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Burtonsville Community Legacy Plan Summary: Montgomery County, Maryland

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Burtonsville Community

Legacy Plan Summary

Montgomery County, Maryland

Prepared by:
Department of Housing and Community Affairs Basile Baumann Prost Cole & Associates, Inc. Rhodeside & Harwell
Division of Community Development 177 Defense Highway, Suite 10 320 King Street, Suite 202
Montgomery County Government
Annapolis, MD 21401 Alexandria, VA 22314
100 Maryland Ave., 4th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
October 2008
Introduction Implementation Burtonsville Community Legacy Plan
Overview and Purpose
Recommendations and Timeframe
Montgomery County’s Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) retained the consulting team of Basile Baumann Prost Elements of Short-Term Recommendations
Cole and Associates, Inc. (BBPC) (lead) and Rhodeside and Harwell, Inc. (RHI) (Sub-consultant) to develop the Burtonsville Community 1. Design of public and private space
Legacy Plan. The Community Legacy Plan is intended to jump-start revitalization efforts in Burtonsville by establishing an implementable
framework for these efforts. a. Streetscape enhancement 1-5 years
A strong plan meets community goals, offers practical b. Façade enhancements 1-5 years
As a result of numerous master planning efforts over the last ten years, Burtonsville residents are eager to see positive changes in their
and specific implementation strategies, and provides c. Community greenspace 2-5 years
community. The Community Legacy Plan serves as a blueprint for undertaking future efforts to revitalize and enhance the Burtonsville
potential for the realization of broad-based benefits to
Commercial District in accordance with community identified goals. d. Greenways, Bicycle & Pedestrian Linkages continuous
the community. The Burtonsville Community Legacy
Plan’s implementation program assumes the e. Community Signage 2-5 years
Community Legacy Program partnership of public implementation entities and
community members, including private property and f. Directional Signage on highways 1-5 years
The Community Legacy Program is administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. The Program
provides funding for local economic development activities that stimulate reinvestment and strengthen neighborhoods throughout business owners. 2. Transportation and parking
Maryland. Funding is received through grants and/or loans. In order for the Burtonsville community to be eligible for funds from the Several themes remain constant throughout the a. Burtonsville Access Road, traffic signal 1-5 years
Community Legacy Program, a comprehensive revitalization plan must be developed. implementation program. These include: b. Parking lot design north of MD Route 198 2-5 years
Public Participation c. MD Route 198 improvements 1-5 years
• A focus on improvements to image, character, and
cohesiveness of design to realize a vibrant Village d. Walkways and Bikeways 2-5 years
The Burtonsville Community Legacy Plan is grounded in public participation. It is, by nature, a community driven document. A series of
Center 3. Art and culture
public workshops were held to fully capture the community’s vision.
• Inclusion of green features (including green/low- a. Gateway improvements east 2-5 years
Initial Stakeholder Meetings: Initial meetings were held to gather information from the state and county government stakeholders to impact design, recreational spaces, and new
understand the issues that face Burtonsville from a regulatory perspective. vegetation as part of streetscape creation and b. Gateway improvements west 2-5 years
design) 4. Social aspects
Community Based Workshops: Two public workshops were held to elicit community stakeholder input regarding community legacy • Promotion of new employment opportunities in the
area strengths, weaknesses and obstacles to investments and goals, objectives and visions for revitalization. The first workshop was held a. Village green property acquisition 2-5 years
Burtonsville employment center to the east of US
during lunch hours and was aimed at business owners, and the second was held later in the evening to cater to residents’ availability. Route 29 through incentives for new construction 5. Environmental sustainability
Together these meetings had approximately 48 community attendees. of commercial facilities in this area a. Stormwater management 1-5 years
• Establishment of conditions that will support the
Community Based Charrette: Developed from stakeholder input, addition of new home-ownership opportunities in b. Inclusion of green & low-impact features 2-5 years
scenarios for revitalization were presented to the public in a three-hour the long-term consistent with maintaining the c. Landscaping improvements 2-5 years
Charrette. Community members were asked to provide their input on character and scale of the area.
