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Configuration of SAP NetWeaver For Oracle 10g

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Configuration of SAP NetWeaver for

Oracle Database 10g Real Application Clusters

Updated Version – Includes SAP J2EE Configuration

An Oracle White Paper

July 2008
Configuration of SAP NetWeaver for Oracle 10.2 RAC

Basic Setup: Prepare the SAP System ...........................................................................4
Option 1: New SAP System Install with Oracle 10g ....................................................4
Option 2: Upgrade from Single Instance Oracle 9.2 Database .....................................5
Option 3: Upgrade Cluster Installation from Oracle 9.2 RAC .....................................5
Install Oracle Clusterware..............................................................................................6
Basic CRS Resources for VIP, ONS and GSD............................................................19
Oracle CRS parameter adjustment for SAP installations ............................................22
Install Oracle 10.2 RAC Software on a Cluster ...........................................................24
Upgrade the Database to Oracle 10g Release 2 ...........................................................31
Preparing the Upgrade: Server Parameter File spfile.ora or init<dbsid>.ora ..............31
Preparing the Upgrade: Check For Deprecated Parameters ........................................32
Startup and Upgrade the Database ...............................................................................32
Extend SYSTEM Tablespace ......................................................................................32
Create SYSAUX Tablespace .......................................................................................33
Checking for Invalid Database Objects .......................................................................33
Perform the Upgrade....................................................................................................33
Run CATCLUST.SQL, UTLRP.SQL and OLSTRIG.SQL ........................................34
Database Control File Parameters................................................................................34
Automatic Undo Management with Undo Tablespaces ..............................................37
Redo Log Groups and Members ..................................................................................38
Modify Oracle Initialization Parameters for RAC.......................................................42
Oracle Password File ...................................................................................................44
Enable the Cluster Database and Start all Instances ....................................................45
Oracle Network Configuration ....................................................................................46
Listener Configuration File listener.ora .......................................................................46
Network Configuration File tnsnames.ora...................................................................53
Copy the tnsnames.ora File to the Location given in TNS_ADMIN when using the
Instant Client ................................................................................................................57
Add Instance Profile Parameters: local_listener, remote_listener ...............................59
Service Registration in CRS for the RAC enabled SAP database ...............................60
Configure the SAP Database and the RAC Instances in Oracle Clusterware..............60
Define Database Services for SAP R/3 Application Instances ....................................61
SAP User Environment................................................................................................63
SAP Instance Profile ....................................................................................................63
SAP START Profile.....................................................................................................64
SAP J2EE Server Configuration for RAC Database ...................................................65
Define Database Services for J2EE Instances .............................................................67
SAP BR*Tools.............................................................................................................68
Implementation and Configuration of SAP Enqueue Replication ...............................68


This document explains all the necessary steps to configure an SAP R/3 system for
Oracle 10g Release 2 Real Application Clusters. The purpose of this paper is to give
a detailed overview of all the steps necessary to perform such a migration from a
single-instance database to a multi-instance RAC-enabled database. It is intended to
act as a template for use in your specific system environment. This white paper
focuses primarily on upgrading your single-instance Oracle database to Oracle 10g
Release 2 Real Application Clusters and configuring your SAP R/3 system
accordingly. However, if your system is already Oracle 9.2 RAC enabled, you can
still use the information given here. Differences with respect to single-instance
migration will be pointed out.

This documentation is only for upgrading Oracle systems running on UNIX and
Linux operating systems. The Windows operating system is covered in a separate

This white paper does not discuss the specific setup of the cluster hardware, the
operating system and the storage sub-system used for your cluster solution. All pre-
installation steps necessary for setting up the underlying cluster hardware are
considered minimum requirements. Please refer to the documentation of the
respective platform and operating system vendor for details on how to set up the
cluster hardware of choice. Additional and up-to-date information on supported
configurations can be obtained from Oracle OTN. It is strongly recommended that
you check the latest updates for your operating system, storage solution, etc. This
paper does however cover those aspects that are necessary for using Oracle CRS; the
Oracle Clusterware that ships with Oracle 10.2 RAC and that is used in conjunction
with Oracle database software. This paper describes the recommended RAC
configurations for an SAP installation that have been successfully tested.

This white paper does not cover the use of Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage
Management), as it is not supported by SAP.

Important note: This guide helps you to set up a RAC-enabled SAP system. It
describes all required changes to the Oracle database, Oracle network
configuration, Oracle instance parameters etc. But it is not complete: You must
follow all additional steps addressed in SAP Installation and Upgrade Guides for
Oracle 10g Release 2 as well. Please also refer to all RAC-related SAP notes. Start
checking for Oracle RAC related information from SAP OSS note 527843.

Basic Setup: Prepare the SAP System

Preparations need to be made depending on the kind of SAP system you want to
enable for Oracle 10.2 RAC.

It is possible to migrate to Oracle 10.2 RAC with one of the following configurations:

- New System install with Oracle 10g

- Upgrade Single Instance Database from Oracle 9.2
- Upgrade Cluster Installation from Oracle 9.2 RAC

The tasks that must be performed before the actual RAC configuration can start vary
accordingly. Any major deviations between the systems are pointed out throughout
the document.

Option 1: New SAP System Install with Oracle 10g

Please refer to the Install and Configuration Guides from SAP to perform a first
system installation. This installation of your SAP system will create a single instance
Oracle database. There is no option available from SAP to install an Oracle RAC
enabled database directly. The migration to RAC must be performed after the initial
installation of the SAP system is completed.

Before the SAP installation actually starts, the hardware setup of the cluster should
have finished. Place the database files, redo log files, archive logs and control files on
a cluster filesystem. By doing so, there is no need to copy the data later on to a shared
storage location for RAC enabling.

This document assumes that the planned installation uses a cluster filesystem for the
voting disks, CRS repository, database files, control files, redo log files, archived redo
log files and executables under $ORACLE_HOME (software installation directory for
the Oracle RDBMS software), log files and executables under $CRS_HOME
(software installation directory for Oracle CRS software) as well as all SAP
executables in the /sapmnt directory.

Installing the Oracle software in a cluster filesystem is classified as an installation

with a "Shared Oracle Home".

Note: SAP with RAC requires a Shared Oracle Home. Oracle CRS software is
installed on a shared location on a cluster filesystem as well.

During installation of the SAP software, the users <sid>adm and ora<sid> will be
created. With a cluster filesystem, the home directory for these users can be shared
among all nodes in the cluster. This is not a mandatory requirement, but all
configuration tasks with respect to user profiles etc. can be completed faster as the
changes are valid for all the nodes in the cluster immediately. Administrative
overhead by doing all changes multiple times is reduced. All examples given in this
white paper assume a shared user home.

Option 2: Upgrade from Single Instance Oracle 9.2 Database

If you have Oracle 8.1.7 or an earlier release, you must upgrade to 9.2.x separately
before using this documentation, it being assumed that all customer installations of
SAP R/3 are running at least Oracle 9.2 if targeted for an RAC migration.

You can obtain the Oracle documentation on the Oracle Technology Network
(OTN) website, http://www.oracle.com/technology.

Be sure to get the latest information on Oracle Database 10g Release 2 and related
Oracle software products from this website.

The most recent updates for SAP documentation can be found on the SAP Service
Marketplace website, http://service.sap.com/instguides. Navigate to → Other
Documentation -> Database Upgrades → Oracle for the required guides.

If the SAP kernel uses the Oracle 9.2 client software (this is the case if you use the
640 or EXT kernels), you also need to update the Oracle client software to at least
release If you do not update the Oracle 9.2 client software, you might get core
dumps in the SAP system after upgrading to Oracle Database 10g.

Option 3: Upgrade Cluster Installation from Oracle 9.2 RAC

If the SAP system is already a cluster installation running with 9.2 RAC, then this
document also addresses all the necessary upgrade steps. If you are just planning to
upgrade the database software to Oracle 10g release 2, most of the configuration
changes in the database are already in place. With a 9.2 RAC enabled database for
SAP, UNDO tablespaces, threads, redo log files for the database instances etc. are
already configured. However, you still need to change the Oracle network
configuration in order to be able to use database services for SAP application
instances. Whenever you can skip configuration steps, this is pointed out.

Note that if the number of nodes or database instances changes, you have to adjust the
database configuration accordingly.

Either way, please also refer to the Upgrade Guides from SAP to check for minimum
requirements. The database upgrade from 9.2 RAC to 10.2 RAC is not more difficult
than a single-instance database upgrade from Oracle Release 9.2 to 10.2.

