture and see all of the blood cells. Now see all of the healthy enzymes and
antibodies that sustain your health. See how your body is composed of billions of cells
working together as part of a single living being. - Now take this visualization further by
imagining yourself as being far outside in space observing our Mother Earth from the
distance. Spend a moment meditating on how the billions of life forms on earth are working
together as a super organism. Understand that like us the Planet Earth is a conscious livng
being, for as our bodies are composed of billions of cells working together as a single living
being, so are the billions of life forms on earth working together as a super living organism.
Meditate on what each part of the earth is doing as a part of a whole living being. You may
see how the world’s trees and rainforest are functioning as our planets lungs, exchanging
oxygen and carbon dioxide in concert with the oceans. Meditate on the atmosphere as a
global respiratory system. See how our rivers and streams are like a circulatory system for the
planetary body, bringing clean water and purifying the system. Notice how the whole planet
breathes by contracting and expanding with the moons gravitational pull. Witness the
seasonal cycles mirroring bodily changes, from the beginning of life in spring to eventual
passing away in autumn and then to rebirth once again in spring as the cycle continues
forever. Now spend as long as you like, breathing and meditating in harmony and in unison
with the earth’s life force.
When you have finished this meditation declare aloud ‘I have Beheld the Mystery of
Isis!’ in order to end the ceremony.
(Note: not everyone can imagine the POLE meditation so easily. It may help if you
obtain some crayons or coloured pencils and draw something that represents what we are
describing as you read through the exercise.)
This perception of the World Soul comes from a modern theory known as the Gaia-
hypothesis which lends its beautiful imagery to the Anima-mundi concept. Accordingly Gaia is
the Greek Earth Mother form, but as we demonstrated in the last lesson every culture had a
name for our mother-earth and accordingly in our Egyptian Rosicrucian Stream we identify
with Isis because of our heritage in the Egyptian rites of Freemasonry and because this
Dear student this Concordo comes from Rudolf Steiner the past Grand-Master of our
Rosicrucian stream. His contribution is naturally of great importance to our Rosicrucian
students and we shall draw upon his work throughout our Rosicrucian Journey. Here Steiner
explains the synthesis of all nature describing how everything effectively is dependant upon
the Whole in order to survive. That whole we call the Anima-mundi.
“In Nature everything is ordered with infinite wisdom, with an infinitely wise
economy. All living beings possessing Kama (astrality) — animals and men, and all
etheric living beings — plants — are inter-related. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out
carbonic acid. The animals do this also. Now if this were simply to continue, the air would
soon be quite full of carbonic acid. But the plants assimilate carbonic acid and breathe
out oxygen. Animals and men cannot live without plants. Now carbonic acid consists of
carbon and oxygen. The plants retain the carbon and breathe out the oxygen. Man on the
other hand takes in the oxygen and through his life processes transforms it into carbonic
acid by uniting it with carbon. The plants build up their bodily form out of the carbon which
they have retained.” R. Steiner.
Having learned a very down to earth approach to the Anima-mundi you should now
examine how intuitively aware the ancients were of this knowledge. Ernest Holmes in
Lessons of Natures Laws wrote: “If we find this to be true of the laws of the mechanical world,
why should we not also find it true of those Mental and Spiritual Laws which transcend the
mechanical world?” Our observations thus far must therefore have been known by the
ancients and they must have reasoned that such laws of nature were relative to the higher
worlds. Similarly when Pythagoras first called the universe a kosmos (cosmos), he did so
because the universe is an embodiment of both order and beauty. This order and beauty is
rooted in ‘harmonia’ the fitting together of opposites, a union which is accomplished through
the principle of logos or ‘proportion.’ Through the use of proportion, natural structures achieve
a working union between the part and the whole, and the natural proportions embodied in
living things allow them to function in the best possible way. – Drawing on Pythagorean ideas,
Plato concluded that there is an intrinsic relationship between proportion, goodness, and
beauty. In his cosmological dialogue (the Timaeus), Plato presents a Pythagorean creation
myth that explains the underlying structure of the cosmos. In order to account for the
underlying harmonious structure of living things and the greater universe, Plato describes the
nature of the World Soul, which embodies the principles of harmony, proportion, and
relatedness between the part and the whole. Our lessons describe what Plato meant by the
organization of the World Soul, and shows how the archetypal harmonies of the World Soul
(sameness and difference united by proportion) are incorporated in living, natural structures.
Nature itself will clearly demonstrate that there is no separation between the ‘ideal’ and the
‘pragmatic,’ because nature uses ideal proportions, which allow things to function in the best
possible way. In this way, the natural world possesses intrinsic value, because natural
structures embody virtue, goodness and beauty. Plato’s principle of the World Soul also
demonstrates a relatedness in which we find we are able to know the universe due to the fact
that we are an embodiment of living nature itself, as seen in our descriptions on how mans
composition is similar to the many creatures of nature. In this sense, the harmony of the
World Soul points towards an inclusive worldview in which aesthetics, ecology, ethics,
mathematics, economics, science, and art are not separate, but are inherently related areas
under the presidency of the World Soul.
As we continue through the study of nature we are going to continue to pursue many
interesting avenues of thought that provide additional explanations of what the mystics have
taught since the times of Egypt. Some of these additional avenues you are going to soon
encounter will delve into modern scientific fields. Here the purpose of scientific study in your
Rosicrucian Journey is to enrich your study and to support what the ancients have always
maintained. Seeing that we live in such fast paced times we need fast paced learning in order
for the modern student to enjoy what is being taught. If however our knowledge was delivered
in older form alone as many societies still do, it would only seem to the modern student far too
slow paced for them to enjoy. And thus with science and a positive inclusion of the timeless
self-change ideals the combination provides a teaching that we felt was far more vitalizing
and refreshing for the modern reader. The inclusion of science however was not our idea
alone for it in fact derives from the more recent Rosicrucian manifestations of the last century.
In hindsight we see a progressing Rosicrucian knowledge that always changed and evolved
to suit the times and situations that the current may find itself within. Remember those Elder
Brothers of the Fama whose law it was that they keep to the customs of the country in which
they may find themselves within. In this we know that from the outset Rosicrucianism was
designed to always blend with the surroundings and times it may find itself also.
Your consideration of these subjects in the first degree should bring the realization
that right now you are laying down a foundation for a lifelong work. As such the present
lessons you are now receiving are just as important as the higher degrees because without
these foundations the higher teachings will not become clear. The Ancient Rose Cross Order
represents a new Rosicrucian stream of thought in that since the times of its original
foundation this current has also embraced modern thinking and modern ideas for the modern
student. All of the new technologies, scientific discoveries and new psychological models can
only enhance what the ancients have said seeing that the modern ideas of the West are
beginning to catch up with what was taught in ancient schools of initiation. Indeed we are on
the verge of conjunction, that marriage between the contending forces of science and religion
bringing a universal wisdom. Before we delve deeper lets return to two of our World Soul
laws: 4 the anima-mundi vivifies this force and produces all form as a radiating emanation of
the higher Creator. And 5 the anima-mundi directs these emanations so that the action of all
matter is focalized in harmony with the Unfolding Plan.
According to the Egyptian sage Hermes the universe was made imperfect to some
degree so that mankind would play his part. All religions state that the Creator is both the
destroyer and giver of life. And so as we have already hinted, the Anima-mundi is credited
with an Archangel like status so that it delivers the Will and executes the purpose of our
Creator as any angel does. Nothing is considered as separate in this universe for the World
Soul is also the manifestation of the Universe Soul just as a wide circle can have a dot in its
midst. When we meditate on the ideal of the anima-mundi being the intelligent organizing
principle of the world we should at once realize that its manifestation is the global ecosystem
as a whole. Everything works in ordered splendour and unison, overlapping from the smallest
of algae, bacteria and plankton to the migration of birds, caribou and whales. Everything is
intelligently self-regulating and acting coherently and wisely as you experienced in the POLE
meditation. Humans are mostly composed of 70% water and 30% earth, much like the
surface of planet earth. And as you approach your path of development you will find that all
divine manifestations are also executed through nature and that all miracles are natural rather
than other-worldly alone. Because our physical bodies are composed like the earth we are
subject to both the destructive and beneficial powers of the anima-mundi. "And the Lord God
formed us of the dust of the ground and breathed into our nostrils the breath of life and we
became a living soul." Genesis 2:7. This means that because the Creator Father is both the
giver and destroyer we at once should realize that the anima-mundi is a mediating principle
between humankind of the God-aspect upon the physical plane.