each scenario by identifying what they liked and did not like. 6. Economic development
Approximately 49 community members attended the Charrette. Implementation elements have been divided into two a. Analysis of redevelopment potential 1-5 years
broad timeframes: 1) the short-term (e.g. within 5
Presentation of the Plan: The Community Legacy Plan was years) and 2) the long-term (e.g. within 10 years). b. Outreach to new & existing businesses 1-5 years
presented to the community in a final public meeting. This meeting 7. Housing
provided stakeholders an opportunity to review the revitalization efforts The following table provides a summary of the
identified in the Plan. a. Encouragement of homeownership 1-5 years
suggested short- and long-term recommendations:
b. Prevention of foreclosures 1-2 years
An implementable revitalization plan which specifically identifies
projects to enhance business activities and homeownership begins Elements of Long-Term Recommendations
with identifying both the underlying community strengths and the 1. Encourage appropriate housing 6-10 years
challenges to the stability and safety of the community. Burtonsville is
a community which values its pastoral recreational spaces and rural 2. Revitalization south of MD Route 198 6-10 years
history; however, certain elements, such as high traffic speeds, 3. Continued application of green standards 6-10 years
threaten this image. With the help of local residents and business 4. Continued expansion of employment center 6-10 years
Community members provided input at a three-hour charrette. owners through public workshops, an exhaustive list of the assets and
issues in Burtonsville was produced. The following section identifies 5. Community linkages 6-10 years
the fundamental assets and issues of the Burtonsville Community.

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• Encourage homeownership by promoting programs to assist renters in becoming
financially prepared to purchase a home in Montgomery County.
• Encourage construction of “move up” housing to retain residents within the community
and to maintain a healthy range of socio-economic demographics.
• Participate in Foreclosure Prevention programs. Community Legacy Area
Burtonsville offers a broad variety of ages,
styles and types of housing.

Long-Term Recommendations (6-10 years) Situated in southeastern Montgomery County near the Patuxent River, the Burtonsville Community Legacy Area is home to a unique
commercial crossroads that was once the center of a rural community. Today, the commercial crossroads at MD Route 198 and US Route
Short-term improvements set the stage for additional improvements and expanded opportunities for employment and homeownership in 29 still serves the needs of the local community, although recent and planned changes have prompted questions about the area’s future
the long-term timeframe of 6 to 10 years. Comprehensive enhancements including those related to design, transportation and parking, economic viability.
environmental sustainability, economic factors, and homeownership opportunities promote long-term vitality.
Design of the public and private space: In 2005, US Route 29 was realigned, and a loss of north-south pass-through traffic put pressure on selected businesses. The potential
• Continue streetscape enhancements along MD Route 198 not previously covered in the first five years widening of MD Route 198, which is currently under consideration, could without mitigating changes further reduce access to
• Facilitate redevelopment opportunities and façade improvements to properties fronting on the south side of MD Route 198 between businesses. Finally, the relocation of the Dutch Country Farmer’s Market, a local landmark and destination for regional visitors, has created a
the southbound ramp to US Route 29 and Old Columbia Pike need for action to ensure residents and visitors will continue to patronize businesses within the Burtonsville commercial core. Local residents
have also expressed desire to see enhancements to the Burtonsville commercial crossroads, and have voiced interest in a more cohesive,
Transportation and parking: visually appealing area – specifically, a Village Center.
