Exam 2003 B
Exam 2003 B
Exam 2003 B
There are SIXTY questions (worth up to 60 marks). The exam mark (maximum 60) will be added to the
mark obtained in the laborations (maximum 5). The total pass mark for the course is 35 out of 65.
For each question, please select a maximum of ONE of the given answers (either A, B, C, D or E).
You should select the one answer that represents the BEST possible reply to the question (in some cases,
there may be no obvious “wrong” answers, but one answer should always be better than the others).
Every time you select the correct answer, you will be awarded +1 mark. However, every time you select
an incorrect answer, a penalty score will be subtracted from your total mark. This penalty depends on
the number of possible answers to the question, as follows:
2 +1 −1
3 +1 − 12
4 +1 − 13
5 +1 − 14
If you do not give any answer to a question, no marks will be added to your total score and there will be
no penalty. If you give more than one answer to a question, this will be counted as an incorrect answer.
So please be very careful, and make sure that ONLY one letter (A or B or C or D or E) is visible in each
of your written answers. Please write your answers very clearly so that they can be read by an average
Artificial Neural Networks – Examination, June/August 2003 2
1 Pattern Recognition
What is a feature in a pattern classification problem?
A. An output variable.
B. An input variable.
C. A hidden variable or weight.
2 Pattern Recognition
What is a decision boundary in a pattern classification problem with two input variables?
A. A histogram defined for each image in the training set.
B. A line or curve which separates two different classes.
C. A plane or hypercurve defined in the space of possible inputs.
3 Pattern Recognition
What is a statistically optimal classifier?
A. A classifier which calculates the nearest neighbour for a given test example.
B. A classifier which gives the lowest probability of making classification errors.
C. A classifier which minimises the sum squared error on the training set.
4 Pattern Recognition
Is the following statement true or false? “In supervised learning, there is a target output vector which
tells the pattern recognition system the correct class for a given input vector.”
B. x2 = x1
C. x2 = −2x1 − 1
D. x2 = 2x1 + 1
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B. “If a stimulus acts repeatedly at the same time as a response then a connection will form between
the neurons involved. Later, the stimulus alone is sufficient to activate the response.”
C. “The connection strenghts of the neurons involved are modified to reduce the error between the
desired and actual outputs of the system.”
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16 Perceptrons
A perceptron with a unipolar step function has two inputs with weights w1 = 0.2 and w2 = −0.5, and a
threshold θ = −0.2 (θ can therefore be considered as a weight for an extra input which is always set to
-1). For a given training example x = [1, 1] , the desired output is 0 (zero). Does the perceptron give the
correct answer (that is, is the actual output the same as the desired output)?
A. Yes.
B. No.
17 Perceptrons
The perceptron in question 16 is trained using the learning rule 4w = η (d − y) x, where x is the input
vector, η is the learning rate, w is the weight vector, d is the desired output, and y is the actual output.
What are the new values of the weights and threshold after one step of training with the input vector
x = [0, 1] and desired output 1, using a learning rate η = 0.2?
A. w1 = 0.2, w2 = −0.3, θ = −0.4.
B. w1 = 0.2, w2 = −0.5, θ = −0.2.
C. w1 = 0.2, w2 = −0.3, θ = 0.0.
D. w1 = 0.4, w2 = −0.5, θ = −0.4.
E. w1 = 0.0, w2 = −0.5, θ = 0.0.
18 Perceptrons
A single-layer perceptron has 6 input units and 3 output units. How many weights does this network
A. 6
B. 9
C. 18
D. 25
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19 Perceptrons
The following network is a multi-layer perceptron, where all of the units have binary inputs (0 or 1),
unipolar step functions and binary outputs (0 or 1).
w41 w42
w31 w32J
1 2
6 6
The weights for this network are w31 = 1, w32 = 1, w41 = 1, w42 = 1 and w43 = −2. The threshold of the
hidden unit (3) is 1.5 and the threshold of the output unit (4) is 0.5. The threshold of both input units
(1 and 2) is 0.5, so the output of these units is exactly the same as the input. Which of the following
Boolean functions can be computed by this network?
B. OR.
D. All of the above answers.
E. None of the above answers.
20 Perceptrons
Would it be possible to train the multi-layer perceptron in question 19 to solve the XOR problem using
the back-propagation algorithm?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Artificial Neural Networks – Examination, June/August 2003 7
w 12
J *
1 H
v12 J H
H w21
x2 - J I2 - z
v22 H
J w22
j J
H2 H
y2 HH
v 23
w32 H J
j ^
x3 -
I3 - z
A. (1) calculate yj = f (Hj ), (2) calculate zk = f (Ik ), (3) update wkj , (4) update vji .
B. (1) calculate yj = f (Hj ), (2) calculate zk = f (Ik ), (3) update vji , (4) update wkj .
C. (1) calculate yj = f (Hj ), (2) update vji , (3) calculate zk = f (Ik ), (4) update wkj .
D. (1) calculate zk = f (Ik ), (2) update wkj , (3) calculate yj = f (Hj ), (4) update vji .
. .
J . .. . .
.. ..
.. ..
J ..
