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Whose Language? Exploring The Attitudes of Bulgaria's Media Elite Toward Macedonia's Linguistic Self-Identification

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The passage discusses Bulgaria's historical claims over Macedonia's land, language and population, and the attitudes of Bulgaria's media elite toward Macedonia's linguistic self-identification.

Bulgaria has long considered Macedonia to be a historically Bulgarian province and feels nostalgia over the idea of Macedonia.

The Bulgarian government has made it relatively easy for Macedonians to 'reclaim' their Bulgarian identity and citizenship through student stipends and an 'affidavit of origin'.

Christopher D.

California State University, Long Beach

Whose language? Exploring the attitudes

of Bulgaria’s media elite toward Macedonia’s
linguistic self-identification

any nations have their obsessions, myths and long-term aspirations.

M Bulgaria’s dream is called Macedonia. So strong has been this rev-
erie, it pulled Bulgaria into several military conflicts over the course of the
19th and 20th centuries.
Bulgaria has long considered Macedonia to be a part of its land, lan-
guage and population, but it gained little in open warfare. It never fulfilled
in its entirety the claim to Macedonia’s land. Macedonia’s language, popu-
lation and identity were never definitively ascertained as Bulgarian. Dip-
lomatic maneuvers did not bring a satisfactory solution, either. Yet the
consequences of this yearning shaped Bulgaria’s history in many ways
and left an imprint on the psyche of more than one generation. The very
name Macedonia has become synonymous with unfulfilled promise1 and
it would be a rarity to find a Bulgarian who remains indifferent as the sub-
ject is brought up2.
The following study investigates one aspect of the attitudes toward
Macedonia among decision-makers in Bulgaria’s contemporary journal-
ism – the ‘elite’ media professionals who by and large share the beliefs and
collective memories of their compatriots. The study, which is a part of
a larger journalism research project completed between 2001 and 2007,
probes for journalists’ attitudes toward Macedonia and tests in a new set-
ting an established model of mass communication, the third-person effect.

Istorija na Bulgaria: Uchebnik za kandidat-studenti i zrelostnici [A history of
Bulgaria: A textbook for candidate-students and high-school graduates], ed. by V. Gy-
uzelev, Marin Drinov Academic Publishers, Sofia 2000.
R. J. Crampton, Bulgaria, 1878–1918: A history, Columbia University Press,
New York 1983; R. J. Crampton, A short history of modern Bulgaria, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 1987; R. J. Crampton, A concise history of Bulga-
ria, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 1997.
112 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

The author’s overarching research interest was to explore elite journalists’

perceptual biases and predispositions, and thus attempt to predict how any
partiality among media decision makers may affect the overall media tenor
in a potentially volatile part of the world. The purpose of this study, on the
other hand, was not to ascertain or refute the veracity of certain interpreta-
tions of political history of the Balkans. Those are better left to historians.

Bulgaria’s aspirations toward Macedonia

When Petar Stoyanov, Bulgaria’s then president, said in 1996 that

“Macedonia is the most romantic part of Bulgaria’s history,”3 he was well
understood by his compatriots. The view of Macedonia as a historically
Bulgarian province torn away from the motherland by scheming neigh-
bors and Great Powers is so common that it does not need any further clar-
ification on the streets of Sofia, Plovdiv or Varna. Stoyanov’s words
captured precisely a popular nostalgic feeling. Macedonian media con-
demned them as yet another manifestation of “Bulgaria’s revisionism.”4
Since mid 19th century, Bulgaria had been one of the several na-
tion-states – basically, all of Macedonia’s neighbors sans Albania5 – who
claimed at least some of the territory and population of Macedonia as
rightfully theirs. Stavrianos wrote that Bulgaria was the first nation to as-
sert its rights over the Macedonian territory and population on ethnic and
religious grounds, even before Bulgarians regained their statehood in
1878 after five centuries of subjugation by the Ottoman Empire6.
Bulgarian Principality briefly comprised most of Macedonian lands be-
tween the San-Stefano Peace Treaty of March 3, 1878, which ended the
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War, and July 13, 1878, when the Berlin Treaty
marked the birth of the modern Bulgarian state, albeit in an abridged format7.

BTA, “Daily bulletin in English”, November 21, 1996.
Nova Macedonia, “Editorial” 1996, p. 7.
It is perhaps a twist of historical irony that Macedonia’s governments in the
1990s have been quite ambiguous in their policies toward the large Albanian minority,
which encompasses about 25% of the population. In 2001, clashes between Macedo-
nians and Albanians put the country on the brink of a full-fledged civil war.
L. S. Stavrianos, The Balkans since 1453, New York University Press, New
York 2000.
Bulgaria’s official state holiday is still March 3, and not July 13, reflecting the
popular attitudes toward these two events. R. J. Crampton, op. cit.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 113

For generations of Bulgarians thereafter, these five and a half months

have been perceived as a vicious slide from triumph to disaster, which has
never been fully amended. The Berlin Treaty stripped Bulgaria of some
60% of its territories accorded to the newly liberated country through the
San-Stefano agreement. Crampton, among others, stressed that the loss of
so-called San-Stefano Bulgaria, and above all of Macedonia, “burnt deeply
into the Bulgarian national psyche.”8 Indeed, he concluded that most of Bul-
garia’s great decisions – most of them resulting in great failures – over ex-
ternal policy since 1878 have hinged on the issue of Macedonia.
All told, in the 20th century, Bulgaria fought four wars, inspired by the
national ideal of regaining Macedonia’s land and population, and restoring
the desired San-Stefano boundaries. Numerous guerilla actions, political
killings and unspeakable suffering of the civilian population resulted from
the attempts to resolve the so-called Macedonian Question by force. After
decades of struggle, Bulgaria ended up with only a relatively small part of
the Macedonian territories it had claimed, but enduring scores of humilia-
tions in the process9.
As far as Bulgaria is concerned, military or any other radical action had
not been on the agenda since the end of the Second World War10 and the
Macedonian Question remained on the backburner of the Balkan diplo-
macy as an issue for quite some time. It resurfaced in a new form with the
end of the communist rule in Bulgaria in 1989–1990 and the turmoil in Yu-
goslavia in the 1990s. The return of this once hotly contested issue proved
it had never truly gone away in the first place, even though it has now
morphed along with the new geopolitical realities11.
Duncan Perry observed in a 1995 chapter on Bulgarian nationalism: “That
Bulgaria still does not recognize Macedonian nationality is both backward
looking and a measure of importance of history to Balkan people.”12