Check if third-party cluster software used for Oracle 9.2 RAC must be updated or
removed before you start installing Oracle Clusterware.

See also the remark on SAP kernel using Oracle 9.2 client software. It also applies to
an installation that has already been RAC enabled.

Install Oracle Clusterware

This task must be completed before the Oracle RAC database software is installed.
Oracle Clusterware software should be installed using a separate user account. This
user account is the owner of the Oracle Clusterware. We recommend using the
username oracle for this user.

Create user oracle on all nodes in the cluster. This user must belong to the group dba,
which is the primary group of SAP user ora<sid> and SAP user <sid>adm.

The home directory for the Oracle Clusterware user oracle can be on a shared location
on the cluster filesystem. This makes administrative tasks much more easy, as
changes to profiles must be performed only once and are valid or visible on all nodes
in the cluster. All configuration examples in this white paper assume a shared home
directory for user oracle.

Note: Do not use the group oinstall for user oracle for SAP installations. All
administrators of SAP databases must belong to the group dba. All administrators
must be able to use CRS commands therefore the CRS programs must be executed
using group dba.

Log on to the first node as user oracle. Create directory ~/.ssh, if it does not exist
already. Go to this directory.

$ mkdir .ssh
$ cd .ssh

Create private and public key files for RSA and DSA authorization:

$ ssh-keygen –t rsa –f <path_to_homedirectory>/.ssh/id_rsa_<nodename>

Do not specify a passphrase, just hit Enter when asked.

$ ssh-keygen –t dsa –f <path_to_homedirectory>/.ssh/id_dsa_<nodename>

Once again, do not specify a passphrase. Hit Enter.

Repeat this on all nodes. Remember that you must log on to every node, as key
generation is dependent on the node itself. After all private and public key files have
been generated; you must create a config file containing pointers to the Identity file
for every node.
These Identity files contain private keys of the respective nodes. You must specify the
full pathname to these files. Example for the file ~/.ssh/config:

ForwardX11 no
PasswordAuthentication no
Host oracx1
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa_oracx1
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa_oracx1
Host oracx2
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa_oracx2
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa_oracx2
Host oracw1
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa_oracw1
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa_oracw1
Host oracw2
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa_oracw2
IdentityFile /saphome1/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa_oracw2

Concatenate all files containing public keys to the file authorized_keys

$ cat *.pub > authorized_keys

Change the file permissions as shown.

$chmod 600 config

$chmod 600 authorized_keys
$chmod 700 .ssh
$chmod 755 ~

You should now be able to open a ssh connection to all hosts without being prompted
for a password. Try this by executing

$ssh <nodename> date

Repeat this on all nodes in order to have the fingerprints recorded in the file

Check the Oracle documentation for all other minimum requirements before starting
the installation. Oracle provides a tool for verifying that the conditions for a
successful installation have been met. This tool is called cluvfy and is shipped with
the Oracle software.

Note: Use the tool cluvfy to verify that all minimum requirements are met.

Log on as user oracle and start the installation with the Oracle Universal Installer

The picture above shows the welcome screen. If this is the first installation of Oracle
products, you must specify a location for the Oracle inventory. The inventory location
must be private for each node.

The Oracle inventory holds metadata information of all installed Oracle software on a
node. In our example, the inventory location is in directory /oracle/oraInventory. This
directory is local on every node in the cluster. Don´t confuse the inventory location
with the software installation directory for the Oracle clusterware. This directory must
be on a shared cluster filesystem for a SAP installation.

Make sure to specify a path for the inventory that is not shared among the nodes in the
cluster. Check that the Oracle inventory can be fully accessed by the user performing

the installation. In case of Oracle CRS, make sure that the inventory directory and all
subdirectories are writable by user oracle. On all nodes, do a "chown -R oracle:dba
/oracle/oraInventory". This check also applies if you install a patchset or a single
patch for the Oracle clusterware.

The operating system group must match the primary group of the SAP user ora<sid>.
As the group dba is the same for all SAP installations, you can run multiple SAP
database installations with different SIDs under the protection of Oracle Clusterware.

The Oracle Clusterware requires a separate ORACLE_HOME directory. Never install

the Oracle Clusterware in the same directory as the database software. If all
ORACLE_HOME directories are separated from each other, you can apply patches
and patch sets on an individual installation basis.

Note: The Oracle CRS software must be installed on a shared cluster filesystem.
This is for the current Oracle CRS release (10.2) a mandatory requirement for an
SAP installation.

The Oracle installer checks that all minimum requirements have been met. If this
check is not passed, do not continue with the installation!

Note: If you are upgrading from Oracle 10g Release 1, you must explicitly clear the
Oracle Clusterware configuration information for the cssd daemon. This part of the
Oracle Clusterware is automatically installed with Oracle 10g Release 1, even with
single- instance installations and not just with RAC installations. As user root, run
the command “localconfig delete”. This command removes cssd setup.

In the next screen, you must give the cluster a name and specify all nodes. Press the
Edit or Add button to go to the details of each node.

The Public Node Name is the name of the host; this name matches the output of the
hostname command in most cases. The Private Node Name is the name used for
cluster interconnect purposes. It is normally the name of the node in the private cluster
network. The Virtual Host name is the name used by the VIP, which is the virtual IP
address used to fail over to another host if a node fails. You need a unique Virtual
Host Name and IP address for every node in the cluster.

When you have finished, you should see all nodes with the correct names.

In this screen, you must identify the network adapters for public and private networks.
You need at least a public and a private network. For the public network, which is
used for the VIP, the subnet mask must match the subnet mask from the network
configuration of the operating system. Otherwise, the virtual IP can’t be bound to the
network adapter.

If you have more than two network cards, use only two: one for the private and one
for the public network. Specify "Do not use" for any additional cards.

Note: If your operating system allows virtual network adapters, make sure that the
interface configuration for the public network can hold the VIP on any node.

Note: The names of all network interfaces for the private interconnect as well as the
public network adapters must be identical on all nodes. Make sure the system setup
on all cluster nodes use the same interface name for public and private network.

In the next screen you must specify a name for the Oracle Cluster Registry location.
In the case of normal redundancy, you must specify two file locations. The two
locations should be in separate partitions/filesystems of the cluster filesystem.

The voting disk is a three-way-mirror in normal redundancy configurations. The

voting disks should reside in separate partitions/filesystems of the cluster filesystem.

Check the summary screen. If all the information is correct, press Install to start the
installation process.

When the software has been installed, you must execute two shell scripts on each

Note: It is important to run these scripts one after the other on each node. Wait for
every script to finish before you start the next one.

The last screen shows the result of the installation. Do not continue with the
installation of 10.2 patchsets if there are any warning messages. In case of errors or
warnings, cancel the installation so far, resolve the root cause of the error, and then
repeat the installation. Look for Oracle Metalink notes on how to completely delete a
failed installation for your platform.

Upgrade the CRS installation immediately to the latest patchset available, which must
be at least version The installation just performed will have started the CRS
software on the cluster nodes. To upgrade to the latest version, the CRS software must
be stopped. You must be user root to do this. On every node in the cluster execute

$ su root
# cd $CRS_HOME/bin
# ./crsctl stop crs

You can now install the patchset as user oracle. The patchset is installed by the Oracle
Universal Installer.

All available cluster nodes are pre-selected. Do not change this.

As usual there is a summary page. If all requirements are met, press Install.
The patchset is installed.

Follow the instructions given at the end of the installation. You must execute the
script root.sh on every node in the cluster as user root. Do not run the script
simultaneously. Wait until it completes on one node before proceeding to the next.

The Oracle Clusterware is started at the end of patchset installation. You can verify
this by executing the crs_stat command. The output of crs_stat –t should confirm that
the ONS, GSD and VIP resources are ONLINE on each node in the cluster.

$ crs_stat –t
Name Type Target State Host
ora.oracx1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE oracx1
ora.oracx1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oracx1
ora.oracx1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE oracx1
ora.oracx2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE oracx2
ora.oracx2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oracx2
ora.oracx2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE oracx2
ora.oracw1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE oracw1
ora.oracw1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oracw1
ora.oracw1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE oracw1
ora.oracw2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE oracw2
ora.oracw2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oracw2
ora.oracw2.vip application ONLINE ONLINE oracw2

In rare cases the configuration assistant for the silent creation of the basic resources
fails. In this case you will not see the output from the crs_stat –t command. Try to run
the configuration assistant “vipca” from command line. See section below.

Basic CRS Resources for VIP, ONS and GSD

These resources are automatically created during the installation of the Oracle
Clusterware. If, however, the CRS configuration stored in the OCR repository files is
lost or damaged, you can recreate these resources.