Remember that there are three planes in the Law of the Triangle, being the Physical
Plane, Mental Plane and Spiritual Plane, in this law the mediating anima-mundi principle
holds true only on the physical plane as we experience physical things. What our good
Supreme Creator has in stall for us on this world is executed through the Anima-mundi just as
when the earth was flooded in our ancient past as so many cultures say. With its Archangel
like status we are in fact experiencing the presence of something very divine every day at
work and nothing is mundane.
(Note: This is why so many ancient tribal cultures, such as American Indians, are able
to communicate with God through observing the presence of nature and the motions of
animals. The Romans and Greeks also predicted future events through the motions of birds
and this art was called aurgury.)
Points of consideration:
Questions so far:
As we have stated the work of conjunctio is near because the work of the Rosicrucian
Order is to manifest its purpose. This work is manifesting both physically and practically in our
times so that a synthesis may occur between the divine aspects and the mental aspects. So
far we have only referred to it as a marriage between science and mysticism. Yet we are in
difficult times because the details within the whole are not easily understood and humankind
is only on the verge of true and complete union between the findings of scientist and the
inflowing knowledge of the mystical worlds. The Rosicrucian Order is however pursuing the
highest point of this union as humanity is currently able to understand. What you should be
able to see is that we are on the verge of a new peak of human understanding.
The work of conjunctio is currently a Spiritual Plan that is knitting its web throughout
the world doing its work quietly. The Anima-mundi now more than ever before is teaching
science the purpose behind matter and a higher inflowing enlightened current is being
directed through the higher worlds to the Rosicrucians. Last weeks lesson revealed that the
Rosicrucian secret of the Anima-mundi is that it is in total cooperation with the Unfolding Plan.
While science is concerned only with its own activity of outer examinations it is nonetheless
slowly becoming subservient to the purpose of spiritual union with divine recognition. Do you
wonder how this will happen?
We are about to see many wonderful things in the next hundred years of our
evolution. Scientists are making the most advanced discoveries and are formulating new
hypotheses in all fields of study. These new discoveries are actually sensitive reactions to the
Divine Plan which draw them closer and closer to our own spiritual approaches. It is this
subtle work that is making possible the marriage between the inner worlds of the spirit and
mainstream thought and culture. A close study of quantum physics will show that indeed
science is becoming more mystical where the mystical is becoming more scientific. We say
that the conjunctio will occur when the substance of these scientific discoveries is measured
and their hypothesis can only point towards One Thing: that we are subject to a Higher Plane
and that the Supreme Being is absolute. The rapidity of this union is increasing and the
blending of scientific knowledge and intuitive wisdom is currently being released into the
world. This influence will draw out more interest. The barriers that the Rosicrucians have
faced throughout the ages, from ‘rational minds,’ will be replaced by the study of the occult
laws of the universe as the centre of attention for the modern world.
Something to help the brain in future should now be given. After all everything you
learn from us is done through reading, viewing, contemplating and remembering. The brain as
we have seen is the creator of what you perceive as reality and is also the centre for all
mental activity, for storing memories, and as the ancients may have also done they sought to
increase the brains capacity. Luckily for you the method for increasing your brain’s ability
given here does not require that you deform your head into a cone shape! The exercise given
is simple massaging of the head to increase fresh oxygen and glucose supply to the brain.
Like adding oil into a machine it will also improve the circulation of spinal fluid and blood to
the brain allowing it to work to its fullest capability. It is also proven to remove emotional
stress which we can all do without. According to a system of healing known as craniosacral-
therapy there are 29 bones in the skull that can be moved. The improvement of circulation of
spinal fluid within and around the brain caused by massage is said to remove blockages and
restore harmonious flow of body fluids. It is the lack of symmetry in the skulls rhythmic
circulation towards the body that is used to determine emotional problems in this therapy. In
other words not enough fluidic flow in some parts of the head causes emotional problems and
there is a relationship between what emotional problems are caused by what parts of the skull
have poor flow. Through massaging the head you will be able to encourage the motion by
touching the points all over the head and creating a natural flow that will correct the imbalance
itself. To do this all you need to do is press your fingers around the surface of your head,
create a rhythm and use circular motions and massage deeply any areas that ‘do not seem to
An Introduction to Atoms
In your knowledge of the Anima-mundi you are so far beginning understand the
wholeness of nature. Hopefully by looking over the whole of nature through such meditations
as POLE you will recognize by your own contemplations that the earth has a living body like
yours and mine. You have seen the apparent organization in it that like us has a cleansing
system for its body in the rivers and sea and a respiratory system in its atmosphere. The
POLE meditation reveals how our ecosystem is like an entire living biosphere similar to the
functions of our own body. We have named this the Mystery of Isis 8 in the Laborer degree and
now on a deeper level your study will show on a deeper level that science also considers that
the earth is an entire sea of atoms and that all natural manifestations are interconnected by
some kind of order in the microscopic level. Thus now that you have observed the living earth
or anima-mundi from the an external global-biosphere perspective you can now adventure to
examine what nature is composed of according to science and how science is also the
newest supporter of the anima-mundi.
The older understanding of science states that there are two forms of matter being
animate and inanimate objects consisting of elements, atoms and particles (notice the word
‘anima’ in each term.) Inanimate objects are said to be physical forms that do not possess life
of their own such as rocks, metals, books and glass. While animate objects are material forms
that possess life such as animals and plants. What both of these groups, animate and
inanimate objects, hold in common is that they both consist of atoms and what recent science
has shown is that all atoms are indeed alive and organizing our world actively and reactively.
Some of you may ask what are atoms?
All things in the universe have microscopic atoms as their building blocks. The
concept of atoms was first realized by Greek philosophers five hundred years before Christ,
namely by Leucippus of Miletus and his pupil Democritus of Abdera. According to Greek
history Democritus realized this concept when cutting apart his food. He meditated on how
halves can become quarters, and that these quarters can yet be cut into smaller pieces. Many
times over he was able to reduce the size of his pieces, until at one point he arrived to pieces
so small that his hands could no longer manage to cut them apart. He therefore conceived
that somehow beyond his ability to see it directly these smaller pieces must also consist of yet
tinier pieces of themselves. Thus the atomic theory was born. Democritus and his mentor
developed five major points in their atomic theory (the theory of atoms) which were: 1) That all
matter is made up of undividable particles called atoms. 2) That there is a void empty space
between atoms. 3) Atoms are completely solid. 4) Atoms are homogeneous with no internal
structure. And 5) Atoms vary in size, shape and weight. These concepts formed the basis for
modern scientific thought and the Greek principle of an atomic universe still holds true today.
However since its inception by the Greeks our understanding of atoms has also grown. We
now know that the fourth Greek concept, that atoms have no internal structure, is also
incorrect. This is because atoms are in fact a world unto themselves. After countless
experiments science knows that the atom is made of yet smaller particles called electrons,
protons and neutrons. Considering the exactitude of the Greek philosophers in all other
aspects of their atomic theory one can only wonder at the mind’s capabilities to intuitively find
the truth even without the technology to absolutely substantiate it. These electrons, protons
and neutrons are what forms an atom together. You should think of them as the three primary
pieces of an atom.
Model of the Atom: The Rosicrucian tradition considers the model of the atom as a
mini representation of the universe. Like the solar system,
consisting of the sun in its centre and planets rotating around it,
the atom has the nucleus in its centre and in the place of
Note: The Mystery of Isis derives from our roots in the Memphis and Misraim Rite. In the higher
Egyptian Degrees Isis described as a Symbol for Nature. You current study expands upon this ideal.