R. J. Crampton, A concise history..., op. cit., p. 240.
R. J. Crampton, A concise history..., op. cit.
That is, since the 1947 proposal of Bulgaria’s then leader Georgi Dimitrov to Marshal
Tito for a Balkan federation of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, which would include Macedonia.
J. Pettifer, FYROM after Ochrid, Conflict Studies Research Centre, Royal Mili-
tary Academy, Sandhurst 2002; The new Macedonian question, ed. by J. Pettifer,
St. Martin’s Press, New York 1999; J. Phillips, Macedonia: Warlords and rebels in the
Balkans, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT 2004.
D. M. Perry, Bulgarian nationalism: Permutations of the past, in: P. Latawski,
Contemporary nationalism in East Central Europe, St. Martin’s Press, New York
1995, p. 62.
114 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

The language dispute

Anderson, who posited that nations are “imagined communities,” de-

scribed common language as the precondition to establishing national dis-
tinctiveness13. In the absence of substantial religious differences between
the majority of Balkan neighbors (Bulgarians, Greeks, Serbs, Romanians,
Macedonians are all nominally Eastern Orthodox), the language, as
Todorova14 observed, developed into a principal source of national iden-
tity in the Balkans. Bulgarians have long prided themselves as the land
where the Cyrillic script was developed in the 9th century CE15. May 24 is
celebrated widely as the Day of Slavic Writing, with Byzantine brothers
Cyril and Methodius, and their immediate pupils having been canonized
by the Orthodox Church16. By most accounts, May 24 is one of the
best-loved annual holidays17 and Bulgarians traditionally are taught at
school to cherish their own language18. For instance, a recent suggestion
by a hapless expert to switch from writing in Cyrillic to using the Latin al-
phabet (similarly to Croatia, which shares essentially the same language
with Serbia, but with a different script) was met with a firestorm of pro-
tests and popular indignation19.
Bulgaria has never recognized the existence of a separate Macedonian
language, instead considering it to be an artificial creation based on a dia-
lect. Only in February 1999 did Bulgaria relinquish half-heartedly its stern
denial to even consider an alternative proposition20. This argument span-
ning most of the 1990s became known as the “language dispute,” and it

B. Anderson, Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of
nationalism, Verso, London 1983.
M. Todorova, Balkan identities: Nation and memory, Hurst & Company, Lon-
don 2004.
R. J. Crampton, A short history..., op. cit.
Bulgaria’s major university in Sofia bears the name of St. Climent Ohridski, the
most prominent trainee of Cyril and Methodius.
Not the least because it is coming close to the end of the traditional school year,
which no doubt makes this time exciting for most students.
C. D. Karadjov, Unimagining a nation: Media framing of the language dispute
between Bulgaria and Macedonia in the 1990s, Paper presented at the 18th Annual In-
tercultural Communication Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL,
March 2001.
S. Bozhilov, Za i protiv kirilitsata [For and against the Cyrillic script], “Nova te-
levizija”, May 16, 2005.
J. Phillips, op. cit.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 115

strained significantly the relationship between the two countries. Bul-

garia’s refusal to acknowledge the language of Macedonia as “Macedo-
nian” produced spectacular diplomatic snafus, especially when it came to
signing official documents. Bulgarian diplomats refused to do so in both
languages as the protocol requires. Several potentially useful agreements
between these Balkan neighbors were put off indefinitely if only for the
absence of linguistic accord21.
New governments in Skopje and Sofia took a more moderate approach
toward each other in 1998–1999. Particularly, Bulgaria’s ruling coalition
felt strong enough to brave the public opinion, bringing a de facto resolu-
tion to the language issue for the time being22. The issue was not resolved,
however, but likely just “swept under the rug” for the sake of diplomatic
Bulgarians are far from neutral toward Macedonia today and the insta-
bility of Macedonia itself makes it a country potentially vulnerable to for-
eign influences. National surveys of voting-age Bulgarian population
found in 1999 and again in 2006 that some three-quarters of the respon-
dents24 considered Macedonians to be of Bulgarian ethnic origin, and the
Macedonian language – a mere dialect of Bulgarian25. School history text-
books adhere to the position that the present-day Macedonian nation is
an artificial creation and a result of political manipulation, coercion and
open violence, mostly instigated by Serbia, but also by Greece and even
For instance, Gyuzelev27, in a popular textbook widely used in high
schools, offers a typical explanation of the transformation of Bulgarian
populace and especially language into “Macedonian” at the end of 19th

