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syslink Xandria User’s Guide

syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria User’s Guide

Version 7.1.3

Publication date 2018-03-28

Copyright © 2001-2017 syslink software AG

Legal Notice
syslink Xandria® is a registered trademark of syslink software AG in Switzerland.

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syslink Xandria

Table of Contents
Installation .............................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. Planning the Installation ................................................................................... 2
1.2. Getting in Touch with the syslink Xandria Support Team ..................................... 2
1.3. Installation Steps for Product Evaluation ........................................................... 3
2. Installing the syslink Xandria Server ............................................................................. 4
2.1. Installation Notes ............................................................................................. 4
2.2. Installing on Microsoft Windows operating systems ........................................... 5
2.2.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Microsoft Windows oper-
ating systems) ................................................................................................ 5
2.2.2. Installing the Microsoft SQL Server (Express Edition) ............................... 6
2.2.3. Verify TCP/IP Settings of Microsoft SQL Server ....................................... 7
2.2.4. Running the syslink Xandria Server Installer ............................................ 7
2.2.5. Staging the syslink Xandria Database (on Microsoft Windows operating
systems) ........................................................................................................ 7
2.3. Installing on Unix-like operating systems ........................................................... 8
2.3.1. Preparing the Installation ....................................................................... 8
2.3.2. Installing the PostgreSQL RDBMS ........................................................... 9
2.3.3. Installing the syslink Xandria Server Components .................................... 9
2.3.4. Staging the syslink Xandria Database ................................................... 10
2.3.5. Including syslink Xandria Daemons in the system init process ................ 10
2.4. Post Installation Steps .................................................................................... 11
2.4.1. Obtaining and Installing the License ...................................................... 11
2.4.2. XanGui Post-Installation Steps .............................................................. 11
2.4.3. Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment ................................... 12
3. Installing the syslink Xandria Agent ............................................................................ 13
3.1. Verify Network Connectivity ............................................................................ 13
3.2. Preparing the Installation ................................................................................ 14
3.2.1. Importing the syslink Xandria SAP Transport Request ............................ 14
3.2.2. syslink Xandria RFC User Setup ............................................................ 16
3.2.3. syslink Xandria J2EE User Setup .......................................................... 16
3.2.4. User Setup for Database Monitoring ..................................................... 17
3.2.5. Verify Java requirements ..................................................................... 19
3.2.6. Stand-alone Oracle-specific requirements .............................................. 19
3.2.7. Deploying syslink Xandria Agents to the target systems ......................... 19
3.3. Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems ...................................... 19
3.3.1. Unattended/Silent Installation on Microsoft Windows operating sys-
tems ............................................................................................................. 20
3.4. Installation on Unix Operating Systems ............................................................ 21
3.4.1. Unattended/Silent Installation on Unix-like operating systems ................. 22
3.5. Additional Setup for Monitoring of Java-only SAP Systems with MaxDB ............. 23
3.6. Post-Installation Connectivity Check ................................................................ 24
4. Next Steps (in product evaluation) ............................................................................. 25
5. Installing the syslink Xandria Gateway ........................................................................ 26
5.1. Installation Notes ........................................................................................... 26
5.2. Preparing the Installation ................................................................................ 26
5.3. Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems ...................................... 26
5.3.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Microsoft Windows oper-
ating systems) .............................................................................................. 27
5.3.2. Running the syslink Xandria Gateway Installer ....................................... 27
5.4. Installation on Unix-like operating systems ....................................................... 27
5.4.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Unix-like operating sys-
tems) ............................................................................................................ 27
5.5. Configuration ................................................................................................. 28
5.5.1. syslink Xandria Server to syslink Xandria Agents ................................... 28

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5.5.2. syslink Xandria Agents to syslink Xandria Server ................................... 28

5.5.3. Examples ............................................................................................ 29
5.5.4. syslink Xandria Agents secured by firewall and proxy ............................. 30
5.5.5. A DMZ scenario ................................................................................... 31
5.5.6. Configuration Reference ....................................................................... 32
Concepts .............................................................................................................................. 35
6. Basic Concepts ......................................................................................................... 36
6.1. Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 36
6.2. Reporting ....................................................................................................... 36
6.3. Service Provider Perspective ........................................................................... 37
6.4. syslink Xandria Architecture ............................................................................ 37
6.5. Licensing ....................................................................................................... 38
Explanation of Terms .................................................................................................... 40
Tasks ................................................................................................................................... 76
7. Setting up syslink Xandria ......................................................................................... 77
7.1. Performing first steps with XanGui .................................................................. 77
7.1.1. Login to XanGui ................................................................................... 77
7.2. Setting up a System Landscape using XanGui .................................................. 79
7.2.1. Defining Customers ............................................................................. 79
7.2.2. Defining SAP Systems ......................................................................... 80
7.2.3. Defining the SAP Control User .............................................................. 82
7.2.4. Defining Servers (and DNS Domains) .................................................... 82
7.2.5. Defining HA-Clusters ............................................................................ 83
7.2.6. Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems ............................................. 84
7.2.7. Assigning Database instances to SAP Systems ..................................... 85
7.2.8. Defining stand-alone Databases ........................................................... 86
7.3. Verify RealTime Monitoring ............................................................................. 89
7.3.1. Basic Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 89
7.4. Verify Daily Checks ......................................................................................... 90
7.5. Importing System Landscapes ........................................................................ 91
7.6. Configure End-to-End Application Monitoring ................................................... 91
7.7. Configure Remote Monitoring ......................................................................... 93
8. Configure Monitoring ................................................................................................. 95
8.1. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters .................................... 95
8.2. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Exception Parameters .................... 96
8.2.1. For a Server ........................................................................................ 96
8.2.2. For a Database instance of an SAP System or a stand-alone Database .... 97
8.3. Maintaining Parameters Sets .......................................................................... 97
8.3.1. Defining Parameter Sets ...................................................................... 97
8.3.2. Listing all Parameters Sets ................................................................... 99
8.3.3. Changing the Priority of Parameters Sets .............................................. 99
8.3.4. Showing Monitoring Parameter Usage ................................................ 100
8.3.5. Overriding Parameter Set on a per-System level ................................... 100
8.3.6. Deactivating Parameters Sets ............................................................. 100
8.4. Disabling and Enabling Checks ...................................................................... 101
8.5. Turning Monitoring On or Off ........................................................................ 102
8.5.1. Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using XanGui ............................... 104
8.5.2. Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using the syslink Xandria Agent ..... 104
8.5.3. Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window .................. 105
8.6. Defining a System Selector ........................................................................... 107
8.7. Defining a Check Selector ............................................................................. 107
8.7.1. Creating a Check Selector .................................................................. 107
8.7.2. Modifying Check Selectors ................................................................. 108
8.7.3. Customizing the Control Center .......................................................... 108
8.8. Defining Service Hours .................................................................................. 108
9. Extend Monitoring ................................................................................................... 110
9.1. Defining Custom Checks ............................................................................... 110
9.2. Displaying Custom Checks by Type in List ..................................................... 112

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9.3. Exporting/Importing Custom Checks ............................................................. 112

9.4. Defining your own Log Adapters for the Log Adapter Custom Check ................ 113
9.4.1. Defining a Windows Event Log Adapter ............................................... 114
9.4.2. Defining a File-based Log Adapter ...................................................... 114
9.4.3. Duplicating Log Adapters ................................................................... 118
9.4.4. Deleting Log Adapters ........................................................................ 119
9.4.5. Exporting and Importing Log Adapters ................................................ 119
9.5. Configuring SAP CCMS using syslink Xandria ................................................. 119
9.5.1. CCMS Configuration Variant ............................................................... 120
9.5.2. CCMS Configuration for individual MTE ............................................... 121
9.5.3. Configuring SAP CCMS using a CCMS Custom Check in syslink Xan-
dria ............................................................................................................. 122
9.6. Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks ............................... 124
9.6.1. Differences between Business Services and Composite Checks ............ 124
9.6.2. Building Blocks for Business Services and Composite Checks ............... 124
9.7. Defining Business Services ........................................................................... 126
9.8. Defining Composite Checks .......................................................................... 129
9.9. Working with Externally Managed Checks ...................................................... 130
9.9.1. Difference of Custom Checks compared to Externally Managed Checks . 131
9.9.2. Types of Externally Managed Checks .................................................. 131
9.9.3. Using XanCmd Command to Push Externally Managed Checks ............. 131
10. Working with RealTime Monitoring, Daily Checks, Performance Data and CCMS
Alerts .......................................................................................................................... 133
10.1. Working with RealTime Monitoring Results ................................................... 133
10.1.1. Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results ................................................ 133
10.1.2. Confirming RealTime Monitoring Checks ........................................... 135
10.1.3. Viewing RealTime Monitoring History ................................................ 135
10.1.4. RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” View ....................................... 136
10.1.5. Using the Business Service Overview ................................................ 137
10.2. Working with Daily Checks .......................................................................... 137
10.2.1. Selecting Daily Checks ..................................................................... 137
10.2.2. Confirming of a Daily Check ............................................................. 138
10.2.3. Adding manual Daily Check Details ................................................... 138
10.2.4. Defining relevant Daily Check Details ................................................. 138
10.3. Working with Performance Data .................................................................. 139
10.3.1. Configuring Performance Data Collection .......................................... 139
10.3.2. Displaying Performance Data ............................................................ 139
10.3.3. Configuring Custom Performance Data Resource Types ..................... 140
10.3.4. Displaying Custom Performance Data ............................................... 140
10.4. Working with Availability Data ..................................................................... 140
10.4.1. Viewing Availability Data (on a per-system level) ................................ 140
10.4.2. Changing Availability Data ................................................................ 141
10.4.3. Availabilities Overview ...................................................................... 142
10.5. Comparing SAP and Database Profiles and Components .............................. 142
10.6. Communicating with the syslink Xandria Agent ............................................ 143
10.7. Displaying and Deleting Imported CCMS Alerts ............................................. 143
11. Setting Up the Notification Process ........................................................................ 145
11.1. Concepts of Notifications ............................................................................ 145
11.1.1. Notification Reasons ........................................................................ 145
11.1.2. Notification Delivery ......................................................................... 146
11.1.3. Notification Actions ......................................................................... 149
11.2. Defining Output Channels ............................................................................ 151
11.2.1. Define an Email Output Channel ........................................................ 151
11.2.2. Define an Write into a log file Output Channel .................................... 152
11.2.3. Define an Run an external command Output Channel ......................... 153
11.2.4. Define an Rewrite a template file Output Channel ............................... 154
11.2.5. Define an Create a Ticket Output Channel .......................................... 155
11.2.6. Define an XanGui Browser Notification Output Channel ....................... 155

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11.2.7. Define an XanMobile Notification Output Channel .............................. 156

11.2.8. Define an Windows Event Log Output Channel ................................... 157
11.2.9. Define an RESTful Web Service Output Channel ................................. 157
11.2.10. Define an SOAP Web Service Output Channel ................................... 158
11.2.11. Define an Ticket Log Output Channel ............................................... 158
11.2.12. Define an Null Output Channel ........................................................ 159
11.2.13. Define an Composite Output Channel Output Channel ....................... 159
11.3. Defining Actions ......................................................................................... 160
11.4. Verifying Action Results .............................................................................. 162
11.4.1. Testing Check Actions ..................................................................... 162
11.4.2. Testing Actions for CCMS Alerts and Changes ................................... 165
11.4.3. Getting Action Results ...................................................................... 166
11.5. Defining Filter Lists ..................................................................................... 166
11.5.1. Defining Simple Filter Lists ............................................................... 167
11.5.2. Defining Advanced Filter Lists ........................................................... 168
11.5.3. Using Global Expressions ................................................................. 170
11.6. Defining a Resolver ..................................................................................... 171
11.6.1. Defining a Simple Resolver ............................................................... 171
11.6.2. Defining Resolver with Executables ................................................... 171
11.7. Converting an Action into a confirming Action .............................................. 175
11.8. Disabling Notifications ................................................................................ 176
11.9. Recommendations and Remarks ................................................................. 177
12. Managing Users, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Advanced Options ........................ 178
12.1. Users, Roles, and Groups ............................................................................ 178
12.1.1. Managing Users ............................................................................... 180
12.1.2. Changing Your Own Password .......................................................... 180
12.1.3. Creating a User ................................................................................ 180
12.1.4. Changing a User's Password ............................................................ 181
12.1.5. Assigning/Unassigning a Customer to a User .................................... 181
12.1.6. Locking/Unlocking a User ................................................................. 181
12.1.7. Editing User Groups ......................................................................... 181
12.1.8. Editing User Roles ............................................................................ 182
12.1.9. Deleting a User ................................................................................ 182
12.1.10. Viewing All Permissions of a User ................................................... 182
12.1.11. Logout a User or all Users .............................................................. 183
12.1.12. Using Client Certificates for Login ................................................... 183
12.2. Managing Roles .......................................................................................... 183
12.2.1. Creating a Role ................................................................................ 183
12.2.2. Edit Role Users ................................................................................ 183
12.2.3. Copy a Role ..................................................................................... 183
12.2.4. Delete Role ...................................................................................... 184
12.3. Managing Groups ....................................................................................... 184
12.3.1. Creating a Group .............................................................................. 184
12.3.2. Deleting a Group .............................................................................. 184
12.4. Defining a Password Policy ......................................................................... 184
12.5. Advanced User Management Options .......................................................... 185
12.5.1. Working with Active Directory ........................................................... 185
12.5.2. Integrate SAML based authentication ................................................ 187
13. Reporting .............................................................................................................. 188
13.1. Maintaining Service Level Agreements ......................................................... 188
13.1.1. Creating a Service Level Agreement .................................................. 188
13.1.2. Assign a Service Level Agreement .................................................... 188
13.2. Generating Service Level Reports ................................................................. 189
13.2.1. Generating Service Level Reports ad-hoc ........................................... 189
13.2.2. Generating Service Level Report templates ........................................ 191
13.2.3. Managing Service Level Report Remarks ........................................... 192
13.2.4. Managing Service Level Report Styles ............................................... 192
13.2.5. Managing Service Level Report Jobs ................................................. 192

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13.3. Predictive Resource Planning ...................................................................... 193

14. Operational tasks .................................................................................................. 195
14.1. Working with Dashboards ........................................................................... 195
14.1.1. Adding new Dashboards ................................................................... 195
14.1.2. Modifying Dashboards ..................................................................... 196
14.1.3. System Dashboards ......................................................................... 197
14.1.4. Using Dashboards ............................................................................ 197
14.1.5. Deleting Dashboards ........................................................................ 197
14.2. Managing Solutions .................................................................................... 198
14.2.1. Creating Solution Documents ........................................................... 198
14.2.2. Finding Solution Documents ............................................................. 199
14.3. Working with Tickets .................................................................................. 199
14.3.1. Creating Tickets ............................................................................... 201
14.3.2. Attaching Files to Tickets ................................................................. 201
14.3.3. Processing Tickets ........................................................................... 201
14.4. Working with Changes ................................................................................ 202
14.4.1. Creating a Change ........................................................................... 202
14.4.2. Viewing Changes ............................................................................. 203
14.5. Using SAP Logon ........................................................................................ 203
14.6. Working with the Terminal .......................................................................... 204
14.6.1. Opening a Terminal .......................................................................... 204
14.7. Retrieving Version Information ..................................................................... 204
14.8. Retrieving syslink Xandria License Information ............................................. 205
14.9. Setting Up and Configuring Xandria Web Service .......................................... 205
14.9.1. Enable/Disable the Xandria Web Service ............................................ 205
14.9.2. How to use the Xandria Web Service by Command Line Executable ..... 205
14.9.3. How to use the Xandria Web Service in a Java Project ........................ 206
14.9.4. How to use the Xandria Web Service in an ABAP Project ..................... 206
15. Upgrading syslink Xandria ...................................................................................... 208
15.1. About Versions, Patches, Upgrades, etc. ...................................................... 208
15.1.1. Versioning ....................................................................................... 208
15.1.2. Version Compatibility ....................................................................... 208
15.1.3. Version Upgrades vs Applying Patches .............................................. 208
15.1.4. License Compatibility ....................................................................... 209
15.2. Upgrade Notes ........................................................................................... 209
15.3. Obtaining the License ................................................................................. 209
15.4. Upgrading syslink Xandria Gateways ............................................................ 210
15.4.1. Upgrading on Microsoft Windows operating systems ......................... 210
15.4.2. Upgrading on Unix-like operating systems ......................................... 210
15.5. Upgrading Server Components (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) .... 211
15.5.1. Upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server (optional) ..................................... 211
15.5.2. Upgrading the other syslink Xandria Server components ..................... 211
15.6. Upgrading Server Components (on Unix-like operating systems) .................... 212
15.6.1. Prepare the Upgrade ........................................................................ 212
15.6.2. Upgrading PostgreSQL 8.4.7 to PostgreSQL 9.6.4 .............................. 212
15.6.3. Upgrading syslink Xandria Server components ................................... 213
15.7. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents ................................................................ 215
15.7.1. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents Automatically ................................ 215
15.7.2. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agent Manually ......................................... 218
15.8. Applying Patches ........................................................................................ 218
15.8.1. Permissions ..................................................................................... 218
15.8.2. Downloading syslink Xandria patches ................................................ 218
15.8.3. Patching the syslink Xandria Agent ................................................... 219
15.8.4. Patching the syslink Xandria Gateway ............................................... 219
15.8.5. Patching the syslink Xandria Server ................................................... 219
16. Uninstalling syslink Xandria .................................................................................... 220
16.1. Uninstalling syslink XandriaAgent ................................................................ 220
16.1.1. On Microsoft Windows operating systems ......................................... 220

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16.1.2. On Unix-like operating systems ......................................................... 220

16.1.3. Removing the syslink Xandria SAP Users ........................................... 220
16.1.4. Removing the transport requests ...................................................... 220
16.2. Uninstalling syslink Xandria Server Components ........................................... 221
16.2.1. On Microsoft Windows operating systems ......................................... 221
16.2.2. On Unix-like operating systems ......................................................... 221
Reference ........................................................................................................................... 223
I. Server Checks .......................................................................................................... 224
AgentAlive .......................................................................................................... 225
AgentConnect ..................................................................................................... 226
CPULoad ............................................................................................................. 227
FileSystems ........................................................................................................ 228
Memory .............................................................................................................. 229
PagingSpace ....................................................................................................... 230
SelfCheck ........................................................................................................... 231
TimeOffset .......................................................................................................... 232
II. SAP Instance Checks .............................................................................................. 233
ASCS_MsgSrv ..................................................................................................... 234
DispatcherQueue ................................................................................................. 235
ERS_Connect ....................................................................................................... 236
FullCheck ............................................................................................................ 237
ICMStat .............................................................................................................. 238
J2EEApplThreadsPool ......................................................................................... 239
J2EEConnect ...................................................................................................... 240
J2EEConnectHttp ................................................................................................ 241
J2EESystemThreadsPool ..................................................................................... 242
JavaASAvgRespTime ........................................................................................... 243
JavaServerNodes ................................................................................................ 244
JVMGarbageCollector .......................................................................................... 245
JVM_Memory ...................................................................................................... 246
Profiles ............................................................................................................... 247
RFCConnect ........................................................................................................ 248
SCS_MsgSrv ....................................................................................................... 249
TREX Connect ..................................................................................................... 250
TREX * ................................................................................................................ 251
WD_Certificates ................................................................................................... 252
WD_Connect ....................................................................................................... 253
WD_ConnectionStat ............................................................................................. 254
WD_QueueStat .................................................................................................... 255
WD_ThreadStat ................................................................................................... 256
WorkProcesses ................................................................................................... 257
III. SAP System Checks ............................................................................................... 258
ABAP_DD_DB ...................................................................................................... 259
Batch_Input ......................................................................................................... 260
BatchManStat ..................................................................................................... 261
BCS_OutboundErrors ........................................................................................... 262
BCS_OutboundErrStat .......................................................................................... 263
BCS_OutboundWaitStat ....................................................................................... 264
BW_ProcessChains .............................................................................................. 265
BW_QueryRuntime ............................................................................................... 266
DialogPerf ........................................................................................................... 267
Idocs .................................................................................................................. 268
IdocStat .............................................................................................................. 269
Jobs ................................................................................................................... 270
JobStat ............................................................................................................... 271
LockTable ........................................................................................................... 273
PI_AdapterEngine ................................................................................................ 274
PI_AdapterFramework ......................................................................................... 275

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PI_AEMessages .................................................................................................. 276

PI_AEMessagesStat ............................................................................................. 277
PI_BusinessProcessEngine .................................................................................. 278
PI_Cache ............................................................................................................ 279
PI_CommChannels .............................................................................................. 280
PI_Connect ......................................................................................................... 281
PI_IEMessages .................................................................................................... 282
PI_IEMessagesStat .............................................................................................. 283
PI_IntegrationDirectory ........................................................................................ 284
PI_IntegrationEngine ............................................................................................ 285
PI_IntegrationRepository ...................................................................................... 286
PI_J2SEAdapterEngine ......................................................................................... 287
PI_MappingRunTime ............................................................................................ 288
PI_RuntimeWorkbench ......................................................................................... 289
PI_SystemLandscapeDir ...................................................................................... 290
QRFC_In .............................................................................................................. 291
QRFC_In_ErrQ ...................................................................................................... 292
QRFC_Out ........................................................................................................... 293
QRFC_Out_ErrQ ................................................................................................... 294
ShortDumps ........................................................................................................ 295
ShortDumpStat .................................................................................................... 296
Spool .................................................................................................................. 297
SpoolStat ............................................................................................................ 298
SSLCertificatesValidity ......................................................................................... 299
SystemAlive ........................................................................................................ 300
TMS_Imports ...................................................................................................... 302
TMS_ImportStat .................................................................................................. 303
TRFC_In .............................................................................................................. 304
TRFC_Out ............................................................................................................ 305
TRFCOutStat ....................................................................................................... 306
UpdateQueue ...................................................................................................... 307
UpdateRecErr ...................................................................................................... 308
UpdateRecErrStat ................................................................................................ 309
UpdateStat .......................................................................................................... 310
User_Pwd_Audit .................................................................................................. 311
Workload ............................................................................................................ 312
IV. Database Checks ................................................................................................... 313
ADA_Backup ....................................................................................................... 314
ADA_DataArea ..................................................................................................... 315
ADA_LogArea ...................................................................................................... 316
ANY_Backup ....................................................................................................... 317
ANY_Connections ................................................................................................ 318
ANY_DBSpaces ................................................................................................... 319
ANY_Messages ................................................................................................... 320
ANY_MessagesStat ............................................................................................. 321
ANY_TransLog .................................................................................................... 322
DB2_Backup ........................................................................................................ 323
DB2_BackupStat .................................................................................................. 324
DB2_CBO_Stats ................................................................................................... 325
DB2_Diaglog ....................................................................................................... 326
DB2_FSLogArch .................................................................................................. 327
DB2_LogUsage .................................................................................................... 328
DB2_Tablespaces ................................................................................................ 329
DBConnect .......................................................................................................... 330
FullCheck ............................................................................................................ 331
HDB_Alerts .......................................................................................................... 332
HDB_Backup ....................................................................................................... 333
HDB_CPULoad .................................................................................................... 334

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HDB_DeltaMerges ............................................................................................... 335

HDB_Disks .......................................................................................................... 336
HDB_DisksLog ..................................................................................................... 337
HDB_DisksLogBackup ......................................................................................... 338
HDB_ExpSQL ....................................................................................................... 339
HDB_JobRuntime ................................................................................................ 340
HDB_Landscape .................................................................................................. 341
HDB_License ....................................................................................................... 342
HDB_MemoryPeak ............................................................................................... 343
HDB_MemoryPhysical .......................................................................................... 344
HDB_MemoryServices ......................................................................................... 345
HDB_Services ...................................................................................................... 346
HDB_SystemReplication ....................................................................................... 347
MSS_DBBackup ................................................................................................... 348
MSS_DBUsage .................................................................................................... 349
MSS_ExpSQL ...................................................................................................... 350
MSS_LogBackup ................................................................................................. 351
MSS_LogUsage ................................................................................................... 352
ORA_AlertLog ...................................................................................................... 353
ORA_BackUp ....................................................................................................... 355
ORA_BrArchive .................................................................................................... 357
ORA_BrBackup .................................................................................................... 358
ORA_BrBackupStat .............................................................................................. 359
ORA_DataFiles .................................................................................................... 360
ORA_DBAOper ..................................................................................................... 361
ORA_DBCheckLog ............................................................................................... 362
ORA_Enqueue ..................................................................................................... 363
ORA_ExpSQL ....................................................................................................... 364
ORA_FSLogArch .................................................................................................. 365
ORA_Log_Mode ................................................................................................... 366
ORA_Segments ................................................................................................... 367
ORA_Sessions ..................................................................................................... 368
ORA_Tablespaces ............................................................................................... 369
SYB_Backup ........................................................................................................ 370
SYB_BackupStat .................................................................................................. 371
SYB_DataBases ................................................................................................... 372
SYB_DataSpaces ................................................................................................. 373
SYB_ErrorLog ...................................................................................................... 374
SYB_ErrorLogStat ................................................................................................ 375
SYB_LogBackup .................................................................................................. 376
SYB_LogSpaces .................................................................................................. 377
V. Custom Checks ...................................................................................................... 378
CCMS Custom Check .......................................................................................... 380
CCMS Monset Custom Check .............................................................................. 381
Disk IO Custom Check ......................................................................................... 382
File Exists Custom Check .................................................................................... 383
File Up-to-Date Custom Check ............................................................................. 384
File Content Custom Check ................................................................................. 385
HTTP Response Custom Check ........................................................................... 386
J2EE JMX Custom Check .................................................................................... 389
JMX Application Server Custom Check ................................................................ 391
Log Adapter Custom Check ................................................................................. 393
Network IO Custom Check ................................................................................... 397
Network Response Custom Check ....................................................................... 398
Parameter Values Custom Check ......................................................................... 399
Process Custom Check ....................................................................................... 401
Run Program Custom Check ................................................................................ 403
SAP BW Upload Custom Check ........................................................................... 408

Version 7.1.3 x
syslink Xandria

SAP Clients Custom Check .................................................................................. 409

SAP Job Custom Check ...................................................................................... 411
SAP Idocs Custom Check .................................................................................... 414
SAP Inbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom Check .................................................. 416
SAP Outbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom Check ............................................... 417
SAP PI Communication Channels Custom Check .................................................. 419
SAP System Log Custom Check .......................................................................... 421
SAP Report Custom Check .................................................................................. 423
SAP RFC Destinations Custom Check .................................................................. 424
SAP System Change Options Custom Check ........................................................ 425
SAP Transaction Runtime Custom Check ............................................................. 426
SQL Query .......................................................................................................... 427
Windows Service ................................................................................................. 428
Custom Check Macros ........................................................................................ 429
VI. Server Monitoring Parameters ................................................................................ 440
AgentConnectRoute ............................................................................................. 441
AgentConnectTimeCrit ......................................................................................... 442
AgentConnectTimeWarn ...................................................................................... 443
AgentEnvironment ............................................................................................... 444
AgentListenerPort ............................................................................................... 445
AgentProtocolUseSSL .......................................................................................... 446
AliveTimeout ....................................................................................................... 447
AutoChangeDetectionIgnore ................................................................................ 448
CheckCycleTime .................................................................................................. 449
ClusterSwitchMsgDisplayDuration ........................................................................ 450
CPULoadAverageTime ......................................................................................... 451
CPULoadCrit ....................................................................................................... 452
CPULoadWarn ..................................................................................................... 453
DailyCheckSendTimeRange .................................................................................. 454
DailyCheckStart ................................................................................................... 455
DumpData ........................................................................................................... 456
FSExCrit .............................................................................................................. 457
FSExWarn ........................................................................................................... 458
FSForecast .......................................................................................................... 459
FSMonitorNetwork .............................................................................................. 460
FSNodeCrit ......................................................................................................... 461
FSNodeWarn ....................................................................................................... 462
FSTypeLocal ....................................................................................................... 463
FSTypeRemote .................................................................................................... 464
FSUsageCrit ........................................................................................................ 465
FSUsageWarn ..................................................................................................... 466
LocalMonitoringOff .............................................................................................. 467
LogKeepFiles ...................................................................................................... 468
MasterConnectRoute ........................................................................................... 469
MasterHost ......................................................................................................... 470
MasterPort .......................................................................................................... 471
MediumCheckCycleTime ..................................................................................... 472
MemoryUsageCrit ................................................................................................ 473
MemoryUsageWarn ............................................................................................. 474
MessageSuppressTime ....................................................................................... 475
PagingSpaceCrit .................................................................................................. 476
PagingSpaceWarn ............................................................................................... 477
PagingSpacePhysMemRatioWarn ......................................................................... 478
PerfDataCollection .............................................................................................. 479
PerfDataDiskIOFileSystems .................................................................................. 480
PerfDataNetworkIOInterfaces ............................................................................... 481
RTMMaxMessageSize ......................................................................................... 482
SAPInstanceDetection ......................................................................................... 483

Version 7.1.3 xi
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SAPInstanceProfiles ............................................................................................ 485

SocketReadTimeOut ............................................................................................ 487
TimeOffsetCrit .................................................................................................... 488
TimeOffsetWarn .................................................................................................. 489
TimeOutOsCalls .................................................................................................. 490
TraceLevel .......................................................................................................... 491
VII. SAP Instance Monitoring Parameters ..................................................................... 492
AutoChangeDetectionIgnore ................................................................................ 493
DispatcherQueueFillRatioCrit ................................................................................ 494
DispatcherQueueFillRatioWarn ............................................................................. 495
DispatcherQueuePercentCrit ................................................................................ 496
DispatcherQueuePercentWarn .............................................................................. 497
ERSConnectErrsCrit ............................................................................................. 498
ICMConnUsageCrit .............................................................................................. 499
ICMConnUsageWarn ............................................................................................ 500
ICMQueueUsageCrit ............................................................................................ 501
ICMQueueUsageWarn .......................................................................................... 502
ICMThreadsUsageCrit .......................................................................................... 503
ICMThreadsUsageWarn ....................................................................................... 504
IgnoreJavaAddIn ................................................................................................. 505
IgnoreWebDisp .................................................................................................... 506
InstanceDowntimeCrit ......................................................................................... 507
J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageCrit ........................................................................... 508
J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageWarn ........................................................................ 509
J2EEConnectErrsCrit ........................................................................................... 510
J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit ..................................................................................... 511
J2EEConnectUrlSuffix .......................................................................................... 512
J2EEKeyPw ......................................................................................................... 513
J2EEKeystoreName ............................................................................................. 514
J2EEKeystorePw ................................................................................................. 515
J2EEKeystoreType ............................................................................................... 516
J2EEP4Port ......................................................................................................... 517
J2EEP4TransportType ......................................................................................... 518
J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageCrit ...................................................................... 519
J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageWarn .................................................................... 520
JavaASAvgRespTimeConsiderBest ....................................................................... 521
JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit ..................................................................................... 522
JavaASAvgRespTimeReset .................................................................................. 523
JavaASAvgRespTimeWarn ................................................................................... 524
JavaHttpPort ....................................................................................................... 525
JavaHttpsPort ..................................................................................................... 526
JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit .......................................................................... 527
JavaServerNodesRunningPctWarn ........................................................................ 528
JavaStackMonitor ............................................................................................... 529
JVMGCRatioCrit .................................................................................................. 530
JVMGCRatioWarn ................................................................................................ 531
JVMMemoryUsageCrit ......................................................................................... 532
JVMMemoryUsageWarn ...................................................................................... 533
LyjconCmdLineParams ........................................................................................ 534
LyjconLibPath ..................................................................................................... 535
LyjconLibs .......................................................................................................... 536
OSCollectorMaxAge ............................................................................................. 537
PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes .......................................................................... 538
PerfDataCollection .............................................................................................. 539
RelevantDailyCheckDetails ................................................................................... 540
RemoveFromDBDelay .......................................................................................... 541
RfcConnectErrsCrit .............................................................................................. 542
RFCConnectorWPMaxUsed .................................................................................. 543

Version 7.1.3 xii

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SAPControlProtocol ............................................................................................. 544

SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit .................................................................................. 545
SCSMsgSrvHttpPort ............................................................................................ 546
SNCLibraryPath ................................................................................................... 547
SNCSecuDir ........................................................................................................ 548
TimeOutCCMS .................................................................................................... 549
TimeOutFullCheck ............................................................................................... 550
TimeOutJ2EEConnect .......................................................................................... 551
TimeOutMediumCheck ........................................................................................ 552
TimeOutMsgSrvConnect ...................................................................................... 553
TimeOutRFCConnect ........................................................................................... 554
TimeOutTREXConnect ......................................................................................... 555
TREXConnectErrsCrit ........................................................................................... 556
TREXAlertStatusMapping ..................................................................................... 557
WDCertAllowSelfSigned ....................................................................................... 558
WDCertDaysCrit ................................................................................................... 559
WDCertDaysWarn ................................................................................................ 560
WDConnectErrsCrit .............................................................................................. 561
WDConnUsageCrit ............................................................................................... 562
WDConnUsageWarn ............................................................................................ 563
WDQueueUsageCrit ............................................................................................. 564
WDQueueUsageWarn ........................................................................................... 565
WDThreadsUsageCrit ........................................................................................... 566
WDThreadsUsageWarn ........................................................................................ 567
WorkProcDiaStatusCrit ........................................................................................ 568
WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctCrit ............................................................................. 569
WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctWarn .......................................................................... 570
WorkProcDiaStatusWarn ...................................................................................... 571
WorkProcDiaTimeUsageCrit ................................................................................. 572
WorkProcDiaTimeUsageWarn .............................................................................. 573
VIII. SAP System Monitoring Parameters ...................................................................... 574
ABAP_DD_DB_Exclude ......................................................................................... 575
ABAPDBSchema ................................................................................................. 576
AutoChangeDetectionIgnore ................................................................................ 577
BatchInputClientExclude ...................................................................................... 578
BatchInputMaxAge .............................................................................................. 579
BatchInputMaxRunTime ....................................................................................... 580
BatchInputQIDExclude ......................................................................................... 581
BcsOutboundClientList ........................................................................................ 582
BcsOutboundClientMode ..................................................................................... 583
BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit ................................................................................. 584
BcsOutboundErrorsNumWarn .............................................................................. 585
BcsOutboundErrStatNumCrit ................................................................................ 586
BcsOutboundErrStatNumWarn ............................................................................. 587
BcsOutboundErrStatTimeSpan ............................................................................. 588
BcsOutboundWaitTimeExceptions ........................................................................ 589
BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit ................................................................................... 590
BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn ................................................................................. 591
BcsOutboundWaitTimeCrit ................................................................................... 592
BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn ................................................................................ 593
BWProcessChainsCancelledStatus ....................................................................... 594
BWProcessChainsExclude ................................................................................... 595
BWProcessChainsRTCrit ...................................................................................... 596
BWProcessChainsRTWarn ................................................................................... 597
BWQueryRuntimeCrit ........................................................................................... 598
BWQueryRuntimeExclude ..................................................................................... 599
BWQueryRuntimeWarn ......................................................................................... 600
CCMSMonsetMTEMaxCount ................................................................................ 601

Version 7.1.3 xiii

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DialogPerfMinStepCount ...................................................................................... 602

DialogPerfPctCumulatedCrit ................................................................................. 603
DialogPerfPctCumulatedWarn .............................................................................. 604
DialogPerfRespTimeLimit ..................................................................................... 605
DialogPerfTimePeriod .......................................................................................... 606
DialogRespTimeCrit ............................................................................................. 607
DialogRespTimeWarn .......................................................................................... 608
IdocsAgeWarn ..................................................................................................... 609
IdocsGrpRedCountCrit ......................................................................................... 610
IdocsGrpRedCountWarn ....................................................................................... 611
IdocsGrpRedDailyCountCrit .................................................................................. 612
IdocsGrpRedDailyCountWarn ............................................................................... 613
IdocsGrpRedTimeSpan ........................................................................................ 614
JavaDBSchema ................................................................................................... 615
JobAbortCountCrit ............................................................................................... 616
JobAbortCountWarn ............................................................................................ 617
JobAbortExclude ................................................................................................. 618
JobUsersExclude ................................................................................................. 619
JobAbortTimeSpan .............................................................................................. 620
JobDelayedCountCrit ........................................................................................... 621
JobDelayedCountWarn ........................................................................................ 622
JobDelayedExclude ............................................................................................. 623
JobDelayedIncludeExpired ................................................................................... 624
JobDelayedTimeCrit ............................................................................................ 625
JobDelayedTimeWarn .......................................................................................... 626
JobsDailyCountCrit .............................................................................................. 627
JobsDailyCountWarn ........................................................................................... 628
LocalMonitoringOff .............................................................................................. 629
LockAgeCrit ........................................................................................................ 630
LockAgeWarn ...................................................................................................... 631
LockExclude ........................................................................................................ 632
PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes .......................................................................... 633
PerfDataCollection .............................................................................................. 634
PerfDataTARuntimeStepsMinPct .......................................................................... 635
PerfDataTARuntimeTop ....................................................................................... 636
PerfDataTAStepsTop ........................................................................................... 637
PerfDataTransactions .......................................................................................... 638
PIAEMessagesNumCrit ........................................................................................ 639
PIAEMessagesNumWarn ..................................................................................... 640
PIAEMessagesStatNumCrit .................................................................................. 641
PIAEMessagesStatNumWarn ............................................................................... 642
PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan ............................................................................... 643
PIAEMessagesUseHttps ...................................................................................... 644
PICommChannelsCountCrit .................................................................................. 645
PICommChannelsCountWarn ............................................................................... 646
PICommChannelsErrsCrit ..................................................................................... 647
PICommChannelsErrsWarn .................................................................................. 648
PICommChannelsTimeCrit ................................................................................... 649
PICommChannelsTimeWarn ................................................................................ 650
PICommChannelsExclude .................................................................................... 651
PIExcludeSelftestFeatures ................................................................................... 652
PIIEMessagesClientList ....................................................................................... 653
PIIEMessagesClientMode .................................................................................... 654
PIIEMessagesNumCrit ......................................................................................... 655
PIIEMessagesNumWarn ...................................................................................... 656
PIIEMessagesStatNumCrit ................................................................................... 657
PIIEMessagesStatNumWarn ................................................................................ 658
PIIEMessagesStatTimeSpan ................................................................................ 659

Version 7.1.3 xiv

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PIReportOKMessages .......................................................................................... 660

ProfileParsDuplOk ............................................................................................... 661
QRfcInQueueExclude ........................................................................................... 662
QRfcInQueueHangCrit .......................................................................................... 663
QRFCInQueueHangWarn ...................................................................................... 664
QRfcInRecQueuedCrit .......................................................................................... 665
QRfcInRecQueuedWarn ........................................................................................ 666
QRfcOutQueueExclude ......................................................................................... 667
QRfcOutQueueHangCrit ....................................................................................... 668
QRFCOutQueueHangWarn .................................................................................... 669
QRfcOutRecQueuedCrit ........................................................................................ 670
QRfcOutRecQueuedWarn ..................................................................................... 671
RelevantDailyCheckDetails ................................................................................... 672
RunDailyCheckOnWE ........................................................................................... 673
ShortDumpAgeWarn ............................................................................................ 674
ShortDumpCountCrit ............................................................................................ 675
ShortDumpCountWarn ......................................................................................... 676
ShortDumpDailyCountCrit .................................................................................... 677
ShortDumpDailyCountWarn .................................................................................. 678
ShortDumpExclude .............................................................................................. 679
ShortDumpTimeSpan ........................................................................................... 680
SNCLevelOfProtection ......................................................................................... 681
SNCLibraryPath ................................................................................................... 682
SNCMode ........................................................................................................... 683
SNCMyName ...................................................................................................... 684
SNCPartnerName ................................................................................................ 685
SNCSecuDir ........................................................................................................ 686
SNCSingleSignOn ................................................................................................ 687
SpoolNOkCountCrit ............................................................................................. 688
SpoolNOkCountWarn ........................................................................................... 689
SpoolNOkDailyCountCrit ...................................................................................... 690
SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn .................................................................................... 691
SpoolNOkTimeOffset ........................................................................................... 692
SpoolNOkTimeSpan ............................................................................................. 693
SpoolNumRangeUsageCrit ................................................................................... 694
SpoolNumRangeUsageEnable .............................................................................. 695
SpoolNumRangeUsageWarn ................................................................................ 696
SpoolOutAccessMethodExclude ........................................................................... 697
SpoolOutDevExclude ............................................................................................ 698
SpoolOutDevTypeExclude .................................................................................... 699
SpoolReqAgeWarn ............................................................................................... 700
SpoolReqIgnoreFutureDelDate .............................................................................. 701
SSLCertificatesValidityCrit ................................................................................... 702
SSLCertificatesValidityIgnore ............................................................................... 703
SSLCertificatesValidityWarn ................................................................................. 704
SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit ................................................................................. 705
TMSImportReturnCodeCrit ................................................................................... 706
TMSImportReturnCodeWarn ................................................................................ 707
TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit ............................................................................. 708
TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn ........................................................................... 709
TMSImportStatTimeSpan ..................................................................................... 710
TRFCAgeWarn ..................................................................................................... 711
TRFCOutCountCrit ............................................................................................... 712
TRFCOutCountWarn ............................................................................................. 713
TRFCOutTimeOffset ............................................................................................ 714
TRFCOutTimeSpan .............................................................................................. 715
TRFCOutExcludeFunction ..................................................................................... 716
TRFCOutExcludeUser ........................................................................................... 717

Version 7.1.3 xv
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UpdateErrCountCrit .............................................................................................. 718

UpdateErrCountWarn ........................................................................................... 719
UpdateQueueAgeCrit ........................................................................................... 720
UpdateQueueAgeWarn ......................................................................................... 721
UpdateQueueCountCrit ........................................................................................ 722
UpdateQueueCountWarn ...................................................................................... 723
UpdateRecErrTimeSpan ....................................................................................... 724
UseEnvironment .................................................................................................. 725
UserPWDAuditExclude ......................................................................................... 726
UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity ....................................................................... 727
XALVariantActive ................................................................................................ 728
XALVariantName ................................................................................................. 729
IX. Database Monitoring Parameters ............................................................................ 730
ADADataExCrit .................................................................................................... 731
ADADataExWarn .................................................................................................. 732
ADADataForecast ................................................................................................ 733
ADADataUsageCrit .............................................................................................. 734
ADADataUsageWarn ............................................................................................ 735
ADALogExCrit ..................................................................................................... 736
ADALogExWarn ................................................................................................... 737
ADALogForecast ................................................................................................. 738
ADALogUsageCrit ................................................................................................ 739
ADALogUsageWarn ............................................................................................. 740
ANYBackupFullCritAge ........................................................................................ 741
ANYBackupFullWarnAge ...................................................................................... 742
ANYBackupSelectRange ...................................................................................... 743
ANYConnectionsNumCrit ..................................................................................... 744
ANYConnectionsNumWarn .................................................................................. 745
ANYDBExCrit ....................................................................................................... 746
ANYDBExWarn .................................................................................................... 747
ANYDBForecast ................................................................................................... 748
ANYDBUsageCrit ................................................................................................. 749
ANYDBUsageWarn .............................................................................................. 750
ANYLogExCrit ..................................................................................................... 751
ANYLogExWarn ................................................................................................... 752
ANYLogForecast ................................................................................................. 753
ANYLogUsageCrit ................................................................................................ 754
ANYLogUsageWarn ............................................................................................. 755
ANYMessagesNumCrit ........................................................................................ 756
ANYMessagesNumWarn ...................................................................................... 757
ANYMessagesExclude ......................................................................................... 758
ANYMessagesStatExclude ................................................................................... 759
ANYMessagesStatNumCrit .................................................................................. 760
ANYMessagesStatNumWarn ................................................................................ 761
ANYMessagesStatTimespan ................................................................................ 762
AutoChangeDetectionIgnore ................................................................................ 763
BackupAgeCrit .................................................................................................... 764
BackupAgeWarn .................................................................................................. 765
BackupResetRTMTime ........................................................................................ 766
DB2CBOMaxAge ................................................................................................. 767
DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit ................................................................................. 768
DB2CBONumEntriesUpdWarn ............................................................................... 769
DB2DBRemote .................................................................................................... 770
DB2DiagLogCountCrit .......................................................................................... 771
DB2DiagLogCountWarn ....................................................................................... 772
DB2DiagLogExprCrit ............................................................................................ 773
DB2DiagLogExprWarn .......................................................................................... 774
DB2DiagLogTimeSpan ......................................................................................... 775

Version 7.1.3 xvi

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DB2FSLogActiveCrit ............................................................................................ 776

DB2FSLogActiveWarn .......................................................................................... 777
DB2FSLogArchCrit ............................................................................................... 778
DB2FSLogArchExCrit ........................................................................................... 779
DB2FSLogArchExWarn ......................................................................................... 780
DB2FSLogArchForecast ....................................................................................... 781
DB2FSLogArchWarn ............................................................................................ 782
DB2LogExCrit ...................................................................................................... 783
DB2LogExWarn ................................................................................................... 784
DB2LogForecast .................................................................................................. 785
DB2LogUsageCrit ................................................................................................ 786
DB2LogUsageWarn .............................................................................................. 787
DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit .................................................................................... 788
DB2NumFailArchLogsWarn .................................................................................. 789
DB2TableSpaceExCrit .......................................................................................... 790
DB2TableSpaceExWarn ........................................................................................ 791
DB2TableSpaceForecast ...................................................................................... 792
DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit .................................................................................... 793
DB2TableSpaceUsageWarn .................................................................................. 794
DBConnectErrsCrit ............................................................................................... 795
HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit ...................................................................................... 796
HDBAlertsExcludeIDs ........................................................................................... 797
HDBAlertsHighCountCrit ...................................................................................... 798
HDBAlertsLowCountWarn .................................................................................... 799
HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn .............................................................................. 800
HDBAlertsTimeSpan ............................................................................................ 801
HDBBackupCompleteSelectRange ........................................................................ 802
HDBCPULoadAverageTime .................................................................................. 803
HDBCPULoadCrit ................................................................................................. 804
HDBCPULoadWarn .............................................................................................. 805
HDBDeltaMergesNumCrit ..................................................................................... 806
HDBDeltaMergesNumWarn .................................................................................. 807
HDBDeltaMergesTimeCrit .................................................................................... 808
HDBDeltaMergesTimeWarn .................................................................................. 809
HDBDisksUsageCrit ............................................................................................. 810
HDBDisksUsageWarn ........................................................................................... 811
HDBDisksLogUsageCrit ........................................................................................ 812
HDBDisksLogUsageWarn ..................................................................................... 813
HDBDisksLogBackupUsageCrit ............................................................................ 814
HDBDisksLogBackupUsageWarn .......................................................................... 815
HDBExcludeStorageDeviceIDs .............................................................................. 816
HDBExcludeStorageIDs ........................................................................................ 817
HDBExcludeStorageTypes .................................................................................... 818
HDBExpSQLTimePctCrit ....................................................................................... 819
HDBExpSQLTimePctWarn .................................................................................... 820
HDBJobNameExclude .......................................................................................... 821
HDBJobRuntimeCrit ............................................................................................. 822
HDBJobRuntimeWarn .......................................................................................... 823
HDBLandscapeSeverity ........................................................................................ 824
HDBLicenseExpireTimeCrit .................................................................................. 825
HDBLicenseExpireTimeWarn ................................................................................ 826
HDBMemoryPeakUsageCrit .................................................................................. 827
HDBMemoryPeakUsageWarn ............................................................................... 828
HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageCrit ............................................................................. 829
HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageWarn .......................................................................... 830
HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit ............................................................................ 831
HDBMemoryServicesUsageWarn .......................................................................... 832
HDBSystemReplNotFoundStatus .......................................................................... 833

Version 7.1.3 xvii

syslink Xandria

MSSBackupAgeMasterCrit ................................................................................... 834

MSSBackupAgeMasterWarn ................................................................................ 835
MSSBackupAgeMsdbCrit ..................................................................................... 836
MSSBackupAgeMsdbWarn ................................................................................... 837
MSSDBExCrit ...................................................................................................... 838
MSSDBExWarn .................................................................................................... 839
MSSDBForecast .................................................................................................. 840
MSSDBUsageCrit ................................................................................................. 841
MSSDBUsageWarn .............................................................................................. 842
MSSDBRemote .................................................................................................... 843
MSSExpSQLCrit ................................................................................................... 844
MSSExpSQLExclude ............................................................................................ 845
MSSExpSQLExcludeShow .................................................................................... 846
MSSExpSQLLogicalReadCrit ................................................................................. 847
MSSExpSQLLogicalReadWarn .............................................................................. 848
MSSExpSQLNumTopRecs .................................................................................... 849
MSSExpSQLPhysicalReadCrit ............................................................................... 850
MSSExpSQLPhysicalReadWarn ............................................................................ 851
MSSExpSQLWarn ................................................................................................ 852
MSSLogBckAgeCrit ............................................................................................. 853
MSSLogBckAgeWarn ........................................................................................... 854
MSSLogExCrit ..................................................................................................... 855
MSSLogExWarn ................................................................................................... 856
MSSLogForecast ................................................................................................. 857
MSSLogUsageCrit ............................................................................................... 858
MSSLogUsageWarn ............................................................................................. 859
MSSUseNTLMv2 ................................................................................................. 860
ORAAlertLogCountCrit ......................................................................................... 861
ORAAlertLogCountWarn ....................................................................................... 862
ORAAlertLogExprCrit ............................................................................................ 863
ORAAlertLogExprWarn ......................................................................................... 864
ORAAlertLogLocation .......................................................................................... 865
ORAAlertLogTimeSpan ........................................................................................ 866
ORABackupSkipFilesCheck .................................................................................. 867
ORABackupTool .................................................................................................. 868
ORABrbackupDelayCrit ........................................................................................ 869
ORABrbackupDelayTimeCrit ................................................................................. 870
ORABrbackupDelayTimeWarn .............................................................................. 871
ORABrbackupDelayWarn ...................................................................................... 872
ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit ............................................................................... 873
ORABrbackupSuccessFIDs ................................................................................... 874
ORABrToolsSchema ............................................................................................ 875
ORABrToolsSelectRange ...................................................................................... 876
ORADataFileIncrementsCrit .................................................................................. 877
ORADataFileIncrementsWarn ............................................................................... 878
ORADBAOperAgeCrit ........................................................................................... 879
ORADBAOperAgeWarn ......................................................................................... 880
ORADBAOperFunctionIDs ..................................................................................... 881
ORADBAOperSelectRange .................................................................................... 882
ORAEnqueueDeadLocksCrit ................................................................................. 883
ORAEnqueueDeadLocksWarn ............................................................................... 884
ORAEnqueueTimeoutsCrit .................................................................................... 885
ORAEnqueueTimeoutsWarn ................................................................................. 886
ORAEnqueueTimeSpan ........................................................................................ 887
ORAEnqueueWaitsCrit ......................................................................................... 888
ORAEnqueueWaitsWarn ....................................................................................... 889
ORAExpSQLExclude ............................................................................................. 890
ORAExpSQLExcludeShow ..................................................................................... 891

Version 7.1.3 xviii

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ORAExpSQLGetCrit .............................................................................................. 892

ORAExpSQLGetWarn ........................................................................................... 893
ORAExpSQLReadCrit ............................................................................................ 894
ORAExpSQLReadWarn ......................................................................................... 895
ORAExtentsUsageCrit .......................................................................................... 896
ORAExtentsUsageWarn ........................................................................................ 897
ORAFSLogArchCrit .............................................................................................. 898
ORAFSLogArchExCrit ........................................................................................... 899
ORAFSLogArchExWarn ........................................................................................ 900
ORAFSLogArchForecast ....................................................................................... 901
ORAFSLogArchWarn ............................................................................................ 902
ORAHomeDir ....................................................................................................... 903
ORARMANSelectRange ........................................................................................ 904
ORASAPToolsEnable ........................................................................................... 905
ORASAPToolsSchema ......................................................................................... 906
ORASegsChkWaitTime ......................................................................................... 907
ORASessionsCountWait ....................................................................................... 908
ORASessionsIgnoreWaitClass .............................................................................. 909
ORASessionsTimeWaitCrit ................................................................................... 910
ORASessionsTimeWaitWarn ................................................................................. 911
ORATableSpaceExCrit .......................................................................................... 912
ORATableSpaceExWarn ....................................................................................... 913
ORATableSpaceForecast ..................................................................................... 914
ORATableSpaceUsageCrit .................................................................................... 915
ORATableSpaceUsageWarn ................................................................................. 916
ORATNSAdminDir ................................................................................................ 917
ORATNSAlias ...................................................................................................... 918
PerfDataCollection .............................................................................................. 919
RelevantDailyCheckDetails ................................................................................... 920
RunDailyCheckOnWE ........................................................................................... 921
SYBBackupExclude .............................................................................................. 922
SYBBackupSelectRange ....................................................................................... 923
SYBBackupOKDisplayMax .................................................................................... 924
SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit .............................................................................. 925
SYBBackupStatDelayTimeWarn ............................................................................ 926
SYBBackupStatExclude ........................................................................................ 927
SYBBackupStatFailedStatus ................................................................................. 928
SYBBackupStatFailedDisplayTime ........................................................................ 929
SYBDBExCrit ....................................................................................................... 930
SYBDBExWarn ..................................................................................................... 931
SYBDBUsageCrit .................................................................................................. 932
SYBDBUsageWarn ............................................................................................... 933
SYBDBForecast ................................................................................................... 934
SYBErrorLogTimeSpan ......................................................................................... 935
SYBErrorLogExcludeErrNums ............................................................................... 936
SYBLogBackupExclude ........................................................................................ 937
SYBLogBackupAgeCrit ......................................................................................... 938
SYBLogBackupAgeWarn ...................................................................................... 939
SYBLogExCrit ...................................................................................................... 940
SYBLogExWarn ................................................................................................... 941
SYBLogForecast .................................................................................................. 942
SYBLogUsageCrit ................................................................................................ 943
SYBLogUsageWarn .............................................................................................. 944
TimeOutDBMonitor .............................................................................................. 945
X. syslink Xandria Server Properties, Notification Macros, XanGui Permissions ............... 946
Permissions ........................................................................................................ 947
XanGui Properties ............................................................................................... 951
syslink Xandria Master Properties ........................................................................ 957

Version 7.1.3 xix

syslink Xandria

Advanced Filter Syntax ........................................................................................ 968

A. Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 970
A.1. Supported Platforms ............................................................................................ 970
A.1.1. syslink Xandria Agent ................................................................................ 970
A.1.2. syslink Xandria Server Components ............................................................ 971
A.1.3. syslink Xandria Gateway ............................................................................ 971
A.2. Product Licenses ................................................................................................. 972

Version 7.1.3 xx
syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria

Chapter 1. Introduction
Dear Customer

Welcome to the world of syslink Xandria and many thanks for your interest in this product.

The goal of this document is to guide you through the setup process of syslink Xandria, and to
allow you to dive into the product evaluation immediately.

The first step of product evaluation is to get a minimum syslink Xandria environment up and run-
ning, consisting of the syslink Xandria Server and a single syslink Xandria Agent installed on the
host of one of your SAP Systems. Once you have achieved this step, you may contact your sales
representative in order to settle a date for an intensive hands-on training session at your site, or
alternatively to get a first overview and introduction in an online session conducted by a skilled
syslink Xandria expert.

After the training session you will have all the necessary knowledge to successfully run and extend
your syslink Xandria environment.

The most important thing you need for product evaluation is a user name and a password for the
syslink Xandria Support Portal. Your sales representative should have handed these credentials
over to you. If you don't have received them yet, please contact your sales representative imme-

Once you have your credentials at hand just start over to the following section.

There is also a PDF version of this document. You may want to use that one for printing.

Kind Regards

syslink Xandria Support Team

1.1. Planning the Installation

In order to install the syslink Xandria Server software you only need a recent low- to mid-range
server system running either Microsoft Windows, IBM AIX, or Linux. The common virtualization
products based on x64 hardware are supported as well.

For a complete list of supported syslink Xandria Server operating systems see Section A.1.2.1,
“syslink Xandria Server Operating Systems” .

You should also select a server running the first syslink Xandria Agent, probably one hosting a SAP
System or a Database. The syslink Xandria Agent supports the common Unix operating systems
and Microsoft Windows (see also Section A.1.1.1, “Operating Systems” ).

1.2. Getting in Touch with the syslink Xandria Support Team

In case of any questions, problems, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the syslink
Xandria support. We will do our best to assist you as quickly as possible.

Perform the following steps in order to contact the syslink Xandria support:

1. Have your logon credentials for the syslink Xandria Support Portal at hand.

2. Open a web browser and navigate to https://support.syslink.ch .

3. Enter the user name and the password into the Name and Password fields and press Enter .

Version 7.1.3 2
Installation Steps for Product Evaluation syslink Xandria

4. Select  → Change Password from the header.

Enter the old and new password, and push OK .

5. Select  → User Settings from the header.

Verify your profile data, first of all the Email address. We use this address to send you a noti-
fication whenever we made progress with your support call.

6. If you make any changes push the Apply button.

7. In order to actually make a support call: Select Support → Tickets from the top-level menu.
Choose New from the toolbar..

8. There is a New Ticket pop-up:

• Fill in a short message describing your problem or question briefly in the field Short Descrip-
tion .

• Fill in a more detailed description of your problem or question in the field Log Text .

Push the OK button.

9. Once you have inserted the ticket, you can also attach additional documents to it, like screen
shots, etc. Simply select the ticket from the ticket list and use the Upload Attachment… button.

As mentioned earlier already, whenever we make progress with your support call, you get an email
notification. This email notification contains a link that you can click on in order to directly open
your support call. You may add further Log Text , change the Status , until we finally found a sat-
isfying solution.

1.3. Installation Steps for Product Evaluation

For the recommended setup during product evaluation perform the following steps:

1. syslink Xandria Serv- Section 2.1, “Installation Notes”

er on Microsoft Win- Section 2.2, “Installing on Microsoft Windows operating systems”
dows operating sys-

syslink Xandria Serv- Section 2.1, “Installation Notes”

er on Unix-like oper- Section 2.3, “Installing on Unix-like operating systems”
ating systems

2. Section 2.4, “Post Installation Steps”

3. Chapter 3, Installing the syslink Xandria Agent

4. Chapter 4, Next Steps (in product evaluation)

Version 7.1.3 3
syslink Xandria

Chapter 2. Installing the syslink

Xandria Server
Before you start with the installation, visit our site and read the document RE-
LEASE NOTES for syslink Xandria 7.1 [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=210 ]. Make sure that you get the latest versions and patch-
es of the syslink Xandria software, as stated in the Components section.

2.1. Installation Notes
License You need a license in order to run syslink Xandria. The necessary steps
are described in Section 2.4.1, “Obtaining and Installing the License” at the
end of the syslink Xandria Server installation.

Permissions You must have local administrator permissions (on Microsoft Windows
operating systems) or root permissions (on Unix-like operating systems)
in order to perform the installation.

Database syslink Xandria on Microsoft Windows operating systems requires a Mi-

crosoft SQL Server as data store. For product evaluation as well as small
and medium sized installations we recommend to install Microsoft SQL
Server 2016 Express Edition. The installation procedure is described in
Section 2.2.2, “Installing the Microsoft SQL Server (Express Edition)”.

If you already have installed a Microsoft SQL Server (either Microsoft SQL
Server 2008 or higher), or you are performing a shared installation, please
make sure that you enable local and remote TCP/IP connections. This
procedure is described below.

If you plan to run the syslink Xandria Database on a Microsoft SQL Serv-
er hosted on a different server than the other syslink Xandria Server com-
ponents you have to assure that the syslink Xandria Server components
have the necessary permissions to access the Microsoft SQL Server.

syslink Xandria on Unix-like operating systems requires a PostgreSQL da-

ta store. The installation is described in Section 2.3.2, “Installing the Post-

Installation in a Clus- As a general recommendation if you plan to install the syslink Xandria
ter Environment Server in a clustered environment, create two virtual servers (or switching
groups): one with the RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL, de-
pending on the operating system) holding the syslink Xandria Database,
the other one with syslink Xandria Master and XanGui.

Make sure that during the installation process you choose installation lo-
cations that switch properly together with the virtual servers.

During the installation of the syslink Xandria Server you have the option to
stage the syslink Xandria Database on a remotely installed RDBMS.

Security Considera- Communication between syslink Xandria Agents and syslink Xandria serv-
tions er is encrypted (using HTTPS).

Version 7.1.3 4
Installing on Microsoft Windows operating systems syslink Xandria

Communication between Web browsers and the XanGui can be en-

crypted as well (using HTTPS as well). If you plan to use HTTPS
communication, please read thie knowledge base articles INFO:
syslink XanGui SSL Issues [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=138] and HOWTO: Use CA signed Certifi-
cate for HTTPS in XanGui [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-

Communication between XanGui and the syslink Xandria Database is not


Running XanGui on On Unix-based systems, port 80 and port 443 are protected; typically only
port 80/443 (Unix on- the superuser root can open them. For security reasons, it is not desirable
ly) to run the syslink Xandria Server as root. However, it may be convenient
for users to access XanGui using the standard HTTP/HTTPS ports. By
default, XanGui uses ports 8080 and 8443.

The recommended way to achieve this is to install syslink Xandria Server

as a non-root user and to redirect the ports 80 and 443 by operating sys-
tem means. On Linux, you may use iptables (or ipchains), AIX provides
similar means. Please consult your operating system documentation.

However, if you run the syslink Xandria Server installer as root, you can
configure it for XanGui to use the standard ports 80 and 443.

Different Unix flavors The file paths and directory names used within this document, as well as
commands the syntax used in operating system files, especially for the crontab, may
vary from operating system to operating system, or even between differ-
ent releases of the same operating system, or between different distrib-
utions. Please adapt accordingly. For further information, please refer to
your operating system documentation, e.g. man cron, man crontab, and
others, or ask your operating system administrator.

2.2. Installing on Microsoft Windows operating systems

This section describes how to actually install the syslink Xandria Server.

We recommend to install the syslink Xandria Master and XanGui on the same host, although the
installer allows you to install them separately. Please contact syslink support before if you plan to
install syslink Xandria Master and XanGui on separate hosts.

In case there is any issue with the installation, you can find the log files in %TEMP%\syslink Xandria
Installation Logs.

2.2.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Microsoft Windows operating


syslink Xandria Server components as well as the syslink Xandria Gateway require the Java 8
Runtime Environment.

If you do not you have a suitable Java 8 Runtime Environment installed, download one from https://
www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp and install it.

Version 7.1.3 5
Installing the Microsoft SQL Server (Express Edition) syslink Xandria

2.2.2. Installing the Microsoft SQL Server (Express Edition)

You can skip this step if you already have installed a Microsoft SQL Server.

Perform these steps on the server supposed to host the syslink Xandria Database. Either the sys-
link Xandria server or a dedicated database host.

1. Download the latest Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Express Edition) from this location [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-serv-
er-editions-express] and save file to e.g. C:\Downloads.

2. Open the recently downloaded file (e.g. SQLServer2016-SSEI-Expr.exe):

a. Choose Download Media.

b. Choose Express Core and – if desired – change the download location to e.g. C:\Down-

c. Push the Download button.

d. Push the Close button.

3. Open a command prompt and switch to the directory chosen in Step 2.b.

4. Run the following command:

SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /ACTION=Install /AddCurrentUserAsSQLAdmin
/FEATURES=SQL,Tools /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /QUIETSIMPLE

You may want to adapt the value for SAPWD according to your needs.

This procedure describes the most convenient way to install Microsoft SQL Server.

The only requirements syslink Xandria has is a user (either Windows user or an
SQL user) that has the permission to be the owner of the syslink Xandria Database,
and to access the database using TCP/IP. If you are familiar with the database
security models, feel free to adapt the command line call above accordingly. Or
perform a plain installation and change the settings afterwards using SQL Server
Management Studio (SSMS) and/or SQL Server Configuration Manager.

For more information refer to the SQL Server Technical Documentation [https://

For an explanation of the command line options refer to Install SQL Server from the Command
Prompt [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/install-windows/install-sql-

The following link describes how to schedule and automate backups for the Microsoft SQL Serv-
er Express Edition: How to schedule and automate backups of SQL Server databases in SQL
Server Express [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2019698/how-to-schedule-and-auto-

Version 7.1.3 6
Verify TCP/IP Settings of Microsoft SQL Server syslink Xandria

2.2.3. Verify TCP/IP Settings of Microsoft SQL Server

You can skip this section if you have performed all the steps in Section 2.2.2, “Installing
the Microsoft SQL Server (Express Edition)”.

If you already have installed a Microsoft SQL Server (either Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or higher),
or you are performing a shared installation, please make sure that you enable local and remote
TCP/IP connections.

Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, chooseSQL Server Network Connections → Protocols
for [instance_name]and set the Status for TCP/IP to Enabled.

2.2.4. Running the syslink Xandria Server Installer

Procedure 2.1. Running the syslink Xandria Server Installer

1. Download xandria-server-7.1.3-win64.exe from the SERVER RELEASE 7.1.3 section at

2. Open the installer, push Next on the welcome screen, and choose I agree on the license screen.

3. You are asked to install either syslink Xandria Master, XanGui or both. Usually you will leave
the default and install both. Push Next to continue.

4. Choose an appropriate installation location and push Next.

5. The installer will search for a Java 8 Runtime Environment.

If no suitable Java Virtual Machine is found automatically, click Select Java to choose an
alreay installed Java Virtual Machine.

Press Next to continue if a Java Virtual Machine is defined.

6. Choose the ports for incoming HTTP and or HTTPS connections of the web UI. You may push
the Verify Ports button in order to check if the ports are free. Press Next.

7. Verify the Windows Firewall configuration rules that will be added to your system. Press Next
to proceed.

8. Choose the (Windows) user to run the Windows services as. By default this is LocalSystem.
If you use Windows Authentication for the Microsoft SQL Server (which is the default in Step
4), make sure you use the same user here as for the Microsoft SQL Server. If you performed
a standard installation in Step 4, leave it to the default here. If your Microsoft SQL Server is
running with a different user, fill in the same user. Press Next to proceed.

9. Push Install.

10. On the final screen, make sure you have checked Install XanGui and Master and push Finish.

2.2.5. Staging the syslink Xandria Database (on Microsoft Windows operating

1. Open your browser at http(s)://localhost:[port] (with the port as defined above)

2. Choose Microsoft SQL Server and push Next.

Version 7.1.3 7
Installing on Unix-like operating systems syslink Xandria

3. The local server is searched for SQL Server instances. Select an appropriate value from the
drop-down list (there will be usually only one). If you need to connect to a different Microsoft
SQL Server, fill in Host / Port and Instance Name. Push Next.

4. Choose Windows Authentication if you want to access the Microsoft SQL Server using this
security model. Otherwise define an SQL User / Password. Push Next.

5. Define a name for the database. You will usually leave this to the default value xandria. Push
the Create Database & Check button

6. Push Save and switch to XanGui to finish the installation.

2.3. Installing on Unix-like operating systems

This section describes how to actually install the syslink Xandria Server on Unix-like operating

2.3.1. Preparing the Installation

You have to be familiar with the following topics to perform this installation:

• Adding users and groups

• Using package managers

• Managing the cron facility

• Creating file systems (if desired)

Perform these steps as user root: Operating system user and group

Create an operating system group xandria.

Create an operating system user xandria. Add this user to the xandria group and create a home
directory /home/xandria. We recommend to use a sh-like login shell, like bash or ksh. Create a File System

Unless done already, create a file system /syslink of at least 30 GB size, or create a directory
somewhere in an existing file system (having at least the required free space) and make a symbolic
link /syslink to the newly created directory.

Change the ownership of the /syslink directory to the user and group xandria:
root$ chown -R xandria:xandria /syslink Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Unix-like operating systems)

Unless have installed the Java 8 Runtime Environment already, you now have to do so.

Version 7.1.3 8
Installing the PostgreSQL RDBMS syslink Xandria

On Unix-like operating systems you can usually install the Java 8 Runtime Environment using the
standard package management for the operating system. This is the recommended way since it
usually also provides ways for automatic updates, etc.

If you don't want to use the package management, you can download the files for Linux [https://
www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp] or for AIX [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ja-
va/jdk/aix/service.html] and perform a manual installation.

2.3.2. Installing the PostgreSQL RDBMS

In order to make the installation easier, we provide a compiled and packaged version of Post-
greSQL 9.6.4. We did not make any changes to the source files.

If you intend to use a PostgreSQL installation available through the package management of your
operating system refer to this document: INFO: Using a different PostgreSQL Installation [https://

Perform the following steps as user xandria:

Procedure 2.2. Running the PostgreSQL installer

1. Download xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin from the CONTRIB RELEASE 7.1 section at

https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria and save it to /syslink.

2. Make sure the file is executable. Otherwise:

xandria$ chmod 755 xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin

3. Run the installer:

xandria$ ./xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin

4. At the end of the installation you will be asked to create a so called database role. A role in
this case is PostgreSQL terminology for a database user. You will use this user within syslink
Xandria to access the database (in Section 2.3.4, “Staging the syslink Xandria Database”).
Choose the name and password carefully and make sure you remember it.

You cannot use the name xandria here, if that is the operating system user you are
running the installer with. This user is automatically created as a built-in database
administrator, but only has access on the command line. So it cannot be used by
syslink Xandria.

There is a small script xandria_dump.sh provided in /syslink/xandriadb/backup/bin that you

can use to perform backup. You may use the cron facility to schedule these backups.

As user xandria, edit the crontab files and add lines for the backup, like in
xandria$ crontab -e
# Xandria Backup
30 23 * * * /syslink/xandriadb/backup/bin/xandria_dump.sh --dbname=xandria > /dev/null 2>&1
50 23 * * * /syslink/xandriadb/backup/bin/xandria_dump.sh --dbname=GLOBALS > /dev/null 2>&1

2.3.3. Installing the syslink Xandria Server Components

Perform the following steps as user xandria (or as user root, if you have to, as described in item
Running XanGui on port 80/443 (Unix only) of Section 2.1, “Installation Notes”):

Version 7.1.3 9
Staging the syslink Xandria Database syslink Xandria

Procedure 2.3. Running the syslink Xandria Server installer

1. Download xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin from the SERVER RELEASE 7.1.3 section at
https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria and save it to /syslink.

Make sure the file is executable. Otherwise:

xandria$ chmod 755 xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin

2. If the Java 8 Runtime Environment installed is in your path, run

xandria$ ./xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin

Otherwise run
xandria$ ./xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin -- --jvm=[path_to_java_executable]

with [path_to_java_executable] the absolute path of the java executable.

Yes, it's really -- first and then --jvm.

3. You will be asked to define the HTTP port for XanGui to use, and if you want to configure
HTTPS as well, and if so, for the HTTPS port as well. You can also choose to redirect the HTTP
port to the HTTPS port.

4. Once finished, the installer automatically starts syslink Xandria Master and XanGui.

2.3.4. Staging the syslink Xandria Database

1. Open your browser at http(s)://[xandria_server]:[port] (with port as defined above)

2. Choose PostgreSQL and push Next.

3. Fill in the name of your syslink Xandria Server into Host / Port. You do not need to define the
port. Push Next.

4. Fill in the user and password you defined in Step 4 of Procedure 2.2, “Running the PostgreSQL
installer” into SQL User / Password. Push Next.

5. Define a name for the database. You will usually leave this to the default value xandria. Push
the Create Database & Check button

6. Push Save and switch to XanGui to finish the installation.

2.3.5. Including syslink Xandria Daemons in the system init process

In order to automatically start the syslink Xandria server components at system boot time, and to
terminate them properly at shutdown, you may want to include them in your system initialization
process. Please refer to your system documentation.

Start the different components in the following order:

1. syslink Xandria Database

2. syslink Xandria Master

3. XanGui

Version 7.1.3 10
Post Installation Steps syslink Xandria

For the shutdown procedure use the opposite order.

2.4. Post Installation Steps

2.4.1. Obtaining and Installing the License

In order to run syslink Xandria you need a license. Until you have received a valid license,
you are able to run syslink Xandria in DEMO mode with a single syslink Xandria Agent

The license is bound to the hardware the syslink Xandria Server components are installed on.

At the end of the installation you switched to the XanGui login page. Use the built-in User adminis-
trator with the default password admin1234 and login.

1. Select Administration → Licenses from the XanGui top-level menu. The Licenses page opens.

2. Click on Request / Install Xandria License button and then click on 1. Request License. A dialog
box will open showing your Hardware Key and some fields to fill in the number of licenses
required. Press Continue.

3. A mail to support@syslink.ch will be opened using the email program of your system with
the data entered in the form. Please feel free to modify this email and to add any notes, then
submit the mail.

Alternatively, if you already have received credentials to login to our support area, you may also
use the License Request From [https://www.syslink.ch/support/request] on our webpage. Fill
in the same data together with the Hardware Key displayed in XanGui. Or you may open a
support ticket at https://support.syslink.ch.

4. In response to your query you will receive an e-mail or log entry in your support ticket with
the license key. Please return to the Licenses page (Administration → Licenses) and click on
Request / Install Xandria License. Then copy and paste the license key including the lines
marked as -----BEGIN/END XLIC BLOCK----- to the corresponding text box and press OK.

5. A message appears that the license was installed. It may take a minute until it is active. Please
use the refresh button to see the updated license information. Verify the Status and Status
Message are Ok.

2.4.2. XanGui Post-Installation Steps

In order to automate the setup as much as possible the syslink Xandria Master tries to determine
the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host it is actually running on. This information is used for
communication between the syslink Xandria Server components as well as for communication
between the syslink Xandria Agents and the syslink Xandria Server.

In order to verify that these settings are correct perform the following steps:

Procedure 2.4. Verify the Host Settings

1. Select  → About from the top-level menu.

2. Click on Xandria Master. Verify the values Masterhost, Masterport, and Bind Address.
You probably will need a new license if certain parts of your hardware do change.

Version 7.1.3 11
Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment syslink Xandria

The Masterhost should contain a host name or Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address of
the syslink Xandria server that can be connected to from all or at least most syslink Xandria

The Masterport can be used to configure a different listening port of the syslink Xandria Mas-
ter. There is usually no need to change this setting unless there is another application already
using the default port 9050.

The Bind Address can be used to restrict the listening port of the syslink Xandria Master to
certain IP addresses in case the syslink Xandria server has multiple network interfaces. The
value means the syslink Xandria Master is listening on all network interfaces.

Click on Xandria XanGui. Verify the value XanGui host.

3. If the values determined automatically are not suitable for you:

a. Push the  button.

b. Enter the appropriate value and push the Apply button.

c. Restart the syslink Xandria Master and/or XanGui.

2.4.3. Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment

You can use the syslink Xandria Master to simplify the initial deployment of the syslink Xandria

This may be handy in order to avoid downloading the files from our web site over and over again
on every Server you install the syslink Xandria Agent. Instead you can use a browser or tools like
wget or curl to retrieve the files directly from your syslink Xandria Server.

Download the following files from https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria

• agent-7.1.[n].bin from the AGENT RELEASE 7.1.[n] section

• agent-7.1.[n]-setup.exe from the AGENT RELEASE 7.1.[n] section

• transports-for-xandria-7.1.zip from the CONTRIB RELEASE 7.1.[n] section

and save them to the AgentUpdate directory on the syslink Xandria Server, located at C:\Program
Files\syslink\AgentUpdate (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) or /syslink/AgentUp-
date (on Unix-like operating systems).

You may use the same method to initially deploy Java Runtime Environments to Servers where you
cannot use operating system means to install it, like e.g. on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Download a Java Runtime Environment from https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp

and save it to the AgentUpdate directory.

You can then download any file [filename] stored in the AgentUpdate directory using the following
URL http://your.xandria.server:9050/AgentUpdate/[filename].

Version 7.1.3 12
syslink Xandria

Chapter 3. Installing the syslink

Xandria Agent
Before you start with the installation, visit our support web site at https://
www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria. Make sure that you get the latest versions
and patches of the syslink Xandria software.

3.1. Verify Network Connectivity

syslink Xandria Agent syslink Xandria Server

TCP: 9051

TCP: 9050

The syslink Xandria Agent contacts the syslink Xandria Server on TCP port 9050. The other way
round, the syslink Xandria Server connects to the syslink Xandria Agent on TCP Port 9051.

Verify the connection from the syslink Xandria Agent to the syslink Xandria Server using
telnet your.xandria.server 9050

The telnet tool will report an error if a connection cannot be established.

If network restrictions are in place on your site please contact your network staff to enable the
communication in both directions, from the syslink Xandria Agent to syslink Xandria Server on port
9050, and the other direction on port 9051.

Version 7.1.3 13
Preparing the Installation syslink Xandria

3.2. Preparing the Installation

This section describes preparations which are required to monitor SAP Systems or Databases us-
ing the syslink Xandria Agent. If the agent shall only monitor the operating system, no preparations
are required and you can continue reading the appropriate installation section, see Section 3.3,
“Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems” or see Section 3.4, “Installation on Unix
Operating Systems”.

In order to monitor (ABAP or ABAP+Java) SAP Systems, the syslink Xandria Agent needs an ABAP
user to connect with, the so called Xandria RFC User. We recommend to create a dedicated RFC
user for syslink Xandria, as described in Section 3.2.2, “syslink Xandria RFC User Setup”.

Make sure to import the transport requests before you create the RFC user, since the transport
requests include an authorization object and an authorization profile that the user requires.

For an ABAP+Java system, we recommend to enable the RFC user as a J2EE Administrator as well.

For a Java-only system, we recommend to create a user xandria_j2ee, as described in Sec-

tion 3.2.3, “syslink Xandria J2EE User Setup”.

3.2.1. Importing the syslink Xandria SAP Transport Request

This section does not apply to Java-only systems.

The current version of syslink Xandria ships with two transport requests. Unicode and non-Unicode
systems of all basis releases listed in Section A.1.1.2, “SAP Basis” are supported. The following
table gives an overview:

Table 3.1. Transport Request Overview

Transport Short Text Client Dep.
XANK900169 syslink Xandria Monitoring Interface V6 No
XANK900171 Profile for syslink Xandria Mon. Interface (ZSYSXANMON- Yes

Transport XANK900169 is a workbench request and thus client independent. It contains a generic
interface for some monitoring data which cannot be directly retrieved by RFC. In greater detail:

Table 3.2. Content of Transport Request XANK900169

Short Description Program ID Object Type Object Name
Authorization object R3TR SUSO ZSYSXANMON

All objects except the authorization object use the registered namespace SYSLINK. For the autho-
rization object this is not possible, unfortunately, therefore it is delivered in the customer name

Version 7.1.3 14
Importing the syslink Xandria SAP Transport Request syslink Xandria

Transport XANK900171 is a customizing request and thus client dependent. Please import this re-
quest to the same client as the RFC user, see Section 3.2.2, “syslink Xandria RFC User Setup”. It
contains the authorization profile ZSYSXANMONPR only. This profile includes the authorization object
ZSYSXANMON which is required for the syslink Xandria monitoring interface and other read-only sys-
tem authorization objects.

We recommend the following steps be performed only by an SAP Basis Administrator or another
person with proper knowledge of the SAP transport system.

To import the transport request, replace all occurrences xxxx by the numbers indicated above.
Proceed as follows for all request you have chosen to import:

1. Download the file transports-for-xandria-7.1.zip either from https://www.syslink.ch/soft-

ware/syslink-xandria (it is the CONTRIB RELEASE 7.1 section) or from your syslink Xandria
Server (if you followed Section 2.4.3, “Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment”).

2. Extract the zip file to some proper location, referenced as [TP_SOURCE] in this procedure.

3. Copy the control files [TP_SOURCE]/cofiles/K90xxxx.XAN to the directory cofiles of your

transport domain, e.g. /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (on Unix-like operating systems).

4. Set the file permission of the copied cofiles in a way that they are readable and writable for
any operating system user [sid]adm supposed to import the request. On Unix-like operating
systems, you can do this like in the following example:
root$ chgrp sapsys K90xxxx.XAN
root$ chmod 664 K90xxxx.XAN

On Microsoft Windows operating systems, you can use the Properties menu opened from the
context menu of the file in order to modify the file attributes and other file security settings.
Refer to your operating system documentation for further information.

5. Copy the data files [TP_SOURCE]/data/R90xxxx.XAN to the directory data of your transport
domain, e.g. /usr/sap/trans/data (on Unix-like operating systems).

6. Set the file permission of the copied data files in a way that they are read- and writable for
any operating system user [sid]adm supposed to import the request. On Unix-like operating
systems, you can do this like in the following example:
root$ chgrp sapsys R90xxxx.XAN
root$ chmod 644 R90xxxx.XAN

On Microsoft Windows operating systems, you can use the file Properties menu opened from
the context menu of the file in order to modify the file attributes and other file security settings.
Refer to your operating system documentation for further information.

7. Import the transport requests. This might be done with the SAP transport program tp on op-
erating system level, however, we recommend to use transaction STMS.

a. Start transaction STMS.

b. Select Import Overview and select the SAP System where you want to import the request.

c. Choose menu itemExtras → Other requests → Addand type the transport number
XANK90xxxx in the transport request text field of the following dialog.

Please set the Ignore Invalid Component Version flag at the Options tab, other-
wise the import may fail.

Press the Continue button. The transport request has been added to the import queue.

Version 7.1.3 15
syslink Xandria RFC User Setup syslink Xandria

d. Import the request. If you are not sure whether to import all requests or only the newly
added syslink Xandria request XANK90xxxx, import XANK90xxxx only.

Repeat the steps until all transport requests are imported.

8. Check the transport log for errors. Warnings can usually be ignored.

3.2.2. syslink Xandria RFC User Setup

If you do not know how to setup a SAP (ABAP) user, please contact your SAP basis or security
administrator. Ask her to perform the following steps:

1. Start SAP GUI and login to the SAP System to monitor.

2. Please choose an appropriate logon client:

• For ABAP+Java systems using SAP Java User Management Engine (UME), the user has
to be created in the master client used by UME in order to enable it for Java monitoring.

• If you intend to monitor a SAP BI/BW system, you need to create the user in the standard
client of the BI/BW system.

• If you intend to monitor a SAP PI/XI system, you need to create the user in the productive
client of the PI/XI system.

• Otherwise we recommend to use client 000

3. Call the user maintenance transaction SU01.

4. Enter the name of the new user in the User field and press the Create button. We recommend
to name the user XANDRIA_RFC.

5. Enter at least a value for Last name in the following screen and switch to tab Logon data.

6. In the Logon data screen, enter a password in the fields Initial password and Repeat password.

7. Also in Logon data, for User type choose the value System (or Communication or Background).

8. Switch to the Profiles tab and enter the profile ZSYSXANMONPR. This profile has been imported
with transport request XANK900171. If the transport has not been imported so far, please see
Section 3.2.1, “Importing the syslink Xandria SAP Transport Request” on how to import the
transport request and assign the profile afterwards.

9. Press the Save button.

You may need a license for the user you fill in. In case of doubt double-check with SAP.

3.2.3. syslink Xandria J2EE User Setup

Things are getting a little bit more complicated if Java comes into play. We need to distinguish
between ABAP+Java and Java-only systems. Setup for ABAP+Java systems

For an ABAP+Java System we recommend to authorize the user created as described in Sec-
tion 3.2.2, “syslink Xandria RFC User Setup” as an administrator in the J2EE instance. Alternatively
you may use the built-in j2ee_admin user.

Version 7.1.3 16
User Setup for Database Monitoring syslink Xandria

The easiest way to achieve this is to assign the ABAP role SAP_J2EE_ADMIN to the user created in
the ABAP part.

1. Go to transaction SU01, enter the name of the user created as described in Section 3.2.2, “sys-
link Xandria RFC User Setup” in the User field, and click on Change.

2. Switch to the Roles tab and enter the role SAP_J2EE_ADMIN.

If you intend to monitor SAP XI/PI systems, you have to assign the ABAP role
SAP_XI_MONITOR to the user.

Additionally, you must assign the action xi_af_channel_admin_display to the SAP

Java user in order to enable PI channel monitoring.

3. Press the Save button. Setup for Java-only systems

For a Java-only System we recommend to create a new user XANDRIA_J2EE and authorize it as
administrator. Alternatively you may use the built-in Administrator user.

1. Start the UME console pointing your browser at the URL http://[hostname]:[port]/userad-

2. Logon as administrator user.

3. Click on Create User and fill in the required fields.

4. Assign the Administrator role

5. Click on Save.

You may need a license for the user you fill in. In case of doubt double-check with SAP.

3.2.4. User Setup for Database Monitoring

syslink Xandria requires an SQL (!) Database user in order to perform monitoring of stand-alone
Databases and Database instances of an SAP System. Database instances of an SAP System

As a general rule, use the following Database users in order to monitor the Database instance of
an SAP System:

• Use the SAP ABAP schema user for an ABAP-only SAP System

• Use the SAP Java schema user for a Java-only SAP System

• Use both users for a double-stack SAP System

For an SAP System with MaxDB Database you also have to define an DBM Operator (e.g. the CON-
TROL user).

Version 7.1.3 17
User Setup for Database Monitoring syslink Xandria Stand-alone Databases

As a general rule, use an administrative Database user for the Database monitoring.

The more detailed description is as follows:

Oracle Please make sure the SQL user you specify has the permission to access
the Catalog Views in Oracle; at least the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE must
be granted to the user, unless it is an Oracle administrator user. To do so,
connect to your Oracle database using SQLPlus and enter the following

Additionally, when using BR*Tools, the SQL user must be granted SELECT
privileges to the SDBAH table in the corresponding SAP schema, unless you
already use the SAP schema owner or an administrator user.

The same holds true for the table BC_COMPVERS found in the SAP schema
of Java SAP Instances.

DB2 Please make sure your user is part of the SYSMON authority group or has
system administration or system control authority. Please refer to your
DB2 documentation on how to grant those authorities to your user.

Microsoft SQL Server Please make sure the user you specify was assigned the login permission
VIEW SERVER STATE. See Microsoft SQL Server documentation on how to
assign the permission to your login user.

Please note: syslink Xandria supports both, SQL Server authentica-

tion and Windows authentication. In case you choose a Windows au-
thentication user you will have to define the user in domain format:

MaxDB Please define a user in the DBA User Class.

In order to get the ADA_Backup check running properly you also have to
define a DBM Operator (e.g. the CONTROL user) and a DBM Operator Pass-

Please note that the CONTROL user usually is not able to run SQL com-

If you want to define an explicit DBM operator user, i.e. you do not want to
use the CONTROL user, you can do this by running the following statements
using dbmcli. Please replace SID by the real SID of your database instance.
dbmcli -u CONTROL,the_password -d SID

user_create DBM_XANDRIA,a_password


SAP HANA Please make sure the user has assigned the Monitoring role.

SAP Sybase ASE Please make sure the user has assigned the roles mon_role and

According to official Sybase ASE documentation the role
oper_role should be sufficient for the check SYB_Backup

Version 7.1.3 18
Verify Java requirements syslink Xandria

(all other checks only require mon_role permissions). Unfortu-

nately tests have shown that the stored procedure called for
SYB_Backup fails with permission error unless the user is a
member of sa_role.

You may need a license for the user you fill in. In case of doubt double-check with your
database vendor.

3.2.5. Verify Java requirements

The Java 8 Runtime Environment is required.

You will need a 64-bit JVM on 64-bit operating systems.

You may use the package management tools of your operating system in order to install a suitable

Otherwise download the JRE from the syslink Xandria Server (if you followed Section  2.4.3,
“Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment”) or directly from https://www.java.com/en/
download/manual.jsp and install it.

3.2.6. Stand-alone Oracle-specific requirements

If you intend to monitor Oracle stand-alone Databases using the OCI driver connection method,
make sure the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is properly set in the environment of the user
running the syslink Xandria Agent. On some platforms you might need to set the library path en-
vironment variable as well. Otherwise the Oracle OCI driver will not be able to access the native
shared libraries.

3.2.7. Deploying syslink Xandria Agents to the target systems

On the Physical Servers supposed to run the syslink Xandria Agent, download the appropriate pack-
age agent-7.1.[n].bin (on Unix-like operating systems) or agent-7.1.[n]-setup.exe (on Mi-
crosoft Windows operating systems) from the syslink Xandria Server (if you followed Section 2.4.3,
“Preparing the syslink Xandria Agent Deployment”). Otherwise download directly from https://
www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria (in the AGENT RELEASE 7.1.[n] section).

3.3. Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems

Start the Microsoft installer file agent-7.1.[n]-setup.exe and follow the instructions on the

1. On the introduction screen press Next.

2. Read and accept the license agreement and click I Agree.

3. Choose an installation location and press Next.

4. The installer will search for a suitable Java Runtime Environment.

Version 7.1.3 19
Unattended/Silent Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems syslink Xandria

If no suitable Java Virtual Machine is found automatically, click Select Java to choose an
installed Java Virtual Machine.

Press Next to continue if a Java Virtual Machine is defined.

5. To define a custom agent listener port if the default port (9051) does not match, select the
Set Agent Port checkbox and enter the custom port. If the port settings are correct proceed
by pressing Next

If you change this value, you must set the AgentListenerPort Monitoring Parame-
ter for this Server accordingly. See Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets” and
Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets”

6. Read the Windows Firewall configuration rules which will be added to your system. Press Next
to proceed.

7. On the next screen you can define a different service user. The syslink Xandria Agent service
by default runs using the LocalSystem user account. This user may not be allowed to access
network resources. If some of your SAP Systems profile data are located on remote (shared)
resources, the SAP System will most likely not be monitored. In this case it is necessary to
change the service user to an operating system user allowed to read the network resources
(e.g. the SAP System’s [sid]adm user).

Using the SAP System’s [sid]adm as service user is especially recommended for
Java-only SAP System running with a MaxDB.

If you have chosen the user account press Install to proceed.

8. Wait until syslink Xandria Agent installation is completed. Press Next to proceed.

9. Select Start Xandria Agent to start the windows service now. You can also start syslink Xandria
Agent later in Windows Services. Press Finish to finish the installation.

In case there is any issue with the installation, you can find the log files in $TEMP\syslink
Xandria Installation Logs.

3.3.1. Unattended/Silent Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems

The Windows Agent can be installed in an unattended (silent) mode. This is useful if the Agent is
installed on many servers with scripts.

Following options can be set to configure the installation:

/S Required. Start Agent in silent mode.

/JAVA_PATH Required. Path to Java installation directory. Do NOT point to java.exe or

jvm.dll, JAVA_PATH must point to the directory where java is installed.

/PORT Required. The port used for the agent (default is 9051).

Version 7.1.3 20
Installation on Unix Operating Systems syslink Xandria

/START_SERVICE Optional. Set to 1 if the agent should be started immediately after the instal-

/USER Optional. Set the service user. If not set the Local System account user is

/PASSWORD Optional. Set the password of the service user. Only required if USER is set
(see above).

/D Optional. Installation path. This setting must be the last setting! Spaces are
allowed. If you use spaces do not wrap with "". If you do not set the path, the
syslink Xandria Agent will be installed to %ProgramFiles%\syslink\agent.

Example 3.1. Install the Agent into the default directory

agent-7.1.[n].-setup.exe /S /JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_92" /PORT=9051

Example 3.2. Install the Agent into a different directory and start sutomatically

agent-7.1.[n]-setup.exe /S /JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_92" /PORT=9051 /START_SERVICE=1 /D=C:\syslin

3.4. Installation on Unix Operating Systems

It is recommended to create a dedicated file system for the syslink Xandria Agent of at least 1.5
GB size.

1. Create a directory to hold the syslink Xandria Agent software, i.e. /syslink.
root$ mkdir /syslink

2. Create an operating system user xandria member of an operating system group xandria in
order to run the syslink Xandria Agent.

If you want to run the syslink Xandria Agent using another OS user (e.g. sidadm),
simply follow the instructions with user sidadm instead of xandria.

3. Add the user xandria to the group sapsys.

The user running the syslink Xandria Agent needs the permissions to read and access the
home directories of any user [sid]adm of the installed instances, as well as the profile direc-
tories /usr/sap/[SID]/SYS/profile.

4. Verify that the following access permissions are set for the directory /home/[sid]adm, i.e. the
group read permissions are set for the group sapsys:
drwxr-x--- 2 [sid]adm sapsys 2048 Jan 24 17:28 .
-rw-r----- 1 [sid]adm sapsys 1515 Apr 9 2002 .cshrc
-rw-r----- 1 [sid]adm sapsys 2820 Apr 17 2002 .dbenv_[hostname].csh
-rw-r----- 1 [sid]adm sapsys 7307 Apr 17 2002 .sapenv_[hostname].csh

5. Verify the group access permission of /usr/sap/[SID]/SYS/profile in the same way.

6. • For SAP installations based on an Oracle database add the user xandria to the group dba

For SAP installations based on an Oracle database, the user xandria needs permissions
to read and access the directory /oracle/[SID| (and all sub-directories). In particular it
needs the permissions to read all init* files in /oracle/[SID]/[ORA_VERS]/dbs.

• For SAP installations based on an IBM DB2 UDB/LUW database add the user xandria to
the group db[sid]adm

Version 7.1.3 21
Unattended/Silent Installation on Unix-like operating systems syslink Xandria

For SAP installations based on an IBM DB2 UDB/LUW database, the user xandria needs
permissions to read and access the fail-over log archive path directory (FAILARCHPATH),
if configured.

7. It is recommended that the path to the java executable is included in the PATH environment
of the user xandria. Additionally the path /syslink/java is searched for suitable Java Virtual

If no Java executeable can be found during the installation the setup is aborted.

8. Change ownership of /syslink directory to xandria.

root$ chown xandria /syslink

9. Change user to xandria and directory to /syslink

root$ su - xandria
xandria$ cd /syslink

10. Copy the syslink Xandria Agent installation software agent-[version].bin into your current
working directory /syslink and start the installer:
xandria$ chmod +x agent-[version].bin
xandria$ ./agent-7.1.[n].bin

The installer will ask for the agent listener port during the installation and whether it should
start or not. Usually you can confirm the default port 9051 by pressing return. You may as well
start the agent immediately.
Please enter the agent listener port[9051]:
Start Xandria Agent [version]? [y,n] y

If you change this value, you must set the AgentListenerPort Monitoring Parame-
ter for this Server accordingly. See Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets” and
Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets”

If everything works fine, you will get a notice:

Starting 'xandria_agent' using property 'agent.cfg': Sending nohup output to nohup.out.

Done, running with pid 4128818
Removing 'agent-inst'

11. You may want to include the syslink Xandria Agent into your system initialization process. The
way how to achieve this depends on the Unix type.

To manually start and stop the syslink Xandria Agent simply execute the rc script either with
parameter start or stop. This can either be done by user root or by user xandria. Example:
root$ /syslink/agent/rc.agent start
agent is running with PID 12345
xandria$ /syslink/agent/rc.agent stop
Stopping 'xandria_agent' using property 'agent.cfg': Done

3.4.1. Unattended/Silent Installation on Unix-like operating systems

The Unix Agent can be installed in an unattended (silent) mode. This is useful if the Agent is in-
stalled on many servers with scripts.

Following options can be set to configure the installation:

Version 7.1.3 22
Additional Setup for Monitoring of Java-only SAP Systems with MaxDB syslink Xandria

-- Required to pass arguments to the integrated self installation script.

--silent Required. Turns on unattended/silent installation without any questions.

--target-dir=full Optional. Path to the target directory where the Agent will be installed.
path to target dir Default: <current working dir>/agent

--jvm=start to Optional. Path to the directory to start searching for a compatible Java. If
search for compat- not specified PATH environment is searched. To use a certain JVM, be as
ible JVM in this specific as possible, e.g. /opt/java/jre1.8.0_102/.

--port=<number> Optional. The TCP/IP port the Agent is listening on (default is 9051).

--start=no Optional. Do not automatically start the Agent process after installation.

Example 3.3. Install the Agent into ./agent, find java and start automatically
./agent-7.1.[n].bin -- --silent

Example 3.4. Install the agent in a separate directory with a separate JVM, on a

different port and without automatic start
./agent-7.1.[n].bin -- --silent --target-dir=/opt/agent --jvm=/opt/java/jre1.8.0_102/ \
--port=9052 --start=no

3.5. Additional Setup for Monitoring of Java-only SAP Systems with

Unfortunately there is still some work to do in order to make the syslink Xandria Agent work prop-
erly with a Java-only SAP System using MaxDB.

In order to make the handling a little bit easier, we urgently recommend to run the syslink Xandria
Agent service for Java-only SAP System using MaxDB on Microsoft Windows operating systems
as the user [sid]adm.

The user running syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. usually the user lyceus on Unix-like operating sys-
tems and the user [sid]adm on Microsoft Windows operating systems, needs a so called XUSER
entry in order to access the MaxDB Database. See also the MaxDB documentation [http://
maxdb.sap.com/doc/7_7/default.htm]:MaxDB Library → Tools → Utilities → XUSER.

Proceed as follows in order to create the XUSER entry:

1. • On Unix-like operating systems login to the host running the syslink Xandria Agent and
switch to the user lyceus.

• On Microsoft Windows operating systems login as [sid]adm to the host running the sys-
link Xandria Agent and open a command shell.

2. Execute the following command in order to verify if there are any XUSER entries present for
this user:
[path_to_sapdb]/programs/bin/xuser list

If there is already a key DEFAULT present, you can skip the following step. If there is also a key
c with a user name CONTROL present, then you are done!

3. Execute the following command to create a DEFAULT key. This is required (by the MaxDB
system) although not used by syslink Xandria. See also the MaxDB documentation [http://
maxdb.sap.com/doc/7_7/default.htm]:MaxDB Library → Tools → Utilities → XUSER → Creating
or Changing XUSER Entries.

Version 7.1.3 23
Post-Installation Connectivity Check syslink Xandria

[path_to_sapdb]/programs/bin/xuser -u CONTROL,[pw_of_CONTROL] -d [SID] -n [host]

with pw_of_CONTROL the password of the CONTROL database user and SID the database name
which usually is the same as the Real SAP SID of the SAP System.

4. Repeat the command from Step 2. You should see the following entry:
XUSER Entry 1
Username :CONTROL
UsernameUCS2:C.O.N.T.R.O.L. . . . . . .
Password :?????????
Dbname :[SID]
Nodename :[host]
Sqlmode :<unspecified>
Cachelimit :-1
Timeout :-1
Isolation :-1
Charset :<unspecified>

5. Execute the following command to create a c key:

[path_to_sapdb]/programs/bin/xuser -Uc -u CONTROL,[pw_of_CONTROL] -d [SID] -n [host]

6. Repeat the command from Step 2. You should also see the following entry:
XUSER Entry 2
Key :c
Username :CONTROL
UsernameUCS2:C.O.N.T.R.O.L. . . . . . .
Password :?????????
Dbname :[SID]
Nodename :[host]
Sqlmode :<unspecified>
Cachelimit :-1
Timeout :-1
Isolation :-1
Charset :<unspecified>

3.6. Post-Installation Connectivity Check

Verify the connection from the syslink Xandria Server to the syslink Xandria Agent using a browser
(or wget or curl) on the syslink Xandria Server. Open http://[host name or IP-address of
Xandria Agent]:9051/hello:

You have reached the syslink Xandria Agent release 7.1.[n] running on [host].
Local date/time: Wed Mar 28 11:20:30 2018
UTC date/time: Wed Mar 28 11:20:30 2018

Version 7.1.3 24
syslink Xandria

Chapter 4. Next Steps (in product


You have managed to setup a syslink Xandria Server and a syslink Xandria Agent properly, and
both components can connect to each other.

The next step is to contact your sales representative in order to settle a date for an intensive hands-
on training session at your site, or alternatively to get a first overview and introduction in an online
session conducted by a skilled syslink Xandria expert.

If you feel comfortable with the syslink Xandria environment, you may also perform the next steps
yourself already:

• Open “Basic Concepts” and browse through this chapter get some background information
about the product and its concepts. It is available using the URL http://xandria.server.name/

• Follow the steps described in “Setting up syslink Xandria” to perform the initial setup and to see
the first results.

Version 7.1.3 25
syslink Xandria

Chapter 5. Installing the syslink

Xandria Gateway
You only need to install a syslink Xandria Gateway if your network is configured in a
way that the syslink Xandria Agents cannot contact the syslink Xandria Server directly
(and vice versa).

Before you start with the installation, visit our site and read the document RE-
LEASE NOTES for syslink Xandria 7.1 [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=210 ]. Make sure that you get the latest versions and patch-
es of the syslink Xandria software, as stated in the Components section.

The syslink Xandria Gateway is an optional syslink Xandria component. It acts as a gateway be-
tween the syslink Xandria Server and the syslink Xandria Agents.

5.1. Installation Notes
Installation files loca- The syslink Xandria Gateway packages are located in the /server/[os]
tion directories of the syslink Xandria installation package.

So you probably have the software available somewhere on your syslink

Xandria Server.

Otherwise you can download it at https://www.syslink.ch/software/sys-


Permissions You must have local administrator permissions (on Microsoft Windows
operating systems) or root permissions (on Unix-like operating systems)
in order to perform the installation.

Java Runtime Envi- The syslink Xandria Gateway requires a Java 8 Runtime Environment.
ronment installation
On Unix-like operating systems you can usually install the Java 8 Runtime
Environment using the standard package management for the operating
system. This is the recommended way since it usually also provides au-
tomatic updates, etc.

File System size It is recommended to create a file system /syslink dedicated to the sys-
(Unix only) link Xandria Gateway with at least 500 MB of size. Alternatively you may
create a directory somewhere in an existing file system and create a sym-
bolic link /syslink pointing to the created directory.

5.2. Preparing the Installation

Get the syslink Xandria Gateway package from the locations mentioned above and save it to some
temporary location on the server hosting the syslink Xandria Gateway.

5.3. Installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems

This section describes how to actually install the syslink Xandria Gateway.

Version 7.1.3 26
Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) syslink Xandria

In case there is any issue with the installation, you can find the log files in $TEMP\syslink
Xandria Installation Logs.

5.3.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Microsoft Windows operating

syslink Xandria Server components as well as the syslink Xandria Gateway require the Java 8
Runtime Environment.

If you do not you have a suitable Java 8 Runtime Environment installed, download one from https://
www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp and install it.

5.3.2. Running the syslink Xandria Gateway Installer

1. Installation is started by running the installer file gateway-7.1.[n]-setup.exe.

2. Press Next on the welcome screen.

3. Read the license agreement carefully, accept it and press I agree to proceed.

4. Read the Readme Information screen carefully and press Next to proceed.

5. Choose an installation directory and press Next.

6. The installer will search for a Java 8 Runtime Environment.

If no suitable Java Virtual Machine is found automatically, click Select Java to choose an
installed Java Virtual Machine.

Press Next to continue if a Java Virtual Machine is defined.