Please note dear student that this is a ‘model of an atom’ used by science rather than
what an atom really looks like. The more recent form of science known as quantum physics
has also shown that atoms are not form but rather made up on wave as you shall learn in
future. Remember the anima-mundi laws: 4 the anima-mundi is a web or network of fine
interlacing channels, grouping matter through a subtle ether-force (vibration) of which it
utilizes to control the world to appear in its material form. 5 The anima-mundi vivifies this force
and produces all form as a radiating emanation of the higher Creator.
Now that you have gained a basic understanding of what an atom is you are prepared
with a wonderful tool in which to study nature and impress upon yourself the
interconnectedness of all things through the World Soul on a deeper level. One example of
noting the work of the atom in the anima-mundi web can be observed through atom groups
which seem to behave like our own immune system. The immune system of the human body
is responsible for destroying disease-causing agents that it may encounter in our bloodstream
and its defensive agents are called ‘antibodies.’ Can you imagine the responsibility of our
immune systems? It is after all what keeps us alive on a microscopic level! There are
thousands of different disease causing agents that might invade our body. But the antibodies
fight these agents and destroy them in our body. How does it do this? Well these tiny cells,
called antibodies, act in concert to create an effective immune response to any diseases.
When a disease causing agent, such as a bacteria, breaches the body’s first line of defense,
such as saliva or the skin, the antibodies will ‘gang up’ on the bacteria and destroy it. Our
antibodies work much like an old game we all used to play called Pac-man. In Pac-man a little
yellow man in the shape of a yellow circle went around eating all the ghouls. Our antigens are
similar but we have many thousands of Pac-man type cells within us. They act together and
attach themselves to a virus and destroy it directly while others make it easier for other cells
to destroy them directly. They work as a company of host and group against the invading
disease in order to destroy it as a team.
Similarly atoms have been observed as acting like antibodies to ‘protect’ themselves.
When a group of atoms become positively charged they are then called ‘positive ions.’ This
occurs when one of the electrons are taken away from the atom by a source of radiation or
light. In the model of the atom above you can see that the electron has a negative charge and
so its removal makes the atom positively charged turning it into an ion. Science has shown
that gases containing a high density of electrons and positive ions behave as if they were
alive. Instead of behaving like an individual atom the group of atoms behave like an
interconnected whole. Although their movements in these gas clouds seemed random
science has observed that vast numbers of electrons are able to produce effects that are
organized like our antibodies. Like some kind of living creature, the gas fields (called
plasmas) are able to constantly regenerate themselves and enclose all impurities in a wall in
the same way that our immunity system functions against viruses in the body. Dear student,
why would something behave like a self preserving biological system unless it were alive?
Science so far cannot detect how millions of atoms are communicating with each
other and have yet to create a hypothesis for a guiding interconnected web of life regulated by
something higher such as the Anima-mundi. There are some things that science alone may
never completely explain due to the complexity of the Divine, yet conjunctio will provide the
clearest results and this progress is near. Until that time the present point of science should
not be the limitation of your understanding dear student seeing that the science of the
Rosicrucian is not dependant upon outward the senses alone but instead also turns towards
the more noble powers of the soul. It is the inner senses that will grant knowledge of both the
higher and the lower worlds so that in first understanding nature and form, as you have thus
far, you shall also find those nearest stepping stones to the higher truths that remain behind
matter. After all dear student: doesn’t it conclude that by meditating on nature ultimately you
will find that everything in nature has a purpose? And that this purpose has some animating
Questions so far:
As I meditate for a moment on our relationship I marvel at the future that is ahead for
both of us. By ‘our relationship’ I mean that without all of you joining our society we would
have no members, and so I consider that AR+CO is not a society with just teachings, it is also
a society with students. You are now a part of an evolutionary Rosicrucian stream. The
teachings that you now receive derive from older Rosicrucian ideals but at the formation of
our new dispensation I feel that we are currently breaking down many of the barriers of old
that have remained within esoteric streams and I hope that you can feel the good that we in
the High Council are investing into this College for the benefit of every student and the future
progress of all Rosicrucian members.
I imagine that there are many students in other orders who prefer to study within
many different Rosicrucian streams or have not yet discovered our current. What is important
for you to realize is that the AR+CO current is like a physical Rosicrucian ‘Stream.’ By stream
I mean that there are many Rosicrucian orders out there that make up the many currents that
flow into our stream and some of them derive from more ancient roots than others. What you
will find is that the AR+CO current is a powerful stream because all the other currents are
flowing into ours like many smaller rivers creating a stronger and wider Rosicrucian stream for
you to experience. Tracing back our history before Steiner we arrive to the steps of the
Egyptian Masonic Rite. It is here that so many Rosicrucian currents were invested into its rite
and were tied into its system when Egyptian Masonry was formed. Both historically and
spiritually our present Rite has become like a spiritual blooming flower that has manifested at
the end of this chain of events. Those Rosicrucian currents that lay latently and subtly hidden
within the Egyptian Rite of high grades have indeed manifested and flowered into our present
society. As you progress spiritually you will find that your clairvoyant ability to simply ‘plug in’
and learn directly from these spiritual schools will provide many additional teachings that once
belonged to older Rosicrucian bodies. As a seeker and by delving deep within the spiritual
plane of this transmission many teachings that were not available to you will make
themselves manifest in a very understandable manner. Some of our students have
experienced this so far by producing of their own psychic abilities teachings that belonged to
older rites and transmissions. Yet these students had not seen any of these teachings from
the older Rosicrucian streams (and those older orders have confirmed with us that the
teachings are indeed the same.) These experiences are available to you through the esoteric
methods we offer and with great excitement I anticipate your progression to these wonderful
I would also like to touch upon the Egyptian origins of the Rosicrucian Order. Today
many modern Rosicrucian streams claim lineage to ‘Egypt’ by direct descent and these claims
are largely as preposterous as trying to lay claim to possessing the Ark of the Covenant. Put
simply some Rosicrucian Orders out there claim many things that are simply impossible.
What is important for you to realize is that indeed the Rosicrucian College has its roots in
Egypt. But the Egyptian transmission runs as an esoteric thread on the spiritual plane.
As the Egyptian transmission is entirely spiritual and this thread was passed on
throughout the ages as a spirited way of thinking it truly cannot be traced by any one lineage
as claimed by some societies. But do not think that we do not believe in the Egyptian
transmission that has been passed onto the Rosicrucian Order! The esoteric thread runs from
the Egyptians to the present era and is something that you can FEEL rather than simply know
by study and history. Cagliostro was entirely correct when he said that ‘all initiations come
from Egypt.’ This important key to the Ancient Rose Cross Order shall lead you along a safe
and sane approach to the ancient mysteries. Remember the saying that ‘ye shall know them
by their fruits’ when it comes to examining groups laying direct claim to the Egyptian heritage.
You will recognize immediately the truth of the matter so long as your wits are kept about you.
What is also important for you to recognize at the end of this letter is that this subtle thread
can not only be felt: it can also be contacted by any Rosicrucian student at any time. By
all the meditations and higher practices of the Ancient Rose Cross Order you will indeed
obtain that same ancient and subtle astral thread of transformation that is available and has
always been available to all Rosicrucians. With my deepest sincerity I ask you to contemplate
the meaning of this letter and seek to find the Rosicrucian current by opening your heart and
mind to the Way of the Rosy Cross.
A Word on Persistence
Fraters and Sorores, today we wish to offer you these thoughts on persistence in your
Rosicrucian Journey because it is important to remember that we live in modern times, when
living and learning conditions are far easier than those of our Rosicrucian forefathers. Put
simply we do not have as many challenges as our ancient mystics had to overcome in order
to receive the mysteries. However we should bear with the same journey they had to
remember their spirits and follow in their footsteps.