C. D. Karadjov, op. cit.
Standard, Makedonskijat ezik – naj-posle reshenie [Macedonian language – a
solution at last], p. 2–3, 1999.
As above, p. 3.
Unfortunately, the results of this survey were not broken by ethnicity. A popular
speculation that could be heard in Sofia in the late 1990s had it that Bulgaria’s Muslims
(about 10% of the population) may be biased in their responses toward non-recogni-
tion of Macedonian nation/language because of the tensions between the Albanian
(Muslim) minority in Macedonia and the mainstream Slav population. This is not very
plausible, but possible.
BBSS Gallup International, Bulgaria: Annual index, BBSS, Sofia 1999.
Istorija na Bulgaria..., op. cit.
As above.
116 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

century: “Serb propaganda indoctrinated the population that it is not of

Bulgarian origin, but of Slavic, with its own history and culture, different
from that of Bulgarians. Authors of Macedonism prepared textbooks us-
ing Macedonian dialect, and adding Serb words.”28
Such views have been sanctioned for a long time by most authoritative
state-endorsed historical literature, such as the 900-plus-page volume
jointly published by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of His-
tory and Bulgarian Language Institute in mid 1970s29.
The scientific merit of such claims from a historical, linguistic or polit-
ical science perspective is beyond the scope of this work. The climate of
opinion they have created, on the other hand, is quite definitive.
By and large, Bulgarian media seem to reflect a predominant under-
standing of Macedonians as fugitives from their “true” Bulgarian charac-
ter. Media are particularly critical of what is perceived as an official
government policy to subdue the expressions of Bulgarian identity on the
territory of the Republic of Macedonia30. Stories of people beaten by au-
thorities in Macedonia for identifying themselves as “Bulgarian” popped
up with some regularity in Bulgarian newspapers in the 1990s31.
In a mid-1990s study of the image of the “other” on the Balkans, So-
fia-based ACCESS Foundation found that media in Bulgaria tend to pres-
ent Macedonians as a generally friendly people with a flawed, Serb-leaning
and pro-communist government32.
The ACCESS study also found that although Bulgarian media allow
for alternative opinions on the nature of Macedonia to appear, mostly in
the form of Q&A interviews, the press usually frames the problem from
a Bulgarian viewpoint. Contradicting views, when they are present in Bul-

As above, p. 253.
Macedonia: Documents and materials, ed. by V. Bozhinov and L. Panayotov,
Izdatelstvo na Bulgarskata Akademija na Naukite (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences),
Sofia 1987.
See: Standart, Otnovo biti bulgari v Makedonija [Bulgarians assaulted again in
Macedonia], p. 1–2, September 25, 1996.
They still do, although the most recent (February 2005) story that preoccupied
Bulgarian media was on a journalist with a dual Serbian-Bulgarian citizenship who
was sentenced (and pardoned) by the authorities in Serbia for calling someone a “Ser-
boman,” that is, blindly serving Serb interests. (SOURCE)
ACCESS, Obrazat na drugija na Balkanite [The image of the other on the Bal-
kans], Sofia 1999.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 117

garian media, are usually rebuffed on the spot by pundits or qualified in

some way that casts doubt on their credibility.
The non-profit Macedonian Scientific Institute in Sofia is a major pub-
lisher of related literature. This organization claims on its web site to have
a “long-term research programme.”33 Some of the titles of its publications
provided for reference on the web site are quite self-explanatory: The Na-
tional Liberation Movement of the Bulgarians in Macedonia and Thrace,
vol. 1–3; The Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia, Myth or Reality; The
Fabrication of the So Called Macedonian Language; Greek and Serb Pro-
pagandists in Macedonia, New Documents34.
While textbooks and scholarly literature in Bulgaria seem to favor
a particular interpretation of Macedonia’s history, no diversity of opinion
on Macedonian issues can be found in popular literature, either35. Publica-
tions advocating “non-Bulgarian” views on the problem are virtually
non-existent on the bookstands36.
Of course, as already noted, quite substantial numbers among Macedo-
nians would not agree with any Bulgarian claims toward their land, lan-
guage or nationality37, which creates the potential for a serious conflict.
The disagreements are especially acute at the linguistic level, because
unlike claims to territory or national identity, which can be sidestepped
in bilateral relations or under international pressure, the refusal to recog-
nize a Macedonian language has already lead to significant diplomatic
tensions. It also hits at the core of national identity as it is understood in
the Balkans.
In this respect, understanding journalists’ perceptual biases becomes
even more important because media professionals, by the virtue of their
occupation, are quite sensitive to issues of language and also have the

Macedonian Scientific Institute (2004), Macedonian Scientific Institute – Histo-
ry [Online]. Available from http://www.macedoniainfo.com/index_eng.html [Re-
trieved: August 29, 2004].
As above.
Quite predictably, these views are met with consternation by the authorities in
Macedonia, and, as far as one can observe, by a significant numbers in the population.
T. Petev, Knigoizdavaneto v Bulgaria – predpriemachestvo i otgovornost [Book
publishing in Bulgaria: Entrepreneurship and responsibility], Unpublished lecture,
Department of Journalism, Sofia University (May 16, 2000).
M. Glenny, The Balkans: Nationalism, war and the Great Powers, 1804–1999,
Viking, New York 2000.
118 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

ability to be “the agents of power,” following Herbert Altschull’s

self-explanatory term38.

The third-person effect

One can only wonder why the third-person effect was not conceptual-
ized earlier than 1983, the year of the formulation of its basic hypothesis.
The main premise – that others are more susceptible to extraneous influ-
ences that we are – is instantly recognizable by most of us. To make up
for the lost time, since 1983 the third-person effect has received full atten-
tion from researchers, and the empirical evidence of its manifestations is
In fact, Davison, whose 1983 oft-cited article first conceptualized the
third-person effect, acknowledged to have nurtured the idea for years. The
initial thrust to Davison’s thought came from the story of an all-Black mil-
itary unit, stationed in the Pacific, which was withdrawn from combat area
and disbanded, after being showered with Japanese propaganda leaflets.
The flyers contained appeals to the Black soldiers not to fight in “a white-men
war,” in which Blacks, ostensibly, had nothing to gain39.
Unit’s commanding officers, all Caucasian, feared that the Japanese
propaganda may indeed find fertile ground in soldiers’ psyche, and re-
sorted to preventive action. As Davison pointed out, no evidence was ever
found that Black soldiers’ morale was affected. The effect of that Japanese
propaganda attempt on officers’ thinking and decisions, on the other hand,
was striking40.
With this episode in mind, Davison tested the idea of perceptions of
differential impact of mass communication, and formulated this state-
ment: “People will tend to overestimate the influence that mass communi-
cations have on attitudes and behaviors of others.”41
Generally, individuals will expect persuasive communication to have
greater effect on others – members of any different group – than on them-