7. You have the opportunity to let the browser access XanGui and/or to view the Readme infor-
mation. Push Close to finish.

5.4. Installation on Unix-like operating systems

This section describes how to actually install the syslink Xandria Gateway on Unix-like operating

5.4.1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (on Unix-like operating systems)

Unless have installed the Java 8 Runtime Environment already, you now have to do so.

On Unix-like operating systems you can usually install the Java 8 Runtime Environment using the
standard package management for the operating system. This is the recommended way since it
usually also provides ways for automatic updates, etc.

If you don't want to use the package management, you can download the files for Linux [https://
www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp] or for AIX [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ja-
va/jdk/aix/service.html] and perform a manual installation.

1. Perform these steps as user root:

Version 7.1.3 27
Configuration syslink Xandria

a. Create a file system /syslink of at least 500MB size, or create a directory somewhere
in an existing file system (having at least the required free space) and make a symbolic
link /syslink to the newly created directory.

Create a directory for Java and for the installation files.

root$ cd /syslink
root$ mkdir java

b. Create an operating system group xandria (recommended group id: 5432).

Create an operating system user xandria (recommended user id: 5432). Add this user
to the xandria group and create a home directory /home/xandria. It is recommended to
use a sh-like login shell, like bash or ksh.

c. Change the ownership of the /syslink directory to the user and group xandria:root$
chown -R xandria:xandria /syslink

2. Perform the following steps as user xandria:

xandria$ cd /syslink
xandria$ /tmp/gateway-7.1.[n]-[os].bin

The syslink Xandria Gateway is started automatically. There is a startup script /sys-
link/gateway/rc.gateway that can be called with start and stop parameter.

3. In order to automatically start the syslink Xandria Gateway at system boot time, and to termi-
nate them properly at shutdown, you may want to add rc.gateway to your system initialization

Please refer to your system documentation.

5.5. Configuration
A syslink Xandria Gateway connects one or more syslink Xandria Agents in a network to the syslink
Xandria Server and vice versa.

Therefore you need to configure a routing from the syslink Xandria Agents to the syslink Xandria
Server, and a routing from the syslink Xandria Server to the syslink Xandria Agents.

5.5.1. syslink Xandria Server to syslink Xandria Agents

The routing into the direction of syslink Xandria Agents will be defined using the AgentConnec-
tRoute Monitoring Parameters.

The AgentConnectRoute is a sequence of Uniform Resource Identifiers [http://en.wikipedia.org/

wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier] (URI), each of which describes one syslink Xandria Gateway the
messages need to pass in order to get to a syslink Xandria Agent. There is no need to append
routing information for the syslink Xandria Agent itself as this is determined automatically.

Once a syslink Xandria Gateway receives a message with routing information (as defined in a
AgentConnectRoute), it removes the first URI from the sequence and sends the message to the
next receiver.

5.5.2. syslink Xandria Agents to syslink Xandria Server

Every syslink Xandria Agent sends messages only to the destination defined by the Monitoring
Parameters MasterHost and MasterPort. In order to make use of a syslink Xandria Gateway these

Version 7.1.3 28
Examples syslink Xandria

parameters have to correspond to the name or IP address and the listening port of the first gateway
into direction of the syslink Xandria Server.

The syslink Xandria Gateway determines the routing to the syslink Xandria Server from its default
routing information.

Once it receives a message from a syslink Xandria Agent, it applies its default routing to the mes-
sage. It removes the first URI of the default routing, stores the remaining routing in the message,
and sends the message to the next hop according to the remaining routing information.

5.5.3. Examples
The easiest thing is to explain the configuration by using common examples. syslink Xandria Agents in a private network

Consider the following example. The syslink Xandria Server is located in a network,
the syslink Xandria Agents in some network There is no direct connection
possible between those two networks, but both networks can communicate with a third one

In order to establish communication you can place a syslink Xandria Gateway (gateA) in the network. This requires the following configuration:

On the syslink Xandria Gateway in the file gateway.cfg in the directory C:\Program Files\sys-
link\gateway\cfg(on Microsoft Windows operating systems) and /syslink/gateway/cfg (on
Unix-like operating systems) add the following settings:
gateway.Network.port = 9052
gateway.Gateway.default-routing = a5s://

For the syslink Xandria Agents (agent1, agent2, agent3) create a Parameter Set with the Monitoring
MasterHost =
MasterPort = 9052
AgentConnectRoute = a5s://

• The protocol is a5s corresponding to HTTPS. For internal purposes a5 might be suf-

Version 7.1.3 29
syslink Xandria Agents secured by firewall and proxy syslink Xandria

• As mentioned earlier there is no need to define the syslink Xandria Agent’s address
in AgentConnectRoute.

• In gateway.Gateway.default-routing the parameter keep-alive=1 tells the syslink

Xandria Gateway not to close the connection after a message was forwarded to the
syslink Xandria Server. The connection is reused for further messages. This is espe-
cially reasonable when using a5s for the SSL handshake not being re-established.

5.5.4. syslink Xandria Agents secured by firewall and proxy

Consider the following example: the syslink Xandria Agents are located in a private network protected by a firewall. They therefore cannot be contacted by the syslink Xan-
dria Server directly, but they in fact can connect to the syslink Xandria Server using HTTP/HTTPS
and the proxy at

The basic concept in this scenario is to establish a tunnel through the firewall initiated by a syslink
Xandria Gateway (gateA). The reverse connection of this tunnel then can be used by the syslink
Xandria Server to connect the syslink Xandria Agents.

On the syslink Xandria Gateway in the file gateway.cfg in the directory C:\Program Files\sys-
link\gateway\cfg(on Microsoft Windows operating systems) and /syslink/gateway/cfg (on
Unix-like operating systems) add the following settings:
gateway.Network.port = 9052
gateway.Gateway.default-routing = a5s://
gateway.Gateway.tunnels = {gateA ; sxn://master}

Note: You have to provide each setting in a single line.

For the syslink Xandria Agents (agent1, agent2, agent3) create a Parameter Set with the Monitoring
MasterHost =
MasterPort = 9052
AgentConnectRoute = //gateA

• The parameter gateway.Gateway.tunnels establishes an HTTPS tunnel to the syslink
Xandria Master in order to allow the syslink Xandria Server to communicate with the
syslink Xandria Agents. The sxn://master directive will be resolved using the default
routing information at runtime.

Version 7.1.3 30
A DMZ scenario syslink Xandria

This tunnel uses the identifier gateA.

• The AgentConnectRoute Monitoring Parameter corresponds to this identifier gateA.

This setting tells the syslink Xandria Server that it cannot connect to the syslink Xan-
dria Agent directly but to use the tunnel once it is established.

5.5.5. A DMZ scenario

Consider the following example: both, syslink Xandria and syslink Xandria Agents are located in
separate private networks. There is no direct connection allowed, neither one way nor the other.
However, there is a DMZ network that bot the private networks can connect to.

This is probably a typical situation you will face once you try to connect syslink Xandria Agents
through the Internet.

The solution here is to place one syslink Xandria Gateway (gateA) in the network with syslink Xan-
dria Agents, and one in the DMZ (gateR). The gateA and the syslink Xandria Master establish one
tunnel each to the gateR. Since the syslink Xandria Master contains a gateway service, there is no
separate syslink Xandria Gateway required in the syslink Xandria Server’s network.

On the syslink Xandria Gateway gateA in the file gateway.cfg in the directory C:\Program Files
\syslink\gateway\cfg(on Microsoft Windows operating systems) and /syslink/gateway/cfg
(on Unix-like operating systems) add the following settings:
gateway.Network.port = 9052
gateway.Gateway.default-routing = a5s://
proxy-port=8080&proxy-connect=1&keep-alive=1 //master
gateway.Gateway.tunnels = {gateA ; a5s://

Note: You have to provide each setting in a single line.

On the syslink Xandria Gateway gateR add the following settings:

gateway.Network.port = 80

For the syslink Xandria Master add the following property:

Gateway.tunnels = {master ; a5s://

Version 7.1.3 31
Configuration Reference syslink Xandria

See also the description of Gateway.tunnels.

Note: You have to provide each setting in a single line.

For the syslink Xandria Agents (agent1, agent2, agent3) create a Parameter Set with the Monitoring
MasterHost =
MasterPort = 9052
AgentConnectRoute = a5s://
proxy-port=8080&proxy-connect=1&keep-alive=1 //gateA

Note: You have to provide each setting in a single line.

• Connection from the syslink Xandria Master to the syslink Xandria Agents: according
to the AgentConnectRoute Monitoring Parameter the syslink Xandria Master sends
data to (which is gateR) via proxy

At gateR the data is routed through the tunnel identified by gateA which was estab-
lished by gateA. gateA finally knows how to contact the agent directly.

• Connection from the syslink Xandria Agents to the syslink Xandria Master: according
to the MasterHost and MasterPort Monitoring Parameters the syslink Xandria Agents
send all data to gateA.

According to the gateway.Gateway.default-routinggateA forwards all data to (which is gateR) via proxy

At gateR the data is routed through the tunnel identified by master which was estab-
lished by the syslink Xandria Master.

5.5.6. Configuration Reference
The syslink Xandria Gateway is configured using the file gateway.cfg in the directory C:\Program
Files\syslink\gateway\cfg (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) and /syslink/gate-
way/cfg (on Unix-like operating systems).

The following parameters are available. Some parameters are modifiable during runtime, so there
is no need to restart the syslink Xandria Gateway in order to make the changes effective.

Most of the parameters accept the value DEFAULT which sets the parameter back to its (internally
defined) default value. This is the preferred method over defining the default value explicitly. It
makes sure that in case of updates new default values eventually defined are applied.

gateway.heartbeatfile Specifies the location of the application's heartbeat file. This file is writ-
ten every 10 seconds and contains status information on the application's

Update at runtime: false

gateway.Gateway.de- Defines the default routing for messages without routing information.
Format: Routing String as defined in Section, “Routing String”

Update at runtime: true

Default value: //master

Version 7.1.3 32
Configuration Reference syslink Xandria

gateway.Gateway.tun- Defines tunnels to syslink Xandria Gateways or the syslink Xandria Master
nels in order to establish reverse connections.

Format: '{' id1';' url1'}' '{' id2';' url2'}'..., with urln a URL as
defined in Section, “Routing String”

Update at runtime: true

Default value:

gateway.Network.bi- Defines the bind-address the syslink Xandria Gateway listener is bound to.
nd-address By default the syslink Xandria Gateway is listening on all available network

Update at runtime: false

Default value:

gateway.Network.port Defines the syslink Xandria Gateway listener port for use with routings.

Update at runtime: false

Default value: 9052

gateway.Web.http- Switches integrated web server off, on with HTTP, or on with HTTPS pro-
server tocol.

Update at runtime: true

Value range:HTTP , HTTPS, off

Default value: HTTP

gateway.Web.http- Defines the listening port of the built-in web server.

Update at runtime: true

Default value: 9058

gateway.Web.servlets- Turns on or off the web server interface to watch activity on the syslink
display Xandria Gateway. The interface can be reached with a browser at http://
host:http-port/ with http-port as defined in gateway.Web.http-port.

Update at runtime: true

Value range:on , off

Default value: off Routing String

The format of a routing string the same as for the AgentConnectRoute Monitoring Parameter.

Example 5.1. Simple forwarding no https


Example 5.2. Two gateways, the first via a http proxy, both using https
keep-alive=1 a5s://masterhost:9050?keep-alive=1

Note: You have to provide each setting in a single line.

Version 7.1.3 33
Configuration Reference syslink Xandria

Please observe proxy-connect=1 parameter; this is necessary to enable https through a proxy.

Example 5.3. Backup routing

Note: You have to provide the setting in a single line.

If first gateway is unreachable, the second one will be used, and vice versa. Both backup gateways
forward to the same masterhost.

Version 7.1.3 34
syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria

Chapter 6. Basic Concepts
Within this chapter we describe some of the basic concepts syslink Xandria is built on. It is intended
to provide you a better understanding of how syslink Xandria works. It also describes some of the
terms we use throughout this document and the product itself.

One of the major building blocks of this document is the Explanation of Terms covering the most
important aspects of the product. So we will only discuss the concepts of syslink Xandria very
briefly at this point and link to the corresponding glossary terms instead.

For the beginning it is important to know that syslink Xandria is a shared application consisting of
central server components and decentralized monitoring and management agents.

6.1. Monitoring
One of the most important aspects in the area of system management is Monitoring. Monitoring
in syslink Xandria is the execution of health Checks on the target Systems. syslink Xandria follows
a split monitoring approach: many System conditions have to be checked frequently and the re-
sults are reported in the RealTime Monitoring. Other conditions, especially in the context of SAP
Systems, only need to be verified once a day, like e.g. the backup. These results are summarized in
the Daily Checks. And in addition to the Checks executed on the monitored Systems there is also
an End-to-End Application Monitoring providing system monitoring from an end-user perspective.

Every Check provides a Check Result that can be confirmed, as well as a Check history. Check
Confirmation in syslink Xandria is not a click-and-forget kind of thing. Even confirmed Checks pop-
up periodically until an issue is finally solved.

The configuration of Checks (or Monitoring as such) is implemented by means of the so called
Monitoring Parameters. They can be defined on a per-System level or for a Static Group or Dynamic
Group of Systems by the so called Parameters Sets. Using the latter ones allows you to enforce a
consistent Monitoring Policy across your System landscape.

You can interrupt the monitoring process either ad-hoc or in a scheduled way by using Maintenance
Windows. Like the other monitoring configuration items, Maintenance Windows can be defined on
a per-System level or for a Static Group or Dynamic Group of Systems.

While there is a comprehensive list of built-in Checks in syslink Xandria you may want to extend
monitoring to other applications, interfaces, or to specific aspects of a System. syslink Xandria pro-
vides a feature rich toolbox of so called Custom Checks that allow you to extend monitoring easily
to your needs. If you need to extend monitoring vertically instead, i.e. building new Checks based
on the Check Results of existing Checks (or Custom Checks), you may want to define so called
Composite Checks. Or even Business Services if you want to correlate across System boundaries.

Finally, if you want to forward Check Results to administrators, Customers, or third-party applica-
tions, you can use the built-in Notification mechanism to integrate syslink Xandria perfectly into
your operation environment.

6.2. Reporting
Reporting is another important area in system management. But before there is something to
report you have to collect, track, and record data. In syslink Xandria there is

• recording of System Availability, Service Availability, and End Point Availability

• Performance Data Collection

Version 7.1.3 36
Service Provider Perspective syslink Xandria

• System-Change Auto-Detection

All these data, among other, is contained in the Service Level Reports that can be generated manu-
ally or per-schedule under consideration of Service Level Agreements and Maintenance Windows.

You can define different styles for the Service Level Reports, customize the content using tem-
plates, and define multiple scheduled jobs for the generation process.

6.3. Service Provider Perspective

A major difference between syslink Xandria and almost all other system management applications
is the focus on a Service Provider perspective. syslink Xandria is designed consistently keeping
Service Provider and large-scale enterprises in mind.

Therefore Customers are a fundamental building block in syslink Xandria. Every System is as-
signed to a Customer (in the meaning of the Customer being the System owner). On the other
hand, Users in syslink Xandria are assigned to Customers as well when it comes to Permissions:
a User either represents a Customer or has the permission to perform certain tasks on behalf of
the Customer (or even for all Customers if a user represents the Service Provider itself).

The best is probably to think of Customers as a simple grouping mechanism (e.g. for Systems) on
the one hand, and as the smallest entity you can grant Permissions for on the other hand.

Even more, Customers can be arranged in a hierarchical structure. Due to the inheritance of Per-
missions more complex groupings can be achieved.

Other areas where the Service Provider perspective plays an important role are:

• Service Level Reports: they are generated on a per-Customer level, obviously.

• The completely web-based user interface XanGui: it allows representatives of the Service
Provider and the Customers to work on exactly the same data without the need to deploy any
GUI application.

• An integrated problem management (ticketing) and change request application.

• Mobile Access: XanMobile provides a reasonable subset of XanGui functions optimized for
smartphones, like Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phones. There is also a XanMobile App pro-
vided exclusively for the iPhone and available only in the AppStore [http://itunes.apple.com/ch/

• Self Updates: Once installed the monitoring agents can be updated centrally with multiple agents
updated at the same time. There is no need to access the Customer's System on the operating
system level.

6.4. syslink Xandria Architecture

As mentioned earlier syslink Xandria consists of several components:

• The syslink Xandria Agents are installed on the operating system-level of the Systems.

• On the central server there are

• Backend components used to communicate with the syslink Xandria Agents, providing busi-
ness-logic, third-party integration, and a repository for syslink Xandria Agent Self Updates.

• Frontend components handling user interaction (XanGui) .

• A datastore containing all the data (syslink Xandria Database).

Version 7.1.3 37
Licensing syslink Xandria

• For more complex network scenarios there is an optional gateway component that can be used
to route traffic between syslink Xandria Agents and the server components.


Stand-alone DB



Monitored Server

User Clients

Web Browser

XanMobile App
Smartphone Browser HTTP(S)
syslink Xandria Server

syslink Xandria Architecture

6.5. Licensing
syslink Xandria distinguishes six types of licensed items: Server, SAP System with Database, SAP
System with In-Memory Database, Additional SAP Instance, Stand-alone Database and Stand-alone
In-Memory Database.

SAP System with This license type comprises the primary application server instance (for-
Database merly known as Central) of an SAP System (e.g. SAP NetWeaver) and the
(primary) logical Database (either Oracle, DB2, Sybase ASE, MaxDB, or SQL
Server) of the same SAP System ID.

SAP System with In- This license type comprises the primary application server instance of an
Memory Database SAP System (e.g. SAP S/4HANA) and the SAP HANA logical database of
the same SAP System ID.

Additional SAP In- This license type is required for

• any additional application server instances (formerly known as Dialog)
of an SAP System (e.g. SAP NetWeaver) that already consumes an SAP
System with Database or SAP System with In-Memory Database license.

• a TREX SAP System

Version 7.1.3 38
Licensing syslink Xandria

• a stand-alone Web Dispatcher SAP System

• a Web Dispatcher instance of an SAP System that already consumes

an SAP System with Database or SAP System with In-Memory Database

• an Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher instance of an SAP System that al-

ready consumes an SAP System with Database or SAP System with In-
Memory Database license.

Stand-alone Database This license type is required for any database of type Oracle, DB2, Sybase
ASE, MaxDB, or Microsoft SQL Server that is not part of an SAP system.

• any additional database instance (e.g. liveCache) of an SAP System

(e.g. SAP NetWeaver) that already consumes an SAP System with Data-
base or SAP System with In-Memory Database license

• any database of type Oracle, DB2, Sybase ASE, MaxDB, or Microsoft SQL
Server that is not part of an SAP System.

Stand-alone In-Memo- This license type is required for any SAP HANA installation that is not cov-
ry Database ered by an SAP System with In-Memory Database license.

Server This license type is required for any Physical Server hosting one of the
following operating systems: AIX, Linux (Intel), PowerLinux, Solaris, HP-
UX, Microsoft Windows.

Virtual Cluster Servers do not require a license itself, but they can only run on a Physical Server
that consumes a Server license.

You do not need a license for instances of type Java_Scs, Abap_Scs, or Enque Replication Server.

All Systems require a license once they are active, even if monitoring is turned off manually or by
a Maintenance Window. A System switches to the license state Retired once it is not operational.
Retired systems still require a license for 40 days starting from the day they were set to not oper-
ational. After 40 consecutive days in state Retired they automatically change to the license state
Decomissioned and the license is available again for other Systems.

If you delete a system from syslink Xandria, the license will be immediately available
for other Systems.

If there are more Physical Servers, SAP Systems, SAP Systems with In-Memory Database, SAP In-
stances, Databases and In-Memory Databases active than actually licensed, the ones entered last
into syslink Xandria are ignored, i.e. messages sent by the affected monitoring agent are dropped,
instead there are Unknown Check Results in the RealTime Monitoring.

Licenses are issued by means of a license file master.lic. This file needs to reside in the cfg
directory of the syslink Xandria Master. If this file does not exist or has been modified, the syslink
Xandria Master runs only in a very limited manner.

The license file usually is restricted to a certain license period, depending on your contract. It is
also bound to the underlying hardware. So you probably have to require a new license file if certain
parts of the hardware or the operating system do change.

Version 7.1.3 39
syslink Xandria

Explanation of Terms
This section is not intended for reading it top to bottom. It is some kind of a Glossary, but far
more detailed. And every item is referenced multiple times within the other sections of this
document. So it is more appropriate to read portions of this section once you come across
a reference.

Agent Self Updates
In order to make the deployment of updates for the syslink Xandria Agent easier it contains self
updating functions. Update packages can be copied to the web server included in the syslink Xan-
dria Master. Once you trigger the update (centrally, for one or multiple Physical Servers), the syslink
Xandria Agent will download the package from this location (transparently through any syslink Xan-
dria Gateways eventually used) and afterwards update itself.

See also
• Section 15.7.1, “Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents Automatically”

Application Type
One of the attributes and a standard grouping mechanism every System in syslink Xandria has.
Default Application Types are:
Generic, SAP R/3, SAP BW, Utilities, SAP CRM, SAP Workplace, SAP APO, SAP R/3 Enterprise, SAP

Others Application Types can de defined as well.

See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

• Section 7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)”

• Section 7.2.8, “Defining stand-alone Databases”

Auto Discovery
In syslink Xandria SAP Instances and SAP System Databases are discovered automatically. You only
need to install syslink Xandria Agents on all Servers hosting SAP Instances and SAP System Data-
bases, and to define the SAP Systems and Servers within XanGui. All the rest is done automatically.

If a SAP Instance is no longer discovered on any syslink Xandria Agent it is flagged with the  icon
and monitoring is turned off. After RemoveFromDBDelay days the SAP Instance is removed from
syslink Xandria.

See also
• Section 7.2.6, “Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems”

Availability Tracking
Availability Data is collected for Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, Databases, and Business
Services. Data collection is performed locally by the syslink Xandria Agent (except for SAP Systems
and Business Services) in order to be independent from any network interruptions, etc.

Version 7.1.3 40
syslink Xandria

• A Physical Server is considered available (or UP) as long as the syslink Xandria Agent is running.
During the startup phase the syslink Xandria Agent tries to determine since when a Physical Server
was running already and it generates availability data back in the past. For time periods the syslink
Xandria Agent can not determine the System is running the availability is considered UNKNOWN.

• Consequently, a Virtual Cluster Server is considered available as long as there is a syslink Xandria
Agent running on the Physical Server the Virtual Cluster Server is active on.

• A SAP Instance is considered available if the following checks are Ok:

• RFCConnect for Instance Types Central or Dialog

• RFCConnect and J2EEConnect for Instance Types Central+Java or Dialog+Java

• J2EEConnect for Instance Type Java

• SCS_MsgSrv for Instance Type Java_Scs

• ASCS_MsgSrv for Instance Type Abap_Scs

• TREX Connect for Instance Type Trex

• WD_Connect for Instance Type Web Dispatcher

In other words, a SAP Instance is considered UP as long as the syslink Xandria Agent can login.
If the login attempt fails, the SAP Instance is considered DOWN.

• An SAP System is considered available if the SystemAlive check is Ok. Unlike other Availability
Data, the data for an SAP System is collected constantly in the background and is updated im-

• A Database is considered available if the DBConnect Check is Ok.

• In addition to the availability of Systems there is also the so called Service Availability for some
of the Custom Checks or Composite Checks. Roughly speaking, as long as the Custom Checks
or Composite Checks are Ok, the Service in considered available, otherwise it is not.

• The availability of the Database instance of an SAP System is reported as a special Service Avail-
ability for the service DATABASE.

• A Business Service is considered available, as long as its Check Status is Ok.

• In the context of End-to-End Application Monitoring there is also the so called End Point Availabil-

Before you generate Service Level Reports you have the opportunity to modify UNKNOWN periods
and enter the real availability status during time periods the syslink Xandria Agent could not cover.
You can also add additional description, or correct availability records in case you forgot to plan
Maintenance Windows.

If a System is Down during a Maintenance Window (or more general: if monitoring is turned off) the
Downtime is considered “planned” (as opposed to “unplanned” Downtime else). “Planned” Down-
time is not counted for the Service Level.

Table 3. Availability Records and Service Levels

Availability Record Service Level Downtime
Status Monitoring
Up On Uptime
Down On Unplanned Downtime

Version 7.1.3 41
syslink Xandria

Availability Record Service Level Downtime

Status Monitoring
Off Planned Downtime
Unknown Unknown Unplanned Downtime
On Unplanned Downtime
Off Planned Downtime

See also
• Section 8.5, “Turning Monitoring On or Off”

• Section 10.4, “Working with Availability Data”

Business Service
A Business Service is a cross-System (and even a cross-Customer) Composite Check. In other
words, while the input Checks of a Composite Check have to be executed on the System the Com-
posite Check is defined for, a Business Service can have arbitrary input Checks.

And although every Business Service is “owned” by a Customer it may have input Checks from other
Customers as well.

The input Checks for a Business Service can be:

• A built-in Check.

• A Custom Check.

• A Composite Check.

• A System Status.

• Another Business Service.

Business Services also record Availability Data.

An example for a Business Service would be e.g. to correlate all SystemAlive Checks of all productive
SAP Systems.

A Business Service is a Managed Object as well as a Check. Therefore you can apply e.g. Mainte-
nance Windows to it, and of course a Business Service has a Check Status.

See also
• Section 9.6, “Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks”

• Section 9.7, “Defining Business Services”

• Section 10.1.5, “Using the Business Service Overview”

SAP CCMS Integration
syslink Xandria can interface with the SAP CCMS (Computing Center Management System) and
include “CCMS Monitoring Tree Elements” as RealTime Monitoring Checks.

Version 7.1.3 42
syslink Xandria

Definition can even be on the “CCMS Monitor” level, integrating all the “Monitoring Tree Elements”
below as single Checks.

“CCMS Alerts” will be acknowledged automatically in the SAP System (optional) once they are im-
ported into syslink Xandria. You can verify them using XanGui, forward them using Notifications,
and delete them afterwards.

In addition, “CCMS Monitoring Tree Elements” can not only be read but also configured centrally.
Integration and configuration is implemented by means of Custom Checks

See also
• CCMS Custom Check

• CCMS Monset Custom Check

• Procedure 9.1, “Defining a Custom Check”

• Section 9.5, “Configuring SAP CCMS using syslink Xandria”

• Section 10.7, “Displaying and Deleting Imported CCMS Alerts”

Change Management
syslink Xandria provides a built-in Change Management solution to allow Customer to request
changes on their Systems.

Many of the System changes are recorded automatically using System-Change Auto-Detection

See also
• Section 14.4, “Working with Changes”

Monitoring in syslink Xandria is performed by execution of so called Checks performed by the sys-
link Xandria Agent and by the syslink Xandria Master.

The list of executed Checks varies e.g. depending on the System Type:

• For a Physical Server it is basically verified if the server is available, and the most important op-
erating system conditions are checked.

All Checks for a Physical Server are executed by the syslink Xandria Agent installed on the Phys-
ical Server itself.

• For a Virtual Cluster Server the main focus is to detect cluster switches.

This Check is performed on all Physical Servers that may run the Virtual Cluster Server.

• For a SAP Instance there are different types of connection checks depending on the instance
type, and also some checks for the health conditions of the application server, first of all in the
Java area.

All Checks for a SAP Instance are executed by the syslink Xandria Agent installed on the Physical
Server hosting the SAP Instance, either directly or via a Virtual Cluster Server.

• For a SAP System there are basically three groups of checks:

• Verification of the health status of the Database instance, like different space consumption
checks for the Database itself and the transaction logs and backup checks.

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From a monitoring perspective the Database Checks of a Database instance are con-
sidered as SAP System Checks.

• Database-independent health conditions like the status of the updater, output request errors,
short dumps, aborted jobs, etc.

• Specific Checks for certain types of SAP applications, like SAP BW/BI, SAPXI/PI.

All the Database-independent SAP System Checks are executed on the host running the SAP
Instance identified as “central”, i.e. the Central or Central+Java SAP Instance, or one chosen by
syslink Xandria (for Java-only systems or ASCS installations).

The Database-dependent SAP System checks are executed on the host running the Database

• For stand-alone Databases the same Checks are executed as for Database instances of an SAP

Every check provides a Check Result under consideration of the results of the Root Cause Analysis.

Checks are executed in different Check Cycles , and the list of checks executed depends on the
System Type. The Check Cycles are:

Basic The Basic Check Cycle is scheduled by the syslink Xandria Agent every 5 minutes
(by default). During the Basic Check Cycle all the Checks for Physical Servers, Vir-
tual Cluster Servers, SAP Instances, and Databases are executed. Checks execut-
ed in the Basic Check Cycle are part of the RealTime Monitoring

Medium The Medium Check Cycle is scheduled by the syslink Xandria Agent every 10 min-
utes (by default). During the Medium Check Cycle all the checks for SAP PI/XI are
executed. Checks executed in the Medium Check Cycle are part of the RealTime

Full, Daily The Full Check Cycle (or Daily Check Cycle) is scheduled by the syslink Xandria
Agent every 24 hours. As the name indicates the Checks executed during this
Check Cycle are the so called Daily Checks.

syslink Xandria Checks inherently provide a Root Cause Analysis and they also make use of Trend
Analysis and Forecasting.

Some Checks are executed by the syslink Xandria Master on demand. These are first of all the
Composite Checks and the Business Services.

There is an option for Check Confirmation, and a history is kept for both RealTime Monitoring and
Daily Checks.

See also
• Server Checks

• SAP Instance Checks

• SAP System Checks

• Database Checks

• Section 8.4, “Disabling and Enabling Checks”

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Check Category
Every syslink Xandria Check belongs to one of the following categories:

Static Static Checks are executed on every System of a given System Type. For instance the
syslink Xandria Agent verifies the CPU usage of every Physical Server.

Dynamic Dynamic Checks are only executed if a System fulfills certain conditions. For instance
the syslink Xandria Agent executes SAP BW/BI related Checks only for SAP BW/BI sys-

Custom This category comprises all the Checks that are only executed if they are explicitly con-
figured, like Custom Checks, Composite Checks, and Business Services.

Check Confirmation
RealTime Monitoring Checks and Daily Checks can be confirmed by an administrator in order to
document that all issues eventually brought up by the Check have been followed up.

See also
• Section 10.1.2, “Confirming RealTime Monitoring Checks”

• Section 10.2.2, “Confirming of a Daily Check”

Check Result
Every single check has a particular check result after being executed. The result is composed of
two parts, the check status, and the check message. While the check message is some free text
(and in a very few cases can even be empty), e.g.WARNING — 'xyz' is used by 35.1%, the check
result in any case is one of the following:

OK Everything is working as expected.

Warning Either a warning threshold has been exceeded, or a system condition was met that
should be followed up, but is not an error condition. In some cases, checks that cannot
be performed — although they are supposed to — also report a warning result.

Critical Either a critical threshold has been exceeded, or an erroneous system condition was
met. In some cases, checks that cannot be performed — although they are supposed
to — also report a critical result.

Unknown The check result cannot be determined. In most of the cases this check result is an
effect of the Root Cause Analysis.

Disabled The check has been disabled intentionally, or the check is not executed on the system
(within Daily Checks).

See also
• Section 10.1.1, “Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results”

• Section 10.2, “Working with Daily Checks”

Check Selector
A user interface element to define a group of Checks for use in RealTime Monitoring, Notifications,
and Business Services.
A Check Selector can select either RealTime Monitoring Checks, Daily Checks or both. The group of
Checks to select from the Check Selector can be defined by attributes.

Is also possible to limit the selected Checks to a well defined set of Monitored Systems using a

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Composite Check
A Composite Check is a Check that is composed of one or (usually) more other Checks. This can
be either built-in Checks, Custom Checks, or other Composite Checks.

Roughly speaking, a Composite Check is an evaluation rule that determines a Check Result based
on the Check Results of its input Checks.

Similar to Custom Checks, Composite Checks can be defined for a Static Group or a Dynamic Group
of Systems.

The evaluation of the Check Result is performed by the syslink Xandria Master.

Composite Checks also record Availability Data.

The SystemAlive Check is an example for a built-in Composite Check. (which cannot be modified).

See also
• Section 9.6, “Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks”

• Section 9.8, “Defining Composite Checks”

Custom Check
The RealTime Monitoring can be extended by so called Custom Checks. Custom Checks are pro-
vided in order to

• monitor the SAP R/3 system log, your specific SAP Jobs, or certain SAP transaction run-times

• execute your own ABAP reports as syslink Xandria Checks

• verify uploads to your SAP BW/BI systems

• verify RFC destinations

• integrate with the JMX (Java Management Extensions) monitoring tree of either the managed
SAP System or any other Java Application Server.

• monitor processes or services (on Microsoft Windows operating systems)

• monitor file interfaces or check network response times

• monitor Web sites, including basic authentication, form handling, certificate expiration, and re-

• deploy and run your own scripts or programs as syslink Xandria Checks (sort of plug-ins)

• monitor arbitrary log files and the Microsoft Windows EventLog for certain patterns

• integrate with and configure the SAP CCMS, either a single monitoring tree element, or a whole
monitoring tree

• monitor Disk I/O, Network I/O, and arbitrary log files

• verify the values of profile parameters

Similar to the Parameters Sets, Custom Checks can be defined for a Dynamic Group or a Static
Group of Systems.

Many of the Custom Checks listed above are also capable of tracking and recording the so called
Service Availability.

Custom Checks — as the name indicates — need to be manually configured.

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See also
• Custom Checks

• Procedure 9.1, “Defining a Custom Check”

syslink Xandria is developed consistently from a Service Provider 's perspective. Therefore Cus-
tomers play an important role in syslink Xandria.

Customers “own” the Systems operated by the Service Provider. In other words, Systems are
grouped by Customers within syslink Xandria, where by default no representative of Customer A
has the permission to access any data of Customer B.

Consequently the Service Provider in terms of syslink Xandria (at least) monitors the Systems of
the Customer.

Similarly, other Managed Objects are “owned” by Customers.

In case of large enterprises you can think of Customers as departments or business units or even

Customers may be arranged hierarchically in order to allow inheritance of Permissions. On top of

this hierarchy there is a so called root customer which cannot be modified and cannot own Systems,
but which can be used to assign Permissions to. In other words, users who have permissions on a
top customer get the same permissions also on all contained sub customers. This is e.g. very useful
for international organizations, where systems are grouped into different geographical locations.

See also
• Section 7.2.1, “Defining Customers”

• Chapter 12, Managing Users, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Advanced Options

Customer Application
Grouping mechanism for SAP Systems consisting of a Customer and an Application Type.

See also
• Section 7.2.1, “Defining Customers”

An Oracle, DB2, MaxDB Database, a Microsoft SQL Server (also referred to as MSSQL server), an
SAP ASE (formerly SAP Sybase ASE), or an SAP SQL Anywhere Database. This can either be a stand-
alone Database or a database instance of an SAP System‚ or a liveCache, etc.

A Database is hosted by exactly one Physical Server or Virtual Cluster Server, but multiple Databases
can be hosted on the same server.

If you want to manage or monitor a Database you need manage or monitor the Physical Server or
the Virtual Cluster Server the Database is hosted on.

From a license perspective, it depends if a Database is the primary Database of an SAP System or
not. If yes, the license is included in the SAP Systemߴʼs license. If not, a separate Database license
is required.

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See also

• Section 7.2.8, “Defining stand-alone Databases”

• Section 7.2.7, “Assigning Database instances to SAP Systems”

In-Memory Database

Same as Database before, but a product using In-Memory technology, i. e. using the main memory
for data storage. Currently SAP HANA is the only supported In-Memory Database.

For an In-Memory Database a dedicated license type is requried. Licenses of ordinary Databases are
not accepted for In-Memory Databases. If a In-Memory Database is the primary Database of an SAP
System, it is included in the SAP System with In-Memory Database license. Otherwise a separate
In-Memory Database license is required.

Database Users required by syslink Xandria

The syslink Xandria Agent needs the credentials of an SQL (!) Database user in order to connect to
a stand-alone Database or the Database instance of an SAP System.

• Database instance of an SAP System:

As a general rule, use the following Database users in order to monitor the Database instance
of an SAP System:

• Use the SAP ABAP schema user for an ABAP-only SAP System (e.g. SAPSR3).

• Use the SAP Java schema user for a Java-only SAP System (e.g. SAPSR3DB).

• Use both users for a double-stack SAP System

For an SAP System with MaxDB Database you also need a DBM Operator (e.g. the CONTROL user).

• Stand-alone Databases:

As a general rule, use an administrative Database user for the Database monitoring.

The more detailed description is as follows (applies to Database instances of a SAP System as
well if you do not use the schema users):

Oracle Please make sure the SQL user you use has the permission to access the
Catalog Views in Oracle; at least the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE must be
granted to the user, unless it is an Oracle administrator user. To do so,
connect to your Oracle Database usingSQLPlusand enter the following

Additionally, when using BR*Tools, the SQL user must be granted SELECT
privileges to the SDBAH table in the corresponding SAP schema, unless
you already use the SAP schema owner or an administrator user.

The same holds true for the table BC_COMPVERS found in the SAP schema
of Java SAP Instances.

DB2 Please make sure your user is part of the SYSMON authority group or has
system administration or system control authority. Please refer to your
DB2 documentation on how to grant those authorities to your user.
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Microsoft SQL Server Please make sure the user you use has assigned the login permission
VIEW SERVER STATE. See the Microsoft SQL Server documentation on how
to assign the permission to your login user.

syslink Xandria supports both, SQL Server authentication and
Windows authentication. In case you choose a Windows au-
thentication user, please define the user in domain format in
XanGui: [domain]\[username].

MaxDB Please define a user in the DBA User Class.

For a MaxDB Database you also need a DBM Operator (e.g. the CONTROL

The CONTROL user usually is not able to run SQL commands!

SAP HANA Please make sure the user has assigned the role Monitoring.

SAP ASE (formerly Please make sure the user has assigned the roles mon_role and
SAP Sybase ASE) oper_role.

For the SYB_Backup check, permission setting depends if
granular permissions are enabled for the database or not.

With granular permissions enabled, the dump configuration

privilege must be granted to the user.

With granular permissions disabled, according to official Sy-

base ASE documentation the role oper_role should be suffi-
cient for the check SYB_Backup (all other checks only require
mon_role permissions). Unfortunately tests have shown that
the stored procedure called for SYB_Backup fails with permis-
sion error unless the user is a member of sa_role.

SAP SQL Anywhere Please make sure the user has assigned the system privileges to run the
procedure sa_disk_free_space. To do this, run the following grant state-
GRANT EXECUTE ON sa_disk_free_space to <user>

Make sure to replace <user> by the real user name.

See also

• Section 7.2.8, “Defining stand-alone Databases”

• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

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Daily Checks

In addition to RealTime Monitoring, syslink Xandria also checks certain system conditions of an SAP
System or a Database only once per day. Among these, there are e.g. Checks for a backup (which
you usually perform once a day only) and others. We call these kind of Checks the Daily Checks.
They are also referred to as Full Checks.

You may want to skip the execution of Daily Checks on the weekend using Monitoring Parameter

You can also restrict the Daily Checks details to those parts that are relevant for you using the SAP
System or Database Monitoring Parameter RelevantDailyCheckDetails.

See also

• Section 7.4, “Verify Daily Checks”

• Section 10.2, “Working with Daily Checks”


A Dashboard in syslink Xandria is a page in the UI you can customize to your liking. It features the
positioning of so called Dashlets in either a fixed or a floating grid layout.

Dashboards may be private to a User or shared between all Users of a given Customer. There is also
an option to open a Dashboard outside of the UI by a direct URL.

See also

• ???

Dynamic Group (of Systems)

A Dynamic Group is a way to implicitly define a group of Systems for use with Parameters Sets,
Custom Checks, and Maintenance Windows.

A Dynamic Group is defined by one or more System properties. Whenever a newly defined System
has the defined properties, it is automatically included in the grouping. If the property of a System
changes or the System is removed it is automatically removed from the grouping.

The most simple Dynamic Group is the one consisting of all Systems of a certain System Type.
So a Dynamic Group can be e.g.

• all servers of a certain operating system type

• all SAP Instances with a certain Release

• all SAP Systems of a certain Customer with a Database of a certain type

• all (stand-alone) Databases of a certain type

• all productive systems having a SAP Instance running on a certain operating system

and many others more.

Dynamic Groups are implemented using Selectors.

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See also
• Section 9.1, “Defining Custom Checks”

• Section 8.5.3, “Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window”

• Section 8.3.1, “Defining Parameter Sets”

• Section 9.8, “Defining Composite Checks”

• Section 9.7, “Defining Business Services”

See Also Static Group (of Systems).

End-to-End Application Monitoring

syslink Xandria usually performs management and monitoring locally on the Systems. But there is
also an option to monitor SAP Systems and e.g. web servers from a user perspective.

The so called End Points can be defined on any Physical Server that has a syslink Xandria Agent
installed, which allows system monitoring, Availability and performance recording from a user per-
spective. Even from remote sites.

In contrast to some other system management products and in order to keep things really simple
you should not define End Points on End-User PCs, but have a single Physical Server with a syslink
Xandria Agent installed in every remote site. There is no SAP GUI or web browser instrumentation
with syslink Xandria.

See also
• Section 7.6, “Configure End-to-End Application Monitoring”

Expression Editor

The majority of the configuration options within syslink Xandria are sort of key-value pairs, i.e. there
is a parameter (like a Monitoring Parameter) that is allowed to have a certain set of values, e.g.
numbers or strings, assigned.

However, some parameters are allowed to have more complex values which we call expressions.

An expression (in a programming language is a combination) of explicit values,

constants, variables, operators, and functions that are interpreted according to the
particular rules of precedence and of association for a particular programming lan-
guage, which computes and then produces (returns, in a stateful environment) an-
other value. This process, like for mathematical expressions, is called evaluation.
The value can be of various types, such as numerical, string, and logical. (Source:

You can think of expressions as Boolean or Regular Expressions. In order to support you while
building these kind of expressions, syslink Xandria features the Expression Editor. The Expression
Editor will be used for instance during the definition of the Log Adapter Custom Check, and during
the definition of Filters for use within the Notification process.

In some places the expression allows you to use Macros that will be replaced with real-life data
at runtime.

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Basically, the Expression Editor provides a content assist available by the keyboard shurtcut Ctrl-
Space. Furthermore, it provides a syntax checker to tell you immediately if you have entered a valid

See also
• Section 11.5.2, “Defining Advanced Filter Lists”

• Log Adapter Custom Check

• ORAAlertLogExprCrit / ORAAlertLogExprWarn

• DB2DiagLogExprCrit / DB2DiagLogExprWarn

Externally Managed Checks

Externally Managed Checks are Checks within syslink Xandria that have their Check Result pushed
from an external source by means of the Web Service.

There are two differnet incarnations of Externally Managed Checks: External Status and External
Event.. An External Status is created once and has to be updated perodically, at least every 90 min-
utes. An External Event is created once and lives within syslink Xandria for a period of time defined
during its creation (by default 60 minutes). It is removed automatically afterwards

Like usualy Checks Externally Managed Checks can be used within the Notifications.

See also
• Section 9.9, “Working with Externally Managed Checks”

Also known as Predictive Analysis.
syslink Xandria includes a feature called forecasting which is implemented for many syslink Xan-
dria Checks. In fact, it is implemented wherever it is possible. A check requires a resource to be
monitored, i.e. something where an usage in percent of the maximum available resource space can
be calculated.

An example for such a resource related check is the FileSystems check. A file system has a size and
an amount of space which is used. Therefore the usage in percent is calculated. Now if the used
space of a file system grows fast, but is still below the usage thresholds, the used space may be
filled very quickly so it may be hard to react in time before the usage threshold related check will
give you a Warning status.

Forecasting takes the job to inform you on heavy resource consumption before the resource is full.
It will use the previous usage values to interpolate into the future, how long it will take – assuming
the usage will continue to grow like this – until the resource space availabe is exhausted. Similar
to the two Warning and Critical usage thresholds each check has two thresholds for forecasting, a
Warning (…ExWarn) threshold with a default value of 12 hours, and a Critical (…ExCrit) threshold with
a default of one hour. To interpolate into the future, forecasting will always take the usage values
of the half of the exhaustion threshold past from now, so per default for the Critical threshold it will
look 30 minutes back.

An issue with forecasting is to prevent false alerts, so a growing resource need to be growing for
a certain time, otherwise a false alert will be reported too often. Additionally forecasting will be
inactive if the usage of a resource is below 50 %.

Forecasting is available for the following checks:

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ADA_DataArea, ADA_LogArea, DB2_FSLogArch, DB2_LogUsage, DB2_Tablespaces, FileSys-

tems, HDB_Disks, MSS_DBUsage, MSS_LogUsage, ORA_FSLogArch, ORA_Tablespaces,
SYB_DataSpaces, SYB_LogSpaces

Predictive Analysis is also available with Performance data for those resources where it is useful.
Whenever you select the time range of a Performance chart to extend into the future, the data is
extrapolated accordingly. It is also available in the Service Level Reports unless opted-out during

Instance Type
syslink Xandria supports the following SAP Instance Types:

Central A SAP Web Application Server ABAP instance. The one marked as Central
by syslink Xandria is usually as well the primary Application Server.

The term Central is still used by syslink Xandria to indicate that this is the
Application Server where the SAP System related checks are executed.

Central+Java Same as the SAP Web Application Server ABAP CENTRAL instance above,
but includes an Java stack as SAP NetWeaver Add-In installation.

Central+Java instance types are deprecated by SAP. It is recommended to

run separate ABAP or Java systems.

Dialog An instance of an SAP Web Application Server ABAP that is not the central

Dialog+Java An instance of an SAP NetWeaver Add-In installation with ABAP and Java
stack that is not the central instance

Java An instance of an SAP Web Application Server Java

Java_Scs A (Java) SAP Central Services instance

Abap_Scs An ABAP SAP Central Services instance

Trex A TREX engine

Web Dispatcher A SAP Web Dispatcher instance

Abap_Scs with Web An ABAP SAP Central Services with integrated Web Dispatcher

Enque Replication An Enqueue Replication Server


In addition to these terms we also use the following grouping terms:

ABAP or ABAP-only An instance of type Central or Dialog or Abap_Scs


ABAP+Java instance An instance of type Central+Java or Dialog+Java

Java or Java-only in- An instance of type Java or Java_Scs


For those SAP Systems that do not have an primary application server, (i.e. a classical Central SAP
Instance), syslink Xandria chooses one to be considered central. This SAP Instance is performing
the monitoring of the SAP System. It is flagged with a  icon.

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An Interpolation is a placeholder used in the Notification process in Output Channels and Filter Lists.
During the processing of a Filter List or an Output Channel, an Interpolation retrieves a particular
value available at runtime. Interpolations are an improved Version of Macros which they replace.

The term Interpolation comes from the Apache Freemarker Template Language [http://
freemarker.org/docs/dgui.html] (FTL) which is used in the Notification process since syslink Xan-
dria 6. For the sake of consistency and easier reference to FTL, we stick to the terminology used
in there.

The major difference between the deprecated Macros and Interpolations: the former one is always a
string, the latter one can also be of type boolean, date, time, and others. In other words, Interpolations
are strictly typed. However, you can always convert any Interpolation into a string.

More exactly, we had to distinguish between a variable and its value, the latter of which it gets
through the process of interpolation. However, for the sake of simplicity we stick to one term for

See also
• Chapter 11, Setting Up the Notification Process

• ???

• Apache Freemarker [http://freemarker.org]

You need a valid license in order to operate syslink Xandria. The license is implemented by means
of a Licsense File master.lic used with the syslink Xandria Master. It basically contains the amount
of Systems allowed to manage and a Hardware Key binding the license to a particular hardware of
the syslink Xandria Server. In other words, if you move the syslink Xandria Server components to a
different hardware you probably need a new License as well.

See also
• Section 6.5, “Licensing”

• Section 14.8, “Retrieving syslink Xandria License Information”

Log Adapter
A Log Adapter in syslink Xandria provides log entries of arbitrary log sources as an array of stan-
dardized sets of key-value pairs.

Log Adapters are used in the Log Adapter Custom Check in order to monitor the content of log files.

Log sources can be either textual log files or the Microsoft Windows EventLog. There are pre-defined
read-only Log Adapters for the Windows System Event Log, Oracle Alert Log, DB2 Diagnostics Log
etc., but you also can define your own Log Adapters in order to monitor other log resources.

Log files in the context of syslink Xandria are text files recording certain actions in a struc-
tured way. There are applications our there that consider dumping an arbitrary amount of

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unstructured bytes into arbitrary files as logging. You can try to get a grip on these things
defining an appropriate Log Adapter, but your mileage may vary.

Technically speaking, you can think of a Log Adapter as a regular expres-

sion [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression]-based parser [http://en.wikipedia.org/wi-
ki/ParsingߴParser] using named capturing groups. The result is provided as Macros for use in the
Log Adapter Custom Check, but also in the Monitoring Parameters configuring the Oracle Alert Log
or DB2 Diagnostic log checks.

See also
• Section 9.4, “Defining your own Log Adapters for the Log Adapter Custom Check”

A Macro basically is a placeholder that you can use at certain places in syslink Xandria configuration
items, and that are replaced "during run time" with e.g. System-specific data.
There are three classes of Macros provided with syslink Xandria:

• Custom Check Macros for the use in (almost) all Custom Checks. They are replaced with values
specific to the particular System the Custom Check is executed on. Using these Macros provides
a greater flexibility in Custom Check definition for multiple Systems.

• Macros specific to Log Adapters and there use in the Log Adapter Custom Check. They are re-
placed with data of a particular matched entry in a log file.

• Macros within the Notification process.

Notification Macros are deprecated. Use Interpolations instead.

See also
• Custom Check Macros

• ???

• Section 9.4, “Defining your own Log Adapters for the Log Adapter Custom Check”

Maintenance Window
Maintenance Windows can be used to schedule periods of time during which the monitoring of one
or more Systems is turned off.

Availability Data is recorded even if the monitoring is turned off, and if a Systems is Down during
the Maintenance Windows, the downtime is considered as "planned" and does not count for the
Service Level Report.

A Maintenance Window can be thought of as a container for Schedules indicating when to turn mon-
itoring off (and on) for a Dynamic Group or a Static Group of Servers, SAP Systems or Databases,
as well as for Business Services.

A Schedule is a recurrent or non-recurrent event with a start time and a duration reflecting one or
more periods of time. One or more Schedules can be assigned to a Maintenance Window, forming
the following relation:

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Example of a Maintenance Window setup

A particular System can be affected by multiple Maintenance Windows, Schedules may overlap.

See also
• Section 8.5.3, “Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window”

Managed Object

A Managed Object is either a System or a Business Service.

As a synonym we also use the term Monitoring Target.

Monitoring Exception Parameter

Certain Monitoring Parameters allow the definition of exceptions. If you, for instance, define usage
thresholds for a tablespace with a Monitoring Parameter the defined value is valid for all tablespaces
of the system. If you want to override this setting on a per-tablespace level you can define a so
called Monitoring Exception Parameter for the particular tablespace
Monitoring Exception Parameters can be defined in Parameters Sets as well.

See also
• Section 8.2, “Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Exception Parameters”

Monitoring Parameter

The configuration of monitoring is implemented by means of so called Monitoring Parameters.

These can be e.g. thresholds indicating a Warning or Critical system condition, or restrictions of
what is to be checked, or some basic configuration for the check execution itself, like timeouts, etc.
All Monitoring Parameters have a carefully chosen default value. As soon as you start monitoring,
syslink Xandria uses these defaults. You may change these defaults by defining a parameter and
by modifying its values. Monitoring Parameters can be defined for a single system, or they can be
part of so called Parameters Sets.

See also
• Procedure 8., “”

Version 7.1.3 56
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Parameter Set
Parameters Sets are a grouping mechanism for certain properties, and a Parameter Set can be
applied to a Dynamic Group or a Static Group of Systems.

The properties available for grouping are Monitoring Parameters, the Check Execution, Check Noti-
fication, and Monitoring Exception Parameters.

As you can easily see, there may be situations where a certain System belongs to more than one
group. If you have the same property defined in two different Parameters Sets sharing a common
subset of System, you have to prioritize the Parameters Sets in order to decide which one is finally

Further, for every Parameter Set you can define if or if not the definition of a property in a Parameter
Set can be overridden on a per-System level. If not, you can define a consistent set of properties
throughout a class of System. But even if you allow overriding you can re-apply the properties at
any time.

Parameters Sets can be scheduled. So it is possible to have different values for e.g. Monitoring
Parameters different periods of time. You may use Schedules or Service Hours to define the validity
period of a Parameter Set.

Please prioritize Parameters Sets carefully if they are scheduled!

See also
• Procedure 8., “”

• Procedure 8.2, “Disable Checks per Parameter Set”

• Section 8.8, “Defining Service Hours”

Notification Element
A Notification Element is an object that can be forwarded by a Notification Action.
The following Notification Elements are available:

RealTime Monitoring A notification of a Check Result may occur as soon as a Check Status
Check Results changes, whenever the Check is confirmed or unconfirmed, periodically, if
it remains in its Check Status for a certain period of time, and for certain
Checks, like the filesystem or tablespace Checks, also if the Check Status
changes for a particular filesystem or tablespace even of the overall Check
Status does not change.

Daily Checks A notification of a Daily Check may occur as soon as the Daily Check exe-
cution has finished, and once it is confirmed or unconfirmed.

Daily Check Detail A notification of a Daily Check Detail may occur as soon as the Daily Check
execution has finished.

CCMS Alerts A notification of a CCMS Alert may occur as soon as it is delivered by the
corresponding Custom Check.

Changes A notification of a Changes may occur as soon as it is created, and whenev-

er the status of the Change record changes. However, thie function is most
useful for notifications of the System-Change Auto-Detection.

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Tickets A notification of a Changes may occur as soon as it is created, and whenev-

er the status of the Change record changes. However, thie function is most
useful for notifications of the System-Change Auto-Detection.

See also
• Chapter 11, Setting Up the Notification Process

Notification Elements can be escalated to Users having the required permission for the Customer
owning the affected System. This process is called a Notification in syslink Xandria.

The escalation via e-mail is supported, and by use of third-party applications these mails can also
be converted to pager notifications or text messages (SMS). In addition it is also possible to send
Notification Elements to virtually any other system monitoring or management application. You can
write Check Results into log files or arbitrarily formatted text files, like XML files. Or you can execute
any command, write to the Windows Event Log, send XanMobile push notifications, or a browser
notification. And finally, you can create Tickets in the ticketing system of syslink Xandria.

The different ways to address a notification are called Output Channels.

The escalation mechanism provided by syslink Xandria is highly customizable by means of e.g.
Check selectors and includes powerful Filter rules. These filters allow the precise definition of which
content are to be escalated to whom at which point in time. Common parts of Filters can be shared
as so called Global Expressions.

The Output Channels and Filters support Macros that are replaced with real-life System and Notifi-
cation Element data during run-time. You can also define your own Macros and therefore enter third-
party data into the Notification process by means of so called Custom Resolvers.

The trigger for the different Notification Elements, the selected Output Channel , the Filter Lists ,
and any custom Resolver eventually defined form the so called Notification Action. Whenever a No-
tification Action is executed the result is kept in a Notification Message. This Notification Message
allows you to trace exactly if a notification was sent or if it was blocked by a certain filter, when it
was delivered, if it succeeded in the first attempt or needed a retry, etc.

See also
• Chapter 11, Setting Up the Notification Process

Operational (System)
The life cycle of a System comprises a phase where the System is operational. However, there is a
time span before a System becomes operational, and there is one after the System is operational.

As a general rule, every System defined in syslink Xandria is considered operational , unless you
manually changes this accordingly.

For this purpose there are two properties for every System Type in syslink Xandria: Operational since
and Operational until. If none of these is set (which is the default), the System is operational, and
hence it counts for the License.

If there is an Operational since date set in the future, or there is an Operational until date set in the
past, the System is considered not operational or inoperational.

A System that is not operational is not monitored by definition.

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An inoperational system will still require a license for 40 days after being set to not oper-
ational. This not operational state is as well called Retired. After 40 days the license is
released and the not operational state is called Decommissioned (see also Section 6.5,

syslink Xandria flags Systems not operational.

A SAP Instance inherits the operational status from its SAP System.

See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

• Section 7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)”

• Section 7.2.8, “Defining stand-alone Databases”

Performance Data Collection
The following Key Performance Indicators are collected, aggregated and reported:
1 2
Physical Server • Total average CPU usage

• Total size and used space (kB) of every local filesystem, and cumulated
over all local filesystems
• Total amount of virtual memory
SAP Instance (ABAP • Maximum number of concurrent users
and ABAP+Java)
• Average dialog response time and number of dialog steps

• Average response time and number of dialog steps for named transac-

Hourly, Daily, and Monthly
Based on CPULoad Check
Based on FileSystems Check
Based on PagingSpace Check
Daily and Monthly
Based on Daily Check

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• Average response time and number of dialog steps of all named trans-
actions together per instance

• Top N transaction response times sorted by average response time, and

sorted by number of steps

SAP Instance (Ja- • J2EE garbage collection runtime ratio

• J2EE DSR average action response time

• J2EE DSR number of actions

SAP System (ABAP • Average dialog response time and number of dialog steps
and ABAP+Java)
• Average response time and number of dialog steps for named transac-

• Average response time and number of dialog steps of all named trans-
actions together per system

• Top N transaction response times sorted by average response time, and

sorted by number of steps

• End-to-End response times

Database (All Data- • Database size and used space

base types)
Database (MaxDB) • Number of sessions

• Data cache hit ratio

• Catalog cache hit ratio

Database (Microsoft • Number of logons

SQL Server)
• Buffer cache hit ratio

• Lock wait time

• Number of deadlocks
1 8
Database (Oracle) • tablespace size and used space

• Number of logons

• Data buffer hit ratio

• DD cache hit ratio

• User/recursive calls ratio

• Sorts in memory

• Short table scans

1 9
Database (DB2) • tablespace size and used space

• Number of connections

Based on ADA_DataArea, DB2_Tablespaces, MSS_DBUsage, and ORA_Tablespaces Checks
Based on ORA_Tablespaces Check
Based on DB2_Tablespaces Check

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• Bufferpool hit ratio

• Sort overflows %

• LSN gab clean triggers

• Time database waited on locks

• Lock waits

• Deadlocks

• Lock escalations

Database (SAP • Disk size/usage of named volume partition

• Physical memory size/usage by host

• Peak memory limit size/usage

• CPU load by host

• Number of total lock waits

• Total lock wait time per server

Performance Indicators are shown in XanGui and reported in the Service Level Reports for those
Systems where Performance Data Collection is turned on. This can be turned on or off on a per-Sys-
tem (via PerfDataCollection Monitoring Parameter) level.

Performance Indicators are aggregated automatically into hourly, daily, and monthly val-
ues, whereas hourly and daily values are kept for six months and monthly values
are kept for three years in syslink Xandria (see also Performance.PERFDATA_KEEPTIME,

See also
• Section 10.3, “Working with Performance Data”

Physical Server
A Physical Server in terms of syslink Xandria is either a real server that runs a copy of the supported
operating systems, or it is a system virtual machine (or hardware virtual machine) running its own
operating system (the so called guest operating system), or a partition in operating system-level
virtualization (virtual environment, virtual private server, guest, zone, container, jail, etc.).

In other words, if it looks like a real server from the point of view of its users, it is called a Physical
Server in syslink Xandria.

If you want to manage or monitor a Physical Server you need to install a syslink Xandria Agent on it.

The same holds true if you want to define an End Point on it.

See also
• Section 7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)”

Problem Management
syslink Xandria provides a built-in Problem Management (also known as Ticketing) solution to allow
Customer to report problems with their Systems and to issue. Requests.

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Tickets can also be created automatically by Notification Actions.

See also
• Section 14.3, “Working with Tickets”

RealTime Monitoring
The main purpose of system monitoring is to periodically check your Systems health conditions and
to report critical conditions to an administrator immediately. This is what many system monitoring
applications do, and so does syslink Xandria. And since this reporting shall happen immediately, we
call this kind of monitoring RealTime Monitoring.

See also
• Section 7.3, “Verify RealTime Monitoring”

• Section 10.1, “Working with RealTime Monitoring Results”

Remote Monitoring
The term Remote Monitoring is used to describe the option to manage Databases hosted on an
operating system that is not supported by the syslink Xandria Agent. In this case it is possibly to
manage the Database remotely from a syslink Xandria Agent installed on a different host.

Root Cause Analysis

Usually Root Cause Analysis in the context of system monitoring means to find the most relevant
in a bunch of events, i.e. to pinpoint the one that causes all the other issues.

In syslink Xandria Root Cause Analysis works somewhat different. By hierarchical execution of
Checks the potential “Root Causes” are verified first. In case these Checks turn to Critical, all other
“dependent” Checks turn to Unknown.
The different system layers

• Physical Server (→ Virtual Cluster Server) → SAP Instance → SAP System


• Physical Server (→ Virtual Cluster Server) → Database (→ SAP System)

imply a dependency between the executed checks:

The most basic Check for a Physical Server is the so called AgentAlive Check. It basically verifies
if the syslink Xandria Agent itself is operating properly. If this Check fails, the monitoring agent or
even the whole server is probably down, or at least unreachable from the network. Consequently, no
other Checks can be performed, the Check Results of all Checks executed by this particular agent
on this host are considered Unknown (be it Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, or Database Checks).

Similarly, there is an AgentAlive Check for Virtual Cluster Servers. If a Virtual Cluster Server is no
longer discovered on any Physical Server, no Checks can be performed for applications hosted by
this Virtual Cluster Server, so their status is considered Unknown. In addition, the AgentAlive Check
indicates at Warning level if the Virtual Cluster Server has switched from one Physical Server to

At the SAP Instance layer there are the RFCConnect (ABAP and ABAP+Java) and the J2EEConnect
(Java) Checks playing a special role: They verify if the syslink Xandria Agent is able to connect to
the SAP Instance. If these Checks fail, the SAP Instance is probably blocked or down. Consequently,

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no other SAP Instance-specific Checks can be performed, the results of these checks are consid-
ered Unknown. In case the RFCConnect or J2EEConnect Check fails for a SAP Instance identified
as “central” SAP Instance, and if no other SAP Instance can play the “central” role, no (Database-
independent) SAP System Check can be performed, the results of these Checks are considered Un-

At the Database layer there is the DBConnect Check. It verifies if the syslink Xandria Agent is able
to connect to the Database. If this Check fails, no other Database (and Database-dependent SAP
System) Checks can be performed. Hence the results of these Checks are considered Unknown.

The most important Check for a SAP System is the SystemAlive. It is a built-in Composite Check
evaluating all the different connect checks for all the SAP Instances comprising a SAP System,
including the DBConnect. In other words, as long as the SystemAlive is Ok, your SAP System is
operable, even if one or the other SAP Instance is down. But if it is not Ok, your SAP System is in
real bad shape.

Either a Physical Server or a Virtual Cluster Server

SAPControl provides a monitoring and management interface for SAP Instances. It can be accessed
as a SOAP web service via Named Pipes (Windows), Domain Sockets (Unix), HTTP, or HTTPS. See
SAP documentation for more details.

See also
• Section 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”

Service Hours
Service Hours in syslink Xandria define certain parts of the week, like 24x7 or from 0800 to 1800
every week day, etc.
They can be used in Service Level Agreements, Filters and Parameters Sets.

See also
• Section 8.8, “Defining Service Hours”

Service Level Agreement

You can define Service Level Agreements and assign the agreements to Servers and / or SAP Sys-
tems. A Service Level Agreement primarily consist of a definition of Service Hours and a Committed
Availability Rate.

ForSystems having a Service Level Agreement assigned, the Service Level Report generation
process considers Availability Data within the Service Hours (instead of the default 7x24) and com-
pares the computed availability rate with the Committed Availability Rate.

For Service Level Agreements you can also choose whether the Service Hours defined in there are
meant to be in local system time or in UTC. If they are in local system time, each of the System’s
TimeZone setting is considered to compute the availability rate.

See also
• Section 13.1, “Maintaining Service Level Agreements”

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Service Level Report

You can easily generate a Service Level Report for each Customer. If you e.g. schedule the Service
Level Report generation at the beginning of each month, your Customers can download the monthly
reports easily.

But you can also generate Service Level Reports manually using XanGui in order to select content,
reporting period, etc.

Service Level Reports can be customized. It's possible to change language, colors, fonts, pages
sizes, images and more to your specific needs and requirements.

All Service Level Reports are generated in the PDF format and stored in the syslink Xandria Database.
Service Level Reports generated automatically based on a schedule can be sent to email addresses.

See also
• Section 13.2, “Generating Service Level Reports”

SAP Instance

A SAP Instance is an “administrative unit that groups components of an SAP System that provide
one or more services”, as defined in the SAP Glossary [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_glossary/en/

A SAP Instance can be of one of the types listed in Instance Type

A SAP Instance is hosted by exactly one Physical Server or Virtual Cluster Server, but multiple SAP
Instances can be hosted on the same server.

If you want to manage or monitor a SAP Instance you need manage or monitor the Physical Server
or the Virtual Cluster Server the SAP Instance is hosted on.

See also
• Section 7.2.6, “Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems”

SAP System

A SAP System comprises one or several SAP Instances and a Database. It corresponds to SAP
products like SAP R/3, SAP R/3 Enterprise, SAP NetWeaver, SAP S/4 HANA etc.

In terms of SAP, the instances of a SAP System share the sameSID(System IDentifier).

In syslink Xandria terms, a SAP System is uniquely identified by the so called Unified SAP SID. By
convention, the Unified SAP SID consists of the SAP System Identifier (SID) with a prefix or suffix
to make the Unified SAP SID unique within a syslink Xandria installation.

In order to avoid confusion, we use the term Real SAP SID to refer to the SID within syslink Xandria.

If you want to manage or monitor a SAP System you need manage or monitor the Physical Server,
the Database the primary application server (in old terminlogy the Central instance) and possible
additional SAP Instances comprising the whole SAP System.

From a license perspective you need at least a SAP System license and usually a Physical Server
as well. If you have additional SAP Instances, you need additional SAP Instance licenses.

Trex and Web Dispatcher SAP Systems only consist of a SAP Instance and no Database and hence
only need a SAP Instance license.

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See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

SAP System with In-Memory Database

Like SAP System before, except that the underlying database is an In-Memory Database.

From a license perspective you need at least a SAP System with In-Memory Database license and
usually a Physical Server as well. If you have additional SAP Instances, you need additional SAP
Instance licenses.

See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

SAPControl User / Password

Credentials needed for access to SAPControl using protocols HTTP/HTTPS. The specified user must
be a valid OS user authorized by service/admin_users, service/admin_groups profile parameters
or sapstartsrv executable file permissions (Windows: execute permission, Unix: write permission).

See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”



SAP System Users required by syslink Xandria

The syslink Xandria Agent requires the credentials of SAP System users in order to connect to the
SAP Instances.

• For an ABAP (or ABAP+Java) SAP System it requires an RFC user with the ZSYSXANMONPR profile
(as created by the transport requests whipped with syslink Xandria), and we recommend to create
a dedicated user, e.g. xandria_rfc. This user is also called the syslink Xandria RFC User. For the
logon client of the user you should consider the following rules:

• For ABAP+Java SAP System using the SAP Java User Management Engine (UME), the user
has to be created in the master client used by UME in order to enable it for monitoring of the
Java stack.

• If you monitor a SAP BI/BW system you need to create the user in the standard client of the
BI/BW system.

• If you monitor a SAP PI/XI system you need to create the user in the productive client of the
PI/XI system.

• Otherwise we recommend to use client 000

• For an ABAP+Java SAP System we recommend to authorize the syslink Xandria RFC user as an
administrator in the Java stack:

• Assign the ABAP role SAP_J2EE_ADMIN to the syslink Xandria RFC user.

• If you monitor a SAP PI/XI system assign also the ABAP role SAP_XI_MONITOR to the syslink
Xandria RFC user.

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• For a Java-only SAP System the syslink Xandria Agent requires an administrator user. We rec-
ommend to create a user xandria_j2ee and to assign the Administrator role. This user is also
called the syslink Xandria J2EE User.

• For a Trex and a Web Dispatcher SAP System there are no users required.

In order to access the Database instance of a SAP System the syslink Xandria Agent also needs the
credentials of the ABAP schema user and/or the Java schema user.

See also
• Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”

• “Importing the syslink Xandria SAP Transport Request”

Static Group (of Systems)

A Static Group is a way to implicitly define a group of Systems for use with Parameters Sets, Custom
Checks, and Maintenance Windows.

A Static Group is defined by naming one or more Systems being the members of the group. If you
delete a System from syslink Xandria it is also removed from the group.

The most simple Static Group consist of a single System only.

Static Groups are implemented using System Selectors.

See also
• Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets”

• Section 9.1, “Defining Custom Checks”

• Section 8.5.3, “Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window”

• Section 9.8, “Defining Composite Checks”

See Also Dynamic Group (of Systems).

Solution Documents
The idea of Solution Documents is to provide functions to document all kinds of things in the area
of system management.

Most important probably, but not limited to, is the is the option to create documents describing
problem resolution and to easily find the most appropriate solution document once you face the
same class of problems. It is exactly that purpose giving the function its name.

More generally you can provide Solution Documents for the following objects within syslink
Xandria:RealTime Monitoring, Daily Checks, Systems, Parameters Sets, Custom Checks, Mainte-
nance Windows, Customers, Changes

A Solution Document can be written using the built-in editor WYSIWYG HTML-Editor.

In addition you can attach any existing document, or you can simply provide an external link to refer
to any other document you may have in place already.

Every Solution Document may have so called References. These references may be used to link the
Solution Documents to the objects mentioned above. However, the references do not imply direct
links between Solution Documents and other objects, but they reflect a relationship between the
two, and the number and types of references indicate how relevant a certain Solution Document is
for a given object.

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In other words if you search for Solution Documents you will find multiple results with the most
relevant Solution Documents at the top of the results, as known from other search engines.
Other Solution Document topics:

Document Customer Solution Documents are always assigned to a Customer. This way a Solu-
tion Document has an access control, since documents can be viewed only
from users having the necessary permission for this customer. If you want
to create a Solution Document that users of other customers than the cus-
tomer of the Solution Document can read, you should create a role for a
generic customer and assign this role to the users who should be able to
read the given document.

See also
• Section 14.2, “Managing Solutions”

syslink Xandria Agent

The syslink Xandria Agent is the part of the syslink Xandria architecture that actually performs mon-
itoring and management tasks. You will probably have multiple syslink Xandria Agents installed in
your environment.

The syslink Xandria Agent is supposed to run on every Physical Server hosting a System syslink
Xandria is supposed to manage.

The Managed Object can be the Physical Server itself, any Virtual Cluster Serverr eventually hosted,
a Database or a SAP Instance installed on either the Physical Server, the Virtual Cluster Server, or

The syslink Xandria Agent runs as a service (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) or as a
daemon (on Unix-like operating systems). Its main purposes are to

• Perform all the Checks described in sections Server Checks, SAP Instance Checks, SAP System
Checks and Custom Checks

• Auto Discovery of SAP Instances

• Verify and track Server, SAP Instance, and Database Availability Data

• Collect SAP Instance and Database profiles, as well as SAPDBA/BR*Tools logs

• Detect and track the changes of the System-Change Auto-Detection process

• Send Check Results, SAP Instance data, Availability Data, Changes, and profile data to the syslink
Xandria Master

• Perform Self Updates on demand

• Deploy, maintain, and run custom scripts or programs as Checks, if desired

• Periodically connect to the syslink Xandria Master to tell it is still alive

• Collect and aggregate Performance data

• Listen for configuration data and special commands sent by syslink Xandria Master

For some of the actions (e.g. to get SAP Instance, SAP System, and Database related data) it starts
the syslink Xandria RFC Connector or the syslink Xandria J2EE Connector, which passes data back
to syslink Xandria Agent using a file interface.

If the syslink Xandria Agent receives an update request, it launches the syslink Xandria Upgrade

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Configuration of the syslink Xandria Agents is kept centrally in the syslink Xandria Database and is
transmitted to the syslink Xandria Agent whenever configuration items change.

Data sent to and from the syslink Xandria Agent is encrypted using HTTPS.

The technical name of the syslink Xandria Agent used e.g. with file names or directories, executable
files, log files, and installer packages is agent.

syslink Xandria Database

syslink Xandria uses the PostgreSQL [http://www.postgresql.org] (on Unix-like operating systems)
and Microsoft SQL Server [http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/] (on Microsoft Windows operating
systems) Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) in order to store all data.

The syslink Xandria Database runs on the syslink Xandria Server (or on a separate host) and can
be accessed using XanGui. It is also accessed by the syslink Xandria Master, but there is no direct
connection between any syslink Xandria Agent and the syslink Xandria Database. Database backups
can be dumped to the filesystem and thus can be picked up by an ordinary filesystem backup.

The technical name of the syslink Xandria Database used e.g. with file names or directories, exe-
cutable files, log files, and installer packages is xandriadb.

syslink Xandria Gateway

The syslink Xandria Gateway is an optional syslink Xandria component. It acts as a gateway between
the syslink Xandria Server and the syslink Xandria Agents. It provides the following functions:

• It can be used either as single instance or cascaded in order to connect syslink Xandria Agent
networks with the syslink Xandria Server network although there is no direct connection available.
This might be the case if one or multiple networks are protected by firewalls or are accessible
only through intermediate networks.

• It can handle default routings in order to minimize configuration work and provides the option to
configure backup routes for increased availability.

• It supports HTTP, HTTPS with client authentication, HTTP(S) proxies as well as proxy CONNECT

• It can establish HTTP(S) tunnels. A tunnel can be used in scenarios where, say, a syslink Xandria
Agent can establish a connection to the syslink Xandria Server, but not vice versa. In this case the
syslink Xandria Server uses the reverse channel of a connection initiated by the syslink Xandria
Agent to pass data to the syslink Xandria Agent.

• It provides tunneling and caching functions to transparently support Self Updates through Gate-
ways. Or alternatively it provides a tiny web server for the same purpose.

The technical name of syslink Xandria Gateway used e.g. with file names or directories, executable
files, and installer packages is gateway.

See also
• “Configuration”

• the description of the AgentConnectRoute Monitoring Parameter

• the description of the Gateway.tunnels property

syslink Xandria Master

The syslink Xandria Master is one of the most central and important components of syslink Xandria.
It is the communication peer of the syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. it receives Check Results and other
data provided by the syslink Xandria Agent.

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More exactly it performs the following tasks:

• The syslink Xandria Master permanently listens on TCP [http://en.wikipedia.org/wi-

ki/Transmission_Control_Protocol] port 9050 (unless configured differently) in order to receive
and accept data from any installed syslink Xandria Agent

• It processes the received data and

• updates Check Status and Check Message of RealTime Monitoring Checks

• stores Daily Check data, SAP client, SAP license, and SAP version information as well as profile
parameters, Availability Data, Performance Data, etc.

• creates Changes for modified SAP Instance or Database profiles, some actions performed
with SAPDBA or BR*Tools (Oracle databases only), SAP kernel changes, SPAM changes, system
change option (transaction SE06) changes, etc.

• It maintains a persistent connection to the syslink Xandria Database

• It periodically verifies if all known syslink Xandria Agents are running. This is done by maintaining
a list of all syslink Xandria Agents and a list of timestamps of received data. If there was no data
received during AliveTimeout minutes, a Critical AgentAlive Check Status is generated.

• It periodically verifies the integrity of the defined SAP Systems and SAP Instances, and it main-
tains the SystemAlive Check Status based on the RFCConnect, J2EEConnect, ASCS_MsgSrv,
SCS_MsgSrv, and the DBConnect Checks.

• It evaluates Composite Checks, Business Services, and schedules Maintenance Window and Pa-
rameters Sets.

• It processes Notifications

• It ships the configuration changes made using XanGui to the syslink Xandria Agents.

Most of the configuration of the syslink Xandria Master can be performed using XanGui. Only the
access data for the syslink Xandria Database is required to be configured in a text file.

The syslink Xandria Master runs as a service (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) or as a
daemon (on Unix-like operating systems).

The technical name of syslink Xandria Master used e.g. with file names or directories, executable
files, log files, and installer packages is master.

The syslink Xandria Master is vital for the monitoring process. You should consider to
monitor this application separately.

syslink Xandria Server

The term refers to either of the two:

• Monolithic installation and update package for syslink Xandria Master, XanGui, and the syslink
Xandria Database.

• The server hosting the syslink Xandria Master and XanGui (and usually also the syslink Xandria

In syslink Xandria terms a System is one of the following System Types:

• Physical Server

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• Virtual Cluster Server

• SAP Instance

• SAP System

• Database

As a synonym we also use the term Monitored System.

Every System is “owned” by a Customer

Basically, if you want to manage or monitor a Physical Server you need to install a syslink Xandria
Agent on top of it. The same holds true if you want to perform End-to-End Application Monitoring:
for every End Point you need to install asyslink Xandria Agent.

If you want to monitor a Virtual Cluster Server you have to install a syslink Xandria Agent on all
Physical Servers that may host the Virtual Cluster Server.

If you want to monitor an SAP Instance, you need to install a syslink Xandria Agent on the Physical
Server hosting the SAP Instance, or on all Physical Servers a Virtual Cluster Server may run on host-
ing the SAP Instance. The Auto Discovery functions will automatically find all hosted SAP Instances.

If you want to monitor a Database — either a SAP Database instance or a stand-alone Database —
you need to install a syslink Xandria Agent on the Physical Server hosting the Database, or on all
Physical Servers a Virtual Cluster Server may run on hosting the Database.

Of course you need only a single syslink Xandria Agent monitoring the Physical Server itself, any
Virtual Cluster Server configured on top of it, and all the SAP Instances or Databases installed on
either the Physical Server or the Virtual Cluster Server. This syslink Xandria Agent may as well serve
as an End Point in End-to-End Application Monitoring.

If you want to manage an SAP System, you need to install a syslink Xandria Agent on all Physical
Servers hosting SAP Instances (either directly or via Virtual Cluster Servers) of the particular SAP
Systems, and on all Physical Servers hosting SAP Database instances (either directly or via Virtual
Cluster Servers).

Due to the Auto Discovery algorithm SAP Instances hosted on a Server running a syslink Xandria
Agent are automatically detected in almost all cases.

See also
• Section 7.2, “Setting up a System Landscape using XanGui”

• Section 7.5, “Importing System Landscapes”

System Change Auto Detection

syslink Xandria is able to automatically detect the most important SAP System and Database
changes and create corresponding records in its integrated change management system. This fea-
ture is also known as Automatic Change Detection

If you use Virtual Cluster Servers, even switches of your cluster switchover solution will be recorded.
The idea is to avoid documenting a system change manually if the change documentation can be
retrieved from the system itself.

Table 4. Objects covered by System Change Auto Detection

Object Data Source
SAP client settings SAP System — see transaction SCC4
SAP System change option SAP System — see transaction SE06

Version 7.1.3 70
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Object Data Source

SAP component and SPAM version/patch level SAP System — see transaction SPAM
SAP Instance kernel version/patch level SAP System — see transaction SM51
SAP System RDBMS version SAP System — see transaction ST04
SAP Instance profile parameters Files located in profiles directory
J2EE System Properties per process (Dispatch- J2EE JMX Interface
J2EE VM Properties per process (Dispatch- J2EE JMX Interface
J2EE software components Java SAP System Database
J2EE kernel/patchlevel J2EE JMX Interface
Database parameters depends on Database type
Oracle Database changes done with SAPDBA or sapreorg directory
Virtual Cluster Server node switches Physical Server
Version changes Trex and Web Dispatcher SAP Instance
SAP HANA Configuration Layers SAP HANA Database

More details, although most things are pretty much self-explaining, can be found in the Knowledge
Base article INFO: syslink Xandria System Change Auto-Detection [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/

See also
• Section 14.4, “Working with Changes”

System Role
One of the attributes and a standard grouping mechanism every System in syslink Xandria has.
Default System Roles are:
Production, Test, Quality assurance, Development, Sandpit, Integration, Education, Consolidation
Others System Roles can de defined as well.

System Selector
A user interface element to define a Dynamic Group or Static Group of Systems for use in Parame-
ters Sets, Custom Checks, Composite Checks, and Business Services.

The group can be defined either by attributes of the corresponding System Type (like described in
Dynamic Group), or by further restriction to hosted or hosting Systems according to the following

• Server → Database or Server → SAP Instance → SAP System

• SAP Instance → SAP System or SAP Instance → Server → Database

• SAP System → SAP Instance → Server → Database

• Database → Server → SAP Instance → SAP System

This allows fine grained selections, like return all productive SAP Systems that have a Java SAP

You can even exclude particular Systems from the selection.

Version 7.1.3 71
syslink Xandria

System Selectors can be defined ad-hoc, in case of which they are only available for the Custom
Check, Composite Check, etc. they are define for. Or they can be defined generically in case of which
they can be shared across multiple objects.

See also
• Section 8.6, “Defining a System Selector”

• Section 9.7, “Defining Business Services”

• Section 9.8, “Defining Composite Checks”

• Section 9.6, “Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks”

• Section 9.1, “Defining Custom Checks”

• Section 8.3.1, “Defining Parameter Sets”

• Section 8.5.3, “Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window”

System Status
Every System has a so called System Status. The System Status is defined as follows:

• For a Server it is the Check Status of the AgentAlive Check.

• For a SAP Instance the System Status depends on the Instance Type:

• For an ABAP-only SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the RFCConnect Check.

• For a Java-only SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the J2EEConnect Check.

• For an ABAP+Java SAP Instance it is the worse of the Check Status of the J2EEConnectand
the RFCConnect Checks.

• For a Abap_Scs SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the ASCS_MsgSrv Check.

• For a Java_Scs SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the SCS_MsgSrv Check.

• For a Trex SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the TREX Connect Check.

• For a Web Dispatcher SAP Instance it is the Check Status of the WD_Connect Check.

• For a SAP System it is the Check Status of the SystemAlive Check.

• For a stand-alone Database it is the Check Status of the DBConnect Check.

See also
• Section 10.1.1, “Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results”

• Section 9.6, “Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks”

Trend Analysis
syslink Xandria uses intelligent monitoring objects. It watches for critical trends more than for sin-
gle events. A single shortdump in an SAP System is not considered critical. A certain number of
shortdumps over a given period of time indeed is considered critical. We call this Trend Analysis,
and it greatly reduces the number of false alerts.

Version 7.1.3 72
syslink Xandria

User Management

Users in syslink Xandria can represent natural persons (or also technical accounts).

Having Service Providers on the one side and Customers on the other side basically implies two
classes of Users: one class representing the Service Provider, the other class representing Cus-

These classes of Users will have different Roles indicating their type of business. Roles basically
contain a set of Permissions , and they link these Permissions to one or more Users on the one hand,
and to one or more Customers on the other hand. Therefore Customers are the smallest entity a
set of Permissions can be assigned to!

In addition there are also Permissions that are not based on a certain Customer, but assigned for all
Customers in a syslink Xandria environment: The Permission to define a Parameter Set or a Custom
Check, basically all the Permissions for actions that are cross-customer.

Permissions are inherited automatically in case a Customer hierarchy is defined. Permis-
sions assigned to the root Customer are inherited to all Customers.

In addition to linking Roles directly to Users, they can also be linked to Groups of Users.

In other words syslink Xandria uses a role-based access control scheme.

User Authentication is based on User IDs and passwords, and a Password Policy can be enforced.
This policy may define a minimum password length, an expiration period, a minimum number of
special characters to name just a few.

Version 7.1.3 73
syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria User Design

See also
• Chapter 12, Managing Users, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Advanced Options

Virtual Cluster Server

A resource group in terms of High-Availability cluster environments uniquely identified by a virtual

IP address. A Virtual Cluster Server may switch between different Physical Servers.

If you want to manage or monitor a Virtual Cluster Server you need to install a syslink Xandria Agent
on every(!) Physical Server the Virtual Cluster Server may run on.

syslink Xandria Cluster Management: The solid lines indicate the de-
fault setup, the dashed lines show the behaviour after a cluster switch.

See also
• Section 7.2.5, “Defining HA-Clusters”

Web Service

The syslink Xandria Web Service [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service] is a communica-

tion method provided by syslink Xandria in order to read or modify data. Its interface

Version 7.1.3 74
syslink Xandria

is defined based on the Web Services Description Language [http://en.wikipedia.org/wi-


See also
• Section 14.9, “Setting Up and Configuring Xandria Web Service”


XanGui is the web based user interface to syslink Xandria. Almost all configuration and operation
tasks of syslink Xandria are performed with this interface.

Depending on the user Permissions you have many of the functions provided by XanGui may be
read-only or not available at all.

Being a web application, XanGui can easily be deployed in a way that both, internal staff (i.e. rep-
resentatives of the Service Provider operating syslink Xandria) and Customers have access to it.
XanGui uses the Jetty HTTP server and Java Servlet container [http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/].

The technical name of XanGui used e.g. with file names or directories, executable files, log files, and
installer packages is xangui (or sometimes also xanguiws).


XanMobile is a mobile interface to syslink Xandria. There is a built-in variant within XanGui that is
available for all mobile browsers, and there is an app available exclusively for the Apple iPhone.
Both variants provide a similar set of functions.

See also
• INFO: Setting Up the XanMobile App [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-

Version 7.1.3 75
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syslink Xandria

Chapter 7. Setting up syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria is consistently designed to keep configuration work at a minimum, but there are
obviously a few items that need to be adapted to your environment. These comprise the definition
of Customers, the monitored SAP Systems, Servers and stand-alone Databases (see Section 7.2,
“Setting up a System Landscape using XanGui”).

The basic setup of syslink Xandria is performed using XanGui. In order to make you a little familiar
with this application, we provide a very short introduction first.

An account providing access to XanGui has been created by default. This should suffice to pro-
ceed with this chapter. If you want to create other user accounts you may want to have a look at
Chapter 12, Managing Users, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Advanced Options.

7.1. Performing first steps with XanGui

XanGui provide the central user interface to syslink Xandria. As its name indicates, it is a web
based application.

However, the main part of the user interface pretty much looks and works like a desktop applica-
tion, so you should be familiar with within a very short period of time.

In order to work with XanGui, you need to be defined as a User in the syslink Xandria System. For
the time being, you may use the built-in User administrator with the default password admin1234.

7.1.1. Login to XanGui
In order to use XanGui, use your preferred web browser and navigate to URL http(s)://
xandria.server.name:port/xn/ .

Enter your User Name into the field Name, and the password into the field Password of the login
page. Click on → or enter the Return key in order to login.

There is a Welcome page that contains shortcuts to the most important functions. You can also
use the top-level menu in order to navigate through the application like any other desktop appli-

In addition to the top-level menu there is a Command box on the right-hand side. This Command
box can be used to enter shortcuts to access certain parts of the application directly (similar to
the SAP transaction codes).

The available shortcuts are displayed as a tooltip once you hover over the menu entries.
Alternatively, type help or ? in the command box to display a list of commands.

Next to the Command box there is a little X-sign that allows you to close all open tabs at once.
Right next to it there is a little triangle. Clicking on it toggles the application header to effectively
use all the screen real estate.
If you are using https protocol follow the instructions in the Knowledge Base articles

• INFO: syslink XanGui SSL Issues [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=138]

• HOWTO: Use CA signed Certificate for HTTPS in XanGui [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?


Version 7.1.3 77
Login to XanGui syslink Xandria

Once you choose an item from the menu (or you enter the appropriate shortcut), a new tab opens,
like shown below:

XanGui: Example Page with Explanations

Most of the tabs work with Lists, like lists of Systems, Checks, etc. And almost every tab features
a Search box (labeled with a ).

You can enter free text into the Search box that restricts the listed items immediately. The free
text search operates on all values of the columns shown. You can combine search terms using
AND and/or OR. Wildcards are supported, as well as the +first and -second operators in order to
include first and exclude second.

In addition to the free text search there is also keyword search supported. Once you hover the
mouse over the  icon all available keywords will be shown.

Even more, you can combine shortcuts and search items. For instance, if you enter se
name:abc* into the Command box, it will open Systems → Servers (according to the short-
cut se) and search for all Servers having a Name starting with the value abc.

On the right hand side on top of each list there is the number of displayed list items shown together
with the number of total items. Likewise, on the left hand side there is the page number shown
together with the total number of pages. You can move back and forth through the pages using
the appropriate icons, and you can choose the page size.

Lists can be customized. Click on the the  symbol to show and hide list columns once you hover
over a column header. Some lists do not show all columns by default, but you can use  to show
additional columns. You can also resize the column width, simply hover over the header column
separator and change the column width to your needs. The order of the columns can also be
changed, simply drag a column and drop somewhere else. The customizations are saved and
reapplied the next time you open the same list again.

There is a Favorites sidebar which can be accessed by the  on the left hand side of the top-level
menu. You can drag any tab on the sidebar (or on the  itself, if the sidebar is not yet visible) to

Version 7.1.3 78
Setting up a System Landscape using XanGui syslink Xandria

save this tab as a favorite. It conserves search and filter settings. Once you have saved a favorite,
you can open it by a double-click.

There are private and shared Favorites. Only you can access your private favorites. All Users of
the same Customer can see the shared favorites.

• Use your browser full screen mode to optimize screen real estate.

• Instead of using the Open button you can double-click an item of a list.

• Click on the  symbol to undock a frame (i.e. to display it as a separate tab).

• Click on the  to toggle between horizontal and vertical frame layout.

• Instead of using the tab menu you can right-click on a list item to open a context menu.

7.2. Setting up a System Landscape using XanGui

Before you can start using syslink Xandria reasonably you need to define your SAP System or
stand-alone Database landscape using the XanGui.

You need to have a running syslink Xandria Agent on all Physical Servers of the System Landscape
you plan to define.

The order of the definition is important. Always define SAP Systems befort the Servers
they are hosted on, and always define the Servers before the stand-alone Databases
they are hosting.

1. Define Customers. This can be either companies or e.g. projects you are providing a service
for, or it can be e.g. a single company, if you are just running your own SAP environment.

You probably have already defined at least one Customer during the installation process, so
you may skip this point.

2. Define the SAP Systems, if applicable (see Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”).

3. Define the Servers (see Section 7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)”).

4. Define stand-alone Databases, if applicable (see Section 7.2.8, “Defining stand-alone Data-


SAP Instances and Database instances are usually assigned automatically to the SAP Systems.
In rare cases you may need to do the assignment manually as described in Section 7.2.6, “Assign-
ing SAP Instances to SAP Systems” and Section 7.2.7, “Assigning Database instances to SAP Sys-

7.2.1. Defining Customers

Perform the following steps to define a Customer.

Version 7.1.3 79
Defining SAP Systems syslink Xandria

1. Select Administration → Customers from the menu and push the New button.

2. Fill in the Customer‘s Name and hit the Create button. The Customer is created and its data
is shown in a new frame.

3. You may also fill in some of the other fields, like Description or the address data, etc. You may
additionally select a value for the TimeZone field if you intend to use Service Level Reports
and/or Service Level Agreements.

4. Push the Apply button on top of the Customer frame if you made further changes.

You may also define a Customer Application. They are used as a grouping mechanism for SAP
Systems. However, there is a generic Customer Application created anyway once you define the
first SAP System for this Customer.

1. Select the Applications tab in the Customer frame and push the New button.

2. Select the appropriate Application Type and hit the Create button.

In order to open an existing Customer, choose Administration → Customers from the
menu, select the desired entry from the list and push the Open button (or double-click
the selection). Ordering Customers hierarchically

In order to build a Customer hierarchy (and make use of Permission inheritance), simply drag the
child-Customer onto the parent in the Customer list.

To remove a child-Customer from its parent, select the child and push the Detach button.

7.2.2. Defining SAP Systems

Perform the following steps to define a new SAP System:

1. Select Systems → SAP Systems from the menu and push the New button, then choose SAP
System from the drop down menu.

In section Configure Remote Monitoring you will learn how to configure Remote
Monitoring but for now we assume the normal way, i.e. you have access to the
operating system which host the SAP System’s instances.

2. Fill the Unified SAP SID and Real SAP SID into the corresponding fields, choose a Customer,
a System Role, and the SAP System Type. Hit the Next button.

3. • ABAP-only SAP Instances

You need also to define the syslink Xandria RFC User you have configured during the
installation process in the RFC User field.

Add the corresponding password in RFC User Password and the client the syslink Xandria
RFC User was defined in the field RFC Logon Client.

You also have to define Database Users in order to allow Database monitoring:

Version 7.1.3 80
Defining SAP Systems syslink Xandria

Fill in the ABAP Schema User and the corresponding password in the fields ABAP DB
Schema User and ABAP DB Schema User Password.

You can as well configure the RFC connection using SNC encryption. Please
see RFCConnect and monitoring parameters concerning SNC, like SNCMode
and SNCLibraryPath.

• JAVA-only SAP Instances

You need also to define the syslink Xandria J2EE User you have configured during the
installation process in the J2EE User field.

Add the corresponding password in the J2EE User Password field.

Fill in the Java Schema User and the corresponding password in the fields Java DB
Schema User and Java DB Schema User Password.

• ABAP+JAVA SAP Instances

You need to fill in the corresponding data for both, the ABAP and the JAVA part.

• Web Dispatcher and Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

Web Dispatcher and Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher SAP Instances monitoring uses sole-
ly the SAPControl Web Service Interface. Per default, syslink Xandria Agent tries to ac-
cess SAPControl by named pipes provided on OS level, which does not require user and
password. However, this might not work due to missing file access authorization on OS
level, expecially on Unix-like operating systems. In this case please define the SAPControl
User, see Section 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User” and switch to HTTP(S) using SAP
Instance Monitoring Parameter SAPControlProtocol.

• Trex SAP Instances

There is no user data to fill in.

Push OK to create the SAP System

All other data is optional.

If this SAP System is running with a MaxDB you may want to define a MaxDB DBM Operator and
the corresponding password in the DBM Operator Password field. You find the fields in the SAP
System Database section of the Properties tab once the Database has been discovered.

In case you do not want the System have the generic Customer Application, choose one of the
Customer Applications from the Customer application combo box.

If you want to assign certain users being responsible for this system, you may select the corre-
sponding values for the Administrator and Administrator's Deputy field.

If you intend to use Service Level Agreements you probably want to select a value for the SAP
System TimeZone.

If you have already defined Service Level Agreements, you can select one from the Assigned SLA

You can also set the SAP System not operational by defining Operational Since and/or Operational

Version 7.1.3 81
Defining the SAP Control User syslink Xandria

In case you made any modification hit the Apply button.


• Further data (e.g. version information) will be inserted and updated automatically with the next
Daily Check. You cannot enter information there.

• The user and password information is stored encrypted in the syslink Xandria Database and
will be transferred to the syslink Xandria Agent in an encrypted state. The syslink Xandria Agent
itself also stores the user and password data locally in encrypted format.

Transfer of user and password information between XanGui and the web browser happens also
in a secured way, unless you hit Show.

• Once the additional data has been retrieved by the syslink Xandria Agent, you can also view e.g.
Performance and Availability Data.

In order to open an existing SAP System, choose Systems → SAP Systems from the
menu, select the desired entry from the list and push the Open button (or double-click
the selection).

7.2.3. Defining the SAP Control User

Certain functions of the syslink Xandria Agent require a user and password to access the SAP-
Control Web Service Interface of an SAP Instance. This user is optional for systems monitored
locally. For remote systems however the user must be defined. To define the user, activate the
checkbox left to the SAP Control User field. Then fill in user and password of a valid OS user, for
example <sid>adm. Please see as well SAP Instance Monitoring Parameter SAPControlProtocol
for further reference.

SAPControl is used for SAP System remote monitoring, for the DispatcherQueue check, and for
monitoring of Web Dispatcher instances. Futhermore it is required for monitoring parameter values
of Abap_Scs, Java_Scs, Trex, and Web Dispatcher instances using the Parameter Values Custom

7.2.4. Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)

If the Server names are unique within your syslink Xandria installation, the definition of
DNS Domains [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System] is not required. In
a large environment, DNS Domains help to identify the server.

You can add new DNS Domains: Select Administration → Settings from the top-level
menu and switch to the Customizing tab. Switch to the DNS Domains tab

Perform the following steps to define a new Physical Server:

1. Choose Systems → Servers from the top-level menu and push the New Server button.

2. Select Physical Server.

3. Fill in the name of the server in field Physical Server Name. Use the value that is returned by
the Server's hostname command!

Version 7.1.3 82
Defining HA-Clusters syslink Xandria

If you do not want to use the value of hostname for the Server Name, the value of
hostname must be included in the DNS Host Aliases field (see below).

4. Select the Customer and a System Role.

5. Enter the servers IP address (or Fully Qualified Domain Name). In case the server has more
than one IP address configured, use the one that can be connected from the syslink Xandria

6. Push the OK button.

You may enter any DNS alias eventually assigned to this server in the DNS Host Aliases field. You
can fill in more than one alias by separating them by comma. Spaces are not allowed.

You may additionally select a DNS Domain from the drop-down list.

If you intend to use Service Level Agreements you probably want to select a value for the Server

If you have already defined Service Level Agreements, you can select one from the Assigned SLA

There is also an option to choose an Application Type.

You can also set the Server not operational by defining Operational Since and/or Operational Until.

In case you made any modification hit the Apply button.

Once additional data has been retrieved by the syslink Xandria Agent, you can also view e.g. Per-
formance and Availability Data.

In order to open an existing Server, choose Systems → Servers from the menu, select the
desired entry from the list and push the Open button (or double-click the selection).

7.2.5. Defining HA-Clusters
In syslink Xandria a Cluster consists of two ore more Physical Servers corresponding to the phys-
ical cluster nodes, and one or more Virtual Cluster Servers corresponding to the resource groups
switching applications from one physical node to the other.

In order to define a HA-cluster in syslink Xandria you first have to define the physical servers as
outlined in Section 7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and DNS Domains)”.

The next step is to define the Virtual Cluster Server.

1. Choose Systems → Servers from the top-level menu and push the New Server button.

2. Select Virtual Cluster Server.

3. Fill in the name of the virtual server in the field Virtual Cluster Server Name.

This has to be the name the virtual server is known by in the outside world. If you have installed
SAP Instances on the virtual sever, you have to use the name that is used in the instance
profiles as well.

Version 7.1.3 83
Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems syslink Xandria

4. Select the Customer and a System Role.

5. Fill in the Virtual IP Address.

This has to be the IP address that is switched between the cluster nodes by your cluster soft-
ware, and that uniquely identifies the cluster resource group.

6. Push the OK button.

7. Proceed to the section Physical Node Servers and hit Edit.

From the list of Physical Servers choose the corresponding values using the << and >> buttons.

You have to select all physical nodes the Virtual Cluster Server may be active on.

By default only those Physical Server are listed that share the same Customer as chosen in
Customers. If you desire to use Physical Servers of a different Customer, select the Show
Servers of all Customers check box.

8. Push the Apply button.

7.2.6. Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems

As a general rule, SAP Instance of SAP System are discovered automatically once the
SAP System and all Servers hosting components of this SAP System are defined and

In other words, there is no need to define SAP Instances

In order to verify if instances have been discovered and inserted correctly, proceed as follows:

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems from the menu, select the desired entry from the list and
push the Open button (or double-click the selection).

2. Switch to the SAP System Details tab. You should see a list of discovered SAP Instances as
shown below:

Auto-Discovered SAP Instances

In some cases you perhaps might want to override the SAP Instance Auto Discovery process.

Version 7.1.3 84
Assigning Database instances to SAP Systems syslink Xandria

This can be done by setting the Monitoring Parameter SAPInstanceProfiles on the Servers hosting
the corresponding SAP Instance. See also Section 8.1, “Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring
Parameters” and the description of SAPInstanceProfiles.

There are only very few cases where you eventually have to create SAP Instances manually, e.g.
there are two or more SAP Systems having the same Real SAP SID for a given Customer, or the
Server is assigned to a different Customer than the SAP System. In this case perform the following

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems from the menu, select the desired entry from the list and
push the Open button (or double-click the selection).

2. Select the SAP System Details tab. On the SAP Instances tab, choosemore → New SAP Instance.

3. Select the Instance Type, the hosting Server, and fill in a System Number. Push the Create

If a SAP Instance is no longer discovered by any syslink Xandria Agent it is (obviously) no longer
monitored and displayed like this:

SAP Instances no longer discovered

In order to open an existing SAP Instance, choose Systems → SAP Instances from the
menu, select the desired entry from the list and push the Open button (or double-click
the selection).

7.2.7. Assigning Database instances to SAP Systems

As a general rule, the Database instance of an SAP System is discovered automatically
once the SAP System and all Servers hosting components of this SAP System are de-
fined and monitored.

In other words, there is usually no need to define Database instances.

However, there might be some cases in which the Auto Discovery does not work correctly. As a
result, a “wrong” Database host might be inserted, or no Database host at all.

In order to verify if the Database Instance has been discovered and inserted correctly, proceed as

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems from the menu, select the desired entry from the list and
push the Open button (or double-click the selection).

Version 7.1.3 85
Defining stand-alone Databases syslink Xandria

2. Proceed to the SAP System Database section of the Properties tab.

You should see a Database entry as shown below:

Auto-Discovered SAP System Database

In order to manually define the Database host proceed as follows:

1. Click on the ... button next to DB Monitoring Server.

2. Select the Server from the list that monitors the Database. If required, select Show Servers of
all Customers. Push the Select button.

3. In order to prevent all future Auto Discovery attempts, check the Prevent Automatic Updates

4. Push the Apply button.

7.2.8. Defining stand-alone Databases

This section describes the configuration of stand-alone Databases.

Do not define Database instances of an SAP System this way. See Section 7.2.7, “As-
signing Database instances to SAP Systems” in this case!

Usually the Database is monitored by the syslink Xandria Agent installed on Physical Server hosting
the Database, either directly or via a Virtual Cluster Server. In some cases it may be necessary to
monitor a Database remotely, i.e. from a syslink Xandria Agent running on a Server not hosting
the database.

In order to define a Database perform the following steps:

1. Select Systems → Databases from the menu and push the New Database button.

2. Select the Database Type, Customer, System Role, and Monitoring Server.

Version 7.1.3 86
Defining stand-alone Databases syslink Xandria

3. Fill in a Database Unified Name. This has to be a syslink Xandria-wide unique identifier for the
Database. Pus the New button.

4. Select a value for Customer and System Role, and optionally define a Description.

5. Select a value for Monitoring Server. If the monitoring server is of a different customer than
the database, flag Show Servers of all Customers.

6. For Database type

MaxDB Perform the following steps:

1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on. localhost is

used in case no Hostname is defined.

In case you monitor the database on a Virtual Cluster Server the

virtual server may not be able to resolve localhost. In this case
use the Virtual Cluster Server name in here.