J . .. .
. . ...
. .
. .
J. . . . . ...
. . . . ..
. ..
. ..
. . ..
. . . .
J . .
. . ..
.. . .
. ..
.. J . . ..
HH .
. J
... *
I2 - z = 0.88
. .
HH .
. −1.2
. J .
. H J
. HH j^ .
. H 2
y 2
H .
. H .
0.6 .
. H .
. H .
. .
. H .
. j
H .
I3 - z = 0.57
For the output units, the Generalized Delta Rule can be written as
4wkj = ηδk yj
δk = f 0 (Ik )(tk − zk )
where 4wkj is the change to the weight from unit j to unit k, η is the learning rate, δk is the error for
unit k, and f 0 (net) is the derivative of the activation function f (net).
For the sigmoid activation function given in question 27, the derivative can be rewritten as
f 0 (Ik ) = f (Ik )[1 − f (Ik )].
What is the error for each of the output units?
A. δoutput 1 = 0.4225, δoutput 2 = −0.1056, and δoutput 3 = 0.1849.
B. δoutput 1 = 0.1479, δoutput 2 = −0.0929, and δoutput 3 = 0.1054.
C. δoutput 1 = −0.1479, δoutput 2 = 0.0929, and δoutput 3 = −0.1054.
D. δoutput 1 = −0.4225, δoutput 2 = 0.1056, and δoutput 3 = −0.1849.
(Assume exactly the same weights, activation functions and bias values as described in question 27.)
Artificial Neural Networks – Examination, June/August 2003 10
4vji = ηδj xi
δj = f 0 (Hj ) δk wkj
where 4vji is the change to the weight from unit i to unit j, η is the learning rate, δj is the error for unit
j, and f 0 (net) is the derivative of the activation function f (net).
For the sigmoid activation function given in question 27, the derivative can be rewritten as
What is the error for hidden unit 2 given that its activation for the pattern being processed is currently
y2 = 0.74?
A. δhidden 2 = −0.0660
B. δhidden 2 = 0.0000
C. δhidden 2 = −0.2388
D. δhidden 2 = 0.2388
E. δhidden 2 = 0.0660
(Assume exactly the same weights, activation functions and bias values as described in question 27, and
exactly the same output vectors t and z as described in the previous question.)
36 Genetic Algorithms
Which operator in a genetic algorithm can be defined as follows: “Randomly change a small part of some
A. reproduction
B. cross-over
C. mutation
D. ranking
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37 Genetic Algorithms
Which operator in a genetic algorithm can be defined as follows: “Randomly combine the genetic infor-
mation from two strings.”?
A. reproduction
B. cross-over
C. mutation
D. ranking
38 Genetic Algorithms
Which operator in a genetic algorithm can be defined as follows: “Randomly pick strings to make the
next generation.”?
A. reproduction
B. cross-over
C. mutation
D. ranking
39 Genetic Algorithms
The weighted roulette wheel is a technique used for
A. selecting the best string.
B. randomly selecting the strings.
C. crossing-over the selected strings.
D. mutating the fittest strings.
E. measuring the fitness of the strings.
40 Genetic Algorithms
Which of the following applications can be implemented by a genetic algorithm?
A. Feature selection for pattern recognition problems.
41 Unsupervised Learning
Is the following statement true or false? “Patterns within a cluster should be similar in some way.”
Artificial Neural Networks – Examination, June/August 2003 13
42 Unsupervised Learning
Is the following statement true or false? “Clusters that are similar in some way should be far apart.”
43 Unsupervised Learning
A self-organizing feature map (SOFM) has 8 input units, and 25 output units arranged in a two-
dimensional grid. How many weights does this network have?
A. 20
B. 25
C. 200
D. 250
E. 800
44 Unsupervised Learning
Which of the following statements is NOT true for hard competitive learning (HCL)?
A. There is no target output in HCL.
B. There are no hidden units in a HCL network.
C. The input vectors are often normalized to have unit length — that is, k x k= 1.
D. The weights of the winning unit k are adapted by 4wk = η (x − wk ), where x is the input vector.
E. The weights of the neighbours j of the winning unit are adapted by 4wj = ηj (x − wj ), where
ηj < η and j 6= k.
45 Unsupervised Learning
Which of the following statements is NOT true for a self-organizing feature map (SOFM)?
A. The size of the neighbourhood is decreased during training.
B. The SOFM training algorithm is based on soft competitive learning.
C. The cluster units are arranged in a regular geometric pattern such as a square or ring.
D. The learning rate is a function of the distance of the adapted units from the winning unit.
E. The network can grow during training by adding new cluster units when required.
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46 Unsupervised Learning
A self-organizing feature map has four cluster units arranged in a one-dimensional ring, as shown in the
following diagram:
An input vector x = [−1.40, 2.30, 0.20] is presented to the network. Which unit is nearest to x in terms
of Euclidean distance?
A. Unit 1.
B. Unit 2.
C. Unit 3.
D. Unit 4.
47 Unsupervised Learning
Adapt the weight vector of the winning unit in question 46 according to the SOFM learning algorithm
with a learning rate of 0.5, using the same input vector as before. What is the new weight vector?