Note: Recreate the resources only if necessary.

The resources must be set up as user root. The creation and configuration is done
using the tool vipca (VIP configuration assistant).

$ su – root
# export PATH=$PATH:$CRS_HOME/bin
# vipca

Welcome screen of configuration tool vipca:

Select the appropriate network interface.

The tool uses the node names, IP Alias Name (VIP), IP address and Subnet mask
specified during the installation of Oracle Cluster Services.

As usual, before any real action takes place, a summary is displayed:

This screen shows the final result:

Note: Do not proceed if the VIP configuration assistant reports any errors.

In this case, delete the resources as user root with the commands

# crs_stop –f resource_name
# crs_unregister resource_name

And repeat the configuration with vipca.

Oracle CRS parameter adjustment for SAP installations

In some cases the default configuration of several timing related parameters for error
detection and health check are too aggressive for system setup in a complex
environment, especially if the service times of components like network or disk-I/O is
not deterministic in a sense that there is a high deviation from the mean or average

Important timing parameters for the oracle clusterware are misscount, disktimeout,
reboottime and diagwait.

The parameter disktimeout specifies the maximum I/O completion time for read /
write access to the OCR repository and the voting disks. Timing values are given in
seconds. A node must be able to access at least one of the OCR repository and at least
one of the voting disks; otherwise the node will leave the cluster by issuing a reboot.

The parameter misscount gives the maximum time in seconds for outstanding
communication probes via the network connections among the nodes. It checks
network healthiness. If a node can’t reach any of the other nodes within misscount
seconds timeframe, it will start split-brain resolution and probably evict itself from the
cluster by doing a reboot.

Parameter reboottime holds the estimated time for a reboot. Default value is 3
seconds. It is the time assumed to bring down a node completely.

The parameter diagwait is the amount of time to wait in seconds after a node is
considered dead and reconfiguration can safely start. This parameter is important in
conjunction with the oprocd timing values. A dead or blocked node must already be
fenced out by oprocd (via a fast reboot) before the remaining nodes can safely start
reconfiguration. If reconfiguration starts to early, data integrity may be compromised.

Always check Oracle Metalink note 294430.1 “CSS Timeout Computation in RAC
10g (10g Release 1 and 10g release2)” for latest information regarding the
parameters and their relationship.

You can query the values by the crsctl command. Switch to user root, then issue the

% $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl get css disktimeout

to query the current value of the parameter.

Set the parameter by using command

% $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css disktimeout 200

as an example.

You must restart CRS on all nodes to make the parameters take effect. Easiest way is
to reboot all nodes.

In rare cases, the default timing constraints for the Oracle process oprocd can’t be met
due to long or poor scheduling times in the Operating System, which may cause false
node evictions (oprocd will reboot the node).

If you notice suspicious node evictions by oprocd you can change the timeout values
for this program using the 'diagwait' parameter (see note 559365.1). The Clusterware
stack as well as oprocd must be down on all nodes, modification to diagwait should be
made using crsctl and the Clusterware should be re-started. Now oprocd will be
started with a margin equal to 'diagwait-reboottime' (reboottime defaults to 3
seconds). Always be sure that the Clusterware 'misscount' is greater than diagwait.
Recommended value for diagwait is 13.

See Metalink note 265769.1 “Troubleshooting CRS Reboots” for further information.

Install Oracle 10.2 RAC Software on a Cluster

Once the Oracle CRS software has been successfully installed and started, the next
step in the configuration process is to install the database software. Similarly to a
single-instance installation with SAP, this task must be performed as user ora<sid>.
This user belongs to the group dba and is the software owner of the database software
for SAP database SID.

Create user ora<sid> on all nodes in the cluster, if this has not already been done. Use
a shared home directory on the cluster filesystem for user ora<sid>. This makes
administrative tasks much more easy, as changes to profiles must be performed only
once and are valid or visible on all nodes in the cluster. All configuration examples in
this white paper assume a shared home directory for user ora<sid>.

If the home directory of user ora<sid> already exists on a local filesystem from a
previous SAP installation, relocate this directory to a shared home directory on the
cluster filesystem.

Similarly to the way the user oracle was set up for the CRS software, secure shell
access between all nodes in the cluster must be set up as explained below so that they
all can use a shared home directory.

Log on to the first node as user ora<sid>.

Create directory ~/.ssh, if it does not exist already. Go to this directory.

$ mkdir .ssh
$ cd .ssh

Create private and public key files for RSA and DSA authorization:

$ ssh-keygen –t rsa –f <path_to_homedirectory>/.ssh/id_rsa_<nodename>

Do not specify a passphrase, just hit Enter when asked.

$ ssh-keygen –t dsa –f <path_to_homedirectory>/.ssh/id_dsa_<nodename>

Once again, do not specify a passphrase. Hit Enter.

Repeat this on all nodes. Remember that you must log on to the node, as key
generation is dependent on the node itself. After all private and public key files have
been generated, you must create a config file containing pointers to the Identity file
for every node.

These Identity files contain private keys of the respective nodes. You must give the
full pathname to these files. Example for the file ~/.ssh/config:

ForwardX11 no
PasswordAuthentication no
Host oracx1
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_rsa_oracx1
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_dsa_oracx1
Host oracx2
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_rsa_oracx2
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_dsa_oracx2
Host oracw1
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_rsa_oracw1
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_dsa_oracw1
Host oracw2
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_rsa_oracw2
IdentityFile /saphome1/orarac/.ssh/id_dsa_oracw2

Concatenate all files containing public keys to the file authorized_keys

$ cat *.pub > authorized_keys

Change the file permissions

$chmod 600 config

$chmod 600 authorized_keys
$chmod 700 .ssh
$chmod 755 ~

You should now be able to open a ssh connection to all hosts without being prompted
for a password. Try this by executing

$ssh <nodename> date

Repeat this on all nodes in order to have the fingerprints recorded in the file

Check the Oracle documentation for all other minimum requirements before starting
the installation. Oracle provides you with a tool for verifying that the conditions for a
successful installation have been met. This tool is called cluvfy and is shipped with
the Oracle software.

Note: It is recommended that you use the tool cluvfy to verify that all minimum
requirements have been met.

For the installation of the Oracle database software, make sure that the inventory
directory and all subdirectories are writable by user ora<sid>. On all nodes, do a
"chown -R ora<sid>:dba /oracle/oraInventory". This check also applies if you install a
patchset or a single patch for the Oracle database software.

Log on as user ora<sid> and start the installation with the Oracle Universal Installer

Start the installation. The welcome screen opens.

In the next screen, choose the Enterprise Edition for installation.

Note that you must install the database software in a separate ORACLE_HOME
location. Do not choose the same location as the Oracle Clusterware.

The available cluster nodes are detected automatically. Select all nodes for
installation. The installer detects a shared Oracle Home on a cluster filesystem and
installs the software only once.

The Oracle installer checks that all minimum requirements have been met. If this
check is not passed, do not continue with the installation!

Install the database software only.

Check the summary screen. If all information is correct, press Install to start the
installation process.

Once the software has been installed, you must run the root.sh scripts on all nodes as
user root.

The last screen shows the result of the installation. Do not continue with the upgrade
with patchset if there are any warning messages.

Now upgrade the database software to the latest patchset available, which is release at the moment. The Oracle Universal Installer will show the same sequence
of screens that appeared during the installation of the patchset for the Oracle
Clusterware. Please refer to all the screen shots from the previous sections in this

Note: The cluster filesystem holding the shared ORACLE Home software
installation directory should support memory mapped files. Memory mapped files
are used by CRS to monitor the health of a running Oracle instance.

If the cluster filesystem on your platform does not allow memory-mapped files, you
must create a symbolic link to a local filesystem, which supports memory-mapped

The name of the memory mapped file is hc_<INSTANCE_NAME>.dat. The file is

located in directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.

After the software installation, create a local directory on a local filesystem on every
node. Copy the file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/hc_<INSTNAME>.dat to the local
directory. Perform this on every node in the cluster.

Thereafter delete the file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/hc_<INSTNAME>.dat. On every

node in the cluster, create a symbolic link in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs pointing to the
copied file in the local filesystem.

ln -s /<local>/hc_<INSTNAME>.dat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/hc_<INSTNAME>.dat

Upgrade the Database to Oracle 10g Release 2

Once the OUI has installed the software, you must upgrade the database itself to
Oracle10g Release 2 manually. The checks mentioned here are intended to accelerate
the upgrade progress by making sure that all minimum requirements have been met
before the actual upgrade starts. Following the steps given in this part reduces the risk
of errors during the upgrade process.