2. If your database is not listening on the default port (7210) you

can fill in the proper value in Port.

3. Define the Database, a Username and a Password of a Database

User to connect with. You need to fill in an SQL Database User!

4. Define a DBM Operator (e.g. the CONTROL user) and a DBM Oper-
ator Password.

5. Push the Apply button.

Oracle Perform the following steps:

1. Select either Direct Connection or TNS Lookup.

• In case you choose Direct Connection fill in the Hostname, the

Port, and the Database.

• In case you choose TNS Lookup define either a TNS name key
or an TNS entry in field TNS name key or entry. Select a Driver
as well. If you choose the recommended Thin Driver make sure
you have defined the TNS Admin directory as well.

If you choose TNS Lookup but do not use the
Thin Driver, make sure the ORACLE_HOME environ-
ment variable is properly set in the environment of
the user running the syslink Xandria Agent, other-
wise the Oracle database driver will not be able to
access TNS information and TNS Lookup will fail.

2. Define the Username and a Password of the Database User to

connect with.

3. Push the Apply button.

DB2 Perform the following steps:

1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on. localhost is

used in case no Hostname is defined.
Version 7.1.3 87
Defining stand-alone Databases syslink Xandria

In case you monitor the database on a Virtual Cluster Server the

virtual server may not be able to resolve localhost. In this case
use the Virtual Cluster Server name in here.

2. If your database is not listening on the default port (1527) you

can fill in the proper value in Port.

3. Define the Database, and a Username and a Password of a Data-

base User to connect with.

4. Push the Apply button.

Microsoft SQL Server Perform the following steps:

1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on.

In case the managed database is within a named instance you

may use this syntax: [hostname]\[instance].

2. Define the Port and the Database.

3. For the Database User you have to choose between SQL Server
authentication and Windows authentication and fill in Username
and a Password to connect with. In case you choose Windows
authentication you may use this syntax in order to define a do-
main user: [domain]\[username].

4. Push the Apply button.

SAP HANA Perform the following steps:

1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on. For Scale Out

environments you can enter several hostnames separated by

2. Define the SQL port your indexserver is listening on (by default:


3. Define the Database, and a Username and a Password of a Data-

base User to connect with.

4. Push the Apply button.

SAP ASE (formerly Perform the following steps:

SAP Sybase ASE)
1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on.

2. Define the SQL port your database is listening on (by default


3. Define the Database, and a Username and a Password of a Data-

base User to connect with.

4. Push the Apply button.

SAP SQL Anywhere Perform the following steps:

1. Define the Hostname the Database is running on.

Version 7.1.3 88
Verify RealTime Monitoring syslink Xandria

2. Define the SQL port your database is listening on (by default


3. Define the Database, Server name and a Username and a Pass-

word of a Database User to connect with.

4. Push the Apply button.

You can also set the Server not operational by defining Operational Since and/or Operational Until.

In case you made any modification hit the Apply button.

In order to open an existing Database, choose Systems → Databases from the menu,
select the desired entry from the list and push the Open button (or double-click the se-

7.3. Verify RealTime Monitoring

Select Monitoring → RTM Overview from the top-level menu. The result will look like in this image.

RealTime Monitoring results overview

In this overview there is one line per defined Customer, each containing columns for the number
of System, Checks, and Business Services in the different Check Status.

If there are only green entries, everything is fine.

Otherwise: Select Monitoring → RTM Check List from the top-level menu.

There are perhaps Check Results indicating either a problem with the monitored System, or with the
syslink Xandria Agent itself. In the latter case, proceed to Section 7.3.1, “Basic Troubleshooting”.

7.3.1. Basic Troubleshooting
For a newly defined If you find the Checks in Unknown Check Status, wait a couple of minutes.
Physical Server there

Version 7.1.3 89
Verify Daily Checks syslink Xandria

are no Check Results Either the Check Results will appear, or the AgentAlive Check will turn to
or there is a Critical critical. In this case perform the following steps:
1. Verify connectivity as described in “Verify Network Connectivity” and
“Post-Installation Connectivity Check”. If you cannot connect to the
syslink Xandria Agent verify it is running at least. If you find any con-
nection issues, try to resolve them.

2. Open your web browser at http://

[xandria_server_ip_address]:9058 and select netstat from the left
hand side menu. Find an entry for the IP Address defined for the Phys-
ical Server running the syslink Xandria Agent.

If you find communication errors, try to fix them.

The Server hosting 1. Verify the result of the SelfCheck.

an SAP Instance is
monitored properly, 2. Check if SAP Instances were entered into syslink Xandria Database
but there are no SAP (see Section 7.2.6, “Assigning SAP Instances to SAP Systems”).
Instance or SAP Sys-
tem Check Results

7.4. Verify Daily Checks

First Daily Check overview

Version 7.1.3 90
Importing System Landscapes syslink Xandria

If you verified the RealTime Monitoring is working properly, you may want the syslink Xandria Agent
to perform the first Daily Check. In XanGui proceed as follows:

1. Select Systems → SAP Systems from the top-level menu. Choose the desired SAP System(s)
from the list and press the Send to Agent button.

2. Set the flag Full (creates Daily Check) and push the Send Commands button.

A Daily Check is triggered on the target syslink Xandria Agent(s). The result will be returned after
the Daily Check has finished. This may take a couple of minutes, depending on the target System‘s
Database type, performance and load conditions. If the System is heavily loaded, this might be the
right time for a coffee break.

You can verify the Daily Check result by performing the following steps:

1. Select Monitoring → Daily Checks from the top-level menu.

2. From the list choose the one with the appropriate Unified SAP SID and push the Open button..

3. Verify that there are no syslink Xandria Agent error messages in the FullCheck entries of the
Daily Check.

You can confirm the Daily Check by pushing the Confirm button.

You can click on (...) to show the complete Check Result.

7.5. Importing System Landscapes

See this Knowledge Base article: INFO: Importing System Landscapes [https://support.syslink.ch/

7.6. Configure End-to-End Application Monitoring

For every SAP System you have defined as described in Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”
you can define multiple End Points. These End Points will monitor the SAP System from a user’s
perspective, so you may want to place the End Points e.g. in a remote site having a group of users
accessing the SAP System.

End-to-End Application Monitoring includes RealTime Monitoring checks, performance monitor-

ing of connection response times, availability recording (from the End Point perspective). It can
be defined for both, ABAP and Java stacks, but also for general purpose web servers. For ABAP
stacks there is also the opportunity to run ABAP reports that may simulate certain typical user

Every End Point needs to have a syslink Xandria Agent installed to execute End-to-End Application
Monitoring. You can either use any existing syslink Xandria Agent you may have placed in the
remote site already, or you install another one.

In order to set up End-to-End Application Monitoring perform the following steps:

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems from the menu, select the desired entry from the list and
push the Open button (or double-click the selection).

2. Switch to the End-to-End tab and select the End Point type from the New drop-down.

Version 7.1.3 91
Configure End-to-End Application Monitoring syslink Xandria

3. Fill in a End Point Name and push the New button.

4. Open the newly created entry.

5. Click Change Checked on: Select a Server from the list. If required, flag Show Servers of All
Customers. Push the Select button.

6. For End Point type

ABAP Perform the following steps:

1. For Connection Type

either choose Direct Application Server and select an appropriate

item from the ABAP Application Server list,
or choose Message Server and Logon Group and define Message
Server of Instance, Message Server Port, and Logon Group Name.

2. You may also define a SAP Router String.

3. You may expand the section ABAP Advanced Config in order to

define an alternate IP address, different logon credentials (by de-
fault the RFC user defined with the SAP System is used), an ABAP
report/variant to execute, etc.

In case you execute an ABAP report you can also choose whether
to include the report in the response time, or to track it as a sep-
arate Performance counter.

Java Perform the following steps:

1. For Connection Type

either choose Java Application Server and select an appropriate

item from the Java Application Server list, choose Protocol, Port,
and URL Suffix,
or choose Alternate URL (e.g. Web Dispatcher) and define one in

2. Select Use basic authentication and a Proxy URL if required.

3. You may expand the section JAVA Advanced Config in order to

define an alternate IP address or different logon credentials.

Generic Web Service Perform the following steps:

1. Define a Name for the End Point and push the OK button.

2. Fill in a URL, and f required, define a Proxy URL as well. In case

the site requires authentication, set the Use basic authentication
flag and define User and Password.

3. Select the HTTP Method, and in case of POST define some POST
data as well.

7. For all End Point types you can configure further advanced settings:

• Define how many successive connection failures will have the connection check turn Crit-
ical (Default: 1).

• Define a warning and a critical connection response time, i.e. thresholds that will cause the
connection check turn to Warning or Critical, if exceeded.

Version 7.1.3 92
Configure Remote Monitoring syslink Xandria

• If or if not a Warning connection check will be considered as Uptime in the service avail-

8. For the JAVA and the Generic Web Service instance you may define a different User Agent

9. Push the Apply button.

Please note that you can define multiple End Point instances for the same End Point at a time.
While there can only be a single ABAP and a single JAVA End Point instance for one End Point, you
can configure multiple Generic Web Service End Point instances.

You can use End-to-End Application Monitoring to perform basic monitoring of SAP Sys-
tems where no local syslink Xandria Agents can be installed:

1. Define the SAP System as described in Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”.

2. Set the Monitoring Parameter LocalMonitoringOff (see also Section 8.1, “Adding,

Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters”) for the SAP System.

3. Define the hosting Servers as described in Section  7.2.4, “Defining Servers (and
DNS Domains)”.

4. Set the Monitoring Parameter LocalMonitoringOff (see also Section 8.1, “Adding,

Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters”) for the Servers.

5. Define the SAP Instances manually as described in Section 7.2.6, “Assigning SAP

Instances to SAP Systems”.

6. Define an End Point for the SAP System as described above.

7.7. Configure Remote Monitoring

Under normal circumstances, syslink Xandria Agents are installed on the Servers running SAP
Instances. This is what is described in section Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”. However,
there might be circumstances, when you cannot install the syslink Xandria Agent. Reasons might

• The operating system of the server is not supported by syslink Xandria. Please see Sec-
tion A.1.1.1, “Operating Systems” for a list of supported platforms. Not supported plaforms for
example are IBM System i (formerly AS/400) and System z.

• Your platform is supported, but you cannot install the syslink Xandria Agent, either you are not
allowed to or access is otherwise restricted.

• You do not need OS relevant monitoring, only the SAP system and SAP instance monitoring is
relevant for you.

If any of the above reason is matching, Remote Monitoring might be an option for you. Remote
Monitoring means, that another agent, which is close enough from a network perspective, will
take over the monitoring part and will access the system to be monitored over the network only.
The only prerequisite is, that the syslink Xandria Agent doing the Remote Monitoring is allowed to
connect to the system (i.e. the instances and the database, if supported) to be remote monitored
via the network and not restricted by firewall.

For additional information see User Agent String

Version 7.1.3 93
Configure Remote Monitoring syslink Xandria

While Remote Monitoring works perfectly well for almost all SAP related checks, there
are a few restrictions. Obviously, there are no operating system related checks. Addition-
ally, some database related checks do not work or only work with certain trade-offs, ex-
amples: ORA_AlertLog, ORA_DataFiles. This is because the syslink Xandria Agent does
not have access to the file system. Finally, Remote Monitoring relies on the SAPCon-
trol Web Service, which is only available for SAP systems startig from version 7.00. See
INFO: Restrictions on Remote Monitoring [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=221] for more information.

Perform the following steps to define a new SAP System:

1. Select Systems → SAP Systems from the menu and push the New button, then choose Remote
SAP System from the drop down menu.

2. Fill the Unified SAP SID and Real SAP SID into the corresponding fields, choose a Customer,
a System Role, and the SAP System Type. Hit the Next button.

3. Define the SAP control URL as entry point for the remote monitoring. syslink Xandria Agent
will use this URL to get the list of instances of this system. The URL usually is http(s)://
host:5<sysnr>13. Additionally you need to fill in the SAP Control User, which is an OS user of
the host on which the SAP instance is running, usually <sid>adm and the password of this user.

Then you need to define an existing syslink Xandria Agent to be in charge of the Remote
Monitoring. This agent needs to be close enough from a networking perspective. Futhermore,
you must select an agent belonging to the same Customer as you specified for the remote
SAP System.
Hit the Next button.

4. Depending on the system type, you need to define the users and passwords. See Section 7.2.2,
“Defining SAP Systems” for more information.

5. Push the Apply button to create the new remote monitored SAP System.

6. The syslink Xandria Agent in charge of Remote Monitoring will now start to detect the in-
stances of the SAP System using the previously defined SAP control URL. The result of this
detection will be reported to the Remote Monitoring agent’s SelfCheck, sub-section Detection.

In case of success, you’ll see the instance names in column System with messages like
Instance will be monitored as type ...

You will then see the instances created either in the System Inventory tab of the remote mon-
itoring server, or the SAP System Details → SAP Instances tab of the remote monitored SAP

In case of failure, you’ll see the SAP system SID in column System probably with a SOAP error
message like

Failed to get profile of instance vagabund_00 from remote:Exception during SOAP call on method
parameterValue to URL http://vagabund:50013: SOAP-ENV:ServerInvalid Credentials

Please fix the errors indicated, e.g. credentials problem above.

Upon succesful completion, your SAP System is now remotely monitored.

Version 7.1.3 94
syslink Xandria

Chapter 8. Configure Monitoring
8.1. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters
The majority of the Monitoring Parameters have carefully evaluated default values. Therefore, only
need to define the Monitoring Parameters different from the default. Of course you can display the
effective setting of the Monitoring Parameters in the user interface.

The default values are also described in:Server Monitoring Parameters, SAP Instance Monitoring
Parameters, SAP System Monitoring Parameters, Database Monitoring Parameters

1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems → Servers, or Systems → SAP Instances, or
Systems → SAP Systems, Systems → Databases.

2. Push the Open button.

• Either switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

• Or switch to the Checks tab, select the Check you want to configure and choose More
→ Configure Check

This works wherever a list of Checks is displayed.

3. Choose one of the following options:

• Add a Monitoring Parameter

a. Push the New button. Select the desired Monitoring Parameter from the list and
press the OK button.

b. Fill in the new Value and push the Apply button.

• Modify Monitoring Parameters

• In order to modify an existing Monitoring Parameter you can simply change the value
in the Value field and push the Apply button.

You can modify as many parameters as present/as needed at the same time.

• Delete Monitoring Parameters

a. In order to delete a Monitoring Parameter click on the  icon on the very right of
the line.

b. If you know what you are doing, confirm using the Yes button.

• Show Monitoring Parameters

Set the Show All Monitoring Parameters flag to see all available Monitoring Parameters
together with their effective values for this particular System.

Changes in the Monitoring Parameter definition will be transferred to the corresponding syslink
Xandria Agent within a couple of seconds.

Version 7.1.3 95
Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Exception Parameters syslink Xandria

8.2. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Exception Parame-

Monitoring Exception Parameters can be used to override the Monitoring Parameters in certain

Server The Monitoring Parameters configuring the FileSystems Check are valid for all
filesystems found on the Server.

Exceptions can be defined on a per filesystem level for:FSExCrit, FSExWarn, FSUsage-

Crit, FSUsageWarn.

Database The Monitoring Parameters configuring the ORA_Tablespaces and DB2_Tablespaces

Checks are valid for all tablespaces found for the SAP System or Database.

Exceptions can be defined on a per tablespace lev-

el for:ORATableSpaceExCrit, ORATableSpaceExWarn, ORATableSpaceUsage-
Crit, ORATableSpaceUsageWarn, DB2TableSpaceExCrit, DB2TableSpaceExWarn,
DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit, DB2TableSpaceUsageWarn.

The BackupAgeCrit and BackupAgeWarn Monitoring Parameters configuring the

ADA_Backup, DB2_Backup, MSS_DBBackup, and ORA_BackUp/ORA_BrBackup Daily
Checks are valid for every day of the week. Exceptions can be defined on a per-day

8.2.1. For a Server

1. Choose Systems → Servers and select the desired System.

2. Push the Open button.

• Either switch to the Moni. Params. tab and choose the File System tab (on the left side)

• Or switch to the Checks tab, select the FileSystems Check and choose More → Configure

3. Choose one of the options:

• Add a Monitoring Exception Parameter

1. Push the New button, fill in a filesystem name in the pop-up and confirm with New.

2. Fill in the appropriate values and push the Apply button in order to make your changes

• Modify Monitoring Exception Parameters

• In order to modify an existing Monitoring Exception Parameter you can simply

change the value in the and push the Apply button.

• Delete Monitoring Exception Parameters

1. In order to delete a Monitoring Parameter click on the  icon on the very right of
the line.

2. If you know what you are doing, confirm using the Yes button.

Version 7.1.3 96
For a Database instance of an SAP System or a stand-alone Database syslink Xandria

If a volume (or partition) is mounted as a drive (with a drive letter), you must specify the
drive letter including the trailing backslash (\) as filesystem. If a volume is not mounted
as a drive, enter the full path of the mount point without a trailing backslash.

8.2.2. For a Database instance of an SAP System or a stand-alone Database

1. Select the appropriate System:

• SAP System

Choose Systems → SAP Systems and select the desired System.

• stand-alone Database

Choose Systems → Databases and select the desired System.

2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

3. Choose one of the following options:

• For tablespace exceptions:

Select the Table Space tab (on the left side).

• For backup age exceptions:

Select the Backup Age tab (on the left side).

4. Choose one of the options:

• Add a Monitoring Exception Parameter

1. Push the New button, fill in a tablespace name in the pop-up / select a week day and
confirm with New.

2. Fill in the appropriate values and push the Apply button in order to make your changes

• Modify Monitoring Exception Parameters

• In order to modify an existing Monitoring Exception Parameter you can simply

change the value and push the Apply button.

• Delete Monitoring Exception Parameters

1. In order to delete a Monitoring Parameter click on the  icon on the very right of
the line.

2. If you know what you are doing, confirm using the Yes button.

8.3. Maintaining Parameters Sets

8.3.1. Defining Parameter Sets

The definition of a Parameter Set is performed in several steps:

Version 7.1.3 97
Defining Parameter Sets syslink Xandria

• First you have to define the Parameter Set itself including the scope, i.e. you can define an ad-
hoc Selectors or you choose an exiting one.

• In a second step you can restrict the validity period of the Parameter Set. By default it is valid
7x24h, but you may restrict it to certain Service Hours or Schedules. (Section 8.6, “Defining a
System Selector”, Section 8.8, “Defining Service Hours”)

• In a thirds step you assign Monitoring Parameters or Monitoring Exception Parameters to the
defined set.

• And finally you have to adjust the priority of the Parameter Set In case you define the same
Monitoring Parameter affecting the same System in multiple Parameters Sets, the one with the
highest priority will be effective.

In order to define a Parameter Set, proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Push the New button.

2. Fill in a Name, select a System Type and push the New button in the pop up-window.

3. If you want to allow that the Monitoring Parameters assigned to this set can be overridden on
a per-System level, check the box Allow Parameter Substitution per System.

4. Choose the Systems the Parameter Set is applied to:

• You can either select an existing Selectors (see also Section  8.6, “Defining a System
Selector”) and push the Test System Selector to verify the Systems.

• You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular
Parameter Set. In this case set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection
and push the Create button. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test  System  Selector to
verify the Systems, and hit the Save & Close button.

5. In section Active Time Period choose whether the Parameter Set is valid Always, during spe-
cific Service Hours, or during Schedules. If you choose Service Hours , click on the , select
a Service Hours record from the list and push the OK button. (See alsoSection 8.8, “Defining
Service Hours”).

If you choose Schedules perform the following steps:

a. Push the New button.

b. Fill in a Name and select a Timezone value.

c. • For a non-recurrent Schedule choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date
and either an End date or a Duration.

• For a recurrent Schedule choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and
either an End date or a Duration.

Select a Range Start and optionally a Range End.

Choose one of the following recurring options:

Daily is effective every day or every n day.
Weekly is effective for selected days of every n week.
Monthly Day is effective for a single day of every n month, where the day
of the month is given as number from 1 to 31. For values
29-31 the recurrence will fall on the last day of the month if
the month has only 28, 29 or 30 days.

Version 7.1.3 98
Listing all Parameters Sets syslink Xandria

Monthly Weekday is effective for a single weekday of a single week of every n
month, where the weekday may be chosen from Sunday to
st nd rd th
Saturday and the week is specified as either 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
or last week of the month.

Yearly Day is effective for a single day of a single month of every year.

Yearly Weekday is similar to Monthly Weekday, except that it is only effective

for the chosen month.

d. Push the OK button.

e. Add further Schedules if desired.

6. Push the Apply button.

In order to assign Monitoring Parameters to the recently created set proceed as follows:

1. Switch to the Parameters tab and choose Monitoring from the left hand side.

2. Add, modify, or delete Monitoring Parameters or Monitoring Exception Parameters in the

same way as described in Step 3 of Procedure 8., “”, Step 3 ofProcedure 8., “”, or Step 4 of
Procedure 8., “”.

3. Push the Apply button.

The Parameter Set is not yet active. In order to activate it switch back to the Properties
tab, set the Active flag, and hit the Apply button again.

8.3.2. Listing all Parameters Sets

Listing all defined Parameters Sets is simple: Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-
level menu.

By default Parameters Sets for all System Types are displayed, but you can restrict the list to a
certain System Type using the drop-down list next to the  icon. Set the flag Expand Parameters in
order to have all Monitoring Parameters defined in the Parameter Set in the list view. You can click
on the  to display all Monitoring Parameters together with the values of a particular Parameter

There are five tabs displayed, one for each System Type, and one labeled View All System Types
containing all defined Parameters Sets. The Parameter Set are always sorted by priority with the
highest priority on top.

Empty Parameter Set, i.e. the ones not containing any Monitoring Parameter, are displayed with
a -symbol in the Active column.

8.3.3. Changing the Priority of Parameters Sets

Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-level menu.

In order to change the priority of Parameters Sets use the  icons.

Version 7.1.3 99
Showing Monitoring Parameter Usage syslink Xandria

As a rule of thumb, you should assign a low priority to Parameters Sets affecting all
Servers (SAP Instances, SAP Systems, Databases) and those Parameter Set being ac-
tive all the time. Otherwise other Parameters Sets may not be effective at all.

8.3.4. Showing Monitoring Parameter Usage

Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-level menu.

In order to see the values of a particular Monitoring Parameter on all Systems, push the Parame-
ter Usage button.

Select the System Type and choose one or more Monitoring Parameters and move them to the
right frame using the  (and ) icons.

Push the Show Usage button.

In the result list you have the option to change the sorting, and to restrict the list to those Monitoring
Parameters modified on a per-System level.

8.3.5. Overriding Parameter Set on a per-System level

You can override Monitoring Parameters defined in a Parameters Sets on a per-System level if and
only if the set is defined with the Allow Parameter Substitution per System box checked.

Perform the following steps to allow parameter substitution for a Parameter Set:

1. Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Choose the desired Parameter
Set and push the Open button.

2. Set the flag next to Allow Parameter Substitution per System.

3. Push the Apply button to finish.

In order to modify or substitute a Monitoring Parameter inherited from a Parameter Set on a Sys-
tem level, perform the following steps:

1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems → Servers, or Systems → SAP Instances, or
Systems → SAP Systems, Systems → Databases.

2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

3. Proceed to the Monitoring Parameter supposed to change and click on the  next to the Value
field. Confirm the warning message with OK.

4. Change the Value and push the Apply button.

You cannot delete a Monitoring Parameter inherited from a Parameter Set on System
level. You have to set the value of this Monitoring Parameter back to its default instead!

8.3.6. Deactivating Parameters Sets

In some cases it can be helpful to deactivate Parameters Sets.

Version 7.1.3 100

Disabling and Enabling Checks syslink Xandria

1. Select Configuration → Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Choose the desired Parameter
Set from the list and push the Open button.

2. Clear the Active flag and push the Apply button.

8.4. Disabling and Enabling Checks

In some situations you might want to disable a particular Check, e.g. you want to disable backup
checks if a SAP System is not backed up at all.

You can do this either in a Parameter Set (as described in Section 8.3.1, “Defining Parameter Sets”)
or on a per-System level (as described in Section 8.1, “Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring

Using scheduled Parameter Set allows you to run certain Checks at certain periods of
time only.

Given the hierarchy of Monitoring Parameters and the option to override settings on System level,
the effective setting will be computed like this:

By default, every Check is enabled by default. Assume you define a Parameter Set that disables
Check A, and you define a second Parameter Set with a higher priority, that disables Check B but
does not touch Check A. After processing both Parameters Sets, Checks A and B are disabled.
Now assume you want to enable Check A again, but only for certain periods of time. In this case
you can create a Parameter Set with an even higher priority, but in this case you have to explicitly
enable Check A again.

That means, there is a difference between not disabling a Check and to explicitly enabling a Check.
In the first case, any lower priority setting remains, in the second case it will be overridden.

Procedure 8.1. Disable Checks per System

1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems → Servers, or Systems → SAP Instances, or
Systems → SAP Systems, Systems → Databases.

2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

3. Select the Check Execution tab on the left hand side.

4. Push the Add button. Select the Check in question, either Select directly from the drop-down
list, or Describe by choosing the Check category first to restrict the available Check names.

Set the Execution to Disabled in order to disable the Check for this System or set it to Enabled
in order to re-enable a Check that has been disabled by a Parameter Set.

5. Push the Create button to finish.

Procedure 8.2. Disable Checks per Parameter Set

1. Follow the description in Section 8.3.1, “Defining Parameter Sets” to create a Parameter Set.

2. In the Parameters tab choose Check Execution from the left hand side.

3. Push the Add button. Select the Check in question, either Select directly from the drop-down
list, or Describe by choosing the Check category first to restrict the available Check names.

Version 7.1.3 101

Turning Monitoring On or Off syslink Xandria

Set the Execution to Disabled in order to disable the Check for this System or set it to Enabled
in order to re-enable a Check that has been disabled by a Parameter Set with a lower priority.

4. Push the Apply button to finish.

8.5. Turning Monitoring On or Off

If you intentionally want a System not to be monitored at all, you can turn monitoring off. The
System will be removed from RealTime Monitoring views, and there will be no Daily Checks per-
formed while monitoring is off. The syslink Xandria Agent still proceeds with Availability tracking
and some other tasks, though.

There are basically three ways to turn monitoring on or off, and one case where this is performed

• Manual intervention using XanGui in order to turn monitoring on or off immediately. This is de-
scribed in Section 8.5.1, “Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using XanGui”.

In order to avoid it is simply forgotten to turn monitoring on again, there is a default monitoring
off period defined. If this period exceeds, syslink Xandria turns monitoring on again automati-

You can also turn monitoring on or off using XanMobile

• Using a command line option of the syslink Xandria Agent. This option may be used with cluster
switching scripts. This option is described in Section 8.5.2, “Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-
hoc using the syslink Xandria Agent”.

• Using the Web Service. See INFO: syslink Xandria Web Service [https://support.syslink.ch/
xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=160] and *INFO: Downloading and Using XanCmd

• Scheduling periods with monitoring turned off in advance in order to map e.g. planned mainte-
nance periods. This is done by so called Maintenance Windows and described in detail in Sec-
tion 8.5.3, “Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window”.

Systems with monitoring turned off by a Maintenance Window are flagged with a  icon.

• Monitoring is turned off automatically for SAP Instances that are no longer discovered by any
syslink Xandria Agent, and in case you st a System not operational.

Basically, if you turn the monitoring on or off for a Physical Server, Virtual Cluster Server, SAP
Instance or stand-alone SAP System only this particular System is affected. If you turn monitoring
on or off for a SAP System the SAP System itself and all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System
are affected.

However, in some case you may want to behave this in a more “natural” way, like if you turn mon-
itoring off for a Server the monitoring of all hosted SAP Instances is turned off as well.

This kind of cascading is also available:

• In XanGui there is a dialog whenever you turn monitoring on or off that allows you to define
which of the depending System‘s monitoring shall be turned on or off as well..

• The syslink Xandria Agent provides a command line option -cascade to turn cascading on.

Version 7.1.3 102

Turning Monitoring On or Off syslink Xandria

• For a Maintenance Window cascading is always turned on!

You can see the effect of monitoring switch cascading in the following table:

Table 8.1. Monitoring on/off Effects

System Type Monitoring Switch Cascade Effect
Server off/off-until yes Turns monitoring off
for the Server and
all monitored SAP In-
stances and Databas-
es. If there is no oth-
er SAP Instance mon-
itored for an affected
SAP System, the SAP
System monitoring is
turned off as well.
no Turns monitoring off
for the Server only.
on yes Turns monitoring on
for the Server and
all monitored SAP In-
stances and Databas-
es (and, if necessary,
for the monitored SAP
no Turns monitoring on
for the Server only.
SAP Instance off/off-until yes If this is the last SAP
Instance of a SAP Sys-
tem with monitoring
on, turns SAP Instance
and SAP System mon-
itoring off. Otherwise
turns only SAP In-
stance off.
no Turns monitoring off
for the SAP Instance
on n/a Turns SAP Instance
(and SAP System, if re-
quired) monitoring on.
SAP System off/off-until n/a Turns monitoring off
for the SAP System and
all SAP Instances
on n/a Turns monitoring on
for the SAP System and
all SAP Instances
stand-alone Database off/off-until n/a Turns monitoring off
for the stand-alone
on n/a Turns monitoring on
for the stand-alone

Version 7.1.3 103

Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using XanGui syslink Xandria

There is no relation between the monitoring switches of a Physical Server and any con-
figured Virtual Cluster Server

8.5.1. Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using XanGui

In order to change the monitoring switch perform the following steps:

1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems → Servers, or Systems → SAP Instances, or
Systems → SAP Systems, Systems → Databases.

You can select multiple Systems at the same time.

2. Push the Monitoring Switch button.

3. In the pop-up window, choose whether to Cascade including dependent Systems, Dependent
Systems only, or the selected Systems only. The list box automatically shows the affected

4. Choose one of the options Monitoring on, Monitoring off (with time limit), Monitoring off with-
out time limit. In case you choose Monitoring off (with time limit) fill in a date as well. You
may define a Reason in the corresponding field.

5. Push the OK button.

8.5.2. Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using the syslink Xandria Agent

There is also the option to turn monitoring on or off by the syslink Xandria Agent directly. You can
turn monitoring on or off for

• the Physical Server the syslink Xandria Agent runs on

• any Virtual Cluster Server configured to run on the Physical Server the syslink Xandria Agent
runs on

• any SAP Instance hosted by the Physical Server or a configured Virtual Cluster Server

• any SAP System having a SAP Instance hosted by this Physical Server or any configured Virtual
Cluster Server

• any stand-alone Database hosted by the Physical Server or a configured Virtual Cluster Server

The main purpose of this function is to allow monitoring being turned on or off from within startup
scripts or cluster switching scripts. Use the following syntax:
monoff -on|-off <type>=<comp> [-cascade]

The following options are available for the -on and -off command line switch:

• -on|-off Server=<server_name> [-cascade]

This turns on or off monitoring of the Server <server_name>.

Version 7.1.3 104

Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window syslink Xandria

<server_name> may either be the host name of a physical server (as returned by the hostname
OS command) or the Virtual Cluster Server Name as defined in XanGui.

• -on|off SapInstance=[<host_name>:]<instance_name> [-cascade}

This turns on or off monitoring for the named SAP Instance. If the <instance_name> is not unique
add the <host_name> in order to uniquely identify the SAP Instance in question.

• -on|-off SapSystem=<real_sap_sid>

This turns on or off monitoring of the named SAP System and all SAP Instances comprising the
SAP System.

• -on|-off Database=<db_unified_name>

This turns on or off monitoring of the named Database.

For a description of the effect of -cascade see Table 8.1, “Monitoring on/off Effects”

The syslink Xandria Agent needs a connection to the syslink Xandria Master in order to
process the -on|-off command line switch. The syslink Xandria Master evaluates all the
dependencies stated in Table 8.1, “Monitoring on/off Effects” and modifies the moni-
toring switches of all affected System accordingly. Finally the syslink Xandria Master
deploys the new configuration settings back to all affected System.

Depending on the value of the TraceLevel Monitoring Parameter, you may see log messages on
stdout. If the syslink Xandria Agent was able to contact syslink Xandria Master properly in order
to tell it the new monitoring configuration, it will exit with state 0, otherwise it will exit with a value
different from 0.

8.5.3. Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window

Perform the following steps in order to create a new Maintenance Window:

Please bare in mind the cascading of monitoring on or off for Maintenance Windows as
described in Table 8.1, “Monitoring on/off Effects”.

Procedure 8.3. Defining a Maintenance Window

1. Select Configuration → Maintenance Windows from the top-level menu and pus the New button.

2. Fill in a Name, select a System Type and push the New button in the pop up-window.

It is not possible to define a Maintenance Window for a SAP Instance. SAP In-
stances are covered by Maintenance Windows for Servers and SAP Systems. See
also Table 8.1, “Monitoring on/off Effects”.

3. Choose a Customer , if desired. In case you select one, only Systems of this Customer (an
its descendants, in case a Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to
have the Permission View Maintenance Window / Edit Maintenance Window for the named
Customer in order to view or modify the Maintenance Window.

Version 7.1.3 105

Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window syslink Xandria

If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers are considered, but one needs the
Permission View Maintenance Window / Edit Maintenance Window for all Customers in order
to view or modify the Maintenance Window.

4. Choose the Systems the Maintenance Window is applied to:

• You can either select an existing Selectors (see also Section  8.6, “Defining a System
Selector”) and push the Test System Selector to verify the Systems.

• You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular
Parameter SetMaintenance Window. In this case set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-
Hoc' Custom Selection and push the Create button. Fill in selection criteria, push the
Test System Selector to verify the Systems, and hit the Save & Close button.

5. Add a Schedule(s) for the Maintenance Window:

a. Push the New button.

b. Fill in a Name and select a Timezone value.

c. • For a non-recurrent Schedule choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date
and either an End date or a Duration.

• For a recurrent Schedule choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and
either an End date or a Duration.

Select a Range Start and optionally a Range End.

Choose one of the following recurring options:

Daily is effective every day or every n day.
Weekly is effective for selected days of every n week.
Monthly Day is effective for a single day of every n month, where the day
of the month is given as number from 1 to 31. For values
29-31 the recurrence will fall on the last day of the month if
the month has only 28, 29 or 30 days.
Monthly Weekday is effective for a single weekday of a single week of every n
month, where the weekday may be chosen from Sunday to
st nd rd th
Saturday and the week is specified as either 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
or last week of the month.

Yearly Day is effective for a single day of a single month of every year.

Yearly Weekday is similar to Monthly Weekday, except that it is only effective

for the chosen month.

d. Push the OK button.

e. Add further Schedules if desired.

6. Push the Apply button.

In Availability Tracking Downtimes eventually detected during the Schedules of Mainte-
nance Windows are considered “planned”.
Version 7.1.3 106
Defining a System Selector syslink Xandria

In Availability Data these records are marked with the  symbol.

8.6. Defining a System Selector

A Selectors can be used to define a Dynamic Group or Static Group of Systems for use in Parame-
ters Sets, Maintenance Windows, Custom Checks, and Composite Checks.

In order to create a new Selectors perform the following steps:

1. Select Systems → System Selectors from the top-level menu and push the New button.

2. Fill in a Name and choose the System Type.

3. Choose a Customer , if desired. In case you select one, only Systems of this Customer (an
its descendants, in case a Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to
have the Permission View Systems / Edit Systems for the named Customer in order to use
or modify the Selectors.

If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers can be selected, but one needs the Per-
mission View Systems / Edit Systems for all Customers in order to use or modify the Selectors.

4. Push the New button in the pop-up window.

5. Fill in a Description, if desired.

6. If you want the selection to contain all Systems (or all Systems of a given Customer and its
descendants), push the Save & Close button.

Otherwise set the flag next to Criteria. You can choose several criteria for the selected System
Type and select appropriate values for each of the criteria.

Criteria can be either defined as must match, or as must NOT match. The latter ones are used
to exclude Systems from the selection.

7. You can also add selection criteria for other System Types, like you can select Servers hosting
a SAP Instance which has to fulfill certain criteria itself, or a Database, etc.

8. Push the Test System Selector button to verify the selection criteria. If you are satisfied with
the result, press the Save & Close button.

8.7. Defining a Check Selector

A Check Selector can be used to define a group of Checks for use in RealTime Monitoring, Notifi-
cations, and Business Services.

8.7.1. Creating a Check Selector

In order to create a new Check Selector perform the following steps:

1. Select Monitoring → More → Check Selectors from the top-level menu and push the New button.

2. Select the type of the Check Selector. Select eiter RTM Checks, Daily Checks, or RTM Checks
and Daily Checks. The type cannot be modified after a Check Selector is created.

3. Define a Name for the new Check Selector.

4. Define an optional Customer. If a Customer is defined, only Checks executed for Systems of
this Customer are selected. If no Customer is defined, all Checks of all Systems are selected.

Version 7.1.3 107

Modifying Check Selectors syslink Xandria

The Customer attribute is also used to verify User Permissions. Only Users who have access
to the named Customer can see this Check Selector.

Click New to continue.

5. A new dialog is opened. You can define an optional Description.

6. Verify the search criteria for the Checks. You may select one or more from the available at-
tributes and define corresponding values.

7. You can verify the current selection by pushing the Test button.

8. Set the Define monitored systems checkbox in order to restrict the Checks to a set of Moni-
tored Systems. You may want verify the current selection by pushing the Test button again.

9. Click Save & Close button to save the Check Selector.

8.7.2. Modifying Check Selectors

Select Monitoring → More → Check Selectors from the top-level menu to see the available Check
Selectors. Click Open to view or edit a Check Selector. Click on the green arrow to display the
selected Check in a new tab. The tab showing the Check returned from the Check Selector may
be used as a XanGui Favorite.

Any modification to the underlying Check Selector of a Favorite will affect the values
displayed by this Favorite.

8.7.3. Customizing the Control Center

Check Selectors can be used to setup a page similar to “Control Center”. Performo the following

1. Create a new Check Selector as described above. Provide a meaningful and easy to remember

2. Open the following web page in a new browser window: http[s]://

xandria.server.name[:port]/xn/xangui/rtm/checks.zul?cs=<name> where <name> is the
name of the Check selector given in the step above.

8.8. Defining Service Hours

By default there is a built-in 7 x 24 hours Service Hours record shipped with syslink
Xandria that can neither be modified nor deleted.

In order to define new Service Hours proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Service Hours from the top-level menu and push the New button.

2. Fill in a Name and push the New button on the pop-up.

3. You may fill in an optional Description.

Version 7.1.3 108

Defining Service Hours syslink Xandria

4. Push the Create Time Range button, fill in Start Time and End Time, and select the appropriate
days of the week. Add further Time Ranges if desired.

5. Hit the Apply button.

Version 7.1.3 109

syslink Xandria

Chapter 9. Extend Monitoring
The so called Custom Checks, Composite Checks, and Business Services are the toolbox syslink
Xandria provides to extend the core RealTime Monitoring functions to specific needs.

Starting from XanGui 6.0.7 there is as well a new interface: externally managed checks.

9.1. Defining Custom Checks

Some of the Custom Checks can only be defined for SAP Systems or SAP Instances, i.e. the SAP-
specific Custom Checks, while the other ones can be defined for every System Type. Custom
Checks are always executed on the Physical Server performing the monitoring of the System the
Custom Check is defined for.

For some of the SAP-specific Custom Checks you can choose whether you want to run the Custom
Check on the Central SAP Instance or on the Database host.

Procedure 9.1. Defining a Custom Check

1. Select Configuration → Custom Checks from the top-level menu and push the New button.

2. Fill in a Custom Check Name. You must not use one of the characters /\:*?"<>|

3. Select the Custom Check Type from the drop-down list. The list items correspond to the fol-
lowing Custom Checks:

Table 9.1. Custom Check Types

List Item Custom Check Name
CCMS CCMS Custom Check
CCMS_MONSET CCMS Monset Custom Check
DISK_IO Disk IO Custom Check
FILE_CONTENT File Content Custom Check
FILE_EXISTS File Exists Custom Check
FILE_UPTODATE File Up-to-Date Custom Check
HTTP_RESPONSE HTTP Response Custom Check
J2EE_JMX_MON J2EE JMX Custom Check
JMX_APP_SERVER JMX Application Server Custom Check
LOG_ADAPTER Log Adapter Custom Check
NETWORK_IO Network IO Custom Check
NW_RESPONSE Network Response Custom Check
PARAMETER_VALUES Parameter Values Custom Check
PROCESS Process Custom Check
RUN_PROG Run Program Custom Check
SAP_BW_UPLOAD SAP BW Upload Custom Check
SAP_CLIENTS SAP Clients Custom Check
SAP_JOB SAP Job Custom Check
SAP_QRFC_IN_QUEUE SAP Inbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom

Version 7.1.3 110

Defining Custom Checks syslink Xandria

List Item Custom Check Name

SAP_QRFC_OUT_QUEUE SAP Outbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom
SAP_R3SYSLOG SAP System Log Custom Check
SAP_REPORT SAP Report Custom Check
SAP_RFC_DEST SAP RFC Destinations Custom Check
SAP_SYS_CHANGE_OPTIONS SAP System Change Options Custom Check
SAP_TA_RUNTIME SAP Transaction Runtime Custom Check
WIN_SERVICE Windows Service

4. Select the appropriate System Type. The Custom Check will then be executed in the context
of the choosen system type, i.e. are executed when the corresponding Check Cycle of the
system is run. Not all types of Custom Check are available for all system types.

5. Choose a Customer, if desired. In case you select one, only Systems of this Customer (and
its descendants, in case a Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to
have the Permission View Custom Checks / Edit Custom Checks for the named Customer in
order to view or modify the Custom Check.

If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers are considered, but one needs the
Permission View Custom Checks / Edit Custom Checks for all Customers in order to view or
modify the Custom Check.

6. Press New Custom Check to create the record. The details for the new created Custom Check
are opened. The definition is not yet complete and thus the new Custom Check is not yet

7. Optionally, add a meaningful description.

8. Optionally, choose an execution cycle. Per default, Custom Check are run in the Basic Check
Cycle of the syslink Xandria Agent (list value RTM). You may enter your own execution cycle,
or run the Custom Check in the daily cycle, see Full Check Cycle.

The actual cycle time is always ‘rounded’ up to the next Basic Check Cycle execution
time. For instance, if you enter 8 minutes as the cycle time and the Basic Check
Cycle is 5 minutes (as per default), the check will be executed every 10 minutes in
every 2 Basic Check Cycle.

9. Choose one of Select a Pre-Defined System Selector or Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selec-
tion. In the first case choose the desired Selectors from the list.

You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular Cus-
tom Check if you have set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection. Push the
Create button. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test Selector to verify the Systems, and hit
the Save & Close button.

10. In the Specific section fill in the values according to the description in Custom Checks.

11. Push the Apply button to save your data.

A dialog Activate Custom Check appears and asks you weather to activate the Custom Check
or not. Choose Yes if everything is fine or No if you want to make changes.

Version 7.1.3 111

Displaying Custom Checks by Type in List syslink Xandria

You can disable Custom Checks as described in Section 8.4, “Disabling and Enabling
Checks” on any subset of the set of Systems the Custom Check is defined for.

If you deactivate the Custom Check it is disabled on all defined Systems, obviously.

9.2. Displaying Custom Checks by Type in List

Especially in large syslink Xandria installations you may come accross many Custom Checks def-
initions and you may loose the overview. To help you in such a situation, there is a special list view.
If not already there go to Configuration → Custom Checks and then choose More → Show Checks
of Type → Choose the Type….

A new tab will be opened and all Custom Checks of same type will be displayed including config-
uration parameters in a list. If you want to edit one, you can simply double click to open it as in
the main list and then make your changes.

Please note that per default not all configuration parameters are displayed, since the
table may have many columns. However, you can select the parameters you would like
to display by clicking on the small cogwheel icon on the last column.

9.3. Exporting/Importing Custom Checks

Custom Check definitions can be exported to a zip file and imported at another syslink Xandria
server. This might be useful if you have tested a custom Custom Check on a test syslink Xandria
server befor you want to make it productive on another one. You may as well pass Custom Check
definitions to other syslink Xandria users.

Procedure 9.2. Exporting a Custom Check

1. Select Configuration → Custom Checks from the top-level menu and select the custom checks
you would like to export from the list. You can use the Ctrl and/or Shift keys of your keyboard
to select multiple Custom Check list entries to be exported in one step.

2. Either click the right mouse button on one of the selected entries and choose Export Custom
Checks or choose More and same menu item.

3. In the following dialog fill in an appropriate name for the export file or confirm the default one
by pressing button Export.

4. Confirm the information message that the zip file containing the Custom Check definitions
were exported to you browser's download area.

If a Run Program Custom Check is configured with a program to be deployed, this pro-
gram is included in the Custom Check export file.

If the Custom Check definition uses a Pre-Defined System Selector the name of this
System Selector is included in the Custom Check export file. During import, XanGui will

Version 7.1.3 112

Defining your own Log Adapters for the Log Adapter Custom Check syslink Xandria

check if a selector of same name exists in the target system and if yes, will assign this
selector to the imported Custom Check definition.

'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection are not exported.

Procedure 9.3. Importing a Custom Check

1. Select Configuration → Custom Checks from the top-level menu.

2. Choose More and select Import Custom Checks.

3. A dialog Import Custom Checks - Select Custom Check Package is displayed. Press Upload
to upload a Custom Check definition export file. When the package is displayed, press Next
to continue.

4. The Custom Check definitions found in the export file a displayed. Select the ones to be im-
ported by pressing the appropriate buttons to move the items from the left to the right area
of the Select Custom Checks dialog step and press Next to continue.

5. The Import Settings dialog step is displayed. If a custom check with same name does already
exist in the target system, it will be displayed in red color. You can either create a new one
with a different name, or you can choose to update the existing one. Press Next to continue.

6. The last dialog step is displayed to confirm your settings. Either press Import to run the import,
Back to change your settings, or Cancel to completely cancel the import process.

Newly imported Custom Checks will always be inactive and must be made active before
they are actually applied.

If the exported Custom Check definition included a Pre-Defined System Selector name,
the import will assign a System Selector of same name to the imported Custom Check
definition. 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection are neither exported nor imported. In this case, the
Systems section is empty and must be configured before the Custom Check is made

9.4. Defining your own Log Adapters for the Log Adapter Custom
Log Adapters are used in the DB2_Diaglog and ORA_AlertLog Checks as well as in the Log Adapter
Custom Check in order to monitor the contents of a log file, either a Windows Event Log or a plain
text file.

The task of monitoring logs is split in two steps: First Log Adapters extract the entries of a log
entry and transform the data into a set of key-value pairs (so called Macros) representing the log
entry in syslink Xandria. Then, a set of rules defined in the Checks listed above evaluates these
key-value pairs in order to decide whether an alert must be raised.

This section discusses the first step of the processing. for the setup of a Log Adapter Custom
Check see also Section 9.1, “Defining Custom Checks”. See also the image below:

Version 7.1.3 113

Defining a Windows Event Log Adapter syslink Xandria

Log Adapter processing

There is already a set of pre-defined Log Adapters: Select Configuration → Log Adapters
from the top-level menu.

9.4.1. Defining a Windows Event Log Adapter

syslink Xandria features default Log Adapters for the Windows Event Log types Application and
System. Windows Event Log Adapters provide fixed key-value (Macros) pairs for further processing
corresponding to the available Windows Event Log fields. You cannot change the Macro names
of the fields for Windows Event Log Adapters.

To create a Windows Event Log Adapter, proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

2. Push the New button.

3. Choose Windows Event Log as Log Adapter Type and enter a name for the Log Adapter.

4. Push New. Open the newly created item from the list.

5. Enter the desired Windows Windows Event Log Name for the Log Adapter.

6. Push Apply.

9.4.2. Defining a File-based Log Adapter

Setting up a File-based Log Adapter is a little bit more complex as you have to tell syslink Xandria
about the structure of the entries in the log file and about the data you want to retrieve from it.

A File-based Log Adapter consists of one or more so called Token Parsers, each of which extracts
a certain amount of characters from a single log entry. All the defined Token Parsers together are
supposed to read the whole log entry.

Each Token Parser has the following elements:

Type Defines the type of the Token Parser, i.e. how the target token should be
interpreted (a timestamp, block of text, etc.).

Version 7.1.3 114

Defining a File-based Log Adapter syslink Xandria

Identifier Defines the name of the Macro for the token value for use in Expressions
in the Log Adapter Custom Check. If not defined, the token will be parsed
but not evaluated and hence not be accessible in the Custom Check.

Description Defines a description for display purposes. This description will appear as
tool tip (on mouse rollover) when using the token as a Macro in the Log
Adapter Custom Check.

Parameters, Parame- Type dependent parameters like terminators, format strings etc.
ter Values

Opt Indicates whether the token is optional. This allows to model variable log
file formats. If you specify a token to be optional by selecting the Opt.
check box, the token is not required to be present for a match of the re-
spective log entry; log entries which do not contain a corresponding token
will be matched anyway. In contrary, when a token is not optional, a log
entry not containing the token will not be matched and hence be omitted.

This element is not available for all Types.

The available Token Parser Types are listed in the following table:

Table 9.2. Token Parser Types

Token Parser Parameter Examples
Type Purpose Name Values
KEYVALUE Tokens which feature a KEYS List of keywords. • PID =364738
key-value pair. Parses to- If more than one,
kens which start with the separated by | • FUNCTION:DB2
indicated key, followed by (pipe) UDB, Automatic Ta-
zero or more whitespaces DELIMITERS a ble Maintenance,
List of delimiters.
and an optional delimiter, AtmTable::runstats,
If more than one,
followed by arbitrary text probe:900
separated by |
up to a specifiable termi- (pipe) • ORA-27041: unable
nator. Skips any preced-
ing characters up to the TERMINATORS List of termina- to open file
first match of the key. tors for the value
field. If more than
one, separated by |
NUMBER Tokens which represent a • 42
numeric value. This To-
ken Parser type covers in- • -3.14159
tegers and floating point
numbers, with or with- • 6.23e-23
out exponential represen-
tation. Skips preceding
PATTERN Tokens with a specific for- FORMAT A format string •
matting. Skips preceding matching the for-
whitespaces. matting of the to- • 4052 BASEL
• 492d1ab9.1c87
TEXT- Tokens which represent TERMINATORS List of terminators • Could not establish
BLOCK an arbitrary text se- which define the connection to ’local-
quence. Parses all charac- end of the text host:9050’
ters up to a specified ter- block. If more than

Version 7.1.3 115

Defining a File-based Log Adapter syslink Xandria

Token Parser Parameter Examples

Type Purpose Name Values
minator or up to the end one, separated by | • Found performance
of the log entry. Skips pre- (pipe). data file(s):
ceding whitespaces. perfdata_0_2008.tmp

TIMES- Tokens which represent a FORMAT A format string • 2008-05-19-

TAMP timestamp. matching the
timestamp’s for- +120
• Sun Oct 18 12:47:50
• 1194030895484
UNWRAP Tokens wrapped by a pre- PREFIX List of prefixes, • {WARNING}
fix and a suffix. This to- if more than one,
ken parser type returns separated by | • <date>Sun Oct 18
the text between prefix (pipe). 12:47:50 2008</
and suffix. Skips preced- SUFFIX date>
List of suffixes,
ing whitespaces. if more than one,
separated by |
If you specify a DELIMITER, the value of the token will be equal to the text behind the delimiter up to the terminator.
Whitespace characters between key and de- limiter are ignored. If you do not specify a DELIMITER, the key is included in
the token value (see last example).
ctime timestamp

See also the following image:

Mapping of Token Parsers to a log entry

Each of the Token Parser's Parameter Value may contain meta characters, also known as patterns,
which are explained on the Edit Token Parser page in XanGui and must not be confused with the
PATTERN Token Parser itself. See also Step 8.b

There are a few important conventions and rules you should consider when building a
File-based Log Adapter:

1. The first Token Parser of a Log Adapter definition serves to split the log file into single
log entries.

By convention, a log entry starts on a new line. So whenever the Log Adapter parser
detects a token which is matched by the first Token Parser of a a Log Adapter defi-

Version 7.1.3 116

Defining a File-based Log Adapter syslink Xandria

nition on a new line, it considers all characters up to the next match of the Token
Parser belonging to that single log entry.

Only after splitting the log file into single log entries, the remaining Token Parsers of
the Log Adapter definition are applied to the log entries.

In order to indicate the special meaning of the first Token Parser, it is colored blue
in XanGui

Usually the first token of a log entry is some sort of time stamp, which is an excellent
marker for a File-based Log Adapter to separate the log entries. However, you may
define the first token to be of any available type. But bare in mind that a carelessly
defined TEXTBLOCK Token Parser might match the whole log file as a single log entry.
Depending on the size of the file, this could impose a very high load on the syslink
Xandria Agent.

2. The Log Adapter definition does not have to match a log entry exactly up to the end;
as long as the Token Parsers match the start of a log entry correctly, the remaining
characters of the entry may be ignored.

3. If you define an optional KEYVALUE Token Parser, bare in mind that it will skip any text
in front of the first occurrence of its key.

In such situations, the value for KEYS of the Token Parser must be defined very care-

Consider the following example:

The Token Parser looks for KEYS name, followed with DELIMITERS :. The current Log
Entry does not contain the token (after all, it is optional), but it contains an error mes-
sage, e.g. WARNING couldn't resolve hostname: jabba. The Token Parser would
skip anything up to hostname: jabba, where it would match and return the value jab-
ba, skipping the WARNING message completelyand probably preventing the whole
Log Adapter from matching this particular log entry.

4. Be careful while defining TEXTBLOCK, KEYVALUE, or UNWRAP Token Parsers without

specifying TERMINATORS in combination with optional tokens.

A Token Parser without TERMINATORS will try to match as many characters as possi-
ble. This may prevent subsequent optional Token Parsers from matching, even if a
corresponding token is available.

Consider the following example:

An optional KEYVALUE Token Parser without TERMINATORS looks for KEYS MESSAGE. A
subsequent optional KEYVALUE Token Parser looks for the key KEYS DATA. If the first
Token Parser matches, the second Token Parser will never match, because any sub-
sequent DATA token is consumed by the first unterminated Token Parser.

To actually create a File-based Log Adapter proceed as follows:

Procedure 9.4. Creating a File-based Log Adapter

1. Get a reasonable extract from an example log file containing the interesting log entries and
copy it to your clipboard.

2. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

Version 7.1.3 117

Duplicating Log Adapters syslink Xandria

3. Push the New button.

4. Choose File Adapter as Log Adapter Type and enter a name for the Log Adapter.

5. Push New. Open the newly created entry from the list.

6. Enter a description for your Log Adapter on the Edit Log Adapter page.

7. Switch to the Parser Definition tab.

Bare in mind that the first defined Token Parser is used to split the log file into log
entries. If your log file contains a time stamp it is urgently recommended to use a
TIMESTAMP as first Token Parser.

a. Push the Add Token Parser button. Choose an appropriate Token Parser from the drop
down list in column Type, enter an Identifier in order to make use of the extracted token
in a Log Adapter Custom Check, and a Description.

b. Fill in appropriate Parameter Values, if applicable. You can display the patterns available
in the Parameter Values fields if you click the  icon.

c. Switch to the Test Parser tab and push the Parse button. If you defined the Token Parser
properly, the matched entry should be highlighted in the text box.

d. Push to the Parser Definition button.

In order to add another Token Parser push the Add Token Parser button and repeat start-
ing at Step 8.a

If you need to add another Token Parser between two existing ones, you have to add a
new Token Parser to the end and subsequently move it to the correct location using the
 and  icons.

In order to remove a Token Parser, press .

9. Push the Apply button to save.

10. Switch to the Test Parser tab. Push the Enter log file sample button and paste the data copied
in Step 1 to the text box. Push Parse. This will serve to test your Log Adapter definition with
real life data.

9.4.3. Duplicating Log Adapters

Instead of creating a Log Adapter from scratch it might be easier to start based on an existing

Perform the following steps to duplicate a Log Adapter:

1. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

2. Select an appropriate Log Adapter from the list.

3. Push the Copy button.

4. Proceed as described starting at Step 8.a of Procedure  9.4, “Creating a File-based Log

Version 7.1.3 118

Deleting Log Adapters syslink Xandria

Duplicating an existing Log Adapter and modifying it is the preferred method over simply
modifying an existing one. Log Adapters can only be modified in a very simple manner
once they are used in a Log Adapter Custom Check.

9.4.4. Deleting Log Adapters

You can only delete Log Adapters that are not used in any Log Adapter Custom Check.

Perform the following steps to delete a Log Adapter:

1. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

2. Select the appropriate list item(s).

3. Push the Delete button.

9.4.5. Exporting and Importing Log Adapters

Perform the following steps in order to export a Log Adapter:

1. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

2. Select an appropriate Log Adapter from the list.

3. Push the Expor button to download the file.

Perform the following steps in order to import a Log Adapter:

1. Select Configuration → Log Adapters from the top-level menu. A list of all existing Log Adapters
will be shown.

2. Push the Import button and select an appropriate .lga file.

3. Push the Upload button.

4. Proceed as described starting at Step 8.a of Procedure  9.4, “Creating a File-based Log

9.5. Configuring SAP CCMS using syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria is able to write configuration items into CCMS by means of the CCMS Custom

If you plan to configure CCMS using syslink Xandria you must understand the CCMS
architecture and concept.

Version 7.1.3 119

CCMS Configuration Variant syslink Xandria

You need to be familiar with the following CCMS terms at least:

• Monitoring Objects & Monitoring Tree Elements (MTEs)

• MTE Classes and Attribute Groups

• Attribute types (Performance, Status, Log, Text) and their properties

• Properties Variants

We urgently recommend to study at least the sections “Concept of the Monitor-

ing Architecture”, “Operating the Alert Monitor” and “Customizing the Alert Monitor”
of the chapter “The Alert Monitor [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/
c4/3a7da1505211d189550000e829fbbd/frameset.htm]” of the SAP Library at http://

Additionally you need to be familiar with the SAP transactions RZ20 and RZ21.

9.5.1. CCMS Configuration Variant

By default, syslink Xandria will not change any existing CCMS settings in your SAP System.

All settings applied by syslink Xandria will be saved into a new “properties variant” called SYSLINK.
However, by default this new variant will automatically be made active, i.e. the settings configured
through syslink Xandria will actually be used. A “properties variant” can be thought of as a group
of changes to CCMS properties.

You can figure out the current active variant using transaction RZ21. If settings have been suc-
cessfully defined by syslink Xandria, SYSLINK will be displayed as active variant like shown in the
following image:

Active “properties variant”

You will find in the Additional info tab of the configured MTE’s properties screen that the values
displayed are valid for variant SYSLINK. See also the following image:

Version 7.1.3 120

CCMS Configuration for individual MTE syslink Xandria

A MTE where the performance attribute properties have been configured us-
ing syslink Xandria, but the general properties have been left unchanged

You can easily get an overview of all CCMS configurations applied to your SAP System by syslink
Xandria. Simply query for properties in transaction RZ21.

9.5.2. CCMS Configuration for individual MTE

By default, the CCMS configuration settings applied by syslink Xandria will change the properties
of the MTE’s underlying class or customizing group. The changed properties will in turn apply to
all MTEs that belong to this class or to all attributes of a customizing group, respectively. This is
the practice recommended by SAP.

That means if you have a SAP System with multiple SAP Instances and you change the “perfor-
mance properties” of the Dialog\ResponseTime MTE, all SAP Instances of the SAP System will
have the new properties applied. By default the properties will be saved to the customizing group
R3DialogResponseTime which in turn is by default assigned to all Dialog\ResponseTime MTEs. See
also the image below:

Figure 9.1. CCMS MTE with performance attribute

MTE including a performance attribute

Version 7.1.3 121

Configuring SAP CCMS using a CCMS Custom Check in syslink Xandria syslink Xandria

You can configure syslink Xandria to apply settings to a MTE individually. This might be useful,
e.g. if you have SAP Instances serving different purposes and you desire to monitor response time
settings on a per SAP Instance level.

Using CCMS settings for MTEs individually is a decision that is only reversible manual-
ly. You need to reassign the class/group using transaction RZ20 for every single SAP

If you have chosen configuration of individual MTE in a CCMS Custom Check and you revert this
change in the Custom Check, you will get the following error message displayed in the Check Result
in RealTime Monitoring:
XAL interface error: No data available for MTE class of the MTE

To remove the cause of this error, perform the following steps for each affected SAP System:

1. Logon to the SAP System and proceed to transaction RZ20.

2. Edit the properties of the corresponding MTE.

3. ChooseEdit → Properties → Use from MTE class/group.

Choose Use from MTE class/group menu item

4. Assign the correct class/group to the MTE.

MTE properties: assign from group

9.5.3. Configuring SAP CCMS using a CCMS Custom Check in syslink Xandria

Please make sure the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

Version 7.1.3 122

Configuring SAP CCMS using a CCMS Custom Check in syslink Xandria syslink Xandria

• You have defined a CCMS Custom Check (as described in Section  9.1, “Defining Custom
Checks”) with the MTE you plan to configure. The Check is running properly, the MTE values are
displayed properly in the RealTime Monitoring.

• You have figured out the CCMS settings you plan to configure. You have tested the settings of
the corresponding MTE at leaston one SAP Instance or SAP System using SAP transaction RZ20.
The properties dialog in RZ20 performs consistency checking whereas syslink Xandria does not.

• You have read and understood Section 9.5.1, “CCMS Configuration Variant”.

• You have read and understood the implications outlined in Section 9.5.2, “CCMS Configuration
for individual MTE”

Perform the following steps:

1. Select Configuration → Custom Checks from the top-level menu. Choose the desired Custom
Check from the list and push the Open button.

2. Switch to the CCMS Configuration tab and push the Create button.

3. Fill in the settings you like to write to CCMS.

We strongly recommend to fill in only the settings you want to modify! Leaving all
other fields empty ensures that the original settings in CCMS are untouched.
You need to enter at least one setting, either for the General Properties or for one of the At-
tribute Properties.

If you want to configure an attribute type, please make sure that your MTE really includes an
attribute at all and you chose the correct type. Otherwise the following error message will be
displayed as Check Result:
XAL interface error: Invalid CCMS configuration:
Log Attribute settings cannot be applied to the MTE actual class 'Performance Attribute'

MTE attributes are displayed in the second tab of the MTE properties screen in RZ20. See also
Figure 9.1: “CCMS MTE with performance attribute”

Please note that there are MTEs without any attribute, like “monitoring objects” and “summa-
ry nodes”. For these types of MTEs you can still configure the General Properties. Attribute
Properties settings for MTEs not including any attribute type are simply ignored.

4. If desired, flag the Use for individual MTE check box. See also Section 9.5.2, “CCMS Configu-
ration for individual MTE”.

5. Push the Update Custom Check button to save your settings.

Verify if the configured CCMS settings have been correctly applied to your SAP System. In case of
problems consult the Check Message in the RealTime Monitoring first. If you find an error message
XAL interface error: No additional information available
(function BAPI_SYSTEM_MTE…)

or you do not find any error message in there, but the settings were not stored into CCMS, you
might need to apply hot fixes or the latest support packages to your SAP System. See also SAP
Note 798941 “BAPI XAL does not work completely after Note 778056” [https://service.sap.com/

Version 7.1.3 123

Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks syslink Xandria

9.6. Introduction to Business Services and Composite Checks

Composite Checks and Business Services are tools that allow you to build new RealTime Monitor-
ing Checks based on existing built-in Checks, Custom Checks, or even other Composite Checks
or Business Services.

Every Composite Check and every Business Service consists of one or more inbound Checks and
an evaluation rule that provides an outbound Check Result based on the inbound Check Status.

The inbound Checks can be any existing RealTime Monitoring Check or a System Status. They can
be deferred using a configurable delay.

9.6.1. Differences between Business Services and Composite Checks

The differences between these two categories are:

• Every Composite Check runs in the context of a System. Therefore it can have any Check running
in the context of this System as inbound Check. Even more, a Composite Check for an SAP
System can also use Checks executed for the SAP Instances of the SAP System in question or
the hosting Servers as inbound Checks.

• A Business Service runs in the context of a Customer directly, i.e. a Business Service is a Check
and a Managed Object at the same time. It therefore can have any existing inbound Check, even
across Customer boundaries. Even though a Business Service is assigned to a particular Cus-
tomer the inbound Checks are not limited to this Customer. They are only limited by the Permis-
sions of the User creating the Business Service.

• Since a Business Service is a Managed Object (similar to a System) it needs to have a System

• Composite Checks can be defined to run on a Dynamic Group or Static Group of Systems, sim-
ilar to Custom Checks (also called the Scope in this context), whereas every Business Service
definition corresponds to exactly one (outbound) Check.

9.6.2. Building Blocks for Business Services and Composite Checks General Properties

Composite Checks and Business Services have the following general properties:

Name A unique name for the Composite Check or Business Service.

Description A meaningful description of the Composite Check or Business Service.

Service Name You may record Service Availability for the Check and provide a meaning-
ful name. You can also decide to consider a Warning outbound Check Sta-
tus as Up.

Input Scope This Customer defines the scope for the Composite Check or Business
Service. Only Systems which belong to this Customer can be used in this
Composite Check or Business Service. And only users who have Permis-
sions on this Customer are allowed to view or edit this Composite Check
or Business Service.

Note that a Customer hierarchy is considered in selecting Systems for the

Composite Check or Business Service.

A User needs to have the Permission View Composite Checks and Busi-
ness Services / Edit Composite Checks and Business Services for the

Version 7.1.3 124

Building Blocks for Business Services and Composite Checks syslink Xandria

named Customer in order to view or modify the Composite Check or Busi-

ness Service.

Role (Business Ser- A role name with the same meaning as System Role.
vice only)

Assign to Customer The check result of the Business Service is assigned to this Customer. The
(Business Service on- result status of the Business Service is visible in RealTime Monitoring.
ly) System Scope (Composite Checks only)

You can define a Dynamic Group or Static Group of Systems the Composite Check is executed for.

The System Scope is restricted to the of the Systems and Checks of the Customers defined, or
to all Customers if no Customer is defined (Composite Check) or if the All Customers flag is set
(Business Service).

The System Scope definition is implemented by means of System Selectors See also Section 8.6,
“Defining a System Selector”. Functions

Functions define the rule how a Composite Check or a Business Service evaluate inbound Check
Status to an outbound Check Status. There are four Function types available which can be nested

All OK Returns Ok if all inbound Check Status are Ok, Critical otherwise.

One OK Returns Ok if at least one inbound Check Status is Ok, Critical otherwise.

Worst Returns Critical if at least on input is Critical, Warning if at least one input is Warning,
Unknown if at least one input is Unknown, otherwise Ok.

Expresso Roughly speaking, the Expresso function returns Ok if n out of m inbound Check Sta-
tus are Ok. More exactly, it provides means to build an if-then-else construct comput-
ing the outbound Check Status using comparators and limits for the inbound Check

Script Allows you to define almost any conditional statement to compute outbound Check
Status based on inbound Check Status.

Delay Allows you to (only) defer the inbound Check Result for a defined period of time.

All Functions provide the following common attributes:

Name A (within the Composite Check or Business Service) unique name to identify
the Function.

Description A meaningful description of the Function

Deferral Inbound Check Status can be deferred, e.g. an inbound Critical can be con-
sidered Ok unless it remains Critical for more than 10 minutes.

Result Message By default the Check Messages of the inbound Checks for the outbound
Check Message. But you can either suppress the inbound Check Messages
being passed, or you can define your own Check Message for the Function. Selectors

System Selectors provide means to dynamically select inbound Systems and the corresponding
Checks for use in Functions. In order to use an inbound System Status you will select one or more
Systems. For inbound Check Status you will select one or more Checks.

Version 7.1.3 125

Defining Business Services syslink Xandria

Every Selectors consist of a Name and a Description to identify it within the context of the Com-
posite Check or Business Service. It allows you to define nested search criteria and the option to
include or not System having monitoring turned off.

If you want to use (inbound) RealTime Monitoring Checks rather than the System Status you can
select them as well.

System Selectors are restricted to the Scope (as described in Section, “System Scope
(Composite Checks only)”) for Composite Checks or to the Input Scope. Direct input of Checks or Systems

Instead of dynamically defining the inbound Checks using System Selectors you can also add
Checks or Systems as direct input for a Function.

Checks or Systems are restricted to the Scope (as described in Section, “System Scope
(Composite Checks only)”) for Composite Checks or to the Input Scope. Design, Test, Verify, Evaluate, Activate

There is a Design pane where you can plug all the things together and edit the required properties.
For the System Selectors there is a Test function that shows the result set of a dynamic search.
Once you have put all the pieces together you can Verify the whole Composite Check or Business
Service. This is first of all an integrity check to point you to missing or inconsistent setups.

Then you have the opportunity to Evaluate the Composite Check or Business Service, i.e. to execute
the Check with all the current inbound Check Status.

Finally you would need to Activate the whole Check in order to evaluate it periodically.

9.7. Defining Business Services

Perform the following steps in order to define a new Business Service:

1. Select Configuration → Business Services from the top-level menu and push New Business

2. Fill in a Name for the Business Service, select a Customer, and push the Create button.

3. Select the newly created entry from the list and choose Open. The Properties tab opens.

Select a System Role from the drop-down lists.

The value of the Customer only defines to whom the Check corresponding to the
Business Service is assigned to. It also restrict the selection of inbound Checks to
this Customer, unless the All Customers flag is set as well..

4. If you want to record Service Availability data for this Business Service set a flag next to Enter
Service Name to record Availabilities.

By default the Service Name is the same as the Business Service Name, but you have the
opportunity to change it. Set the flag Report Warning as Available if a Warning Business Service
shall be considered Up.

5. Fill in a Description.

6. If you want to include Systems and Checks from other Customer as the one selected above,
set the All Customers flag.

Version 7.1.3 126

Defining Business Services syslink Xandria

Only the Users having the Permission View Composite Checks and Business Ser-
vices / Edit Composite Checks and Business Services for all Customers filled in
this field are able to view / modify the Business Service.

7. Push Save. Ignore the pop-up, do not yet set the Business Service active.

8. Select the Design tab.

9. Select one of the Functions and drag it onto the box labeled Business Service:
<business_service_name>. A new box appears labeled with the Function type. Select the new
box. The Properties pane appears.

10. Fill in the Function Properties:

a. Fill in a Name and a Description in the in the Function Details part of the Properties pane.

b. If you want to defer Check Status propagation set the flag next to Activate Deferral in the
Deferral part of the Properties pane.

The Deferral rules are applied after the function is evaluated. For every Check Status you
can define how long it shall be considered as a different Check Status.

Choose a value from the list in Deferral Value (i.e. the evaluated Check Status you want
to defer, fill in a value (in minutes) into During, and choose a value from the list in To. Use
the  and  buttons to add or remove Deferral rules.

c. You can define a Result Message for the Function. By default there is no Result Message
propagated. You can choose to pass a generated Result Message as Check Message. Or
you can define your own messages for each possible Check Status.

If you do not want to pass any Result Message, clear the flag next to Send Result Message
to Parent.

d. Push the Apply button at the top of the Properties pane.

11. If you want to add another Function as inbound for the recently created Function, drag the
corresponding type onto the recently created Function and repeat Step 10.

12. Add inbound Checks, either by using Check Selectors, System Selectors (i.e. use the System
Status), or directly. Of course you can even mix those methods:

• Using Check Selectors

a. Drag the appropriate Check Selector (i.e. RTM, Daily Check Detail, or Daily Check)
onto the function you want to define inbound System Status for. A new box appears
labeled with the Selector type. Select the new box. The Selector pane appears.

b. Fill in a Name and a Description in the in the Selector pane.

c. Set the flag next to 'Check' search criteria in order to define the search criteria.

Select a criterion from the drop-down list. Select or fill in the appropriate values.

You may add further criteria by simply selecting them from the list. All selected cri-
teria are combined using Boolean And, i.e. only those Checks matching all criteria
are returned by the Check Selector.

Version 7.1.3 127

Defining Business Services syslink Xandria

d. If you want to combine the Check Selector with a Selectors, then activate Define
systems to select check from option and to define a Selectors, see Step 12.2.c below.

e. You can also choose to pass a generated Result Message to the parent Function.

f. Push the Apply button. Afterwards you may push the Test button in order to verify
your Check Selector.

• Using System Selectors

a. Drag the appropriate Selectors onto the function you want to define inbound System
Status for. A new box appears labeled with the Selector type. Select the new box.
The Selector pane appears.

b. Fill in a Name and a Description in the in the Selector pane.

c. Set the flag next to '<system_type>' search criteria in order to define dynamic search

Select a criterion from the drop-down list. Select or fill in the appropriate values.

You may add further criteria by simply selecting them from the list. All selected cri-
teria are combined using Boolean And, i.e. only those Systems matching all criteria
are returned by the Selectors.

d. If you want add nested criteria, set the flag next to '<nested_system_type>' search
criteria and repeat Step 12.2.c.

e. By default the System Selectors only include Systems having monitoring turned on.
If you also want to include Systems with monitoring turned off set the flag Include
Systems with Monitoring turned off.

f. Do no longer use the Select Checks option. It is deprecated and replaced by Check
Selectors. The option is only available for compatbility purposes and may be re-
moved in future releases.

g. You can also choose to pass a generated Result Message to the parent Function.

h. Push the Apply button. Afterwards you may push the Test button in order to verify
your Selectors.

• Direct Input

a. Drag the appropriate System (for an inbound System Status) or a Check from the tree
Input Systems/Checks onto the Function you want to define inbound Check Status
for. A new box appears labeled with the System and Check. Select the new box. The
Properties pane appears.

You can use the filter box above the tree display to lookup a check more

b. Fill in a Name for the Server Details or Check Details.

c. You can define a Result Message. By default there is no Result Message propagated.
You can choose to pass a the inbound Check Message. Or you can define your own
messages for each possible Check Status.

Version 7.1.3 128

Defining Composite Checks syslink Xandria

d. Push the Apply button.

13. Repeat the previous steps until you have all Functions, System Selectors, or direct Checks

14. Push the Verify button in order to check the Business Service for consistency and complete-
ness. There will probably a Verification Result pane appear on the bottom including a list of
issues, each of which has a severity (OK, WARNING, or ERROR) and a Show button. Make sure that
you resolve at least the issues with WARNING and ERROR severity.

15. Push the Evaluate button in order to evaluate the Business Service with real-life data. The
result will look like in the image below:

Design Pane after Business Service Evaluation

You can click on the triangle for more details. You can even override the computed values (in
the Value boxes) for debugging purposes an re-evaluate.

There is also more detailed information in the Verification Results pane at the bottom of the

16. Push the Save button. A pop-up will ask you whether to activate the Business Service now. If
so, set the Set Business Service to active flag and push the OK button. Otherwise push only OK.

Once activated the Business Service will be evaluated periodically and displayed in the Real-
Time Monitoring.

You need the Permission View Composite Checks and Business Services in order to view a Busi-
ness Service, and the Permission Edit Composite Checks and Business Services in order to modify
or delete a Business Service.

9.8. Defining Composite Checks

Perform the following steps in order to define a new Composite Check:

Version 7.1.3 129

Working with Externally Managed Checks syslink Xandria

1. Select Configuration → Composite Checks from the top-level menu.

2. Push the New Composite Check button and fill in a Name for the Composite Check.

3. If desired, select a Customer.

In case you select Customer, only Systems of this Customer (an its descendants, in case a
Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to have the Permission View
Composite Checks and Business Services / Edit Composite Checks and Business Services
for the named Customer in order to view or modify the Composite Check.

If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers are considered, but one needs the Per-
mission Permission View Composite Checks and Business Services / Edit Composite Checks
and Business Services for all Customers in order to view or modify the Composite Check.

4. Select a System Type. Push the Create button.

5. Select the newly created entry from the list and choose Open. The Properties tab opens.

6. If you want to record Service Availability data for this Composite Check set a flag next to Enter
Service Name to record Availabilities.

By default the Service Name is the same as the Composite Check Name, but you have the
opportunity to change it. Set the flag Report Warning as Available if a Warning Composite
Check shall be considered Up.

7. Fill in a Description.

8. Push Save. Ignore the pop-up, do not yet set the Composite Check active.

9. Select the Scope tab in order to define the set of System the Composite Check is to be exe-
cuted on.

10. Set the flag next to '<system_type>' search criteria in order to define dynamic search criteria.

Select a criterion from the drop-down list. Select or fill in the appropriate values.

You may add further criteria by simply selecting them from the list. All selected criteria are
combined using Boolean And, i.e. only those Systems matching all criteria are returned by the

11. If you want add nested criteria, set the flag next to '<nested_system_type>' search criteria and
repeat Step 10.

12. Push the Test button in order to verify your Scope Selection.

13. Push Save. Ignore the pop-up, do not yet set the Composite Check active.

14. Select the Design tab and continue as described starting at Step 9 of Procedure 9.4, “”.

You need the Permission View Composite Checks and Business Services in order to view a Com-
posite Check, and the Permission Edit Composite Checks and Business Services in order to modify
or delete a Composite Check.

9.9. Working with Externally Managed Checks

Externally Managed Checks are an alternative to Custom Checks to pass custom Check data into
syslink Xandria. They differ from Custom Checks as described in the following section.

Version 7.1.3 130

Difference of Custom Checks compared to Externally Managed Checks syslink Xandria

9.9.1. Difference of Custom Checks compared to Externally Managed Checks

• Custom Checks are executed by the syslink Xandria Agent, whereas Externally Managed Checks
are pushed into syslink Xandria by an external trigger. Custom Checks work with a pull concept,
i.e. the syslink Xandria Agent actively retrieves the Check Result.

• Custom Checks can be run as Daily Checks, whereas Externally Managed Checks can only be
pushed into RealTime Monitoring.

• There are many different types of Custom Checks; it can be thought as of a toolbox. There
are only two types of Externally Managed Checks, External Status and External Event. They are
described below.

• From a networking perspective, Externally Managed Checks can be pushed from any network
location which has access to XanGui, either by using the XanGui Web Service directly, or by the
command line executable provided to access the Web Service.

The external source has to make sure that names of Externally Managed Checks are
unique within the syslink Xandria installation. You may want to use some kind of naming

9.9.2. Types of Externally Managed Checks

There are two types of Externally Managed Checks, External Status and External Event. Both types
have a Check Status and Check Message; the latter one can be either plain text or HTML. The
External Status type is handled the same way as other Checks in syslink Xandria: It remains in its
Check Status until the status is changed. When it is updated with a new Check Status, the previous
Check Status and and message will be written to the RealTime Monitoring history. The external
trigger is solely responsible for the Check to be updated.

An Event Status Check will turn to Unknown if there is no update within 90 minutes. This
prevents a Check from reflecting a status that is not up to date any more.

The External Event also has Check Status and Check Message, which must be supplied on create
time. However, an External Event Check cannot be updated anymore and there is no history kept.
It will be automatically deleted after 60 minutes, or after a period of time defined upon create.

In order to make sure an External Event can be processed by the Notification manage-
ment the minimum expiry time is 5 minutes, even if you define smaller values.

9.9.3. Using XanCmd Command to Push Externally Managed Checks

XanCmd Command Line Executable is a program to interact with the syslink Xandria Web Service.
It includes command to push Externally Managed Checks. See also Section 14.9.2, “How to use
the Xandria Web Service by Command Line Executable”.

See the examples below how to call xancmd in order to push Externally Managed Checks.

Version 7.1.3 131

Using XanCmd Command to Push Externally Managed Checks syslink Xandria

To uniquely identify the system which will receive the external checks, the syslink Xan-
dria system ID is required. You can look up this ID in the detail area of the system in
XanGui or you can fetch the ID using xancmd ls -l [system-type] command.

Push an External Sta- xancmd extern-status -id 42 -status OK -name "My External Check" -
tus Check Result with message "See how I can push results to Xandria RTM"
Check Status Ok

Push an External Sta- xancmd extern-status -id 42 -status WARNING -name "My External
tus Check Result with Check" -message "<html><body><h1>See the Result as Heading</h1></
Check Status Warn- body></html>"
ing and HTML Check

Push an External xancmd extern-event -id 42 -status 1 -expiry-time 30 -name "My External
Event Check Result Event" -message "This event based check will be automatically deleted
with Check Status after 30 min"
Critical 30 minutes
expiry time

You need the Permission Edit Systems in order to create and update Externally Managed Checks.

Version 7.1.3 132

syslink Xandria

Chapter 10. Working with RealTime

Monitoring, Daily Checks, Performance
Data and CCMS Alerts
This chapter describes how to work with the Monitoring Results in syslink Xandria.

10.1. Working with RealTime Monitoring Results

There are several way to access RealTime Monitoring results using XanGui.

10.1.1. Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results

There are several options to access RealTime Monitoring Check Results once your logged into

• Select Monitoring → RTM Overview from the top-level menu.

There is one line per defined Customer, each containing columns for the number of System,
Checks, and Business Services in the different Check Status.

RealTime Monitoring Overview

You can click into every inner cell of this table (including the ones of the Total line), except it
is empty or 0:

• Entries in the Critical and Warning column each open a list of Critical and Warning Systems
/ RealTime Monitoring Checks / Business Service for the corresponding Customer (or for all
Customers, if you click in the Total line).

• Entries in the Ok column open a list of Critical, Warning, and Ok Systems / RealTime Monitoring
Checks / Business Service for the corresponding Customer (or for all Customers, if you click
in the Total line).

• Entries in the Unknown column open a list of Unknown and Disabled Systems / RealTime
Monitoring Checks / Business Service for the corresponding Customer (or for all Customers,
if you click in the Total line)

Version 7.1.3 133

Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results syslink Xandria

• If you click on the  icon the System Tree will open showing the System Status of each System
together with the Critical and Warning Check Status:

Systems List

You can restrict the view to confirmed or unconfirmed Checks as well.

• Select Monitoring → RTM Check List from the top-level menu. This page displays a list of all
Check Results with Check Status Critical or Warning.

RealTime Monitoring Check List

From the  dropdown you can select the refresh interval. Or you turn automatic re-
freshing on or off.

You may use the Check Status icons in the tab menu to toggle the view of each of the Check
Status. For Systems you can additionally toggle the System Type, and you can restrict the list to
operational Systems, or to Systems having monitoring turned on (or off).

For RealTime Monitoring Checks you can restrict the view to confirmed or unconfirmed Checks
as well.

You need the permission View RTM in order to view RealTime Monitoring results.

Version 7.1.3 134

Confirming RealTime Monitoring Checks syslink Xandria

You can also view RealTime Monitoring Check Results using XanMobile

10.1.2. Confirming RealTime Monitoring Checks

In order to confirm a RealTime Monitoring Check proceed to the Check List page as described in
Section 10.1.1, “Viewing RealTime Monitoring Results” and perform the following steps:

1. Select one or more entries and push the Confirm button.

2. Fill in a confirmation message in Message.

3. If you want this Check to stay confirmed until the next Check Status change occurs select
None for Confirmation Auto Reset. Otherwise select either a Date/Time the Check will be un-
confirmed automatically, or a Period after which it will be unconfirmed.

Please note that the confirmation is cleared in any case if the Check Status

4. Push the OK button.

You need the permission Confirm RTM in order to confirm RealTime Monitoring Checks.

You can also confirm or unconfirm Checks using XanMobile

10.1.3. Viewing RealTime Monitoring History

In order to view the history of a particular RealTime Monitoring Check proceed as follows

1. Proceed to the Check List page as described in Section 10.1.1, “Viewing RealTime Monitoring
Results”. Select an entry from the list and push the Open button.

2. Switch to the History tab.:

The most recent record appears on top of the list.

A new entry is created either when the Check Status changes or a confirmation/un-
confirmation occurs but not when the Check Message changes only. Consequently
the column Result contains the value of the Check Message at the time the Check
Status has changed. It does not show the most current result.

Confirmation and unconfirmation events are tracked and kept together with the confirmation
message in Confimed by and Confirmation Message.

You need the Permission View RTM in order to view RealTime Monitoring history.

Version 7.1.3 135

RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” View syslink Xandria

10.1.4. RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” View

The RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” view comprises a summary of the most important sys-
link Xandria events.

You can access the “Control Center” via Monitoring → RTM Overview.

This view is literally a pre-defined Dashboard.

You can also access this page directly using URL http[s]://xandria.server.name[:port]/xn/
dashboard/RTM%20Control%20Center. See the rtmuser property for a configuration option without
login. The “Control Center” view will look like shown below:

XanGui RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” View

The top frame of the Contains a list of all current Warning or Critical Check Results.
Control Center view

The lower left frame provides an overview of all Systems, Checks, and Business Services per
of the Control Center Customer.

The lower right frame By default contains so called unassigned Changes generated by Sys-
of the Control Center tem-Change Auto-Detection. They stay unassigned until a User processes
view them (see Section 14.4, “Working with Changes”). In addition there is a list
of all Systems having monitoring turned off, and a — optional — list of all
unassigned Tickets.

In this particular example they result from a Create a Ticket in the Notifi-
cation process.

You cannot customize this view. But you can make a copy of the corresponding Dashboard, modify
it according to your needs, and save it as a Favourite, or make it accessible by a direct URL. See also
Section 14.1.3, “System Dashboards”. You can even instruct the UI to use the copied Dashboard
as a replacement for the original “Control Center”, i.e. to make it accessible through Monitoring →
RTM Control Center. See RTMControlCenterDashboard.

Version 7.1.3 136

Using the Business Service Overview syslink Xandria

10.1.5. Using the Business Service Overview

The Business Service Overview provides a detailed view on Business Services.

There is a rotating view of each active Business Service that displays not only the overall Business
Service Check Status, but also the Check Status of the inbound Checks several levels deep, as well
as the inbound Systems (if any).

1. Select Monitoring → Business Service Overview from the top-level menu. A new browser win-
dow opens.

2. Choose Pause or Continue to pause or continue rotation through the defined Business Ser-

3. You can choose Levels and Systems/Checks in order to reduce the amount of information
displayed on the page.

You need the Permission View Composite Checks and Business Services in order to use the Busi-
ness Service Overview.

10.2. Working with Daily Checks

10.2.1. Selecting Daily Checks

Select Monitoring → Daily Checks from the top-level menu:

View Daily Check List

Version 7.1.3 137

Confirming of a Daily Check syslink Xandria

By default all Daily Checks of the current day are displayed. You can choose different time periods
from the drop-down list.Or you can restrict the search to confirmed or unconfirmed Daily Checks

There is also an option to restrict the list of displayed Systems by defining an ad-hoc Selectors or
by choosing a pre-defined Selectors. Use the drop-down list next to the  icon.

Of course you can use the usual filter options to further narrow your search, and you can use the
status icons to filter based on the Check Status.

If you expand an entry, you will see the Daily Check details corresponding to the selected status

Select one of the items in the list and push the Open button to show all Daily Check details.

If you click on  you have the option to restrict the whole view to certain Daily Check Details.

You need the Permission View Daily Checks in order to view Daily Checks, and the Permission Edit
Daily Checks in order to modify them.

10.2.2. Confirming of a Daily Check

In order to confirm a Daily Check perform the following steps:

1. Select Monitoring → Daily Checks from the top-level menu.

2. Select one or more items from the list and push the Confirm button. See Section  10.2.3,
“Adding manual Daily Check Details” if you use manual Daily Check details.

3. Fill in a confirmation message and push OK.

You need the Permission Edit Daily Checks in order to confirm Daily Checks.

10.2.3. Adding manual Daily Check Details

You can define Daily Check details to be performed manually by an administrator. Manual Daily
Check Types are created with Check Status Unknown. The Check Status must be changed by the
administrator performing the check before the whole Daily Check record can be confirmed.

If you specify a Database type, the Check will only be created in Daily Checks of SAP Systems run-
ning on the corresponding Database, or of Daily Checks running on the corresponding Database.

Please perform the following steps:

1. Select Administration → Settings from the top-level menu and switch to the Customizing tab.

2. Select Edit → Manual Daily Check Types from the page menu.

3. Fill in a Name and select the DBMS Type.

4. Push the Update Manual Daily Check Type button.

10.2.4. Defining relevant Daily Check Details

By default the overall Check Status of a Daily Check is the worst Check Status of all its Daily Check

You can define which Daily Check details contribute at all to the Daily Check. Use the RelevantDai-
lyCheckDetails Monitoring Parameter as described in Section 8.1, “Adding, Modifying, and Deleting
Monitoring Parameters” and Section 8.3, “Maintaining Parameters Sets”.

Version 7.1.3 138

Working with Performance Data syslink Xandria

10.3. Working with Performance Data

10.3.1. Configuring Performance Data Collection

Most of the configuration options have already been described at Performance Data Collection,
but we summarize them here and describe some more options:

• The PerfDataCollection Monitoring Parameters define if or if not Performance Data Collection

is executed at all. This parameter is available for Servers, SAP Instances, and SAP Systems.

• The syslink Xandria Master properties Performance.PERFDATA_KEEPTIME, and

Performance.PERFDATA_KEEPTIME_MONTHLY define how long Performance data is kept with-
in syslink Xandria.

• If you want to collect response times of named transactions you have to define them using the
PerfDataTransactions Monitoring Parameter.

• You can configure the Top N response time statistics using PerfDataTARuntimeStepsMinPct,
PerfDataTARuntimeTop, and PerfDataTAStepsTop Monitoring Parameters.

• If the Checks the Performance Data Collection is based upon are deactivated, no Performance
Data is collected.

• Some of the thresholds configuring the underlying Checks configure also the display of the Per-
formance Data. If Warning or Critical thresholds are exceeded the points in the Performance
Data histograms are colored accordingly.

These are:

• DialogRespTimeWarn and DialogRespTimeCrit for the Transaction Response Times

• JavaASAvgRespTimeWarn and JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit for the J2EE Response Times

• End-to-End Response Times are only available if you have configured End Points.

10.3.2. Displaying Performance Data

You can display performance data for every system in syslink Xandria. Choose Systems → Servers,
Systems → SAP Instances, Systems → SAP Systems, or Systems → Databases and proceed to the
Performance tab.

There is a list or even a tree of charts on the left hand side. You can double-click an item to add a
chart to the page, and click on the X button to remove it.

You may select the time range of the data globally for all charts displayed. There are pre-defined
ranges (Last 24 Hours, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year), or you fill in arbitrary values for Since
and Until.

In addition you have the option to drill into every single chart by dragging a rectangle around the
desired region of the chart with your mouse. Click on the  icon to restore the original size.

The overall size of the charts may be changed with the + and - buttons

For every chart there is an option to display raw data in a table, and to export it in a CSV file (using
the  icon). Once you have arranged all charts on the page you may export them into a PDF file.

Charts are scaled automatically based on the maximum and minimum values of the data. This may
be misleading especially when it comes to percentage values. There may be situations where the

Version 7.1.3 139

Configuring Custom Performance Data Resource Types syslink Xandria

chart draws awfully high (visual) maximum values while the y-Axis in fact shows a range between
e.g. 0.3% and 0.6%. In this case it may be more reasonable to adjust the range of the y-Axis to the
values between 0 and 100%. You can accomplish this using the  icon.

As mentioned earlier, there may be a tree of charts on the left hand side. For e.g. SAP System you
can display all the SAP System-related Performance data, but you can also include the ones of
the Database instance, other SAP Instances, or even the ones of the Servers comprising the SAP
System. This allows to correlate e.g. Transaction Response times with CPU values or Database

You need the View Systems Permission in order to view Performance data.

10.3.3. Configuring Custom Performance Data Resource Types

Custom performance data collection is done via the Run Program Custom Check. But before you
need to define you own custom performance resource types. To do this, please follow the the
steps below.

1. Configuration → Performance Data

2. Click on New to create a new Performance resource type. A name for the new Performance
resource type is required and it has to be defined for which System Type its relevant. If the
System Type is either SAP Instance or SAP System additionally the Instance Type can be
selected. The checkbox Create default chart definition is checked by default. It means along
with a new Performance resource type a chart definition will be created.

3. After pressing Finish the new Performance resource type is ready and can be used to collect
custom performance data. See Collect Performance Values on how to do this.

10.3.4. Displaying Custom Performance Data

To display the custom performance data it is necessary to create a custom chart definition. When
the performance resource type is created there is the option to to create the chart definition as
well. But the chart definition can be created afterwards or a second chart definition can be created.

1. Configuration → Performance Data. Switch to the Charts

2. Open a chart definition or create a new one to modify colors, axis labels etc.

10.4. Working with Availability Data

10.4.1. Viewing Availability Data (on a per-system level)

You can display Availability Data data for every system in syslink Xandria. Choose Systems →
Servers, Systems → SAP Instances, Systems → SAP Systems, or Systems → Databases and proceed
to the Availability tab.

You may select the time range of the data displayed. There are pre-defined ranges (Last 24 Hours,
Last Week, Last Month, Last Year), or you fill in arbitrary values for Since and Until.

Then you have to choose the Service. By default SYSTEM is used to show the Availability Data of
the System. There may be other Services depending on your Custom Check or Composite Check
definition. Also, for SAP Systems there is a DATABASE service showing the Availability Data of the
Database instance.

You can also choose the Timezone used for the display of time stamps.

Version 7.1.3 140

Changing Availability Data syslink Xandria

XanGui automatically computes the Planned and Unplanned Downtime as well as the Uptime and
Achieved Uptime for the time range selected. There is also a list of Availability Records shown the
way they are stored internally.

An Availability record consists of the following fields:

• Status: This is what availability is all about: Status shows if the System or Service has been Up
or Down during the time period given by Start and Duration. Additionally status may have the
value Unknown. See also Table 3, “Availability Records and Service Levels”.

• Moni. Switch: The monitoring switch indicates if monitoring was turned on or off during the time
period. If monitoring was turned off the Availability record is reported as Planned Downtime
instead of Unplanned Downtime in the Service Level Report. . If monitoring was turned off due
to a Maintenance Window a tool symbol  is additionally displayed.

• Status Information: Displays the reason for the status, e.g. why a SAP Instance was Down, or if
a server Up record was computed from the Physical Server’s uptime.

Status information values are:

• BLOCKED: Indicates that an SAP Instance could not be logged into, e.g. because all dialog work
processes are used

• DB_RECONNECT_STATE: Indicates that an SAP Instance could not be logged into and is in Data-
base reconnect state, so the database is either down (e.g. because of an offline backup) or
has a problem.

• DISPATCHER_EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN: Indicates that the dispatcher has performed an emergency

shutdown. This can happen in case of a serious error.

• SHUTDOWN: Indicates that an SAP Instance has been properly shut down.

• Status information for SAP Instances with Oracle Database backed up with BRBACKUP:


Instance has either been properly shut down or is in Database reconnect state and an of-
fline backup was processing.


stance has been properly shut down but it was not possible to check for a running backup.
This may happen if a system has never been backed and no backup run information can
be read.

• Generated due to system uptime: A Physical Server is considered available due to its system
uptime although the syslink Xandria Agent was not running at this time.

You need the View Availabilities Permission in order to view availabilities

If there is no Availability Data for a particular Managed Object, there will be no such section in the
Service Level Report.

10.4.2. Changing Availability Data

You can edit the Mon. Switch, Status, or Status Info on the Availabilities tab for each System. Or you
can use the cross-System and cross-Customer view under Reporting → Availability Records from
the top-level menu.

Changing the Status Info might be useful e.g. to provide an explanation for a Downtime.

All changes you make manually can be rstored to their original values.

Version 7.1.3 141

Availabilities Overview syslink Xandria

In order to modify Availability Data for a single System perform the following steps:

1. Open the Availabilities tab as described in Section 10.4.1, “Viewing Availability Data (on a per-
system level)”.

2. Select one or more items from the list and push the Edit button.

3. Make your changes in the Status, Moni.~Switch, and/or Status Information field.

4. Push the OK button to save your settings.

In order to modify Availability Data for multiple Systems perform the following steps:

1. Open Reporting → Availability Records.

2. You may use Status Filter and Monitoring Switch Filter to narrow your search.

3. Select the desired Systems from the list and push the Edit button.

4. A dialog warns you attempt to edit multiple values. Push Yes.

5. Correct the desired values and push Apply.

All records modifed manually will be flagged with a red exclamation mark. If you need to restore
the original values, select the desired entry and push the Restore button or the  icon.

You need the Edit Availabilities Permission in order to modify Availability Data.

10.4.3. Availabilities Overview
The Availability Overview displays a snapshot of the currently achieved availability rates over all
Systems, Ups and Downs, and whether or not the assigned Service Level Agreement is met (if any).
You can access it using Reporting → Availability Overview from the top-level menu.

An advanced feature is the forecast of the availability rates. Once you choose an Until date in the
future, the column Best Case Uptime shows the extrapolated availability rate, assuming 100% Up
for the remaining period. The Remaining Legal Downtime shows the maximum downtime you can
afford without breaking the Service Level Agreement.

10.5. Comparing SAP and Database Profiles and Components

Within each Daily Check the syslink Xandria Agent sends all SAP Instance and Database profiles
and component information to the syslink Xandria server.

“Compare Profiles” and “Compare Components” are very powerful tools to find config-
uration differences in case of trouble. The feature can as well be used to improve the
overall configuration consistency of your SAP Systems and Databases.

Perform the following steps to compare profiles:

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems or Systems → Databases from the top-level menu.

Use the filter options to have the two or more Systems you want to compare on the
same page. If that is not possible, choose two arbitrarily. You still have the choice
to adapt your selection in the next step.

Version 7.1.3 142

Communicating with the syslink Xandria Agent syslink Xandria

2. Select More → Compare Profiles or More → Compare Components (for SAP Systems) or push
the Compare Profiles button (for stand-alone Databases).

3. • For Profiles

Choose the Type and select two or more Profiles from the list using the  and  icons.

• For Components

Choose the Type and select two or more SAP Systems from the list using the  and  icons.

4. Push the Compare button.

5. Set the All Parameters flag if you want to see all parameters in the result list (instead of only
the ones that differ).

6. For Profiles you also have the option to Export the data.

You need the View Systems Permission in order to compare profiles and components.

10.6. Communicating with the syslink Xandria Agent

There is usually no need to communicate directly with the syslink Xandria Agents. XanGui uses an
internal command scheduler and a communication queue.

However, you can issue commands to this queue directly, and in rare cases it might be necessary
to verify the command queue.

You can trigger certain actions on the syslink Xandria Agent or send a configuration update.

1. Select Systems → Servers, Systems → SAP Systems, or Systems → Databases from the top-level

2. Select one or more items from the list and push the Send to Agent button.

3. Choose the appropriate option and push the Send Commands button:

Set the Send Configuration flag in order to update the syslink Xandria Agent‘s local configu-
ration (if you‘re in a hurry and don‘t want to wait the couple of seconds until this is done au-

Set the Initialize Agent flag to clear the syslink Xandria Agent‘s local cache and force a resend
of data.

Select the Check Cycle to have the corresponding Checks executed immediately.

Another option is to trigger the immediate execution of Checks. In a Checks tab (of a System or
in one of the RealTime Monitoring views you can select one or more entries and hit Execute Now.
Push the Send Command button on the pop-up.

You need the Send to Agent Permission in order to communicate with the syslink Xandria Agent.

10.7. Displaying and Deleting Imported CCMS Alerts

CCMS Alerts are available if you have configured a CCMS Custom Check or a CCMS Monset Cus-
tom Check with the Report CCMS alerts of this MTE to Xandria option selected.

In order to display imported CCMS Alerts perform the following steps:

1. Select Monitoring → More → CCMS Alerts from the top-level menu.

Version 7.1.3 143

Displaying and Deleting Imported CCMS Alerts syslink Xandria

2. Select one or more items from the list and push the Delete button in order to delete CCMS

Deleting CCMS Alerts is the syslink Xandria way of acknowledging.

You need the Permission Delete CCMS Alerts in order to view and delete CCMS Alerts.

Version 7.1.3 144

syslink Xandria

Chapter 11. Setting Up the Notification

11.1. Concepts of Notifications

11.1.1. Notification Reasons
A Notification in terms of syslink Xandria basically is the process of forwarding a Check Result,
a Change, a Ticket or a CCMS Alert to an external target. For Check Results it covers RealTime
Monitoring checks, Daily Checks, but also single Daily Check details. All these kind of entities are
so called Notification Elements.

Notification Elements can only be forwarded in certain situations described as notification triggers
(or trigger criteria):

Primary Notifica- A primary Notification is triggered either by a new Check, new Change,
tions: new Ticket or CCMS Alert, or by a Check Status change, a Change status,
or a Ticket status, or priority change, or if a new Ticket log is created.

Resending Notifica- A resending Notification is only triggered in case a Check Status does not
tion: change, but

• a sub-status of a Check changes: This can only happen for certain Re-
alTime Monitoring checks, e.g. the FileSystems Check or tablespace
Checks in case the amount of Critical or Warning filesystems or table-
spaces changes

• a Check is confirmed or unconfirmed

• the Check remained in its Check Status for a defined amount of time

The resending Notifications feature is not available for Changes, Tickets

or CCMS Alerts.

These so called Notification Reasons are summarized in the following table:

Table 11.1. Notification Reasons
Reason RealTime Daily Daily Change Ticket CCMS
Monitor- Check Check De- Alert
ing tail
primary new + + + + + +
sta- + + +
resending re- +
re- + + +

Version 7.1.3 145

Notification Delivery syslink Xandria

Reason RealTime Daily Daily Change Ticket CCMS

Monitor- Check Check De- Alert
ing tail
resend-pe- +

There are significant differences between RealTime Monitoring Checks, Changes, and Tickets on
the one hand, and Daily Checks and Daily Check details and CCMS Alerts on the other hand: Every
Daily Check executed is a new Check, so are all the details included. Therefore the status cannot
change. Also, it is not useful to periodically resend a Daily Check Notification while that Check
result remains as it is once and forever. The same holds true for CCMS Alerts.

11.1.2. Notification Delivery

There are virtually two areas of Notification delivery: personal Notifications or Notifications into
third-party systems, such as other monitoring or system management applications.

Personal Notifications are usually delivered via e-mail, the XanMobile App (as Apple Push Notifi-
cations), or XanGui browser notifications. Text messages (e.g. SMS, pager) can also be delivered
by means of one of the many gateway solutions available.

As the name indicates, personal Notifications are bound to Users defined in syslink Xandria. Users
are only allowed to see Check Results, Changes or CCMS Alerts of Managed Objects they have
Permissions for, and these Permissions are linked to Customers. Similar Users supposed to re-
ceive personal Notifications need a special Permission Receive Notification Messages (see also
Chapter 12, Managing Users, Groups, Roles, Permissions, and Advanced Options). For the time be-
ing just bare in mind that personal Notifications depend on a special Permission!

In contrast, Notifications into third-party systems are not bound to persons and there is no special
Permission required. syslink Xandria supports multiple ways to deliver these kind of Notifications:
write into a log file using a configurable format, running arbitrary commands, write output files
based on a given template e.g. to create XML-files of a certain format, create syslink Xandria tick-
ets, call a RESTful Web Service, call a SOAP Web Service, and write Windows Event Log entries.