• Construct a new village scale street to the rear of the commercial area south of MD Route 198 along Tolsen Place. The design of
the new street should be similar to that of the Burtonsville Access Road. The new street would improve enhanced access for local To understand characteristics of households and firms in the 5.5 square mile Burtonsville Community Legacy Area (CLA), BBPC performed a
traffic to commercial businesses in the area. demographic and economic review. The Community Legacy Area (CLA) has a 2008 population of 26,589. Median household income in the
• Explore additional parking strategies to accommodate new development. These strategies may range from shared parking to a CLA was $78,079 in 2008. In comparison, the Area Median Income (AMI) for Montgomery County, as defined by the Department of Housing
parking structure. and Urban Development (HUD) was higher at $99,000 in 2008. The percent of total households in the CLA earning incomes below $100,000
Environmental sustainability: per year is expected to decline over the next five years, while the percent above $100,000 per year is expected to increase. The Burtonsville
• Encourage the use of green and low-impact design features in the design of new buildings and public spaces. CLA contains a significant amount of housing, with approximately 2,400 out of a total of approximately 5,200 acres devoted to residential
use. However, housing is generally not co-located with employment in the CLA, though County leadership supports the co-location of
• Provide landscaping treatment at gateways, along pedestrian thoroughfares, and within community gathering space
housing and jobs Countywide.
• Enhance landscaping on the road sides and in the median and install flowering plants on the bridge slope with an emphasis on the
use of low-maintenance, native species (see illustrations)
Commercial uses in the CLA are focused around MD Route 198 and US Route 29, and consist of a mix of retail, office, and industrial
• Protect and preserve the Patuxent Watershed.
space. Neighborhood-serving retail uses dominate this mix, and benefit from proximity to the residential neighborhoods situated in the CLA
Economic development: as well as access to nearby thoroughfares. Residential uses dominate developed areas within the CLA, and include a mix of high-density,
• Support the preservation of small businesses in Burtonsville. medium-density, and low-density housing. High densities are congregated on the southeast side of MD Route 198 away from the Patuxent
• Support the assemblage of smaller properties to facilitate a comprehensive redevelopment of the commercial area along MD Route River Watershed. Open spaces are also prevalent surrounding the CLA, and primarily include evergreen forest, deciduous forest, mixed
198. A comprehensive redevelopment may require the demolition of the existing structures. forest, and brush.
• Encourage opportunities for new businesses and commercial development, and expansion of the Burtonsville employment center
with new buildings and associated employment The Burtonsville commercial district was recently evaluated as part of the 2007 Burtonsville Market Study and Consumer
Shopping Survey. The Market Study identified a total of 320,000 commercial square feet, including two shopping centers and
Housing: a cluster of neighborhood shops along MD Route 198. Burtonsville Shopping Center, currently 49,400 square feet, has plans
• Recommend consideration of mixed use development in the Burtonsville Village Center. Housing is permitted in the current C-2 to demolish the existing center and redevelop it with a 130,000 square foot center including out-parcels. The Burtonsville
zone by special exception and is specifically recommended along the Burtonsville Access Road that wraps around the village center Crossing Shopping Center currently has a grocery store anchor tenant and a range of neighborhood retailers.
greenspace. These units would be appealing to young professionals, independent seniors and those interested in home-based
occupations near an established commercial node.
• Encourage and maintain a wide choice of housing types and neighborhoods for people of all incomes, ages, lifestyles, and physical
capabilities at appropriate densities and locations within the Community Legacy Area.
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Short-term Recommendations (1-5 years)
Design of the public and private space:
• Enhance streetscape along MD Route 198 and the former Columbia Pike to include street furniture such as benches and bike racks,
landscaping, sidewalks, signage, banners and lighting.
• Provide façade enhancements to existing buildings along MD Route 198.
• Develop a new village green between the proposed Burtonsville Access Road and Burtonsville Elementary School. This
improvement will contribute to creation of the Village Center sense of place.
• Improve landscaping treatments at key gateways, along pedestrian paths, vehicular thoroughfares, and within the village green.
• Identify opportunities to create greenways to link the commercial area and residential area to the natural environment.
• Improve community signage including wayfinding and business signage.
• Improve directional signage to Burtonsville Village Center along US Route 29 and MD Route 198.