J. H. Altschull, Agents of power: The media and public policy (2nd ed.),
Longman, New York 1995.
W. P. Davison, The third-person effect in communication, “Public Opinion
Quarterly” 1983, no. 47, p. 1–15.
As above.
As above, p. 3.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 119

selves. Davison predicted that such expectations, justified or not, may

provoke action on part of those, who perceive themselves immune to the
particular persuasive message, but see others at risk to be swayed in
some respect by its influence. Hence, the officers’ decision to remove
the all-Black unit from its positions, ostensibly avoiding mass deser-
tions, or worse, mutiny. Such seemingly prudent reaction on part of
the commanders, was, in fact, entirely unjustified, except for the strong
perception that these U.S. troops were affected by the Japanese
After this introduction of the third-person effect hypothesis, it has been
tested empirically in numerous settings, such as the persuasive effect of
product commercials and PSAs43, support for censorship on pornogra-
phy44, voting behavior45, negative political advertising46, defamation47,
television shows48, impact on policy makers49, public opinion and policies50,

As above.
A. Gunther, E. Thorson, Perceived persuasive effects of product commercials
and public service announcements: Third-person effects in new domains, “Communi-
cation Research” 1992, no, 19, p. 574–596.
A. Gunther, Overrating the X-rating: The third-person effect and support for
censorship of pornography, “Journal of Communication” 1995, no. 45, p. 21–39.
D. Rucinski and C. Salmon, The “other” as the vulnerable voter: A study of the
third-person effect in 1988 U.S. presidential campaign, “International Journal of Pu-
blic Opinion Research” 1990, no. 2, p. 345–368.
J. Cohen and R. G. Davis, Third-person effects and the differential impact in ne-
gative political advertising, “Journalism Quarterly” 1991, no. 68, p. 680–688.
J. Cohen, D. Mutz, V. Price and A. Gunther, Perceived impact of defamation:
An experiment on third- person effects, “Public Opinion Quarterly” 1998, no. 52,
p. 161–173.
D. L. Lasorsa, Real and perceived effects of “America”, “Journalism Quarterly”
1989, no. 66, p. 373–378.
D. L. Lasorsa, How media affect policy-makers: The third person effect, in: Pu-
blic Opinion, the Press and Public Policy, ed. J. D. Kennamer, Praeger, New York
D. C. Mutz, The influence of perceptions of media influence: Third person
effects and the public expression of opinions, “International Journal of Public Opinion
Research” 1989, no. 1, p. 3–23; D. C. Mutz, The political effects of perceptions of mass
opinion, “Research in Micropolitics” 1994, no. 4, p. 143–167; D. C. Mutz, Reading
Public Opinion: The Influence of news coverage on perceptions of public sentiment,
“Public Opinion Quarterly” 1997, vol. 61, no. 3, p. 431–451; D. C. Mutz, Impersonal
influence: How perceptions of mass collectives affect Political Attitudes, Cambridge
University Press, New York 1998.
120 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

the O. J. Simpson trial51, to mention only a few. Cohen and Davis,52 in par-
ticular, found that the magnitude of third-person effect is more pro-
nounced with negative news, or with perceived negative framing of the
story’s characters.
Neuwirth and Frederick further scrutinized some of the background as-
sumptions in third-person effect studies53, while Perloff (1993, 1999) and
Paul et al. (2000) offered some comprehensive and useful reviews of the
third-person effect literature54.
Of particular interest to this project are the findings by Rucinski and
Salmon, who studied how respondents perceived that harm to “others”
might be caused by certain messages55. These researchers built up on
Davison’s suggestion that when communication is understood as biased or
propagandistic in some way, deservedly or not, the perceived differential
impact on “others” vs. “us” is maximized56.
A by-product of this finding is that people who hold more extreme
views on an issue will think of others as more fallible to “misleading” in-
formation. When such strong ideologues (in the broadest sense of this
term, which certainly includes nationalists) detect that media are framing
their cause in a negative way, this will trigger concern not about their own
beliefs, but about the “vulnerable others” who may be swayed by the “mis-
representation” of reality. In a study by Perloff, highly-involved support-
ers of a cause (Israelis and Palestinians) were found to exaggerate the
magnitude and directional influence of news coverage on a group of “reg-
ular” television viewers, and the resulting reaction was rather hostile57.
Both sides accused media of prejudice, favoritism, bias and lack of fair-

P. D. Driscoll, M. Salwen, Self-perceived knowledge of the O. J. Simpson trial:
Third-person perception and perceptions of guilt, “Journalism and Mass Communica-
tion Quarterly” 1997, no. 74 (3), p. 541–556.
J. Cohen, and R. G. Davis, op. cit.
K. Neuwirth, E. Frederick, Extending the framework of third-, first-, and se-
cond-person effects, “Mass Communication and Society” 2002, no. 5(2), p. 113–140.
See: B. Paul, M. B. Salwen and M. Dupagne, The third-person effect: A me-
ta-analysis of the perceptual hypothesis, “Mass Communication and Society” 2000,
no. 3(1), p. 57–85; R. M. Perloff, Third-person effect research 1983–1992: A review
and synthesis, “International Journal of Public Opinion Research” 1993, no. 5,
p. 167–184; R. M. Perloff, The third-person effect: A critical review and synthesis,
“Media Psychology” 1999, no. 1, p. 353–378.
D. Rucinski and C. Salmon, op. cit.
W. P. Davidson, op. cit.
R. M. Perloff, op. cit.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 121