In syslink Xandria terms the means to deliver Notifications are called Output Channels.

Available Output Channels

Email For each Output Channel of this type you can define an SMTP Server, a
sender address, username and password for SMTP authentication (if re-
quired), and a template for the e-mail subject and body. Further you can
define that an Output Channel of this type is restricted to a certain User
(recipient), to a Group of Users, to one or multiple Customers — which im-
plies that it is restricted to all Users of the selected Customers that have
the necessary Permissions.

XanMobile Notifica- Any syslink Xandria user using the XanMobile application on an iPhone is
tion able to receive XanMobile notifications.

Notification messages to XanMobile are sent using the Apple
Push Notification service. There is no guarantee for a success-
ful delivery of the message. In particular, if your device is offline,
only the last notification sent will be delivered, if at all. There is
no buffering of of older messages.

Version 7.1.3 146

Notification Delivery syslink Xandria

The content of any XanMobile Notification mes-

sage has to be conformant with the iOS
Developer Program License Agreement - Attach-
ment 1 [https://developer.apple.com/programs/terms/ios/

You can define that an Output Channel of this type is restricted to a certain
User (recipient), to a Group of Users, to one or multiple Customers — which
implies that it is restricted to all Users of the selected Customers that have
the necessary Permissions.

Write into a log file For each Output Channel of this type you can define an output file name,
a template line defining the log file format, and a maximum line length.

Run an external com- For each Output Channel of this type you can define an executable to run,
mand a working directory, and the command line call as well as a timeout re-
stricting the run time.

The command can be executed on the syslink Xandria server, the Server
hosting the syslink Xandria Agent the Check is executed on, or on Servers
defined by use of a System Selectors.

Rewrite a template For each Output Channel of this type you can define an executable to run,
file a working directory, and the command line call as well as a timeout re-
stricting the run time.

Create a Ticket This Output Channel creates a Ticket within syslink Xandria. You can de-
fine a short and a long description. Critical Check Results create Tickets
with priority High, Warning Check Results create Tickets with priority Medi-

Windows Event Log This Output Channel creates an entry within the Windows Event Log if the
syslink Xandria Master is running on Microsoft Windows operating sys-

Composite Output This Output Channel combines multiple other Output Channels. You can
Channel configure the conditions under which a particular Notification message is
passed to one or more of the combined Output Channels.

RESTful Web Service This Output Channel delivers Notifications by calling a REST [https://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer] API that is provid-
ed by a third-party Web Service. It offers Basic and OAuth 2.0 authenti-
cation schemes, the latter of which are provided by profiles that may be
shared between different REST and SOAP Output Channels.

SOAP Web Service This Output Channel delivers Notifications by calling a SOAP [https://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP] Web Service. It offers Basic and OAuth 2.0
authentication schemes, the latter of which are provided by profiles that
may be shared between different REST and SOAP Output Channels.

XanGui Browser Noti- This Output Channel delivers Notifications to Users logged into XanGui.

Ticket Log This Output Channel is only available for Ticket Notification Actions and
allows to update the particular Ticket triggering the Notification Action.

Null Output Channel An Output Channel that produces no output at all. Sounds useless, but you
can use this if you want to only perform Check Confirmation.

Version 7.1.3 147

Notification Delivery syslink Xandria

All Output Channels can be restricted to a single or multiple Customers. In this case they are only
effective for Notifications generated for Notification Elements of Managed Objects owned by the
defined Customers.

Having read this you may ask: What is effectively written by the Output Channels? What is this
template-stuff about?

Every Notification takes some data with it. This data is primarily derived from the Notification
Elements the Notification is triggered by, as well as the Managed Object the Notification Elements
was running on, and the Customer owning the Managed Object. And there is even more, like the
Notification reason, various time stamps, etc.

This data is available in the Output Channels by means of so called Interpolations. You best think of
Interpolations as placeholders that are replaced by some real-world data once an Output Channel
is executed.

If you are working with Filter Lists and Output Channels and you are working with
Macros, you will find a button Convert to FTL that allows you to convert them into Inter-

Example 11.1. Output Channel with resolved Interpolations

The following shows the default template value for an e-mail body used in the Email Output Chan-

The status of check ${check.name} on system ${system.name} turned to ${check.statusString} (${check.status})

at date ${check.statusChangeDate?string('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ')} (since ${check.statusAge} [h:mm:ss]).

The check returned the following status message:


Notification No. ${notification.number} was generated at ${notification.date}.

Generated by: ${xandria.release}

Each occurence of format ${text} is an Interpolation. In the following example the Output Channel
was executed for an AgentAlive Check that turned from status Critical to Ok. The Interpolations
have been replaced in the following way:

The status of check AGENTALIVE on system saturn turned to OK (0)

at date 2016-03-30 09:45:44 (since 0:05:20 [h:mm:ss]).

The check returned the following status message:

Changed status from CRITICAL

Notification No. 1 was generated at 2016-03-30 09:51:04.

Generated by: syslink Xandria 7.1.3

Once you define an Output Channel, XanGui provides a drop-down list with available Interpolations
at all Output Channel definition fields where Interpolations can be used.

In the Notification Management, Interpolations replace Macros which are deprecated.
syslink Xandria 6.1 will be the last version that still supports Macro notation.

The term Interpolation comes from the Apache Freemarker Template Language [http://
freemarker.org/docs/dgui.html] (FTL) which is used in the Notification process since syslink Xan-

Version 7.1.3 148

Notification Actions syslink Xandria

dria 6. For the sake of consistency and easier reference to FTL, we stick to the terminology used
in there.

In the example above, there is one Interpolation different from the other ones.
${check.statusChangeDate} returns a date object. It cannot used directly to produce output. In
order to evaluate it in a string context, we have to use ${check.statusChangeDate?string('yyyy-
MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ')} .

11.1.3. Notification Actions
Now we know about the triggers for a Notification, and how to deliver a Notification somewhere.
What is still missing is how to glue these pieces together.

A (simple) Notification Action defines which of the triggers listed in Table 11.1, “Notification Rea-
sons” execute which of the Output Channel listed inAvailable Output Channels.

In other words, the definition of an Notification Action consist of a selection of Notification reason
criteria and the selection of an (already defined) Output Channel.

But there are more things an Notification Action can cover:

Selector: Notification Actions for Checks, Changes, and Tickets can filter the ob-
served elements by selectors. This helps to define the exact subset of
Checks, Changes, or Tickets that has to be monitored. For CCMS Alerts
there is no such option.

Service Hours: The Notification Action is only executed during the time range defined by
the selected Service Hours record.

Maximum attempts: Assume your Output Channel fails to deliver; perhaps your SMTP server
is not available temporarily. You can define how often the Output Channel
shall be executed before the Notification Action fails.

Filter Lists: In case you want a more fine grained control of your Notifications, besides
the restriction by selectros and Service Hours, you can link Filter Lists to
your Notification Action. Output Channels are executed only in case the
defined filters are passed.

Resolver: If you want additional data to be included in the Output Channels (i.e. data
that is not available through the standard Interpolations) you can define a
so called Resolver that is executed whenever an Notification Action fires,
and that provides additional variables. The Resolver basically is a program
you need to provide that takes some of the standard Interpolations as
input and provides custom data as result.

In order to distinguish the Resolver you may define from the internal one
resolving standard Interpolations we sometimes also use the term “Cus-
tom Resolver ” .

Confirmation of Re- Notification Actions can be used to confirm RealTime Monitoring Checks
alTime Monitor- or Daily Checks. This is especially helpful if you deliver a Notification in-
ing Checks/Daily to a third-party monitoring or problem management application and you
Checks: want to make syslink Xandria to reflect this in e.g. the RealTime Monitor-
ing views.

If you only want to confirm RealTime Monitoring Checks or Daily Checks

without delivering Notifications the Null Channel Output Channel will prove

Or any other option described in Built-ins for date/time/date-time values - Apache FreeMarker Manual [http://freemarker.org/

Version 7.1.3 149

Notification Actions syslink Xandria

Action is

N o t i f i ca t i o n A ct i o n

Select Notification Element

Is there No
an element to

Ye s

No Does the
element match the trigger
Re so l v e r s

Ye s

Execute Resolver
Ou t p u t Ch a n n e l Fi l t e r s

No Does the
element pass the
filter list?

Ye s

Process Output Channel

Notification processing

All these items are described more detailed in the upcoming sections.

Each Notification Action only supports one of the four available Action Types:
Checks, Changes, Tickets, CCMS Alerts

Once syslink Xandria finds a Notification Element; that matches the trigger criteria of a defined
Notification Action, this Notification Action is going to be processed. A Notification Element that is
being processed by a Notification Action is also called a Notification message. Every Notification
message has a status depending on the result of filter evaluation and — of course — on the success
of the Output Channel.

The status information is saved in the syslink Xandria Database and can be displayed in XanGui.

Table 11.2. Notification Message Status

Message Status Description
OK - Blocked The Notification has been blocked by a filter
OK - Sent The has been successfully sent
Pending A Notification attempt failed but will be retried

Version 7.1.3 150

Defining Output Channels syslink Xandria

Message Status Description

Aborted The Output Channel failed to deliver
Scheduled The Notification is scheduled to be sent
Initial A Notification has not been processed by the de-
fined Notification Action because e.g. the trig-
ger criteria did not match
Notification Message Status

11.2. Defining Output Channels

Although you can define an Output Channel while you are defining an Notification Action we de-
scribe the two steps separately in here.

11.2.1. Define an Email Output Channel

In order to define an Email Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Email in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

3. Define a valid sender e-mail address in field Sender Mail Address, a default for this value can
be defined in Notifier.Mail.fromSenderName. A Sender Name can be configured also but is
not mandatory. If more detailed control over the sender is required, open the sender details
with the Edit Details... button after you have saved the Output Channel. The Reply-To and the
Return-Path e-mail address can be entered there.

4. Select a value for Recipient.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver only to a single user, select Single user. Choose
a User from the User drop-down list. You can only select a User that has the Receive
Notification Messages Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to a group of users, select Group of users. You
can only select a Group that has a Role containing the Receive Notification Messages
Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to to all Users of the selected Customers (or
all Customers) that have the Receive Notification Messages Permission, select Users of
selected/all customers.

5. Select a value for Priority. Possible values are: Highest, High, Normal, Low and Lowest. Please
note that it depends on the recipient’s mail client how this value is interpreted.

You can also choose to send the messages as blind carbon copies (BCC) only.

6. Define the Subject of the e-mail.

Version 7.1.3 151

Define an Write into a log file Output Channel syslink Xandria

The default value is taken from ???.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

7. To edit the Mail Content press the Edit mail content... button. A dialog will be opened with the
details of the mail content. It is possible to define either an HTML or plain text content.

The default values are taken from ??? and ???, respectively.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

When finished Save your details and close the dialog.

8. The Mail Server Configuration is taken from the Mail.* settings in syslink Xandria Master Prop-
erties. However, you can override these settings here. Set the flag at Custom configuration
and fill in the appropriate values.

9. Push the Save button.

You can test your settings using the Send Test Emailbutton.

11.2.2. Define an Write into a log file Output Channel

In order to define an Write into a log file Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Write into a log file in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Define a File Name. If you do not enter an absolute path to the file, the file location will be
relative to the log/notifier directory of the syslink Xandria Master.

The default value is taken from ???.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

If you use Interpolations within this field you may face problems if the resolved
value contains characters that are invalid for the use with file or directory names
(e.g. the ??? Interpolation contains a colon :). In this case you should write
${escapeFile(text)} instead of ${text}. escapeFile is a method that escapes
these characters probably.

4. Define a Line Format.

The default value is taken from ???.

Version 7.1.3 152

Define an Run an external command Output Channel syslink Xandria

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

5. You may define a maximum length for every line in Line Length. By default this is unrestricted.

You may define a maximum size of the log file in field Maximum File Size. If the maximum file
size is reached, a timestamp is appended to the file name and a new log file is created. Make
sure you define a value ≥ 1 in Number of old Files to keep in this case.

6. Push the Finish button.

11.2.3. Define an Run an external command Output Channel

In order to define an Run an external command Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Run an external command in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Define a Working Directory (optional). If you do not enter an absolute path to the file, the file
location will be relative to the tmp directory of the syslink Xandria Master.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

If you use Interpolations within this field you may face problems if the resolved
value contains characters that are invalid for the use with file or directory names
(e.g. the ??? Interpolation contains a colon :). In this case you should write
${escapeFile(text)} instead of ${text}. escapeFile is a method that escapes
these characters probably.

4. You may define a value for Command Timeout.

5. You have to define the command line call (i.e. the executable plus all the arguments) in the
field Command Line.

In the next step you can also choose different commands per operating system or select the
host(s) where to execute the command.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

If you use Interpolations within this field you may face problems if the resolved
value contains quotes. In this case you should write ${escapeCmd(text)} instead
of ${text}. escapeCmd is a method that escapes these characters probably.

Version 7.1.3 153

Define an Rewrite a template file Output Channel syslink Xandria

6. Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

7. By default the command is executed on the host running the syslink Xandria Master. But you
can also choose a different Scope: Either the Server hosting the Managed Object the Notifi-
cation Element is generated for, or an arbitrary set of Servers defined by a Selectors.

For command executed on remote hosts it may be handy to define different commands for
Unix and Windows hosts. Push New in order to add an additional command for a different
platform. Adapt the OS field accordingly.

Push the Save button in case you made any modifications.

11.2.4. Define an Rewrite a template file Output Channel

In order to define an Rewrite a template file Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Rewrite a template file in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Define a File Name. If you do not enter an absolute path to the file, the file location will be
relative to the log/notifier directory of the syslink Xandria Master.

The default value is taken from ???

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

If you use Interpolations within this field you may face problems if the resolved
value contains characters that are invalid for the use with file or directory names
(e.g. the ??? Interpolation contains a colon :). In this case you should write
${escapeFile(text)} instead of ${text}. escapeFile is a method that escapes
these characters probably.

4. Define a template text in Template.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

If you use Interpolations within this field you may face problems if the resolved val-
ue contains characters that have a special meaning in XML, like < or >. In this case
you should write ${escapeXml(text)} instead of ${text}. escapeXml is a method
that escapes these characters probably.

5. Push the Finish button.

Version 7.1.3 154

Define an Create a Ticket Output Channel syslink Xandria

11.2.5. Define an Create a Ticket Output Channel

In order to define an Create a Ticket Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Create a ticket in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Define a Ticket Summary.

The default value is taken from ???

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

4. Optionally, define a template text in Ticket Detail Description.

The default value is taken from ???

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

5. Push the Finish button.

11.2.6. Define an XanGui Browser Notification Output Channel

In order to define an XanGui Browser Notification Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → XanGui Browser Notification in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Select a value for Recipient.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver only to a single user, select Single user. Choose
a User from the User drop-down list. You can only select a User that has the Receive
Notification Messages Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to a group of users, select Group of users. You
can only select a Group that has a Role containing the Receive Notification Messages
Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.
Version 7.1.3 155
Define an XanMobile Notification Output Channel syslink Xandria

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to to all Users of the selected Customers (or
all Customers) that have the Receive Notification Messages Permission, select Users of
selected/all customers.

4. Push the Next button.

5. Define a Message.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

6. Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

7. You can also select a Severity and upload an audio file for Audio Source. The audio file is
played whenever a browser notification is generated.

11.2.7. Define an XanMobile Notification Output Channel

In order to define an XanMobile Notification Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → XanMobile Notification in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Select a value for Recipient.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver only to a single user, select Single user. Choose
a User from the User drop-down list. You can only select a User that has the Receive
Notification Messages Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to a group of users, select Group of users. You
can only select a Group that has a Role containing the Receive Notification Messages
Permission for the Customers selected in Customer Filter.

• If you want this Output Channel to deliver to to all Users of the selected Customers (or
all Customers) that have the Receive Notification Messages Permission, select Users of
selected/all customers.

4. Push the Next button.

5. Define an Alert Message.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

6. Push the Finish button.

Version 7.1.3 156

Define an Windows Event Log Output Channel syslink Xandria

11.2.8. Define an Windows Event Log Output Channel

Thie Output Channel is only available if the syslink Xandria Master is running on Mi-
crosoft Windows operating systems.

In order to define an Windows Event Log Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Windows event log in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Define a Message Format.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

4. You can also define an Event Source, Event Server, Event ID, Category ID, and select a Type.

5. Push the Finish button.

11.2.9. Define an RESTful Web Service Output Channel

Consult the documentation of the REST API of the Web Service you plan to connect to.

In order to define an RESTful Web Service Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → RESTful Web Service in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

3. Define the REST API Url.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

4. Choose a Protocol, and the request Method.

Version 7.1.3 157

Define an SOAP Web Service Output Channel syslink Xandria

5. You can define additional headers using the  next to Headers.

6. If you desire authentication or authorization, you can choose between Basic and OAuth 2.0.
For Basic authentication, fill in User and Password. For the setup of OAUth 2.0 see Using OAuth
2.0 with the RESTful Web Service Output Channel [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/doc-

7. Push the Save button.

11.2.10. Define an SOAP Web Service Output Channel

Consult the documentation of the Web Service you plan to connect to.

In order to define an SOAP Web Service Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → SOAP Web Service in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

3. Define the WSDL Url.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

4. Choose a Protocol, and the request Method.

5. You can define additional headers using the  next to Headers.

6. If you desire authentication or authorization, you can choose between Basic and OAuth 2.0.
For Basic authentication, fill in User and Password. For the setup of OAUth 2.0 see Using OAuth
2.0 with the RESTful Web Service Output Channel [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/doc-

7. Push the Save button.

11.2.11. Define an Ticket Log Output Channel

This Output Channel is only available for Ticket Notification Actions. It modifies the
Ticket that triggers the Notification Action.

In order to define an Ticket Log Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Create a ticket log in the toolbar.

Version 7.1.3 158

Define an Null Output Channel syslink Xandria

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Finish button. The Output Channel detail view is opened automatically.

3. Choose values for Type, Author, and Ticket Log. Optionally choose a New Status and if or if
not the entry will be flagged Hidden.

4. Fill in a text for the Log Content.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

5. Push the Save button.

11.2.12. Define an Null Output Channel

In order to define an Null Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Null channel in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Finish button.

11.2.13. Define an Composite Output Channel Output Channel

In order to define an Composite Output Channel Output Channel proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Output Channels tab.
Choose New → Composite Output Channel in the toolbar.

2. a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Output Channel has to be

b. If you plan to restrict the Output Channel to one or multiple Customers select the appro-
priate items from Customer Filter.

c. Choose one or more of the Supported Action Types.

Push the Next button.

3. Fill in at least two Output Channels using , and for the second one choose whether it is
executed in any case, only if the previous Output Channel fails, or only if the previous Output
Channel succeeds. Repeat for a third, forth, and fifth Output Channel, if desired.

4. Push the Finish button.

Version 7.1.3 159

Defining Actions syslink Xandria

You cannot add a Composite Output Channel into another Composite Output Channel.

If you are working with Filter Lists and Output Channels and you are working with
Macros, you will find a button Convert to FTL that allows you to convert them into Inter-

11.3. Defining Actions
In order to configure a Notification Action proceed as follows:

Procedure 11.1. Defining an Action for Checks

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Choose
New in the toolbar. Select Action for Checks … from the drop-down list.

2. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Notification Action has to be

Push the Next button.

3. Choose one of Select a Pre-Defined System Selector or Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selec-
tion. In the first case choose the desired Check Selector from the list.

You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular Noti-
fication Action if you have set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection. Push
the Create button. Choose the Check Selector Type from the list and push Next. Fill in selection
criteria, push the Test Selector to verify the selection, and hit the Save & Close button.

4. Select the Status. Please note that you may also have included the Check Status in the Selector
already. The values you choose here do further restrict the Selector. But they do not extend
its selection.

5. You may choose if or if not this Notification Action shall confirm the Check Status (Confirm).

Push the Next button.

6. In the Output Channel drop-down list select the output channel defined inSection 11.2, “Defin-
ing Output Channels”. The other options are covered in Section 11.5, “Defining Filter Lists”
andSection 11.6, “Defining a Resolver”.

7. You may restrict the Notification Action to certain Service Hours. (See also Section 8.8, “Defin-
ing Service Hours”)

8. Switch to the Channels tab and add one or more of the Output Channels defined in Sec-
tion 11.2, “Defining Output Channels”.

9. Push the Finish button. The Notification Action detail view opens.

10. • You can define resending options:

i. you may select if Notifications triggered by Check Confirmation are effective for this
Notification Action. Select UNCONFIRMED, CONFIRMED, or BOTH in Resend When Confir-
mation Changes To in this case

Version 7.1.3 160

Defining Actions syslink Xandria

ii. you may define an interval for periodic resending in Resend RTM Notifications Every
(in minutes).

iii. you may select if Notifications due to sub-status changes are effective for this Noti-
fication Action. Mark the check box Resend When RTM Sub-Status Changes in this

iv. you have to select the Check Status that are effective for resending in Resend on
Status. You can only select a subset of the overall values selected in Notification
Status previously.

You need to choose at least one of them. Keep in mind that only the resending due to
confirmation changes is effective for Daily Checks and Daily Check details.

11. Push the Save button.

You now have created a (minimum) Notification Action for Checks, consisting of only the trigger
definition and an Output Channel.

The Notification Action is not active unless you push Activate. However, you may want
to leave it deactivated until you have it successfully tested.

Procedure 11.2. Defining an Action for Changes

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Choose
New in the toolbar. Select Action for Changes … from the drop-down list.

2. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Notification Action has to be

Push the Next button.

3. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test Selector to verify the selection, and hit the Save & Close

4. In Event choose the trigger criterion for the Notification. Select an Output Channel in Output

The Notification Action is not active unless you push Activate.

Procedure 11.3. Defining an Action for Tickets

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Choose
New in the toolbar. Select Action for Tickets … from the drop-down list.

2. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Notification Action has to be

Push the Next button.

3. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test Selector to verify the selection, and hit the Next button.

4. Select an Output Channel in Output Channel and push the Finish button.

Version 7.1.3 161

Verifying Action Results syslink Xandria

5. You can adapt the Trigger Criteria: Choose Status and Priority in order to be notified if Ticket
status or priority change to the selected values. You can also choose to be notified in case a
new Ticket log entry is added, either by the Owner, the Caller or both.

The other options are covered Section 11.6, “Defining a Resolver”.

6. You may restrict the Notification Action to certain Service Hours. (See also Section 8.8, “Defin-
ing Service Hours”)

7. Push the Save button in case you made any changes.

Procedure 11.4. Defining an Action for CCMS Alerts

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Choose
New in the toolbar. Select Action for CCMS Alerts … from the drop-down list.

2. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Notification Action has to be

Push the Next button.

3. Select the Status for the CCMS Alerts.

Push the Next button.

4. In the Output Channel drop-down list select the output channel defined inSection 11.2, “Defin-
ing Output Channels”. The other options are covered in Section 11.5, “Defining Filter Lists”
and Section 11.6, “Defining a Resolver”.

5. You may restrict the Notification Action to certain Service Hours. (See also Section 8.8, “Defin-
ing Service Hours”)

6. Push the Finish button.

In the Channels tab you can define multiple Output Channels. If you fill in more than one,
the Channels tab behaves like a Composite Output Channel.

11.4. Verifying Action Results

11.4.1. Testing Check Actions

Once you have defined a new Notification Action you should test it. You can choose if a test Noti-
fication Action shall run through the Output Channel or suppress it. If it runs through, the Notifica-
tion is delivered indeed (e.g. you will find it in the defined log file, or a mail is sent), but it will not
interfere with the other Notifications work flow, i.e. it will not increase Notification numbers, etc.

You should keep the Notification Action inactive while you perform testing and only
activate it once you are satisfied with the test results.

The test facility provides the option to select an existing Check, to apply the currently selected
Notification Action to this Check, and to report the Notification Action result.

But you also have the option to overwrite the current Check properties with other values: Assume
the current Check Status is Ok but your Notification Action fires only for Critical states. In this case

Version 7.1.3 162

Testing Check Actions syslink Xandria

you can overwrite the Check Status and see what would happen if the Check Status was Critical. Or
you perform testing during office hours and you would like to know how the Notification Action is
processed during night time. Or what would happen if the particular Check Status has not change
10 minutes before, but 2 hours before. All these kind of modifications can be supplied within the
test facility.

In order to test an Notification Action proceed as follows:

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Open the
desired Notification Action and switch to the Test tab.

2. Select a Check Type and a Monitored System.

By default the selection boxes filter the Systems or the Checks not applicable to the defined
Check selector. This can be turned off by clearing the Filtered by check selector box.

The field features a type-ahead search!

Depending on the selection, several other selection criteria have to be filled in:

• In case of a RTM Check you have to select a Check from the drop-down lists.

• In case of a Daily Check there is nothing left to do. The latest Daily Check is selected

• In case of a Daily Check Detail you have to select a Daily Check Detail (of the latest Daily

3. By default Suppress Output Channel Delivery guarantees that Output Channel is not passed.
Clear the flag otherwise.

4. You may override the current Check Status: Select a Test Check Status.

5. You may override the current check message: Fill in a value in Test Check Result.

6. You may select a different evaluation date and time, i.e. do as if this test would run at a dif-
ferent point in time: Fill in values in Test Evaluation Date.

7. In case you want to test periodic resending, fill in values for Test Last Status Change Date,
Test Last Notification Date, and optionally Test Notification Number.

8. You may also want to test the behaviour in case the Check is confirmed or unconfirmed.

9. Push the Test button. The result will be displayed in a pop-up.

10. You may modify the filled in values and repeat testing.

Example 11.2. Test Action as if AgentAlive was Critical

For this example, we define an Write into a log file Output Channel:

Output Channel
Name Log to notifier_action.log

Customer Filter Empty

Suport Action Types Checks

Version 7.1.3 163

Testing Check Actions syslink Xandria

File name Leave default

Line Format Leave default

We continue with a Notification Action for Checks:

Name Check Action for AgentAlives

Define specific 'Ad- Using 'Check' search criteria with Check Name only AgentAlive
Hoc' Custom Selec-

Status Critical and Warning

Channels Tab Select the Output Channel Log to notifier_action.log as defined above

Assume you test the defined Notification Action with the following parameters:

Check Type: RTM Check

Monitored System: alpha

Check: AgentAlive [RTM]

Suppress Output checked

Channel Delivery:

Check Status: CRITICAL

After pushing the Test, the output would be like:

  1 INFO set evaluation time to: Mon Sep 25 13:39:06 CEST 2017.
  2 INFO Mode: RTM Check.
  3 INFO Load last check result:
  4 Last message from Xandria Agent is at least 5:23:00 ([h]:mm:ss) old
  5 INFO set last check date to: 2017-09-25 13:38:29
  6 INFO set last status change date to: 2017-06-09 15:40:08
  7 INFO Output channels will not deliver anything.
  8 INFO Set check status to [2] ([CRITICAL])
  9 INFO Processing action 'Check Action for AgentAlives'.
 10 INFO ----------------------------------- MESSAGE -----------------------------------
 11 INFO Action 'Check Action for AgentAlives' applied to 'AGENTALIVE'.
 13 INFO Message is:
 14 INFO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 15 INFO Last message from Xandria Agent is at least 5:23:00 ([h]:mm:ss) old
 16 INFO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 18 INFO No resolver set.
 19 INFO No filter list set.
 20 INFO Delivery is suppressed.
 21 INFO Channel 'Output Channel: Log to notifier_action.log'
 22 INFO Generated notification message was suppressed.

Line 7 The actual writing of the output is suppressed for testing purposes unless you clear
the Suppress Output Channel Delivery flag.

Line 8 The real Check Status is overridden by the value we defined in Test Check Status (i.e.

Line 9 The name of the processed Notification Action

Line 16 The Check Message as processed.

Version 7.1.3 164

Testing Actions for CCMS Alerts and Changes syslink Xandria

Example 11.3. Test Action as if AgentAlive was Critical with periodic resending

Now we repeat the test as if we would try to resend the Notification after a certain period of time.
Thus we have to provide values in the following fields:

Notification Number 2

Evaluation Date now

Last Notification Date 10 minutes in the passt

Last Status Change 15 minutes in the past


After pushing the Test button the following result is shown:

  1 INFO set evaluation time to: Mon Sep 25 13:46:00 CEST 2017. this timestamp.
  2 INFO Mode: RTM Check.
  3 INFO Load last check result:
  4 Last message from Xandria Agent is at least 5:37:00 ([h]:mm:ss) old
  5 INFO set last check date to: 2017-09-25 13:31:00
  6 INFO set last status change date to: 2017-09-25 13:31:00
  7 INFO Set check status to [2] ([CRITICAL])
  8 INFO Processing action 'Check Action for AgentAlives'.
  9 INFO Resend is not active on this action. Therefore notification number '2' can not be applied.

As you can see in the very last line, there was no resending defined for the action. So the selected
Check is not being processed.

Example 11.4. Defining an Action with Service Hours

We modify the Notification Action used in the examples above and include a Service Hours record
(see alsoSection 8.8, “Defining Service Hours”).

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Open the
desired Notification Action.

2. Choose a value for Service Hours.

3. Push the Save button.

In our example we choose the Service Hours record Office Hours.

Now we proceed to Test and provide the following values:

Notification Number 1

Evaluation Date 22:10

Last Status Change 22:05


As you can expect, this Check is also not going to be processed:

  1 INFO set evaluation time to: Mon Sep 25 22:10:00 CEST 2017. Service hours do not cover this timestamp.

11.4.2. Testing Actions for CCMS Alerts and Changes

Due to the more simple nature of CCMS Alerts and Changes in comparison with Checks, the testing
facilities for the corresponding Notification Actions are simpler as well. The available options are
self-explaining once you have understood the variant for Checks.

Version 7.1.3 165

Getting Action Results syslink Xandria

11.4.3. Getting Action Results

As you can see in Section 11.4.1, “Testing Check Actions” the output if you test an Notification
Action is pretty helpful. The same output is available once the Notification Action made active.

In order to process the recently defined Notification Action productively, we first have to set the
Active flag.

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Actions tab. Open the
desired Notification Action.

2. Push the Activate button.

Once a Check matches the trigger criteria of the defined Notification Action, the Notification Mes-
sage is generated and stored in the syslink Xandria Database.

It can be viewed at three different locations:

From the Notification Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the
Action perspective Messages tab..

From Check per- For a RealTime Moni- Proceed to a Check list, e.g. select Monitoring →
spective: (see Sec- toring Check RTM Check List, adjust your filter, if required, and
tion 10.1, “Work- choose the desired item from the list. Push the
ing with RealTime Open button and proceed to the Notification Mes-
Monitoring Results” sages tab.
and Section 10.2,
“Working with Daily For a Daily Check Select Monitoring → Daily Checks, adjust your fil-
Checks”) ter, if required, push the Open button and proceed
to the Notification Messagestab.

For a Daily Check De- Select Monitoring → Daily Checks, adjust your fil-
tail ter, if required. Select the desired Daily Check De-
tail from the list and push the Notification Mes-
sages… button.

From a global per- Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the
spective Messages tab.

Besides the Notification Element information you can see the processing date of the Notification
Action, the Notification Action status, and the Notification reason. For a more detailed view dou-
ble-click on the item.

In the Log field you see most of the details you already have seen during testing. Other information
include the Notification Number, The Ntf.-Reason, and the First Attempt Date. More information is
contained in the following sections.

There is a Test button on the Notification Messages tabs in order to quickly run a test
based on a given Notification Action result.

11.5. Defining Filter Lists

Compared to previous versions of syslink Xandria, the option to use Check and Change
selectors as well as Service Hours in Notification Actions directly reduces the need to

Version 7.1.3 166

Defining Simple Filter Lists syslink Xandria

define Filter Lists tremendously. Even more, the usage of selectors provides a tremen-
dous performance improvement.

Filter Lists are available for Check and CCMS Alert Notification Actions.

syslink Xandria offers advanced filtering options for Notifications.

A filter can be either certain Service Hours (in other words the definition of some time periods), or
Service Hours combined with a filter expression.

The option to build Filters only on Service Hours is first of all provided for backward
compatibility. You are encouraged to define Service Hours directly on the corresponding
Notification Action instead.

A Filter List is a list consisting of one or multiple filters. In this context they are also called Filter
List Entries.

Filters are meant to be “positive”, i.e. you define exactly which Notifications are supposed to “pass”
the filter. If there are multiple filters defined in a Filter List, the list is processed until a filter is found
that permits the Notification to “pass”.

Only if no such filter is found the Notification is “blocked”. In other words, multiple Filter List Entries
are combined by a Boolean OR operator. Filter Lists are processed in the order of their definition,
i.e. the top-most one of the list is processed first.

The reason why these OR-combined expressions are represented by an ordered list is because the
Service Hours mentioned above can be defined overlapping.

There are the following options available for Filters:

Simple Filter Lists It is possible to restrict passing Notifications to certain Customers, Sys-
tem Roles, Checks, Check Status, Notification numbers, or a combination
of these using simple select boxes. SeeSection 11.5.1, “Defining Simple
Filter Lists”.

Advanced Filter Lists In addition to the Simple Filter List you can define virtually any expression
in an Expression Editor to define which Notifications to pass. See Sec-
tion 11.5.2, “Defining Advanced Filter Lists”.

If you are working with Filter Lists and Output Channels and you are working with
Macros, you will find a button Convert to FTL that allows you to convert them into Inter-

11.5.1. Defining Simple Filter Lists

Perform the following steps in order to create a Simple Filter List:

Procedure 11.5. Defining Simple Filter Lists

Simple Filter Lists are useful in conjunction with Notifications for CCMS Alerts.

Version 7.1.3 167

Defining Advanced Filter Lists syslink Xandria

If you notify Checks, almost any function of the simple Filter List can be implemented
by means of a selector, which is the far better choice from a performance perspective.
However, see the end of this section for a general discussion about Filters and Selectors.

1. Choose one of the following options:

• Creating a Simple Filter List from scratch

a. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description. The name of the Filter List has to be
unique. If you do not want the Filter List to be active immediately, clear the Active flag.

b. Press the Next button.

c. Fill in a Name for the Filter List Entry and choose a value for Service Hours and push
the Next.

Unless you are sure you need multiple Filter List Entries, you most likely
want to choose the 7 x 24 hours Service Hours.

• Adding a Simple Filter List Entry to an existing Filter List

In this case perform the following steps:

a. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Filter Lists

b. Choose the appropriate Filter List

c. Push the New … button in the Entries section.

d. Fill in a Name and choose a Service Hours record. Press the Next button.

2. Select appropriate values for at least one of the following lists: Customer, System Role, Mon-
itored System, Check, Check Status. Push the Next button.

3. You may also choose an Escalation Type i.e. define the number(s) or number ranges of Noti-
fications you want to pass. Select the appropriate item from the check boxes and fill in values
in the field Notification Number(s).

Escalation only works for Notification Actions having resending defined, i.e. in No-
tification Actions for RealTime Monitoring Checks.

4. Push the Finish button.

Example 11.5.
Consider you have defined one or more CCMS Custom Checks and chosen to report the CCMS
Alerts to syslink Xandria. If you only want to notify these CCMS Alerts for e.g. dedicated Customers
or System Roles, a Simple Filter is a good choice.

11.5.2. Defining Advanced Filter Lists

We provide a slightly more complex example that cannot be accomplished with a Simple Filter List.
Assume you wont to forward RealTime Monitoring Check Notifications for every Critical Check

Version 7.1.3 168

Defining Advanced Filter Lists syslink Xandria

Result, but only once. And you have a couple of Checks you consider important for immediate
Notification. And the remaining Checks you want only be forwarded if they stay in Critical status
for more than 15 minutes. In this case you need an Advanced Filter List:

Example 11.6. Example for a complex Filter expression


not InList('${check.name}','AgentConnect','RFCCONNECT','SystemAlive',
and ${check.statusAgeInSeconds}>900
and ${notification.lastCheck.status}!=${check.status}

The meaning of this expression is:

• It passes the Checks

AgentConnect, RFCConnect, SystemAlive, PI_Connect, J2EEConnect, TREX Connect, DBCon-
nect, WD_Connect, AgentAlive

once, if they are created or the Check Status changes.

• All other Checks are passed only, if they remain in its Check Status for more than 900 seconds
(i.e. 15 minutes), and if the current Check Status is different from the previoulsy notified one.

The last part of the expression assures that although we will use periodic resending in the No-
tification Action only a single Notification passes.

For a formal description of the Advanced Filter syntax see Advanced Filter Syntax.

Advanced Filters can be created by converting them from Simple Filters:

Procedure 11.6. Defining Advanced Filter Lists

1. Create a Simple Filter List as described in Procedure 11.5, “Defining Simple Filter Lists”.

2. Open the newly created Filter List Entry and push the Convert button. Push Yes on the pop-up.

3. Open the converted Filter List Entry.

4. Modify your expression. There is a Content Assist available hitting Ctrl-Space.

The editor verifies your expression on the fly.

5. Push the Save button.

Converting an Advanced Filter into a Simple Filter is not possible.

Example 11.7. Example for an Advanced Filter Entry

We implement the Filter outlined in Example 11.6, “Example for a complex Filter expression”.

1. Create a Simple Filter List as described in Procedure 11.5, “Defining Simple Filter Lists”.

Version 7.1.3 169

Using Global Expressions syslink Xandria

Flag the following Checks:

AgentConnect, RFCConnect, SystemAlive, PI_Connect, J2EEConnect, TREX Connect, DBCon-
nect, WD_Connect, AgentAlive

Select filtering of a single Notification and enter 1 in the filed Notification Number.

2. Open the newly created Filter List Entry and push the Convert button. Push Yes on the pop-up.

3. Open the converted Filter List Entry. It should look like:



4. Extend the expression as shown in Example 11.6, “Example for a complex Filter expression”
And push the Save button.

Include the recently created Filter List in a Notification Action that selects e.g. all Critical RealTime
Monitoring Checks, notifies all Critical Check Status, and resends every 10 minutes Critical Check

You may use the testing facility to verify your filter.

11.5.3. Using Global Expressions

Global Expressions are available to re-use certain parts of a Filter. Assume you have a certain
expression you use in many of your Filters. Whenever you need to change this expression, you
have to adapt all Filters. But you can also define the common parts in a Global Expression and
include this one in your Filters.

Procedure 11.7. Define a Global Expression

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Global Expressions
tab. Push the New button.

2. Fill in a Name.

3. Fill in an expression as described for the Filters in Step 4 of Procedure 11.6, “Defining Ad-
vanced Filter Lists”.

4. Push the Create button.

If you create a Global Expression with name globalExpression, you would reference it as <@glob-
alExpression />.

Example 11.8. Using Global Expressions

If you define a Global Expression isImportantCheck with value

and a Global Expression firstNotificationAfter15Minutes with value

(${check.statusAgeInSeconds}>900 and ${notification.lastCheck.status}!=${check.status})

you can simplify Example 11.6, “Example for a complex Filter expression” to

If you have define the Global Expression in the previous version of syslink Xandria already, you can still reference it as %%glob-
alExpression%%. However, this syntax is deporecated.

Version 7.1.3 170

Defining a Resolver syslink Xandria

(<@isImportantCheck /> and ${notification.number}==1)

(not <@isImportantCheck /> and <@firstNotificationAfter15Minutes />)

11.6. Defining a Resolver
As we have already seen you can use all the provided Interpolations to format the data you use in
Output Channels. But what if the provided data is not sufficient to connect to e.g. your third-party
monitoring systems? One of the most common “problems” is that other monitoring applications
do use other numerical or string representations for the severity of an issue than syslink Xandria
does .

In order to cope with these kind of things easily, syslink Xandria provides the so called Resolver.
A Resolver can replace the values of some standard Interpolations or add new Interpolations for
use in Output Channels and Filter expressions.

syslink Xandria provides two kinds of (Custom) Resolvers:

Simple Resolver A simple Resolver allows to replace the values of the Check Status directly
with values different from Disabled, Unknown, Ok, Warning, Critical. In ad-
dition, it allows to replace newline characters easily with a different value
which is a convenient way to fit e.g. values of Interpolations having line
breaks into a single log entry.

Resolver with Exe- In a Resolver with Executable you can provide your own program or script
cutable that adds new variables.

11.6.1. Defining a Simple Resolver

Perform the following steps in order to define a simple Resolver:

Procedure 11.8. Defining a Simple Resolver

1. Select Configuration → Notifications from the top-level menu. Select the Resolvers tab.

2. Select New → Resolver… button.

3. Fill in a Name and optionally a Description.

4. Choose Simple Resolver and push the Next button.

5. If you want to replace newlines fill in a value for Replace `Newline´.

The following keywords are available in addition to any other character: [blank] for a space,
[tab] for a tabulator, and [newline] for a newline itself.

6. If you want to replace any of the standard Check Status strings, fill in values into the fields
Replace `Disabled´, Replace `Unknown´, Replace `Ok´, Replace `Warning´, Replace `Critical´.

7. Push the Finish button.

11.6.2. Defining Resolver with Executables

We first describe how to create a Resolver with Executable. However, we urgently recommend
to work through Example 11.9, “Example for a Resolver with Executable” completely in order to
understand all the implications with these kind of Resolvers.
syslink Xandria maps the numerical severity values from -2 to 2 to the string values Disabled, Unknown, Ok, Warning, Critical.

Version 7.1.3 171

Defining Resolver with Executables syslink Xandria

Procedure 11.9. Defining Resolver with Executables

1. Perform Step 1 and Step 2 of Procedure 11.8, “Defining a Simple Resolver”

2. Choose Resolver with Executable and push the Next button.

3. Fill in the Command Line.

You can include any of the available Interpolations in this field. Simply click  and select the
appropriate one from the list.

You may fill in a Working Directory and a Execution Timeout.

4. For every new Interpolation the executable defines perform the following steps:

a. Push the + button.

b. Fill in the Interpolation name and select the appropriate data type.

c. Push the Add button.

d. Repeat the steps for all new Interpolations. Push the Finish button.

In order to reference the newly defined Interpolations in a Filter List or an Output Channels, you
need to add the object name resolver, i.e. if you have added the Interpolation myText you have to
use it as ${resolver.myText} in an advanced Filter List or an Output Channel.

You will still be able to reference a newly created Interpolation myText as %%myText%%.
However, this syntax is deprecated und you are strongly discouraged to do so.

In the old syntax, it was possible to override existing Macros. If your executable returned

this value replaced the original value of the Macro.

While this is still possible with syslink Xandria 7.0, it is as well deprecated and you are
strongly discouraged to do so.

If you want to use the same Interpolation in a Filter or an Output Channel for Notification
Actions with and without a Resolver, or you want to return new Interpolations in some
cases only, make use of a Global Expression:

Define a Global Expression checkStatusString like:

<#if resolver.checkStatusString??>

and use it as <@ checkStatusString />.

Example 11.9. Example for a Resolver with Executable

In production environments, things are probably more complicated. Assume you have a third-party
monitoring system that uses a more fine-grained severity, a string severity FATAL if e.g. the impor-
tant Checks AgentAlive and SystemAlive are Critical in syslink Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 172

Defining Resolver with Executables syslink Xandria

In order to achieve this you need a custom executable or a custom script that adds new Interpo-
lations depending on the condition mentioned above. As an example, we use a script that writes
the following output
checkStatusString = FATAL
text = Check Status increased by custom resolver

in case one of the Checks mentioned above is Critical, and

checkStatusString = [the original value]

text = Check Status as provided by syslink Xandria


The following perl [http://www.perl.org] script may be used to achieve the requested results if it is
called with ${check.statusString} and ${check.name} as arguments:
# Usage: check_status_resolver.pl ${check.statusString} "${check.name}"
# This script is called with the numeric check status provided
# by syslink Xandria and the check name.
# If the check name represents one of our <important> checks, and
# the ${check.statusString} is CRITICAL in syslink Xandria we
# return a new status with value set to 'FATAL'
# We also provide a modification.Text that indicates if we have
# changed any value or if it comes from syslink Xandria originally

use strict;
use English;

use constant MESSAGE_UNMODIFIED =>

'Check Status as provided by syslink Xandria';
use constant MESSAGE_MODIFIED =>
'Check Status increased by custom resolver';

# These are considered the most important checks:

my %importantChecks =
map { $_ => 1 } qw(AGENTALIVE SystemAlive);

my ($outputCheckStatusString, $outputResolverModification);

# Get the command line arguments and verify

my ($inputCheckStatusString, $inputCheckName) = @ARGV[0,1];
unless (defined $inputCheckStatusString and defined $inputCheckName) {
print STDERR "Insufficient arguments\n";
exit 1;

if ($inputCheckStatusString eq 'CRITICAL' and $importantChecks{$inputCheckName} ) {

$outputCheckStatusString = 'FATAL';
$outputResolverModification = MESSAGE_MODIFIED;
} else {
$outputCheckStatusString = $inputCheckStatusString;
$outputResolverModification = MESSAGE_UNMODIFIED;

print "checkStatusString = $outputCheckStatusString\n";

print "text = $outputResolverModification\n";
exit 0;

We create aWrite into a log file, the Resolver mentioned above and a Notification Action sending
RealTime Monitoring Checks while using those two objects:

“Write to notifier_action.log” Output Channel

Name Log to notifier_action.log

Support Action Types Checks

Version 7.1.3 173

Defining Resolver with Executables syslink Xandria

File Name notifier_action.log

Line Format ${notification.date}: Status [${resolver.checkStatusString}]

for [${system.name} [${check.name}]]: ${check.result} [Note:

“Increase Severity for important Checks” Resolver

Name Increase Severity for important Checks

Macros Name checkStatusString

Type String

Name text

Type String

Command Line perl check_status_resolver.pl ${check.statusString}


Working Directory /syslink/resolver

“Log WARNING and CRITICAL RTM” Notification Action


Define specific 'Ad- Check Selector Type RTM Checks

Hoc' Custom Selec-
tion Check Search Criteria Select Check Status Critical and Warning

Service Hours 7 x 24 hours

Notification Status CRITICAL


Output Channel Write to notifier_action.log

Custom Resolver Increase Severity for important Checks

We will run the Test using the following values:

Monitored System: PIP

Check: SystemAlive [RTM]

Suppress Output cleared

Channel Delivery:

Check Status: CRITICAL

The output will be like:

INFO Mode: RTM Check.
INFO Load last check result:
Database server is paragon
DBCONNECT check is OK for PIP
Central instance is paragon_PIP_00
ABAP central services instance is paragon_PIP_01
J2EE central services instance is paragon_PIP_02
RFCCONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00
J2EECONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00

Version 7.1.3 174

Converting an Action into a confirming Action syslink Xandria

ASCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_01

SCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_02
INFO set last check date to: 2017-10-06 07:06:57
INFO set last status change date to: 2017-10-03 11:28:55
INFO Set check status to [2] ([CRITICAL])
INFO Processing action 'Log WARNING and CRITICAL RTM'.
INFO ----------------------------------- MESSAGE -----------------------------------
INFO Action 'Log WARNING and CRITICAL RTM' applied to 'SystemAlive'.

INFO Message is:

INFO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INFO Database server is paragon
DBCONNECT check is OK for PIP
Central instance is paragon_PIP_00
ABAP central services instance is paragon_PIP_01
J2EE central services instance is paragon_PIP_02
RFCCONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00
J2EECONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00
ASCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_01
SCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_02
INFO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

INFO Resolver 'Increase Severity for important Checks'.

INFO Executing command line: '[perl, check_status_resolver.pl, CRITICAL, "Check Status as provided by syslink Xandria
INFO Adding custom variable [%%checkStatusString%%] with value [CRITICAL]
INFO Adding custom variable [%%text%%] with value [Check Status as provided by syslink Xandria]
INFO No filter list set.
INFO Initial -> Scheduled: Enqueue message
INFO ----------------------- Run Output Channel, Attempt # 1 -----------------------
INFO Resolving following variables:
INFO OC ['Write to notifier_action.log']: logged 480 characters to file [/syslink/master/log/notifier/notifier_action
INFO Scheduled -> OkSent: OC 'Write to notifier_action.log': Successfully sent!

And the output in notifier_action.log:

2017-10-06 07:07:16+0200: Status [CRITICAL] for [PIP [SystemAlive]]: Database server is paragon
DBCONNECT check is OK for PIP
Central instance is paragon_PIP_00
ABAP central services instance is paragon_PIP_01
J2EE central services instance is paragon_PIP_02
RFCCONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00
J2EECONNECT check is OK for paragon_PIP_00
ASCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_01
SCS_MSGSRV check is OK for paragon_PIP_02 [Note: Check Status as provided by syslink Xandria]

Works as expected.

Please review any Filter List eventually included in a Notification Action that also in-
cludes a Resolver. If add values you will probably need to adapt your Filter Lists.

11.7. Converting an Action into a confirming Action

There is one final feature of syslink Xandria Notifications we have not yet covered. Notification
Actions can be used to confirm RealTime Monitoring and Daily Checks.

It is not possible to confirm a single Daily Check detail, a Change or a CCMS Alert.

There are a few important things to note about confirming Notification Actions:

• Only unconfirmed Checks can be confirmed. If an Notification Action is supposed to confirm

a Check that is already confirmed, it does neither update the confirmation message, nor any
confirmation time limit.

Version 7.1.3 175

Disabling Notifications syslink Xandria

• RealTime Monitoring Checks are only confirmed if they have not changed their Check Status
until the time of confirmation. In theory a Notification may be triggered and remain in pending
state for a while until it succeeds to confirm. In the meanwhile the Check Status might have
changed. In this case the confirmation will be suppressed.

• Notification Actions are processed by priority, i.e. they are processed in the order they appear
in the Actions tab. If one of the Notification Actions has confirmed a Check other Notification
Actions processed later will not confirm. (This is virtually the first item rephrased.)

• syslink Xandria confirms Checks with the built-in user messenger. There is no option to change

• Notification Actions do only confirm if a Notification passed the Output Channel. If a filter blocks
a Notification, the Notification Action does not perform confirmation.

Do not let the Notification Action confirm if the Notification Action itself is triggered by
a Check Confirmation (see also Section 11.1.1, “Notification Reasons”)

In order to make an existing Notification Action a confirming Notification Action proceed as fol-

1. Select the Notification Action in question and open it. Unless you have defined an Notification
Action operating only on Daily Check details there is a Confirm RTM/Daily Check: radio button.

2. Select Confirm on successful output channel message in case you want the Notification
Action to confirm if one of the defined Output Channel succeeds

3. You may define a Confirmation Timeout. If so, the Check will automatically be unconfirmed
after the timeout has passed. or if the Check Status changes.

If you leave the field blank the Check is confirmed until the Check Status changes.

This works for RealTime Monitoring Checks only.

4. Push the Save button in order to finish.

11.8. Disabling Notifications
There are several ways to disable Notifications:

Disable all Notifications: Choose Configuration → Notifications and push the Disable Notifier switch.

Users can disable the personal Notifications: Choose  → User Settings from the header. Set the
Disable Notifications flag and push OK to save the setting.

Or you can disable Notifications for particular Checks.

• • For a RealTime Monitoring Check:

Proceed to a Check list, e.g. select Monitoring → RTM Check List, adjust your filter, if re-
quired, and choose the desired item from the list. Select More → Notifications → Disable

• For Checks from a System perspective or from a Parameter Set:

Follow the procedure described in Section 8.4, “Disabling and Enabling Checks”, but with
the Check Notification tab instead of the Check Execution tab.

Version 7.1.3 176

Recommendations and Remarks syslink Xandria

11.9. Recommendations and Remarks

This section contains some remarks and recommendations you should consider while defining
Notification Actions. Most of them are implied by performance consideration.

Be as specific as The more specific you define the Notification Actions properties (first of
possible while defin- all by using selectors, but also defining Notification Reason, Status, Re-
ing trigger criteria sending, etc.) the less is the number of processed Notification Elements,
and the better is the overall performance of this Notification Action. It is
much more efficient to trigger Notification Actions only for e.g. Critical
and Warning Check states instead of trigger Ok Checks also and define a
filter that blocks all Ok Notifications again.

Do you really need Especially in large scale environments you should consider carefully if you
Notifications for Ok really need to notify Ok Check Status. Usually the vast majority of your
Check Status? Checks will be in Ok state. Thus processing Ok messages — first of all
when it comes to resending — may be expensive in terms of processing

Keep Resolver exe- If you use a custom executable or script in a Resolver make sure it ter-
cutables small and minates quickly again. Please note that this custom executable is called
fast for every Check processed by the Notification Action the resolver is linked
to. Resolvers running multiple seconds (e.g. while picking some bits and
pieces from your enterprise data warehouse) will spoil your Notification

Consider using signal handlers (on Unix-like operating systems) if your

executable has the slightest chance to hang for whatever reason.

Keep external com- This is for the same reason as outlined in the previous paragraph.
mand Output Chan-
nels small and fast

Use proper exit In custom resolver executables and external command Output Channels
states for external use exit state 0 to indicate the program ran successfully. Use an exit state
commands different from 0 in case of a problem.

Version 7.1.3 177

syslink Xandria

Chapter 12. Managing Users, Groups,

Roles, Permissions, and Advanced
In syslink Xandria access control is implemented by means of Permissions contained in Roles
which link Users or Groups of Users to Customers.

12.1. Users, Roles, and Groups

A User in syslink Xandria is basically an account to access the application with a little bit of in-
formation attached to it. You may store personal information, like address, phone number, e-mail
address, etc. The most important of these attributes is probably the password.

Once you have created a User, it is almost worthless, because by default it has no Permission
assigned. It can login to XanGui, but it can only see its own profile, and logout again.

In order to have a starting point, there are a few Users built-in already, and these Users do have
Permissions (by means of assigned built-in Roles).

The purpose of Roles is to link one or more (or even all) of the Permissions available within syslink
Xandria (which are listed in Permissions) to one or more Users on the one hand, and to one or
more (or even all) Customers on the other hand.

List of syslink Xandria built-in Users

administrator You probably already have used this account. The default password is ad-
min1234, and this account has almost all Permissions (for all Customers)
within the syslink Xandria application. The Permissions are defined in the
Administrator Role .

This User account is intended to be used for the initial setup of syslink
Xandria and in order to define other personalized User accounts, perhaps
even with the same Role.

The Administrator Role can be removed from the User, if you desire,
you can lock this User, or even delete it. This is perhaps not what you want
to do, but syslink Xandria will not deter you from doing so.

Of course you can change the password, and you are strongly encouraged
to do so.

unassigned, messen- Only used internally in case a Ticket or a Change does not yet have an
ger owner, or a Ticket has been created through a Notification Action. You are
not able to select or modify these Users, but you may come across them
in Ticket or Change pages.

root This User has the same Permissions as the administrator . In addition,
this User is also allowed to change other User’s user IDs.

The Permissions of root are contained in the so called Super Admin-

istrator Role . This Role cannot be removed from the User root , and
the User can neither be modified, locked, or deleted. Also, compliance with
the password policy is not verified for this User!

So there are basically only two purposes to use this User: Changing oth-
er User's user IDs, and if you removed or locked all other administrative

Version 7.1.3 178

Users, Roles, and Groups syslink Xandria

Users. Assuming you will carefully follow this recommendation, we tell

you the default password: ilsx1234.

Of course you can change the password, and you are strongly encouraged
to do so.

As mentioned earlier, there are also built-in Roles:

List of syslink Xandria built-in Roles

Administrator Role The Administrator Role basically contains all Permissions available in
syslink Xandria (as listed in Permissions), except for Receive Notification

The Administrator Role can be modified or even deleted, and you can
add or remove Permissions.

Also, this role is linked to all Customers, i.e. it is effective automatically

for any newly created Customer. By default the Role is linked to the ad-
ministrator User.

Super Administrator Contains the same Permissions as the Administrator Role , but is tightly
Role linked with the User root , cannot be assigned to any other User, nor can
it be modified, duplicated, deleted, etc.

Customer Represen- This Role is automatically created once a User is assigned to a Customer,
tative and it is removed automatically once the User is no longer assigned to the

A User can only represent one(!) Customer, therefore the Permissions de-
fined in this Role are linked only to the represented Customer.

The default set of Permissions is View RTM, View Daily Checks, View
Availabilities, View Tickets, Call Tickets, View Changes, View Customers,
View Systems, View SLRs, View SLA, i.e. by default a Customer represen-
tative has only basic Permissions.

This Role can not be modified or deleted, but the set of Permissions in-
cluded can be modified.

Default Customer Ba- You should consider this Role as a template for creating your own Roles,
sic Role in other words, if you want to use it, please duplicate it and change the
name accordingly.

The idea of this Role is to be able to add the set of Permissions of the
Customer Representative Role to any other Customer and User.

This role can be helpful in order to provide to a User read Permissions for
Customers he is not representative of.

Default Customer Ad- You should consider this Role as a template for creating your own Roles,
min Role in other words, if you want to use it, please duplicate it and change the
name accordingly.

The idea of this Role is to provide all Permissions that can be defined on
a per Customer level (see also Permissions).

This Role can be helpful in order to provide to a User administrative Per-

missions for certain Customers only.

Version 7.1.3 179

Managing Users syslink Xandria

Default Messenger You should consider this Role as a template for creating your own Roles,
Notification Role in other words, if you want to use it, please duplicate it and change the
name accordingly.

This Role contains the only Permission Receive Notification Messages to

allow receiving email Notifications.
It is probably most straight forward to think of Groups as of Groups of Users . Instead of assigning
multiple Users to a Role, you could also create a Group containing the User, and link this Group
to a Role.

Groups may save you some configuration work if you have defined a significant number of Users.
If your business is an enterprise or a large Service Provider, you probably have an immediate un-
derstanding how to map your organizational structure to Groups and Roles. You perhaps want to
Group all the staff having administrative Permissions.

12.1.1. Managing Users

All actions that change the Permissions of a User, like assigning Roles or Groups, as
well as the changing of passwords or the locking of Users are only effective if the User
logs in the next time.

But you can log out a User immediately (and by this to force him to log in) as described
in section Section 12.1.11, “Logout a User or all Users”.

12.1.2. Changing Your Own Password

Select  → Change Password from the header.

Enter the old and new password, and push OK.

12.1.3. Creating a User
Perform the following steps in order to create a new User:

Procedure 12.1. Creating a User
1. Choose Administration → User Management from the top-level menu and push the New button.

2. Fill in the User ID, Password, First Name, Last Name, and select a Timezone from the drop-
down list. Push the Create button.

3. If the User is supposed to receive email Notifications, you probably want to fill in an Email
address as well.

4. You can set the Disable Notifications flag in order to avoid receiving Notification emails even
if the User is permitted to.

5. If you have made any changes push the Apply button.

In order to create a User you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.
While you could also think of Groups as of Groups of Roles

Version 7.1.3 180

Changing a User's Password syslink Xandria

12.1.4. Changing a User's Password

Perform the following steps to change a User's password:

1. Choose Administration → User Management from the top-level menu, select the desired entry
from the list, and push the Open button.

2. Push the Change Password button.

3. Fill in the New Password and Push the Change button.

In order to change a User password you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

In order to change your own password, please proceed as described in Section 12.1.2, “Changing
Your Own Password”.

12.1.5. Assigning/Unassigning a Customer to a User

Assigning a User to a Customer means to make the User a Customer representative (and is the
only way to link the Customer Representative Role. Unassigning a User means the opposite.

A User without a Customer assignment usually represent the Service Provider, or it is not supposed
to have the Permissions of a Customer representative.

1. Choose Administration → User Management from the top-level menu, select the desired entry
or entries from the list (on the Users tab), and choose more → Assign Customer .

2. Select the Customer from the list. To unassign choose ---. Push the OK button.

In order to assign/unassign a Customer you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

12.1.6. Locking/Unlocking a User
You can lock a User in order to prevent him from accessing XanGui.

In order to lock or unlock a User perform the following steps:

1. Choose Administration → User Management from the top-level menu, select the desired entry
or entries from the list (on the Users tab), and push the Lock/Unlock User button.

2. Select Edit → Lock/Unlock from the page menu.

3. In order to lock a User, flag the Lock check box and fill in the Lock Reason field. In order to
unlock a User, clear the Lock check box and clear the Lock Reason field.

4. Push the OK button

In order to lock/unlock a User you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

12.1.7. Editing User Groups

See section Section 12.3, “Managing Groups” how to create Groups.

In order to add a User to a Group, or to remove a User from a Group you may perform the following

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Users tab (if
not selected). Open the desired User from the list.

Version 7.1.3 181

Editing User Roles syslink Xandria

2. Switch to the Membership tab and push the Assign Groups button.

3. Choose one or more Groups and move them to the right frame using the  (and ) icons.

4. Push the OK button.

In order to modify the Group assignments of a User you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

12.1.8. Editing User Roles

See section Section 12.2, “Managing Roles” how to create Roles.

In order to link a Users to a Role, or to unlink a User from a Role you may perform the following

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Users tab (if
not selected). Select the desired Users from the list.

2. Choose more → Assign Roles

3. Choose one or more Roles and move them to the right frame using the  (and ) icons.

4. Push the OK button.

In order to modify the Role assignments of a User you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

12.1.9. Deleting a User
In order to delete a User perform the following steps:

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Users tab (if
not selected). Select the desired Users.

2. Push the Delete button. A warning message pops up.

3. Push the Yes button if you are really sure to delete the User.

In order to delete a User you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

Users that are referenced in Tickets or Changes can not be deleted physically from the
system. Anyway, these Users can no longer be seen in syslink Xandria, and they can no
longer use the application.

12.1.10. Viewing All Permissions of a User

This option allows you to see all Permissions a User has per Customer on a single page:

1. Choose Administration → User Management from the top-level menu, select the desired entry
from the list, and push the Open button.

2. Switch to the Permissions tab.

Please note that processing this list can take some time for Users having the Administrator
Role assigned.

Version 7.1.3 182

Logout a User or all Users syslink Xandria

12.1.11. Logout a User or all Users

This option allows you to force a logout of a given User. Such an action may be required to enforce
a Permission change while the User is logged on. Probably it is more appropriate to ask the User
to log out and log in himself.

Yuu can also select to logout all Users except yourself.

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Groups tab.
Choose more → Show Logged on Users.

2. Choose the desired entries and push Force Logout.

In order to log out Users you need the Edit Users (root) Permission.

12.1.12. Using Client Certificates for Login

See HOWTO: Using Client Certificates for Login [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=192] for a description.

12.2. Managing Roles

12.2.1. Creating a Role
Perform the following steps in order to create a new Role:

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Click New on the Roles tab.

2. Fill in the Name of the Role and push the Create button.

3. Open the recently created Role.

4. Enter a brief Description of the Role.

5. Push the Assign Customers button in order to select the Customers you want to link the Per-
missions to.

6. Switch to the Permissions tab. Push Assign in order to choose the Permissions included in
this Role.

7. Push Apply.

Up to now this Role is only an empty container. You have to link it with Users (and/or Groups), add
Permissions to it, and also link it to Customers (unless you have chosen the All Customers option.

You need the Edit Roles (root) Permission to perform this action.

12.2.2. Edit Role Users

See Section 12.1.8, “Editing User Roles”.

12.2.3. Copy a Role
The Copy function is provided just for your convenience. If you have an existing Role with e.g. a well
defined set of Permissions, and you want the same set of Permissions be assigned to a different
combination of Users and Customers, you can simply duplicate the Role, change its name, and
modify the User and Customer assignment.

Perform the following steps in order to duplicate a Role:

Version 7.1.3 183

Delete Role syslink Xandria

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Roles tab.

2. Choose More → Copy .

3. Enter a new Name and push Copy.

4. You probably want to change the Users and Customers assigned to the Role, or even the

You need the Edit Roles (root) Permission to perform this action.

12.2.4. Delete Role
Perform the following steps in order to delete a Role:

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Roles tab.

2. Choose the desired entry and push Delete .

You need the Edit Roles (root) Permission to perform this action.

12.3. Managing Groups
Managing Groups is very similar to the management of Users and Roles

You need the Edit Groups (root) Permission for Group management.

12.3.1. Creating a Group

Procedure 12.2. Creating an empty Group

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Click New on the Groups

2. Fill in the Name and optionally a Description of the Group.

3. Push the Create button.

4. Switch to the Users and Roles tab. Push Assign Users and Assign Roles in order to assign
Users and Roles.

12.3.2. Deleting a Group
1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the Groups tab.

2. Choose the desired entry and push Delete .

12.4. Defining a Password Policy

syslink Xandria allows you to force your Users to define passwords of a certain strength, as well
as to change their password on a regular basis.

For this purpose you can define that passwords

• have to be at least of a certain length or

• expire after a defined number of days or

• have to be different from the previous password or

Version 7.1.3 184

Advanced User Management Options syslink Xandria

• must contain at least one numerical character or

• must contain at least one special character (i.e. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * @ + , - . / : ; <
= > ? [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~) or

• must not contain the user ID or

• must not contain the user‘s first, middle, or last name or

• can only be changed by an authorized User (i.e. Users cannot change their own passwords) or

• any combination of the above.

By default, there is no password policy activated.

In order to activate the password policy you need the Edit Customizing (root) Permission. Please
perform the following steps:

1. Select Administration → Settings from the top-level menu and switch to the Customizing tab.

2. Set flags to (or remove from) the check boxes of the policy that is appropriate for you. Fill in
values in the fields (if applicable).

3. Push Apply.

Once you have changed the policy, there may be Users with passwords that do not comply with the
new policy. When these Users log in, they still can use their old password. Once they have logged
in they get a 1 day grace period and are requested to adapt the password to the current policy
(there is an according message in the status area). If they refuse to do so, they are no longer able
to log in once the expiration date has passed.

If password expiration is activated, Users will be notified in the status area to change there pass-
words, starting nine days in advance. If they refuse to do so, they are no longer able to log in once
the expiration date has passed.

12.5. Advanced User Management Options

XanGui allows you to use external services for user management. Microsoft Active Directory and
the SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0) are supported. The following features
are supported:

• Authentication including optional automatic user creation

• Authorization, i.e. mapping AD groups or SAML attributes to Xandria roles and groups

More information can be found in the following two syslink Xandria knowledge base documents:

• Active Directoy Integration [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?


• SAML Integration [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=220]

12.5.1. Working with Active Directory

Procedure 12.3. Configure Active Directory Server

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the External User
Directory tab.

2. Activate the check box Enable Active Directory.

Version 7.1.3 185

Working with Active Directory syslink Xandria

3. Enter the name of your AD domain, e.g. company.com.

4. Enable the Auto detect AD Server check box to let XanGui automatically detect the AD server,
which is recommended. If you enable this option, the Active Directory Host and Port fields will
be disabled. When you click on Test Connection, XanGui will show you the auto detected host.

In case auto detection does not work, fill in the Active Directory Host and Port fields. You can
leave the field Port blank
to use the default port.

5. Enable Use LDAPS (recommended) which is highly recommended. This makes sure that no
credentials will be send in clear text.

6. For testing purposes you might need to ignore SSL certificate errors, e.g. if the CA cannot
be found in XanGui’s Java keystore. For production environments it is recommended to not
check the Ignore SSL Certificate issues and instead fix possible SSL issues.

Possible own CA certificates must be added to the file <your-jre>/lib/security/cacerts

and XanGui must be restarted. This can be done with the following commands:

cd <bin-dir-of-your-jdk>
keytool -list -keystore cacerts
keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -alias <yourCAAlias> -file <your-certificate.cer>
keytool -list -keystore cacerts

7. Xandria tries to detect the Base DN (also called naming context). If Xandria is not able to
determine the correct base DN, you can specify it here.

8. Use the Test Connection to test the connection to your Active Directory.

9. Optionally enter an AD user and password, which is only used under rare circumstances to
configure authorization by AD and authentication by SAML.

10. Use the Test Login to test a login to your Active Directory and to read the Active Directory user
memberOf field. Xandria does not store the user and password provided in this Test Login

11. Active Directory server is now setup.

12. To manually create users managed by Active Directory, Select Administration → User Manage-
ment from the top-level menu. Click New on the Users tab. Then fill in exactly the same User
ID as used in Active Directory. Press Next to continue.

To automatically create AD managed users proceed to next section.

13. From the list of options to set the password for the new user, choose Active Directory user.

14. Add roles and groups to the new created user, as described in Section 12.1, “Users, Roles,
and Groups”.

Please note that locally defined users will continue to work with local passwords. Xan-
Gui will always first check if there is a locally defined user, before going to the Active

Procedure 12.4. Configure AD User Synchronization and Authorization

1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the External User
Directory tab.

Version 7.1.3 186

Integrate SAML based authentication syslink Xandria

2. Configure the Active Directory Server as described above in 'Configure Active Directory Server'.

3. Enable the Activate AD Credentials Check check box to activate username and password val-
idation against your Active Directory.

4. Enable the Activate automatic User creation check box to automatically create users in Xandria
the first time they login. If this check box is not checked, users must be created manually
before they can login.

5. Enable the Activate automatic User permission synchronization check box to automatically
assign permissions to users when they login to Xandria. More detailed information about user
permission synchronization can be found in the solution document Active Directoy Integration

12.5.2. Integrate SAML based authentication

Procedure 12.5. Configure SAML
1. Select Administration → User Management from the top-level menu. Select the SAML tab.

2. Activate the check box Enable SAML.

3. Define a name for your IDP. This name appears on the XanGui login dialog as an alternative
login option.

4. Upload the IDP metadata XML file of your IDP. If you don't have such an IDP metadata XML
file, fill the IDP related fields.

5. Set Xandria Service Provider Name. This name must be registered in your IDP.

6. To manually create users managed by SAML, Select Administration → User Management from
the top-level menu. Click New on the Users tab. Then fill in exactly the same User ID as used in
SAML. Press Next to continue. From the list of options to set the password for the new user,
choose SAML user. Press Create User to create the user.

7. Add roles and groups to the new created user, as described in Section 12.1, “Users, Roles,
and Groups”.

Procedure 12.6. Configure IDP Managed User Synchronization and Authorization

1. Enable the Activate automatic User creation check box to automatically create users the first
time they login to XanGui. If this check box is not enabled, users must be created manually
before they can login.

2. Enable the Activate IDP managed Authorization check box to automatically manage permis-
sions in XanGui based on SAML attributes or settings. More detailed information about SAML
based user permission can be found in the solution document SAML Integration [https://

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Chapter 13. Reporting
This chapter describes how to work with Service Level Agreements, Service Level Reports, and
Resource Planning.

13.1. Maintaining Service Level Agreements

In syslink Xandria, Service Level Agreements are strongly related to Availability Data. Usually, in the
Service Level Reports the System’s Availability rates are calculated based on 7x24 time ranges.

Within Service Level Agreements you can define Service Hours. Once a Service Level Agreement
is assigned to a certain System, this System’s Availability rate is calculated with respect to the
defined Service Hours. Each Service Hours record itself consist of a single or multiple Time Ranges
defining one or more time slices on one or more days of the week.

In order to create a Service Level Agreement, you need to define Service Hours (or select one of
the pre-defined ones), and in order to define Service Hours you need to define Time Ranges.

For a Service Level Agreement you can decide if the attached Service Hours are meant to be in
UTC or in local time. If they are meant to be in UTC, all System’s Availability rates (of the Systems
having theService Level Agreement assigned) are computed based on UTC times. Otherwise, for
eachSystem its TimeZone information is considered for Availability rate computation.

If there is no TimeZone defined for a particular Server or SAP System, the TimeZone value of the
Customer owning the System is considered. If this one is set neither, the local timezone of XanGui
is taken into account.

Further, a Service Level Agreement requires the definition of the Committed Availability Rate. In the
Service Level Reports the System’s Availability rate will be reported against exactly this value.

In order to view Service Level Agreements, you need the View SLA Permission. In order to create,
modify, or delete Service Level Agreements, Service Hours, Time Ranges, and in order to view all
defined Service Hours you need the Edit SLA (root) Permission.

13.1.1. Creating a Service Level Agreement

In order to create a new Service Level Agreement, perform the following steps:

1. Select Reporting → Service Level Agreements from the top-level menu. Choose New from the

2. Fill in Name and push the New button.

3. Fill in an optional Description and define the percentage (without the % sign) for the Committed

4. Select a value from the Service Hours list. See also Section 8.8, “Defining Service Hours”.

5. If you want the Service Hours to be treated as UTC time, flag the UTC check box.

6. Push Apply.

13.1.2. Assign a Service Level Agreement

Finally, you need to assign the defined Service Level Agreement to some Systems, either Servers,
SAP Systems, Databases or a combination of these:

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Generating Service Level Reports syslink Xandria

1. Choose Systems → SAP Systems, Systems → Databases, or Systems → Servers from the top-
level menu.

2. Select the list items and chooseMore → Assign SLA.

3. Select the appropriate Service Level Agreement push the Assign button.

13.2. Generating Service Level Reports

Service Level Reports can be manually generated in XanGui or are generated automatically based
on a schedule.

Select Reporting → Service Level Reports from the top-level menu to create and manage Service
Level Reports. XanGui Service Level Report application has the following functions provided in five

• Reports: use this tab to view and create Service Level Reports

• Templates: use this tab to manage Service Level Report templates.

Templates are used to define generation settings which can be reused.

• Remarks: use this tab to create Service Level Report remarks.

Remarks are special comments which are inserted into Service Level Reports.

• Styles: use this tab to create Service Level Report styles.

Styles are used to customize the layout of the generated Service Level Report.

• Jobs: use this tab to administrate Service Level Report jobs.

Jobs trigger the automated generation of Service Level Reports.

13.2.1. Generating Service Level Reports ad-hoc

Select the first Report tab. You can find the following actions:

• Press New to create a new Service Level Report. A template can be selected which provides de-
fault settings. See to Section 13.2.2, “Generating Service Level Report templates” how to define
templates. Select the template or skip the template selection. A Service Level Report generation
dialog opens where the content of the Service Level Report can be defined. See below for more
details about generation.

• Press Show to view an Service Level Report

• Press Generate Again to create an Service Level Report again. This is only available for unpub-
lished Service Level Reports. Generating an Service Level Report again is useful in case you want
to do some modifications.

• Press Publish to publish an Service Level Report. Only published Service Level Reports are visible
from other users. Unpublished Service Level Reports are only visible form the user who created
the Service Level Report.

• Press Rename to rename an Service Level Report

• Press Delete to delete an Service Level Report

Service Level Report generation dialog

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Generating Service Level Reports ad-hoc syslink Xandria

The Service Level Report generation dialog provides the following configuration options:

Customer Define the customer to include in the Service Level Report. You can select
the Include sub customers checkbox to include also the sub customers.
Only systems which belong to this customer can be included in this report.

Select Systems To include all systems from the selected customer select the radio button
All systems. To include only systems with a specific system role select
Select by System Role. Select Advanced Selection to define a specifc se-
lection of systems to include in the report.

Time Period This can be either the previous month, or any other month in the past, or an
arbitrarily defined period in time. Choose Last Month, Select Month, Select
Month(s), or Select Day and make further selections accordingly.

Remark Include the remarks defined for this customer in the report. See below.

Summary of Avail- Include a chapter with a summary of system availabilities. Select the
abilities checkboxes to exctly define what to include in the report.

Business Services Include a chapter about Business Services.

Servers Include a chapter about the monitored servers. You have several check-
boxes to define which collected data to include.

SAP Systems Include a chapter about the monitored SAP Systems. You have several
checkboxes to define which collected data to include.

Databases Include a chapter about the monitored Databases. You have several
checkboxes to define which collected data to include.

Changes Include a chapter about the system changes. You have several checkbox-
es to define which data to include.

RealTime Monitoring Include a chapter with RealTime Monitoring check results. You can include
All RTM Checks or a selection, which is the recommended approach.

Please be aware that this option will always report the latest
RealTime Monitoring results, no matter which Time period you
choose for other data. This is indicated by a timestamp in the
RealTime Monitoring section of the Service Level Report.

You may use the option Group checks by check name to report a sub-sec-
tion for each check name. Otherwise it will be a single section with all
checks being sorted alphabetically.

Daily Checks Include a chapter with the daily check results. You have the option include
all daily check results, or daily checks which have a specific status, or only
daily checks for a specific check type.

Customer Users Include a chapter with all users who have access to this customer.

Tickets Include a chapter with the tickets which have been opened, worked on, or
closed within the given time period.

Hide table of content Select check box to exclude the table of content. If you want to include
only soem levels of the the table of content, select the checkbox and set
the number of levels to include.

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Generating Service Level Report templates syslink Xandria

Ignore downtimes if In order to avoid very short Downtimes be shown in the Availability statis-
less than tics you may select this checkbox. Donwtimes less than the defined num-
ber of minutes are ignored and considered as uptime.

Group systems by Select this option to create chapters for each application types. This will
application type introduce an additional level in the table of content.

Exclude performance By default all collected performance data is used for the report. Select
data for days which this checkbox if you only want to include performance data which was
are not covered by collected when an SLA is defined and active.

Don't show forecast By default, the reported data is extrapolated into the future for those type
for performance of resources where it is useful. The extrpolation is suppressed if you set
charts this flag.

Rename document You have the option to define a name for the generated report.

Publish SLR automat- Select this checkbox to publish the report. If the report is not published,
ically after generation the report is not visible to other users, only the user who created the report
can view see the report. It is not recommended to publish a report during
testing and fine tuning. Note: published reports are stored in the syslink
Xandria database. Unpublished reports are stored in the file system.

Apply style Select a style to apply to the report. Styles can be defined in Styles tab,
see below.

Once you configured what to include in the report, press Generate SLR. If you did not set all manda-
tory settings, a message indicating the reason is shown. If all mandatory settings are set, the Gen-
erating SLR dialog is opened which shows you the progress of the generation. During generation
you have the option to stop the generation, or you can send the generation to the background.
Sending a generation to the background closes the generation dialog and you can continue to work
in XanGui. You will find the report after a time in the Reports tab. Once the report is generated you
have the option to view the report, press Close and open SLR.

You need the Generate SLRs Permission in order to generate Service Level Reports.

13.2.2. Generating Service Level Report templates

Service Level Report templates define a set of settings used to generate an Service Level Report.
Typical settings are the customer, the monitored systems to include, which performance data to
include and many more. It is highly recommended to create a set of templates which can be used
to create Service Level Report. Templates are also used for automated generation of Service Level
Reports. Select the second Templates tab. You can find the following actions:

• Press New to create a new template. After setting a name for the template, a dialog to define
the template settings is opened. The template can be saved to be used later for Service Level
Report generation.

• Press Open to view or edit a template.

• Press Copy to copy a template and give a new name.

• Press Delete to delete a template.

The Service Level Report template dialog is the same as the Generate SLR dialog with two more
form fields. You have the option to set a name for the template and a Shared checkbox which indi-
cates whether this template is shared or not. Shared templates are visible and useable from other
users. Templates which are not shared are only visible from the user who created the template.
Templates must not contain all mandatory fields which are required to create an Service Level

Version 7.1.3 191

Managing Service Level Report Remarks syslink Xandria

Report. If you later select the template to create the report, you must set the remaining mandatory

You need the Edit SLR Templates Permission in order to create, modify, and delete Service Level
Report Templates.

13.2.3. Managing Service Level Report Remarks

The intended use for SLR Remarks is to include customized free text messages in Service Level
Reports. Assume you have had a special incident during the reporting period that is supposed to
be part of the Service Level Report.

There is a default SLR Remark assigned to all customers. This remark can be modified, and —
of course — you can select if it will be included in the Service Level Report during the generation
process. The default SLR Remark cannot be deleted.

You may also define new SLR Remark records, but at most one per customer. If there is a customer
assigned SLR Remark (and you choose to include SLR Remarks during Service Level Report gen-
eration), this one will be included instead of the global one.

• Press New to create a new remark.

• Press Open to view or edit a remark.

• Press Delete to delete a remark.

You need the Edit SLR Remarks Permission in order to create, modify, and delete Service Level
Report Templates.

13.2.4. Managing Service Level Report Styles

Service Level Report styles can be used to customize an Service Level Report. syslink Xandria
provides a default style, but if you want to change colors, fonts, images and more you can do so
with styles. In the Service Level Report generation dialog, a style can be selected.

• Press New to create a new style.

• Press Open to view or edit a style.

• Press Delete to delete a style.

Note: you must not define all available style settings in the style definition dialog. Only define the
settings where you want to modify the default settings. Settings which are not changed in a style
will always use the built-in default styles. Styles have no influence on the content and data in the

You mast have either the Administrator Role or the Super Administrator Role assigned
in order to manage Service Level Report Styles.

13.2.5. Managing Service Level Report Jobs

Service Level Report jobs are used to automate the creation of Service Level Reports. A Service
Level Report job is based on a schedule which defined when to create the report and a template
which defines what to include in the report.

• Press New to create a new job.

• Press Open to view or edit a job.

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Predictive Resource Planning syslink Xandria

• Press Delete to delete a job.

SLR Jobs are configured in the SLR Job Details dialog. The following settings can be set:

Active Select this checkbox to actually execute the job based on the schedule. SLR
jobs which are not active are not executed.

Name Set a name for the job.

SLR Template Select the template which defines the content and data to include in the report.
Make sure that the template contains all mandatory settings. If the template
does not contain all mandatory settings, the job cannot create the Service Level

Customer Set the customer (or override the customer from the template) to be used in
the report.

Schedule Click Edit to define a schedule when the job runs and create the Service Level

Last Select the number of months, weeks, or days to include in the report. Note: a
time period in the SLR template is ignored from the SLR job. An SLR job will
always calculate a new time period based on the current execution time. Exam-
ple: if you want to create a Service Level Report at the 2nd day of the month
which includes data of the previous month, then do so: create a schedule, select
Monthly, select Day and choose 2. For Last type '1' and select months.

Publish Check to publish the Service Level Report into the database and to make it vis-
ible to other users.

Send Email Check Send Email to send the Service Level Report to an email receiver. Set the
following email options:

• From email address which is used as sender.

• To email address which defines the recipient.

• CC / Bcc email address which defines CC and BCC recipients.

• Subject the email subject.

• Body the email body.

The Service Level Report is inserted as an attachment to the email.

You mast have either the Administrator Role or the Super Administrator Role assigned
in order to manage Service Level Report Jobs.

13.3. Predictive Resource Planning

For the following resources there is an option to predict their usage over time:

Servers Used Disk Space

Total Disk Size
Used File System Space

SAP Systems Used Database Space

Total Database Size

stand-alone Databas- Used Database Space


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Predictive Resource Planning syslink Xandria

Total Database Size

1. Select Reporting → Predictive Resource Planning from the top-level menu.

2. Choose one of the items listed above from the Resource drop-down list.

3. By default, data is analyzed three months in the past and extrapolated three months into the
future. You can change these settings in Historical Data and Predict Usage for.

4. By default, data is displayed for All Systems providing the resource selected in Resource. But
you can restrict this to Systems with Monitoring on or to an Ad-Hoc or Predefined Selectors.
Choose the appropriate value from the drop-down list.

The System Type returned by Selectors eventually applied has to correspond to the
type of the Resource. Otherwise the list will be empty.

The tab displays the following data:

• For every Resource there is the System Status, the System Name, the System Role, and the
Customer displayed.

• The column Used Space contains the current value of the resource consumption.

• The column Predicted Space contains the extrapolated value of the resource at the date chosen
in Predict Usage for.

• The column Pred. Growth displays the difference between Predicted Space and Used Space in
absolute figures.

• The column Pred. Growth % displayes the difference between Predicted Space and Used Space
in percent of the Used Space.

• The Analysis column may contain additional data, like when a resource will be exhausted.

If you click on the  icon (available in the Predicted Space and the Analysis columns), a chart
opens that display a graphical representation of the analyzed and predicted data.

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Chapter 14. Operational tasks
This chapter describes how to perform tasks that are typical for a Service Provider scenario.

14.1. Working with Dashboards

A Dashboard in syslink Xandria is a page in the UI you can customize to your liking. It features the
positioning of so called Dashlets in either a fixed or a floating grid layout.

Dashboards may be private to a User or shared between all Users of a given Customer. There is
also an option to open a Dashboard outside of the UI by a direct URL.

As with all objects in syslink Xandria a Dashboard belongs to a specific Customer, and only Users
with View Systems Permission for this Customer are able to access the Dashboard. Likewise, a
User can only create Dashboards for Customers she has the View Systems Permission for.

Every Dashboard may contain multiple Sections in order to group the Dashlets.

14.1.1. Adding new Dashboards

In order to create a new Dashboard perform the following steps:

Procedure 14.1. Creating a Dashboard
1. Select Monitoring → Dashboards from the top-level menu. Select New.

2. Fill an a Name and an optional Description. Select a Customer from the list and choose if the
Dashboard is Shared, i.e. if other Users of the selected Customer shall be able to access the
Dashboard as well.

Push the Create button. A new tab opens with the title set to the name of the Dashboard.

3. Adding Dashlets

a. Click on  Add Dashlet. The Add new Dashlet window opens. Choose a Dashlet from the
list. You can narrow down your selection if you choose one of the Categories first. Push
the Add button of the Dashlet of your choice. The Configure page opens.

b. There are options that depend on the particular Dashlet displayed in the upper part of the
window. Usually these options comprise some direct input or the definition of a Selector.

The lower section consists of settings that are common for all Dashlets. You can choose
the Grid Width and Grid Height of the Dashlet, or if it should Use the maximum window
width. You can also Override Title and Override Subtitle which otherwise are selected au-
tomatically. Finally, you can choose a different Refresh Interval if the default is not suit-
able for you.

c. Push the Apply button to save the Dashlet.

d. Repeat the steps above to add further dashlets.

e. Use your mouse and drag the Dashlets in order to re-arrange them.

f. In order to configure a Dashlet you already have added, push the  icon inside the Dashlet.

g. In order to remove a Dashlet, push the  icon inside the Dashlet.

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Modifying Dashboards syslink Xandria

4. Configuring the Dashboard

a. Push  Configure to open the Configure Dashboard window.

b. You can change the Dasboard Name, Description, Customer, and the Shared flag, if you
are no longer happy with the values chosen initially.

c. If you don’t want to use the Floating Layout, which automatically adjusts the grid layout
according to the browser window size, clear the corresponding flag.

d. You can directly access the Dashboard using the URL defined in URL. If you don't want
to allow direct access, clear the value in the field.

e. By default, the page accessible by the URL defined above requires login. If you want to
access this page automatically without a User to login, choose an appropriate Auto Login
User from the list.

f. Managing Sections

i. Push the Add New Section button in order to add a new section to the Dashboard.
A new section row will be added. Click on the name of the new section and change
it accordingly.

ii. You can click on  to add a Dashlet from this dialogue directly.

iii. Choose  and  to re-arrange sections.

iv. Choose  to remove a section.

g. Managing Styles

i. You can set a different background color or use a background image, either by upload
or by reference to a online resource.

ii. You can change the Title Color as well.

iii. You can disable the Dashlets being animated during refresh: clear the Animate Dash-
lets on refresh flag.

iv. Finaly, you can Override CSS Styles by defining valid CSS in the text box.

You should be familiar with web development and the usage of the appro-
priate tools.

CSS classes involved are those starting with z-xdashboard and z-xdashlet.

h. Push Apply to save your configuration settings.

5. Push Exit Edit Mode to finish the Dashboard creation.

14.1.2. Modifying Dashboards
Modifying a Dashboard is similar to creating one.

1. Select Monitoring → Dashboards from the top-level menu. Select the Dashboard in question
and push Open.

2. Push  Edit to swith into the edit mode.

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System Dashboards syslink Xandria

3. Perform the desired steps described in Step 4 of Procedure 14.1, “Creating a Dashboard”.

4. Push Exit Edit Mode to finish the Dashboard creation.

14.1.3. System Dashboards

System Dashboards come pre-configured with syslink Xandria and are read-only Dashboards.

Currently, there is only one System Dashboard, the RTM Control Center, see als Section 10.1.4,
“RealTime Monitoring “Control Center” View”.

You can also access this Dashboard directly using URL http[s]://xandria.server.name[:port]/
xn/dashboard/RTM%20Control%20Center, and you can use the rtmuser property for a configuration
option without login.

You cannot modify a System Dashboard, but you can make a copy of it and configure it as de-
scribed in Section 14.1.2, “Modifying Dashboards”:

Select Monitoring → Dashboards from the top-level menu. Select the Dashboard in question and
choose More → Copy.

If you want to use the copied Dashboard as a replacement for the original RTM Control Center,
i.e. to make it accessible through Monitoring → RTM Control Center, define the Dasboard Name in

14.1.4. Using Dashboards

The main purpose of Dashboards is to display data. But there are few things worth knowing.

Every Dashboard features a Controller that allows you to further restrict or configure the amount
of data displayed:

1. Select Monitoring → Dashboards from the top-level menu. Select the Dashboard in question
and push Open.

2. Push the  icon. The Controller opens.

3. You can change the date range of the data displayed by the whole Dashboard. You can also
restrict the data to a given Customer.

4. Push the  button to close the Controller again.

Many Dashlets feature a  in the upper right corner. If you click on this icon, the corresponding
tab opens that provides the underlying data of the Dashlet.

14.1.5. Deleting Dashboards

Only the owner of a Dashboard can delete it.

Select Monitoring → Dashboards from the top-level menu. Select the Dashboard in question and
push the Delete button.

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Managing Solutions syslink Xandria

14.2. Managing Solutions

14.2.1. Creating Solution Documents

Perform the following steps to create a Solution Document. Create a Solution Document from

1. Select Support → Solution Documents from the top-level menu. Click Create to create a new
solution document.

2. On the New Document dialog, you must set the name, the description and the customer. The
customer owns the Solution Document and only users with the corresponding Solution Docu-
ments permissions on this customer can view or edit this document.

Click Create to create the Solution Document.

You can also create a Solution Document which is tied to a specific object, e.g. to a system, check,
customer, daily check, monitoring parameter and more. To do so, navigate to the object and per-
form the following steps:

1. Select the object and select More → Create Document. You can also right click the selected
object to open the context menu, and select Create Document in the context menu.

2. The New Document dialog has already set a default name, which can be changed. Set the
description and the customer.

3. Click Create to create the Solution Document.

Once the Solution Document is created, a new window opens where you can start writing the doc-
ument content in a WYSIWYG editor. Besides writing the document, you can do the following:

• Change document name, description and customer

• Apply different fonts, colors, and many other common used and well known text styles to your

• Insert links to external resources

• Upload and manage attachments to this Solution Document. Select Attachments to view, upload
and delete attachments

• Select References to show/hide the Solution Document references. Solution Document refer-
ences are very important for document search. Accurate document references will result in bet-
ter search results.

• If a Solution Document is created from scratch, no references are created. If a Solution Docu-
ment is created for a specific object (see above), references to that object are automatically
inserted to the Solution Document.

Editing Solution Document references:

1. Select References to show/hide the Solution Document references. Defined references are
shown on the left side of the document window.

2. Select Edit References… to open a dialog where references can be created, modified or deleted.

3. Click Add a Reference to create a new reference

Version 7.1.3 198

Finding Solution Documents syslink Xandria

4. In the drop down box, select the reference type.

5. Once a reference type is selected, a second drop down box is presented with possible refer-
enced values. There is a special reference type free text that allows you to use arbitrary kinds
of tags for your documents.

6. Repeat step 3. to 5. to add additional references

7. Select the  icon to remove a reference

8. Select Apply to save the references

14.2.2. Finding Solution Documents

Finding Solution Documents is pretty easy. There are basically three ways:

• Select Support → Solution Documents. A list with all visible Solution Documents is presented.
Use the common Xangui filtering and sorting mechanisms to find documents.

• Select Support → Solution Documents and click Search in the toolbar. A new dialog opens where
you can enter a search term. Click on Search executes a fulltext-search and show matching

• The last document search works differently. If you want to find Solution Documents which are
related to a specific object (e.g. system, check, customer and so on), go to that object and select
either More->Show documents or right click that object and select Show Documents. The found
documents have references to the selected object. Please note that not only the direct docu-
ment references are used for the search, but also references of references are considered in the
search. To show the relevance of a found document, stars are used to show the importance of
a document. Five stars denote highest relevance.

You need View Documents Permission to view Solution Documents. Editing a document requires
the corresponding Edit Documents Permissions.

14.3. Working with Tickets

syslink Xandria provides a simple Problem Management solution providing the following workflow:

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Working with Tickets syslink Xandria

Figure 14.1. syslink Xandria Problem Management workflow

There are two roles important in this workflow: The caller (i.e. usually a representative of the Cus-
tomer) that opens a Ticket, and the owner (i.e. usually a representative of the Service Provider)
which processes the Ticket in order to find a resolution.

There are basically three options for working with Tickets, available from the Support → Tickets

• Select Open Tickets to display a list of all Tickets in states Open or Processing. Unassigned
Tickets are shown at the very top of the list and are emphasized with a bold font. Unassigned

Version 7.1.3 200

Creating Tickets syslink Xandria

Tickets are Tickets which have been recently created by a caller and have not yet an owner
assigned (i.e. that are not being processed yet). Beside that the number of Unassigned Tickets
is shown on the left side next to the Open Tickets menu.

• Select My Tickets to display a list of all Tickets you are defined as caller or owner in. By default
only Tickets in states “Open”, “Processing” and “Fixed” are shown. To see also “Closed” Tickets
select All Tickets from the drop down box on the right side.

• Select Search Tickets in order to search Tickets.

Once you have selected one of the options above, you see a ticket list. You can open a Ticket to
see the details of this ticket.

14.3.1. Creating Tickets
Select Support → Tickets from the top-level menu. Choose New from the toolbar.. Select either
Open Tickets or My Tickets and select New on the toolbar.

Fill in the following fields:

• Short description: Fill in a short but meaningful description of the problem, request, or question.

• Priority: Select from the values LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. The default is LOW.

• Type: Select from the values Problem, Request, Question. The default is Problem.

• Customer: Select the Customer name. This field is required unless you open the Ticket as an
owner directly.

Usually there will be a default Customer already selected.

• Customer application: Select a Customer Application.

Usually there will be a default Customer Application already selected.

• Log Text: Fill in the description of your work or part of work, questions or answers, etc. The
WYSIWYG editor provides text styles and formatting features.

The new ticket is created once you push the OK.

You need the Permission Call Tickets in order to create a ticket. This allows also to close the Ticket,
change the priority, add or remove attachments, and to create new Log Text fields.

You need the Permission Own Tickets in order to be the owner of a Ticket, i.e. to change the status
to processing or fixed, create new Log Text fields.

14.3.2. Attaching Files to Tickets

There is also the option to attach files to Tickets. Open the details page of a Ticket.Press the
Upload Attachment button, select the file in question, and push Open button.

14.3.3. Processing Tickets
The ordinary ticketing process, as shown in Figure 14.1, “syslink Xandria Problem Management
workflow”, consists of creating several Log Text entries (alternating by owner and caller), and
changing the Ticket status appropriately.

In order to create a new Log Text only, push the New Ticket Log button on the Ticket details. This
allows to change the Status as well. If you need to modify other parts of the Ticket choose Edit
Ticket from the page menu.

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Working with Changes syslink Xandria

If a Ticket is unassigned (i.e. has no owner yet) you can self-assign it choosing Edit Ticket in the
ticket details page. There you can also modifiy other ticket settings.

14.4. Working with Changes

syslink Xandria supports the following Change process:

Figure 14.2. syslink Xandria Change workflow

syslink Xandria Change Workflow. The left column contains the different Change states,
the right one indicates the responsibilities in each of the different Change phases.

14.4.1. Creating a Change
Perform the following steps to create a Change record:

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Viewing Changes syslink Xandria

1. Select Support → Changes from the top-level menu. Choose New from the toolbar.

2. Select a Customer and push Next.

3. Select a Customer Application and push Next.

4. Choose values for Reason, Component, and Impact. Choose a Planned implementation date
and fill in a Short Description. Push the Create button.

After the Change is created, it can be edited multiple times. The only restriction is once the Change
status is changed to “Closed”, the Change record can no longer be edited.

You need the Permission Edit Changes in order to create or modify Changes.

You need the Permission Approve Changes in order to change the status from planned to process-

You need the Permission Approve Implemented in order to change the status from implemented
to done.

14.4.2. Viewing Changes
In order to view Changes choose Support → Changes. You may adjust the time period and the
Change status.

In order to set many Changes to the status Done, choose More → Set Changes to Done .

You need the Permission View Changes in order to view Changes.

14.5. Using SAP Logon

With XanGui you can directly logon to ABAP instances from various views. Some views even will
launch the appropriate transaction in the SAP system.

Technically .sap files are provided for download and you simply click on it to run SAP GUI. You
may configure your browser to automatically open .sap files so you wonʼt even notice that a file
has been downloaded.

Per default, XanGui will enter the same user name as the one you used to logon to XanGui. This
might not be the same as the one in your SAP systems. You can therefore change the user name
in your User Settings (see  → User Settings) for SAP GUI logon. Enter the desired user name to
the field SAP Logon User.

If you have setup single sign-on in your organization, please use the same user name
as the one which is linked to your Windows domain user. This way you do not need to
type the password.

There are several ways to run SAP logon from XanGui.

1. In the SAP system detail view, there is a Start SAP Logon drop down button which provides a
list of ABAP instances. Click on the desired instance name.

2. In the SAP System Details page of the SAP system detail view, right click on an ABAP instance
and choose Start SAP Logon. Same can be done using the More drop down menu.

3. In a list of checks right click on a check of an ABAP system or instance and choose Start SAP
Logon. Same can be done using the More drop down menu.

Version 7.1.3 203

Working with the Terminal syslink Xandria

If you start SAP logon from a check, XanGui will directly forward you logon to an
appropriate transaction.

4. In the details view of ABAP related checks click Start SAP Logon (TA). This view shows the
name of the start transaction, XanGui will pass to SAP logon.

14.6. Working with the Terminal

XanGui features a terminal function to interact with the syslink Xandria Agent in a way similar
to a shell (Unix) or Command Prompt (Windows). The terminal feature is provided for your con-
venience, but may not replace a real shell or command prompt. For example, it provides a fixed
window size only. Commands which simply respond on the terminal using STDOUT or STDERR will
generally work fine. Examples are ps (Unix) or tasklist (Windows).

You may experience issues with other commands, especially if they interact with the terminal. If
you use such a command and get stuck, you can simply close the terminal and start over.

The terminal feature is using normal syslink Xandria Agent communication and works no matter
if an agent is connected directly to the syslink Xandria Master or via a syslink Xandria Gateway.
syslink Xandria Agent allows at most 5 concurrent terminal sessions.

You need the Open Agent Terminal permission to work with the terminal. The Terminal
buttons and menu items will not be available unless you have the permission. Additional-
ly the feature can be completely disabled using XanGui property agent-terminal.enable.

Enabling this function may violate security policies applied by your company or your
customers. Using this function may circumvent security measures put in place to en-
force such policies.

Use at your own risk!

syslink software AG shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or con-
sequential damages in connection with the use of this function.

14.6.1. Opening a Terminal
There are three ways to open a terminal. All three ways will open a new tab.

1. In the servers list view, use the context menu with the right mouse button and choose Terminal.

2. Select the server in servers list view and choose menu More followed by Terminal.

3. On the detail view of a server simply use Terminal on the button bar.

14.7. Retrieving Version Information

You may use XanGui in order to view version information. The different System lists show version
information, in particular the versions of the syslink Xandria Agents can be seen using Systems
→ Servers.

Version 7.1.3 204

Retrieving syslink Xandria License Information syslink Xandria

For version information of XanGui, syslink Xandria Database, syslink Xandria Master choose  →

14.8. Retrieving syslink Xandria License Information

You may use XanGui in order to view license information. Select Administration → Licenses from
the top-level menu. The following data is displayed:

• The number of licensed SAP Instances, Servers, Databases.

• The license status and a status message. Usually the status will be Ok. It changes to Warning if
e.g. the license is about to expire , or there are more systems active than licensed. It changes to
Critical if the license either does not exist or is violated in a way that syslink Xandria Master has
stopped functioning (like license is expired). In case of a Warning or Critical status, the message
text will show additional information.

• The number of active SAP Instances, servers, Databases, and In-Memory Databases. Systems
are considered active if they require a license and are operational.

• The license start and end date.

• The names of SAP Instances, Servers, and Databases that are ignored in case there are more
systems active than licensed.

• The hardware key the license is bound to.

There are also sections displaying in greater detail how many Systems per Customer are opera-
tional and consume a license. This data can also be exported.

14.9. Setting Up and Configuring Xandria Web Service

The syslink Xandria Web Service provides access to your syslink Xandria environment using the
well known Web Service technology. It is distributed as part of XanGui.

14.9.1. Enable/Disable the Xandria Web Service

By default the syslink Xandria Web Service is disabled. To enable the Web Service you have to enter
XanGui. Go to the XanGui Properties (Administration → Settings) and set the property webservice
to true. Afterwards a XanGui restart has to be triggered.

When XanGui has finished its restart the Web Service's WSDL is accessible at http(s)://
xandria.server.name[:port]/xn/ws/xandria_webservice.wsdl. If you open this URL in a brows-
er you will see the content of the WSDL file.

To disable the Web Service just set the webservice property to false and restart XanGui.

14.9.2. How to use the Xandria Web Service by Command Line Executable

XanGui includes a command line executable called XanCmd to access the web service and to read
and write data. To get it, follow the procedure below.

1. Go to  → About, then press Download XanCmd Package.

2. A dialog will open and shows a command line example how to display the help screen of
XanCmd. Press Download 'xancmd.zip'.

There is a 30 day warning period.

Version 7.1.3 205

How to use the Xandria Web Service in a Java Project syslink Xandria

3. Unpack xancmd.zip. The package includes 3 files, xancmd.jar, xancmd.cfg, and either
xancmd.bat on Microsoft Windows operating systems or xancmd on Unix-like operating sys-

xancmd or xancmd.bat simply call java, so you might need to add the full path if
Java cannot be found in the path.

4. The file xancmd.cfg is preconfigured and contains the complete URL of XanGui so you donʼt
have to provide it on the command line. Call xancmd to get an usage overview of the command.

You can as well include options user= and password= to your config file so you donʼt
have to specify them on the command line. Syntax of the Web Service Command Line Executable

The syntax is simple: xancmd [options] [command] [command options]. If you have specified the
url, user and password options in the xancmd.cfg config file, the syntax is even more simple and
just xancmd [command] [command options].

The examples below ommit the options:

Display the usage xancmd or xancmd help

Display help of a xancmd help [command]

To show the complete syntax of the ls command, use xancmd help ls

Show list of Xandria xancmd ls servers


Show a table of Xan- xancmd ls -l sapsystems@customer

dria SAP systems of
one customer only

Turn off monitoring xancmd moni-off -name mozart -duration 120

for 120 minutes of
monitored object

14.9.3. How to use the Xandria Web Service in a Java Project

Knowledge base document INFO: Using the syslink Xandria Web Service in a Java Project [https://
support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=160] shows a procedure how to
setup your own Java project to access the syslink Xandria Web Service programmatically. Other
popular program languages provide standard libraries to interact with the syslink Xandria Web
Service, which uses standard SOAP, as well.