Note: If your SAP system has been freshly installed with Oracle 10g Release 2, you
can skip the upgrade steps. Continue with the controlfile parameters check.

Log on to the system as user ora<dbsid>. It is important that the environment of the
user ora<dbsid> now reflects the changes to the new Oracle 10g software release.
Before starting the database with the new Oracle executables, these variables must be
set or corrected as follows:

Variable Value
ORACLE_HOME /oracle/<dbsid>/1020_64
ORACLE_SID <dbsid>
ORACLE_BASE /oracle/<dbsid>
NLS_LANG as set in the old system

Additionally, the $PATH and the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable should include the
path to the new Oracle executables.

Preparing the Upgrade: Server Parameter File spfile.ora or init<dbsid>.ora

Copy all files from the old $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to the new
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. According to the naming rules used by most SAP
installations, the new $ORACLE_HOME is /oracle/<dbsid>/1020_64. If the ifile
parameter is used in the old file, then any referenced file herein should be copied also.

Note: If you are upgrading from an Oracle 9.2 RAC installation, remember that all
the tasks for the upgrade to Oracle 10.2 must be done as for a single-instance
environment. For this, you must set initialization parameter cluster_database=false.

If you are still using a pfile init<SID>.ora for instance startup, edit this file with a text
editor and make sure the parameter cluster_database is set to false.

In the case of a single server parameter file spfile.ora which is needed by SAP for
RAC, change the setting of the parameter using sqlplus:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup nomount

SQL> alter database set parameter cluster_database=’false’ scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;

Preparing the Upgrade: Check For Deprecated Parameters

Note that the current parameter settings must be checked before starting the instance.
For smooth, error-free instance startup, all deprecated or unsupported parameters
should be commented out in the parameter file.

A list of these parameters can be found on the online documentation CD.

Note: All parameters referring to the Oracle network configuration file

tnsnames.ora (like LOCAL_LISTENER) must be commented out for the upgrade
as well.

Startup and Upgrade the Database

Use SQL*Plus to open the database as follows:

$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect / as sysdba

connected to an idle instance
SQL> startup upgrade;

Extend SYSTEM Tablespace

The free space in the SYSTEM tablespace should be sufficient for the upgrade. You
can check whether the actual amount of free space is sufficient by issuing the
following query from SQL*Plus:

SQL> select sum(bytes), sum(blocks) from dba_free_space

where tablespace_name = `SYSTEM’;

If the size requirements are not met, you can create additional space using one of the
following commands:

-Adding space by creating an additional file:

SQL> alter tablespace system add datafile `<full-path-of-datafile>’

size 80M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited;

-Setting the AUTOEXTEND feature on an existing file of the SYSTEM tablespace:

SQL> alter database datafile `filename` autoextend on;

-Directly resizing an existing file:

SQL> alter database datafile `filename’ resize <new filesize>;

Create SYSAUX Tablespace

Note: You can skip this step if you are upgrading from Oracle 10g Release 1.

Otherwise, the new tablespace SYSAUX must be created before the upgrade script
starts. See the Oracle database Administrator's guide for more information on
SYSAUX tablespace.

SQL> create tablespace SYSAUX

datafile ‘/oracle/<SID>/sapdataX/sysaux01.dbf'
size 500M reuse autoextend on extent management local
segment space management auto

Checking for Invalid Database Objects

Any invalid object within the database also remains invalid after the upgrade. The
upgrade does not remove invalid objects. The following SQL statements can obtain a
list of invalid objects:

SQL> spool /var/tmp/Check4InvObj.log

SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status = `INVALID’;
SQL> select comp_id, version, status from dba_registry;

If the output of the previous statements did not return 0, then invalid objects should be
identified as follows:

SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type from dba_objects where

status = `INVALID’;

SQL> spool off

SQL> shutdown immediate

Perform the Upgrade

An SQL script upgrades the database to Oracle 10g Release 2. Log on to the system as
user ora<dbsid>. Change the current working directory to
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin. The script catupgrd.sql runs the upgrade from the
old Oracle version to Oracle10g Release 2.

sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect / as sysdba

connected to an idle instance
SQL> startup upgrade;

SQL> spool upgrade.log

SQL> @catupgrd.sql

After this script has completed, the upgrade to 10.2 is finished. Check the result of the
upgrade by executing script utlu102s.sql.

SQL> @utlu102s.sql
SQL> spool off

Check that the instance starts smoothly after the upgrade process.

SQL> shutdown immediate

SQL> startup


Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catclust.sql to create cluster-related views in

the data dictionary as follows:

SQL> @catclust.sql
SQL> @utlrp.sql
SQL> @olstrig.sql

The script utlrp.sql recompiles any remaining PL/SQL and Java procedures. The
script olstrig.sql recreates all DML triggers on tables with Oracle Label Security
policies. The last two scripts are normally not required in an SAP environment.

Now you can make the remaining database changes for RAC.

Database Control File Parameters

For the planned RAC enabling of the existing database, the database parameters
attention. These parameters are part of the Oracle control files and were specified
during initial database creation. Generally speaking, these parameters will not have
changed since the first installation of the R/3 system.

Note: This section applies to upgrades from an old single-instance database only. If
your existing system is already Oracle 9.2 RAC enabled, you can skip this section.

MAXINSTANCES should be at least the number of nodes in the cluster, probably

with some room for additional growth in the future.

MAXLOGFILES determines the highest number of redo log file groups that can ever
be created in the database. Keeping in mind the conventions used by SAP software for
naming the log file groups and members, this value should be set to a number greater
than the highest GROUP value for any redo log file group.

MAXLOGMEMBERS specifies the maximum number of members, or identical

copies, for a redo log file group. The default value for an SAP installation is 2.

If the current values are not sufficient for the planned configuration, a new set of
control files needs to be created. To do this, dump the current settings to a trace file as

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;

This generates an SQL statement together with hints for generating a new set of
control files in the current database trace file. The location of the directory for this
file can be determined by SQL*Plus as follows:

SQL> show parameter user_dump_dest

The default directory for this file is /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/usertrace, if SAP naming

conventions are used.

The most recent database trace file contains all necessary information. Save the
relevant part of this trace file to a temporary file and modify the parameters to
appropriate values.

This command gives a list:

ls –lr

The most recent log file is at the end of this list.

Copy the most recent trace file to a temporary file. Edit this file and, if necessary,
correct the values for MAXLOGFILES, MAXLOGMEMBERS and

If the current parameters are already sufficient, then you don't have to create a new set
of control files. If this is not the case, then you need adjust these parameters. Once
you have made the changes, follow the instructions given in the trace file for creating
a new set of control files.

Example: Excerpt from a trace file from an early RAC installation at SAP
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

# Below are two sets of SQL statements, each of which creates a new
# control file and uses it to open the database. The first set opens
# the database with the NORESETLOGS option and should be used only if
# the current versions of all online logs are available. The second
# set opens the database with the RESETLOGS option and should be used
# if online logs are unavailable.
# The appropriate set of statements can be copied from the trace into
# a script file, edited as necessary, and executed when there is a
# need to re-create the control file.
# Set #1. NORESETLOGS case
# The following commands will create a new control file and use it
# to open the database.
# Data used by the recovery manager will be lost. Additional logs may
# be required for media recovery of offline data files. Use this
# only if the current version of all online logs are available.
GROUP 11 (
) SIZE 20M,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

GROUP 44 (
) SIZE 20M

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

# Recovery is required if any of the datafiles are restored backups,
# or if the last shutdown was not normal or immediate.
# Database can now be opened normally.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Automatic Undo Management with Undo Tablespaces

Oracle and SAP recommend using undo tablespaces in a RAC environment. The use
of rollback segments is deprecated and should be avoided in a RAC configuration
with SAP.

Note: This section applies to upgrades from single instance databases only. Skip
this section if your existing system is already Oracle 9.2 RAC enabled with undo
tablespaces in use.

Prepare to use automatic undo management for an SAP installation with the following
naming conventions used by SAP:

PSAPUNDO, PSAPUNDO_002, … , PSAPUNDO_n, depending on the number of

instances in the cluster. Preferably, the datafiles for these tablespaces should be
located on separate disks.