Remember the story of the ancient temple builder’s because your work, of building
the Inner-Temple is not so different. After all, how did the stone-cutter break open the giant
boulder? He started out with a large hammer and struck the boulder as hard has he could. On
the first time he hits it there is not even a scratch. Not a chip. Nothing. But he pulled back the
hammer and hits again, and again- 100, 200, 300 times even without penetrating the stone.
After all this effort, the boulder may not show even the slightest crack but he keeps hitting and
hitting. The people probably passed by and laughed at him for persisting when obviously such
actions were having no effect. But the temple builders were very intelligent. They knew that
just because you don’t see immediate results from your current actions, it does not mean you
are not making progress. The builder keeps hitting and hitting on the same point, full knowing
that on the 700th or 900th hit, or maybe even on the 2012 th, the stone doesn’t just chip, but
literally splits in half. Was it the single blow that broke the stone to raise the temple? No,
offcourse-not. It was constant and continual persistence that broke the stone. And so
remember this story, dear Labourer of the Art, because the time of building your Inner Temple
is at hand. Only with persistence and dedication will the results of your Rosicrucian Journey
be obtained and like the ancient monolithic temples the results will be powerful and timeless.
These divisions are more or less artificial and arbitrary, for the truth is that all of the three
divisions are but ascending degrees of the great scale of Life, the lowest point of which is
undifferentiated Matter, and the highest point that of Spirit. And, moreover, the different Planes
shade into each other, so that no hard and fast divisions may be made between the higher
phenomena of the Physical and the lower of the Mental; or between the higher of the Mental
and the lower of the Physical. In other words they represent varying degrees of vibration
You will therefore know that spiritual forces are the highest vibrations while the mental
vibration is lower and then the physical vibrations are furthermore lower and much slower. An
atom of matter, a measurement of force, the mind of mankind, and the radiance of the divine,
are all essentially the same thing: manifestations of vibrations but all vary on degrees of one
scale. All things are a manifestation of the All and have their existence solely as radiations of
a higher force.
The Anima-mundi acts within the lowest of the Three Great Planes. Its work is to
grouping manifestations of vibration into coordinated matter. That is why the alchemist and
Rosicrucians additionally conceived that the Three Great Planes also had divisions in sub-
planes. The sub-planes of matter are called:
Further to your study of nature Rosicrucian College has always considered that
the world is entirely made up of vibration. Considering this point of observation, your study
therefore should logically produce a connection between matter-vibration-life-intelligence.
This four stage thread of matter, vibration, life and intelligence is what connects the lowest
forms of matter upon the physical plane to the higher forms of life. The lower the rate of
vibration the less life force can be present. In the diagram above the decreased presence of
life, vibration, and intelligence is shown through the four Kingdoms of Matter. Created
traditionally by the alchemist and continued by modern science the higher the level of
vibration the higher the additional level of life-force and intelligence.
Some would say that certain material forms simply have no life of themselves. This is
because these forms have low vibration. But some objects demonstrate higher vibration, and
start to show a presence of life force. Such occurrences appear in small enzymes, bacteria,
and single-cell life forms. But while the raised rate of vibration does bring life it only allows it to
be present. We are, as human beings, have the highest rate of vibration in the physical world
and therefore express both a higher form of life force and are capable of expressing this
higher degree of intelligence. Meditate on these ideas dear student and connect in yourself
your surroundings and see how matter, vibration and life interact. Can you see how the
presence of life is dependant upon the level of vibration? Remember Anima-mundi law 3. The
Anima-mundi is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, grouping matter through a
subtle ether-force (vibration) of which it utilizes to control the world to appear in its material
Evidence of Vibration
In studying science you should also see evidence of this vibration. This is important
due to the emphasis of vibration in modern Rosicrucian traditions. It is that missing element of
understanding how nature and matter is connected to the higher worlds. This is because
vibration extends even beyond the element of life-force in matter, and therefore connects the
material world to the higher planes of existence as vibration flows from higher dimensions into
others. This is why vibration is the key esoteric-principle for all healing and how the
Rosicrucian is capable of affecting ones surroundings. The Rosicrucian and alchemist
Paracelsus said: ‘the art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the
physician must start from nature, with an open mind.’
But this was a mistake- scientist took the model of the atom
as being literal. Indeed in the diagram you can see that the electron
is always moving. However you know the truth is the model of the
atom is just that. It is a ‘model’ and only a means for explaining
The shell is really a parameter where the electrons exist. The electrons move within
the shell (orbit or ring) and in doing so it moves in any direction you can imagine. It moves
upwards, downwards, sideways etc so long as they stay within their shell. The electrons
vibrate within the shells field in any direction. The shell marks out the distance in which the
electrons will vibrate from the nucleus. If you were an electron in the first shell you would
always be closer to the nucleus than those in the second shell. You could vibrate in any
direction you liked but would have to stay in your shell.
This is why matter is in reality made up of vibration in both scientific and mystical
fields! Atoms are made of vibrating fields of electrons and as you shall see in future lesson
modern quantum physics explains how the vibration of these atoms are more so wave and
form together. Can you now envision why this theory is of utmost importance to gaining your
mystical understanding and abilities? Essentially the Rosicrucian will utilize the truth that
underlies all things.
In so far as you have seen the Anima-mundi is real in terms of observing: the
biosphere of the earth as a living self-functioning organism: observing ionic-atoms as self-
preserving living entities: and observing how vibration is the interconnecting principle that
streams through all things. Like wearing a pair of looking lenses everything is beginning to be
seen like an interlaced web.
You are starting to see that nature, and all things in this world
are interconnected through this web of life and that this joining web is
known as the anima-mundi by the Rosicrucian Order. Again law three
states the Anima-mundi is a web or network of fine interlacing
channels, grouping matter through a subtle ether-force (vibration) of
which it utilizes to control the world to appear in its material form.
This Concordo comes from Anna Kingsford. She was one of the first female British
physicians and was best known as an advocate of women’s rights, animal rights and
vegetrarianism. After establishing the Theosophical Society in 1880 in England she later
resigned when she realised that its Eastern focus couldn’t at that time be reconciled with her
own Western beliefs. Her work focused on the Rosicrucian ideal of Christian Pantheism,
exploring the Bible in symbolism and the mythologies of Egypt, Greece and Rome. Because
her ideas had similarities to Neoplatonic, Gnostic and Alchemy the founders of the Golden
Dawn were attracted to her Hermetic Society. She also emphasized the idea that both men
and women should work together in their spiritual quest. According to Anna Kingsford, her
mystical revelations came to her during her sleep and were called her Illuminations. These
teachings were verified by a later study of ancient philosophy. In ‘Clothed with the Sun’ Anna
speaks of the anima-mundi and world as having soul and how it works in harmony with the
Unfolding Plan through its ‘karma.’ In particular her words remind us of laws 4 and 5 of the
Anima-mundi. 4 the anima-mundi vivifies this force and produces all form as a radiating
emanation of the higher Creator. 5 the anima-mundi directs these emanations so that the
action of all matter is focalized in harmony with the Unfolding Plan.
“Thou knowest already the nature of the planet and the divisions of its Ego into
four parts or regions. Of these thou knowest that the soul or Psyche is in man, the human
superior reason. Now there appertains to the planet besides all these four regions, an
atmosphere of a magnetic nature. This atmosphere is well known to thee. It is the astral
or sideral soul of the planet, the anima mundi or picture-world. Therein are stored up all
the memories of the world: its past life, its history, its affections and recollections of
physical things. The adept may interrogate this phantom world, and it shall speak for him.
