2021 EE769 Tutorial Sheet 1
2021 EE769 Tutorial Sheet 1
2021 EE769 Tutorial Sheet 1
Sheet 1 — 2020-21-2
Basic Mathematics for ML
1. Vectors:
(a) Compute the dot product of the given two vectors:
1 1
a = 2 b = 0
3 1
(ii) " # " #
1 1
a= b=
1 −1
(b) Find the norm of the following vector:
a= 0
0 0
Hint: Get unit vectors in the direction of each of the two vectors, compute the dot
product of the two unit vectors. Draw it out.
(d) What is the projection of the the first vector on the to the second one?
" # " #
1 1
a= ,b =
0 1
Hint: Get a unit vector in the direction of the second, compute its dot product
with the first vector, multiply the dot product with the unit vector. Draw it out.
2. Matrices:
(a) Compute the following matrix vector product, if they can be computed.
" #
h i 1 2
(i) 1 2
3 4
1 2 1
(ii) 4 5 5
0 1 6
(b) Compute the determinant of the following matrix:
" #
0 1
−2 −3
(c) Check if a vector [1, −1]T is an eigenvector of the above given matrix, and if so,
what is the corresponding eigenvalue?
(d) Confirm
# that
" the following#eigenvalue
# " decomposition is valid for the given matrix
" √ √ " √ √ #
5 3 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 0 1/ 2 −1/ 2
= √ √ √ √ by checking that the eigen-
3 5 −1/ 2 1/ 2 0 8 1/ 2 1/ 2
vectors are of norm 1, and the last matrix is the inverse of the first matrix, while
the second matrix is a diagonal matrix. Also confirm that Avi = λi vi for both i.
(e) Find the rank of the following matrices.
0 −1 5
(i) 2 4 −6
1 1 5
" #
−5 −7
5 7
(f) Compute the trace of the matrices above (in part e).
3. Functions: For the following functions, determine if the function is continuous, has a
finite derivative everywhere, has a sub-derivative that exists everywhere (limit of the
derivative from both side exist, and left limit ≤ right limit), has a global maxima
(confirm concavity), has a global minima (confirm convexity), has a local maxima (if
so, then for what value of x), or has a local minima (if so, then for what value of x)?
Make rough drawings to clarify the concepts.
(a) x2 − 2x + 4
(b) −x2 − 2x + 4
(c) x3 − 9x
(d) −e−x
(e) |x|
6. Probability distributions:
(a) What is the probability mass function of a random variable x that represents the
total number of heads if a fair coin is tossed two times?
(b) Between a fair coin and a biased coin, whose number of heads in two tosses has
higher entropy?
(c) If we map the number of heads in three tosses of a fair coin to variable x, and the
maximum number of consecutive heads in those three tosses to variable y, then
what is their joint probability mass function? Write this as a 2-dimensional table.
(d) For the previous question, compute the marginal distributions of x and y using the
joint PMF table.
(e) What is the conditional PMF of x given y = 1 for part (c)?
(f) Two Gaussian random variables (continuous, of course) x and y both have mean
µx = µy = 0, but σx = 1 while σy = 2. Which of them is more likely to have an
absolute value greater than 3? Use the following approach:
(i) Using the formula for a Gaussian PDF, draw two overlapping graphs in python
using matplotlib library, one for PDF of x, and another for y.
(ii) Observe where the two PDFs cross each other to answer part (f) qualitatively.
(g) Assume that slant of the eyes and size of the nose of an animal is captured as a
two dimensional feature vector. For cats, this vector has a Gaussian distribution
with µcat = 10 and Σcat = 10 01 . For dogs, the distribution is also Gaussian,
but with µdog = 01 and Σdog = 10 01 . Given that an individual animal has the
following slant and nose size 0.5
0 , then is it more likely to be cat or a dog by
simply comparing the PDF values of cats and dogs at that point?