14.9.4. How to use the Xandria Web Service in an ABAP Project

The syslink Xandria Web Service can be used called from ABAP systems as well. Knowledge
base document INFO: Creating the syslink Xandria Web Service in an ABAP system [https://

Version 7.1.3 206

How to use the Xandria Web Service in an ABAP Project syslink Xandria

support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=188] describes a detailed proce-

dure, how to create and test the Web Service from an ABAP system.

Version 7.1.3 207

syslink Xandria

Chapter 15. Upgrading syslink Xandria

15.1. About Versions, Patches, Upgrades, etc.
We first will describe the terminology used in syslink Xandria with respect to versions, patches,
upgrades, etc.

15.1.1. Versioning

As described earlier in this document syslink Xandria consists of multiple software components.
Each of these components has a particular version number, and the whole syslink Xandria suite
has a version number as well.

The version number for syslink Xandria always has the format [major].[minor] with major and
minor being numbers. The syslink Xandria version described in this document is 7.1. We also use
the term release as a synonym for version.

Every syslink Xandria component has a version number in format [major].[minor].[patchlevel]

[major].[minor] denotes the syslink Xandria version the component belongs to, and patchlevel
indicates the particular patch level of the component.

An exception to this rule is XanMobile which can be considered as a software of its own and hence
has its own numbering scheme.

With every new release of syslink Xandria the version number changes (at least the minor version
number), and the patchlevel of every component is set to 0. Patches will be released on a per
component level comprising first of all bug fixes. Details can be found in the Release Notes.

15.1.2. Version Compatibility

As a general rule, all syslink Xandria components sharing the same [major].[minor] version pre-
fix are compatible to each other, regardless of the particular patch level. Exceptions to this rule
will be stated in the Release Notes. Also, as a general rule, components having a different [ma-
jor].[minor] version prefix are not compatible!

In order to support smooth version upgrades syslink Xandria server components ensure a certain
degree of compatibility to syslink Xandria Agents with a lower [major].[minor] version number.
This is described in a more formal way in the Release Notes.

Therefore you must not install a syslink Xandria Agent with a higher [major].[minor] version
number than the [major].[minor] version number of the syslink Xandria server components!

15.1.3. Version Upgrades vs Applying Patches

When we talk about applying patches we mean to replace a particular syslink Xandria component
with one that shares the same version number except for the patchlevel. The procedures how to
apply patches are described in Section 15.8, “Applying Patches” at the very end of this chapter.

When we talk about version upgrades or (short) upgrades we mean to lift the whole syslink Xandria
installation from one [major].[minor] version to the next. The major part of this chapter describes
how to perform a version upgrade of syslink Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 208

License Compatibility syslink Xandria

15.1.4. License Compatibility
Licenses are bound to the [major].[minor] version of syslink Xandria. In other words, you do not
need a new license if you apply a patch, but you will need a new license if you perform a version

15.2. Upgrade Notes
This and the following sections describe the upgrade of syslink Xandria server components from
version 6.0 to 7.1.

Before you start with the installation, visit our site and read the document RE-
LEASE NOTES for syslink Xandria 7.1 [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=210 ]. Make sure that you get the latest versions and patch-
es of the syslink Xandria software, as stated in the Components section.

Upgrade Path
You first need to upgrade every syslink Xandria Gateway to
version 7.1 before you can upgrade the syslink Xandria Server
components. Finally, upgrade the syslink Xandria Agents.

syslink Xandria Gateway 7.1 is compatible with all 6.0 compo-


There is no upgrade path from syslink Xandria 5.2 to 7.1!

In order to upgrade syslink Xandria Agents 5.2 to 7.1.3, you have to up-
grade them to version 6.0.x before!

Java Runtime Envi- syslink Xandria server components require the Java 8 Runtime Environ-
ronment (JRE) ment. Only the 64-bit version is supported.

syslink Xandria Agents 7.1.3 require the Java 8 Runtime Environment. You
may need to upgrade your Java before you can upgrade the syslink Xan-
dria Agents.

Permissions You must have local administrator or root permissions in order to perform
the upgrade.

Microsoft SQL Server The syslink Xandria Server still supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2,
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, and Microsoft SQL Server 2014. You can also
upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 if need be.

Agent Compatibility syslink Xandria Agents version 5.2.24 and higher are supported with sys-
link Xandria Server 7.1.

15.3. Obtaining the License

In order to run syslink Xandria 7.1, you need a new license file.

Version 7.1.3 209

Upgrading syslink Xandria Gateways syslink Xandria

While still on syslink Xandria 6.0, logon to your XanGui installation using the administrator account
and follow the procedure to obatin a license for syslink Xandria 7.1:

1. Select Administration → Licenses from the XanGui top-level menu. The Licenses page opens.

2. Click on Request / Install Xandria License button and then click on 1. Request License. A dialog
box will open showing your Hardware Key and some fields to fill in the number of licenses
required. Press Continue.

3. A mail to support@syslink.ch will be opened using the email program of your system with
the data entered in the form. Please feel free to modify this email and to add any notes, then
submit the mail.

Alternatively, if you already have received credentials to login to our support area, you may also
use the License Request From [https://www.syslink.ch/support/request] on our webpage. Fill
in the same data together with the Hardware Key displayed in XanGui. Or you may open a
support ticket at https://support.syslink.ch.

4. In response to your query you will receive an e-mail or log entry in your support ticket with
the license key. Please return to the Licenses page (Administration → Licenses) and click on
Request / Install Xandria License. Then copy and paste the license key including the lines
marked as -----BEGIN/END XLIC BLOCK----- to the corresponding text box and press OK.

5. A message appears that the license was installed. It may take a minute until it is active. Please
use the refresh button to see the updated license information. Verify the Status and Status
Message are Ok.

syslink Xandria 6.0 works smoothly with a license for 7.1.

15.4. Upgrading syslink Xandria Gateways

15.4.1. Upgrading on Microsoft Windows operating systems

In order to upgrade a syslink Xandria Gateway on Microsoft Windows operating systems please
perform the following steps:

1. Download gateway-7.1.[n]-setup.exe from the GATEWAY RELEASE 7.1.[n] section at


2. Open gateway-7.1.[n]-setup.exe and proceed through the installer.

3. Verify the file C:\Program Files\syslink\gateway\cfg\gateway.cfg. See also Section 5.5.6,

“Configuration Reference”.

15.4.2. Upgrading on Unix-like operating systems

In order to upgrade a syslink Xandria Gateway on Unix-like operating systems please perform the
following steps:

1. Download gateway-7.1.[n]-[os].bin from the GATEWAY RELEASE 7.1.[n] section at https://

www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria and copy it to /syslink.

2. Run the installer (as user xandria or whoever runs the syslink Xandria Gateway):

Version 7.1.3 210

Upgrading Server Components (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) syslink Xandria

xandria$ cd /syslink
xandria$ ./gateway-7.1.[n]-linux.bin

The syslink Xandria Gateway is started automatically. There is a startup script /sys-
link/gateway/rc.gateway that can be called with start and stop parameter.

3. Verify the file /syslink/gateway/cfg/gateway.cfg. See also Section  5.5.6, “Configuration


15.5. Upgrading Server Components (on Microsoft Windows operat-

ing systems)
Follow these steps to upgrade your syslink Xandria Server components to Version 7.1:

15.5.1. Upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server (optional)

In case you want to upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server, follow the documentation found
here [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/install-windows/upgrade-sql-serv-
er] in order to upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server to an appropriate version.

Verify the TCP/IP settings afterwards as described in Section  2.2.3, “Verify TCP/IP Settings of
Microsoft SQL Server”.

15.5.2. Upgrading the other syslink Xandria Server components

Procedure 15.1. Running the syslink Xandria Server Installer

1. Download xandria-server-7.1.3-win64.exe from the SERVER RELEASE 7.1.3 section at

2. Open the installer, push Next on the welcome screen, and choose I agree on the license screen.

3. You are asked to install either syslink Xandria Master, XanGui or both. Usually you will leave
the default and install both. Push Next to continue.

4. Choose an appropriate installation location and push Next.

5. The installer will search for a Java 8 Runtime Environment.

If no suitable Java Virtual Machine is found automatically, click Select Java to choose an
alreay installed Java Virtual Machine.

Press Next to continue if a Java Virtual Machine is defined.

6. Choose the ports for incoming HTTP and or HTTPS connections of the web UI. You may push
the Verify Ports button in order to check if the ports are free. Press Next.

7. Verify the Windows Firewall configuration rules that will be added to your system. Press Next
to proceed.

8. Choose the (Windows) user to run the Windows services as. By default this is LocalSystem.
If you use Windows Authentication for the Microsoft SQL Server (which is the default in Step
4), make sure you use the same user here as for the Microsoft SQL Server. If you performed
a standard installation in Step 4, leave it to the default here. If your Microsoft SQL Server is
running with a different user, fill in the same user. Press Next to proceed.

9. Push Install.

Version 7.1.3 211

Upgrading Server Components (on Unix-like operating systems) syslink Xandria

10. On the final screen, make sure you have checked Install XanGui and Master and push Finish.

15.6. Upgrading Server Components (on Unix-like operating systems)

15.6.1. Prepare the Upgrade

As user root stop all syslink Xandria server processes:
root$ /syslink/master/rc.master stop
root$ /syslink/xangui/rc.xangui stop
root$ /syslink/xandriadb/rc/rc.xandriadb stop

15.6.2. Upgrading PostgreSQL 8.4.7 to PostgreSQL 9.6.4

There are tremendous improvements in terms of performance and resource consump-
tion between PostgreSQL 8.4.7 and PostgreSQL 9.6.4. In particular, the newer version
consumes far less shared memory. As a consequence, any modifications concerning
performance you may have made in postgresql.conf may no longer be required. Even
more, they may not work well with PostgreSQL 9.6.4. We do not migrate your version of
postgresql.conf for this particular reason. Instead it is recommended to start with the
new postgresql.conf and carefully apply modifications if need be.

This upgrade installs the PostgreSQL 9.6.4 in parallel to the old one. For the data mi-
gration, both databases are started using temporary ports. After the migration, the new
version will be in /syslink/xandriadb, while the old version is moved to /syslink/xan-
driadb-pgsql-8.4.7. In case something fails, the old version will be recovered in /sys-

Perform the following steps as user xandria:

1. Download xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin from the CONTRIB RELEASE 7.1 section at

https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria and save it to /syslink.

2. Make sure the file is executable. Otherwise:

xandria$ chmod 755 xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin

3. Run the installer:

xandria$ ./xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-[os].bin

Please be patient. Migration of data may take a couple of minutes, depending on your data-
base size and the underlying hardware. The output will look like the following example:
xandria$ ./xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-linux_x64.bin
Creating directory xandriadb-inst
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-linux_x64.............
Changed ownership of xandriadb-inst to xandria:xandria
Set permissions 0755 on xandriadb-inst/bin/
Starting to upgrade xandriadb
Size of /syslink/xandriadb/data: 4.425 GB
New cluster dir /syslink/xandriadb-inst
Available for /syslink/xandriadb-inst: 57.065 GB
Adapted xandriadb-inst/data/pg_hba.conf

Version 7.1.3 212

Upgrading syslink Xandria Server components syslink Xandria

Updated xandriadb-inst/contrib/rc.xandriadb
Updated xandriadb-inst/contrib/xandria_dump.sh
Started PgSQL cluster at xandriadb/data, port 55433
Started PgSQL cluster at xandriadb-inst/data, port 55432
Start Migration of data. Please be patient.
Finished Migration of data
Stopped PgSQL cluster at xandriadb/data
Stopped PgSQL cluster at xandriadb-inst/data
Finished upgrading xandriadb
Starting PostgreSQL: ok
Cleaning up

(For longer running parts a ߴ character is printed every second. A full line of ߴ characters
corresponds to one minute.)

The installer checks if there is enough space left one the file system to perform the
migration. If this check fails, the installer stops immediately.

However, if your database is bloated, you may require less space for the data mi-
gration than the installer estimates. In this case you may check your latest data-
base backup. The available space should be at least twice the size of this backup. If
you feel confident you have enough space available, you can run the installer again
like this
xandria$ ./xandriadb-pgsql-9.6.4-linux_x64.bin -- --ignore-size-check

in order to disable the check.

In case the upgrade does not succeed, the installer tries its best to recover the previous state.
If PostgreSQL 9.6.4 cannot be installed, the old PostgreSQL 8.4.7 is started again instead.
If there is an issue during the actual migration of data, the errors are logged to a file /sys-
link/migration-errors.log. You can manually start the old PostgreSQL version afterwards.

After the migration, the rc.xandriadb file is located in /syslink/xandri-
adb/rc.xandriadb and no longer in /syslink/xandriadb/rc/rc.xandriadb.

4. If the upgrade succeeded, you may savely remove the following lines from the .profile or
.bash_profile of the user xandria (if present):

export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/syslink/xandriadb/man
export PGDATA=/syslink/xandriadb/data
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/syslink/xandriadb/lib
export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/syslink/xandriadb/lib

15.6.3. Upgrading syslink Xandria Server components

Previous versions of syslink Xandria guided you to install XanGui as user root, for easily
using protected ports (those with a port number less than 1024).

If you are not using protected ports, we recommend to change the ownership of the
XanGui files to the user xandria.

Version 7.1.3 213

Upgrading syslink Xandria Server components syslink Xandria

If you are using protected ports, please consider using one of thr redirect scenarios
outlined in item Running XanGui on port 80/443 (Unix only) of Section 2.1, “Installation
Notes” and change the ownership of the XanGui files to the user xandria.

If you are using protected ports and cannot afford any redirect scenario, run the installer
as user root.

Procedure 15.2. Upgrading syslink Xandria server components

1. Download xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin from the SERVER RELEASE 7.1.3 section at
https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria and save it to /syslink.

Make sure the file is executable. Otherwise:

xandria$ chmod 755 xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin

2. • If your existing XanGui installation is listening on a port ≥ 1024, (with or without redirecting
some port < 1024 to the actual XanGui port) execute the following as user root:
root$ chown -R xandria:xandria /syslink/xangui
root$ chown -R xandria:xandria /syslink/.xandria

Please make sure to change the XANGUI_USER=root entry in the header of the /
syslink/xangui/rc.xangui script to XANGUI_USER=xandria. Command below
uses vi as editor, please use any editor you are familiar with.
root$ vi /syslink/xangui/rc.xangui

Perform the following steps as user xandria.

• If your existing XanGui installation is listening on a port < 1024, and you have no redirect
scenario in place perform the following steps as user root.

It is recommended to run syslink Xandria processes with a lower privileged OS
user than root, so yo change the XanGui port during this upgrade.

3. In the /syslink directory run

xandria$ ./xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin

The installer requires a suitable Java 8 Runtime Environment to run. It usually finds it automat-
ically based on the existing installation. If no suitable Java 8 Runtime Environment is found,
you can specify one like this:
xandria$ ./xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin -- --jvm=[path_to_java_executable]

with [path_to_java_executable] the absolute path of the java executable.

Yes, it's really -- first and then --jvm.

4. Open your preferred web browser and point it to the URL http[s]://
xandria.server.name[:port]/xn. Use the built-in User administrator account, or any other
User with the Permission Administrator Functions (root).

Version 7.1.3 214

Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents syslink Xandria

On the XanGui Post Upgrade Steps page push the Start post upgrade steps button. Once fin-
ished, click Start XanGui.

15.7. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents

You have the option to upgrade syslink Xandria Agents manually or automatically (recommended).

15.7.1. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents Automatically

syslink Xandria Agents are able to perform Self Updates. These updates can be initiated centrally,
so the installation of patches and new versions becomes easy even in large-scale syslink Xandria

You need the Trigger Agent Updates (root) Permission in order to perform automatic updates.

Starting from syslink Xandria Agent 7.1.3, a Java 8 Runtime Environment is required.
syslink Xandria supports you in upgrading the JRE as described in Section,
“Managing Internal Java Virtual Machines”

You will need a 64-bit JVM on 64-bit operating systems. External vs. Internal JVM

Unless such a JVM is found, syslink Xandria Agent cannot be upgraded to 7.1. For your conve-
nience, syslink Xandria has included a JVM installation and update feature. If you make use of this
feature, the installed JVM will reside in the syslink Xandria Agent installation directory and does
not interfere with your operating system.

Of course you can make use of any Java 8 Runtime Environment eventually installed. It will be
found automatically if its location is included in the PATH environment variable. In this document
we use the term external JVM for this kind of installation, and the term internal JVM if it is
maintained by the syslink Xandria Agent.

Table 15.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External JVMs

Installation Type Advantage Disadvantage
External Automatic Updates through Agent needs to be restarted
operating system manually after JVM update
Internal Agent restarts automatically Updates need to be invoked
after JVM update manually

For IBM AIX and HP-UX you probably want to use the external JVM. There are no packages avail-
able in a format that can be deployed by the syslink Xandria Agent. However, you can compose your
own Java distribution package in tar.gz format and install it through the syslink Xandria Agent.

In this case the file must be named [java|jre|jdk|jvm]-[version]-[os]-[osarch].tar.gz and

has to contain a complete directory structure with JRE (or JDK).

Example: java-8u123-aix-ppc_64.tar.gz.

Valid operating system architectures are displayed in the Server Info section of a Server record.

Version 7.1.3 215

Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents Automatically syslink Xandria Managing Internal Java Virtual Machines

You need the syslink Xandria Agent 5.2.24 in order to install or update the internal JVM.
So you can prepare the JVM while still running 5.2 agents.

To install or upgrade an internal JVM, proceed as follows.

1. For Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Solaris you will find suitable Java packages at Java SE
Runtime Environment 8 Downloads [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/down-
loads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html]. Always download the tar.gz packages, even on Mi-
crosoft Windows and Linux. Use the 64-bit package on a 64-bot operating system.

2. Select Administration → Agent Updates from the top-level menu. Select the Packages tab.
Choose Upload from the toolbar.

3. Choose the downloaded tar.gz packages from your computer and start the upload.

4. Select the Status tab. Select Select Systems for… → Java Update from the toolbar.

In order to upgrade or install Java on a single or a few servers only, you can go to Systems →
Servers, select the servers, and then choose Manage Agent Java … from the context menu.

5. The Setup Custom Search Criteria dialog appears. Choose criteria to select the servers you
want to install or update Java on. A single or a group of named servers can be chosen with
server search criteria Server. Press OK to continue.

6. The Java Install/Update dialog appears. Please review the information here. Press OK to con-

7. You can now verify the process in the Status tab. Running Agent Update

The syslink Xandria Agent Self Updates work as follows:

1. Starting from syslink Xandria release 6.0 there is just one upgrade package for the syslink
Xandria Agent which is valid for all supported operating systems. It is included in the distribu-
tion packages and available as separate download at https://www.syslink.ch/software/sys-

The packages are named agent-7.1.[n].bin. On Unix-like operating systems these are the
same packages you use for the normal installation. On Microsoft Windows operating systems
this package is used for Self Updates as well, but there is an extra package provided for the
initial installation which cannot be used for the automatic upgrade.

2. You can upload the packages using XanGui and the syslink Xandria Agents retrieve the pack-
ages through the syslink Xandria Master and syslink Xandria Gateway infrastructure.

3. XanGui provides an interface that allows you to select the syslink Xandria Agents supposed
to upgrade. You can either choose items from the Server list or define an ad-hoc Selectors.

In order to avoid too many syslink Xandria Agents trying to download the packages at the
same time, the update requests are queued. Only update-simultaneous-downloads update re-
quests are triggered at the same point in time, and there is a delay of schedule-wait-time be-
fore the next bunch of update requests is triggered, etc. These two parameters can be con-
figured as described in XanGui Properties.

Version 7.1.3 216

Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents Automatically syslink Xandria

4. As soon as the syslink Xandria Master transfers the update request to the syslink Xandria
Agent, the latter one spawns a child process to start downloading the upgrade package while
the syslink Xandria Agent continues to run normally.

Once the download finished successfully, the package is extracted, the syslink Xandria Agent
is stopped, old files are replaced, and the newly installed syslink Xandria Agent is started.

5. If there is anything going wrong, syslink Xandria Agent tries its best to fully recover itself, e.g.
it tries to roll back to the previous version.

6. During the upgrade process, verbose status messages are sent back to the syslink Xandria
Master. XanGui will display the current status and all log messages of the update attempt, so
you can watch the update process periodically.

While the whole process usually works very smoothly, there are a few items to observe:

Small is beautiful If you plan to upgrade your syslink Xandria Agents, start with one or two
Physical Servers first and test the upgrade procedure as well as the new
syslink Xandria Agent.

If you feel comfortable with the new version, continue with the rest of your
syslink Xandria Agents. By default, syslink Xandria Agents running already
on the target release are not upgraded, unless you enforce this.

Downgrade If the upgrade process went well, but the new syslink Xandria Agent does
not work as expected you can also use this feature to downgrade syslink
Xandria Agents to the last known good version.

Version Information On Microsoft Windows operating systems the version information shown
in the Programs and Features dialog of the control panel will not be updat-
ed! Uploading Agent Packages

In order to upload packages perform the following steps:

1. Select Administration → Agent Updates from the top-level menu. Select the Packages tab.
Choose Upload from the toolbar.

2. Choose the packages from your computer and start the upload. Starting the Update

In order to trigger the upgrade perform the following steps:

Procedure 15.3. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agents automatically

1. Select Administration → Agent Updates from the top-level menu. Select Select Systems for…
→ Agent Update from the toolbar.

2. Fill in appropriate values for the Selectors and push OK.

3. Choose the appropriate version from the drop-down list and set the flags on the Servers you
want to update.

4. Confirm you selection by pushing the Start Agent Update button.

5. The Status tab contains the latest status information about the recently scheduled agent up-
dates. You may want to choose the value Running and Errors from the drop-down list in the
toolbar to watch the update progress.

Version 7.1.3 217

Upgrading syslink Xandria Agent Manually syslink Xandria

See Troubleshooting Agent Updates [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-
ment/document.zul?docId=183] in case of any issues.

15.7.2. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agent Manually

The Java 8 Runtime Environment is required. If you manually upgrade an agent, you need to make
sure that a compatible JRE is found. See also Section, “Managing Internal Java Virtual
Machines”. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agent Manually on Unix-like operating systems

Make sure the installer file agent-[version].bin is located in the installation directory of the sys-
link Xandria Agent, i.e. typically /syslink.

Run the agent-[version].bin file with the same operating system user the agent is running cur-

Please make sure that the OS user can (at least temporarily) write to /syslink directory.
Otherwise the installation will fail.

The installer will notice that a previous version already exists and takes care of the upgrade. If the
previous agent is release 5.2, it will replace the old agent installation and backup up the lyceus
directory to lyceus-backup.tar.gz. Settings of the old agent will be migrated, including the oper-
ating system user which might have been set in the rc.lyceus file.

Please make sure that the link to the agent start scripts in your init.d directory (depends on your
Unix) are updated to the new start scripts at /syslink/agent/rc.agent. Upgrading syslink Xandria Agent Manually on Microsoft Windows operating systems

If you are upgrading from version 5.2, please remove the old version using the Windows Programs
and Features control panel. If the version already is 7.1 or higher, you do not need to remove the
old version before.

Afterwards install the new version of syslink Xandria Agent as described in Section 3.3, “Installation
on Microsoft Windows operating systems”.

15.8. Applying Patches

15.8.1. Permissions
You must have local administrator permissions in order to apply patches on Microsoft Windows
operating systems. On Unix-like operating systems you need to have the permissions of the user
running the syslink Xandria Server components.

15.8.2. Downloading syslink Xandria patches

Before you start with the installation, visit our site and read the document RE-
LEASE NOTES for syslink Xandria 7.1 [https://support.syslink.ch/xn/xangui/docu-

Version 7.1.3 218

Patching the syslink Xandria Agent syslink Xandria

ment/document.zul?docId=210 ]. Make sure that you get the latest versions and patch-
es of the syslink Xandria software, as stated in the Components section.

You can download the latest patches at https://www.syslink.ch/software/syslink-xandria.

For the remainder of this section we assume that you save the downloaded component in C:\temp
(on Microsoft Windows operating systems) or /syslink (on Unix-like operating systems).

15.8.3. Patching the syslink Xandria Agent

Applying patches to the syslink Xandria Agent works exactly as described in Section 15.7, “Up-
grading syslink Xandria Agents”.

15.8.4. Patching the syslink Xandria Gateway

Applying patches to the syslink Xandria Gateway works exactly as described in Section 15.4, “Up-
grading syslink Xandria Gateways”.

15.8.5. Patching the syslink Xandria Server

1. • On Microsoft Windows operating systems, run the installer xandria-serv-
er-7.1.3-win64.exe from C:\temp.

• On Unix-like operating systems, run the installer xandria-server-7.1.3-[os].bin from


2. Open XanGui as user administrator or any other User with Permission Administrator Func-
tions (root) and perform any post-upgrade steps eventually available.

Version 7.1.3 219

syslink Xandria

Chapter 16. Uninstalling syslink
The syslink Xandria components should be removed in the following order:

1. Remove all syslink Xandria Agents from the respective servers as described in Section 16.1,
“Uninstalling syslink XandriaAgent”.

2. Remove the syslink Xandria Server components as described in Section 16.2, “Uninstalling sys-
link Xandria Server Components”.

16.1. Uninstalling syslink XandriaAgent

16.1.1. On Microsoft Windows operating systems

Proceed as follows:

1. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features.

2. Select the entry syslink Xandria Agent 7.1 and press the Remove button.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

4. Close the Programs and Features control panel.

5. Delete the directory C:\Program Files\syslink.

16.1.2. On Unix-like operating systems

Proceed as follows (you probably need to perform the steps as user root):

1. Stop the syslink Xandria Agent by executing the command /syslink/agent/rc.agent stop

2. Remove the whole directory /syslink.

3. Remove and link to rc.agent that may exist.

4. If you prefer, remove the operating system user and group xandria, or whatever user you used
to run syslink Xandria Agent. Consult your operating system documentation how to remove
a user or group.

5. Remove the user or group xandria as a member from the groups sapsys, dba, and db[sid]adm,
if required.

16.1.3. Removing the syslink Xandria SAP Users

If you have created a dedicated SAP User for syslink Xandria, you may remove this user (e.g.
XANDRIA_RFC or XANDRIA_J2EE) using transaction SU01 (ABAP) and the Visual Administrator or the
UME console.

Consult your SAP system documentation how to remove a SAP User.

16.1.4. Removing the transport requests

In case it is required to remove the objects imported by the transport request please contact the
syslink support.

Version 7.1.3 220

Uninstalling syslink Xandria Server Components syslink Xandria

16.2. Uninstalling syslink Xandria Server Components

16.2.1. On Microsoft Windows operating systems

In order to remove the syslink Xandria Server components, proceed as follows:

1. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features.

2. Follow the instructions on the screen.

3. Select the entry syslink Xandria Server and press the Change button.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

5. Close the Programs and Features control panel.

6. Delete the directory C:\Program Files\syslink.

If you have installed the Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express Edition, you probably want to remove
this software as well:

1. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features.

2. Select the entry Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and press the Remove button.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

4. Refresh the Programs and Features control panel, i.e. press F5.

5. Select the entry Microsoft SQL Server Native Client and press the Remove button.

6. Close the Programs and Features control panel.

7. If preferred, and if no other Microsoft SQL Server components are installed, you may delete
the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.

You probably want to remove the Java 8 Runtime Environment installed during the XanGui instal-
lation as well:

1. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features.

2. Select the entry Java 8 Update <x> and press the Remove button.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

4. Close the Programs and Features control panel.

16.2.2. On Unix-like operating systems

Proceed as follows:

1. Stop all daemons:

root$ /syslink/xangui/rc.xangui stop
root$ /syslink/master/rc.master stop
root$ /syslink/xandriadb/rc.xandriadb stop

2. Remove all entries of xandria from the cron facility.

3. Remove directory /syslink:

root$ rm -rf /syslink

Version 7.1.3 221

On Unix-like operating systems syslink Xandria

4. On AIX you may uninstall the Java Software Development Kit using smit.

5. Remove user xandria, remove group xandria, remove directory /home/xandria.

Version 7.1.3 222

syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria

Server Checks
This section contains a reference of all Server (and System-independent) Checks provided by sys-
link Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 224

syslink Xandria

AgentAlive — Verifies syslink Xandria Agent alive status and detects cluster switches.

One of the most important syslink Xandria checks. It is different from almost all other checks since
it is not executed by the syslink Xandria Agent, but by the syslink Xandria Master.

AgentAlive on the one hand is used to self monitor syslink Xandria Agent and is generated by
syslink Xandria Master if there is no message from syslink Xandria Agent during a certain period
of time.

On the other hand it is used to detect cluster switches.

For a Physical Server, the AgentAlive check can only have two status: Ok or Critical. If the AgentAl-
ive turns to Critical all other dependent checks will turn to Unknown. A Critical AgentAlive check
result can have several reasons:

• The server is down.

• The server is up but syslink Xandria Agent does not run.

• The server is up and the syslink Xandria Agent is running but cannot connect to syslink Xandria
Master due to network problems.

For Virtual Cluster Servers, the AgentAlive can also return a Warning state:

• The check will be in Ok status if the Virtual Cluster Server is active on one of the configured
physical nodes.

• The check will be in Warning status if the Virtual Cluster Server has switched from one physical
node to the other. The period of time how long the check result remains in Warning state can be
configured using the ClusterSwitchMsgDisplayDuration Monitoring Parameter.

• The check will be in Critical if the Virtual Cluster Server is not detected on any of the physical
nodes, and in any of the reasons given for Physical Servers.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server, Virtual Cluster Server

Check Cycle n/a, Check is executed by syslink Xandria Master

Check Category Static

Depends on Check n/a, the Check is executed independent of any other Check

Configured by Moni- AliveTimeout, ClusterSwitchMsgDisplayDuration

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 225

syslink Xandria

AgentConnect — Monitors the connection from syslink Xandria Master to syslink Xandria Agent.

This syslink Xandria check is executed on the syslink Xandria Master. It monitors whether a syslink
Xandria Agent can be reached from the syslink Xandria Master. To decide, if a connection was
successful or not the Agent Configuration distribution is analyzed. Is there no connection to an
agent for more than AgentConnectTimeWarn minutes (default: 10 minutes) the check's status
changes to Warning. If the connection cannot be established for more than AgentConnectTimeCrit
minutes (default: 60 minutes) the check turns to Critical.

If the AgentConnect Check is in status Warning or Critical no configuration could be sent to the
syslink Xandria Agent from the syslink Xandria Master. When the Check changes to status Ok
again the configuration of the syslink Xandria Agent works again.

Virtual Cluster Server do not possess an AgentConnect check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle n/a, Check is executed by syslink Xandria Master

Check Category Static

Depends on Check n/a, the Check is executed independent of any other Check

Configured by Moni- AgentConnectRoute, AgentConnectTimeCrit, AgentConnectTimeWarn,

toring Parameters AgentProtocolUseSSL

Version 7.1.3 226

syslink Xandria

CPULoad — Verify CPU usage of Physical Servers

The average usage of all detected CPUs is computed over a period of time.

This Check is also available for Virtual Cluster Servers, but by default it is disabled.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- CheckCycleTime, CPULoadAverageTime, CPULoadCrit, CPULoadWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 227

syslink Xandria

FileSystems — Verify the usage of local (or remote) filesystems

Every filesystem is checked for its usage (and inode usage on Unix-like operating systems), and a
forecast is computed when the filesystem limit will be exceeded if current usage rates continue.
Thresholds may be defined on a per file system level for both, the usage and the forecast.

By default, only local file systems are considered. Use Monitoring Parameter FSMonitorNetwork
to enable monitoring of remote file systems.

On Unix, the file system of the following types are monitored (locally), configured by Monitoring
Parameter FSTypeLocal:
advfs, aix, ext2, ext3, ext4, gpfs, hfs, jfs, jfs2, minix, ntfs, ocfs2, reiser4, reiserfs, ufs, vxfs, xfs, xiafs,

On Unix, the filesystems of the following types are monitored if FSMonitorNetwork is activated:
afs, dfs, nfs/nfs2/nfsv2, nfs3/nfsv3, smbfs

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- FSUsageWarn, FSUsageCrit, FSMonitorNetwork, FSTypeLocal, FSTypeR-

toring Parameters emote, FSExWarn, FSExCrit, FSForecast, CheckCycleTime, FSNodeCrit,
FSNodeWarn, PerfDataDiskIOFileSystems

Version 7.1.3 228

syslink Xandria

Memory — Verify physical memory usage of Physical Servers.

Memory check verifies physical memory usage of the operating system against configurable
thresholds MemoryUsageWarn and MemoryUsageCrit.

If the percentage of memory used is above MemoryUsageCrit, the check result status will be Criti-
cal. If the percentage of memory used is above MemoryUsageWarn, but still below MemoryUsage-
Crit, the check result status will be Warning.

In case monitoring parameter thresholds are configured as remaining free space using KB/MB or
GB, the amount of free memory is checked if it is below the corresponding threshold.

Memory check is accompagnied by check PagingSpace which includes virtual memory i.e. swap
space as well. If Memory returns a Warning or Critical result, but PagingSpace is still Ok, you will
probably notice that the system will perform slower, but should still work correctly. If, however,
PagingSpace will result as Warning or even Critical too, the server is definitely in a more serious
condition and you may face out-of-memory errors.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- MemoryUsageWarn, MemoryUsageCrit, CheckCycleTime

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 229

syslink Xandria

PagingSpace — Verify paging space usage of Physical Servers.

Every detected paging space (or swap space) is checked for usage. Thresholds may be defined for
the total paging space usage. Depending on the operating system, paging spaces may be devices,
file (systems), or in memory. For operating systems using an early paging strategy, paging space
being reserved is considered as in use.

There is also an option to check the ratio of paging space to physical memory by defining a value
for PagingSpacePhysMemRatioWarn

On Microsoft Windows operating systems: This check reports the paging space usage as reported
from windows perfmon.exe. This value may differ from PF Usage as displayed by the Windows
Task Manager.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- PagingSpaceWarn, PagingSpaceCrit, CheckCycleTime, PagingSpace-

toring Parameters PhysMemRatioWarn, TimeOutOsCalls

HP-UX, Solaris only

Version 7.1.3 230

syslink Xandria

SelfCheck — Performs syslink Xandria Agent self checking.

Besides the checks run by the syslink Xandria Agent, there are many other tasks being done in the
background, for example, change or performance data collection. If something goes wrong while
doing this background tasks, SelfCheck will tell you.

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni-
toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 231

syslink Xandria

TimeOffset — Verifies server time accuracy.

The check compares the UTC server time to the UTC time of the Xandria Master server. If the time
difference exceeds TimeOffsetWarn (default is 30 seconds), the status changes to Warning, and
if it exceeds TimeOffsetCrit (default 60 seconds), it changes to Critical.

For this check to provide correct results, it is crucial to keep the Xandria Master host clock properly

Reference Data
Managed Object Physical Server

Check Cycle 60 Minutes

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- TimeOffsetCrit, TimeOffsetWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 232

syslink Xandria

SAP Instance Checks

This section contains a reference of all SAP Instance Checks provided by syslink Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 233

syslink Xandria

ASCS_MsgSrv — Verify connectivity to Abap_Scs SAP Instances

ASCS_MsgSrv checks if the ABAP message server of an SAP System is up and running. This can
either be the a stand-alone Abap_Scs instance, or the message server of a classical Central. The
syslink Xandria Agent automatically determines if a message server is running on a classical Cen-
tral instance, or if an Abap_Scs instance is present.

The syslink Xandria Agent determines as well if the message server has been configured to use
the HTTP protocol. If yes, the message server will be connected using HTTP and a status query is
made. If the message server is not configured to use the HTTP protocol, the Check will connect
the message server with TCP/IP on port sapms<SID> (which usually resolves to 36<sysnr>).

Example 17. Example ASCS_MsgSrv Check Message

Successfully connected message server using HTTP on port 8100

Successfully established TCP connection to message server at

Reference Data
Managed Object Central, Central+Java, Abap_Scs

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- InstanceDowntimeCrit, SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit, SCSMsgSrvHttpPort,

toring Parameters TimeOutMsgSrvConnect

Version 7.1.3 234

syslink Xandria

DispatcherQueue — Monitor the usage of dispatcher queues

This Check verifies the current usage of the kernel dispatcher queues. The current values are com-
pared to the maximum number of entries of the queue on the one hand, and to the number of
available work processes for the queue on the other hand.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (ABAP), SAP Instance (ABAP+JAVA)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- DispatcherQueueFillRatioCrit, DispatcherQueueFillRatioWarn, Dis-

toring Parameters patcherQueuePercentCrit, DispatcherQueueFillRatioWarn, SAPControl-

Version 7.1.3 235

syslink Xandria

ERS_Connect — Verify connectivity to Enque Replication Server SAP Instances

This Check connects a Enque Replication Server and verifies if the self reported status is OK.

If the connect fails or times out, the Check Status turns to Warning. After ERSConnectErrsCrit
connection attempts, the Check Result turns to Critical. The default of ERSConnectErrsCrit is 1.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Enque Replication Server

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- ERSConnectErrsCrit, SAPControlProtocol

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 236

syslink Xandria

FullCheck — Per-SAP Instance summary of Daily Checks

Returns the overall status of all Checks executed during the Daily Check on a particular SAP In-
stance or Database.

For instance, if the connection attempt (to the SAP Instance or Database) failed, this check type
returns a Critical message. If this check fails, all other dependent checks will have status Unknown.

In Ok status the check explains which checks have been executed on the particular SAP Instance
or Database, which profiles have been collected, etc.

You may want to skip the execution of Daily Checks on the weekend using Monitoring Parameter

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance, Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect for ABAP and ABAP+Java instances, J2EEConnect for Ja-
va-only instances, or DBConnect for Databases

Configured by Moni- DailyCheckStart, DailyCheckSendTimeRange, DailyCheckSend-

toring Parameters TimeRange, RunDailyCheckOnWE

Version 7.1.3 237

syslink Xandria

ICMStat — Verify Internet Communication Manager

This Check verifies the Internet Communication Manager ( ICM ) of all SAP Instances with a Re-
lease ≥ 6.10. If ICM is not running, the Check Status turns to Critical. In addition you can define
thresholds for the current usage of created worker threads, connections, and queue entries. See
also transaction SMICM. If the Check result contains an error message, verify with this transaction

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- ICMConnUsageCrit, ICMConnUsageWarn, ICMQueueUsageCrit,

toring Parameters ICMQueueUsageWarn, ICMThreadsUsageCrit, ICMThreadsUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 238

syslink Xandria

J2EEApplThreadsPool — Verify application thread usage

This Check calculates the percentage of used application threads in comparison to the maximum
thread pool size.

If the number of used application threads (Visual Administrator monitoring tree: /Kernel/Ap-
plication Threads Pool/ActiveThreadsCount) exceeds a percentage threshold of the maximum
thread pool size (Visual Administrator monitoring tree: /Kernel/Application Threads Pool/Maxi-
mumThreadPoolSize) a Warning or Critical alert is issued.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageWarn and J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageCrit

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 239

syslink Xandria

J2EEConnect — Verify connectivity to Java SAP Instances

J2EEConnect checks the connection to the P4 port of the Java instance. This is the same
connection port used by the SAP NetWeaver (formerly Visual) Administrator and is required
for all JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] checks, e.g. like
J2EEApplThreadsPool, JVM_Memory, JavaServerNodes or the J2EE JMX Custom Check.

If the P4 connect fails or times out, the Check detects whether your Java instance has been shut
down properly; if so, the Check Status is set to Warning with a corresponding message Instance
was successfully shut down or Instance was shut down with exit code n.

After a configurable period of time (InstanceDowntimeCrit), the Warning will change to a Critical

If the P4 connect fails or times out, but the instance is detected as not properly shut down, the
status will be set to Warning. After J2EEConnectErrsCrit unsuccessful attempts, the Check Status
will be set to Critical.

Since the default value of J2EEConnectErrsCrit is 1, the status is by default set to Critical after the
first unsuccessful connection attempt.

Oracle only: If the instance is down due to a running offline backup, the Check will result
in a Warning status. If the elapsed time is ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit percent longer
than the average total backup runtime of the last 5 full backups (at least 2 full backups
are required to compute the average, otherwise a backup time of 4 hours is assumed),
a Critical alert is raised.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- InstanceDowntimeCrit, J2EEConnectErrsCrit, TimeOutJ2EEConnect,

toring Parameters ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit, J2EEP4TransportType, J2EEP4Port

Version 7.1.3 240

syslink Xandria

J2EEConnectHttp — Connect to the Sysinfo HTTP page of Java SAP Instances

J2EEConnectHttp verifies whether a system login using HTTP connect to the SystemIn-
fo page is possible. If the HTTP connect fails, the check result will be Warning. After
J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit successive failed connection attempts, the status will be set to Critical.

Since the default value of J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit is 1, the status is by default set to Critical after
the first unsuccessful connection attempt.

Occasionally the HTTP check does not work, for example errors 401 Unauthorized or 403
Forbidden might be reported. This might be due to redirected login pages, for example if
single sign on has been configured. In this case please might consider using parameter
J2EEConnectUrlSuffix. If it is still not possible to get J2EEConnectHttp to work, you
might need to disable this check.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit, J2EEConnectUrlSuffix, J2EEKeyPw,

toring Parameters J2EEKeystoreName, J2EEKeystorePw, J2EEKeystoreType,

Version 7.1.3 241

syslink Xandria

J2EESystemThreadsPool — Verify system thread usage

This Check calculates the percentage of used system threads in comparison to the maximum
thread pool size.

If the number of used system threads (Visual Administrator monitoring tree: /Kernel/System
Threads Pool/ActiveThreadsCount) exceeds a percentage threshold of the maximum thread pool
size (/Kernel/System Threads Pool/MaximumThreadPoolSize) a Warning or Critical alert is issued.

Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageCrit,

toring Parameters J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 242

syslink Xandria

JavaASAvgRespTime — Verify Java Average Response Time

This Check reads the Average Response Time ( ART ) and the number of requests from the Java
Application Response Time Measurement ( JARM ) as displayed in the Performance Tracing ser-
vice of the SAP J2EE Engine Visual Administrator tool.

For kernel releases ≥ 7.30 the data is retrieved from the JMX monitoring tree directly.

If the ART is above the Warning or Critical thresholds, the corresponding alert will be raised. Please
note that the Check by default automatically resets the JARM statistics after the data has been re-
trieved. The Check does therefore always show the average response time since the last executed
Check (i.e. during one Basic Check Cycle). You can use the JavaASAvgRespTimeReset Monitoring
Parameter to prevent the reset.

In this case the Check displays the statistics data starting from the last reset.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit, JavaASAvgRespTimeWarn, JavaASAvgRespTi-

toring Parameters meReset

Version 7.1.3 243

syslink Xandria

JavaServerNodes — Verify if all configured Java Server Nodes are running

The general connection to an SAP J2EE instance is verified by the J2EEConnect check. However,
this check would not detect that a server node is not running, as long there is at least one which
handles the login done by J2EEConnect. This gap is filled by JavaServerNodes check. It lists all
nodes in a table and checks if their status is running.

If the percentage of running compared to all nodes is equal to or below JavaServerNodesRunning-

PctWarn (default 80 %) but still above JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit (default 50 %), the check
status will be Warning. If the percentage is equal to or below JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit,
check status is Critical.

Example: If a J2EE instance is configured with 4 nodes but 3 are running, the percentage of running
nodes is 67 % and thus check result would be Warning. If only two nodes are running, percentage
would be 50 % resulting in a Critical status.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit, JavaServerNodesRunningPctWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 244

syslink Xandria

JVMGarbageCollector — Verify Java VM garbage collection state and ratio


JVMGarbageCollector is supported starting from SAP kernel release 7.30.

This check type comprises two different sub-checks:

1. The overall state of the garbage collection is reported. In case there are problems, the status of
this sub-check (and overall as well) will be Critical. Warning status might be reported as well.

2. The ratio of the time spent during garbage collection in comparison to the overall runtime of the
JVM is monitored. If the time spent for garbage collection is above or equal to JVMGCRatioWarn
percent, but still below JVMGCRatioCrit percent, the status of this sub-check will be Warning.
If the ratio is equal to or above JVMGCRatioCrit, the status of this sub-check (and overall as
well) will be Critical.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 7.30)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- JVMGCRatioCrit and JVMGCRatioWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 245

syslink Xandria

JVM_Memory — Verify Java VM memory usage

This Check calculates the ratio of memory used by the Java Virtual Machine to the available mem-
ory in percent.

If the amount of memory used (Visual Administrator monitoring tree: /Services/Memory/Used-

Memory) reaches a percentage threshold of the available memory (/Services/Memory/Available-
Memory) a Warning or Critical alert is issued.

Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined.

JVM_Memory monitors the virtual machine memory consumption of all processes of a J2EE clus-
ter, the Dispatcher and any Server 0 … n.

Example 18. Example of JVM_Memory Check Message

Dispatcher 0: 22.9 % (39 MB) of max available memory (170 MB) used
Server 0: 9.2 % (47 MB) of max available memory (512 MB) used
Server 1: 9.7 % (50 MB) of max available memory (512 MB) used

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java, ABAP+Java, kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

Configured by Moni- JVMMemoryUsageCrit and JVMMemoryUsageWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 246

syslink Xandria

Profiles — Verify syntax and consistency of profiles

The SAP Instance profile files are checked for invalid (with respect to the files syntax) or duplicate
entries. For Central SAP Instances the DEFAULT profile is checked as well.

For ABAP SAP Instances the profile files will be additionally checked for consistency with the
values stored in the SAP System's database. This check is equivalent to the function Compare
profile in database with active profile of transaction RZ10 and displays the same messages.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ProfileParsDuplOk

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 247

syslink Xandria

RFCConnect — Verify connectivity to a (ABAP and ABAP+Java) SAP Instance

This Check verifies whether a system login using Remote Function Call (RFC) to an SAP Instance
is possible.

It is the most important SAP Instance Check (ABAP). If the RFC connection attempt fails, syslink
Xandria Agent checks if the SAP System was properly shut down or is in database reconnect state;
if so, it displays a Warning message.

After a configurable period of time (InstanceDowntimeCrit), the Warning will change to a Critical

If the SAP Instance cannot be connected and the instance was not properly shut down (e.g. all
SAP disp+work processes are in use) a Warning is raised.

Starting from RfcConnectErrsCrit consecutive failed connection attempts, the Warning will change
to a Critical alert.

(Oracle only): If the instance is down due to a running offline backup, the Check will raise
a Warning Check Status. If the elapsed time is ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit percent
longer than the average total backup runtime of the last 5 full backups (at least 2 full
backups are required to compute the average, otherwise a backup time of 4 hours is
assumed), a Critical alert is raised.

You can as well configure RFCConnect using SNC encryption. You need to configure
SNC monitoring parameters like SNCLibraryPath and SNCPartnerName. Then you can
enable SNC by enabling SNCMode.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- TimeOutRFCConnect, RfcConnectErrsCrit, InstanceDowntimeCrit, ORABr-

toring Parameters backupOfflineDelayCrit, ???, SNCLevelOfProtection, SNCLibraryPath,
SNCMode, SNCMyName, SNCPartnerName

Version 7.1.3 248

syslink Xandria

SCS_MsgSrv — Verify connectivity to a Java_Scs SAP Instance

This Check verifies whether a connection (using HTTP) to the Java_Scs Messaging Server is pos-

If the connect fails or times out, the Check detects whether the Java instance has been shut down
properly; if so, the Check Status is set to Warning with a corresponding message Instance was
shut down.

After a configurable period of time (InstanceDowntimeCrit), the Warning will change to a Critical

If the connect fails or times out, but the instance is not detected as properly shut down, the Check
Status turns to Warning. After SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit connection attempts, the Check Result
turns to Critical. The default of SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit is 1.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (Java_Scs)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit, SCSMsgSrvHttpPort, TimeOutMsgSrvCon-

toring Parameters nect, InstanceDowntimeCrit

Version 7.1.3 249

syslink Xandria

TREX Connect — Verify connectivity to a Trex SAP Instance

This Check verifies whether a connection (using HTTP) to the Trex SAP Instance is possible.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance Trex

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- TREXConnectErrsCrit, TimeOutTREXConnect

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 250

syslink Xandria

TREX * — Dynamic Trex SAP Instance Checks

The list of Checks executed depends on the configuration of the Trex Alert Server.

In order to configure these checks, you have to configure the Aler Server accordingly.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance Trex

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check TREX Connect

Configured by Moni-
toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 251

syslink Xandria

WD_Certificates — Verify SSL certificates of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

This Check retrieves the SSL certificates of a Web Dispatcher instance and checks wether they are
valid, i.e. not expired. If the period before a certificate expires is less than configurable thresholds
WDCertDaysWarn or WDCertDaysCrit, the check result will be either Warning or Critical.

Per default, self signed certificates are allowed, meaning that the certificateʼs trust chain is not
verified against the root certificates available in the Java VM running the syslink Xandria Agent.
You can change this behaviour by disabling WDCertAllowSelfSigned. WD_Certificates check will
then try to build a certificate path to trusted root of the peer certificate and verifies if it is trusted.
If it is not trusted, the check result will be Warning.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Web Dispatcher instance, SAP Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher in-

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- WDCertDaysWarn, WDCertDaysCrit, WDCertAllowSelfSigned

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 252

syslink Xandria

WD_Connect — Verify connectivity to Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

This Check connects a Web Dispatcher instance and verifies if the self reported status is OK.

If the connect fails or times out, the Check Status turns to Warning. After WDConnectErrsCrit con-
nection attempts, the Check Result turns to Critical. The default of WDConnectErrsCrit is 1.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Web Dispatcher instance, SAP Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher in-

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- WDConnectErrsCrit, SAPControlProtocol

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 253

syslink Xandria

WD_ConnectionStat — Verify connection status of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

This Check shows all open connections of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances and calculates the per-
centage of used connections in comparison to the maximum number of connections available.

If the number of used connections exceeds percentage thresholds WDConnUsageWarn or WD-

ConnUsageCrit, a Warning or Critical check status is issued.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Web Dispatcher instance, SAP Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher in-

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check WD_Connect

Configured by Moni- WDConnUsageWarn, WDConnUsageCrit, SAPControlProtocol

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 254

syslink Xandria

WD_QueueStat — Verify queue status of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

This Check shows all queue entries of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances and calculates the percent-
age of queue entries in comparison to the maximum number of entries available.

If the number of used queue entries exceeds percentage thresholds WDQueueUsageWarn or

WDQueueUsageCrit, a Warning or Critical check status is issued.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Web Dispatcher instance, SAP Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher in-

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check WD_Connect

Configured by Moni- WDQueueUsageWarn, WDQueueUsageCrit, SAPControlProtocol

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 255

syslink Xandria

WD_ThreadStat — Verify threads status of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances

This Check shows all worker threads of Web Dispatcher SAP Instances and calculates the percent-
age of threads used in comparison to the maximum number of threads available.

If the number of used worker threads exceeds percentage thresholds WDThreadsUsageWarn or

WDThreadsUsageCrit, a Warning or Critical check status is issued.

You need to have the SAPControl user defined in order to use this Check. See also Sec-
tion 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Web Dispatcher instance, SAP Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher in-

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check WD_Connect

Configured by Moni- WDThreadsUsageWarn, WDThreadsUsageCrit, SAPControlProtocol

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 256

syslink Xandria

WorkProcesses — Verify ABAP dialog processes

This Check verifies the ABAP dialog processes in a similar way an administrator would do. It con-
sists of two mandatory and one optional sub-check. Additionally it will display an overview of all
work processes including type.

1. The status of all dialog work processes is checked for a status which is considered as not OK.
Not-OK status are the ones other than Waiting or Working. If the amount of not-OK dialog work
processes is above a Warning or Critical threshold percentage of the total number of dialog
work processes, the Check Status will result with the corresponding status. The result of this
sub-check is indicated with a message like Number of dialog work processes with status
not OK (e.g. On Hold due to Debug or PRIV): 1 (5.3 %)

2. The CPU time of the dialog work process with the smallest consumed CPU time is checked
against the elapsed time between two measurement snapshots. If the time consumed by the
dialog work process is above a Warning or Critical threshold percentage of the elapsed time, the
Check status will result with the corresponding status. The result of this sub-check is indicated
with a message like Dialog work process #16 with lowest CPU time was used for 0:00
minutes in last 15:08 minutes (0.0 %)

3. Optional sub-check that is activated by Monitoring Parameters WorkProcDiaStatusCrit or

WorkProcDiaStatusWarn. All dialog work processes will be checked for their status or reason
displayed in SAP transaction Work Process Overview (SM50).

If the status or reason is found in either one of theMonitoring Parameters, the Check Result
will be Warning or Critical. Using this sub-check, you can, for instance, figure out if debugging
occurs in a production system. By default this sub-check is turned off.

If a work process is found, the Check Result will indicated with a message like Work process
#16 (PID 4321) has status [On Hold], reason [Debug].

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- WorkProcDiaStatusCrit, WorkProcDiaStatusWarn, WorkProcDiaStatus-

toring Parameters NOkPctCrit, WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctWarn, WorkProcDiaTimeUsage-
Crit, WorkProcDiaTimeUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 257

syslink Xandria

SAP System Checks

This section contains a reference of all SAP System Checks provided by syslink Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 258

syslink Xandria

ABAP_DD_DB — Watch ABAP data dictionary / database consistency

Runs the ABAP data dictionary / database consistency check inside SAP and displays the results.

If there are no inconsistencies the check is Ok, otherwise a Warning will be reported.

Certain indexes may be excluded from the check by using ABAP_DD_DB_Exclude.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ABAP_DD_DB_Exclude.

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 259

syslink Xandria

Batch_Input — Verify erroneous, long-running, and outdated batch input sessions

The check consists of three sub-checks.

1. The SAP System is queried for batch input sessions older than BatchInputMaxAge days. The
Check Result will be Warning, if records are found. To turn this sub-check off, you may set
BatchInputMaxAge to 0. The result of this sub-check is indicated with a message like: Number
of batch input sessions older than 60 days: 85.

2. The SAP System is queried for running batch input sessions older that BatchInputMaxRunTime.
The Check Result will be Warning, if records are found. You cannot turn this sub-check off. The
result of this sub-check is indicated with a message, like: Number of batch input sessions
in state processing older than 24 hours: 7.

3. The system is queried for erroneous batch input sessions of the previous day. If records are
found, the Check Result will be Critical and a table with erroneous batch input sessions will be
displayed. The result of this sub-check is indicated with a message, e.g.: No erroneous batch
input sessions starting from 2010-02-16 07:00:00 found or

Cli. Session name St. User Date/Time Creation Program TA.tot TA.err
001 MY_SESSION E BATCH 2010-02-17 06:00:44 Z_MY_PROG 28 28

For all three sub-checks you may use BatchInputClientExclude to exclude clients, and BatchIn-
putQIDExclude to exclude sessions by Queue-ID. By default client 000 and 066 are excluded.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BatchInputMaxAge, BatchInputMaxRunTime, BatchInputClientExclude,

toring Parameters BatchInputQIDExclude

Version 7.1.3 260

syslink Xandria

BatchManStat — Verify BatchMan status (if present)

The check verifies the status of BatchMan, a 3 -party product of HONICO. (If installed in your
ABAP SAP System.)

BatchManStat will first look if BatchMan is active; if so it will further check if the BatchMan master
job is active. Additionally it will output the date and time of the last run of the master job. The
Check Status is Ok if both, BatchMan itself and its master job are active. Otherwise the Check
Status is Critical.

If you are not using BatchMan but the syslink Xandria Agent has found it in your SAP System and
the BatchManStat check is Critical you may want to disable the check completely.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- n/a

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 261

syslink Xandria

BCS_OutboundErrors — Query for erroneous outbound Business Communication Services records
(Daily Check)

This check retrieves erroneous outbound business communication services records as displayed
by SAP transaction SOST. BCS_OutboundErrors works exactly as the RealTime Monitoring check
BCS_OutboundErrStat, except that the timespan is always to the previous Daily Check record.
Please see BCS_OutboundErrStat for a description.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BcsOutboundClientList, BcsOutboundClientMode, BcsOutboundEr-

toring Parameters rorsNumWarn, BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit, and DailyCheckStart

Version 7.1.3 262

syslink Xandria

BCS_OutboundErrStat — Query for erroneous outbound business communication services
records (RealTime Monitoring)

This check retrieves erroneous outbound business communication services records as displayed
by SAP transaction SOST. BCS_OutboundErrStat check is designed to retrieve data of all clients
found in an SAP system, no matter which client is used for RFC by the syslink Xandria Agent.
Per default, BCS_OutboundErrStat checks in all clients except 000 and 066. You may change this
behaviour using BcsOutboundClientMode, which can be set to Blacklist or Whitelist. The black or
white listed clients are specified by BcsOutboundClientList parameter.

If the number of erroneous records in last BcsOutboundErrStatTimeSpan minutes is above con-

figurable thresholds BcsOutboundErrStatNumWarn or BcsOutboundErrStatNumCrit, the status
of the check is set to the corresponding status. This check is accompanied by Daily Check
BCS_OutboundErrors, which checks erroneous records back to the previous Daily Check schedule.

Each client is checked separately against the thresholds. The client column of the result table is
either colored with no color, meaning there are erroneous records but the number is below Warning
and Critical thresholds, yellow, meaning the number of erroneous records are equal to or above
the Warning threshold, or red, i.e. above the Critical threshold. The worst result per client will give
the overall status of the check.

The amount of records being selected is limited by a maximum number of 500 per client.

Due to technical reasons the column Sender will be blank if the RFC user (see SAP Sys-
tem Users required by syslink Xandria) used by the syslink Xandria Agent is not in the
same client as the BCS record.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BcsOutboundClientList, BcsOutboundClientMode, BcsOutboundErrStat-

toring Parameters NumWarn, BcsOutboundErrStatNumCrit, and BcsOutboundErrStatTimeS-

Version 7.1.3 263

syslink Xandria

BCS_OutboundWaitStat — Query for waiting outbound business communication services records

This check retrieves waiting outbound business communication services records as displayed
by SAP transaction SOST. BCS_OutboundWaitStat check is designed to retrieve data of all clients
found in an SAP system, no matter which client is used for RFC by the syslink Xandria Agent. Per
default, BCS_OutboundWaitStat checks in all clients except 000 and 066. You may change this
behaviour using BcsOutboundClientMode, which can be set to Blacklist or Whitelist. The black or
white listed clients are specified by BcsOutboundClientList parameters.

If the number of waiting records is above configurable thresholds BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn

and the wait time of these records exceed BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn minutes, the status is set
to Warning. If records are found, which exceed BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit in number and BcsOut-
boundWaitTimeWarn in time, the status is set to Critical.

Each client is checked separately against the thresholds. The client column of the result table is
either colored in green, meaning there are waiting records but the wait time of each record is below
BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn. This can be normal behaviour, for instance, if waiting records are
sent by a scheduled job. If the client column has no color at all, this means that there are waiting
records above BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn or BcsOutboundWaitTimeCrit, but the number of them
is below thresholds BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn or BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit. Yellow and red col-
or mean that there are waiting records above the corresponding time and number thresholds.

Since different send methods may require different time thresholds, for instance, if outbound re-
quests using FAX are only sent at a certain schedule, you may use exception parameter BcsOut-
boundWaitTimeExceptions to define special threholds. For syntax details, please see the docu-
mentation of this parameter. If an exception threshold is used for a record, a small info icon will
be displayed beneath the waiting time.

The amount of records being selected is limited by a maximum number of 500 per client.

Due to technical reasons the column Sender will be blank if the RFC user (see SAP Sys-
tem Users required by syslink Xandria) used by the syslink Xandria Agent is not in the
same client as the BCS record.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BcsOutboundClientList, BcsOutboundClientMode, BcsOutboundWait-

toring Parameters NumCrit, BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn, BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn, Bc-
sOutboundWaitTimeCrit, and BcsOutboundWaitTimeExceptions

Version 7.1.3 264

syslink Xandria

BW_ProcessChains — Verify status and runtime of process chains

The check retrieves the status and the runtime of all Process Chain runs during the last day.

If one of the Process Chains terminates with status red, the check turns Critical. If on of the
Process Chains exceeds the runtime thresholds, the Check Status turns to Critical or Warning, resp.

Certain Process Chains may be excluded from the check by using BWProcessChainsExclude, the
Check Result for canceled (status X) Process Chains may be defined with BWProcessChainsCan-
celledStatus as well.

In order to run this check, the Xandria RFC User must be defined in the standard client
of the SAP BI System.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (SAP BI)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BWProcessChainsCancelledStatus, BWProcessChainsExclude, BW-

toring Parameters ProcessChainsRTCrit, and BWProcessChainsRTWarn

Version 7.1.3 265

syslink Xandria

BW_QueryRuntime — Monitor SAP BI query runtimes

The check lists queries within a SAP BI System that exceed a configurable runtime threshold.

In order to run this check, the Xandria RFC User must be defined in the standard client
of the SAP BI System.

Further, statistics must be enabled: Proceed to transaction RSA1, chooseTools → BW sta-

tistics for InfoCubes. See also SAP Note 557870 - FAQ: BW Query Performance [https://

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Business Information Warehouse

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BWQueryRuntimeWarn, BWQueryRuntimeCrit, BWQueryRuntimeExclude

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 266

syslink Xandria

DialogPerf — Verify dialog performance

Reports the performance of dialog steps in an ABAP SAP System.

The check returns an alert if a certain ratio of the dialog steps runs longer than a configurable
threshold (e.g. 1 second).

The ratio as well as the runtime threshold can be configured.

The results are listed during a time period of one day (as provided by the underlying SAP System;
cannot be configured).

A minimum number of steps can be defined also.So, if there are less dialog steps in the monitoring
period these values are not considered for the Check Result. This is to take into account that only
a reasonably large number of data can provide some valuable statistics.

Example 19. Example of the DialogPerf Daily Check

Overview of dialog steps below 1 sec runtime, time range: 00-24 h
Minimum number of dialog steps (status is OK if below): 1000

Date: Thu Jan 6 2005

Status Time # Total # >=1s % >=1s # <1s % <1s
OK 00-06 10 0 0.0 10 100.0
WARNING 06-07 1326 146 11.0 1180 89.0
WARNING 07-08 2053 220 10.7 1833 89.3
WARNING 08-09 3322 338 10.2 2984 89.8
WARNING 09-10 3991 344 8.6 3647 91.4
WARNING 10-11 5368 369 6.9 4999 93.1
WARNING 11-12 3157 254 8.0 2903 92.0
OK 12-13 2465 116 4.7 2349 95.3
WARNING 13-14 2880 319 11.1 2561 88.9
WARNING 14-15 3934 294 7.5 3640 92.5
WARNING 15-16 5193 493 9.5 4700 90.5
WARNING 16-17 2302 278 12.1 2024 87.9
WARNING 17-18 1083 74 6.8 1009 93.2
OK 18-19 26 0 0.0 26 100.0
CRITICAL->OK 19-20 6 2 33.3 4 66.7
OK 21-24 4 0 0.0 4 100.0
TOTAL 00-24 37120 3247 8.7 33873 91.3

The leftmost column displays the status for a particular time period. The next column displays
the time period, followed by the total number of dialog steps, the number of dialog steps running
longer than DialogPerfRespTimeLimit, the ratio of those, the number of dialog steps running less
or equal than DialogPerfRespTimeLimit, and the ration of those.

Due to the defined DialogPerfRespTimeLimit value, the period 19-20 is not considered Critical.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- DialogPerfMinStepCount, DialogPerfPctCumulatedCrit, DialogPerfPctCu-

toring Parameters mulatedWarn, DialogPerfRespTimeLimit, DialogPerfTimePeriod

Version 7.1.3 267

syslink Xandria

Idocs — Verify IDOC reorganisation

An overview of IDOCs status an the corresponding group is given for the previous Full Check Cycle.

If there are IDOCs in status group red the check returns a Warning. Additionally there is a Warning
message if IDOCs older than a configurable threshold are found.

This way syslink Xandria verifies if IDOCs are reorganized correctly.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- IdocsAgeWarn, IdocsGrpRedDailyCountCrit

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 268

syslink Xandria

IdocStat — Watch for new IDOCs in status group red

The number of modified IDOCs with a status in the status group red is monitored over a config-
urable period of time (default one hour). Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- IdocsGrpRedTimeSpan

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 269

syslink Xandria

Jobs — Verify aborted SAP Jobs

All aborted jobs within the last Full Check Cycle; are counted, unless excluded by the JobAbortEx-
clude Monitoring Parameter or excluded by JobUsersExclude Monitoring Parameter.

If the number of aborted jobs exceeds JobsDailyCountWarn or JobsDailyCountCrit, the check will
return the corresponding Check Status.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- JobAbortExclude, JobUsersExclude, JobsDailyCountWarn, JobsDaily-

toring Parameters CountCrit

Version 7.1.3 270

syslink Xandria

JobStat — Verify aborted and delayed SAP Jobs

The JobStat check consists of two sub-checks.

1. The number of aborted SAP jobs is detected over a configurable period of time (by default one
hour). Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined, and there is also an option to exclude
certain Jobs from being considered. The result is indicated with a message like
OK - Number of aborted jobs in last 60 minutes: 1
Aborted jobs are [#]: SLCA_LCK_SYNCHOWNERS [1]

The result includes the names of aborted jobs and the number in square brackets.

2. The number of delayed jobs is detected over configurable periods of time.

The status of this sub-check is Warning, if JobDelayedCountWarn or more jobs are delayed
for more than JobDelayedTimeWarn minutes. The status is Critical, if JobDelayedCountCrit or
more jobs are delayed for more than JobDelayedTimeCrit minutes.

The result is indicated with a message like

CRITICAL - Number of jobs being delayed for more than 2 minutes: 3, for more than 10 minutes: 2
Delayed jobs are [h:mm]: /BDL/TASK_PROCESSOR [2:38], SAP_RSICFDLT [2:35|4:31],

The result includes the names of delayed jobs and the delay time. If more than one job with the
same name is delayed, the individual delay times are displayed in a list separated by |.

The Monitoring Parameter JobDelayedIncludeExpired controls if expired jobs, i.e. jobs with con-
figured and expired No start after date are considered as delayed or not.

The JobStat check might display jobs with a very long delay time, e.g. Delayed jobs
are [h:mm]: SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR [18213:13]. This is no error!

You will definitely find this orphaned job in your system, if you query for it the following
way: Run SAP transaction Job overview (i.e. SM37). Query for the jobname, user name *,
job status Released or Ready, and clear all job start condition from the selection. The
job will then be displayed in the result list.

The delay time may be so long, that it is not displayed in the job overview table of SM37
for whatever reason.

In order to clean up, you will usually delete the orphaned job.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- JobAbortCountCrit, JobAbortCountWarn, JobAbortExclude, JobUser-

toring Parameters sExclude, JobAbortTimeSpan, JobDelayedCountCrit, JobDelayedCount-

Version 7.1.3 271

syslink Xandria

Warn, JobDelayedExclude, JobDelayedIncludeExpired, JobDelayedTime-

Crit, JobDelayedTimeWarn

Version 7.1.3 272

syslink Xandria

LockTable — Verify the lock table

All entries within the lock table are analyzed for their age. If entries are older than the configurable
thresholds a corresponding Warning or Critical alert is raised.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- LockAgeWarn, LockAgeCrit, LockExclude

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 273

syslink Xandria

PI_AdapterEngine — Verify the PI Adapter Engines

Checks the PI Adapter Engine on the current instance for availability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 7.30)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 274

syslink Xandria

PI_AdapterFramework — Verify all PI Java-based Adapter Engines

Checks all PI Java-based Adapter Engines (central and non-central) of all PI Domains accessible
on the current instance for availability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40 and < 7.30)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 275

syslink Xandria

PI_AEMessages — Checks for erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages

Checks for erroneous XML messages of the PI Adapter Engine as displayed by the Message Mon-
itor of an SAP NetWeaver PI system. PI_AEMessages works exactly as the RealTime Monitoring
check PI_AEMessagesStat, except that the timespan is always to the previous Daily Check record.
Please see PI_AEMessagesStat for a description.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 7.30, PI-AEX 7.40 and

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- PIAEMessagesNumWarn, PIAEMessagesNumCrit, PIAEMessagesUse-

toring Parameters Https, RunDailyCheckOnWE

Version 7.1.3 276

syslink Xandria

PI_AEMessagesStat — Checks for erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages

Checks for erroneous XML messages of the PI Adapter Engine as displayed by the Message Mon-
itor of an SAP NetWeaver PI system for the last PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan minutes.

If the number of erroneous messages is above configurable threshold PIAEMessagesStat-

NumWarn, the status is set to Warning. If the number of messages found exceeds PIAEMes-
sagesStatNumCrit the status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 7.30, PI-AEX 7.40 and

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan, PIAEMessagesStatNumWarn, PIAEMes-

toring Parameters sagesStatNumCrit, PIAEMessagesUseHttps, MediumCheckCycleTime

Version 7.1.3 277

syslink Xandria

PI_BusinessProcessEngine — Verify the PI Business Process Engines

Checks the PI Business Process Engines of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for
availability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40 and < 7.30)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 278

syslink Xandria

PI_Cache — Verify the status of the XI Runtime Cache

Retrieves the status of the XI Runtime Cache as performed with transaction SXI_CACHE (Exchange
Infrastructure → Configuration → XI Cache Refresh).

The Check Message and status corresponds to the status of the XI Cache, i.e. a red light will be
displayed as Critical and yellow as warning and green as Ok.

The following table lists the check results:

Table 11. PI_Cache Check Results

Check Status Check Message
Ok Cache contents are up-to-date
Warning Cache update is in progress
Warning Unknown state
Critical Cache contents are obsolete
Critical Cache contents are inconsistent

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI systems with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- MediumCheckCycleTime

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 279

syslink Xandria

PI_CommChannels — Verify the PI Communication Channels

Checks the status of PI communication channels. If a channel’s status is INACTIVE, UNKNOWN, or
UNREGISTERED, Xandria will report a Warning check status. If a channel’s status is ERROR, syslink
Xandria will report a Critical check status. For the remaining possible status OK, syslink Xandria’s
check status will be Ok, of course. The overall check status of PI_CommChannels will be the worst
status of all channels.

Please note that per default, all communication channels with status INACTIVE are ex-
cluded, so if you want to receive a Warning for the same, you first need to change Mon-
itoring Parameter PICommChannelsExclude.
Furthermore, you can use Monitoring Parameters PICommChannelsErrsWarn and PICommChan-
nelsErrsCrit to delay the time an error is reported as Warning or Critical state. Per default, an error
will be reported immediately as Critical, since PICommChannelsErrsCrit is set to 1. If you change
the parameters, e.g. to PICommChannelsErrsWarn = 2 and PICommChannelsErrsCrit = 3, a chan-
nels check status will be still Ok after the first error is detected. If the error persists to the next
check cycle, check status will be Warning. If it still persists to the third check cycle in sequence,
check status will be Critical.

Monitoring Parameter PICommChannelsExclude is used to exclude certain communication chan-

nels from being checked. You can exclude on all information provided by the check’s result table,
i.e. Party, Service, Channel, Activation State, and Channel State.

To use this check, you need to run syslink Xandria Agent 5.2.11 or above, and syslink
Xandria Master 5.2.9 or above.

Additionally, you'll have to make sure the action xi_af_channel_admin_display is as-

signed to the SAP Java user.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40 and Java PI-AEX

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PICommChannelsExclude, PICommChannelsCountCrit, PICommChan-

toring Parameters nelsCountWarn, PICommChannelsErrsCrit, PICommChannelsErrsWarn,
PICommChannelsTimeCrit, PICommChannelsTimeWarn, MediumCheck-

Version 7.1.3 280

syslink Xandria

PI_Connect — Verify connectivity to PI/XI SAP Systems

This check verifies if the basic infrastructure for PI/XI monitoring is up and running.

This check returns Critical when the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/
saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm] is not accessi-
ble using the syslink Xandria J2EE user. This can be due to a lack of permissions of the user or
due to an incompletely configured PI system.

Additionally PI_Connect serves as a master check for all other PI checks (except PI_Cache), so if
this check fails, all the other dependent checks will return Unknown.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI systems with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- n/a

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 281

syslink Xandria

PI_IEMessages — Checks for erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages

Checks for erroneous XML messages of the PI Integration Engine as displayed by ABAP
transaction SXMB_MONI. PI_IEMessages works exactly as the RealTime Monitoring check
PI_IEMessagesStat, except that the timespan is always to the previous Daily Check record. Please
see PI_IEMessagesStat for a description.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- PIIEMessagesClientList, PIIEMessagesClientMode, PIIEMessages-

toring Parameters NumWarn, PIIEMessagesNumCrit, RunDailyCheckOnWE

Version 7.1.3 282

syslink Xandria

PI_IEMessagesStat — Checks for erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages (RealTime Mon-

Checks for erroneous XML messages of the PI Integration Engine as displayed by ABAP transac-
tion SXMB_MONI when queried for XML messages in status group Errors for the last PIIEMessagesS-
tatTimeSpan minutes.

PI_IEMessagesStat check is designed to retrieve data of all clients found in an SAP system, no
matter which client is used for RFC by the syslink Xandria Agent. Per default, PI_IEMessagesStat
checks in all clients except 000 and 066. You may change this behaviour using PIIEMessagesClient-
Mode, which can be set to Blacklist or Whitelist. The black or white listed clients are specified by
PIIEMessagesClientList parameter.

If the number of erroneous messages is above configurable threshold PIIEMessagesStat-

NumWarn, the status is set to Warning. If the number of messages found exceeds PIIEMessagesS-
tatNumCrit the status is set to Critical.

Each client is checked separately against the thresholds. The client column of the result table hash
either no color, meaning there are erroneous messages but the number for this client is still below
PIIEMessagesStatNumWarn. Yellow and red color mean that the number of erroneous messages
exceed the corresponding thresholds.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIIEMessagesClientList, PIIEMessagesClientMode, PIIEMessagesS-

toring Parameters tatTimeSpan, PIIEMessagesStatNumWarn, PIIEMessagesStatNumCrit,

Version 7.1.3 283

syslink Xandria

PI_IntegrationDirectory — Verify the PI Integration Directories

Checks the PI Integration Directories of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for avail-
ability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI 2.0 or higher with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 284

syslink Xandria

PI_IntegrationEngine — Verify the PI Integration Engines

Checks the PI Integration Engines of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for avail-
ability and selftest errors

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI 2.0 or higher with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 285

syslink Xandria

PI_IntegrationRepository — Verify the PI Integration Repositories

Checks the PI Integration Repositories of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for
availability and selftest errors

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI 2.0 or higher with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 286

syslink Xandria

PI_J2SEAdapterEngine — VERIFY J2SE-based adapter engines

Checks all J2SE-based adapter engines of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for
availability and selftest errors

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40 and < 7.30)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 287

syslink Xandria

PI_MappingRunTime — Verifys the PI Mapping Runtimes

Checks the PI Mapping Runtimes of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for avail-
ability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 288

syslink Xandria

PI_RuntimeWorkbench — Verify the PI Runtime Workbench

Checks the PI Runtime Workbench of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance for avail-
ability and selftest errors.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI 2.0 or higher with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 289

syslink Xandria

PI_SystemLandscapeDir — Verify the PI System Landscape Directory

Checks the PI System Landscape Directory of all PI Domains accessible on the current instance
for availability.

The check works corresponding to the Component Monitor-

ing [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/25/9c2f3ffed33d67e10000000a114084/
frameset.htm] in the SAP Runtime Workbench [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpda-
ta/en/88/21bc3ff6beeb0ce10000000a114084/content.htm]. If features report a not OK status,
but this is not of concern, you can exclude this features from contributing to the check status by

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP+Java PI/XI 2.0 or higher with kernel release ≥ 6.40)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check PI_Connect

Configured by Moni- PIExcludeSelftestFeatures, PIReportOKMessages, MediumCheckCycle-

toring Parameters Time

Version 7.1.3 290

syslink Xandria

QRFC_In — Verify the number of queued records for all inbound qRFC queues

Checks the number of queued records for all inbound qRFC queues as done with SAP qRFC Monitor
(SAP transaction SMQ2 for inbound queues). If the number of waiting records is above the Warning
or Critical threshold a corresponding alert is raised.

The queue state is not monitored with this check, but with QRFC_In_ErrQ.

It is possible to exclude queues from being monitored by defining QRfcInQueueExclude.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- QRfcInQueueExclude, QRfcInRecQueuedWarn, andQRfcInRecQueuedCrit

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 291

syslink Xandria

QRFC_In_ErrQ — Verify hanging or erroneous inbound qRFC queues

Checks inbound qRFC queues as done with SAP qRFC Monitor (SAP transaction SMQ2 for inbound

If the number of hanging or erroneous queues is equal to or above QRFCInQueueHangWarn, but

below QRfcInQueueHangCrit the check status will will be Warning. If the number of hanging or
erroneous queues if higher than QRfcInQueueHangCrit, a critical alert is raised.

It is possible to exclude queues from being monitored by defining QRfcInQueueExclude.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- QRfcInQueueExclude, QRfcInQueueHangCrit, QRFCInQueueHangWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 292

syslink Xandria

QRFC_Out — Verify the number of queued records for all outbound qRFC queues

Checks the number of queued records for all outbound qRFC queues as done with SAP qRFC
Monitor (SAP transaction SMQ1 for outbound queues). If the number of waiting records is above
the Warning or Critical threshold a corresponding alert is raised.

The queue state is not monitored with this check, but with QRFC_Out_ErrQ.

It is possible to exclude queues from being monitored by defining QRfcOutQueueExclude.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- QRfcOutQueueExclude, QRfcOutRecQueuedWarn, QRfcOutRecQueued-

toring Parameters Crit

Version 7.1.3 293

syslink Xandria

QRFC_Out_ErrQ — Verify hanging or erroneous outbound qRFC queues

Checks outbound qRFC queues as done with SAP qRFC Monitor (SAP transaction SMQ1 for out-
bound queues).

If the number of hanging or erroneous queues is equal to or above QRFCOutQueueHangWarn, but

below QRfcOutQueueHangCrit the check status will will be Warning. If the number of hanging or
erroneous queues if higher than QRfcOutQueueHangCrit, a critical alert is raised.

It is possible to exclude queues from being monitored by defining QRfcOutQueueExclude.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- QRfcOutQueueExclude, QRfcOutQueueHangCrit, QRFCOutQueueHang-

toring Parameters Warn

Version 7.1.3 294

syslink Xandria

ShortDumps — Verify the number of short dumps

This check consist of two sub-checks:

1. All short dumps within the last Full Check Cycle are reported except they are excluded by Short-

If the number of short dumps to be reported exceeds ShortDumpDailyCountWarn but does not
exceed ShortDumpDailyCountCrit the check results as Warning. If the number exceeds Short-
DumpDailyCountCrit the check results as Critical.

2. It is also checked if there are short dumps older than a configurable period of time (i.e. if short
dumps are reorganized correctly). If there are old short dumps found, the check turns to Warning
unless the check status is Critical already in the first sub-check.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ShortDumpAgeWarn, ShortDumpDailyCountCrit, ShortDumpDailyCount-

toring Parameters Warn

Version 7.1.3 295

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpStat — Verify the number of short dumps (RealTime Monitoring)

The check verifies the number of short dumps over a configurable period of time (default one hour).

If Warning or Critical thresholds are exceeded, a corresponding Warning or Critical Check Result
is returned.

You can define a list of short dumps that shall be excluded from this check by using ShortDumpEx-
clude, e.g. you may want to suppress TIME_OUT short dumps which may happen once a user max-
imum dialog idle time has been exceeded.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- ShortDumpTimeSpan, ShortDumpExclude, ShortDumpCountWarn, Short-

toring Parameters DumpCountCrit

Version 7.1.3 296

syslink Xandria

Spool — Verify output requests

This check consist of two sub-checks:

1. All erroneous or unprocessed output requests within the last Full Check Cycle are reported ex-
cept they are excluded by SpoolOutAccessMethodExclude, SpoolOutDevExclude, or SpoolOut-

If the number of output requests to be reported exceeds SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn but does not
exceed SpoolNOkDailyCountCrit the check results as Warning. If the number exceeds Spool-
NOkDailyCountCrit the check results as Critical.

2. It is also checked if there are output requests older than a configurable period of time (i.e. if
short dumps are reorganized correctly). If there are old output requests found, the check turns
to Warning unless the Check Status is Critical already in the first sub-check.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- SpoolNOkDailyCountCrit, SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn, SpoolOutAccess-

toring Parameters MethodExclude, SpoolOutDevExclude, SpoolOutDevTypeExclude, Spool-
ReqAgeWarn, SpoolReqIgnoreFutureDelDate

Version 7.1.3 297

syslink Xandria

SpoolStat — Verify output requests (RealTime Monitoring)

This check consists of two sub-checks:

1. The number of unprocessed or erroneous output requests is detected over a configurable peri-
od of time (default one hour). Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined. You may define
output devices excluded from this check by using SpoolOutAccessMethodExclude, SpoolOut-
DevExclude, or SpoolOutDevTypeExclude.

2. Verifies the current number of spool requests in the system as percentage of the maximum
possible defined by the corresponding number range.

If the usage in ratio is higher than the SpoolNumRangeUsageCrit or SpoolNumRangeUsage-

Warn thresholds, a corresponding Critical or Warning Check Status is returned.

You may set SpoolNumRangeUsageEnable to 0 if you want to disable this part of the check.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- SpoolNOkCountWarn, SpoolNOkCountCrit, SpoolNOkTimeOffset, Spool-

toring Parameters NumRangeUsageCrit, SpoolNumRangeUsageWarn, SpoolOutAccess-
MethodExclude, SpoolOutDevExclude, SpoolOutDevTypeExclude, Spool-

Version 7.1.3 298

syslink Xandria

SSLCertificatesValidity — Verifies SSL certificates of ABAP systems

SSLCertificatesValidity checks if SSL certificats are valid, just the same way as transaction STRUST
or the report SSF_ALERT_CERTEXPIRE would do.

The output of the check is similar to report SSF_ALERT_CERTEXPIRE. If certificates are found, which
are about to expire, the check status will be Critical, if the remaining valid period is equal to or
below SSLCertificatesValidityCrit. If the remaining valid period of one or more certificates is above
SSLCertificatesValidityCrit but equal to or below SSLCertificatesValidityWarn, the check status will
be Warning.

Expired certificates are reported for SSLCertificatesValidityIgnore days. After SSLCertificatesVa-

lidityIgnore days they will be ignored and no longer contribute to the check status, however, they
are still reported in the check result output.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java with kernel release ≥ 7.30)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- SSLCertificatesValidityCrit, SSLCertificatesValidityIgnore, SSLCertifi-

toring Parameters catesValidityWarn

Version 7.1.3 299

syslink Xandria

SystemAlive — Verify if a SAP System is alive

The check verifies if the minimum requirements for the technical operation of a SAP System are
fulfilled from a monitoring perspective.

These requirements depend on the nature of the SAP System, but basically there has to be a mini-
mum number of SAP Instances available, i.e. they have to be detected and the corresponding con-
nect checks have to succeed. If one of the required SAP Instances is not available SystemAlive
will report an error message.

The following list describes the conditions that have to be fulfilled for the SystemAlive check to
be Ok:

ABAP only with clas- • At least one Central SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored
sical Central SAP In- with the RFCConnect and ASCS_MsgSrv checks being Ok.
• The SAP Database instance has to be discovered and monitored with
the DBConnect check being Ok.

ABAP only with • At least one ABAP Dialog SAP Instance has to be discovered and mon-
Abap_Scs SAP In- itored with the RFCConnect check being Ok.
• An Abap_Scs SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored with
the ASCS_MsgSrv check being Ok.

• The SAP Database instance has to be discovered and monitored with

the DBConnect check being Ok.

Java only SAP Sys- • At least one Java SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored
tem with the J2EEConnect check being Ok.

• A Java_Scs SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored with the

SCS_MsgSrv check being Ok.

• The SAP Database instance has to be discovered and monitored with

the DBConnect check being Ok.

ABAP+Java (double • At least on Central SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored
stack) SAP Instance with the RFCConnect and ASCS_MsgSrv checks being Ok, or at least one
Dialog SAP Instance with RFCConnect and an Abap_Scs SAP Instance
with ASCS_MsgSrv being Ok.

• At least one Java SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored

with the J2EEConnect check being Ok.

• A Java_Scs SAP Instance has to be discovered and monitored with the

SCS_MsgSrv check being Ok.

• The SAP Database instance has to be discovered and monitored with

the DBConnect check being Ok.

Although the SystemAlive may report Ok, your system may face e.g. performance prob-
lems if one or multiple SAP Instances are not available. So you should seriously consid-
er all check results.

Version 7.1.3 300

syslink Xandria

The Monitoring Parameter SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit plays an important role once it comes to

a cluster switch. If a cluster does switch, one of the required SAP Instances may vanish until the
cluster switch has finished finally. To cover these situations the SystemAlive check first turns to
Warning. If the SAP Instances does not come up withinSysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit minutes, the
check turns to Critical.

Example 20. Example SystemAlive Ok
Database server is basel
DBCONNECT check is OK for C11
Central instance is basel_C11_00
ABAP central services instance is basel_C11_00
J2EE central services instance is basel_C11_01
RFCCONNECT check is OK for basel_C11_00
J2EECONNECT check is OK for basel_C11_00
ASCS_MSGSRV check is OK for basel_C11_00
SCS_MSGSRV check is OK for basel_C11_01

Check Status is Ok. Classical Central SAP Instance with double-stack and Database instance on
the same host.
Database server is colmar
DBCONNECT check is OK for P01
Central instance is colmar_P01_01
J2EE central services instance is colmar_P01_02
J2EECONNECT check is OK for colmar_P01_01
SCS_MSGSRV check is OK for colmar_P01_02

Java-only system, all components on a single host

Example 21. Example SystemAlive not Ok

No active instances found since 00:05 [hh:mm]

No active instances found. Status is Warning or Critical, depending on SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit

The system is incompletely monitored since 00:05 [hh:mm].
Not all components of a fully operational system have been found.

System is incomplete. This happens if there are instances available but syslink Xandria can no
longer determine the type of the SAP System. The status again depends on the time expired and
on the SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit setting

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check n/a

Configured by Moni- SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 301

syslink Xandria

TMS_Imports — Checks for transport requests with not Ok import return code (Daily Check)

Checks the return code of imported transport requests and works exactly like the RealTime Mon-
itoring check TMS_ImportStat, except that the timespan is always to the previous Daily Check
record. Please see TMS_ImportStat for a description. Please note that TMS_Imports uses its own
Monitoring Parameters TMSImportReturnCodeCrit and TMSImportReturnCodeWarn.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- TMSImportReturnCodeCrit, TMSImportReturnCodeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 302

syslink Xandria

TMS_ImportStat — Checks for transport requests with not Ok import return code (RealTime Mon-

Checks the return code of imported transport requests of last TMSImportStatTimeSpan minutes.
If one or more imports finished with return code ≥ 8, the check status will be Critical. If no import
with return code ≥ 8, but one or more ≥ 4 are found, the check status will be Warning. Otherwise
the check status will be Ok.

This default behaviour can be changed by Monitoring Parameters TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit

and TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn. For example, you might not want to have warning return
codes to contribute to the check result. To do this, you simply change Monitoring Parameter
TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn from the default value 4 to off. Or you might not want to have
erroneous return codes starting from 8 be reported as critical result for development or quality as-
surance systems, but as warning. To achieve this, you would change TMSImportStatReturnCode-
Crit from 8 to off and TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn from 4 to 8. See more examples in table

Table 12. Monitoring Parameters Examples for TMS_ImportStat

Return Codes and Check Status Monitoring Parameters setting
Warning RC 4 → Warning, Error RC ≥ 8 → Critical TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn = 4, TMSIm-
(Default) portStatReturnCodeCrit = 8 (Default)
Warning RC 4 ignored → Ok, Error RC ≥ 8 → Crit- TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn = off, TMSIm-
ical portStatReturnCodeCrit = 8
Warning RC 4 ignored → Ok, Error RC ≥ 8 → TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn = 8, TMSIm-
Warning portStatReturnCodeCrit = off
All Warning and Error RC ignored → Ok (not rec- TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn = off, TMSIm-
ommended) portStatReturnCodeCrit = off

This check is accompanied by Daily Check TMS_Imports, which checks transport request imports
back to the previous Daily Check schedule.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Medium

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit, TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn, TMSIm-

toring Parameters portStatTimeSpan

Version 7.1.3 303

syslink Xandria

TRFC_In — Verify age of incoming transactional RFC records

Displays an overview of all incoming tRFC records (see SAP transaction SM58) and displays the
amount of records and the date / time of the oldest record for each different tRFC state.

The check will return a Warning if there are incoming tRFC records older than a configurable period
of time (default one day).

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- TRFCAgeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 304

syslink Xandria

TRFC_Out — Verify age of outgoing transactional RFC records

Displays an overview of all outgoing tRFC records (see SAP transaction SM58) and displays the
amount of records and the date / time of the oldest record for each different tRFC state.

The check will return a Warning if there are outgoing tRFC records older than a configurable period
of time (default one day).

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- TRFCAgeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 305

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutStat — Verify the status of outgoing tRFC records

Checks the status of outgoing transactional RFC records (see SAP transaction SM58) over a con-
figurable period of time (default one hour). If the sum of records with status CPICERR, SYSFAIL or
SYSLOAD is greater than the Warning or Critical threshold a corresponding alert is raised.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- TRFCOutTimeOffset, TRFCOutCountWarn, TRFCOutCountCrit, TRFCOu-

toring Parameters tExcludeFunction, TRFCOutExcludeUser

Version 7.1.3 306

syslink Xandria

UpdateQueue — Verify update queue for unprocessed records

If the number of unprocessed update records older than UpdateQueueAgeCrit seconds exceeds
UpdateQueueCountCrit, the check turns Critical.

Otherwise, if the number of unprocessed update records older than UpdateQueueCountWarn sec-
onds exceeds UpdateQueueCountWarn, the check turns Warning. Otherwise the check is Ok.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- UpdateQueueAgeWarn, UpdateQueueCountWarn, UpdateQueueAgeCrit,

toring Parameters UpdateQueueCountCrit

Version 7.1.3 307

syslink Xandria

UpdateRecErr — Watch for erroneous update requests

All erroneous or unprocessed update requests within the Full Check Cycle are reported as Warning

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- n/a

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 308

syslink Xandria

UpdateRecErrStat — Watch for erroneous update requests (RealTime Monitoring)

SThe number of erroneous update records is checked during a configurable period of time (default
one hour). Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- UpdateErrCountWarn, UpdateErrCountCrit, UpdateRecErrTimeSpan

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 309

syslink Xandria

UpdateStat — Verify the updater is running

If the SAP System's global update switch as displayed in transaction SM13 is deactivated, the check
turns Critical. The reason why the updating has been deactivated is reported in the Check Message.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Configured by Moni- n/a

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 310

syslink Xandria

User_Pwd_Audit — Verify passwords of standard users

Checks SAP standard users SAP*, DDIC, SAPCPIC, TMSADM and EARLYWATCH for well known standard

If the basis release of your SAP system is 7.00 onwards, the results of the original SAP report
RSUSR003 is reported using the advanced check result format including tabular details for each
checked user.

For SAP basis release 7.00 it depends on the patch level of the report RSUSR003. If recent
SAP notes are not applied, syslink Xandria Agent falls back to a simpler check procedure
producing plain text output only.

The table displayed corresponds to the one displayed by RSUSR003, except that a new column Ex-
cluded is added to show which users have been excluded by Monitoring Parameter UserPWDAu-
ditExclude. If the Password Status of one or more users is reported in red color by RSUSR003, the
check result will be Critical. If a user with red color Password Status is locked, User_Pwd_Audit will
return a Warning status and the user is marked in yellow color in the result table.

Furthermore the lock status is checked. If one of the standard users is locked due to unsuccessful
login attempts, by default a Warning is raised. This behaviour can be controlled by Monitoring
Parameter UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity: if this parameter is set to Critical a user locked due
to unsuccessful login attempts will be reported as Critical. If UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity is
set to OK (not recommended), a user locked due to unsuccessful login attempts will not contribute
to the check result.

For SAP systems prior to 7.00 the check result will use an text table presentation and the following
check logic which does not depend on RSUSR003. If a users password is set to a well known stan-
dard password, the check will return a Warning status, unless the user is excluded by parameter

This check additionally verifies if the users exist in each client. If the user SAP* does
not exist, the check will return a Warning status (unless the profile parameter lo-
gin/no_automatic_user_sapstar is set to 1) since login with password pass may still be possible.

The user does not exist message is suppressed for user EARLYWATCH for all clients other than 066.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- UserPWDAuditExclude, UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 311

syslink Xandria

Workload — Verify SAP System's workload

The average dialog response time of the SAP System during the last Full Check Cycle is reported
and compared with the Warning (default 1000 ms) and Critical (default 2000 ms) thresholds. If
responses times are higher than the defined thresholds, the check will return the corresponding
Check Result.

Only transactions with at least DialogPerfMinStepCount steps are considered.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (ABAP, ABAP+Java)

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- DialogRespTimeWarn, DialogRespTimeCrit, DialogPerfMinStepCount

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 312

syslink Xandria

Database Checks
This section contains a reference of all Database Checks provided by syslink Xandria.

For a Database instance of an SAP System the Database Checks are treated as SAP
System Checks.

Version 7.1.3 313

syslink Xandria

ADA_Backup — Verify MaxDB Backup

Checks the end date / time of the most recent backup required for complete recovery of the Data-

If it is older than a configured period of time, a Warning or a Critical message is generated.

The maximum allowed age can be defined generally by using parameters BackupAgeCrit and Back-
upAgeWarn and the corresponding Monitoring Exception Parameters.

Additionally the check displays an overview of all backups required for the most recent complete
Database recovery.

Reference Data
Managed Object MaxDB Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- SAP System and Database Monitoring Parameter BackupAgeCrit, Backu-
toring Parameters pAgeWarn

Version 7.1.3 314

syslink Xandria

ADA_DataArea — Verify data area usage

An alarm is raised if the data area usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted
data area exhaustion is within a configurable period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object MaxDB Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ADADataUsageCrit, ADADataUsageWarn, ADADataExCrit, ADA-

toring Parameters DataExWarn, ADADataForecast

Version 7.1.3 315

syslink Xandria

ADA_LogArea — Verify log area usage

An alarm is raised if the log area usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted
log area exhaustion is within a configurable time period.

Reference Data
Managed Object MaxDB Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ADALogUsageCrit, ADALogUsageWarn, ADALogExCrit, ADALogExWarn,

toring Parameters ADALogForecast

Version 7.1.3 316

syslink Xandria

ANY_Backup — Verify SAP SQL Anywhere Database backup

Checks for backup maintenance plans and verifies if they were successfully executed.

If no backup maintenance plan for full backup is found, the Check Status will be Critical and there
will be no further check evaluation.

If there is a full backup maintenance plan, the reports of this plan will be evaluated. ANY_Backup
collector will select reports of the last ANYBackupSelectRange days. For the backup check to be
Ok, a successful report must be found, and the finished time of the last full backup must be below
thresholds ANYBackupFullWarnAge and ANYBackupFullCritAge.

Additionally the age of the last successful backup must be below BackupAgeWarn and Backu-
pAgeCrit, but it is not required that the last successful backup is a full backup. If the latest backup
was unsuccessful, Check Status will be Warning, unless Critical thresholds are exceeded.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ANYBackupFullCritAge, ANYBackupFullWarnAge, ANYBackupSelec-

toring Parameters tRange, BackupAgeCrit, BackupAgeWarn

Version 7.1.3 317

syslink Xandria

ANY_Connections — Verifies number of SAP SQL Anywhere database connections

An alert is raised if the number of database connections exceeds some configurable threshold. In
case the number defined in syslink Xandria threshold ANYConnectionsNumCrit is above the num-
ber of connections allowed (SAP SQL Anywhere database option max_connections), the defined
thresholds ANYConnectionsNumCrit and ANYConnectionsNumWarn will be automatically adapt-
ed to 95 % and 80 % of the max_connections value.

The table showing the connections details shows a selection out of hundreds of con-
nection properties. If you would like to see other properties displayed as well, please
contact syslink software AG support and we might add this information in a future re-

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ANYConnectionsNumCrit, ANYConnectionsNumWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 318

syslink Xandria

ANY_DBSpaces — Verify SAP SQL Anywhere dbspaces usage

An alert is raised if dbspace usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted db-
space exhaustion is within a configurable period of time. Exceptions to the general Warning and
Critical thresholds may be defined on a per dbspace level.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ANYDBExCrit, ANYDBExWarn, ANYDBForecast, ANYDBUsageCrit, ANYD-

toring Parameters BUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 319

syslink Xandria

ANY_Messages — Queries and verifies SAP SQL Anywhere database server messages

The check queries for server messages within the last day. If Monitoring Parameter RunDaily-
CheckOnWE is false, the check queries for server messages for the last 3 days on Mondays, to
make sure you do not miss any entries.

The check status is Ok, if only INFO messages are found or the number of ERR and WARN mes-
sages is below ANYMessagesNumWarn. If the number of both, ERR and WARN messages is above
ANYMessagesNumWarn, the check status is Warning, unless the number of ERR messages is ex-
ceeding ANYMessagesNumCrit, which will result as Critical check status.

If only INFO messages are found, the latest 100 INFO messages will be displayed. If ERR
or WARN messages are found, INFO messages will not be displayed. The maximum
number of ERR or WARN messages displayed is limited to a total number of 500 mes-

It is possible to exclude messages from being counted as WARN or ERR message. To do so, please
use Monitoring Parameter ANYMessagesExclude, see the parameterʼs documentation for the syn-
tax details.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ANYMessagesExclude, ANYMessagesNumCrit, ANYMessages-

toring Parameters NumWarn, RunDailyCheckOnWE

Version 7.1.3 320

syslink Xandria

ANY_MessagesStat — Queries and verifies SAP SQL Anywhere database server messages for
RealTime Monitoring

ANY_MessagesStat does the same as ANY_Messages — monitoring the SAP SQL Anywhere serv-
er messages, but queries it for entries within last ANYMessagesStatTimespan minutes only and
reports to RealTime Monitoring.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ANYMessagesStatExclude, ANYMessagesStatNumCrit, ANYMessagesS-

toring Parameters tatNumWarn

Version 7.1.3 321

syslink Xandria

ANY_TransLog — Verify SAP SQL Anywhere transaction log usage

Determines the databaseʼs transaction and possible mirror transaction log and checks the usage
of the same. An alert is raised if log usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted
transaction log exhaustion is within a configurable period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP SQL Anywhere Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ANYLogExCrit, ANYLogExWarn, ANYLogForecast, ANYLogUsageCrit,

toring Parameters ANYLogUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 322

syslink Xandria

DB2_Backup — Verify Database backup

Checks the last full database backup and shows its start-, end- and runtime.

If it was not successful a Warning or Critical status is reported, depending on the exit state of the
latest backup command.

Additionally the age of the last successful backup is checked. If the last successful backup is too
old a Warning is reported. The maximum age can be defined using the Monitoring Parameters
BackupAgeCrit and BackupAgeWarn. There is also the option to define a Monitoring Exception

The backup granularity (i.e. tablespace or database) is not considered. Tablespace
backups are therefore considered in the same way as full database backups. If you use
tablespace backups you need to take care for an appropriate backup strategy. However,
the granularity is displayed with the Check Result for your information.

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BackupAgeCrit, BackupAgeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 323

syslink Xandria

DB2_BackupStat — Verify DB2 Database backup (RealTime Monitoring)

The return code of the latest backup is evaluated.

If the return code is 0, the Check Status will be Ok, in case the value is 1, the status will be Warning.
Otherwise the status is set to Critical.

This check reports to the RealTime Monitoring, The Monitoring Parameter BackupResetRTMTime
can be used to reset the Check Status back to Ok automatically after a certain period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- BackupResetRTMTime

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 324

syslink Xandria

DB2_CBO_Stats — Verify table and index statistics' age

Counts the number of tables / indexes with statistics not older than DB2CBOMaxAge days.

If the number of tables / indexes with up-to-date statistics is below threshold

DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit or DB2CBONumEntriesUpdWarn, the check will return a Critical or a
Warning message.

See Monitoring Parameter ABAPDBSchema if you need to override the schema name for this

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database instance of an ABAP SAP System

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- DB2CBOMaxAge, DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit,

toring Parameters DB2CBONumEntriesUpdWarn, ABAPDBSchema

Version 7.1.3 325

syslink Xandria

DB2_Diaglog — Verify the DB2 diagnostics log file

An alert is raised if a certain number of entries with a Warning, Error, or Severe value in the Level
property are found during a configurable period of time.

The DB2_Diaglog check can be configured in a very flexible way. The log parsing engine allows
you to access any field of a DB2 diagnostics log entry, and you have the option to define virtually
any Boolean expression in order to consider certain entries as Warning or Critical.

The check evaluation rule is: If there are more than DB2DiagLogCountCrit entries found during
the past DB2DiagLogTimeSpan minutes matching the expression DB2DiagLogExprCrit, the Check
Status will be Critical. Otherwise, if there are more than DB2DiagLogCountWarn entries during the
same time span matching the expression DB2DiagLogExprWarn, the Check Status will be Warning.
Otherwise, it will be Ok.

The location of the DB2 diagnostics log file is deter-

mined by the diagpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/
topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000299.html] DB2 Database parame-
ter. In case diagpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-
ic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000299.html] is not set the check returns a Warning.

The DB2_Diaglog check is not supported for systems using a remote database (i.e. if
DB2DBRemote is set to 1)!

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- DB2DiagLogCountCrit, DB2DiagLogCountWarn, DB2DiagLogExprCrit,

toring Parameters DB2DiagLogExprWarn, DB2DiagLogTimeSpan, DB2DBRemote

Version 7.1.3 326

syslink Xandria

DB2_FSLogArch — Verify DB2 transaction log filesystems

The check execution depends on the configuration of your DB2 UDB Database.

• The usage of the filesystem holding the active transaction log directory (as defined
in the DB2 parameter logpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-
ic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000245.html]) is monitored using the Monitoring
Parameters DB2FSLogActiveCrit and DB2FSLogActiveWarn. Forecasting is enabled as well, see
parameters DB2FSLogArchExWarn, DB2FSLogArchExCrit, and DB2FSLogArchForecast.

In addition, the filesystem holding the directory mirrorlogpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/

infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0005781.html] — if de-
fined — will be checked as well.