It is the cast-off vestment of the planet; yet it is living and palpitating, for its very fabric is
spun of psychic substance, and its entire parenchyma is magnetic. And forasmuch as the
planet is an entity ever being born and ever dying, so this astral counterpart of itself is
ever in process of increase-the mirror of the globe, a world encompassing a world. But
the Divine Spirit, Dio-Nysos, is not in this magnetic circle. God the Nous is in the celestial,
and the temple thereof is in the heart of humanity. Such as is the astral world to the
planet, the Ruach is to man. And in truth the great magnetic sphere of the planet is itself
composed and woven out of the magnetic Egos of its offspring, precisely as these in their
turn are woven out of the infinitely lesser atoms which compose the individual man. So
that, by a figure, one may represent the whole astral atmosphere of the planet as a
system of so many tiny spheres, each reflecting and transmitting special rays. But if in
this astral sphere thou shouldst seek the true soul and Divine Spirit, thou shalt not find
them; for they are of the higher altitudes. But the world's true soul migrates and
interchanges. And this is the secret of the "creation" of worlds. Worlds, like men, have
their karma.”
So far you are expanding your knowledge of our six laws of the Anima-mundi and are
thus expanding your awareness of nature. At some point this understanding will be expanded
In the modern world there are many different Rosicrucian streams. Some offer
initiation rituals that are mere verbiage alone and seek to explain the mysteries of nature just
through words and man-made diagrams. The visuals might stimulate the mind but the true
power of nature is with us in the world and can be experienced first hand in reality. We do not
need to imagine it or just contemplate it through words and ideas. Nature is available to you at
any time waiting for you to reconnect. Therefore remember dear student that all of nature is a
sacred space. No place is more holy than the other and every place can become a setting for
worship. Also remember that the true Rosicrucians of old were alchemist. Such being the
alchemical Rosicrucian had direct contact with nature through all of his workings and also
seeks to transcend the same veil of initiation passing from the natural plane into higher
wonders by delving directly into natures bed. At one time this form of reintegration with nature
was also called the fairy marriage by Rosicrucians.
Your journey at this moment is very much the same as the Rosicrucians of old. You
are delving into nature and understanding its hidden secrets. While alchemy is one key used
at one time by the Rosicrucians not all of us in the modern world have the luxury of being able
to study alchemy to its full extent being such a vast subject. It was also very time consuming
so much that some alchemists also never penetrated the ring-pass-not, seeing that some
mystics lured themselves into one of the greatest traps of esoteric study. This trap occurs
when at every time the mystic nears the veil of initiation they turn back towards nature
believing that nature is the entire key. In many respects it is a key. It is a key for opening
doors to higher realms. The Rosicrucian Journey of AR+CO was designed to offer the most
direct path to transcend the ring-pass-not of nature in the shortest time possible. This fast
progression places you into contact with nature, and we ask that you never become so
attached to it that you fail to pass beyond its veil of initiation. 9
So far you have seen that all things consist of atoms, and that ultimately all things,
even atoms themselves consist of vibration. Yet what can this reveal about your Rosicrucian
Journey? From the six laws of the Anima-mundi you know that its work is to group nature
through the fine interlacing channels of vibration, called the ether-net, and thus act as an
organising principle. The principle of vibration also says that all things also consist of wave,
pulse and form and that this vibration is the subtle connection through all the levels of
existence. According to scientist ‘the universe consists solely of waves of motion.’ In simpler
terms they are saying ‘there is nothing other than vibration.’ A scientific field known as
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics now proves that the universe is essentially musical.
Science now knows that the universe is not an aimlessly vibrating chaotic sound of
mundane noise. And none can doubt there is order recognizable throughout nature from the
uniformity of atomic structures and behaviours to spiral galaxies whose swirling arms of
orderly stars span light years and billions of years of activity. This innate order has been long
recognized, researched and categorized and hay also been identified through music theory. In
vibratory terms what is considered disorderly vibration can be organized in terms of music
principles. In other words we can see the organizing principle of the Anima-mundi at work! 10
So far you have seen evidence of the presence the World Soul in four main studies.
They were: 1 the Gaia-hypothesis, where the earth was viewed as a living organic-biosphere
of life: 2 the action of ions in Gas Clouds, which come alive as in our own immunity system:
and 3 Vibration as the grouping principle of the universe: and 4 Musical Theory shows that
there is total order in our world.
We are going to continue to expand upon this study with how even the tiniest life
forms have a remarkable ability to cooperate with one another although their physical
attributes make it seem unexplainable.
There each spore germinates, spitting out several thousand tiny rod-shaped bacteria.
These bacteria, without the aid of any visible moving parts, congregate with similar
associations from other spores, forming a colorless slime. The slime moves through the soil
searching for food, each bacteria following in the tracks of each other. When the food runs
out, the slime begins to pile up on itself, rod upon rod, each bacterium secreting more slime
until the microscopic organisms are perched thousands high. From this height new spores
are released to start the cycle all over again. Science has not yet discovered how these
bacteria communicate and how their joint decisions are made.
After as long as two weeks, the amoebae sort themselves out into work groups with a
variety of different jobs. A small group of amoebae gets sealed into a capsule to create a new
spore. Its ‘work-mates’ then hoist their friends into the air at the end of a long, thin, well
anchored stalk. Again science does not know how they communicate with earth other and
their view of what an individual bacteria has been totally blurred.
Humans Interconnected
We are One: For this one instance think deeply on what these examples of the World
Soul is offering in understanding your role in humanity? As Rosicrucians it is important to
realize why we believe in the Brotherhood of Man. It is not essentially a feeling and idea for
the sake of it. It is instead a reality due to the fact that we are a macrocosm of what we have
just seen. Rosicrucians have always believed in the Brotherhood of Man because the World
Soul shows that we are on a spiritual journey together. We are not separate individual
entities. We are co-joined in the order of the World’s vibration. It may be difficult to imagine
when there will be no racial, national or separatist religious thinking present in human culture.
The time when humanity will be able to think in universal terms still lies ahead but the current
resistance to this force is a sure sign that the influence of good is also growing stronger. More
and more we are seeing that humanity desires to break free from the separatist models of
government, religion, and thinking and we say that true world peace is not impossible.
This Concordo was written by Elias Canetti 1905-1994. His life began when he was
born in Bulgaria and came from a Sephardic Jewish background. Fleeing the Nazis before the
outbreak of World War II he wrote many important works including novels, plays and was
awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981.
“The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and
universal phenomenon. A few people may have been standing together--five, ten or
twelve, not more; nothing has been announced, nothing is expected. Suddenly
everywhere is black with people and more come streaming from all sides as though
streets had only one direction. ... It seems as though the movement of some of them
transmits itself to the others. But that is not all; they have a goal which is there before
they can find words for it. This goal is the blackest spot where most people are gathered.
... As soon as a man has surrendered himself to the crowd, he ceases to fear its touch.
Ideally, all are equal there; no distinctions count, not even that of sex. The man pressed
against him is the same as himself. He feels him as he feels himself. Suddenly it is as
though everything were happening in one and the same body.”
You have now reached the Ring-Pass-Not of initiation in this degree. Provided you
have assimilated all of the knowledge of this manual, this experience will be very real. To
summarise so far you have gained the knowledge of the structure of nature being the sub-
planes of matter and how they are dependant upon the force of vibration. The higher the
vibration- the higher the presence of intelligence and life-force-vitality: leading from the
mineral-kingdom to the animal and human-kingdom. You have also seen the world as a living
organism and witnessed how vibration is the underlying force upon which the Anima-mundi
acts to organise and regulate the world in accordance with the Divine Plan. On the physical
level that plan has manifested itself as an evolution of physical natures. In also seeing the
interconnectedness of nature and humans through vibration you are now able to stand forth
from the first degree into the second. This is because you have expanded your understanding
of nature and perceived at some point the ‘big picture’ which leads to the veil of initiation.
Remember the laws of the Anima-mundi: 1 the anima-mundi is the Soul of the physical world.
2 the anima-mundi is the Archangel under which the physical world is regulated and held in
materiality. 3 the anima-mundi is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, grouping
matter through a subtle ether-force (vibration) of which it utilizes to control the world to appear
in its material form. 4 the anima-mundi vivifies this force and produces all form as a radiating
emanation of the higher Creator. 5 the anima-mundi directs these emanations so that the
action of all matter is focalized in harmony with the Unfolding Plan. 6 the anima-mundi
ether-net, is a veil of initiation for the first Rosicrucian degree. It is to be transcended
in order to rise to the higher planes beyond matter and is the doorway to the invisible.