ness. Quite similar to Perloff’s were findings by Vallone et al.58 In these

studies, mainstream broadcast materials were used as stimuli, which
makes them easily generalizable.
The explanation of such maximizing of the third-person effect given
by Perloff is that respondents attend more closely and react stronger to
schemata-discrepant information in the news59. To put this in terms rele-
vant to this study, viewers who hold stronger nationalist beliefs and there-
fore possess more rigid, unyielding information-processing frames in their
minds, will be disturbed by views in the news that are inconsistent with
their own schemata. Perceiving hostile frames, the highly-involved per-
sons will manifest fear that “incorrect” framing of the news will sway the
undecided, weak, “immature” others.
Little doubt exists today that the third-person effect is a powerful per-
ceptual artifact, which often is not grounded in the reality. It assumes
highly involved audiences who see things in a different way and expect to
behave differently from “others.”
The third-person effect is an important phenomenon as far as profes-
sional journalists are concerned, because one of its most direct manifesta-
tions may be the willingness to impose information restrictions on the
“vulnerable others” – which media decision makers are in the perfect posi-
tion to achieve.


This study presented two methodological challenges. The first one was
the complexity of the problem, which led to some compromises in order to
make the questionnaire and statistical analysis manageable. The second is-
sue related to designing a sampling procedure that would identify and tar-
get only a certain professional elite among Bulgarian journalists, that is,
those who hold the most power in determining media content.
Sample. During the changes of the 1990s, journalists’ organizations
built a membership that was hardly inclusive of all professionals in this
field. Simply put, Bulgarian journalists did not seem likely to join a pro-

R. P. Vallone, L. Ross and M. R. Lepper, The hostile media phenomenon: Bia-
sed perception and perceptions of media bias in coverage of the “Beirut Massacre”,
“Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” 1985, no. 49, p. 577–585.
R. M. Perloff, op. cit.
122 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

fessional organization60. In part, this was a reaction to the times before

1989–1990 when virtually all full-time journalists, as well as writers, po-
ets, artists, actors, musicians had to be members of their respective profes-
sional organizations in order to be allowed to practice their craft61.
Another reason for the Bulgarian journalists’ apparent aversion to pro-
fessional organizations is that news professionals did not find them help-
ful in times of economic and political turmoil62. The fact of the matter is
that a majority of the Bulgarian journalists has not become organized into
any formal group. Journalists in Bulgaria are not required to obtain a li-
cense or registration to practice, so there is no professional roster. There-
fore, editors, producers, reporters, photographers, freelancers and other
media professionals are not listed comprehensively in any publicly avail-
able source.
To tackle this problem, this study conceptualized a sub-population of
Bulgarian journalists, namely, the elite journalists, and sampled them us-
ing a two-step procedure.
First, the author obtained a 1998 publication by a major Bulgarian
news agency, the Who’s Who of Bulgarian Journalism (Sofia Press, 1998).
In the preface, the editors explain their selection. Editors-in-chief of all
Bulgarian media were approached with a request to nominate the most in-
fluential63 editors and reporters on their staff. The resulting list contained
about 400 names of journalists along with short biographical sketches and
home addresses. After a revision, a copy of the journalists’ Who’s Who was
mailed to 10 well-known editors at several news organizations with a re-
quest to update the original list64. In the end, the initial 400 names on the

I. G. Nikoltchev, The post-communist Bulgarian journalist: Transition to demo-
cracy (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland – College Park), “Dissertation
Abstracts International”, 59, no. 10A, (1998): 3683. This is also confirmed by author’s
own experience. During his times as an active journalist (1990–1997), he recalls working
with only a handful of reporters and editors who belonged to a journalistic organization.
Even the process of becoming a journalist was tightly controlled: In order to be
admitted to the Journalism Department at Sofia University, the prospective student had
to be cleared by the regional Communist Party organization.
E. Ognianova, The transitional media system of post-Communist Bulgaria, “Jo-
urnalism Monographs” 1997, no. 162.
Influence was defined as “being the best in the profession” as judged by their pe-
ers (Sofia Press, 1998, p. 7).
The principal consultants for this revision were: Boyko Vassilev, anchor with
the Bulgarian National Television; Dimitri Ivanov, commentator for Sega; Lyudmil
Karavasilev, representative of United Bulgarian Bank and professor at the Department
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 123

list were reduced to 189 (eliminating all retirees, potential retirees, trans-
fers to other occupations, and a number of provincial media professionals).
The second part – adding names – took considerably longer, because
there was less agreement on that issue. The author, who accrued 10 years
of journalistic experience in Bulgaria, had to intervene much more often,
mostly by asking questions about the career prospects of a particular per-
son. After several iterations of the list, an additional 59 names were added,
all of them editors and senior reporters who rose to prominence during
the 1990s.
The resulting list had 248 journalists, who, for all practical intents and
purposes, could be considered the most influential individuals in Bulgar-
ian journalism, above all with respect to the topic of this study65.
The method may not be perfect, but it is far superior to having a conve-
nience sample, as is often the case in studies of foreign journalists66. It is
also much better, in this author’s opinion, than randomly selecting journal-
ists from a proprietary list assembled by unknown parameters67. The larg-
est deficiency of this selection procedure is the undeniable degree of
subjectivity in determining who is an influential journalist in Bulgaria and
who is not. Yet it proved to be the only feasible and methodologically ac-
ceptable way of creating a sampling frame for this study.
Questionnaire. As previously noted, this project was a part of a much
more complex study. All 248 journalists selected as “elite” received the
full study questionnaire, and 133 completed questionnaires68 were re-

of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University; Milen Marchev, edito-