Transportation and parking:
• Support construction of the master planned Burtonsville Access Road as previously designed to the rear of businesses to the north
of MD Route 198, beginning at the School Access Road, wrapping around the planned community green space, and continuing up
to the western entrance to the proposed Burtonsville Town Square shopping center on MD Route 198. Negotiate with the State
Highway Administration regarding a traffic signal at the intersection of the new Burtonsville Access Road and MD Route 198.
• Reconfigure parking in the commercial area north of MD Route 198. The majority of the parking should be located to the rear of the
existing structures, reserving one parking row along MD Route 198. This reconfiguration provides the opportunity to introduce
improved pedestrian walkways and prepares for the proposed widening of MD Route 198.
• Construct bicycle and pedestrian linkages that connect existing commercial and residential areas, and introduce enhanced
pedestrian crossings.
• Recommend that the MD Route 198 roadway improvements in Burtonsville continue to be identified as a high priority for
Montgomery County Government to the State of Maryland.
Art and culture:
• Construct gateway improvements on both sides of the US Route 29 bridge, including public art features.
• Construct complementary gateway/public art at MD Route 198 and Burtonsville Access Road.
Social aspects:
• Acquisition of property between the proposed Burtonsville Access Road and Burtonsville Elementary School for creation of a new
village green for community gathering that may be used for special events, including a country market.
Environmental sustainability:
• Include green and low-impact design features within the proposed village green, at gateways, along pedestrian thoroughfares and in
infrastructure improvements.
• Enhance landscaping on the road sides and in the median, and install flowering plants on the bridge slope with an increased use of
low-maintenance, native species (see illustration below)
• Encourage residential, commercial and private institutional property owners to improve stormwater runoff conditions on their
property by using more natural drainage design techniques, including those supported through the Rainscapes Rewards rebate
program of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection.
Economic development:
• Provide funding to conduct an analysis of the redevelopment potential of properties to the north of MD Route 198 consistent with the
protection of the Patuxent Watershed. The analysis should include an assessment of the current building condition useful life and
provide options for redevelopment. In addition, the analysis should include an estimate of costs associated with potential
redevelopment and revenue loss during construction.
• Provide funding for a market study to explore the demand for development of the Burtonsville employment center including the
types of tenants this area would attract. This would be distinct from and complimentary to the commercially-focused Burtonsville
Market Study completed in 2007.
3 • Outreach to new and existing businesses. 8
Legacy Plan
Assets & Issues
The Burtonsville Community Legacy Plan is comprised of a series of short- and long-term recommendations grouped in element areas.
These recommendations promote a revitalized commercial district, improved linkages to the surrounding residential neighborhoods, and
an enhanced sense of community. The Community Legacy Plan is distinctively different from a Master Plan, in that no land use or zoning Assets are the building blocks upon which community development is based. Many Burtonsville stakeholders identified similar views as to
changes are included in the former document; rather, the Community Legacy Plan offers a clear path for future public and private the underlying strengths of the community.
investment with a prioritized list of recommendations.
Country Nostalgia and Convenience: A formerly rural wedge just outside the
Public and private stakeholder input inspired the vision for the Community Legacy Plan. Over the course of the study, numerous Washington DC Beltway, Burtonsville maintains a small town character by
discussions were held with Montgomery County and State of Maryland officials and staff members, property and business owners, and encouraging low density residential development and loyal patronage to “mom
the residents. During these meetings, the shared desire emerged for a cohesive and revitalized Village Center in the Burtonsville and pop” stores. Residents’ daily needs are met within the community.
commercial area, a community gathering place and pedestrian- friendly and well-connected neighborhoods.
The vision is that Burtonsville Local Businesses: Buying from your neighbor generates pride and local
will be a healthy, sustainable community with an integral sense of place and identity, economic stability. Burtonsville residents celebrate the reward associated from
good connectivity and safe access to a strong vibrant commercial center. “buying from your neighbor”. Several local shops characterize the commercial
corridor, such as lawn mower repair, restaurants, hardware and auto repair.
