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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan Edu 220

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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

Describe the Class 28 students, 7th grade, 5 learning disabled, 0 gifted, and 3 second language learners
Subject/Skill U. S. History
Disciplinary Skill Standard: SS.6-8.EUSH.4: Gather relevant information from
multiple texts and evaluate the sourcing, context, and corroboration of the texts
with close reading and disciplinary skills.
Identify: SS.6-8.EUSH.13: Investigate the factors that shaped group and national
identity in early U.S. history in relation to views of American Identity today.

Objective(s) 1. Students will be able to describe the cause of the Revolutionary war by
writing an essay based on the material cover in class and the reading done
for homework.

Procedures 1. State the objectives and orient student to the lesson

a. Have students copy objectives from the board
b. List keywords and people students should define
2. Review Prerequisite: ask students what they know about the Revolutionary
3. Class power point on Revolutionary War
4. Promotive Interaction: Have students break in to groups of 4 and work of
5. Group Goals: Students will stay in their current groups and began building
a concept map and outline for their comparative essay.
6. Individual goals: Students will complete a draft of their comparative essay
Materials Textbook, laptop, internet access, power point, paper and pencil or pens
Grouping Group size: 4 students per group
Structures Location: classroom
Learning Context:
School district: Clark County
Name of School: Frank Miller Junior High School
Title 1 school? No, Title 3
Modifications English Language learners will use Google Translate to understand the class lesson
and to communicate with other students in their group. They will also receive a
printout from the class notes to be able to follow along with the rest of the class
Learning disabled students will receive a handout of the class notes and allowed
more time to complete the assignments.

Assessments Students will complete a well organize comparative essay using the concept maps
and keywords they defined awhile in class.

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