Now that you know that all matter consist of vibration and that vibration is the joining
factor between all things you can indeed penetrate the ring-pass-not. We are saying that
higher perception depends upon this knowledge because those same laws that govern nature
also govern the higher worlds. Through vibration you will be able to learn in a full waking state
knowledge of the higher astral plane due to the occult fact that vibration is also the
intermediary between physical bodies and the higher worlds. The blind and deaf do not
have all of their five senses to rely upon and thus their intuition is naturally increased because
a latent ability in all of us can be awakened. Your transition from the physical plane to the
higher worlds also depends upon your sensitivity to vibration. Through careful steps at first to
increased esoteric training you will learn to remain conscious and intelligent while also looking
outside of the physical and above it and will see clearly.
The Rosicrucian Order of AR+CO has offered dowsing as the first practical step upon
this journey because it will teach you how to intuitively know the meaning of vibrations. The
method seems simple at first, but the process of Rosicrucian learning is designed to be a
carefully conducted journey. This is because our society teaches a safe and wise progression
due to the fact that the higher facilities must also be used intelligently. Our methods are time
tested and place emphasis upon the divine expression rather than on manifesting mere
psychic phenomena. The approach of the Rosicrucian is therefore one of Divine Service
when entering the higher worlds and only by this approach will the transition through the ring-
pass-not endure and set your feet in the higher worlds. This service to the higher is the work
of the Rosicrucian Order and is an essential element to creating a continual inflow of spiritual
energy. Thus the applications of vibratory sensitivity are aimed at being less self-centred
because the value of such knowledge and abilities has not yet been realised by many ‘new-
age-seekers’. With the right objective the student can join the work of the Rosicrucians which
has been hidden thus far because the abilities of higher perception do indeed have an
intelligent purpose. Start with the basic exercises given here and in doing so become
objective. With this approach in mind you will remove the illusions of the astral-plane and also
As humans we hear many things. This is because our ears are registering sound and
as you know sound is also vibration. Nature shows that there are many sounds that humans
cannot hear but other creatures can. This ability is called sonar. Sonar simply makes use of
an echo. When an animal makes a noise it sends sound waves into the environment around
it. Those waves bounce off nearby objects, and some of them reflect back to the creature that
made the noise. Similarly when you stand in a canyon and shout sound echoes back to you in
While we can hear things like a truck driving by to the writing of a pen there are also
many sounds we cannot hear. The bat on the other hand can hear those sounds. This is
because their frequencies of registering sound is much higher than ours and so we can't hear
it. A frequency is how fast an object vibrates and sound vibrates in waves. These vibrations
are measured in Hertz. One Hertz is equivalent to one vibration in a second. Humans can
hear from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Anything higher is called ultrasound or ultrasonic sound. The
reason that bats use ultrasound is because it has such a high frequency and it has a low
diffraction or it bends less. They use this sound to do a couple of things such as catching their
prey and traveling at night. This is how they use vibration. They make a sound and wait for it
to bounce back to hear it. If they hear the bounce return faster in a particular area than the
rest of the sounds then they know that something is near. The way bats register this sound is
through their large ears which are similar to satellite dishes in function. They are ‘dishes’
registering vibratory waves. The range of such low-frequency sonar is remarkable. Dolphins
and whales can also tell the difference between objects as small as a rice grain from 50 feet
away, and they use sonar more than sight to find their food, families, and direction. Human
devices like submarines and the LFA sonar being tested by the military can travel thousands
of miles, and can cover 80% of the earth's oceans by broadcasting from only four points.
Also known as Unknown Superiors, the Unknown Philosopher, being Contacted, and as Rosicrucian
Masters in both modern and older Rosicrucian transmissions: from Martinism to Amorc.
Points of Consideration:
Note: Although the process of awakening a higher awareness may seem slow the rate of advancement
is designed to provide the Rosicrucian student with a path that allows for a safe no risk approach.
Welcome to the dowsing section of your learning. In this phase you will gain
information on how dowsing works as the first stage to attuning towards subtle vibrations.
This section is designed to make working with a pendulum practical. Some of you may ask
‘What is dowsing?’
The word ‘dowsing’ is relatively new but the practice is very ancient. Throughout
history man has always sought knowledge from the divine and after the described fall when
even their many gods did not answer their questions, they turned to divination methods. Tools
were developed to provide ominous signs so that some understanding of hidden things could
be known for ancient mans peace of mind. Dowsing in its current form has not changed since
it began and is probably the most ancient form of divination. In partaking of this method we
are retracing the work of our ancestors and relive the rites of old from the stone-age, to
Egyptian practice, to modern Rosicrucianism.
Well over three hundred items have been known to be used as dowsing instruments.
The scientific term for dowsing is ‘radiesthesia’ and some famous dowsers included in history
are: kabbalist/alchemist and artist Leonardo De Vinci, Nobel prize winner Charles Richet,
father of modern chemistry Robert Boyle, General of the nazi army General Rommel, and the
great scientist Albert Einstein. Needless to say these are individuals of great stature and high
intelligence, of which Leonardo De Vinci is said among some Rosicrucians lines to have also
been a Rosicrucian.
Through experimentation you will learn that higher information can indeed be
obtained by following in their footsteps. That is not to say that these men on the other hand
obtained their knowledge through this process, it is rather that we are opening our minds to
the same possibilities as they did, and in doing so may unlock the closed doors of inner
The Ancient Brothers of the Rosy Cross have incorporated dowsing into your study
because it can allow you to understand vibration as it stands, incorporating the ideal that we
should desire to study nature. During the formulation of the original Rosae Rubae et Aurae
Crucis (Order of the Ruby Rose and Golden Cross) in 1888 dowsing was at least
incorporated as a part of the Rosicrucian Order at that time. Dr. Felkin who continued the
work of the RR et AC in New Zealand under the directions of Rudolph Steiner also expanded
its use to colour healing, astrology, tatvas, and auric readings. Our current society continues
the Steiner Rosicrucian transmission as passed onto the Elder Brothers of the Ancient Rose
Cross Order. Our formulation of this transmission is to distinctly continue the Steiner
Rosicrucian current as it was both ritually and orally passed onto us.
Ancient Era
In the Bible Moses is told by God to ‘take the rod and speak ye unto the rock and it
shall give forth water.’ Numbers 20:9-11. He does this in this Exodus (17:5-6) because the
people are thirsty. The Prophet Ezekiel reports that King Nubucadnezzar of Babylon was
uncertain as to which city (Jerusalem the capitol of Judaj or Rebath which is now Amman
Jordan) to attack. He directed his dowsers to select the best target, which was Jerusalem
which lead to it’s seizure and the “Babylonian captivity of the Jews”. The Jews learned this art
from their captors and in the Old Testament prophet Hosea wrote: “They now consult their
pieces of wood then the wand makes pronouncements from them”. (4:12)
The historical records of Greece record that dowsing and the art was widely practiced
on the Island of Crete, as early as 400 BC. Researchers have uncovered evidence that the
Pytheon Oracle of Delphi used a pendulum to answer the questions posed by her clients,
kings, queens, nobility and military commanders who travelled great distances to confer with
Herodotus, the 5th century B.C. Greek historian wrote of the use of willow divining
rods by the Scythians, a nomadic Iranian people who travelled the prairies of what is today
southern Russia. Another reference to the use of the willow divining rods appears 800 years
later in a Roman history written by Ammianus Marcellinus. Various types of tree branches
were used - hazel, as well as other nut and fruit trees - always trees that were indigenous to
the area. Mention is made of using divination by the Germanic tribes when the Roman
Empire was in its glory. Variations of these instructions on how to cut (dowsing) rods appear in
the archives of nearly every European country. Instructions on the use of rods were left by
Basil Valentine, a Benedictine monk and alchemist in the 1300 hundreds in Saxony.