Creating the tablespaces can also be done using the following sample SQL script:

create undo tablespace PSAPUNDO datafile

'/oracle/<dbsid>/sapdataX/undo/undo.data1 ' size 1000m reuse;
create undo tablespace PSAPUNDO_002 datafile
'/oracle/<dbsid>/sapdataX/undo_002/undo_002.data1 ' size 1000m
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

create undo tablespace PSAPUNDO_00n datafile

'/oracle/<dbsid>/sapdata4/undo_00n/undo_00n.data1 ' size 1000m

Note: Leveraging automatic undo management also requires changes to the

initialization file of an instance. The entries for the rollback segments need to be
deleted or commented out. Add the lines:

*.undo_management = auto
<dbsid>001.undo_tablespace = PSAPUNDO
<dbsid>002.undo_tablespace = PSAPUNDO_002

<dbsid>00n.undo_tablespace = PSAPUNDO_00n

to the instance-specific initialization files.

Use of automatic undo management is mutually exclusive with the use of rollback
segments for the instances in the cluster. It is not allowed to use a mix of both
methods. Either none or all instances in the cluster must be configured to use
automatic undo tablespaces.

Note: If you decide to use undo tablespaces, you have to drop all the tablespace(s)
holding the old rollback segments. You cannot set these tablespaces in offline mode,
as the database server may hang.

Redo Log Groups and Members

Note: This section applies to upgrades from single-instance databases only. If your
existing system is already Oracle 9.2 RAC enabled, you can skip this section.

In a standard SAP installation, there are four groups of Oracle transaction log files
(redo log files). By default, each group contains one original and one mirrored redo
log file. If redo log files are mirrored with the help of hardware or operating system,
then each group will consist of one original redo log file only. The default layout in a
single instance database installation is organized as follows:

• GROUP 101 (redo1)


• GROUP 102 (redo2)


• GROUP 103 (redo3)


• GROUP 104 (redo4)


The log files are periodically written from redo log log_g101m?.dbf to redo log
log_g104m?.dbf. The redo log in use and the redo log being archived always belong
to a different set: GROUP 101 and GROUP 103 belong to set A, GROUP 102 and
GROUP 104 belong to set B.

In an Oracle RAC configuration with multiple instances, every database instance

needs its own group of redo log files. The naming conventions are changed slightly
for these additional log file groups. The second instance (thread2) should use a redo
log set A containing GROUP 21 and GROUP 23, and a set B containing GROUP 22
and GROUP 24. The third instance will then use set A and B and so on.

Creating additional redo log files for the new database instances can be performed
with a simple SQL script as shown in the following example for an Oracle RAC
solution with four database instances:

alter database add logfile thread 1 group 11
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g11m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 1 group 12
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g12m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 1 group 13
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g13m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 1 group 14
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g14m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;

alter database add logfile thread 2 group 21

´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g21m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 2 group 22
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g22m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 2 group 23
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g23m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 2 group 24
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g24m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;

alter database add logfile thread 3 group 31

´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g31m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 3 group 32
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g32m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 3 group 33
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g33m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 3 group 34
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g34m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;

alter database add logfile thread 4 group 41

´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g41m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 4 group 42
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g42m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 4 group 43
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogA/log_g43m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;
alter database add logfile thread 4 group 44
´/oracle/<dbsid>/mirrlogB/log_g44m2.dbf´) size 200M reuse;

The new threads need to be enabled before they can be used.

SQL> alter database enable public thread 1;

SQL> alter database enable public thread 2;
SQL> alter database enable public thread 3;
SQL> alter database enable public thread 4;

After the files and groups have been created and enabled, the old set of redo log files
can be dropped. Query v$log to see which log file group is current:

SQL> select group#, archived, status from v$log;

------------ --------------------
. . . . .


Do as many log switches as needed to ensure that the current log is in the newly
created group. Query v$log again if in doubt.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

SQL> alter system switch logfile;
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
SQL> alter system switch logfile;

Once you have done this, the old log file groups can be dropped safely:

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 101;

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 102;
SQL> alter database drop logfile group 103;
SQL> alter database drop logfile group 104;

Don’t forget to delete the log files of group 101-104 at the OS-level!

In the given example, it is assumed that the log files are not mirrored by hardware.

SAP recommends that the members of a log file group reside on different disks for
performance reasons. The diagram above shows the optimal configuration in which
every set of redo logs resides on a separate disk or disk volume.

Modify Oracle Initialization Parameters for RAC

For correct operation of the RAC cluster database environment, the database
initialization parameters have to be changed. With a single-instance Oracle
database, there is only one parameter file init<dbsid>.ora in the directory
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs. If you are running a RAC cluster database configuration,
every database instance needs a separate parameter file with the name init<dbsid>
or the default init.ora file for instance startup. In an SAP environment, SPFILE is
now supported, and the modification to use it is simple to perform.

Note: With a shared $ORACLE_HOME, the single server parameter file is stored in a
shared location on the cluster filesystem.

SAP uses $ORACLE_HOME/dbs for configuration files as well. The configuration

for the BR*SPACE toolset is stored in this directory. Maintaining these files and
the Oracle server parameter file with SAP tools requires a shared location.
Distributed (local to a node) configuration is not supported.

Oracle and SAP recommend using a SPFILE in a RAC environment.

Note: The following section applies if you are upgrading an existing SAP
installation and you are using a PFILE init<SID>.ora.

The original initialization file init<dbsid>.ora must be copied from the old directory to
the new directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. If the IFILE parameter is used in the old
file, then any referenced file within should also be copied from the old location to the
new location. Note that if this include mechanism was used for database initialization,
then it should be avoided in the future. This recommendation is also from SAP and is
valid for normal upgrades to Oracle 10g as well. This will ensure an easier transition
to binary SPFILEs in future releases.

In the planned RAC environment, every Oracle database instance needs a private
initialization file init<dbsid><thread>.ora. A good practice if you want to stay with
instance-specific files is to use this file for the instance-specific settings only and to
include the common parameters for all instances in a file named icommon.ora.

Note: If you are already using a SPFILE, you may create a human-readable pfile
init.ora to adjust the configuration using a text editor.

If you modify an existing spfile, use sqlplus commands “alter system set

Example: Set instance number 1 for instance RAC001

SQL> alter system set instance_number = 1

scope = spfile sid = ‘RAC001’;

The instance-specific part of the initialization file should look like this:

instance_number = <thread>
thread = <thread>
instance_name = <dbsid><thread>
service_names = (<dbsid>, <dbsid><thread>
undo_management = auto

An undo tablespace has to be created in the database for every instance. See section
undo tablespaces for an explanation of automatic undo management.

Oracle and SAP recommend using undo tablespaces in a RAC environment.

The file icommon.ora contains all other initialization parameters, which are valid for
all instances. In an RAC environment, you need to pay particular attention to the
parameters shown in the following table after upgrading:

Parameter Value Comment

db_domain WORLD Set to WORLD if no
other value
Compatible 10.2
cluster_database True Set this after the
upgrade to 10g
remote_login_passwordfile Exclusive
remote_os_authent True
local_listener LISTENER_<SID>_ Set this after network
<HOSTNAME> configuration file
tnsnames.ora is valid
remote_listener REMOTE_LISTENER_ Set this after network
<SID>_<HOSTNAME> configuration file
tnsnames.ora is valid

Note: Adjust the parameters shown in the previous table after the database upgrade.
For the upgrade procedure itself, the old settings must be used.

Once the migration to a RAC-enabled database has finished, you should create a
single init.ora initialization file instead of multiple init<dbsid>.ora files. Instance-
specific values are tagged by the instance name in front of the parameter. The instance
name is resolved from the ORACLE_SID environment variable.

Example for an excerpt from a single init.ora file:

<dbsid>001.instance_number = 001
<dbsid>002.instance_number = 002
<dbsid>001.thread = 001
<dbsid>002.thread = 002
<dbsid>001.instance_name = <dbsid>001
<dbsid>002.instance_name = <dbsid>002
<dbsid>001.service_names = (<dbsid>, <dbsid>001)

*.undo_management = auto


Any parameter that is valid for all instances is preceded by a “*”. You can omit the
“*” for common parameters.

Delete any init<dbsid>.ora or init<dbsid><thread>.ora initialization files from the

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

Create a binary SPFILE (with filename spfile.ora) by using sqlplus

connect “/ as sysdba”

SQL> create spfile=’spfile.ora’ from pfile=’init<dbsid>.ora’;

Note: Do this after successful migration to RAC.

