Pipe Span For PVC Pipe Span For CPVC
Pipe Span For PVC Pipe Span For CPVC
Pipe Span For PVC Pipe Span For CPVC
3 8 8 8 71⁄2 7 4
1 1 1
4 9 9 9 8 ⁄2 7 ⁄2 4 ⁄2
6 10 101⁄2 91⁄2 9 8 5 $MFWJT)BOHFS Adj. Swivel Ring 3PMMFS)BOHFS
⁄2 to 30 in. pipe 1
⁄2 to 8 in. pipe 21⁄2 to 20 in. pipe
8 11 11 101⁄2 10 9 51⁄2
10 111⁄2 111⁄2 11 101⁄2 91⁄2 6 The pipe should not be anchored tightly by the support, but secured
12 121⁄2 121⁄2 121⁄2 11 101⁄2 61⁄2 in a manner to allow for movement caused by thermal expansion
and contraction. It is recommended that you use clamps or straps
/PUF5IJTQSPEVDUJTOPUDVSSFOUMZBWBJMBCMF*OGPSNBUJPO that allow pipe to remain away from the framing, thus reducing the
provided is for reference only. noise generated when pipe is allowed to rub against wood.