According to Cicero in the first century BC the dowsing rod was called the ‘lituus’ and
was used by Roman augers for divination. Cicero himself had been and diviner said that he
could not see how two augurs could look at each other without laughing. Today Rosicrucians
marvel that something so simple could be so effective.
After the ancient era dowsers were thought by some to be witches or the devil. This
was brought on by churches and Martin Luther who said "that this was the work of the devil".
It is known that Martin Luther's father was a miner who may have been a dowser or worked
with many miners who were dowsers during this time. Many of the dowsers themselves
treated their craft with such superstition and mystery that it is not hard to believe that some
would think of them as evil doers as their procedures for doing their work seemed very
strange. The dowsing stick used had to be cut from a certain tree on a particular day from a
branch facing a definite direction. It could only be used if it was soaked in salt and could only
be used once. The dowser, to be successful, had to wear one sock of a specified color. Since
many dowsers felt that they had to use a branch from a Witch Hazel Tree to locate water, they
soon became known as ‘water witches.’ Dowsing began to be practised in secrecy perhaps
because of its occult associations, superstitions and the Church’s condemnation as the work
of the devil. Because of this, it became unpopular if not actively dangerous to practise
dowsing. The practice never died out completely but disappeared from public view.
Sixteenth Century
From the ancient era leading to the sixteenth century dowsing does not seem to be
mentioned. This could be due to man’s decline in knowledge during the dark ages but the
practice did survive. England’s Henry the VIII, reigning from 1509 – 1547, hired a treasure
finder named George Dowser who was successful and the name stuck. Queen Elizabeth the
1st enlisted the aid of German miners to come to England to teach dowsing to their miners.
Seventeenth Century
Around 1630 in Lyon, France there was a famous murder case of a wine merchant
and his wife. The police asked a dowser for help. Using his rods he walked through the
streets of Lyon, crossing a bridge over the Rhone River, constantly guided by his rod's
indications, he eventually found a man who played a significant role in the murder of the
vintner and his wife. He tracked the man involved in the case with dowsing tools and helped
solve the case.
The climate in Britain was more favourable, and in 1665 the scientist Charles Boyle,
one of the founding fathers of modern science, referred to the possible reality of dowsing in a
paper to the Royal Society. (Miller, 1999).
In 1659, the church took an increasing interest in dowsing. One of the most important
figures in the debate was a Jesuit priest called Gaspard Schott. Originally Schott denounced
the divining rod as an instrument of the devil. He later retracted this view, and is remembered
to the history of dowsing as the first person to attribute the movement of the rod to
unconscious muscular action. ("Magiae Universalis Naturae et Artis," by Gaspard Schott.
Quoted in Ellis, 1917).
Eighteenth century
Almost one hundred years after Agricola, around 1730, two dowsers, the Baron and
Baroness de Beausoliel, become quite popular for their skills in locating mineral deposits with
dowsing. In France alone they discovered over one hundred and fifty deposits of iron, gold
and silver. Their success was so considerable they received commissions from royalty and
even the Pope. They were the first recorded people of the West to locate water by dowsing.
Records of this practice became more common from that point. Before the end of the
Seventeenth Century, dowsing had spread throughout most of Europe and was considered a
black art by the church. The result was that although great in skill the Baron and Baroness de
Beausoliel were charged with sorcery. They were found guilty of practicing the ‘black arts’ and
died in prison three years later. Dowsing caused a great deal of controversy as others
considered it a natural process of symmetry and attraction and repulsion. Some believed that
dowsing was a divine gift and took this further by baptizing their rods to Jesus Christ along
with their children.
Dowsing continued to be a source of debate for clerics for at least another century,
but it was not until 1780 that an attempt was made by science to tackle the problem. Pierre
Thouvenel, a physician to Louis XVI, conducted the first recorded scientific tests of dowsing.
Thouvenels’ curiosity was aroused by reports of a peasant called Barthelemy Bleton, who
apparently had an unusual sensitivity to water. One story stated that Bleton had found a
spring strong enough to run a mill. Thouvenel decided that Bleton was an excellent subject
for his research into "animal magnetism," magnetism being a fashionable scientific theory that
was gaining great currency at the time. Thouvenel noticed that although Bleton could detect
Nineteenth Century
In 1812, France, Michel Eugene Chevreul investigated the use of the dowsing
pendulum to find underground water, as well as it’s use by a Professor Gerboin of Strasbourg,
for chemical analysis. Chevreul noticed that when he suspended the pendulum over a bowl of
mercury, there was a reaction. He also noticed that there was no reaction when a glass plate
was interposed between the pendulum and the mercury. Still unconvinced, Chevreul decided
to conduct what today would be called a double blind trial. An assistant interposed and
removed the glass plate without Chevreul’s knowledge and no reaction was seen. He
concluded that the phenomenon was nothing more than the result of involuntary muscular
movements in the hand induced by mental process.
The next significant development in the study of dowsing was the research done by
an American called Charles Latimer. In 1875 Latimer read before the Civil Engineers’ Club of
the Northwest a paper entitled "The Divining Rod," in which he claimed that the dowsing force
worked by electrical currents passing from the ground through the body, which induced a
magnetic field between the rod and the ground. (Ellis, 1917).
Scientific Tests were conducted from 1891 onwards by Sir William Barrett, a professor
of physics at the Royal College of Science in Dublin and a principal founder of the Society for
Psychical Research conducted a series of test beginning in 1891. His conclusions were
published over two volumes of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.
(Barrett, 1891, summarised in Hansen, 1982.) Barrett favoured the psychical explanation,
although some of his experiments did show that dowsers had some sensitivity to magnetic
fields. He later conducted experiments to see if dowsers could find coins hidden underneath
articles on chairs. (Barrett and Besterman, 1928. Summarised in Hansen, 1982). Although the
results seemed impressive on paper, (odds against chance occurrence of 1 in 80,000) the
precautions taken seem to have been inadequate and, crucially, the study was not double
blind. Despite the flaws in Barrett’s approach, this is the first complete scientific investigation
of the effect to be found in modern times.
During the Victorian era, dowsing became popular once again, possibly tied in with
the Victorian interest in spiritualism and associated topics. Victorian scientific interest, aided
by a softening of the Church’s attitude, brought dowsing out into the open. In 1874, Thomas
Welton translated and published Jean Nicholas’ book (The Rod of Jacob or the art of finding
treasure, springs, boundaries, metals, mines, minerals and other hidden things, by the use of
the forked twig 1691) in English.
Twentieth Century
Dr. Karl Berg, Arch-Bishop of Salzburg, Austria in a Decree of 1942, said "If a
Christian wants to do Gods will and protects himself with prayers when doing radiaesthesic
works (dowsing) and use his or her instruments only in a helping way based on love, when
examining houses, and finding water, then this work is blessed by the church.” This helped
remove the devil and witch names dowsers were called for many years.
Farmer J W Young convinced wild-catter, Ace Gutowski, that oil lay beneath West
Edmond, Oklahoma by demonstration with a goatskin-covered bottle hung from a watch chain
which invariably swung from north to south when over oil. As a result, in 1943, Gutowski
drilled a hole and discovered the largest oil deposit in Oklahoma for 20 years. And that is just
one of very many examples of oil strikes by dowsers.
In more recent times, the military has used dowsing to locate water, mines, and
tunnels. General Patton had a complete willow tree flown to Morocco so that a dowser could
use branches from it to find water to replace the wells the
German Army had destroyed. In 1959, Vernon Cameron, a dowser, via map dowsing,
demonstrated to Navy officials, where all the U.S. and other submarines were located. The
navy would not confirm or deny his findings, but a few years later he was denied a passport
because he was considered a security risk. During the Vietnam war, the U.S. military had
dowser, Louis J Matacia, teach the marines how to find land mines and underground tunnels
of the Viet Cong.