A binary SPFILE is a prerequisite for using Oracle Enterprise Manager in an RAC


Delete any init<dbsid>.ora or init<dbsid><thread>.ora initialization files from the

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

Oracle Password File

Note: If you are upgrading from an Oracle 9i RAC system, just copy the old
password file from the previous 9i RAC $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to the new

A password file is not used in the single-instance SAP R/3 configuration by default,
but it is necessary for a RAC environment. The database instance will use this file to
identify users with DBA and OPER privileges. To create a password file, log on as
user ora<dsid>. If you use any other user account, the password file will be unusable.
The file itself resides in the same directory as the database initialization files, which is

Use this command to create the file:

orapwd file=<fname> password=<password> entries=<users>

The file parameter specifies the filename and is mandatory. Enter the password of the
database user SYS for the password parameter. The entries parameter is optional and
denotes the number of distinct users with DBA and OPER privileges.

Enable the Cluster Database and Start all Instances

Once you have finished upgrading to Oracle 10g RAC and completed all
modifications to the database as explained in this part, (re)enable the cluster database.
In the case of a single-server parameter file spfile.ora which is required by SAP for
RAC, change the setting of the cluster database parameter using sqlplus:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup nomount

SQL> alter system set parameter cluster_database=’true’ scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;

Log on to every node in the cluster as user ora<sid>. Set the environment variable
ORACLE_SID to the unique value of the instance intended to run on the cluster node.
Start the Oracle database instance on each node using sqlplus.


$sqlplus / as sysdba
connected to an idle instance
SQL> startup

Note: The database and the instances are not yet known to the Oracle Clusterware.
You must use sqlplus to start the database instances. Once you have completed the
configuration use the tool srvctl for controlling the database instances.

Oracle Network Configuration

Correct setup of the network configuration inside and outside the cluster nodes is vital
for the smooth and error-free operation of the SAP R/3 system and various
administration tools. Depending on the specific needs of the actual operating
environment, the underlying operating system and the preference of other Oracle
installations at a certain site, the Oracle network configuration files have several
possible locations. This document assumes that these files are located on a cluster
filesystem. This is especially the case if the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
directory is on a clustered filesystem. In this case, all the nodes in the cluster have
access to the same directory for the Oracle network configuration.

Note: When upgrading from an Oracle 9i RAC installation, remove the symbolic
links created to point to local copies for network configuration and log files.

With a shared $ORACLE_HOME on a cluster filesystem the setup for SAP R/3 with
Oracle 9i RAC needs symbolic links from the configuration and log files to local,
node specific copies of these files residing on local disks. See the white paper
"Configuring SAP R/3 4.6D for Use with Oracle Real Application Clusters" for a
detailed explanation. With Oracle 10g RAC and the use of arbitrary database services
for every SAP R/3 application server instance this is no longer required. All nodes in
and outside of the cluster can use the same network configuration files. Therefore,
these files can reside on a shared cluster filesystem without any problem.

Listener Configuration File listener.ora

Every cluster node that runs an Oracle database instance must have a listener process
to satisfy the connection requests from clients.

Note: With SAP installations it is necessary to have a dedicated listener process

configured for every SAP system running on the cluster. This deviates from the
default Oracle setup, which has only one listener per node.

To separate the various listeners, every SAP system must use a dedicated port number
for connection requests. The Oracle default port is 1521. SAP uses port number 1527
by default. If there is more than one SAP system running on the cluster, the port
numbers used must differ.

Every node in the cluster can share the listener.ora configuration file for the SAP
system. There is no need to have a separate file for every listener process running on
the cluster nodes. To distinguish the entries, the name of the listener is made up of the
literal string LISTENER, the SID and the node name, separated by a "_" character:
Template for listener: LISTENER_<SID>_<nodename>
By following this naming convention, more than one listener resource can be
registered within CRS. The name of the CRS resource will then be

The listener process in Oracle 10g depends on the VIP on the cluster nodes. If the VIP
fails or is relocated on demand, the listener process should stop on the node in
question. In order for this to happen, the listener must be registered as a service within

the CRS framework. This is different from earlier releases of Oracle, in which the
listener process needed to be started manually.

Note: We do not recommend manual registration of resources in CRS. This also

applies to the listener configuration. Use the configuration tool netca to configure
the listeners.

Example: Using netca for listener configuration:

As user ora<sid>, check the correct setting of $ORACLE_HOME. Start netca. Select
Cluster configuration.

Select all nodes in the cluster as shown in the next screen.

Select Listener configuration

Select Add if you are starting from scratch, Reconfigure if you have copied an
existing listener.ora to $ORCACLE_HOME/network/admin.

Choose the name for the Listener. See the recommendation given; the name should be
LISTENER_<SID>. The nodename is added automatically for all previously selected

Select the protocol to use. You must select TCP. IPC is optional, but no longer

Select the port number to use. The SAP default port is 1527. If you plan to run more
than one Oracle database on the cluster, make sure that every database uses a unique
port number that is not shared between Listeners.

If you don’t have another Oracle database running on the cluster, you’re done.

Select Finish. The tool will now create the listener configuration file listener.ora and
create the resources for the listeners in the CRS repository.

You can check the result of resource creation with the output of command

$ crs_stat -p ora.<nodename>.LISTENER_<SID>_<nodename>.lsnr

The netca tool creates a simple configuration for all listeners in the file listener.ora in
directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. For SAP, additional entries are
Check the content of the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora. In the
simplest case, the listener.ora file should look like the example given below. This
example shows a configuration with four nodes.


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracx1_vip ) (PORT = 1527)(IP = FIRST))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracx2_vip) (PORT = 1527)(IP = FIRST))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracw1_vip) (PORT = 1527)(IP = FIRST))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracw2_vip) (PORT = 1527)(IP = FIRST))

(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)

(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)

(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)

(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)

(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/RAC/102_32)

Note: The service names of the listeners should match the names given in the
startup profile for the Oracle database instance parameters local_listener. The
network service name of parameter and remote_listener only needs to be in the file

The Oracle database instances must register with the listener process in order to
publish the provided service to the clients. Registration takes place automatically at
instance startup. As for SAP installations, the default port number used is different
from the Oracle default. The correct entries for the instance profile parameters
local_listener and remote_listener parameters must be given. Otherwise automatic
service registration will fail.

Beside the automatic registration of the Oracle instances to the listener processes,
there is still a SID_LIST for every listener to maintain. The SID_LIST entries in the
file listener.ora inform the listener about the existence of the instance, even if the

instance is not running. This is important for the BR*Tools from SAP, to differentiate
between a stopped and a non-existing instance.

Note: When upgrading from an Oracle 9i RAC installation, the instance parameter
remote_listener must be set. This parameter is not set for Oracle 9i RAC for SAP.

Listeners should be started and stopped using CRS commands. Do not use the lsnrctl
start/stop command to control the listener.

Starting a listener manually:

$ srvctl start listener –l LISTENER_<SID>_<NODENAME> -n <node>

Stopping a listener manually:

$ srvctl start listener –l LISTENER_<SID>_<NODENAME> -n <node>

Furthermore, the status of the listener can be obtained with the command

$ lsnrctl status LISTENER_<SID>_<NODENAME>

Network Configuration File tnsnames.ora

Whereas the listener configuration file benefits from automatic service registration of
the database instances and can be kept small and handy for all listeners, the
configuration file for the clients will have more entries. However, even with the
increased number of entries, this new Oracle 10g implementation is a big
improvement on the more complex setup of Oracle 9i RAC for SAP: The
tnsnames.ora file is the same for all clients and can easily be located in a shared
ORACLE_HOME directory on a cluster filesystem. There is no need anymore for
private, local copies of this file on all the nodes with the setup of symbolic links to
achieve this on a shared cluster filesystem.

Note: If you migrate from Oracle 9i RAC to Oracle 10g RAC, make sure to remove
the symbolic links to local copies of the file tnsnames.ora.

In contrast to listener configuration, the netca tool is not recommended for

configuring tnsnames.ora. Manual configuration is required because netca is not able
to configure advanced options for the net service entries.

The content of the file tnsnames.ora can be divided into three parts. The first part
addresses the entries for the listeners running on one node and the remote listeners on
all other nodes. For every instance running on a node in the cluster, the net service
name LISTENER_<NODENAME> corresponds to the initialization parameter
local_listener in the (s)pfile for the instance, whereas the entry with the net service
name REMOTE_LISTENER_<NODENAME> is the same as given for initialization
parameter remote_listener. In this entry there is an address-list with all other nodes.

The entry for the local listener has only one member in the address list, which is the
nodename for the virtual IP.

The second part contains one generic entry for the database as a whole, and as many
net service entries as there are database instances for this database. The general net
service name is <DBSID>, as used in the various profiles of the SAP R/3 application.
The main purpose here is to serve as a last resort or default entry for R/3 work
processes or other tools that must connect sporadically to the database without the
need for a specific instance or service.
The remaining net service entries in this section contain connect descriptors for the
database instances running on the cluster nodes. These entries are mostly required for
maintaining the database instance. BR*Tools, for example, use these entries. Another
use for these entries is SAP clients using older OCI clients that are not able to log on
to the database using database services.