r-in-chief of Sega Magazine and publisher of Metropolis Magazine; Venelina Got-
cheva, editor-in-chief of 24 Hours; Georgi Nedelchev, senior editor with Monitor;
Vassil Zahariev, deputy editor-in-chief of Standard; Lilia Popova, senior reporter with
Sega; Yovo Nikolov of Capital; Iva Petroni, anchor with the Bulgarian National Te-
levision. The major consideration to select this particular people was author’s personal
knowledge of their careers and experience.
That is, the design of this list excluded some quite prominent journalists who de-
alt exclusively with issues of fashion or technology, along with some game show hosts,
whose prominence was by no means relevant to the studied problems.
D. H. Weaver, Journalists around the world: Commonalities and differences,
in: The global journalist: News people around the world, eds. D. H. Weaver and
W. Wu, Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ 1998.
It is also much cheaper – use of proprietary lists of professionals in Bulgaria is
no less expensive as it would be in the United States, about $2 per name.
Another 6 questionnaires were partially filled, which excluded them from the
scope of this study.
124 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

turned, for a response rate of 53.6%. The questionnaires were delivered by

the author and associates to the respective media organizations and col-
lected a few days later (with the exception of several provincial journal-
ists, who received and returned the questionnaires by mail). More than
a few journalists required a repeated request to complete the survey, yet
the pressure was kept to a minimum and participation was entirely volun-
tary, without any incentives.
A Likert scale measuring journalists’ attitudes was constructed follow-
ing Eagly and Chaiken’s recommendations69. All questions were asked in
the context of “self” – that is, what the journalist thinks about the issue, vs.
“others” – conceptualized as other Bulgarians (presumably, non-journalists).
The specific statements used for the Likert scale on language were gen-
erated from the literature and subjected to a pre-test with 87 students in
two Bulgarian universities. The pretest eliminated items with low item-total
score correlations. The resulting reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s al-
pha) for the remaining 10 items on the Likert scale was found to be .72
during the pre-test, which was deemed appropriate for use in the actual
To test for the third-person effect, Bulgarian journalists were asked
to compare themselves as a group to two other groups. The situation, as
presented, located the journalists and the said two groups of “others” in
Macedonia, as explained below.
The first set of “others” was labeled “foreign observers.” This term
gained widespread use in Bulgarian media in the 1990s, starting with the
foreign observers who arrived for the first democratic elections in June
1990s. It was mostly used after that to label scores of Westerners and
non-Westerners who were monitoring the situation in former Yugoslavia
during the 1991–1995 civil wars. By the early 2000s, Macedonia hosted
some 5,000 such foreign observers at all times70, and the very term was an
acceptable shortcut in Bulgarian media for a non-military representative
who had arrived to monitor a dangerous situation on behalf of a major in-
ternational organization (e.g., the United Nations, European Union,
NATO, or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe).
The second set of “others” was conceptualized as Bulgarian tourists
vacationing in Macedonia, which is a common occurrence, especially in

A. H. Eagly and S. Chaiken, The psychology of attitudes, Harcourt Brace Jova-
novich, New York 1993, p. 51–55 and p. 64–72.
J. Phillips, op. cit.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 125

the cities of Ohrid (on the eponymous lake), Prespa and Struga71, and in
the capital of Skopje.
None of the situations is out of question, even though an element of ar-
tificiality exists in this as in most other third-person effect studies72.
Methodological limitations. This study has two obvious limitations.
The first one is related to the relatively small sample size and the
non-random sampling procedures, which may have introduced biases in
the sample selection or obscured some valid inferences. Yet obtaining lim-
ited data is better than no data at all – and given the dearth of research on
Bulgarian journalists (Nikoltchev’s 1998 project was the only serious at-
tempt in the area during the 1990s), this study should be viewed as a pre-
liminary exploration of a potentially very interesting subject.
The second limitation refers to the development of the instrument of
this study. Again, to this author’s knowledge, no researcher in Bulgaria
has ever attempted to quantify attitudes toward Macedonia, with the ex-
ception of the occasional question or two included in other polls. The ex-
ploratory nature of the study makes some mistakes inevitable on such
a complex topic. Only subsequent systematic research can lead to the full
validation of sampling approaches, questions and findings presented here.
Research questions and hypotheses. Two overall research questions
were posited for this study:
RQ1: What is the attitude of elite Bulgarian journalists on the issue of
Macedonian language, defined as whether Macedonian language is
a mere dialect of Bulgarian or a separate language?
RQ2: What do elite Bulgarian journalists think is the average attitude of
the rest of Bulgarians (non-journalists) on the same issue?
Two hypotheses were formulated as well to test for the third-person ef-
fect on the issue of Macedonian language:
H1: On the issue of Macedonian language, Bulgarian journalists would
consider themselves to be less likely to undergo an attitude change un-
der the influence of Macedonian media when compared with other
Bulgarians (non-journalists).

Ohrid, Struga, Prespa are names tightly related to Bulgarian history, as Ohrid
was the capital of King Samuil, claimed today by both Bulgarians and Macedonians as
the leader who ruled during a ‘golden age’ of his kingdom. Both sides are calling it, re-
spectively, Great Bulgaria or Great Macedonia.
R. M. Perloff, Ego-involvement, op. cit.
126 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

H2: On the issue of Macedonian language, Bulgarian journalists would

consider themselves to be less likely to undergo an attitude change un-
der the influence of Macedonian media when compared with fore-
igners (foreign observers).