• The syslink Xandria Agent will figure out the DB2 log management method in place by ex-
amining the DB2 parameters logarchmeth1 [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/
v9r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0011448.html] and userexit [http://

If the database is running in log retention mode (also called archive logging mode) and it is
configured to archive transaction log file to disk, the file systems holding the archived transac-
tion log files are monitored using the following monitoring parameters: DB2FSLogArchWarn,
DB2FSLogArchCrit, DB2FSLogArchExWarn, DB2FSLogArchExCrit and DB2FSLogArchForecast

• If the DB2 parameter failarchpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/

topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0011437.html] is set, the syslink Xandria Agent
will verify if transaction log files have been archived to this location.

• Such a situation occurs in case your DB2 UDB Database was not able to archive to the prima-
ry and the secondary (if set) archive destinations, for instance if destinations like TSM or VEN-
DOR are used. The existence of files in failarchpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocen-
ter/db2luw/v9r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0011437.html] indicates a se-
rious issue. Therefore the syslink Xandria Agent will not monitor the amount of used space on
the corresponding file system, but only count the number of transaction log files found. It rais-
es an alert if either DB2NumFailArchLogsWarn or DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit thresholds are ex-

The DB2_FSLogArch check is not supported for systems using a remote database (i.e.
DB2DBRemote is set to 1).

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- FSMonitorNetwork, FSTypeLocal, FSTypeRemote, DB2DBRemote,

toring Parameters DB2FSLogActiveCrit, DB2FSLogActiveWarn, DB2FSLogArchWarn,
DB2FSLogArchCrit, DB2FSLogArchExWarn, DB2FSLogArchExCrit,
DB2FSLogArchForecast, DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit,

Version 7.1.3 327

syslink Xandria

DB2_LogUsage — Watch DB2 log space usage

An alert is raised if the log space of the DB2 UDB Database exceeds some configurable threshold,
or if the predicted log space exhaustion is within a configurable period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object DB2 Database. For Java-only SAP Systems only if kernel version ≥ 6.40

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- DB2LogUsageWarn, DB2LogUsageCrit, DB2LogExCrit, DB2LogExWarn,

toring Parameters DB2LogForecast

Version 7.1.3 328

syslink Xandria

DB2_Tablespaces — Verify DB2 tablespaces usage

An alert is raised if tablespace usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted
tablespace exhaustion is within a configurable period of time. Exceptions to the general Warning
and Critical thresholds may be defined on a per tablespace level.

Auto-resize tablespaces are supported as well. The check considers the space avail-
able assuming that the tablespace can be resized to its limit regardless of any un-
derlying file system limitations. If the tablespace is configured with "unlimited" maxi-
um size (i.e. tablespace_max_size [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-
ic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.mon.doc/doc/r0012170.html] is -1), the architectural size limit of the
tablespace is considered (see also DB2 LUW SQL and XML Limits [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/

You can distinguish auto-resized tablespaces from other ones in the Check Result. If an tablespace
is configured using auto-resize, you will get the following result in case of a Warning or Critical
Check Status:

'PSAPBTABD' is used by 96.6 % (17.51 GB free, 17.51 GB auto-resize free)

Since — in the example above — the amount of actual free space in the tablespace is identical
to the maximum available auto-resize free space the tablespace will not extend any further and it
might be time to reorganize or to upgrade to large tablespaces.

The following example shows the situation where a tablespace still can be auto-resized:

'PA3#ODSI' is used by 9.7 % (25.61 GB free, 231.27 GB auto-resize free)

The syslink Xandria Agent does not check if there is enough space on the filesystem
to actually resize a tablespace. You need to monitor the file systems as well using the
FileSystems check.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP System (for Java-only systems only if kernel version ≥ 6.40) and Data-
base Type DB2

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- DB2TableSpaceUsageWarn, DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit,

toring Parameters DB2TableSpaceExWarn, DB2TableSpaceExCrit, DB2TableSpaceForecast

Version 7.1.3 329

syslink Xandria

DBConnect — Verifies connectivity to a Database.

Verifies the connection to a Database. If the Database connection has been established success-
fully, the check will provide some additional information in its result.

If the Database connection fails, the Check Result will be Warning and after DBConnectErrsCrit
subsequent connection attempts without success, the result will be Critical.

Additionally the check serves as a master check for all other checks executed on a Database, so
if the connection fails, all the other dependent checks will return Unknown.

The DBConnect check therefore is the most important check for a Database.

SAP Systems with Oracle Database only: The syslink Xandria Agent by default tries
to connect the Oracle database usingTNSlookup with the SAP System's Real SAP SID

If this fails (for example because theTNSadmin directory could not be determined) you
can make use of the Parameter Set ORATNSAdminDir and ORATNSAlias.

Oracle Databases in conjunction with SAP BR*Tools only: If there is a running off-
line backup, the check will return a Warning. If the elapsed time (since backup start)
is ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit percent longer than the average total backup runtime
of the last 5 full backups, a Critical alert is raised. If there are less than 2 full backups
available a backup time of 4 hours is assumed.

Reference Data
Managed Object Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- DBConnectErrsCrit, TimeOutDBMonitor, ORATNSAdminDir, ORAT-

toring Parameters NSAlias, ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit, ORAHomeDir, MSSUseNTLMv2

Version 7.1.3 330

syslink Xandria

FullCheck — Per-Database summary of Daily Checks

Returns the overall status of all Checks executed during the Daily Check on a particular SAP In-
stance or Database.

For instance, if the connection attempt (to the SAP Instance or Database) failed, this check type
returns a Critical message. If this check fails, all other dependent checks will have status Unknown.

In Ok status the check explains which checks have been executed on the particular SAP Instance
or Database, which profiles have been collected, etc.

You may want to skip the execution of Daily Checks on the weekend using Monitoring Parameter

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP Instance, Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Static

Depends on Check RFCConnect for ABAP and ABAP+Java instances, J2EEConnect for Ja-
va-only instances, or DBConnect for Databases

Configured by Moni- DailyCheckStart, DailyCheckSendTimeRange, DailyCheckSend-

toring Parameters TimeRange, RunDailyCheckOnWE

Version 7.1.3 331

syslink Xandria

HDB_Alerts — Verify the last hour's SAP HANA Alerts

Monitors the alerts generated by the statistics server. The alerts are counted according to their
priority: Error, High, Medium, and Low.

The Check Status is set to Warning if at least one alert with priority Error or High is found within
the timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan. If the number of Error alerts is above HDBAlertsEr-
rorCountCrit or the number of High alerts is above HDBAlertsHighCountCrit, the Check Status is
set to Critical.

Since the default values for HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit and HDBAlertsHighCountCrit are
both configured to 1, by default the Check Status is Critical starting from one Error or
High alert.

The HDB_Alerts check turns to Warning if the number of alerts with rating Medium found within the
timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is equal to or above HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn, or if
the number of alerts with rating Low found within the timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is
equal to or above HDBAlertsLowCountWarn.

The check status of HDB_Alerts will be Ok if no alerts with priority above Medium are found and if
number of Medium priority alerts is below HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn threshold, and number of
Low priority alerts is below HDBAlertsLowCountWarn threshold.

Finally, you can exclude alerts from contributing to the check status by specifying the alert's ID
using parameter HDBAlertsExcludeIDs. Multiple entries must be separated by spaces, comma, or
semicolon. HDBAlertsExcludeIDs' syntax is forgiving, i. e. leading, trailing or multiple spaces will
not harm and the right alerts will still be excluded as long as numeric values are found.

Excluded alerts will still be reported in the check result's overview table. They will be
marked with string (Excluded) in the Alert ID column and will not be colored.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit, HDBAlertsExcludeIDs, HDBAlertsHighCount-

toring Parameters Crit, HDBAlertsLowCountWarn, HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn, HDBAlert-

Version 7.1.3 332

syslink Xandria

HDB_Backup — Verify SAP HANA Database backups

If the latest complete backup was not successful a Warning Check Status is generated.

If the latest successful complete backup is older than BackupAgeCrit, a Critical Check Status is
generated, if it is older than BackupAgeWarn, the Check Status will be Warning.

If no complete backups are found in the time range defined by HDBBackupCompleteSelectRange

the Check Status will be Critical.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BackupAgeCrit, BackupAgeWarn, HDBBackupCompleteSelectRange

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 333

syslink Xandria

HDB_CPULoad — Verify CPU usage of SAP HANA server nodes

This Check corresponds to the CPU counters retrieved from the SAP HANA statistic views. The
last HDBCPULoadAverageTime minutes are taken into account.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBCPULoadAverageTime, HDBCPULoadCrit, HDBCPULoadWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 334

syslink Xandria

HDB_DeltaMerges — Verify Runtime of SAP HANA Delta Merges

This Check monitors the duration of Delta Merges. The Check Status turns to Warning or Critical
if there is a certain number of delta merges exceeding the corresponding runtime thresholds.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- HDBDeltaMergesNumCrit, HDBDeltaMergesNumWarn, HDBDeltaMerges-

toring Parameters TimeCrit, HDBDeltaMergesTimeWarn

Version 7.1.3 335

syslink Xandria

HDB_Disks — Verify SAP HANA Disk Usage

This Check verifies the usage of the filesystems (disks) used to store the HANA Database data
(i.e. storage devices). You may exclude storage devices by using the exclude parameters listed
below. For example, log backup storage devices might be repored with zero size since they are
backed up by a 3rd party backup solution.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBDisksUsageCrit, HDBDisksUsageWarn, HDBExcludeStorageDe-

toring Parameters viceIDs, HDBExcludeStorageIDs, HDBExcludeStorageTypes

Version 7.1.3 336

syslink Xandria

HDB_DisksLog — Verify SAP HANA Log Area Usage

A special case of the HDB_Disks Check for the SAP HANA Log Areas with more restrictive thresh-

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBDisksLogUsageCrit, HDBDisksLogUsageWarn, HDBExcludeStor-

toring Parameters ageDeviceIDs, HDBExcludeStorageIDs, HDBExcludeStorageTypes

Version 7.1.3 337

syslink Xandria

HDB_DisksLogBackup — Verify SAP HANA Log Backup Usage

A special case of the HDB_Disks Check for the SAP HANA Log Backups with more restrictive

If you use a third party tool to backup your log segments this Check can be disabled.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBDisksLogBackupUsageCrit, HDBDisksLogBackupUsageWarn, HD-

toring Parameters BExcludeStorageDeviceIDs, HDBExcludeStorageIDs, HDBExcludeStor-

Version 7.1.3 338

syslink Xandria

HDB_ExpSQL — Report Expensive SQL Statements

An SQL statement is considered expensive if its total execution time compared to the total execu-
tion time of all SQL statements exceeds a given threshold.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- HDBExpSQLTimePctCrit, HDBExpSQLTimePctWarn

toring Parameters

If you need to reset the SAP HANA internal statistics which this Check is based on, you can do so by executing the following

Version 7.1.3 339

syslink Xandria

HDB_JobRuntime — Verify the runtime of SAP HANA Jobs

This checks monitors the duration of jobs running on SAP HANA. If jobs are found which are run-
ning longer than HDBJobRuntimeCrit minutes, the status of the check will be Critical. If jobs are
found, which are running longer than HDBJobRuntimeWarn but still not longer than HDBJobRun-
timeCrit minutes, the status will be Warning.

You may exclude jobs from being verified by using HDBJobNameExclude. Per default jobs with
name Backup are excluded.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBJobNameExclude, HDBJobRuntimeCrit, HDBJobRuntimeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 340

syslink Xandria

HDB_Landscape — Verify the integrity of a SAP HANA Landscape

This Check monitors the status of the different SAP HANA hosts. It is specially useful in scale out
environments to detect switchover situations to the standby host.

The Check Result is Ok as long as all hosts are active and all host's status is either OK or IGNORE.
Otherwise the Check will turn to the Check Status defined in HDBLandscapeSeverity.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBLandscapeSeverity

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 341

syslink Xandria

HDB_License — Verify SAP HANA License

Verifies if the SAP HANA license will expire soon. If no valid license found the Check turns to
Critical. If a valid license is found the expiration date is verified unless the license is unlimited.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- HDBLicenseExpireTimeCrit, HDBLicenseExpireTimeWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 342

syslink Xandria

HDB_MemoryPeak — Verify Peak Memory Usage

Compares the database peak memory usage (since last reset) to the allocation limit.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBMemoryPeakUsageCrit, HDBMemoryPeakUsageWarn

toring Parameters

If you need to reset the SAP HANA internal statistics which this Check is based on, you can do so by executing the following

Version 7.1.3 343

syslink Xandria

HDB_MemoryPhysical — Verify SAP HANA hosts Physical Memory Usage

Monitors the physical memory ([Definition: resident memory in SAP HANA terms]) usage on each

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageCrit, HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 344

syslink Xandria

HDB_MemoryServices — Verify SAP HANA Services Memory Usage

Monitors the service memory usage. Compares the memory used against the effective allocation

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit, HDBMemoryServicesUsageWarn

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 345

syslink Xandria

HDB_Services — Verify if SAP HANA Services are active

Verifies the SAP HANA operational status i.e. if all services are started.

The Check Status is Ok if all services are active.

The check turns to Critical if no services are found or if at least one service is not active.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni-
toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 346

syslink Xandria

HDB_SystemReplication — Verify SAP HANA system replication status

Verifies, if the HANA database has replicated services and if yes, checks if all secondary services
are active, fully recoverable, and the replication status is active.

If the HANA database is not configured for system replication, status of HDB_SystemReplication
is Ok per default. You can change this behaviour by using HDBSystemReplNotFoundStatus, which
allows you to define another status if system replication is not found.

If there are replicated services found, the Check Status is Ok if all the following conditions are met.

1. All secondary services must report YES as active status.

2. All secondary services must be fully recoverable, i.e. must report TRUE in column 2nd Fully

3. The replication status of all services must be report ACTIVE.

The check turns to Critical if one of the upper condition is not met. In this case please observe
possible detail information in column Repl. Status Details.

Reference Data
Managed Object SAP HANA Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- HDBSystemReplNotFoundStatus

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 347

syslink Xandria

MSS_DBBackup — Verify the backup

Checks the latest backup date / time of the SAP SID, master and msdb Database.

If the latest backup is older than a configured period of time, a Warning message is generated. For
the SAP SID Database this period of time can be configured separately for each weekday

Reference Data
Managed Object MSSQL Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- MSSBackupAgeMasterWarn, MSSBackupAgeMasterCrit, MSSBacku-

toring Parameters pAgeMsdbWarn, MSSBackupAgeMsdbCrit, BackupAgeCrit, BackupAge-

Version 7.1.3 348

syslink Xandria

MSS_DBUsage — Verify Database usage

Calculates the amount of used space in the managed Database. An alert is raised if the used space
exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted space exhaustion is within a configurable
period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object MSSQL Database

Check Cycle Basic, Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect (in RealTime Monitoring)

FullCheck (in Daily Check)

Configured by Moni- MSSDBUsageWarn, MSSDBUsageCrit, MSSDBExWarn, MSSDBExCrit,

toring Parameters MSSDBForecast, MSSDBRemote

Version 7.1.3 349

syslink Xandria

MSS_ExpSQL — Watch for expensive SQL statements

Reports expensive SQL statements considering the I/O of all statements in query cache.

An SQL statement is considered expensive, if the amount of logical and/or physical reads for the
particular statement exceeds a certain amount of all logical and physical reads.

Warning and Critical thresholds can be defined for the logical and physical reads, and statements
can be excluded from the check.

Reference Data
Managed Object MSSQL Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- MSSExpSQLLogicalReadCrit, MSSExpSQLLogicalReadWarn, MSSEx-

toring Parameters pSQLPhysicalReadCrit, MSSExpSQLPhysicalReadWarn, MSSExpSQLEx-
clude, MSSExpSQLExcludeShow

Version 7.1.3 350

syslink Xandria

MSS_LogBackup — Verify transaction log backup

Determines the last transaction log backup of the managed Database.

If it is older than the configurable Warning or Critical thresholds an alert is raised respectively.

If you are using the simple recovery model you may want to disable this Check.

Reference Data
Managed Object MSSQL Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- MSSLogBckAgeWarn, MSSLogBckAgeCrit

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 351

syslink Xandria

MSS_LogUsage — Verify transaction log usage

Determines the usage of the transaction log for the manged Database. An alert is raised if the
transaction log usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted exhaustion is within
a configurable period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object MSSQL Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- MSSLogUsageWarn, MSSLogUsageCrit, MSSLogExWarn, MSSLogExCrit,

toring Parameters MSSLogForecast, MSSDBRemote

Version 7.1.3 352

syslink Xandria

ORA_AlertLog — Verify the Oracle alert log file.

Verifies the Oracle alert log file.

A Critical alert is raised if a certain number of the following entries is found during a configurable
period of time:

• Oracle Database Error Messages [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/serv-

er.112/e10880/toc.htm]:ORA-00255, ORA-00257, ORA-00270, ORA-00272, ORA-00376,
ORA-00447, ORA-00470, ORA-00471, ORA-00472, ORA-00473, ORA-00474, ORA-00600,
ORA-00603, ORA-01113, ORA-01114, ORA-01115, ORA-01122, ORA-01135, ORA-01578,
ORA-01628, ORA-01629, ORA-01630, ORA-01631, ORA-01632, ORA-01650, ORA-01651,
ORA-01652, ORA-01653, ORA-01654, ORA-01655, ORA-01656, ORA-01680, ORA-01681,
ORA-01683, ORA-01684, ORA-01685, ORA-01688, ORA-01691, ORA-01692, ORA-01693,
ORA-01694, ORA-03113, ORA-07445, ORA-16014, ORA-16038, ORA-19502, ORA-19504,
ORA-19510, ORA-27044, ORA-27063, ORA-27072, ORA-30036

• Messages containing Corrupt block

A Warning alert is raised if a certain number of the following entries is found:

• Oracle Database Error Messages [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/serv-

er.112/e10880/toc.htm]:ORA-00060, ORA-01149, ORA-01555, ORA-01562

• Messages containing Checkpoint not complete

The ORA_AlertLog check can be configured in a very flexible way. The log parsing engine allows
you to access any field of a Oracle alert log entry, and you have the option to define virtually any
Boolean expression in order to flag certain entries as Warning or Critical.

The check evaluation rule is: If there are more than ORAAlertLogCountCrit entries found during
the past ORAAlertLogTimeSpan minutes matching the expression ORAAlertLogExprCrit, the Check
Status will be Critical. Otherwise, if there are more than ORAAlertLogCountWarn entries during the
same time span matching the expression ORAAlertLogExprWarn, the Check Status will be Warning.
Otherwise, it will be Ok.

The location of the Oracle alert log file is determined by the serv-
er Monitoring Parameter ORAAlertLogLocation. If this parameter is not set,
the value from the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/
server.112/e10820/initparams074.htmߴREFRN10280] (for Oracle 11g and newer) or
BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/
initparams018.htmߴREFRN10008] (Oracle 10g and older) parameter is considered.

A Warning Check Result will be returned if the location cannot be determined.

The ORA_AlertLog check is not supported for systems using a remote database (i.e. ??? is set to 1)!

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Version 7.1.3 353

syslink Xandria

Configured by Moni- ORAAlertLogCountCrit, ORAAlertLogCountWarn, ORAAlertLogExprCrit,

toring Parameters ORAAlertLogExprWarn, ORAAlertLogTimeSpan, ???, ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 354

syslink Xandria

ORA_BackUp — Verify RMAN backups

This check verifies the availability and consistency of the latest backup performed with the Oracle
Recovery Manager (RMAN).

The check is only executed if parameter ORABackupTool is set to RMAN which is the default for
stand-alone Databases.

If your database is backed up with SAP BR*Tools, you should set ORABackupTool to BRBACKUP
(default for SAP System. In this case this check is automatically deleted.

If you neither useRMANnor the BR*Tools to backup your Oracle Database you are encouraged to
disable this check.

Basically, a backup is considered available and consistent if it can be recovered byRMAN. So the
check verifies if the control file, spfile, datafiles, and archive log files backups are consistent, and
if the point in time they can be recovered to is not older than defined in the Monitoring Parameters
BackupAgeWarn or BackupAgeCrit. Otherwise the check will report a corresponding Warning or
Critical Check Result.

The consistency check of the backups comprises the verification of consistentSCN(System

Change Numbers, Transaction Numbers) chains contained in valid incremental backups starting
with a valid full backup. The latestSCNof the newest complete incremental backup chains of the
datafiles are searched for in the Redo Log Backup Sets, and starting from the oldest set, the Redo
Log BackupSCNs are checked for consistency up to the last entry.

For further information on Backup Sets and SCNs, see the Oracle RMAN documentation [http://

If backups are written to disk, the check also verifies if the files are available on disk, unless para-
meter ORABackupSkipFilesCheck is set, or the database is monitored remotely (indicated by pa-
rameter ???). The syslink Xandria Agent needs the appropriate permissions on the file system to
verify the existence of the files. Set the ORABackupSkipFilesCheck otherwise.

The check will return Critical also if no backup is found within the period defined by ORARMANS-

If you manipulate files already backed up (e.g. remove or rename them) using oth-
er tools thanRMAN,RMANmay not know about these changes. Neither does the sys-
link Xandria Agent. You should run a crosscheck [http://download.oracle.com/docs/
cd/E11882_01/backup.112/e10642/rcmmaint.htmߴBRADV89624] withinRMANin this

The check is always related to the latest backup. It does not check if your Database can
be restored using any backup before the latest one. It does, however, check if the redo
logs required to restore the latest backup are all backed up, too.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Version 7.1.3 355

syslink Xandria

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ???, TimeOutDBMonitor, BackupAgeWarn, BackupAgeCrit, ORABackup-

toring Parameters Tool, ???, ORARMANSelectRange, ORABackupSkipFilesCheck, ORAHome-

Version 7.1.3 356

syslink Xandria

ORA_BrArchive — Verify BrArchive runs

An overview of all BrArchive runs of during the last Full Check Cycle is listed in the Check Result.

If there are unsuccessful runs the check will result in a Warning. The check is only executed if pa-
rameter ORABackupTool is set to BRBACKUP which is the default for SAP System. If your database is
not backed up with SAP BR*Tools, but withRMAN, you should set ORABackupTool toRMAN(default
for stand-alone Databases). In this case this check is automatically deleted.

If you neither useRMANnor the BR*Tools to backup your Oracle Database you are encouraged to
disable this check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ORABackupTool, ORABrToolsSchema, ORABrToolsSelectRange, ORA-

toring Parameters HomeDir

Version 7.1.3 357

syslink Xandria

ORA_BrBackup — Verify Database backups performed with SAP BR*Tools

This check type comprises two different sub-checks:

1. The return code of the latest backup is evaluated. If the return code is 0, the Check Status will
be Ok, in case the value is 1, the status will be Warning.

Otherwise the status is set to Critical.

2. If the latest successful backup (i.e. one with a return code 0 or 1) is older than a configured
period of time, a Warning or Critical message is generated.

The check is only executed if parameter ORABackupTool is set to BRBACKUP which is the default
for SAP System. If your database is not backed up with SAP BR*Tools, but withRMAN, you should
set ORABackupTool toRMAN(default for stand-alone Databases). In this case this check is auto-
matically deleted.

If you neither useRMANnor the BR*Tools to backup your Oracle Database you are encouraged to
disable this check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ORABrbackupSuccessFIDs, BackupAgeCrit, BackupAgeWarn, ORABack-

toring Parameters upTool, ORABrToolsSchema, ORABrToolsSelectRange, ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 358

syslink Xandria

ORA_BrBackupStat — Verify Database backup performed with BR*Tools (RealTime Monitoring)

This check type comprises two different sub-checks:

1. The return code of the latest backup is evaluated. If the return code is 0, the Check Status will
be Ok, in case the value is 1, the status will be Warning. Otherwise the status is set to Critical.
(This is exactly the same as the first sub-check of the ORA_BrBackup check.)

2. The runtime of the backup is verified. The runtime is compared with the average runtime of
the previous 2 to 5 (if available) backups, and additionally it is compared against a static time
threshold. This shall help to reduce false alerts especially if average backup times are small. If
the current runtime takes more than ORABrbackupDelayWarn percent longer than the average
and is above ORABrbackupDelayTimeWarn minutes, the Check Status is set to Warning. If it
takes more than ORABrbackupDelayCrit percent longer and is above ORABrbackupDelayTime-
Crit minutes, the Check Status is set to Critical.

If we cannot compute an average, a value of 4 hours is assumed.

The check is only executed if parameter ORABackupTool is set to BRBACKUP which is the default
for SAP System. If your database is not backed up with SAP BR*Tools, but withRMAN, you should
set ORABackupTool toRMAN(default for stand-alone Databases). In this case this check is auto-
matically deleted.

If you neither useRMANnor the BR*Tools to backup your Oracle Database you are encouraged to
disable this check.

This check reports to the RealTime Monitoring. The parameter BackupResetRTMTime can be used
to reset the Check Status back to Ok automatically after a certain period of time.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORABrbackupDelayWarn, ORABrbackupDelayCrit, ORABrbackupDelay-

toring Parameters TimeWarn, ORABrbackupDelayTimeCrit, ORABrbackupSuccessFIDs,
BackupResetRTMTime, ORABackupTool, ORABrToolsSchema, ORABr-
ToolsSelectRange, ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 359

syslink Xandria

ORA_DataFiles — Verify datafiles status and auto-extension

This check comprises two sub-checks:

1. The status of each datafile is checked and a Critical alert is raised unless it is either ONLINE

2. The check calculates how many auto extent increments will fit into the filesystem where the
datafile is located.

If the number of increments is below ORADataFileIncrementsCrit, a Critical alert is reported, if

it is below ORADataFileIncrementsWarn but not below ORADataFileIncrementsCrit, a Warning
is raised.

Please note that the check verifies for each datafile if there is enough space in its filesystem. It
will not check if all datafiles located in the same filesystem can be auto-extended at the same

The second part of the check is not available for remote databases (i.e. if ??? is set to 1).

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORADataFileIncrementsWarn, ORADataFileIncrementsCrit, ???, ORA-

toring Parameters HomeDir

Version 7.1.3 360

syslink Xandria

ORA_DBAOper — Verify Oracle DBA operations

This check verifies certain Oracle DBA operations that are executed with BR*Tools.

The operations can be selected by defining their Function IDs (e.g. as listed in transaction DB14)
in ORADBAOperFunctionIDs.

The check is only executed if the Monitoring Parameter ORASAPToolsEnable is set to 1, which
is the default for SAP Systems. For stand-alone Databasesthis check is by default disabled, i.e.
ORASAPToolsEnable is set to 0. If you enable the check you probably have to set the Monitoring
Parameter ORASAPToolsSchema as well.

The check consists of two sub-checks:

1. The return code of the latest finished DBA operation is checked. If the return code is 0, the Check
Status will be Ok, if it is 1, the Check Status will be Warning, otherwise the Check Status will be
Critical. Running operations with RC=9999 are ignored.

2. It is verified if the latest successful DBA operation is not older than defined in the ORADBAOper-
AgeCrit or ORADBAOperAgeWarn thresholds. Otherwise the Check Status will be set accord-

By default, the following operations are checked:

1. Collect Optimizer Statistics

2. Database verification with DBVERIFY

3. Check Optimizer Statistics

See also the description of the Monitoring Parameter ORADBAOperFunctionIDs.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database in conjunction with BR*Tools. In case of Java-only SAP
Systems you need a kernel version ≥ 6.40

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ORADBAOperFunctionIDs, ORADBAOperAgeCrit, ORADBAOperAgeWarn,

toring Parameters ORADBAOperSelectRange, ORASAPToolsEnable, ORASAPToolsSchema,

Version 7.1.3 361

syslink Xandria

ORA_DBCheckLog — Verify results of SAPDBA or BrConnect check runs

The result of the latest sapdba -check or brconnect -f check run is parsed. If the last run is older
than 24 hours, a Warning message is raised. Data is only searched for in the time span defined
by ORABrToolsSelectRange.

Otherwise the result is not too old, it is analyzed as follows: If the result contains messages with
W level the check returns a Warning, if the result contains messages with E level the check returns

The check is only executed if the Monitoring Parameter ORASAPToolsEnable is set to 1, which
is the default for SAP Systems. For stand-alone Databasesthis check is by default disabled, i.e.
ORASAPToolsEnable is set to 0. If you enable the check you probably have to set the Monitoring
Parameter ORASAPToolsSchema as well.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ORABrToolsSelectRange, ORASAPToolsEnable, ORASAPToolsSchema,

toring Parameters ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 362

syslink Xandria

ORA_Enqueue — Checks for enqueue deadlocks, timeouts, and waits.

This Check collects enqueue statistics on timeouts, waits, and deadlocks. The statistics are tem-
porarily stored with a timestamp. The Check then verifies if the statistics values exceed one of the
defined thresholds in a certain time span.

For deadlocks, absolute numbers are collected and verified. As Oracle recommends to examine
each deadlock, the default Critical threshold for deadlocks is set to 1.

Timeouts and waits are calculated as ratio to the total number of enqueue requests and conver-
sions. This allows the Check to scale on huge Databases, where more enqueue requests will occur,
resulting in more timeouts and wait events.

All thresholds can be configured by means of Monitoring Parameters. For each statis-
tics value there are two separate thresholds for Warning and Critical Check Status avail-
able. By default, the Warning thresholds are disabled, i.e. they have the same default val-
ue as their corresponding Critical threshold. The threshold parameters are: ORAEnqueueDead-
LocksCrit/ORAEnqueueDeadLocksWarn, ORAEnqueueTimeoutsCrit/ORAEnqueueTimeoutsWarn,

By setting a Critical threshold to 0 (or < 0), the associated statistics check is turned off; e.g. setting
ORAEnqueueTimeoutsCrit to 0 disables the timeouts part of the check.

The time span by which the statistics are collected and verified can be configured using the ORAEn-
queueTimeSpan Monitoring Parameter.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORAEnqueueDeadLocksCrit, ORAEnqueueDeadLocksWarn, ORAEn-

toring Parameters queueTimeoutsCrit, ORAEnqueueTimeoutsWarn, ORAEnqueueTimeSpan,
ORAEnqueueWaitsCrit, ORAEnqueueWaitsWarn

Version 7.1.3 363

syslink Xandria

ORA_ExpSQL — Report expensive SQL statements

An SQL statement is considered expensive if the amount of buffer-gets and disk-reads for the par-
ticular statement exceeds a certain amount of all buffer-gets and disk-reads. Warning and Critical
thresholds can be defined for the gets and reads, and programs executing the statements can be
excluded from the check.

Program Names can only be displayed for SAP Systems with Basis Release ≥ 4.5C.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database. In case of Java-only SAP Systems you need a kernel
version ≥ 6.40

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- ORAExpSQLExclude, ORAExpSQLExcludeShow, ORAExpSQLReadCrit,

toring Parameters ORAExpSQLReadWarn, ORAExpSQLGetCrit, ORAExpSQLGetWarn, ORA-

Version 7.1.3 364

syslink Xandria

ORA_FSLogArch — Verify ORAARCH filesystems

A special case of the FileSystems check for ORAARCH filesystems with separate thresholds.

The ORAARCH filesystems are detected automatically. This check is not supported for remote data-
bases (i.e. ??? is set to 1).

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Configured by Moni- FSMonitorNetwork, FSTypeLocal, FSTypeRemote, ???, ORAFSLogArch-

toring Parameters Warn, ORAFSLogArchCrit, ORAFSLogArchExWarn, ORAFSLogArchExCrit,
ORAFSLogArchForecast, ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 365

syslink Xandria

ORA_Log_Mode — Verify if the database runs in archive log mode

This check verifies if the Database runs in archive log mode and returns Critical if not.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORAHomeDir

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 366

syslink Xandria

ORA_Segments — Watch extent management

The check analyzes the Oracle segments (e.g. tables and indexes) of tablespaces with dictionary
extent management and permanent storage in two ways:

1. If the number of allocated extents exceeds a configurable threshold of the segment's

maximum number of extents (as defined by the table or index storage pa-
rameter max_extents [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10595/
tspaces014.htmߴADMIN11411]) a corresponding Warning or Critical alert is issued.

2. A Critical alert is issued if the continuous space in a tablespace is not

large enough to allocate another extent (known as table or index storage pa-
rameter next_extent [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10595/
tspaces014.htmߴADMIN11411]) for a segment.

For databases with locally managed tablespaces only, the Check Result simply displays a mes-
Database does not contain tablespaces with dictionary extent management
and permanent content.

If the Check Status is Ok, and if the database contains dictionary extent management tablespaces,
the check will display the covered tablespaces:
Segments are checked in tablespaces with dictionary extent management and
permanent content: PSAPC11DB, SYSTEM
All segments can allocate another extent.
All segments' number of extents are below threshold.

Due to resource consumption, this check is by default configured to run only every 60
minutes (see ORASegsChkWaitTime) in RealTime Monitoring. This check also runs in
the Daily Check

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle As configured by ORASegsChkWaitTime

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORAExtentsUsageWarn, ORAExtentsUsageCrit, ORASegsChkWaitTime,

toring Parameters ORAHomeDir

Version 7.1.3 367

syslink Xandria

ORA_Sessions — Verify number of waiting sessions and wait time.

This Check counts the number of waiting sessions, considering wait time, wait class, and wait
status of each session.

For each session waiting and holding a matching wait class (at time of Check execution), the
wait time is compared against a Warning and a Critical wait time threshold (Monitoring Parame-
ters ORASessionsTimeWaitWarn and ORASessionsTimeWaitCrit). All Warning and Critical ses-
sions are counted, and the counter is compared against a count threshold (Monitoring Parameter
ORASessionsCountWait). If the count threshold is exceeded by the Critical sessions, the check will
be Critical, otherwise if the count threshold is exceeded by the Critical and Warning sessions, the
check will be Warning.

The wait class of a session is considered to filter out sessions not accounting for the Check Status.
The wait class filter can be configured by means of the ORASessionsIgnoreWaitClass Monitoring

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORASessionsCountWait, ORASessionsIgnoreWaitClass, ORASession-

toring Parameters sTimeWaitCrit, ORASessionsTimeWaitWarn

Version 7.1.3 368

syslink Xandria

ORA_Tablespaces — Verify tablespace usage

An alert is raised if the tablespace usage exceeds some configurable threshold, or if the predicted
tablespace exhaustion is within a configurable period of time.

Exceptions to the general Warning and Critical thresholds may be defined on a per tablespace level.

For tablespaces with auto-extent enabled, the maximum allocatable space (in the check message
labeledauto-extent free) is considered as free space for usage and remaining free space calcu-
lations, and not the real free space (labeledfree) considering the currently allocated tablespace

The value ofauto-extent freeis not limited by the effective free space of the filesys-
tems holding the tablespace's datafiles. The ORA_DataFiles check, however, verifies if
auto-extensible datafiles can be extended within their filesystems.

Reference Data
Managed Object Oracle Database

Check Cycle Basic, Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- ORATableSpaceExWarn, ORATableSpaceExCrit, ORATableSpaceFore-

toring Parameters cast, ORATableSpaceUsageWarn, ORATableSpaceUsageCrit, ORAHome-

Version 7.1.3 369

syslink Xandria

SYB_Backup — Verifies backups done with Sybase DUMP DATABASE command

The check verifies if the last dump for each database was successful. If the last dump has failed,
the check result will be Warning.

Then the check looks for the last successful dump for each database. If there is none at all (at
least none in SYBBackupSelectRange days) or if the time since the last dump is above threshold
BackupAgeCrit, the check result will be Critical. If there is a succesful dump and the time since the
last dump is below BackupAgeCrit but above BackupAgeWarn the check result will be Warning.

The total check status is the worst of all sub-status of all databases. You can see the sub-result
for each database in the table provided. Please note that the size of backup dump files can only be
displayed if the file still exists on the file system. You may exclude databases which are not backed
up using parameter SYBBackupExclude. Most databases which usually require no backup up are
already excluded by default. However, you may add more databases since the backup of some
databases is documented as optional in official SAP guide SAP Business Suite on SAP Adaptive
Server Enterprise.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- BackupAgeCrit, BackupAgeWarn, SYBBackupExclude, SYBBackupSelec-

toring Parameters tRange, SYBBackupOKDisplayMax

Version 7.1.3 370

syslink Xandria

SYB_BackupStat — Verifies last finished or runtime of currently processing backup done with Sy-
base DUMP DATABASE command

The check complements the Daily Check SYB_Backup by a RealTime Monitoring check, which im-
mediately displays a Warning or Critical status when the last backup has failed. The status dis-
played after a backup has failed can be configured with monitoring parameter SYBBackupStat-
FailedStatus. SYBBackupStatFailedDisplayTime minutes after the failed backup has been detect-
ed, the check result status is reset to Ok.

If a backup is currently being processed, the check verifies the current runtime since backup start
and compares it against the average backup time of the last 5 successful backups, and additionally
it is compared against a static time threshold. This shall help to reduce false alerts especially if
average backup times are small. If the current runtime takes more than 50 percent longer than the
average and is above SYBBackupStatDelayTimeWarn minutes the Check Status is set to Warning.
If it takes more than 100 percent longer and is above SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit minutes the
Check Status is set to Critical.

If no 5 successful backup are found the check takes the average runtime of as many backups as
possible. If none is found at all, the average runtime is initialized to 2 hours.

Please note that this check does not check the age of the last successful backup. This is done
by Daily Check SYB_Backup.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit, SYBBackupStatDelayTimeWarn, SYBBack-

toring Parameters upStatExclude, SYBBackupStatFailedStatus, SYBBackupStatFailedDis-

Version 7.1.3 371

syslink Xandria

SYB_DataBases — Verifies the durability status of databases and if databases with suspect pages
are found

The check verifies the durability status of all databases found and checks if it is set to full. Tem-
porary databases have durability status no_recovery and are automatically excluded. If a database
with a durability status not equal to full or at_shutdown is found, the check result will be Warning.

More important, the check verifies if suspect pages are reported for a database. If yes, the check
status will be Critical. If a database is marked as suspect, you should find the reason for this.
Usually there are entries in the error log. Please refer to Sybase/SAP documentation on how to
proceed and how to reset the suspect status.

The check's table includes many information for your reference and overview. The same data is
checked elsewhere, e. g. in checks SYB_DataSpaces and SYB_LogSpaces.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- n/a

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 372

syslink Xandria

SYB_DataSpaces — Verifies data space of all databases

The check verifies if enough data space is available in all databases. If the usage or the amount of
remaining free space is exceeding/falling below SYBDBUsageCrit, the check status will be Critical.
If the usage or the amount of remaining free space is exceeding/falling below SYBDBUsageWarn
but is still below/above SYBDBUsageCrit, the status will be warning.

The total check status is the worst of all sub-status of all databases. You can see the sub-result
for each database in the table provided. This checks features Monitoring Exception Parameters
so you may define individual thresholds for certain databases.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- SYBDBExCrit, SYBDBExWarn, SYBDBForecast, SYBDBUsageCrit, SYBD-

toring Parameters BUsageWarn, Monitoring Exception Parameters

Version 7.1.3 373

syslink Xandria

SYB_ErrorLog — Queries and verifies the Sybase error log

The check queries the Sybase error log for entries within the last day. If Monitoring Parameter
RunDailyCheckOnWE is false, the check queries the error log for the last 2 days on Sundays, and
for the last 3 days on Mondays, to make sure you do not miss any entries.

The check status is Ok, if no entries at all or only entries with severity level 0 or 10 are found. If
any entries with severity level >=11 and <=16 are found, the check status is Warning. If entries with
severity level 17 or above are found, the check result will be critical. Severity level 17 means Insuf-
ficient Resources, for example space allocation fails du to missing free extents in a data segment.
Severity level 21 and above means, that SAP ASE need to be restarted or is damaged and must
be repaired. Please check the SAP Sybase ASE guide System Administration Guide: Volume 1 for
information on severity levels and how to proceed in case you encounter severe error log entries.

Monitoring Parameter SYBErrorLogExcludeErrNums may be used to exclude certain error numbers

from being checked. Enter a comma or blank separated list of numbers to specify multiple values.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Daily

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check FullCheck

Configured by Moni- SYBErrorLogExcludeErrNums, RunDailyCheckOnWE

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 374

syslink Xandria

SYB_ErrorLogStat — Queries and verifies the Sybase error log for RealTime Monitoring.

SYB_ErrorLogStat does the same as SYB_ErrorLog — monitoring the ASE error log, but queries it
for entries within last SYBErrorLogTimeSpan minutes only and reports to RealTime Monitoring.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- SYBErrorLogTimeSpan, SYBErrorLogExcludeErrNums

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 375

syslink Xandria

SYB_LogBackup — Monitors the transaction log backup age.

SYB_LogBackup monitors, if the last transaction log backup is recent enough. This is important
to ensure recoverability of your databases.

If the last transaction log dump is above SYBLogBackupAgeWarn minutes ago, but below SYBLog-
BackupAgeCrit minutes, the check status is Warning. If the last transaction log dump is above
SYBLogBackupAgeCrit minutes ago, the check result is Critical. If a database reports a full trans-
action log, the check result is reported Critical. Please note that a full transaction log should usu-
ally not happen, since exhausting log space should be reported in advance by the SYB_LogSpaces

You may exclude databases from being checked by adding the name of the database to the com-
ma separated list defined by Monitoring Parameter SYBLogBackupExclude. By default, many sys-
tem databases are already excluded by default. However, databases are still checked for full trans-
action log, no matter if excluded or not.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- SYBLogBackupAgeCrit, SYBLogBackupAgeWarn, SYBLogBackupExclude

toring Parameters

Version 7.1.3 376

syslink Xandria

SYB_LogSpaces — Verifies log space of all databases

This check corresponds to the SYB_DataSpaces check but verifies if enough log space is available
in all databases. If the usage or the amount of remaining free space is exceeding/falling below
SYBLogUsageCrit, the check status will be Critical. If the usage or the amount of remaining free
space is exceeding/falling below SYBLogUsageWarn but is still below/above SYBLogUsageCrit,
the status will be warning.

The total check status is the worst of all sub-status of all databases. You can see the sub-result
for each database in the table provided. In contrast to SYB_DataSpaces, SYB_LogSpaces does not
feature Monitoring Exception Parameters.

Reference Data
Managed Object Sybase ASE Database

Check Cycle Basic

Check Category Dynamic

Depends on Check DBConnect

Configured by Moni- SYBLogExCrit, SYBLogExWarn, SYBLogForecast, SYBLogUsageCrit, SY-

toring Parameters BLogUsageWarn

Version 7.1.3 377

syslink Xandria

Custom Checks
This section contains a reference of all Custom Checks provided by syslink Xandria.

There is some data common for all Custom Check types:

General Properties
Custom Check Type The type of the Custom Check.

Custom Check Name A syslink Xandria wide unique name for the Custom Check. The follow-
ing characters are not allowed: ' (single quote), / (forward slash), \ (back-
slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), < (less than), > (greater
than), | (pipe)

Custom Check De- Fill in some text in order to describe the Custom Check.

Customer Restricts this Custom Check to Systems of the named Customer (and its
descendants in case Customers are ordered hierarchically).

In other words, in the System Selectors only Systems of the named Cus-
tomer (and its descendants) can be selected.

In case you define a Customer, you need the Permission View Custom
Checks / Edit Custom Checks for the named Customer (only).

In case you define no Customer, you need the Permission View Custom
Checks / Edit Custom Checks for all Customers.

Execution Optionally, choose an execution cycle. Per default, Custom Check are run
in the Basic Check Cycle of the syslink Xandria Agent (list value RTM). You
may enter your own execution cycle, or run the Custom Check in the daily
cycle, see Full Check Cycle.

The actual cycle time is always ‘rounded’ up to the next Basic
Check Cycle execution time. For instance, if you enter 8 minutes
as the cycle time and the Basic Check Cycle is 5 minutes (as per
default), the check will be executed every 10 minutes in every
2 Basic Check Cycle.

There are also a few properties available for most of the Custom Checks but not all:

Specific properties
Service Name to If you fill in a value the Custom Check records the Service Availability for
record Availabilities use in e.g. Service Level Reports.

Report Warning as If Service Availability is recorded a Warning Check Status is usually con-
Available sidered Down. Set this flag if you want Warning Check Status considered
Up instead.

Run Custom Check Set this flag if you want the Custom Check to be executed on the Server
on DB Host of SAP hosting the Database instance of the SAP System (instead of on the Server
hosting the Central.

Version 7.1.3 378

syslink Xandria

System (instead of This option is only available if you define the Custom Check for one or
Central Instance multiple SAP Systems.

Version 7.1.3 379

syslink Xandria

CCMS Custom Check — Get the results from a CCMS MTE (Monitor Tree Element)

You can use this Custom Check to integrate syslink Xandria with the SAP CCMS.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances, SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Monitor Tree Element In order to find the appropriate values for this field, log into your SAP Sys-
tem and proceed to transaction RZ20.

You will see a list of CCMS monitor sets. Select SAP CCMS Monitor Tem-
plates, and double-click on one of the templates. Proceed to the Monitor-
ing Tree you want to have checked and choose Properties.

Copy the value of the Properties of field in the SAP GUI and paste it into
the Monitor Tree Element field in XanGui.

Finally, replace every occurrence of Real SAP SID and the SAP Instance
name in the string with the keywords <SID> and <INSTANCE>.

Report CCMS alerts If this flag is set the syslink Xandria Agent automatically confirms the
of this MTE to Xan- CCMS Alerts corresponding to the Monitoring Tree Element and imports
dria them into syslink Xandria where they can be viewed using XanGui.

Xandria status is Choose the Check Status syslink Xandria is to display in case the SAP
status is either unknown or invalid.

Version 7.1.3 380

syslink Xandria

CCMS Monset Custom Check — Get the results from a CCMS Monitor Tree

You can use this Custom Check to integrate syslink Xandria with the SAP CCMS. YOu may use
this Custom Check if you want to integrate a whole Monitor Tree instead of only a Monitoring Tree
Element (as in the CCMS Custom Check).

Please be aware that defining a CCMS Monset Custom Check actually may create a very
large number of single Checks, depending on the number of MTEs comprising the cor-
responding Monitor. Defining such a Custom Check on many Systems might decrease
the overall performance and stability of the syslink Xandria monitoring environment.

You may set monitoring parameter CCMSMonsetMTEMaxCount if you want to limit the
number of checks being read from a Monitor tree.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Monitor Set Name Define the name of the Monitoring Set containing the Monitor you want to
integrate into syslink Xandria.

Monitor Tree Define the name of the Monitor in Monitor Name. syslink Xandria includes
all MTE objects attributes (i.e. the leaves of the CCMS monitor tree) of the
given monitor.

Report CCMS alerts If this flag is set the syslink Xandria Agent automatically confirms the
of MTEs to Xandria CCMS Alerts corresponding to the Monitoring Tree Elements and imports
them into syslink Xandria where they can be viewed using XanGui;

Xandria status is Choose the Check Status syslink Xandria is to display in case the SAP
status is either unknown or invalid.

Version 7.1.3 381

syslink Xandria

Disk IO Custom Check — Checks IO on given file systems for number or IO reads/writes and IO
throughput per second

Use this custom check to monitor disk IO values on given file systems.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Time window to mea- Define the amount of time used to calculate the I/O throughput average
sure values. The higher the time you specify, the better occasional peaks will
be “flattened”, i.e. may less frequently cause Warning or Critical check sta-
tus. The default value is set to 10 minutes, which is a reasonable setting,
since together with the default cycle time 5 minutes it the check result is
updated every 5 minutes and will always use data of the last two check
cycles. Please note that values which are not multiple of the check cycle
are rounded to the nearest multiple of the check cycle value.

File Systems Define the file systems you want Disk IO Custom Check to monitor. You
may use * as file system to make a single entry for all file filesystems. If
you make multiple specifications and a file system matches the same, the
threshold values are merged together for each file system and the lowest
of each will be the effective one.

You may, for instance, define generic thresholds using a file system *.
Then you might want to use lower thresholds for a special file system, e.g.

Version 7.1.3 382

syslink Xandria

File Exists Custom Check — Check if a certain file exists

The syslink Xandria Agent checks if a given file exists. You can define the Check Status to report
in case the file does or does not exist, e.g. an Ok if the file exists and a Critical otherwise.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Check File Define the absolute path name of the file monitored this field. File name
substitution is provided in case wildcard characters (like * or ?) are used.

For the sake of stability and sanity of the monitoring process

wildcards are only allowed to be used in the file name part of
the Check File Definition, but not in the directory part. In case
you want to check for the existence of multiple files in sepa-
rate directories you may use the Run Program Custom Check and
tools like find [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find] (on Unix-like operat-
ing systems) or dir /s [http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documenta-
tion/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/dir.mspx?mfr=true] (on Microsoft
Windows operating systems).

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Check Status if File Define the Check Status to be returned if the file exists.

Else Define the Check Status to be returned if the file does not exist.

Version 7.1.3 383

syslink Xandria

File Up-to-Date Custom Check — Check if a certain file is reasonably new

The syslink Xandria Agent checks if a given file exists. If not, the Check Status is set to Critical. If it
exists the file’s last modification time is verified. You can define Warning and Critical thresholds.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Check File Define the absolute path name of the file monitored this field. File name
substitution is provided in case wildcard characters (like * or ?) are used.

For the sake of stability and sanity of the monitoring process

wildcards are only allowed to be used in the file name part of
the Check File Definition, but not in the directory part. In case
you want to check for the existence of multiple files in sepa-
rate directories you may use the Run Program Custom Check and
tools like find [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find] (on Unix-like operat-
ing systems) or dir /s [http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documenta-
tion/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/dir.mspx?mfr=true] (on Microsoft
Windows operating systems).

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Warning Alert if File Define the Warning threshold.

is older than

Critical Alert if File is Define a Critical threshold.

older than

Version 7.1.3 384

syslink Xandria

File Content Custom Check — Use the content of a text file as Check Result

The syslink Xandria Agent checks if a given file exists. If not, the Check Status is set to Critical. If
it exists the file’s last modification time is verified, and can define a Critical threshold.

If the file is reasonably new, the content of the file is read. The first line must contain the keywords
UNKNOWN, OK, WARNING, CRITICAL or the corresponding numerical values -1, 0, 1, 2. This value is
returned as Check Status.

The remaining lines of the file form the Check Message.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Check File Define the absolute path name of the file monitored this field. File name
substitution is provided in case wildcard characters (like * or ?) are used.

For the sake of stability and sanity of the monitoring process

wildcards are only allowed to be used in the file name part of
the Check File Definition, but not in the directory part. In case
you want to check for the existence of multiple files in sepa-
rate directories you may use the Run Program Custom Check and
tools like find [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find] (on Unix-like operat-
ing systems) or dir /s [http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documenta-
tion/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/dir.mspx?mfr=true] (on Microsoft
Windows operating systems).

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Critical Alert if File is Define a Critical threshold.

older than

Version 7.1.3 385

syslink Xandria

HTTP Response Custom Check — Verify if web sites can be accessed


The HTTP Response Custom Check allows you to

• Verify if a certain web site is reachable (i.e. if a certain URL [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt]

can be accessed and a HTTP [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html] 200 OK re-
sponse [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.htmlߴsec10.2.1] is returned)

• Measure web page response times against Warning and Critical thresholds

• Verify if the retrieved web page contains a certain content

The HTTP Response Custom Check supports the following HTTP/1.1 [http://www.w3.org/Proto-
cols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.htmlߴsec9] methods:

HEAD Performs an HTTP HEAD [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-

sec9.htmlߴsec9.4] request [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec4.htmlߴsec4.1], i.e. only the header [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec4.htmlߴsec4.2] of the response [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec4.htmlߴsec4.1] will be retrieved. This is usually sufficient if you only want to know if
there is any response for a given URL [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt]

GET Performs an HTTP GET [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-

sec9.htmlߴsec9.3] request [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec4.htmlߴsec4.1]. Basic Authentication [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt] is support-
ed as well

POST Performs an HTTP POST [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-

sec9.htmlߴsec9.5] request [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec4.htmlߴsec4.1]. HTML Form [http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html]
data can be provided URL-encoded [http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/inter-

The HTTP Response Custom Check also supports the HTTPS protocol scheme (more exactly:
HTTP over TLS [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt]).

In case the syslink Xandria Agent cannot connect to the site, or the site returns a sta-
tus code different from the 200 OK response [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec10.htmlߴsec10.2.1], the Check turns to Warning until the number of failed consecutive connec-
tion attempts reaches the value defined in Status turns to CRITICAL after n successive connection
failures. Afterwards the Check turns to Critical.

If the site returns a 200 OK response [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-

sec10.htmlߴsec10.2.1] and there is a value defined in Content must contain string, the syslink
Xandria Agent verifies if the defined string is contained in the HTTP response. If so, the Check
returns the Check Status defined in Check status if the string is found, otherwise the Check turns
to the value defined in Check status if the string is not found.

If there are response time thresholds defined in the fields Warning alert if response time exceeds
and Critical alert if response time exceeds, the response time of the site is compared to these
values an the Check returns a corresponding Ok, Warning, or Critical Check Status.

You can also check if the SSL certificate for the server is valid and generate a Warning or Critical
Check Status if it is about to expire. Of course this works only if you use HTTPS in URL.

Version 7.1.3 386

syslink Xandria

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

URL The URL [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt] of the site you want to ver-

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Evaluate JavaScript Set this flag if you want to interpret JavaScript eventually returned with
the response.

Only set this flag if you really require JavaScript evaulation. It
may be expensive in terms of execution time and memory us-

Proxy URL If you need to define a proxy server in order to access the site defined in
the URL field you may fill in this value.

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

User Agent String By default syslink Xandria Agent uses the stringLyceusH/[version]in or-
der to identify as user agent [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent].
Some web servers may restrict access to certain browser, like the Mi-
crosoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, or they behave differently us-
ing one of these browsers.

If you experience problems with pages you can open with your
browser, but a HTTP Response Custom Check returns e.g. a
HTTP Server Error 5xx [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
sec10.htmlߴsec10.5] code, you may try to set a different value for the user
agent in this field. For more informations on user agent strings you may
visit this site http://user-agent-string.info/.

Method Choose HEAD [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-

sec9.htmlߴsec9.4] or GET [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/
rfc2616-sec9.htmlߴsec9.3] or POST [http://www.w3.org/Proto-

Basic Authentication In case you have chosen GET in the Method field, you may fill in a user name
Credentials and a password in this field Basic Authentication [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
rfc2617.txt] is required by the requested URL.

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Post Form Data In case you have chosen POST in the Method field, you have to fill in the
form data in URL-encoded [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POST_(HTTP)]

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Time Out You may define a value for the connection timeout. The default is 10 sec-
onds. Please note: This is a timeout for the sub-process spawned to per-

Version 7.1.3 387

syslink Xandria

form the connection attempt. HTTP request in a subprocess. The timeout

for the HTTP request itself will always be 80% of the defined value.

Status turns to CRITI- If filled with a value > 1, all consecutive failed connection attempts will
CAL after n succes- return a Warning Check Status until the threshold is exceeded. The Check
sive connection fail- turns to Critical afterwards.

Content must contain You can filter the response for one or multiple strings by filling in data in
string this field.

If you fill in multiple strings (separated by blanks), they are treated like
combined by a Logical OR [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_or], i.e.. it
is sufficient if one of the strings is found in the result. Therefore, in order
to search for a string containing blanks, use the wildcard * instead of the
blank. The same must be used to require multiple strings (in that order)
to be contained in the result.

The HTTP header is also considered part of the result, so this option is
also available for the HEAD method, although of limited use.

You can define the Check Status returned in case the string is or is not
found using the fields Check status if the string is found and Check status
if the string is not found.

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Check status if the If there is a value defined in the Content must contain string field, and the
string is not found string is not found in the response, this Check Status is returned.

Check status if the If there is a value defined in the Content must contain string field, and the
string is found string is found in the response, this Check Status is returned.

Warning alert if re- Fill in a Warning threshold for the response time.
sponse time exceeds

Critical alert if re- Fill in a Critical threshold for the response time.
sponse time exceeds

Warning Status if SSL Fill in a Warning threshold if the check shall verify SSL certificate expiry
certificate expires time.

Warning Status if SSL Fill in a Critical threshold if the check shall verify SSL certificate expiry
certificate expires time.

Status if SSL certifi- Select the Check Status to return in case a SSL certificate is invalid.
cate is invalid

Version 7.1.3 388

syslink Xandria

J2EE JMX Custom Check — Integrate SAP Java Monitor MBean with syslink Xandria

The J2EE JMX Custom Check enables you to access monitor objects in the Monitor Tree of your
SAP WebAS Java in a very flexible manner.

By simply specifying the path of an Monitor Name in the Monitor Tree, you can access any of its
monitor values. The check supports comparisons of the monitor values against selectable thresh-
olds, so there is no need to alter the monitor thresholds in the Monitor Tree.

With this check, you can access monitoring data from any monitor object
(JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] Monitor MBean [https://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Management_ExtensionsߴManaged_beans] in Java speak) you are
interested in. If an application running on SAP WebAS Java features Monitor MBeans, you will be
able to integrate associated checks easily in syslink Xandria using this Custom Check.

This Check is only supported for SAP Web Application Server Java 6.40 or higher.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances

Depends on Check J2EEConnect

MBean path This path defines the Monitor MBean you want to access. Use one of the
following methods to retrieve the Monitor MBean path:

• Open the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, choose Java System Reports,

and select Monitor Browser from the Report field. In the Monitoring Tree
choose the monitor in question.

• Start the Visual Administrator, select the Services branch on the cluster
and node your target Monitor MBean resides on, and click on the Moni-
toring service entry. In the tree choose the monitor in question.

The following placeholders are supported:

• <SID>,<sid>,<Sid>: Real SAP SID; all uppercase, all lowercase, unmod-


• <HOST>,<host>,<Host>: Hostname of the hosting Server without domain;

all uppercase, all lowercase, unmodified

• <HOSTDOMAIN>,<hostdomain>,<Hostdomain>: Hostname of the hosting

Server with domain; all uppercase, all lowercase, unmodified

• <DBTYPE>,<dbtype>,<Dbtype>: Database Type (ADA, ORA, etc.); all upper-

case, all lowercase, unmodified.

If you specify the placeholder names in uppercase letters, the replacement

string will be transformed to uppercase. If you specify them in lowercase
letters, the replacement string will correspondingly be transformed to low-

Version 7.1.3 389

syslink Xandria

ercase. Finally, if you specify the macro name with the first letter capital-
ized, the replacement string will remain as provided by the system.

Node type Specify the node type this check should be applied to. There are many
MBeans with the same path for server and dispatcher nodes, but some
MBeans exist only for server nodes and vice-versa. There are even
MBeans that exist for both node types but are registered under a different
path (like for example /Services/Memory Info/UsedMemory on a dispatch-
er node and /Services/Memory/UsedMemory on a server node).

The Check will be applied to each node that matches your Node type se-
lection, i.e. if an affected SAP Instance contains a dispatcher node and
two server nodes, and you chosen Both, the check will be executed once
for each of those nodes.

Monitor Type Select the monitor type. In the Visual Administrator you can find this val-
ue in the Type field of the Monitor Configuration dialog window for the se-
lected monitor object. Apparently there is no equivalent information in the
SAP NetWeaver Administrator, so you probably have to perform educated
guessing based on the information provided in the Value field.

Monitor Value The available options for this field depend on the value selected in Monitor
Type. Choose the one of your interest. There are some special cases if the
selected value in Monitor Type is Table Monitor or Configuration Monitor

• If the selected Monitor Type is a Configuration Monitor, you must spec-

ify the configuration table cell where the value of interest resides.

This is done by specifying the matching Row Label, as found in the first
column of the configuration table, and the matching Column starting
from 0 (0 corresponds to the label column). Usually the wanted column
will be the one with number 1.

• If the selected Monitor Type is a Table Monitor, you must specify the
table cell where the value of interest can be found. This can be done in
two ways:

• Select labeled cell content to choose the cell of interest analogous to

the row label/column number scheme for Configuration Monitors.

• Select row/column cell content to indicate a row and column number

for the target cell and fill in Row and Column.

Row Label See the description of Monitor Value.

Row See the description of Monitor Value.

Column See the description of Monitor Value.

WARNING threshold Specify a Warning threshold and the desired comparison operator.

A value that matches the resulting condition will issue a Warning Check
Result if the condition is fulfilled and a Critical condition is not fulfilled.

CRITICAL threshold Specify a Critical threshold and the desired comparison operator.

A value that matches the resulting condition will issue a Critical Check
Result regardless of the WARNING threshold.

Xandria status is Choose the Check Status syslink Xandria is to display in case the SAP
status is either unknown or invalid.

Version 7.1.3 390

syslink Xandria

JMX Application Server Custom Check — Monitor generic Java application server providing JMX
[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] (Java Management Extensions)

The JMX Application Server Custom Check enables you to monitor generic Java application
servers which provide a JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] in-
terface which can be accessed via TCP/IP. Common examples are Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Web-
sphere, GlassFish.

Due to its generic nature, this Custom Check requires some configuration, but it can monitor
on almost any data you like, for example heap memory usage or threads pool usage. First of
all, you need to enable remote access to the JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/tech-
notes/guides/jmx/] interface of your application server. For Apache Tomcat, for example, the eas-
iest way is to add it to the environment. Add the line
set "CATALINA_OPTS=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8123

to Tomcat's setenv.sh/bat file and restart the application server.

Once you have enabled remote access to JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/tech-

notes/guides/jmx/] you need to get the object name, attributes etc. you want to monitor. To do
this, you can use the jconsole tool (Java Monitoring & Management Console) provided by the SDK.
This tool shows you all the MBeans you can access. Please make sure that you use the remote port
to access JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/], like the Xandria
agent does, instead of connecting to the local process.

Please note that syslink support cannot assist you in how to enable JMX on our appli-
cation server, or which MBeans you should monitor.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Host Hostname or IP address of the JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/
docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] application server. If the agent runs on the
same host you might use localhost as hostname. Please make sure, that
your application server is bound to the hostname or IP address you spec-
ify here.

Port The TCP/IP port of the application server's JMX [http://docs.oracle.com/

javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] remote access.

User Name of the user in case required by the remote JMX [http://
docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] access.

Version 7.1.3 391

syslink Xandria

Password Password of User in case required by the remote JMX [http://

docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jmx/] access.

Object Name Object Name of the MBean to be monitored. We recommend to copy this
value from jconsole and paste it here.

Attribute The attribute to be monitored of the MBean with Object Name above.
Again we recommend to paste it here.

MBean Attribute Eval- The expression to be used calculate a value to be monitoed from the at-
uation tributes or CompositeData attribute values. Supported are basic calcula-
tions (+ - / *) but no paratheses.

WARNING Threshold Specify a Warning condition and a threshold for the MBean Attribute Eval-

A value that matches the condition will issue a Warning Check Result if
the condition is fulfilled and a Critical condition is not fulfilled.

CRITICAL Threshold Specify a Critical condition and a threshold for the MBean Attribute Eval-

A value that matches the condition will issue a Critical Check Result.

Message Specify the custom checks result message. If you leave this field blank, a
standard message giving the result of the MBean Attribute Evaluation will
be displayed.

If you want to display a more human readable result message, you can
type your desired message and use $1 as placeholder for the MBean At-
tribute Evaluation result.

Version 7.1.3 392

syslink Xandria

Log Adapter Custom Check — Monitor textual log files and the Microsoft Windows EventLog

The Log Adapter Custom Check allows you to monitor textual log files as well as Microsoft Win-
dows EventLogs. It is based on pre-defined or self-defined Log Adapters, which provide log entries
of arbitrary log sources as an array of standardized sets of key-value pairs. Using those key-value
pairs as Macros in conditional Expressions, the Log Adapter Custom Check allows you to define
conditions to trigger Check Results.

The Log Adapter Custom Check supports logs spread over multiple log files as well as cyclic log

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Log Adapter Type The type of a Log Adapter.

Log Adapter Select your desired Log Adapter. As soon as you have selected a Log
Adapter, the available Macros are loaded and the Expression Editors in
various fields are initialized.

The -Button provides additional data about the Macros provided by the
selected Log Adapter.

Log File Path Pattern If you have selected File Adapter in Log Adapter Type you have to fill in
this value, that indicates path and file name of the target log files.

The Log Adapter Custom Check supports logs spread over multiple log
files as well as cyclic log files. In order to identify the log files belonging
to a scenario, the Log Adapter Custom Check features a flexible log file
path pattern interpreter.

In order to best use Xandria log adapter, you must understand how log
files are written by your application.

Typical applications write log files until a specific size is reached and start
then writing to a new log file. What happens to the old log file depends
on your application and is not standardized. Most applications write log
files with one of the following procedures. Use the corresponding values
for the Log File Path Pattern.

The current log file where the appli- Define the Log File Path with the
cation writes into it has always the exact name of the log file. Do not
same and unique name. When this use wildcards. Do NOT define the
file reaches the size limit, the log file Archived Log File Path. Xandria find
is renamed (or moved) and gets a old (or rotated) files with the unique
new name. The new name typically file id (inode).
contains an ascending number or a
timestamp to uniquely identify this
file. After that a new file is created

Version 7.1.3 393

syslink Xandria

with the same name again and the

application writes into the new log
The current log file where the ap- Define the Log File Path using wild-
plication writes into has a unique cards to identify the file. Define the
name. When the log file reaches the path as exact as possible. If old files
size limit, a new log file is created have a different name pattern, de-
with a new unique name and the fine also the Archived Log File Path
application writes into the new log (with wildcards).
file. The old log file is not touched
anymore. With this approach, each
log file has a unique name which is
typically an ascending number or a
timestamp. Since the file name is
not known in advance, you must use
wildcards to identify this file (see
Similar to the first. but the log file is Define the Log File Path with the
not renamed (or moved) but copied name of the file. You can use wild-
to a new file (or new location). A cards if necessary. You must also
new file is created with the same define Archived Log File Path to find
name and the application starts to the old file. Use wildcards if nec-
write into the new file. When a file essary. Please make sure that the
is copied it gets a new name and a path defined in Log File Path does
new file id (inodes). not match rotated files and the path
defined in Archived Log File Path
does not match the current file.
Your application does not have a Define the Log File Path with the ex-
limit to the log file size. It writes al- act name of the log file. You can use
ways to the same log file. (In case wildcards if necessary.
the log file is getting to big is an-
other issue and is not covered from

If you do not know exactly how your application writes log files perform
the following:

1. Define the Log File Path with the name of the file. You can use wild-
cards if necessary.

2. Define also the Archived Log File Path with the name of the archived
file. You can use wildcards if necessary.

You may use the following utilities and shortcuts to define general file

• Use the  to view and insert available Custom Check Macros to gener-
alize your path pattern for different system environments.

• Use wildcard characters for single (?) and multiple (*) characters to
match multiple log file names. These wildcard characters are only sup-
ported in the file names, not in the directory parts.

• If you use wildcards, the Log Adapter Custom Check will determine the
latest file matching the wildcards in every read operation. It will only
monitor this single file. If your wildcard definition matches multiple files
that are not written in chronological order, the Log Adapter Custom

Version 7.1.3 394

syslink Xandria

Check may read data from different files over time, depending on which
file was updated last. The result is most likely not what you expect, and
the check will return a WarningContext lostCheck Result from time to

• Use the slash key (/) instead of backslash (\) as file separator on Mi-
crosoft Windows and Unix operating systems for platform independent
path definitions.

Archived Log File See Log File Path Pattern.


Log Adapter Process- This setting defines which entries of the log files are to be processed.
ing Log entries written since last check cycle processes all log entries that
have been added after the last read of the file. Log entries written in last x
minutes reads all entries that have been added during the past Log Entry
Timespan minutes.

Using Log entries written in last x minutes requires that you have
defined a Log Adapter that contains timestamps in a way that
the syslink Xandria Agent is able to read and understand. If your
log file does not provide a reasonable timestamp information,
choose Log entries written since last check cycle instead.

This parameter, together with the execution cycle, has a direct
impact on the duration a Log Adapter Custom Check alert is
visible in the RealTime Monitoring. The time you indicate in Log
Entry Timespan when choosing Log entries written in last x min-
utes corresponds to the time the Check Result is visible in the
RealTime Monitoring.

When you select Log entries written since last check cycle, the
alert will be visible for

Log entries written since last check cycle * execution cycle min-

Log Entry Timespan Fill in the period of time the syslink Xandria Agent should look back while
processing the log file if Log entries written in last x minutes is selected
in Log Adapter Processing.

Warning Condition Define a conditional expression that indicates log entries considered as

Critical Condition Define a conditional expression that indicates log entries considered as

A Critical match will override Warning matches in terms of the Check

Status. The Check Message will also be overridden unless you select All
matching log entries in Create Message For.

Match Counter In the Warning Trigger section the value defines how many entries match-
Threshold ing the Warning Condition have to be found in the watch period in order
to set the Check Status to Warning.

Version 7.1.3 395

syslink Xandria

In the Critical Trigger section the value defines how many entries matching
the Critical Condition have to be found in the watch period in order to set
the Check Status to Critical.

Resolution Condition Define a conditional expression that indicates log entries that resolve is-
sues found using Warning Condition or Critical Condition

Create Message For You can specify the format of the Check Message shown in RealTime
Monitoring or used in Notifications.

The message format has a static header which indicates which and how
many of the trigger conditions have matched, followed by optional infor-
mation on the matching log entries.

You may choose between the following formats:

No log entry No details of matched log entries are shown.

First matching log Details of the first matching log entry are shown.

Last matching log en- Details of the last matching log entry are shown.

All matching log en- Details of all matching log entries are shown.

For the detailed layout of the display of log entries see also Message For-

Message Format Define the display of a matched log entry in the Check Message. You may
enter arbitrary text tokens in the field, and you may use all Macros avail-
able for the selected Log Adapter (using the  icon) to build a meaningful
description text.

Version 7.1.3 396

syslink Xandria

Network IO Custom Check — Checks IO on given network interfaces for send and receive through-
put, errors, utilization

Use this custom check to monitor network IO on given network interfaces.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Time window to mea- Define the amount of time used to calculate the I/O throughput average
sure values. The higher the time you specify, the better occasional peaks will
be “flattened”, i.e. may less frequently cause Warning or Critical check sta-
tus. The default value is set to 10 minutes, which is a reasonable setting,
since together with the default cycle time 5 minutes it the check result is
updated every 5 minutes and will always use data of the last two check
cycles. Please note that values which are not multiple of the check cycle
are rounded to the nearest multiple of the check cycle value.

Network Interfaces Define the network interfaces you want Network IO Custom Check to mon-
itor. You may use * as network interface name to make a single entry for
all network interfaces. * is a good value for an initial setup, because all
network interfaces are then displayed in the check results table including
description (if available) and IP address.

If you make multiple specifications and an interface matches the same,

the threshold values are merged together for each interface and the lowest
of each will be the effective one.

You may, for instance, define generic thresholds using a network interface
*. Then you might want to use lower thresholds for a special interface,
e.g. eth4.

Version 7.1.3 397

syslink Xandria

Network Response Custom Check — Monitor availability and response time of remote hosts

The Network Response Custom Check sends a configurable number of ICMP [http://
www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc792.html] echo request packets to a given host, receives the ICMP echo
replies and calculates packet loss as well as packet round-trip-time, i.e. the check virtually does
what the ping operating system command does. You have the option to define packet loss thresh-
olds; if there is no packet loss, the network round-trip-time can be compared to corresponding
response time thresholds in order to generate Warning or Critical Check Results.

It is characteristic to the ICMP protocol to require administrative permissions in order
to generate ICMP echo request. On Microsoft Windows operating systems the permis-
sions the syslink Xandria Agent runs with (as a service) are usually sufficient. On Unix-
like operating systems the syslink Xandria Agent would need to run as user root to ex-
ecute the Network Response Custom Check. This is generally not recommended. If you
want to use this feature, it is recommended to run it on a Microsoft Windows host.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Host Name or IP Ad- Fill in the host name or the IP address of the remote host.
The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Packet Loss Warning Define a Warning threshold for packet loss.


Packet Loss Critical Define a Critical threshold for packet loss.


Average RTT Warn- Define a Warning threshold for the average round-trip-time.
ing Threshold

Average RTT Warn- Define a Critical threshold for the average round-trip-time.
ing Threshold

Timeout Define a time out for the Check. The Check Status will be Critical if the
time out is exceeded.

Number of Packets Define the number of ICMP packets to send per Check

Packet Size Define the size of ICMP echo request packets

Version 7.1.3 398

syslink Xandria

Parameter Values Custom Check — Verify SAP instance profile parameters, Java system proper-
ties values, or database parameters

This Custom Check allows you to verify the actual value of an SAP instance profile parameter or
a Java system property (properties of Services and Managers) against a given value. For example
for security or compliance reasons, it might be required that some parameters must have a certain
setting, so you might want to monitor this.

To check profile parameters of non-ABAP SAP Instances the SAPControl user has to be
maintained. See Defining the SAP Control User on how to do this.

If you define the Custom Check in for a SAP System or Database you can verify database para-

The check result depends on the setting of If value does not match alert as. If multiple parameters
are checked, the worst status of all will be the total status of the check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances, SAP Systems, Databas-

Depends on Check RFCConnect, J2EEConnect, or DBConnect (depends on Custom Check


Type of System Con- The type of system configuration to be verified, either Profile Parameter for
figuration parameters found in an SAP instance profile, or Java Service Property for
parameters of Services and Managers found in the section Java System
Properties of the SAP NetWeaver Administrator.

For SAP Systems, or Databases there is only one option Database Para-

Parameter Name The name of the profile parameter, you want to verify the value
of. Examples in the security area of an ABAP instance are lo-
gin/no_automatic_user_sapstar or in the compliance area rec/client.

Java system properties are also specified in one string and

follow the syntax Service Component Name/Property. For prop-
erties of Managers, you simply replace the Service Component
Name by the name of the manager. Examples in the security
area of a Java instance are com.sap.security.core.ume.service/
ume.logon.security_policy.password_min_length or SessionManag-

For database parameters of a DB2 database, you must prepend DBM. for
the parameters of the database manager, and SID. for parameters of the
database itsself.

Version 7.1.3 399

syslink Xandria

To specify database parameters of a HANA database, parameter names

are combined using the scheme section.key, e.g. persistance.trace.
Furthermore you can query for parameters of a certain host by
using the host keyword, e.g. host=thehanahost;persistance.trace.
You can also query the parameters by the file, the layer
or by the tenant. Examples: file=global.ini;persistance.trace,
layer=SYSTEM;persistance.trace or tenant=xy;persistance.trace.

Operator The operator used to compare the actual value against the given value.
You can choose from a variety of text and numerical operators, a between
operator, and regular expressions. If you use numerical operators, the giv-
en value and the actual value will be checked if they look like a number. A
wide range of numerical notations are supported, integers, floating point,
scientific. The between operator will evaluate to true, when the actual val-
ue is inclusively between the two given values.

Parameter Value The given value of the profile parameter, i. e. the value the monitoring pa-
rameter should have. This value will be compared against the actual value.
The actual value is retrieved by RFC using a kernel function, so no matter
if it is defined in the default or instance profile, the actual effective value
will be used.

You can specify SAP profile specific placeholders, e. g. $(SAPGLOBAL-

HOST). The agent will replace them by the actual value prior to the com-
parison with the actual value of the Parameter Name. This way the scope
of one custom check definition can be used for more than one system.

Tag Free text field to add a custom reference which will appear in the check
output. This might be useful in Service Level Reports to document a cer-
tain paragraph or the like.

If value does not Select the status, in case the parameter actual value does not match the
match alert as given value, either Warning or Critical.

If parameter does not Select the status, in case the parameter actual value does not exist, either
exist alert as Ok, Warning or Critical.

If values is null alert Select the status, in case the parameter actual value is the null value, either
as Ok, Warning or Critical.

Version 7.1.3 400

syslink Xandria

Process Custom Check — Watch if processes are running


The Process Custom Check is able to monitor if or if not a configurable number of processes
sharing the same process name are running.

The Check is available on Unix-like operating systems and on Microsoft Windows operating sys-
tems. It might be of a greater use on a Unix host, though.

You can define minimum and maximum Warning and Critical thresholds for the number of in-
stances of the process in question.

Reference Data

Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive


Process Name Enter the name of the process you want to monitor.

• On Unix-like operating systems fill in the process’ simple command

name, i.e. the process’ executable name without any arguments. The
simple command name is the value displayed by the -o comm option in
the POSIX version of the ps command. See also man ps on your system.

• Also, on Unix-like operating systems, if the simple command name is

not sufficient (like in Java applications), you may also define a name
that has to match (a substring of) the process’ command line call. The
command line call is the value displayed by the -o args option in the
POSIX version of the ps command. See also man ps on your system.
Please note that this value may be limited to 256 characters on some

If you prefer this option, make sure you set the flag Match process name
in process table....

• On Microsoft Windows operating systems enter the process name (as

shown in the Processes tab of the Task Manager), but without the trail-
ing .exe.

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Critical alert if num- If the number of running processes falls below this threshold, a Critical
ber of processes is Check Status is returned.
lower than

Warning alert if num- If the number of running processes falls below this value, but does not
ber of processes is exceed the value defined in Critical alert if number of processes is lower
lower than than, a Warning Check Status is returned.

If the field is left blank, no Warning Check Status are returned at all.

Version 7.1.3 401

syslink Xandria

If the value in this field is less than the one defined in Critical alert if num-
ber of processes is lower than, the latter value will be ignored. This method
can be used to receive only Warning but no Critical Check Results.

Warning alert if num- If the number of running processes exceeds this threshold, but is still be-
ber of processes is low the value defined in Critical alert if number of processes is higher than,
higher than a Warning Check Status is returned.

If the field is left blank, no Warning Check Results are returned at all.

If the value in this field is higher than the one defined in Critical alert if
number of processes is higher than, the latter value will be ignored. This
method can be used to receive only Warning but no Critical Check Results.

Critical alert if num- If the number of running processes exceeds this threshold, a Critical
ber of processes is Check Status is returned. If the field is left blank, no Critical Check Results
higher than will be returned.

Version 7.1.3 402

syslink Xandria

Run Program Custom Check — Integrate your own monitoring scripts or programs into syslink

The Run Program Custom Check allows you to integrate your own monitoring scripts or programs
into syslink Xandria.

While you define a Run Program Custom Check, you may upload your script or program to the
syslink Xandria Database. It is transferred to the syslink Xandria Agent together with the agent

The syslink Xandria Agent executes the program during the Basic Check Cycle, the program’s exit
state is considered as Check Status, while the program’s output is used as the Check Message. Op-
tionally you can configure the Run Program Custom Check to search for and collect performance
data in the program's output.

There are basically two options for this Custom Check: You can either simply execute a script or
program that is already installed on the target System (more exactly: on the hosting Server), like
an operating system command. Or, what you probably in most cases want to do, is to store the
script/program in the syslink Xandria Database and deploy and run it on the target Systems. In the
latter case, the program is transferred to the syslink Xandria Agent, saved to the local filesystem
and executed from there. It is also verified prior to each execution that the script/program on the
local filesystem has not been altered. Otherwise it will be replaced by the version stored in the
syslink Xandria Database.

Once the Custom Check is deleted, the program is removed from the filesystem (if Delete program
after check deletion is set). Before we start to describe how to set up and use the Run Program
Custom Check, we like to stress some important facts:

• Scripts/Programs must not be too large. 50 to 60 KB (compressed size) will be ok (which in fact
can be a very comprehensive script).

Please note that the program is attached to the System’s configuration, so it is trans-
ferred over the network whenever the configuration changes. If you desire to execute
larger programs, you can deploy the programs yourself to the target Systems and
configure this Check accordingly (i.e. do not set the flag in Deploy program).

• Only single scripts/programs can be transferred, there is no pack/unpack mechanism for mul-
tiple scripts/programs. You may work around this in the same way as described in the previous

• It is recommended to avoid blanks in the Custom Check name as well as in the script/program
name. While the syslink Xandria Agent does its best to cope with blanks, you need to provide
proper quoting in the command line definition. Avoiding blanks makes the definition easier and
more robust. (The Custom Check name by default will be used as the name of the directory the
script/program is stored into.)

• The script/program is executed in the security context of the syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. on Unix-
like operating systems it is running with the permissions of the user running the syslink Xandria
Agent, on Microsoft Windows operating systems it is running as LocalSystem user, unless you
have changed the service’s Log on properties.

• Please observe the following coding guidelines for scripts/programs:

Version 7.1.3 403

syslink Xandria

1. Keep the output message short. One or two lines (80 characters each) shall suffice.

2. Return a proper exit state: 0 will create an Ok Check Result, 1 a Warning, and 2 or higher a
Critical Check Result.

If you want the Check to return an Unknown Check Status, use the same exit code you define
in Exit code for unknown check status. You may use the Unknown return code if the program
has not been called properly, or if your program is not able to determine the check result.

3. If you execute system commands, always use the full path, or use an internal PATH variable in
your scripts in order to be sure all commands can be executed! This is especially important
if scripts are deployed on several different platforms.

4. If you use temporary files, make sure you clean them up properly!

5. The script/program typically should not run longer than 10 seconds. It is recommended that
the script/program itself takes care to exit properly if a runtime threshold is exceeded. Oth-
erwise, syslink Xandria Agent will stop the program after the number of seconds defined in
the Time out field. Using timeouts is important especially when the script/program accesses
network resources.

6. Keep your scripts/programs small! Small programs are transferred faster to the syslink Xan-
dria Agent and probably execute more quickly! If you need to execute longer running programs
consider using the File Content Custom Check.

Once you have deployed the script or program you have also the option to remove it again. Use
the Delete Program From Database button.

Reference Data

Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive


Program executable
name Note
The Program executable name is only required for syslink Xan-
dria Agents version 5.2! It is not required for syslink Xandria
Agent version 6.0 and newer.

Define the name of the program to execute.

For scripts, enter the corresponding shell or interpreter, e.g. /bin/sh,

/usr/bin/perl, /usr/java14/bin/java, C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe,
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe, C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_08\bin

For binaries, you may use "%%PROG_DIR%%/proggy" on Unix-like operating

systems, and "%%PROG_DIR%%\proggy.exe" on Microsoft Windows oper-
ating systems.

%%PROG_DIR%% will be automatically replaced with the directory the ex-

ecutable is deployed into.

Version 7.1.3 404

syslink Xandria

If you do not define the absolute name of the executable, syslink Xandria
Agent looks for it in the PATH environment as well as in the program di-
rectory. This imposes a little overhead, but provides greater flexibility run-
ning cross-platform scripts. e.g. if you fill in perl in this field the syslink
Xandria Agent will probably use /usr/bin/perl on Unix-like operating sys-
tems and C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe on Microsoft Windows operating sys-
tems. (Given the proper PATH definition in the environments.)

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Command line call Define the full command line call to be executed by the syslink Xandria
Agent. It is recommended to use absolute path names whenever possible.

Example  22.  Example for Run Program Custom Check

Command Line Call Definition
/bin/sh "%%PROG_DIR%%/proggy.sh" -param 1 -param 2

on Unix-like operating systems or

"C:\Program Files\system32\cmd.exe" "%%PROG_DIR%%\proggy.cmd" /param 1 /param 2

on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The field may contain Custom Check Macros.

You have to use quotes whenever a blank is contained in the
program or directory name. Please note that also the resolved
macros may contain blanks, so it is recommended to use
quotes around macros as well.

You may use newlines in this field for ease of reading and writing. Note
that they are stripped (not replaced by blanks) prior to execution.

Working directory Define a working directory of the executed script or program.

Time out Define a time out for the executed script or program. The Check Status
will be Critical if the time out is exceeded.

There is a hard limit for this value defined by the CheckCycle-
Time Monitoring Parameter. In other words, the effective time
out is the minimum of the value defined in this field and the
CheckCycleTime Monitoring Parameter.

Exit code for un- Use this field to define the exit code of your program that shall indicate
known check status an Unknown Check Status.

The default value, which is -1 for historical reasons, is not
supported on Unix-like operating systems, so you may want

Version 7.1.3 405

syslink Xandria

to adapt this value accordingly if you plan to operate with Un-

known Check Status.

Collect Performance If you want the Custom Check to collect performance data (which must
Values be written to console output by the program), check Select Performance
Resource Type and choose a previously defined custom performance re-
source type from the list. See Configuring Custom Performance Data Re-
source Types on how to define custom performance resource types.

The syntax supported follows the plugin output specification of a common

open source monitoring product.

If the program does not return or returns erroneous perfor-
mance data the Custom Check will report a Warning status, with
message e. g. 'Result is supposed to return performance
data but nothing was found' or 'Missing or invalid per-
formance data'.

Deploy program Defines if the script or program is deployed by syslink Xandria or if an

already installed one shall be used. In the first case set the flag.

Program: Choose File This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

Use the Choose File button in order to select the script or program to de-

You will find this control element on the bottom of the page.

Program Directory This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

You may define where the script/program is supposed to reside in the

target System’s filesystem by filling in the appropriate directory.

If you fill in this value, please note that the user running the sys-
link Xandria Agent needs read, write, and execute permissions
on this directory!

If you use a value different from the default, make sure that the
program names within this directory are unique!

If the directory does not exist already, the user running the sys-
link Xandria Agent also needs the permissions to create the di-

In other words, unless there is a good reason, do not fill in any value. Using
the default is suitable in almost all cases.

Delete program after If you set this flag the syslink Xandria Agent takes care to remove the
check deletion script/program once theCustom Check is deleted. The Program Directory
is also being removed if it is empty.
Version 7.1.3 406
syslink Xandria

This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

Original File Name Read only field containing the name of the script or program once it is
deployed. The name is displayed as a link that allows you to download the
script or program.

This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

Checksum Read only field containing the MD5 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5]

checksum [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum] of the script or pro-
gram once it is deployed. This value is used to detect whether the file
copied to the target System’s filesystem has not been modified.

This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

Upload Date Read only field containing the date the script or program was uploaded.

This field is only available if Deploy program is set.

Version 7.1.3 407

syslink Xandria

SAP BW Upload Custom Check — Monitor upload times in SAP BI Systems

As the name indicates already, the SAP BW Upload Custom Check is available for SAP Busi-
ness Information Warehouses only. It checks whether running uploads (i.e. Data Transfer
Processes,DTPs) are taking longer than configurable thresholds. Once a DTP is in a non-running
state, it will not be subject of this Check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Upload Target Define an upload target (e.g. an InfoCube or ODS). Wildcard * is supported.

Upload Time Warning Define a Warning threshold for the upload time.

Upload Time Critical Define a Critical threshold for the upload time.

Version 7.1.3 408

syslink Xandria

SAP Clients Custom Check — Monitors SAP client settings against user configured given values

The SAP Clients Custom Check is available for SAP ABAP systems and monitors SAP client set-
tings against user configured given values. You may for example, make want to sure that Change
and transport setting is always set to No Changes allowed and any violation against this rule shall
be reported as Warning or even Critical check status.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Clients (wildcard * al- Defines a comma or space separated list of clients the given rule shall
lowed) be checked on. You may use wilcard * to define multiple clients, i.e. 1* to
define all 1xx clients. Use * to apply a rule to all clients found.

Exclude clients (op- Optionally exclude clients from include rule before. For example, you may
tional) want to apply a rule to all clients using * but want to exclude client 000
and 066.

Rule Define the rule you want to check on the set of clients defined using Clients
field. Select one of:

Client must exist

Client must NOT exist
Client Role must be
Client Role must NOT be
Curreny must be
Changes and transports must be
Changes and transports must NOT be
Cross-Client Object Changes must be
Cross-Client Object Changes must NOT be
Client Copy and Comparison Tool Protection must be
Client Copy and Comparison Tool Protection must NOT be
CATT and eCATT Restrictions must be
CATT and eCATT Restrictions must NOT be
Locked due to client copy
Protection against SAP upgrade

Argument Define the arguments, i.e. the given value of this rule. The list or field de-
pends on the argument Rule defined before. For example, if you choose
Changes and transports must be as rule, you select one of the following
arguments as given value:

Changes without automatic recording

Automatic recording of changes
No Changes allowed
Changes w/o automatic recording, no transports allowed

Tag Add an optional Tag which appears in the check output. This might be
useful in Service Level Reports to document a certain paragraph or the

Version 7.1.3 409

syslink Xandria

Status if Rule is vio- Define the status if the rule is violated, either Warning or Critical. The over-
lated all Check status will be the worst of all rules.

Version 7.1.3 410

syslink Xandria

SAP Job Custom Check — Monitor canceled, delayed, long running or short running SAP Jobs

This allows to monitor if a given SAP Job is cancelled, delayed, running too long or too short,
running in the defined time period, or if multiple instances of the check are running. Generally,
syslink Xandria always examines the most recent SAP Job of a given name. However, if option
Report canceled job as well, if following job run was successful is used, canceled jobs still get
reported, if a successful job with same name and a more recent date/time was found. If this option
is used, it is recommended to specify a reset time using Reset After otherwise the canceled job is
displayed for a maximum time of two days.

Aborted SAP Jobs are already monitored by the JobStat Check. So it is not required to
use this custom check with Job Name * to monitor aborted jobs, since JobStat Check
is performance optimized for this purpose.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Job Name Fill in the name of the job. The wildcard * is supported in order to moni-
tor multiple jobs using the same Custom Check definition. Each SAP job
matching the pattern given as job name, is considered on it's own and re-
ported as sub check inside the given check.

Is is not recommended to use wildcard * together with option Status If Job

Not Found, see below.

SAP Client
SAP Client setting is supported starting from syslink Xandria
Agent 5.2.8. syslink Xandria Agents prior to 5.2.8 will ignore it.

Specify the client of the job as either black- or whitelist. If you use a black-
list, jobs must not run in the list of clients provided, otherwise they will not
be selected. If you use a whitelist, jobs must run in the given list of clients.
The list of clients can be separated by spaces, comma, or semicolon and
a client must be a three-digit number. When selecting jobs, the client is
determined from SAP jobs overview table field TBTCO.AUTHCKMAN.

Check in each client

Check in each client setting is supported starting from syslink
Xandria Agent 5.2.17. syslink Xandria Agents prior to 5.2.17 will
ignore it.

Per default, SAP Job Custom Check searches globally for jobs in all clients
(or the white- or black-listed if this option is used) and sorts them by date/

Version 7.1.3 411

syslink Xandria

time to check the most recent one. You can change this behavior by en-
abling Check in each client. SAP Job Custom Check will then group all job
query results by client and run the same checks for each client separately.
You may, for instance, want to check, if a job with same name finished
successfully in several clients, etc. Before this option existed, you would
have to create several SAP Job Custom Check for each client. Using Check
in each client this can now be done in one Custom Check.

If you provide a client white list, SAP Job Custom Check will search in the
list of clients provided. A Warning will be reported if a white listed client
does not exist. If you provide a black list (which can as well be empty),
SAP Job Custom Check will determine all clients of the system and will
check in each of it, except the ones black listed.

SAP User
SAP User setting is supported starting from agent 5.2.8. Agents
prior to 5.2.8 will ignore it.

Specifiy the user of the job as either black- or whitelist. If you use a black-
list, jobs must not be scheduled by users in the list provided, otherwise
they will not be selected. If you use a whitelist, jobs must have been sched-
uled by one of the users given in the list. The list of users can be separated
by spaces, comma, or semicolon. If you want to use one of these charac-
ters in the user name, you must escape it by a backslash (\). Please note
that the custom check will select the field TBTCO.SDLUNAME of SAP jobs
overview table TBTCO and thus querying the user who scheduled the job.

Alert Canceled Job Choose a Check Status to return in case the watched Job is cancelled.

Report canceled job

as well, if following Caution
job run was success-
ful This setting is supported starting from syslink Xandria Agent
5.2.16. syslink Xandria Agents prior to 5.2.16 will ignore it.

By default, a canceled job will no longer be reported, if a more recent

and successfully finished job with same name has been found. You can
change this behavior by enabling this option.

Status If Job Not Choose a Check Status to return in case the watched Job is not found as
Found a released job. If you do not want to have this feature enabled, you simply
leave the field blank, which is the default.

If you use wildcards * in the job name definition and multiple
jobs are found, the check result will return as Warning with mes-
WARNING - Multiple jobs with different names found for target name <yourjob*>: <list>
Please turn 'Status If Job Not Found' option off or do no

Reset after You may define a time span after which the Check Status is set back to
Ok in this field.

Version 7.1.3 412

syslink Xandria

If you leave this field blank, you need to restart or delete the job inside your
SAP System to clear the generated Warning or Critical Check Status.

Number of Simulta- You may define Warning and/or Critical thresholds for the number of si-
neous Running Jobs multaneously running Jobs with the same name.

Job Start Delay Time You may define Warning and/or Critical thresholds for the delay of Job

Maximum Job Run You may define Warning and/or Critical thresholds for the maximum Job
Time run time.

Minimum Job Run You may define Warning and/or Critical thresholds for the minimum Job
Time run time.

Maximum Time You may define Warning and/or Critical thresholds for the maximum
Since Last Job Start elapsed time since the last start of the Job.

Show OK Status Check this flag if you want to display the jobs finished properly in the
Check Message.

Version 7.1.3 413

syslink Xandria

SAP Idocs Custom Check — Monitors number of SAP intermediate documents (Idocs) found using
specific select criteria

The SAP Idocs Custom Check is available for SAP ABAP systems and monitors the number of
Idocs found with specific user selection criteria against configurable thresholds. You may, for ex-
ample, search Idocs with an special erroneous status sent to a certain partner and report records
found as Warning or even Critical check status, if the number is above the corresponding thresh-

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

IDOC Selection Defines selection criteria to query for Idocs. All criteria are used with an
AND clause, i. e. an Idoc must match all criteria specified to be found.

Be careful to actually enter selection data, especially limit the
selection by max age in days. Otherwise the check may select
huge amount of data and time-out, since the EDIDC may contain
many millions of records.

Clients (wildcard * al- Defines a comma or space separated list of clients to be used as selection
lowed) criteria. You may use wildcard * to define multiple clients, i.e. 1* to define
all 1xx clients. Leave the field blank to select from all clients.

Status Numbers Specify one or many status numbers of the Idoc to be used as selection
criteria. Use comma separated list to define multiple values. It is possible
to select ranges, e.g. 03-10. Use ! to exclude a status. Please make sure
to always use a leading 0 for the status.

Example: 01-70, !53, !67, 80

Time and Date Define the time and date specifications of the Idocs to be selected. You
can choose amongst creation time, last mondification time, max age, etc.
Field IDOC max age in days is a required field and initialized to one day.

Message Type, Vari- Define the Idoc’s message type, variant, or function. Each field supports
ant, or Function comma separated list to define multiple values. Wildcard * is supported
as well.

Direction Define the Idoc’s direction, which is either Inbox or Outbox. The setting
has an influence which fields to use for further selection, i.e. the setting
defines if either Receiver or Sender specs needs to be used.

Receiver or Sender Define the Idoc’s following criteria for either Receiver or Sender: Port,
Number, Type, or, Partner Function. Each field supports comma separated
list to define multiple values. Wildcard * is supported as well.

Version 7.1.3 414

syslink Xandria

Maximum number of Define the maximum number of Idoc’s to retrieve. It is recommended to

IDOCS to retrieve use this setting. Default: 500.

IDOCS Checks Fill in the number of Idocs for the Critical and Warning thresholds. Obvi-
ously, the Critical should be above Warning value. You can leave one of
each blank, then the check result will either be only Critical or Warning.

Version 7.1.3 415

syslink Xandria

SAP Inbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom Check — Verify dedicated qRFC inbound queues with
special parameters

This Custom Check allows the monitoring of dedicated inbound qRFC queues similar to transac-
tion SMQ2. It supplements the native checks QRFC_In_ErrQ and QRFC_In for users with special re-
quirements, i.e. to monitor a given queue with special settings different from the native standard

For configuration please refer to the corresponding Custom Check type SAP Outbound Queued
RFC (qRFC) Custom Check. All settings are exactly the same, with the only difference that they
refer to inbound queues.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Please refer to configuration section of SAP Outbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom Check

Version 7.1.3 416

syslink Xandria

SAP Outbound Queued RFC (qRFC) Custom Check — Verify dedicated qRFC outbound queues
with special parameters

This Custom Check allows the monitoring of dedicated outbound qRFC queues similar to transac-
tion SMQ1. It supplements the native checks QRFC_Out_ErrQ and QRFC_Out for users with special
requirements, i.e. to monitor a given queue with special settings different from the native standard

First you define a set of queues using the queue name and optionally clients on which the Warning
and Critical conditions are applied. It is allowed to define only one condition. If at least one queue in
the set matches either condition, the whole Custom Check check status will be set to the condition

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Include Queue Define one or a set of qRFC queues which are to be monitored. Multiple
Names (required) queues can be entered separated by comma (,). You can use spaces be-
fore or after a separating comma since they are ignored. In case your
queue name contains a comma, you need to escape it with \. Wildcard *
is supported.


Exclude Queue Define one or a set of qRFC queues which are to be excluded from the
Names include set above. For multiple queues the same applies as for Include
Queue Names (required). In upper example all queues MYQUEUE2* are in-
cluded. Using MYQUEUE2EX1, MYQUEUE2EX2 you can exclude two queues
from the set.

Include Clients Limit upper defined queue names to a list of specified clients. Leave this
field blank to get qRFC queues from all clients. Multiple clients can be en-
tered separated by comma. You can use spaces before or after a separat-
ing comma since they are ignored. Wildcard * is supported.

Example: 800, 9*

Excluded Clients Define one or a set of clients which are to be excluded from the include
set above. For multiple clients the same applies as for Include Clients. In
upper example all queues 9* are included. Using 910, 911 you can exclude
two clients from the set.

All/Any Define if all conditions provided must match a queue to be reported or if

any of the conditions is enough.

Queue is reported as Condition is matched, if the status of the queue is marked as erroneous
hanging or erroneous or hanging by the SAP system. Examples: CPICERR, SYSFAIL and others.

Status of Queue is Using this option you can exactly define which status a queue must have
one of to match the condition. You can specify a list of status strings either sep-
arated by comma or spaces.

Version 7.1.3 417

syslink Xandria

Status of Queue is As before but the other way round: you might for example want to have all
not one of status reported except one which is the OK status.

Number of queued Condition matches if the number of queued entries is equal to or above
entries is >= the given threshold.

Age of oldest queued Condition matches if the age of the oldest (i.e. the first) queued entry is
entry is >= equal to or above the given threshold. Format is days/hours/minutes, with
the digit followed by the one letter abbreviation of the unit, i.e. d/h/m. You
use more than one unit, e.g. 1d 12h or 1h 30m.

Version 7.1.3 418

syslink Xandria

SAP PI Communication Channels Custom Check — Verify specific PI communication channels

This Custom Check allows to monitor dedicated PI communication channels. Like the default
check PI_CommChannels it measures the time an individual channel is in ERROR state and com-
pares it to the Warning and Critical time thresholds to determine the state of the custom check.

You may filter the channel list for the channel attributes party, service, channelName, and acti-
vationState. The check will be applied to all channels matching each of the filter attributes, i.e.
the criteria are logically AND related. To match multiple channels, you may use the wildcard * to
match 0..n arbitrary characters. You can specify multiple patterns per filter attribute by concate-
nating them with a comma.

The check result will show all matching channels, regardless of their error state.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Party Define a filter expression for the party attribute of a communication chan-
nel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or a comma
separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Example: party_A, party_B

Service Define a filter expression for the service attribute of a communication

channel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or a comma
separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Example: *_service_A, *_service_B

Channel Define a filter expression for the channel name attribute of a communica-
tion channel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or a
comma separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Example: *_prod_sender_*

Message Define a filter expression for the message attribute of a communication

channel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or a comma
separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Example: *exception*

Activation State Define a filter expression for the activation state attribute of a commu-
nication channel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or
a comma separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Example: STARTED

Channel State Define a filter expression for the channel state attribute of a communi-
cation channel; use the wildcard character (*) to define a pattern and/or a
comma separated list of patterns to match multiple channels.

Version 7.1.3 419

syslink Xandria

Example: STARTED

Version 7.1.3 420

syslink Xandria

SAP System Log Custom Check — Monitor entries in the SAP System Log

The SAP System Log Custom Check is a SAP Instance Custom Check. It allows you to monitor the
SAP Instance’s system log (as displayed in transaction SM21) on many different ways. You may
setup the Check to report a special system log entry or you define to report all messages of a
given problem class.

If you fill in multiple criteria only entries matching all criteria are reported.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Alert R3 Syslog Entry Define the Check Status in case a matching system log entry is found.

Watch Syslog Entries Enter the timespan you wish to monitor.

of last

Filter on Define whether you want to watch for certain system log entries or for a
whole problem class.

Message Text Define a message text you want to filter. The wildcard * is supported.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Message Numbers Fill in a (blank-separated) list of message numbers to watch for.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Problem Class Select the problem class you want to monitor.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Transactions Restrict to certain transactions. Multiple entries have to be separated by

a blank. The wildcard * is supported.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Clients Restrict to certain clients. Multiple entries have to be separated by a blank.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Users Restrict to certain users. Multiple entries have to be separated by a blank.

The wildcard * is supported.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

WP-Type Restrict to a certain work process type.

Only available if Syslog Entries is selected for Filter on.

Version 7.1.3 421

syslink Xandria

Excluded Message Exclude a list of message numbers or a list of message number ranges.
Only available if Problem Class is selected for Filter on.

Version 7.1.3 422

syslink Xandria

SAP Report Custom Check — Run your own ABAP monitoring report

This Custom Check allows to execute an arbitrary ABAP report available in the SAP System.

The report result must have the following structure:

• First Line: The keywords OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL (case sensitive!)

• Following lines: Any free text displayed as Check Message.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Report Fill in the name of the report

Variant Define optionally the variant of the report.

The variant has to be defined in the logon client of the syslink Xandria RFC

Version 7.1.3 423

syslink Xandria

SAP RFC Destinations Custom Check — Verify up to eight RFC destinations

This Custom Check allows the monitoring of RFC destinations as defined in transaction SM59.
You can define up to eight destinations, and for each of them the Check Status reported if the
destination is not available.

You can also include an RFC user authorization test.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances

Depends on Check RFCConnect

RFC Destination ߴ[n] Define at least one RFC destination.

Alert As Choose the Check Status to return in case the connection test fails.

Version 7.1.3 424

syslink Xandria

SAP System Change Options Custom Check — Monitors SAP system change options against user
configured given values

The SAP System Change Options Custom Check is available for SAP ABAP systems and monitors
SAP system change options (configured in transaction SE06) against user configured given values.
You may, for example, make sure that for a production system all system change options are set
to Not modifiable. This can be easily configured and then monitored by this Custom Check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems

Depends on Check RFCConnect

Software Component Enter the technical name of the software component you want to apply a
rule for. You can define multiple entries separated by comma. Any white
spaces before of after the comma will be ignored. Wildcard * is supported
as well.