The third section contains all entries that connect to database services in the database.
The clients from the SAP R/3 application server instances should use these net service
entries to connect not to a single database or a database instance running on a specific
node but to a database service which can be relocated to any instance and node by
simple CRS commands. The name of the net service entries is made up of the unique
database name, the instance name and number of the SAP application instance, and
the hostname that the SAP instance is running on. The general schema used here is
therefore <SID>_<INST><NR>_<hostname>.WORLD.
The Oracle tool srvctl is used to define services within the database instances. For a
description and examples of how to define service entries to the database see the
section "Define database services for SAP R/3 application instances".

Example: Database RAC with 4 instances and 4 service definitions for SAP dialog
instances D01_oracx1, D02_oracx2, D03_oracw1 and D04_oracw2:

# Filename......: tnsnames.ora
# Created.......: created by SAP AG, R/3 Rel. >= 6.10
# Name..........:
# Date..........:

### Section 1: entries for connection to the listener process










### Section 2: general database service and instances


(SID = RAC001)


(SID = RAC002)

(SID = RAC003)

(SID = RAC004)

### Section 3: entries for SAP application instances






Copy the tnsnames.ora File to the Location given in TNS_ADMIN when using
the Instant Client

From release Oracle 10g, SAP software for the ABAP stack uses instant client
libraries for database connections. As instant client implementation does not require a
$ORACLE_HOME directory, the location of the network configuration file
tnsnames.ora to be used by the client is obtained from the environment variable

Note: SAP uses environment variable TNS_ADMIN to specify the location of

tnsnames.ora. The value of TNS_ADMIN may differ on SAP application server
nodes outside of the cluster.

Copy the file tnsnames.ora to all SAP application servers to the location given in the
environment variable TNS_ADMIN for user sap<sid> on those servers.

For SAP application instances running within the cluster, you can modify the value of
TNS_ADMIN to point to the shared Oracle Home directory holding the network

Add Instance Profile Parameters: local_listener, remote_listener

After the setup of the file tnsnames.ora, the correct values for the instance profile
parameters local_listener and remote_listener must be set.

Note: Do not set these parameters before the configuration of tnsnames.ora is

completed. The instances do not start if the net service name can’t be resolved.

The parameter values for local_listener and remote_listener must match the net
service entries for the listeners in the file tnsnames.ora. If the naming rules explained
for setting up file tnsnames.ora are obeyed, the parameter local_listener for a database
instance will be ’LISTENER_<SID>_<HOSTNAME>’, whereas the parameter
remote_listener will be ’REMOTE_LISTENER_<SID>_<HOSTNAME>’ for every
instance. The difference between these parameters is therefore the hostname, which
specifies the instance for which the entries are valid.

Example for setting parameter local_listener and remote_listener on 4 nodes oracx1,

oracx2, oracw1, oracw2:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup nomount
SQL> alter system set local_listener=’LISTENER_RAC_ORACX1’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC001’;
SQL> alter system set local_listener=’LISTENER_RAC_ORACX2’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC002’;
SQL> alter system set local_listener=’LISTENER_RAC_ORACW1’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC003’;
SQL> alter system set local_listener=’LISTENER_RAC_ORACW2’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC004’;
SQL> alter system set remote_listener=’REMOTE_LISTENER_RAC_ORACX1’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC001’;
SQL> alter system set remote_listener=’REMOTE_LISTENER_RAC_ORACX2’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC002’;
SQL> alter system set remote_listener=’REMOTE_LISTENER_RAC_ORACW1’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC003’;
SQL> alter system set remote_listener=’REMOTE_LISTENER_RAC_ORACW2’
scope=spfile sid=’RAC004’;
SQL> shutdown immediate;

Service Registration in CRS for the RAC enabled SAP database

The idea of database services is new to Oracle 10g RAC and CRS. These are defined
and controlled in the HA framework of CRS by resources in the same way as
databases, instances, listeners etc., for example. To make use of this concept in an
SAP R/3 system, the various software components and programs must be known
within Oracle CRS, the central framework for starting, stopping and relocating all of
these services within the cluster. In terms of CRS, a database service is a resource
with specific attributes.

The most basic building block for all types of services is the VIP, ONS and GSD
resources running on every cluster node. These resources are silently created during
Oracle CRS installation.

The resource entries for the listener process must be created with the netca command.
This step is already explained in section “Listener Configuration File listener.ora”.

Configure the SAP Database and the RAC Instances in Oracle Clusterware

Before any service entries to the database can be added, the database itself and the
instances belonging to the database need to be published to OCR. All configuration
tasks are performed using the Oracle Server Control Utility SRVCTL.

Add the SAP database to the OCR configuration. Example

$ srvctl add database –d RAC –o /oracle/RAC/1020_32

The next step is the addition of all database instances to the configuration. In the
example below, 4 instances are added:

$ srvctl add instance –d RAC –i RAC001 –n oracx1

$ srvctl add instance –d RAC –i RAC002 –n oracx2
$ srvctl add instance –d RAC –i RAC003 –n oracw1
$ srvctl add instance –d RAC –i RAC004 –n oracw2

Once the database and the instances are known to the Oracle clusterware, starting and
stopping the database should only be performed by using the srvctl command. Use of
sqlplus is not recommended.

Example: Starting the database

$ srvctl start database –d RAC

This starts all instances as well.

Example: Stopping a single instance:

$ srvctl stop instance –d RAC –i RAC001

The status of the database and instances can be obtained by

$ srvctl status database –d RAC –v

If there is a problem with the database like media corruption, recovery problems etc.,
srvctl command will not report these kind of problems to the user. So if you notice
that the database ore some instances does not start correctly, check the alert log of the
instances. If the database or some database files need to be repaired by a media
recovery, you must perform all administrative task with sqlplus.

Define Database Services for SAP R/3 Application Instances

The idea behind database services definition is to have various SAP application
instances connected to arbitrary Oracle database services instead of being connected
to a specific instance. The database instances in turn make the configured services
available to the application instances. The rules for the placement of the database
services are defined within CRS. In a basic setup, every SAP application instance
uses a unique database service for connection to the database.

In the picture above, SAP instance D01 finds the connection information in the
parameter dbs/ora/tnsname in instance profile RAC_D01_node1. With this
information, the instance D01 looks up the connection information in the file
tnsnames.ora. Instance D01 connects to the Listener using service name D01_node1
in the connection descriptor. The Listener now forwards the SAP instance to the
Oracle database instance, which offers service D01_node1.

Database services for SAP instances are defined within CRS by the srvctl command.

Example: Definition of a database service (-s) D01_oracx1 for database (-d) RAC for
SAP application instance D01 that is running on host oracx1. This database service is

configured to be available on database instance (-r) RAC001, with the ability to fail
over to database instances (-a) RAC002, RAC003 or RAC004:

$ srvctl add service –d RAC –s D01_oracx1 –r RAC001 –a RAC002,RAC003,RAC004

Note: The name of the service must match the service name given in the connect
descriptor in tnsnames.ora

See the section "Network configuration file tnsnames.ora" for configuring network
services in tnsnames.ora

Note: The service description should contain the name of the database (RAC) and
the name of the SAP instance (D01)

If all these naming conventions are followed, more than one SAP system and Oracle
database can run on the cluster without conflicting with each other.

The command given above creates a new resource in CRS with resource name
ora.RAC.D01_oracx1.RAC001.srv. RAC001 is the name of the instance running on
node oracx1. The status and attributes of this CRS resource for the service can be
obtained by the command crs_stat –p ora.D01_oracx1.RAC001.srv

Use SRVCTL to define as many services to the database as there are SAP R/3
application instances configured for the SAP system. The example below shows
additional services for the SAP instances D02, D03 and D04:

$ srvctl add service –d RAC –s D02_oracx2 –r RAC002 –a RAC003,RAC004,RAC001

$ srvctl add service –d RAC –s D03_oracx3 –r RAC003 –a RAC004,RAC001,RAC002
$ srvctl add service –d RAC –s D04_oracx4 –r RAC004 –a RAC001,RAC002,RAC003

SAP User Environment

To test the changes to the SAP Instance and START profiles, modify the files
.dbenv_<hostname>.sh and .dbenv_<hostname>.csh by out-commenting the entry for
dbs_ora_tnsname. Please make copies of the files .dbenv_<hostname>.sh and
.dbenv_<hostname>.csh before making changes.