From this vision, the BBPC Project Team delineated a Community Legacy Plan that builds upon the area’s current assets and provides
practical, achievable recommendations to facilitate revitalization. The Community Legacy Plan contains short-term and long-term Green Spaces: A natural barrier to urban development, the Patuxent River
recommendations. Watershed provides open areas for recreation and lends scenic character to
Burtonsville. The Fairland Recreational Park, Tanglewood Neighborhood Park
• Short-term (1-5 years) and the Fairdale Road Neighborhood Conservation Area are a few examples of
• Long-term (6-10 years) open spaces for recreation in the CLA. A lawnmower repair shop captures the small town
Elements Access to Major Employment Centers: Situated between Washington DC and community character of Burtonsville.
Baltimore, Burtonsville residents have easy automobile access to both these
The short-term and long-term recommendations are further organized in seven element areas. Community revitalization and the cities by way of MD Route 198 and US Route 29, and to suburban employment nodes throughout Montgomery County. Additionally, a
emergence of a Village Center require comprehensive action. The elements of the Community Legacy Plan address the many factors 500-space Park-N-Ride lot connects commuters to seven bus routes.
that impact revitalization, connection to the residential community and economic vitality. These elements include:
• Design of the public and private space: streetscape, building facades, landscape treatment, and signage Effective Public Facilities: The Marilyn J. Praisner Branch Library (formerly the Fairland
• Transportation and parking: bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular access, and parking for public and private uses Library), the Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center (formerly the Fairland
• Art and culture: public art at commercial area gateways Community Recreation Center) and the Burtonsville Elementary School help to provide places
• Social: community gathering space that can provide an increased sense of place, an enhanced community identity and venues for to meet neighbors and instill a strong sense of community.
special events Plant Nurseries: Several plant nurseries currently serve as unintentional gateways into the
• Environmental sustainability: green and low-impact design features, green spaces, and landscaping Burtonsville commercial area. These retailers bring colorful flowering plants and shaded
• Economic development: promotion of new stores and restaurants, and flex/industrial spaces with associated employment parking lots that contribute to the overall bucolic atmosphere, though many are solely “for the
opportunities trade” and not open to residents.
• Housing: a variety of housing options at appropriate densities in the Community Legacy area.
Implementation of the Community Legacy Plan requires commitment from all community stakeholders including public entities such as Strong Residential Areas: Community pride and high involvement in community initiatives
the County and State and the private sector such as property owners, business owners, and most importantly the community itself. characterize the residents of Burtonsville. Shown through support of local businesses and
enthusiasm for public services such as the library and schools, the residents value each other
Short-Term Recommendations and support initiatives which promote the general welfare of the community.

Enhancements to the Burtonsville commercial area, including improved linkages to residential neighborhoods are recommended for Diversity in Housing: Communities that have a range of housing choices are able to increase
implementation in the next five years. These enhancements promote a revitalized Village Center with a vibrant mix of shopping, dining, the diversity of the population. Apartments, townhomes and single family homes characterize
and service options with better connectivity to local neighborhoods. the variety of housing types within the Burtonsville area. Burtonsville offers both affordable
To keep elementary students and
housing options and market rate homes which enable people moving to the community to find
Architectural façade treatments; streetscape, landscape, and parking improvements; transportation investments; new gateway areas; parents safe, Burtonsville residents the “right fit”. More diversity within the population brings retail choices for residents.
bicycle and pedestrian connections; and the creation of a community gathering space and focal point are recommended to improve the joined together to bring a stop light to
image and economic viability of the existing commercial base. These enhancements set the stage in the long-term for future employment the road leading to the elementary
opportunities and enhance synergy between the community’s residential and business centers.