The fairly recent development of treasure hunting as a popular hobby has drawn one
or two dowsers to the challenge of using their skills to find buried metal artefacts. The most
successful treasure dowser in Britain is Jim Longton from Lancashire. Jim took up dowsing
when he retired from the wrestling ring and first hit the headlines in 1990 after finding a
spectacular hoard of Viking silver brooches valued at over £40,000. ($60,000) His latest find
is potentially Britain’s Tutankhamen: a seventeenth century shipwreck, believed to contain
untold treasures, including a 230 piece gilt-silver dinner service once owned by Charles I.
While divers work on the recovery, Jim is being kept busy locating more treasure wrecks for a
marine salvage company.
Dowsing tools
A dowsing tool is nothing more than a communication device. In and of itself it has no
power and no ability to move. Although no one knows how or why dowsing works, it seems
that the movement of the pendulum or rod(s) is controlled through or by your subconscious
(or something of that nature). Most experienced dowsers use all of the basic dowsing tools
which are the Y Rod (a forked stick), the L Rod (a rod bent in the shape of the letter L), the
Bobber (a long slender tapered stick), and the Pendulum, (a weight that is attached to a string
or chain) or variations of all of these. Any object hung from a piece of string is a pendulum
and an old wire coat hanger can be cut and bent into an L-rod. The tool chosen is usually just
the most convenient one for the job at hand. As dowsing devices come in all sizes, shapes
and materials, it is important only that you choose a tool that you’re comfortable with for all
instruments work equally well for experienced dowsers. In fact, it is important not to impose
any beliefs on yourself that a particular tool is better than another. In the Labourer Degree
you will be using the swinging type pendulum for your dowsing tool. If your favourite crystal
pendulum isn’t available, a washer hung on a piece of fishing line will work just as well!
Dowsing is a normal sensory perception available to birds, fish, animals and man. Salmon
use it to find their way back to their birthplace to spawn. The swallows use it to go south or
north to return to the Mission Capistrono every year. Bees find their way back to the hive after
flying from flower to flower over a distance of 2 miles or more. The monarch butterfly returns
to the same tree in Santa Cruz, California from South America, three generations later.
Thousands of lost cats and dogs have crossed the country to reunite with their owners.
People use this sensory perception all of the time, without words or actions. We sense if we
are welcome or unwelcome as we enter a room. Mothers know when a child is in trouble or
making trouble. Many of us at numerous times knew who was on the phone before we
answered it, or who was at the door before opening it. We all have sensed good or bad
feelings about a person or situation and our feelings were proved true. These feelings are all
intuitions of subtle vibrations which underlies all things in nature. Thought waves are also
vibrations and vibration sensitivity will open the Rosicrucian to knowledge of the higher
worlds. At first you are going to attune your body to subtle vibrations through dowsing. What
the mind does not know the answers to the subconscious can read through the collective
ether-net of the World Soul. All knowledge is available at any time and the subconscious
through seeing the whole will direct your muscles to move involuntarily so as to cause to
swing you pendulum so the mind knows the meaning of those hidden vibrations emitting
through the universe.
Dowsing with a pendulum is a skill that anyone can learn. It does take practice but
then what worthwhile goal is ever reached without effort? Before you can practice you do
need to discover what the movement of the pendulum or rod means. To simplify matters you
will only concentrate on using a pendulum. The various rods are employed most often for
Most dowsing can be accomplished using three movements: one for a yes/positive
answer, another for no/negative, and a third for maybe/neutral (or a rephrase the question)
response. Experienced dowsers may also count the number of swings or turns to determine
depth of an item being searched for; rely on the movement of the instrument to determine the
length of a particular treatment they’re doing; etc.
The first step is determining what YOUR responses mean. Your responses may vary
from another person’s but that is fine - what works for you is all that counts! Take your
pendulum and hold the string or chain between your thumb and first finger, about 2 ½ to 3
inches from the weight at the end.
Sit quietly for a few moments to centre and ground yourself. If you find that you are
out-of-sorts in some way then wait until another time when you are more relaxed. While
slowly swinging the pendulum vertically back and forth, mentally (or out loud) ask the
pendulum to show you your YES movement by swinging in a circular direction. This will be
clockwise or counter-clockwise. If there is little or irregular movement it might be beneficial to
hold the pendulum over your right knee. Repeat the question “Please show me what my YES
response is.” Repeat for a NO response (over the left knee if necessary). Ask for your MAYBE
response. Oftentimes it will be a back-and-forth swing at a 45-degree angle. It should be
something quite different from the circular motions.
Now you need to practice, practice, and practice some more! You should start by
asking questions that you know the answers to. For example, is my name Mary? Then you
can move on to asking questions where the answer can be verified, such as “Are there any
messages on my answering machine?” If you get a YES response, ask, “Is there 1
message?” “More than 1 message?” “Is there 2 messages?” and so on. These simple
exercises, done consistently, will enhance and confirm your ability to dowse. For the Labourer
Degree we would like for you to start using your pendulum at least twice per day. However do
Using charts
There are a number of charts available commercially or you can make your own. You
can add numbers 0 to 100 (in increments of 10) for a percentage chart or mark the names of
various remedies (herbal teas) to see which ones you should take. Anything at all can be
marked on the chart. Hold you pendulum at the centre of the bottom line and slowly swing it
back-and-forth horizontally. Then ask a question such as “What is the percentage of
likelihood that it will rain today?” The pendulum will slowly move to a diagonal back-and-forth
swing over the correct figure.
Spiritual Development
Your spiritual development is of great importance for this one thing alone is a
contribution to the whole of humanity. The ancient mystery schools taught their followers to
strive for moral purity. In some instances this is called the ‘polishing of the stone’ which in the
Masonic tradition reminds us of the process of cutting out a raw stone and then forming it into
a brick so that eventually, when polished enough, it will become a part of the temple. Such is
the development of our own personal character. Both Plato and Jesus taught that we should
not only strive for moral purity but also to be of pure thought. Your personal standard, from the
first Sanctum of this manual, was a step in the right direction. With dowsing we can measure
ourselves against this standard on a daily basis.
Every night we propose that you undertake this ceremony to test your spiritual
development. The several dowsing charts enclosed below are designed to aid your daily self-
examination. Not only will it hold the ego firmly in check but it will also help you become a
better person with strong moral character.
Before you go to sleep begin to relax for a moment of sacred silence. If you like say
any prayers that come to your mind during this ritual. Perform the Retrospection exercise as
normal and objectively recall all of the events from your day. At first this may seem difficult,
but with time your memory of events will improve. In addition you can spend a minute
observing your Personal Standard document and carefully read it. 13 While reading each
statement, ask yourself how you measure up to them. Look at each statement and relate the
day’s events and consider the following:
Your Words
Your Actions
Your Thoughts
Remember the Personal Standard should be printed where you can see it clearly. The best placing for
it is besides the bed where you will see it each morning on rising. It is best placed within a certificate
frame so that you learn to become serious about self-development.
Finally, take the virtue chart and lay on a flat surface. Mentally attune yourself to the
pendulum and ask yourself ‘What virtues do I need to develop?’ The pendulum will swing
towards one of the virtues on the chart such as humility, understanding or faith. Write this
virtue down in a diary or notebook as a reminder and try to develop and use this virtue
sometime during the next day. Now replace the virtue chart with the vice chart and ask
yourself ‘What vices to I need to eliminate?’ Again, write this down in your diary or notebook
and try to refrain from using this vice during the next day. During that day, record your
progress if you have time. These exercises are very important to your own spiritual growth
because the Rosicrucian Journey is also the Inner Way.
Now compare the virtue and the vice. Do they relate to one another? Do they relate to
you? Be careful that you do not disregard any information as the times we do not listen to
ourselves is when we are in need of guidance most! Throughout this exercise a prayer could
be said at any time asking for divine support in obtaining self development. Do not be afraid to
adapt this practice to yourself and even make more dowsing charts where you think some
virtues and vices could be added. No-one likes to hear about their own short comings or that
‘I’m a grumpy bum’ so most of all have fun and learn to laugh at yourself and become light
hearted towards your short comings. This is because by undertaking this path you can afford
to laugh at how silly our shortcomings are, knowing that you are really growing away from