Pipe Support As Per Asme 31.1
Pipe Support As Per Asme 31.1
Pipe Support As Per Asme 31.1
an allowable stress value of 30% of yield strength (0.2% Table 121.5 Suggested Steel Pipe Support (16)
offset) at room temperature may be used at temperatures Spacing
not exceeding 650°F (345°C). The yield strength shall be Suggested Maximum Span
determined through a tensile test of a specimen of the
Water Steam, Gas,
material and shall be the value corresponding to 0.2% Nominal Diameter
Pipe Size, Nominal, Service or Air Service
permanent strain (offset) of the specimen. The allowable
stress values for such materials shall not exceed 9,500 psi NPS DN ft m ft m
(65.5 MPa). 1 25 7 2.1 9 2.7
(D) The allowable shear stress shall not exceed 80% 2 50 10 3.0 13 4.0
3 80 12 3.7 15 4.6
of the values determined in accordance with the rules
4 100 14 4.3 17 5.2
of (A), (B), and (C) above. 6 150 17 5.2 21 6.4
(E) The allowable compressive stress shall not exceed
8 200 19 5.8 24 7.3
the value as determined in accordance with the rules of
12 300 23 7.0 30 9.1
(A), (B), or (C) above. In addition, consideration shall 16 400 27 8.2 35 10.7
be given to structural stability. 20 500 30 9.1 39 11.9
(F) The allowable bearing stress shall not exceed 160% 24 600 32 9.8 42 12.8
of the value as determined in accordance with the rules
of (A), (B), or (C) above. GENERAL NOTES:
(a) Suggested maximum spacing between pipe supports for hori-
(G) The allowable stress in tension determined from
zontal straight runs of standard and heavier steel pipe at maxi-
(A), (B), or (C) above shall be reduced 25% for threaded mum operating temperature of 750°F (400°C).
hanger rods. (b) Does not apply where span calculations are made or where
(H) The allowable stress in partial penetration or fillet there are concentrated loads between supports, such as
welds in support assemblies shall be reduced 25% from flanges, valves, specialties, etc.
those determined in accordance with (A), (B), (C), or (c) The spacing is based on a fixed beam support with a bending
stress not exceeding 2,300 psi (15.86 MPa) and insulated pipe
(D) above for the weaker of the two metals joined.
filled with water or the equivalent weight of steel pipe for
(I) If materials for attachments have different allow- steam, gas, or air service, and the pitch of the line is such
able stress values than the pipe, then the allowable stress that a sag of 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) between supports is
for the weld shall be based on the lower allowable stress permissible.
of the materials being joined.
(J) Increases in the allowable stress values shall be
permitted as follows:
(J.1) an increase of 20% for short time overloading
during operation.
Class 2 fit turnbuckles and adjusting nuts shall have
(J.2) an increase to 80% of the minimum yield the full length of thread in engagement. Means shall be
strength at room temperature during hydrostatic testing. provided for determining that full thread length is in
Where the material allowable stress has been established engagement. All screw and equivalent adjustments shall
in accordance with the rules of (C) above, the allowable be provided with suitable locking devices.
stress value during hydrostatic testing shall not exceed
16,000 psi (110.3 MPa).
121.5 Hanger Spacing
121.3 Temperature Limitations Supports for piping with the longitudinal axis in
Parts of supporting elements that are subjected princi- approximately a horizontal position shall be spaced to
pally to bending or tension loads and that are subjected prevent excessive sag, bending and shear stresses in the
to working temperatures for which carbon steel is not piping, with special consideration given where compo-
recommended shall be made of suitable alloy steel, or nents, such as flanges and valves, impose concentrated
shall be protected so that the temperature of the support- loads. Where calculations are not made, suggested maxi-
ing member will be maintained within the appropriate mum spacing of supports for standard and heavier steel
temperature limits of the material. pipe are given in Table 121.5. Vertical supports shall be
spaced to prevent the pipe from being overstressed from
(16) 121.4 Hanger Adjustments the combination of all loading effects.