The Likert scale designed to measure the attitude toward Macedonian lan-
guage comprised 10 statements selected during the pre-test, each item coded
on a five-point scale, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree,” with
a midpoint of “undecided/cannot tell.” Some of the items had reverse coding
to forestall any design artifacts in the questionnaire, which was re-coded dur-
ing analysis. Overall, results closer to 1 mean higher agreement with the gen-
eral statement that Macedonia’s language is a mere dialect of Bulgarian, and
results closer to 5 mean stronger disagreement with this position.
The first task of this research was to address any potential reliability is-
sues, so Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for both Likert scale sets (jour-
nalists rating themselves and journalist rating other Bulgarians). The first
alpha came out as .75 and the second was .71, which affirmed the stability
of the scale from the pretest phase.
The next step was to produce a summated rating, or an index, using the
Likert scale items. On the set of questions referring to journalist’s judg-
ment of their own attitude toward Macedonian language’s nature and ori-
gin, the mean was 1.51, with a SD = .81, SE mean = .70 and n = 133. This
is a strong indicator that elite Bulgarian journalists were very much in
agreement with the position that Macedonian language is a dialect of Bul-
garian, and not an independently-developed language. Journalists evaluated
the rest of Bulgarians with a mean score of 1.64 (SD = .68, SE mean = .57,
n = 133).
The overall difference between these means was not significant, which
is indicative that Bulgarian journalists consider themselves to be of the
same mind on the issue of language as their average Bulgarian counter-
parts (again, this is what journalists think). A strong predisposition toward
non-acceptance of the Macedonian language is apparent from this survey.
For instance, despite the presence of a midpoint on the questionnaire, only
about 2.2% of answers on all 20 items (10+10) fell into this category. This
hints at established preferences among respondents, who obviously dis-
played little hesitation on the subject.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 127

Third-person effect. The section of the questionnaire devoted to the

third-person effect asked respondents (Bulgarian journalists) to answer
how much Macedonian media might influence their own opinions about
the nature and origin of Macedonian language. The two reference groups
of “others” in this case were “Bulgarian tourists” and “foreign observers,”
all hypothetically sharing the same hotel with the journalists.
The self-reported assessment of respondents’ knowledge of Macedo-
nian media showed some inconclusiveness, averaging 5.03 on the
10-point scale (SD = 2.47, SE mean = .22), where 1 meant “absolutely no
knowledge” and 10 – “extremely knowledgeable.” This is not very sur-
prising, because Macedonia does not boast particularly influential media
and Macedonian newspapers, although not completely unavailable, are
generally rare in Bulgaria. It also likely means that journalists based their
judgment of media influence mostly on assumptions, that is, on precon-
ceived notions rather than on solid observations.
Judging themselves on a 10-point scale, with 0 meaning “no influence
at all” to 10 meaning “extremely strong influence” (of Macedonian media),
journalists yielded a predictably low mean of 2.06 (n = 133, SD = 1.54,
SE mean = .13). Obviously, the respondents saw very little chance that
anything they view or read in Macedonian media may change their estab-
lished viewpoint that Macedonia’s language is a dialect of Bulgarian and
not a separate language.
The hypothetical visiting Bulgarian group (tourists), as perceived by
the journalists, was estimated to average 2.49 (n = 133, SD = 1.69,
SE mean = .15). A paired-samples t-test was used to compare what respon-
dents thought of their own likelihood of attitude change vs. the chance of
such a change among the Bulgarian tourists residing in the same hypothet-
ical hotel and subjected to the same presumed media influences. The
paired difference was deemed to be significant at the (p < .005, t = –2. 92,
df = 132), thus rejecting the null hypothesis.
This finding confirmed the presence of a third-person effect as it
concerns the perceived stronger influence of Macedonian media on Bulgar-
ian tourists (“the others”) compared with a group of elite Bulgarian journal-
ists (“us”). In other words, elite Bulgarian journalists perceived their
compatriots as more likely to be swayed by Macedonian media on the issue
whether Macedonian language is a separate language (as is the official posi-
tion of Macedonia) rather than the Bulgarian dogma that it is a dialect.
When the group of “others” was conceptualized as “foreign observers,”
the results were even more uniformly supportive of the third-person
128 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

effect. On the language issue, “foreigners” were rated with an average of

5.52 on the 10-point scale (n = 132, SD = 2.37, SE mean = .21). This lead
to a significant difference with what journalists considered to be the likeli-
hood of changing their own attitudes (p < .001, t = –14.24, df = 131).
This in itself presented definitive evidence in favor of the third-person
effect when Bulgarian journalists are comparing the influence of Macedo-
nian media on themselves and foreigners. Unlike the previous case, how-
ever, when the “others” were conceptualized as visiting non-journalist
compatriots, in this case respondents clearly considered foreigners to be
more susceptible to media influence. Such findings support the notion that
a stronger third-person effect is present in comparisons with foreigners,
which is consistent with research such as Perloff73, among others.
Another questions probed whether personal contacts with Macedo-
nians may lead to a re-evaluation of respondent’s position on the language
issue. It yielded a mean of 4.07 on the five-point scale, with 5 indicating
“strong disagreement” (SD = .98, SE mean = .08, n = 135). This shows the
unwillingness of sampled elite journalists to yield to any other opinion,
even when it is expressed to them in person, and not mediated by mass


The fact that elite journalists in Bulgaria believe they are sharing atti-
tudes presumed to be common in Bulgaria is not surprising at all and does
not carry automatically negative connotations. Media professionals’ seeming
unwillingness to accept any other point of view, at least on the issue of lin-
guistic identity of Macedonia, is a bit more troubling, though. After all,
even if one accepts that Macedonian language was created artificially, it be-
comes apparent to anyone who has ever traveled to Macedonia that most lo-
cals insist on their distinctiveness from Bulgarians. Why Bulgaria’s most
influential journalists are unwilling to put history behind and accept this re-
ality is an issue that merits further investigation. Journalists by definition are
supposed to present the world as it is, not as they wish it to be74. In this
sense, the findings of the present study are somewhat disheartening.