A. wwinner = [−2.70, 4.65, 0.40]
B. wwinner = [−1.20, 0.40, 0.35]
C. wwinner = [0.05, 4.15, 2.25]
D. wwinner = [0.30, 0.15, 2.70]
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48 Unsupervised Learning
Adapt the weight vectors of the neighbours of the winning unit in question 46 according to the SOFM
learning algorithm with a learning rate of 0.2, using the same input vector as before. What are the new
weight vectors for the two units?
A. wneighbour1 = [−3.48, 6.06, 0.52] and wneighbour2 = [1.32, −1.14, 4.20]
B. wneighbour1 = [−3.48, 6.06, 0.52] and wneighbour2 = [0.92, 5.26, 3.48]
C. wneighbour1 = [−1.08, −0.74, 0.44] and wneighbour2 = [0.92, 5.26, 3.48]
D. wneighbour1 = [−1.08, −0.74, 0.44] and wneighbour2 = [1.32, −1.14, 4.20]
49 Unsupervised Learning
What is the topological mapping in a self-organizing feature map (SOFM)?
A. A map which organizes the robots and tells them where to go.
B. A mapping where similar inputs produce similar outputs, which preserves the probability distribution
of the training data.
C. An approximation of a continuous function, which maps the input vectors onto their posterior
D. A mapping where similar inputs produce different outputs, which preserves the possibility distribu-
tion of the training data.
50 Associative Memory
Which of the following statements is NOT true for a Hopfield network?
A. A unit cannot be connected to itself — that is, wii = 0 for all units i.
B. The weight matrix is symmetric — that is, wij = wji for all units i and j.
C. The Hopfield network minimizes an energy function during recall.
D. The error function can be defined as E = − 21 i j wij Si Sj .
51 Associative Memory
A Hopfield network has 10 units. How many adjustable parameters does this network have?
A. 90
B. 50
C. 100
D. 45
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52 Associative Memory
Calculate the weight matrix for a Hopfield network to store the pattern −1 1 −1 .
1 −1 1
A. W = −1 1 −1
1 −1 1
−1 1 −1
B. W = 1 −1 1
−1 1 −1
0 −1 1
C. W = −1 0 −1
1 −1 0
0 1 −1
D. W = 1 0 1
−1 1 0
53 Associative Memory
Calculate the weight matrix for a Hopfield network to store two patterns −1 1 −1 and 1 −1 1 .
0 −1 1
A. W = −1 0 −1
1 −1 0
0 1 −1
B. W = 1 0 1
−1 1 0
0 −2 2
C. W = −2 0 −2
2 −2 0
0 2 −2
D. W = 2 0 2
−2 2 0
54 Associative Memory
the weight matrix for a Hopfield network to store three patterns −1 1 −1 , 1 −1 1 and
−1 −1 1 .
0 1 −1
A. W = 1 0 −1
−1 −1 0
0 −2 2
B. W = −2 0 −2
2 −2 0
0 −1 1
C. W = −1 0 −3
1 −3 0
0 3 −3
D. W = 3 0 1
−3 1 0
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55 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network was used for learning simple behaviours such as obstacle avoidance
and wall following on a mobile robot?
56 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network was used as an adaptive filter for echo cancellation in telephone
57 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network can be used to recover a clean version of a stored image given a
noisy version of that image?
58 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network was used to learn the angle to an odour source using gas sensors
on a mobile robot?
59 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network was used to control the ALVINN autonomous land vehicle?
60 Applications
Which type of artificial neural network was used to detect abnormalities in microscopic images of breast
1. B +1 − 12
2. B +1 − 12
3. B +1 − 12
4. A +1 − 12
5. A +1 − 12
6. B +1 − 12
7. A +1 − 12
8. C +1 − 12
9. B +1 − 13
10. A +1 − 13
11. D +1 − 13
12. B +1 − 13
13. E +1 − 14
14. C +1 − 12
15. B +1 − 14
16. A +1 −1
17. A +1 − 14
18. C +1 − 13
19. C +1 − 14
20. B +1 −1
21. A +1 −1
22. B +1 −1
23. C +1 − 13
24. A +1 − 13
25. C +1 − 14
26. A +1 − 13
27. E +1 − 14
28. C +1 − 14
29. B +1 − 13
30. A +1 − 14
31. C +1 − 13
32. C +1 − 13
33. C +1 − 13
34. A +1 − 13
35. C +1 − 13
36. C +1 − 13
37. B +1 − 13
38. A +1 − 13
39. B +1 − 14
40. D +1 − 14
41. A +1 −1
42. B +1 −1
43. C +1 − 14
44. E +1 − 14
45. E +1 − 14
46. A +1 − 13
47. B +1 − 13
48. A +1 − 13
49. B +1 − 13
50. E +1 − 14
Artificial Neural Networks – Examination, June/August 2003 20
51. D +1 − 13
52. C +1 − 13
53. C +1 − 13
54. C +1 − 13
55. A +1 − 14
56. A +1 − 14
57. D +1 − 14
58. C +1 − 14
59. B +1 − 14
60. E +1 − 14