Namespace/Name Enter the technical ID of the namespace you want to apply a rule for. You
Range can define multiple entries separated by comma. Any white spaces before
of after the comma will be ignored. Wildcard * is supported as well.

Exclude (optional) Optionally exclude software components or namespaces from include

rule before. For example, you may want to apply the Not modifiable rule to
all software components using * but want to exclude components LOCAL
and HOME.

Rule Define the rule you want to check on the set of software compo-
nents/namespaces defined. Select either:

Modifiable must be
Modifiable must NOT be
Software component/namespace must exist
Software component/namespace must not exist

Modifiable Define the Modifiable given value for this rule. As in transaction SE06,
for software change options, you have the choice between 4 options, for
namespaces there are only two, modifiable or not.

Tag Free text field to add a custom reference which will appear in the check
output. This might be useful in Service Level Reports to document a cer-
tain paragraph or the like.

Status if Rule is vio- Define the status if the rule is violated, either Warning or Critical. The over-
lated all Check status will be the worst of all rules.

Version 7.1.3 425

syslink Xandria

SAP Transaction Runtime Custom Check — Monitor run time of named transactions

This Custom Check allows to monitor the dialog response time of a given transaction in either all
clients or a specific client. It returns a Warning or a Critical Check Result if your key transactions
do not perform well.

For newly created SAP Transaction Runtime Custom Checks the initial Check Message-
Current SAP status is UNKNOWNis normal. It usually disappears within the next check
cycle and is replaced by the transaction runtime.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Instances

Depends on Check RFCConnect

If you select individual instances for this Custom Check, you always have to add the
Central instance of the SAP System into your selection. Otherwise the Check will not run.
You can, of course, deactivate the Custom Check running on the Central SAP Instance.

Transaction Define the transaction code of the transaction to be monitored. If you do
not know your transaction code, open the transaction to be monitored with
SAP GUI and chooseSystem → Status. You will find the transaction code
in the dialog displayed.

Client If you want to restrict the runtime to be evaluated in asingle client only,you
may enter the client number. It is possible to monitor all transactions of
a given client as well. In this case you have to leave the Transaction field
blank and to fill in the client only.

Warning alert if run- Define a Warning threshold for the runtime.

time is above

Critical alert if run- Define a Critical threshold for the runtime.

time is above

Version 7.1.3 426

syslink Xandria

SQL Query — Query the database of the Managed Object and evaluate result data

The SQL Query Custom Check can be used to create Database Checks with a user-defined SQL
query [https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select.asp] and an optional user-defined evaluation

You need a Java Virtual Machine 1.8.0_65 or higher in order to make use of all functions
of this Check.

Usually you will define some JavaScript [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/

JavaScript/Language_Resources] code to provide the evaluation logic operating on the result set
returend by the SQL query. However, in a more simple case you can make use of the Alias Col-
umn Syntax [https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_alias.asp], using aliases xandria_message and
xandria_status to add a Check Message and set the Check Status. The rows in a xandria_message
column are concatenated, and the worst row value of xandria_status defines the Check Status
of the Custom Check.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of SAP Systems, Databases

Depends on Check DBConnect

SQL Query Define the SQL SELECT statement to perform on the Database. Update,
delete and other queries which could modify data will not be executed for
security reasons.

See also this document INFO: SQL_Query Custom Check [https://


Evaluation Script Define a JavaScript code snippet to provide the evaluation logic.

See also this document INFO: SQL_Query Custom Check [https://


Version 7.1.3 427

syslink Xandria

Windows Service — Monitor if Microsoft Windows Services are running

The Windows Service allows to monitor if a certain Service on a Microsoft Windows host is or is
not running. This Custom Check has no effect on Unix-like operating systems.

Reference Data
Managed Object Dynamic Group or Static Group of Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems,
stand-alone Databases

Depends on Check AgentAlive

Service Name Define the display name or the technical service name in this field. You can
find the technical Service Name in the field Service Name of the General
tab in the Properties of the respective service.

Use the Services snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console. The dis-
play name is consequently shown in the Display Name field at the same
tab. You must not use the executable name.

This field may contain Custom Check Macros.

Status If Service Is Select the Check Status in case the service is running.

Else Select the Check Status in case the service exists but is not running.

Status if service does Select the Check Status in case the service does not exist.
not exist

Version 7.1.3 428

syslink Xandria

Custom Check Macros — Use placeholders for greater flexibility in Custom Check definitions

Custom Check Macros are placeholders replaced with values specific to the particular System the
Custom Check is executed on. Using these Macros provides a greater flexibility in Custom Check
definition for multiple Systems.


Description Replaced by the environment variable [env_var], if available. The environ-

ment variable [env_var] must be defined in the environment of the user
running the syslink Xandria Agent.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The installation directory of syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. C:\Program Files
(x86)\syslink\agent on Microsoft Windows operating systems and /
syslink/agent/ on Unix-like operating systems. Also referred to as
[agent_basedir] in this section.

You most likely need to set quotes while referencing this Macro.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The log directory of syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. [agent_basedir]/log.

You most likely need to set quotes while referencing this Macro.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The bin directory of syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. [agent_basedir]/bin.

Version 7.1.3 429

syslink Xandria

You most likely need to set quotes while referencing this Macro.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The tmp directory of syslink Xandria Agent, i.e. [agent_basedir]/tmp.

You most likely need to set quotes while referencing this Macro.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The cfg directory of syslink Xandria Agent, i.e.[agent_basedir]/cfg.

You most likely need to set quotes while referencing this Macro.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The name referencing the Server the Custom Check is executed on.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server the value is the one of this
particular Server.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value of the
Server hosting the SAP Instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is the value for the
Server hosting either the Central or the Database instance, depending
on the Custom Check’s definition.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Database it is the value of the server
hosting the Database.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,

Version 7.1.3 430

syslink Xandria

Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The internal ID referencing the Server the Custom Check is executed on.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server the value is the one of this
particular Server.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value of the
Server hosting the SAP Instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is the value for the
Server hosting either the Central or the Database instance, depending
on the Custom Check’s definition.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Database it is the value of the server
hosting the Database.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The name of SAP Instances the Custom Check is executed for.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The (internal) ID of SAP Instances the Custom Check is executed for.

Version 7.1.3 431

syslink Xandria

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The system numbers of SAP Instances the Custom Check is executed for.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The type of SAP Instances the Custom Check is executed for.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

Version 7.1.3 432

syslink Xandria

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description Resolves to the instance path, e.g. /usr/sap/C11/DVEBMGS00.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance



Description The Real SAP SID of SAP Systems the Custom Check is executed for.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The Unified SAP SID of SAP Systems the Custom Check is executed for.

• For a Custom Check defined for a Server it is a list of values for all SAP
Instances hosted on this Server. The list has no particular order, and it
may be even empty if the Server is hosting no SAP Instance at all.

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP Instance it is the value for that
particular instance.

Version 7.1.3 433

syslink Xandria

• For a Custom Check defined for a SAP System it is a list of values for
all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

This macro is only available if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP
System (instead of Central Instance Host) flag is not set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The Database type of a SAP System.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The Basis release of a SAP System.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The RFC user name used by the syslink Xandria Agent to access the SAP

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The RFC user password corresponding to the Macro to %%RFC_USR%%.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,

Version 7.1.3 434

syslink Xandria

Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The J2EE user name used by the syslink Xandria Agent to access the SAP

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The J2EE user password corresponding to the Macro to %%J2EE_USR%%.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP Instance, SAP System



Description The Central SAP Instance’s name of a SAP System.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP System



Description The internal ID of the Central SAP Instance.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP System



Description The system number of the Central SAP Instance.

Version 7.1.3 435

syslink Xandria

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System SAP System



Description The unified Database name of a stand-alone Database.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The internal ID of a stand-alone Database.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The name of a Database.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The name of the Server monitoring the Database.

Version 7.1.3 436

syslink Xandria

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The listening port of the Database.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The user name used by the syslink Xandria Agent to access the Database.
For the Database instance of a SAP System it corresponds to the ABAP
schema user.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The password corresponding to %%DB_USER%%.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Version 7.1.3 437

syslink Xandria

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The name of the administrative user of a MaxDB Database.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The password corresponding to %%DB_USER2%%.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The user name used by the syslink Xandria Agent to access the Java
schema of a Database instance of a SAP System.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description The password corresponding to %%DB_USER%%.

If the Custom Check is executed for a SAP System this macro is only avail-
able if the Run Custom Check on DB Host of SAP System (instead of Cen-
tral Instance Host) flag is set.

Version 7.1.3 438

syslink Xandria

Available for Custom File Exists Custom Check, File Up-to-Date Custom Check, File Content Cus-
Checks tom Check, Network Response Custom Check, Process Custom Check,
Run Program Custom Check, HTTP Response Custom Check, Log Adapter
Custom Check, Windows Service

Available for System Database, SAP System



Description Probably the most important macro at all. Contains the absolute name
of the directory containing the script/program to be executed in a Run
Program Custom Check.

Is only set if syslink Xandria is in charge of deploying the program, and

it is only available in the fields Program executable name and Command
line call.

It corresponds to the value defined in the Program Directory field, which

is by default [agent_basedir]/libexec/ [custom_check_name].

You most likely need quotes while you reference this Macro.

Available for Custom Run Program Custom Check


Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database



Description The newline character. Newlines entered into the Command line call field
are provided for better readability only, they are stripped once the call is
executed. If you need to define a newline in your command line call, you
may use this macro.

Available for Custom Run Program Custom Check


Available for System Server, SAP Instance, SAP System, Database


Version 7.1.3 439

syslink Xandria

Server Monitoring Parameters

This section contains a reference of all Server (and System-independent) Monitoring Parameters
provided by syslink Xandria.

Version 7.1.3 440

syslink Xandria

AgentConnectRoute — Define routing string for use with the syslink Xandria Gateway

If the syslink Xandria Master connects to the syslink Xandria Agent through one or more syslink
Xandria Gateways, you can define this value.

See also the documentation included in the doc directory of the installation package of the syslink
Xandria Gateway.

Reference Data
Configures AgentConnect

Default Value

Unit String.

The format of a routing string is defined by the following EBNF [http://

Routing ::== Sequence | Backup
Backup ::== '(' Sequence ')' { '|(' Sequence ')' }
Sequence ::== [ URL { ' ' URL }]
URL ::== ( target | reverse) ['?' query ]
target ::== protocol '://' host ':' port
reverse ::== '//' reverse-id
query ::== param {'&' param}
protocol ::== 'a5' | 'a5s'
param ::== key '=' value
host ::== hostname | ip-address
port ::== integer
key ::== url-encoded string
value ::== url-encoded string

The meaning of protocol is as follows:

a5 The (unsecured) protocol provided by syslink Xandria 5 and higher,

i.e. HTTP

a5s The secure protocol used by syslink Xandria 5 and higher, i.e.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 441

syslink Xandria


If no connection could be established to a syslink Xandria Agent for more than AgentConnectTime-
Crit minutes, the syslink Xandria Master will set the status of the AgentConnect Check to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 442

syslink Xandria


If no connection could be established to a syslink Xandria Agent for more than AgentConnect-
TimeWarn minutes, the syslink Xandria Master will set the status of the AgentConnect Check to

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 443

syslink Xandria

AgentEnvironment — Set Environment variables effective for the syslink Xandria Agent.

General purpose parameter. Do not use it unless instructed by the syslink Xandria support team.

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 444

syslink Xandria

AgentListenerPort — Configure the syslink Xandria Agent TCP/IP listener port.

Defines the syslink Xandria Agent TCP/IP listener port. Do not change this value unless the default
port is already in use.

If you need to change it, please contact our support for assistance.

If you are not familiar with TCP/IP, or you do not know what a port is, you may want to start further
reading at RFC 1180 [http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1180.html].

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value 9051

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 445

syslink Xandria

AgentProtocolUseSSL — Configures, whether the communication between syslink Xandria Agent
and syslink Xandria Master uses SSL encryption or not.

By default, the communication between syslink Xandria Agent and syslink Xandria Master is se-
cured by SSL using client-side certificates. Turning SSL off should only be required under rare cir-
cumstances, i.e. to work around SSL problems with the syslink Xandria Agent Java Runtime Envi-
ronment. Please be aware that without SSL communication between syslink Xandria Agent and
syslink Xandria Master will be plain text HTTP.

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value true

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 446

syslink Xandria

AliveTimeout — Defines the timeout value for the syslink Xandria Agent

If the syslink Xandria Master did not receive data for more than AliveTimeout minutes, it will set the
status of Check AgentAlive to Critical. You may decrease this parameter for productive systems,
and increase it for systems connected via low speed/low bandwidth links.

Reference Data
Configures AgentAlive

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 447

syslink Xandria

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore — Control the System-Change Auto-Detection (for Servers)

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore is used to exclude parameters from System-Change Auto-Detection.
If, for example, a parameter value changes regularly and this behaviour is well known, you may
add the parameter to the exclude list. The parameter value is still updated in the syslink Xandria
Database, but no change record will be created. Since there are several change detection objects,
you must prefix the list with a keyword to indicate the object type.

This parameter has currently no effect for Servers.

Reference Data
Configures System-Change Auto-Detection

Default Value

Unit Keyword followed by comma separated value list, optionally followed by

a semicolon followed by a keyword followed by comma separated value
list, … Colon, semicolon, and comma must be escaped by \ (backslash)
if used as a value.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 448

syslink Xandria

CheckCycleTime — Modifies scheduling of the Basic Check Cycle

Defines the time interval between two consecutive runs of the Basic Check Cycle.

Reference Data
Configures All Checks in the Basic Check Cycle

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 449

syslink Xandria

ClusterSwitchMsgDisplayDuration — Configures Cluster Switch Visibility in RealTime Monitoring

Defines how long (in minutes) the AgentAlive Check remains in status Warning after a Virtual Clus-
ter Server has switched from one Physical Server to the other.

Reference Data
Configures (Check or AgentAlive (for Virtual Cluster Servers only)

Default Value 30

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 450

syslink Xandria

CPULoadAverageTime — Configures CPU usage computation interval

The value of CPULoadAverageTime defines the time period used to compute the average CPU load
over. CPULoad will only result in Warning or Critical status, if the CPU load of the system was over
the corresponding threshold for CPULoadAverageTime minutes or more. The higher this value is,
the less likely you will get alerts due to CPU peaks over a small period of time only.

Reference Data
Configures CPULoad

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 451

syslink Xandria

CPULoadCrit — Configures a critical threshold for the CPU usage

If the server's average CPU load exceeds CPULoadCrit percent the Check Status of CPULoad turns
to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures CPULoad

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 452

syslink Xandria

CPULoadWarn — Configures a warning threshold for the CPU usage

If the server's average CPU load exceeds CPULoadWarn percent, but does not exceed CPULoadCrit
percent, the Check Status of CPULoad turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures CPULoad

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 453

syslink Xandria

DailyCheckSendTimeRange — Configures a random delay for Daily Check delivery

Usually Daily Checks are executed at DailyCheckStart and delivered immediately. In a large scale
environment with hundreds of syslink Xandria Agents and if DailyCheckStart has the same value
for all syslink Xandria Agents it may cause a high load of the syslink Xandria Master.

If you set this parameter the syslink Xandria Agent randomly chooses a time between 0 and Dai-
lyCheckSendTimeRange minutes before the Daily Check is actually delivered.

Reference Data
Configures FullCheck

Default Value 0

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 454

syslink Xandria

DailyCheckStart — Configures Daily Check execution time

Defines the start time of the FullCheck in the syslink Xandria Agent's local time zone. It affects all
SAP Instances eventually installed on the same Physical Server or Virtual Cluster Server.

Reference Data
Configures FullCheck

Default Value 07:00

Unit Formatted String: HH:MM

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 455

syslink Xandria

DumpData — Dump data for debugging purposes

Use only if instructed by syslink.

Reference Data
Configures Agent

Default Value (not defined)

Unit List

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 456

syslink Xandria

FSExCrit — Configure filesystem forecasting critical threshold

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem usage limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
FSExCrit hours, the Check Status of FileSystems is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 2

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 457

syslink Xandria

FSExWarn — Configure filesystem forecasting warning threshold

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem usage limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
FSExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming FSExCrit hours, the Check Status of FileSystems is
set to Warning (unless the FSUsageCrit threshold is exceeded for some file system).

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 458

syslink Xandria

FSForecast — Enables forecasting for FileSystems check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 459

syslink Xandria

FSMonitorNetwork — Configure monitoring of network filesystems

If the parameter is selected the FileSystems Check also monitors non-local file systems, i.e.
mapped network drives (in the Windows world) and NFS-mounted file systems (in the Unix world).

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems, ORA_FSLogArch, DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value Not set

Unit Check box

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 460

syslink Xandria

FSNodeCrit — Configure critical filesystem inode usage threshold

If one or more of the Physical Server's filesystem inode usage exceeds FSNodeCrit percent, the
Check status is set to Critical (on Unix-like operating systems only).

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 461

syslink Xandria

FSNodeWarn — Configure warning filesystem inode usage threshold

If one or more of the Physical Server's filesystem inode usage exceeds FSNodeWarn percent, but
none of them exceeds FSNodeCrit percent, the Check Status is set to Warning (unless any other
Critical threshold is exceeded for some filesystem; on Unix-like operating systems only).

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 462

syslink Xandria

FSTypeLocal — Configure filesystem types considered local

A list of (local) filesystem types. syslink Xandria Agent does not monitor filesystems having a type
not defined in this parameter.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems, ORA_FSLogArch, DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value advfs aix ext2 ext3 ext4 gpfs hfs jfs jfs2 minix ntfs ocfs2 reiser4 reiserfs
ufs vxfs xfs xiafs zfs

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 463

syslink Xandria

FSTypeRemote — Configure filesystem types considered as network filesystems

A list of (network) filesystem types. syslink Xandria Agent does not monitor filesystems having a
type not defined in this parameter. The parameter is only effective if FSMonitorNetwork is selected.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems, ORA_FSLogArch, DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value afs dfs nfs nfs2 nfs3 nfsv2 nfsv3 smbfs

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 464

syslink Xandria

FSUsageCrit — Configure critical filesystem usage threshold

If one or more of the Physical Server's filesystem usage exceeds the FSUsageCrit threshold, the
Check status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 465

syslink Xandria

FSUsageWarn — Configure warning filesystem usage threshold

If one or more of the Physical Server's filesystem usage exceeds the FSUsageWarn thrreshold, but
none of them exceeds the FSUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning (unless any
other Critical threshold is exceeded for some filesystem).

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 466

syslink Xandria

LocalMonitoringOff — Turn local monitoring off

If you set this parameter syslink Xandria will stop monitoring the System.

This setting can be used if you want to monitor this System only using End-to-End Application
Monitoring (from a different System).

Do not change this Monitoring Parameter unless you really know what you are doing.

Reference Data
Configures All checks assigned to the System.

Default Value (not defined)

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 467

syslink Xandria

LogKeepFiles — Control how many log files to preserve

Defines how many old log files to keep. If set to 0, there is one log file kept called lyceus.log.old.

If set to a value n greater 0, n log files are kept named with time stamp suffix.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value 0

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 468

syslink Xandria

MasterConnectRoute — Define routing string for more sophisticated routing from the syslink Xan-
dria Agent to the syslink Xandria Master. and as replacement for parameters MasterHost and

Use this parameter if MasterHost and MasterPort parameters are not sufficient to specify the
routing from syslink Xandria Agent to syslink Xandria Master. Since syslink Xandria Agent includes
a full blown syslink Xandria Gateway service, you can specify a routing as described in the syslink
Xandria Gateway documentation.

Reference Data
Configures AgentAlive

Default Value

Unit String.

The format of a routing string is defined by the following EBNF [http://

Routing ::== Sequence | Backup
Backup ::== '(' Sequence ')' { '|(' Sequence ')' }
Sequence ::== [ URL { ' ' URL }]
URL ::== ( target | reverse) ['?' query ]
target ::== protocol '://' host ':' port
reverse ::== '//' reverse-id
query ::== param {'&' param}
protocol ::== 'a5' | 'a5s'
param ::== key '=' value
host ::== hostname | ip-address
port ::== integer
key ::== url-encoded string
value ::== url-encoded string

The meaning of protocol is as follows:

a5 The (unsecured) protocol provided by syslink Xandria 5 and higher,

i.e. HTTP

a5s The secure protocol used by syslink Xandria 5 and higher, i.e.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 469

syslink Xandria

MasterHost — Configure how to connect to the syslink Xandria Master

Host name or IP address of the syslink Xandria server, more precisely, of the server running syslink
Xandria Master.

The default value is taken from the Network.masterhost syslink Xandria Master property which
itself is determined automatically.

If you use AgentConnectRoute, you probably need to set MasterHost to the host name of the last
gateway defined in AgentConnectRoute

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value The value of Network.masterhost

Unit Formatted String: Full Qualified Domain Name or IP Address

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 470

syslink Xandria

MasterPort — Configure how to connect to the syslink Xandria Master

TCP/IP port number the syslink Xandria Master is listening to.

The default value is taken from the Network.masterport syslink Xandria Master property.

If you use AgentConnectRoute, you probably need to set MasterPort to the TCP/IP port number of
the last gateway defined in AgentConnectRoute.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value The value of Network.masterport.

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 471

syslink Xandria

MediumCheckCycleTime — Modifies scheduling of the Medium Check Cycle

Defines the time interval between two consecutive runs of the Medium Check Cycle. Please be
aware that the cycle time is always ‘roundedʼ up to the next CheckCycleTime time. For example, if
you enter 8 minutes as the MediumCheckCycleTime and the CheckCycleTime is set to 5 minutes,
the check will be executed every 10 minutes in every 2nd check interval.

Reference Data
Configures Medium Check Cycle

Default Value 3

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 472

syslink Xandria

MemoryUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for physical memory check Memory

If the physical memory usage exceeds the MemoryUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set
to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures Memory

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 473

syslink Xandria

MemoryUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for physical memory check Memory

If the physical memory usage exceeds the MemoryUsageWarn threshold, but does not exceed the
MemoryUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures Memory

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 474

syslink Xandria

MessageSuppressTime — Suppress syslink Xandria Agent communication

The syslink Xandria Agent re-sends a Check Result after MessageSuppressTime minutes, if Check
Status and Check Message have not changed during this time.

Reference Data
Configures All Checks

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 475

syslink Xandria

PagingSpaceCrit — Configure critical threshold for virtual memory check

If the total amount of paging space usage exceeds the PagingSpaceCrit threshold, the Check Sta-
tus is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures PagingSpace

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 476

syslink Xandria

PagingSpaceWarn — Configure warning threshold for virtual memory check

If the total amount of paging space usage exceeds the PagingSpaceWarn threshold, but does not
exceed the PagingSpaceCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures PagingSpace

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 477

syslink Xandria

PagingSpacePhysMemRatioWarn — Configure warning threshold for the amount of virtual mem-

If Server's total amount of paging space is less PagingSpacePhysMemRatioWarn percent of the
physical memory, the Check Status of Check PagingSpace is set to Warning.

The default is 0 in case of which this sub-Check is disabled.

Reference Data
Configures PagingSpace

Default Value 0

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 478

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollection — Turn Performance Data Collection on or off (for Servers)

Controls whether or not Performance Data Collection is turned on for Systems. If you do not want
the syslink Xandria Agent to collect performance data you may remove the flag.

Reference Data
Configures System

Default Value On

Unit Check box

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 479

syslink Xandria

PerfDataDiskIOFileSystems — Configures FileSystems Check to collect disk IO performance data

Use this monitoring parameter to collect disk IO performance data of file systems. Disk IO perfor-
mance data is not collected by default for file systems. It must be turned on using this monitoring
parameter. Define the names of the file systems you want to collect data of. Multiple entries can be
separated with one or more spaces, comma, or semicolon. If one of these characters appear in a
file system path, you must escape it with \. You can use wildcard * to define multiple file systems.

Use * to collect performance data of all file systems.

Use /usr/sap* to collect performance data of all filesystems starting with /usr/sap.

Use C:* D:* E:* to collect performance data of logical drives On Microsoft Windows operating
systems. Do not use C:\ since \ must be quoted itself.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Version 7.1.3 480

syslink Xandria

PerfDataNetworkIOInterfaces — Configures network interfaces to collect performance data

Use this monitoring parameter to collect performance data of network I/O interfaces. Performance
data is not collected by default for network interfaces. It must be turned on with this monitoring
parameter. Define the names of the network interfaces, multiple network interfaces can be sepa-
rated with spaces, comma, or semicolon. You can use wildcard * to define network interfaces.

Use * to collect performance data of all network I/O interfaces.

Use eth* to collect performance data of all network I/O interfaces with a name starting with eth.

Reference Data
Default Value

Version 7.1.3 481

syslink Xandria

RTMMaxMessageSize — Restrict amount of transmitted RealTime Monitoring Check data.

Defines the maximum number of bytes of the Check Message that are transferred to the syslink
Xandria Master. This is to prevent network transmission problems in case of very large message

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value 16384

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 482

syslink Xandria

SAPInstanceDetection — Control SAP Instance Auto Discovery

This parameter controls the SAP Instance Auto Discovery algorithm of the syslink Xandria Agent.

White List Mode You can define a list of SAP Instance names of SAP Instances which shall
be discovered on the corresponding Server. In this mode you define all the
SAP Instances in question as a formatted string.

Black List Mode Let the syslink Xandria Agent automatically discover all the SAP Instances
and define a list of SAP Instance names which shall be excluded. In this
mode you define all the excluded SAP Instances as a formatted string., and
add the keyword EXCEPT as a prefix to this list. You can even use EXCEPT *
in order to turn off SAP Instance Auto Discovery completely

By default only SAP Instances with an instance profile file ending on the hostname (on Physical
Servers) or the Virtual Cluster Server Name (on Virtual Cluster Servers) are monitored.

You can change this behaviour by using the keyword ALL. The keywords ALL and EXCEPT can be

Example 23. Example for a white list

BEN: pinot_BEN_00, merlot_BEN_01; P11: riesling_P11_00

with BEN and P11 the Real SAP SID of the SAP Instances followed by the corresponding instance
names, in case of BEN separated by comma.

Example 24. Example for a black list

EXCEPT BEN: merlot_BEN_01

with BEN the Real SAP SID of the SAP Instances followed by the corresponding instance name.

Example 25. Example with not matching host names


Example 26. Combining the two above


Example 27. Discover no SAP Instances at all


Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Auto Discovery

Version 7.1.3 483

syslink Xandria

Default Value There is no default value

Unit Formatted String: [ALL] [EXCEPT [*]] <SID1>:<InstPrf11>, <Inst-

Prf12>, ... ; <SID2>:<InstPrf21>, <InstPrf22>, ...; ...

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 484

syslink Xandria

SAPInstanceProfiles — Control SAP Instance Auto Discovery


This parameter is deprecated and supported only for backward compatibility. Please
use the improved SAPInstanceDetection parameter instead.

This parameter controls the SAP Instance Auto Discovery algorithm of the syslink Xandria Agent.

White List Mode You can define a list of SAP Instance profiles of SAP Instance which shall
be discovered on the corresponding Server. In this mode you define all the
SAP Instances in question as a formatted string.

Black List Mode Let the syslink Xandria Agent automatically discover all the SAP Instances
and define a list of SAP Instance profiles which shall be excluded. In this
mode you define all the excluded SAP Instances as a formatted string., and
add the keyword EXCEPT as a prefix to. this list. YOu can even use EXCEPT *
in order to turn off SAP Instance Auto Discovery completely

SAP Instance profiles used in the parameter must reside in the directory /usr/sap/

By default only SAP Instances with a name ending on the Physical Server's hostname or the Virtual
Cluster Server's Virtual Cluster Server Name are monitored.

You can change this behaviour by using the keyword ALL. The keywords ALL and EXCEPT can be

Example 28. Example for a white list

BEN: BEN_DVEBMGS00_pinot, BEN_D01_merlot; P11: P11_DVEBMGS00_riesling

with BEN and P11 the Real SAP SID of the SAP Instances followed by the corresponding profile
names without path.

Example 29. Example for a black list

EXCEPT BEN: BEN_D01_merlot

with BEN the Real SAP SID of the SAP Instances followed by the corresponding profile name without

Example 30. Example with not matching host names


Example 31. Combining the two above

Version 7.1.3 485

syslink Xandria


Example 32. Discover no SAP Instances at all


Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Auto Discovery

Default Value There is no default value

Unit Formatted String: [ALL] [EXCEPT [*]] <SID1>:<InstPrf11>, <Inst-

Prf12>, ... ; <SID2>:<InstPrf21>, <InstPrf22>, ...; ...

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 486

syslink Xandria

SocketReadTimeOut — Configure syslink Xandria Agent network timeout

Defines the maximum time (in seconds) the syslink Xandria Agent reads an incoming TCP/IP con-
nection. There usually is no need to change this value.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value 20

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 487

syslink Xandria

TimeOffsetCrit — Critical threshold for the TimeOffset check.

Defines the Critical threshold for the TimeOffset check; if the Agent server UTC time differs from
the Xandria Master UTC time more than the configured value, TimeOffset becomes Critical.

Reference Data
Configures TimeOffset

Default Value 60

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 488

syslink Xandria

TimeOffsetWarn — Warning threshold for the TimeOffset check.

Defines the Warning threshold for the TimeOffset check; if the Agent server UTC time differs from
the Xandria Master UTC time more than the configured value, TimeOffset becomes Warning.

Reference Data
Configures TimeOffset

Default Value 30

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 489

syslink Xandria

TimeOutOsCalls — Configure operating system call timeout

Defines the timeout for syslink Xandria Agent child processes performing operating system calls.
If the value exceeds, the process is terminated. There usually is no need to change this value. This
parameter affects Unix systems only.

Reference Data
Configures FileSystems, PagingSpace

Default Value 10

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 490

syslink Xandria

TraceLevel — Configure syslink Xandria Agent logging

Defines how verbose the syslink Xandria Agent performs logging. Valid values range from 0 to 5

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria Agent

Default Value 2

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 491

syslink Xandria

SAP Instance Monitoring Parameters

This section contains a reference of all SAP Instance Monitoring Parameters provided by syslink

Version 7.1.3 492

syslink Xandria

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore — Control the System-Change Auto-Detection (for Servers)

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore is used to exclude parameters from System-Change Auto-Detection.
If, for example, a parameter value changes regularly and this behaviour is well known, you may
add the parameter to the exclude list. The parameter value is still updated in the syslink Xandria
Database, but no change record will be created. Since there are several change detection objects,
you must prefix the list with a keyword to indicate the object type.

For SAP Instances currently INSTPROFPARAM, J2EESYSPROP, and J2EEVMPARAM are supported. Wild-
card * is supported to define multiple parameters.

Example: J2EEVMPARAM: java.proc.id, java.mem*; J2EESYSPROP: *

Reference Data
Configures System-Change Auto-Detection

Default Value

Unit Keyword followed by comma separated value list, optionally followed by

a semicolon followed by a keyword followed by comma separated value
list, … Colon, semicolon, and comma must be escaped by \ (backslash)
if used as a value.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 493

syslink Xandria

DispatcherQueueFillRatioCrit — Configure critical threshold for per work process dispatcher queue

If the current number of entries in one of the dispatcher queues exceeds DispatcherQueueFillRati-
oCrit times the number of available work processes, the DispatcherQueue Check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DispatcherQueue

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 494

syslink Xandria

DispatcherQueueFillRatioWarn — Configure warning threshold for per work process dispatcher
queue usage

If the current number of entries in one of the dispatcher queues exceeds DispatcherQueueFillRa-
tioWarn times the number of available work processes, the DispatcherQueue Check turns to Warn-
ing (unless one of the critical thresholds is exceeded).

Reference Data
Configures DispatcherQueue

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 495

syslink Xandria

DispatcherQueuePercentCrit — Configure critical threshold for dispatcher queue usage

If the current number of entries in one of the dispatcher queues compared to the maximum number
of queue entries exceeds this threshold, the DispatcherQueue Check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DispatcherQueue

Default Value 40

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 496

syslink Xandria

DispatcherQueuePercentWarn — Configure warning threshold for dispatcher queue usage

If the current number of entries in one of the dispatcher queues compared to the maximum number
of queue entries exceeds this threshold, the DispatcherQueue Check turns to Warning (unless one
of the critical thresholds is exceeded).

Reference Data
Configures DispatcherQueue

Default Value 20

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 497

syslink Xandria

ERSConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Enque Replication Server connection check

Starting from ERSConnectErrsCrit failed connection attempts the check status will turn from Warn-
ing to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ERS_Connect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 498

syslink Xandria

ICMConnUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold value for ICM connection usage

If the ratio of current connections to the maximum available connections exceeds ICMConnUsage-
Crit percent, the Check Status turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 95

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 499

syslink Xandria

ICMConnUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold value for ICM connection usage

If the ratio of current connections to the maximum available connections exceeds ICMConnUsage-
Warn percent, but not ICMConnUsageCrit percent, and none of the thresholds ICMQueueUsageCrit
or ICMThreadsUsageCrit is exceeded, the check status turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 85

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 500

syslink Xandria

ICMQueueUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for ICM queue usage

If the ratio of current queues to maximum available queues exceeds ICMQueueUsageCrit percent,
the Check Status turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 95

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 501

syslink Xandria

ICMQueueUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for ICM queue usage

If the ratio of current queues to maximum available queues ICMQueueUsageWarn per-
cent, but not ICMQueueUsageCrit percent, and none of the thresholds ICMConnUsageCrit or
ICMThreadsUsageCrit is exceeded, the Check Status turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 85

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 502

syslink Xandria

ICMThreadsUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for ICM thread usage

If the ratio of current created worker threads to maximum available worker threads exceeds
ICMThreadsUsageCrit percent, the Check Status turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 95

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 503

syslink Xandria

ICMThreadsUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for ICM thread usage

If the ratio of current created worker threads to maximum available worker threads exceeds
ICMThreadsUsageWarn percent, but not ICMThreadsUsageCrit percent, and none of the thresh-
olds ICMConnUsageCrit or ICMQueueUsageCrit is exceeded, the Check Status turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ICMStat

Default Value 85

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 504

syslink Xandria

IgnoreJavaAddIn — Ignore the Java part of a double-stack SAP Instance

In case the SAP Instance Auto Discovery finds a double-stack instance but the Java part is not
used intentionally you can use this parameter to prevent the Java add-in from being monitored.

Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Auto Discovery

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 505

syslink Xandria

IgnoreWebDisp — Ignore integrated Web Dispatcher of an Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher instance

To suppress monitoring of the integrated Web Dispatcher on an Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher
instance, you may set this parameter to true. The Abap_Scs with Web Dispatcher instance will then
be regarded as an ordinary Abap_Scs instance, and all checks and performance values related to
Web Dispatcher monitoring won't be available.

Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Auto Discovery

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 506

syslink Xandria

InstanceDowntimeCrit — Define an acceptable amount of time a SAP Instance may be shut down

If the downtime of a properly shut down SAP Instances exceeds InstanceDowntimeCrit minutes
the RFCConnect, J2EEConnect, or SCS_MsgSrv Check Status turn from Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect, J2EEConnect, SCS_MsgSrv

Default Value 120

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 507

syslink Xandria

J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for application thread pool usage

If the number of used application threads exceeds J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageCrit percent of the
maximum thread pool size, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEApplThreadsPool

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 508

syslink Xandria

J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for application thread pool us-

If the number of used application threads exceeds J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageWarn, but does
not exceed J2EEApplThreadsPoolUsageCrit percent of the maximum thread pool size, the check
status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEApplThreadsPool

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 509

syslink Xandria

J2EEConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Java SAP Instance connection check

Starting from J2EEConnectErrsCrit consecutive failed connection attempts the Check Status will
turn from Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 510

syslink Xandria

J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Java SAP Instance HTTP connection

Starting from J2EEConnectHttpErrsCrit consecutive failed HTTP connection attempts the on the
system info page Check Status will turn from Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnectHttp

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 511

syslink Xandria

J2EEConnectUrlSuffix — Configure the URL being used by the Java SAP Instance HTTP connect
Check J2EEConnectHttp

Defines the URL to be used by the J2EEConnectHttp Check.

The following syntax is supported:

1. Suffix only, e.g. /sap/monitoring/SystemInfo, which is the default. The Suffix is appended to
the default URL (http://localhost:5<sysno>00) by the syslink Xandria Agent internally.

2. Suffix with leading port, e. g. :8080/sap/monitoring/SystemInfo. (The leading colon is manda-

tory!). You will have to use this syntax if the HTTP port has been changed from its default value

3. Whole URL starting with http://. You can freely define which URL to be checked. This mode
may be used for special purposes.

4. Whole URL starting with https://. You can use this option if you want to access a https service.
You also have to use this option if the default SystemInfo page is accessed via https.

In the http/https options, placeholders for hosts and ports can be used. Specify <host> to let
the syslink Xandria Agent use the default host (usually 'localhost') and/or <port> to let it use the
default port of the specified protocol (5<sysno>00 for http and 5<sysno>01 for https).

Example 33. Example for J2EEConnectUrlSuffix Monitoring Parameter


You can also use client authentication in conjunction with https. See the description of the
J2EEKeystoreName Monitoring Parameter for further information.

If you cannot get J2EEConnectHttp to work using J2EEConnectUrlSuffix, then you might
need to disable the check.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnectHttp

Default Value sap/monitoring/SystemInfo

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 512

syslink Xandria

J2EEKeyPw — Define (optional) key password for use with the Java SAP Instance connect Check

This password is used to retrieve the keys from the keystore specified in the J2EEKeystoreName
Monitoring Parameter. Do not define this parameter unless the keystore keys are password pro-
tected. See the description of the J2EEKeystoreName Monitoring Parameter.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value none

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 513

syslink Xandria

J2EEKeystoreName — Define keystore for secure authentication with the Java SAP Instance con-
nect Check

If you use the J2EEConnect check with https, you might also want to use certificates to authenti-
cate server and client. Whereas server certificates are handled without further configuration (the
syslink Xandria Agent trusts all incoming certificates by default), client certificates must be con-
figured and installed manually.

In order to enable client authentication in the J2EEConnect check, a java keystore file containing
the accurate certificate must have been generated, stored in a location readable by the syslink
Xandria Agent, and defined in this parameter. (If you do not define this parameter, no client au-
thentication will be performed.)

The path of the keystore file can be specified as follows:

1. Fully qualified path, e.g.. /usr/keys/keystore.ks

2. Relative path. A relative path is applied to the syslink Xandria Agent's cfg directory, e.g.
keystore.ks (will resolve to <syslink_install_dir>/lyceus/cfg/keystore.ks.)

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value none

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 514

syslink Xandria

J2EEKeystorePw — Define optional keystore password for secure authentication with the Java
SAP Instance connect Check

Password for optional integrity check of the keystore. If you specify this parameter, the used key-
store is checked for integrity, otherwise the keystore is loaded without integrity check. (For this to
work, the keystore must have been stored using the same integrity password before.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value none

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 515

syslink Xandria

J2EEKeystoreType — Define optional keystore type for secure authentication with the Java SAP
Instance connect Check

Indicates the type of the keystore specified in J2EEKeystoreName. The keystore type must corre-
spond exactly to the type of the used java keystore. If a keystore is specified but the keystore type
is not, pkcs12 is used as default keystore type.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value none

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 516

syslink Xandria

J2EEP4Port — Configure the P4 port used with the Java SAP Instance connect Check

The syslink Xandria Agent connects the Java instance at the P4 port, as SAP Visual Administrator
does. If this TCP/IP port has been changed from its default value, you need to adapt J2EEP4Port
to the correct value.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value 5<sysnr>04

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 517

syslink Xandria

J2EEP4TransportType — Configure the transport type used with the Java SAP Instance connect

The syslink Xandria Agent connects the Java instance at the P4 port defined by J2EEP4Port. The
J2EEP4TransportType Monitoring Parameter defines the transport layer (or protocol) used for this
connection. By default, the value is None and the P4 protocol is used.

You can choose SSL in order to use the P4S protocol scheme in case of which the syslink Xandria
Agent uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the connection.

You can choose HTTPS in ordet to use the P4HTTPS protocol scheme. The syslink Xandria Agent
then tunnels the connection through HTTPS.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value None

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 518

syslink Xandria

J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for system thread pool usage

If the number of used system threads exceeds J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageCrit percent of the
maximum thread pool size, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures J2EESystemThreadsPool

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 519

syslink Xandria

J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for system thread pool us-

If the number of used system threads exceeds J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageWarn, but does not
exceed J2EESystemThreadsPoolUsageCrit percent of the maximum thread pool size, the Check
Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures J2EESystemThreadsPool

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 520

syslink Xandria

JavaASAvgRespTimeConsiderBest — Defines which server processes are used to calculate the
Java average response time

Per default, the response time of all server processes are used to get the overall instance’s average
response time. If you have multiple server processes, and most of them perform well but a few
very bad, the overall response time may be affected and display a false alert.

This is where JavaASAvgRespTimeConsiderBest will help. It defines the percentage of the best
performing server processes used to calculate the overall server response time. The remaining
will not be considered. If, for example, you set it to 50, it will only consider the best 50 percent of
your server response times, i.e. if you've got 6 servers, only the best 3 response times of those
6 servers will be compared to the thresholds. The default value of the parameter is 100 %, which
corresponds to the original behavior of the check, that all server processes are used to calculate
the overall value.

Reference Data
Configures JavaASAvgRespTime

Default Value 100

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 521

syslink Xandria

JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit — Configure critical threshold for Java average response time

If the JARM average response time exceeds JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit, the Check Status is set to

Reference Data
Configures JavaASAvgRespTime

Default Value 3000

Unit Milliseconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 522

syslink Xandria

JavaASAvgRespTimeReset — Control Java average response time reset

Defines if or if not the JavaASAvgRespTime check resets the JARM statistic records. By default
it does. There is no need to change this value unless you use other tools that also try to reset the
JARM statistic records.

Reference Data
Configures JavaASAvgRespTime

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 523

syslink Xandria

JavaASAvgRespTimeWarn — Configure warning threshold for Java average response time

If JARM average response time exceeds JavaASAvgRespTimeWarn, but does not exceed
JavaASAvgRespTimeCrit, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures JavaASAvgRespTime

Default Value 1500

Unit Milliseconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 524

syslink Xandria

JavaHttpPort — Configure the HTTP port used for the J2EEConnectHttp and PI checks on a Java
SAP Instance.

The syslink Xandria Agent tries to determine the HTTP port of a Java SAP Instance automatical-
ly from the instance profile entries ICM/SERVER_PORT_nn with protocol HTTP (for pre 7.10 in-
stances ICM/HTTP/J2EE_nn); by default 5<sysno>00 is used.

If a HTTPS port is detected in the profile as well, the HTTPS port will be preferred to the HTTP
port, and connection will be established using SSL and the HTTPS port. To overrule this behavior,
you may set JavaHttpPort, which in turn overrides HTTPS and forces the usage of HTTP on the
specified port.

If detection fails and the default port is wrong, JavaHttpPort may be used to force-set the HTTP

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnectHttp, PI_AdapterFramework, PI_AEMessages
PI_AEMessagesStat, PI_CommChannels PI_IntegrationDirectory,
PI_IntegrationRepository, PI_MappingRunTime, PI_RuntimeWorkbench,

Default Value 5<sysnr>00

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 525

syslink Xandria

JavaHttpsPort — Configure the HTTPS port used for the J2EEConnectHttp and PI checks on a
Java SAP Instance.

The syslink Xandria Agent tries to determine the HTTPS port of a Java SAP Instance automati-
cally from the instance profile entries ICM/SERVER_PORT_nn with protocol HTTPS (for pre 7.10
instances ICM/HTTPS/J2EE_nn);. If no HTTPS port is detected, HTTPS won't be used by default.

If a HTTP and a HTTPS port is detected in the profile, the HTTPS port will be preferred to the HTTP
port, and connection will be established using SSL and the HTTPS port. See the description of
JavaHttpPort for further details.

If detection fails for a HTTPS port, JavaHttpsPort may be used to force-set the HTTPS port, over-
ruling any JavaHttpPort setting.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnectHttp, PI_AdapterFramework, PI_AEMessages
PI_AEMessagesStat, PI_CommChannels PI_IntegrationDirectory,
PI_IntegrationRepository, PI_MappingRunTime, PI_RuntimeWorkbench,

Default Value 5<sysnr>00

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 526

syslink Xandria

JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit — Configure Critical threshold for JavaServerNodes

If the percentage of running server nodes of an SAP J2EE instance compared to all nodes is equal
to or below JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit, check status will be Critical.

Reference Data
Configures JavaServerNodes

Default Value 50

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 527

syslink Xandria

JavaServerNodesRunningPctWarn — Configure Warning threshold for JavaServerNodes

If the percentage of running server nodes of an SAP J2EE instance compared to all nodes is equal
to or below JavaServerNodesRunningPctWarn but still above JavaServerNodesRunningPctCrit,
the check status will be Warning.

Reference Data
Configures JavaServerNodes

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 528

syslink Xandria

JavaStackMonitor — Configure monitor access protocol for Java Stacks

When SAPControl is available and configured for a system / instance in Xangui (see ), it's possible
to monitor the Java by means of SAPControl instead of the traditional JMX/P4 monitor.

The SAPControl setting might be useful if the JMX/P4 monitor doesn't work reliably or is not ac-
cessible for some reason.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value JMX/P4

Unit JMX/P4, SAPControl

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 529

syslink Xandria

JVMGCRatioCrit — Configure Critical threshold for JVMGarbageCollector check

If the time spent for garbage collection is equal to or above JVMGCRatioCrit percent of the JVM
total runtime the check status will be Critical.

Reference Data
Configures JVMGarbageCollector

Default Value 40

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 530

syslink Xandria

JVMGCRatioWarn — Configure Warning threshold for JVMGarbageCollector check

If the time spent for garbage collection is equal to or above JVMGCRatioWarn percent of the JVM
total runtime, but still below JVMGCRatioCrit, the status of the GC ratio sub-check will Warning.

Reference Data
Configures JVMGarbageCollector

Default Value 20

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 531

syslink Xandria

JVMMemoryUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for Java virtual memory usage

If the amount of the Java virtual memory used exceeds JVMMemoryUsageCrit percent of the avail-
able memory, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures JVM_Memory

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 532

syslink Xandria

JVMMemoryUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for Java virtual memory usage

If the amount of the Java virtual memory used exceeds JVMMemoryUsageWarn, but does not
exceed JVMMemoryUsageCrit percent of the available memory, the check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures JVM_Memory

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 533

syslink Xandria

LyjconCmdLineParams — Special purpose parameter to control the syslink Xandria J2EE Connec-

Do not use unless instructed by the syslink Xandria Support Team.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria J2EE Connector

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 534

syslink Xandria

LyjconLibPath — Special purpose parameter to control the syslink Xandria J2EE Connector

Special purpose parameter for setting the relative Jar search path of syslink Xandria J2EE Con-
nector. Do not use unless instructed by the syslink Xandria Support Team.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria J2EE Connector

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 535

syslink Xandria

LyjconLibs — Special purpose parameter to control the syslink Xandria J2EE Connector

Special purpose parameter for setting the Jars loaded by syslink Xandria J2EE Connector. Do not
use unless instructed by the syslink Xandria Support Team.

Reference Data
Configures syslink Xandria J2EE Connector

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 536

syslink Xandria

OSCollectorMaxAge — Deprecated


Reference Data
Configures All Remote Monitoring checks depending on SAP process saposcol.

Default Value 15

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 537

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes — Choose ABAP task types for performance data collection

Per default, syslink Xandria Agent collects performance data for ABAP task types DIALOG and
additionally for the task types listed in this parameter. Task type DIALOG is always recorded so
it is not required to specify it using PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes. Per default, performance is
also collected for background jobs and HTTP requests.

You can list possible task types using SAP transaction Workload (ST03). For example, possible val-

Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Performance Data Collection


Unit String, i.e. list of task types separted by comma or semicolon (,;). Lead-
ing, trailing or multiple spaces between the separation chars are allowed
and will be trimmed away. Though unlikely to be necessary, you must es-
cape ,; by a backslash \, should these chars appear in a task type name.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 538

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollection — Turn Performance Data Collection on or off (for SAP Instances)

Controls whether or not Performance Data Collection is turned on for Systems. If you do not want
the syslink Xandria Agent to collect performance data you may remove the flag.

Reference Data
Configures System

Default Value On

Unit Check box

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 539

syslink Xandria

RelevantDailyCheckDetails — Configure Daily Check contributing check details (for SAP In-

Defines a list of Daily Check details that are considered relevant for the Daily Check status, i.e.
the status of which contribute to the overall status. By default the parameter is not defined, i.e. all
Daily Check details contribute.

If you define an empty list no Daily Check detail will contribute. In this case the status of the Daily
Check will be Unknown always.

Reference Data
Configures Daily Checks

Default Value

Unit List of Checks

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 540

syslink Xandria

RemoveFromDBDelay — Control SAP Instance Auto Discovery

If a SAP Instance is no longer discovered by any syslink Xandria Agent,it will be marked in syslink
Xandria as NOT_SEEN. (In this state, it can only be remove manually from the system using XanGui.)

If it is discovered again by any syslink Xandria Agent within the RemoveFromDBDelay days period,
the NOT_SEEN flag is simply removed.

If the SAP Instance is not dicsovered by any syslink Xandria Agent for RemoveFromDBDelay days,
it will be removed from the syslink Xandria Database.

Reference Data
Configures SAP Instance Auto Discovery

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 541

syslink Xandria

RfcConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the ABAP SAP Instance connection check

Starting from RfcConnectErrsCrit failed RFC connection attempts the check status will turn from
Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 542

syslink Xandria

RFCConnectorWPMaxUsed — Control syslink Xandria RFC Connector work process usage

In order to assure that the syslink Xandria RFC Connector does not allocate too many work
processes, it checks the amount of work processes being used by the SAP System RFC user be-
fore running new RFC calls.

If more than RFCConnectorWPMaxUsed work process are already used, the syslink Xandria RFC
Connector stopps with an error message, like: Too many [3] dialog work processes in use
by Xandria RFC user [XANDRIA_RFC]

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value 3

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 543

syslink Xandria

SAPControlProtocol — Configures the protocol to access the SAPControl Web Service of an in-

This parameter allows to configure the protocol to access the SAPControl Web Service Interface
of a SAP instance.

If you specify OFF, SAPControl won't be used for the instance.

If you specify Adaptive, the SAPControl connector will use Windows Named Pipes / Unix Domain
Sockets to connect to the SAPControl Web Service, unless the optional SAPControl User / Pass-
word is defined for the SAP System, see Section 7.2.2, “Defining SAP Systems”. If the SAPControl
User / Password is defined, HTTP/HTTPS will be used automatically.

If you specify NamedPipes, the SAPControl connector will use Windows Named Pipes / Unix Domain
Sockets to connect to the SAPControl Web Service of the underlying instance, regardless of its
type. Make sure the Agent OS user has sufficient permissions to access the Named Pipe / Domain

If you specify HTTP, the SAPControl connector will use HTTP to connect to the SAPControl Web
Service of the underlying instance, regardless of its type. The HTTP port defaults to 5<sysno>13,
unless the services file (i.e. /etc/services on Unix, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services
on Windows) contains an entry sapctrl<sysno> (HTTP) defining a different port. When you specify
this option, you have to define a SAPControl User / Password in the corresponding SAP System
properties; see Section 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

If you specify HTTPS, the SAPControl connector will use HTTPS to connect to the SAPControl Web
Service of the underlying instance, regardless of its type. The HTTPS port defaults to 5<sysno>14,
unless the services file (i.e. /etc/services on Unix, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services
on Windows) contains an entry sapctrls<sysno> (HTTPS) defining a different port. When you spec-
ify this option, you have to define a SAPControl User / Password in the corresponding SAP System
properties; see Section 7.2.3, “Defining the SAP Control User”.

Reference Data
Configures ERS_Connect, WD_Connect, WD_ConnectionStat, WD_QueueStat,

Default Value Adaptive

Unit Off, Adaptive, NamedPipes, HTTP, HTTPS

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 544

syslink Xandria

SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Java_Scs and Abap_Scs SAP Instance
connection checks

Starting from SCSMsgSrvConnectErrsCrit failed message server connection attempts the Check
Status will turn from Warning toCritical.

Reference Data
Configures ASCS_MsgSrv, SCS_MsgSrv

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 545

syslink Xandria

SCSMsgSrvHttpPort — Configure Java_Scs or Abap_Scs Messaging Server port

Defines the port to connect to theJava_Scs or Abap_Scs Messaging Server. By default, this is

Reference Data
Configures ASCS_MsgSrv, SCS_MsgSrv

Default Value

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 546

syslink Xandria

SNCLibraryPath — Overrides the SAP System Monitoring Parameter of the same name

See the description of SNCLibraryPath.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 547

syslink Xandria

SNCSecuDir — Overrides the SAP System Monitoring Parameter of the same name

See the description of SNCSecuDir.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 548

syslink Xandria

TimeOutCCMS — Configure timeout for CCMS

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutCCMS seconds before it cancels CCMS Custom Checks.

On very slow systems with a lot of CCMS Custom Checks defined it may be necessary to increase
this parameter.

The parameter controls the cumulated runtime of all defined CCMS Custom Checks of
a particular SAP Instance.

Reference Data
Configures All Custom Checks of type CCMS*

Default Value 60

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 549

syslink Xandria

TimeOutFullCheck — Control the Daily Check timeout

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutFullCheck seconds before it cancels a running Daily

On very slow systems it may be necessary to increase this parameter.

The parameter controls the cumulated runtime of all Checks executed during a Daily

Reference Data
Configures Daily Check

Default Value 450

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 550

syslink Xandria

TimeOutJ2EEConnect — Configure timeout for Java SAP Instanceconnection check

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutJ2EEConnect seconds before it cancels a running Java
SAP Instance connection attempt.

Reference Data
Configures J2EEConnect

Default Value 60

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 551

syslink Xandria

TimeOutMediumCheck — Control timeout of checks executed in the Medium Check Cycle


This is a legacy parameter only valid for syslink Xandria Agents of release 5.2.

syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutMediumCheck seconds before it cancels a running Medium
Check Cycle. On very slow systems it may be necessary to increase this parameter.

Reference Data

Default Value 300

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 552

syslink Xandria

TimeOutMsgSrvConnect — Control timeout of Abap_Scs and Java_Scs connection attempts

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutMsgSrvConnect seconds before it cancels a connection
attempt to the Abap_Scs or Java_Scs message server.

Reference Data
Configures ASCS_MsgSrv, SCS_MsgSrv

Default Value 30

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 553

syslink Xandria

TimeOutRFCConnect — Control timeout of ABAP SAP Instance connection attempt

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutRFCConnect seconds before it cancels a running RFC
connection attempt.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value 30

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 554

syslink Xandria

TimeOutTREXConnect — Control timeout of TREX SAP Instance connection attempt

The syslink Xandria Agent waits TimeOutTREXConnect seconds before it cancels a running TREX
connection attempt.

Reference Data
Configures TREX Connect

Default Value 60

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 555

syslink Xandria

TREXConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the TREX SAP Instance connection check

Starting from TREXConnectErrsCrit failed RFC connection attempts the check status will turn from
Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures TREX Connect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 556

syslink Xandria

TREXAlertStatusMapping — Configure mapping of Alert Server check status to Xandria check sta-

This parameter allows to reconfigure the mapping of the check states of a TREX Alert Server to
the check states of Xandria. You must specify a comma separated list of numbers, which get
assigned in order of their appearance to the Xandria states 2 (CRITICAL), 1 (WARNING), 0 (OK),
-1 (UNKNOWN), -2 (DISABLED). Not all states must be specified, so it is sufficient to assign the
first 3 values to get a proper mapping.

The default assignment is 3 -> 2 (CRITICAL), 2 -> 1 (WARNING), 1 -> 0 (OK), 0 -> -1 (UNKNOWN)

Reference Data
Configures All TREX checks retrieved from the AlertServer.

Default Value 3,2,1,0

Unit List of numbers

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 557

syslink Xandria

WDCertAllowSelfSigned — Configures wether or not self signed certificates are allowed or not.

If disabled, WD_Certificates will check the trust chain to the root certificate authority. If enabled,
the trust chain is not verified, so that self signed certificates will be OK.

Reference Data
Configures WD_Certificates

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 558

syslink Xandria

WDCertDaysCrit — Configure Critical threshold for Web Dispatcher SSL certificate check

If the number of days before the SSL certifcate of the SAP Web Dispatcher expires is below WD-
CertDaysCrit, Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WD_Certificates

Default Value 30

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 559

syslink Xandria

WDCertDaysWarn — Configure Warning threshold for Web Dispatcher SSL certificate check

Same as WDCertDaysCrit above, but threshold for Warning Check Status.

Reference Data
Configures WD_Certificates

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 560

syslink Xandria

WDConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Web Dispatcher SAP Instance connection check

Starting from WDConnectErrsCrit failed connection attempts the check status will turn from Warn-
ing to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WD_Connect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 561

syslink Xandria

WDConnUsageCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher connection usage

If the number of used connections exceeds WDConnUsageCrit percent of the maximum number
of connections available, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WD_ConnectionStat

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 562

syslink Xandria

WDConnUsageWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher connection usage

If the number of used connections exceeds WDConnUsageWarn, but does not exceed WDCon-
nUsageCrit percent of the maximum number of connections available, the check status is set to

Reference Data
Configures WD_ConnectionStat

Default Value 85

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 563

syslink Xandria

WDQueueUsageCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher queue usage

If the number of used queue entries exceeds WDQueueUsageCrit percent of the maximum number
of entries available, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WD_QueueStat

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 564

syslink Xandria

WDQueueUsageWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher queue usage

If the number of used queue entries exceeds WDConnUsageWarn, but does not exceed WDCon-
nUsageCrit percent of the maximum number of queue entries available, the check status is set
to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures WD_QueueStat

Default Value 85

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 565

syslink Xandria

WDThreadsUsageCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher worker threads us-

If the number of used worker threads exceeds WDThreadsUsageCrit percent of the maximum num-
ber of worker threads available, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WD_ThreadStat

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 566

syslink Xandria

WDThreadsUsageWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP Web Dispatcher worker threads

If the number of used worker threads exceeds WDConnUsageWarn, but does not exceed WDCon-
nUsageCrit percent of the maximum number of worker threads available, the check status is set
to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures WD_ThreadStat

Default Value 85

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 567

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaStatusCrit — Configure work processes having a certain status or reason to be con-
sidered critical

WorkProcDiaStatusCrit controls the optional part of the WorkProcesses check.

You can define a list of work process status (i.e. On Hold, Stopped, Shutdown, Reserved, Starting)
and / or reasons (from the reason column of SAP transaction Work Process Overview SM50). If a
work process is found with either the defined status or reason the Check will turn to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value

Unit List of status and reasons of work processes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 568

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctCrit — Configure a critical threshold for the number of non-OK work

Controls the first mandatory sub-check of WorkProcesses.

If the number of non-OK work processes exceeds WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctCrit percent of the

total number of work processes, the WorkProcesses check will turn to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value 60

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 569

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctWarn — Configure a waring threshold for the number of non-OK work

Controls the first mandatory sub-check of WorkProcesses. Warning threshold corresponding to
WorkProcDiaStatusNOkPctCrit above.

If the number of non-OK work processes exceeds WorkProcDiaStatusWarn, but not WorkProcDi-
aStatusCrit percent of the total number of work processes, the check will turn to Warning, unless
any other of the executed sub-checks is Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value 30

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 570

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaStatusWarn — Configure work processes having a certain status or reason to be
considered warning

WorkProcDiaStatusWarn controls the optional part of the WorkProcesses check.

You can define a list of work process status (i.e. On Hold, Stopped, Shutdown, Reserved, Starting)
and / or reasons (from the reason column of SAP transaction Work Process Overview SM50). If
a work process is found with either the defined status or reason the Check will turn to Warning,
unless any other of the executed sub-checks is Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value

Unit List of status and reason of work processes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 571

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaTimeUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for work process CPU usage

Controls the second mandatory sub-check of WorkProcesses.

If the elapsed CPU time of the dialog work process with the lowest CPU time is ≥ WorkProcDia-
TimeUsageCrit % of the total elapsed time between two snapshots, the Check Result will be Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 572

syslink Xandria

WorkProcDiaTimeUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for work process CPU usage

Controls the second mandatory sub-check of WorkProcesses.

If the elapsed CPU time of the dialog work process with the lowest CPU time is ≥ WorkProcDia-
TimeUsageWarn, but < WorkProcDiaTimeUsageCrit % of the total elapsed time between two snap-
shots, the Check Result will be Warning, unless any other of the executed sub-checks is Critical.

Reference Data
Configures WorkProcesses

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 573

syslink Xandria

SAP System Monitoring Parameters

This section contains a reference of all SAP System Monitoring Parameters provided by syslink

Version 7.1.3 574

syslink Xandria

ABAP_DD_DB_Exclude — Configure exceptions for the ABAP_DD_DB check

Indexes defined in this parameter are excluded from the "indexes missing" and "unknown indexes"
part of the ABAP_DD_DB check. Please note that this parameter can only be used for indexes, but
not for tables. Indexes listed must be separated by one or more spaces.

Reference Data
Configures ABAP_DD_DB

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 575

syslink Xandria

ABAPDBSchema — Override DB schema used for the DB2_CBO_Stats check

If the tables required for the DB2_CBO_Stats check cannot be found in the default schema you
may define the appropriate schema in here.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_CBO_Stats

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 576

syslink Xandria

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore — Control the System-Change Auto-Detection (for SAP Systems)

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore is used to exclude parameters from System-Change Auto-Detection.
If, for example, a parameter value changes regularly and this behaviour is well known, you may
add the parameter to the exclude list. The parameter value is still updated in the syslink Xandria
Database, but no change record will be created. Since there are several change detection objects,
you must prefix the list with a keyword to indicate the object type.

For SAP Systems currently only DBPARAM is supported. Wildcard * is supported to define multiple
parameters. Example: DBPARAM: *MEMORY*, CPU_COUNT

Reference Data
Configures System-Change Auto-Detection

Default Value

Unit Keyword followed by comma separated value list, optionally followed by

a semicolon followed by a keyword followed by comma separated value
list, … Colon, semicolon, and comma must be escaped by \ (backslash)
if used as a value.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 577

syslink Xandria

BatchInputClientExclude — Exclude clients from batch input check

This parameter specifies clients which are excluded from all checks provided by Batch_Input.

Reference Data
Configures Batch_Input

Default Value 000 066

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 578

syslink Xandria

BatchInputMaxAge — Configure warning threshold for batch input session age

This parameter specifies the maximum age of batch input sessions. If there are records older than
BatchInputMaxAge found, Batch_Input will result as Warning. You can turn this part of Batch_Input
off, if you change the parameter to 0.

Reference Data
Configures Batch_Input

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 579

syslink Xandria

BatchInputMaxRunTime — Configure warning threshold for batch input session runtime

This parameter specifies the maximum run time of batch input sessions. If there are running ses-
sions older than BatchInputMaxRunTime found, Batch_Input will result as Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Batch_Input

Default Value 24

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 580

syslink Xandria

BatchInputQIDExclude — Exclude sessions from batch input check by Queue-ID

This parameter defines batch input sessions by Queue-ID which are excluded from all sub-Checks
of the Batch_Input Check. The list of Queue-IDs may be separated by blanks or comma. Wildcards
are not supported.

Reference Data
Configures Batch_Input

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 581

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundClientList — Configure list of clients to be either excluded or included in Business
Communication Services checks

Works together with BcsOutboundClientMode either to specify clients to be excluded (BcsOut-
boundClientMode is in mode Blacklist) or limited to only clients listed (BcsOutboundClientMode is
in mode Whitelist). Please be aware, that if you change parameter BcsOutboundClientMode, you
may also change this parameter to another list, since the default value 000 066 is intended to work
in Blacklist mode.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrors, BCS_OutboundErrStat, and BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value 000 066

Unit String, i.e. list of three digit clients separated by space, comma, or semi-

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 582

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundClientMode — Configure to use either Blacklist or Whitelist mode to exclude clients
from being checked by Business Communication Services checks

All Business Communication Services checks are designed to retrieve data of all clients found in
an SAP system, no matter which client is used for RFC by the syslink Xandria Agent. To exclude
clients from being checked, you may use BcsOutboundClientList in either Blacklist or Whitelist
mode. The default value is Blacklist, i.e. all clients will be checked except client 000 and 066. If you
want to, for instance, only check on specific clients, you may change this mode to Whitelist and
specify the clients to be checked using parameter BcsOutboundClientList.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrors, BCS_OutboundErrStat, and BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value Blacklist

Unit Enum, either Blacklist or Whitelist

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 583

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for BCS_OutboundErrors check

If the number of erroneous outbound business communication records since last Daily Check start
is equal to or above BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit, the check status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrors

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 584

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundErrorsNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for BCS_OutboundErrors check

If the number of erroneous outbound business communication records since last Daily Check
start is equal to or above BcsOutboundErrorsNumWarn but below BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit, the
check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrors

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 585

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundErrStatNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for BCS_OutboundErrStat check

If the number of erroneous outbound business communication records in last BcsOutboundErrS-
tatTimeSpan minutes is equal to or above BcsOutboundErrorsNumCrit, the check status is set to

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 586

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundErrStatNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for BCS_OutboundErrStat check

If the number of erroneous outbound business communication records in last BcsOutboundErrS-
tatTimeSpan minutes is equal to or above BcsOutboundErrStatNumWarn but below BcsOutbound-
ErrStatNumCrit, the check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 587

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundErrStatTimeSpan — Configures time in minutes to look back in time from now for
erroneous business communication records

If the date/time of an erroneous business communication record is after now minus BcsOutbound-
ErrStatTimeSpan minutes, the record will be counted, otherwise it is no longer retrieved.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundErrStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 588

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundWaitTimeExceptions — Configures exceptions for BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit and
BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn for waiting business communication records which match client and
send method

If you want to use different wait times thresholds for certain outbound waiting records, you may
use this parameter which follows the syntax:

list of clients or * for all|list of send methods or * for all|warning threshold in

minutes|critical threshold in minutes

Multiple clients and send methods of an exception are separated by comma (,). Please use the
short name of the send method. Multiple exceptions are separated by semicolon (;). Spaces may
exist at any place of the parameter string, since they will be ignored.

Agent 6.0.8 and above support a special value 0 for the warning and critical threholds. 0 means that
the corresponding threshold will not be verified. So if you set both to 0, you can exclude records
completely from being verified. They are, however, still displayed in the result table.


101,102|FAX|60| For clients 101 and 102 send method FAX the warning/critical thresholds
120 ; *|INT|20|40 are changed to 60/120 minutes. For all clients and send method INT the
warning/critical thresholds are changed to 20/40 minutes

900|FAX|0|0 In client 900 all waiting records for sent method FAX are completely ig-
nored and will not contribute to the check result.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 589

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit — Configures Critical number threshold for waiting business commu-
nication records

If the number of waiting business communication records in a SAP client is above BcsOutbound-
WaitNumCrit and the wait time is above BcsOutboundWaitTimeCrit, the check result status of
BCS_OutboundWaitStat will be Critical.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 590

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn — Configures Warning number threshold for waiting business com-
munication records

If the number of waiting business communication records in a SAP client is above BcsOutbound-
WaitNumWarn and the wait time is above BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn, the check result status of
BCS_OutboundWaitStat will be Warning, as long as the number and time are still below the Critical

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 591

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundWaitTimeCrit — Configures Critical time threshold for waiting business communi-
cation records

See description of BcsOutboundWaitNumCrit.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value 15

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 592

syslink Xandria

BcsOutboundWaitTimeWarn — Configures Warning time threshold for waiting business commu-
nication records

See description of BcsOutboundWaitNumWarn.

Reference Data
Configures BCS_OutboundWaitStat

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 593

syslink Xandria

BWProcessChainsCancelledStatus — Configure how to rate cancelled process chains

Define the status that should be reported if one of the process chains is cancelled.

Reference Data
Configures BW_ProcessChains

Default Value 2 (i.e. Critical)

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 594

syslink Xandria

BWProcessChainsExclude — Exclude process chains from being verified

Process chains defined in this parameter are not considered for the Check Status.

Reference Data
Configures BW_ProcessChains

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 595

syslink Xandria

BWProcessChainsRTCrit — Configure critical runtime threshold for process chains

If one of the process chains exceeds the runtime threshold defined, the Check Status turns to

Reference Data
Configures BW_ProcessChains

Default Value 240

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 596

syslink Xandria

BWProcessChainsRTWarn — Configure warning threshold for process chains

If one of the process chains exceeds the runtime threshold defined, but none exceeds the threshold
defined in BWProcessChainsRTCrit, and none terminates with errors, the Check Status turns to

Reference Data
Configures BW_ProcessChains

Default Value 120

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 597

syslink Xandria

BWQueryRuntimeCrit — Configure critical threshold for BW/BI queries

If a query within a SAP BW/BI System runs longer than the time defined in this parameter, the
check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures BW_QueryRuntime

Default Value 1200

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 598

syslink Xandria

BWQueryRuntimeExclude — Exclude BW/BI queries from being monitored

Queries added to this list are not considered for the check result.

Reference Data
Configures BW_QueryRuntime

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 599

syslink Xandria

BWQueryRuntimeWarn — Configure warning threshold for BW/BI queries

If a query within a SAP BW/BI System runs longer than the time defined in this parameter, but not
longer than BWQueryRuntimeCrit, the check turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures BW_QueryRuntime

Default Value 900

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 600

syslink Xandria

CCMSMonsetMTEMaxCount — Configures a maxium number of Monitoring Tree Elements
(MTEs) for the CCMS Monset Custom Check

A CCMS monitor tree of a CCMS Monset Custom Check may contain a lot of MTEs, which results in
many checks being created in syslink Xandria’s RealTime Monitoring. If you want to limit this num-
ber of checks, you may set the CCMSMonsetMTEMaxCount parameter. When a MTEs are CCMS
Monitor tree is read, and the number of CCMSMonsetMTEMaxCount is exceeded, the remaining
MTEs are ignored and the corresponding CCMS Monset Custom Check will report a Warning result.

Per default, this parameter is 0, i.e. it is inactive and the number of MTEs is unlimited.

Reference Data
Configures CCMS Monset Custom Check

Default Value 0

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 601

syslink Xandria

DialogPerfMinStepCount — Configure a lower bound for the executed steps in dialog performance
and workload checks

If during a reported day period the number of dialog steps is less than the defined value, the runtime
of the steps is not considered for the Check Result of the DialogPerf and Workload Checks.

Roughly speaking, if you have less than 1000 dialog steps from — let's say — 6h to 7h, it wont hurt
if 20% of them run longer than a second. Obviously this is different for 10000 dialog steps.

Reference Data
Configures DialogPerf


Default Value 1000

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 602

syslink Xandria

DialogPerfPctCumulatedCrit — Configure critical threshold for dialog performance

The check turns Critical, if less than DialogPerfPctCumulatedCrit percent of the dialog steps finish
within DialogPerfRespTimeLimit, except if only less than DialogPerfMinStepCount are performed.

Reference Data
Configures DialogPerf

Default Value 85

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 603

syslink Xandria

DialogPerfPctCumulatedWarn — Configure warning threshold for dialog performance

The check turns Warning, if more than DialogPerfPctCumulatedCrit percent but less than Dialog-
PerfPctCumulatedWarn percent of the dialog steps finish within DialogPerfRespTimeLimit, except
if only less than DialogPerfMinStepCount are performed.

Reference Data
Configures DialogPerf

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 604

syslink Xandria

DialogPerfRespTimeLimit — Configure dialog performance runtime threshold

Defined the runtime threshold. Valid parameters are: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 10

Reference Data
Configures DialogPerf

Default Value 1

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 605

syslink Xandria

DialogPerfTimePeriod — Configure time range for dialog performance check

Defines the time period the check should consider. Valid values are within the range 00-24, like
e.g. 06-18.

Reference Data
Configures DialogPerf

Default Value 00-24

Unit Formatted String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 606

syslink Xandria

DialogRespTimeCrit — Configure critical threshold for the workload check

If the SAP Systems average dialog response time exceeds DialogRespTimeCrit ms,the Check Sta-
tus is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures Workload

Default Value 2000

Unit Milliseconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 607

syslink Xandria

DialogRespTimeWarn — Configure warning threshold for the workload check

If the SAP Systems average dialog response time exceeds DialogRespTimeWarn ms, but does not
exceed DialogRespTimeCrit ms,the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Workload

Default Value 1000

Unit Milliseconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 608

syslink Xandria

IdocsAgeWarn — Configure warning threshold for IDOC age

If there are IDOCs older than IdocsAgeWarn days, the check result is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Idocs

Default Value 365

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 609

syslink Xandria

IdocsGrpRedCountCrit — Define critical RealTime Monitoring threshold for the number of IDOCs

If the number of IDOCS in group "red" exceeds IdocsGrpRedCountCrit during IdocsGrpRedTimeS-
pan minutes, the check result is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures IdocStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 610

syslink Xandria

IdocsGrpRedCountWarn — Define warning RealTime Monitoring threshold for the number of

If the number of IDOCS in group "red" exceeds IdocsGrpRedCountWarn during IdocsGrpRedTimeS-
pan minutes, but does not exceed IdocsGrpRedCountCrit,the check result is set to Warning

Reference Data
Configures IdocStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 611

syslink Xandria

IdocsGrpRedDailyCountCrit — Define critical Daily Check threshold for the number of IDOCs

If the number of IDOCS in group "red" exceeds IdocsGrpRedDailyCountCrit in the daily check, the
result of Idocs check is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures Idocs

Default Value 50

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 612

syslink Xandria

IdocsGrpRedDailyCountWarn — Define warning Daily Check threshold for the number of IDOCs

If the number of IDOCS in group "red" exceeds IdocsGrpRedDailyCountWarn in the daily check, but
does not exceed IdocsGrpRedDailyCountCrit, the result of Idocscheck is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Idocs

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 613

syslink Xandria

IdocsGrpRedTimeSpan — Configure monitoring time span for RealTime Monitoring IDOCs check

See the description of parameters IdocsGrpRedCountCrit and IdocsGrpRedCountCrit

Reference Data
Configures IdocStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 614

syslink Xandria

JavaDBSchema — Override DB schema used retrieval of J2EE Software Components

If the tables required to retrieve the J2EE Software Components cannot be found in the default
schema you may define the appropriate schema in here.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 615

syslink Xandria

JobAbortCountCrit — Define critical threshold for RealTime Monitoring check of aborted jobs

If the number of aborted jobs exceeds JobAbortCountCrit during the last JobAbortTimeSpan
minutes,the check result is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 2

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 616

syslink Xandria

JobAbortCountWarn — Define warning threshold for RealTime Monitoring check of aborted jobs

If the number of aborted jobs exceeds JobAbortCountWarn during the last JobAbortTimeSpan
minutes,but does not exceed JobAbortCountCrit,the check result is set to Warning

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 617

syslink Xandria

JobAbortExclude — Exclude jobs from being watched for aborts

Defines job names excluded from aborted jobs monitoring. Separate multiple entries by spaces
(wildcard * allowed). If your job name includes spaces, put double quotes (") around it.

Reference Data
Configures Jobs, JobStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 618

syslink Xandria

JobUsersExclude — Exclude jobs from being watched

Defines job users excluded from aborted jobs or delayed jobs monitoring. Separate multiple entries
by spaces (wildcard * allowed). If your job user includes spaces, put double quotes (") around it.

Reference Data
Configures Jobs, JobStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 619

syslink Xandria

JobAbortTimeSpan — Configure watch period for RealTime Monitoring aborted jobs check

See the description of parameters JobAbortCountCrit and JobAbortCountWarn

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 620

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedCountCrit — Configure critical RealTime Monitoring threshold for the number of de-
layed jobs

If JobDelayedCountCrit jobs are delayed for more than JobDelayedTimeCrit minutes, the Check
Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 621

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedCountWarn — Configure warning RealTime Monitoring threshold for the number of
delayed jobs

If JobDelayedCountWarn jobs are delayed for more than JobDelayedTimeWarn minutes, but jobs
are still below JobDelayedCountCrit/JobDelayedTimeCrit criteria, the Check Status is set to Warn-

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 622

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedExclude — Exclude jobs from being watched for delays

Defines job names excluded from job delay monitoring. Separate multiple entries by spaces (wild-
card * allowed). If your job name includes spaces, put double quotes (") around it.

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 623

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedIncludeExpired — Define if expired jobs are considered delayed

If set (which is the default), jobs with configured and expired No startafter date/time are considered
as delayed jobs as well. You can exclude expired jobs from delay monitoring by disabling this

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 624

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedTimeCrit — Configure critical threshold for delay time of jobs

See description of JobDelayedCountCrit above.

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 625

syslink Xandria

JobDelayedTimeWarn — Configure warning threshold for delay time of jobs

See description of JobDelayedCountWarn above.

Reference Data
Configures JobStat

Default Value 2

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 626

syslink Xandria

JobsDailyCountCrit — Configure critical Daily Check threshold for the number of delayed jobs

If the number of aborted jobs reported in daily check exceeds JobsDailyCountCrit, the daily check
result is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures Jobs

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 627

syslink Xandria

JobsDailyCountWarn — Configure warning Daily Check threshold for the number of delayed jobs

If the number of aborted jobs reported in daily check exceeds JobsDailyCountWarn, but does not
exceed JobsDailyCountCrit, the daily check result is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Jobs

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 628

syslink Xandria

LocalMonitoringOff — Turn local monitoring off

If you set this parameter syslink Xandria will stop monitoring the System.

This setting can be used if you want to monitor this System only using End-to-End Application
Monitoring (from a different System).

Do not change this Monitoring Parameter unless you really know what you are doing.

Reference Data
Configures All checks assigned to the System.

Default Value (not defined)

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 629

syslink Xandria

LockAgeCrit — Configure critical threshold for age of locks

If an SAP lock is older than LockAgeCrit hours, the Check Status is set to Critical

Reference Data
Configures LockTable

Default Value 24

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 630

syslink Xandria

LockAgeWarn — Configure warning threshold for age of locks

If an SAP lock is older than LockAgeWarn hours, but not older than LockAgeCrit hours,the Check
Status is set to Warning

Reference Data
Configures LockTable

Default Value 8

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 631

syslink Xandria

LockExclude — Exclude cusers, clients, or tables in check for locks

This parameter is used to exclude certain locks from the LockTable check. You can specify
the locks to be exluded by client, user, table, and optionally argument. The syntax of parame-
ter values is: client:user:table. If you want to exclude by the lock argument use this syntax:
client:user:table:argument. Wildcards * are allowed, e.g. if you specify *:*:* all locks will be
excluded and the check will always result Ok (which is certainly not recommended). Multiple lock
exclude specs are separated by one or more spaces.

If you, for instance; want to exclude all locks of user BGRFCSUPER on all tables starting with BGRFC,
and additionally all locks on WSRM_EH* tables, no matter which user but only in client 000, your
LockExclude specification would look like:


If you want to exclude all locks containing ESH in lock arguments, your LockExclude specification
would look like:


Colons (:, and spaces must be escaped by \ (backslash) if used as values.

Reference Data
Configures LockTable

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 632

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes — Choose ABAP task types for performance data collection

This parameter does exactly the same as PerfDataCollectABAPTaskTypes for SAP Instances, ex-
cept that it will control the Performance Data Collection of the SAP system, i.e. the total values of
the configured ABAP task types.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System Performance Data Collection


Unit String, i.e. list of task types separted by comma or semicolon (,;). Lead-
ing, trailing or multiple spaces between the separation chars are allowed
and will be trimmed away. Though unlikely to be necessary, you must es-
cape ,; by a backslash \, should these chars appear in a task type name.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 633

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollection — Turn Performance Data Collection on or off (for SAP Systems)

Controls whether or not Performance Data Collection is turned on for Systems. If you do not want
the syslink Xandria Agent to collect performance data you may remove the flag.

Reference Data
Configures System

Default Value On

Unit Check box

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 634

syslink Xandria

PerfDataTARuntimeStepsMinPct — Restrict transactions considered for Performance Data Col-

Transactions with a percentage of the total number of transaction steps below threshold Perf-
DataTARuntimeStepsMinPct will not be listed in section Top N transaction response times sorted
by average response time of the Service Level Report. This is to ignore transactions with a very low
number of steps which often have a high response time and thus makes the service level report
more significant.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System Performance Data Collection

Default Value 2

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 635

syslink Xandria

PerfDataTARuntimeTop — Configure the N in Top N transactions (by runtime)

Defines the number of transactions to be listed in the section Top N transaction response times
sorted by average response time of the service level report.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System Performance Data Collection

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 636

syslink Xandria

PerfDataTAStepsTop — Configure the N in Top N transactions (by steps)

Defines the number of transactions to be listed in the section Top N transaction response times
sorted by number of steps of the service level report.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System Performance Data Collection

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 637

syslink Xandria

PerfDataTransactions — Configure named transactions

Defines the SAP transactions of which you want to explicitly collect performance data. The re-
sponse times of these transactions will be reported in the service level report in section Monthly
average response times of named transactions.

Reference Data
Configures SAP System Performance Data Collection

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 638

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for PI_AEMessages check

If the number of erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages since last Daily Check start is equal
to or above PIAEMessagesNumCrit, the check status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessages

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 639

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for PI_AEMessages check

If the number of erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages since last Daily Check start is equal
to or above PIAEMessagesNumWarn but below PIAEMessagesNumCrit, the check status is set
to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessages

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 640

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesStatNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for PI_AEMessagesStat check

If the number of erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages in last PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan
minutes is equal to or above PIAEMessagesStatNumCrit, the check status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessagesStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 641

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesStatNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for PI_AEMessagesStat check

If the number of erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages in last PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan
minutes is equal to or above PIAEMessagesStatNumWarn but below PIAEMessagesStatNumCrit,
the check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessagesStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 642

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesStatTimeSpan — Configures time in minutes to look back in time from now for
erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML messages

If the date/time of an erroneous PI Adapter Engine XML message is after now minus PIAEMes-
sagesStatTimeSpan minutes, the message will be counted, otherwise it is no longer retrieved.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessagesStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 643

syslink Xandria

PIAEMessagesUseHttps — Configures PI_AEMessages and PI_AEMessagesStat checks to use
https to connect instead of http

If your PI J2EE instance is configured to use https only, usually due to security reasons, please use
this parameter to indicate that the Agent shall use https to get the PI Adapter engine data.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AEMessages, and PI_AEMessagesStat

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 644

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsCountCrit — Number of failed channels necessary to turn the check status to

Defines the amount of channels which must have a failure state at the same time to turn the check
state of the entire PI_CommChannels check to Critical. Channels are checked every Medium Check
Cycle, i.e. per default every 10 minutes.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 645

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsCountWarn — Number of failed channels necessary to turn the check status to

Defines the amount of channels which must have a failure state at the same time to turn the
check state of the entire PI_CommChannels check to Warning. When PICommChannelsCountCrit
is smaller or equal, this parameter won't have any effect. Channels are checked every Medium
Check Cycle, i.e. per default every 10 minutes.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 646

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsErrsCrit — Delays reporting of channel ERROR states

Defines the number of subsequent ERROR channel states, before the check state of a channel is
Critical. Channels are checked every Medium Check Cycle, i.e. per default every 10 minutes.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 647

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsErrsWarn — Delays reporting of channel ERROR states

Defines the number of subsequent ERROR channel states, before the check state of a channel is
Warning. However, if the number of subsequent ERROR channel states is equal to or above PIComm-
ChannelsErrsCrit, this parameter has no effect. Channels are checked every Medium Check Cycle,
i.e. per default every 10 minutes.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 648

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsTimeCrit — Delays reporting of channel ERROR states

Defines the number of minutes before the check state of a channel is reported as Critical. Please
consider that channels are checked every Medium Check Cycle, i.e. per default every 15 minutes,
so the reporting might be delayed additionally by the Medium Check Cycle interval.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 649

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsTimeWarn — Delays reporting of channel ERROR states

Defines the number of minutes before the check state of a channel is reported as Warning. Please
consider that channels are checked every Medium Check Cycle cycle, i.e. per default every 10
minutes, so the reporting might be delayed additionally by the Medium Check Cycle interval.

If the setting is equal to or above PICommChannelsTimeCrit, this parameter has no effect.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 650

syslink Xandria

PICommChannelsExclude — Defines channels which are excluded from the PI_CommChannels

If a channel matches at least one criteria of the list of exclude criterias provided, it will be excluded
from the check evaluation. The syntax of a excluded criteria is:

Exclude term: party|service|channel|activationState|channelState=<pattern>. A pattern

may contain placeholders * (for any number of any characters) and/or ? (for a single character).

An exclude criteria consists of at least one or multiple exclude terms separated by comma and sur-
rounded by {}: {Exclude specification(, Exclude specification)*}. All exclude terms must match,
i.e. the exclude terms are combined by logical AND.

Multiple criterias can be concatenated either by comma (,) or semicolon (;). A channel is excluded
if it matches any of the listed criterias, i.e. the criterias are combined by logical OR.

Reference Data
Configures PI_CommChannels

Default Value {channelState=INACTIVE}

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Example {party=*bad*,service=Test*},{channelState=INACTIVE} excludes all

channels with a party which contain the term bad and with a service that
starts with Test. Channels with an an inactive channel state are exclud-
ed by the 2nd criteria {channelState=INACTIVE}. Please be aware that all
string comparisons are case sensitive.

Version 7.1.3 651

syslink Xandria

PIExcludeSelftestFeatures — Excludes listed self test features of PI checks which report self tests

Under certain circumstances PI checks might report features with status not OK which results in
Critical status of the whole check. You can exclude a certain feature from contributing to the check
status. To do this, simply put the name of the feature on the comma separated list provided by

Excluded features will still be listed in the check result table, but the not OK status is are marked
in gray color and is appended by Excluded info.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AdapterFramework PI_BusinessProcessEngine,
PI_IntegrationDirectory, PI_IntegrationEngine, PI_IntegrationRepository,
PI_J2SEAdapterEngine, PI_MappingRunTime, PI_RuntimeWorkbench,

Default Value WS_Security_Check

Unit String, i.e. list of features to be excluded separated by comma

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 652

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesClientList — Configure list of clients to be either excluded or included in
PI_IEMessages and PI_IEMessagesStat checks

Works together with PIIEMessagesClientMode either to specify clients to be excluded (PIIEMes-
sagesClientMode is in mode Blacklist) or limited to only clients listed (PIIEMessagesClientMode
is in mode Whitelist). Please be aware, that if you change parameter PIIEMessagesClientMode,
you may also change this parameter to another list, since the default value 000 066 is intended
to work in Blacklist mode.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessages, and PI_IEMessagesStat

Default Value 000 066

Unit String, i.e. list of three digit clients separated by space, comma, or semi-

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 653

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesClientMode — Configure to use either Blacklist or Whitelist mode to exclude clients
from being checked by PI Integration Engine XML messages checks

PI Integration Engine XML messages checks are designed to retrieve data of all clients found in
an SAP system, no matter which client is used for RFC by the syslink Xandria Agent. To exclude
clients from being checked, you may use PIIEMessagesClientList in either Blacklist or Whitelist
mode. The default value is Blacklist, i.e. all clients will be checked except client 000 and 066. If you
want to, for instance, only check on specific clients, you may change this mode to Whitelist and
specify the clients to be checked using parameter PIIEMessagesClientList.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessages, and PI_IEMessagesStat

Default Value Blacklist

Unit Enum, either Blacklist or Whitelist

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 654

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for PI_IEMessages check

If the number of erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages since last Daily Check start is
equal to or above PIIEMessagesNumCrit, the check status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessages

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 655

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for PI_IEMessages check

If the number of erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages since last Daily Check start is
equal to or above PIIEMessagesNumWarn but below PIIEMessagesNumCrit, the check status is
set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessages

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 656

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesStatNumCrit — Configures Critical threshold for PI_IEMessagesStat check

If the number of erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages in last PIIEMessagesStatTimeS-
pan minutes is equal to or above PIIEMessagesStatNumCrit, the check status is set to Critical.
Please note that the threshold is applied to each client individually, see PIIEMessagesClientMode
and PIIEMessagesClientList parameters.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessagesStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 657

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesStatNumWarn — Configures Warning threshold for PI_IEMessagesStat check

If the number of erroneous PI Integration Engine XML messages in last PIIEMessagesStatTimeS-
pan minutes is equal to or above PIIEMessagesStatNumWarn but below PIIEMessagesStatNum-
Crit, the check status is set to Warning. Please note that the threshold is applied to each client
individually, see PIIEMessagesClientMode and PIIEMessagesClientList parameters.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessagesStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 658

syslink Xandria

PIIEMessagesStatTimeSpan — Configures time in minutes to look back in time from now for er-
roneous PI Integration Engine XML messages

If the date/time of an erroneous PI Integration Engine XML message is after now minus PIIEMes-
sagesStatTimeSpan minutes, the message will be counted, otherwise it is no longer retrieved.

Reference Data
Configures PI_IEMessagesStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 659

syslink Xandria

PIReportOKMessages — Configure if SAP PI checks display Ok messages

Defines if or if not Ok check messages are displayed for the SAP PI checks.

Reference Data
Configures PI_AdapterFramework, PI_BusinessProcessEngine,
PI_IntegrationDirectory, PI_IntegrationEngine, PI_IntegrationRepository,
PI_J2SEAdapterEngine, PI_MappingRunTime, PI_RuntimeWorkbench,

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 660

syslink Xandria

ProfileParsDuplOk — Configure duplicate entries in profiles considered Ok

List of SAP or database profile parameters allowed to occur multiple times in a file.Parameters
listed here will no longer be considered as duplicate entries in the Profiles Profiles check.

Reference Data
Configures Profiles

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 661

syslink Xandria

QRfcInQueueExclude — Exclude inbound queues from QRFC checks

If defined, the checks QRFC_In and QRFC_In_ErrQ will ignore all queues defined in QRfcInQueue-

Separate multiple queues by white space (wildcard * is allowed)

You may also restrict queues based on the client if you use the format queue 1 :client 11 ,client
12 ,… queue 2 :client 21 ,client 22 ,…

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_In, QRFC_In_ErrQ

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 662

syslink Xandria

QRfcInQueueHangCrit — Define critical threshold for hanging inbound QRFC queues

If there are QRfcInQueueHangCrit or more hanging queues, the Check Status is set toCritical.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_In_ErrQ

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 663

syslink Xandria

QRFCInQueueHangWarn — Define warning threshold for hanging inbound QRFC queues

If there are QRFCInQueueHangWarn or more hanging queues, but still less than QRfcInQueue-
HangCrit the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_In_ErrQ

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 664

syslink Xandria

QRfcInRecQueuedCrit — Define critical threshold for inbound QRFC queue length

If there are queues with more than QRfcInRecQueuedCrit records, the Check Status is set to Crit-

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_In

Default Value 30

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 665

syslink Xandria

QRfcInRecQueuedWarn — Define warning threshold for inbound QRFC queue length

If there are queues with more than QRfcInRecQueuedWarn records, there is no queue with more
than QRfcInRecQueuedCrit records, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_In

Default Value 15

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 666

syslink Xandria

QRfcOutQueueExclude — Exclude outbound queues from QRFC checks

If defined, the checks QRFC_Out and QRFC_Out_ErrQ will ignore all queues defined in QRf-
cOutQueueExclude. Separate multiple queues by white space (wildcard * is allowed)

You may also restrict queues based on the client if you use the format queue 1 :client 11 ,client
12 ,… queue 2 :client 21 ,client 22 ,…

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_Out, QRFC_Out_ErrQ

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 667

syslink Xandria

QRfcOutQueueHangCrit — Define critical threshold for hanging outbound QRFC queues

If there are QRfcOutQueueHangCrit or more hanging queues, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_Out_ErrQ

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 668

syslink Xandria

QRFCOutQueueHangWarn — Define warning threshold for hanging outbound QRFC queues

If there are QRFCOutQueueHangWarn or more hanging queues, but still less than QRfcOutQueue-
HangCrit the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_Out_ErrQ

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 669

syslink Xandria

QRfcOutRecQueuedCrit — Define critical threshold for outbound QRFC queue length

If there are queues with more than QRfcOutRecQueuedCrit records, the Check Status is set to

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_Out

Default Value 30

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 670

syslink Xandria

QRfcOutRecQueuedWarn — Define warning threshold for outbound QRFC queue length

If there are queues with more than QRfcOutRecQueuedWarn records, there is no queue with more
than QRfcOutRecQueuedCrit records, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures QRFC_Out

Default Value 15

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 671

syslink Xandria

RelevantDailyCheckDetails — Configure Daily Check contributing check details (for SAP Systems)

Defines a list of Daily Check details that are considered relevant for the Daily Check status, i.e.
the status of which contribute to the overall status. By default the parameter is not defined, i.e. all
Daily Check details contribute.

If you define an empty list no Daily Check detail will contribute. In this case the status of the Daily
Check will be Unknown always.

Reference Data
Configures Daily Checks

Default Value

Unit List of Checks

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 672

syslink Xandria

RunDailyCheckOnWE — Define if Daily Checks are executed during weekend (for SAP Systems)

If set, Daily Checks will run on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Reference Data
Configures Daily Checks

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 673

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpAgeWarn — Define warning threshold for short dumps Daily Check

If there are short dumps older than ShortDumpAgeWarn days,the Check Status of the ShortDumps
check is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumps

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 674

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpCountCrit — Define critical threshold for the short dumps RealTime Monitoring check

If the number of short dumps exceeds ShortDumpCountCrit during ShortDumpTimeSpan minutes,
the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumpStat

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 675

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpCountWarn — Define warning threshold for the short dumps RealTime Monitoring

If the number of short dumps exceeds ShortDumpCountWarn during the last ShortDumpTimeSpan
minutes, but does not exceed ShortDumpCountCrit, the check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumpStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 676

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpDailyCountCrit — Define critical threshold for the short dumps Daily Check

If the number of short dumps reported within Daily Checks exceeds ShortDumpDailyCountCrit, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumps

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 677

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpDailyCountWarn — Define warning threshold for the short dumps Daily Check

If the number of short dumps reported within Daily Checks exceeds ShortDumpDailyCountWarn
but does not exceed ShortDumpDailyCountCrit, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumps

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 678

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpExclude — Exclude certain dumps from short dumps RealTime Monitoring and Daily

Defines short dump Error IDs (as displayed in SAP transaction ST22) to be excluded from monitor-
ing. Separate multiple entries by spaces. Wildcard * is allowed.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumps, ShortDumpStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 679

syslink Xandria

ShortDumpTimeSpan — Configure watch period for short dumps RealTime Monitoring check

See the description of parameters ShortDumpCountCrit and ShortDumpCountWarn.

Reference Data
Configures ShortDumps

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 680

syslink Xandria

SNCLevelOfProtection — Configures the SNC quality of protection level setting

This setting is used as parameter JCO_CLIENT_SNC_QOP for the SAP JCo connection and configures
the SNC quality of protection level setting. The default value is 3, i.e. Privacy protection.

Possible values are:

1 Authentication only

2 Integrity protection

3 Privacy protection (default)

8 Use the value from snc/data_protection/use on the application server

9 Use the value from snc/data_protection/max on the application server

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value 3

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 681

syslink Xandria

SNCLibraryPath — Configures the path and file name of the SAP Cryptographic Library to use for
SNC encryption of the ABAP SAP Instance connection check

This parameter defines the path and file name of the SAP Cryptographic Library to use for SNC
encryption of ABAP RFC connection, i.e. the RFCConnect check. The file must be found by the
syslink Xandria Agent locally on the Server file system and must be accessible, of course. The SAP
Cryptographic Library is used by all clients with SNC communication e.g. SAP GUI, so you can find
out more details on this file by checking your existing configuration.

You can override this parameter on SAP Instancelevel.


Windows <Install_folder>\sapcrypto.dll

Unix <Install_folder>/sapcrypto.lib

This parameter is required when you want to use SNC for the syslink Xandria Agentʼs
RFC connection.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 682

syslink Xandria

SNCMode — Configures whether to use SNC encryption for the ABAP SAP Instance connection

Enabling this parameter will use SNC for the RFCConnect check. Before you enable this parameter,
you need to make sure to completely configure the SNC settings, i.e. you need to configure the
required SNC parameters according to your SNC setup, these are: SNCLibraryPath, SNCPartner-
Name. Setting SNCMyName is recommended.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value Disable

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 683

syslink Xandria

SNCMyName — Configures the name of the SNC certificate owner used in SNC encryption for the
ABAP SAP Instance connection check

This is a specific string containing the user name and some additional product information. The
normal format is: <name type>:<external name>.

Example: p:CN=miller, OU=ADMIN, O=SAP, C=DE, p/secude:CN=miller, OU=ADMIN

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 684

syslink Xandria

SNCPartnerName — Configures the SNC name of the authorization partner used in SNC encryption
for the ABAP SAP Instance connection check

Specifies the AS ABAP’s SNC name the syslink Xandria Agent connects to. You can find the appli-
cation server’s SNC name in the profile parameter snc/identity/as.

Example: p:CN=ABC, O=MyCompany, C=US

This parameter is required when you want to use SNC for the syslink Xandria Agentʼs
RFC connection.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 685

syslink Xandria

SNCSecuDir — Configures the SECUDIR environment variable

Defines the value for the SECUDIR environment variable that is used by the RFC connection over

You can override this parameter on SAP Instancelevel.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 686

syslink Xandria

SNCSingleSignOn — Configures the SSO behaviour of SNC

Do not use unless instructed by syslink.

Reference Data
Configures RFCConnect

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 687

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkCountCrit — Configure critical threshold for RealTime Monitoring spool check

If the number of unprocessed or erroneous output requests (older than SpoolNOkTimeOffset min-
utes) during the last SpoolNOkTimeSpan minutes exceeds SpoolNOkCountCrit, the Check Status
is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 688

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkCountWarn — Configure warning threshold for RealTime Monitoring spool check

If the number of unprocessed or erroneous output requests (older than SpoolNOkTimeOffset min-
utes) during the last SpoolNOkTimeSpan minutes exceeds SpoolNOkCountWarn, but does not ex-
ceed SpoolNOkCountCrit the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 689

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkDailyCountCrit — Configure critical threshold for Daily Check spool check

If the number of unprocessed or erroneous output requests (older than SpoolNOkTimeOffset min-
utes) within Daily-Checks exceeds SpoolNOkDailyCountCrit, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures Spool

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 690

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn — Configure warning threshold for Daily Check spool check

If the number of unprocessed or erroneous output requests (older than SpoolNOkTimeOffset min-
utes) within Daily-Checks minutes exceeds SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn, but does not exceed Spool-
NOkDailyCountCrit the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Spool

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 691

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkTimeOffset — Configure a time offset for spool checks

See the description of parameters SpoolNOkCountCrit,SpoolNOkCountWarn, SpoolNOkDaily-
CountCrit and SpoolNOkDailyCountWarn.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 692

syslink Xandria

SpoolNOkTimeSpan — Configure the watch periof for the RealTime Monitoring spool check

See the description of parameters SpoolNOkCountCritand SpoolNOkCountWarn.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 693

syslink Xandria

SpoolNumRangeUsageCrit — Define a critical threshold for the spool number range usage ratio

If the percentage of used spool requests exceeds the SpoolNumRangeUsageCrit threshold the
Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 694

syslink Xandria

SpoolNumRangeUsageEnable — Enable RealTime Monitoring spool check to verify number range
usage ratio

Defines if or if not the SpoolStat check verifies the number range usage ratio.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 695

syslink Xandria

SpoolNumRangeUsageWarn — Define a warning threshold for the spool number range usage ratio

If the percentage of used spool requests exceeds the SpoolNumRangeUsageWarn threshold but
not the SpoolNumRangeUsageCrit threshold the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures SpoolStat

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 696

syslink Xandria

SpoolOutAccessMethodExclude — Exclude output requests to output devices using certain ac-
cess methods from spool checks

Defines access methods excluded from monitoring. Output requests which use a device with an
access method specified in this list will not contribute to the check status. This is expecially useful
if you want to exclude all output requests which go to front end printers. You would then set the
parameter to F. Separate multiple entries by spaces (wildcard * is allowed).

Reference Data
Configures Spool, SpoolStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 697

syslink Xandria

SpoolOutDevExclude — Exclude output requests to certain output devices from spool checks

Defines output devices excluded from monitoring. Output requests which go to a device specified
in this list will not contribute to the check status. Separate multiple entries by spaces (wildcard
* is allowed).

Use the printers short names.

Reference Data
Configures Spool, SpoolStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 698

syslink Xandria

SpoolOutDevTypeExclude — Exclude output requests to output devices using a certain output
device type from spool checks

Defines output devices types excluded from monitoring. Output requests which go to a output
device with an device type specified in this list will not contribute to the check status. For example,
you might want to use this parameter to exclude all output requests which go output devices with
device type SAPWIN. Separate multiple entries by spaces (wildcard * is allowed).

Reference Data
Configures Spool, SpoolStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 699

syslink Xandria

SpoolReqAgeWarn — Define warning threshold for the age of spool requests

If there are spool requests older than SpoolReqAgeWarn days,the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures Spool

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 700

syslink Xandria

SpoolReqIgnoreFutureDelDate — Ignore spool requests with a deletion date in the future.

You can ignore spool requests which have a deletion date in the future. If the deletion date of the
spool request is after the current date plus the number of days defined by SpoolReqIgnoreFuture-
DelDate, then the spool request is ignored and not reported in the check. The default value of 0
days ignores the deletion date. In other words, all spool requests with deletion date also very far
in the future are reported.

Reference Data
Configures Spool

Default Value 0

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 701

syslink Xandria

SSLCertificatesValidityCrit — Define Critical threshold for the SSLCertificatesValidity check

If there is one or more certificates found, which expire in SSLCertificatesValidityCrit days or less,
the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SSLCertificatesValidity

Default Value 10

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 702

syslink Xandria

SSLCertificatesValidityIgnore — Defines expiration period for the SSLCertificatesValidity check

Expired certificates no longer contribute to the status of SSLCertificatesValidity, if they are expired
for SSLCertificatesValidityIgnore days ore more.

Reference Data
Configures SSLCertificatesValidity

Default Value 10

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 703

syslink Xandria

SSLCertificatesValidityWarn — Define Warning threshold for the SSLCertificatesValidity check

If there is one or more certificates found, which expires in SSLCertificatesValidityWarn days or less,
but do not expire in SSLCertificatesValidityCrit days or less, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures SSLCertificatesValidity

Default Value 30

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 704

syslink Xandria

SysAliveIncompleteTimeCrit — Configure sensitivity of the SystemAlive check

Defines the time how long a Warning SystemAlive check waits before turning to Critical if required
SAP Instances are missing or no SAP Instance is available at all for a certain SAP System.