Perloff, Ego-involvement, op. cit.
B. Kovach, T. Rosenstiel, The elements of journalism: What newspeople should
know and the public should expect, Crown, New York 2001.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 129

It is hardly a surprise, too, that Bulgarian journalists will see their own
compatriots as more difficult to sway on Macedonia-related issues than
some possibly “clueless” foreigners. Bulgarians growing in their own
country are presumed to share the same culture, not the least stemming
from textbooks, media, collective mythology, and so on. The surprise
came with the finding that elite Bulgarian journalists clearly do not trust
Bulgarian visitors (tourists) to remain “unspoiled” by Macedonian media
on the language issue. It is an unexpected result, because Bulgarian jour-
nalists’ opinion of what other Bulgarians think on the language issue also
did not promise such a development (there was no significant difference
between the two variables). It is clearly a matter for further study why
journalists view themselves as more “resistant” than their compatriots.
The evidence of a strong third-person effect when the “others” are as-
sumed to be foreigners is logical and has been repeatedly confirmed in
studies75. Bulgarians have long perceived themselves to be victims of the
foreign Great Powers in losing Macedonia76. The underlying assumption
is that foreigners (particularly Westerners) are “against Bulgaria” or at
least care more about furthering their own national agenda than upholding
historical justice in the Balkans. This probably accounts for the belief
among the respondents that non-Bulgarians, if not a priori hostile, at the
very least will have no vested interest in the Bulgarian cause and will fall
prey to whoever advises them.
Patronizing attitudes toward Macedonia among Bulgaria’s media pro-
fessionals are not a mere matter of scholarly interest. A renowned Bulgar-
ian journalist, Albena Shkodrova, explains the mechanisms which Bulgaria,
as a larger and economically and militarily stronger country may use to
bully its smaller neighbor77. Shkodrova discusses in particular the “lure of
the Bulgarian passport”78, which unlike its Macedonian counterpart opens
the doors to virtually the entire world without the need for a visa (the
United States, however, are a notable exception to visa-free travel for Bul-
garians). Higher levels of economic prosperity in Bulgaria – especially af-
ter the entry into the European Union in 2007 – made it appealing to

R. M. Perloff, Ego-involvement, op. cit.
R. J. Crampton, A short history, op. cit.
A. Shkodrova, Macedonia: Bulgaria’s warm embrace, in: Balkan Crisis Report
No. 537 by Institute for War and Peace Reporting [Online], Accessed Jan. 21, 2005
from: http://iwpr.net.
As above, p. 5.
130 Christopher D. Karadjov SP 1 ’10

Macedonians, whose own economy has been stalled by years of war and
Bulgarian government has instituted a relatively easy way for Macedo-
nians to “reclaim” their Bulgarian identity, which includes full stipends
for students wishing to study in Bulgaria80 and granting of Bulgarian citi-
zenship based on a simple “affidavit of origin”81. Under pressure from the
European Union, the passport procedures have been somewhat tightened,
requiring more documents to verify a Bulgarian identity, but it is still an
easy way to achieve “cross-border mobility at the expense of a changed
national identity”82.
The big question is can Bulgarian media become complicit should such
an “identity shift” be initiated by any future Bulgarian government? After
all, as Giorgi (1995) noted for Eastern Europe as a whole, and Daynov83,
Ognianova84 and Raycheva85 for Bulgaria in particular, during times of
transition media are more influential in providing bearings to the popu-
lace. In this context, any biases of journalists may become important and
even crucial in shaping public attitudes and enabling policy decisions.
In the light of this study’s findings, the next reasonable step would be
to conduct a full-scale content analysis of Bulgarian media and make in-
ferences about the actual effects of Bulgarian journalists’ attitudes toward
Macedonian language. Other aspects of attitudes toward Macedonia must
be investigated as well.


Wiele narodów ma swoje obsesje, mity i d³ugofalowe ambicje. Marzenie Bu³garii

nazywa siê Macedonia. Jest ono na tyle silne, ¿e w ci¹gu XIX i XX w. wci¹gnê³o

As above; J. Phillips, op. cit.
A. Shkodrova, op. cit.
Sega, Bitkata za Balgarskija pasport [The fight for the Bulgarian passport], Ac-
cessed May 14, 2005, from www.segabg.com.
As above.
E. Daynov, Diskursat na mediite i prehodat v Bulgaria [Media discourse and
Bulgarian transition], “Chetvarta vlast” [Fourth power] 1997, no. 1, p. 16–19 (A quar-
terly publication of Free Speech Forum, Sofia).
E. Ognianova, op. cit.
L. Raycheva, Bulgarian mass media in transition (1988–1994), Paper presented
to the International Association for Mass Communication Research conference, Porto-
rozh, Slovenia, June 27–30, 1995.
SP 1 ’10 Whose language? Exploring the attitudes of Bulgaria’s... 131

Bu³gariê w kilka konfliktów zbrojnych. Bu³garia od dawna uwa¿a Macedoniê za na-

le¿¹c¹ do jej ziem, jêzyka i ludnoœci, ale niewiele zwojowa³a w otwartych starciach.
Nigdy w pe³ni nie zrealizowa³a swoich roszczeñ do ziem Macedonii. Z kolei jêzyk,
ludnoœæ i to¿samoœæ Macedonii nigdy nie zosta³y ostatecznie uznane za bu³garskie.
Bu³garski rz¹d ustanowi³ stosunkowo ³atw¹ metodê umo¿liwiaj¹c¹ Macedoñczykom
„odzyskanie” ich bu³garskiej to¿samoœci, obejmuj¹c¹ stypendia dla studentów chc¹cych
studiowaæ w Bu³garii i nadawanie obywatelstwa bu³garskiego w oparciu jedynie
o „oœwiadczenie o pochodzeniu”. Pod naciskiem Unii Europejskiej procedury pasz-
portowe nieco zaostrzono wymagaj¹c wiêkszej liczby dokumentów pozwalaj¹cych
zweryfikowaæ to¿samoœæ bu³garsk¹, niemniej osi¹gniêcie „mobilnoœci przekraczania
granicy” kosztem zmiany to¿samoœci narodowej jest nadal ³atwe. Powa¿n¹ kwesti¹
jest czy bu³garskie media mog¹ zostaæ zamieszane w te kwestie w przypadku gdyby
taka „zmiana to¿samoœci” zosta³a zainicjowana przez przysz³y rz¹d bu³garski?

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