Note: If you need to run R3trans or tp directly from the command line, you must set
dbs_ora_tnsname. These tools require the environment variable. Nevertheless, you
should test your configuration as shown below. This assures that the changes to the
script startsap are working correctly.

Example: .dbenv_<hostname>.csh

setenv dbms_type ORA
# setenv dbs_ora_tnsname $DBSID
setenv dbs_ora_schema SAPRAC
setenv DB_SID RAC

Example: .dbenv_<hostname>.sh

dbms_type=ORA; export dbms_type
# dbs_ora_tnsname=$DBSID; export dbs_ora_tnsname
dbs_ora_schema=SAPRAC; export dbs_ora_schema


SAP Instance Profile

In the profile directory /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile, add an entry in every SAP profile

of the configured SAP R/3 instances: Specify the service name entry given in the
tnsnames.ora network configuration file for this application instance by defining the
parameter dbs/ora/tnsname. In order to be able to identify the associated service for
the SAP R/3 instance easily, the entry in tnsnames.ora can use the same name as the
SAP instance profile name.

Every SAP instance can be configured to use a specific Oracle net service entry,
which in turn resolves to a database service for the application instance. In order to be
able to use the service concept and manage the database services for the SAP
application instances using CSR commands, the SAP instance must contain the name
of the Oracle net service given in the file tnsnames.ora.

In the file tnsnames.ora, a net service entry for an SAP application instance is formed
as follows: <SID>_<INST_NAME>_<hostname>. This is exactly how the SAP
instance profile files are formed, and by this convention the Oracle net service entry in
the file tnsnames.ora for an SAP application instance can easily be found. This value
must be given in the profile parameter dbs/ora/tnsnames. The profiles for the SAP
application instances are located in directory /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile.

Example: Sapsystemname is RAC; Instance name is D01 running on host oracx1.

Filename of instance profile is RAC_D01_oracx1


Note: The sapuser environment parameter dbs_ora_tnsname overrides the

parameter setting in the profile for an instance.

The environment variable dbs_ora_tnsname will be set to the appropriate name for a
specific SAP instance in the START profile for that instance.


All SAP application instances will be started by the script startsap in a standard
installation. In order to be able to use dedicated database services for SAP instances,
the START profile of the SAP instances require small changes to interact with the
Oracle network setup. The sapstart script sets the environment variable
dbs_ora_tnsname to the database SID, which is the SAPSID as well, for checks to
determine whether the database is already running. Just before the SAP instance is
started by the sapstart executable, the environment variable dbs_ora_tnsname is set to
the value given user environment, or unset if not specified there. If the environment
variable dbs_ora_tnsname is set, it overrides the setting in the instance profile
parameter dbs/ora/tnsname. Nevertheless, the parameter dbs_ora_tnsname is required
for programs and tools like R3trans or tp. So just unsetting this variable in the user
environment is not a complete solution.

Note: The user environment parameter dbs_ora_tnsname is required to run

programs R3trans or tp directly from the command line. Unset this parameter only
if you do not run these programs from the command line or for testing purpose to
verify that the changes in the START profiles work as expected.

Example: Sapsystemname is RAC, Instance name is D01 running on host oracx1.

Filename of instance START profile is START_D01_oracx1

. . .
SETENV_03 = dbs_ora_tnsname=RAC_D01_oracx1
. . .

SAP J2EE Server Configuration for RAC Database

This section is valid for Java Add-In installations (JAVA + ABAP stack) as well as
for Java Standalone installations of SAP NetWeaver.

The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) by SAP uses the thin JDBC driver from Oracle to
connect to the database. Therefore the Oracle network configuration for the Java stack
is different from the ABAP stack. With the thin JDBC driver the network
configuration files tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora and listener.ora are not used. The URL
which defines the connect description is stored in an encrypted flat file in the
filesystem. The content of this file is also stored in the database. The content of this
configuration file is valid for all Java Server Engines in an SAP system. The
configuration file is shared via the sapmnt access path.

The path to the configuration tool in a mixed ABAP+JAVA installation is

/usr/sap/<SID>/<CI>/j2ee/configtool. As user <sidadm>, go to this directory and start
the configuration tool configtool.sh from there:

$ cd /usr/sap/<SID>/<CI>/j2ee/configtool
$ ./configtool.sh

If you see the popup screen asking for the use of default connection settings, answer
“yes” to use the default settings. You will then see the starting screen of the “J2EE
Engine Config Tool”

In the starting screen, navigate to the “secure store” icon in the navigation tree on the
left side.

Look for a key “jdbc/pool/<SID>/Url”. This key holds the connect descriptor for the
thin JDBC driver. For RAC use a connection string that is similar to the connection
settings used for the ABAP stack in the tnsnames.ora file:


Please note that you must specify the connection URL without CR/LF. The
CONNECT_DATA part in this configuration has a SERVICE_NAME key, so the
connection will go to a database service rather than to a database instance. The SAP
J2EE engine will use the database service “J2EE” in the example given. The
connection request will be serviced by one of the Oracle database instances providing
database service “J2EE”. If more than one database instance is eligible for the
connection, the listener process makes a decision depending on the workload of the
database instances.

You must specify the database domain ”WORLD” in the connect descriptor if the
parameter file of the database (spfile) has the parameter db_domain set to the default
domain “WORLD”. You can check this by issuing the command “lsnrctl status
LISTENER_<SID>_<nodename>” and see if the domain qualifier is part of the
service names. The database services for the J2EE instances must be already defined
when you want to check with the lsnrctl command, see below.

The GLOBAL_NAME parameter identifies the name of the database. The parameter
is build from DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN by default. The connection to the
database will work with or without the GLOBAL_NAME parameter given.

Note: The configuration in the secure store is valid for all J2EE instances. So all
J2EE instances will use the same database service. This is different from the ABAP
configuration as an ABAP instances uses a private, dedicated database service for
the instance.

Define Database Services for J2EE Instances

The database service for J2EE instances is defined with the srvctl command in the
same way as for the ABAP instances: The rules for the placement of the database
services are defined within CRS.


Definition of a database service (-s) J2EE for an SAP J2EE instance that is configured
to be available on database (-d) RAC with required instance (-r) RAC001 and
RAC002, and with the ability to failover to database instances (-a) RAC003 or

$ srvctl add service –d RAC –s J2EE –r RAC001,RAC002 –a RAC003,RAC004

Note: The name of the service must match the service name given in the jdbc URL
in the secure store configuration. The service name is stated without the domain
qualifier “.WORLD”. This qualifier is automatically added by the ORACLE
database instances when the database service is published to the listener processes.

The command given above creates new resources in CRS with resource name
ora.RAC.J2EE.RAC001.srv, ora.RAC.J2EE.RAC002.srv and ora.RAC.J2EE.cs. The
status and attributes of this CRS resource for the service can be obtained by the
command crs_stat –p ora.J2EE.RAC001.srv, e.g.

The workload distribution for the SAP J2EE engines is managed completely by the
database. There is no explicit connection balancing like with the ABAP work
processes. Instead, “server side load balancing” is used if the service is defined to run
on more than one database instance.

This type of configuration provides the capability to evenly distribute all connections
of a single SAP J2EE server engine among all those database instances for which the
database service is defined. This connection scenario is different from the ABAP
stack as the workload from the J2EE engine is completely random and therefore
cannot be controlled as compared with the ABAP stack.

Note: You can configure different services for ABAP and Java application servers,
normally running on dedicated nodes in the cluster. By this, you are able to
separate the ABAP and Java workload.

SAP BR*Tools

The SAP BR*Tools for Oracle database administration support a RAC configuration.
Always download the latest version of the BR*Tools from the SAP service
marketplace when using RAC. All required configuration changes for an SAP system
with RAC are documented in chapter 6 of the SAP manual "SAP Database Guide:

Implementation and Configuration of SAP Enqueue Replication

All setup and configuration steps defined in this document are in line with the
implementation of the Oracle Clusterware Agent SAPCTL for SAP Enqueue

For details on how to configure SAP Enqueue Replication with Oracle Clusterware
please consult the Oracle white paper

"Providing High Availability for SAP Resources"

You can obtain a copy of the white paper either from the SAP service marketplace

http://service.sap.com/dbaora -> Oracle Database Administration

-> Media Library -> Oracle RAC

or from the Oracle website

http://www.oracle.com/sap -> ORACLE RAC FOR SAP -> Best Practices

Configuration of SAP NetWeaver for Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Real Application Clusters
July 2008
Author: Kurt Brög
Contributing Authors: Jan Klokkers

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