Reference Data
Configures SystemAlive

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 705

syslink Xandria

TMSImportReturnCodeCrit — Configures the transport request return code which should be re-
ported as Critical status.

Same as TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit except that it configures Daily Check TMS_Imports in-
stead of TMS_ImportStat. See section TMS_ImportStat for examples of TMSImportReturnCode-
Crit usage.

Reference Data
Configures TMS_Imports

Default Value 8

Unit Enum, either 4, 8, or off

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 706

syslink Xandria

TMSImportReturnCodeWarn — Configures the transport request return code which should be re-
ported as Warning status.

Same as TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn except that it configures Daily Check TMS_Imports in-
stead of TMS_ImportStat. See section TMS_ImportStat for examples of TMSImportReturnCode-
Warn usage.

Reference Data
Configures TMS_Imports

Default Value 4

Unit Enum, either 4, 8, or off

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 707

syslink Xandria

TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit — Configures the transport request return code which should be
reported as Critical status.

If a transport request with return code equal to or above TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit is found,
TMS_ImportStat Check Status will be Critical. You can turn off Critical status completely when you
set the value to off. See section TMS_ImportStat for examples of TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit

Reference Data
Configures TMS_ImportStat

Default Value 8

Unit Enum, either 4, 8, or off

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 708

syslink Xandria

TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn — Configures the transport request return code which should be
reported as Warning status.

If a transport request with return code equal to or above TMSImportStatReturnCodeWarn is found,
and no transport request with return code equal to or above TMSImportStatReturnCodeCrit is
found, TMS_ImportStat Check Status will be Warning. You can turn off Warning status completely
when you set the value to off. See section TMS_ImportStat for examples of TMSImportStatRe-
turnCodeWarn usage.

Reference Data
Configures TMS_ImportStat

Default Value 4

Unit Enum, either 4, 8, or off

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 709

syslink Xandria

TMSImportStatTimeSpan — Configures time in minutes to look back in time from now for trans-
port requests with import return code above 0

If the date/time of an transport request import is after now minus TMSImportStatTimeSpan min-
utes, the record will be counted, otherwise it is no longer retrieved.

Reference Data
Configures TMS_ImportStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 710

syslink Xandria

TRFCAgeWarn — Define warning threshold for the age of tRFC records

If there are tRFC records older than TRFCAgeWarn days, the check result of TRFC_In or TRFC_Out
is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures TRFC_In, TRFC_Out

Default Value 1

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 711

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutCountCrit — Define critical threshold for failed tRFC out records

If the number of tRFC records with status CPICERR, SYSFAIL or SYSLOAD (older than TRFCOut-
TimeOffset minutes) during the last TRFCOutTimeSpan minutes exceeds TRFCOutCountCrit, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 712

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutCountWarn — Define warning threshold for failed tRFC out records

If the number of tRFC records with status CPICERR, SYSFAIL or SYSLOAD (older than TRFCOut-
TimeOffset minutes) during the last TRFCOutTimeSpan minutes exceeds TRFCOutCountWarn, but
does not exceed TRFCOutCountCrit the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 713

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutTimeOffset — Configure time offset for tRFC out check

See the description of parameters TRFCOutCountCrit and TRFCOutCountWarn

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 714

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutTimeSpan — Define watch period for tRFC out check

See the description of parameters TRFCOutCountCrit and TRFCOutCountWarn

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 715

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutExcludeFunction — Exclude TRFC functions for TRFCOutStat

This parameter is used to exclude certain functions from the TRFCOutStat check. The list of func-
tions may be separated by blanks or comma. Wildcards * and ? are supported.

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value

Unit String

Version 7.1.3 716

syslink Xandria

TRFCOutExcludeUser — Exclude TRFC users for TRFCOutStat

This parameter is used to exclude certain users from the TRFCOutStat check. The list of functions
may be separated by blanks or comma. Wildcards * and ? are supported.

Reference Data
Configures TRFCOutStat

Default Value

Unit String

Version 7.1.3 717

syslink Xandria

UpdateErrCountCrit — Define critical threshold for update errors

If the number of update errors exceeds UpdateErrCountCrit during the lastUpdateRecErrTimeSpan
minutes, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures UpdateRecErr

Default Value 6

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 718

syslink Xandria

UpdateErrCountWarn — Define warning threshold for update errors

If the number of update errors exceeds UpdateErrCountWarn during the lastUpdateRecErrTimeS-
pan minutes,but does not exceed UpdateErrCountCritthe Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures UpdateRecErr

Default Value 3

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 719

syslink Xandria

UpdateQueueAgeCrit — Define critical threshold for the age of update records

If there are UpdateQueueCountCrit or more update records older than UpdateQueueAgeCrit sec-
onds, the Check Status is set to Critical

Reference Data
Configures UpdateQueue

Default Value 300

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 720

syslink Xandria

UpdateQueueAgeWarn — Define warning threshold for the age of update records

If there are UpdateQueueCountWarn or more update records older than UpdateQueueAgeWarn
seconds, but the number of update records older than UpdateQueueAgeCrit seconds is below Up-
dateQueueCountCrit the Check Status is set to Warning

Reference Data
Configures UpdateQueue

Default Value 60

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 721

syslink Xandria

UpdateQueueCountCrit — Define a critical threshold for the number of "old" update records

See the description of parameter UpdateQueueAgeCrit

Reference Data
Configures UpdateQueue

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 722

syslink Xandria

UpdateQueueCountWarn — Define a warning threshold for the number of "old" update records

See the description of parameter UpdateQueueAgeWarn

Reference Data
Configures UpdateQueue

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 723

syslink Xandria

UpdateRecErrTimeSpan — Define a watch period for the check for failed update records

See the description of parameters UpdateErrCountCrit and UpdateErrCountWarn

Reference Data
Configures UpdateRecErr

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 724

syslink Xandria

UseEnvironment — Override environment settings of the user sap<sid>

Use only if instructed by syslink support

Reference Data

Default Value

Unit ENVVAR1 = value ; ENVVAR2=value ; ... Notes: Environment variable

names are handled case insensitive. You may use any number of spaces
between = and ;.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 725

syslink Xandria

UserPWDAuditExclude — Exclude certain users from user audit check

Tells User_Pwd_Audit to exclude the listed users from the check result evaluation. If one of the
users on this list has a well known password, it is listed in the Check Message, but does not con-
tribute to the Check Status. Anyway, User_Pwd_Audit checks if the users on this list are locked.

Reference Data
Configures User_Pwd_Audit


Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 726

syslink Xandria

UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity — Controls the check severity reported for users locked due
to unsuccessful login attempts

UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity controls how users locked due to unsuccessful login attempts
will be checked. If this parameter is set to Critical a user locked due to unsuccessful login attempts
will be reported as Critical. If UserPWDAuditFailedLogonSeverity is set to OK (not recommended),
a user locked due to unsuccessful login attempts will not contribute to the check result.

Reference Data
Configures User_Pwd_Audit

Default Value Warning

Unit Enum, either Critical, Warning, or OK (not recommended)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 727

syslink Xandria

XALVariantActive — Configure CCMS integration

Defines whether the CCMS properties variant defined by XALVariantName will be activated auto-
matically. If this parameter is set to 0, the syslink Xandria properties variant is not activated auto-
matically, so the settings may be written to an inactive variant and are not used by CCMS. If the
parameter is set to 1, which is the default, XALVariantName is automatically activated and will
stay active because any manual changes to the active variant using SAP transaction RZ21 will be
overwritten periodically.

Reference Data
Configures CCMS Custom Checks

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 728

syslink Xandria

XALVariantName — Configure CCMS integration

Defines the name of the CCMS properties variant when settings are written to CCMS using syslink
Xandria. Use SAP transaction RZ21 to get an overview of properties variants. If you change XAL-
VariantName you need to make sure that the variant already exists and the owner of the variant is
set to SYSLINK. The default variant name SYSLINK is automatically created if it does not exist.

Reference Data
Configures CCMS Custom Checks

Default Value SYSLINK

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 729

syslink Xandria

Database Monitoring Parameters

This section contains a reference of all Database Monitoring Parameters provided by syslink Xan-

For a Database instance of an SAP System the Database Monitoring Parameters are
treated as SAP System Monitoring Parameters.

Version 7.1.3 730

syslink Xandria

ADADataExCrit — Configure critical threshold for data area exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the data area is exceeded is within the upcoming ADADataExCrit
hours, the Check Status of ADA_DataArea is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_DataArea

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 731

syslink Xandria

ADADataExWarn — Configure warning threshold for data area exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the data area is exceeded is within the upcoming ADA-
DataExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming ADADataExCrit hours, the Check Status of
ADA_DataArea is set to Warning, unless the ADADataUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_DataArea

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 732

syslink Xandria

ADADataForecast — Enables forecasting for ADA_DataArea check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ADA_DataArea

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 733

syslink Xandria

ADADataUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for data area usage

If the data area usage exceeds the ADADataUsageCrit threshold,the Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_DataArea

Default Value 98

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 734

syslink Xandria

ADADataUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for data area usage

If data area usage exceeds the ADADataUsageWarn threshold, but does not exceed the ADA-
DataUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the data area is exhausted in
less than ADADataExCrit hours.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_DataArea

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 735

syslink Xandria

ADALogExCrit — Configure critical threshold for log area exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log area is exceeded is within the upcoming ADALogExCrit
hours, the Check Status of ADA_LogArea is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_LogArea

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 736

syslink Xandria

ADALogExWarn — Configure warning threshold for log area exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log area is exceeded is within the upcoming ADALogExWarn
hours, but not within the upcoming ADALogExCrit hours, the Check Status of ADA_LogArea is set
to Warning, unless the ADALogUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_LogArea

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 737

syslink Xandria

ADALogForecast — Enables forecasting for ADA_LogArea check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ADA_LogArea

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 738

syslink Xandria

ADALogUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for log area usage

If the log area usage exceeds the ADALogUsageCrit threshold,the Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_LogArea

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 739

syslink Xandria

ADALogUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for log area usage

If log area usage exceeds the ADALogUsageWarn threshold, but does not exceed the ADALo-
gUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the data area is exhausted in less
than ADADataExCrit hours.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ADA_LogArea

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 740

syslink Xandria

ANYBackupFullCritAge — Configure Critical threshold for maximum full backup age of SAP SQL
Anywhere Databases

If the last successful full backup run is older than ANYBackupFullCritAge days, the check status
is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Backup

Default Value 15

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 741

syslink Xandria

ANYBackupFullWarnAge — Configure Warning threshold for maximum full backup age of SAP
SQL Anywhere Databases

If the last successful full backup run is older than ANYBackupFullWarnAge days, but still below
ANYBackupFullCritAge, the check status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Backup

Default Value 8

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 742

syslink Xandria

ANYBackupSelectRange — Configure the time range for maintenance reports of SAP SQL Any-
where database backups

ANY_Backup looks for ANYBackupSelectRange days back to find maintenance reports of backups.
The default value is 60 days, so usually there is no need to change this parameter since backups
must be made far more often.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Backup

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 743

syslink Xandria

ANYConnectionsNumCrit — Configure Critical threshold for ANY_Connections Check

If the number of connections to the database exceeds ANYConnectionsNumCrit, the Check Status
of ANY_Connections is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Connections

Default Value 200

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 744

syslink Xandria

ANYConnectionsNumWarn — Configure Warning threshold for ANY_Connections Check

If the number of connections to the database exceeds ANYConnectionsNumWarn, but is still below
ANYConnectionsNumCrit, the Check Status of ANY_Connections is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Connections

Default Value 100

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 745

syslink Xandria

ANYDBExCrit — Configure Critical threshold for dbspaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the dbspace is exceeded is within the upcoming ANYDBExCrit
hours, the Check Status of ANY_DBSpaces is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_DBSpaces

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 746

syslink Xandria

ANYDBExWarn — Configure Warning threshold for dbspaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the dbspace is exceeded is within the upcoming ANYDBExWarn
hours, but not within the upcoming ANYDBExCrit hours, the Check Status of ANY_DBSpaces is set
to Warning, unless the ANYDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_DBSpaces

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 747

syslink Xandria

ANYDBForecast — Enables forecasting for ANY_DBSpaces check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ANY_DBSpaces

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 748

syslink Xandria

ANYDBUsageCrit — Configures the Critical threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere dbspace usage check

If the dbspace usage exceeds the ANYDBUsageCrit threshold the Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_DBSpaces

Default Value 95 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 749

syslink Xandria

ANYDBUsageWarn — Configures the Warning threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere dbspace usage
check ANY_DBSpaces

If the data space usage of a database exceeds the ANYDBUsageWarn threshold the Check Status
is set to Warning, unless the ANYDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_DBSpaces

Default Value 80 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 750

syslink Xandria

ANYLogExCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere transaction log exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the transaction log space is exceeded is within the upcoming
ANYLogExCrit hours, the Check Status of ANY_TransLog is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_TransLog

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 751

syslink Xandria

ANYLogExWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere transaction log exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the transaction log space is exceeded is within the upcom-
ing ANYLogExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming ANYLogExCrit hours, the Check Status of
ANY_TransLog is set to Warning, unless the ANYLogUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_TransLog

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 752

syslink Xandria

ANYLogForecast — Enables forecasting for ANY_TransLog check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ANY_TransLog

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 753

syslink Xandria

ANYLogUsageCrit — Configures the Critical threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere transaction log us-
age check ANY_TransLog

If the transaction log space usage exceeds the ANYLogUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is
set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_TransLog

Default Value 95 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 754

syslink Xandria

ANYLogUsageWarn — Configures the Warning threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere transaction log
usage check ANY_TransLog

If the transaction log space usage of a database exceeds the ANYLogUsageWarn threshold, the
Check Status is set to Warning, unless the ANYLogUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_TransLog

Default Value 80 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 755

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesNumCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere erroneous server
messages (daily check)

Defines a Critical threshold for the ANY_Messages check. The Check Status will be Critical if the
number of not excluded server messages with severity ERR is equal to or above ANYMessages-

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Messages

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 756

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesNumWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere erroneous or
warning server messages (daily check)

Defines a Warning threshold for the ANY_Messages check. ANYMessagesNumWarn behaves ex-
actly as ANYMessagesStatNumWarn, except that it configures daily check ANY_Messages

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Messages

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 757

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesExclude — Exclude server messages from check evaluation (ANY_Messages daily

ANYMessagesExclude does exactly the same as ANYMessagesStatExclude, except that it config-
ures daily check ANY_Messages. Please see documentation of ANYMessagesStatExclude below.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_Messages

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 758

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesStatExclude — Exclude server messages from check evaluation
(ANY_MessagesStat RealTime Monitoring check)

You may use this parameter to exclude certain server messages from being evaluated in
ANY_MessagesStat check. There are two types of exclude specifications: a simply one, which fil-
ters on the server message text only, or an advanced one, which must be specified in the format
msg_severity|msg_category|msg_text. A server message must match all three items of a fully
featured exclude specification to be excluded. Multiple exclude specifications must be separated
by semicolon ;. Leading and trailing white spaces before or after the semicolon ; or pipe | char-
acter are gently ignored.

You may use wildcards * or ? to specify the server message text.


Simple exclude spec Starting checkpoint of *

on server message
text only

Advanced exclude ERR|CHKPT,OTHER|*checkpoint*

spec filtering out ERR
messages of catego-

Advanced exclude ERR||*Shared*Memory*

spec filtering out ERR
messages of any
category with mes-
sage text contaning
Shared Memory

List of above exclude Starting checkpoint of * ; ERR|CHKPT,OTHER|*checkpoint* ; ERR||

items *Shared*Memory*

Reference Data
Configures ANY_MessagesStat

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 759

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesStatNumCrit — Configure Critical threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere erroneous serv-
er messages

Defines a Critical threshold for the ANY_MessagesStat check. ANYMessagesStatNumCrit be-
haves exactly as ANYMessagesNumCrit, except that it configures RealTime Monitoring check

Reference Data
Configures ANY_MessagesStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 760

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesStatNumWarn — Configure Warning threshold for SAP SQL Anywhere erroneous or
warning server messages

Defines a Warning threshold for the ANY_MessagesStat check. The Check Status will be Warn-
ing if the number of not excluded server messages with severity ERR or WARN is equal to or above
ANYMessagesStatNumWarn, unless the number of messages with severity ERR is equal to or
above ANYMessagesStatNumCrit.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_MessagesStat

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 761

syslink Xandria

ANYMessagesStatTimespan — Configures time span to look back for ANY_MessagesStat check

RealTime Monitoring check ANY_MessagesStat is designed to recover from check status Warning
or Critical, so the check looks back for a time span defined by ANYMessagesStatTimespan only.

Reference Data
Configures ANY_MessagesStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 762

syslink Xandria

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore — Control the System-Change Auto-Detection (for Databases)

AutoChangeDetectionIgnore is used to exclude parameters from System-Change Auto-Detection.
If, for example, a parameter value changes regularly and this behaviour is well known, you may
add the parameter to the exclude list. The parameter value is still updated in the syslink Xandria
Database, but no change record will be created. Since there are several change detection objects,
you must prefix the list with a keyword to indicate the object type.

For Databases currently only DBPARAM is supported. Wildcard * is supported to define multiple pa-
rameters. Example: DBPARAM: *MEMORY*, CPU_COUNT

Reference Data
Configures System-Change Auto-Detection

Default Value

Unit Keyword followed by comma separated value list, optionally followed by

a semicolon followed by a keyword followed by comma separated value
list, … Colon, semicolon, and comma must be escaped by \ (backslash)
if used as a value.

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 763

syslink Xandria

BackupAgeCrit — Configure critical threshold for maximum backup age

If the last successful Backup is older than BackupAgeCrit days, the check status is set to Critical.
You can define override this value on a per-day level using the corresponding Monitoring Exception

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Backup, DB2_BackupStat,MSS_DBBackup,
ORA_BrBackup,ORA_BackUp, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 764

syslink Xandria

BackupAgeWarn — Configure warning threshold for maximum backup age

If the last successful Backup is older than BackupAgeWarn days, but not older than BackupAgeCrit
days, the Check Status is set to Warning. You can define override this value on a per-day level using
the corresponding Monitoring Exception Parameter.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Backup, DB2_BackupStat,MSS_DBBackup,
ORA_BrBackup,ORA_BackUp, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 1

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 765

syslink Xandria

BackupResetRTMTime — Configure display time of RealTime Monitoring backup Check Results

This parameter defines the time period (in hours) after which a Warning or Critical DB2_BackupStat
or ORA_BrBackupStat Check Status are set back to Ok. This is to avoid showing the Warning or
Critical condition all the time.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_BackupStat, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 8

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 766

syslink Xandria

DB2CBOMaxAge — Configure age threshold for DB2 cost based optimizer statistics

Defines the maximum age for the DB2 cost based optimizer statistics update where statistics are
considered as up to date. DB2_CBO_Stats counts the number of tables/indexes not older than
DB2CBOMaxAge. You may adapt this parameter if your CBO update runs are scheduled more or
less frequently.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_CBO_Stats

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 767

syslink Xandria

DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit — Define critical threshold for DB2 cost based optimizer check

If the number of tables or indexes with statistics not older than DB2CBOMaxAge days is below
DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit, DB2_CBO_Stats result will be Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_CBO_Stats

Default Value 1000

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 768

syslink Xandria

DB2CBONumEntriesUpdWarn — Define warning threshold for DB2 cost based optimizer check

If the number of tables or indexes with statistics not older than DB2CBOMaxAge days is below
DB2CBONumEntriesUpdWarn but not below DB2CBONumEntriesUpdCrit, DB2_CBO_Stats result
will be Warning.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_CBO_Stats

Default Value 5000

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 769

syslink Xandria

DB2DBRemote — Configure DB2 Database for Remote Monitoring

You may set this parameter if the monitoring syslink Xandria Agent has no access to the filesystem
holding the DB2 installation, e.g. if you are using Remote Monitoring.

In this case the DB2_FSLogArch and DB2_Diaglog checks are not executed.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch, DB2_Diaglog

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 770

syslink Xandria

DB2DiagLogCountCrit — Configure critical threshold for DB2 diag log monitoring

Defines a Critical threshold for the DB2_Diaglogcheck. The Check Status will be Critical if that
many log entries consideredas critical are found.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Diaglog

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 771

syslink Xandria

DB2DiagLogCountWarn — Configure warning threshold for DB2 diag log monitoring

Defines a Warning threshold for the DB2_Diaglogcheck. The Check Status will be Warn-
ing if that many log entries consideredas warning are found, unless a the critical
thresholdDB2DiagLogCountCrit is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Diaglog

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 772

syslink Xandria

DB2DiagLogExprCrit — Configure DB2 diag log entries considered critical

Designates an entry in the DB2 diagnostics log as critical.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Diaglog

Default Value (%%level%%' eq 'Severe')

Unit Expression

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 773

syslink Xandria

DB2DiagLogExprWarn — Configure DB2 diag log entries considered warning

Designates an entry in the DB2 diagnostics log as warning.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Diaglog

Default Value (%%level%%' eq 'Error')

Unit Expression

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 774

syslink Xandria

DB2DiagLogTimeSpan — Restricts the watch period of the DB2_Diaglog check

Consider only the last DB2DiagLogTimeSpan minutes of the log file.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Diaglog

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 775

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogActiveCrit — Configure critical usage thresholds for DB2 active log directory

If the usage of file systems where the DB2 active log directories are located exceed the
DB2FSLogActiveCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Critical.

The file systems of the active logs are taken from the
DB2 parameters logpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-
ic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000245.html] and mirrorlogpath [http://

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 85 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 776

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogActiveWarn — Configure warning usage thresholds for DB2 active log directory

If the usage of file systems where the DB2 active log directories are located exceed the
DB2FSLogActiveWarn threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning but only if the status is not
Critical due to DB2FSLogActiveCrit.

The file systems of the active logs are taken from the
DB2 parameters logpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-
ic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000245.html] and mirrorlogpath [http://

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 70 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 777

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogArchCrit — Configure critical threshold for log archive usage

If the log archive filesystem usage exceeds the DB2FSLogArchCrit threshold the Check Status is
set to Critical. The log archive filesystem is discovered automatically by syslink Xandria Agent.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 85 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 778

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogArchExCrit — Configure critical threshold for log archive exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
DB2FSLogArchExCrit hours, the check result of DB2_FSLogArch is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 779

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogArchExWarn — Configure warning threshold for log archive exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
DB2FSLogArchExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming DB2FSLogArchExCrit hours, the check
result of DB2_FSLogArch is set to Warning, unless the DB2FSLogArchExCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 780

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogArchForecast — Enables forecasting for DB2_FSLogArch check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 781

syslink Xandria

DB2FSLogArchWarn — Configure warning threshold for log archive usage

If the log archive filesystem usage exceeds the DB2FSLogArchWarn threshold, but does not ex-
ceed the DB2FSLogArchCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 70 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 782

syslink Xandria

DB2LogExCrit — Configure critical threshold for log usage exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log space limit is exhausted is within the upcoming
DB2LogExCrit hours, the check result of DB2_LogUsage is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_LogUsage

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 783

syslink Xandria

DB2LogExWarn — Configure warning threshold for log usage exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log space limit is exhausted is within the upcoming
DB2LogExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming DB2LogExCrit hours, the check result of
DB2_LogUsage is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_LogUsage

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 784

syslink Xandria

DB2LogForecast — Enables forecasting for DB2_LogUsage check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures DB2_LogUsage

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 785

syslink Xandria

DB2LogUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for log usage

If the log space exceeds the DB2LogUsageCrit threshold,the Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_LogUsage

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 786

syslink Xandria

DB2LogUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for log usage

If the log space exceeds the DB2LogUsageWarn threshold, but does not exceed the
DB2LogUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_LogUsage

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 787

syslink Xandria

DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit — Configure critical threshold for number of transaction logs in failover

If the number of transaction log files located in the Failover Archive Path directory is above
DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit, the Check Status is set to Critical. The Failover Archive Path directory is
taken from the DB2 parameter failarchpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 788

syslink Xandria

DB2NumFailArchLogsWarn — Configure warning threshold for number of transaction logs in
failover archive

If the number of transaction log files located in the Failover Archive Path di-
rectory is above DB2NumFailArchLogsWarn but below DB2NumFailArchLogsCrit, the
Check Status is set to Warning. The Failover Archive Path directory is taken from
the DB2 parameter failarchpath [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/top-

Reference Data
Configures DB2_FSLogArch

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 789

syslink Xandria

DB2TableSpaceExCrit — Configure critical threshold for tablespace exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the tablespace limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
DB2TableSpaceExCrit hours, the check result of DB2_Tablespaces is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Tablespaces

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 790

syslink Xandria

DB2TableSpaceExWarn — Configure warning threshold for tablespace exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the tablespace limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
DB2TableSpaceExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming DB2TableSpaceExCrit hours, the check
result of DB2_Tablespaces is set to Warning, unless the DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit threshold is
exceeded for some tablespace.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Tablespaces

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 791

syslink Xandria

DB2TableSpaceForecast — Enables forecasting for DB2_Tablespaces check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Tablespaces

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 792

syslink Xandria

DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for tablespace usage

If one of the database tablespaces usage exceeds the DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit threshold, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Tablespaces

Default Value 98

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 793

syslink Xandria

DB2TableSpaceUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for tablespace usage

If one of the database tablespaces usage exceeds the DB2TableSpaceUsageWarn threshold, but
none of them exceeds the DB2TableSpaceUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning,
unless the DB2TableSpaceExCrit threshold is exceeded for some tablespace.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures DB2_Tablespaces

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 794

syslink Xandria

DBConnectErrsCrit — Configure sensitivity of the Database connect check

Starting from DBConnectErrsCrit failed database connection attempts the check status will turn
from Warning to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 795

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit — Configure number of HANA alerts reported as Errors for Critical status

The HDB_Alerts check turns to Critical if the number of alerts with rating Error found within the
timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is equal to or above HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit.

Please note that no matter how HDBAlertsErrorCountCrit is defined, the check status
will at least be Warning starting from one alert with rating Error found within HDBAlert-

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 796

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsExcludeIDs — Configures HANA alerts to be excluded from HDB_Alerts check

You can exclude alerts from contributing to the check status by specifying the alert's ID using
parameter HDBAlertsExcludeIDs. Multiple entries must be separated by spaces, comma, or semi-
colon. HDBAlertsExcludeIDs's syntax is forgiving, i. e. leading, trailing or multiple spaces will not
harm and the right alerts will still be excluded as long as numeric values are found.

Excluded alerts will still be reported in the check result's overview table. They will be
marked with string (Excluded) in the Alert ID column and will not be colored.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 797

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsHighCountCrit — Configure number of HANA alerts reported with high priority for Critical

The HDB_Alerts check turns to Critical if the number of alerts with rating High found within the
timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is equal to or above HDBAlertsHighCountCrit.

Please note that no matter how HDBAlertsHighCountCrit is defined, the check status
will at least be Warning starting from one alert with high priority found within HDBAlert-

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 798

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsLowCountWarn — Configure number of HANA alerts reported with Low priority for Warn-
ing status

The HDB_Alerts check turns to Warning if the number of alerts with rating Low found within the
timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is equal to or above HDBAlertsLowCountWarn. The
check status of HDB_Alerts will be Ok if no alerts with priorty above Low are found and if number
of Low priority alerts is below threshold.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value 20

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 799

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn — Configure number of HANA alerts reported with Medium priority
for Warning status

The HDB_Alerts check turns to Warning if the number of alerts with rating Medium found within
the timespan defined by HDBAlertsTimeSpan is equal to or above HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn.
The check status of HDB_Alerts will be Ok if no alerts with priority above Medium are found and
if number of Medium priority alerts is below HDBAlertsMediumCountWarn threshold, and number
of Low priority alerts is below HDBAlertsLowCountWarn threshold.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 800

syslink Xandria

HDBAlertsTimeSpan — Configure time offset for the SAP HANA Alerts

Restricts the watch period of the HDB_Alerts Check.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Alerts

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 801

syslink Xandria

HDBBackupCompleteSelectRange — Configure the time range for SAP HANA Backups

Restricts the watch period of the HDB_Backup Check.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Backup

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 802

syslink Xandria

HDBCPULoadAverageTime — Define a time span during which SAP HANA nodes CPU usage is

Defines the time span (in minutes) that is taken into account for the HDB_CPULoad Check.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_CPULoad

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 803

syslink Xandria

HDBCPULoadCrit — Configures a critical threshold for SAP HANA nodes CPU usage

If the one of the node's CPU load exceeds this threshold the Check Status turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_CPULoad

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 804

syslink Xandria

HDBCPULoadWarn — Configures a warning threshold for SAP HANA nodes CPU usage

If the one of the node's CPU load exceeds this threshold the Check Status turns to Warning, unless
the Critical threshold HDBCPULoadCrit is exceeded for any node.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_CPULoad

Default Value 75

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 805

syslink Xandria

HDBDeltaMergesNumCrit — Configure a critical threshold for the number of delta merges

If there are more than HDBDeltaMergesNumCrit taking longer than HDBDeltaMergesTimeCrit
amount of time the Check Status of HDB_DeltaMerges turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DeltaMerges

Default Value 10

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 806

syslink Xandria

HDBDeltaMergesNumWarn — Configure a warning threshold for the number of delta merges

If there are more than HDBDeltaMergesNumWarn taking longer than HDBDeltaMergesTimeWarn
amount of time the Check Status of HDB_DeltaMerges turns to Warning, unless a Critical threshold
is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DeltaMerges

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 807

syslink Xandria

HDBDeltaMergesTimeCrit — Configure a critical threshold for delta merge runtime

If there are more than HDBDeltaMergesNumCrit taking longer than HDBDeltaMergesTimeCrit
amount of time the Check Status of HDB_DeltaMerges turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DeltaMerges

Default Value 20

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 808

syslink Xandria

HDBDeltaMergesTimeWarn — Configure a warning threshold for delta merge runtime

If there are more than HDBDeltaMergesNumWarn taking longer than HDBDeltaMergesTimeWarn
amount of time the Check Status of HDB_DeltaMerges turns to Warning, unless a Critical threshold
is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DeltaMerges

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 809

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for SAP HANA disk usage

If the usage of the disks containing the storage device exceeds the HDBDisksUsageCrit threshold
the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Disks

Default Value 90 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 810

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for SAP HANA disk usage

If the usage of the disks containing the storage device exceeds the HDBDisksUsageWarn thresh-
old, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the HDBDisksUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Disks

Default Value 80 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 811

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksLogUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for SAP HANA Log Area usage

If the usage of the filesystems containing the log areas exceeds the HDBDisksLogUsageCrit
threshold, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DisksLog

Default Value 20%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 812

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksLogUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for SAP HANA Log Area usage

If the usage of the filesystems containing the log area exceeds the HDBDisksLogUsageWarn
threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the HDBDisksLogUsageCrit threshold is ex-

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DisksLog

Default Value 10%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 813

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksLogBackupUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for SAP HANA Log Backup usage

If the usage of the filesystems containing the log backups exceeds the HDBDisksLogBacku-
pUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DisksLogBackup

Default Value 85%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 814

syslink Xandria

HDBDisksLogBackupUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for SAP HANA Log Backup us-

If the usage of the filesystems containing the log area exceeds the HDBDisksLogBackupUsage-
Warn threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the HDBDisksLogBackupUsageCrit
threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_DisksLogBackup

Default Value 70%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 815

syslink Xandria

HDBExcludeStorageDeviceIDs — Configures HANA disk checks to exclude storage devices listed
by storage device ID

You can exclude storage devices from contributing to the check status by specifying the storage
device ID using parameter HDBExcludeStorageDeviceIDs. Multiple entries must be separated by
comma, or semicolon. HDBExcludeStorageDeviceIDs's syntax is forgiving, i. e. leading, trailing or
multiple spaces will not harm and the right storage devices will still be excluded as long as numeric
values are found.

Excluded storage devices will still be reported in the check result's overview table. They
will be marked as Excluded = Yes.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Disks, HDB_DisksLog, and HDB_DisksLogBackup

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 816

syslink Xandria

HDBExcludeStorageIDs — Configures HANA disk checks to exclude storage devices listed by stor-
age ID

You can exclude storage devices from contributing to the check status by specifying the storage ID
using parameter HDBExcludeStorageIDs. Multiple entries must be separated by comma, or semi-
colon. HDBExcludeStorageIDs's syntax is forgiving, i. e. leading, trailing or multiple spaces will not
harm and the right storage devices will still be excluded as long as numeric values are found.

Excluded storage devices will still be reported in the check result's overview table. They
will be marked as Excluded = Yes.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Disks, HDB_DisksLog, and HDB_DisksLogBackup

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 817

syslink Xandria

HDBExcludeStorageTypes — Configures HANA disk checks to exclude storage devices listed by
storage type

You can exclude storage devices from contributing to the check status by specifying the storage
device type (e.g. Data, Log_backup) using parameter HDBExcludeStorageTypes. Multiple entries
must be separated by comma, or semicolon. The exclude list may contain leading and/or trailing
spaces, and spaces between the items. They will be trimmed away to make sure that the right
storage devices will be excluded.

Excluded storage devices will still be reported in the check result's overview table. They
will be marked as Excluded = Yes.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Disks, HDB_DisksLog, and HDB_DisksLogBackup

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 818

syslink Xandria

HDBExpSQLTimePctCrit — Configure a critical threshold for an expensive SQL Statement

If the total execution time of an SQL statement compared to the total execution time of all SQL
statements exceeds HDBExpSQLTimePctCrit percent the Check Status of HDB_ExpSQL turns to

Reference Data
Configures HDB_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 819

syslink Xandria

HDBExpSQLTimePctWarn — Configure a warning threshold for an expensive SQL Statement

If the total execution time of an SQL statement compared to the total execution time of all SQL
statements exceeds HDBExpSQLTimePctWarn percent the Check Status of HDB_ExpSQL turns to
Warning, unless the Critical threshold HDBExpSQLTimePctCrit is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 820

syslink Xandria

HDBJobNameExclude — Configures HDB_JobRuntime check to exclude job names

You can exclude job names from contributing to the check status by specifying the job names
using parameter HDBJobNameExclude. Multiple entries must be separated by comma, or semi-
colon. The syntax of HDBJobNameExclude is forgiving, i. e. leading, trailing or multiple spaces will
not harm and the right jobs will still be excluded as long as the job name matches.

You may use placeholders ? (single character) and * (any number of characters) to specifiy a job
name pattern to be excluded.

Excluded jobs will still be reported in the check resultʼs overview table. They will be
marked with an icon which shows an Excluded… tooltip text.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_JobRuntime

Default Value Backup

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 821

syslink Xandria

HDBJobRuntimeCrit — Configure a critical threshold for SAP HANA Jobs

If jobs are found running longer than HDBJobRuntimeCrit minutes the Check Status is set to Crit-

Reference Data
Configures HDB_JobRuntime

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 822

syslink Xandria

HDBJobRuntimeWarn — Configure a warning threshold for SAP HANA Jobs

If jobs are found running longer than HDBJobRuntimeWarn minutes the Check Status is set to
Critical, unless there is a job found running longer than HDBJobRuntimeCrit minutes.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_JobRuntime

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 823

syslink Xandria

HDBLandscapeSeverity — Configure the severity of SAP HANA Landscape issues

Define the severity of HDB_Landscape in case of a problem.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_Landscape

Default Value Warning

Unit Enum

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 824

syslink Xandria

HDBLicenseExpireTimeCrit — Configure a critical threshold for SAP HANA License Expiration

If the license has an expiration date, the Check HDB_License turns to Critical if less than HDBLi-
censeExpireTimeCrit days are left until expiration.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_License

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 825

syslink Xandria

HDBLicenseExpireTimeWarn — Configure a warning threshold for SAP HANA License Expiration

If the license has an expiration date, the Check HDB_License turns to Warning if less than HDBLi-
censeExpireTimeWarn days are left until expiration, unless the Critical threshold HDBLicenseEx-
pireTimeCrit is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_License

Default Value 30

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 826

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryPeakUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for Peak Memory Usage

If the Database peak memory usage compared to the allocation limit exceeds the HDBMemory-
PeakUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryPeak

Default Value 95%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 827

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryPeakUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for Peak Memory Usage

If the Database peak memory usage compared to the allocation limit exceeds the HDBMemory-
PeakUsageWarn threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning unless the HDBMemoryPeakUsage-
Crit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryPeak

Default Value 90%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 828

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for Physical Memory Usage

If a host's physical memory usage exceeds the HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageCrit threshold, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryPhysical

Default Value 95%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 829

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for Physical Memory Usage

If a host's physical memory usage exceeds the HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageWarn threshold, the
Check Status is set to Warning, unless the HDBMemoryPhysicalUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryPhysical

Default Value 90%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 830

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit — Configure a critical threshold for Service Memory Usage

If a service's memory usage exceeds HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit percent or a service's free
memory falls below HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit KB/MB/GB, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryServices

Default Value 95%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 831

syslink Xandria

HDBMemoryServicesUsageWarn — Configure a warning threshold for Service Memory Usage

If a service's memory usage exceeds HDBMemoryServicesUsageWarn percent or a service's free
memory falls below HDBMemoryServicesUsageWarn KB/MB/GB, the Check Status is set to Warn-
ing, unless the HDBMemoryServicesUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_MemoryServices

Default Value 90%

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 832

syslink Xandria

HDBSystemReplNotFoundStatus — Configure status of HDB_SystemReplication check

If system replication is not setup for a HANA database, HDB_SystemReplication will per default
return a Ok check status. You can change this with HDBSystemReplNotFoundStatus parameter
and such enforce that system replication is configured.

Reference Data
Configures HDB_SystemReplication

Default Value OK

Unit Enum (OK/Warning/Critical)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 833

syslink Xandria

MSSBackupAgeMasterCrit — Configure critical threshold for the MSSQL Master Database backup

If the last successful backup of the MSSQL Master Database is older than MSSBackupAgeMas-
terCrit days,the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBBackup

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 834

syslink Xandria

MSSBackupAgeMasterWarn — Configure warning threshold for the MSSQL Master Database

If the last successful backup of the MSSQL Master Database is older than MSSBackupAgeMaster-
Warn days,but not older than MSSBackupAgeMasterCrit days,the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBBackup

Default Value 14

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 835

syslink Xandria

MSSBackupAgeMsdbCrit — Configure critical threshold for the MSSQL MSDB Database backup

If the last successful backup of the MSSQL MSDB Database is older than MSSBackupAgeMsdbCrit
days,the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBBackup

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 836

syslink Xandria

MSSBackupAgeMsdbWarn — Configure warning threshold for the MSSQL MSDB Database back-

If the last successful backup of the MSSQL MSDB Database is older than MSSBackupAgeMsdb-
Warn days,but not older than MSSBackupAgeMsdbCrit days,the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBBackup

Default Value 14

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 837

syslink Xandria

MSSDBExCrit — Configure threshold for MSSQL Database space exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the DB space limit is exceeded is within the upcoming MSSD-
BExCrit hours, the check result of MSS_DBUsage is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 838

syslink Xandria

MSSDBExWarn — Configure threshold for MSSQL Database space exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the DB space limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
MSSDBExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming MSSDBExCrit hours, the check result of
MSS_DBUsage is set to Warning, unless the MSSDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 839

syslink Xandria

MSSDBForecast — Enables forecasting for MSS_DBUsage check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 840

syslink Xandria

MSSDBUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for MSSQL Database usage

If the usage of the database exceeds the MSSDBUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 841

syslink Xandria

MSSDBUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for MSSQL Database usage

If the usage of the MSSQL database exceeds the MSSDBUsageWarn threshold but does not exceed
MSSDBUsageCrit threshold,the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the MSSDBExCrit threshold
is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 842

syslink Xandria

MSSDBRemote — Configure SQL Server Database for Remote Monitoring

You may set this parameter if the monitoring syslink Xandria Agent has no access to the filesystem
holding the SQL Server installation, e.g. if you are using Remote Monitoring.

In this case the MSS_DBUsage and MSS_LogUsage do not consider auto growth database files.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_DBUsage, MSS_LogUsage

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 843

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLCrit — Configure expensive SQL check — only for syslink Xandria < 4.6

If for a particular SQL statement theruntimes exceed the amount of MSSExpSQLCrit percent of the
total runtime of all statements, the check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 844

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLExclude — Exclude statements from expensive SQL check

SQL statements on this list are not considered for the check result. Wildcard * is allowed. Multiple
entries must be separated by ; (semicolon). If your statement includes a semicolon character,
please escape it with a backslash \.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 845

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLExcludeShow — Decide whether to show excluded SQL statements anyway

Defines whether or not excluded statements, which will not contribute to the check result, are

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 846

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLLogicalReadCrit — Configure critical threshold for logical reads

If for a particular SQL statement the amount of logical reads exceeds MSSExpSQLLogicalReadCrit
percent of the total number of reads of all statements, the check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 847

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLLogicalReadWarn — Configure warning threshold for logical reads

If for a particular SQL statement the amount of logical reads exceeds MSSExpSQLLogicalRead-
Warn percent of the total number of reads of all statements, but does not exceed MSSExpSQLLog-
icalReadCrit, the check turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 848

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLNumTopRecs — Configure expensive SQL check — only for syslink Xandria < 4.6

Limit the number of considered SQLstatements to the topmost MSSExpSQLNumTopRecs. This is
due to performance reasons.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 20000

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 849

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLPhysicalReadCrit — Configure critical threshold for physical reads

If for a particular SQL statement the amount of physical reads exceeds MSSExpSQLPhysicalRead-
Crit percent of the total number of reads of all statements, the check turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 850

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLPhysicalReadWarn — Configure warning threshold for physical reads

If for a particular SQL statement the amount of physical reads exceed MSSExpSQLPhysicalRead-
Warn percent of the total number of reads of all statements, but does not exceed MSSExpSQL-
PhysicalReadCrit, the check turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 851

syslink Xandria

MSSExpSQLWarn — Configure expensive SQL check — only for syslink Xandria < 4.6

If for a particular SQL statement the run times exceed the amount of MSSExpSQLWarn percent
of the total runtime of all statements, but none exceeds the MSSExpSQLCrit threshold, the check
turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 852

syslink Xandria

MSSLogBckAgeCrit — Configure critical threshold for MSSQL transaction log backup

If the transaction log for the MSSQL database is older than MSSLogBckAgeCrit minutes, the Check
Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogBackup

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 853

syslink Xandria

MSSLogBckAgeWarn — Configure warning threshold for MSSQL transaction log backup

If the transaction log for the SAP SID database is older than MSSLogBckAgeWarn minutes,but is
not older than MSSLogBckAgeCrit minutes, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the MSSLo-
gExCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogBackup

Default Value 30

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 854

syslink Xandria

MSSLogExCrit — Configure critical threshold for transaction log exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the transaction log limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
MSSLogExCrit hours, the check result of MSS_LogUsage is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogUsage

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 855

syslink Xandria

MSSLogExWarn — Configure warning threshold for transaction log exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the transaction log limit is exceeded is within the upcom-
ing MSSLogExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming MSSDBExCrit hours, the check result of
MSS_LogUsage is set to Warning, unless the MSSDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded..

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogUsage

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 856

syslink Xandria

MSSLogForecast — Enables forecasting for MSS_LogUsage check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogUsage

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 857

syslink Xandria

MSSLogUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for transaction log usage

If the usage of the transaction log of the database exceeds the MSSLogUsageCrit threshold, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogUsage

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 858

syslink Xandria

MSSLogUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for transaction log usage

If the usage of the transaction log of the database exceeds the MSSLogUsageWarn threshold, but
does not exceed the MSSLogUsageCrit threshold,the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the
MSSLogExCrit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures MSS_LogUsage

Default Value 80

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 859

syslink Xandria

MSSUseNTLMv2 — Configure database connect to use NT LAN Manager protocol version 2

Recent version of Microsoft SQL server might force SQL connections to use NTLMv2 security. If
you experience the error message The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used
with Windows authentication in DBConnect check, setting this parameter to true might fix this.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 860

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogCountCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle alert log entries

Defines a Critical threshold for the ORA_AlertLog check. The Check Status will be Critical if that
many log entries considered as critical are found.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 861

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogCountWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle alert log entries

Defines a Warning threshold for the ORA_AlertLog check. The Check Status will be Warning if that
many log entries considered as warning are found, unless a the critical threshold ORAAlertLog-
CountCrit is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 862

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogExprCrit — Define critical Oracle alert log entries

Designates an entry in the Oracle alert log as critical. Readers familiar with regular expressions
may note that the expression below is a Perl style regular expression which is case insensitive.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value '%%msg%%' =~ /^ORA-0*(?:(255|257|270|272|376|447|470|471|472|473|474|600|603|1113|1114|1115

Unit Expression

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 863

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogExprWarn — Define critical Oracle alert log entries

Designates an entry in the Oracle alert log as warning.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value '%%msg%%' =~ /^ORA-0*(?:(60|1149|1555|1562)(?:\D|$))|Checkpoint not complete/i

Unit Expression

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 864

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogLocation — Define the location of the Oracle alert log file

Defines the location of the Oracle alert log file (fullpath, including the file name). The macro %%SID
%% is provided and will be replaced with the Real SAP SID (for SAP Systems) or the database name
(for Databases).The macro %%ORACLE_HOME%% may be used as well.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 865

syslink Xandria

ORAAlertLogTimeSpan — Define Oracle alert log check period

Restricts the watch period of the ORA_AlertLog check.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_AlertLog

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 866

syslink Xandria

ORABackupSkipFilesCheck — Ignore file check of Oracle RMAN backup check

If flag is set, the ORA_BackUp does not verify if files marked as active in RMAN do actually exist
on the filesystem.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BackUp

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 867

syslink Xandria

ORABackupTool — Define the backup method for Oracle Databases

This parameter tells syslink Xandria which backup tool is used for the backup of the Oracle Data-
base and thus controls which checks are executed.

If the parameter is set to RMAN the check ORA_BackUp is executed which verifies backups per-
formed with Oracle RMAN. If the parameter is set to BRBACKUP, the checks ORA_BrBackupStat,
ORA_BrBackup, and ORA_BrArchive will be executed.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BackUp, ORA_BrArchive, ORA_BrBackup, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value BRBACKUP for the Database instance of an SAP System, RMAN for stand-
alone Databases


Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 868

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupDelayCrit — Configure critical runtime threshold for Oracle RealTime Monitoring
backup checks

If the running time of an Oracle online backup is above ORABrbackupDelayCrit percent of the usual
average runtime, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 100

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 869

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupDelayTimeCrit — Specifies a minimum critical time a BrBackup run is allowed to

If the running time of an Oracle online backup is above ORABrbackupDelayCrit percent of the usual
average runtime and above ORABrbackupDelayTimeCrit minutes, the Check Status is set to Crit-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 30

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 870

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupDelayTimeWarn — Specifies a minimum warning time a BrBackup run is allowed to

If the running time of an Oracle online backup is above ORABrbackupDelayWarn percent of the
usual average runtime and above ORABrbackupDelayTimeWarn minutes, but below ORABrback-
upDelayCrit percent or ORABrbackupDelayTimeCrit minutes, the Check Status is set to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 15

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 871

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupDelayWarn — Configure warning runtime threshold for Oracle RealTime Monitoring
backup checks

If the running time of an Oracle online backup is above ORABrbackupDelayWarn percent of the
usual average runtime, but below ORABrbackupDelayCrit percent, the Check Status is set to Warn-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value 50

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 872

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit — Define critical threshold for Oracle offline backup runtime

If the running time of an Oracle offline backup is above ORABrbackupOfflineDelayCrit percent of
the usual average runtime, the check status of the DBConnect, RFCConnect, and J2EEConnect are
set to Critical. For stand-alone Oracle Databases the parameter is only effective if the BR*Tools
are used.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect, RFCConnect, J2EEConnect

Default Value 100

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 873

syslink Xandria

ORABrbackupSuccessFIDs — Configure BRBACKUP function IDs

Defines the BRBACKUP function IDs [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi71/helpda-
ta/en/47/204b5bc4091149e10000000a11466f/content.htm] considered as valid backup types
when BRBACKUP is checked. The pre-configured ant aft means only full tape backups are consid-
ered as backups. If your Oracle database is backed up with backint (and thus backup target is a
file instead of a tape) you need to set the parameter to ant aft anf aff.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrBackup, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value ant aft

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 874

syslink Xandria

ORABrToolsSchema — Define schema holding BR*Tools tables

This parameter defines the Oracle schema where the tables for BR*Tools are located. Usually the
syslink Xandria Agent determines the schema, and only if this fails you need to define the schema

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrArchive, ORA_BrBackup, ORA_BrBackupStat

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 875

syslink Xandria

ORABrToolsSelectRange — Restrict time period for checks based on BR*Tools operations

Only the latest ORABrToolsSelectRange days are searched for successful BR*Tools operations.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BrArchive, ORA_BrBackup, ORA_BrBackupStat, ORA_DBCheckLog

Default Value 90

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 876

syslink Xandria

ORADataFileIncrementsCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle datafiles increments

Controls the number of auto-extent increments to be available in an Oracle datafile filesystem
before a Critical alert israised.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DataFiles

Default Value 0

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 877

syslink Xandria

ORADataFileIncrementsWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle data files increments

Controls the number of auto-extent increments to be available in an Oracle datafile filesystem
before a Warning alert israised.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DataFiles

Default Value 2

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 878

syslink Xandria

ORADBAOperAgeCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle DBA operations age

If the last successful execution of any of the checked DBA operations is older than ORADBAOper-
AgeCrit days, the Check Status turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper

Default Value 14

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 879

syslink Xandria

ORADBAOperAgeWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle DBA operations age

If the last successful execution of any of the checked DBA operations is older than ORADBAOper-
AgeWarn days, but none is older than ORADBAOperAgeCrit, or even unsuccessful, the Check Sta-
tus turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper

Default Value 7

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 880

syslink Xandria

ORADBAOperFunctionIDs — Configure functions IDs considered in ORA_DBAOper check

Only the DBA operations corresponding to the function IDs defined with this parameter are con-
sidered by the ORA_DBAOper check.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper

Default Value aly dbv opt

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 881

syslink Xandria

ORADBAOperSelectRange — Configure time range to watch for successful DBA operations

Only the latest ORADBAOperSelectRange days are searched for successful DBA operations.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 882

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueDeadLocksCrit — Defines the Critical threshold for the deadlock counter of the
ORA_Enqueue Check.

This parameter defines the minimum number of deadlocks that must have occurred in the last
ORAEnqueueTimeSpan minutes to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Critical.

By setting this parameter to -1, the deadlocks check of ORA_Enqueue is disabled.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 883

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueDeadLocksWarn — Defines the Warning threshold for the deadlock counter of the
ORA_Enqueue Check.

This parameter defines the minimum number of deadlocks that must have occurred in the last
ORAEnqueueTimeSpan minutes to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Warning.

If this parameter is set to a value equal to or higher than ORAEnqueueDeadLocksCrit, it has no


Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 884

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueTimeoutsCrit — Defines the Critical threshold for the enqueue timeouts to requests
ratio of ORA_Enqueue.

This parameter defines the minimum ratio of timeouts to requests/conversions of the last ORAEn-
queueTimeSpan minutes necessary to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Critical.

By setting this parameter to 0, the timeouts check of ORA_Enqueue is disabled.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 20

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 885

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueTimeoutsWarn — Defines the Warning threshold for the enqueue timeouts to re-
quests ratio of ORA_Enqueue.

This parameter defines the minimum ratio of timeouts to requests/conversions of the last ORAEn-
queueTimeSpan minutes necessary to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Warning.

If this parameter is set to a value equal to or higher than ORAEnqueueTimeoutsCrit, it has no effect.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 10

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 886

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueTimeSpan — Defines the time span during which the enqueue statistics are collected.

The ORA_Enqueue check collects enqueue statistics data up to a certain age. This parameter de-
fines the age (in minutes) of the oldest data set to consider. If a data set gets older, it is removed
from the collection.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 30

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 887

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueWaitsCrit — Defines the Critical threshold for the wait events to requests ratio of

This parameter defines the minimum ratio of wait events to requests/conversions of the last
ORAEnqueueTimeSpan minutes necessary to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Critical.

By setting this parameter to 0, the wait events check part of ORA_Enqueue is disabled.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 75

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 888

syslink Xandria

ORAEnqueueWaitsWarn — Defines the Warning threshold for the wait events to requests ratio of

This parameter defines the minimum ratio of wait events to requests/conversions of the last
ORAEnqueueTimeSpan minutes necessary to turn the ORA_Enqueue check Warning.

If this parameter is set to a value equal to or higher than ORAEnqueueWaitsCrit, it has no effect.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Enqueue

Default Value 50

Unit Percent

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 889

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLExclude — Exclude statements from Oracle expensive SQL check

Statements issued from programs listed within this parameter are not considered for the check
result. The list is separated by one or more white spaces. Program names containing white spaces
must be enclosed in double quotes. You may use the special macro <NOPROG> to sort out state-
ments that have no Program Name value.

Note that prior to SAP Basis Release 4.5C no program names are shown at all. In this case the
<NOPROG> macro excludes all statements.

Wildcard * is allowed.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value %_T*

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 890

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLExcludeShow — Configure if excluded SQL statements are shown anyway

Defines whether or not statements generated by excluded programs are shown in the check mes-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 891

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLGetCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle buffer gets

If any SQL statement (not excluded by ORAExpSQLExclude) exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
GetCrit percent of the total buffer gets, the check result turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 892

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLGetWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle buffer gets

If any SQL statement (not excluded by ORAExpSQLExclude) exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
GetWarn percent of the total buffer gets, and no statement exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
GetCrit percent of the total buffer gets or ORAExpSQLReadCrit percent of the total disk reads, the
check turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 893

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLReadCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle physical reads

If any SQL statement (not excluded by ORAExpSQLExclude) exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
ReadCrit percent of the total disk reads, the check result turns to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value 10

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 894

syslink Xandria

ORAExpSQLReadWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle physical reads

If any SQL statement (not excluded by ORAExpSQLExclude) exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
ReadWarn percent of the total disk reads, and no statement exceeds an amount of ORAExpSQL-
GetCrit percent of the total buffer gets or ORAExpSQLReadCrit percent of the total disk reads, the
check turns to Warning.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_ExpSQL

Default Value 5

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 895

syslink Xandria

ORAExtentsUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle extents usage

If the number of extents allocated for an Oracle segment exceeds ORAExtentsUsageCrit
percent of max_extents [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10595/
tspaces014.htmߴADMIN11411] defined for this segment, the Check Status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Segments

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 896

syslink Xandria

ORAExtentsUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle extents usage

If the number of extents allocated for an Oracle segment exceeds ORAExtentsUsageCrit
percent of max_extents [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10595/
tspaces014.htmߴADMIN11411] defined for this segment, but does not exceed ORAExtentsUsage-
Crit percent, the Check Status is set to Warning

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Segments

Default Value 90

Unit %

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 897

syslink Xandria

ORAFSLogArchCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle log arch filesystem usage

If the log arch filesystem usage exceeds the ORAFSLogArchCrit threshold, the check status is set
to Critical. The log arch filesystem is discovered automatically by syslink Xandria Agent.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_FSLogArch

Default Value 85 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 898

syslink Xandria

ORAFSLogArchExCrit — Configure critical threshold for Oracle log arch filesystem exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
ORAFSLogArchExCrit hours, the check result of ORA_FSLogArch is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_FSLogArch

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 899

syslink Xandria

ORAFSLogArchExWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle log arch filesystem exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the filesystem limit is exceeded is within the upcoming
ORAFSLogArchExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming ORAFSLogArchExCrit hours, the check
result of ORA_FSLogArch is set to Warning, unless the ORAFSLogArchExCrit threshold is exceed-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_FSLogArch

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 900

syslink Xandria

ORAFSLogArchForecast — Enables forecasting for ORA_FSLogArch check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_FSLogArch

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 901

syslink Xandria

ORAFSLogArchWarn — Configure warning threshold for Oracle log arch filesystem usage

If the log arch filesystem usage exceeds the ORAFSLogArchWarn threshold, but does not exceed
the ORAFSLogArchCrit threshold, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the ORAFSLogArchEx-
Crit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_FSLogArch

Default Value 70 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 902

syslink Xandria

ORAHomeDir — Tell the syslink Xandria Agent where to find the Oracle Home directory

Usually the syslink Xandria Agent determines the Oracle Home directory automatically. In case it
does not you may set this parameter accordingly.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect, ORA_AlertLog, ORA_BackUp, ORA_BrArchive, ORA_BrBackup,
ORA_BrBackupStat, ORA_DBAOper, ORA_DBCheckLog, ORA_DataFiles,
ORA_ExpSQL, ORA_FSLogArch, ORA_Log_Mode, ORA_Segments,

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 903

syslink Xandria

ORARMANSelectRange — Configure time range for Oracle RMAN data

ORA_BackUp will select RMAN data not older than defined in this parameter.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_BackUp

Default Value 30

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 904

syslink Xandria

ORASAPToolsEnable — Configures if or if not checks based on SAP BRCONNECT are performed

If the parameter is set, the checks ORA_DBAOper and ORA_DBCheckLog will be executed.

This is the default for Database instances of an SAP System.

If you run SAPDBA or BRCONNECT with a stand-alone Database you may set this parameter as well.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper, ORA_DBCheckLog

Default Value Set (for Database instance of an SAP System), Not set (for stand-alone

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 905

syslink Xandria

ORASAPToolsSchema — Configure schema for BRCONNECT tables

This parameter defines the Oracle schema where the tables for SAPDBA or BRCONNECT are located.
Usually syslink Xandria Agent determines the schema and only if this fails, you need to define the
schema manually.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_DBAOper, ORA_DBCheckLog

Default Value

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 906

syslink Xandria

ORASegsChkWaitTime — Configure how often the Oracle segments check is executed

Defines the time interval between two ORA_Segments checks.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Segments

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 907

syslink Xandria

ORASessionsCountWait — Configure count threshold of ORA_Sessions.

Defines the count threshold for sessions that exceed ORASessionsTimeWaitWarn or ORASession-
sTimeWaitCrit time thresholds. The threshold is compared to the number of Critical sessions for a
Critical Check Result or the number of Critical plus Warning sessions for a Warning Check Result.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Sessions

Default Value 1

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 908

syslink Xandria

ORASessionsIgnoreWaitClass — Defines the wait class filter for ORA_Sessions.

Configures the wait classes that shall be ignored by the ORA_Sessions Check.

The values must be separated by blanks.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Sessions

Default Value Idle Configuration Concurrency

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 909

syslink Xandria

ORASessionsTimeWaitCrit — Defines the Critical wait time threshold for session wait times of

The check ORA_Sessions compares session wait times of matching sessions against this thresh-
old to categorize them as Critical. All Critical sessions are counted and further compared against
ORASessionsCountWait for the final Check Result.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Sessions

Default Value 10

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 910

syslink Xandria

ORASessionsTimeWaitWarn — Defines the Warning wait time threshold for session wait times of

The check ORA_Sessions compares session wait times of matching sessions against this thresh-
old to categorize them as Warning. All Warning sessions are counted and together with the Critical
session count compared against ORASessionsCountWait for the final Check Result.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Sessions

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 911

syslink Xandria

ORATableSpaceExCrit — Configure critical threshold for tablespace exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the tablespace limit is exceeded is within the upcoming ORAT-
ableSpaceExCrit hours, the check result of ORA_Tablespaces is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Tablespaces

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 912

syslink Xandria

ORATableSpaceExWarn — Configure waring threshold for tablespace exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the tablespace limit is exceeded is within the upcoming ORAT-
ableSpaceExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming ORATableSpaceExCrit hours, the check re-
sult of ORA_Tablespaces is set to Warning, unless the ORATableSpaceUsageCrit threshold is ex-
ceeded for some tablespace.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Tablespaces

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 913

syslink Xandria

ORATableSpaceForecast — Enables forecasting for ORA_Tablespaces check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Tablespaces

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 914

syslink Xandria

ORATableSpaceUsageCrit — Configure critical threshold for tablespace usage

If one of the databases tablespaces usage exceeds the ORATableSpaceUsageCrit threshold, the
Check Status is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Tablespaces

Default Value 98

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 915

syslink Xandria

ORATableSpaceUsageWarn — Configure warning threshold for tablespace usage

If one of the databases tablespaces usage exceeds ORATableSpaceUsageWarn percent, but none
of them exceeds ORATableSpaceUsageCrit percent, the Check Status is set to Warning, unless the
ORATableSpaceExCrit threshold is exceeded for some tablespace.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures ORA_Tablespaces

Default Value 95

Unit %

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 916

syslink Xandria

ORATNSAdminDir — Configure Oracle TNS Admin directory if not found automatically

By default syslink Xandria uses TNS to connect the Oracle database of a SAP System. Thus the
syslink Xandria Agent will determine the TNS admin directory (where the file tnsnames.ora is lo-
cated). If this process fails, e.g. since the Oracle home directory could not be determined, you may
set ORATNSAdminDir manually to work around the issue.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect (for Database instances of SAP Systems only)

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 917

syslink Xandria

ORATNSAlias — Configure TNS aLias of a Database instance of an SAP System

By default syslink Xandria uses TNS to connect the Oracle Database instance of an SAP System
with the TNS alias being equal to the Real SAP SID. If the TNS alias is different from the Real SAP
SID, you need to set this parameter to the corresponding TNS alias.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect (for Database instances of SAP Systems only)

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 918

syslink Xandria

PerfDataCollection — Turn Performance Data Collection on or off (for Servers)

Controls whether or not Performance Data Collection is turned on for Systems. If you do not want
the syslink Xandria Agent to collect performance data you may remove the flag.

Reference Data
Configures System

Default Value On

Unit Check box

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 919

syslink Xandria

RelevantDailyCheckDetails — Configure Daily Check contributing check details (for Databases)

Defines a list of Daily Check details that are considered relevant for the Daily Check status, i.e.
the status of which contribute to the overall status. By default the parameter is not defined, i.e. all
Daily Check details contribute.

If you define an empty list no Daily Check detail will contribute. In this case the status of the Daily
Check will be Unknown always.

Reference Data
Configures Daily Checks

Default Value

Unit List of Checks

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 920

syslink Xandria

RunDailyCheckOnWE — Define if Daily Checks are executed during weekend (for Databases)

If set, Daily Checks will run on Saturday and Sunday as well.

Reference Data
Configures Daily Checks

Default Value 0

Unit Boolean

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 921

syslink Xandria

SYBBackupExclude — Excludes databases from SYB_Backup check

Comma separated list of database names which are ignored from SYB_Backup check. Spaces be-
fore or after the comma are gently ignored. Excluded databases will still appear in the SYB_Backup
table display, but are marked as Excluded → Yes. Most databases which usually require no back-
up up are already excluded by default. However, you may add more databases since the backup
of some databases is documented as optional in official SAP guide SAP Business Suite on SAP
Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_Backup

Default Value model, saptempdb, sybsecurity, sybsystemdb, sybsystemprocs, tempdb

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 922

syslink Xandria

SYBBackupSelectRange — Configure the time range for Sybase ASE Backups

SYB_Backup looks for SYBBackupSelectRange days back to find successful backups. The default
value is 60 days, so usually there is no need to change this parameter since backups must be
made far more often.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_Backup

Default Value 60

Unit Days

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 923

syslink Xandria


Defines how many successful backup will be displayed in the table of SYB_Backup check. This
history is just for your convenience. You may reduce this parameter to 1, if you want to see only
the latest successful backup.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_Backup

Default Value 5

Unit Number

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 924

syslink Xandria

SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit — Specifies a minimum Critical runtime a currently running backup
is allowed to have

If the running time of a Sybase backup is above 100 percent of the usual average runtime and
above SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit minutes, the check status is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_BackupStat

Default Value 30

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 925

syslink Xandria

SYBBackupStatDelayTimeWarn — Specifies a minimum Warning runtime a currently running back-
up is allowed to have

If the running time of a Sybase backup is above 50 percent of the usual average runtime and above
SYBBackupStatDelayTimeWarn minutes, the check status is set to Warning, unless the Critical
conditions are met, see SYBBackupStatDelayTimeCrit.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_BackupStat

Default Value 15

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 926

syslink Xandria

SYBBackupStatExclude — Excludes databases from SYB_BackupStat check

Comma separated list of database names which are ignored from SYB_BackupStat check.
Spaces before or after the comma are gently ignored. Excluded databases will still appear in the
SYB_BackupStat table display, but are marked as Excluded → Yes. Most databases which usually
require no backup up are already excluded by default. However, you may add more databases
since the backup of some databases is documented as optional in official SAP guide SAP Business
Suite on SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_BackupStat

Default Value model, saptempdb, sybsecurity, sybsystemdb, sybsystemprocs, tempdb

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 927

syslink Xandria


Defines wether a failed backup reported by SYB_BackupStat shall be reported as Warning or Crit-
ical status.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_BackupStat

Default Value Warning

Unit Enum

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 928

syslink Xandria


Defines the time how long a failed backup is displayed (status is defined by SYBBackupStat-
FailedStatus). SYBBackupStatFailedDisplayTime minutes after the failed backup has been detect-
ed, the check result status is reset to Ok.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_BackupStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 929

syslink Xandria

SYBDBExCrit — Configure Critical threshold for data spaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the data space is exceeded is within the upcoming SYBDBExCrit
hours, the Check Status of SYB_DataSpaces is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_DataSpaces

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 930

syslink Xandria

SYBDBExWarn — Configure Warning threshold for data spaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the data space is exceeded is within the upcoming
SYBDBExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming SYBDBExCrit hours, the Check Status of
SYB_DataSpaces is set to Warning, unless the SYBDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_DataSpaces

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 931

syslink Xandria

SYBDBUsageCrit — Configures the Critical threshold for Sybase ASE data space usage check

If the data space usage of a database exceeds the SYBDBUsageCrit threshold the Check Status
is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_DataSpaces

Default Value 95 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 932

syslink Xandria

SYBDBUsageWarn — Configures the Warning threshold for Sybase ASE data space usage check

If the data space usage of a database exceeds the SYBDBUsageWarn threshold, the Check Status
is set to Warning, unless the SYBDBUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_DataSpaces

Default Value 80 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception Yes

Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 933

syslink Xandria

SYBDBForecast — Enables forecasting for SYB_DataSpaces check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures SYB_DataSpaces

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 934

syslink Xandria

SYBErrorLogTimeSpan — Configures time span to look back for SYB_ErrorLogStat

RealTime Monitoring check SYB_ErrorLogStat is designed to recover from check status Warning
or Critical, so the check looks back for a time span defined by SYBErrorLogTimeSpan only.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_ErrorLogStat

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 935

syslink Xandria

SYBErrorLogExcludeErrNums — Exclude error numbers from check evaluation

You may use this parameter to exclude certain error numbers from being evaluated in
SYB_ErrorLog, SYB_ErrorLogStat. Multiple numbers are defined in a comma separated list. Lead-
ing and trailing white spaces before or after the comma character are gently ignored.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_ErrorLog, SYB_ErrorLogStat

Default Value n/a

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 936

syslink Xandria

SYBLogBackupExclude — Excludes databases from SYB_LogBackup check

You may use this parameter to exclude databases from being checked by SYB_LogBackup. The
names of the databases is defined in a comma separated list. Leading and trailing white spaces
before or after the comma character are gently ignored.

By default, many system databases are already excluded by default. However, databases are still
checked for full transaction log, no matter if excluded or not.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogBackup

Default Value master, model, saptempdb, saptools, sybmgmtdb, sybsecurity, sybsys-

temdb, sybsystemprocs, tempdb

Unit String

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 937

syslink Xandria

SYBLogBackupAgeCrit — Configures the Critical threshold for Sybase ASE log backup age check

If the last transaction log dump is above SYBLogBackupAgeCrit minutes ago, the check result is

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogBackup

Default Value 120

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 938

syslink Xandria

SYBLogBackupAgeWarn — Configures the Warning threshold for Sybase ASE log backup age
check SYB_LogBackup

If the last transaction log dump is above SYBLogBackupAgeWarn minutes ago, but below SYBLog-
BackupAgeCrit minutes, the check status is Warning.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogBackup

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 939

syslink Xandria

SYBLogExCrit — Configure Critical threshold for log spaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log space is exceeded is within the upcoming SYBLogExCrit
hours, the Check Status of SYB_LogSpaces is set to Critical.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogSpaces

Default Value 1

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 940

syslink Xandria

SYBLogExWarn — Configure Warning threshold for log spaces exhaustion

If the predicted point in time when the log space is exceeded is within the upcoming SY-
BLogExWarn hours, but not within the upcoming SYBLogExCrit hours, the Check Status of
SYB_LogSpaces is set to Warning, unless the SYBLogUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogSpaces

Default Value 12

Unit Hours

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 941

syslink Xandria

SYBLogForecast — Enables forecasting for SYB_LogSpaces check

Defines weather the forecasting algorithm is active or inactive. See Forecasting for more informa-

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogSpaces

Default Value Active

Unit Enum (Active/Inactive)

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 942

syslink Xandria

SYBLogUsageCrit — Configures the Critical threshold for Sybase ASE data space usage check

If the data space usage of a database exceeds the SYBLogUsageCrit threshold, the Check Status
is set to Critical.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogSpaces

Default Value 95 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 943

syslink Xandria

SYBLogUsageWarn — Configures the Warning threshold for Sybase ASE log space usage check

If the data space usage of a database exceeds the SYBLogUsageWarn threshold the Check Status
is set to Warning, unless the SYBLogUsageCrit threshold is exceeded.

You can define the threshold either in percentage of the total size of the resource, or in KB, MB, or
GB values of the remaining free space. In the first case, the parameter gets effective if the usage
measured in % of the total space is higher than the defined threshold. In the second case the para-
meter gets effective if the remaining free space is lower than the defined threshold.

Reference Data
Configures SYB_LogSpaces

Default Value 80 %

Unit % or KB/MB/GB

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 944

syslink Xandria

TimeOutDBMonitor — Configure timeout for Database connect check

Defines the timeout for syslink Xandria Agent child processes performing Database checks (in
seconds). If the value exceeds, the process is terminated.

Reference Data
Configures DBConnect

Default Value 90

Unit Seconds

Monitoring Exception No
Parameter available

Version 7.1.3 945

syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria Server

Properties, Notification
Macros, XanGui Permissions

Version 7.1.3 946

syslink Xandria

Permissions — Configure access control to syslink Xandria

Available Permission Types

Permissions marked by (root) are permissions which can by design only work for all customers.
These permissions can only be assigned to roles which include the Root customer. See also Sec-
tion 12.2, “Managing Roles” on how to assign Permissions.


Administrator Func- Allows to perform functions, view and change data related to Xandria Ad-
tions (root) ministration. For example see internal warning messages (in the Status

View Properties Allows to view the component properties.

Edit Properties Allows to view and modify the component properties.

View Logbook (root) Allows to view the Logbook.

View Shared Fa- Allows to view shared favorites.


Create Shared Fa- Allows to create shared favorites.


Open Agent Terminal Allows to open agent terminal sessions in XanGui. See Section  14.6,
“Working with the Terminal”

RealTime Monitoring (RTM)

View RTM Allows to view RealTime Monitoring pages.

Confirm RTM Allows to confirm RealTime Monitoring Checks.

View Business Ser- Allows to view the Business Service Overview pages.
vice Overview

Delete CCMS Alerts Allows to view and delete CCMS Alert entries.

Edit Check Selectors Allows to view, modify, and delete Check Selectors.

Daily Checks

View Daily Checks Allows to view Daily Checks.

Edit Daily Checks Allows to view, confirm, modify, and delete Daily Checks; implicitly in-
cludes Edit Daily Checks.


View Availabilities Allows to view Availability Data.

Edit Availabilities Allows to view, modify, and delete Availability Data; implicitly includes
View Availabilities.

Version 7.1.3 947

syslink Xandria


View Tickets Allows to view tickets.

Call Tickets In addition to View Tickets, it allows to create and modify tickets as a caller.

Own Tickets In addition to Call Tickets, it allows to create and modify tickets as an owner.


View Changes Allows to view Changes.

Edit Changes In addition to View Changes, it allows to create and modify Changes.

Delete Changes Allows to delete Changes.

Approve Changes Only Users with this Permission are allowed to set the status of the
Change from planned to processing.

Approve Implement- Only Users with this Permission are allowed to set the status of the
ed Change from implemented to done.


View Customers Allows to view Customers.

Edit Customers In addition to View Customers it allows to modify an existing customer-

Customer record.

Delete Customers Allows to view and delete Customers.


Create Customers Allows to create new Customers.



View Roles (root) Allows to view User Roles.

Edit Roles (root) In addition to View Roles (root) it allows to create and modify Roles.

View Groups (root) Allows to view User Groups.

Edit Groups (root) In addition to View Groups (root) it allows to create and modify User

View Users (root) Allows to view Customer representative Users. Customer representative
users are the Users linked to the Customer the Permission is defined for,
or in other word, users having the Customer Representative role assigned.
Please note: A user having the View Users (root) Permission is not nec-
essarily a Customer representative himself. So he might not see himself
in the list View Users). Every user has the Permission to modify his own
profile in MyProfile.

Edit Users (root) In addition to View Users (root) it allows to modify or delete existing Cus-
tomer representative Users.


View Systems Allows to view Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and Databases, as
well as to compare profiles and components.

Version 7.1.3 948

syslink Xandria

Edit Systems Allows to view and modify Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and
Databases data and to create Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and

Delete Systems Allows to view and delete Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and Data-

Edit System Monitor- Allows to view Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and Databases data
ing Off and to turn monitoring on or off.

Edit System Checks Allows to view Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and Databases data
and to enable or disable Checks.

Edit System Monitor- Allows to view Servers, SAP Instances, SAP Systems, and Databases data
ing Parameters and to add, modify, or remove Monitoring Parameters.

View Maintenance Allows to view Maintenance Window and Schedules.

This Permission can be assigned on a per Customer level. It will be inher-
ited in case a Customer hierarchy is used.

Edit Maintenance In addition to View Maintenance Window it allows to modify or delete

Window Maintenance Windows, add Schedules to Maintenance Windowss, etc.

View SLA Allows to view Service Level Agreements.

Edit SLA (root) In addition to View SLA it allows to create and delete Service Level Agree-
ments, and to assign Service Level Agreements to Systems. It also in-
cludes the Permission to view and create Service Hours.

This Permission can be assigned on a per Customer level.

Send to Agent Allows to send commands or configurations to syslink Xandria Agents.

View System Pass- Allows to view passwords defined for Systems.


Monitoring Configuration

View Parameters Allows to view Parameters Sets.

Sets (root)

Edit Parameters Sets In addition to View Parameters Sets (root) it allows to modify existing Pa-
(root) rameters Sets (e.g. adding or updating parameters, changing priorities,
activate and deactivate, etc.) as well as to create new ones.

View Custom Checks Allows to view Custom Checks.

Edit Custom Checks In addition to View Custom Checks it allows to modify existing Custom
Checks or to create new ones.

It does not allow to create, modify, or delete the CCMS Configuration for
a CCMS Custom Check. The Configure CCMS Permission is additionally
required in this case.

Configure CCMS Allows to create, modify, or delete the CCMS Configuration for a CCMS
Custom Check. Edit Custom Checks is also required in this situation!

View Composite Allows to view Composite Checks and Business Services.

Checks and Business

Version 7.1.3 949

syslink Xandria

Edit Composite Allows to edit and delete Composite Checks and Business Services.
Checks and Business

Service Level Reports (SLR)

View SLRs Allows to view and download Service Level Reports, and to view SLR Re-

Edit SLR Templates Allows edit Service Level Report Templates.

Edit SLR Remarks Allows to create or modify Service Level Report Remarks.

Generate SLRs Allows to generate Service Level Reports.

Generate SLRs Allows to generate Service Level Reports.


Receive Notification Allows to receive Notification messages.


View Notification Ele- Allows to view defined Notification Notification Actions, Output Channels,
ments (root) Filter Lists, etc.

Edit Notification Ele- Allows to modify and delete Notification Notification Actions, Output
ments (root) Channels, Filter Lists, etc.

Solution Documents

View Documents Allows to view published Solution Documents that are not restricted to a spe-
cific Customer.

Edit Documents Allows to edit Solution Documents and to view published Solution Docu-
ments that are not restricted to a specific Customer.

Customizing & Updates

View Customizing Allows to view customizing entries.


Edit Customizing Allows to modify customizing entries.


View Agent Updates Allows to view syslink Xandria Agent Self Updates logs and status.

Trigger Agent Up- In addition to View Agent Updates (root) it allows to trigger syslink Xandria
dates (root) Agent Self Updates.

Version 7.1.3 950

syslink Xandria

XanGui Properties — Customize XanGui


Procedure 31. Change Properties for XanGui

1. Select Administration → Settings from the top-level menu.

Choose XanGui.

2. Click on  and change the value or on  to restore the default.

3. Push the Save button. If there is a  icon in front of the entry you need to restart the compo-

Reference Data


Description Main switch to enable or disable the syslink Xandria Agent terminal feature,
seeSection 14.6, “Working with the Terminal”. If the feature is enabled, you ad-
ditionally need the permissionOpen Agent Terminal. If the feature is disabled,
it is disabled no matter if a user has the permission or not.

Default Value enabled

Unit Seconds


Description The maximum downtime window in seconds for Availability processing of

Composite Checks and Business Services.

If downtime is greater than this value an Unknown record is written, otherwise

the old record is extended.

Default Value 120

Unit Seconds


Description Defines whether or not tooltips are displayed in the Business Service Overview
(see also Section 10.1.5, “Using the Business Service Overview”).

Default Value yes

Unit Boolean


Description See HOWTO: Using Client Certificates for Login [https://support.syslink.ch/

xn/xangui/document/document.zul?docId=192] for a description.

Default Value

Version 7.1.3 951

syslink Xandria

Unit String

customer.label-1 to customer.label-5

Description Defines the name of customizable additional fields.

When the name of the field is defined, the field is shown in the Customer pages
(see alsoSection 7.2.1, “Defining Customers”). When the name of the field is
missing, the field is not displayed.

Default Value

Unit String

customer.length-1 to customer.length-5

Description Defines the length of fields defined through customer.length-1 field (maxi-
mum 1024).

Default Value 128

Unit Integer


Description Defines the time in hours and minutes (in format HH:MM) used as default values
for the Monitor off until date and Monitor off until time field once monitoring
is turned off.

Default Value 12:00

Unit Hours


Description Defines the time in hours and minutes (in format HH:MM) used as default values
for the Confirm until date and Confirm until time field once monitoring is turned

Default Value 12:00

Unit Hours


Description Defines whether or not the syslink Xandria User’s Guide (the HTML version)
is accessible without login.

Default Value no

Unit Booelan


Description Defines the level of messages to be logged in XanGui log files in C:\Program
Files\syslink\xangui\log (on Microsoft Windows operating systems) or /
syslink/xangui/log (on Unix-like operating systems

Default Value WARN

Version 7.1.3 952

syslink Xandria

Unit Enum


Description The number of minutes a user is locked after a defined number of failed login

Default Value 5

Unit Minutes


Description The number of login attempts a user has before being temporarily locked. 0
means an infinite number of login attempts.

Default Value 3

Unit Number


Description Defines the timeout for testing Notification Actions.

Default Value 30

Unit Seconds


Description Defines the content of the title tag of XanGui HTML pages.

Default Value syslink Xandria

Unit String


Description Defines if or if not the Remember Me checkbox is shown on the login page.

Default Value yes

Unit Enum


Description Defines if or if not the Forgot Password link is shown on the login page.

Default Value yes

Unit Enum


Description The Name of the Dashboard that shall be used as RTM Control Center, i.e.
which is accessible by Monitoring → RTM Control Center.

Default Value

Version 7.1.3 953

syslink Xandria

Unit String


Description The User that is used for the System Dashboards direct URL access. If this
value is set, System Dashboards can be accessed without manual login. The
value of this property indicates the User used for the automatic login.

If left empty you need to login manually in order to access System Dashboards
by direct URL.

Default Value rtm

Unit String


Description Defines a delay (in seconds) between each group of update-simultane-

ous-downloads update schedules.

Default Value 60

Unit Integer


Description Defines whether or not the number of unassigned Changes is displayed in the
XanGui toolbar.

Default Value yes

Unit Booelan


Description Defines whether or a unique identifier is appended to a Service Level Report

once it is published.

Default Value yes

Unit Booelan


Description Defines file extensions af attachments that are removed from Tickets in status
Closed after the retention period defined in ticket.daysToKeepAttachments
is expired. Separate multiple extensions with a space. Wildcards * and ? are
allowed. This parameter is only effective if ticket.daysToKeepAttachments is
set to a value different from 0.

Default Value .log .zip .tar.gz .tmp .rar .tar .tgz

Unit String


Description Defines how long to keep attachments of Tickets in status Closed before they
get deleted automatically. If set to 0 attachments are not deleted automatical-

Version 7.1.3 954

syslink Xandria

ly. Use ticket.attachmentsToDelete to define a list of file extensions that this

parameter is effective for.

Default Value 180

Unit Days


Description Defines whether emails are sent automatically to Ticket callers and owners
after a new ticket log is written. The options are: Always, Never, and Ask.

Default Value Ask

Unit List


Description Defines how often the Ticket list index is updated automatically. The value 0
means no automatic update. Automatic updates are only necessary if Tickets
are created through Notification Actions.

Default Value 60

Unit Minutes


Description There is a limit of simultaneous scheduled agent updates. XanGui will only
schedule the defined number of updates at a time in order to restrict the num-
ber of concurrent download attempts for the Self Updates.

If there are more updates actually requested than defined the syslink Xandria
Master waits schedule-wait-time seconds before scheduling the next ones,

Default Value 8

Unit Integer


Description Defines the URL prefix used in the links contained in mails generated.

By default (i.e. empty) the mails contain the links as displayed in the browser's
location bar.

If you define an URL prefix, the relative XanGui URL will be appended to this

Default Value

Unit String


Description Defines if the Webservice is available. See Section 14.9.1, “Enable/Disable the

Xandria Web Service”.

Version 7.1.3 955

syslink Xandria

Default Value false

Unit Boolean

Version 7.1.3 956

syslink Xandria

syslink Xandria Master Properties — Customize the syslink Xandria Master


Procedure 32. Change Properties for the syslink Xandria Master

1. Select Administration → Settings from the top-level menu.

Choose Master.

2. Click on  and change the value or on  to restore the default.

3. Push the Save button. If there is a  icon in front of the entry you need to restart the compo-

Reference Data

Apple Push Notifications.enable

Description Enable or disable Apple Push Notifications in Notification Actions.

Default Value true

Unit Booelan

Apple Push Notifications.HttpProxyHost

Description Set an outgoing proxy for Apple Push Notifications.

Format: host. Leave this field empty if no proxy is required.

Default Value

Unit String

Apple Push Notifications.HttpProxyUser

Description Defines the user name in case the proxy defined in Apple Push
Notifications.HttpProxyHost requires authentication.

Default Value

Unit String

Apple Push Notifications.HttpProxyPassword

Description Defines the password corresponding to Apple Push


Default Value

Unit String

DB Clean Up Service.CcmsAlertKeepdays

Description Defines how long to keep CCMS Alerts in the syslink Xandria Database.

Version 7.1.3 957

syslink Xandria

Default Value 60

Unit Days


Description Defines how long to keep Daily Checks in the syslink Xandria Database. 0
means forever.

Default Value 0

Unit Months

DB Clean Up Service.KeepAbortedMessagesForNDays

Description Defines how long aborted Notification messages are kept in the syslink Xan-
dria Database.

Default Value 3

Unit Days

DB Clean Up Service.KeepOkBlockedMessagesForNDays

Description Defines how long blocked OK Notification messages are kept in the database.

Default Value 3

Unit Days

DB Clean Up Service.KeepOkSentMessagesForNDays

Description Defines how long sent OK Notification messages are kept in the database.

Default Value 3

Unit Days

DB Clean Up Service.KeepUnprocessedMessagesForNHours

Description Defines how long unprocessed Notification messages are kept in the syslink
Xandria Database.

Default Value 6

Unit Hours


Description Defines how long logbook entries are kept in the syslink Xandria Database.

Default Value 24

Unit Months


Description Defines how long RealTime Monitoring history records are kept in the syslink
Xandria Database.

Version 7.1.3 958

syslink Xandria

Default Value 60

Unit Days


Description Defines the maximum age of Self Updates log records to keep.

Default Value 60

Unit Days


Description Defines the default TCP port of the syslink Xandria Agent which the syslink
Xandria Master tries to connect to unless there is an AgentListenerPort de-

Default Value 9051

Unit Number


Description Defines the level of messages to be logged in syslink Xandria Master

master.log* files in C:\Program Files\syslink\master\log (on Microsoft
Windows operating systems) or /syslink/master/log (on Unix-like operating

Default Value INFO

Unit Enum


Description Defines tunnels to syslink Xandria Gateways in order to establish reverse con-

Default Value String of format: '{' id 1 ';' url 1 '}' '{' id 2 ';' url 2 '}'... . The
URL has the format like the one described in AgentConnectRoute.

See also the description of gateway.Gateway.tunnels

Unit String


Description Configures the default character set for the encoding used in the Mail Service.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Configures the connection timeout used in the Mail Service.

Default Value 20000

Version 7.1.3 959

syslink Xandria

Unit Milliseconds


Description Configures the default sender address used in the Mail Service.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Configures the default SMTP server hostname or IP address used in the Mail

Default Value

Unit String


Description Configures the default SMTP server port used in the Mail Service.

Default Value 25

Unit Number


Description Configures Mail Service: If set to true, emails to multiple recipients are sent
as separate emails instead of one email being sent to multiple recipients.

Default Value false

Unit Booelan


Description Configures the Mail Service to use SMTP over SSL.

Default Value false

Unit Booelan


Description Configures the port the Mail service connects to if Mail.ssl is set.

Default Value 465

Unit Number


Description Configures the Mail service to suppress names in the FROM and To field. In
other words, if set to true, only the email address is included.

Default Value false

Version 7.1.3 960

syslink Xandria

Unit Boolean


Description Configures the socket timeout used in the Mail Service.

Default Value 20000

Unit Milliseconds


Description Configures syslink Xandria Master’s Mail Service to use STARTTSL with

Default Value false

Unit Booelan


Description Configures the Mail Service to only add the first recipient to the TO field and
all other ones to the CC field.

Default Value false

Unit Booelan


Description Configures user name used by the Mail Service for authentication.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Configures the password forMail.user.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Number of Days old Maintenance Window history records are kept. History
records are used internally only. This setting does not affect the Maintenance
Windows itself!

Default Value 60

Unit Days


Description Enable a third worker for the syslink Xandria Master

Version 7.1.3 961

syslink Xandria

Do not change this setting unless instructed by the syslink support!

Default Value false

Unit Boolean


Description Enable a fourth worker for the syslink Xandria Master

Do not change this setting unless instructed by the syslink support!

Default Value false

Unit Boolean


Description Defines the length of the communication queue between syslink Xandria Mas-
ter and its workers.

Do not change this setting unless instructed by the syslink support!

Default Value 200

Unit Number


Description Defines the IP Address for the syslink Xandria Master to listen to. The default is in case of which the syslink Xandria Master will listen on all available
IP addresses of the host.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Determines the aliases of the keystore used for outgoing connections.

Default Value client,client52

Unit List


Description Defines FQDN [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_qualified_domain_name] of

the syslink Xandria Master. This value is determined automatically based on

Version 7.1.3 962

syslink Xandria

the physical hostname and the value of Network.bind-address, and there is

usually no need to change it.

This value is taken as the default for the MasterHost Monitoring Parameter.

If the valued determined is not suitable for the syslink Xandria
Agents to communicate with the syslink Xandria Master you proba-
bly want to define a Parameter Set for Servers containing a properly
defined MasterHost.

Default Value

Unit Integer


Description Defines the Listening TCP port of the syslink Xandria Master.

This value is taken as the default for the MasterPort Monitoring Parameter.

Default Value 9050

Unit Integer


Description Determines the aliases of the keystore used for incoming connections.

Default Value server,server52

Unit List


Description Defines patterns for allowed cipher suites for SSL/TLS communication.

Default Value SSL_RSA,TLS_RSA

Unit String


Description Defines enabled SSL/TLS protocols for connections to a SSL/TLS server.

Default Value TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3

Unit String


Description Defines the minimal/preferred SSL/TLS protocol version to be used in server


Default Value TLS

Version 7.1.3 963

syslink Xandria

Unit String


Description Defines if or if not the Notifier service of the syslink Xandria Master is started.

Default Value true

Unit Boolean


Description Defines the level of messages to be logged in syslink Xandria Master

notifier.log* files in C:\Program Files\syslink\master\log (on Microsoft
Windows operating systems) or /syslink/master/log (on Unix-like operating

Default Value INFO

Unit Enum


Description Defines the default sender address used by the Notifier service of the syslink
Xandria Master. It is used as default sender for Email output channels. It can
either be just an email address example@domain.com or the combination of
name and email address Firstname Lastname <example@domain.com>.

Default Value

Unit String


Description Defines how frequently (in seconds) the Notifier service of the syslink Xandria
Master processes Notification Actions.

Default Value 120

Unit Enum


Description This property holds the hour of the day during which Performance data are

Default Value 02:00

Unit String


Description Defines how long (in months) to keep hourly and daily Performance Data in
the syslink Xandria Database.

Default Value 6

Unit Enum

Version 7.1.3 964

syslink Xandria


Description defines how long (in months) to keep monthly Performance Data in the syslink
Xandria Database.

Default Value 36

Unit Enum

System Configuration.CONFIG_REFRESH_TIME

Description Defines the maximum time span the syslink Xandria Master will resend any
config data to the syslink Xandria Agents no matter if it has changed or not.

Default Value 86400

Unit Seconds

System Configuration.enable

Description Enable or disable the service that synchronizes configuration settings to the
syslink Xandria Agents.

Default Value true

Unit Boolean

System Configuration.SEND_ATTEMPTS

Description Defines how often the Configuration Service tries to send a config update or
a command to a syslink Xandria Agent before the data to be sent will be dis-

Default Value 5

Unit Enum


Description If set to on, the Web.http-server is only accessible using a User havin the Ad-
ministrator Role assigned.

Default Value on

Unit String


Description If set to on, the Web.http-server is only accessible using https.

Default Value off

Unit String


Description Defines Web port number ofWeb.http-server.

Default Value 9058

Version 7.1.3 965

syslink Xandria

Unit String


Description Defines if the statistics web server of the syslink Xandria Master is turned on
or off.

Default Value on

Unit Boolean


Description Enables or disables JVM diagnostics servlet.

Default Value off

Unit Boolean


Description Enables or disables display of Servlets in Web Server.

Default Value on

Unit Boolean


Description Defines the minimum time the syslink Xandria Master waits to update the Last
message from Xandria Agent is at least hh:mm:ss message of the
AgentAlive Check in case the Check Status remains Critical.

Default Value 300

Unit Enum


Description Defines the maxium size (in Bytes) of Daily Check Detail messages.

Default Value 65536

Unit Enum


Description If set to 1, SAP Instances are only assigned automatically, if the Customer of
the hosting Server matches the Customer of the target SAP System.

Default Value 1

Unit Boolean


Description Defines the number of syslink Xandria Master Worker log files in C:\Program
Files\syslink\master\services\mw\log (on Microsoft Windows operating

Version 7.1.3 966

syslink Xandria

systems) or /syslink/master/services/mw/log (on Unix-like operating sys-


Default Value 10

Unit Enum


Description Defines the time stamp precision of syslink Xandria Master Worker log files
in C:\Program Files\syslink\master\services\mw\log (on Microsoft Win-
dows operating systems) or /syslink/master/services/mw/log (on Unix-like
operating systems). (0=seconds, 1=milliseconds, 2=microseconds)

Default Value 1

Unit Enum


Description Defines the log level of syslink Xandria Master Worker log files in C:\Program
Files\syslink\master\services\mw\log (on Microsoft Windows operating
systems) or /syslink/master/services/mw/log (on Unix-like operating sys-

Default Value 2

Unit Enum

Version 7.1.3 967

syslink Xandria

Advanced Filter Syntax — Build complex Filters within the Notifications Process

The following list describes the elements available in an Advanced Filter expression:

• The filter should be surrounded by brackets ().

• The filter may contain any of the provided Interpolations.

• Macros of type String must be quoted by use of the single quote '.

• Any other string used in comparison or in the InList or in the Like function must be quoted
as well.

• A filter can be created by logically grouping conditional expressions. The following conditional
operators are available: and, or, not.

• The most simple conditional expressions are:

• The number 0. This expression is always false.

• Any positive or negative number. This expression is always true.

• The empty string ''. This expression is always false.

• Any other string. This expression is always true.

• A string expression has the format string <op> string with <op> one of the operators

• lt : string-wise less than

• gt : string-wise greater than

• le : string-wise less than or equal

• ge : string-wise greater than or equal

• eq : string-wise equal

• ne : string-wise not equal

• A conditional numerical expression has the format number <op> number with <op> one of the

• < : numerically less than

• > : numerically greater than

• <= : numerically less than or equal

• >= : numerically greater than or equal

• == : numerically equal

• != : numerically not equal

• For strings as well as numbers, there is a InList function with syntax: InList(<macro>, <item
1 >, …, <item n >) . This expression evaluates true if the <macro> is equal to one of the list
items from <item 1 > to <item n >

Version 7.1.3 968

syslink Xandria

• For strings there is a Like function with syntax Like(<macro>, <pattern>) where <pattern> is
a string that may contain the wildcards ? and *. This expression evaluates true if the <macro>
matches the <pattern>. Matching is performed always at the beginning and the end of the string,
so you may want to use * at the beginning and/or end of the <pattern> for in-string matches.

• Basic arithmetic expressions can be used as well within filters. The arithmetic operators com-
prise +, -, *, /, % (the modulus operator).

Version 7.1.3 969

syslink Xandria

Appendix A. Appendix
A.1. Supported Platforms

A.1.1. syslink Xandria Agent

A.1.1.1. Operating Systems

The syslink Xandria Agent can be installed on the following operating systems:

• HP-UX 11i (Itanium 2 architecture only)

• IBM AIX 6.1 or higher.

• Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and higher, RedHat Enterprise Server 3 and higher on Intel
x86, x86_64 and PowerPC (ppc64) architecture .

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008/2008 R2 (x86, x86_64, Itanium 2), 2012/2012 R2, 2016

• Oracle Solaris 10, 11 (SPARC and x86_64 architecture).

A Java 8 Runtime Environment is required for the syslink Xandria Agent.

A.1.1.2. SAP Basis

The syslink Xandria Agent monitors the following SAP Basis Releases:

• Releases 4.6C, 4.6D

• Release 6.40

• Releases 7.00, 7.01, 7.10, 7.11, 7.20, 7.30, 7.31, 7.40, 7.50

Unicode Kernels are supported as well.

A.1.1.3. Databases (stand-alone and SAP Database instances)

• IBM DB2 Universal Database 8.2.2 and higher (on all available operating systems mentioned

• Oracle8i, Oracle9i, Oracle10g, Oracle11g, Oracle12c (on all available operating systems men-
tioned above)

• MaxDB 7.5 and higher (on all available operating systems mentioned above)

• Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft
SQL Server 2008 R2, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft SQL
Server 2016 (on Microsoft Windows operating systems)

• SAP HANA 1.0, 2.0

• SAP SQL Anywhere 16 and higher (on all available operating systems mentioned above)
GNU C Library 2.7 or higher is required.

Version 7.1.3 970

syslink Xandria Server Components syslink Xandria

• SAP Sybase ASE versions 15.7 and higher (on all available operating systems mentioned above)

A.1.2. syslink Xandria Server Components

The syslink Xandria Server, running syslink Xandria Master, syslink Xandria Database, and other
applications, is supported on the following platforms:

A.1.2.1. syslink Xandria Server Operating Systems

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, 2012/2012 R2, 2016 (for all: 64 bit, US English Lan-
guage Version)

• Linux on Intel x86_64 architecture with GNU C Library 2.7 or higher.

• IBM AIX 6.1 and higher

A Java 8 Runtime Environment is required for the syslink Xandria server components.

A.1.2.2. Databases

• Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Mi-
crosoft SQL Server 2014, and Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (US English Language Version) on Mi-
crosoft Windows operating systems:

• For up to 80 managed systems the Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express Edition will suffice

• For more than 80 managed systems we recommend to use Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Mi-
crosoft SQL Server 2014, or Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition

• PostgreSQL 9.6.4 64-bit (on IBM AIX and Linux x64 operating systems)

A.1.2.3. Hardware Recommendations

Nowadays it is hard to define detailed hardware requirements due to the very short product life
cycles of computer components.

Therefore, we provide only a few recommendations:

• A reasonably new dual-core CPU or two single CPUs, 2GHz or more per core/CPU

• 3GB physical RAM

• At least 60GB disk space for the application and its data. For Unix operating systems a dedicated
file system /syslink is recommended.

A.1.3. syslink Xandria Gateway

The syslink Xandria Gateway is supported on the following operating systems:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, 2012/2012 R2 (for all: 64 bit, US English Language

• Linux on Intel x86_64 architecture e.g. SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and higher, RedHat Enter-
prise Server 3, and higher.

• IBM AIX 6.1 and higher

Version 7.1.3 971

Product Licenses syslink Xandria

A.2. Product Licenses
syslink Xandria Product License

License For Customer Use of syslink software AG Software

IMPORTANT NOTICE -- READ CAREFULLY: This License For Customer Use of

syslink software AG Software ("LICENSE") is the agreement which
governs use of the accompanying software of syslink software AG and
its subsidiaries, including any associated printed materials
("SOFTWARE"). By installing or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you
agree to be bound by the terms of this license ("LICENSE"). If you
do not agree to the terms of this LICENSE, do not install, activate,
or use the SOFTWARE.


The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international

copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
treaties. The SOFTWARE is sold to the end user, or is only licensed
for use, strictly in accordance with this document. This agreement
sets forth the terms and conditions of the LICENSE for use of the


1.1 Customer.
Customer means the entity or individual that is the end user of the


2.1 Rights and Limitations of Grant.

syslink software AG hereby grants Customer the following
non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the SOFTWARE, with the
following limitations.

2.1.1 Rights.
Customer may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single
computer, and except for making one back-up copy of the Software,
may not otherwise copy the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE of SOFTWARE may
not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.

2.1.2 Limitations.
No Reverse Engineering.
Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the
SOFTWARE, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code.

No Separation of Components.
The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts
may not be separated for use on more than one computer, nor
otherwise used separately from the other parts.

No Distribution.
Customer may not distribute, rent or lease the SOFTWARE to third


This LICENSE will automatically terminate if Customer fails to

comply with any of the terms and conditions hereof. In such event,
Customer must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its
component parts.


All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not
limited to all images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music,
text, and other information incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the
accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are
owned by syslink software AG. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright
laws and international treaty provisions. Accordingly, Customer is
required to treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material,
except as otherwise allowed pursuant to this LICENSE and that it may
make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archive purposes.

Version 7.1.3 972

Product Licenses syslink Xandria


This LICENSE shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be
construed pursuant to, the laws of Switzerland.


6.1 No Warranties.

6.2 No Liability for Damages.


6.3 Export Laws.

Export and use of the SOFTWARE may be subject to SWITZERLAND and
foreign export control laws and regulations, including prohibitions
on use in the development or production of nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons, or in missile technology programs as specified
in the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.
By installing, activating or using this SOFTWARE you confirm that
you will not export or re-export the SOFTWARE without all required
Switzerland and foreign government licenses.
Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless syslink software
AG from and against all fines, penalties, liabilities, damages,
costs and expenses incurred as a result of any violation of such
laws or regulations by Customer or any of its agents or employees.


The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International

Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed. If any provision of this
LICENSE is inconsistent with, or cannot be fully enforced under, the
law, such provision will be construed as limited to the extent
necessary to be consistent with and fully enforceable under the law.
This LICENSE is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes
all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements relating
to such subject matter, whether oral or written. Customer agrees that
it will not ship, transfer or export the SOFTWARE into any country,
or use the SOFTWARE in any manner, prohibited by the Swiss Bureau of
Export Administration or any export laws, restrictions or regulations,
and that Customer shall be solely responsible for the results of any
violation of such laws, restrictions or regulations arising from
Customer's activities. This LICENSE may only be modified in writing
signed by an authorized officer of syslink software AG.

syslink Xandria includes object code from

AntiSamy, Apache Commons, cglib, ehcache, flexjson, HtmlUnit, iCal4j, iText 2.1.7, JDOM, Jetty,
JFreeChart, jtds, Apache Log4j, Lucene, MyBatis, Netty, opencsv, SLF4J, user-agent-utils, Xerces,
ZK CE, Font Awesome, Roboto, Roboto Mono, Base64Image Plugin for CKEditor, ImageResize Plu-
gin for CKEditor, Paste image as base64 Plugin for CKEditor, Java Apple Push Notification Service
Library, ASM, Bouncy Castle Crypto package, BeanShell, Disruptor Framework, Echo Web Frame-
work API, Apache FreeMarker, Apache HttpComponents, Jcommander, JFreeSVG, Java Native Ac-
cess, Joda Time, JSON In Java, jsoup, Kryo, Liquibase, Metrics, Apache OLTU, PostgreSQL JDBC
Driver, SnakeYAML, Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server, XStream, XML Pull Parser, OWASP Java
HTML Sanitizer, Spring Framework, JOpt Simple, Apache XmlSchema, Sigar, SAP JCo, jConnect
for JDBC, Oracle Database 11g Release 2 JDBC Drivers, SAP HANA - Java Driver

Version 7.1.3 973

Product Licenses syslink Xandria

For licensing and distribution see the files in /syslink/xangui/work/webapp/licenses on Unix-like

operating systems or C:\Program Files\syslink\xangui\work\webapp\licenses on Microsoft
Windows operating systems).

syslink Xandria makes use of the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS), copyright © 1995-2009
by its contributors, and available at http://nsis.sourceforge.net .

The syslink Xandria Agent contains Runtime Modules of IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
Version 4.0 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007. All Rights Reserved.

The syslink Xandria Database runs on top of PostgreSQL Database Server (on Unix-like operating
systems) or Microsoft SQL Server (on Microsoft Windows operating systems).

syslink Xandria is shipped together with a compiled version of the PostgreSQL 9.6.4 Database
Server (on Unix-like operating systems). See /syslink/xandriadb/COPYRIGHT. This compiled ver-
sion includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://
www.openssl.org/). See /syslink/xandriadb/openssl.LICENSE.TXT.

Version 7.1.3 974

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