7 4
Situated in one of the fastest growing counties in the region, Burtonsville has felt growth pressures. In turn, issues have developed that Lack of Design Continuity: A lack of consistency among building
could compromise the rural community character of Burtonsville. facades, signage, and landscaping treatment result in a lack of cohesive
design character in the commercial area. Additionally, without cohesive
Poor Access to Local Businesses signage and design, visitors have a difficult time navigating the shopping
The rerouting of US Route 29 put future retail opportunities for Burtonsville business owners in jeopardy. Thus, maintaining access to environment.
local businesses is crucial for retaining the current customer base. Current traffic conditions along
MD Route 198 make it difficult for shoppers to make left turns into and out of the businesses. Scarcity of Choices in Retail: Residents suggested that they desire a
Accidents on this thoroughfare can reduce retail opportunity in the commercial corridor. Enhancing broader variety of retail choices within Burtonsville. For example, a second
access to local businesses along MD Route 198 would decrease the outflow of retail sales and grocery store was mentioned as a desired additional retail use.
benefit the community as a whole.
Regional Retail Projects Nearby: New retail developments to the north
High Volume and Speed of Traffic (Maple Lawn) and southeast (Konterra), both of which are less than 5 miles
Especially during rush hour, the high volume and high speed of traffic within Burtonsville endangers (less than a 10-minute drive) from Burtonsville, are quickly increasing the
the safety of visitors and residents alike along Burtonsville’s main corridors. Specifically, the current competition to the existing stores and causing a limitation to the amount
uses along MD Route 198 support auto-oriented activities and cater to people in cars. and type of retail supply Burtonsville can support.
Tangled powerlines, lack of sidewalks, large and visible parking lots,
State Highway Administration (SHA) Realignment: The SHA anticipates that Spencerville Road, inconsistent façade designs, misplaced signage and the absence of
MD Route 198, will be realigned. Current SHA plans include a potential widening and elimination of landscaping characterize the Burtonsville Commercial core.
access points to the shops and businesses that presently front on the north and south side of MD
Route 198. Business owners are concerned that the realignment will result in loss of customers.
Inadequate and Unsightly Infrastructure
Infrastructure for pedestrians is limited in the Burtonsville Community Legacy Area. Sidewalks are
disconnected, and many intersections lack pedestrian signals. Where sidewalks exist, they are
Walking in the commercial area is inadequate for meeting the safety needs of the pedestrian. Often, the sidewalk is narrow and
dangerous due to a lack of without a buffer from the busy street. Cluttered overhead powerlines, lack of landscaping and
sidewalks, random business signage, and poor drainage create an unsightly appearance.
entrances and high speeds.
Limitations on Redevelopment: Redevelopment
of the Burtonsville commercial area is challenging because the parcels in the developable
area are small and shallow. Constraints to redevelopment are described in greater detail
in Appendix A.
Old US Route 29: Now that pass-through traffic has been taken off the Old Columbia
Pike (the former US Route 29), residents now report this roadway offers excess capacity
and serves as a barrier between the major shopping centers in Burtonsville: the
Burtonsville Shopping Center and the Burtonsville Crossing Shopping Center. Residents
indicated that the Old Columbia Pike right-of-way should be used in a more productive
Lack of a Community Gathering Spot
Without a public place to gather, Burtonsville residents are finding it difficult to interact
with and meet their neighbors. The most common places for residents to gather are at
Rita’s restaurant outdoor seating area and the Starbucks.
Relocation of Dutch Country Market: The Dutch Country Market served as a regional
destination and became integral to the cultural, business and community image of
Burtonsville. The Market served as a community focal point and source of identity for
Burtonsville, and with its relocation, there is a need for renewed sense of community Shoppers seek refuge to relax and chat, but
identify and the creation of new focal points. Without the Dutch Country Market as a without a public meeting place many use private In five years, comprehensive changes to the Burtonsville commercial area will improve the area’s appeal to both residents and visitors. A more attractive,
regional anchor, Burtonsville may also weaken as a destination for regional visitors. spaces such as the Starbucks outdoor seating. inviting, and defined sense of place will enhance the commercial area as both the commercial and social center of the Burtonsville community. A community
greenspace will serve as a focal point within the revitalized center.
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